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시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름

 온톨로지 개념 및
온톨로지 표현언어

             김동범 (
                   아이네크 시맨틱사업팀, @eastkim on twitter
The Role of RDF on Semantic Web


   시맨틱 웹 표준의
     첫 번째 Layer

시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름                     -2-
Why RDF model is different from the
   XML model ?
     “The author of the page is Ora”
     triple(author, page, Ora)

                            has author
                  page                       Ora

   Tim Berners-Lee (1998),
시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름                                                 -3-
How would this information be typically represented
   in XML?
                                             or may be
     <author>                                 <document>
       <uri>page</uri>                          <details>
     </author>                                       <name>Ora</name>
     or may be                                </document>

     <document href=“page”>
       <author>Ora</author>                   <document>
     </document>                                <author>
    or may be
     <document href=“” author=“Ora” />

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What is the author of page?


                             has author
                      page                Ora

                       a                  c

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In RDF Graph

      <Description about=quot;; Author =quot;Oraquot; />

      <?xml version=quot;1.0quot;?>
       <Description about=quot;“>
              <s:Author =quot;; />

                                has author
                      page                        Ora

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The RDF Graph displays the same thing

      <Description about=“xquot; y=“z” />

      <?xml version=quot;1.0quot;?>
       <Description about=“x“>
              <y =“z” />

                      x                 z

시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름                         -7-
분산된 데이터의 웹에서….

                   글을                     영화 ‘xxx’에
                  작성하다                     출연하다


                         Ora는 ‘page’의
                        저자이고, 영화 ‘xxx’에


                           has author
                 page                   Ora      plays in

시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름                                               -8-
What is ontology?

            quot;formal, explicit specification of a
            shared conceptualization“

            “공유된 개념에 대한 형식적이고,
            명시적인 명세……??”

                              Tom Gruber (1993)

시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름                                -9-
What is ontology?

            존재론 in Philosophy

                즉, 온톨로지는 “존재하는 것들에 대한 설명”

                그럼 존재하는 것이란 무엇일까요?

시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름                         - 10 -
존재하는 것


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                                             lives in
                        type                            Korea

                                             works at
            3X                                          INEK

    정답!! >> 김동범
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이와 같이 온톨로지는….

     Thing 에 제약(속성, 관계)을 가함으로써 개념을 정의

     제약이 많다 = 표현력(Expressivity)이 풍부하다

     객관적인 형식과 그 형식이 동작하는 방식을 규정 (formal)

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표현력에 따른 온톨로지

  Lightweight ontologies      Heavyweight ontologies
     Concepts                   type constraints on relations
     Relationships between      Cardinality constraints
                                 Axioms
     IS-A Hierarchy

    RDF, RDFS, OWL Lite                     OWL DL

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온톨로지 표현 언어
                      RDF, RDFS, OWL

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History of Ontology Language
       RDF(S)
           Developed by W3C (1999, 02)
       Ontology Inference Layer : OIL
           Developed by group of European researchers (2000, 01)

       DAML Ontology Language : DAML-ONT
           Developed by US researchers working in DAML program (2000, 10)

       Effort merged in DAML+OIL
           Developed by EU/US joint committee (2000, 12)

       W3C Web Ontology group : OWL
           W3C standard based on DAML+OIL (2002, 02)

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RDF stands for
     Resource         : URI를 갖는 모든 것 (웹 페이지, 이미지, 동영상 등)

     Description      : 자원(Resource)들의 속성, 특성, 관계

     Framework        : 위의 것들을 기술하기 위한 모델, 언어, 문법

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RDF 데이타 모델

                  Subject                         Object         : Triple Model

                                                             온톨로지 개념 및 표현언어

                                                 author     DongBeom Kim

   <?xml version=“1.0”>

     <Description about=“”>
        <author>DongBeom Kim</author>
        <homepage>온톨로지 개념 및 표현언어</homepage>

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Movie List
     URI :

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RDF Example
          title           director       country        runtime       genre   reviewer

    007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스         마크 포스터          미국             106분          액션      genie

      아내가 결혼했다             정윤수            한국             119분          멜로     eastkim

           …                 …             …              …            …         …

   <?xml version=“1.0”>

   <RDF xmlns:rdf=“”

