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Game apps for tablets
usable in education
Παιχνίδια για ταμπλζτεσ
αξιοποιιςιμα ςτθν εκπαίδευςθ
Yannis Kotsanis, Vasilis Economou, Giorgos Patronas
Network for Children’s Rights
move it!
chat noire
one touch
amazing Alex
all in one
run Marco!
one hour code
how to draw
…γηα ηεκ ηδέα ηςκ παηπκηδηώκ αοηώκ, δόζεθε με αθμνμή ηε ζοκενγαζία μαξ με ημ
«Δίθηομ γηα ηα Δηθαηώμαηα ημο Παηδημύ»
θαη ημ «Γνγαζηήνη Πμιηηηζμμύ» (Αιθαμέκμοξ 11, Ση. Λανίζεξ). Τμ Δίθηομ, όπςξ θαη με άιιεξ
εοθαηνίεξ, μαξ δήηεζε κα ζομμεηάζπμομε εζειμκηηθά ζηε γημνηή γηα ηεκ Παγθόζμηα Εμένα
ηςκ Δηθαηςμάηςκ ημο Παηδημύ πμο είπε θέημξ ημ ζύκζεμα «Υπεναζπίδμκηαξ ηα δηθαηώμαηά
μμο, δηεθδηθώ ηεκ παηδηθή μμο ειηθία»
Δεμμηηθή Βηβιημζήθε Δήμμο Αζεκαίςκ (23/11/2014)
Σημ πιαίζημ ηεξ γημνηήξ ζομμεηείπαμε ζηεκ εθδήιςζε Παηπκίδη γηα ηα παηδηά, με έκα
workshop γηα παηδηά θαη γμκείξ με ηίηιμ «Παίδμκηαξ, δεμημονγηθά, ρεθηαθά παηπκίδηα με ηα
παηδηά μαξ…». Σημ ενγαζηήνημ, μεηά από μηα ζύκημμε πανμοζίαζε, μη ζομμεηέπμκηεξ έπαηλακ
ζε ηαμπιέηεξ, ζε μηθνέξ μμάδεξ, δηαθμνεηηθέξ θαηεγμνίεξ ρεθηαθώκ παηπκηδηώκ («free»
επηηναπέδηα, ηύπμο παδι, πνμζμμμίςζεξ, νόιςκ, δνάζεξ, πνμγναμμαηηζμμύ θιπ), ζηα ηνία
δεμμθηιέζηενα πενηβάιιμκηα (Android, iOS-iPad, Windows).
Το έναυσμα…
Γοπανηζημύμε γηα ηε ζομβμιή ηε Μ. Δμνμπά, ηε Σ. Σμθόιε, ημκ Γ. Μπηνμπίιε θαη ημκ Β. Δειή.
ZooBytes, LazyLand
Γλωςςικό Παιχνίδι
Πόςεσ λζξεισ μπορείσ να ςκεφτείσ; Ζνα puzzle
game λζξεων με το οποίο φτιάχνεισ όςεσ
περιςςότερεσ λζξεισ μπορείσ πριν τελειϊςει ο
χρόνοσ. Άμα κολλιςεισ ανακατεφεισ τα
γράμματα μιπωσ ςου ζρκει καμιά ιδζα.
Χρθςιμοποίθςε όλα τα γράμματα για να
φτιάξεισ τθ μεγαλφτερθ λζξθ και ξεκλείδωςε το
επόμενο επίπεδο…
Γλωςςικό Παιχνίδι
Σο κλαςικό παιχνίδι τθσ κρεμάλασ με δεκάδεσ χιλιάδεσ
λζξεισ και όμορφο interface που κα εμπλουτίςει το
λεξιλόγιό ςασ. Ενδεικτικά Χαρακτθριςτικά:
 ΢τατιςτικά
 Ρυκμίςεισ δυςκολίασ (με πρϊτο ι/και τελευταίο γράμμα)
 Δυνατότθτα περιοριςμοφ ςε 1.500 κακθμερινζσ λζξεισ
 Αναηιτθςθ λζξθσ ςτα λεξικά του
 Δυνατότθτα παιχνιδιοφ με δφο παίκτεσ
Κρεμάλα - Greek Hangman
Electronic Arts
Γλωςςικό Παιχνίδι
Get a game of SCRABBLE going with just
about anyone – or play solo against the
computer! Plus, now you can play SCRABBLE
in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish,
or Brazilian Portuguese.
