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Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
an introduction to
Approximate Bayesian Computation
Matt Moores
Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Warwick ML Club
June 12, 2017
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Inference for a parameter θ when it is:
or very expensive
to evaluate the likelihood p(y|θ)
ABC is a likelihood-free method for approximating
the posterior distribution
by generating pseudo-data from the model:
w ∼ f(·|θ)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Likelihood-free rejection sampler
Algorithm 1 Likelihood-free rejection sampler
1: Draw parameter value θ ∼ π(θ)
2: Generate w ∼ f(·|θ )
3: if w = y (the observed data) then
4: accept θ
5: end if
But if the observations y are continuous
(or the space y ∈ Y is enormous)
then P(w = y) ≈ 0
Tavar´e, Balding, Griffith & Donnelly (1997) Genetics 145(2)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
ABC tolerance
accept θ if δ(w, y) <
> 0 is the tolerance level
δ(·, ·) is a distance function
(for an appropriate choice of norm)
Inference is more exact when is close to zero. but
more proposed θ are rejected
(tradeoff between accuracy & computational cost)
Pritchard, Seielstad, Perez-Lezaun & Feldman (1999) Mol. Biol. Evol. 16(12)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Summary statistics
Computing δ(w, y) for w1, . . . , wn and y1, . . . , yn
can be very expensive for large n
Instead, compute summary statistics s(y)
e.g. sufficient statistics
(only available for exponential family)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Sufficient statistics
Fisher-Neyman factorisation theorem:
if s(y) is sufficient for θ
then p(y|θ) = f(y) g (s(y)|θ)
only applies to Potts, Ising, exponential random
graph models (ERGM)
otherwise, selection of suitable summary
statistics can be a very difficult problem
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
ABC rejection sampler
Algorithm 2 ABC rejection sampler
1: for all iterations t ∈ 1 . . . T do
2: Draw independent proposal θ ∼ π(θ)
3: Generate w ∼ f(·|θ )
4: if s(w) − s(y) < then
5: set θt ← θ
6: else
7: set θt ← θt−1
8: end if
9: end for
Approximates π(θ|y) by π (θ | s(w) − s(y) < )
Marin, Pudlo, Robert & Ryder (2012) Stat. Comput. 22(6)
Marin & Robert (2014) Bayesian Essentials with R §8.3
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
A trivial example
Gaussian with unknown variance:
y ∼ N(1, σ2
normalising constant:
) = (2πσ2
natural conjugate prior:
π 1
σ2 ∼ Ga ν0
sufficient statistic:
s(y) = 1
i=1 (yi − 1)2
posterior is analytically tractable:
π 1
σ2 | y ∼ Ga ν0+n
∴ no need for ABC (nor MCMC) in practice
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
R code
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y ← rnorm (n=5, mean=1, sd=2/3)
n ← length ( y )
s sq ← sum(( y −1)ˆ2)/n
post nu ← nu0 + n
post ssd ← ( nu0 ∗ s0 ˆ2 + n∗ s sq )/2
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
now with ABC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
πε(τ | δ(s(w), s(y)) < ε)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
prop tau ← rgamma(10000 , nu0/2 , 0.5 ∗nu0∗ s0 ˆ2)
pseudo ← rnorm (n∗ 10000 , 1 , 1/ sqrt ( prop tau ))
pseudoMx ← matrix ( pseudo , nrow=10000, ncol=n)
pseudoSSD ← rowSums (( pseudoMx − 1)ˆ2)/n
ps norm ← abs ( pseudoSSD − s sq )
e p s i l o n ← sort ( ps norm ) [ 2 0 0 0 ]
prop keep ← prop tau [ ps norm <= e p s i l o n ]
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
choice of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) = 8.430
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(b) = 1.427
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(c) = 0.011
