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Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace AG | @basgr
A Complete Guide To Super-Speed Around The World
Speed is absolutely everything!
2 @peakaceag
You don‘t want to take notes all the time?
Revisited: Pagespeed (Load Time) is a ranking factor
Source: &
4 @peakaceag
Google is obsessed with site speed and always pushes for
faster sites:
5 @peakaceag
6 @peakaceag
Don‘t get fooled by GSCs „Time spent Downloading“
The data is sh*t and doesn‘t reflect how page load feels at all!
▪ Time spent Downloading simply measures the time to complete a HTTP request.
▪ It‘s an average on files such as CSS, JS and others – thus the number is heavily flawed.
▪ The only valid use case seems to be monitoring “the trend”.
▪ The over all numbers does not reflect “PageSpeed”!
7 @peakaceag
Lets get this straight - this is what your users expect:
Obviously, slow page loading time is a major factor in page abandonment.
According to a Nielsen report, 47 % of people
expect a website to load within two seconds,
and 40 % will leave a website if it does not
load fully within three seconds.”
8 @peakaceag
100 ms can already make a huge difference!
A one second delay in page response = -11 % page views and -7 % conversions
Mozilla: 2.2 seconds faster to load = +15,4 % download conversions
Amazon: 100ms faster = +1% in revenue
9 @peakaceag
Cognitive Load with Stressful Situations
Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab, Neurons Inc. 2015
Solving a math problem
Experiencing mobile delays
Watching a horror movie
Standing at the edge of a virtual cliff
Watching a melodramatic TV show
Waiting in line at retail store
Level of stress caused
by delays on mobile is
comparable to watching
a horror movie!
11 @peakaceag
Here is what I really do care about: Engagement!
Better user engagement all over the board (baseline: MoM before & after roll-out)
Source: Google Analytics
Bounce Rate (BR)
Time-on-Site (ToS)
Views per Session (VpS)
42.60 %
4:30 min
3.7 pages
35.95 %
5:14 min
4.8 pages
Fast loading time plays an important role in overall user experience!
Performance = User Experience!
Measuring responsiveness of a web server: The amount of time between
creating a connection & downloading the contents of a web page.
#1 Time to First Byte (TTFB)
14 @peakaceag
Free, global TTFB testing with
DNS, TTFB & TLS times from 14 different locations at-a-glance
15 @peakaceag
Should I worry about my TTFB?
And what‘s an acceptable result to aim for?
More: &
Number of requests, blocking vs. non-blocking, asynchronous requests etc.
#2 Optimise HTTP requests
17 @peakaceag
Strong increase: # of requests & file-size
Average: 304 KB of JS code and 6.4 CSS files per page
18 @peakaceag
Having to load 23 CSS and JavaScript files sucks!
Deichmann (AT) wastes 3 seconds using blocking-resources...
19 @peakaceag
Whenever you see this: Reduce the amount of requests!
Combine multiple CSS & JavaScripts files to one (per type)
20 @peakaceag
For CSS, try:
For JS, go with:
Don‘t forget: Minify CSS & JavaScript files
Remove white-spaces, line-brakes, comments & shortens variables/functions
21 @peakaceag
For all other images: Put ‘em on a diet!
tinyPNG & tinyJPG for smart (lossy) compression & removal of meta-data et al. |
22 @peakaceag
For everything else: asynchronous requests where possible
Use HTML 5 async, JavaScript workarounds and/or loader:
Further information:
Pretty, varied, colourful and ... slow!
#3 Custom Webfonts
24 @peakaceag
68% of all websites use at least one non-standard font!
Result: 114 KB additional data and on average 2.9 HTTP requests
25 @peakaceag
Classic scenario: using external CSS
Easy to use … but one big disadvantage: CSS is render-blocking!
