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Launching a Type 2
Diabetes Treatment
in China
Go-to-Market Strategy
Today’s Presentation

   Current Trends


  Diabetes in China


  Strategic Analysis

  Potential Markets

   Entry Strategy

   Marketing Mix
Current Trends

  Current Trends


 Diabetes in China    • Aging Population
                      • Emerging Middle Class
     Diabetes         • Urbanization
    Treatments        • Growing Economy
                      • Safety & Reliability Issues
 Strategic Analysis   • Concern for Public Health

 Potential Markets

  Entry Strategy

  Marketing Mix
Current Trends
Aging Population:
•   Population growth rate in                             Population by Age
    China – 0.493% (World Fact Book)
•   One-child policy
•   Increased life expectancy                     0-15               13%   19%
                                                  20-39                          8%
                                                  60+                      32%

    Children will be caring for multiple dependent parents and age-
    related illness will be on the rise.
Current Trends
Emerging Middle Class:
•   Growing consumer spending on food, housing & healthcare
•   Top 10% of population possess more than 40% of the wealth
•   Increased Earnings
•    Increased disposable
Current Trends
Emerging Middle Class:

  There is a growing consumer segment in China that
  expects, and is willing to pay, for the best products on the
Current Trends
•   People in China are migrating to urban
                                                      China's Rural and Urban
    areas for jobs
                                                     Population, 1950-2030 (UN
•   Wealth & resources are concentrated in               Estimates, 2003)
    urban areas
•   Much of rural China is still comprised of
    subsistence farmers

    There is a massive disparity between the availability of
    wealth, resources and labor in urban vs. rural China.
Current Trends
Growing economy open to foreign trade:
•   Economy grew on average
    +10.14% from 2001 to
•   Rigorous tax system with
    lucrative incentives
    designed to attract foreign
    investment and boost
•   No debt, significant
•   20% CAGR in
    pharmaceutical market

    China has a stable and rapidly growing economy, making it an
    important player in the global market.
Current Trends
Safety & Reliability Issues:
•   Contaminated baby milk powder
    recalled after four Chinese infants
    died and at least 6,000 more fell ill

•   Chinese-made batches of the
    blood-thinning drug heparin
    recalled after 81 patients died

•   Mattel orders the third Chinese toy
    recall, saying it would take back
    more than 800,000 units globally
    that contain “impermissible” levels
    of lead

    Chinese consumers tend to have a preference for Western
    goods due to a history of safety issues and affluent Chinese are
    willing to go outside of the system to access goods.
Current Trends
Growing Concern with Public Health:
•   Negative health effects brought on
    by aging of the
    population, urbanization, industrializ
    ation, and globalization
•   Old Chinese public health models
    cannot meet present requirements.
•   Main issues: poor capacity to
    respond to public health
    emergencies, severe inequality of
    health care services, and lagging
    development of public health
    information systems.

    Public health issues, like diabetes education, diagnosis and
    treatment are at the top of the government’s priorities.
Healthcare in China

   Current Trends


  Diabetes in China
                       • Reform
                       • Current System
     Treatments        • Availability
                       • Consumers
                       • Western vs. TCM
  Strategic Analysis

  Potential Markets

   Entry Strategy

   Marketing Mix
Healthcare in China
Healthcare Reform:
•     Medical costs are growing faster than
•     2009 goal to develop a national health
      insurance system by the end of 2020
      which includes:
         Universal coverage for basic
         Targeted improvements to public
          health infrastructure, safety, the
          pharmaceutical system, and
         Essential Drug List that fixes
          prices for essential

    The Chinese government is focused on making quality medical
    care affordable and accessible for all citizens as the cost of
    treatment rises faster than wages.
Healthcare in China
Current Healthcare System:
     Currently in China, covered
      consumers pay:
        50% for medically necessary or
          emergency medical services
        50-100% for all other medical
        50-100% for pharmaceuticals or
        100% for “elective” procedures

     40% of urban and 57% of rural
      resident are not covered by

    Even with insurance, few costs are covered and the majority of
    Chinese consumers are very worried about their ability to afford
    medical care.
Healthcare in China
Availability of Health Services in China:

Availability of health-related service varies greatly depending on
your physical location.
Healthcare in China
Chinese Health Care Consumers:
•Consumers with progressive DM spend
22% of their current household income for
healthcare vs. 9% for average consumer

•Actively research and pursue treatment

•Collectivist: Family & friends heavily
influence all medical decisions

  Chinese consumers do not passively listen to their doctors; the
  family will actively research and evaluate various treatment
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Healthcare in China
Chinese vs. Western Medicine:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine
Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic   Western medicine is the type of medical treatment
system of health and healing, based on the       that is most popular in North America and Western
notion of harmony and balance, and employing     European countries, based on the use of drugs and
the ideas of moderation and prevention.          surgery to treat symptoms.

