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Docker & Linux Containers
Araf Karsh Hamid
1. Docker
1. Docker Container
2. Docker Key Concepts
3. Docker Internals
4. Docker Architecture Linux Vs. OS X
5. Docker Architecture Windows
6. Docker Architecture Linux (Docker Daemon and Client)
7. Anatomy of Dockerfile
8. Building a Docker Image
9. Creating and Running a Docker Container
10. Invoking Docker Container using Java ProcessBuilder
2. Linux Containers
Docker containers are Linux Containers
• Kernel Feature
• Groups of Processes
• Control Resource
• CPU, CPU Sets
• Memory
• Disk
• Block I/O
• Not a File System
• Not a VHD
• Basically a tar file
• Has a Hierarchy
• Arbitrary Depth
• Fits into Docker Registry
• The real magic behind
• It creates barriers between
• Different Namespaces
• PID Namespace
• Net Namespace
• IPC Namespace
• MNT Namespace
• Linux Kernel Namespace
introduced between kernel
2.6.15 – 2.6.26
docker run lxc-start
Docker Key Concepts
• Docker images
• A Docker image is a read-only template.
• For example, an image could contain an Ubuntu operating system with Apache and your
web application installed.
• Images are used to create Docker containers.
• Docker provides a simple way to build new images or update existing images, or you can
download Docker images that other people have already created.
• Docker images are the build component of Docker.
• Docker containers
• Docker containers are similar to a directory.
• A Docker container holds everything that is needed for an application to run.
• Each container is created from a Docker image.
• Docker containers can be run, started, stopped, moved, and deleted.
• Each container is an isolated and secure application platform.
• Docker containers are the run component of Docker.
• Docker Registries
• Docker registries hold images.
• These are public or private stores from which you upload or download images.
• The public Docker registry is called Docker Hub.
• It provides a huge collection of existing images for your use.
• These can be images you create yourself or you can use images that others have
previously created.
• Docker registries are the distribution component of Docker.
Docker Architecture Linux Vs. OS X
• In an OS X installation, the docker daemon is running inside a Linux virtual
machine provided by Boot2Docker.
• In OS X, the Docker host address is the address of the Linux VM. When you start
the boot2docker process, the VM is assigned an IP address. Under boot2docker
ports on a container map to ports on the VM.
Docker – Somewhere in the Future …… 
Docker Running natively in Windows!
Docker Architecture – Linux
• Docker Daemon
• Docker daemon, which does the heavy lifting of
building, running, and distributing your Docker
• Both the Docker client and the daemon can run on
the same system, or you can connect a Docker client
to a remote Docker daemon.
• The Docker client and daemon communicate via
sockets or through a RESTful API.
• Docker Client (docker) Commands
• search (Search images in the Docker
• pull (Pull the Image)
• run (Run the container)
• create (Create the container)
• build (build an image using Dockerfile)
• images (Shows images)
• push (Push the container to Docker
• import / export
• start (start a stopped container)
• stop (stop a container)
• restart (Restart a container)
• save (Save an image to a tar archive)
• exec (Run a command in a running
• top (Look at the running process in a
• ps (List the containers)
• attach (Attach to a running Container)
• diff (Inspect changes to a containers file
$ docker search applifire
$ docker pull applifire/jdk:7
$ docker images
$ docker run –it applifire/jdk:7 /bin/bash
Docker client examples
Searching in
the docker
registry for
Images in your
local registry
after the build
or directly
pulled from
To pull an image
docker pull applifire/tomcat
Analyzing “docker run –it ubuntu /bin/bash” command
In order, Docker does the following:
1. Pulls the ubuntu image:
• Docker checks for the presence of the ubuntu image and, if it doesn't exist
locally on the host, then Docker downloads it from Docker Hub.
• If the image already exists, then Docker uses it for the new container.
• Creates a new container: Once Docker has the image, it uses it to create a
2. Allocates a filesystem and mounts a read-write layer:
• The container is created in the file system and a read-write layer is added to
the image.
3. Allocates a network / bridge interface:
• Creates a network interface that allows the Docker container to talk to the
local host.
4. Sets up an IP address:
• Finds and attaches an available IP address from a pool.
5. Executes a process that you specify:
• Runs your application, and;
6. Captures and provides application output:
• Connects and logs standard input, outputs and errors for you to see how
your application is running.
Anatomy of a Dockerfile
Command Description Example
The FROM instruction sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions. As
such, a valid Dockerfile must have FROM as its first instruction. The image
can be any valid image – it is especially easy to start by pulling an image
from the Public repositories
FROM ubuntu
FROM applifire/jdk:7
The MAINTAINER instruction allows you to set the Author field of the
generated images.
MAINTAINER arafkarsh
The LABEL instruction adds metadata to an image. A LABEL is a key-value
pair. To include spaces within a LABEL value, use quotes and blackslashes as
you would in command-line parsing.
LABEL version="1.0”
LABEL vendor=“Algo”
The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the
current image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will
be used for the next step in the Dockerfile.
RUN apt-get install -y curl
The ADD instruction copies new files, directories or remote file URLs from
<src> and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>.
ADD hom* /mydir/
ADD hom?.txt /mydir/
The COPY instruction copies new files or directories from <src> and adds
them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>.
COPY hom* /mydir/
COPY hom?.txt /mydir/
The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value
<value>. This value will be in the environment of all "descendent" Dockerfile
commands and can be replaced inline in many as well.
The EXPOSE instructions informs Docker that the container will listen on the
specified network ports at runtime. Docker uses this information to
interconnect containers using links and to determine which ports to expose
to the host when using the –P flag with docker client.
Anatomy of a Dockerfile
Command Description Example
The VOLUME instruction creates a mount point with the specified
name and marks it as holding externally mounted volumes from
native host or other containers. The value can be a JSON array,
VOLUME ["/var/log/"], or a plain string with multiple arguments,
such as VOLUME /var/log or VOLUME /var/log
VOLUME /data/webapps
The USER instruction sets the user name or UID to use when running
the image and for any RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions that
follow it in the Dockerfile.
USER applifire
The WORKDIR instruction sets the working directory for any RUN,
CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD instructions that follow it in the
WORKDIR /home/user
There can only be one CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. If you list
more than one CMD then only the last CMD will take effect.
The main purpose of a CMD is to provide defaults for an executing
container. These defaults can include an executable, or they can omit
the executable, in which case you must specify an ENTRYPOINT
instruction as well.
CMD echo "This is a test."
| wc -
An ENTRYPOINT allows you to configure a container that will run as
an executable. Command line arguments to docker run <image> will
be appended after all elements in an exec form ENTRYPOINT, and will
override all elements specified using CMD. This allows arguments to
be passed to the entry point, i.e., docker run <image> -d will pass the
-d argument to the entry point. You can override the ENTRYPOINT
instruction using the docker run --entrypoint flag.
ENTRYPOINT ["top", "-b"]
Building a Docker image : Base Ubuntu
• Dockerfile (Text File)
• Create the Dockerfile
• Build image using Dockerfile
• The following command will
build the docker image
based on the Dockerfile.
• Docker will download any
required build automatically
from the Docker registry.
• docker build –t
applifire/ubuntu .
• This will build a base ubuntu
with enough Linux utilities
for the development
Building a Docker Image : Java 8 (JRE) + Tomcat 8
• Dockerfile (Text File)
1. Create the Java (JRE8) Dockerfile
with Ubuntu as the base image.
2. Create the Tomcat Dockerfile with
JRE8 as the base image.
• Build image using Dockerfile
1. Build Java 8 (JRE) Docker Image
docker build –t applifire/jre:8 .
1. Build Tomcat 8 Docker Image
docker build –t applifire/tomcat:jre8 .
Building a Docker Image : Java 7 (JDK) + Gradle 2.3
• Dockerfile (Text File)
1. Create the Java (JDK7) Dockerfile
with Ubuntu as the base image.
2. Create the Gradle Dockerfile with
Java (JDK7) as the base image.
• Build image using Dockerfile
1. Build Java 7 (JDK) Docker Image
docker build –t applifire/jdk:7 .
1. Build Gradle 2.3 Docker Image
docker build –t applifire/gradle:jdk7 .
Creating & Running Docker Containers
docker run Example
-d Detached mode
To run servers like Tomcat, Apache Web
Publish Container’s Port
IP:hostport:ContainerPort 192.a.b.c:80:8080
IP::ContainerPort 192.a.b.c::8080
HostPort:ContainerPort 8081:8080
-it Run Interactive Mode
When you want to log into the container.
This mode works fine from a Unix Shell.
However, ensure that you don’t use this
mode when running it through the
ProcessBuilder in Java.
-v Mount Host File System -v host-file-system:container-file-system
-name Name to the container
-w Working Directory Working Directory for the Container
-u User Name
User Name with which you can log into the
Creating & Running Docker Containers - Advanced
docker run Example
--cpuset=“” CPUs in which to allow execution 0-3, 0,1
-m Memory Limit for the Container
Number & Unit (b, k, m, g)
1g = 1GB, 1m = 1MB, 1k = 1KB
Total Memory Usage (Memory +
Swap Space)
Number & Unit (b, k, m, g)
1g = 1GB
-e Set Environment Variables
--link=[] Link another container
When your Tomcat Container wants
to talk to MySQL DB container.
