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Spring Framework - Data Access

                SPRING FRAMEWORK 3.0
Dmitry Noskov   Data Access
Spring Data Access
   DAO support
   transaction management
   JDBC

   not included
     ORM
     marshalling XML

                        Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
DAO support
jdbc namespace
Spring data access exceptions

              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
JDBC namespace
<beans xmlns:xsi=""


                                 Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Embedded database

<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="HSQL|H2|Derby">
  <jdbc:script location="classpath:db-schema.sql"/>
  <jdbc:script location="classpath:test-data.sql"/>

<bean class="org.exhanger.repository.jdbc.AccountJdbcRepository">
  <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>

                       Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Populate other DataSource

<bean id="dataSource" class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource">
  <property name="URL" value="${jdbc.url}"/>
  <property name="user" value="${jdbc.user}"/>
  <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/>

<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource" >
  <jdbc:script location="classpath:db-schema.sql"/>
  <jdbc:script location="classpath:test-data.sql"/>

                       Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Problem of handling exceptions
   exceptions
     checked
     unchecked

   SQLException
     technology-specific
     depends on DBMS

     couple the DAO and API

                     Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Spring DataAccessException’s
   unchecked
   hide data access technology
     JDBC
     Hibernate

     etc.

   hide DBMS error codes

                    Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
DataAccessException hierarchy


    CleanupFailure                                                 DataIntegrity
  DataAccessException                                            ViolationException

          OptimisticLocking                               DeadlockLoser
          FailureException                              DataAccessException


                              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository {

    private DataSource dataSource;

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public AccountJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Transaction management
Transaction models
Spring PlatformTransactionManager’s

              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Unit of work
public Long process(Account account, Order o) {
    String owner = o.getOwner();
    String from = o.getFrom();
    String to = o.getTo();

    accountService.reduceBalance(account, to, o.getValue() * o.getRate());
    accountService.increaseBalance(account, from, o.getValue());

    accountService.reduceBalance(owner, from, o.getValue());
    accountService.increaseBalance(owner, to, o.getValue() * o.getRate());


    return auditService.createRecord(account, o);

                             Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
ACID principles
   atomicity
       "all or nothing" rule for unit of work
   consistency
       only consistent data will be saved
   isolation
       isolating transactions for each other
   durability
       commited changes are permanent

                          Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Transaction models
   local
     work across single transactional resource
     resource-specific

     easier to use

   global
       work across multiple transactional resources

                         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Local transactions
   can be managed by DBMS, etc.
   depends on connection

                   Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Classic database transaction
public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository {
  private DataSource dataSource;

    public void modifyAccount(Account account) {
      String sql = "...";
      Connection conn = null;

      try {
        conn = dataSource.getConnection();
        PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
      } catch (SQLException e) {

                             Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Problems with local transactions
   connection management code is error-prone
   transaction demarcation belongs at the service
     multiple data access methods may be called within a
     connection must be managed at a higher level

                      Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Spring transaction management
   declarative
     XML
     annotations

   programmatic

                    Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

<beans xmlns:tx=""


                              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Basic configuration

  <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"
                            order="0" <!-- Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE -->

  <bean id="transactionManager"
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>

  <!-- <tx:jta-transaction-manager/> -->

                                Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov


DataSourceTransactionManager       JtaTransactionManager               HibernateTransactionManager



                               Spring Framework - Data Access     Dmitry Noskov
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {

    public Account getAccount(Long accountId) {
        return repository.getAccount(accountId);

    public Long createAccount(Account account) {
        return repository.createAccount(account);

                            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
How it works

               Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Transactional attributes
   propagation
   isolation
   rollback rules
   read-only
   timeout

                     Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Transaction propagation(1)
       support a current transaction, create a new one if none exists
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
    public Long process(Account account, Order order){}

       create a new transaction, suspend the current if one exists
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED_NEW)
    public Long process(Account account, Order order){}

       single physical transaction with multiple savepoints

                              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Transaction propagation(2)
       support a current transaction, or execute non-transactionally
       support a current transaction, throw an exception if none exists
       execute non-transactionally, suspend the current transaction
       execute non-transactionally, throw an exception if a transaction exists

                              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Isolation levels
   levels



   DBMS
     have differences in implementation
     may not support something

                       Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
   lowest isolation level
   dirty reads are allowed
   example
    @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED)
    public Order getOrder(Long orderId) {
        return repository.getOrder(orderId);