Get numerous games going at once – more
than any word game on the App Store
Four In A Line
AI Factory Limited
Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι
Four In A Line Free (also known as Connect 4 and Four
in a Row) is the classic travel game, where you have to
find those elusive 4 pieces in a row, either vertically,
horizontally or diagonally, before your opponent does.
Beware! In trying to create your own line of 4 you may
accidentally give your opponent one! This universally
popular casual game is built with the same high quality
as the rest of our games.
Reversi Free - Othello
AI Factory Limited
Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι
Reversi is a free Othello game. Flip your way to success
in this classic game, where a position with the most
counters can turn into an overwhelming loss or a few
remaining counters can still win the day! Featuring:
 10 difficulty levels, plus hints
 2 player hot-seat
 2 Reversi Piece Sets and Boards
 User stats (wins/losses/draws/scores)
Checkers Free
AI Factory Limited
Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι
Checkers Free brings classy graphics, super smooth
gameplay, highly scalable difficulty & much more,
 10 difficulty levels, from Beginner to Expert
 2 player hot-seat
 6 Checkers Piece Sets and 7 Boards!
 User stats against each level
 Undo & Hints
Chess Free
AI Factory Limited
Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι
Chess Free provides a rich and challenging
experience of this classic board game, featuring:
 12 play levels (Novice->Expert)
 2 different play modes (choose how much help
the game gives you).
 Chess Tutor (recommending piece to move)
 Chess Stats, Timers, Hints and Handicaps
Move it! Free
Παιχνίδι Λογικισ
(Puzzle - Board)
Move it! Free comes with 300 puzzles spanning 6 difficulty levels
from Novice to Expert. Depending on level, it can be either a
quick casual game or an extremely challenging puzzle. The goal is
to get the red block out from the bottom corner to the exit by
sliding the other blocks out of the way. Most block sliders are
variants based around Yoshigahara's very famous and excellent
Rush Hour game (the most well known being the Unblock Me).
Move it! instead provides a richer variety of "tetris style" shapes
that can move freely, not just in restricted planes.
AI Factory Limited
Flow Free
Big Duck Games LLC
Παιχνίδι Λογικισ
Connect matching colors with pipe to create a flow.
Pair all colors, and cover the entire board to solve each
puzzle in Flow Free. But watch out, pipes will break if
they cross or overlap! Free play through hundreds of
levels (1,000 free puzzles), or race against the clock in
Time Trial mode. Flow Free gameplay ranges from
simple and relaxed, to challenging and frenetic, and
everywhere in between.
One touch Drawing
Ecapyc Inc.
Παιχνίδι Λογικισ
Draw given figures with only "One touch". The only
problem is "You cannot draw twice the same line".
According to clear levels, new lines and points like
below will make it difficult.
 Line that must be passed twice.
 One directional line.
 Warp point.
 Direction trigger.
 Way trigger.
Chat Noir
Παιχνίδι Λογικισ
Μπορείσ να εμποδίςεισ
τθν «πανζξυπνθ» γάτα
να «δραπετεφςει»;
Amazing Alex Free
Rovio Mobile Ltd.
Παιχνίδι Λογικισ
Meet Amazing Alex! This whiz kid has a boundless
imagination and a houseful of fun toys that can turn
anything into an adventure! From cleaning up his room
to battling cardboard robots in his backyard, Alex
creates amazing chain reactions to get the job done
with the maximum amount of fun! With 100
challenging levels across four fun-filled locations,
there’s a whole world of creations to explore!
How to Make Origami
Παιχνίδι Καταςκευισ
"OK, so everyone can fold paper in half. What’s so exciting
about that?" you may say. But you’ll soon think differently
when you learn more about the art of origami.
Remember making paper airplanes at school? And
remember how someone, instead of an airplane, made a
flower, a jumping frog, or a parrot? And they only had
their two hands and a plain piece of paper. Follow the
step-by-step instructions and watch the 3D animation
ΟikoGames - Οικοπεριθγθτζσ
Παιχνίδι Δράςθσ
΢ειρά εκπαιδευτικϊν παιχνιδιϊν για τθν "πράςινθ
ςυνείδθςθ", δθλαδι τθ γνϊςθ για το περιβάλλον και τον
Πολιτιςμό μιασ περιοχισ και τθν αντίλθψθ που μποροφν να
αποκτιςουν τα παιδιά για τθ ςωςτι διαχείριςθ των
περιβαλλοντικϊν και πολιτιςτικϊν πόρων τθσ. Οι εφαρμογζσ
ςχεδιάςκθκαν ςε ςυνδυαςμό με πραγματικζσ περιοχζσ
(Λζςβοσ, Ηράκλειο, Λάρνακα, Πάφοσ), τισ οποίεσ μποροφν να
επιςκεφτοφν τα παιδιά είτε με τα ςχολεία τουσ είτε με τουσ
γονείσ-κθδεμόνεσ τουσ (
How to Draw
Like a personal art teacher, it will teach you how to
draw dozens of different objects and create amazing
pictures (includes lots of drawings such as: cartoon
characters, animals, cars, dragons, planes, flowers etc)
• easy: you don't need any special skills, just start
• interesting: try different styles of drawings,
• funny: draw nice animals, or cartoon characters,
• self-teaching (educational).
