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Frases hechas en Ingles y
expresiones comunes
En el aprendizaje de cualquier idioma y, por supuesto del Ingles,es
importantísimo conocerel contexto, las expresionescoloquiales
sin una traducción literal, frases hechas yexpresionescomunes
que si tuvieramos que traducir literalmente perderíanparte de su
A continuación puedes disfrutar de el listado de expresiones
coloquiales en Ingles con mas de 740 frases hechas dentro de las
cuales están algunas de las frases más usadas en ingles.La
correcta utilización de este tipo de frases en ingles es un
parametro decisivo a la hora de evaluar en nivel de conocimientos
de este idioma.
Listado de frases hechas y expresiones coloquiales en ingles
“debajo de” : below/beneath/under/underneath
“echartodo a rodar” :spoil things
“quedar malcon” :not be on good terms with
“tomarse el trabajo de” : take the trouble to
“concerniente a”: concerning
“celebrarla fiesta quinceañera”: have a coming-outparty
“llegar placé”: be late
“irse de parranda”: go on a spree
“dar una vuelta” : take a turn/turn over/talk a walk
“tener suerte” :be lucky
“además de” : apart from/besides/except/exceptfor/in addition to
“compadecerle a alguien”: sympathize with someone
“darle a uno en la matadura”: touch to the quick
“tener los alambrespelados”: not to have all ones marbles
“por causa de” : as a result/as a result of
“volvera” : return to
“leer entre renglones”: read between the lines
“perder de vista”: lose sight of
“caer en la red” : fall into the trap/fall for it
“estar rendido”: be exhausted
“llevar puesto” : be wearing
“hacercola” : queue up/stand in line/line up
“tener poco que hacer” :have little to do
“dar forma a” : put in final shape
“pegarse para ganar la gorda” : work for a living
“quedarseconfundido” :be confused
“ser muy ducho”: know the ropes
“tener dolor de cabeza” :have a headache
“saltar a la vista” : be obvious
“tener apetito” : have an appetite
“ser preciso”: be necessary
“darle a uno la gana” : feellike/want to
“hacerle a uno la pera”: do someone a bad turn
“ponerse bravo”: get angry
“armaruna bronca”: start a fight/raise Cain
“hacerle a uno un flaco servicio” :do someone a bad turn
“ponerse colorado”: blush
“hablaren voz baja” : speak softly
“guiñarun ojo” : make eyes at/flirt
“irsele a uno la onda” : be spacey/completelyforget/draw a blank
“tener en poco” : hold in low esteem
“parrarle el macho a uno” : put ones footdown
“cumplir los quince años”: make ones social debut/tener
“preguntarsecuándo”: wonder when
“hacerpuente” : take the intervening day off
“ponerse de acuerdo”: come to an agreement
“participar de” : share in
“echarflores” :flatter/sweet-talk
“venir de” : have just
“dejarle a uno de a pie” : be left holding the bag
“darsepor contento con”: be happy about/be glad about
“tener muchofrío” : feel very cold/be very cold
“a pesar de” : in spite of the fact that/in spite of
“ser de fiar” : be trustworthy/be dependable
“hacerle falts a uno” : long for
“jugarle una mala pasadaa” : play foul with one
“darle a uno coraje”: make one angry
“mandar a uno al diablo” : tell someone to go to the devil
“tomar medidas”: take measures/take measurements
“tomar a broma”: take as a joke
“estar en lo firme” : be in the right
“ir mitad mitad” : go fifty-fifty/go halves
“levantarla mesa” : clear the table
“saberllevar el compás”: be able to beat time
“darseprisa”: hurry/move quickly
“pagaren la misma moneda”: get even
“poneren ridiculo” : humiliate/make a foolof
“hablarcomo una cotorra” :be a chatterbox
“rendircuentasa” : render an accounting to/presentthe facts to
“preguntar por”: inquire about/ask for [a person]
“darle a uno en la mera matada”: strike home
“reducirsea” : amount to/find oneself forced to
“buscar pelos en la sopa”: be given to fault finding/lookfor an
“hacergracia” :strike one as funny
“preocuparse por”: worry about
“tener cancha libre”: have a clear field/have elbow room
“ser un zángano” :be a parasite/be a freeloader
“correrriesgo” : run a risk/take a chance
“prometerel oro y el moro” : promise wonders/promisethe moon
“tropezarcon” : encounter
“tener la culpa de algo” : be to blame for something
“fuera de” : outside/outsideof
“dar por seguro”: be certain/be sure
“levantarse delpie izquierdo” :get up on the wrong side of bed
“estar a la merced de” : be at the mercy of
“estrechar la mano”: shake hands
“disponerse a” : get ready to
“haberde” : be expected to/be scheduled to
“traer retraso” :be late/be behind schedule
“echarde menos” : feel the absence of
“llevarse bien con” : get along well with
“andarde prisa” : be in a hurry
“nadaren la abundancia”: be rolling in money
“oponer resistencia” : offerresistance
“meterse de hoz y coz” : elbow ones way in
“ser barbero”: butter someone up/brown-nose
“bebercomo una esponja” :drink like a fish
“pringar en todas” : have a fingerin every pie
“andarde parranda” :lead a fast life
“hacerle a uno la cama” : play a dirty trick on one
“patearle el nido a alguien” : make a mess of everything
“llegar a las manos” :come to blows/getinto a fight
“ponerénfasis”: emphasize
“ir del brazo”: walk arm in arm
“habituarse a” : accustom oneself
“estar bruja”: be broke
“disculparsepor” : apologize for
“ponerreparo” : raise objections
“estar a disgusto” : be ill at ease/feelawkward
“estar en visperas de” : be on the eve of/be about to
“irse de jarana”: go on a spree
“hacerla punta” : lead the pack or parade
“estar todo patas arriba”: be topsy-turvy
“estar en vigor” : be in effect/be in force
“ponerse chango” : be wise to someone
“tocar de oído” : play by ear
“recaersobre” : revert to
“entraren materia” : come to the point
“sacaren limpio” : deduce/understand
“quemarse las pestañas”: burn the midnight oil
“importarle a uno” : be of importance to one/concernone
“merecerla pena” : be worthwhile/be worth the trouble
“echarun párrafo”: pass the time of day
“ser lengualarga” :chatter/talk too much
“tener vergüenza” : be ashamed of
“tener que ver con” : have to do with
“costarun huevo” : bring a stiff price
“echarsaposy culebras”: swear to a blue streak
“quedarsepara vestir santos” : be left on the shelf
“quedarsehecho un idiota” : stand there like an idiot
“dar parte” :inform/report
“venir a parar” : turn out/end up
“hablarsin rodeos”: not mince any words/tell it like it is
“meter la nariz en todas partes”: stick ones nose in others
“dar rienda suelta a” : give free rein/let go
“tocar en lo vivo” : hurt deeply/cut to the quick
“por parte de” : on the part of
“ser un éxito de taquilla” : be a box-office success/be ahit
“decidirsea” : make up ones mind to
“correspondiente a” : corresponding to
“estar a cargo” : be in charge
“en frente de” : in front of
“levantarse el cuello” : boast/brag
“cortarde raíz” : nip in the bud
“tener buenas agarraderas”: know the right people/have pull
“sentir en el alma” : be terribly sorry
“cambiarel disco” : change the subject/turn the record over
“quedar a mano”: be even/be square
“tener la de malas” : be in a bad mood/be out of luck
“andarde jarana” :lead a fast life
“dar el azotón” : fall flat
“cortarla hebra”: cut off
“ser de provecho” : be good for
“ser un menso” : be an ignoramus
“subir la prima” : swear to a blue streak
“pasarla a todo dar” : have a ball
“calentarse los cascos” : rack ones brains
“estar bien parado”: be rolling in money/be well-off
“hacerla vista gorda”: pretend not to see/wink at
“sudarla gota gorda”: have a hard time/be in a sweat
“tener la bondadde” : please/pleasebe good enough to
“tener hambre”: feel hungry/be hungry
“confiar en” : rely on
“tener muchogusto en” : be very glad
“despuésde” : after/afterwards/later
“hacerle daño a uno” : hurt someone/harm someone
“sentirse molesto”: be annoyed
“pasársele a uno la mano” : overdo/go too far
“tener miedo de” : be afraid of
“pagara plazos”: pay in installments
