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Arun George



Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis characterized by vague
constitutional symptoms and a protracted course of
illness with remissions and exacerbations.
Tuberculosis is the reaction of tissues of the human
host to the presence and multiplication of Mycobacterium
The clinical states arising from TB infection are the
outcome between the capacity of the host to contain
and eliminate the organism versus the capacity of the
organism to multiply and proliferate.

1/3rd of the world’s population is or has been
infected with tubercle bacilli.
India accounts for one third of the word TB

Prevalence of the disease in India:

15-25 per 1000 population
15 million infected, 25% sputum positive
3 to 4 million infected are children


Agent : Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis
Reservoir : Infected patient
Mode of infection : Droplet infection, dust, ingestion,
skin, mucous membrane, skin
Host Factors


Age : all ages affected, congenital is rare
Sex : Girls > boys at Puberty
Malnutrition : more succeptible
Intercurrent infections : eg measles, whooping cough

Environment : overcrowding, inadequate ventillation,
damp, insanitary and unhygenic conditions
Portal of entry for tuberculosis

Inhalation of Tubercle bacilli in >95% (M.TB)
Ingestion of milk containing Bovine Tubercle
bacilli (M. bovis)
Contamination of superficial skin or mucous
membrane lesion with tubercle bacilli
Congenital infection when mother has
lymphohematogenous spread during pregnancy
OR tuberculous endometritis
Primary tuberculous infection
Primary Focus (Ghon’s focus)
 at the site of first implantation
 usually single and Subpleural
 in most, - heals and disappears, or
- fibroses or calcifies.
Primary Complex:
 primary focus + Hilar lymphnodes + draining
 complications arise more commonly from regional
adenitis than from the primary focus
Primary infection
Children vs. Adults


In adults,
- regional lymphadenitis less marked
- bronchial erosion less frequent
- less risk of dissemination
Thus, adult primary infection tends to be
more local and pulmonary.
Progressive primary tuberculosis



Progression of TB depends on the age of the
child, number of tubercle bacilli, and host
Apparently healed focus or nodes may contain
viable organisms for many years.
During 1st 4-8 weeks, organisms are disseminated
in the blood stream.
Progressive pulmonary disease


Progressive primary infection: Progression of
recently acquired pulmonary primary infection
Endogenous exacerbation: reactivity of
organisms and breakdown of primary lesions
acquired > 5 years previously
Exogenous exacerbation: Re-infection by newly
acquired bacilli in persons with healed primary
Symptoms of childhood

Failure to thrive } &
Intermittent fever } are the commonest symptoms
Pleural effusion
Abdominal mass (Painless)
Limp / Arthritis
Painless lymphadenopathy
Persistent skin ulcer
Sterile pyuria
Pulmonary lesions in tuberculosis
- the primary complex
Complications of the primary
1. Rupture of focus into pleural space causing
serous effusion
2. Rupture of focus into bronchus causing
3. Enlarged focus, sometimes laminated or “coin”
Complications of regional nodes
1. Incomplete (ball-valve) bronchial obstruction,
emphysema of middle & lower lobes
2. Complete bronchial obstruction, collapse of
right lower lobe
3. Erosion of node into bronchus & segmental
4. Rupture of node into pericardium: tuberculous
pericardial effusion
Sequelae of bronchial complications
1. Stricture of bronchus at site of erosion
2. Cylindrical bronchiectasis in area of old collapse
3. Wedge shadow: contracture & fibrosis of
segmental lesion
4. Linear scar of fibrosis following segmental

Primary complex – mild fever, anorexia, weight
loss, decreased activity, cough


Progressive primary complex – high grade fever,
cough. Expectoration and hemoptysis – usually
associated with cavity and ulceration of
Abnormal chest signs – decreased air entry,
dullness, creps

Endobronchial tb – wheeze!!
Fever, troublesome cough, dyspnea, wheezing
and cyanosis


Pleural effusion – follows a rupture of a
subpleural focus. Also by hematogenous spread
from primary focus. Occurs coz of
hypersensitivity to tuberculoproteins.
Fever, cough, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain.
Miliary tuberculosis

most common within 1st 3 to 6 months after
due to heavy hematogenous spread of tubercle
Onset: Insidious, with
Fever and weight loss
Palpable liver and/or spleen
Tachypnoea with normal chest findings
Miliary tuberculosis