  Both exist side-by-side in the Chinese market, are covered by
  insurance, and are considered valid treatment options for
  different purposes and conditions.
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Healthcare in China
Chinese vs. Western Medicine:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine
Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic   Western medicine is the type of medical treatment
system of health and healing, based on the       that is most popular in North America and Western
notion of harmony and balance, and employing     European countries, based on the use of drugs and
the ideas of moderation and prevention.          surgery to treat symptoms.
• Slower acting, milder side effects             • Quickly alleviates symptoms

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Healthcare in China
Chinese vs. Western Medicine:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine
Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic   Western medicine is the type of medical treatment
system of health and healing, based on the       that is most popular in North America and Western
notion of harmony and balance, and employing     European countries, based on the use of drugs and
the ideas of moderation and prevention.          surgery to treat symptoms.
• Slower acting, milder side effects             • Quickly alleviates symptoms

• Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying    • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame
illness when the time-frame is longer or when    shorter and a medical diagnosis has been made
the cause of symptoms is uncertain
                                                 •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a
                                                 sense of urgency in treatment

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Healthcare in China
Chinese vs. Western Medicine:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine
Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic      Western medicine is the type of medical treatment
system of health and healing, based on the          that is most popular in North America and Western
notion of harmony and balance, and employing        European countries, based on the use of drugs and
the ideas of moderation and prevention.             surgery to treat symptoms.
• Slower acting, milder side effects                • Quickly alleviates symptoms

• Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying       • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame shorter
illness when the time-frame is longer or when the   and a medical diagnosis has been made
cause of symptoms is uncertain
                                                    •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a
                                                    sense of urgency in treatment

• TCM to treats a problem                           • WM fixes a problem

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Healthcare in China
Chinese vs. Western Medicine:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine
Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic      Western medicine is the type of medical treatment
system of health and healing, based on the          that is most popular in North America and Western
notion of harmony and balance, and employing        European countries, based on the use of drugs and
the ideas of moderation and prevention.             surgery to treat symptoms.
• Slower acting, milder side effects                • Quickly alleviates symptoms

• Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying       • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame shorter
illness when the time-frame is longer or when the   and a medical diagnosis has been made
cause of symptoms is uncertain
                                                    •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a
                                                    sense of urgency in treatment

• TCM to treats a problem                           • WM fixes a problem

•Consumers who prefer TCM tend to be more           •Consumers who prefer TCM see it as a way to by-
focused on a living a healthy lifestyle             pass healthy lifestyle changes

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Healthcare in China
Chinese vs. Western Medicine:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine
Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic      Western medicine is the type of medical treatment
system of health and healing, based on the          that is most popular in North America and Western
notion of harmony and balance, and employing        European countries, based on the use of drugs and
the ideas of moderation and prevention.             surgery to treat symptoms.
• Slower acting, milder side effects                • Quickly alleviates symptoms

• Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying       • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame shorter
illness when the time-frame is longer or when the   and a medical diagnosis has been made
cause of symptoms is uncertain
                                                    •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a
                                                    sense of urgency in treatment

• TCM to treats a problem                           • WM fixes a problem

•Consumers who prefer TCM tend to be more           •Consumers who prefer TCM see it as a way to by-
focused on a living a healthy lifestyle             pass healthy lifestyle changes

  To have an invasive procedure would require more than a
  doctor’s recommendation, a sense of urgency and a belief that
  the procedure could fix a serious condition would be needed.
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Diabetes in China

   Current Trends


 Diabetes in China    • Global Rank
                      • Global Prevalence
     Diabetes         • Market Growth
    Treatments        • Drivers of Growth
                      • Demographics
 Strategic Analysis   • Education & Awareness

  Potential Markets

   Entry Strategy

   Marketing Mix
Diabetes in China

               Top 10 Countries with the
               Highest Cases of Diabetes

   China has more cases of diabetes than any other
   country in the world.
Diabetes in China
                  Prevalence of Diabetes (%)
                    Top 10 most populated countries