“pretender decir” :mean/imply
“tener a uno para el fideo” : make fun of
“a causa de” : as a result of/becauseof
“hacernovillos”: cut classes/playhooky
“figurarseque” : imagine that
“servirpara”: be used for
“aguzar los oídos”: prick up ones ears/echarle a uno la viga
“hacerojos” : make eyes at/flirt
“estar por” :be for/be about to/be in favor of
“darle a uno mucha pena”: be ashamed/be shy
“dar a luz” : give birth
“dar en” : hit/take a notion to
“junto a” : close to
“empeñarse en” : insist on/be bent on
“rascarsepara adentro es grancontento”: look after oneself first
“hablarentre dientes”: mumble
“andarde farras” :lead a fast life
“caer de bruces”: fall flat/bite the dust
“ocurrirsele a uno” : occurto one
“ponermucho ojo” : pay close attention
“andaren las nubes” : be up in the clouds
“traer de cabezaa uno” : drive one crazy
“estar de viaje” : be traveling/be on the road
“dar calabazas”: break off relations
“ser un burro” :be an ignoramus
“irsele a uno el santo al cielo” : be spacey/forgetcompletely/draw
a blank
“perder la cabeza”: lose ones head/lose ones cool
“serle a uno indiferente” : be immaterial to one
“estar en su mole” : be in ones element
“hacerse el cucho”: turn a deaf ear to/refuse to consider
“oír mentar” : hear about
“estar de buen humor”: be in good humor
“caer atravesado” : rub the wrong way/be a pain in the neck
“esforzarse por”: strive to
“dar señalesde” : show signs of
“llevarse un chasco” : be disappointed/have a setback
“hacerbuenas migas”: get along well together
“antes de que” : previous to
“incorporarse a”: join
“faltar a” : absent oneself from/miss
“dar por hecho”: assume
“ser una mala ficha” : be a misfit
“estar a punto de” : be about to
“trabajar como una fiera” : work like a dog
“repetir como un perico”: parrot/say by rote
“dejar a uno en la calle” : take one to the cleaners
“estar chiflado”: have a screw loose
“nacercon estrella”: be born lucky
“tener sed” :feelthirsty/be thirsty
“estar en lo cierto” : be right/be correct
“quedarsecon” : agree to buy/agree to take
“ganarse el pan de cada día” : work for a living
“echarla culpa a” : lay the blame on
“estar en buen uso” : be in good condition
“llevar la punta” : lead/be first
“sacarventaja de” : profit by
“estar a gusto” : be contented/be comfortable
“estar hechouna furia” : be beside oneself
“quedar entendido que” : be understood that
“ponerla mesa” : set the table
“salir al encuentro de” : go out to meet
“tener muchocalor” :feelvery warm/be very warm
“pensar en” : think about
“sudarpetróleo”: have a hard time/be in a sweat
“ponerreparos”: raise objections
“estar quebrado” :be completelybroke
“tener fama de” : have the reputation of
“jugar malpapel” : make a poor showing/play a poorrole
“pasarla mano por el lomo” : butter someone up/brown-nose
“estar prevenido” : be prepared/be forewarned
“irse de farras”: go on a spree
“hacerse el loco” : act the fool
“hacerpresente” :notify/remind
“mirar de hito en hito” : stare at/eye up and down
“tener antipatia”: dislike
“tener razón”: be right
“quemarse las cejas”: burn the midnight oil
“echaral correo” :post/mail
“constarlea uno” : be evident to one
“buscarle mangas al chaleco” : complicate things
“rodearsede” : surround oneself with
“tener nada que ver con” : have nothing to do with
“burlarsede” : make fun of
“madrugarle a uno” : beat one to it
“fijarse en” : pay attention to/notice
“perder la hebrade” : lose the thread of
“catar de ver” : observe
“tomar el gusto” : begin to like/take a liking to
“echarse un trago” : take a drink
“al través de” : across
“en cuanto a” : about/concerning/on/upon/as to/as regards
“dar un empujón” : set the ball rolling/get the show on the road
“meterse a” : become/decide to become
“delante de” : before/infront of/in the presence of
“ponergorro”: annoy
“estar equivocado”: be mistaken
“dar por cierto” : be certain/be sure
“hacerun recado” : run an errand
“poneren marcha”: start/put in motion
“ser un zonzo” : be a dumbbell/be amoron
“tener gracia” :be funny
“librarse de” : get rid of/escape from
“aprovecharla ocasión” : take advantage of the situation
“dejar en paz” : leave alone
“reírsede” : make fun of
“salir a” : go out to
“estar de acuerdo”: agree
“tener fe en” : have faith in
“contrarioa” : contrary to
“tener buenas puntadas”: be a wise guy
“hacerfrente a” : confront/face up to
“ser sjonjolíde todos los moles” : have a finger in every pie
“abrirse paso” : make ones way through
“echarguáguara” : pass the time of day
“ir a lo que truje” : get to the point
“pintar venado”: cut classes/playhooky
“tener ganasde” : feellike/desire
“negarse a” : refuse to
“a fuerza de” : through/by
“ponerse disgustado”: get angry
“estar en el pellejo de otro” : be in somebodyelses shoes/parar
“ir al grano”: get down to brass tacks
“lucharpor” : stuggle to
“pasársele a uno” : get over/forget
“mandar a uno a ver si ya puso la marrania”: tell someone to go
fly a kite
“pasarel rato” : pass the time away/spend the time
“cambiarde opinión” : change ones mind
“a excepciónde” : with the exception of
“hacerse el menso”: play dumb
“meterlo en el bolsillo” : wrap someone around ones little finger
“frente a” : facing/opposite/infront of
“prestarse a”: lend itself to/be used for
“estar reventado” : be exhausted
“darsevida de rey” : live royally
“estar en plan de” : be in the mood for
“doblarla hoja” : change the subject
“caer gacho”: rub the wrong way
“dar una mano” : apply
“ponerle pino a algo” : persistin
“dar un paseo” : talk a walk
“tener la palabra” :have permissionto speak/have the floor
“ganarse la vida” : work for a living
“tener por” :consideras
“reír de dientes afuera” :half-hearted laugh
“hacercaso a uno” : pay attention to one
“ser menester” : be necessary
“tener muchomundo”: be sophisticated
“saberde sobra”: be fully aware/know only too well
“abandonar la partida”: give up/say uncle
“guardarse de” : guard against/avoid
“echarse un fogonazo”: take a drink
“ponera uno al corriente”: inform one/bring one up to date
“ser de rigor” : be proper/be indispensable
“hacerse el sordo”: turn a deaf ear/refuse to consider
“volverel estómago” : vomit
“contarcon” : count on/depend on
“tomar a pecho”: take to heart
“mandar a uno a paseo” : tell someone to fly a kite
“reír a diente pelado” : half-hearted laugh
“a menos de” : at least
“andarde fiesta en fiesta” : lead a fast life/be a swinger
“hacergestos” : make faces/make gestures
“abrirse camino”: force ones way through
“irle a uno bien” : be becoming/be well
“trabajar como burro”: work like a dog
“caer como un balde de ague” : be like a dash of cold water/be a
wet blanket
“ponerse a” : set about/begin to
“mirar por” :take care of/lookafter
“sacarjugo de” : get a lot out of
“catiar la laucha” :be on the lookout for
“darle a uno una carda” :preach at
“dejar a uno plantado”: stand someone up
“cortarel hilo” : interrupt
“obstinarse en” : persist in
“dar que hacer”: make work/cause work
“perder la vista” : go blind
“detrásde” : behind/after/in back of
“pararoreja”: prick up ones ears
“tener en la mente” : have in mind
“correrla bola” : be rumored
“caminarde arriba abajo”: pace the floor/pace up and down
“dar la razón a alguien” :acknowledge/be right
“junto con” : together with
“estar en boga” : be fashionable
“levantarse de malas” : get up on the wrong side of bed
“hacerle guaje a uno” : deceive/cheat/kid someone
“tomarle el pelo a uno” : pull someonesleg/kid someone
“ir a” : go to
“variarde opinión” : hold a differentopinion/change ones mind
“andarse con medias tazas”: beat around the bush
“caer de ancho”: fall flat
“caer gordo”: rub the wrong way
“dirigirsea” : go to/go toward
“advertirlealgo a alguien”: inform one/tell someone so
“comprara ciegas”: buy blindly
“ponerse barbero”: burn the midnight oil
“imponerse a” : dominate
“hacerarrancar”: set the ball rolling
“estar en su elemento”: be in ones element/tener trazas
