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making async programming simpler
About me
Mostovenko Alexander
Python developer at
Writing mostly in python and coffeescript.
Love FP stuff.
Traveling, snowboarding, cycling.
Why Rx.js and not another FRP lib?
● Implemented in a lot of languages
(.NET, Java, Ruby, Python, Clojure, Scala,
Haskell, Objective-C).
● Has a huge amount of docs and examples.
● Why not?
Asynchronous code
Async code in javascript
● Some computation with delayed result.
(data fetch, animations, DOM operations)
● Reacting to events (event handlers)
Sync vs Async dataflow
Synchronous dataflow
Synchronous dataflow
Synchronous dataflow
Synchronous dataflow
Synchronous dataflow
Synchronous dataflow
Asynchronous dataflow
Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete)
Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete)
per 2 seconds
Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete)
per 2 seconds
ajax request
Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete)
per 2 seconds
ajax request
ajax response
Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete)
per 2 seconds
ajax request
ajax response
show suggest
Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete)
per 2 seconds
ajax request
ajax response
show suggest
Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete)
per 2 seconds
ajax request
ajax response
show suggest
Problems with async code
1. How to manage async flow in code?
2. How to handle errors?
3. How to compose?
● Event notification
● Manage control flow
● Event notification - Yes
● Manage control flow - Nooooooooooo
Callback hell
async_func1(function(err, data){
async_func2(function(err, data){
async_func3(function(err, data){
async_func4(function(err, data){
Callback hell yeah !!!
async_func1(function(err, data){
if (!err) {
async_func2(function(err, data){
if (!err) {
async_func3(function(err, data){
if (!err) {
async_func4(function(err, data){
} else {
} else {
} else {
Callback hell yeah !!!
async_func1(function(err, data){
if (!err) {
async_func2(function(err, data){
if (!err) {
async_func3(function(err, data){
if (!err) {
async_func4(function(err, data){
} else {
} else {
} else {
A monad is just a monoid in the category of
Callback vs Black hole
some_async_func(function(err, result) {
// ... looks like we are in trap
another_wonderful_func(function(err, result){
// ... you are in trap
Callback vs Black Hole
1. No return value (undefined)
Callback vs Black Hole
1. No return value (undefined)
2. One way ticket (callback hell)
How about Promise?
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// ... some async staff
(result) => {},
(error) => {}
1. Step forward from callbacks for control flow
2. Error handling
Why we should look at Observable?
1. Promise represents only single value.
2. How to cancel?
3. Lazy execution.
4. We can work with Observable as easy as with
Promise is Observable only with a single value
The Observable object represents a push
based collection (streams).
var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) =>
// some async operation
// or ..
// or ..
(data) => {}
(err) => {}
Observlable vs promise example
var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("observable timeout hit");
}, 500);
console.log('observable started')});
source.subscribe(x => console.log(`observable value ${x}`));
> observable started
> observable timeout hit
> observable value 25
Observlable vs promise example
var promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("promise timeout hit");
}, 500);
console.log("promise started");});
promise.then(x => console.log(`promise value ${x}`));
> promise started
> promise timeout hit
> promise value 25
Lazy execution
var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("observable timeout hit");
}, 500);
console.log('observable started')});
// source.subscribe(x => console.log(`observable value ${x}`));
Promise can’t do that
var promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("promise timeout hit");
}, 500);
console.log("promise started");});
// promise.then(x => console.log(`promise value ${x}`));
> promise started
> promise timeout hit
Observable can be canceled
var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => {
var id = setTimeout(() => {
console.log("observable timeout hit");
}, 500);
console.log('observable started');
return () => {
console.log("dispose called")
var disposable = source.subscribe(
x => console.log(`observable value ${x}`));
setTimeout(() => disposable.dispose(), 100)
> observable started
> dispose called
Asynchronous programming landscape
sync async
a = f(x) a = f(x).then(...)
collection = [1, 2, 3]
a = collection
.filter((v) => v > 2)
Sync value
Asynchronous programming landscape
sync async
a = f(x) a = f(x).then(...)
collection = [1, 2, 3]
a = collection
.filter((v) => v > 2)
move = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove')
my_moves = move
.filter((ev) => ev.clientX > 100)
Observable stream from :
● Observable.create
● Observable.fromEvent
● Observable.fromNodeCallback
● Observable.fromArray
● Observable.fromPromise
Drag & Drop example
What if i told you ….