Hematogenous dissemination leads to progressive
development of small lesions throughout the body,
with tubercles in the
lung, spleen, liver,
bone marrow, heart, pancreas
brain, choroid, skin
Radiologic diagnosis:
“Snow storm” appearance
(Multiple small lung nodules 1mm size and above in
both lung fields).
Miliary TB
Cutaneous Tuberculosis



Associated with primary complex
(Direct inoculation into Traumatized Area)
- Painless nodule, leading to non healing ulcer with regional
- Scrofuloderma over ruptured caseous lymph node
Associated with Hematogenous dissemination
- Papulonecrotic tuberculids
papules with soft centers on trunk, thighs and face
- Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis
Large tuberculids on arms and legs
Associated with hypersensitivity to tuberculin
- Erythema nodosum
painful indurated nodules on shins, elbows, forearms that
subside in 2-3 weeks
TB verrucosa cutis
Erythema nodosum
Tuberculosis of superficial
lymph nodes (scrofula)
Tonsillar / submandibular
(Spread from paratracheal nodes)
 Supraclavicular
(From primary lesion in upper lobe)
 Axillary / epitrochlear
(From skin lesion on hand)
 Inguinal
(From ulcer on sole of foot)
Ocular Tuberculosis

Primary tuberculous conjunctivitis (after trauma)
Yellowish – gray nodules on palpebral conjunctiva
with preauricular adenopathy


Phlyctenular conjunctivitis (Hypersensitivity)
Nodules on limbus recurring in crops for weeks


Tubercles of choroid (with miliary TB)
Choroidal tubercles
Tuberculous otitis media
Primary with Preauricular adenitis
 Metastatic spread with primary elsewhere

Symptoms: Painless otorrhea, may be bloodstained
 Complications: Secondary infection
TB meningitis
GI and Abdominal TB

Hematogenous spread from lungs or swallowing
of infected sputum.

Painless ulcer in gingivolabial sulcus with
submental or submandibular adenopathy
 Ulcer on tonsil
 Esophageal diverticulum secondary to rupture of
mediastinal nodes into lumen
Tuberculous toxemia
 Present with colicky abdominal pain, vomiting and
 Abdomen feels doughy.
 Rolled up omentum and enlarged lymph nodes may
appear as irregular nodular masses with ascites
 Tuberculous enteritis
Ulcers, mesenteric adenitis, peritonitis
Adhesions, subacute intestinal obstruction,
Renal tuberculosis



Tubercles in glomeruli lead to shedding of
tubercle bacilli into tubules
Caseous mass / Cavity between cortex and
TB of bladder (Tuberculous cystitis)
Symptoms: dysuria, hematuria,
pyuria with TB bacilli
Caseous renal tuberculosis
Skeletal tuberculosis




Bones involved in order of frequency:
Vertebrae > knee > hip > elbow
Upper extremities and non-weight-bearing bones
(skull, clavicle) rarely involved
Tuberculous spondylitis most commonly
Thoracic / Lumbar / Both (Decreasing frequency)
X-ray findings:
Narrowing of disc space, Collapse of vertebral
Extensive destruction with kyphosis (Pott disease)
Complications:Para vertebral abscess (Pott abscess)
Psoas Abscess. Paraplegia, Quadriplegia (cervical)
Genital tuberculosis