--ipc Inter Process Communication
--dns Set Custom DNS Servers
--dns-search Set Custom DNS Search Domains
-h Container Host Name --hostname=“voldermort”
Expose a container port or a
range of ports
--add-host Add a custom host-IP mapping Host:IP
Docker Container Process Management
docker ps
-a Show all the containers. Only running containers are shown by default
-q Only display the Numeric IDs
-s Display the total file sizes
Provide Filters to show containers.
-f status=exited
-f exited=100
-l Show only the latest Container.
docker start
Starts a stopped Container. For example Tomcat Server
Ex. docker start containerName
docker stop
Stops a container. Start and Stop is mainly used for detached
containers like Tomcat, MySQL, and Apache Web Server Containers.
Ex. docker stop containerName
docker restart
Restart a Container
Ex. docker restart containerName
Docker Container Management – Short Cuts
Remove all Exited Containers
docker rm containerId / name Removes the Exited Container
docker rm $(docker ps –aq) docker ps –aq : returns all the container ID in
exited state into $ and then docker rm
command will remove the exited containers.
docker stop To remove a running container, you need to
stop the container first.
Ex. Tomcat Server Running.
docker stop containerName
Remove Docker Image
docker rmi imageId Removes the Docker Image
Remove all Docker images with <none> tag
docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | tr -s '' | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')*
* This command can be made even better…. 
Invoking Docker Container using Java ProcessBuilder API
When you execute docker command using Java ProcessBuilder API never use
run with –it (for interactive and terminal). This will block the container from
exiting, unless you want to have an interactive session.. 
Ex. docker run applifire/maven:jdk7 pom.xml
If you are using a shell script to invoke the docker container then refer the
following to handle Linux and OS X environments.
Settings for
$? to get the
exit code of
LinuX Container© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations :
By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
What’s Linux container
 Linux Containers (LXC for LinuX Containers) are
 Lightweight virtual machines (VMs)
 Which are realized using features provided by a modern Linux
kernel –
 VMs without the hypervisor
 Containerization of:
 (Linux) Operating Systems
 Single or multiple applications (Tomcat, MySQL DB etc.,)
Why LXC?
Provision in seconds / milliseconds
Near bare metal runtime performance
VM-like agility – it’s still “virtualization”
• Containerize a “system”
• Containerize “application(s)”
• Just enough Operating System (JeOS)
• Minimal per container penalty
Open source – free – lower TCO
Supported with OOTB modern Linux kernel
Growing in popularity
Manual VM LXC
Provision Time
Seconds / ms
linpack performance @ 45000
Google trends - LXC Google trends - docker
“Linux Containers as poised as the next VM in our modern Cloud era…”
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Hypervisors vs. Linux containers
Operating System
Virtual Machine
Bins / libs
Virtual Machine
Bins / libs
Virtual Machine
Bins / libs
Virtual Machine
Bins / libs
Operating System
Bins / libs
Bins / libs
Type 1 Hypervisor Type 2 Hypervisor Linux Containers
Containers share the OS kernel of the host and thus are lightweight.
However, each container must have the same OS kernel.
Containers are isolated,
but share OS and,
where appropriate, libs /
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Technology Stack
LXCs are built on modern kernel features
• cgroups; limits, prioritization, accounting & control
• namespaces; process based resource isolation
• chroot; apparent root FS directory
• Linux Security Modules (LSM); Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
User space interfaces for kernel functions
LXC tools
• Tools to isolate process(es) virtualizing kernel resources
LXC commoditization
• Dead easy LXC
• LXC virtualization
Orchestration & management
• Scheduling across multiple hosts
• Monitoring
• Uptime
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux cgroups
• Work started in 2006 by google engineers
• Merged into upstream 2.6.24 kernel due to wider spread LXC usage
• A number of features still a WIP
• Access; which devices can be used per cgroup
• Resource limiting; memory, CPU, device accessibility, block I/O, etc.
• Prioritization; who gets more of the CPU, memory, etc.
• Accounting; resource usage per cgroup
• Control; freezing & check pointing
• Injection; packet tagging
• cgroup functionality exposed as “resource controllers” (aka “subsystems”)
• Subsystems mounted on FS
• Top-level subsystem mount is the root cgroup; all procs on host
• Directories under top-level mounts created per cgroup
• Procs put in tasks file for group assignment
• Interface via read / write pseudo files in group
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux cgroup subsystems
cgroups provided via kernel modules
• Not always loaded / provided by default
• Locate and load with modprobe
Some features tied to kernel version
Subsystem Tunable Parameters
blkio - Weighted proportional block I/O access. Group wide or per device.
- Per device hard limits on block I/O read/write specified as bytes per second or IOPS per second.
cpu - Time period (microseconds per second) a group should have CPU access.
- Group wide upper limit on CPU time per second.
- Weighted proportional value of relative CPU time for a group.
cpuset - CPUs (cores) the group can access.
- Memory nodes the group can access and migrate ability.
- Memory hardwall, pressure, spread, etc.
devices - Define which devices and access type a group can use.
freezer - Suspend/resume group tasks.
memory - Max memory limits for the group (in bytes).
- Memory swappiness, OOM control, hierarchy, etc..
hugetlb - Limit HugeTLB size usage.
- Per cgroup HugeTLB metrics.
net_cls - Tag network packets with a class ID.
- Use tc to prioritize tagged packets.
net_prio - Weighted proportional priority on egress traffic (per interface).
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux cgroups FS layout
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux cgroups Pseudo FS Interface
|-- blkio
| |-- blkio.io_merged
| |-- blkio.io_queued
| |-- blkio.io_service_bytes
| |-- blkio.io_serviced
| |-- blkio.io_service_time
| |-- blkio.io_wait_time
| |-- blkio.reset_stats
| |-- blkio.sectors
| |-- blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes
| |-- blkio.throttle.io_serviced
| |-- blkio.throttle.read_bps_device
| |-- blkio.throttle.read_iops_device
| |-- blkio.throttle.write_bps_device
| |-- blkio.throttle.write_iops_device
| |-- blkio.time
| |-- blkio.weight
| |-- blkio.weight_device
| |-- cgroup.clone_children
| |-- cgroup.event_control
| |-- cgroup.procs
| |-- notify_on_release
| |-- release_agent
| `-- tasks
|-- cpu
| |-- ...
|-- ...
`-- perf_event
echo "8:16 1048576“ >
cat blkio.weight_device
dev weight
8:1 200
8:16 500
Linux pseudo FS is the interface to cgroups
• Read / write to pseudo file(s) in your cgroup directory
Some libs exist to interface with pseudo FS programmatically
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux cgroups: CPU Usage
Use CPU shares (and other controls) to prioritize jobs / containers
Carry out complex scheduling schemes
Segment host resources
Adhere to SLAs
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux cgroups: CPU Pinning
Pin containers / jobs to CPU cores
Carry out complex scheduling schemes
Reduce core switching costs
Adhere to SLAs
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux cgroups: Device Access
Limit device visibility; isolation
Implement device access controls
• Secure sharing
Segment device access
Device whitelist / blacklist
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Realization: Linux cgroups
cgroup created per container (in each cgroup subsystem)
Prioritization, access, limits per container a la cgroup controls
Per container metrics (bean counters)
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces
• Initial kernel patches in 2.4.19
• Recent 3.8 patches for user namespace support
• A number of features still a WIP
• Provide process level isolation of global resources
• MNT (mount points, file systems, etc.)
• PID (process)
• NET (NICs, routing, etc.)
• IPC (System V IPC resources)
• UTS (host & domain name)
• Process(es) in namespace have illusion they are the only processes on the
• Generally constructs exist to permit “connectivity” with parent namespace
• Construct namespace(s) of desired type
• Create process(es) in namespace (typically done when creating namespace)
• If necessary, initialize “connectivity” to parent namespace
• Process(es) in name space internally function as if they are only proc(s) on
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces: Conceptual Overview 34
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces: MNT namespace
Isolates the mount table – per namespace
mount / unmount operations isolated to
Mount propagation
• Shared; mount objects propagate events to
one another
• Slave; one mount propagates events to
another, but not vice versa
• Private; no event propagation (default)
Unbindable mount forbids bind mounting itself
Various tools / APIs support the mount
namespace such as the mount command
• Options to make shared, private, slave, etc.
• Mount with namespace support
Typically used with chroot or pivot_root for
effective root FS isolation
“global” (i.e. root)
“red” namespace
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces: UTS namespace
Per namespace
• Hostname
• NIS domain name
Reported by commands such as hostname
Processes in namespace can change UTS
values – only reflected in the child
Allows containers to have their own FQDN
“global” (i.e. root)
“red” namespace
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces: PID namespace
Per namespace PID mapping
• PID 1 in namespace not the same as PID 1 in
parent namespace
• No PID conflicts between namespaces
• Effectively 2 PIDs; the PID in the namespace
and the PID outside the namespace
Permits migrating namespace processes
between hosts while keeping same PID
Only processes in the namespace are visible
within the namespace (visibility limited)
“global” (i.e. root)
“red” namespace
1 /sbin/init
2 [kthreadd]
3 [ksoftirqd]
4 [cpuset]
5 /sbin/udevd
1 /bin/bash
2 /bin/vim
1 /bin/bash
2 python
3 node
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces: IPC namespace
System V IPC object & POSIX message queue
isolation between namespaces
• Semaphores
• Shared memory
• Message queues
Parent namespace connectivity
• Signals
• Memory polling
• Sockets (if no NET namespace)
• Files / file descriptors (if no mount namespace)
• Events over pipe pair
“global” (i.e. root)
“red” namespace
32452 root
43321 boden
0 root
1 boden
0 root
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces: NET namespace
Per namespace network objects
• Network devices (eths)
• Bridges
• Routing tables
• IP address(es)
• ports
• Etc
Various commands support network namespace
such as ip
Connectivity to other namespaces
• veths – create veth pair, move one inside the
namespace and configure
• Acts as a pipe between the 2 namespaces
LXCs can have their own IPs, routes, bridges, etc.