  China’s rate of diabetes is high relative to other countries and
  continues to climb.
Diabetes in China
Market Growth:
                                             180MM      Total Cases of Diabetes

 CURRENT                                      14.7% Prevalence Rate
                                              7.2MM New Cases Per Year
        90 MM

          9.2%                                4.2MM Diabetes-related Deaths
         2 MM

  Market growth is projected to be significant. Total
  cases, prevalence, new cases and mortality are all on the rise.
Diabetes in China
                    Drivers of Diabetes Growth


  Population growth, urbanization, risk factors, and age are all
  factors driving the growth of the diabetic population in China.
Diabetes in China
Demographics: Gender

                   Diabetes Cases by Gender


                              Men     Women

    There are a significant number of cases in both men and
Diabetes in China
Demographics: Age

                          Population and Diabetes Cases
                                  by Age Group

             400                                380


             200                                                          172

                                                         43.7                     35
                      20-39                      40-59                      60+

                                   Population         Cases of Diabetes

 The highest percentage of diabetes cases is in the 40-59 age
 range, but the greatest number of cases is in the 20-39 age
 range. This is much younger than other countries.
Diabetes in China
Demographics: Weight

 Status            Diabetes Pre-
 Underweight       4.5%       11.2%

 Healthy           7.6%       13.1%
 (BMI 18.5-24.9)

 Overweight        12.8%      19.9%
 (BMI 25.0-29.9)

 Obese             18.5%      26.7%

Their overall obesity rate is growing and the Chinese population
has a higher diabetes prevalence rates at lower BMI’s than in the
Diabetes in China
Demographics: Income & Geography
                                                           Prevalence (%) estimates
                                                           of diabetes (20-79 years)
                                                               by income group

    Urban vs. Rural Prevalence

 0.00%   2.00%   4.00%     6.00%   8.00%   10.00% 12.00%

                         Rural   Urban

Diabetes is much more prevalent in urban areas and upper-
income groups. Studies show up to 5 times as many cases in
urban than rural areas.
Diabetes in China
Education & Awareness:
                                                          Known Cases
•13% of total medical expenditures in China are
directly caused by diabetes: RMB 173.4 billion or
US$25 billion

•Early diagnosis can lower the risk of complications by
more than 50%                                               39.3%

•Diabetes education significantly improves A1C levels                   60.7%
in diagnosed patients

•Organizations currently working to educate Chinese
citizens include: Chinese Diabetes
Society, International Diabetes Foundation, Chinese
Ministry of Health, WHO, Doctors Without
                                                          Undiagnosed   Diagnosed
Borders, United Nations, Project HOPE

•Corporate partners like Bayer & Elli Lilly are also
significantly involved in the effort

The education and awareness diabetes is very limited in China.
More than half of people who have diabetes don’t know they
have it which is costly in terms of dollars and their health.
Diabetes Treatments

  Current Trends


 Diabetes in China
                      • Options
     Diabetes         • Costs
                      • Diabetic Stages

 Strategic Analysis

 Potential Markets

  Entry Strategy

  Marketing Mix
Diabetes Treatments
Breakdown of Treatment Utilization in China:

 Pharma                  Insulin                 TCM
  80%                     12%                    24%
  61% Pharma              4% Insulin            5%                   9% Lifestyle
  Only                    Only                  TCM Only             Only
  • Glucobay              • Lantus              • Acupuncture        • 50-60% Diet
  • Januvia               • Humulin             • Herbal Medicine      Modification
  • Actos                 • Humalog             • Diet Therapy       • 90% Exercise 3+
  • Avandia               • Novolin             • Meditation           times/week
  • Metformin             • Byetta              • Massage
  • Glibenclamide         • Biocon
  • Glipizide             • Glufast
  • Galvus

 Primary diabetic treatments in China include
 pharmaceuticals, injectables, Traditional Chinese Medicine and
 lifestyle changes. The proportion of patients using each method
 is shown above.
Diabetes Treatments
Approximate Out-of-Pocket Cost (USD) of Diabetes Treatments in
China (per year):

  Pharma                                        Insulin    TCM
   80%                                           12%       24%