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
   default strategy for most DBMSs
   only commited data can be accessed
   example
    @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED)
    public Order getOrder(Long orderId) {
        return repository.getOrder(orderId);

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Highest isolation levels
       prevents non-repeatable reads
       prevents phantom reads

                        Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Rollback rules
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {

    @Transactional(rollbackFor = CheckedException.class)
    public Long createAccount(Account account) {
        return repository.createAccount(account);

    @Transactional(noRollbackFor = SendNotificationException.class)
    public void modifyAccount(Account account) {

                            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Read-only transactions
   optimize resource for read-only access
   example
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public Account getAccount(Long accountId) {
        return repository.getAccount(accountId);

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Trsnsaction timeout
   example
    @Transactional(timeout = 60)
    public List<Order> getActiveOrders(String from, String to) {

                         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Multiple transaction managers
<bean id="transactionManager1" class="...">
  <qualifier value="txManager1"/>
<bean id="transactionManager2" class="...">
  <qualifier value="txManager2"/>

@Transactional(value = "txManager1")
public BigDecimal method1 (Order order) {}

@Transactional(value = "txManager2")
public Account merge(Account account) {}

                          Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Custom shortcut annotations
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface OrderTx {}

@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface AccountTx {}

public BigDecimal method1 (Order order) {}

public Account merge(Account account) {}

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Programmatic transactions
   TransactionTemplate
   PlatformTransactionManager

                    Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
    private final TransactionTemplate template;

    private AccountServiceImpl(PlatformTransactionManager manager) {
        template = new TransactionTemplate(manager);

    public Object method1(final Object obj) {
        return template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() {
          public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
              return operation(obj);

                               Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
 private final TransactionTemplate template;

 private AccountServiceImpl(PlatformTransactionManager manager) {
      template = new TransactionTemplate(manager);

 public void method2(final Object obj) {
     template.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
      protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus st){

                            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
    private final TransactionTemplate template;

    public void method3(final Object obj) {
     template.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
         protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus s){
             try {
             } catch (RuntimeException e) {

                                   Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
public interface PlatformTransactionManager {
    /** Return a currently active transaction or create a new one,
        according to the specified propagation behavior. */
    TransactionStatus getTransaction(TransactionDefinition definition);

    /** Commit the given transaction, with regard to its status. If
    the transaction has been marked rollback-only programmatically,
    perform a rollback. */
    void commit(TransactionStatus status);

    /** Perform a rollback of the given transaction. */
    void rollback(TransactionStatus status);

                             Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
<tx:advice id="txAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager">
    <tx:method name="get*" read-only="true"/>
    <tx:method name="*" propagation="REQUIRED"
               rollback-for="java.lang.Throwable" />

  <aop:pointcut id="txOperation"
  <aop:advisor pointcut-ref="txOperation"
                order="" />

                              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Spring JDBC

        Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Strong JDBC
public List<Account> getAccountsByType(Long type) {
  List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>();
  Connection connection = null;
  String sql = "select account_id, account_owner from account";
  try {
    connection = dataSource.getConnection();
    PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    while ( {
      accounts.add(new Account(rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2)));
  } catch (SQLException e) {/*handle exception*/}
  finally {
    try { connection.close();} catch (SQLException e) {/*handle*/}
  return accounts;

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Target code
public List<Account> getAccountsByType(Long type) {
  List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>();
  Connection connection = null;
  String sql = "select account_id, account_owner from account";
  try {
    connection = dataSource.getConnection();
    PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    while ( {
      accounts.add(new Account(rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2)));
  } catch (SQLException e) {/*handle exception*/}
  finally {
    try { connection.close();} catch (SQLException e) {/*handle*/}
  return accounts;

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Who does what
Action                                       Spring                    You
Define connection parameters                                                    X
Connection management                                   X
SQL                                                                             X
Statement management                                    X
ResultSet management                                    X
Row Data Retrieval                                                              X
Exception handling                                      X
Handle transactions                                     X

                               Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Spring JDBC abstractions
SimpleJdbcInsert and SimpleJdbcCall

              Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

        Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Creating the JdbcTemplate

public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository {

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public AccountJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
        jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

                             Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Simple types

int intCount =
    jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from accounts");

int longCount =
    jdbcTemplate.queryForLong (
        "select count(*) from accounts
         where account_owner like ?", "name");

String name =
        "select account_owner from accounts
         where account_id = ?", new Object[]{10}, String.class);