     <Description rdf:about=“”>
        <movie:title>007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스</movie:title>
        <movie:director>마크 포스터</movie:director>

    <Description rdf:about=“”>
        <movie:title>아내가 결혼했다</movie:title>

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RDF Main Elements
  <rdf:RDF> Element
  RDF 문서의 root Element

  <rdf:Description> Element
  about 속성을 가진 resource를 식별(기술)하기 위해 사용
  Resource를 기술하기 위한 여러 Element(title, director, etc)를 포함
   <?xml version=“1.0”>

   <RDF xmlns:rdf=“”

       <Description rdf:about=“”>
            <movie:title>007 goes 오브 솔러스</movie:title>
             .   Description 퀀텀 here
            <movie:director>마크 포스터</movie:director>

        <Description rdf:about=“”>
            <movie:title>아내가 결혼했다</movie:title>

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RDF Main Elements

   Properties as Attributes
      <Description rdf:about=“”
           movie:title=“007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스” movie:director=“마크 포스터”
           movie:country=“미국” movie:runtime=“106분” movie:reviewer=“genie”

     Properties as Resources

      <Description rdf:about=“”>
           <movie:title>007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스</movie:title>
           <movie:director>마크 포스터</movie:director>

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RDF Main Elements

    rdf:
      Alt, Bag, Description, ID, List, Property, Statement, Seq, XMLLiteral

      about, first, nodeID, object, parseType, predicate, resource, rest, subject, type,
      value, nil

    rdfs
     Class, Container, ContainerMembershipProperty, Datatype, Literal, Resource

      comment, domain, isDefinedBy, label, member, range, sellAlso, subClassOf, subPropertyOf

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OWL (Web Ontology Language)

    More Expressive than RDF(S)
    Adds more vocabularies for describing properties
      and classes
    Based on Description Logic

    W3C Recommendation (2004.02)

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OWL 의 하위 언어들
      OWL Lite
          Subset of DL
          light-weight 한 ontology 구축에 적합

      OWL DL
          Support Description Logic segment
          Has properties for reasoning systems
          heavy-weight한 ontology 구축에 적합

      OWL Full
          Union of OWL and RDFS
          Allow free mixing of OWL with RDF Schema
          Not enforce a strict separation of classes, properties, individuals

      OWL Lite ⊂ DL ⊂ Full
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OWL Lite Contructions (1)

        RDF Schema Features:        (In)Equality

            Class                       equivalentClass
            rdf:Property                equivalentProperty
            rdfs:subClassOf             sameIndividualAs
            rdfs:subPropertyOf
                                         differentFrom
            rdfs:domain
                                         allDifferent
            rdfs:range
            Individual

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OWL Lite Contructions (2)
        Property Type           Restricted Cardinality
         Restrictions:            –   minCardinality (only 0 or 1)
            allValuesFrom        –   maxCardinality(only 0 or 1)
            someValuesFrom       –   cardinality (only 0 or 1)

        Class Intersection      Property Characteristics:
            intersectionOf          inverseOf
                                     transitiveProperty
        Datatypes                   symmetricProperty
                                     functionalPropety
                                     InverseFunctionalProperty

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Property type restrictions
   owl:allValuesFrom
     <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=quot;#hasParentquot; />
     <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource=quot;#Humanquot; />

               X                                         Y
                                                       Y는 모두 Human

    owl:someValuesFrom   : 부모중 적어도 한명은 Physician 이다.
     <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=quot;#hasParentquot; />
     <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource=quot;#Physicianquot;/>

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Property type restrictions
    owl:inverseOf
      if hasChild inverseOf hasParent and Deborah hasParent Louise
      then Louise hasChild Deborah

    owl:transitiveProperty
      if pair(X,Y), pair(Y,Z) are instances of transitive property P,
      then pair(X,Z) is also instance of P

    owl:symmetricProperty
      if pair(X,Y) is an instance of P, then pair(Y,X) is also instance of P

