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WEEK 1-2
“Why Do Research?
Academic research is work that contributes to human knowledge and expands the procedures
established by academic disciplines. “
Definition of Research
1 Researchisa questfor an answerto a question.Knowingthe answertoa questionrequiresascientificmethod
and notmerelyaskingfromvariouspersonsormerelyobservingseveral situationsthatmayout-rightly provide
haphazardanswersto posedquestions.
2 Researchor re-search“toresearchagain”,to take anothermore careful look,tofindoutmore.(Seltizetal.,1976)
3 Researchisan activitywhichismeantto acquire betterknowledge by“relearningwhatwe alreadyknowthough
4 Researchisa systematic,controlled,empirical andcritical investigationof natural phenomenaguidedbytheory
and hypothesesaboutapresumedrelationsamongsuchphenomena.
5 Researchissystematicandobjective analysisandrecordingof controlledobservationsthatmaylead to the
developmentof generalizations,principlesortheoriesresultinginpredictionandpossiblyultimatecontrol of
CommonElementsof Research:
1. To attainor establishfactsaboutthe phenomenonbeinginvestigated
2. Systematic
3. Objective
4. Comprehensiveinvestigation
5. Accurate gatheringof data, recordingandcritical analysisof dataand interpretationof facts
Characteristic of Research
1. Researchisdirectedtowardsthe solutionof aproblem.
2. Researchemphasizesthe developmentof generalization,principlesortheoriesthatwill be helpfulinpredicting
future occurrence.
3. Researchisbaseduponobservable experience orempirical evidence.
4. Researchdemandsaccurate observationanddescription.
5. Researchinvolvesgatheringnew date fromprimaryorfirsthandsourcesusingexistingdatafora newpurpose.
6. Careful designedproceduresthatapplyrigorousanalysis.
7. Researchrequiresexpertise.
8. Researchtriesto be objective andlogical,applyingeverypossible testtovalidate the proceduresemployed,the
date collected
9. Researchinvolvesthe questforanswerstounsolvedproblems
10. Researchischaracterizedbypatience andunhurriedactivity.
11. Researchiscarefullyrecordedandreported.
12. Researchsometimesrequirescourage
RESEARCHER- is a personwhohas an inquisitivemind,one whoisnotsatisfieduntil he hasachievedhisgoal.
- A researcher’sprimarygoal- distantorimmediate-istoexplore andgainanunderstandingof human
behaviorof humanbehaviorandsocial life andtherebygainagreatercontrol overthem.
2 Major Types of Research
1. Basic Research – isthe type whichisconductedforthe sake of knowing.Alsoknownas“theoretical research”or
- Gatheringknowledgeforknowledge’ssake
Objective of BasicResearch:
1 Designtoadd to our understandingandstore knowledge,butwithoutanyparticularpractical goals.
2 To testor arrive at a theorywithultimate goal of establishing generalprinciples
2. AppliedResearch –isdone whenthe purpose istoobtainknowledge forpractical applicationalsoknownas“practical
1 Appliedresearchisdesignedtosolve practicalproblems of the modernworld,ratherthanto acquire knowledge
for knowledge'ssake.One mightsaythatthe goal of the appliedscientististo improvethehuman condition .
2 For example,appliedresearchersmayinvestigatewaysto:
3 improve agricultural cropproduction
4 treat or cure a specificdisease
5 improve the energyefficiencyof homes,offices,ormodesof transportation
*** RESEARCH- oftenservesbothscientificcuriosityandpractical goalsatthe same time.
1. Qualitative Research(information)
5 Qualitative researchisatype of scientificresearch.Ingeneral terms,scientificresearchconsistsof an
• seeksanswerstoaquestion
• systematicallyusesapredefinedsetof procedures toanswerthe question
• collectsevidence
• producesfindingsthatwere notdeterminedinadvance
• producesfindingsthatare applicable beyondthe immediateboundariesof the study
Qualitative researchisespeciallyeffective inobtainingculturallyspecificinformationaboutthe values,opinions,
behaviour,andsocial contextsof particularpopulations
What are some qualitativeresearchmethods?
a. Participantobservation isappropriate forcollectingdataonnaturallyoccurringbehavioursintheirusual
b. In-depthinterviews are optimal forcollectingdataonindividuals’personalhistories,perspectives,and
experiences,particularlywhensensitivetopicsare beingexplored.
c. Focusgroups are effective inelicitingdataonthe cultural normsof a groupand ingeneratingbroadoverviewsof
issuesof concernto the cultural groupsor subgroupsrepresented.
2. Quantitative Research( numbers)
6 Is conducted to findanswerstoquestionsaboutrelationshipamongmeasurablevariableswithapurpose of
7 In quantitative researchyouraimisto determine the relationshipbetweenone thing(anindependentvariable)
and another(adependentoroutcome variable) inapopulation.Quantitative researchdesigns are either
descriptive (subjectsusuallymeasuredonce) orexperimental (subjectsmeasuredbefore andafteratreatment).
A descriptivestudyestablishesonlyassociationsbetweenvariables.Anexperimentestablishescausality.
8 Quantitative researchis all aboutquantifyingrelationshipsbetweenvariables.Variablesare thingslike weight,
performance,time,andtreatment.Youmeasure variablesonasample of subjects,whichcanbe tissues,cells,
animals,orhumans.You expressthe relationshipbetween variable usingeffectstatistics,suchascorrelations,
relative frequencies,ordifferencesbetweenmeans.
Comparison on Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Quantitative Qualitative
General Framework -Seek to confirmhypotheses about
-Instruments use more rigid style
of elicitingand categorizing
responses to questions
-Use highly structured methods
such as questionnaires,surveys,
and structured observation
-Seek to explore phenomena
-Instruments use more flexible,
iterativestyle of elicitingand
categorizingresponses to questions
- Use semi-structured methods such
as in-depth interviews, focus
groups, and participantobservation
Analytical Objectives -To quantifyvariation
-To predict causal relationships
-To describe characteristics of a
-To describe variation
-To describe andexplain relationships
-To describe individual experiences
-To describe groupnorms
Questionformat Closedended Openended
Data Format Numerical (obtained by assigning
numerical values to responses)
standardized instruments
Textual (obtained from audiotapes,
videotapes, and field notes)
small sample
Report of findings Numbers, statistics,aggregated data Words,narratives,individual quotes,
personal voice
 researchermustbe able to identifythe problemfirst.
 Researchproblemreferstothe researchtitle.The title isaveryimportantpartof all thesisdocuments,asit
introducesreaderstothe nature.
A goodtitle shouldhave the followingproperties:
1) The title needstobe veryspecificinnature
2) In spite of beingspecificitshouldalsohave the expressive powertoshow the entire scale of the researchstudyinthose
3) It shouldtell the total nature of the subject.
4) It needstobe verydefinite andclear.
5) The title needstobe attractive andinterestingenoughtocatchthe attentionof the readers.
Before we state the problem,letuslearnfirstthe standardsinwritingatitle.
1. The title mustbe concise.It containsonlythe wordsenoughtohintthe contentof the research.These are overused
wordsand phrasesor can be statedinthe bodyof the study.
2. The title mustbe statedin declarative form, notinterrogativeform.
3. If the title exceedsbeyondone line,itmustbe statedlike V-form.Likewise,notitle
Shall be writteninexcessof three linesregardlessthe numberof words.(Bouing)
THESIS- a formal andlengthyresearchpaper,especiallyone writteninpartial fulfillmentof the requirements.
THESIS PROPOSAL- isaskeletal frameworkthatwill aidthe studentorresearcherinthesismaking.