          $125-250                                  $120   $100-180         $0

  Yearly diabetic medication for urban residents is about 5-10% of
  their disposable income and for rural residents it is about 15-
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Diabetes Treatments
Classification of Diabetic Stages:
                                Early                         Moderate                         Severe
  Characteristics               •Newly diagnosed              •   Regularly see their          •Regularly see their
                                •Periodically see clinician       clinician                    clinician
                                •Focus on lifestyle           •   Worried about disease        •Intrusion on their daily
                                changes and prevention            progression                  life
                                                              •   Try to stay compliant with   •Experiencing serious
                                                                  their diets                  complications
                                                                                               •Trouble controlling
                                                                                               blood sugar

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Diabetes Treatments
Classification of Diabetic Stages:
                                Early                         Moderate                            Severe
  Characteristics               •Newly diagnosed              •   Regularly see their clinician   •Regularly see their
                                •Periodically see clinician   •   Worried about disease           clinician
                                •Focus on lifestyle changes       progression                     •Intrusion on their daily life
                                and prevention                •   Try to stay compliant with      •Experiencing serious
                                                                  their diets                     complications
                                                                                                  •Trouble controlling blood

  Treatments                    Controlled with diet          On a combination of                 Insulin dependant
                                and exercise and              pharmaceutical drug
                                maybe oral medication         therapies
                                or TCM

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Diabetes Treatments
Classification of Diabetic Stages:
                                Early                         Moderate                            Severe
  Characteristics               •Newly diagnosed              •   Regularly see their clinician   •Regularly see their
                                •Periodically see clinician   •   Worried about disease           clinician
                                •Focus on lifestyle changes       progression                     •Intrusion on their daily life
                                and prevention                •   Try to stay compliant with      •Experiencing serious
                                                                  their diets                     complications
                                                                                                  •Trouble controlling blood

  Treatments                    Controlled with diet and      On a combination of                 Insulin dependant
                                exercise and maybe oral       pharmaceutical drug
                                medication or TCM             therapies
  A1C                                           < 7.5                     7.5-8.5                             >8.5

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Diabetes Treatments
Classification of Diabetic Stages:
                                Early                         Moderate                            Severe
  Characteristics               •Newly diagnosed              •   Regularly see their clinician   •Regularly see their
                                •Periodically see clinician   •   Worried about disease           clinician
                                •Focus on lifestyle changes       progression                     •Intrusion on their daily life
                                and prevention                •   Try to stay compliant with      •Experiencing serious
                                                                  their diets                     complications
                                                                                                  •Trouble controlling blood

  Treatments                    Controlled with diet and      On a combination of                 Insulin dependant
                                exercise and maybe oral       pharmaceutical drug
                                medication or TCM             therapies
  A1C                                           < 7.5                     7.5-8.5                             >8.5

  Associated                                    None                      Single                           Multiple

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Diabetes Treatments
Classification of Diabetic Stages:
                                Early                         Moderate                            Severe
  Characteristics               •Newly diagnosed              •   Regularly see their clinician   •Regularly see their
                                •Periodically see clinician   •   Worried about disease           clinician
                                •Focus on lifestyle changes       progression                     •Intrusion on their daily life
                                and prevention                •   Try to stay compliant with      •Experiencing serious
                                                                  their diets                     complications
                                                                                                  •Trouble controlling blood

  Treatments                    Controlled with diet and      On a combination of                 Insulin dependant
                                exercise and maybe oral       pharmaceutical drug
                                medication or TCM             therapies
  A1C                                           < 7.5                     7.5-8.5                             >8.5

  Associated                                    None                       Single                          Multiple
  % of Diabetic                                 48%                         39%                            12-13%

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Diabetes Treatments
Classification of Diabetic Stages:
                                Early                         Moderate                            Severe
  Characteristics               •Newly diagnosed              •   Regularly see their clinician   •Regularly see their
                                •Periodically see clinician   •   Worried about disease           clinician
                                •Focus on lifestyle changes       progression                     •Intrusion on their daily life
                                and prevention                •   Try to stay compliant with      •Experiencing serious
                                                                  their diets                     complications
                                                                                                  •Trouble controlling blood

  Treatments                    Controlled with diet and      On a combination of                 Insulin dependant
                                exercise and maybe oral       pharmaceutical drug
                                medication or TCM             therapies
  A1C                                           < 7.5                     7.5-8.5                             >8.5

  Associated                                    None                       Single                          Multiple
  % of Diabetic                                 48%                         39%                            12-13%