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OWL DL, FULL Contructions
   (2) Axioms:
    Class       Boolean Combinations       
          oneOf                                of Class Expressions:
          disjointWith                         –   unionOf
          equivalentClass                      –   intersectionOf
           (applied to class expressions)       –   complementOf
          rdfs:subClassOf
           (applied to class expressions)

                                               Filler Information:
      Arbitrary Cardinality:
                                                –   hasValue
          minCardinality
          maxCardinality
          cardinality

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OWL DL 표현 예제
     owl:intersectionOf
          links a class to a list of class description
          represent the “AND”

          <owl:Class rdf:ID=quot;Adultquot;>
            <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType=quot;Collectionquot;>
              <owl:Class rdf:about=quot;#Personquot;/>
                <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=quot;#agequot;/>

                       Adult = Person ∩ $ age.over19

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OWL DL 표현 예제
      owl:inverseOf
       <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID=“hasChild”>
          <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource=“#hasParent”/>

      owl:FunctionalProperty
       <owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID=quot;husbandquot;>
         <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Womanquot; />
         <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Manquot; />

       <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID=quot;husbandquot;>
         <rdf:type    rdf:resource=quot;&owl;FunctionalPropertyquot; />
         <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Womanquot; />
         <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Manquot; />

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OWL DL 표현 예제
     owl:TransitiveProperty
       <owl:TransitiveProperty rdf:ID=quot;subRegionOfquot;>
         <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Regionquot;/>
         <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Regionquot;/>

     owl:SymmetricProperty

       <owl:SymmetricProperty rdf:ID=quot;friendOfquot;>
         <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Humanquot;/>
         <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Humanquot;/>

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시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름

감사합니다 !