 It dealswiththe problems,definingthem, identifyingthe dataor the materialstobe
usedinresolvingthe problem,delineatingmethodsbywhichwitherthe materials
will be utilized orthe data will be utilizedandinterpreted.
A] Before you choose a topic consider…
specific skills: reading, writing & critical thinking
● understanding the methodology used
● topic and supervisor selection
● realistic expectation
“A” factors
perseverance, patience, enthusiasm, focused,
open-minded and have a good sense of humor
B] Your chosen topic must be…
1} something you find interesting -to stay motivated up to the very end
2} something your advisor finds interesting
3} something of interest to the community
4} one that address a real problem
5} something focused and feasible in a reasonable time.
6} ALIGN in the interdisciplinary topic listing.
Constructing a Statement of the Problem
 Problemstatementsmake upthe core of the introductiontoyourdocument.
 Your introductionshouldsetthe stage foryourreadersandgive thema clearideaof yourargument.An
effectivedocumentwill motivatereadersbyarticulatingaproblemthatthe documentcan helpresolve.
 A goodproblemstatement shouldanswerthesequestions:
1. What isthe problem?(how,what,when,where,who,which,why?)
2. Who has the problemorwhois the client/customer?Thisshouldexplainwhoneedsthe solutionandwhowill
decide the problemhasbeensolved.
3. What formcan the resolutionbe? Whatisthe scope and limitations(intime,money,resources,technologies)
that can be usedto solve the problem.
4. Limitthe problem – The problemmaybe verybroad,try to focus onscope and boundariesresearchshouldbe
SMART –( Specific,Measurable, Attainable,Realistic&Time Bound)
These stepsmayhelpyouinthe constructionof the statementof the problems:
1. Make a clear andanalytical introductionwhichusuallyencompassesthe mainproblemthe title,statedin
the expandedform.
2. The firstquestioninquiresthe informationlinkedtothe introduction.
3. Create subsidiaryquestionsclearly,logicallyandsubsequentlyderivedfromthe problem.
4. Ensure that youconstruct a questionthatelicitsthe presentationof the new knowledgeorsituationtoa
5. Pose a hypothetical thatshall be tested,if necessary
6. Checkif your questionsare sufficient,about3-6statements,andare able to elicitinformationthat
provide substantialanswertomake the mainproblem(Bouing)
Example Statementof the Problem:
The researchers aims to know the Discrete Negative Emotions and Customer Dissatisfaction Responses
Among the QuickService Restaurant Along Katipunan QuezonCity.
Specifically,the studyaimedtoanswerthe followingquestions:
1. What are the characteristicsof a quickservice restaurant?
2. What are the negative emotionsandcustomerdissatisfactioninaquickservice restaurant?
3. How are these negative emotionsanddissatisfactioncontributestothe image of these quickservice restaurants?
4. Is there a significantrelationshipbetweenadiscreetnegative emotionsandcustomerdissatisfactiontothe overall
performance of a QuickService Restaurant?
Group Activity: to be submitted before prelim exam
Submit 1 proposed title (per group) with attached 3-5 journals indicating the following details and format.
Cover page:
Proposed Study
Group Members:
HRMPS 1 Schedule:
Thesis Instructor:
Research Advisor/ Date
Signature over printed name
Topic: ex. Customer Satisfaction Related Topic
Source: Journal/ thesis
First Journal
Year Published:
Major Findings
Purpose of the Study
Respondent of the Study
Geographical Coverage
Variables of the study
Measures/ Indicators of Variables
Results Implications ( who will benefit from the study)
Draft of Survey Questionnaire
WEEK 4-5
Whatto find?
 introduce the problem
 rationale ofthe presentstudy
 significance ofthe study
 scope & limitation
 objective ofthe study
Thesisintroductionis the firstpart of a thesispaper.
Thesisintroductionallowsthe readerstoget the general ideaof what yourthesisisabout.
Thesisintroductionacquaintsthe readerswiththe thesispapertopic,explainingthe basicpointsof the thesis
researchand pointingthe directionof yourresearch.
***going overdifferentcondensationsthatperiodicallyappearin journalswillhelpthe researcherbecome aware
of the problem.
*** it isin introductionthatthe readerisorientedtothe problemthatthe researcherseekstosolve anditis
there that the readerismade to understandwhythe problemisanimportantone.
Thesisintroductionhas to containthe followinginformation:
 The thesispapertopic;
 The reasonswhichpusheda studenttowrite hisor herthesispaperexactlyonthistopic;
 The thesistopicpreface,orthe backgroundinformationonthe thesis papertopic;
 The goals youare goingto achieve;
 The tasks to complete inordertoattainthe goals,or the directionof the thesisresearchdevelopment;
 thesisintroductionhastocontainall the informationpresentedabove.Butitisnot enoughjustto knowthe
componentsof the thesisintroductionif youwanttosucceedinthesispaperwriting.
 Presentthe termsrelatedtothe topicof your thesispaperonlyinthe mainbodyof the thesispaper.
 Try to use simple language withinyour thesisintroduction.
 Thesisintroductionattractsthe readers’attentiontoyourthesispaper.
Hypothesesof the Study
*** Definitionand Functionof the HYPOTHESES
- definedas“ a shrewdguessor inference that isformulatedand provisionallyadopted to explainobserved
facts or conditionsand to guide in further investigation.
- The functionof the workinghypothesisis to serve as a guide in the search for evidence.
- It is usedto state a possible relationshipbetweenone factand another.
- As a formal approach, the use of the “null” hypothesishasbecome more common in educational,
psychological and social research.
- Its use ispreferredbecause it is easierto disprove.
- According to this procedure,one assumes that no significantrelationshipor difference existsandhaving
done this, one then seeksto ascertain the improbabilityofthis null hypothesis.
Formulate Hypotheses –A hypothesisisaneducatedguessabouthow thingswork:
"If _____[I do this] _____, then_____[this]_____ will happen."
 state hypothesisinaway that youcan easilymeasure,shouldbe constructedinawayto helpyouansweryour
original question.
The hypothesismustbe wordedsothatit can be testedinyourexperiment.Dothisbyexpressingthe hypothesis
usingyourindependentvariable (the variableyouchange duringyourexperiment) andyourdependentvariable
(the variable youobserve-changesinthe dependentvariable dependonchangesinthe independentvariable).In
fact, manyhypothesesare statedexactlylike this:"If aparticularindependentvariable ischanged,thenthereis
alsoa change ina certaindependentvariable."
 Hypothesisisstatementmade whenthe studyaimstomake statistical comparisonsoraimstodetermine
 For instance,the problemis “is there a significantrelationship betweenpersonalitytraitsandstress
 The hypothesisInthe null formis“ there isno significantrelationshipbetweenpersonalitytraitsandstress
 EX: In a study“ Attitudesof Studentsof SelectedCollegesTowardSexualBehavior”,the null hypotheis-
o There are nosignificantdifferencesinthe meanscoresonattitudestowardssexual behaviorof male and
female students;
o There are nosignificantrelationshipdifferencesinthe students’attitudescoreswhentheyare grouped
accordingto socio-economicstatus.
 The makingof certaingeneral assumptionsiscloselyrelatedtohypothesisbuildingandisan integral partof the
formulation of the problem.
 The general purpose of these assumptionsistoestablishmore firmlythe frameworkwithinwhichan
investigationwill take place.
 Purposesof Assumptions:
o Theyattemptto delimitthe scope of the problem.
o Theyseektoestablishthe proper frame of reference.
o Theysetforth certainconditions.
o Theyaid inthe developmentof testable hypothesis.
o Theyhelpestablishthe population andextentof future generalizations.
o In some instancestheyalsodeterminethe statistical limitsforthe acceptance orrejectionof the
Significance of the Study
This portion notesthe contributionof the proposedstudy eitherto a body of scientificknowledge,to
practitionersin the area of the research or to any othergroup which will benefitfromthe results.