26 @peakaceag
Load custom fonts with Fontloader
Google's asynchronous solution: webfont.js (JavaScript loads first, then CSS)
27 @peakaceag
Not very successful and also problematic:
FOUT (Flash of unstyled Text) = super annoying flickering
Fighting the FOUT:
28 @peakaceag
How I usually tackle this:
Credits: &
29 @peakaceag
Some new stuff to play with: „font-display“ strategies
pre-fetching of specific DNS, resources and whole pages
#4 Pre-Fetching & -Rendering
31 @peakaceag
Breakdown of requests for (waterfall view)
DNS lookup for the asset server ( takes ~300 ms
32 @peakaceag
DNS pre-fetching in <head>: 81 ms = 75 % time saved
Very useful for other hosts' resources, that you want to use at a later stage.
33 @peakaceag
One step further: pre-connecting HTTPS
Don't just pre-resolve DNS names, also allow for TLS-handshake.
The next image in a gallery or a larger version of an image (zoom)
Critical HTML fragments like boxes or layers (Sign Up/Sign in)
What else could I pre-fetch?
Shopping basket (Checkout), as soon as an article is placed inside
The next page of a multipage article
Also, what could I pre-render?
Another (new) element in mobile SERPs
#5 Accelerated mobile pages (AMP)
37 @peakaceag
What is not allowed:
▪ external CSS
▪ JavaScript (except async JS)
▪ Flash, Java & Co.
AMP: stripped down HTML for maximum performance
Google values speed much more than (HTML) features
Maximum mobile performance:
▪ less CPU and memory
▪ less bandwidth
▪ less battery usage
▪ Better user experience
Keep in mind:
▪ text and images only, everything else is limited
▪ CSS only inline (non-blocking)
▪ CSS with limitation in size
▪ Requires width and height values (i.e. images)
Without a doubt, AMP is extremely fast…
But totally different UX and only 3 % of AMP visitors actually transition to non-AMP URL
Regular AMP
Mobile page load time
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Real-world data: mobile load times
5.7x faster
… And it gained quite a bit of momentum:
Source: & &
40 @peakaceag
Multiple publishers said an AMP
page view currently generates
around half as much revenue as
a page view on their full mobile
Via WSJ: publishers still not 100 % happy
AMP page views only generate half as much revenue as “real“ mobile sites…
41 @peakaceag
But… isn‘t AMP only for publishers?
AMP for products will be available very soon in a SERP near you!
There is no reason anymore, to not deliver content directly via HTTP/2,
which is super fast.
#6 Go HTTPS & HTTP/2
43 @peakaceag
Source: Searchmetrics US Ranking Factors 2016 – Download:
44 @peakaceag
Top 3 for high volume queries: >60 % HTTPS results!
Source: SEMrush Ranking Factors 2017 -
45 @peakaceag
This is what I think is going to happen:
We’ll be seeing more than 90 %
of all top 10 results on HTTPS
by the end of 2017!”
46 @peakaceag
HTTPS ranking “boost“? Well… maybe… maybe not!
Source: &
47 @peakaceag
Soon: HTTPS will be required for AMP?!
48 @peakaceag
Even if you don't believe in a “boost” …
Since January ‘17 login/credit card fields on HTTP are flagged as “not secure”
49 @peakaceag
This is just the beginning: more warnings from Oct. ‘17!
Chrome 62 is going to flag every single HTTP URL in incognito mode!
50 @peakaceag
Some tools to get you started with HTTP/2:
Download and test: & &
So yes, you need HTTPS!
52 @peakaceag
Let me make this very, very clear:
If you are using HTTPS
without HTTP/2 (SPDY) you
are doing it all wrong!”
A bit of everything, for everyone…!
#7 More Tools
54 @peakaceag
Googles‘ PageSpeed Insights
I am really not the biggest fan…!
