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Dr.Charulatha.R MD
Assistant Professor
August Bier 1885
Flow of CSF
Where Spinal Cord Ends
Cauda Equina
100% Sterile
Spinal Anaesthesia
Holding for Spinal
Sitting Position
Spinal Needle
Factors Influence The Level Of
 The level of Injection
 The volume of drug
 Tilt of Table
 Speed of Injection
Advantages of spinal anaesthesia
• Full and complete anaesthesia
• Prolonged block: Pain free postoperatively
• Alternative to GA for certain poor risk patients esp.:
- Difficult airway
- Respiratory disease
• Contracted bowel
• Good muscle relaxation
• Suitable for certain surgical procedures:
Caesarian section (awake patient, bonding)
-Lower limb surgery
-Lower abdominal surgery
- Urological & gyneacological procedures.
Reason For the Patho
physiological Changes
 Blockade of the Sympathetic
Cardivascular Changes
 Hypotension
 Tachycardia
 Bradycardia
 Sympathetic
 Marys law/Mayos
 Bainbridge Reflex
Drug for Spinal Anaesthesia
 Lignocaine
 Bupivacaine
 Hyperbaric
Stay in the lowest
area as pergravity
 5% with Glucose
 0.5% with Glucose
 Does not mix up
with CSF
 On Table
 Delayed
On Table Complication
 Hypotension  IV Isotonic Fluids
 Vasopressors
 Oxygen by mask
 Atropine-
Pregnancy & Spinal
 Aortocaval
 Pre loading with IV
 Left lateral Position
 Vasopressors
 Oxygen therapy
Delayed Complication
 Head ache
 Sixth Cranial nerve
 Infection
How to prevent Delayed
 UseThinSpinal needles
 SterilePrecaution
 Economical
 Pulmonary Diseases
 Full Stomach
 Lower Abdominal Surgery
 Ischemic Heart Diseases for Lower Abdominal
Relative Contraindication
 Hypotensive Patients
 Cardiac failure
 Raised ICT
 Spinal Deformity
 Refusing Patients
 Bleeding Diathesis
 Skin Infection
Introduction to Epidural
 Epidural anesthesia produces a reversible loss
of sensation and motor function much like a
spinal with the exception that local anesthetic
is placed within the epidural space.
 Larger doses of local anesthetic are required
to produce anesthesia when compared to a
spinal anesthetic.
 Doses must be monitored to avoid toxicity.
Introduction to Epidural Anesthesia
 An epidural catheter allows the versatility to
extend the duration of anesthesia beyond the
original dose by the administration of
additional local anesthetic.
 Epidural catheters may be left in place for
postoperative analgesia.
Epidural Anesthesia Indications
 Cesarean section
 Procedures of the uterus, perineum*
 Hernia repairs
 Genitourinary procedures
 Lower extremity orthopedic procedures
 Excellent choice for elderly or those who may
not tolerate a general anesthetic
Epidural Anesthesia
 Should NOT be used in patients who are
hypovolemic or severely dehydrated.
 Patients should be pre-hydrated with .5 – 1
liter of crystalloid solutions (i.e. ringers lactate)
immediately prior to the block.
Epidural Anesthesia
 Higher failure rate for procedures of the
 Lower lumbar and sacral nerve roots are large
and there is an increased amount of epidural
fat which may affect local anesthetic
penetration and blockade.
 This is known as sacral sparing.
Epidural Anesthesia Advantages
 Easy to perform (though it takes a bit more
practice than spinal anesthesia)
 Reliable form of anesthesia
 Provides excellent operating conditions
 The ability to administer additional local
anesthetics increasing duration
 The ability to use the epidural catheter for
postoperative analgesia
Epidural Anesthesia Advantages
 Return of gastrointestinal function generally
occurs faster than with general anesthesia
 Patent airway
 Fewer pulmonary complications compared to
general anesthesia
 Decreased incidence of deep vein thrombosis
and pulmonary emboli formation compared to
general anesthesia
Epidural Anesthesia Disadvantages
 Risk of block failure. The rate of failure is
slightly higher than with a spinal anesthetic.
Always be prepared to induce general
anesthesia if block failure occurs.