 Whyis it important for the study to be conducted?
 Whowill benefitfrom it?
 What benefitscouldbe derivedfrom the study?
1 Who will benefitfromyourstudy? Howwill theybenefit?
2 Thisshouldstate whythe probleminvestigatedisimportantandwhatsignificance the resulthave.
3 Statementonrelevance feltneeds,
4 Potential contributionof the researchtonew knowledge
5 Policyimplicationsandotherpossible usesforitsresults
Scope and Limitation
 Thistellsthe coverage andboundariesof the study.Ittellsthe attributesandcharacteristicsthatare
 Scope and Limitationmaybe applicable toplace,time,people,value orotherfactors.(Bouing)
 If certainweaknesses/shortcomingsof the studyare perceivedbythe researcher,these mustbe notedin
REVIEW 1. Exchaustivelyreview the topi focus on study objectives;clustersimilarstudies
ANALYZE 2. Synthesisof the literature criticallyanalyze past studiesdone
BRIDGE 3. Connectliterature inthe lightof yourpresentstudy
A reviewof relatedliteratureis anintegral partof thesesordissertations.Itmayalsobe a requiredpartof proposals.
The main purpose of a reviewofrelated literature -isto analyze scientificworksbyotherresearchersthatyouused
for investigationcritically.
How to Write the Introductionof a Reviewof RelatedLiterature
In orderto make the Introductionelaborately,take the followingsteps:
1. Identifythe generaltopicof the sourcesunderdiscussion.Thus,youwill provide the contextof yourreviewof
2. Discusswhatwas alreadypresentedaboutthe topicof yourpaper: conflictsinatheory,conclusions,gapsin
researchand scholarship,etc.
3. Explainwhythe literature usedisworthreviewing.
How to Write the Bodyof a Reviewof Related Literature
Whenwritingthe Body,dothe following:
Group the sourcesaccordingto theircommondominators(approaches,objectivesoranyspecificchronologies);
Give the examplesof howtosort outthese groups.Use quotations,evidences,data,etc. Theywill make your
reviewof relatedliterature more valid.
How to Write the Conclusionof aReviewof RelatedLiterature
To make the Conclusion,dothe following:
Summarize the contributionsof the literature sourcesmade tothe area of studyyouinvestigate.Maintainthe
central focusin the Introduction;
Give a kindof insightintothe relationshipbetweenthe topicof yourreview andalarger studyarea(e.g.a
It isa wayof strengtheningorconcretizingone’sideabycitingthe similarorrelevantideasorfindingsof other
Documentationwasdone through footnotingorparenthetical reference citation.
Modern writersisnowusingparenthetical reference style.The styleiscalled“AmericanPsychologicalAssociationstyle”
or APA style
Examplesof APA style of citation
Works bysingle author
Works by multiple authors
When a work has two authors,always citeboth names every time the reference occurs in the text. In parenthetical material join the
names with an ampersand (&).
as has been shown (Leiter & Maslach, 1998)
In the narrativetext, join the names with the word "and."
as Leiter and Maslach (1998) demonstrated
When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the firsttime the reference occurs.
Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1991) found
In all subsequentcitations per paragraph,includeonly the surnameof the firstauthor followed by "et al."(Latin for "and others") and
the year of publication.
Kahneman et al. (1991) found
Writingthe relatedliterature
Ina report,the original informationstatedbythe researcherare printeddouble space ,while the borrowedinformation
are encodedinsingle space if copiedwordforwordfromthe source. Paraphrasedinformationisstatedalsoindouble
space (Bouing)
Conceptual Framework/ Research Paradigm/ Simulacrum
A conceptual framework isthe researcher’sideaonhow the researchproblemwill have tobe explored.Thisisfounded
on the theoretical framework,whichliesonamuch broaderscale of resolution.The theoretical frameworkdwellson
time testedtheoriesthatembodythe findingsof numerousinvestigationsonhow phenomenaoccur.
Theoretical Framework
 The theoretical framework providesageneral representationof relationshipsbetweenthingsinagiven
 Theoretical frameworkcitesthe salientoutcomesof the previousstudiespresentsthe theoriesformulatedby
otherwriters,these willbe usedasbasesinprovingordisapprovingthe applicabilityof suchtheoriesonpresent
The conceptual framework,onthe otherhand,embodiesthe specificdirectionby whichthe researchwill have tobe
undertaken.Statisticallyspeaking,the conceptual frameworkdescribesthe relationshipbetween specific
variablesidentifiedinthe study.Italsooutlinesthe input,processandoutputof the whole investigation.The conceptual
frameworkisalsocalledthe researchparadigm.
 The paradigm must be explainedbythe researcher.
Definition of Terms
 This portion includeswordsor phraseswhich will be usedin the research study for clearer
understandingof the readers.
Thispart simplifiesthe keywordsusedinthe study.
It servesasthe glossaryof the researchpaper.
Termsmay be definedconceptuallyoroperationally.C
Conceptual definitionincludesthose liftedfromthe dictionaryorwrittenresources.
Operational definitionreferstothe definitionconstructedbythe researcherasappliedtothe presentstudy.(Bouing)
Locale and Population of the study
Thispart identifiesthe setting,venue,place orlocationof the study.Itincludesthe populationandthe sample takenfrom
the population.The samplingmethodisalsoincludedhere (Bouing)
**** endof Prelim*****
Week 7
IMRAD format
 References
 Appendices
 Research Timetable
 Budget Requirements
 Curriculum Vitae (Brief)
Week 8-9
Chapter Research Method
In this section you will describe
what you plan to do,
why you plan to do it, and
how you are going to go about doing it.
 This establishes the viability of the proposed study.
 Deals with the design of the study particularly the research design and the techniques to be used, how
the subject will be chosen, how the rationale size will be determined, the instruments to be used and
their validation and the data analysis scheme which include the application of statistical tools for
treatment of data yielded by the study.
 The reason why a certain research method is to be used must be justified by the researcher.
 The researcher prompted by the desire to solve a problem scientifically, works out a research design which
refers to the entire process of planning and carrying out a research study.
 Research design is define as “ a detailed plan of how the research will be conducted”
 As the study progresses and as circumstances demand, it undergoes many modifications and changes.
 Working out of plan consists of making certain decisions with respect of the following:
o What the study is about
o Why the study is made
o Where the needed data can be found
o Where, or in what areas the study will be carried out
o When, or what periods of time the study will cover
o What bases of selection will be used
o What techniques of gathering data will be adopted
 Authorities on research emphasize that:
1. In planning the design , the problem of the study must be clear.
2. After the problem has been identified, the general objective is set down and the specific
objectives are then formulated.
3. A general objective may be answering a question such as “ what will be the impact on the
population be?”
4. Specific objectives on the other hand may be questions that have to be answered in the
o The hypotheses- is a guide in setting the objectives
 The three basic research design are:
1. Descriptive Research – research design wherein events are recorded, described, interpreted,
analyzed and compared.
2. Historical Research- a research design wherein past events are studied and related to their
cause and effect at present or in the future time.
3. Experimental- a research design wherein the cause and effect relationship of a treatment on a
variable is determined.
- there are several experimental designs to choose from.
 In this section, the student describes the respondents or subjects of the study including the criteria
on why and how they are to be chosen.
 The sampling technique to be employed will also be discussed.
 A statistician maybe consulted to determine the appropriateness of the sample size of respondents
in the study.
 First define your population
o The report should also include information about the sources of evidence.
o The questions that should be answered:
 Who were the subjects?
 How many are they?
 How were they selected?