“estar con el pelo del potrero” : be a hick/be a country bumkin
“estar en su cancha” : be in ones element/quitarse de en medio
“quitarse de en medio” : get out of the way
“estar en los huesos”: be nothing but skin and bone
“darsecuenta” : realize
“tomarse la libertad de” : take the liberty to
“perder elhilo de” : lose the thread of
“pesarle a uno” : be sorry for
“tener gusto en” : be glad
“ser aficionado a” : be fond of/be a fan of
“ir de compras”: go shopping
“impedir el paso” :block the way
“correrla voz” : be rumored
“ponerse a la obra” : get to work
“ponerpleito” : sue/bring charges against
“echaruna mano” : lend a hand
“tomar por cierto” : take for granted
“ganara uno la mano” : get up too early for one
“escurrir el bulto” : sneak away
“haceralarde” :boast/brag
“echartacos”: swear to a blue streak
“darle a uno pena” : be sorry about
“rezarcon” :have to do with
“descubrir elpastel” :let the cat out of the bag
“cercade” : close/at/beside/by/near/nearby/near to/next
“hacerhincapié”: emphasize/insistupon
“echarde ver” : notice/observe
“presumirde” : consideroneself to be
“ser chistoso” :be funny
“parecer chistoso”: strike one as funny
“estar a favor de” : be in favor of/be for
“ponerle al tanto a uno” : bring one up to date
“estar de turno” : be on duty/be on ones shift
“cerrarel pico” : keep still
“salirse con la suya” : get ones way/get away with
“matar dos pájarosde una pedrada” : kill two birds with one stone
“irse de tuna” : go on a spree
“velar por” :protect/watch over/take care of
“estar en las nubes” :daydream/be high priced
“hacerse a un lado” : get out of the way
“perdersede vista” : vanish/disappear
“tomar una siestita” : take a nap
“esforzarse en” : strive to
“gritar como marrano atorado en un caño” : scream like a stuck
“sabera” : taste like
“estar para”: be about to
“valer la pena” : be worthwhile
“tener vara alta” : have far-reaching influence/carry a big stick
“estar muy pesudo”: be rolling in money
“dar mucha pena” : be very embarrassing
“atender razones” : listen to reason
“quedar en paz”: be even/be square
“ser ajonjolíde todos los” : be as commonas dirt/be a dime a
“tener sin cuidado”: care less
“convenirle a uno” : be to ones advantage/be advisable
“antes de” : before
“darseaires”: put on airs
“reflejarseen” : reflecton/bring credit upon/bring discreditupon
“saberal dedillo” : know perfectly/knowin detail
“hacerse tarde”: become late/get late
“perder los estribos” : lose ones mind/flip out
“ponerpies en polvorosa”: run away/beat it/hightail it
“llorar a lágrima viva” : cry like a baby
“oír hablar de” : hear about
“sabera gloria” : be delicious
“arrojar la esponja”: give up/say uncle
“respeto a” : with respectto
“despedirse a la francesa” :take French leave
“dar lata” : bother
“dar curso libre”: let go/give free rein to
“hacerojitos” : flirt
“provocarle a uno” : be eager to/desire/feellike/want to
“meterse con” :pick a fight with
“sacarpartido de” : profit by/gain by
“trompezar con”: encounter/run into
“dar a entender”: insinuate/pretend/give to understand
“sentirse uno así no más” : feelbelow par
“estar de moda” : be fashionable
“andarvuelta y vuelta” : pace up and down
“equivocarsede” : be mistaken about
“tomarle la palabraa uno” : take one at ones word
“hacerfalta” : be necessary/have need of
“dar boleto a uno” : pay attention to one
“nacerde pie” : be born lucky
“pegarse palo” : be disappointed/have a setback
“jugar buen papel” : make a good showing
“colgarle a uno el muerto”: pass the buck
“hablarquedito”: speak softly
“quedar en” : agree/agree on/promise to
“hacersu agosto” : feather ones nest/make a killing
“caer como un cubetazo de agua fría” : be like a dash of cold
“pasarde largo” : pass by [without stopping]
“escapárselea uno” : escape ones attention
“alrededor de” : about/around/towards
“quedarsepara vender estampas y milagros” : be left on the shelf
“morderse la lengua” : hold ones tongue/keep quiet
“preguntarsecómo” :wonder how
“ir a medias” : go fifty-fifty/go halves
“salir a pedir de boca” : be all one could wish for
“divertirseen grande”: have the time of ones life
“echarla llave” : lock the door
“hacerescala” : make a scheduled stop/stopover
“por razónde” : due to/for the reason of/because of
“seguirel rastro” :trace/track down
“disponerde” : have at ones disposal/spend/getrid of/dispose
“tenerse en pie” : stand
“enterarse de” : find out about/learn
“mirar de lado” : look askance at/look at with a side glance
“pasarde hilo” : pass by [without stopping]
“dar la lata” : bother
“echarla casa por la ventana” : go all out
“barrerpara adentro”: look after oneself/take care of number one
“juntarse con” :associate with/join
“valerse de” : avail oneself
“conformea” : in accordance with
“referirsea” : refer to
“fiarse de” : trust/rely on
“dejarse de historias”: come to the point
“tomar el polvo” : run away
“tener campoy tabla” : have elbowroom
“trabaramistad”: strike up a friendship
“pagarlos gastos” : pay the expenses/footthe bill
“pedirle peras alolmo” : try to get blood from a turnip
“llevar la delantera”: be ahead
“estar a la expectativa” :be on the lookout for
“llevar a cabo” : accomplish/carryout
“armarun San Quintín” : start a fight/raise Cain
“tener muchoque hacer”: have a lot to do
“prender fuego a” : set fire to/set on fire
“prender candela” : set fire to/seton fire
“llevar uno su merecido”: get whats coming
“ser una perla” : be a treasure/be a jewel
“mandar a uno a la porra”: tell someone to jump in a lake
“tomar el rábano por las hojas” : put the cart before the horse
“ser muy codo” : be stingy
“dar de baja” : discharge/drop
“reflexionar sobre”: reflecton/think over
“pensar de” : have an opinion about/think of
“relativamente a” : relative to
“consultarcon la almohada”: thing something over
“decir entre dientes” : mumble/mutter
“echarflotas” : boast/brag
“tocante a” : about/concerning/on/upon/as to/as regards
“salir del paso” : manage/get by
“hacerse el tonto” : play the fool
“tener sueño”: feelsleepy/be sleepy
“mirar alrededor” :look around
“tener calor”: feel warm/be warm
“colgarle a uno el milagro” :shift responsibility
“estar resentido” :be offended
“ir de tiendas” :go shopping
“llegar a ser” : become/getto be
“lejos de” : far from
“tomarse la molestia de” : take the trouble to
“tener la culpa” : be to blame
“tener al corriente”: keep someone posted
“echarlos bofes” : work hard
“romper a” : begin/suddenlystart to/burst out
“apresurarsea” : hasten to/hurry to
“en vez de” : instead of/in place of
“darle a uno vergüenza” : be ashamed/be shy
“tener pesarpor” :be sorry about
“quitar la mesa” : clear the table
“caer mal” : rub the wrong way
“darsecuenta de” : realize/be aware of
“preguntarsesí” : wonder if
“dar pena”: arouse pity
“estar muy metido en” : be deeplyinvolved in
“dar una metida de pata” : make a false move
“ponerse en camino” : start out/hit the road
“salir al pelo” : be all one could wish for
“tener frío” : feelcold/be cold
“buscarle tres pies al gato” : complicate things
“cantarclaro” :tell it like it is/not to mince words
“decir para sí” :say to oneself
“venir a” : come to
“echarse a uno a la bolsa” : wrap someone around ones little
finger/compadecerse de alguien
“compadecersede alguien” : pity
“jugar sucio”: play dirty/play a dirty trick on someone
“tener en la punta de la lengua”: have on the tip of ones tongue
“hacerjuego”: match/go well with
“echara perder”: spoil/go to waste
“estar arrancado” : be broke
“darle la suave a uno” : butter someone up/brown-nose
“hablara calzón” :tell it like it is/not to mince words
“caerse de su propio peso” : be self-evident/be obvious
“hacerbuen papel”: make a good showing
“quedar en de” : promise to
“llevar ventaja”: be ahead/have a lead
“quedar como postes”: sit like a bump on a log
“dejar a uno en la estacada”: stand someone up
“salir ganando”: come out ahead