  It is important to use disease progression as a way to further
  segment the diabetic population, because treatment options
  and patient characteristics are different at each stage.
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Strategic Analysis

   Current Trends


  Diabetes in China
                       • SWOT
                       • Porter’s Five Forces
     Treatments        •Key Takeaways

  Strategic Analysis

  Potential Markets

   Entry Strategy

   Marketing Mix
TOWS Strategic Alternatives Matrix

Strategic Analysis
 Internal Strengths                                                 Internal Weaknesses
 1. J&J Brand awareness                                             1. New entry to market
 2. J&J Existing Sales Force                                        2. Elective procedure (not paid via ins)
 3. J&J Training Facilities for doctors                             3. 1 year limited use
 4. Fewer side effects than alt                                     4. Muted effects after 1st use
 5. Scalability of product                                          5. Low priced alternatives
 6. Yearly (vs. daily) maintenance                                  6. Unappealing procedure

External Opportunities                                              External Threats
1. Large and growing market                                         1. Pharmaceutical strengths
2. No direct substitute (currently)                                 2. Possible entrants of substitutes
3. Pockets of high income in China                                  3. Limited skilled doctors in China
4. Urbanization movement                                            4. Limited awareness of diabetes
5. Insulin dependancy intolerance                                   5. Government power
6. Prevalance in 20-30 age bracket

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Strategic Analysis
  Porter’s Five Forces:
                                Threat of New Entrants – Low
                                Barriers to entry:
                                • Finances needed to get
                                   approved in clinical studies
                                • Patents

                                         Rivalry – Low
    Bargaining Power of                                              Bargaining Power of
      Suppliers – Low                  • No direct                      Buyers - High
• Supplies to make the sleeve            for same                 • Chinese consumers
  are inexpensive and easily             product in                 have numerous options
  sourced                                China                      to treat their diabetes

                                Threat of substitutes – Medium
                                • Insulin is inexpensive,
                                  subsidized by
Strategic Analysis
Key Takeaways:

    Opportunities                                Challenges
    • Large and growing diabetic population      • Weak purchasing power of Chinese
    • Rapid growth in emerging diabetes care
      market which could translate into first-   • Low-cost and easily accessible
      mover advantage                              treatment alternatives

    • No direct substitutes                      • Cultural resistance to surgical
    • Growing affluent population
                                                 • Lack of knowledge about the
    • Growing concern regarding the safety of      seriousness of diabetes
      medicine available in China

    • Government proactively encouraging
      economic investment and health care

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Potential Markets

   Current Trends


  Diabetes in China
                       • Market Segments
                       • Analysis
     Treatments        • Selection

  Strategic Analysis

  Potential Markets

   Entry Strategy

   Marketing Mix
Potential Markets

  Mission Critical        Work Hard, Play Hard             Caregivers
 Moderate and severe      Wealthy, urban, severe     Wealthy, urban families
 diabetics living         diabetics who’s busy       who are taking care of
 in rural China who are   Westernized lifestyles     aging parents with
 in desperate need of     make daily insulin         severe diabetes and
 effective, long-term     therapy inconvenient       desire a safer more
 treatment.               and difficult to manage.   convenient treatment
                                                     than insulin.
Mission Critical
                            Moderate and severe diabetics living in rural China who are
                            in desperate need of effective, long-term treatment.
                            Market Size          28.3M Severe to Moderate Diabetics

                            Skilled Physicians   Physicians: 1.3-.06 doctors per 1,000 people
                                                 Hospitals: 1 hospital every 257-1047 km2
                            Ability to Pay       Rural net income =$812/year
                                                 9-22% expected healthcare cost=$85-$179/year

Benefits:                                           Limitations:
-   Large underserved market                        -    If government or NGO won’t cover
-   Minimal competition from pharma or                   costs of device and
    insulin                                              procedure, consumers will not have
-   Partnering with government or NGO to                 ability to pay.
    bring resources to this population              -    If there are complications, patients may
    would be good PR for J&J and fulfill                 not have immediate access to medical
    their philanthropic mission                          care.
-   There is a serious need for a low               -    Launching a new product in a high-
    maintenance treatment option due to                  need population leaves J&J open to
    lack of availability of continuing                   accusations of “experimenting” on the
    medical care.                                        poor
                                                    -    J&J is a low-risk company and this is a
                                                         high risk option
Work Hard, Play Hard
                             Wealthy, urban, severe diabetics who’s busy Westernized lifestyles
                             make daily insulin therapy inconvenient and difficult to manage.
                             Market Size          239,086 (urban, diabetes, 40-60, severe, affluent)