Uncommon before puberty
Usually due to lympho-hematogenous spread
Occasionally by direct extension from
adjacent lesion of bone, gut, or urinary tract
Genital tuberculosis
 Endometritis
 Oophoritis
 Cervicitis
 Infertility is commonest sequel
 in males:
 Primary tuberculosis of penis after circumcision
with inguinal adenopathy
 Epididymitis / Epididymo – orchitis in early
Tuberculous meningitis
TB meningitis seen in 1/300 Primary infections
Rupture of a subcortical caseous focus (Rich’s) into the
subarachnoid space.
Inflammatory exudates form about base of brain and along
cerebral vessels as they pass over hemispheres.
Raised intracranial pressure due to increased secretion of
Adhesions along base and roof of 4th ventricles lead to
obstruction to CSF flow and hydrocephalus,
involvement of cranial nerves III VI VII and optic chiasma.
Cerebral endarteritis narrows lumen, reduces blood flow,
leads to cerebral thrombosis and infarction.
Stages of TB meningitis
Stage I Irritability, anorexia, personality change
Occasional vomiting, fever
Poor school performance
Stage II Focal neurological signs, cranial nerve palsies,
Seizures, hemiplegia, squint
Stage III Loss of consciousness, Coma, Papilloedema
Decerebrate rigidity
Complications of TB meningitis
Subdural effusion
Late: Hemiplegia / Paraplegia
Intellectual impairment
Intracranial calcifications leading to
hypothalamic and pituitary dysfunction
- Growth failure
- Diabetes insipidus
- Failure of development of secondary sexual
Diagnosis of TB meningitis

Signs of meningeal irritation
X-ray chest
CT scan – basal exudates, inflammatory granulomas etc
Tuberculin testing
Retinoscopy for choroidal tubercles
Lumbar puncture
Elevated CSF pressure(30 – 40cm h2o)
Cobweb Coagulum/ pellicle on standing
100 – 500 WBCs /
>40 mg% protein
Low / Normal sugar
AFB smear & culture
Prognosis in TB meningitis
100% mortality in 3-4 weeks without treatment
100% survival with treatment started in Stage I
75% survival with treatment started in Stage II
Stage III – variable survival, all will have sequelae
Direct tests for tuberculosis

Ziehl-Neelsen staining for AFB in clinical specimens
(sputum, gastric juice, biopsy)
AFB culture on Lowenstein-Jensen solid medium (4
PCR amplification of targeted mycobacterial DNA
DNA probes: fluorescence in situ hybridization assays

LJ medium
BACTEC radiometric assay
Septichek AFB system
MGIT – mycobacterial growth indicator tube

PCR – rapid results


Serodiagnosis – ELISA


QuantiFERON- TB test (QFT) – for diagnosing
latent TB. Based on IFN-gamma released from
sensitized lymphocytes.
Positive Mantoux
Mantoux Test



MC used test for establishing diagnosis of TB in
Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction
0.1 ml of 5 TU PPD is injected intradermally
into the volar aspect of the forearm (or 2 TU of
PPD RT 23)
A weal of 5 mm should be raised
Reaction is read after 48 – 72 hrs
Look for induration and erythema
Observation and Inference




48-72 hours later  diameter of induration is
measured transversely to the long axis of the
Induration > 10mm is suggestive of natural
5-10 mm  borderline; considered positive in
immunocompromised host
<5mm  Negative mantoux test does not rule
out TB
False Negatives

Test done in incubation period of TB
For several weeks following measles
During Corticosteroid therapy
Overwhelming TB infection (milliary, meningits)
Severe Malnutrition
If given Sub Cutaneous instead of Intra dermal
Inactive Tuberculin
False positive

Atypical mycobacteria
BCG vaccine
Infection at site of test
Guidelines for presumptive diagnosis
of tuberculosis
Pediatr Infect Dis J 1993;12: 499-504)

A combination of at least 3 of the following:
 Symptoms/signs s/o TB:
(fever > 1 mo., cough, weight loss)
 History of close contact with TB
 Positive tuberculin skin test (Mantoux > 10 mm)
 sputum / gastric juice AFB +ve
 lymph node / tissue biopsy positivity
 Radiologic features suggestive of TB
 Response to Anti TB Therapy

History of contact = any child who lives in a
household with an adult taking ATT or has
taken therapy in the past 2 years



In extra pulmonary tb, presence of lesions on chest
radiograph supports diagnosis.
Enlarged lymph nodes in hila, right paratracheal region
Consolidation in progressive primary disease –
heterogenous, poorly marginated with predilection to
apical or posterior segments of upper lobe or superior
segments of lower lobe.
Pleural effusion
Miliary tb – millet sized lesions
Treatment for TB
1st line anti-tuberculous drugs