 Onset is slower than with spinal anesthesia.
May not be a good technique if the surgeon is
impatient or there is little time to properly
perform the procedure.
Epidural Anesthesia Disadvantages
 Normal alteration in the patient’s blood pressure and
potentially heart rate (generally slower onset with less
alteration in blood pressure and heart rate than with a
spinal anesthetic). It is essential to place the epidural
block in the operating room/preoperative area with
monitoring of an ECG, blood pressure, and pulse
oximetry. Resuscitation medications/equipment should
be available.
 Risk of complications as outlined in Introduction to
Neuraxial Blockade chapter. There is an increase in the
complication rate compared to spinal anesthesia.
Epidural Anesthesia Disadvantages
 Continuous epidural catheters should not be
used on the ward if the patient’s vital signs are
NOT closely monitored.
 Risk for infection, resulting in serious
Absolute Contraindications Epidural
 Patient refusal
 Infection at the site of injection
 Coagulopathy
 Severe hypovolemia
 Increased Intracranial pressure
 Severe Aortic Stenosis
 Severe Mitral Stenosis
 Ischemic Hypertrophic Sub-aortic Stenosis
Relative Contraindications
 Sepsis
 Uncooperative patients
 Pre-existing neuro deficits/neurological deficits
 Demylenating lesions
 Stenotic valuvular heart lesions (mild to
moderate Aortic Stenosis/Ischemic
Hypertrophic Sub-aortic Stenosis)
 Severe spinal deformities
 Prior back surgery
 Inability to communicate with the patient
 Complicated surgeries that may involved
prolonged periods of time to perform, major
blood loss, maneuvers that may complicate
Mechanism/Site of Action
 Administered at a physiologic distance when
compared to spinal anesthesia. The intended
targets are the spinal nerves and associated
nerve roots.
 Several barriers to the spread of local
anesthetic to the intended site of action results
in the requirement of larger volumes of local
anesthetic when compared to spinal
 Dura mater between the epidural space and
spinal nerve and nerve roots act as a modest
 The majority of the solutions is absorbed
systemically through the venous rich epidural
 Epidural fatty tissue acts as a reservoir.
 The remainder reaches the spinal nerve and
nerve roots.
Spread of Local Anesthetic in the
Epidural Space
 Local anesthetic injected into the epidural
space moves in a horizontal and longitudinal
 Theoretically the longitudinal spread could
reach the foramen magnum and sacral
foramina if enough volume was injected.
Spread of Local Anesthetics- Longitudinal
Spread of Local Anesthetics-
 Horizontally the local anesthetic spreads
through the intervertebral foramina to the dural
 Local anesthetics spread through the dural
cuff via the arachnoid villa and into the CSF.
 Blockade occurs at the mixed spinal nerves,
dorsal root ganglia, and to a small extent the
spinal cord.
Spread of Local Anesthetics- Horizontal
 Spread of Local Anesthetics- Local
anesthetics gain access to CSF via
arachnoid granules
Distribution, Uptake & Elimination
 Takes 6-8 times the dose of a spinal
anesthetic to create a comparable block.
This is due to:
 Larger mixed nerves are found in the epidural
space when compared to the subarachnoid
 Local anesthetics must penetrate arachnoid and
dura mater.
 Local anesthetics are lipid soluble and will be
absorbed by tissue and epidural fat.
 Epidural veins absorb a significant amount of
local anesthetic with blood concentrations
peaking in 10-30 minutes after a bolus.
Distribution, Uptake & Elimination
 Local anesthetics absorbed in the epidural
veins will be diluted in the blood.
 The pulmonary systems acts as a temporary
buffer and protects other organs from the toxic
effects of local anesthetics.
 Distribution occurs to the vessel rich organs,
muscle, and fat.
Distribution, Uptake & Elimination
 Long acting amides will bind to alpha-1
globulins which have a high affinity to local
anesthetics but become rapidly saturated.
 Amides are metabolized in the liver and
excreted by the kidneys.
 Esters are metabolized by
pseudocholinesterase so rapidly that there are
rarely significant plasma levels.