Car Wash & Design
Σhis great car is so dirty.
Help clean this car now!
CI Marketing Web
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι
Μζςα από το Cyberkid μπορείτε να ενθμερωκείτε για
τθν αςφαλι πλοιγθςθ ςτο διαδίκτυο και τουσ κινδφνουσ
που υπάρχουν. Είναι πρωτοβουλία του Τπουργείου
Προςταςίασ του Πολίτθ και του Αρχθγείου τθσ Ελλθνικισ
Αςτυνομίασ, που υλοποιείται από τθ Δίωξθ
Ηλεκτρονικοφ Εγκλιματοσ. Σο CyberKids αποςκοπεί ςτθν
αςφαλι εξοικείωςθ του κοινοφ με το internet,
περικλείοντασ και παιχνίδια ( ).
Kodable is a free educational
game offering a kid-friendly
introduction to
programming concepts and
problem solving.
For kids ages 5 and up, and
tools for grownups too!
Run Marco!
Allcancode, Inc.
Kids play an epic adventure game and have fun while learning
to code i.e. program computers. They use visual instructions
to guide Marco through a series of levels as he tries to
discover himself. In this journey kids will learn how to think as
a professional developer one step at a time! Based on an
original story, this is so fun to play that they will forget it's an
educational game from level one! Designed for 6 to 12 y.o.
kids by a team of experts in computer programming, game
design and teaching technology in schools.
Lightbot One Hour Coding
Light-bot is meant to introduce kids who have no
experience whatsoever programming, and is all-ages
friendly! That means anyone anywhere can play, have fun
and learn real programming logic! Light-bot is a
programming puzzle game that uses game mechanics that
are firmly rooted in programming concepts. Light-bot lets
players gain a practical understanding of basic control-
flow concepts like instruction sequencing, procedures and
loops, just by guiding a robot with commands.
One Hour Code
Παγκόςμια Εβδομάδα "Ώρα του Κώδικα" Hour of Code: 8-14/12/2014
play lab
flappy code
Learn to program with puzzles and easily build your own
games. No internet connectivity required. Start by solving
coding puzzles. Additional puzzle levels available as in-app
purchases. Easily build games using Tynker Workshop, with
themed graphics, 10 game-kits and 10 animated characters to
inspire imaginative games and stories. Plus, new classroom
management features for teachers via
The Foos - Codespark
The Foos - Code for an Hour edition is an introduction for those
who have no experience whatsoever programming, and is all-
ages friendly! Program and code your way through exciting
puzzle adventures in fun new world using cartoon cops, builders
and ninjas! Players master key computer science concepts on
our puzzle levels then create silly and creative interactions in our
"Toy Box" areas. Create complex interactions between
characters. Programs can be set to run when characters like the
ninja and chef are touched or bump into each other.
Παιχνίδι Καταςκευισ - Δράςθσ
Minecraft is a game about breaking and
placing blocks. People built structures to
protect against nocturnal monsters, but
as the game grew players worked
together to create wonderful,
imaginative things. It can also be about
adventuring with friends. You can also
visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds
more like your cup of tea.
Kodu Game Lab
Microsoft Studios
Παιχνίδι Προγραμματιςμοφ
(Games / Kids)
Kodu lets you create games through a
simple visual programming language.
Kodu can be used to teach creativity,
problem solving, storytelling, as well as
programming. Anyone can use Kodu to
make a game with no design or
programming skills.c
Project Spark
Microsoft Studios
(Games / Adventure)

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  • 7. Four In A Line AI Factory Limited Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι (Board) Four In A Line Free (also known as Connect 4 and Four in a Row) is the classic travel game, where you have to find those elusive 4 pieces in a row, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally, before your opponent does. Beware! In trying to create your own line of 4 you may accidentally give your opponent one! This universally popular casual game is built with the same high quality as the rest of our games.
