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Dr. Ashraf El Adawy
Consultant Chest Physician
Mansoura - Egypt
Peak expiratory flow rate
(PEFR) in Asthma
 Measurements of lung function provide an
assessment of the severity, reversibility,and
variability of airflow limitation, and help
confirm the diagnosis of asthma in patients
older than 5 years.
Lung Function Measurements
Lung Function Measurements
• Changes in lung function over time
(Spontaneously or in response to therapy)
- Spirometry (FEV1, FVC, and their ratio)
- Peak expiratory flow rate
(PEFR or “peak flow”)
• Airway hyperresponsiveness to stimuli
- Methacholine challenge test
- Exercise challenge test
Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
using the peak flow meter
Breathing Tests
 Spirometry Testing:
lung volumes in/out,
lung flow of air in/out
 Peak Flow Monitoring:
lung flow of air in/out
What is a Peak Flow Meter?
 A peak flow meter is a device, which records
the peak or maximal flow during a forced
expiratory manoeuvre (PEFR = Peak
Expiratory Flow Rate).
 In other words, a peak flow meter measures
how fast air can be expelled from the lungs.
 The peak expiratory flow (PEF), also called
peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) is a person's
maximum speed of expiration, as measured
with a peak flow meter, a small, hand-held
device used to monitor a person's ability
to breathe out air
What is a Peak Flow Meter?
Peak Flow Meters
A portable device that can help measure air
flow in and out of the lungs
May not be useful for children under the age
of 5
Can be a good indicator of air flow in and
out of the lungs in those over age 5
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
Normal Values:
Normal values vary based on a person's age,
sex, and height.
Peak flow measurements are most useful
when a person compares the number on a
given day to his or her "personal best."
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
Normal Values:
Normal values are related to the patient's
height as follows:
An easy to remember approximation is:
PEFR (L/min) = [Height (cm) - 80] x 5
 The average range for an adult for peak flow
lies between PFR 450 (EU) and PFR 600 (EU)
 Because the peak flow depends on age,
gender, race and height, the measured result
is compared to that predicted for a person’s
age, gender, and height, using special charts
and the measurement is compared with what
would be expected.
 Measurements must be compared against a
recognised chart of normal values, but
perhaps more importantly as a comparison
against the individual's normal range.
Peak Flow measurement
 Minimum of 3
acceptable blows
 Standing position is
 Nose clip not
 No cough
 Blow duration 1 to 2
 Your "personal best" peak flow rate is the
highest peak flow rate you can reach over a two-
to three-week period when you feel good and
have no asthma symptoms.
 This flow rate serves as a benchmark in your
daily self-management plan.
 Because everyone's asthma is different, your
personal best will be unique to you.
Determining your personal best
 To determine your personal best, Typically,
you'll take readings twice a day for two
weeks when you're not having symptoms.
 The highest consistent reading during the
trial period is your "personal best" peak flow
Determining your personal best
 To take a peak flow reading: put the marker to
zero, take a deep breath, seal your lips around
the mouthpiece, then blow as hard and as fast
as you can into the device, Note the reading.
 Repeat three times. The 'best of the three' is the
reading to record on the chart
 When recording a peak flow result, the three
readings should be within 20 litres per
minute of each other; if not the peak flow
rate recording should be repeated up to five
Hannah uses her peak flow meter every morning and evening.
This helps her see how well she is breathing.
Peak Flow Diary
First #________ Second #________ Third #________
500 1
 When peak flow is being monitored regularly,
the results may be recorded on a peak flow
 It is important to use the same peak flow
meter every time.
 Peak flow values are best if they are checked
at the same time each day, preferably once in
the morning and again at night.
The results are effort-dependent and physician
participation/encouragement may be necessary
to obtain usefully accurate readings
The best of three readings should be determined
Always try and obtain a baseline peak flow
reading prior to any treatment, because
patients/physicians tend to clinically under-
estimate the degree of airway obstruction
a two-week diary of peak flow readings done by
a child who has quite bad asthma
 Lowest in the morning
 Highest at night
 Careful instruction is required
 Effort dependent
 To find your personal best peak flow
number, take peak flow readings:
1. Twice a day for two to three weeks when
asthma is in good control
2. At the same time in the morning and in the
early evening
3. You should always use the same peak flow
meter, and disregard any readings that
are very different from the rest
 Your personal best PEF is important because it
is the number to which all of your other peak
flow readings will be compared.
 Daily measurements are compared to personal
best PEF
 Your asthma action plan, developed along with
your asthma doctor, is based on this number.
 Once you have determined your personal
best PEF, work with your asthma care
provider to determine at what point you
should start taking quick-relief drugs to
relieve an asthma attack or seek emergency
medical attention. These are called your
asthma peak flow zones.
 All of this information should be recorded in
your personal asthma action plan.
 The color coded zones on a peak flow meter are
similar to the signals on a traffic light
representing safety, caution and danger, which
is an indication of whether an individual’s
asthma is under control.