Factors Affecting Height of Epidural
 Volume of local anesthetic
 Age
 Height of the patient
 Gravity
 Can be variable
 General rule: 1-2 ml of local anesthetic per
 i.e. epidural placed at L4-L5; you want a T4
block for a C-sec. You have 4 lumbar
dermatomes and 8 thoracic dermatomes. 12
dermatomes X 1-2 ml = 12-24 ml
 Big range! Stresses importance of
incremental dosing!
 If you require only segmental anesthesia than
the dose would be less.
 Volume of local anesthetic plays a critical role
in block height.
 Dose of local anesthetics administered in
thoracic area should be decreased by 30-50%
due to decrease in compliance and volume.
 As age increases the amount of local
anesthetic to achieve the same level of
anesthesia decreases. A 20 year old vs 80
year old
 This is due to changes in size and compliance
of the epidural space
 The shorter the patient the less local
anesthetic required.
 A patient that is only 5’3” may require 1 ml per
dermatome while someone who is 6’3” may
require the full 2 ml per dermatome
 Position of patient does affect spread and height
of local anesthetic BUT not to the point of spinal
 i.e. lateral decubitus position will “concentrate”
more local anesthetic to the dependent side will
a weaker block will occur in the non-dependent
 A sitting patient will have more local anesthetic
delivered to the lower lumbar and sacral
 L5-S2 sometimes will have ‘patchy’ anesthesia
due to sparing. By having the patient “sitting”
or in a semifowlers position one can
concentrate local anesthetic to this area.
 Trendelenberg or reverse trendelenberg may
help spread local anesthetic cephalad or
alternatively limit the spread.
Local Anesthetics used for Epidural
Considerations in choosing
 Understanding of local anesthetic potency &
 Surgical requirements and duration of surgery
 Postoperative analgesic requirements
Local Anesthetics for Epidural
 Use only preservative free solutions
 Read the labels, ensure that it is preservative
free or prepared for epidural/caudal
Categories according to duration of
 Short Acting: 2-chloroprocaine
 Intermediate Acting: lidocaine and
 Long Acting: bupivacaine, etidocaine,
ropivacaine, levobupivacaine
Intermediate Acting Lidocaine
 Prototypical amide local anesthetic
 1.5-2% concentrations used for surgical
 Epinephrine will prolong the duration of action
by 50%
 Addition of fentanyl will accelerate the onset of
analgesia and create a more potent/complete
Intermediate Acting Lidocaine
 Dose 3mg /kg
 7mg/kg with adrenaline
 Prolong action/reduces the toxicity
Long Acting Bupivacaine
 Long acting amide local anesthetic
 0.5-0.75% concentrations used for surgical
 0.125-.25% used for epidural analgesia
 Epinephrine will prolong duration of action but
not to the extent of lidocaine, mepivacaine,
and 2-chloroprocaine
Long Acting Bupivacaine
 0.75% concentration should not be used in OB
 In 1983 the FDA came out with this
 There were several cardiac arrests due to
inadvertent intravascular injection in OB patients
 Bupivacaine (as well as etidocaine) are more
likely to impair the myocardium and conduction
system with toxic doses than other local
Long Acting Bupivacaine
 Bupivacaine has a high degree of protein
binding and lipid solubility which accumulate in
the cardiac conduction system and results in
the advent of refractory reentrant arrhythmias
Long Acting Bupivacaine
 Longacting 4-6 hours
 Deferential blockers
-Sensory more than Motor
-Dose- 1-1.5 mg/kg
-Cardiac Toxic
-No Tachyphylaxis- Repeat drug
Long Acting Levobupivacaine
 S isomer of bupivacaine
 Used in the same concentrations
 Clinically acts just like bupivacaine with the
exception that it is less cardiac toxic
Long Acting Levobupivacaine
Long Acting Ropivacaine
 Long acting amide local anesthetic
 Mepivacaine analogue
 Used in concentrations of 0.5-1% for surgical
 Used in concentrations of 0.1-0.3% for
 Ropivacaine is unique among local
anesthetics since it exhibits a vasoconstrictive
effect at clinically relevant doses
Long Acting Ropivacaine
 Similar to bupivacaine in onset, duration, and
quality of anesthesia
 Key differences include: in doses for analgesia
there is excellent sensory blockade with low
motor blockade and it is less cardiotoxic than
Long Acting Ropivacaine
Local anaesthetic systemic
 Tingling sensation around mouth
 Drowsiness
 Hypotension
 seizures
 Midazolam /thiopentone
 intralipid
Epidural Additives
 Epinephrine will increase the duration of action
of all epidurally administered local anesthetics.