“ser cabeza de turco” : be the scapegoat/be a patsy
“acabar de” : have just
“jugar con dos barajas” :double-cross/playboth ends against the
“caer en la ratonera” : fall for it
“congruamente a” : congruent to
“beberhasta reventar”: drink like a fish
“prestar atención”: pay attention/be alert
“serle a uno igual” : be all the same to one/make to differenceto
“contentarsecon” : be satisfied with
“llover a cántaros”: rain bucketsful/pour
“ser todo un verdadero relajo” : be topsy-turvy
“hacertango”: put on a show/make a scene
“pararle elcarro a uno” : offerresistance/putan end to something
“acusar recibo de” : acknowledge receiptof
“ser un pendejo”: be a moron
“apretar elpaso” : hasten/hurry
“cogera uno la delantera”: get up too early for one
“estar salado” :be out of luck
“hacercaras”: flirt
“llevar la contra”: oppose/contradict
“tomar cuerpo”: take shape
“callarse la boca” : keep still/hold ones tongue
“darle a uno una soberana paliza”: give one a trouncing
“tener relación con”: have relation with/have connection with
“darle a uno hasta por debajo” : give one a trouncing
“ponérsele a uno carne de gallina”: get gooseflesh/getgoose
“ser una trucha”: know the ropes
“tener dolor de estómago” :have a stomach ache
“pasarestrecheces” :feelthe pinch
“hacerse de noche”: get dark
“tener muchavara”: have far-reaching influence/carry a big stick
“dar lástima” : arouse pity
“tener en cuenta” :consider/keep inmind/take into account
“haceraparecerel peine” : let the cat out of the bag
“dar las gracias”: thank/be grateful
“hacermal papel” : make a poorshowing/play a poorrole
“estar en buenas condiciones”: be in good condition
“ver visiones” :have false notions/be seeing things
“pararla oreja” : prick up ones ears/tener buenas aldabas
“tener buenas aldabas” :know the right people
“echarse de boca” : fall flat/bite the dust
“prometerlas perlas de la Virgen” : promise wonders/promise
“extrañarle a uno” : seem strange to one
“procederen contra” : take action against
“estar con los pelos de la dehesa”: be a country bumkin/be a hick
“tomarla con”: pick on/have a grudge against
“decir piropos”: sweet-talk
“dar ánimo” : cheer up
“pedir prestado”: borrow/ask someone to lend one something
“dejarse de cuentos” : come to the point
“ser presentadaen sociedad” :make ones socialdebut
“tener mercadocon” : trade with
“molestarse con” :bother about/take the trouble to
“tener algo que hacer”: have something to do
“emborrachar la perdiz” : beat around the bush
“dar el pésame por”: presentones condolences
“andarcomo loco” : run around like crazy
“tener prisa”: be in a hurry
“tocarle a uno” : concern one/be ones turn
“seguirlo hasta que se eche” : breathe down someonesneck/bug
“acertar a” : happen to
“andartorcido”: feel the pinch
“estar sentido” : be offended
“darle rabia a uno” : make one angry
“estar de luto” : be in mourning
“irse de juerga”: go on a spree
“dar gato por liebre” : deceive/cheat
“encargarsede” : take charge of
“comunicarse con”: get in touch with
“decir agudezas” :be witty
“salirle a uno gabacho” :be mistaken about
“estar de duelo” : be in mouring
“tener la intención de” : mean to/aim to
“dar la vuelta a algo” : go around something/rotate something
“pasarde la raya” : go too far
“ser un vampiro” :be a parasite/be a freeloader
“quedar en los huesos” :be a mere skeleton/be nothing but skin
and bones
“irle a uno mal” : be unbecoming/be unwell
“abundarcomo la mala hierba”: be as commonas dirt/be a dime
a dozen
“dejarse de rodeos”: stop beating around the bush
“echarun sueño” :take a nap
“dejar de” : cease/stop
“quedar biencon” : get along well with/make a hit with
“irse a los moquetes”: come to blow/get into a fight
“acostumbrarsea” : accustom oneself/getused to/become
accustomed to
“formar partede” : be a memberof/be a part of
“irse de rumba”: go on a spree
“meter en un puño a uno” : have someone over a barrel
“tener muchased” : feel very thirsty/be very thirsty
“hacerun mandado” :run an errand
“cambiarde tema” : change the subject
“pararle elmacho a uno” : offerresistance
“pasársela a uno” : deceive/cheat
“echarse para atrás” : back out/back down/give in
“tener presente”: realize/bear in mind
“andarde malas” : be out of luck
“pasarse sin” : get along without
“dar ayotes”: give one the brush-off
“hincarsede rodillas” : kneel down
“tomar nota de” : take note of/jotdown
“poneren claro” : clear up/unravel
“darsela gran vida” : live it up
“costarun ojo de la cara” : costa lot
“estar con ánimo de” : have a notion to
“reparar en” : notice/consider
“darle a uno lo mismo” : be all the same to one/make to difference
to one
“sentir crecer la hierba” : have ears like a fox
“tomar una pestañita”: take a nap
“dentro de” : in/inside/into/on/per/within/inside/within/inside of
“resistirsea” : be unwilling to/refuse to
“abrirse elpecho” : bare ones heart/let off steam
“tener deseos de” : be eager to/want to
“ser correcto” :be well-mannered
“caer en la cuenta”: realize/take note of
“echarle a uno la viga” : preach at/tell off
“ponerse en contra” :oppose
“llegar al caso” : come to the point
“dar en el clavo” : hit the nail on the head
“andarbajo de forma” : be under the weather
“ponerse de pie” : get up/stand
“responder por”: vouch for/be responsiblefor
“gritar como si le mataran” : scream bloodymurder
“hallarse en el pellejo de otro” : be in somebodyelses shoes
“hacerse ilusiones”: get your hopes up
“ser mano” :lead/be first
“pasarhambres” :feelthe pinch
“tener el riñon bien cubierto”: be well-off/be well-heeled
“tener éxito” : be successful
“llamar la atención”: attract attention/reprimand
“irse al moño” : get into a fight [between women]
“dar guerra”: make trouble
“comprarpotrillo en panza de yegua”: buy a pig in a poke
“estar seguro” : be certain
“conocerle a uno el juego” : be wise to someone
“venirse a tierra” : collapse/fail
“ser claridoso” : not mince words/speakones mind/tell it like it is
“dar salida a” : disposeof/clearout
“querer decir” :mean
“sabera la gloria” : be delicious
“decir a todo amén” : be a yes man
“juntos” :together
“tener en mente” : have in mind
“pararle los pies a uno” : put an end to something
“andarcomo trompo chillador”: run around like a beheaded
“cruzarsede brazos” : remain indifferent
“pelar ojo” : be watchful
“dar cuerda a” : wind [clock]
“dar disgustos a” : cause grief/distress/bug
“hablarhasta por los codos”: chatter
“tener trazas”: show signs
“andarse por las ramas” : beat around the bush
“tener retraso” : be late
“salir fletado” : run away/beat it
“dirigir la palabra”: address/speakto/talk to
“estar en un error”: be mistaken
“tener el santo a espaldas” : be out of luck
“ponerel grito en el cielo” : make a great fuss
“andarbuscando guayabas en los magueyes”: try to get blood
from a turnip
“echarse a” : begin/suddenly start/set about/beginto
“estar pato” : be broke
“haceralgo a medias” : do a halfway job/do a poor job
“acerca de” : about/concerning/having to do with
“informarse de” : find out about
“tener cuidado”: be careful/be watchful
“apretar elbreque”: command respect
“tener lugar”: take place/be held
“ser de muchas vueltas”: know a trick or two
“dar un paso en falso” : make a false move
“hacercomedia”: put on a show/make a scene
“echarindirectas” : make insinuations
“fiarse en” : trust/rely on
“decir para sus adentros”: say to oneself
“dar por descontado”: take for granted
“hacerlomo en” : insist on
“quedarsea la luna de Valencia” :be left holding the bag
“mirar fijamente” :stare at
“estar de malas” : be out of luck
“ser muy mañoso”: know a trick or two
“ponerpereque”: annoy
“estar en la luna” : be up in the clouds
“echaruna siesta” : take a nap
“tener que” :have
“estar de sobra”: be superfluous/bepopular

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740 frases hechas y expresiones comunes en inglés