That mouse move event is an array and you
can map, filter over it?
demo -
var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget');
// Get the three major events collections
var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup');
var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove');
var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown');
var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => {
return mousemove
.map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}})
var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget');
// Get the three major events collections
var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup');
var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove');
var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown');
var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => {
return mousemove
.map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}})
var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
Create observable collections
from DOM events
var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget');
// Get the three major events collections
var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup');
var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove');
var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown');
var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => {
return mousemove
.map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}})
var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
Using power of Rx, combine
existing event streams to produce
mouse drag event collection
var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget');
// Get the three major events collections
var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup');
var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove');
var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown');
var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => {
return mousemove
.map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}})
var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
Subscribe on mouse drag events,
updating top and left attributes
Observable are first class objects
Can be:
- passed as a parameter
- returned from a function
- assigned to a variable
Live example - Morse parser
Morse logic
1. Parse signals (.... --- … ---)
2. Parse spaces (letters - 3 span, word - 7 span)
3. Decode in Letters
4. Collect in words
source -
1. Dot or line?
2. Different length of letter codes.
3. Track pause between letters (3 spans).
4. Track pause between words (7 spans).
DOM events (keyUp, keyDown, Click, e.t.c)
Signal start, signal end
dots, lines, spaces
letter codes (array of dot’s and lines)
words, letters, sentence
Composable streams
DOM events (keyUp, keyDown, Click, e.t.c)
Signal start, signal end
dots, lines, spaces
letter codes (array of dot’s and lines)
words, letters, sentence
Can use each separately
Space key down/up as collection
var spaceKeyDowns = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keydown').filter((ev) => ev.keyCode == 32)
var spaceKeyUps = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keyup').filter((ev) => ev.keyCode == 32)
Code for dot’s and lines
var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp()
var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp()
var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => {
return signalEnds
.map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp)
var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".")
var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-")
var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream)
Code for dot’s and lines
var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp()
var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp()
var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => {
return signalEnds
.map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp)
var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".")
var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-")
var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream)
Abstraction on top of key down,
key up, mouse down, mouse up,
e.t.c with timestamp
Code for dot’s and lines
var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp()
var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp()
var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => {
return signalEnds
.map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp)
var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".")
var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-")
var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream)
Signal duration count
Code for dot’s and lines
var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp()
var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp()
var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => {
return signalEnds
.map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp)
var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".")
var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-")
var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream)
dot’s stream
lines stream
Code for dot’s and lines
var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp()
var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp()
var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => {
return signalEnds
.map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp)
var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".")
var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-")
var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream) dot’s and lines !!!
Push based collections in result
var lettersStream = => morse.decode(codes.join("")))
var wordsStream = lettersStream.buffer(wordsWhitespaces).map((w) => w.join(""))
Use Observable as collection
var setCatImgStream = wordsStream.filter((word) => word == "CAT").map(setCatImg)
Cat demo
Some common basic operations
var mousedrag_in_area = mousedrag.filter(({top, left}) => {
return top <= 200 && left <= 200
var subscription = mousedrag_in_area.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
let’s filter drag area
demo -
let’s create slow mouse drag
var slow_mousedrag = mousedrag.delay(700)
var subscription = slow_mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
demo -
let’s record our drag path
var drag_path = mousedrag
.reduce(((a, b) => a + `${} ${b.left};`), "")
drag_path.subscribe((path) => pathTarget.innerHTML = path)
demo -
var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => {
return mousemove
.map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}})
var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => {
return mousemove
.map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}})
Outer stream
var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => {
return mousemove
.map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}})
value as a stream
merge demo
demo -
var btnTarget = document.getElementById('okbtn');
var buttonClicks = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(btnTarget, 'click');
var move_to_100 = => {return {left: 100, top: 100}});
var change_position = Rx.Observable.merge(mousedrag, move_to_100)
change_position.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
var btnTarget = document.getElementById('okbtn');
var buttonClicks = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(btnTarget, 'click');
var move_to_100 = => {return {left: 100, top: 100}});
var change_position = Rx.Observable.merge(mousedrag, move_to_100)
change_position.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px';
new stream
And a lot of other methods ….