 There is a large variability among local
anesthetics as to the degree of increase
 The greatest effect is found with lidocaine,
mepivacaine, 2-chloroprocaine.
 Lesser effects found with bupivacaine,
levobupivacaine, etidocaine
 Minimal effects have been found with
Epidural Additives
 Epi vs phenylephrine
 Epi is more effective in reducing peak blood
 Phenylephrine does not appear to reduce the
peak blood levels
Epidural Additives
 Carbonation of local anesthetics has been
touted to improve the quality of epidural blocks
due to increased penetration of connective
tissue and intraneural diffusion
 Studies are ambivalent
 Carbonation may not improve quality or onset;
may lead to increased blood levels of local
anesthetic; result in a higher incidence of
hypotension when compared to non carbonated
local anesthetics
Epidural Additives
 Sodium bicarbonate can be added to
lidocaine, mepivacaine, and 2-chloroprocaine
 Addition will increase the amount of free base
which increases rate of diffusion and speeds
 Studies have found that when added to 1.5%
lidocaine speeds onset of blockade and
results in a more solid block
Epidural Additives
 Generally 1 meq of bicarbonate is added to 10
ml of local anesthetic (i.e. lidocaine,
mepivacaine, 2-chloroprocaine)
 The addition of bicarbonate to bupivacaine is
not as popular. Usually 0.1 ml of bicarbonate
is added to 10 ml of bupivacaine
 Bupivacaine precipitates occurs at a pH > 6.8
Epidural Additives
 Mixing long acting and short acting local
anesthetics may not have much advantage for
epidural anesthesia
 Many choices for local anesthetics and
 Thank you

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  • 1. CONDUCT OF REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA Dr.Charulatha.R MD Assistant Professor MGMCRI
  • 3.
  • 7.
  • 9.
  • 18. Factors Influence The Level Of Anaesthesia  The level of Injection  The volume of drug  Tilt of Table  Speed of Injection
  • 19. Advantages of spinal anaesthesia • Full and complete anaesthesia • Prolonged block: Pain free postoperatively • Alternative to GA for certain poor risk patients esp.: - Difficult airway - Respiratory disease • Contracted bowel • Good muscle relaxation • Suitable for certain surgical procedures: -
  • 20. Caesarian section (awake patient, bonding) -Lower limb surgery -Lower abdominal surgery - Urological & gyneacological procedures.
  • 22. Reason For the Patho physiological Changes  Blockade of the Sympathetic Systems
  • 23. Cardivascular Changes  Hypotension  Tachycardia  Bradycardia  Sympathetic Blockade  Marys law/Mayos Reflex  Bainbridge Reflex
  • 24. Drug for Spinal Anaesthesia  Lignocaine  Bupivacaine  Hyperbaric Stay in the lowest area as pergravity  5% with Glucose  0.5% with Glucose  Does not mix up with CSF
  • 26. On Table Complication  Hypotension  IV Isotonic Fluids  Vasopressors  Oxygen by mask  Atropine- Bradycardia
  • 27. Pregnancy & Spinal  Aortocaval Occlusion  Pre loading with IV Fluids  Left lateral Position  Vasopressors  Oxygen therapy
  • 28. Delayed Complication  Head ache  Sixth Cranial nerve palsy  Infection
  • 29. How to prevent Delayed Complication  UseThinSpinal needles  SterilePrecaution
  • 30. Indication  Economical  Pulmonary Diseases  Full Stomach  Lower Abdominal Surgery  Ischemic Heart Diseases for Lower Abdominal Surgery
  • 31. Relative Contraindication  Hypotensive Patients  Cardiac failure  Raised ICT  Spinal Deformity  Refusing Patients  Bleeding Diathesis  Skin Infection
  • 32. Introduction to Epidural Anesthesia  Epidural anesthesia produces a reversible loss of sensation and motor function much like a spinal with the exception that local anesthetic is placed within the epidural space.  Larger doses of local anesthetic are required to produce anesthesia when compared to a spinal anesthetic.  Doses must be monitored to avoid toxicity.