55 @peakaceag
Pingdoms’ waterfall chart is a good starting point:
It’s free, easy to use and the data feels simple to consume…
56 @peakaceag
Try – they have it all:
A lot of info at-a-glance: TTFB, Keep-Alive, Compression & Caching, Image Usage,
CDN & waterfall diagrams
57 @peakaceag
WordPress & Site Speed Plug-ins
58 @peakaceag
You need to monitor your site continuously over-time!
Time for some crazy stuff!?
The code and resources required to render the initial view of a web page.
#8 Critical Rendering Path
Critical Rendering Path Optimisation
Initial view
Below the fold
(Not critical)
Critical Rendering Path Optimisation
Understanding how HTML, CSS & JS will be turned into rendered output
Optimizing for performance is all about under-
standing what happens between receiving the
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript bytes and the required
processing to turn them into rendered pixels -
that's the critical rendering path.
CSSOM: The CSS Object Model
▪ The CSSOM is basically a "map" of the CSS
styles found on a web page.
▪ It is much like the DOM (Document Object
Model), but for the CSS rather than the HTML.
▪ The CSSOM combined with the DOM are used
by browsers to display web pages.
Web browsers use the CSSOM to render a page
To display your webpage, a web browser must
take a few steps. For the moment we will simplify
it a little and talk about four main steps that will
illustrate the importance of the CSSOM:
Google doesn‘t do a single GET request for their CSS!
How to know what CSS is critically required?
Minimum: A snapshot of CSS rules to render a default desktop resolution (e.g. 1280x1024).
Better: Various snapshots for mobile phones, pad/s & desktop/s - so lot‘s of work!
67 @peakaceag
My current favourite: „Critical“ (using Node / Phantom JS)
Renders a site in multiple resolutions & builds a combined and compressed CRP CSS:
Critical & criticalCSS on GitHub: &
68 @peakaceag
If you just want to play around:
Give it a try:
69 @peakaceag
Putting it all together:
Fit the HTML, CSS & JS that’s necessary for “Start Render” into that first 14 KB round trip!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="widght=device-width">
<tittle>CRP loading demo </titltle>
<!-- critical CSS goes here -->
<style> h1 { color: green; } </style>
<!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other uninportant ones ( -->
<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />
<!--noscript for req. without JS -->
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript>
<!-- include polyfill for shitty browsers -->
*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
inline your critical CSS
Loading non-critical CSS
async using rel=“preload“
Apply the CSS once it has
finished loading via “onload“
Fallback for non-JS requests
Implement loadCSS script for
older browsers
<!-- critical CSS goes here -->
<style> h1 { color: green; } </style>
<!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other uninportant ones
( -->
<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />
<!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other uninportant ones
( -->
<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />
<!--noscript for req. without JS -->
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript>
*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
(A dirty way to prove it probably is…)
Is it really worth the effort?
71 @peakaceag
Before vs. after comparison: A fresh WordPress setup #1
HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, Custom Fonts)
No caching & no other performance optimizations
72 @peakaceag
Before vs. after comparison: A fresh WordPress setup #2
HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, Custom Fonts)
W3Total (CSS, JS, HTML minify, caching, compression)
73 @peakaceag
Before vs. after comparison: A fresh WordPress setup #3
HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, Custom Fonts)
W3Total (CSS, JS, HTML minify, caching, compression) + CRP CSS inlined!
74 @peakaceag
Performance metrics comparison at-a-glance
Rendering starts significantly earlier; this also allows for faster interaction with the site!
Load Time
Time to first byte (TTFB)
Start Render
Time to Interactive (TTI)
1.357 sec
0.454 sec
1.000 sec
0.956 sec
0.791 sec
0.159 sec
0.600 sec
0.931 sec
0.789 sec
0.157 sec
0.410 sec
0.563 sec
Highest quality, (more) efficient data compression, smaller files.
It hasn’t fully caught on yet, but is very exciting:
#9 New image formats
76 @peakaceag
62 % of all web traffic is made up of images...
… and 51 % of all URLs load more than 40 images per request.