Isoniazid (INAH) 5 mg/kg/day
10 mg/kg/day
25 mg/kg/day
20 mg/kg/day


2nd Line drugs
Drug resistant cases or when first line drugs cant be used
 Eg. Cycloserine, ethionamaide, PAS, kanamycin


Other drugs
Strictly for drug resistant cases
 Eg. Quinolones, rifamycin, amikacin, imipenem,
Phases of Treatment

Intensive Phase


Continuation Phase


Eliminate bacterial load
Prevent emergence of drug resistant strains
Atleast 3 Bactericidal Drugs used

Continue and complete therapy
Atleast 2 Bactericidal drugs used


Anti inflammatory effect – millary, peritonitis, pericarditis
TB meningitis
RNTCP Treatment
Treatment policies in children
with tuberculosis (IAP)



Preventive Therapy In Mantoux Positive : 6 HR
Primary complex }
Isolated LNE
2 HRZ + 4 HR
Pleural Effusion }
Progressive Pulmonary Tuberculosis }
Multiple LNE

2 HRZE + 4 HR

Miliary, Bone, Renal, Pericardial }
2 HRZE + 7HR
TB Meningitis
2 HRZE + 10 HRE +
Prednisolone / Dexamethasone
The 5 components of DOTS


& administrative commitment


by good quality sputum microscopy


supply of good quality drugs


observed treatment


monitoring & Accountability
Drug Resistance

Natural or Primary
Multidrug resistance (MDR)
Treatment of resistant

INH-resistant TB: 18 RZE
Rifampicin-resistant TB: 18 – 24 HZE
Multidrug-resistant TB:
 Treat for 24 mo. after culture conversion
with regimen containing 3 second-line
drugs, including IM aminoglycoside/ SM,
one fluoroquinolone and one oral 2nd line

Nelson’s textbook of paediatrics
OP Ghai – Essential Paediatrics
Preventive and Social Medicine – Park & Park
The Internet…