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(d) = 0.001
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
concentration of measure
0 1 2 3 4
(a) n = 25, = 0.149
0 1 2 3 4
(b) n = 500, = 0.025
0 1 2 3 4
(c) n = 104
, = 0.011
0 1 2 3 4
(d) n = 106
, = 0.001
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Metropolis-Hastings proposals
Algorithm 3 ABC-MCMC
1: Initialise θ0 ∼ π(θ)
2: for all iterations t ∈ 1 . . . T do
3: Draw proposal θ ∼ q(· | θt−1)
4: Generate w ∼ f(·|θ )
5: Draw u ∼ Unif(0, 1)
6: if u < π(θ )q(θt−1|θ )
π(θt−1)q(θ |θt−1) and s(w) − s(y) < then
7: set θt ← θ
8: else
9: set θt ← θt−1
10: end if
11: end for
Unfortunately, this algorithm is prone to getting ”stuck”
Marjoram, Molitor, Plagnol & Tavar´e (2003) PNAS 100(26)
Lee & Latuszy´nski (2014) Biometrika 101(3)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Sequential Monte Carlo
Algorithm 4 ABC-SMC
1: Draw N particles θi ∼ π0(θ)
2: Draw N × M sets of pseudo-data wi,m ∼ f(·|θi)
3: repeat
4: Adaptively select ABC tolerance t
5: Update importance weights λi for each particle
6: if effective sample size (ESS) < Nmin then
7: Resample particles according to their weights
8: end if
9: Update particles using Metropolis-Hastings step
(with adaptive proposal bandwidth σ2
t )
10: until
N < 0.015 or t < 10−9 or t ≥ 100
Targets a sequence of distributions π t (θ | s(w) − s(y) < t)
such that 1 > 2 > · · · > T
Drovandi & Pettitt (2011) Biometrics 67(1)
Del Moral, Doucet & Jasra (2012) Stat. Comput. 22(5)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
hidden Markov random field
Joint distribution of observed pixel intensities
y = (y1, . . . , yn) ∈ Rn and latent labels
z = (z1, . . . , zn) ∈ {1, . . . , k}n:
Pr(y, z | µ, σ2
, β) = L(y|µ, σ2
, z)π(z|β) (1)
Additive Gaussian noise:
yi | zi =j
∼ N µj, σ2
j (2)
Potts model:
π(zi | zi, β) =
exp {β i∼ δ(zi, z )}
j=1 exp {β i∼ δ(j, z )}
Potts (1952) Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 48(1)
Winkler (2003) Image Analysis, Random Fields and MCMC Methods, 2nd
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Inverse Temperature
(e) β = 0.1 (f) β = 0.5 (g) β = 0.85
(h) β = 0.95 (i) β = 1.005 (j) β = 1.15
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Doubly-intractable posterior
p(β|z) =
β C−1(β)eβS(z)π(dβ)
The normalising constant has computational complexity O(nkn),
since it involves a sum over all possible combinations of the labels
z ∈ Z:
C(β) =
S(z) is the sufficient statistic of the Potts model:
S(z) =
i∼ ∈E
δ(zi, z ) (6)
where E is the set of all unique neighbour pairs.
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
An R package for Bayesian image segmentation
using the hidden Potts model:
RcppArmadillo for fast computation in C++
OpenMP for parallelism
l i b r a r y ( bayesImageS )
p r i o r s ← l i s t ("k"=3,"mu"=rep (0 ,3) , ""=sigma ,
"sigma"=sigma , ""=c (1 ,1 ,1) , "beta"=c (0 ,3))
mh ← l i s t ( algorithm="pseudo" , bandwidth =0.2)
r e s u l t ← mcmcPotts ( y , neigh , block ,NULL,
55000 ,5000 , p r i o r s ,mh)
Eddelbuettel & Sanderson (2014) RcppArmadillo: Accelerating R with
high-performance C++ linear algebra. CSDA 71
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Bayesian computational methods
bayesImageS supports methods for updating the latent labels z:
Chequerboard updating (Winkler 2003)
Swendsen-Wang (1987)
and also methods for updating the inverse temperature β:
Pseudolikelihood (Ryd´en & Titterington 1998)
Path Sampling (Gelman & Meng 1998)
Exchange Algorithm (Murray, Ghahramani & MacKay 2006)
Approximate Bayesian Computation (Grelaud et al. 2009)
Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC-ABC)
(Del Moral, Doucet & Jasra 2012)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Lake Menteith, Scotland