PEFR Zones
Red: Below 50% of Personal Best
Yellow: 50% to 80% of Personal Best
Green: 80% to 100% of Personal Best
Treatment plan based on PEF
and/or on symptoms
Red Zone (severe deterioration)
Take supplementary medications
Go to emergency if no response
Yellow Zone (deterioration)
Take supplementary medications
Green Zone (control of asthma)
Take regularly prescribed treatment
Green Zone
 PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate) 80% to 100%
of personal best.
 You should be relatively symptom free and can
maintain your current medical regimen.
 If you are on chronic medications and peak
flow is constantly in the green zone with
minimal variation, your physician may consider
gradually decreasing your daily medication.
Yellow Zone
 PEFR 50-80% of personal best. "CAUTION" -
asthma is worsening. Acute exacerbation may
be present
 A temporary increase in asthma medication is
indicated. If you are on chronic medications,
maintenance therapy will probably need to be
increased. Contact your physician to fine-tune
your therapy
Red Zone
 PEFR below 50% of personal best.
"DANGER" - asthma control is failing.
 Use your inhaled bronchodilator. If peak
flows do not return to the yellow zone,
contact your physician immediately, as you
must employ aggressive therapy under
medical direction.
PEFR Zones
 Green: 80%-100% of personal best
– Routine treatment can be continued; consider
reducing medications
 Yellow: 50%-80% of personal best
– Acute exacerbation may be present
– Temporary increase in medication may be needed
– Maintenance therapy may need increases
 Red: Less than 50% of personal best
– Bronchodilators should be taken immediately; begin
oral steroids; clinician should be notified if PEF fails
to return to yellow or green within 2 – 4 hours
 As a tool, individual PEFR readings must be
viewed as a trend and in collaboration with
other data rather than a single measurement.
 It is important to know that your peak flow
meter only measures the amount of airflow
out of the large airways of the lungs.
 Changes in airflow caused by the small
airways (which also occur with asthma) will
not be detected by a peak flow meter.
 Therefore, it is important for you to also be
aware of your symptoms and early warning
signs to best manage your asthma.
Asthma Action Plan
a) is a guide for physicians to act based on changes in
the patient’s severity of asthma
b) is a written self-management guide for patients to
make adjustments to their asthma treatment
c) is a set of written instructions based on age groups of
the asthma patients
d) is developed by the patient based on his own
response to treatment
e) should be memorized by patients so that they can act
quickly without the need to refer to written
Written asthma action plans
 Mini peak flow meters are inexpensive and have an
important role in educating patients about their
 Using home recordings, the doctor or nurse and
patient can work together to develop plans with
criteria that indicate the need for a change in
treatment, a visit to the doctor, or emergency
admission to hospital.
Written asthma action plans
 This management plan should be written down for the
patient and should be reviewed periodically.
 The peak flow can help the patient to interpret the
severity of symptoms and need for help.
 It should be based on the patient’s best known peak
flow value
 Abort exacerbations by timely stepping up of
reliever and preventive medication50
Peak flow meters
 Modern PEF meters are relatively inexpensive,
portable, plastic, and ideal for patients to use in
home settings for day-to-day objective
measurement of airflow limitation.
 The severity of asthma is reflected not only
in the level of baseline airflow limitation, but
also in its variability, particularly across 24
hours .
 Ideally PEF should be measured first thing in
the morning when values are usually close
to their lowest and last thing at night when
values are usually at their highest.
Normal Asthma
Circadian Changes in PEFR
Morning peak flow
Evening peak flow
PEFR recorded twice-daily over 2 weeks
Daily Variability of PEFR
PEFR at night – PEFR at morning
-----------------------------------------------x 100%
½ (PEFR at night + PEFR at morning)
 One method of describing diurnal PEF
variability is as the amplitude (the difference
between the prebronchodilator morning
value and the postbronchodilator value from
the evening before), expressed as a
percentage of the mean daily PEF value
70 14
Lowest morning PEF (570)
Highest PEF (670)
Morning PEF
Evening PEF
Minimum morning PEF ( % recent best): 570/670 = 85%
(From Reddel, H.K. et al. 1995)
Daily Variability of PEFR
 Another method is the minimum morning
prebronchodilator PEF over 1 week, expressed
as a percent of the recent best (Min%Max) .
 This latter method has been suggested to be the
best PEF index of airway lability because it
requires only a once daily reading, it correlates
better than any other index with airway
hyperresponsiveness, and the calculation is
Measuring Variability of Peak Expiratory Flow
 Measurements are lowest in the AM, and
highest in the evening
 The magnitude of peak flow variability is
generally proportional to the severity of the
Daily Variability of PEFR
 A diurnal variation in PEF of more than 20
percent is considered to be diagnostic of
asthma, the magnitude of the variability
being broadly proportional to disease
 In mild intermittent asthma or in severe
intractable disease, variability in PEF may
not be present or may be lost.
 In more severe asthma, diurnal variation and
reversibility may not be a feature until after a
trial of glucocorticosteroids.