                         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Generic maps

public Map<String, Object> getAccount(Long accountId) {
    String sql = "select * from accounts where account_id = ?";
    return jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql, accountId);

public List<Map<String, Object>> getAccounts() {
    return jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select * from accounts");

                         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Domain object(1)

Account account =
    "select account_id, account_owner from accounts
     where account_id = ?",
        new Object[]{11},
        new RowMapper<Account>(){
          public Account mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum){
              Account account = new Account();
              account.setOwner (rs.getString("account_owner"));
              return account;

                            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Domain object(2)
List<Account> accounts =
    "select account_id, account_name from m_accounts
     where account_id = ?",
     new Object[]{11},
     new RowMapper<Account>(){
       public Account mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) {
           Account account = new Account();

           return account;

                             Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Callback handler
public void writeAccountsToFile(File f) {
    jdbcTemplate.query("select * from account", new FileWriter(f));

public class FileWriter implements RowCallbackHandler {
    public FileWriter(File file) {

    public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        //write result set to file

                            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
ResultSet extractor
public Account getAccount(long accountId) {
    String sql = "select * from accounts where account_id = ?";
    return jdbcTemplate.query(sql,
                                   new Object[]{accountId},
                                   new Extractor());

public class Extractor implements ResultSetExtractor<Account> {
    public Account extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        //write result set to single domain object
        return account;

                            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Callback interfaces
   RowMapper
       each row to domain object
   RowCallbackHandler
       another output stream
   ResultSetExtructor
       multiple rows to domain object

                         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Insert / Update / Delete

    "insert into accounts(account_id, account_owner) values(?, ?)",
    17, "Account Name");

    "update accounts set account_owner = ? where account_id = ?",
    "New Account Name", 18);

    "delete from accounts where account_id = ?", 19);

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

        Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Creating the NamedJdbcTemplate

public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository {

    private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbcTemplate;

    public AccountJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
        namedJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource);

                             Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Naming parameters(1)

public Long getCountByName(String name) {
    Map<String, ?> params = Collections.singletonMap("name", name);
    String sql =
       "select count(*) from accounts where owner_name like :name";

    return namedJdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, params);

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Naming parameters(2)
   map parameter source
    SqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("name","%ac%");
        "select count(*) from accounts where owner_name like :name",

   bean parameter source
    Account acc = …;
    SqlParameterSource params = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(acc);

      "select count(*) from m_accounts
       where account_name like :name and account_type = :type",

                            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Batch operations

         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Batch by jdbcTemplate
public void batchUpdate(final List<Account> accounts) {
      "update accounts set account_name = ?, account_type = ?
       where account_id = ?",
      new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {
        public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) {
            ps.setString(1, accounts.get(i).getName());
            ps.setString(2, accounts.get(i).getType());
            ps.setLong(3, accounts.get(i).getId());
        public int getBatchSize() {
            return accounts.size();

                             Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Batch by namedJdbcTemplate

public void batchUpdate2(final List<Account> accounts) {
    SqlParameterSource[] batch =

      "update m_accounts set account_name = :name, account_type = :type
       where account_id = :id",

                           Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

simpleJdbcInsert =
 new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName("accounts");

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("account_id", 12);
params.put("account_name", "name");
params.put("account_type", "type");


                        Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

          Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Spring Data Access
   promote layered architecture principles
   loose coupling between API and DAO layers
   supports top data access technologies
   flexible transaction management

                    Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Benefits of declarative transactions
   consistent model across different transaction APIs
     JTA
     JDBC

     JPA

     Hibernate

   supports for declarative transaction management
   simple API for programmatic transactions

                      Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
Declarative transactions
   any environment
   any classes
   rollback rules
   customize transactional behavior

   not support transaction contexts across remote calls

                      Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
   Spring reference
   wiki: ACID
   wiki: isolation
   JTA
                         Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

        Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov

            Spring Framework - Data Access   Dmitry Noskov
The end


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Spring Framework - Data Access Overview