 How was the problem of missing data handled?
o Include tests, questionnaires, interviews, scales, etc.
o All of these, devices, including the laboratory equipment and apparatus used should be
described in detail.
o The description should include the construction, tryout and final adoption of the
instruments used.
o It includes a detailed description of how one proposes to arrange or interpret the data gathered
so conclusions may be drawn from them.
o Also included here is an explanation of why such a mode of interpretation was chosen.
 Research studies may come from various sources.
 Sources vary with the student’s interests and type of study.
 PRIMARY SOURCES- are those which provide first hand data.
 The responsibility for their compilation and promulgation remain under the
same authority that originally gathered them.
 Data may gathered by participant observation, personal interview, conference,
correspondence, questionnaire and other devices.
 SECONDARY SOURCES- Are those which provide data that have been transcribed or
compiled from original sources.
 It is important to scrutinize secondary sources very closely before using them.
 Official documents and statistics- a suggestive illustration of the common
documents, reports and statistics published by official bodies, national and local
o The National Census and Statistics – is a primary source of data on
population, housing, agriculture, household characteristics, and many
o The Central Bank, SEC, DTI, Legislative sources- Presidential Decrees, city
ordinance, etc.
 It allows maximum control over the phenomena under investigation.
 It provides ways of measuring the factors involved.
The Nature of an Experiment
 “ the technique of discovering information by means of experimentation”
 The experiment is expected to reveal causal relations.
 It deals with dynamics, with forces, with interaction.
 To experiment means simply to try- to try something in order to see what happens.
 Control over phenomena means that we can produce them whenever we wish and make them
vary in such a way as to force an answer to our questions.
 Experimentation rests on the assumption that there exists invariant relationships between certain
antecedents and certain consequence, provided that a given set of conditions prevails, if one
takes a particular course of action, a certain consequence will follow.
 Experts express the view that experimentation which is the basic scientific method is the most
precise and reliable way of obtaining data.
The Importance of Knowing the Basic Statistical Concepts
 The statistical technique is regarded as the more precise and objective method of research.
 It is based on the collection and statistical analysis of the numerical data.
 Terms as the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, validity and reliability.
 A variable is any quantity or characteristics which may possess different numerical values or categories.
o Sex, age, wages, prices, scores on intelligent tests and time are examples of variables.
 After the data have been tabulated, the next step is to arrange at least part of them in
statistical tables.
 There are reasons for presenting statistical data in tabular form:
a. Statistical tables conserve space and reduce explanatory and descriptive statements
to a minimum
b. The visualizations of relations and the process of comparison is greatly facilitatedby
c. Tabulated data can be more easily remembered than data which are not tabulated
d. A tabular arrangement facilities the summation of items and the detection of errors and
e. Statistical tables provide a basis for computation
The goal of discovering anything cannot be achieved without the use of tools or techniques.
Questionnaire Techniques
 The questionnaire has been defines “ as a form prepared and distributed and filledout by the respondent
under the supervision of the investigator or the interviewer.”
Uses of Questionnaire:
o The questionnaire has been used increasingly to inquire into opinions and attitudes of a group.
o It is a major instrument for data gathering in descriptive- survey studies and is used to secure
information from varied and widely scatteredsources.
o Questionnaires sometimes take the form of a check list ( ex) the duties of a certain administrative
official , to be checked in terms of frequency of performance.
 Criteria for Constructing Questionnaire:
o It must be short- so it will not take too much time for the respondents to answer.
o It must be of sufficient interest and have enough face appeal so that the respondent will be
inclined to respond to it and to complete it.
o The questionnaire should contain some in-depth questions in order to avoid superficial replies.
o The ideal questionnaire must not be too suggestive- this is particularly true with reference to
o The questionnaire should elicit responses which are definite but not mechanically forced.
o Questions must be asked in such a way that the responses will not embarrass the individual.
o Questions must also be asked in such a manner as to allay suspicion on the part of respondent
concerning hidden purposes in the questionnaire.
o The responses to the questionnaire must be valid, and the entire body of data taken as a whole
must answer the basic question for which the questionnaire was designed.
 *** Questionnaire should use simple vocabulary.
 *** As to Subject- matter sequence-it is important that as much as possible all questions pertaining to
one subject should be grouped together.
 OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS- are designed to permit free response from the subject rather than limit the
stated alternatives.
o It does not provide a list of alternative answers.
o EX: Why did you choose accounting as your major subject? What do you like most in
o It is more effective in revealing a respondent’s own definition of the situation.
 CLOSED OR FIXED ALTERNATIVES QUESTION-limits the respondent to a choice among specific
o Is analogous to the “ leading questions”.
o Respondents may have greater confidence in their anonymity and thus feel free to express views they fear
might be disapproved or might get them into trouble
o Questionnaire is less expensive procedure than an interview
o It can be administered to large numbers of individuals simultaneously
Another tool in research which is very commonly used in field survey is the personal interview.
o The interview is a highly flexible tool in the hands of skillful interviewers.
o The situation in which the researcher does the questioning is such that there is direct interaction between
himself and his subject.
o Opinions
o Attitudes
o Information
o Interests
o Weaknesses
o Experiences
o difficulties
Some Ethical Considerations and Responsibilities of Researchers
*** Ethical rules govern scholars and researchers including thesis.
*** The student would do well observe these rules scrupulously.
A. Copyright and Infringement Responsibilities
 The student- researcher must be aware that there are copyright laws that regulate the use of
published materials.
 Copyright infringement carriers with it legal sanctions.
 Infringement means “material and substantial taking of copyrighted material.
 Substantial and material depend on circumstances.
 Quotation of up to two hundred words without permission, but with appropriate credits may be
considered permissible.
 This means that the students must be very careful in the documentation of sources.
 Paraphrases (indirect quotations) like direct quotations must be acknowledged/ documented.
 Ask permission to one copyrighted materials like test/ instruments for data collection.
 Violation of copyright carries with it legal sanctions.
B. The Rights of Research Subjects/ Participants
 Participants in research must be told about the purpose of the research and consequences of
participation, is there are any.
 They have the right to withdraw from participation at any time during the research.
 The subjects of research have a right to “expect researcher’s responsibility”.
 Subjects/participants in research have a right to privacy and confidentiality.
 When children are the subjects of research, permission from persons with moral authority over
them is required.
 Institutional research requires permission from a responsibility member of the institution, from the
head of organization.
C. Researcher’s Scientific and Social Responsibilities
 Research findings must be reported accurately, without distortions or without deceptive
 The result or research must enhance and improve life.