 Even then, the more severe forms of the
disorder may take many weeks of treatment
before reversibility becomes apparent.
Peak flow variability
Monitoring of asthma treatment
(% of best)
Daily variability
of PEF
Green > 80% < 20%
Yellow 50-80% 20-30%
Red <50% >30%
Classification of Severity
Clinical Features Before Treatment
Symptoms Nocturnal
Limited physical
Attacks affect activity
> 1 time a week
but < 1 time a day
< 1 time a week
and normal PEF
between attacks
> 1 time week
> 2 times a month
 2 times a month
 60% predicted
Variability > 30%
60 - 80% predicted
Variability > 30%
 80% predicted
Variability 20 - 30%
 80% predicted
Variability < 20%
● The presence of one feature of severity is sufficient to place patient in that category.
● Patients at any level of severity –even intermittent asthma –can have severe attacks.
Initial Assessment of Acute Asthma
 Measuring PEFR in a patient with asthma is
analogous to measuring blood pressure with a
sphygmomanometer or blood glucose to guide
insulin dosage.
 The PEFR is used by the physician to assess the
severity of asthma as a basis for adding medication,
monitoring response to chronic therapy, and
detecting deterioration in lung function before
symptoms develop.
 The physician may consider more
aggressive therapy if the patient’s highest
PEFR value is less than 80 percent of
predicted value and/or daily variability is
more than 20 percent.
 It is recommended that clinicians consider peak
expiratory flow rate monitoring for patients over
5 years of age with moderate or severe asthma.
 Regular home monitoring may detect decreased
lung function and signs of an impending asthma
episode before it becomes more severe.
Why do we do peak flows?
 Peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurements can
be an important aid in both diagnosis and
monitoring of asthma.
 PEF measurements are ideally compared to the
patient’s own previous best measurements
using his/her own peak flow meter.
Why do we do peak flows?
Why do we do peak flows?
 For diagnostic purposes
Comparison to normal/predicted values
Reversibility testing – bronchodilator and
Peak flow diaries – diurnal variation and serial
peak flows
Exercise challenge tests
 To monitor control of asthma
– Prn monitoring
 Peak expiratory flow measurement is
recommended for:
1) Diagnosis:
– Diurnal variability of peak expiratory flow rate
greater than 20% for at least three days in a week
for two weeks is typical of asthma.
– Or improvement in peak expiratory flow:
10 minutes after high-dose bronchodilator through
a spacer.
After a six-week course of inhaled steroids.
After 14 days of 30 mg prednisolone.
GINA 2011
 Although spirometry is the preferred method
of documenting airflow limitation, an
improvement of 60 L/min (or ≥ 20% of the pre-
bronchodilator PEF) after inhalation of a
bronchodilator, or
 Diurnal variation in PEF of more than 20%
(with twice-daily readings, more than 10%),
suggests a diagnosis of asthma.
 PEF measurement may be of use not only in
establishing a diagnosis of asthma and
assessing its severity but also in uncovering
an occupational cause for asthma.
 When used in this way, PEF should be
measured more frequently than twice daily
and special attention paid to changes
occurring inside and outside the workplace.
2. Assessment of the response to treatment.
3. Monitoring:
– The use of peak flow recording in monitoring
asthma must be part of an individual
management plan for the patient.
– Regular home monitoring of PEF is sometimes
useful because it can help patients detect early
signs of asthma deterioration , particularly in
patients with poor perception of symptoms..
– Quality of life indicators may be as good as
peak flow for predicting exacerbations:
Have you had any asthma symptoms during the
Any difficulty sleeping because of symptoms
Has the asthma interfered with usual activities,
eg work, school
 Although long-term PEF monitoring for most patients
with persistent asthma can be valuable and may be an
ideal, this is not always be possible for reasons of
cost, cooperation, and availability of peak flow meters.
 Long-term monitoring is particularly recommended for
those patients with severe asthma, for those with poor
perception of severity, and for those who have ever
been hospitalized.
Not a stand-alone tool
 Peak flow monitoring should not be used as a
substitute or stand-alone tool for monitoring
asthma severity.
 It should be used in conjunction with symptom
assessment, which is the first and simplest
means of monitoring.
 Peak flow monitoring is an objective tool to
confirm subjective ‘perceptions’ of an
individual’s asthma.
Limits on usefulness
 Because PEFR is dependent on the level of
client effort and because it may be more
sensitive to large airway than small airway
narrowing, its usefulness may be limited in
some populations, e.g. young children or
individuals who are not highly motivated to
give their best effort. Always do a ‘best of
three’ reading.
 Spirometry measuring FEV1 is more
sensitive to minor narrowing of the airways.
Limits on usefulness
 Note: PEFR Values may vary up to 20%
above and below any given value and still be
 The level of symptoms is an important
factor to take into account when determining
asthma severity.
 Due to the wide range of ‘normal' values and
high degree of variability, peak flow is not the
recommended test to identify asthma, however,
it can be useful in some circumstances.
 When regular peak flow monitoring is
recommended, it is usually done in addition to
reviewing asthma symptoms and frequency of
reliever medication use.