                             Skilled Physicians   Physicians: 5.8 doctors per 1,000 people
                                                  Hospitals: 1 hospital every 1.4 km2
                             Ability to Pay       Urban Net Income= Global & Mass Affluent: >$15,900
                                                  22% expected healthcare cost = >$3498

Benefits:                                              Limitations:
-   J&J currently has strong presence in               -    It may be hard to convince even severe
    urban hospitals and connections with                    diabetics to have this type of
    skilled physicians                                      procedure, due to:
-   Targeting severe diabetics is an                          • Comparatively low cost for
    advantage due to:                                            alternative treatments
     • Culturally, only very serious                          • Cultural resistance to surgical
          conditions are treated surgically                      procedures
     • Clear right to win against                             • Collectvism, which may make it
          insulin, more difficult against                        difficult to find early adopters of a
          pharma.                                                radically different idea.
-   Takes price out of the equation and
    allows J&J to compete on convenience
    and effectiveness.
-   Younger generation more open to
                              Wealthy, urban families who are taking care of aging parents
                              with severe diabetes and desire a safer more convenient
                              treatment than insulin.
                              Market Size          248,933 (urban, diabetes, 60+, severe, affluent)

                              Skilled Physicians   Physicians: 5.8 doctors per 1,000 people
                                                   Hospitals: 1 hospital every 1.4 km2
                              Ability to Pay       Urban Net Income= Global & Mass Affluent: >$15,900
                                                   22% expected healthcare cost = >$3498

Benefits:                                           Limitations:
-   Highest growth rate for severe                  -    It may be hard to convince even severe
    diabetes is among 60+ population                     diabetics to have this type of procedure,
-   Researching and accessing best care                  due to:
    for aging parents is very important to                 • Comparatively low cost for alternative
    Chinese families                                          treatments
-   Low-maintenance therapy would help                     • Cultural resistance to surgical
    to ease the burden for children taking                    procedures
    care of one or more ageing parents.                    • Older generations being more risk-
                                                              adverse and closed to western ideals
                                                           • The possible perception that children
                                                              are “experimenting”
                                                              on parents
Target Market Selection
Target Market Selection

                                             Work Hard, Play Hard
                                             Wealthy, urban, severe
                                             diabetics who’s busy
                                             Westernized lifestyles make
                                             daily insulin therapy
                                             and difficult to manage.

  We chose this segment, because:

  • Younger segments are less risk-adverse and more accepting of Western practices

  • Busy, working professionals are willing to pay a premium for convenience

  • Young, affluent consumers are attracted to high-end (high-priced) Western goods

  • Urgency of treatment and control is greatest among younger people with severe
Entering China

   Current Trends


 Diabetes in China

    Treatments        • Competitive Set
                      • Positioning
                      • Growth Potential
 Strategic Analysis

  Potential Markets

   Entry Strategy

   Marketing Mix
Entering China
Competitive Set: Insulin
•   In 2010, Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and
    Sanofi-Aventis accounted for 90.6%
    of China’s insulin market, while
    Tonghua Dongbao, the largest
    domestic company, only accounted for

•   In 2009, China’s insulin market size
    reached up to RMB5.3 billion, but still
    accounted for less than 6% of the
    global market.

•   CAGR for growth in Chinese Insulin
Entering China
1. CONVENIENT– Right to Win
• No more need for insulin
• No need to check your sugar levels and inject insulin
   multiple times night and day
• Yearly, rather than daily maintenance

2. EFFECTIVE – Right to Win                                  Positioning Statement
• Make claims on more improvement in A1C than
   insulin                                                   DiaGuard is the one
• Induce weight loss where insulin causes weight gain
                                                             diabetes treatment that
                                                             provides severe
• While its implanted, you will get better results than if
   on insulin                                                diabetics with a safe,
                                                             effective, convenient
                                                             therapy which has been
3. SAFE – Right to Play
                                                             clinically proven to reduce
• Skilled specialists trained and supported by J&J
                                                             A1c more significantly and
• Very few side effects when compared to other
                                                             have fewer side effects than
• As safe to use as insulin
Entering China
Growth Potential
•     The first year target for the foothold                      Projected Revenue Growth
      market is $30M or 15,000 patients,
      which is 6% of the target market               10000000