● amb
● and
● asObservable
● average
● buffer
● bufferWithCount
● bufferWithTime
● bufferWithTimeOrCount
● catch | catchError
● combineLatest
● concat
● concatAll
● concatMap
● concatMapObserver
● connect
● includes
● controlled
● count
● debounce
● debounceWithSelector
● defaultIfEmpty
● delay
● delaySubscription
● delayWithSelector
● dematerialize
● distinct
● distinctUntilChanged
● do
● doOnNext
● doOnError
● doOnCompleted
● doWhile
● elementAt
● elementAtOrDefault
● every
● expand
● extend
● filter
● find
● findIndex
● first
● firstOrDefault
● flatMap
● flatMapObserver
● flatMapLatest
● forkJoin
● groupBy
● groupByUntil
● groupJoin
● ignoreElements
● indexOf
● isEmpty
● join
● jortSort
● jortSortUntil
● last
● lastOrDefault
● merge
● mergeAll
● min
● minBy
● multicast
● observeOn
● onErrorResumeNext
● pairwise
● partition
● pausable
● pausableBuffered
● pluck
● publish
● publishLast
● publishValue
● share
● shareReplay
● shareValue
● refCount
● reduce
● repeat
● replay
● retry
● retryWhen
● sample
● scan
● select
● selectConcat
● selectConcatObserver
● selectMany
● selectManyObserver
● selectSwitch
● sequenceEqual
● single
● singleOrDefault
● singleInstance
● skip
● skipLast
● skipLastWithTime
● skipUntil
Testing with time machine
var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2)
[100, {value: 20}],
[200, {value: 40}]
[200, {value: 80}]
(result) => assertTrue(result)
var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2)
[100, {value: 20}],
[200, {value: 40}]
[200, {value: 80}]
(result) => assertTrue(result)
stream to test
var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2)
[100, {value: 20}],
[200, {value: 40}]
[200, {value: 80}]
(result) => assertTrue(result)
Input stream messages
var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2)
[100, {value: 20}],
[200, {value: 40}]
[200, {value: 80}]
(result) => assertTrue(result)
var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2)
[100, {value: 20}],
[200, {value: 40}]
[200, {value: 80}]
(result) => assertTrue(result)
Expected result at time
var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2)
[100, {value: 20}],
[200, {value: 40}]
[200, {value: 80}]
(result) => assertTrue(result)
callback for assert
React ?
● Rx-React
● RxReact
● cycle-react
● React RxJS Autocomplete
● React RxJS Router
● React + RxJS + Angular 2.0 di.js TODO MVC
● React + RxJS Reactive Cube
● Real-Time with React + RxJS + Meteor
● React + RxJS Flow
● Reactive Widgets
● React RxJS Infinite Scroll
Flux ?
● Rx-Flux
● ReactiveFlux
● Thundercats.js
● Flurx
● RR
● Use Rx
Talk demos here
Thanks : D

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rx.js make async programming simpler

  • 2. About me Mostovenko Alexander Python developer at Writing mostly in python and coffeescript. Love FP stuff. Traveling, snowboarding, cycling.
  • 3. Why Rx.js and not another FRP lib? ● Implemented in a lot of languages (.NET, Java, Ruby, Python, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, Objective-C). ● Has a huge amount of docs and examples. ● Why not?
  • 5. Async code in javascript ● Some computation with delayed result. (data fetch, animations, DOM operations) ● Reacting to events (event handlers)
  • 6. Sync vs Async dataflow
  • 17. Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete) time Actions keyup per 2 seconds ajax request ajax response
  • 18. Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete) time Actions keyup per 2 seconds ajax request ajax response show suggest
  • 19. Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete) time Actions keyup per 2 seconds ajax request ajax response show suggest
  • 20. Asynchronous dataflow (autocomplete) time Actions keyup per 2 seconds ajax request ajax response show suggest Ooooops
  • 21. Problems with async code 1. How to manage async flow in code? 2. How to handle errors? 3. How to compose?