  • 33. Introduction to Epidural Anesthesia  An epidural catheter allows the versatility to extend the duration of anesthesia beyond the original dose by the administration of additional local anesthetic.  Epidural catheters may be left in place for postoperative analgesia.
  • 34. Epidural Anesthesia Indications  Cesarean section  Procedures of the uterus, perineum*  Hernia repairs  Genitourinary procedures  Lower extremity orthopedic procedures  Excellent choice for elderly or those who may not tolerate a general anesthetic
  • 35. Epidural Anesthesia  Should NOT be used in patients who are hypovolemic or severely dehydrated.  Patients should be pre-hydrated with .5 – 1 liter of crystalloid solutions (i.e. ringers lactate) immediately prior to the block.
  • 36. Epidural Anesthesia  Higher failure rate for procedures of the perineum.  Lower lumbar and sacral nerve roots are large and there is an increased amount of epidural fat which may affect local anesthetic penetration and blockade.  This is known as sacral sparing.
  • 37. Epidural Anesthesia Advantages  Easy to perform (though it takes a bit more practice than spinal anesthesia)  Reliable form of anesthesia  Provides excellent operating conditions  The ability to administer additional local anesthetics increasing duration  The ability to use the epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia
  • 38. Epidural Anesthesia Advantages  Return of gastrointestinal function generally occurs faster than with general anesthesia  Patent airway  Fewer pulmonary complications compared to general anesthesia  Decreased incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli formation compared to general anesthesia
  • 39. Epidural Anesthesia Disadvantages  Risk of block failure. The rate of failure is slightly higher than with a spinal anesthetic. Always be prepared to induce general anesthesia if block failure occurs.  Onset is slower than with spinal anesthesia. May not be a good technique if the surgeon is impatient or there is little time to properly perform the procedure.
  • 40. Epidural Anesthesia Disadvantages  Normal alteration in the patient’s blood pressure and potentially heart rate (generally slower onset with less alteration in blood pressure and heart rate than with a spinal anesthetic). It is essential to place the epidural block in the operating room/preoperative area with monitoring of an ECG, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry. Resuscitation medications/equipment should be available.  Risk of complications as outlined in Introduction to Neuraxial Blockade chapter. There is an increase in the complication rate compared to spinal anesthesia.
  • 41. Epidural Anesthesia Disadvantages  Continuous epidural catheters should not be used on the ward if the patient’s vital signs are NOT closely monitored.  Risk for infection, resulting in serious complications.
  • 42. Absolute Contraindications Epidural  Patient refusal  Infection at the site of injection  Coagulopathy  Severe hypovolemia  Increased Intracranial pressure  Severe Aortic Stenosis  Severe Mitral Stenosis  Ischemic Hypertrophic Sub-aortic Stenosis
  • 43. Relative Contraindications  Sepsis  Uncooperative patients  Pre-existing neuro deficits/neurological deficits  Demylenating lesions  Stenotic valuvular heart lesions (mild to moderate Aortic Stenosis/Ischemic Hypertrophic Sub-aortic Stenosis)  Severe spinal deformities
  • 44. Controversial  Prior back surgery  Inability to communicate with the patient  Complicated surgeries that may involved prolonged periods of time to perform, major blood loss, maneuvers that may complicate respiration
  • 45. Mechanism/Site of Action  Administered at a physiologic distance when compared to spinal anesthesia. The intended targets are the spinal nerves and associated nerve roots.  Several barriers to the spread of local anesthetic to the intended site of action results in the requirement of larger volumes of local anesthetic when compared to spinal anesthesia.
  • 46. Barriers  Dura mater between the epidural space and spinal nerve and nerve roots act as a modest barrier.  The majority of the solutions is absorbed systemically through the venous rich epidural space.  Epidural fatty tissue acts as a reservoir.  The remainder reaches the spinal nerve and nerve roots.