Limits on usefulness
PEFR - Pros and Cons
 Advantages
– With in 1 to 2 minutes,
– Inexpensive (meter costs less than Rs.1000)
– Simple, useful for frequent follow up use
 Disadvantages
– Very much effort dependent
– Insensitive to small changes
– Small airways cannot be assessed
– Large inter & intra subject variation;↓accurate
Interpretation of peak flow
Normal peak flow
 Normal airways!
 Well controlled or stable asthma
 Mild COPD and asymptomatic smokers
 Early restrictive lung disease (Can sometimes
be raised)
Interpretation of peak flow
Reduced peak flow
 Upper airway obstruction e.g. Bronchial Ca,
 Obstructive airways disease e.g.asthma, COPD
 Advanced restrictive lung disease e.g.UIP, FA
 Chest wall abnormalities e.g. scoliosis,
neuromuscular disease
PEFR! What is it?
 Maximum flow rate
during a forced
 Indicator of airflow
obstruction , Primarily
measures large airway
 Peak flow is an effort
dependant test
 PEFR are different for
everyone. They are
based on age, sex and
 Useful in diagnosis and
monitoring of asthma
and diurnal variation
 Not as useful in COPD
 Peak expiratory flow rate measurements are not
as accurate as the spirometry measurements
 Spirometry is the preferred method of measuring
airflow limitation and its reversibility to establish
a diagnosis of asthma.
Particular encouragement to record peak flow
should be given to:
1. Poor perceivers, in whom symptoms do not reflect
changes in objective measured obstruction
2. Patients with a history of sudden exacerbations
3. Patients with poor asthma control
4. Times of adjustment in therapy, either up or down
5. Situations where a link to a precipitating factor is
6. Periodic recordings in stable asthma to establish
usual levels and confirm reliability of symptoms
Use of diary cards
 Although acute attacks of asthma occasionally have a
sudden catastrophic onset, they are more usually
preceded by a gradual deterioration in control, which
may not be noticed until it is quite advanced.
 A few patients, probably around 15-20%, will be
unaware of moderate changes in their airflow
obstruction even when these occur acutely; these
patients are at particular risk of an acute exacerbation
without warning.
 These patients, They should be encouraged to
take regular peak flow recordings and enter
them on a diary card to permit them to see
trends in peak flow measurements and react to
exacerbations at an early stage before there is
any change in their symptoms.
Written asthma action plans
 Mini peak flow meters are inexpensive and have an
important role in educating patients about their
 Using home recordings, the doctor or nurse and
patient can work together to develop plans with
criteria that indicate the need for a change in
treatment, a visit to the doctor, or emergency
admission to hospital.
Question 1
 Complete the following:
A variation of serial peak flow readings over
a two week period are considered diagnostic
in . . .
a) . . . asthma.
b) . . . COPD.
c) . . . pneumonia.
d) . . . tuberculosis
Correct answer:
 a) . . . asthma.
 Feedback:
 Variation of more than 20% of the best peak
flow with a minimum change of at least 60
litres/minute for three days in a week over a
two week period is considered diagnostic of
Question 2
 For patients with asthma, how many times a
day should a peak flow reading be taken?
a) Daily.
b) Twice a day.
c) Three times a week.
d) Once a week.
Correct answer:
 b) Twice a day.
 Feedback:
 The British Thoracic Society recommends
twice daily readings for patients with
asthma, morning and evening
Question 3
 Peak flow meters record:
a) the lowest rate of air expelled from the
lungs through an open mouth.
b) forced expiratory volume.
c) forced vital capacity.
d) the highest rate of air expelled from the
lungs through an open mouth.
Correct answer:
 d) the highest rate of air expelled from the
lungs through an open mouth.
 Feedback:
 Peak flow meters record the highest rate at
which air can be expelled from the lungs
through an open mouth
Question 4
 When recording peak flow results, within
how many litres/minute should the three
readings be?
a) 10 litres per minute of each other.
b) 20 litres per minute of each other.
c) 100 litres per minute of each other.
d) 30 litres per minute of each other.
Correct answer:
 b) 20 litres per minute of each other.
 Feedback:
 When recording a peak flow result, the three
readings should be within 20 litres per
minute of each other; if not the peak flow
rate recording should be repeated up to five
Quiz Practice
Which is true regarding Peak Expiratory Flow
I. Primarily measures large airway function
II. Is a recognized means of monitoring asthma
III. Serial measurements of PEF are used a guide to
treat asthma
IV. When less than 50% of personal best, it is an
indication that immediate treatment is required
a. I only
b. II and III
c. II, III, and IV
d. I, II, III, and IV
 “Make everything
as simple as
possible, but not
one bit simpler”

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Asthma Basics

  • 1.