77 @peakaceag
WebP: Google‘s alternative to JPEG, PNG and GIF
Lossy and lossless compression, transparency, metadata, colour profiles, animation and
much smaller files (30 % vs. JPEG, 80 % vs. PNG)
Everything about WebP:
78 @peakaceag
We‘re not quite there yet....
Currently only supported by Chrome, Opera and Android
79 @peakaceag
You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement
Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e. using .htaccess)
80 @peakaceag
You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement
Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e. using .htaccess)
81 @peakaceag
Using HTML5 and <picture> with newer templates
Browsers, that don‘t support <picture>, will ignore this.
<Source> browsers, who don't support WebP, will use <img> as a fallback.
More Information:
82 @peakaceag
This is not the end of the story just yet: FLIF, BPG etc.
Left: image size compared to original PNG size
Further reading:
Talking about image file-types…
84 @peakaceag
Guetzli: -35% smaller JPEGs due to better encoding
No new “filetype” needed at all; operating systems and browsers don’t need to adopt!
Has anyone heard of this?
#10 Brotli
86 @peakaceag
87 @peakaceag
20–25 % higher compression rate (vs. Zopfli/Deflate)
A completely new data format: currently only for Firefox and nginx
Try it out: &
88 @peakaceag
Always looking for talent! Check out
Bastian Grimm
Interested? Here you go:

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International Site Speed Tweaks - ISS 2017 Barcelona

  • 1. Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace AG | @basgr A Complete Guide To Super-Speed Around The World Speed is absolutely everything!
  • 2. 2 @peakaceag You don‘t want to take notes all the time?
  • 3. 3 Revisited: Pagespeed (Load Time) is a ranking factor Source: &
  • 4. 4 @peakaceag Google is obsessed with site speed and always pushes for faster sites: Source:
  • 6. 6 @peakaceag Don‘t get fooled by GSCs „Time spent Downloading“ The data is sh*t and doesn‘t reflect how page load feels at all! Source: ▪ Time spent Downloading simply measures the time to complete a HTTP request. ▪ It‘s an average on files such as CSS, JS and others – thus the number is heavily flawed. ▪ The only valid use case seems to be monitoring “the trend”. ▪ The over all numbers does not reflect “PageSpeed”!
  • 7. 7 @peakaceag Lets get this straight - this is what your users expect: Obviously, slow page loading time is a major factor in page abandonment. According to a Nielsen report, 47 % of people expect a website to load within two seconds, and 40 % will leave a website if it does not load fully within three seconds.” „
  • 8. 8 @peakaceag 100 ms can already make a huge difference! A one second delay in page response = -11 % page views and -7 % conversions Mozilla: 2.2 seconds faster to load = +15,4 % download conversions Amazon: 100ms faster = +1% in revenue
  • 10. 10 Cognitive Load with Stressful Situations Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab, Neurons Inc. 2015 Solving a math problem Experiencing mobile delays Watching a horror movie Standing at the edge of a virtual cliff Watching a melodramatic TV show Waiting in line at retail store Level of stress caused by delays on mobile is comparable to watching a horror movie!
  • 11. 11 @peakaceag Here is what I really do care about: Engagement! Better user engagement all over the board (baseline: MoM before & after roll-out) Source: Google Analytics KPI / MEASUREMENT Bounce Rate (BR) Time-on-Site (ToS) Views per Session (VpS) BEFORE 42.60 % 4:30 min 3.7 pages AFTER 35.95 % 5:14 min 4.8 pages
  • 12. Fast loading time plays an important role in overall user experience! Performance = User Experience!