  • 1. Frases hechas en Ingles y expresiones comunes En el aprendizaje de cualquier idioma y, por supuesto del Ingles,es importantísimo conocerel contexto, las expresionescoloquiales sin una traducción literal, frases hechas yexpresionescomunes que si tuvieramos que traducir literalmente perderíanparte de su significado. A continuación puedes disfrutar de el listado de expresiones coloquiales en Ingles con mas de 740 frases hechas dentro de las cuales están algunas de las frases más usadas en ingles.La correcta utilización de este tipo de frases en ingles es un parametro decisivo a la hora de evaluar en nivel de conocimientos de este idioma. Listado de frases hechas y expresiones coloquiales en ingles “debajo de” : below/beneath/under/underneath “echartodo a rodar” :spoil things “quedar malcon” :not be on good terms with “tomarse el trabajo de” : take the trouble to “concerniente a”: concerning “celebrarla fiesta quinceañera”: have a coming-outparty
  • 2. “llegar placé”: be late “irse de parranda”: go on a spree “dar una vuelta” : take a turn/turn over/talk a walk “tener suerte” :be lucky “además de” : apart from/besides/except/exceptfor/in addition to “compadecerle a alguien”: sympathize with someone “darle a uno en la matadura”: touch to the quick “tener los alambrespelados”: not to have all ones marbles “por causa de” : as a result/as a result of “volvera” : return to “leer entre renglones”: read between the lines “perder de vista”: lose sight of “caer en la red” : fall into the trap/fall for it “estar rendido”: be exhausted “llevar puesto” : be wearing “hacercola” : queue up/stand in line/line up “tener poco que hacer” :have little to do “dar forma a” : put in final shape “pegarse para ganar la gorda” : work for a living “quedarseconfundido” :be confused “ser muy ducho”: know the ropes “tener dolor de cabeza” :have a headache “saltar a la vista” : be obvious “tener apetito” : have an appetite “ser preciso”: be necessary “darle a uno la gana” : feellike/want to “hacerle a uno la pera”: do someone a bad turn “ponerse bravo”: get angry “armaruna bronca”: start a fight/raise Cain “hacerle a uno un flaco servicio” :do someone a bad turn “ponerse colorado”: blush “hablaren voz baja” : speak softly “guiñarun ojo” : make eyes at/flirt “irsele a uno la onda” : be spacey/completelyforget/draw a blank “tener en poco” : hold in low esteem “parrarle el macho a uno” : put ones footdown “cumplir los quince años”: make ones social debut/tener vergüenza “preguntarsecuándo”: wonder when “hacerpuente” : take the intervening day off “ponerse de acuerdo”: come to an agreement “participar de” : share in “echarflores” :flatter/sweet-talk
  • 3. “venir de” : have just “dejarle a uno de a pie” : be left holding the bag “darsepor contento con”: be happy about/be glad about “tener muchofrío” : feel very cold/be very cold “a pesar de” : in spite of the fact that/in spite of “ser de fiar” : be trustworthy/be dependable “hacerle falts a uno” : long for “jugarle una mala pasadaa” : play foul with one “darle a uno coraje”: make one angry “mandar a uno al diablo” : tell someone to go to the devil “tomar medidas”: take measures/take measurements “tomar a broma”: take as a joke “estar en lo firme” : be in the right “ir mitad mitad” : go fifty-fifty/go halves “levantarla mesa” : clear the table “saberllevar el compás”: be able to beat time “darseprisa”: hurry/move quickly “pagaren la misma moneda”: get even “poneren ridiculo” : humiliate/make a foolof “hablarcomo una cotorra” :be a chatterbox “rendircuentasa” : render an accounting to/presentthe facts to “preguntar por”: inquire about/ask for [a person] “darle a uno en la mera matada”: strike home “reducirsea” : amount to/find oneself forced to “buscar pelos en la sopa”: be given to fault finding/lookfor an excuse/gripe “hacergracia” :strike one as funny “preocuparse por”: worry about “tener cancha libre”: have a clear field/have elbow room “ser un zángano” :be a parasite/be a freeloader “correrriesgo” : run a risk/take a chance “prometerel oro y el moro” : promise wonders/promisethe moon “tropezarcon” : encounter “tener la culpa de algo” : be to blame for something “fuera de” : outside/outsideof “dar por seguro”: be certain/be sure “levantarse delpie izquierdo” :get up on the wrong side of bed “estar a la merced de” : be at the mercy of “estrechar la mano”: shake hands “disponerse a” : get ready to “haberde” : be expected to/be scheduled to “traer retraso” :be late/be behind schedule “echarde menos” : feel the absence of
  • 4. “llevarse bien con” : get along well with “andarde prisa” : be in a hurry “nadaren la abundancia”: be rolling in money “oponer resistencia” : offerresistance “meterse de hoz y coz” : elbow ones way in “ser barbero”: butter someone up/brown-nose “bebercomo una esponja” :drink like a fish “pringar en todas” : have a fingerin every pie “andarde parranda” :lead a fast life “hacerle a uno la cama” : play a dirty trick on one “patearle el nido a alguien” : make a mess of everything “llegar a las manos” :come to blows/getinto a fight “ponerénfasis”: emphasize “ir del brazo”: walk arm in arm “habituarse a” : accustom oneself “estar bruja”: be broke “disculparsepor” : apologize for “ponerreparo” : raise objections “estar a disgusto” : be ill at ease/feelawkward “estar en visperas de” : be on the eve of/be about to “irse de jarana”: go on a spree “hacerla punta” : lead the pack or parade “estar todo patas arriba”: be topsy-turvy “estar en vigor” : be in effect/be in force “ponerse chango” : be wise to someone “tocar de oído” : play by ear “recaersobre” : revert to “entraren materia” : come to the point “sacaren limpio” : deduce/understand “quemarse las pestañas”: burn the midnight oil “importarle a uno” : be of importance to one/concernone “merecerla pena” : be worthwhile/be worth the trouble “echarun párrafo”: pass the time of day “ser lengualarga” :chatter/talk too much “tener vergüenza” : be ashamed of “tener que ver con” : have to do with “costarun huevo” : bring a stiff price “echarsaposy culebras”: swear to a blue streak “quedarsepara vestir santos” : be left on the shelf “quedarsehecho un idiota” : stand there like an idiot “dar parte” :inform/report “venir a parar” : turn out/end up “hablarsin rodeos”: not mince any words/tell it like it is
  • 5. “meter la nariz en todas partes”: stick ones nose in others business “dar rienda suelta a” : give free rein/let go “tocar en lo vivo” : hurt deeply/cut to the quick “por parte de” : on the part of “ser un éxito de taquilla” : be a box-office success/be ahit “decidirsea” : make up ones mind to “correspondiente a” : corresponding to “estar a cargo” : be in charge “en frente de” : in front of “levantarse el cuello” : boast/brag “cortarde raíz” : nip in the bud “tener buenas agarraderas”: know the right people/have pull “sentir en el alma” : be terribly sorry “cambiarel disco” : change the subject/turn the record over “quedar a mano”: be even/be square “tener la de malas” : be in a bad mood/be out of luck “andarde jarana” :lead a fast life “dar el azotón” : fall flat “cortarla hebra”: cut off “ser de provecho” : be good for “ser un menso” : be an ignoramus “subir la prima” : swear to a blue streak “pasarla a todo dar” : have a ball “calentarse los cascos” : rack ones brains “estar bien parado”: be rolling in money/be well-off “hacerla vista gorda”: pretend not to see/wink at “sudarla gota gorda”: have a hard time/be in a sweat “tener la bondadde” : please/pleasebe good enough to “tener hambre”: feel hungry/be hungry “confiar en” : rely on “tener muchogusto en” : be very glad “despuésde” : after/afterwards/later “hacerle daño a uno” : hurt someone/harm someone “sentirse molesto”: be annoyed “pasársele a uno la mano” : overdo/go too far “tener miedo de” : be afraid of “pagara plazos”: pay in installments “pretender decir” :mean/imply “tener a uno para el fideo” : make fun of “a causa de” : as a result of/becauseof “hacernovillos”: cut classes/playhooky “figurarseque” : imagine that