  • 2. Dr. Ashraf El Adawy Consultant Chest Physician TB TEAM EXPERT – WHO Mansoura - Egypt
  • 3. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) in Asthma 3
  • 4.  Measurements of lung function provide an assessment of the severity, reversibility,and variability of airflow limitation, and help confirm the diagnosis of asthma in patients older than 5 years. Lung Function Measurements
  • 5. Lung Function Measurements • Changes in lung function over time (Spontaneously or in response to therapy) - Spirometry (FEV1, FVC, and their ratio) - Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR or “peak flow”) • Airway hyperresponsiveness to stimuli - Methacholine challenge test - Exercise challenge test
  • 7. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) using the peak flow meter
  • 8. Breathing Tests  Spirometry Testing: lung volumes in/out, lung flow of air in/out  Peak Flow Monitoring: lung flow of air in/out
  • 9. What is a Peak Flow Meter?  A peak flow meter is a device, which records the peak or maximal flow during a forced expiratory manoeuvre (PEFR = Peak Expiratory Flow Rate).  In other words, a peak flow meter measures how fast air can be expelled from the lungs.
  • 10.  The peak expiratory flow (PEF), also called peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) is a person's maximum speed of expiration, as measured with a peak flow meter, a small, hand-held device used to monitor a person's ability to breathe out air What is a Peak Flow Meter?
  • 13. Peak Flow Meters A portable device that can help measure air flow in and out of the lungs May not be useful for children under the age of 5 Can be a good indicator of air flow in and out of the lungs in those over age 5
  • 14. Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) Normal Values: Normal values vary based on a person's age, sex, and height. Peak flow measurements are most useful when a person compares the number on a given day to his or her "personal best."
  • 15. Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) Normal Values: Normal values are related to the patient's height as follows: An easy to remember approximation is: PEFR (L/min) = [Height (cm) - 80] x 5
  • 16.
  • 17.  The average range for an adult for peak flow lies between PFR 450 (EU) and PFR 600 (EU)  Because the peak flow depends on age, gender, race and height, the measured result is compared to that predicted for a person’s age, gender, and height, using special charts and the measurement is compared with what would be expected.
  • 18.  Measurements must be compared against a recognised chart of normal values, but perhaps more importantly as a comparison against the individual's normal range.
  • 19. Peak Flow measurement  Minimum of 3 acceptable blows  Standing position is preferred  Nose clip not necessary  No cough  Blow duration 1 to 2 seconds
  • 20.  Your "personal best" peak flow rate is the highest peak flow rate you can reach over a two- to three-week period when you feel good and have no asthma symptoms.  This flow rate serves as a benchmark in your daily self-management plan.  Because everyone's asthma is different, your personal best will be unique to you. Determining your personal best
  • 21.  To determine your personal best, Typically, you'll take readings twice a day for two weeks when you're not having symptoms.  The highest consistent reading during the trial period is your "personal best" peak flow rate. Determining your personal best
  • 22.  To take a peak flow reading: put the marker to zero, take a deep breath, seal your lips around the mouthpiece, then blow as hard and as fast as you can into the device, Note the reading.  Repeat three times. The 'best of the three' is the reading to record on the chart 22
  • 23.  When recording a peak flow result, the three readings should be within 20 litres per minute of each other; if not the peak flow rate recording should be repeated up to five times. 23
  • 24. Hannah uses her peak flow meter every morning and evening. This helps her see how well she is breathing.
  • 25. Peak Flow Diary First #________ Second #________ Third #________ 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Day PeakFlow
  • 26.  When peak flow is being monitored regularly, the results may be recorded on a peak flow chart.  It is important to use the same peak flow meter every time.  Peak flow values are best if they are checked at the same time each day, preferably once in the morning and again at night.
  • 27. The results are effort-dependent and physician participation/encouragement may be necessary to obtain usefully accurate readings The best of three readings should be determined Always try and obtain a baseline peak flow reading prior to any treatment, because patients/physicians tend to clinically under- estimate the degree of airway obstruction
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. a two-week diary of peak flow readings done by a child who has quite bad asthma 31
  • 32. PEFR  Lowest in the morning  Highest at night  Careful instruction is required  Effort dependent
  • 33.  To find your personal best peak flow number, take peak flow readings: 1. Twice a day for two to three weeks when asthma is in good control 2. At the same time in the morning and in the early evening 3. You should always use the same peak flow meter, and disregard any readings that are very different from the rest
  • 34.  Your personal best PEF is important because it is the number to which all of your other peak flow readings will be compared.  Daily measurements are compared to personal best PEF  Your asthma action plan, developed along with your asthma doctor, is based on this number.
  • 35.  Once you have determined your personal best PEF, work with your asthma care provider to determine at what point you should start taking quick-relief drugs to relieve an asthma attack or seek emergency medical attention. These are called your asthma peak flow zones.  All of this information should be recorded in your personal asthma action plan.
  • 36.  The color coded zones on a peak flow meter are similar to the signals on a traffic light representing safety, caution and danger, which is an indication of whether an individual’s asthma is under control.