  • 13. Measuring responsiveness of a web server: The amount of time between creating a connection & downloading the contents of a web page. #1 Time to First Byte (TTFB)
  • 14. 14 @peakaceag Free, global TTFB testing with DNS, TTFB & TLS times from 14 different locations at-a-glance Source:
  • 15. 15 @peakaceag Should I worry about my TTFB? And what‘s an acceptable result to aim for? More: &
  • 16. Number of requests, blocking vs. non-blocking, asynchronous requests etc. #2 Optimise HTTP requests
  • 17. 17 @peakaceag Strong increase: # of requests & file-size Average: 304 KB of JS code and 6.4 CSS files per page
  • 18. 18 @peakaceag Having to load 23 CSS and JavaScript files sucks! Deichmann (AT) wastes 3 seconds using blocking-resources...
  • 19. 19 @peakaceag Whenever you see this: Reduce the amount of requests! Combine multiple CSS & JavaScripts files to one (per type)
  • 20. 20 @peakaceag For CSS, try: ▪ ▪ ▪ For JS, go with: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Don‘t forget: Minify CSS & JavaScript files Remove white-spaces, line-brakes, comments & shortens variables/functions
  • 21. 21 @peakaceag For all other images: Put ‘em on a diet! tinyPNG & tinyJPG for smart (lossy) compression & removal of meta-data et al. |
  • 22. 22 @peakaceag For everything else: asynchronous requests where possible Use HTML 5 async, JavaScript workarounds and/or loader: Further information:
  • 23. Pretty, varied, colourful and ... slow! #3 Custom Webfonts
  • 24. 24 @peakaceag 68% of all websites use at least one non-standard font! Result: 114 KB additional data and on average 2.9 HTTP requests Source:
  • 25. 25 @peakaceag Classic scenario: using external CSS Easy to use … but one big disadvantage: CSS is render-blocking!
  • 26. 26 @peakaceag Load custom fonts with Fontloader Google's asynchronous solution: webfont.js (JavaScript loads first, then CSS)
  • 27. 27 @peakaceag Not very successful and also problematic: FOUT (Flash of unstyled Text) = super annoying flickering Fighting the FOUT:
  • 28. 28 @peakaceag How I usually tackle this: Credits: &
  • 29. 29 @peakaceag Some new stuff to play with: „font-display“ strategies More:
  • 30. pre-fetching of specific DNS, resources and whole pages #4 Pre-Fetching & -Rendering
  • 31. 31 @peakaceag Breakdown of requests for (waterfall view) DNS lookup for the asset server ( takes ~300 ms
  • 32. 32 @peakaceag DNS pre-fetching in <head>: 81 ms = 75 % time saved Very useful for other hosts' resources, that you want to use at a later stage.
  • 33. 33 @peakaceag One step further: pre-connecting HTTPS Don't just pre-resolve DNS names, also allow for TLS-handshake.
  • 34. The next image in a gallery or a larger version of an image (zoom) Critical HTML fragments like boxes or layers (Sign Up/Sign in) What else could I pre-fetch?
  • 35. Shopping basket (Checkout), as soon as an article is placed inside The next page of a multipage article Also, what could I pre-render?