“global” (i.e. root)
“red” namespace
eth0: UP…
eth1: UP…
br0: UP…
app1 IP:5000
app2 IP:6000
app3 IP:7000
eth0: UP…
app1 IP:1000
app2 IP:7000
eth0: DOWN…
eth1: UP
app1 IP:7000
app2 IP:9000
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces: USER namespace
A long work in progress – still development for XFS
and other FS support
• Significant security impacts
• A handful of security holes already found + fixed
Two major features provided:
• Map UID / GID from outside the container to UID /
GID inside the container
• Permit non-root users to launch LXCs
• Distro’s rolling out phased support, with UID / GID
mapping typically 1st
First process in USER namespace has full CAPs;
perform initializations before other processes are
• No CAPs in parent namespace
UID / GID map can be pre-configured via FS
Eventually USER namespace will mitigate many
perceived LXC security concerns
“global” (i.e. root)
“red” namespace
root 0:0
ntp 104:109
Mysql 105:110
boden 106:111
root 0:0
app 106:111
root 0:0
app 104:109
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Realization: Linux namespaces 41
A set of namespaces created for the container
Container process(es) “executed” in the namespace set
Process(es) in the container have isolated view of resources
Connectivity to parent where needed (via lxc tooling)
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux namespaces & cgroups: Availability 42
Note: user namespace support
in upstream kernel 3.8+, but
distributions rolling out phased
- Map LXC UID/GID between
container and host
- Non-root LXC creation
Linux chroots
Changes apparent root directory for process and children
• Search paths
• Relative directories
• Etc
Using chroot can be escaped given proper capabilities, thus pivot_root is
often used instead
• chroot; points the processes file system root to new directory
• pivot_root; detaches the new root and attaches it to process root
Often used when building system images
• Chroot to temp directory
• Download and install packages in chroot
• Compress chroot as a system root FS
LXC realization
• Bind mount container root FS (image)
• Launch (unshare or clone) LXC init process in a new MNT namespace
• pivot_root to the bind mount (root FS)
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux chroot vs pivot_root 44
Using pivot_root with MNT namespace addresses escaping
chroot concerns
The pivot_root target directory becomes the “new root FS”
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Realization: Images
LXC images provide a flexible means to deliver only what you need – lightweight and minimal footprint
Basic constraints
• Same architecture
• Same endian
• Linux’ish Operating System; you can run different Linux distros on same host
Image types
• System; images intended to virtualize Operating System(s) – standard distro root FS less
the kernel
• Application; images intended to virtualize application(s) – only package apps +
dependencies (aka JeOS – Just enough Operating System)
Bind mount host libs / bins into LXC to share host resources
Container image init process
• Container init command provided on invocation – can be an application or a full fledged init
• Init script customized for image – skinny SysVinit, upstart, etc.
• Reduces overhead of lxc start-up and runtime foot print
Various tools to build images
• SuSE Kiwi
• Debootstrap
• Etc.
LXC tooling options often include numerous image templates
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux Security Modules & MAC
Linux Security Modules (LSM) – kernel modules which provide a framework for
Mandatory Access Control (MAC) security implementations
• In MAC, admin (user or process) assigns access controls to subject / initiator
• Most MAC implementations provide the notion of profiles
• Profiles define access restrictions and are said to “confine” a subject
• In DAC, resource owner (user) assigns access controls to individual resources
Existing LSM implementations include: AppArmor, SELinux, GRSEC, etc.
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Linux Capabilities & Other Security Measures
Linux capabilities
• Per process privileges which define operational (sys call) access
• Typically checked based on process EUID and EGID
• Root processes (i.e. EUID = GUID = 0) bypass capability checks
Capabilities can be assigned to LXC processes to restrict
Other LXC security mitigations
• Reduce shared FS access using RO bind mounts
• Keep Linux kernel up to date
• User namespaces in 3.8+ kernel
• Allow to launch containers as non-root user
• Map UID / GID inside / outside of container
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Realization 48
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Tooling
LXC is not a kernel feature – it’s a technology enabled via kernel
• User space tooling required to manage LXCs effectively
Numerous toolsets exist
• Then: add-on patches to upstream kernel due to slow kernel
• Now: upstream LXC feature support is growing – less need for
More popular GNU Linux toolsets include libvirt-lxc and lxc (tools)
• OpenVZ is likely the most mature toolset, but it requires kernel
• Note: I would consider docker a commoditization of LXC
Non-GNU Linux based LXC
• Solaris zones
• BSD jails
• Illumos / SmartOS (solaris derivatives)
• Etc.
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Industry Tooling 50
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Perhaps the simplest to learn through a familiar virsh interface
Libvirt provides LXC support by connecting to lxc:///
Many virsh commands work
• virsh -c lxc:/// define sample.xml
• virsh –c lxc:/// start sample
• virsh –c lxc:/// console sample
• virsh –c lxc:/// shutdown sample
• virsh –c lxc:/// undefine sample
No snapshotting, templates…
OpenStack support since Grizzly
 No VNC
 No Cinder support in Grizzly
 Config drive not supported
 Alternative means of accessing metadata
 Attached disk rather than http calls
<domain type='lxc'>
<os> <type>exe</type> <init>/init</init> </os>
<clock offset='utc'/>
<filesystem type='mount'> <source dir='/opt/vm-1-root'/> <target dir='/'/> </filesystem>
<interface type='network'> <source network='default'/> </interface>
<console type='pty' />
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC (tools)
A little more functionality
Supported by the major distributions
LXC 1.0 recently released
• Cloning supported: lxc-clone
• Templates… btrfs
• lxc-create -t ubuntu -n CN creates a new ubuntu
• “template” is downloaded from Ubuntu
• Some support for Fedora <= 14
• Debian is supported
• lxc-start -d -n CN starts the container
• lxc-destroy -n CN destroys the container
• /etc/lxc/lxc.conf has default settings
• /var/lib/lxc/CN is the default place for each container
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Commoditization: docker
Young project with great vibrancy in the industry
Currently based on unmodified LXC – but the goal is to make it dirt easy
As of March 10th, 2014 at v0.9. Monthly releases, 1.0 should be ready for production
What docker adds to LXC
• Portable deployment across machines
• In Cloud terms, think of LXC as the hypervisor and docker as the Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA) and the provision
• Docker images can run unchanged on any platform supporting docker
• Application-centric
• User facing function geared towards application deployment, not VM analogs [!]
• Automatic build
• Create containers from build files
• Builders can use chef, maven, puppet, etc.
• Versioning support
• Think of git for docker containers
• Only delta of base container is tracked
• Component re-use
• Any container can be used as a base, specialized and saved
• Sharing
• Support for public/private repositories of containers
• Tools
• CLI / REST API for interacting with docker
• Vendors adding tools daily
Docker containers are self contained – no more “dependency hell”
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Docker vs. LXC vs. Hypervisor 54
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Docker: LXC Virtualization? 55
Docker decouples the LXC provider from the operations
• LXC provider agnostic
Docker “images” run anywhere docker is supported
• Portability
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Orchestration & Management
Docker & libvirt-lxc in OpenStack
• Manage containers heterogeneously with traditional VMs… but not w/the
level of support & features we might like
• Zero-touch admin Linux distro with docker images as the unit of operation
• Centralized key/value store to coordinate distributed environment
Various other 3rd party apps
• Maestro for docker
• Shipyard for docker
• Fleet for CoreOS
• Etc.