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
ABC-SMC for the hidden Potts model
l i b r a r y ( bayess )
data ( Menteith )
y ← as . matrix ( Menteith )
l i b r a r y ( bayesImageS )
mask ← matrix (1 , nrow=nrow( y ) , ncol=ncol ( y ))
neigh ← getNeighbors (mask , c (2 ,2 ,0 ,0))
block ← getBlocks (mask , 2)
p r i o r s ← l i s t ( k=6, mu=rep (256/2 , 6) ,
mu. sd=rep (256/ 6 ,6) , sigma=rep (256/ 6 ,6) ,
sigma . nu=rep (6 , 6) , beta ← c (0 ,2))
r e s ← smcPotts ( as . vector ( y ) , neigh , block ,
param=l i s t ( npart =2000, nstat =5) , p r i o r s=p r i o r s )
6h 15min for 100 SMC iterations (N=2000, M=5)
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
ABC tolerance
SMC iteration
0 20 40 60 80 100
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
approximate posterior ( t = 37.5)
1.280 1.285 1.290 1.295 1.300 1.305 1.310 1.315
Equivalent to 120,801 iterations of the ABC rejection sampler
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
Effective Sample Size
SMC iteration
0 20 40 60 80 100
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
image segmentation
(a) Original image (b) Potts labels
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
ABC is a method for likelihood-free inference
It enables inference for models that are
otherwise computationally intractable
Main components of ABC:
π(θ) proposal density for θ
f(·|θ) generative model for w
tolerance level
δ(·, ·) distance function
s(y) summary statistics
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
References I
M. Moores, A. N. Pettitt & K. Mengersen
Scalable Bayesian inference for the inverse temperature of a hidden Potts
arXiv:1503.08066 [stat.CO], 2015.
M. Moores, C. C. Drovandi, K. Mengersen & C. P. Robert
Pre-processing for approximate Bayesian computation in image analysis.
Statistics & Computing 25(1): 23–33, 2015.
J.-M. Marin, P. Pudlo, C. P. Robert & R. Ryder
Approximate Bayesian computational methods.
Statistics & Computing, 22(6): 1167–80, 2012.
A. Grelaud, C. P. Robert, J.-M. Marin, F. Rodolphe & J.-F. Taly
ABC likelihood-free methods for model choice in Gibbs random fields.
Bayesian Analysis, 4(2): 317–36, 2009.
J.-M. Marin & C. P. Robert
Bayesian Essentials with R
Springer-Verlag, 2014.
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
References II
A. Lee & K. Latuszy´nski
Variance bounding and geometric ergodicity of Markov chain Monte Carlo
kernels for approximate Bayesian computation
Biometrika 101(3): 655–671, 2014.
P. Del Moral, A. Doucet & A. Jasra
An adaptive sequential Monte Carlo method for approximate Bayesian
Statistics & Computing, 22(5): 1009–20, 2012.
C. C. Drovandi & A. N. Pettitt
Estimation of Parameters for Macroparasite Population Evolution Using
Approximate Bayesian Computation
Biometrics 67(1): 225–233, 2011.
P. Marjoram, J. Molitor, V. Plagnol & S. Tavar´e
Markov chain Monte Carlo without likelihoods.
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 100(26): 15324–15328, 2003.
Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion
References III
J. Pritchard, M. Seielstad, A. Perez-Lezaun & M. Feldman
Population Growth of Human Y Chromosomes: A Study of Y
Chromosome Microsatellites.
Mol. Biol. Evol. 16(12): 1791–98, 1999.
S. Tavar´e, D. Balding, R, Griffiths & P. Donnelly
Inferring coalescence times from DNA sequence data.
Genetics, 145(2): 505–18, 1997.
R. B. Potts
Some generalized order-disorder transformations.
Proc. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 48(1): 106–109, 1952.
G. Winkler
Image analysis, random fields and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
ed., Springer-Verlag, 2003.
D. Eddelbuettel
Seamless R and C++ integration with Rcpp
Springer-Verlag, 2013.