 The researcher builds, bridges and destroys the walls of ignorance
Issues Human Ethics Guidelines
(Follow InstitutionalGuidelines)
Administering questionnaires
Observing human behavior
Taking human tissue/fluids
Types of Research Design
Sampling Procedure
Validity and Reliability
Statistical Treatment
Week 10
Field Work: Title proposal Evaluation
Week 12-14
EK 15
Title Oral Defense
WEEK 16-18
Revision and Deadline of Submission
Thesis Writing,
gathering Data and
Consultation with the
Advisers, Statistician
and Research

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Research Methods Guide

  • 1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 1 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT PRELIM WEEK 1-2 METHODS OF RESEARCH Introduction “Why Do Research? Academic research is work that contributes to human knowledge and expands the procedures established by academic disciplines. “ Definition of Research 1 Researchisa questfor an answerto a question.Knowingthe answertoa questionrequiresascientificmethod and notmerelyaskingfromvariouspersonsormerelyobservingseveral situationsthatmayout-rightly provide haphazardanswersto posedquestions. 2 Researchor re-search“toresearchagain”,to take anothermore careful look,tofindoutmore.(Seltizetal.,1976) 3 Researchisan activitywhichismeantto acquire betterknowledge by“relearningwhatwe alreadyknowthough systematicobservationandexperimentation. 4 Researchisa systematic,controlled,empirical andcritical investigationof natural phenomenaguidedbytheory and hypothesesaboutapresumedrelationsamongsuchphenomena. 5 Researchissystematicandobjective analysisandrecordingof controlledobservationsthatmaylead to the developmentof generalizations,principlesortheoriesresultinginpredictionandpossiblyultimatecontrol of events.(Best&Khann,`89) CommonElementsof Research: 1. To attainor establishfactsaboutthe phenomenonbeinginvestigated 2. Systematic 3. Objective 4. Comprehensiveinvestigation 5. Accurate gatheringof data, recordingandcritical analysisof dataand interpretationof facts Characteristic of Research 1. Researchisdirectedtowardsthe solutionof aproblem. 2. Researchemphasizesthe developmentof generalization,principlesortheoriesthatwill be helpfulinpredicting future occurrence. 3. Researchisbaseduponobservable experience orempirical evidence. 4. Researchdemandsaccurate observationanddescription. 5. Researchinvolvesgatheringnew date fromprimaryorfirsthandsourcesusingexistingdatafora newpurpose.
  • 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 2 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT 6. Careful designedproceduresthatapplyrigorousanalysis. 7. Researchrequiresexpertise. 8. Researchtriesto be objective andlogical,applyingeverypossible testtovalidate the proceduresemployed,the date collected 9. Researchinvolvesthe questforanswerstounsolvedproblems 10. Researchischaracterizedbypatience andunhurriedactivity. 11. Researchiscarefullyrecordedandreported. 12. Researchsometimesrequirescourage RESEARCHER- is a personwhohas an inquisitivemind,one whoisnotsatisfieduntil he hasachievedhisgoal. - A researcher’sprimarygoal- distantorimmediate-istoexplore andgainanunderstandingof human behaviorof humanbehaviorandsocial life andtherebygainagreatercontrol overthem. 2 Major Types of Research 1. Basic Research – isthe type whichisconductedforthe sake of knowing.Alsoknownas“theoretical research”or “pure” - Gatheringknowledgeforknowledge’ssake Objective of BasicResearch: 1 Designtoadd to our understandingandstore knowledge,butwithoutanyparticularpractical goals. 2 To testor arrive at a theorywithultimate goal of establishing generalprinciples 2. AppliedResearch –isdone whenthe purpose istoobtainknowledge forpractical applicationalsoknownas“practical research”. 1 Appliedresearchisdesignedtosolve practicalproblems of the modernworld,ratherthanto acquire knowledge for knowledge'ssake.One mightsaythatthe goal of the appliedscientististo improvethehuman condition . 2 For example,appliedresearchersmayinvestigatewaysto: 3 improve agricultural cropproduction 4 treat or cure a specificdisease 5 improve the energyefficiencyof homes,offices,ormodesof transportation *** RESEARCH- oftenservesbothscientificcuriosityandpractical goalsatthe same time. MethodologyofResearch 1. Qualitative Research(information) 5 Qualitative researchisatype of scientificresearch.Ingeneral terms,scientificresearchconsistsof an
  • 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 3 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT investigationthat: • seeksanswerstoaquestion • systematicallyusesapredefinedsetof procedures toanswerthe question • collectsevidence • producesfindingsthatwere notdeterminedinadvance • producesfindingsthatare applicable beyondthe immediateboundariesof the study Qualitative researchisespeciallyeffective inobtainingculturallyspecificinformationaboutthe values,opinions, behaviour,andsocial contextsof particularpopulations What are some qualitativeresearchmethods? a. Participantobservation isappropriate forcollectingdataonnaturallyoccurringbehavioursintheirusual contexts. b. In-depthinterviews are optimal forcollectingdataonindividuals’personalhistories,perspectives,and experiences,particularlywhensensitivetopicsare beingexplored. c. Focusgroups are effective inelicitingdataonthe cultural normsof a groupand ingeneratingbroadoverviewsof issuesof concernto the cultural groupsor subgroupsrepresented. 2. Quantitative Research( numbers) 6 Is conducted to findanswerstoquestionsaboutrelationshipamongmeasurablevariableswithapurpose of explaining,controllingandpredictingphenomena. 7 In quantitative researchyouraimisto determine the relationshipbetweenone thing(anindependentvariable) and another(adependentoroutcome variable) inapopulation.Quantitative researchdesigns are either descriptive (subjectsusuallymeasuredonce) orexperimental (subjectsmeasuredbefore andafteratreatment). A descriptivestudyestablishesonlyassociationsbetweenvariables.Anexperimentestablishescausality. 8 Quantitative researchis all aboutquantifyingrelationshipsbetweenvariables.Variablesare thingslike weight, performance,time,andtreatment.Youmeasure variablesonasample of subjects,whichcanbe tissues,cells, animals,orhumans.You expressthe relationshipbetween variable usingeffectstatistics,suchascorrelations, relative frequencies,ordifferencesbetweenmeans. Comparison on Quantitative and Qualitative Research Quantitative Qualitative
  • 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 4 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT General Framework -Seek to confirmhypotheses about phenomena -Instruments use more rigid style of elicitingand categorizing responses to questions -Use highly structured methods such as questionnaires,surveys, and structured observation -Seek to explore phenomena -Instruments use more flexible, iterativestyle of elicitingand categorizingresponses to questions - Use semi-structured methods such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, and participantobservation Analytical Objectives -To quantifyvariation -To predict causal relationships -To describe characteristics of a Population -To describe variation -To describe andexplain relationships -To describe individual experiences -To describe groupnorms Questionformat Closedended Openended Data Format Numerical (obtained by assigning numerical values to responses) largesample standardized instruments Textual (obtained from audiotapes, videotapes, and field notes) small sample observations,interviews Report of findings Numbers, statistics,aggregated data Words,narratives,individual quotes, personal voice WEEK 3 RESEARCH TITLE  researchermustbe able to identifythe problemfirst.