LXC migration
• Container migration via criu
• Still no great way to tie all virtual resources together with LXC – e.g. storage
+ networking
• IMO; an area which needs focus for LXC to become more generally
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Docker in OpenStack
Introduced in Havana
• A nova driver to integrate with docker REST API
• A Glance translator to integrate containers with Glance
• A docker container which implements a docker registry API
The claim is that docker will become a “group A” hypervisor
• In it’s current form it’s effectively a “tech preview”
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Evaluation
Goal: validate the promise with an eye towards practical
Dimensions evaluated:
• Runtime performance benefits
• Density / footprint
• Workload isolation
• Ease of use and tooling
• Cloud Integration
• Security
• Ease of use / feature set
NOTE: tests performed in a passive manner – deeper analysis
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Runtime Performance Benefits - CPU
Tested using libvirt lxc on Ubuntu 13.10 using linpack 11.1
Cpuset was used to limit the number of CPUs that the containers could use
The performance overhead falls within the error of measurement of this test
Actual bare metal performance is actually lower than some container results
linpack performance @ 45000
Bare metal220.5
@32 vcpu
@ 31 vcpu
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Runtime Performance Benefits – I/O
I/O Tests using libvirt lxc show a < 1 % degradation
Tested with a pass-through mount
Sync read I/O test
Sync write I/O test
I/O throughput
1711.2 1724.9
1626.4 1633.4
lxc write bare metal
lxc read bare metal
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Runtime Performance Benefits – Block I/O
Tested with [standard] AUFS
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Density & Footprint – libvirt-lxc 62
Starting 500 containers
Mon Nov 11 13:38:49 CST 2013 ... all threads
done in 157
(sequential I/O bound)
Stopping 500 containers
Mon Nov 11 13:42:20 CST 2013 ... all threads
done in 162
Active memory delta: 417.2 KB
Starting 1000 containers
Mon Nov 11 13:59:19 CST 2013 ... all threads
done in 335
Stopping 1000 containers
Mon Nov 11 14:14:26 CST 2013 ... all threads
done in 339
Active memory delta: 838.4KB
Using libvirt lxc on RHEL 6.4, we found that empty container overhead was just 840 bytes. A container could be started in
about 330ms, which was an I/O bound process
This represents the lower limit of lxc footprint
Containers ran /bin/sh
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Density & Footprint – Docker
In this test, we created 150 Docker containers with CentOS,
started apache & then removed them
Average footprint was ~10MB per container
Average start time was 240ms
Serially booting 150 containers which run
• Takes on average 36 seconds
• Consumes about 2 % of the CPU
• Negligible HDD space
• Spawns around 225 processes for create
• Around 1.5 GB of memory ~ 10 MB per container
• Expect faster results once docker addresses performance topics in
the next few months
Serially destroying 150 containers
running apache
• On average takes 9 seconds
• We would expect destroy to be faster – likely a docker bug and will
triage with the docker community
I/O profile
CPU profile
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Workload Isolation: Examples
Using the blkio cgroup (lxc.cgroup.blkio.throttle.read_bps_device) to cap the I/O of a container
Both the total bps and iops_device on read / write could be capped
Better async BIO support in kernel 3.10+
We used fio with oflag=sync, direct to test the ability to cap the
• With limit set to 6 MB / second
READ: io=131072KB, aggrb=6147KB/s, minb=6295KB/s, maxb=6295KB/s, mint=21320msec,
• With limit set to 60 MB / second
READ: io=131072KB, aggrb=61134KB/s, minb=62601KB/s, maxb=62601KB/s, mint=2144msec,
• No read limit
READ: io=131072KB, aggrb=84726KB/s, minb=86760KB/s, maxb=86760KB/s, mint=1547msec,
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
OpenStack VM Operations 65
NOTE: orchestration / management overheads cap LXC performance
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Who’s Using LXC
Google app engine & infra is said to be using some form of LXC
RedHat OpenShift
dotCloud (now docker inc)
CloudFoundry (early versions)
Rackspace Cloud Databases
• Outperforms AWS (Xen) according to perf results
Parallels Virtuozzo (commercial product)
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Gaps
There are gaps…
Lack of industry tooling / support
Live migration still a WIP
Full orchestration across resources (compute / storage /
Fears of security
Not a well known technology… yet
Integration with existing virtualization and Cloud tooling
Not much / any industry standards
Missing skillset
Slower upstream support due to kernel dev process
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC: Use Cases For Traditional VMs
There are still use cases where traditional VMs are warranted.
Virtualization of non Linux based OSs
• Windows
• Etc.
LXC not supported on host
VM requires unique kernel setup which is not applicable to
other VMs on the host (i.e. per VM kernel config)
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Recommendations
Public & private Clouds
• Increase VM density 2-3x
• Accommodate Big Data & HPC type applications
• Move the support of Linux distros to containers
PaaS & managed services
• Realize “as a Service” and managed services using LXC
Operations management
• Ease management + increase agility of bare metal components
Development & test
• Sandboxes
• Dev / test envs
• Etc.
If you are just starting with LXC and don’t have in-depth skillset
• Start with LXC for private solutions (trusted code)
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
LXC Resources
© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
Thank You…..
Araf Karsh Hamid
Thanks to :
Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services
For the fantastic presentation on LinuX Containers

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  • 1. Docker & Linux Containers Araf Karsh Hamid
  • 2. Topics 1. Docker 1. Docker Container 2. Docker Key Concepts 3. Docker Internals 4. Docker Architecture Linux Vs. OS X 5. Docker Architecture Windows 6. Docker Architecture Linux (Docker Daemon and Client) 7. Anatomy of Dockerfile 8. Building a Docker Image 9. Creating and Running a Docker Container 10. Invoking Docker Container using Java ProcessBuilder 2. Linux Containers 2
  • 3. Docker containers are Linux Containers CGROUPS NAMESPACES IMAGES DOCKER CONTAINER • Kernel Feature • Groups of Processes • Control Resource Allocation • CPU, CPU Sets • Memory • Disk • Block I/O • Not a File System • Not a VHD • Basically a tar file • Has a Hierarchy • Arbitrary Depth • Fits into Docker Registry • The real magic behind containers • It creates barriers between processes • Different Namespaces • PID Namespace • Net Namespace • IPC Namespace • MNT Namespace • Linux Kernel Namespace introduced between kernel 2.6.15 – 2.6.26 docker run lxc-start 3
  • 4. Docker Key Concepts • Docker images • A Docker image is a read-only template. • For example, an image could contain an Ubuntu operating system with Apache and your web application installed. • Images are used to create Docker containers. • Docker provides a simple way to build new images or update existing images, or you can download Docker images that other people have already created. • Docker images are the build component of Docker. • Docker containers • Docker containers are similar to a directory. • A Docker container holds everything that is needed for an application to run. • Each container is created from a Docker image. • Docker containers can be run, started, stopped, moved, and deleted. • Each container is an isolated and secure application platform. • Docker containers are the run component of Docker. • Docker Registries • Docker registries hold images. • These are public or private stores from which you upload or download images. • The public Docker registry is called Docker Hub. • It provides a huge collection of existing images for your use. • These can be images you create yourself or you can use images that others have previously created. • Docker registries are the distribution component of Docker. 4
  • 5. Docker Architecture Linux Vs. OS X • In an OS X installation, the docker daemon is running inside a Linux virtual machine provided by Boot2Docker. • In OS X, the Docker host address is the address of the Linux VM. When you start the boot2docker process, the VM is assigned an IP address. Under boot2docker ports on a container map to ports on the VM. 5
  • 6. Docker – Somewhere in the Future ……  Docker Running natively in Windows! 6
  • 7. Docker Architecture – Linux • Docker Daemon • Docker daemon, which does the heavy lifting of building, running, and distributing your Docker containers. • Both the Docker client and the daemon can run on the same system, or you can connect a Docker client to a remote Docker daemon. • The Docker client and daemon communicate via sockets or through a RESTful API. • Docker Client (docker) Commands • search (Search images in the Docker Repository) • pull (Pull the Image) • run (Run the container) • create (Create the container) • build (build an image using Dockerfile) • images (Shows images) • push (Push the container to Docker Repository) • import / export • start (start a stopped container) • stop (stop a container) • restart (Restart a container) • save (Save an image to a tar archive) • exec (Run a command in a running container) • top (Look at the running process in a container) • ps (List the containers) • attach (Attach to a running Container) • diff (Inspect changes to a containers file system) $ docker search applifire $ docker pull applifire/jdk:7 $ docker images $ docker run –it applifire/jdk:7 /bin/bash Examples 7
  • 8. Docker client examples Searching in the docker registry for images. Images in your local registry after the build or directly pulled from docker registry. To pull an image docker pull applifire/tomcat 8
  • 9. Analyzing “docker run –it ubuntu /bin/bash” command In order, Docker does the following: 1. Pulls the ubuntu image: • Docker checks for the presence of the ubuntu image and, if it doesn't exist locally on the host, then Docker downloads it from Docker Hub. • If the image already exists, then Docker uses it for the new container. • Creates a new container: Once Docker has the image, it uses it to create a container. 2. Allocates a filesystem and mounts a read-write layer: • The container is created in the file system and a read-write layer is added to the image. 3. Allocates a network / bridge interface: • Creates a network interface that allows the Docker container to talk to the local host. 4. Sets up an IP address: • Finds and attaches an available IP address from a pool. 5. Executes a process that you specify: • Runs your application, and; 6. Captures and provides application output: • Connects and logs standard input, outputs and errors for you to see how your application is running. 9