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Childhood TB

  • 2. Tuberculosis    Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis characterized by vague constitutional symptoms and a protracted course of illness with remissions and exacerbations. Tuberculosis is the reaction of tissues of the human host to the presence and multiplication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The clinical states arising from TB infection are the outcome between the capacity of the host to contain and eliminate the organism versus the capacity of the organism to multiply and proliferate.
  • 3. Magnitude   1/3rd of the world’s population is or has been infected with tubercle bacilli. India accounts for one third of the word TB burden Prevalence of the disease in India:    15-25 per 1000 population 15 million infected, 25% sputum positive 3 to 4 million infected are children
  • 4. Epidemiology     Agent : Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis Reservoir : Infected patient Mode of infection : Droplet infection, dust, ingestion, skin, mucous membrane, skin Host Factors      Age : all ages affected, congenital is rare Sex : Girls > boys at Puberty Malnutrition : more succeptible Intercurrent infections : eg measles, whooping cough Environment : overcrowding, inadequate ventillation, damp, insanitary and unhygenic conditions
  • 5. Portal of entry for tuberculosis     Inhalation of Tubercle bacilli in >95% (M.TB) Ingestion of milk containing Bovine Tubercle bacilli (M. bovis) Contamination of superficial skin or mucous membrane lesion with tubercle bacilli Congenital infection when mother has lymphohematogenous spread during pregnancy OR tuberculous endometritis
  • 6. Primary tuberculous infection Primary Focus (Ghon’s focus)  at the site of first implantation  usually single and Subpleural  in most, - heals and disappears, or  - fibroses or calcifies. Primary Complex:  primary focus + Hilar lymphnodes + draining lymphatics  complications arise more commonly from regional adenitis than from the primary focus
  • 7. Primary infection Children vs. Adults   In adults, - regional lymphadenitis less marked - bronchial erosion less frequent - less risk of dissemination Thus, adult primary infection tends to be more local and pulmonary.
  • 8. Progressive primary tuberculosis    Progression of TB depends on the age of the child, number of tubercle bacilli, and host resistance. Apparently healed focus or nodes may contain viable organisms for many years. During 1st 4-8 weeks, organisms are disseminated in the blood stream.
  • 9. Progressive pulmonary disease    Progressive primary infection: Progression of recently acquired pulmonary primary infection Endogenous exacerbation: reactivity of organisms and breakdown of primary lesions acquired > 5 years previously Exogenous exacerbation: Re-infection by newly acquired bacilli in persons with healed primary lesions
  • 10. Symptoms of childhood tuberculosis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Failure to thrive } & Intermittent fever } are the commonest symptoms Pleural effusion Ascites Abdominal mass (Painless) Limp / Arthritis Painless lymphadenopathy Persistent skin ulcer Sterile pyuria Meningitis
  • 11. Pulmonary lesions in tuberculosis - the primary complex
  • 12. Complications of the primary focus 1. Rupture of focus into pleural space causing serous effusion 2. Rupture of focus into bronchus causing cavitation 3. Enlarged focus, sometimes laminated or “coin” shadow
  • 13. Complications of regional nodes 1. Incomplete (ball-valve) bronchial obstruction, emphysema of middle & lower lobes 2. Complete bronchial obstruction, collapse of right lower lobe 3. Erosion of node into bronchus & segmental consolidation 4. Rupture of node into pericardium: tuberculous pericardial effusion
  • 14. Sequelae of bronchial complications 1. Stricture of bronchus at site of erosion 2. Cylindrical bronchiectasis in area of old collapse 3. Wedge shadow: contracture & fibrosis of segmental lesion 4. Linear scar of fibrosis following segmental lesion
  • 15. Symptoms  Primary complex – mild fever, anorexia, weight loss, decreased activity, cough  Progressive primary complex – high grade fever, cough. Expectoration and hemoptysis – usually associated with cavity and ulceration of bronchus. Abnormal chest signs – decreased air entry, dullness, creps
  • 16.  Endobronchial tb – wheeze!! Fever, troublesome cough, dyspnea, wheezing and cyanosis  Pleural effusion – follows a rupture of a subpleural focus. Also by hematogenous spread from primary focus. Occurs coz of hypersensitivity to tuberculoproteins. Fever, cough, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain.
  • 17. Miliary tuberculosis    most common within 1st 3 to 6 months after infection due to heavy hematogenous spread of tubercle bacilli Onset: Insidious, with Fever and weight loss Palpable liver and/or spleen Tachypnoea with normal chest findings