  • 1. Spring Framework - Data Access SPRING FRAMEWORK 3.0 Dmitry Noskov Data Access
  • 2. Spring Data Access  DAO support  transaction management  JDBC  not included  ORM  marshalling XML Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 3. DAO support jdbc namespace Spring data access exceptions Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 4. JDBC namespace <beans xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jdbc="" xsi:schemaLocation=" beans beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd jdbc jdbc/spring-jdbc-3.0.xsd"> </beans> Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 5. Embedded database <jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="HSQL|H2|Derby"> <jdbc:script location="classpath:db-schema.sql"/> <jdbc:script location="classpath:test-data.sql"/> </jdbc:embedded-database> <bean class="org.exhanger.repository.jdbc.AccountJdbcRepository"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> </bean> Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 6. Populate other DataSource <bean id="dataSource" class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"> <property name="URL" value="${jdbc.url}"/> <property name="user" value="${jdbc.user}"/> <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/> </bean> <jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource" > <jdbc:script location="classpath:db-schema.sql"/> <jdbc:script location="classpath:test-data.sql"/> </jdbc:initialize-database> Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 7. Problem of handling exceptions  exceptions  checked  unchecked  SQLException  technology-specific  depends on DBMS  couple the DAO and API Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 8. Spring DataAccessException’s  unchecked  hide data access technology  JDBC  Hibernate  etc.  hide DBMS error codes Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 9. DataAccessException hierarchy RuntimeException DataAccessException CleanupFailure DataIntegrity DataAccessException ViolationException OptimisticLocking DeadlockLoser FailureException DataAccessException DataAccessResource more… FailureException Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 10. @Repository @Repository public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository { @Autowired private DataSource dataSource; private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired public AccountJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) { super this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 11. Transaction management Overview Transaction models Spring PlatformTransactionManager’s Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 12. Unit of work public Long process(Account account, Order o) { String owner = o.getOwner(); String from = o.getFrom(); String to = o.getTo(); accountService.reduceBalance(account, to, o.getValue() * o.getRate()); accountService.increaseBalance(account, from, o.getValue()); accountService.reduceBalance(owner, from, o.getValue()); accountService.increaseBalance(owner, to, o.getValue() * o.getRate()); orderService.completeOrder(order.getId()); return auditService.createRecord(account, o); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 13. ACID principles  atomicity  "all or nothing" rule for unit of work  consistency  only consistent data will be saved  isolation  isolating transactions for each other  durability  commited changes are permanent Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 14. Transaction models  local  work across single transactional resource  resource-specific  easier to use  global  work across multiple transactional resources Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 15. Local transactions  can be managed by DBMS, etc.  depends on connection Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 16. Classic database transaction public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository { private DataSource dataSource; public void modifyAccount(Account account) { String sql = "..."; Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); s.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { conn.rollback(); } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 17. Problems with local transactions  connection management code is error-prone  transaction demarcation belongs at the service layer  multiple data access methods may be called within a transaction  connection must be managed at a higher level Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 18. Spring transaction management  declarative  XML  annotations  programmatic Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 19. Namespace <beans xmlns:tx="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> </beans> Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 20. Basic configuration <beans> <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" mode="proxy|aspectj" order="0" <!-- Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE --> proxy-target-class="false"/> <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> </bean> <!-- <tx:jta-transaction-manager/> --> </beans> Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 21. PlatformTransactionManager PlatformTransactionManager DataSourceTransactionManager JtaTransactionManager HibernateTransactionManager WebLogicJtaTransactionManager WebSphereUowTransactionManager Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 22. @Transactional @Transactional public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { @Transactional public Account getAccount(Long accountId) { return repository.getAccount(accountId); } @Transactional public Long createAccount(Account account) { return repository.createAccount(account); } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 23. How it works Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 24. Transactional attributes  propagation  isolation  rollback rules  read-only  timeout Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 25. Transaction propagation(1)  REQUIRED  support a current transaction, create a new one if none exists @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public Long process(Account account, Order order){}  REQUIRED_NEW  create a new transaction, suspend the current if one exists @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED_NEW) public Long process(Account account, Order order){}  NESTED  single physical transaction with multiple savepoints Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 26. REQUIRED Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 27. REQUIRED_NEW Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 28. Transaction propagation(2)  SUPPORTS  support a current transaction, or execute non-transactionally  MANDATORY  support a current transaction, throw an exception if none exists  NOT_SUPPORTED  execute non-transactionally, suspend the current transaction  NEVER  execute non-transactionally, throw an exception if a transaction exists Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 29. Isolation levels  levels  READ_UNCOMMITED  READ_COMMITED  