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Approximate Bayesian computation for the Ising/Potts model

  • 1. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion an introduction to Approximate Bayesian Computation Matt Moores Research Fellow Department of Statistics University of Warwick Warwick ML Club June 12, 2017
  • 2. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Motivation Inference for a parameter θ when it is: impossible or very expensive to evaluate the likelihood p(y|θ) ABC is a likelihood-free method for approximating the posterior distribution π(θ|y) by generating pseudo-data from the model: w ∼ f(·|θ)
  • 3. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Likelihood-free rejection sampler Algorithm 1 Likelihood-free rejection sampler 1: Draw parameter value θ ∼ π(θ) 2: Generate w ∼ f(·|θ ) 3: if w = y (the observed data) then 4: accept θ 5: end if But if the observations y are continuous (or the space y ∈ Y is enormous) then P(w = y) ≈ 0 Tavar´e, Balding, Griffith & Donnelly (1997) Genetics 145(2)
  • 4. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion ABC tolerance accept θ if δ(w, y) < where > 0 is the tolerance level δ(·, ·) is a distance function (for an appropriate choice of norm) Inference is more exact when is close to zero. but more proposed θ are rejected (tradeoff between accuracy & computational cost) Pritchard, Seielstad, Perez-Lezaun & Feldman (1999) Mol. Biol. Evol. 16(12)
  • 5. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Summary statistics Computing δ(w, y) for w1, . . . , wn and y1, . . . , yn can be very expensive for large n Instead, compute summary statistics s(y) e.g. sufficient statistics (only available for exponential family)
  • 6. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Sufficient statistics Fisher-Neyman factorisation theorem: if s(y) is sufficient for θ then p(y|θ) = f(y) g (s(y)|θ) only applies to Potts, Ising, exponential random graph models (ERGM) otherwise, selection of suitable summary statistics can be a very difficult problem
  • 7. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion ABC rejection sampler Algorithm 2 ABC rejection sampler 1: for all iterations t ∈ 1 . . . T do 2: Draw independent proposal θ ∼ π(θ) 3: Generate w ∼ f(·|θ ) 4: if s(w) − s(y) < then 5: set θt ← θ 6: else 7: set θt ← θt−1 8: end if 9: end for Approximates π(θ|y) by π (θ | s(w) − s(y) < ) Marin, Pudlo, Robert & Ryder (2012) Stat. Comput. 22(6) Marin & Robert (2014) Bayesian Essentials with R §8.3
  • 8. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion A trivial example Gaussian with unknown variance: y ∼ N(1, σ2 ) normalising constant: Z(σ2 ) = (2πσ2 )−n 2 natural conjugate prior: π 1 σ2 ∼ Ga ν0 2 , ν0ψ2 0 2 sufficient statistic: s(y) = 1 n n i=1 (yi − 1)2 posterior is analytically tractable: π 1 σ2 | y ∼ Ga ν0+n 2 , ν0ψ2 0+ns(y) 2 ∴ no need for ABC (nor MCMC) in practice
  • 9. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion R code π(τ|y) Density 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 § y ← rnorm (n=5, mean=1, sd=2/3) n ← length ( y ) s sq ← sum(( y −1)ˆ2)/n post nu ← nu0 + n post ssd ← ( nu0 ∗ s0 ˆ2 + n∗ s sq )/2
  • 10. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion now with ABC π(τ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 πε(τ | δ(s(w), s(y)) < ε) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 § prop tau ← rgamma(10000 , nu0/2 , 0.5 ∗nu0∗ s0 ˆ2) pseudo ← rnorm (n∗ 10000 , 1 , 1/ sqrt ( prop tau )) pseudoMx ← matrix ( pseudo , nrow=10000, ncol=n) pseudoSSD ← rowSums (( pseudoMx − 1)ˆ2)/n ps norm ← abs ( pseudoSSD − s sq ) e p s i l o n ← sort ( ps norm ) [ 2 0 0 0 ] prop keep ← prop tau [ ps norm <= e p s i l o n ]
  • 11. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion choice of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (a) = 8.430 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (b) = 1.427 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (c) = 0.011 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (d) = 0.001