  • 23. Callbacks ● Event notification - Yes ● Manage control flow - Nooooooooooo
  • 24. Callback hell async_func1(function(err, data){ async_func2(function(err, data){ async_func3(function(err, data){ async_func4(function(err, data){ }); }); }); });
  • 25. Callback hell yeah !!! async_func1(function(err, data){ if (!err) { async_func2(function(err, data){ if (!err) { async_func3(function(err, data){ if (!err) { async_func4(function(err, data){ }); } else { log(err); } }); } else { log(err); } }); } else { log(err); } });
  • 26. Callback hell yeah !!! async_func1(function(err, data){ if (!err) { async_func2(function(err, data){ if (!err) { async_func3(function(err, data){ if (!err) { async_func4(function(err, data){ }); } else { log(err); } }); } else { log(err); } }); } else { log(err); } }); UNREADABLE !!! UNMANAGABLE !!! UNTESTABLE !!! UNCOMPOSABLE !!! PIECE OF …. CODE
  • 27.
  • 28. Monad A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors
  • 29. Callback vs Black hole some_async_func(function(err, result) { // ... looks like we are in trap another_wonderful_func(function(err, result){ // ... you are in trap }); });
  • 30. Callback vs Black Hole 1. No return value (undefined)
  • 31. Callback vs Black Hole 1. No return value (undefined) 2. One way ticket (callback hell)
  • 33. Promise var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // ... some async staff }); promise.then( (result) => {}, (error) => {} )
  • 34. Promise 1. Step forward from callbacks for control flow managing 2. Error handling
  • 35. Why we should look at Observable? 1. Promise represents only single value. 2. How to cancel? 3. Lazy execution. 4. We can work with Observable as easy as with promise.
  • 36. Promise is Observable only with a single value
  • 37. Observable The Observable object represents a push based collection (streams).
  • 38. Observable var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => // some async operation observer.onNext(data) // or .. observer.onError(data) // or .. observer.onCompleted(data) ); source.subscribe( (data) => {} (err) => {} )
  • 39. Observlable vs promise example var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => { setTimeout(() => { console.log("observable timeout hit"); observer.onNext(25); }, 500); console.log('observable started')}); source.subscribe(x => console.log(`observable value ${x}`)); Observable > observable started > observable timeout hit > observable value 25
  • 40. Observlable vs promise example var promise = new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { console.log("promise timeout hit"); resolve(25); }, 500); console.log("promise started");}); promise.then(x => console.log(`promise value ${x}`)); Promise > promise started > promise timeout hit > promise value 25
  • 41. Lazy execution var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => { setTimeout(() => { console.log("observable timeout hit"); observer.onNext(25); }, 500); console.log('observable started')}); // source.subscribe(x => console.log(`observable value ${x}`)); >
  • 42. Promise can’t do that var promise = new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { console.log("promise timeout hit"); resolve(25); }, 500); console.log("promise started");}); // promise.then(x => console.log(`promise value ${x}`)); Promise > promise started > promise timeout hit
  • 43. Observable can be canceled var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => { var id = setTimeout(() => { console.log("observable timeout hit"); observer.onNext(25); }, 500); console.log('observable started'); return () => { console.log("dispose called") clearTimeout(id);} }); var disposable = source.subscribe( x => console.log(`observable value ${x}`)); setTimeout(() => disposable.dispose(), 100) > observable started > dispose called
  • 44. Asynchronous programming landscape multiple values single value sync async a = f(x) a = f(x).then(...) collection = [1, 2, 3] a = collection .filter((v) => v > 2) Promise Array Sync value ?