  • 37. PEFR Zones Red: Below 50% of Personal Best Yellow: 50% to 80% of Personal Best Green: 80% to 100% of Personal Best
  • 38. Treatment plan based on PEF and/or on symptoms Red Zone (severe deterioration) Take supplementary medications Go to emergency if no response Yellow Zone (deterioration) Take supplementary medications Green Zone (control of asthma) Take regularly prescribed treatment
  • 39. Green Zone  PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate) 80% to 100% of personal best.  You should be relatively symptom free and can maintain your current medical regimen.  If you are on chronic medications and peak flow is constantly in the green zone with minimal variation, your physician may consider gradually decreasing your daily medication.
  • 40. Yellow Zone  PEFR 50-80% of personal best. "CAUTION" - asthma is worsening. Acute exacerbation may be present  A temporary increase in asthma medication is indicated. If you are on chronic medications, maintenance therapy will probably need to be increased. Contact your physician to fine-tune your therapy
  • 41. Red Zone  PEFR below 50% of personal best. "DANGER" - asthma control is failing.  Use your inhaled bronchodilator. If peak flows do not return to the yellow zone, contact your physician immediately, as you must employ aggressive therapy under medical direction.
  • 42. 42
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  • 45. PEFR Zones  Green: 80%-100% of personal best – Routine treatment can be continued; consider reducing medications  Yellow: 50%-80% of personal best – Acute exacerbation may be present – Temporary increase in medication may be needed – Maintenance therapy may need increases  Red: Less than 50% of personal best – Bronchodilators should be taken immediately; begin oral steroids; clinician should be notified if PEF fails to return to yellow or green within 2 – 4 hours
  • 46.  As a tool, individual PEFR readings must be viewed as a trend and in collaboration with other data rather than a single measurement.  It is important to know that your peak flow meter only measures the amount of airflow out of the large airways of the lungs.
  • 47.  Changes in airflow caused by the small airways (which also occur with asthma) will not be detected by a peak flow meter.  Therefore, it is important for you to also be aware of your symptoms and early warning signs to best manage your asthma.
  • 48. Asthma Action Plan a) is a guide for physicians to act based on changes in the patient’s severity of asthma b) is a written self-management guide for patients to make adjustments to their asthma treatment c) is a set of written instructions based on age groups of the asthma patients d) is developed by the patient based on his own response to treatment e) should be memorized by patients so that they can act quickly without the need to refer to written instructions. 48
  • 49. Written asthma action plans  Mini peak flow meters are inexpensive and have an important role in educating patients about their asthma.  Using home recordings, the doctor or nurse and patient can work together to develop plans with criteria that indicate the need for a change in treatment, a visit to the doctor, or emergency admission to hospital. 49
  • 50. Written asthma action plans  This management plan should be written down for the patient and should be reviewed periodically.  The peak flow can help the patient to interpret the severity of symptoms and need for help.  It should be based on the patient’s best known peak flow value  Abort exacerbations by timely stepping up of reliever and preventive medication50
  • 52.  Modern PEF meters are relatively inexpensive, portable, plastic, and ideal for patients to use in home settings for day-to-day objective measurement of airflow limitation.
  • 53.  The severity of asthma is reflected not only in the level of baseline airflow limitation, but also in its variability, particularly across 24 hours .  Ideally PEF should be measured first thing in the morning when values are usually close to their lowest and last thing at night when values are usually at their highest.
  • 54. Normal Asthma Circadian Changes in PEFR Morning peak flow Evening peak flow PEFR(%Predicted) 100% 50% 100% 50% PEFR recorded twice-daily over 2 weeks
  • 55. Daily Variability of PEFR PEFR at night – PEFR at morning -----------------------------------------------x 100% ½ (PEFR at night + PEFR at morning)
  • 56.  One method of describing diurnal PEF variability is as the amplitude (the difference between the prebronchodilator morning value and the postbronchodilator value from the evening before), expressed as a percentage of the mean daily PEF value
  • 57. PEF(L/min) 300 400 500 600 700 800 Days 70 14 Lowest morning PEF (570) Highest PEF (670) Morning PEF Evening PEF Minimum morning PEF ( % recent best): 570/670 = 85% (From Reddel, H.K. et al. 1995) Daily Variability of PEFR
  • 58.  Another method is the minimum morning prebronchodilator PEF over 1 week, expressed as a percent of the recent best (Min%Max) .  This latter method has been suggested to be the best PEF index of airway lability because it requires only a once daily reading, it correlates better than any other index with airway hyperresponsiveness, and the calculation is simple.
  • 59. Measuring Variability of Peak Expiratory Flow
  • 60.  Measurements are lowest in the AM, and highest in the evening  The magnitude of peak flow variability is generally proportional to the severity of the disease Daily Variability of PEFR
  • 61.  A diurnal variation in PEF of more than 20 percent is considered to be diagnostic of asthma, the magnitude of the variability being broadly proportional to disease severity  In mild intermittent asthma or in severe intractable disease, variability in PEF may not be present or may be lost.
  • 62.  In more severe asthma, diurnal variation and reversibility may not be a feature until after a trial of glucocorticosteroids.  Even then, the more severe forms of the disorder may take many weeks of treatment before reversibility becomes apparent.