  • 12. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion concentration of measure 0 1 2 3 4 (a) n = 25, = 0.149 0 1 2 3 4 (b) n = 500, = 0.025 0 1 2 3 4 02468 (c) n = 104 , = 0.011 0 1 2 3 4 020406080100 (d) n = 106 , = 0.001
  • 13. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Metropolis-Hastings proposals Algorithm 3 ABC-MCMC 1: Initialise θ0 ∼ π(θ) 2: for all iterations t ∈ 1 . . . T do 3: Draw proposal θ ∼ q(· | θt−1) 4: Generate w ∼ f(·|θ ) 5: Draw u ∼ Unif(0, 1) 6: if u < π(θ )q(θt−1|θ ) π(θt−1)q(θ |θt−1) and s(w) − s(y) < then 7: set θt ← θ 8: else 9: set θt ← θt−1 10: end if 11: end for Unfortunately, this algorithm is prone to getting ”stuck” Marjoram, Molitor, Plagnol & Tavar´e (2003) PNAS 100(26) Lee & Latuszy´nski (2014) Biometrika 101(3)
  • 14. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithm 4 ABC-SMC 1: Draw N particles θi ∼ π0(θ) 2: Draw N × M sets of pseudo-data wi,m ∼ f(·|θi) 3: repeat 4: Adaptively select ABC tolerance t 5: Update importance weights λi for each particle 6: if effective sample size (ESS) < Nmin then 7: Resample particles according to their weights 8: end if 9: Update particles using Metropolis-Hastings step (with adaptive proposal bandwidth σ2 t ) 10: until naccept N < 0.015 or t < 10−9 or t ≥ 100 Targets a sequence of distributions π t (θ | s(w) − s(y) < t) such that 1 > 2 > · · · > T Drovandi & Pettitt (2011) Biometrics 67(1) Del Moral, Doucet & Jasra (2012) Stat. Comput. 22(5)
  • 15. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion hidden Markov random field Joint distribution of observed pixel intensities y = (y1, . . . , yn) ∈ Rn and latent labels z = (z1, . . . , zn) ∈ {1, . . . , k}n: Pr(y, z | µ, σ2 , β) = L(y|µ, σ2 , z)π(z|β) (1) Additive Gaussian noise: yi | zi =j iid ∼ N µj, σ2 j (2) Potts model: π(zi | zi, β) = exp {β i∼ δ(zi, z )} k j=1 exp {β i∼ δ(j, z )} (3) Potts (1952) Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 48(1) Winkler (2003) Image Analysis, Random Fields and MCMC Methods, 2nd ed.
  • 16. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Inverse Temperature (e) β = 0.1 (f) β = 0.5 (g) β = 0.85 (h) β = 0.95 (i) β = 1.005 (j) β = 1.15
  • 17. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Doubly-intractable posterior p(β|z) = C−1(β)eβS(z)π(β) β C−1(β)eβS(z)π(dβ) (4) The normalising constant has computational complexity O(nkn), since it involves a sum over all possible combinations of the labels z ∈ Z: C(β) = z∈Z eβS(z) (5) S(z) is the sufficient statistic of the Potts model: S(z) = i∼ ∈E δ(zi, z ) (6) where E is the set of all unique neighbour pairs.
  • 18. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion bayesImageS An R package for Bayesian image segmentation using the hidden Potts model: RcppArmadillo for fast computation in C++ OpenMP for parallelism § l i b r a r y ( bayesImageS ) p r i o r s ← l i s t ("k"=3,"mu"=rep (0 ,3) , ""=sigma , "sigma"=sigma , ""=c (1 ,1 ,1) , "beta"=c (0 ,3)) mh ← l i s t ( algorithm="pseudo" , bandwidth =0.2) r e s u l t ← mcmcPotts ( y , neigh , block ,NULL, 55000 ,5000 , p r i o r s ,mh) Eddelbuettel & Sanderson (2014) RcppArmadillo: Accelerating R with high-performance C++ linear algebra. CSDA 71
  • 19. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Bayesian computational methods bayesImageS supports methods for updating the latent labels z: Chequerboard updating (Winkler 2003) Swendsen-Wang (1987) and also methods for updating the inverse temperature β: Pseudolikelihood (Ryd´en & Titterington 1998) Path Sampling (Gelman & Meng 1998) Exchange Algorithm (Murray, Ghahramani & MacKay 2006) Approximate Bayesian Computation (Grelaud et al. 2009) Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC-ABC) (Del Moral, Doucet & Jasra 2012)
  • 20. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Lake Menteith, Scotland 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