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온톨로지 개념 및 표현언어

  • 1. 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 온톨로지 개념 및 온톨로지 표현언어 김동범 ( 아이네크 시맨틱사업팀, @eastkim on twitter 2009.05.29 1
  • 2. The Role of RDF on Semantic Web Semantic Aspect 시맨틱 웹 표준의 첫 번째 Layer Web Aspect 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -2-
  • 3. Why RDF model is different from the XML model ?  “The author of the page is Ora”  triple(author, page, Ora) has author page Ora Tim Berners-Lee (1998), 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -3-
  • 4. How would this information be typically represented in XML? or may be <author> <document> <uri>page</uri> <details> <uri>href=“page”</uri> <name>Ora</name> <author> </author> <name>Ora</name> </author> </details> or may be </document> <document href=“page”> <author>Ora</author> <document> </document> <author> <uri>href=“page”</uri> <details> <name>Ora</name> </details> </author> </document> or may be <document href=“” author=“Ora” /> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -4-
  • 5. What is the author of page? <v> <x> <y>a=“pppp”</y> <z> <w>qqqqq</w> </z> </x> </v> has author page Ora b a c 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -5-
  • 6. In RDF Graph <Description about=quot;; Author =quot;Oraquot; /> <?xml version=quot;1.0quot;?> <Description about=quot;“> <s:Author =quot;; /> </Description> has author page Ora 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -6-
  • 7. The RDF Graph displays the same thing <Description about=“xquot; y=“z” /> <?xml version=quot;1.0quot;?> <Description about=“x“> <y =“z” /> </Description> y x z 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -7-
  • 8. 분산된 데이터의 웹에서…. 글을 영화 ‘xxx’에 작성하다 출연하다 통합문서 Ora는 ‘page’의 저자이고, 영화 ‘xxx’에 출연했다 xxx has author page Ora plays in 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -8-
  • 9. What is ontology? quot;formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization“ “공유된 개념에 대한 형식적이고, 명시적인 명세……??” Tom Gruber (1993) 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 -9-
  • 10. What is ontology? 존재론 in Philosophy 즉, 온톨로지는 “존재하는 것들에 대한 설명” 그럼 존재하는 것이란 무엇일까요? 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 10 -
  • 11. 존재하는 것 Thing 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 11 -
  • 12. 스무고개… Asia partOf Person lives in type Korea Asia age Thing works at 3X INEK name type ?? Corporation 정답!! >> 김동범 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 12 -
  • 13. 이와 같이 온톨로지는….  Thing 에 제약(속성, 관계)을 가함으로써 개념을 정의  제약이 많다 = 표현력(Expressivity)이 풍부하다  객관적인 형식과 그 형식이 동작하는 방식을 규정 (formal) 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 13 -
  • 14. 표현력에 따른 온톨로지  Lightweight ontologies  Heavyweight ontologies  Concepts  type constraints on relations  Relationships between  Cardinality constraints Concepts  Axioms  IS-A Hierarchy RDF, RDFS, OWL Lite OWL DL 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 14 -
  • 15. 온톨로지 표현 언어 RDF, RDFS, OWL 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 15 -
  • 16. History of Ontology Language  RDF(S)  Developed by W3C (1999, 02)  Ontology Inference Layer : OIL  Developed by group of European researchers (2000, 01)  DAML Ontology Language : DAML-ONT  Developed by US researchers working in DAML program (2000, 10)  Effort merged in DAML+OIL  Developed by EU/US joint committee (2000, 12)  W3C Web Ontology group : OWL  W3C standard based on DAML+OIL (2002, 02) 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 16 -
  • 17. RDF stands for Resource : URI를 갖는 모든 것 (웹 페이지, 이미지, 동영상 등) Description : 자원(Resource)들의 속성, 특성, 관계 Framework : 위의 것들을 기술하기 위한 모델, 언어, 문법 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 17 -
  • 18. RDF 데이타 모델 Predicate Subject Object : Triple Model example title 온톨로지 개념 및 표현언어 author DongBeom Kim <?xml version=“1.0”> <RDF> <Description about=“”> <author>DongBeom Kim</author> <homepage>온톨로지 개념 및 표현언어</homepage> </Description> </RDF> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 18 -
  • 19. Movie List URI : 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 19 -
  • 20. RDF Example title director country runtime genre reviewer 007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스 마크 포스터 미국 106분 액션 genie 아내가 결혼했다 정윤수 한국 119분 멜로 eastkim … … … … … … <?xml version=“1.0”> <RDF xmlns:rdf=“” xmlns:movie=“”> <Description rdf:about=“”> <movie:title>007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스</movie:title> <movie:director>마크 포스터</movie:director> <movie:country>미국</movie:country> <movie:runtime>106분</movie:runtime> <movie:reviewer>genie</movie:reviewer> </Description> <Description rdf:about=“”> <movie:title>아내가 결혼했다</movie:title> … </Description> </RDF> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 20 -
  • 21. RDF Main Elements <rdf:RDF> Element RDF 문서의 root Element <rdf:Description> Element about 속성을 가진 resource를 식별(기술)하기 위해 사용 Resource를 기술하기 위한 여러 Element(title, director, etc)를 포함 <?xml version=“1.0”> <RDF xmlns:rdf=“” xmlns:movie=“”> <Description rdf:about=“”> . <movie:title>007 goes 오브 솔러스</movie:title> . Description 퀀텀 here <movie:director>마크 포스터</movie:director> . <movie:country>미국</movie:country> <movie:runtime>106분</movie:runtime> <movie:reviewer>genie</movie:reviewer> </Description> <Description rdf:about=“”> <movie:title>아내가 결혼했다</movie:title> … </Description> </RDF> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 21 -