  • 6. “servirpara”: be used for “aguzar los oídos”: prick up ones ears/echarle a uno la viga “hacerojos” : make eyes at/flirt “estar por” :be for/be about to/be in favor of “darle a uno mucha pena”: be ashamed/be shy “dar a luz” : give birth “dar en” : hit/take a notion to “junto a” : close to “empeñarse en” : insist on/be bent on “rascarsepara adentro es grancontento”: look after oneself first “hablarentre dientes”: mumble “andarde farras” :lead a fast life “caer de bruces”: fall flat/bite the dust “ocurrirsele a uno” : occurto one “ponermucho ojo” : pay close attention “andaren las nubes” : be up in the clouds “traer de cabezaa uno” : drive one crazy “estar de viaje” : be traveling/be on the road “dar calabazas”: break off relations “ser un burro” :be an ignoramus “irsele a uno el santo al cielo” : be spacey/forgetcompletely/draw a blank “perder la cabeza”: lose ones head/lose ones cool “serle a uno indiferente” : be immaterial to one “estar en su mole” : be in ones element “hacerse el cucho”: turn a deaf ear to/refuse to consider “oír mentar” : hear about “estar de buen humor”: be in good humor “caer atravesado” : rub the wrong way/be a pain in the neck “esforzarse por”: strive to “dar señalesde” : show signs of “llevarse un chasco” : be disappointed/have a setback “hacerbuenas migas”: get along well together “antes de que” : previous to “incorporarse a”: join “faltar a” : absent oneself from/miss “dar por hecho”: assume “ser una mala ficha” : be a misfit “estar a punto de” : be about to “trabajar como una fiera” : work like a dog “repetir como un perico”: parrot/say by rote “dejar a uno en la calle” : take one to the cleaners “estar chiflado”: have a screw loose
  • 7. “nacercon estrella”: be born lucky “tener sed” :feelthirsty/be thirsty “estar en lo cierto” : be right/be correct “quedarsecon” : agree to buy/agree to take “ganarse el pan de cada día” : work for a living “echarla culpa a” : lay the blame on “estar en buen uso” : be in good condition “llevar la punta” : lead/be first “sacarventaja de” : profit by “estar a gusto” : be contented/be comfortable “estar hechouna furia” : be beside oneself “quedar entendido que” : be understood that “ponerla mesa” : set the table “salir al encuentro de” : go out to meet “tener muchocalor” :feelvery warm/be very warm “pensar en” : think about “sudarpetróleo”: have a hard time/be in a sweat “ponerreparos”: raise objections “estar quebrado” :be completelybroke “tener fama de” : have the reputation of “jugar malpapel” : make a poor showing/play a poorrole “pasarla mano por el lomo” : butter someone up/brown-nose “estar prevenido” : be prepared/be forewarned “irse de farras”: go on a spree “hacerse el loco” : act the fool “hacerpresente” :notify/remind “mirar de hito en hito” : stare at/eye up and down “tener antipatia”: dislike “tener razón”: be right “quemarse las cejas”: burn the midnight oil “echaral correo” :post/mail “constarlea uno” : be evident to one “buscarle mangas al chaleco” : complicate things “rodearsede” : surround oneself with “tener nada que ver con” : have nothing to do with “burlarsede” : make fun of “madrugarle a uno” : beat one to it “fijarse en” : pay attention to/notice “perder la hebrade” : lose the thread of “catar de ver” : observe “tomar el gusto” : begin to like/take a liking to “echarse un trago” : take a drink “al través de” : across
  • 8. “en cuanto a” : about/concerning/on/upon/as to/as regards “dar un empujón” : set the ball rolling/get the show on the road “meterse a” : become/decide to become “delante de” : before/infront of/in the presence of “ponergorro”: annoy “estar equivocado”: be mistaken “dar por cierto” : be certain/be sure “hacerun recado” : run an errand “poneren marcha”: start/put in motion “ser un zonzo” : be a dumbbell/be amoron “tener gracia” :be funny “librarse de” : get rid of/escape from “aprovecharla ocasión” : take advantage of the situation “dejar en paz” : leave alone “reírsede” : make fun of “salir a” : go out to “estar de acuerdo”: agree “tener fe en” : have faith in “contrarioa” : contrary to “tener buenas puntadas”: be a wise guy “hacerfrente a” : confront/face up to “ser sjonjolíde todos los moles” : have a finger in every pie “abrirse paso” : make ones way through “echarguáguara” : pass the time of day “ir a lo que truje” : get to the point “pintar venado”: cut classes/playhooky “tener ganasde” : feellike/desire “negarse a” : refuse to “a fuerza de” : through/by “ponerse disgustado”: get angry “estar en el pellejo de otro” : be in somebodyelses shoes/parar oreja “ir al grano”: get down to brass tacks “lucharpor” : stuggle to “pasársele a uno” : get over/forget “mandar a uno a ver si ya puso la marrania”: tell someone to go fly a kite “pasarel rato” : pass the time away/spend the time “cambiarde opinión” : change ones mind “a excepciónde” : with the exception of “hacerse el menso”: play dumb “meterlo en el bolsillo” : wrap someone around ones little finger “frente a” : facing/opposite/infront of
  • 9. “prestarse a”: lend itself to/be used for “estar reventado” : be exhausted “darsevida de rey” : live royally “estar en plan de” : be in the mood for “doblarla hoja” : change the subject “caer gacho”: rub the wrong way “dar una mano” : apply “ponerle pino a algo” : persistin “dar un paseo” : talk a walk “tener la palabra” :have permissionto speak/have the floor “ganarse la vida” : work for a living “tener por” :consideras “reír de dientes afuera” :half-hearted laugh “hacercaso a uno” : pay attention to one “ser menester” : be necessary “tener muchomundo”: be sophisticated “saberde sobra”: be fully aware/know only too well “abandonar la partida”: give up/say uncle “guardarse de” : guard against/avoid “echarse un fogonazo”: take a drink “ponera uno al corriente”: inform one/bring one up to date “ser de rigor” : be proper/be indispensable “hacerse el sordo”: turn a deaf ear/refuse to consider “volverel estómago” : vomit “contarcon” : count on/depend on “tomar a pecho”: take to heart “mandar a uno a paseo” : tell someone to fly a kite “reír a diente pelado” : half-hearted laugh “a menos de” : at least “andarde fiesta en fiesta” : lead a fast life/be a swinger “hacergestos” : make faces/make gestures “abrirse camino”: force ones way through “irle a uno bien” : be becoming/be well “trabajar como burro”: work like a dog “caer como un balde de ague” : be like a dash of cold water/be a wet blanket “ponerse a” : set about/begin to “mirar por” :take care of/lookafter “sacarjugo de” : get a lot out of “catiar la laucha” :be on the lookout for “darle a uno una carda” :preach at “dejar a uno plantado”: stand someone up “cortarel hilo” : interrupt
  • 10. “obstinarse en” : persist in “dar que hacer”: make work/cause work “perder la vista” : go blind “detrásde” : behind/after/in back of “pararoreja”: prick up ones ears “tener en la mente” : have in mind “correrla bola” : be rumored “caminarde arriba abajo”: pace the floor/pace up and down “dar la razón a alguien” :acknowledge/be right “junto con” : together with “estar en boga” : be fashionable “levantarse de malas” : get up on the wrong side of bed “hacerle guaje a uno” : deceive/cheat/kid someone “tomarle el pelo a uno” : pull someonesleg/kid someone “ir a” : go to “variarde opinión” : hold a differentopinion/change ones mind “andarse con medias tazas”: beat around the bush “caer de ancho”: fall flat “caer gordo”: rub the wrong way “dirigirsea” : go to/go toward “advertirlealgo a alguien”: inform one/tell someone so “comprara ciegas”: buy blindly “ponerse barbero”: burn the midnight oil “imponerse a” : dominate “hacerarrancar”: set the ball rolling “estar en su elemento”: be in ones element/tener trazas “estar con el pelo del potrero” : be a hick/be a country bumkin “estar en su cancha” : be in ones element/quitarse de en medio “quitarse de en medio” : get out of the way “estar en los huesos”: be nothing but skin and bone “darsecuenta” : realize “tomarse la libertad de” : take the liberty to “perder elhilo de” : lose the thread of “pesarle a uno” : be sorry for “tener gusto en” : be glad “ser aficionado a” : be fond of/be a fan of “ir de compras”: go shopping “impedir el paso” :block the way “correrla voz” : be rumored “ponerse a la obra” : get to work “ponerpleito” : sue/bring charges against “echaruna mano” : lend a hand