  • 10. Anatomy of a Dockerfile Command Description Example FROM The FROM instruction sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions. As such, a valid Dockerfile must have FROM as its first instruction. The image can be any valid image – it is especially easy to start by pulling an image from the Public repositories FROM ubuntu FROM applifire/jdk:7 MAINTAINER The MAINTAINER instruction allows you to set the Author field of the generated images. MAINTAINER arafkarsh LABEL The LABEL instruction adds metadata to an image. A LABEL is a key-value pair. To include spaces within a LABEL value, use quotes and blackslashes as you would in command-line parsing. LABEL version="1.0” LABEL vendor=“Algo” RUN The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will be used for the next step in the Dockerfile. RUN apt-get install -y curl ADD The ADD instruction copies new files, directories or remote file URLs from <src> and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>. ADD hom* /mydir/ ADD hom?.txt /mydir/ COPY The COPY instruction copies new files or directories from <src> and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>. COPY hom* /mydir/ COPY hom?.txt /mydir/ ENV The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value <value>. This value will be in the environment of all "descendent" Dockerfile commands and can be replaced inline in many as well. ENV JAVA_HOME /JDK8 ENV JRE_HOME /JRE8 EXPOSE The EXPOSE instructions informs Docker that the container will listen on the specified network ports at runtime. Docker uses this information to interconnect containers using links and to determine which ports to expose to the host when using the –P flag with docker client. EXPOSE 8080 10
  • 11. Anatomy of a Dockerfile Command Description Example VOLUME The VOLUME instruction creates a mount point with the specified name and marks it as holding externally mounted volumes from native host or other containers. The value can be a JSON array, VOLUME ["/var/log/"], or a plain string with multiple arguments, such as VOLUME /var/log or VOLUME /var/log VOLUME /data/webapps USER The USER instruction sets the user name or UID to use when running the image and for any RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile. USER applifire WORKDIR The WORKDIR instruction sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile. WORKDIR /home/user CMD There can only be one CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. If you list more than one CMD then only the last CMD will take effect. The main purpose of a CMD is to provide defaults for an executing container. These defaults can include an executable, or they can omit the executable, in which case you must specify an ENTRYPOINT instruction as well. CMD echo "This is a test." | wc - ENTRYPOINT An ENTRYPOINT allows you to configure a container that will run as an executable. Command line arguments to docker run <image> will be appended after all elements in an exec form ENTRYPOINT, and will override all elements specified using CMD. This allows arguments to be passed to the entry point, i.e., docker run <image> -d will pass the -d argument to the entry point. You can override the ENTRYPOINT instruction using the docker run --entrypoint flag. ENTRYPOINT ["top", "-b"] 11
  • 12. Building a Docker image : Base Ubuntu • Dockerfile (Text File) • Create the Dockerfile • Build image using Dockerfile • The following command will build the docker image based on the Dockerfile. • Docker will download any required build automatically from the Docker registry. • docker build –t applifire/ubuntu . • This will build a base ubuntu with enough Linux utilities for the development environment. 1 2 12
  • 13. Building a Docker Image : Java 8 (JRE) + Tomcat 8 • Dockerfile (Text File) 1. Create the Java (JRE8) Dockerfile with Ubuntu as the base image. 2. Create the Tomcat Dockerfile with JRE8 as the base image. • Build image using Dockerfile 1. Build Java 8 (JRE) Docker Image docker build –t applifire/jre:8 . 1. Build Tomcat 8 Docker Image docker build –t applifire/tomcat:jre8 . 1 2 13
  • 14. Building a Docker Image : Java 7 (JDK) + Gradle 2.3 • Dockerfile (Text File) 1. Create the Java (JDK7) Dockerfile with Ubuntu as the base image. 2. Create the Gradle Dockerfile with Java (JDK7) as the base image. • Build image using Dockerfile 1. Build Java 7 (JDK) Docker Image docker build –t applifire/jdk:7 . 1. Build Gradle 2.3 Docker Image docker build –t applifire/gradle:jdk7 . 1 2 14
  • 15. Creating & Running Docker Containers docker run Example -d Detached mode To run servers like Tomcat, Apache Web Server -p Publish Container’s Port IP:hostport:ContainerPort 192.a.b.c:80:8080 IP::ContainerPort 192.a.b.c::8080 HostPort:ContainerPort 8081:8080 -it Run Interactive Mode When you want to log into the container. This mode works fine from a Unix Shell. However, ensure that you don’t use this mode when running it through the ProcessBuilder in Java. -v Mount Host File System -v host-file-system:container-file-system -name Name to the container -w Working Directory Working Directory for the Container -u User Name User Name with which you can log into the container. 15
  • 16. Creating & Running Docker Containers - Advanced docker run Example --cpuset=“” CPUs in which to allow execution 0-3, 0,1 -m Memory Limit for the Container Number & Unit (b, k, m, g) 1g = 1GB, 1m = 1MB, 1k = 1KB --memory- swap Total Memory Usage (Memory + Swap Space) Number & Unit (b, k, m, g) 1g = 1GB -e Set Environment Variables --link=[] Link another container When your Tomcat Container wants to talk to MySQL DB container. --ipc Inter Process Communication --dns Set Custom DNS Servers --dns-search Set Custom DNS Search Domains -h Container Host Name --hostname=“voldermort” --expose=[] Expose a container port or a range of ports --expose=8080-8090 --add-host Add a custom host-IP mapping Host:IP 16
  • 17. Docker Container Process Management docker ps -a Show all the containers. Only running containers are shown by default -q Only display the Numeric IDs -s Display the total file sizes -f Provide Filters to show containers. -f status=exited -f exited=100 -l Show only the latest Container. docker start Starts a stopped Container. For example Tomcat Server Ex. docker start containerName docker stop Stops a container. Start and Stop is mainly used for detached containers like Tomcat, MySQL, and Apache Web Server Containers. Ex. docker stop containerName docker restart Restart a Container Ex. docker restart containerName 17
  • 18. Docker Container Management – Short Cuts Remove all Exited Containers docker rm containerId / name Removes the Exited Container docker rm $(docker ps –aq) docker ps –aq : returns all the container ID in exited state into $ and then docker rm command will remove the exited containers. docker stop To remove a running container, you need to stop the container first. Ex. Tomcat Server Running. docker stop containerName Remove Docker Image docker rmi imageId Removes the Docker Image Remove all Docker images with <none> tag docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | tr -s '' | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')* * This command can be made even better….  18
  • 19. Invoking Docker Container using Java ProcessBuilder API When you execute docker command using Java ProcessBuilder API never use run with –it (for interactive and terminal). This will block the container from exiting, unless you want to have an interactive session..  Ex. docker run applifire/maven:jdk7 pom.xml If you are using a shell script to invoke the docker container then refer the following to handle Linux and OS X environments. Boot2Docker Settings for OS X $? to get the exit code of previous command 19
  • 20. LinuX Container© Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 21. What’s Linux container  Linux Containers (LXC for LinuX Containers) are  Lightweight virtual machines (VMs)  Which are realized using features provided by a modern Linux kernel –  VMs without the hypervisor  Containerization of:  (Linux) Operating Systems  Single or multiple applications (Tomcat, MySQL DB etc.,) 21
  • 22. Why LXC? Provision in seconds / milliseconds Near bare metal runtime performance VM-like agility – it’s still “virtualization” Flexibility • Containerize a “system” • Containerize “application(s)” Lightweight • Just enough Operating System (JeOS) • Minimal per container penalty Open source – free – lower TCO Supported with OOTB modern Linux kernel Growing in popularity Manual VM LXC Provision Time Days Minutes Seconds / ms linpack performance @ 45000 0 50 100 150 200 250 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 BM vcpus GFlops Google trends - LXC Google trends - docker “Linux Containers as poised as the next VM in our modern Cloud era…” © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( 22
  • 23. Hypervisors vs. Linux containers Hardware Operating System Hypervisor Virtual Machine Operating System Bins / libs Ap p Ap p Virtual Machine Operating System Bins / libs Ap p Ap p Hardware Hypervisor Virtual Machine Operating System Bins / libs Ap p Ap p Virtual Machine Operating System Bins / libs Ap p Ap p Hardware Operating System Container Bins / libs Ap p Ap p Container Bins / libs Ap p Ap p Type 1 Hypervisor Type 2 Hypervisor Linux Containers Containers share the OS kernel of the host and thus are lightweight. However, each container must have the same OS kernel. Containers are isolated, but share OS and, where appropriate, libs / bins. © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( 23
  • 24. LXC Technology Stack LXCs are built on modern kernel features • cgroups; limits, prioritization, accounting & control • namespaces; process based resource isolation • chroot; apparent root FS directory • Linux Security Modules (LSM); Mandatory Access Control (MAC) User space interfaces for kernel functions LXC tools • Tools to isolate process(es) virtualizing kernel resources LXC commoditization • Dead easy LXC • LXC virtualization Orchestration & management • Scheduling across multiple hosts • Monitoring • Uptime © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( 24
  • 25. Linux cgroups History • Work started in 2006 by google engineers • Merged into upstream 2.6.24 kernel due to wider spread LXC usage • A number of features still a WIP Functionality • Access; which devices can be used per cgroup • Resource limiting; memory, CPU, device accessibility, block I/O, etc. • Prioritization; who gets more of the CPU, memory, etc. • Accounting; resource usage per cgroup • Control; freezing & check pointing • Injection; packet tagging Usage • cgroup functionality exposed as “resource controllers” (aka “subsystems”) • Subsystems mounted on FS • Top-level subsystem mount is the root cgroup; all procs on host • Directories under top-level mounts created per cgroup • Procs put in tasks file for group assignment • Interface via read / write pseudo files in group © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( 25
  • 26. Linux cgroup subsystems cgroups provided via kernel modules • Not always loaded / provided by default • Locate and load with modprobe Some features tied to kernel version See: Subsystem Tunable Parameters blkio - Weighted proportional block I/O access. Group wide or per device. - Per device hard limits on block I/O read/write specified as bytes per second or IOPS per second. cpu - Time period (microseconds per second) a group should have CPU access. - Group wide upper limit on CPU time per second. - Weighted proportional value of relative CPU time for a group. cpuset - CPUs (cores) the group can access. - Memory nodes the group can access and migrate ability. - Memory hardwall, pressure, spread, etc. devices - Define which devices and access type a group can use. freezer - Suspend/resume group tasks. memory - Max memory limits for the group (in bytes). - Memory swappiness, OOM control, hierarchy, etc.. hugetlb - Limit HugeTLB size usage. - Per cgroup HugeTLB metrics. net_cls - Tag network packets with a class ID. - Use tc to prioritize tagged packets. net_prio - Weighted proportional priority on egress traffic (per interface). © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( 26