  • 18. Miliary tuberculosis       Hematogenous dissemination leads to progressive development of small lesions throughout the body, with tubercles in the lung, spleen, liver, bone marrow, heart, pancreas brain, choroid, skin Radiologic diagnosis: “Snow storm” appearance (Multiple small lung nodules 1mm size and above in both lung fields).
  • 20. Cutaneous Tuberculosis 1.   2.   3.  Associated with primary complex (Direct inoculation into Traumatized Area) - Painless nodule, leading to non healing ulcer with regional lymphadenitis - Scrofuloderma over ruptured caseous lymph node Associated with Hematogenous dissemination - Papulonecrotic tuberculids papules with soft centers on trunk, thighs and face - Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis Large tuberculids on arms and legs Associated with hypersensitivity to tuberculin - Erythema nodosum painful indurated nodules on shins, elbows, forearms that subside in 2-3 weeks
  • 23. Tuberculosis of superficial lymph nodes (scrofula) Tonsillar / submandibular (Spread from paratracheal nodes)  Supraclavicular (From primary lesion in upper lobe)  Axillary / epitrochlear (From skin lesion on hand)  Inguinal (From ulcer on sole of foot) 
  • 24. Ocular Tuberculosis  Primary tuberculous conjunctivitis (after trauma) Yellowish – gray nodules on palpebral conjunctiva with preauricular adenopathy  Phlyctenular conjunctivitis (Hypersensitivity) Nodules on limbus recurring in crops for weeks  Tubercles of choroid (with miliary TB)
  • 26. Tuberculous otitis media Primary with Preauricular adenitis  Metastatic spread with primary elsewhere  Symptoms: Painless otorrhea, may be bloodstained  Complications: Secondary infection  Deafness  TB meningitis 
  • 27. GI and Abdominal TB  Hematogenous spread from lungs or swallowing of infected sputum. Painless ulcer in gingivolabial sulcus with submental or submandibular adenopathy  Ulcer on tonsil  Esophageal diverticulum secondary to rupture of mediastinal nodes into lumen 
  • 28. Tuberculous toxemia  Present with colicky abdominal pain, vomiting and constipation.  Abdomen feels doughy.  Rolled up omentum and enlarged lymph nodes may appear as irregular nodular masses with ascites  Tuberculous enteritis Ulcers, mesenteric adenitis, peritonitis Adhesions, subacute intestinal obstruction, Hepatosplenomegaly 
  • 29. Renal tuberculosis     Tubercles in glomeruli lead to shedding of tubercle bacilli into tubules Caseous mass / Cavity between cortex and pyramids TB of bladder (Tuberculous cystitis) Symptoms: dysuria, hematuria, pyuria with TB bacilli
  • 31. Skeletal tuberculosis     Bones involved in order of frequency: Vertebrae > knee > hip > elbow Upper extremities and non-weight-bearing bones (skull, clavicle) rarely involved Tuberculous spondylitis most commonly Thoracic / Lumbar / Both (Decreasing frequency) X-ray findings: Narrowing of disc space, Collapse of vertebral body Extensive destruction with kyphosis (Pott disease) Complications:Para vertebral abscess (Pott abscess) Psoas Abscess. Paraplegia, Quadriplegia (cervical)
  • 32. Genital tuberculosis    Uncommon before puberty Usually due to lympho-hematogenous spread Occasionally by direct extension from adjacent lesion of bone, gut, or urinary tract
  • 33. Genital tuberculosis Salpingitis  Endometritis  Oophoritis  Cervicitis  Infertility is commonest sequel  in males:  Primary tuberculosis of penis after circumcision with inguinal adenopathy  Epididymitis / Epididymo – orchitis in early childhood 
  • 34. Tuberculous meningitis TB meningitis seen in 1/300 Primary infections Pathophysiology: Rupture of a subcortical caseous focus (Rich’s) into the subarachnoid space. Inflammatory exudates form about base of brain and along cerebral vessels as they pass over hemispheres. Raised intracranial pressure due to increased secretion of CSF Adhesions along base and roof of 4th ventricles lead to obstruction to CSF flow and hydrocephalus, involvement of cranial nerves III VI VII and optic chiasma. Cerebral endarteritis narrows lumen, reduces blood flow, leads to cerebral thrombosis and infarction.
  • 35. Stages of TB meningitis Stage I Irritability, anorexia, personality change Occasional vomiting, fever Poor school performance Stage II Focal neurological signs, cranial nerve palsies, Seizures, hemiplegia, squint Stage III Loss of consciousness, Coma, Papilloedema Decerebrate rigidity
  • 36. Complications of TB meningitis Hydrocephalus Subdural effusion Late: Hemiplegia / Paraplegia Intellectual impairment Blindness Deafness Intracranial calcifications leading to hypothalamic and pituitary dysfunction - Growth failure - Diabetes insipidus - Failure of development of secondary sexual characteristics