  • 21. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion ABC-SMC for the hidden Potts model § l i b r a r y ( bayess ) data ( Menteith ) y ← as . matrix ( Menteith ) l i b r a r y ( bayesImageS ) mask ← matrix (1 , nrow=nrow( y ) , ncol=ncol ( y )) neigh ← getNeighbors (mask , c (2 ,2 ,0 ,0)) block ← getBlocks (mask , 2) p r i o r s ← l i s t ( k=6, mu=rep (256/2 , 6) , mu. sd=rep (256/ 6 ,6) , sigma=rep (256/ 6 ,6) , sigma . nu=rep (6 , 6) , beta ← c (0 ,2)) r e s ← smcPotts ( as . vector ( y ) , neigh , block , param=l i s t ( npart =2000, nstat =5) , p r i o r s=p r i o r s ) 6h 15min for 100 SMC iterations (N=2000, M=5)
  • 22. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion ABC tolerance SMC iteration εt 0 20 40 60 80 100 02000400060008000100001200014000
  • 23. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion approximate posterior ( t = 37.5) β Density 1.280 1.285 1.290 1.295 1.300 1.305 1.310 1.315 0204060 Equivalent to 120,801 iterations of the ABC rejection sampler
  • 24. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Effective Sample Size SMC iteration ESS 0 20 40 60 80 100 800100012001400160018002000
  • 25. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion image segmentation (a) Original image (b) Potts labels
  • 26. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion Summary ABC is a method for likelihood-free inference It enables inference for models that are otherwise computationally intractable Main components of ABC: π(θ) proposal density for θ f(·|θ) generative model for w tolerance level δ(·, ·) distance function s(y) summary statistics
  • 27. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion References I M. Moores, A. N. Pettitt & K. Mengersen Scalable Bayesian inference for the inverse temperature of a hidden Potts model. arXiv:1503.08066 [stat.CO], 2015. M. Moores, C. C. Drovandi, K. Mengersen & C. P. Robert Pre-processing for approximate Bayesian computation in image analysis. Statistics & Computing 25(1): 23–33, 2015. J.-M. Marin, P. Pudlo, C. P. Robert & R. Ryder Approximate Bayesian computational methods. Statistics & Computing, 22(6): 1167–80, 2012. A. Grelaud, C. P. Robert, J.-M. Marin, F. Rodolphe & J.-F. Taly ABC likelihood-free methods for model choice in Gibbs random fields. Bayesian Analysis, 4(2): 317–36, 2009. J.-M. Marin & C. P. Robert Bayesian Essentials with R Springer-Verlag, 2014.
  • 28. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion References II A. Lee & K. Latuszy´nski Variance bounding and geometric ergodicity of Markov chain Monte Carlo kernels for approximate Bayesian computation Biometrika 101(3): 655–671, 2014. P. Del Moral, A. Doucet & A. Jasra An adaptive sequential Monte Carlo method for approximate Bayesian computation. Statistics & Computing, 22(5): 1009–20, 2012. C. C. Drovandi & A. N. Pettitt Estimation of Parameters for Macroparasite Population Evolution Using Approximate Bayesian Computation Biometrics 67(1): 225–233, 2011. P. Marjoram, J. Molitor, V. Plagnol & S. Tavar´e Markov chain Monte Carlo without likelihoods. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 100(26): 15324–15328, 2003.
  • 29. Intro to ABC Simulation Study ABC Algorithms Ising/Potts model Image Analysis Conclusion References III J. Pritchard, M. Seielstad, A. Perez-Lezaun & M. Feldman Population Growth of Human Y Chromosomes: A Study of Y Chromosome Microsatellites. Mol. Biol. Evol. 16(12): 1791–98, 1999. S. Tavar´e, D. Balding, R, Griffiths & P. Donnelly Inferring coalescence times from DNA sequence data. Genetics, 145(2): 505–18, 1997. R. B. Potts Some generalized order-disorder transformations. Proc. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 48(1): 106–109, 1952. G. Winkler Image analysis, random fields and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, 2003. D. Eddelbuettel Seamless R and C++ integration with Rcpp Springer-Verlag, 2013.