  • 47. Spread of Local Anesthetic in the Epidural Space  Local anesthetic injected into the epidural space moves in a horizontal and longitudinal manner.  Theoretically the longitudinal spread could reach the foramen magnum and sacral foramina if enough volume was injected.
  • 48. Spread of Local Anesthetics- Longitudinal
  • 49. Spread of Local Anesthetics- Horizontal  Horizontally the local anesthetic spreads through the intervertebral foramina to the dural cuff.  Local anesthetics spread through the dural cuff via the arachnoid villa and into the CSF.  Blockade occurs at the mixed spinal nerves, dorsal root ganglia, and to a small extent the spinal cord.
  • 50. Spread of Local Anesthetics- Horizontal
  • 51.  Spread of Local Anesthetics- Local anesthetics gain access to CSF via arachnoid granules
  • 52. Distribution, Uptake & Elimination  Takes 6-8 times the dose of a spinal anesthetic to create a comparable block.
  • 53. This is due to:  Larger mixed nerves are found in the epidural space when compared to the subarachnoid space.  Local anesthetics must penetrate arachnoid and dura mater.  Local anesthetics are lipid soluble and will be absorbed by tissue and epidural fat.  Epidural veins absorb a significant amount of local anesthetic with blood concentrations peaking in 10-30 minutes after a bolus.
  • 54. Distribution, Uptake & Elimination  Local anesthetics absorbed in the epidural veins will be diluted in the blood.  The pulmonary systems acts as a temporary buffer and protects other organs from the toxic effects of local anesthetics.  Distribution occurs to the vessel rich organs, muscle, and fat.
  • 55. Distribution, Uptake & Elimination  Long acting amides will bind to alpha-1 globulins which have a high affinity to local anesthetics but become rapidly saturated.  Amides are metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys.  Esters are metabolized by pseudocholinesterase so rapidly that there are rarely significant plasma levels.
  • 56. Factors Affecting Height of Epidural Blockade  Volume of local anesthetic  Age  Height of the patient  Gravity
  • 57. Volume  Can be variable  General rule: 1-2 ml of local anesthetic per dermatome  i.e. epidural placed at L4-L5; you want a T4 block for a C-sec. You have 4 lumbar dermatomes and 8 thoracic dermatomes. 12 dermatomes X 1-2 ml = 12-24 ml  Big range! Stresses importance of incremental dosing!
  • 58. Volume  If you require only segmental anesthesia than the dose would be less.  Volume of local anesthetic plays a critical role in block height.  Dose of local anesthetics administered in thoracic area should be decreased by 30-50% due to decrease in compliance and volume.
  • 59. Age  As age increases the amount of local anesthetic to achieve the same level of anesthesia decreases. A 20 year old vs 80 year old  This is due to changes in size and compliance of the epidural space
  • 60. Height  The shorter the patient the less local anesthetic required.  A patient that is only 5’3” may require 1 ml per dermatome while someone who is 6’3” may require the full 2 ml per dermatome
  • 61. Gravity  Position of patient does affect spread and height of local anesthetic BUT not to the point of spinal anesthesia.  i.e. lateral decubitus position will “concentrate” more local anesthetic to the dependent side will a weaker block will occur in the non-dependent area.  A sitting patient will have more local anesthetic delivered to the lower lumbar and sacral dermatomes
  • 62. Gravity  L5-S2 sometimes will have ‘patchy’ anesthesia due to sparing. By having the patient “sitting” or in a semifowlers position one can concentrate local anesthetic to this area.  Trendelenberg or reverse trendelenberg may help spread local anesthetic cephalad or alternatively limit the spread.