  • 22. RDF Main Elements  Properties as Attributes <Description rdf:about=“” movie:title=“007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스” movie:director=“마크 포스터” movie:country=“미국” movie:runtime=“106분” movie:reviewer=“genie” />  Properties as Resources <Description rdf:about=“”> <movie:title>007 퀀텀 오브 솔러스</movie:title> <movie:director>마크 포스터</movie:director> <movie:country>미국</movie:country> <movie:runtime>106분</movie:runtime> <movie:reviewer>genie</movie:reviewer> </Description> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 22 -
  • 23. RDF Main Elements  rdf: Alt, Bag, Description, ID, List, Property, Statement, Seq, XMLLiteral about, first, nodeID, object, parseType, predicate, resource, rest, subject, type, value, nil  rdfs : Class, Container, ContainerMembershipProperty, Datatype, Literal, Resource comment, domain, isDefinedBy, label, member, range, sellAlso, subClassOf, subPropertyOf 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 23 -
  • 24. OWL (Web Ontology Language)  More Expressive than RDF(S)  Adds more vocabularies for describing properties and classes  Based on Description Logic  W3C Recommendation (2004.02) 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 24 -
  • 25. OWL 의 하위 언어들  OWL Lite  Subset of DL  light-weight 한 ontology 구축에 적합  OWL DL  Support Description Logic segment  Has properties for reasoning systems  heavy-weight한 ontology 구축에 적합  OWL Full  Union of OWL and RDFS  Allow free mixing of OWL with RDF Schema  Not enforce a strict separation of classes, properties, individuals  OWL Lite ⊂ DL ⊂ Full 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 25 -
  • 26. OWL Lite Contructions (1)  RDF Schema Features:  (In)Equality  Class  equivalentClass  rdf:Property  equivalentProperty  rdfs:subClassOf  sameIndividualAs  rdfs:subPropertyOf  differentFrom  rdfs:domain  allDifferent  rdfs:range  Individual 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 26 -
  • 27. OWL Lite Contructions (2)  Property Type  Restricted Cardinality Restrictions: – minCardinality (only 0 or 1)  allValuesFrom – maxCardinality(only 0 or 1)  someValuesFrom – cardinality (only 0 or 1)  Class Intersection  Property Characteristics:  intersectionOf  inverseOf  transitiveProperty  Datatypes  symmetricProperty  functionalPropety  InverseFunctionalProperty 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 27 -
  • 28. Property type restrictions  owl:allValuesFrom <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=quot;#hasParentquot; /> <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource=quot;#Humanquot; /> </owl:Restriction> hasParent X Y Y는 모두 Human  owl:someValuesFrom : 부모중 적어도 한명은 Physician 이다. <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=quot;#hasParentquot; /> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource=quot;#Physicianquot;/> </owl:Restriction> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 28 -
  • 29. Property type restrictions  owl:inverseOf if hasChild inverseOf hasParent and Deborah hasParent Louise then Louise hasChild Deborah  owl:transitiveProperty if pair(X,Y), pair(Y,Z) are instances of transitive property P, then pair(X,Z) is also instance of P  owl:symmetricProperty if pair(X,Y) is an instance of P, then pair(Y,X) is also instance of P 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 29 -
  • 30. OWL DL, FULL Contructions (2) Axioms:  Class Boolean Combinations   oneOf of Class Expressions:  disjointWith – unionOf  equivalentClass – intersectionOf (applied to class expressions) – complementOf  rdfs:subClassOf (applied to class expressions)  Filler Information:  Arbitrary Cardinality: – hasValue  minCardinality  maxCardinality  cardinality 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 30 -
  • 31. OWL DL 표현 예제  owl:intersectionOf  links a class to a list of class description  represent the “AND” <owl:Class rdf:ID=quot;Adultquot;> <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType=quot;Collectionquot;> <owl:Class rdf:about=quot;#Personquot;/> <owl:restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource=quot;#agequot;/> <owl:someValuesFrom df:resource=quot;;/> </owl:Restriction> </owl:intersectionOf> </owl:Class> Adult = Person ∩ $ age.over19 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 31 -
  • 32. OWL DL 표현 예제  owl:inverseOf <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID=“hasChild”> <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource=“#hasParent”/> </owl:ObjectProperty>  owl:FunctionalProperty <owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID=quot;husbandquot;> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Womanquot; /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Manquot; /> </owl:FunctionalProperty> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID=quot;husbandquot;> <rdf:type rdf:resource=quot;&owl;FunctionalPropertyquot; /> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Womanquot; /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Manquot; /> </owl:ObjectProperty> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 32 -
  • 33. OWL DL 표현 예제  owl:TransitiveProperty <owl:TransitiveProperty rdf:ID=quot;subRegionOfquot;> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Regionquot;/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Regionquot;/> </owl:TransitiveProperty>  owl:SymmetricProperty <owl:SymmetricProperty rdf:ID=quot;friendOfquot;> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=quot;#Humanquot;/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=quot;#Humanquot;/> </owl:SymmetricProperty> 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 - 33 -
  • 34. 시맨틱 웹 VoCamp 서울: 여름 감사합니다 ! 34