REPEATABLE_READ  SERIALIZABLE  DBMS  have differences in implementation  may not support something Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 30. READ_UNCOMMITED  lowest isolation level  dirty reads are allowed  example @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED) public Order getOrder(Long orderId) { return repository.getOrder(orderId); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 31. READ_COMMITED  default strategy for most DBMSs  only commited data can be accessed  example @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED) public Order getOrder(Long orderId) { return repository.getOrder(orderId); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 32. Highest isolation levels  REPEATABLE_READ  prevents non-repeatable reads  SERIALIZABLE  prevents phantom reads Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 33. Rollback rules @Service public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { @Transactional(rollbackFor = CheckedException.class) public Long createAccount(Account account) { return repository.createAccount(account); } @Transactional(noRollbackFor = SendNotificationException.class) public void modifyAccount(Account account) { repository.modifyAccount(account); } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 34. Read-only transactions  optimize resource for read-only access  example @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Account getAccount(Long accountId) { return repository.getAccount(accountId); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 35. Trsnsaction timeout  example @Transactional(timeout = 60) public List<Order> getActiveOrders(String from, String to) { } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 36. Multiple transaction managers <tx:annotation-driven/> <bean id="transactionManager1" class="..."> <qualifier value="txManager1"/> </bean> <bean id="transactionManager2" class="..."> <qualifier value="txManager2"/> </bean> @Transactional(value = "txManager1") public BigDecimal method1 (Order order) {} @Transactional(value = "txManager2") public Account merge(Account account) {} Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 37. Custom shortcut annotations @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Transactional("txManager1") public @interface OrderTx {} @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Transactional("txManager2") public @interface AccountTx {} Using: @OrderTx public BigDecimal method1 (Order order) {} @AccountTx public Account merge(Account account) {} Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 38. Programmatic transactions  TransactionTemplate  PlatformTransactionManager Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 39. TransactionTemplate(1) public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { private final TransactionTemplate template; private AccountServiceImpl(PlatformTransactionManager manager) { template = new TransactionTemplate(manager); } public Object method1(final Object obj) { return template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { return operation(obj); } }); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 40. TransactionTemplate(2) public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { private final TransactionTemplate template; private AccountServiceImpl(PlatformTransactionManager manager) { template = new TransactionTemplate(manager); } public void method2(final Object obj) { template.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() { protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus st){ operation(obj); } }); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 41. TransactionTemplate(3) public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { private final TransactionTemplate template; public void method3(final Object obj) { template.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() { protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus s){ try { operation(obj); } catch (RuntimeException e) { status.setRollbackOnly(); } } ); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 42. PlatformTransactionManager public interface PlatformTransactionManager { /** Return a currently active transaction or create a new one, according to the specified propagation behavior. */ TransactionStatus getTransaction(TransactionDefinition definition); /** Commit the given transaction, with regard to its status. If the transaction has been marked rollback-only programmatically, perform a rollback. */ void commit(TransactionStatus status); /** Perform a rollback of the given transaction. */ void rollback(TransactionStatus status); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 43. XML-based <tx:advice id="txAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager"> <tx:attributes> <tx:method name="get*" read-only="true"/> <tx:method name="*" propagation="REQUIRED" isolation="READ_COMMITTED" rollback-for="java.lang.Throwable" /> </tx:attributes> </tx:advice> <aop:config> <aop:pointcut id="txOperation" expression="execution(**ServiceImpl.*(..))"/> <aop:advisor pointcut-ref="txOperation" advice-ref="txAdvice" order="" /> </aop:config> Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 44. Spring JDBC Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 45. Strong JDBC public List<Account> getAccountsByType(Long type) { List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>(); Connection connection = null; String sql = "select account_id, account_owner from account"; try { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { accounts.add(new Account(rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2))); } } catch (SQLException e) {/*handle exception*/} finally { try { connection.close();} catch (SQLException e) {/*handle*/} } return accounts; } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 46. Target code public List<Account> getAccountsByType(Long type) { List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>(); Connection connection = null; String sql = "select account_id, account_owner from account"; try { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { accounts.add(new Account(rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2))); } } catch (SQLException e) {/*handle exception*/} finally { try { connection.close();} catch (SQLException e) {/*handle*/} } return accounts; } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 47. Who does what Action Spring You Define connection parameters X Connection management X SQL X Statement management X ResultSet management X Row Data Retrieval X Exception handling X Handle transactions X Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 48. Spring JDBC abstractions JdbcTemplate NamedParameterJdbcTemplate SimpleJdbcTemplate SimpleJdbcInsert and SimpleJdbcCall Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 49. JdbcTemplate Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 50. Creating the JdbcTemplate @Repository public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository { private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public AccountJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) { super(); jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 51. Simple types int intCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from accounts"); int longCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong ( "select count(*) from accounts where account_owner like ?", "name"); String name = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "select account_owner from accounts where account_id = ?", new Object[]{10}, String.class); Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 52. Generic maps public Map<String, Object> getAccount(Long accountId) { String sql = "select * from accounts where account_id = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql, accountId); } public List<Map<String, Object>> getAccounts() { return jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select * from accounts"); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 53. Domain object(1) Account account = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "select account_id, account_owner from accounts where account_id = ?", new Object[]{11}, new RowMapper<Account>(){ public Account mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum){ Account account = new Account(); account.setId(rs.getLong("account_id")); account.setOwner (rs.getString("account_owner")); return account; } }); Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 54. Domain object(2) List<Account> accounts = jdbcTemplate.query( "select account_id, account_name from m_accounts where account_id = ?", new Object[]{11}, new RowMapper<Account>(){ public Account mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) { Account account = new Account(); account.setId(rs.getLong("account_id")); account.setName(rs.getString("account_name")); return account; } }); Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 55. Callback handler public void writeAccountsToFile(File f) { jdbcTemplate.query("select * from account", new FileWriter(f)); } public class FileWriter implements RowCallbackHandler { public FileWriter(File file) { super(); } public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { //write result set to file } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 56. ResultSet extractor public Account getAccount(long accountId) { String sql = "select * from accounts where account_id = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new Object[]{accountId}, new Extractor()); } public class Extractor implements ResultSetExtractor<Account> { public Account extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { //write result set to single domain object return account; } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 57. Callback interfaces  RowMapper  each row to domain object  RowCallbackHandler  another output stream  ResultSetExtructor  multiple rows to domain object Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 58. Insert / Update / Delete jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into accounts(account_id, account_owner) values(?, ?)", 17, "Account Name"); jdbcTemplate.update( "update accounts set account_owner = ? where account_id = ?", "New Account Name", 18); jdbcTemplate.update( "delete from accounts where account_id = ?", 19); Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 59. NamedParameterJdbcTemplate Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 60. Creating the NamedJdbcTemplate @Repository public class AccountJdbcRepository implements AccountRepository { private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbcTemplate; public AccountJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) { super(); namedJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); } } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 61. Naming parameters(1) public Long getCountByName(String name) { Map<String, ?> params = Collections.singletonMap("name", name); String sql = "select count(*) from accounts where owner_name like :name"; return namedJdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, params); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 62. Naming parameters(2)  map parameter source SqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource("name","%ac%"); namedJdbcTemplate.queryForInt( "select count(*) from accounts where owner_name like :name", params);  bean parameter source Account acc = …; SqlParameterSource params = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(acc); namedJdbcTemplate.queryForInt( "select count(*) from m_accounts where account_name like :name and account_type = :type", params); Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 63. Batch operations Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 64. Batch by jdbcTemplate public void batchUpdate(final List<Account> accounts) { jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate( "update accounts set account_name = ?, account_type = ? where account_id = ?", new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) { ps.setString(1, accounts.get(i).getName()); ps.setString(2, accounts.get(i).getType()); ps.setLong(3, accounts.get(i).getId()); } public int getBatchSize() { return accounts.size(); } }); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 65. Batch by namedJdbcTemplate public void batchUpdate2(final List<Account> accounts) { SqlParameterSource[] batch = SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(accounts.toArray()); namedJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate( "update m_accounts set account_name = :name, account_type = :type where account_id = :id", batch); } Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 66. SimpleJdbcInsert simpleJdbcInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName("accounts"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("account_id", 12); params.put("account_name", "name"); params.put("account_type", "type"); simpleJdbcInsert.execute(params); Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 67. Summary Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 68. Spring Data Access  promote layered architecture principles  loose coupling between API and DAO layers  supports top data access technologies  flexible transaction management Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 69. Benefits of declarative transactions  consistent model across different transaction APIs  JTA  JDBC  JPA  Hibernate  supports for declarative transaction management  simple API for programmatic transactions Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 70. Declarative transactions  any environment  any classes  rollback rules  customize transactional behavior  not support transaction contexts across remote calls Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 71. Links  Spring reference  -framework-reference/html/spring-data-tier.html  wiki: ACID   wiki: isolation   JTA  Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 72. Books Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 73. Questions Spring Framework - Data Access Dmitry Noskov
  • 74. The end