  • 11. “tomar por cierto” : take for granted “ganara uno la mano” : get up too early for one “escurrir el bulto” : sneak away “haceralarde” :boast/brag “echartacos”: swear to a blue streak “darle a uno pena” : be sorry about “rezarcon” :have to do with “descubrir elpastel” :let the cat out of the bag “cercade” : close/at/beside/by/near/nearby/near to/next to/about/approximately “hacerhincapié”: emphasize/insistupon “echarde ver” : notice/observe “presumirde” : consideroneself to be “ser chistoso” :be funny “parecer chistoso”: strike one as funny “estar a favor de” : be in favor of/be for “ponerle al tanto a uno” : bring one up to date “estar de turno” : be on duty/be on ones shift “cerrarel pico” : keep still “salirse con la suya” : get ones way/get away with “matar dos pájarosde una pedrada” : kill two birds with one stone “irse de tuna” : go on a spree “velar por” :protect/watch over/take care of “estar en las nubes” :daydream/be high priced “hacerse a un lado” : get out of the way “perdersede vista” : vanish/disappear “tomar una siestita” : take a nap “esforzarse en” : strive to “gritar como marrano atorado en un caño” : scream like a stuck pig “sabera” : taste like “estar para”: be about to “valer la pena” : be worthwhile “tener vara alta” : have far-reaching influence/carry a big stick “estar muy pesudo”: be rolling in money “dar mucha pena” : be very embarrassing “atender razones” : listen to reason “quedar en paz”: be even/be square “ser ajonjolíde todos los” : be as commonas dirt/be a dime a dozen “tener sin cuidado”: care less “convenirle a uno” : be to ones advantage/be advisable “antes de” : before
  • 12. “darseaires”: put on airs “reflejarseen” : reflecton/bring credit upon/bring discreditupon “saberal dedillo” : know perfectly/knowin detail “hacerse tarde”: become late/get late “perder los estribos” : lose ones mind/flip out “ponerpies en polvorosa”: run away/beat it/hightail it “llorar a lágrima viva” : cry like a baby “oír hablar de” : hear about “sabera gloria” : be delicious “arrojar la esponja”: give up/say uncle “respeto a” : with respectto “despedirse a la francesa” :take French leave “dar lata” : bother “dar curso libre”: let go/give free rein to “hacerojitos” : flirt “provocarle a uno” : be eager to/desire/feellike/want to “meterse con” :pick a fight with “sacarpartido de” : profit by/gain by “trompezar con”: encounter/run into “dar a entender”: insinuate/pretend/give to understand “sentirse uno así no más” : feelbelow par “estar de moda” : be fashionable “andarvuelta y vuelta” : pace up and down “equivocarsede” : be mistaken about “tomarle la palabraa uno” : take one at ones word “hacerfalta” : be necessary/have need of “dar boleto a uno” : pay attention to one “nacerde pie” : be born lucky “pegarse palo” : be disappointed/have a setback “jugar buen papel” : make a good showing “colgarle a uno el muerto”: pass the buck “hablarquedito”: speak softly “quedar en” : agree/agree on/promise to “hacersu agosto” : feather ones nest/make a killing “caer como un cubetazo de agua fría” : be like a dash of cold water “pasarde largo” : pass by [without stopping] “escapárselea uno” : escape ones attention “alrededor de” : about/around/towards “quedarsepara vender estampas y milagros” : be left on the shelf “morderse la lengua” : hold ones tongue/keep quiet “preguntarsecómo” :wonder how “ir a medias” : go fifty-fifty/go halves
  • 13. “salir a pedir de boca” : be all one could wish for “divertirseen grande”: have the time of ones life “echarla llave” : lock the door “hacerescala” : make a scheduled stop/stopover “por razónde” : due to/for the reason of/because of “seguirel rastro” :trace/track down “disponerde” : have at ones disposal/spend/getrid of/dispose of/clearout “tenerse en pie” : stand “enterarse de” : find out about/learn “mirar de lado” : look askance at/look at with a side glance “pasarde hilo” : pass by [without stopping] “dar la lata” : bother “echarla casa por la ventana” : go all out “barrerpara adentro”: look after oneself/take care of number one “juntarse con” :associate with/join “valerse de” : avail oneself “conformea” : in accordance with “referirsea” : refer to “fiarse de” : trust/rely on “dejarse de historias”: come to the point “tomar el polvo” : run away “tener campoy tabla” : have elbowroom “trabaramistad”: strike up a friendship “pagarlos gastos” : pay the expenses/footthe bill “pedirle peras alolmo” : try to get blood from a turnip “llevar la delantera”: be ahead “estar a la expectativa” :be on the lookout for “llevar a cabo” : accomplish/carryout “armarun San Quintín” : start a fight/raise Cain “tener muchoque hacer”: have a lot to do “prender fuego a” : set fire to/set on fire “prender candela” : set fire to/seton fire “llevar uno su merecido”: get whats coming “ser una perla” : be a treasure/be a jewel “mandar a uno a la porra”: tell someone to jump in a lake “tomar el rábano por las hojas” : put the cart before the horse “ser muy codo” : be stingy “dar de baja” : discharge/drop “reflexionar sobre”: reflecton/think over “pensar de” : have an opinion about/think of “relativamente a” : relative to “consultarcon la almohada”: thing something over
  • 14. “decir entre dientes” : mumble/mutter “echarflotas” : boast/brag “tocante a” : about/concerning/on/upon/as to/as regards “salir del paso” : manage/get by “hacerse el tonto” : play the fool “tener sueño”: feelsleepy/be sleepy “mirar alrededor” :look around “tener calor”: feel warm/be warm “colgarle a uno el milagro” :shift responsibility “estar resentido” :be offended “ir de tiendas” :go shopping “llegar a ser” : become/getto be “lejos de” : far from “tomarse la molestia de” : take the trouble to “tener la culpa” : be to blame “tener al corriente”: keep someone posted “echarlos bofes” : work hard “romper a” : begin/suddenlystart to/burst out “apresurarsea” : hasten to/hurry to “en vez de” : instead of/in place of “darle a uno vergüenza” : be ashamed/be shy “tener pesarpor” :be sorry about “quitar la mesa” : clear the table “caer mal” : rub the wrong way “darsecuenta de” : realize/be aware of “preguntarsesí” : wonder if “dar pena”: arouse pity “estar muy metido en” : be deeplyinvolved in “dar una metida de pata” : make a false move “ponerse en camino” : start out/hit the road “salir al pelo” : be all one could wish for “tener frío” : feelcold/be cold “buscarle tres pies al gato” : complicate things “cantarclaro” :tell it like it is/not to mince words “decir para sí” :say to oneself “venir a” : come to “echarse a uno a la bolsa” : wrap someone around ones little finger/compadecerse de alguien “compadecersede alguien” : pity “jugar sucio”: play dirty/play a dirty trick on someone “tener en la punta de la lengua”: have on the tip of ones tongue “hacerjuego”: match/go well with “echara perder”: spoil/go to waste