  • 27. Linux cgroups FS layout © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( 27
  • 28. Linux cgroups Pseudo FS Interface /sys/fs/cgroup/my-lxc |-- blkio | |-- blkio.io_merged | |-- blkio.io_queued | |-- blkio.io_service_bytes | |-- blkio.io_serviced | |-- blkio.io_service_time | |-- blkio.io_wait_time | |-- blkio.reset_stats | |-- blkio.sectors | |-- blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes | |-- blkio.throttle.io_serviced | |-- blkio.throttle.read_bps_device | |-- blkio.throttle.read_iops_device | |-- blkio.throttle.write_bps_device | |-- blkio.throttle.write_iops_device | |-- blkio.time | |-- blkio.weight | |-- blkio.weight_device | |-- cgroup.clone_children | |-- cgroup.event_control | |-- cgroup.procs | |-- notify_on_release | |-- release_agent | `-- tasks |-- cpu | |-- ... |-- ... `-- perf_event echo "8:16 1048576“ > blkio.throttle.read_bps_device cat blkio.weight_device dev weight 8:1 200 8:16 500 App App App Linux pseudo FS is the interface to cgroups • Read / write to pseudo file(s) in your cgroup directory Some libs exist to interface with pseudo FS programmatically © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( 28
  • 29. Linux cgroups: CPU Usage Use CPU shares (and other controls) to prioritize jobs / containers Carry out complex scheduling schemes Segment host resources Adhere to SLAs 29 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 30. Linux cgroups: CPU Pinning Pin containers / jobs to CPU cores Carry out complex scheduling schemes Reduce core switching costs Adhere to SLAs 30 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 31. Linux cgroups: Device Access Limit device visibility; isolation Implement device access controls • Secure sharing Segment device access Device whitelist / blacklist 31 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 32. LXC Realization: Linux cgroups cgroup created per container (in each cgroup subsystem) Prioritization, access, limits per container a la cgroup controls Per container metrics (bean counters) 32 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 33. Linux namespaces History • Initial kernel patches in 2.4.19 • Recent 3.8 patches for user namespace support • A number of features still a WIP Functionality • Provide process level isolation of global resources • MNT (mount points, file systems, etc.) • PID (process) • NET (NICs, routing, etc.) • IPC (System V IPC resources) • UTS (host & domain name) • USER (UID + GID) • Process(es) in namespace have illusion they are the only processes on the system • Generally constructs exist to permit “connectivity” with parent namespace Usage • Construct namespace(s) of desired type • Create process(es) in namespace (typically done when creating namespace) • If necessary, initialize “connectivity” to parent namespace • Process(es) in name space internally function as if they are only proc(s) on system 33 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 34. Linux namespaces: Conceptual Overview 34 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 35. Linux namespaces: MNT namespace Isolates the mount table – per namespace mounts mount / unmount operations isolated to namespace Mount propagation • Shared; mount objects propagate events to one another • Slave; one mount propagates events to another, but not vice versa • Private; no event propagation (default) Unbindable mount forbids bind mounting itself Various tools / APIs support the mount namespace such as the mount command • Options to make shared, private, slave, etc. • Mount with namespace support Typically used with chroot or pivot_root for effective root FS isolation 35 “global” (i.e. root) namespace “green” namespace “red” namespace MNT NS / /proc /mnt/fsrd /mnt/fsrw /mnt/cdrom /run2 MNT NS / /proc /mnt/greenfs /mnt/fsrw /mnt/cdrom MNT NS / /proc /mnt/cdrom /redns © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 36. Linux namespaces: UTS namespace Per namespace • Hostname • NIS domain name Reported by commands such as hostname Processes in namespace can change UTS values – only reflected in the child namespace Allows containers to have their own FQDN 36 “global” (i.e. root) namespace “green” namespace “red” namespace UTS NS globalhost UTS NS greenhost UTS NS redhost © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 37. Linux namespaces: PID namespace Per namespace PID mapping • PID 1 in namespace not the same as PID 1 in parent namespace • No PID conflicts between namespaces • Effectively 2 PIDs; the PID in the namespace and the PID outside the namespace Permits migrating namespace processes between hosts while keeping same PID Only processes in the namespace are visible within the namespace (visibility limited) 37 “global” (i.e. root) namespace “green” namespace “red” namespace PID NS PID COMMAND 1 /sbin/init 2 [kthreadd] 3 [ksoftirqd] 4 [cpuset] 5 /sbin/udevd PID NS PID COMMAND 1 /bin/bash 2 /bin/vim PID NS PID COMMAND 1 /bin/bash 2 python 3 node © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 38. Linux namespaces: IPC namespace System V IPC object & POSIX message queue isolation between namespaces • Semaphores • Shared memory • Message queues Parent namespace connectivity • Signals • Memory polling • Sockets (if no NET namespace) • Files / file descriptors (if no mount namespace) • Events over pipe pair 38 “global” (i.e. root) namespace “green” namespace “red” namespace IPC NS SHMID OWNER 32452 root 43321 boden SEMID OWNER 0 root 1 boden IPC NS SHMID OWNER SEMID OWNER 0 root IPC NS SHMID OWNER SEMID OWNER MSQID OWNER © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 39. Linux namespaces: NET namespace Per namespace network objects • Network devices (eths) • Bridges • Routing tables • IP address(es) • ports • Etc Various commands support network namespace such as ip Connectivity to other namespaces • veths – create veth pair, move one inside the namespace and configure • Acts as a pipe between the 2 namespaces LXCs can have their own IPs, routes, bridges, etc. 39 “global” (i.e. root) namespace “green” namespace “red” namespace NET NS lo: UNKNOWN… eth0: UP… eth1: UP… br0: UP… app1 IP:5000 app2 IP:6000 app3 IP:7000 NET NS lo: UNKNOWN… eth0: UP… app1 IP:1000 app2 IP:7000 NET NS lo: UNKNOWN… eth0: DOWN… eth1: UP app1 IP:7000 app2 IP:9000 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 40. Linux namespaces: USER namespace A long work in progress – still development for XFS and other FS support • Significant security impacts • A handful of security holes already found + fixed Two major features provided: • Map UID / GID from outside the container to UID / GID inside the container • Permit non-root users to launch LXCs • Distro’s rolling out phased support, with UID / GID mapping typically 1st First process in USER namespace has full CAPs; perform initializations before other processes are created • No CAPs in parent namespace UID / GID map can be pre-configured via FS Eventually USER namespace will mitigate many perceived LXC security concerns 40 “global” (i.e. root) namespace “green” namespace “red” namespace USER NS root 0:0 ntp 104:109 Mysql 105:110 boden 106:111 USER NS root 0:0 app 106:111 USER NS root 0:0 app 104:109 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 41. LXC Realization: Linux namespaces 41 A set of namespaces created for the container Container process(es) “executed” in the namespace set Process(es) in the container have isolated view of resources Connectivity to parent where needed (via lxc tooling) © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 42. Linux namespaces & cgroups: Availability 42 Note: user namespace support in upstream kernel 3.8+, but distributions rolling out phased support: - Map LXC UID/GID between container and host - Non-root LXC creation
  • 43. Linux chroots Changes apparent root directory for process and children • Search paths • Relative directories • Etc Using chroot can be escaped given proper capabilities, thus pivot_root is often used instead • chroot; points the processes file system root to new directory • pivot_root; detaches the new root and attaches it to process root directory Often used when building system images • Chroot to temp directory • Download and install packages in chroot • Compress chroot as a system root FS LXC realization • Bind mount container root FS (image) • Launch (unshare or clone) LXC init process in a new MNT namespace • pivot_root to the bind mount (root FS) 43 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 44. Linux chroot vs pivot_root 44 Using pivot_root with MNT namespace addresses escaping chroot concerns The pivot_root target directory becomes the “new root FS” © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 45. LXC Realization: Images LXC images provide a flexible means to deliver only what you need – lightweight and minimal footprint Basic constraints • Same architecture • Same endian • Linux’ish Operating System; you can run different Linux distros on same host Image types • System; images intended to virtualize Operating System(s) – standard distro root FS less the kernel • Application; images intended to virtualize application(s) – only package apps + dependencies (aka JeOS – Just enough Operating System) Bind mount host libs / bins into LXC to share host resources Container image init process • Container init command provided on invocation – can be an application or a full fledged init process • Init script customized for image – skinny SysVinit, upstart, etc. • Reduces overhead of lxc start-up and runtime foot print Various tools to build images • SuSE Kiwi • Debootstrap • Etc. LXC tooling options often include numerous image templates 45 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 46. Linux Security Modules & MAC Linux Security Modules (LSM) – kernel modules which provide a framework for Mandatory Access Control (MAC) security implementations MAC vs DAC • In MAC, admin (user or process) assigns access controls to subject / initiator • Most MAC implementations provide the notion of profiles • Profiles define access restrictions and are said to “confine” a subject • In DAC, resource owner (user) assigns access controls to individual resources Existing LSM implementations include: AppArmor, SELinux, GRSEC, etc. 46 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 47. Linux Capabilities & Other Security Measures Linux capabilities • Per process privileges which define operational (sys call) access • Typically checked based on process EUID and EGID • Root processes (i.e. EUID = GUID = 0) bypass capability checks Capabilities can be assigned to LXC processes to restrict Other LXC security mitigations • Reduce shared FS access using RO bind mounts • Keep Linux kernel up to date • User namespaces in 3.8+ kernel • Allow to launch containers as non-root user • Map UID / GID inside / outside of container 47 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 48. LXC Realization 48 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 49. LXC Tooling LXC is not a kernel feature – it’s a technology enabled via kernel features • User space tooling required to manage LXCs effectively Numerous toolsets exist • Then: add-on patches to upstream