  • 8. Reversi Free - Othello AI Factory Limited Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι (Board) Reversi is a free Othello game. Flip your way to success in this classic game, where a position with the most counters can turn into an overwhelming loss or a few remaining counters can still win the day! Featuring:  10 difficulty levels, plus hints  2 player hot-seat  2 Reversi Piece Sets and Boards  User stats (wins/losses/draws/scores)
  • 9. Checkers Free AI Factory Limited Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι (Board) Checkers Free brings classy graphics, super smooth gameplay, highly scalable difficulty & much more, featuring:  10 difficulty levels, from Beginner to Expert  2 player hot-seat  6 Checkers Piece Sets and 7 Boards!  User stats against each level  Undo & Hints
  • 10. Chess Free AI Factory Limited Επιτραπζηιο Παιχνίδι (Board) Chess Free provides a rich and challenging experience of this classic board game, featuring:  12 play levels (Novice->Expert)  2 different play modes (choose how much help the game gives you).  Chess Tutor (recommending piece to move)  Chess Stats, Timers, Hints and Handicaps
  • 11. Move it! Free Παιχνίδι Λογικισ (Puzzle - Board) Move it! Free comes with 300 puzzles spanning 6 difficulty levels from Novice to Expert. Depending on level, it can be either a quick casual game or an extremely challenging puzzle. The goal is to get the red block out from the bottom corner to the exit by sliding the other blocks out of the way. Most block sliders are variants based around Yoshigahara's very famous and excellent Rush Hour game (the most well known being the Unblock Me). Move it! instead provides a richer variety of "tetris style" shapes that can move freely, not just in restricted planes. AI Factory Limited
  • 12. Flow Free Big Duck Games LLC Παιχνίδι Λογικισ (Puzzle) Connect matching colors with pipe to create a flow. Pair all colors, and cover the entire board to solve each puzzle in Flow Free. But watch out, pipes will break if they cross or overlap! Free play through hundreds of levels (1,000 free puzzles), or race against the clock in Time Trial mode. Flow Free gameplay ranges from simple and relaxed, to challenging and frenetic, and everywhere in between.
  • 13. One touch Drawing Ecapyc Inc. Παιχνίδι Λογικισ (Puzzle) Draw given figures with only "One touch". The only problem is "You cannot draw twice the same line". According to clear levels, new lines and points like below will make it difficult.  Line that must be passed twice.  One directional line.  Warp point.  Direction trigger.  Way trigger.
  • 14. Chat Noir Παιχνίδι Λογικισ (Puzzle) Μπορείσ να εμποδίςεισ τθν «πανζξυπνθ» γάτα να «δραπετεφςει»;
  • 15. Amazing Alex Free Rovio Mobile Ltd. Παιχνίδι Λογικισ (Puzzle) Meet Amazing Alex! This whiz kid has a boundless imagination and a houseful of fun toys that can turn anything into an adventure! From cleaning up his room to battling cardboard robots in his backyard, Alex creates amazing chain reactions to get the job done with the maximum amount of fun! With 100 challenging levels across four fun-filled locations, there’s a whole world of creations to explore!
  • 16. How to Make Origami Mobilicos Παιχνίδι Καταςκευισ (Puzzle) "OK, so everyone can fold paper in half. What’s so exciting about that?" you may say. But you’ll soon think differently when you learn more about the art of origami. Remember making paper airplanes at school? And remember how someone, instead of an airplane, made a flower, a jumping frog, or a parrot? And they only had their two hands and a plain piece of paper. Follow the step-by-step instructions and watch the 3D animation carefully.