  • 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 5 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT  Researchproblemreferstothe researchtitle.The title isaveryimportantpartof all thesisdocuments,asit introducesreaderstothe nature. A goodtitle shouldhave the followingproperties: 1) The title needstobe veryspecificinnature 2) In spite of beingspecificitshouldalsohave the expressive powertoshow the entire scale of the researchstudyinthose fewwords. 3) It shouldtell the total nature of the subject. 4) It needstobe verydefinite andclear. 5) The title needstobe attractive andinterestingenoughtocatchthe attentionof the readers. Before we state the problem,letuslearnfirstthe standardsinwritingatitle. 1. The title mustbe concise.It containsonlythe wordsenoughtohintthe contentof the research.These are overused wordsand phrasesor can be statedinthe bodyof the study. 2. The title mustbe statedin declarative form, notinterrogativeform. 3. If the title exceedsbeyondone line,itmustbe statedlike V-form.Likewise,notitle Shall be writteninexcessof three linesregardlessthe numberof words.(Bouing) THESIS- a formal andlengthyresearchpaper,especiallyone writteninpartial fulfillmentof the requirements. THESIS PROPOSAL- isaskeletal frameworkthatwill aidthe studentorresearcherinthesismaking.  It dealswiththe problems,definingthem, identifyingthe dataor the materialstobe usedinresolvingthe problem,delineatingmethodsbywhichwitherthe materials will be utilized orthe data will be utilizedandinterpreted. RESEARCH TOPIC A] Before you choose a topic consider… specific skills: reading, writing & critical thinking ● understanding the methodology used ● topic and supervisor selection ● realistic expectation “A” factors perseverance, patience, enthusiasm, focused, open-minded and have a good sense of humor
  • 6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 6 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT B] Your chosen topic must be… 1} something you find interesting -to stay motivated up to the very end 2} something your advisor finds interesting 3} something of interest to the community 4} one that address a real problem 5} something focused and feasible in a reasonable time. 6} ALIGN in the interdisciplinary topic listing. Constructing a Statement of the Problem  Problemstatementsmake upthe core of the introductiontoyourdocument.  Your introductionshouldsetthe stage foryourreadersandgive thema clearideaof yourargument.An effectivedocumentwill motivatereadersbyarticulatingaproblemthatthe documentcan helpresolve.  A goodproblemstatement shouldanswerthesequestions: 1. What isthe problem?(how,what,when,where,who,which,why?) 2. Who has the problemorwhois the client/customer?Thisshouldexplainwhoneedsthe solutionandwhowill decide the problemhasbeensolved. 3. What formcan the resolutionbe? Whatisthe scope and limitations(intime,money,resources,technologies) that can be usedto solve the problem. 4. Limitthe problem – The problemmaybe verybroad,try to focus onscope and boundariesresearchshouldbe SMART –( Specific,Measurable, Attainable,Realistic&Time Bound) These stepsmayhelpyouinthe constructionof the statementof the problems: 1. Make a clear andanalytical introductionwhichusuallyencompassesthe mainproblemthe title,statedin the expandedform. 2. The firstquestioninquiresthe informationlinkedtothe introduction. 3. Create subsidiaryquestionsclearly,logicallyandsubsequentlyderivedfromthe problem. 4. Ensure that youconstruct a questionthatelicitsthe presentationof the new knowledgeorsituationtoa problem. 5. Pose a hypothetical thatshall be tested,if necessary 6. Checkif your questionsare sufficient,about3-6statements,andare able to elicitinformationthat provide substantialanswertomake the mainproblem(Bouing) Example Statementof the Problem: The researchers aims to know the Discrete Negative Emotions and Customer Dissatisfaction Responses Among the QuickService Restaurant Along Katipunan QuezonCity.
  • 7. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 7 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT Specifically,the studyaimedtoanswerthe followingquestions: 1. What are the characteristicsof a quickservice restaurant? 2. What are the negative emotionsandcustomerdissatisfactioninaquickservice restaurant? 3. How are these negative emotionsanddissatisfactioncontributestothe image of these quickservice restaurants? 4. Is there a significantrelationshipbetweenadiscreetnegative emotionsandcustomerdissatisfactiontothe overall performance of a QuickService Restaurant? Group Activity: to be submitted before prelim exam Submit 1 proposed title (per group) with attached 3-5 journals indicating the following details and format. Cover page: Proposed Study Title:________________ Group Members: HRMPS 1 Schedule: Thesis Instructor: ___________________________ Research Advisor/ Date Signature over printed name Content: Topic: ex. Customer Satisfaction Related Topic Source: Journal/ thesis First Journal Title: Year Published: Authors: Abstract: Major Findings
  • 8. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 8 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT Relevance: Purpose of the Study Respondent of the Study Geographical Coverage Variables of the study Measures/ Indicators of Variables Results Implications ( who will benefit from the study) Draft of Survey Questionnaire WEEK 4-5 RESEARCH WRITING PROCESS 1st CHAPTER Whatto find?  introduce the problem  rationale ofthe presentstudy  significance ofthe study  scope & limitation  objective ofthe study Thesisintroductionis the firstpart of a thesispaper. Thesisintroductionallowsthe readerstoget the general ideaof what yourthesisisabout. Thesisintroductionacquaintsthe readerswiththe thesispapertopic,explainingthe basicpointsof the thesis researchand pointingthe directionof yourresearch. ***going overdifferentcondensationsthatperiodicallyappearin journalswillhelpthe researcherbecome aware of the problem. *** it isin introductionthatthe readerisorientedtothe problemthatthe researcherseekstosolve anditis there that the readerismade to understandwhythe problemisanimportantone. Thesisintroductionhas to containthe followinginformation:  The thesispapertopic;  The reasonswhichpusheda studenttowrite hisor herthesispaperexactlyonthistopic;  The thesistopicpreface,orthe backgroundinformationonthe thesis papertopic;  The goals youare goingto achieve;  The tasks to complete inordertoattainthe goals,or the directionof the thesisresearchdevelopment;
  • 9. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 9 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT Remember:  thesisintroductionhastocontainall the informationpresentedabove.Butitisnot enoughjustto knowthe componentsof the thesisintroductionif youwanttosucceedinthesispaperwriting.  Presentthe termsrelatedtothe topicof your thesispaperonlyinthe mainbodyof the thesispaper.  Try to use simple language withinyour thesisintroduction.  Thesisintroductionattractsthe readers’attentiontoyourthesispaper. Hypothesesof the Study *** Definitionand Functionof the HYPOTHESES - definedas“ a shrewdguessor inference that isformulatedand provisionallyadopted to explainobserved facts or conditionsand to guide in further investigation. - The functionof the workinghypothesisis to serve as a guide in the search for evidence. - It is usedto state a possible relationshipbetweenone factand another. - As a formal approach, the use of the “null” hypothesishasbecome more common in educational, psychological and social research. - Its use ispreferredbecause it is easierto disprove. - According to this procedure,one assumes that no significantrelationshipor difference existsandhaving done this, one then seeksto ascertain the improbabilityofthis null hypothesis. Formulate Hypotheses –A hypothesisisaneducatedguessabouthow thingswork: "If _____[I do this] _____, then_____[this]_____ will happen."  state hypothesisinaway that youcan easilymeasure,shouldbe constructedinawayto helpyouansweryour original question. The hypothesismustbe wordedsothatit can be testedinyourexperiment.Dothisbyexpressingthe hypothesis usingyourindependentvariable (the variableyouchange duringyourexperiment) andyourdependentvariable (the variable youobserve-changesinthe dependentvariable dependonchangesinthe independentvariable).In fact, manyhypothesesare statedexactlylike this:"If aparticularindependentvariable ischanged,thenthereis alsoa change ina certaindependentvariable."  Hypothesisisstatementmade whenthe studyaimstomake statistical comparisonsoraimstodetermine relationshipsbetweenvariables.  For instance,the problemis “is there a significantrelationship betweenpersonalitytraitsandstress management?’  The hypothesisInthe null formis“ there isno significantrelationshipbetweenpersonalitytraitsandstress management.”
  • 10. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 10 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT  EX: In a study“ Attitudesof Studentsof SelectedCollegesTowardSexualBehavior”,the null hypotheis- o There are nosignificantdifferencesinthe meanscoresonattitudestowardssexual behaviorof male and female students; o There are nosignificantrelationshipdifferencesinthe students’attitudescoreswhentheyare grouped accordingto socio-economicstatus. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS:  The makingof certaingeneral assumptionsiscloselyrelatedtohypothesisbuildingandisan integral partof the formulation of the problem.  The general purpose of these assumptionsistoestablishmore firmlythe frameworkwithinwhichan investigationwill take place.  Purposesof Assumptions: o Theyattemptto delimitthe scope of the problem. o Theyseektoestablishthe proper frame of reference. o Theysetforth certainconditions. o Theyaid inthe developmentof testable hypothesis. o Theyhelpestablishthe population andextentof future generalizations. o In some instancestheyalsodeterminethe statistical limitsforthe acceptance orrejectionof the hypothesistested. Significance of the Study This portion notesthe contributionof the proposedstudy eitherto a body of scientificknowledge,to practitionersin the area of the research or to any othergroup which will benefitfromthe results.  Whyis it important for the study to be conducted?  Whowill benefitfrom it?  What benefitscouldbe derivedfrom the study? 1 Who will benefitfromyourstudy? Howwill theybenefit? 2 Thisshouldstate whythe probleminvestigatedisimportantandwhatsignificance the resulthave. 3 Statementonrelevance feltneeds, 4 Potential contributionof the researchtonew knowledge 5 Policyimplicationsandotherpossible usesforitsresults Scope and Limitation  Thistellsthe coverage andboundariesof the study.Ittellsthe attributesandcharacteristicsthatare includedorexcluded.