kernel due to slow kernel acceptance • Now: upstream LXC feature support is growing – less need for patches More popular GNU Linux toolsets include libvirt-lxc and lxc (tools) • OpenVZ is likely the most mature toolset, but it requires kernel patches • Note: I would consider docker a commoditization of LXC Non-GNU Linux based LXC • Solaris zones • BSD jails • Illumos / SmartOS (solaris derivatives) • Etc. 49 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 50. LXC Industry Tooling 50 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 51. Libvirt-lxc Perhaps the simplest to learn through a familiar virsh interface Libvirt provides LXC support by connecting to lxc:/// Many virsh commands work • virsh -c lxc:/// define sample.xml • virsh –c lxc:/// start sample • virsh –c lxc:/// console sample • virsh –c lxc:/// shutdown sample • virsh –c lxc:/// undefine sample No snapshotting, templates… OpenStack support since Grizzly  No VNC  No Cinder support in Grizzly  Config drive not supported  Alternative means of accessing metadata  Attached disk rather than http calls 51 <domain type='lxc'> <name>sample</name> <memory>32768</memory> <os> <type>exe</type> <init>/init</init> </os> <vcpu>1</vcpu> <clock offset='utc'/> <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff> <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot> <on_crash>destroy</on_crash> <devices> <emulator>/usr/libexec/libvirt_lxc</emulator> <filesystem type='mount'> <source dir='/opt/vm-1-root'/> <target dir='/'/> </filesystem> <interface type='network'> <source network='default'/> </interface> <console type='pty' /> </devices> </domain> © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 52. LXC (tools) A little more functionality Supported by the major distributions LXC 1.0 recently released • Cloning supported: lxc-clone • Templates… btrfs • lxc-create -t ubuntu -n CN creates a new ubuntu container • “template” is downloaded from Ubuntu • Some support for Fedora <= 14 • Debian is supported • lxc-start -d -n CN starts the container • lxc-destroy -n CN destroys the container • /etc/lxc/lxc.conf has default settings • /var/lib/lxc/CN is the default place for each container 52 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 53. LXC Commoditization: docker Young project with great vibrancy in the industry Currently based on unmodified LXC – but the goal is to make it dirt easy As of March 10th, 2014 at v0.9. Monthly releases, 1.0 should be ready for production use What docker adds to LXC • Portable deployment across machines • In Cloud terms, think of LXC as the hypervisor and docker as the Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA) and the provision engine • Docker images can run unchanged on any platform supporting docker • Application-centric • User facing function geared towards application deployment, not VM analogs [!] • Automatic build • Create containers from build files • Builders can use chef, maven, puppet, etc. • Versioning support • Think of git for docker containers • Only delta of base container is tracked • Component re-use • Any container can be used as a base, specialized and saved • Sharing • Support for public/private repositories of containers • Tools • CLI / REST API for interacting with docker • Vendors adding tools daily Docker containers are self contained – no more “dependency hell” 53 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 54. Docker vs. LXC vs. Hypervisor 54 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 55. Docker: LXC Virtualization? 55 Docker decouples the LXC provider from the operations • LXC provider agnostic Docker “images” run anywhere docker is supported • Portability © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 56. LXC Orchestration & Management Docker & libvirt-lxc in OpenStack • Manage containers heterogeneously with traditional VMs… but not w/the level of support & features we might like CoreOS • Zero-touch admin Linux distro with docker images as the unit of operation • Centralized key/value store to coordinate distributed environment Various other 3rd party apps • Maestro for docker • Shipyard for docker • Fleet for CoreOS • Etc. LXC migration • Container migration via criu But… • Still no great way to tie all virtual resources together with LXC – e.g. storage + networking • IMO; an area which needs focus for LXC to become more generally applicable 56 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 57. Docker in OpenStack Introduced in Havana • A nova driver to integrate with docker REST API • A Glance translator to integrate containers with Glance • A docker container which implements a docker registry API The claim is that docker will become a “group A” hypervisor • In it’s current form it’s effectively a “tech preview” 57 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 58. LXC Evaluation Goal: validate the promise with an eye towards practical applicability Dimensions evaluated: • Runtime performance benefits • Density / footprint • Workload isolation • Ease of use and tooling • Cloud Integration • Security • Ease of use / feature set NOTE: tests performed in a passive manner – deeper analysis warrented. 58 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 59. Runtime Performance Benefits - CPU Tested using libvirt lxc on Ubuntu 13.10 using linpack 11.1 Cpuset was used to limit the number of CPUs that the containers could use The performance overhead falls within the error of measurement of this test Actual bare metal performance is actually lower than some container results 59 linpack performance @ 45000 0 50 100 150 200 250 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 BM vcpus GFlops 220.77 Bare metal220.5 @32 vcpu 220.9 @ 31 vcpu © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 60. Runtime Performance Benefits – I/O I/O Tests using libvirt lxc show a < 1 % degradation Tested with a pass-through mount 60 Sync read I/O test Rw=Write Size=1024m Bs=128mb direct=1 sync=1 Sync write I/O test Rw=Write Size=1024m Bs=128mb direct=1 sync=1 I/O throughput 1711.2 1724.9 1626.4 1633.4 0 500 1000 1500 2000 lxc write bare metal write lxc read bare metal read test MB/s Series1 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 61. Runtime Performance Benefits – Block I/O Tested with [standard] AUFS 61 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 62. Density & Footprint – libvirt-lxc 62 Starting 500 containers Mon Nov 11 13:38:49 CST 2013 ... all threads done in 157 (sequential I/O bound) Stopping 500 containers Mon Nov 11 13:42:20 CST 2013 ... all threads done in 162 Active memory delta: 417.2 KB Starting 1000 containers Mon Nov 11 13:59:19 CST 2013 ... all threads done in 335 Stopping 1000 containers Mon Nov 11 14:14:26 CST 2013 ... all threads done in 339 Active memory delta: 838.4KB Using libvirt lxc on RHEL 6.4, we found that empty container overhead was just 840 bytes. A container could be started in about 330ms, which was an I/O bound process This represents the lower limit of lxc footprint Containers ran /bin/sh © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 63. Density & Footprint – Docker In this test, we created 150 Docker containers with CentOS, started apache & then removed them Average footprint was ~10MB per container Average start time was 240ms Serially booting 150 containers which run apache • Takes on average 36 seconds • Consumes about 2 % of the CPU • Negligible HDD space • Spawns around 225 processes for create • Around 1.5 GB of memory ~ 10 MB per container • Expect faster results once docker addresses performance topics in the next few months Serially destroying 150 containers running apache • On average takes 9 seconds • We would expect destroy to be faster – likely a docker bug and will triage with the docker community 63 Container Creation Container Deletion I/O profile CPU profile © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 64. Workload Isolation: Examples Using the blkio cgroup (lxc.cgroup.blkio.throttle.read_bps_device) to cap the I/O of a container Both the total bps and iops_device on read / write could be capped Better async BIO support in kernel 3.10+ We used fio with oflag=sync, direct to test the ability to cap the reads: • With limit set to 6 MB / second READ: io=131072KB, aggrb=6147KB/s, minb=6295KB/s, maxb=6295KB/s, mint=21320msec, maxt=21320msec • With limit set to 60 MB / second READ: io=131072KB, aggrb=61134KB/s, minb=62601KB/s, maxb=62601KB/s, mint=2144msec, maxt=2144msec • No read limit READ: io=131072KB, aggrb=84726KB/s, minb=86760KB/s, maxb=86760KB/s, mint=1547msec, maxt=1547msec 64 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 65. OpenStack VM Operations 65 NOTE: orchestration / management overheads cap LXC performance © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 66. Who’s Using LXC Google app engine & infra is said to be using some form of LXC RedHat OpenShift dotCloud (now docker inc) CloudFoundry (early versions) Rackspace Cloud Databases • Outperforms AWS (Xen) according to perf results Parallels Virtuozzo (commercial product) Etc.. 66 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 67. LXC Gaps There are gaps… Lack of industry tooling / support Live migration still a WIP Full orchestration across resources (compute / storage / networking) Fears of security Not a well known technology… yet Integration with existing virtualization and Cloud tooling Not much / any industry standards Missing skillset Slower upstream support due to kernel dev process Etc. 67 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 68. LXC: Use Cases For Traditional VMs There are still use cases where traditional VMs are warranted. Virtualization of non Linux based OSs • Windows • AIX • Etc. LXC not supported on host VM requires unique kernel setup which is not applicable to other VMs on the host (i.e. per VM kernel config) Etc. 68 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 69. LXC Recommendations Public & private Clouds • Increase VM density 2-3x • Accommodate Big Data & HPC type applications • Move the support of Linux distros to containers PaaS & managed services • Realize “as a Service” and managed services using LXC Operations management • Ease management + increase agility of bare metal components DevOps Development & test • Sandboxes • Dev / test envs • Etc. If you are just starting with LXC and don’t have in-depth skillset • Start with LXC for private solutions (trusted code) 69 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 70. LXC Resources Subsystems_and_Tunable_Parameters.html 70 © Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  • 71. Thank You….. Araf Karsh Hamid ( Thanks to : Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services ( For the fantastic presentation on LinuX Containers 71

Editor's Notes