  • 15. “estar arrancado” : be broke “darle la suave a uno” : butter someone up/brown-nose “hablara calzón” :tell it like it is/not to mince words “caerse de su propio peso” : be self-evident/be obvious “hacerbuen papel”: make a good showing “quedar en de” : promise to “llevar ventaja”: be ahead/have a lead “quedar como postes”: sit like a bump on a log “dejar a uno en la estacada”: stand someone up “salir ganando”: come out ahead “ser cabeza de turco” : be the scapegoat/be a patsy “acabar de” : have just “jugar con dos barajas” :double-cross/playboth ends against the middle “caer en la ratonera” : fall for it “congruamente a” : congruent to “beberhasta reventar”: drink like a fish “prestar atención”: pay attention/be alert “serle a uno igual” : be all the same to one/make to differenceto one “contentarsecon” : be satisfied with “llover a cántaros”: rain bucketsful/pour “ser todo un verdadero relajo” : be topsy-turvy “hacertango”: put on a show/make a scene “pararle elcarro a uno” : offerresistance/putan end to something “acusar recibo de” : acknowledge receiptof “ser un pendejo”: be a moron “apretar elpaso” : hasten/hurry “cogera uno la delantera”: get up too early for one “estar salado” :be out of luck “hacercaras”: flirt “llevar la contra”: oppose/contradict “tomar cuerpo”: take shape “callarse la boca” : keep still/hold ones tongue “darle a uno una soberana paliza”: give one a trouncing “tener relación con”: have relation with/have connection with “darle a uno hasta por debajo” : give one a trouncing “ponérsele a uno carne de gallina”: get gooseflesh/getgoose pimples “ser una trucha”: know the ropes “tener dolor de estómago” :have a stomach ache “pasarestrecheces” :feelthe pinch “hacerse de noche”: get dark
  • 16. “tener muchavara”: have far-reaching influence/carry a big stick “dar lástima” : arouse pity “tener en cuenta” :consider/keep inmind/take into account “haceraparecerel peine” : let the cat out of the bag “dar las gracias”: thank/be grateful “hacermal papel” : make a poorshowing/play a poorrole “estar en buenas condiciones”: be in good condition “ver visiones” :have false notions/be seeing things “pararla oreja” : prick up ones ears/tener buenas aldabas “tener buenas aldabas” :know the right people “echarse de boca” : fall flat/bite the dust “prometerlas perlas de la Virgen” : promise wonders/promise miracles “extrañarle a uno” : seem strange to one “procederen contra” : take action against “estar con los pelos de la dehesa”: be a country bumkin/be a hick “tomarla con”: pick on/have a grudge against “decir piropos”: sweet-talk “dar ánimo” : cheer up “pedir prestado”: borrow/ask someone to lend one something “dejarse de cuentos” : come to the point “ser presentadaen sociedad” :make ones socialdebut “tener mercadocon” : trade with “molestarse con” :bother about/take the trouble to “tener algo que hacer”: have something to do “emborrachar la perdiz” : beat around the bush “dar el pésame por”: presentones condolences “andarcomo loco” : run around like crazy “tener prisa”: be in a hurry “tocarle a uno” : concern one/be ones turn “seguirlo hasta que se eche” : breathe down someonesneck/bug someone “acertar a” : happen to “andartorcido”: feel the pinch “estar sentido” : be offended “darle rabia a uno” : make one angry “estar de luto” : be in mourning “irse de juerga”: go on a spree “dar gato por liebre” : deceive/cheat “encargarsede” : take charge of “comunicarse con”: get in touch with “decir agudezas” :be witty “salirle a uno gabacho” :be mistaken about
  • 17. “estar de duelo” : be in mouring “tener la intención de” : mean to/aim to “dar la vuelta a algo” : go around something/rotate something “pasarde la raya” : go too far “ser un vampiro” :be a parasite/be a freeloader “quedar en los huesos” :be a mere skeleton/be nothing but skin and bones “irle a uno mal” : be unbecoming/be unwell “abundarcomo la mala hierba”: be as commonas dirt/be a dime a dozen “dejarse de rodeos”: stop beating around the bush “echarun sueño” :take a nap “dejar de” : cease/stop “quedar biencon” : get along well with/make a hit with “irse a los moquetes”: come to blow/get into a fight “acostumbrarsea” : accustom oneself/getused to/become accustomed to “formar partede” : be a memberof/be a part of “irse de rumba”: go on a spree “meter en un puño a uno” : have someone over a barrel “tener muchased” : feel very thirsty/be very thirsty “hacerun mandado” :run an errand “cambiarde tema” : change the subject “pararle elmacho a uno” : offerresistance “pasársela a uno” : deceive/cheat “echarse para atrás” : back out/back down/give in “tener presente”: realize/bear in mind “andarde malas” : be out of luck “pasarse sin” : get along without “dar ayotes”: give one the brush-off “hincarsede rodillas” : kneel down “tomar nota de” : take note of/jotdown “poneren claro” : clear up/unravel “darsela gran vida” : live it up “costarun ojo de la cara” : costa lot “estar con ánimo de” : have a notion to “reparar en” : notice/consider “darle a uno lo mismo” : be all the same to one/make to difference to one “sentir crecer la hierba” : have ears like a fox “tomar una pestañita”: take a nap “dentro de” : in/inside/into/on/per/within/inside/within/inside of “resistirsea” : be unwilling to/refuse to
  • 18. “abrirse elpecho” : bare ones heart/let off steam “tener deseos de” : be eager to/want to “ser correcto” :be well-mannered “caer en la cuenta”: realize/take note of “echarle a uno la viga” : preach at/tell off “ponerse en contra” :oppose “llegar al caso” : come to the point “dar en el clavo” : hit the nail on the head “andarbajo de forma” : be under the weather “ponerse de pie” : get up/stand “responder por”: vouch for/be responsiblefor “gritar como si le mataran” : scream bloodymurder “hallarse en el pellejo de otro” : be in somebodyelses shoes “hacerse ilusiones”: get your hopes up “ser mano” :lead/be first “pasarhambres” :feelthe pinch “tener el riñon bien cubierto”: be well-off/be well-heeled “tener éxito” : be successful “llamar la atención”: attract attention/reprimand “irse al moño” : get into a fight [between women] “dar guerra”: make trouble “comprarpotrillo en panza de yegua”: buy a pig in a poke “estar seguro” : be certain “conocerle a uno el juego” : be wise to someone “venirse a tierra” : collapse/fail “ser claridoso” : not mince words/speakones mind/tell it like it is “dar salida a” : disposeof/clearout “querer decir” :mean “sabera la gloria” : be delicious “decir a todo amén” : be a yes man “juntos” :together “tener en mente” : have in mind “pararle los pies a uno” : put an end to something “andarcomo trompo chillador”: run around like a beheaded chicken “cruzarsede brazos” : remain indifferent “pelar ojo” : be watchful “dar cuerda a” : wind [clock] “dar disgustos a” : cause grief/distress/bug “hablarhasta por los codos”: chatter “tener trazas”: show signs “andarse por las ramas” : beat around the bush “tener retraso” : be late
  • 19. “salir fletado” : run away/beat it “dirigir la palabra”: address/speakto/talk to “estar en un error”: be mistaken “tener el santo a espaldas” : be out of luck “ponerel grito en el cielo” : make a great fuss “andarbuscando guayabas en los magueyes”: try to get blood from a turnip “echarse a” : begin/suddenly start/set about/beginto “estar pato” : be broke “haceralgo a medias” : do a halfway job/do a poor job “acerca de” : about/concerning/having to do with “informarse de” : find out about “tener cuidado”: be careful/be watchful “apretar elbreque”: command respect “tener lugar”: take place/be held “ser de muchas vueltas”: know a trick or two “dar un paso en falso” : make a false move “hacercomedia”: put on a show/make a scene “echarindirectas” : make insinuations “fiarse en” : trust/rely on “decir para sus adentros”: say to oneself “dar por descontado”: take for granted “hacerlomo en” : insist on “quedarsea la luna de Valencia” :be left holding the bag “mirar fijamente” :stare at “estar de malas” : be out of luck “ser muy mañoso”: know a trick or two “ponerpereque”: annoy “estar en la luna” : be up in the clouds “echaruna siesta” : take a nap “tener que” :have “estar de sobra”: be superfluous/bepopular