  • 45. Asynchronous programming landscape multiple values single value sync async a = f(x) a = f(x).then(...) collection = [1, 2, 3] a = collection .filter((v) => v > 2) move = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove') my_moves = move .filter((ev) => ev.clientX > 100) my_moves.subscribe(...) Promise Array value Observable
  • 46. Observable stream from : ● Observable.create ● Observable.fromEvent ● Observable.fromNodeCallback ● Observable.fromArray ● Observable.fromPromise
  • 47. Drag & Drop example What if i told you …. That mouse move event is an array and you can map, filter over it? demo -
  • 48. var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget'); // Get the three major events collections var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup'); var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove'); var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown'); var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => { return mousemove .map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => { return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}}) .takeUntil(mouseup) }); var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; });
  • 49. var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget'); // Get the three major events collections var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup'); var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove'); var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown'); var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => { return mousemove .map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => { return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}}) .takeUntil(mouseup) }); var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; }); Create observable collections from DOM events
  • 50. var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget'); // Get the three major events collections var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup'); var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove'); var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown'); var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => { return mousemove .map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => { return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}}) .takeUntil(mouseup) }); var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; }); Using power of Rx, combine existing event streams to produce mouse drag event collection
  • 51. var dragTarget = document.getElementById('dragTarget'); // Get the three major events collections var mouseup = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mouseup'); var mousemove = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove'); var mousedown = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(dragTarget, 'mousedown'); var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => { return mousemove .map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => { return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}}) .takeUntil(mouseup) }); var subscription = mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; }); Subscribe on mouse drag events, updating top and left attributes
  • 52. Observable are first class objects Can be: - passed as a parameter - returned from a function - assigned to a variable
  • 53. Live example - Morse parser
  • 54. Morse logic 1. Parse signals (.... --- … ---) 2. Parse spaces (letters - 3 span, word - 7 span) 3. Decode in Letters 4. Collect in words
  • 56. Challenges 1. Dot or line? 2. Different length of letter codes. 3. Track pause between letters (3 spans). 4. Track pause between words (7 spans).
  • 57. DOM events (keyUp, keyDown, Click, e.t.c) Signal start, signal end dots, lines, spaces letter codes (array of dot’s and lines) words, letters, sentence Composable streams
  • 58. DOM events (keyUp, keyDown, Click, e.t.c) Signal start, signal end dots, lines, spaces letter codes (array of dot’s and lines) words, letters, sentence Can use each separately
  • 59. Space key down/up as collection var spaceKeyDowns = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keydown').filter((ev) => ev.keyCode == 32) var spaceKeyUps = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keyup').filter((ev) => ev.keyCode == 32)
  • 60. Code for dot’s and lines var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp() var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp() var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => { return signalEnds .map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp) .first() }) var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".") var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-") var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream)
  • 61. Code for dot’s and lines var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp() var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp() var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => { return signalEnds .map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp) .first() }) var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".") var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-") var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream) Abstraction on top of key down, key up, mouse down, mouse up, e.t.c with timestamp
  • 62. Code for dot’s and lines var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp() var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp() var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => { return signalEnds .map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp) .first() }) var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".") var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-") var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream) Signal duration count
  • 63. Code for dot’s and lines var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp() var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp() var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => { return signalEnds .map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp) .first() }) var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".") var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-") var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream) dot’s stream lines stream
  • 64. Code for dot’s and lines var signalStarts = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_start").timestamp() var signalEnds = eventStream.filter(({action}) => action === "signal_end").timestamp() var signalTimeSpans = signalStarts.flatMap((startArgs) => { return signalEnds .map((endArgs) => endArgs.timestamp - startArgs.timestamp) .first() }) var dotsStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v <= SPAN).map(() => ".") var lineStream = signalTimeSpans.filter((v) => v > SPAN).map(() => "-") var dotsAndLines = Rx.Observable.merge(dotsStream, lineStream) dot’s and lines !!!
  • 65. Push based collections in result var lettersStream = => morse.decode(codes.join(""))) var wordsStream = lettersStream.buffer(wordsWhitespaces).map((w) => w.join(""))
  • 66. Use Observable as collection var setCatImgStream = wordsStream.filter((word) => word == "CAT").map(setCatImg)
  • 68.
  • 69. Some common basic operations map filter reduce zip merge flatMap ...