  1. Memory You can limit the amount of RAM and swap space that can be used by a group of processes.It accounts for the memory used by the processes for their private use (their Resident Set Size, or RSS), but also for the memory used for caching purposes. This is actually quite powerful, because traditional tools (ps, analysis of /proc, etc.) have no way to find out the cache memory usage incurred by specific processes. This can make a big difference, for instance, with databases. A database will typically use very little memory for its processes (unless you do complex queries, but let’s pretend you don’t!), but can be a huge consumer of cache memory: after all, to perform optimally, your whole database (or at least, your “active set” of data that you refer to the most often) should fit into memory. Limiting the memory available to the processes inside a cgroup is as easy as echo1000000000 > /cgroup/polkadot/memory.limit_in_bytes (it will be rounded to a page size). To check the current usage for a cgroup, inspect the pseudo-filememory.usage_in_bytes in the cgroup directory. You can gather very detailed (and very useful) information into memory.stat; the data contained in this file could justify a whole blog post by itself! CPU You might already be familiar with scheduler priorities, and with the nice and renice commands. Once again, control groups will let you define the amount of CPU, that should be shared by a group of processes, instead of a single one. You can give each cgroup a relative number of CPU shares, and the kernel will make sure that each group of process gets access to the CPU in proportion of the number of shares you gave it. Setting the number of shares is as simple as echo 250 > /cgroup/polkadot/cpu.shares. Remember that those shares are just relative numbers: if you multiply everyone’s share by 10, the end result will be exactly the same. This control group also gives statistics incpu.stat. CPU sets This is different from the cpu controller.In systems with multiple CPUs (i.e., the vast majority of servers, desktop & laptop computers, and even phones today!), the cpuset control group lets you define which processes can use which CPU. This can be useful to reserve a full CPU to a given process or group of processes. Those processes will receive a fixed amount of CPU cycles, and they might also run faster because there will be less thrashing at the level of the CPU cache. On systems with Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), the memory is split in multiple banks, and each bank is tied to a specific CPU (or set of CPUs); so binding a process (or group of processes) to a specific CPU (or a specific group of CPUs) can also reduce the overhead happening when a process is scheduled to run on a CPU, but accessing RAM tied to another CPU. Block I/O The blkio controller gives a lot of information about the disk accesses (technically, block devices requests) performed by a group of processes. This is very useful, because I/O resources are much harder to share than CPU or RAM. A system has a given, known, and fixed amount of RAM. It has a fixed number of CPU cycles every second – and even on systems where the number of CPU cycles can change (tickless systems, or virtual machines), it is not an issue, because the kernel will slice the CPU time in shares of e.g. 1 millisecond, and there is a given, known, and fixed number of milliseconds every second (doh!). I/O bandwidth, however, is quite unpredictable. Or rather, as we will see, it is predictable, but the prediction isn’t very useful. A hard disk with a 10ms average seek time will be able to do about 100 requests of 4 KB per second; but if the requests are sequential, typical desktop hard drives can easily sustain 80 MB/s transfer rates – which means 20000 requests of 4 kB per second. The average throughput (measured in IOPS, I/O Operations Per Second) will be somewhere between those two extremes. But as soon as some application performs a task requiring a lot of scattered, random I/O operations, the performance will drop – dramatically. The system does give you some guaranteed performance, but this guaranteed performance is so low, that it doesn’t help much (that’s exactly the problem of AWS EBS, by the way). It’s like a highway with an anti-traffic jam system that would guarantee that you can always go above a given speed, except that this speed is 5 mph. Not very helpful, is it? That’s why SSD storage is becoming increasingly popular. SSD has virtually no seek time, and can therefore sustain random I/O as fast as sequential I/O. The available throughput is therefore predictably good, under any given load. Actually, there are some workloads that can cause problems; for instance, if you continuously write and rewrite a whole disk, you will find that the performance will drop dramatically. This is because read and write operations are fast, but erase, which must be performed at some point before write, is slow. This won’t be a problem in most situations. An example use-case which could exhibit the issue would be to use SSD to do catch-up TV for 100 HD channels simultaneously: the disk will sustain the write throughput until it has written every block once; then it will need to erase, and performance will drop below acceptable levels.) To get back to the topic – what’s the purpose of the blkio controller in a PaaS environment like dotCloud? The blkio controller metrics will help detecting applications that are putting an excessive strain on the I/O subsystem. Then, the controller lets you set limits, which can be expressed in number of operations and/or bytes per second. It also allows for different limits for read and write operations. It allows to set some safeguard limits (to make sure that a single app won’t significantly degrade performance for everyone). Furthermore, once a I/O-hungry app has been identified, its quota can be adapted to reduce impact on other apps. more The pid namespace This is probably the most useful for basic isolation. Each pid namespace has its own process numbering. Different pid namespaces form a hierarchy: the kernel keeps track of which namespace created which other. A “parent” namespace can see its children namespaces, and it can affect them (for instance, with signals); but a child namespace cannot do anything to its parent namespace. As a consequence: each pid namespace has its own “PID 1” init-like process; processes living in a namespace cannot affect processes living in parent or sibling namespaces with system calls like kill or ptrace, since process ids are meaningful only inside a given namespace; if a pseudo-filesystem like proc is mounted by a process within a pid namespace, it will only show the processes belonging to the namespace; since the numbering is different in each namespace, it means that a process in a child namespace will have multiple PIDs: one in its own namespace, and a different PID in its parent namespace. The last item means that from the top-level pid namespace, you will be able to see all processes running in all namespaces, but with different PIDs. Of course, a process can have more than 2 PIDs if there are more than two levels of hierarchy in the namespaces. The net namespace With the pid namespace, you can start processes in multiple isolated environments (let’s bite the bullet and call them “containers” once and for all). But if you want to run e.g. a different Apache in each container, you will have a problem: there can be only one process listening to port 80/tcp at a time. You could configure your instances of Apache to listen on different ports… or you could use the net namespace. As its name implies, the net namespace is about networking. Each different net namespace can have different network interfaces. Even lo, the loopback interface supporting, will be different in each different net namespace. It is possible to create pairs of special interfaces, which will appear in two different net namespaces, and allow a net namespace to talk to the outside world. A typical container will have its own loopback interface (lo), as well as one end of such a special interface, generally named eth0. The other end of the special interface will be in the “original” namespace, and will bear a poetic name like veth42xyz0. It is then possible to put those special interfaces together within an Ethernet bridge (to achieve switching between containers), or route packets between them, etc. (If you are familiar with the Xen networking model, this is probably no news to you!) Note that each net namespace has its own meaning for INADDR_ANY, a.k.a.; so when your Apache process binds to *:80 within its namespace, it will only receive connections directed to the IP addresses and interfaces of its namespace – thus allowing you, at the end of the day, to run multiple Apache instances, with their default configuration listening on port 80. In case you were wondering: each net namespace has its own routing table, but also its own iptables chains and rules. The ipc namespace This one won’t appeal a lot to you; unless you passed your UNIX 101 a long time ago, when they still taught about IPC (InterProcess Communication)! IPC provides semaphores, message queues, and shared memory segments. While still supported by virtually all UNIX flavors, those features are considered by many people as obsolete, and superseded by POSIX semaphores, POSIX message queues, and mmap. Nonetheless, some programs – including PostgreSQL – still use IPC. What’s the connection with namespaces? Well, each IPC resources are accessed through a unique 32-bits ID. IPC implement permissions on resources, but nonetheless, one application could be surprised if it failed to access a given resource because it has already been claimed by another process in a different container. Introduce the ipc namespace: processes within a given ipc namespace cannot access (or even see at all) IPC resources living in other ipc namespaces. And now you can safely run a PostgreSQL instance in each container without fearing IPC key collisions! The mnt namespace You might already be familiar with chroot, a mechanism allowing to sandbox a process (and its children) within a given directory. The mnt namespace takes that concept one step further. As its name implies, the mnt namespace deals with mountpoints. Processes living in different mnt namespaces can see different sets of mounted filesystems – and different root directories. If a filesystem is mounted in a mnt namespace, it will be accessible only to those processes within that namespace; it will remain invisible for processes in other namespaces. At first, it sounds useful, since it allows to sandbox each container within its own directory, hiding other containers. At a second glance, is it really that useful? After all, if each container is chroot‘ed in a different directory, container C1 won’t be able to access or see the filesystem of container C2, right? Well, that’s right, but there are side effects. Inspecting /proc/mounts in a container will show the mountpoints of all containers. Also, those mountpoints will be relative to the original namespace, which can give some hints about the layout of your system – and maybe confuse some applications which would rely on the paths in /proc/mounts. The mnt namespace makes the situation much cleaner, allowing each container to have its own mountpoints, and see only those mountpoints, with their path correctly translated to the actual root of the namespace. The uts namespace Finally, the uts namespace deals with one little detail: the hostname that will be “seen” by a group of processes. Each uts namespace will hold a different hostname, and changing the hostname (through the sethostname system call) will only change it for processes running in the same namespace.
  3. * Thanks to Maya who came up with this script improving upon the previous one… Result of a challenge posted to my team…
  4. Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  5. Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  6. Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (
  7. Realizing Linux Containers (LXC) Building Blocks, Underpinnings & Motivations : By Boden Russell – IBM Technology Services (