  • 64. Monitoring of asthma treatment Zone PEF (% of best) Daily variability of PEF Green > 80% < 20% Yellow 50-80% 20-30% Red <50% >30%
  • 65. Classification of Severity CLASSIFY SEVERITY Clinical Features Before Treatment Symptoms Nocturnal Symptoms FEV1 or PEF STEP 4 Severe Persistent STEP 3 Moderate Persistent STEP 2 Mild Persistent STEP 1 Intermittent Continuous Limited physical activity Daily Attacks affect activity > 1 time a week but < 1 time a day < 1 time a week Asymptomatic and normal PEF between attacks Frequent > 1 time week > 2 times a month  2 times a month  60% predicted Variability > 30% 60 - 80% predicted Variability > 30%  80% predicted Variability 20 - 30%  80% predicted Variability < 20% ● The presence of one feature of severity is sufficient to place patient in that category. ● Patients at any level of severity –even intermittent asthma –can have severe attacks.
  • 66. Initial Assessment of Acute Asthma
  • 67.  Measuring PEFR in a patient with asthma is analogous to measuring blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer or blood glucose to guide insulin dosage.  The PEFR is used by the physician to assess the severity of asthma as a basis for adding medication, monitoring response to chronic therapy, and detecting deterioration in lung function before symptoms develop. 67
  • 68.  The physician may consider more aggressive therapy if the patient’s highest PEFR value is less than 80 percent of predicted value and/or daily variability is more than 20 percent. 68
  • 69.  It is recommended that clinicians consider peak expiratory flow rate monitoring for patients over 5 years of age with moderate or severe asthma.  Regular home monitoring may detect decreased lung function and signs of an impending asthma episode before it becomes more severe. 69
  • 70. Why do we do peak flows?
  • 71.  Peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurements can be an important aid in both diagnosis and monitoring of asthma.  PEF measurements are ideally compared to the patient’s own previous best measurements using his/her own peak flow meter. Why do we do peak flows?
  • 72. Why do we do peak flows?  For diagnostic purposes Comparison to normal/predicted values Reversibility testing – bronchodilator and corticosteroid Peak flow diaries – diurnal variation and serial peak flows Exercise challenge tests  To monitor control of asthma – Prn monitoring
  • 73.  Peak expiratory flow measurement is recommended for: 1) Diagnosis: – Diurnal variability of peak expiratory flow rate greater than 20% for at least three days in a week for two weeks is typical of asthma. – Or improvement in peak expiratory flow: 10 minutes after high-dose bronchodilator through a spacer. After a six-week course of inhaled steroids. After 14 days of 30 mg prednisolone.
  • 74. GINA 2011  Although spirometry is the preferred method of documenting airflow limitation, an improvement of 60 L/min (or ≥ 20% of the pre- bronchodilator PEF) after inhalation of a bronchodilator, or  Diurnal variation in PEF of more than 20% (with twice-daily readings, more than 10%), suggests a diagnosis of asthma.
  • 75.  PEF measurement may be of use not only in establishing a diagnosis of asthma and assessing its severity but also in uncovering an occupational cause for asthma.  When used in this way, PEF should be measured more frequently than twice daily and special attention paid to changes occurring inside and outside the workplace.
  • 76. 2. Assessment of the response to treatment. 3. Monitoring: – The use of peak flow recording in monitoring asthma must be part of an individual management plan for the patient. – Regular home monitoring of PEF is sometimes useful because it can help patients detect early signs of asthma deterioration , particularly in patients with poor perception of symptoms..
  • 77. – Quality of life indicators may be as good as peak flow for predicting exacerbations: Have you had any asthma symptoms during the day Any difficulty sleeping because of symptoms Has the asthma interfered with usual activities, eg work, school
  • 78.  Although long-term PEF monitoring for most patients with persistent asthma can be valuable and may be an ideal, this is not always be possible for reasons of cost, cooperation, and availability of peak flow meters.  Long-term monitoring is particularly recommended for those patients with severe asthma, for those with poor perception of severity, and for those who have ever been hospitalized.
  • 79. Not a stand-alone tool  Peak flow monitoring should not be used as a substitute or stand-alone tool for monitoring asthma severity.  It should be used in conjunction with symptom assessment, which is the first and simplest means of monitoring.  Peak flow monitoring is an objective tool to confirm subjective ‘perceptions’ of an individual’s asthma.
  • 80. Limits on usefulness  Because PEFR is dependent on the level of client effort and because it may be more sensitive to large airway than small airway narrowing, its usefulness may be limited in some populations, e.g. young children or individuals who are not highly motivated to give their best effort. Always do a ‘best of three’ reading.  Spirometry measuring FEV1 is more sensitive to minor narrowing of the airways.
  • 81. Limits on usefulness  Note: PEFR Values may vary up to 20% above and below any given value and still be ‘normal’.  The level of symptoms is an important factor to take into account when determining asthma severity.