  • 17. ΟikoGames - Οικοπεριθγθτζσ Παιχνίδι Δράςθσ (Casual) ΢ειρά εκπαιδευτικϊν παιχνιδιϊν για τθν "πράςινθ ςυνείδθςθ", δθλαδι τθ γνϊςθ για το περιβάλλον και τον Πολιτιςμό μιασ περιοχισ και τθν αντίλθψθ που μποροφν να αποκτιςουν τα παιδιά για τθ ςωςτι διαχείριςθ των περιβαλλοντικϊν και πολιτιςτικϊν πόρων τθσ. Οι εφαρμογζσ ςχεδιάςκθκαν ςε ςυνδυαςμό με πραγματικζσ περιοχζσ (Λζςβοσ, Ηράκλειο, Λάρνακα, Πάφοσ), τισ οποίεσ μποροφν να επιςκεφτοφν τα παιδιά είτε με τα ςχολεία τουσ είτε με τουσ γονείσ-κθδεμόνεσ τουσ ( OmegaTechnology
  • 18. How to Draw ArtelPlus Like a personal art teacher, it will teach you how to draw dozens of different objects and create amazing pictures (includes lots of drawings such as: cartoon characters, animals, cars, dragons, planes, flowers etc) • easy: you don't need any special skills, just start drawing, • interesting: try different styles of drawings, • funny: draw nice animals, or cartoon characters, • self-teaching (educational). Ζωγραφικισ (Casual-Εκπαίδευςθ)
  • 19. Car Wash & Design Ζωγραφικισ (Casual) Σhis great car is so dirty. Help clean this car now!
  • 20. Cyberkid CI Marketing Web Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι (Education) Μζςα από το Cyberkid μπορείτε να ενθμερωκείτε για τθν αςφαλι πλοιγθςθ ςτο διαδίκτυο και τουσ κινδφνουσ που υπάρχουν. Είναι πρωτοβουλία του Τπουργείου Προςταςίασ του Πολίτθ και του Αρχθγείου τθσ Ελλθνικισ Αςτυνομίασ, που υλοποιείται από τθ Δίωξθ Ηλεκτρονικοφ Εγκλιματοσ. Σο CyberKids αποςκοπεί ςτθν αςφαλι εξοικείωςθ του κοινοφ με το internet, περικλείοντασ και παιχνίδια ( ).
  • 21. Kodable SurfScore ΠαιχνίδιΠρογραμματιςμοφ (Education) Kodable is a free educational game offering a kid-friendly introduction to programming concepts and problem solving. For kids ages 5 and up, and tools for grownups too!
  • 22. Run Marco! Allcancode, Inc. ΠαιχνίδιΠρογραμματιςμοφ (Educational) Kids play an epic adventure game and have fun while learning to code i.e. program computers. They use visual instructions to guide Marco through a series of levels as he tries to discover himself. In this journey kids will learn how to think as a professional developer one step at a time! Based on an original story, this is so fun to play that they will forget it's an educational game from level one! Designed for 6 to 12 y.o. kids by a team of experts in computer programming, game design and teaching technology in schools.
  • 23. Lightbot One Hour Coding Lightbot ΠαιχνίδιΠρογραμματιςμοφ (Puzzle) Light-bot is meant to introduce kids who have no experience whatsoever programming, and is all-ages friendly! That means anyone anywhere can play, have fun and learn real programming logic! Light-bot is a programming puzzle game that uses game mechanics that are firmly rooted in programming concepts. Light-bot lets players gain a practical understanding of basic control- flow concepts like instruction sequencing, procedures and loops, just by guiding a robot with commands.
  • 24. One Hour Code ΠαιχνίδιαΠρογραμματιςμοφ (Educational) Παγκόςμια Εβδομάδα "Ώρα του Κώδικα" Hour of Code: 8-14/12/2014 maze frozen bee farmer artist scratch play lab flappy code
  • 25. Tynker Tynker ΠαιχνίδιΠρογραμματιςμοφ (Educational) Learn to program with puzzles and easily build your own games. No internet connectivity required. Start by solving coding puzzles. Additional puzzle levels available as in-app purchases. Easily build games using Tynker Workshop, with themed graphics, 10 game-kits and 10 animated characters to inspire imaginative games and stories. Plus, new classroom management features for teachers via
  • 26. The Foos - Codespark codeSpark ΠαιχνίδιΠρογραμματιςμοφ (Educational) The Foos - Code for an Hour edition is an introduction for those who have no experience whatsoever programming, and is all- ages friendly! Program and code your way through exciting puzzle adventures in fun new world using cartoon cops, builders and ninjas! Players master key computer science concepts on our puzzle levels then create silly and creative interactions in our "Toy Box" areas. Create complex interactions between characters. Programs can be set to run when characters like the ninja and chef are touched or bump into each other.
  • 27. Minecraft Παιχνίδι Καταςκευισ - Δράςθσ (Arcade) Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. People built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things. It can also be about adventuring with friends. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.
  • 28. Kodu Game Lab Microsoft Studios Παιχνίδι Προγραμματιςμοφ (Games / Kids) Kodu lets you create games through a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming. Anyone can use Kodu to make a game with no design or programming skills.c