  • 37. Diagnosis of TB meningitis       Signs of meningeal irritation X-ray chest CT scan – basal exudates, inflammatory granulomas etc Tuberculin testing Retinoscopy for choroidal tubercles Lumbar puncture Elevated CSF pressure(30 – 40cm h2o) Cobweb Coagulum/ pellicle on standing 100 – 500 WBCs / >40 mg% protein Low / Normal sugar AFB smear & culture
  • 38. Prognosis in TB meningitis 100% mortality in 3-4 weeks without treatment 100% survival with treatment started in Stage I 75% survival with treatment started in Stage II Stage III – variable survival, all will have sequelae
  • 39. Direct tests for tuberculosis     Ziehl-Neelsen staining for AFB in clinical specimens (sputum, gastric juice, biopsy) AFB culture on Lowenstein-Jensen solid medium (4 weeks) PCR amplification of targeted mycobacterial DNA sequences DNA probes: fluorescence in situ hybridization assays
  • 40. Culture     LJ medium BACTEC radiometric assay Septichek AFB system MGIT – mycobacterial growth indicator tube system
  • 41.  PCR – rapid results  Serodiagnosis – ELISA  QuantiFERON- TB test (QFT) – for diagnosing latent TB. Based on IFN-gamma released from sensitized lymphocytes. ELISPOT
  • 43. Mantoux Test       MC used test for establishing diagnosis of TB in children Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction 0.1 ml of 5 TU PPD is injected intradermally into the volar aspect of the forearm (or 2 TU of PPD RT 23) A weal of 5 mm should be raised Reaction is read after 48 – 72 hrs Look for induration and erythema
  • 44. Observation and Inference     48-72 hours later  diameter of induration is measured transversely to the long axis of the forearm. Induration > 10mm is suggestive of natural infection. 5-10 mm  borderline; considered positive in immunocompromised host <5mm  Negative mantoux test does not rule out TB
  • 45. False Negatives        Test done in incubation period of TB For several weeks following measles During Corticosteroid therapy Overwhelming TB infection (milliary, meningits) Severe Malnutrition If given Sub Cutaneous instead of Intra dermal Inactive Tuberculin
  • 46. False positive    Atypical mycobacteria BCG vaccine Infection at site of test
  • 47. Guidelines for presumptive diagnosis of tuberculosis Pediatr Infect Dis J 1993;12: 499-504)  A combination of at least 3 of the following:  Symptoms/signs s/o TB: (fever > 1 mo., cough, weight loss)  History of close contact with TB  Positive tuberculin skin test (Mantoux > 10 mm)  sputum / gastric juice AFB +ve  lymph node / tissue biopsy positivity  Radiologic features suggestive of TB  Response to Anti TB Therapy
  • 48.  History of contact = any child who lives in a household with an adult taking ATT or has taken therapy in the past 2 years
  • 49. Radiology       In extra pulmonary tb, presence of lesions on chest radiograph supports diagnosis. Enlarged lymph nodes in hila, right paratracheal region Consolidation in progressive primary disease – heterogenous, poorly marginated with predilection to apical or posterior segments of upper lobe or superior segments of lower lobe. Bronchiectasis Pleural effusion Miliary tb – millet sized lesions
  • 50. Treatment for TB 1st line anti-tuberculous drugs    Isoniazid (INAH) 5 mg/kg/day Rifampicin 10 mg/kg/day Pyrazinamide 25 mg/kg/day Ethambutol 20 mg/kg/day Streptomycin 20mg/kg/day H R Z E S
  • 51.  2nd Line drugs Drug resistant cases or when first line drugs cant be used  Eg. Cycloserine, ethionamaide, PAS, kanamycin   Other drugs Strictly for drug resistant cases  Eg. Quinolones, rifamycin, amikacin, imipenem, ampicillin 
  • 52. Phases of Treatment  Intensive Phase     Continuation Phase    Eliminate bacterial load Prevent emergence of drug resistant strains Atleast 3 Bactericidal Drugs used Continue and complete therapy Atleast 2 Bactericidal drugs used Steroids   Anti inflammatory effect – millary, peritonitis, pericarditis TB meningitis
  • 54. Treatment policies in children with tuberculosis (IAP)         Preventive Therapy In Mantoux Positive : 6 HR Primary complex } Isolated LNE } 2 HRZ + 4 HR Pleural Effusion } Progressive Pulmonary Tuberculosis } Multiple LNE } 2 HRZE + 4 HR Miliary, Bone, Renal, Pericardial } 2 HRZE + 7HR TB Meningitis } 2 HRZE + 10 HRE + Prednisolone / Dexamethasone
  • 55. The 5 components of DOTS Political & administrative commitment Diagnosis by good quality sputum microscopy Adequate supply of good quality drugs Directly observed treatment Systematic monitoring & Accountability
  • 56. Drug Resistance     Natural or Primary Acquired Initial Multidrug resistance (MDR)
  • 57. Treatment of resistant tuberculosis    INH-resistant TB: 18 RZE Rifampicin-resistant TB: 18 – 24 HZE Multidrug-resistant TB:  Treat for 24 mo. after culture conversion with regimen containing 3 second-line drugs, including IM aminoglycoside/ SM, one fluoroquinolone and one oral 2nd line drug.
  • 58.
  • 59. References     Nelson’s textbook of paediatrics OP Ghai – Essential Paediatrics Preventive and Social Medicine – Park & Park The Internet…