  • 36. Another (new) element in mobile SERPs #5 Accelerated mobile pages (AMP)
  • 37. 37 @peakaceag What is not allowed: ▪ external CSS ▪ JavaScript (except async JS) ▪ Flash, Java & Co. AMP: stripped down HTML for maximum performance Google values speed much more than (HTML) features Maximum mobile performance: ▪ less CPU and memory ▪ less bandwidth ▪ less battery usage ▪ Better user experience Keep in mind: ▪ text and images only, everything else is limited ▪ CSS only inline (non-blocking) ▪ CSS with limitation in size ▪ Requires width and height values (i.e. images)
  • 38. 38 Without a doubt, AMP is extremely fast… But totally different UX and only 3 % of AMP visitors actually transition to non-AMP URL Source: 6231 929 Regular AMP Mobile page load time 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 (ms) Real-world data: mobile load times 5.7x faster
  • 39. 39 … And it gained quite a bit of momentum: Source: & &
  • 40. 40 @peakaceag Multiple publishers said an AMP page view currently generates around half as much revenue as a page view on their full mobile websites.” Via WSJ: publishers still not 100 % happy AMP page views only generate half as much revenue as “real“ mobile sites… Source: „
  • 41. 41 @peakaceag But… isn‘t AMP only for publishers? AMP for products will be available very soon in a SERP near you! More:
  • 42. There is no reason anymore, to not deliver content directly via HTTP/2, which is super fast. #6 Go HTTPS & HTTP/2
  • 43. 43 @peakaceag Source: Searchmetrics US Ranking Factors 2016 – Download:
  • 44. 44 @peakaceag Top 3 for high volume queries: >60 % HTTPS results! Source: SEMrush Ranking Factors 2017 -
  • 45. 45 @peakaceag This is what I think is going to happen: We’ll be seeing more than 90 % of all top 10 results on HTTPS by the end of 2017!” „
  • 46. 46 @peakaceag HTTPS ranking “boost“? Well… maybe… maybe not! Source: &
  • 47. 47 @peakaceag Soon: HTTPS will be required for AMP?! Source:
  • 48. 48 @peakaceag Even if you don't believe in a “boost” … Since January ‘17 login/credit card fields on HTTP are flagged as “not secure” Source:
  • 49. 49 @peakaceag This is just the beginning: more warnings from Oct. ‘17! Chrome 62 is going to flag every single HTTP URL in incognito mode! Source:
  • 50. 50 @peakaceag Some tools to get you started with HTTP/2: Download and test: & &
  • 51. So yes, you need HTTPS!
  • 52. 52 @peakaceag Let me make this very, very clear: If you are using HTTPS without HTTP/2 (SPDY) you are doing it all wrong!” „
  • 53. A bit of everything, for everyone…! #7 More Tools
  • 54. 54 @peakaceag Googles‘ PageSpeed Insights I am really not the biggest fan…!
  • 55. 55 @peakaceag Pingdoms’ waterfall chart is a good starting point: It’s free, easy to use and the data feels simple to consume…
  • 56. 56 @peakaceag Try – they have it all: A lot of info at-a-glance: TTFB, Keep-Alive, Compression & Caching, Image Usage, CDN & waterfall diagrams
  • 57. 57 @peakaceag WordPress & Site Speed Plug-ins Plugin-Download: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
  • 58. 58 @peakaceag You need to monitor your site continuously over-time!
  • 59. Time for some crazy stuff!?
  • 60. The code and resources required to render the initial view of a web page. #8 Critical Rendering Path
  • 61. 61 Critical Rendering Path Optimisation Initial view (Critical) Below the fold (Not critical)
  • 62. 62 Critical Rendering Path Optimisation Understanding how HTML, CSS & JS will be turned into rendered output Source: Optimizing for performance is all about under- standing what happens between receiving the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript bytes and the required processing to turn them into rendered pixels - that's the critical rendering path. „
  • 63. 63 CSSOM: The CSS Object Model body font-size:16px; h1 font-size:22px; p font-size:16px; p font-size:12px; a font-size:12px; img font-size:16px; ▪ The CSSOM is basically a "map" of the CSS styles found on a web page. ▪ It is much like the DOM (Document Object Model), but for the CSS rather than the HTML. ▪ The CSSOM combined with the DOM are used by browsers to display web pages.
  • 64. 64 Web browsers use the CSSOM to render a page To display your webpage, a web browser must take a few steps. For the moment we will simplify it a little and talk about four main steps that will illustrate the importance of the CSSOM:
  • 65. 65 Google doesn‘t do a single GET request for their CSS!