  • 82.  Due to the wide range of ‘normal' values and high degree of variability, peak flow is not the recommended test to identify asthma, however, it can be useful in some circumstances.  When regular peak flow monitoring is recommended, it is usually done in addition to reviewing asthma symptoms and frequency of reliever medication use. Limits on usefulness
  • 83. PEFR - Pros and Cons  Advantages – With in 1 to 2 minutes, – Inexpensive (meter costs less than Rs.1000) – Simple, useful for frequent follow up use  Disadvantages – Very much effort dependent – Insensitive to small changes – Small airways cannot be assessed – Large inter & intra subject variation;↓accurate
  • 84. 84
  • 85. Interpretation of peak flow Normal peak flow  Normal airways!  Well controlled or stable asthma  Mild COPD and asymptomatic smokers  Early restrictive lung disease (Can sometimes be raised)
  • 86. Interpretation of peak flow Reduced peak flow  Upper airway obstruction e.g. Bronchial Ca, goitre.  Obstructive airways disease e.g.asthma, COPD  Advanced restrictive lung disease e.g.UIP, FA  Chest wall abnormalities e.g. scoliosis, neuromuscular disease
  • 87. PEFR! What is it?  Maximum flow rate during a forced expiration.  Indicator of airflow obstruction , Primarily measures large airway function  Peak flow is an effort dependant test  PEFR are different for everyone. They are based on age, sex and height  Useful in diagnosis and monitoring of asthma and diurnal variation  Not as useful in COPD
  • 88. 88
  • 89.  Peak expiratory flow rate measurements are not as accurate as the spirometry measurements  Spirometry is the preferred method of measuring airflow limitation and its reversibility to establish a diagnosis of asthma.
  • 90. Particular encouragement to record peak flow should be given to: 1. Poor perceivers, in whom symptoms do not reflect changes in objective measured obstruction 2. Patients with a history of sudden exacerbations 3. Patients with poor asthma control 4. Times of adjustment in therapy, either up or down 5. Situations where a link to a precipitating factor is suspected 6. Periodic recordings in stable asthma to establish usual levels and confirm reliability of symptoms 90
  • 91. Use of diary cards  Although acute attacks of asthma occasionally have a sudden catastrophic onset, they are more usually preceded by a gradual deterioration in control, which may not be noticed until it is quite advanced.  A few patients, probably around 15-20%, will be unaware of moderate changes in their airflow obstruction even when these occur acutely; these patients are at particular risk of an acute exacerbation without warning. 91
  • 92.  These patients, They should be encouraged to take regular peak flow recordings and enter them on a diary card to permit them to see trends in peak flow measurements and react to exacerbations at an early stage before there is any change in their symptoms. 92
  • 93. Written asthma action plans  Mini peak flow meters are inexpensive and have an important role in educating patients about their asthma.  Using home recordings, the doctor or nurse and patient can work together to develop plans with criteria that indicate the need for a change in treatment, a visit to the doctor, or emergency admission to hospital. 93
  • 94. Question 1  Complete the following: A variation of serial peak flow readings over a two week period are considered diagnostic in . . . a) . . . asthma. b) . . . COPD. c) . . . pneumonia. d) . . . tuberculosis 94
  • 95. Correct answer:  a) . . . asthma.  Feedback:  Variation of more than 20% of the best peak flow with a minimum change of at least 60 litres/minute for three days in a week over a two week period is considered diagnostic of asthma. 95
  • 96. Question 2  For patients with asthma, how many times a day should a peak flow reading be taken? a) Daily. b) Twice a day. c) Three times a week. d) Once a week. 96
  • 97. Correct answer:  b) Twice a day.  Feedback:  The British Thoracic Society recommends twice daily readings for patients with asthma, morning and evening 97
  • 98. Question 3  Peak flow meters record: a) the lowest rate of air expelled from the lungs through an open mouth. b) forced expiratory volume. c) forced vital capacity. d) the highest rate of air expelled from the lungs through an open mouth. 98
  • 99. Correct answer:  d) the highest rate of air expelled from the lungs through an open mouth.  Feedback:  Peak flow meters record the highest rate at which air can be expelled from the lungs through an open mouth 99
  • 100. Question 4  When recording peak flow results, within how many litres/minute should the three readings be? a) 10 litres per minute of each other. b) 20 litres per minute of each other. c) 100 litres per minute of each other. d) 30 litres per minute of each other. 10 0
  • 101. Correct answer:  b) 20 litres per minute of each other.  Feedback:  When recording a peak flow result, the three readings should be within 20 litres per minute of each other; if not the peak flow rate recording should be repeated up to five times. 10 1
  • 102. Quiz Practice Which is true regarding Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)? I. Primarily measures large airway function II. Is a recognized means of monitoring asthma III. Serial measurements of PEF are used a guide to treat asthma IV. When less than 50% of personal best, it is an indication that immediate treatment is required a. I only b. II and III c. II, III, and IV d. I, II, III, and IV
  • 103.  “Make everything as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler” Einstein
  • 104. 10 4