  • 11. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 11 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT  Scope and Limitationmaybe applicable toplace,time,people,value orotherfactors.(Bouing)  If certainweaknesses/shortcomingsof the studyare perceivedbythe researcher,these mustbe notedin thissection. 2nd CHAPTER REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES AND LITERATURE RESEARCH QUESTIONS REVIEW 1. Exchaustivelyreview the topi focus on study objectives;clustersimilarstudies ANALYZE 2. Synthesisof the literature criticallyanalyze past studiesdone BRIDGE 3. Connectliterature inthe lightof yourpresentstudy RelatedLiterature A reviewof relatedliteratureis anintegral partof thesesordissertations.Itmayalsobe a requiredpartof proposals. The main purpose of a reviewofrelated literature -isto analyze scientificworksbyotherresearchersthatyouused for investigationcritically. How to Write the Introductionof a Reviewof RelatedLiterature In orderto make the Introductionelaborately,take the followingsteps: 1. Identifythe generaltopicof the sourcesunderdiscussion.Thus,youwill provide the contextof yourreviewof relatedliterature; 2. Discusswhatwas alreadypresentedaboutthe topicof yourpaper: conflictsinatheory,conclusions,gapsin researchand scholarship,etc. 3. Explainwhythe literature usedisworthreviewing. How to Write the Bodyof a Reviewof Related Literature Whenwritingthe Body,dothe following: Group the sourcesaccordingto theircommondominators(approaches,objectivesoranyspecificchronologies); Give the examplesof howtosort outthese groups.Use quotations,evidences,data,etc. Theywill make your reviewof relatedliterature more valid.
  • 12. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 12 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT How to Write the Conclusionof aReviewof RelatedLiterature To make the Conclusion,dothe following: Summarize the contributionsof the literature sourcesmade tothe area of studyyouinvestigate.Maintainthe central focusin the Introduction; Give a kindof insightintothe relationshipbetweenthe topicof yourreview andalarger studyarea(e.g.a discipline,ascientificendeavour,etc.) Citation It isa wayof strengtheningorconcretizingone’sideabycitingthe similarorrelevantideasorfindingsof other researchersandauthorities. Documentationwasdone through footnotingorparenthetical reference citation. Modern writersisnowusingparenthetical reference style.The styleiscalled“AmericanPsychologicalAssociationstyle” or APA style Examplesof APA style of citation Works bysingle author Works by multiple authors When a work has two authors,always citeboth names every time the reference occurs in the text. In parenthetical material join the names with an ampersand (&). as has been shown (Leiter & Maslach, 1998) In the narrativetext, join the names with the word "and." as Leiter and Maslach (1998) demonstrated When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the firsttime the reference occurs. Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1991) found In all subsequentcitations per paragraph,includeonly the surnameof the firstauthor followed by "et al."(Latin for "and others") and the year of publication. Kahneman et al. (1991) found
  • 13. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 13 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT Writingthe relatedliterature Ina report,the original informationstatedbythe researcherare printeddouble space ,while the borrowedinformation are encodedinsingle space if copiedwordforwordfromthe source. Paraphrasedinformationisstatedalsoindouble space (Bouing) Conceptual Framework/ Research Paradigm/ Simulacrum A conceptual framework isthe researcher’sideaonhow the researchproblemwill have tobe explored.Thisisfounded on the theoretical framework,whichliesonamuch broaderscale of resolution.The theoretical frameworkdwellson time testedtheoriesthatembodythe findingsof numerousinvestigationsonhow phenomenaoccur. Theoretical Framework  The theoretical framework providesageneral representationof relationshipsbetweenthingsinagiven phenomenon.  Theoretical frameworkcitesthe salientoutcomesof the previousstudiespresentsthe theoriesformulatedby otherwriters,these willbe usedasbasesinprovingordisapprovingthe applicabilityof suchtheoriesonpresent time. The conceptual framework,onthe otherhand,embodiesthe specificdirectionby whichthe researchwill have tobe undertaken.Statisticallyspeaking,the conceptual frameworkdescribesthe relationshipbetween specific variablesidentifiedinthe study.Italsooutlinesthe input,processandoutputof the whole investigation.The conceptual frameworkisalsocalledthe researchparadigm.  The paradigm must be explainedbythe researcher. Definition of Terms  This portion includeswordsor phraseswhich will be usedin the research study for clearer understandingof the readers. Thispart simplifiesthe keywordsusedinthe study. It servesasthe glossaryof the researchpaper. Termsmay be definedconceptuallyoroperationally.C Conceptual definitionincludesthose liftedfromthe dictionaryorwrittenresources.
  • 14. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 14 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT Operational definitionreferstothe definitionconstructedbythe researcherasappliedtothe presentstudy.(Bouing) Locale and Population of the study Thispart identifiesthe setting,venue,place orlocationof the study.Itincludesthe populationandthe sample takenfrom the population.The samplingmethodisalsoincludedhere (Bouing) **** endof Prelim***** MIDTERM TOPICS Week 7 IMRAD format END PART  References  Appendices  Research Timetable  Budget Requirements  Curriculum Vitae (Brief) Week 8-9 3rd Chapter Research Method In this section you will describe what you plan to do, why you plan to do it, and how you are going to go about doing it.  This establishes the viability of the proposed study. RESEARCH METHOD USED  Deals with the design of the study particularly the research design and the techniques to be used, how the subject will be chosen, how the rationale size will be determined, the instruments to be used and their validation and the data analysis scheme which include the application of statistical tools for treatment of data yielded by the study.  The reason why a certain research method is to be used must be justified by the researcher.
  • 15. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 15 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT  The researcher prompted by the desire to solve a problem scientifically, works out a research design which refers to the entire process of planning and carrying out a research study.  Research design is define as “ a detailed plan of how the research will be conducted”  As the study progresses and as circumstances demand, it undergoes many modifications and changes.  Working out of plan consists of making certain decisions with respect of the following: o What the study is about o Why the study is made o Where the needed data can be found o Where, or in what areas the study will be carried out o When, or what periods of time the study will cover o What bases of selection will be used o What techniques of gathering data will be adopted  Authorities on research emphasize that: 1. In planning the design , the problem of the study must be clear. 2. After the problem has been identified, the general objective is set down and the specific objectives are then formulated. 3. A general objective may be answering a question such as “ what will be the impact on the population be?” 4. Specific objectives on the other hand may be questions that have to be answered in the research. o The hypotheses- is a guide in setting the objectives  The three basic research design are: 1. Descriptive Research – research design wherein events are recorded, described, interpreted, analyzed and compared. 2. Historical Research- a research design wherein past events are studied and related to their cause and effect at present or in the future time. 3. Experimental- a research design wherein the cause and effect relationship of a treatment on a variable is determined. - there are several experimental designs to choose from.