  • 72. var mousedrag_in_area = mousedrag.filter(({top, left}) => { return top <= 200 && left <= 200 }); var subscription = mousedrag_in_area.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; }); let’s filter drag area demo -
  • 74. let’s create slow mouse drag var slow_mousedrag = mousedrag.delay(700) var subscription = slow_mousedrag.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; }); demo -
  • 76. let’s record our drag path var drag_path = mousedrag .takeUntil(mouseup) .reduce(((a, b) => a + `${} ${b.left};`), "") drag_path.subscribe((path) => pathTarget.innerHTML = path) demo -
  • 78. flatMap var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => { return mousemove .map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => { return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}}) .takeUntil(mouseup) });
  • 79. flatMap var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => { return mousemove .map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => { return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}}) .takeUntil(mouseup) }); Outer stream
  • 80. flatMap var mousedrag = mousedown.flatMap(({offsetX, offsetY}) => { return mousemove .map(({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => { return {left: x - offsetX, top: y - offsetY}}) .takeUntil(mouseup) }); value as a stream
  • 82. merge demo demo -
  • 83. merge var btnTarget = document.getElementById('okbtn'); var buttonClicks = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(btnTarget, 'click'); var move_to_100 = => {return {left: 100, top: 100}}); var change_position = Rx.Observable.merge(mousedrag, move_to_100) change_position.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; });
  • 84. merge var btnTarget = document.getElementById('okbtn'); var buttonClicks = Rx.DOM.fromEvent(btnTarget, 'click'); var move_to_100 = => {return {left: 100, top: 100}}); var change_position = Rx.Observable.merge(mousedrag, move_to_100) change_position.subscribe((pos) => { = + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; }); new stream
  • 85. And a lot of other methods …. ● amb ● and ● asObservable ● average ● buffer ● bufferWithCount ● bufferWithTime ● bufferWithTimeOrCount ● catch | catchError ● combineLatest ● concat ● concatAll ● concatMap ● concatMapObserver ● connect ● includes ● controlled ● count ● debounce ● debounceWithSelector ● defaultIfEmpty ● delay ● delaySubscription ● delayWithSelector ● dematerialize ● distinct ● distinctUntilChanged ● do ● doOnNext ● doOnError ● doOnCompleted ● doWhile ● elementAt ● elementAtOrDefault ● every ● expand ● extend ● filter ● find ● findIndex ● first ● firstOrDefault ● flatMap ● flatMapObserver ● flatMapLatest ● forkJoin ● groupBy ● groupByUntil ● groupJoin ● ignoreElements ● indexOf ● isEmpty ● join ● jortSort ● jortSortUntil ● last ● lastOrDefault ● merge ● mergeAll ● min ● minBy ● multicast ● observeOn ● onErrorResumeNext ● pairwise ● partition ● pausable ● pausableBuffered ● pluck ● publish ● publishLast ● publishValue ● share ● shareReplay ● shareValue ● refCount ● reduce ● repeat ● replay ● retry ● retryWhen ● sample ● scan ● select ● selectConcat ● selectConcatObserver ● selectMany ● selectManyObserver ● selectSwitch ● sequenceEqual ● single ● singleOrDefault ● singleInstance ● skip ● skipLast ● skipLastWithTime ● skipUntil
  • 86. Testing with time machine Rx.TestScheduler
  • 87. var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2) assertRxActions( mult_stream, [ [100, {value: 20}], [200, {value: 40}] ], [ [200, {value: 80}] ], (result) => assertTrue(result) )
  • 88. var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2) assertRxActions( mult_stream, [ [100, {value: 20}], [200, {value: 40}] ], [ [200, {value: 80}] ], (result) => assertTrue(result) ) stream to test
  • 89. var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2) assertRxActions( mult_stream, [ [100, {value: 20}], [200, {value: 40}] ], [ [200, {value: 80}] ], (result) => assertTrue(result) ) Input stream messages
  • 90. var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2) assertRxActions( mult_stream, [ [100, {value: 20}], [200, {value: 40}] ], [ [200, {value: 80}] ], (result) => assertTrue(result) ) time
  • 91. var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2) assertRxActions( mult_stream, [ [100, {value: 20}], [200, {value: 40}] ], [ [200, {value: 80}] ], (result) => assertTrue(result) ) Expected result at time
  • 92. var mult_stream = some_stream.debounce(100).map((n) => n * 2) assertRxActions( mult_stream, [ [100, {value: 20}], [200, {value: 40}] ], [ [200, {value: 80}] ], (result) => assertTrue(result) ) callback for assert
  • 93. React ? ● Rx-React ● RxReact ● cycle-react ● React RxJS Autocomplete ● React RxJS TODO MVC ● Rx TODO MVC ● React RxJS Router ● React + RxJS + Angular 2.0 di.js TODO MVC ● React + RxJS Reactive Cube ● Real-Time with React + RxJS + Meteor ● React + RxJS Flow ● Reactive Widgets ● React RxJS Infinite Scroll
  • 94. Flux ? ● Rx-Flux ● ReactiveFlux ● Thundercats.js ● Flurx ● RR