  • 63. Local Anesthetics used for Epidural Anesthesia
  • 64. Considerations in choosing  Understanding of local anesthetic potency & duration  Surgical requirements and duration of surgery  Postoperative analgesic requirements
  • 65. Local Anesthetics for Epidural Anesthesia  Use only preservative free solutions  Read the labels, ensure that it is preservative free or prepared for epidural/caudal anesthesia/analgesia
  • 66. Categories according to duration of action  Short Acting: 2-chloroprocaine  Intermediate Acting: lidocaine and mepivacaine  Long Acting: bupivacaine, etidocaine, ropivacaine, levobupivacaine
  • 67. Intermediate Acting Lidocaine  Prototypical amide local anesthetic  1.5-2% concentrations used for surgical anesthesia  Epinephrine will prolong the duration of action by 50%  Addition of fentanyl will accelerate the onset of analgesia and create a more potent/complete block
  • 69. Lignocaine  Dose 3mg /kg  7mg/kg with adrenaline  Prolong action/reduces the toxicity
  • 70. Long Acting Bupivacaine  Long acting amide local anesthetic  0.5-0.75% concentrations used for surgical anesthesia  0.125-.25% used for epidural analgesia  Epinephrine will prolong duration of action but not to the extent of lidocaine, mepivacaine, and 2-chloroprocaine
  • 71. Long Acting Bupivacaine  0.75% concentration should not be used in OB  In 1983 the FDA came out with this recommendation  There were several cardiac arrests due to inadvertent intravascular injection in OB patients  Bupivacaine (as well as etidocaine) are more likely to impair the myocardium and conduction system with toxic doses than other local anesthetics
  • 72. Long Acting Bupivacaine  Bupivacaine has a high degree of protein binding and lipid solubility which accumulate in the cardiac conduction system and results in the advent of refractory reentrant arrhythmias
  • 74. Bupivacaine  Longacting 4-6 hours  Deferential blockers -Sensory more than Motor -Dose- 1-1.5 mg/kg -Cardiac Toxic -No Tachyphylaxis- Repeat drug
  • 75. Long Acting Levobupivacaine  S isomer of bupivacaine  Used in the same concentrations  Clinically acts just like bupivacaine with the exception that it is less cardiac toxic
  • 77. Long Acting Ropivacaine  Long acting amide local anesthetic  Mepivacaine analogue  Used in concentrations of 0.5-1% for surgical anesthetic  Used in concentrations of 0.1-0.3% for analgesia  Ropivacaine is unique among local anesthetics since it exhibits a vasoconstrictive effect at clinically relevant doses
  • 78. Long Acting Ropivacaine  Similar to bupivacaine in onset, duration, and quality of anesthesia  Key differences include: in doses for analgesia there is excellent sensory blockade with low motor blockade and it is less cardiotoxic than bupivacaine
  • 80. Local anaesthetic systemic toxicity  Tingling sensation around mouth  Drowsiness  Hypotension  seizures Treatment  ABC  Midazolam /thiopentone  intralipid
  • 81. Epidural Additives  Epinephrine will increase the duration of action of all epidurally administered local anesthetics.  There is a large variability among local anesthetics as to the degree of increase  The greatest effect is found with lidocaine, mepivacaine, 2-chloroprocaine.  Lesser effects found with bupivacaine, levobupivacaine, etidocaine  Minimal effects have been found with ropivacaine
  • 82. Epidural Additives  Epi vs phenylephrine  Epi is more effective in reducing peak blood levels  Phenylephrine does not appear to reduce the peak blood levels
  • 83. Epidural Additives  Carbonation of local anesthetics has been touted to improve the quality of epidural blocks due to increased penetration of connective tissue and intraneural diffusion  Studies are ambivalent  Carbonation may not improve quality or onset; may lead to increased blood levels of local anesthetic; result in a higher incidence of hypotension when compared to non carbonated local anesthetics
  • 84. Epidural Additives  Sodium bicarbonate can be added to lidocaine, mepivacaine, and 2-chloroprocaine  Addition will increase the amount of free base which increases rate of diffusion and speeds onset  Studies have found that when added to 1.5% lidocaine speeds onset of blockade and results in a more solid block
  • 85. Epidural Additives  Generally 1 meq of bicarbonate is added to 10 ml of local anesthetic (i.e. lidocaine, mepivacaine, 2-chloroprocaine)  The addition of bicarbonate to bupivacaine is not as popular. Usually 0.1 ml of bicarbonate is added to 10 ml of bupivacaine  Bupivacaine precipitates occurs at a pH > 6.8
  • 86. Epidural Additives  Mixing long acting and short acting local anesthetics may not have much advantage for epidural anesthesia  Many choices for local anesthetics and additives