  • 16. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 16 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT SUBJECTS OF THE STUDY/ RESPONDENTS  In this section, the student describes the respondents or subjects of the study including the criteria on why and how they are to be chosen.  The sampling technique to be employed will also be discussed.  A statistician maybe consulted to determine the appropriateness of the sample size of respondents in the study. SAMPLING DESIGN  First define your population  SOURCES OF DATA o The report should also include information about the sources of evidence. o The questions that should be answered:  Who were the subjects?  How many are they?  How were they selected?  How was the problem of missing data handled? DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENTS o Include tests, questionnaires, interviews, scales, etc. o All of these, devices, including the laboratory equipment and apparatus used should be described in detail. o The description should include the construction, tryout and final adoption of the instruments used. TREATMENT OF DATA o It includes a detailed description of how one proposes to arrange or interpret the data gathered so conclusions may be drawn from them. o Also included here is an explanation of why such a mode of interpretation was chosen. SOURCES OF INFORMATION  Research studies may come from various sources.  Sources vary with the student’s interests and type of study.  PRIMARY SOURCES- are those which provide first hand data.  The responsibility for their compilation and promulgation remain under the same authority that originally gathered them.  Data may gathered by participant observation, personal interview, conference, correspondence, questionnaire and other devices.
  • 17. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 17 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT  SECONDARY SOURCES- Are those which provide data that have been transcribed or compiled from original sources.  It is important to scrutinize secondary sources very closely before using them.  Official documents and statistics- a suggestive illustration of the common documents, reports and statistics published by official bodies, national and local o The National Census and Statistics – is a primary source of data on population, housing, agriculture, household characteristics, and many others. o The Central Bank, SEC, DTI, Legislative sources- Presidential Decrees, city ordinance, etc. THE EXPERIMENTAL METHOD  It allows maximum control over the phenomena under investigation.  It provides ways of measuring the factors involved. The Nature of an Experiment  “ the technique of discovering information by means of experimentation”  The experiment is expected to reveal causal relations.  It deals with dynamics, with forces, with interaction.  To experiment means simply to try- to try something in order to see what happens.  Control over phenomena means that we can produce them whenever we wish and make them vary in such a way as to force an answer to our questions.  Experimentation rests on the assumption that there exists invariant relationships between certain antecedents and certain consequence, provided that a given set of conditions prevails, if one takes a particular course of action, a certain consequence will follow.  Experts express the view that experimentation which is the basic scientific method is the most precise and reliable way of obtaining data. THE STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE The Importance of Knowing the Basic Statistical Concepts  The statistical technique is regarded as the more precise and objective method of research.  It is based on the collection and statistical analysis of the numerical data.  Terms as the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, validity and reliability. VARIABLES  A variable is any quantity or characteristics which may possess different numerical values or categories. o Sex, age, wages, prices, scores on intelligent tests and time are examples of variables. STATISTICAL TABLES  After the data have been tabulated, the next step is to arrange at least part of them in statistical tables.  There are reasons for presenting statistical data in tabular form: a. Statistical tables conserve space and reduce explanatory and descriptive statements to a minimum b. The visualizations of relations and the process of comparison is greatly facilitatedby tables
  • 18. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 18 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT c. Tabulated data can be more easily remembered than data which are not tabulated d. A tabular arrangement facilities the summation of items and the detection of errors and omissions e. Statistical tables provide a basis for computation QUESTIONNAIRE, INTERVIEW AND OBSERVATION TECHNIQUE The goal of discovering anything cannot be achieved without the use of tools or techniques. Questionnaire Techniques  The questionnaire has been defines “ as a form prepared and distributed and filledout by the respondent under the supervision of the investigator or the interviewer.” Uses of Questionnaire: o The questionnaire has been used increasingly to inquire into opinions and attitudes of a group. o It is a major instrument for data gathering in descriptive- survey studies and is used to secure information from varied and widely scatteredsources. o Questionnaires sometimes take the form of a check list ( ex) the duties of a certain administrative official , to be checked in terms of frequency of performance.  Criteria for Constructing Questionnaire: o It must be short- so it will not take too much time for the respondents to answer. o It must be of sufficient interest and have enough face appeal so that the respondent will be inclined to respond to it and to complete it. o The questionnaire should contain some in-depth questions in order to avoid superficial replies. o The ideal questionnaire must not be too suggestive- this is particularly true with reference to choice. o The questionnaire should elicit responses which are definite but not mechanically forced. o Questions must be asked in such a way that the responses will not embarrass the individual. o Questions must also be asked in such a manner as to allay suspicion on the part of respondent concerning hidden purposes in the questionnaire. o The responses to the questionnaire must be valid, and the entire body of data taken as a whole must answer the basic question for which the questionnaire was designed.  *** Questionnaire should use simple vocabulary.  *** As to Subject- matter sequence-it is important that as much as possible all questions pertaining to one subject should be grouped together. THE OPEN-ENDED AND THE FIXED- ALTERNATIVE QUESTIONS  OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS- are designed to permit free response from the subject rather than limit the stated alternatives. o It does not provide a list of alternative answers. o EX: Why did you choose accounting as your major subject? What do you like most in accounting? o It is more effective in revealing a respondent’s own definition of the situation.  CLOSED OR FIXED ALTERNATIVES QUESTION-limits the respondent to a choice among specific alternatives. o Is analogous to the “ leading questions”. ADVANTAGES OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE:
  • 19. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 19 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT o Respondents may have greater confidence in their anonymity and thus feel free to express views they fear might be disapproved or might get them into trouble o Questionnaire is less expensive procedure than an interview o It can be administered to large numbers of individuals simultaneously INTERVIEWS Another tool in research which is very commonly used in field survey is the personal interview. o The interview is a highly flexible tool in the hands of skillful interviewers. o The situation in which the researcher does the questioning is such that there is direct interaction between himself and his subject. THE FOLLOWING ARE MEASURED IN AN INTERVIEW: o Opinions o Attitudes o Information o Interests o Weaknesses o Experiences o difficulties Some Ethical Considerations and Responsibilities of Researchers *** Ethical rules govern scholars and researchers including thesis. *** The student would do well observe these rules scrupulously. A. Copyright and Infringement Responsibilities  The student- researcher must be aware that there are copyright laws that regulate the use of published materials.  Copyright infringement carriers with it legal sanctions.  Infringement means “material and substantial taking of copyrighted material.  Substantial and material depend on circumstances.  Quotation of up to two hundred words without permission, but with appropriate credits may be considered permissible.  This means that the students must be very careful in the documentation of sources.  Paraphrases (indirect quotations) like direct quotations must be acknowledged/ documented.  Ask permission to one copyrighted materials like test/ instruments for data collection.  Violation of copyright carries with it legal sanctions. B. The Rights of Research Subjects/ Participants  Participants in research must be told about the purpose of the research and consequences of participation, is there are any.  They have the right to withdraw from participation at any time during the research.
  • 20. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 20 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT  The subjects of research have a right to “expect researcher’s responsibility”.  Subjects/participants in research have a right to privacy and confidentiality.  When children are the subjects of research, permission from persons with moral authority over them is required.  Institutional research requires permission from a responsibility member of the institution, from the head of organization. C. Researcher’s Scientific and Social Responsibilities SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBILITY  Research findings must be reported accurately, without distortions or without deceptive manipulation. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY  The result or research must enhance and improve life.  The researcher builds, bridges and destroys the walls of ignorance  Issues Human Ethics Guidelines (Follow InstitutionalGuidelines) Interview Survey Administering questionnaires Observing human behavior Taking human tissue/fluids Types of Research Design Sampling Procedure Validity and Reliability Statistical Treatment
  • 21. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY HRMPS11 21 -AdoptedandRevisedlecture:JBT Week 10 Field Work: Title proposal Evaluation FINALS Week 12-14 WE EK 15 Title Oral Defense WEEK 16-18 Revision and Deadline of Submission Thesis Writing, gathering Data and Presentations Consultation with the Advisers, Statistician and Research Instructor FINAL ORAL DEFENSE