  • 66. 66 How to know what CSS is critically required? Minimum: A snapshot of CSS rules to render a default desktop resolution (e.g. 1280x1024). Better: Various snapshots for mobile phones, pad/s & desktop/s - so lot‘s of work! Source:
  • 67. 67 @peakaceag My current favourite: „Critical“ (using Node / Phantom JS) Renders a site in multiple resolutions & builds a combined and compressed CRP CSS: Critical & criticalCSS on GitHub: &
  • 68. 68 @peakaceag If you just want to play around: Give it a try:
  • 69. 69 @peakaceag Putting it all together: Fit the HTML, CSS & JS that’s necessary for “Start Render” into that first 14 KB round trip! <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="widght=device-width"> <tittle>CRP loading demo </titltle> <!-- critical CSS goes here --> <style> h1 { color: green; } </style> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other uninportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!--noscript for req. without JS --> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript> <!-- include polyfill for shitty browsers --> <script> *! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); /*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> inline your critical CSS 1 Loading non-critical CSS async using rel=“preload“ 2 Apply the CSS once it has finished loading via “onload“ 3 Fallback for non-JS requests 4 Implement loadCSS script for older browsers 5 <!-- critical CSS goes here --> <style> h1 { color: green; } </style> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other uninportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other uninportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!--noscript for req. without JS --> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript> *! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); /*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ());
  • 70. (A dirty way to prove it probably is…) Is it really worth the effort?
  • 71. 71 @peakaceag Before vs. after comparison: A fresh WordPress setup #1 HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, Custom Fonts) No caching & no other performance optimizations
  • 72. 72 @peakaceag Before vs. after comparison: A fresh WordPress setup #2 HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, Custom Fonts) W3Total (CSS, JS, HTML minify, caching, compression)
  • 73. 73 @peakaceag Before vs. after comparison: A fresh WordPress setup #3 HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, Custom Fonts) W3Total (CSS, JS, HTML minify, caching, compression) + CRP CSS inlined!
  • 74. 74 @peakaceag Performance metrics comparison at-a-glance Rendering starts significantly earlier; this also allows for faster interaction with the site! KPI / MEASUREMENT Load Time Time to first byte (TTFB) Start Render Time to Interactive (TTI) DEFAULT WP 1.357 sec 0.454 sec 1.000 sec 0.956 sec BASIC PERFORMANCE 0.791 sec 0.159 sec 0.600 sec 0.931 sec FULLY OPTIMIZED 0.789 sec 0.157 sec 0.410 sec 0.563 sec (+32%) (+41%)
  • 75. Highest quality, (more) efficient data compression, smaller files. It hasn’t fully caught on yet, but is very exciting: #9 New image formats
  • 76. 76 @peakaceag 62 % of all web traffic is made up of images... … and 51 % of all URLs load more than 40 images per request. Source:
  • 77. 77 @peakaceag WebP: Google‘s alternative to JPEG, PNG and GIF Lossy and lossless compression, transparency, metadata, colour profiles, animation and much smaller files (30 % vs. JPEG, 80 % vs. PNG) Everything about WebP:
  • 78. 78 @peakaceag We‘re not quite there yet.... Currently only supported by Chrome, Opera and Android Source:
  • 79. 79 @peakaceag You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e. using .htaccess)
  • 80. 80 @peakaceag You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e. using .htaccess) VS.
  • 81. 81 @peakaceag Using HTML5 and <picture> with newer templates Browsers, that don‘t support <picture>, will ignore this. <Source> browsers, who don't support WebP, will use <img> as a fallback. More Information:
  • 82. 82 @peakaceag This is not the end of the story just yet: FLIF, BPG etc. Left: image size compared to original PNG size Further reading:
  • 83. Talking about image file-types…
  • 84. 84 @peakaceag Guetzli: -35% smaller JPEGs due to better encoding No new “filetype” needed at all; operating systems and browsers don’t need to adopt! Source:
  • 85. Has anyone heard of this? #10 Brotli
  • 87. 87 @peakaceag 20–25 % higher compression rate (vs. Zopfli/Deflate) A completely new data format: currently only for Firefox and nginx Try it out: &
  • 88. 88 @peakaceag Always looking for talent! Check out Bastian Grimm Interested? Here you go:

Editor's Notes

  1. Add slide with more warnings