•     Capturing a 6% share of the target

      market would equate to a 0.14% share
      in the overall Chinese insulin market          40000000

•     Based on the 26.8% CAGR for growth
      in the Chinese Insulin Market, we                     0
      project revenue in 5 years to reach                       2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017

    Starting with a base of 15,000 patients or $30M in revenue in
    year one, would grow to $98.3M in revenues in year five.
Marketing Mix

   Current Trends


 Diabetes in China

     Diabetes         • Product & Branding
    Treatments        • Pricing
                      • Placement
 Strategic Analysis   • Promotions:
                            o Benchmarking
                            o Advertising Regulations
  Potential Markets
                            o Consumer Attitudes
                            o Purchase Funnel
   Entry Strategy

   Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix
 Product & Branding

• Brand Name: DiaGuard
     • Cultural significance of the “Guardian” concept
     • Descriptive name helps relay information about the product
     • Global affluent in China prefer Western brands
     • English brand helps with global portability
Marketing Mix
•We are not competing on price, because of low cost of alternatives and
affluent target market. We are competing on convenience and effectiveness.

•Due to the Chinese consumers’ limited ability to pay, we recommend $2000
per procedure as the max price when entering this market
    •   Assuming a 22% healthcare expenditure vs 9% average, $2000 is still more than
        50% of total yearly healthcare expenditures for affluent Chinese consumers
    •   Minimum price set by J&J is $1500-$2000

•Addressing the Gray Market:
    •   Due to the developing medical care market in China, people are not currently
        traveling to China for medical procedures
    •   Our buyers are not price sensitive, so they would not be “shopping” for lower

 Although we are not competing on price, even affluent Chinese
 consumers have a limited ability and willingness to pay. We
 recommend entering the market at a price of $2000.
Marketing Mix
Placement                                      • 57-75% of middle-class
• 2 types of hospitals:                          consumers would seek specialty
     1. Public (81%)                             medical care at a private
         •   State owned, operated and
             subsidized by the
             government                        •   58-83% of middle-class
         •   Dominate healthcare market            consumers believe private
    2. Private (19%)                               hospitals have greater
         •   Primarily foreign-owned or
                                                   technical expertise
         •   Affordable only to affluent       •   Willingness-to-Pay at Private
             consumers                             Hospital: .4% would pay 8
         •   Small, focus on out-patient           times more, 12% would pay 3
             procedures                            to 4 times more, 43% would
                                                   pay 2 to 3 times more than at
                                                   public facility

 We recommend placement in private hospitals. Affluent
 consumers are more likely to seek specialty care, have greater
 confidence in, and are willing to pay more at private hospitals.
Marketing Mix
Promotions: Benchmarking
-Promote diabetes awareness
      - Create partnerships with World Diabetes Foundation, the
        Ministry of Health, and selected key opinion leaders
- Physician training
      - Facilitate physician trainings in both small and large cities
- Patient education - facilitate education programs to support
  patients in using their medicine and facilitate lifestyle changes
  and prevention
               - NovoCare telephone hotline – diabetics directly communicate
                 with trained diabetes management specialists
               - NovoCare Education – run by the Novo Care Club with more
                 than 300 members
               - Changing Diabetes Bus: promote diabetes awareness, provide
                 feedback to already diagnosed diabetics, facilitate local
                 education initiatives

  Currently, market leaders are taking a holistic approach to their
  promotions. Their focus is on awareness, training and education.
  We recommend J&J take a similar approach with DiaGuard.
page 60   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Promotions: Advertising Regulations
-2009: Medical ads must be accurate in and SHALL NOT                         EXAMPLE:
          –     Assertion or guarantee of effectiveness
                                                                             NO: “Diaguard is more
          –     Description of the efficacy rate or recovery rate
          –     Comparison to other devices, drugs or therapies in
                                                                             effective than insulin at
                effectiveness or safety                                      treating diabetes.”
          –     Non-scientific descriptions of the characteristics or
          –     Research findings that cannot be confirmed
                                                                             YES: “In a clinical
          –     Implications that the device is a cure-all                   study, DiaGuard was
          –     Promising words such as safe, no side effects, refund if     shown to reduce HA1c
                ineffective, or exclusive words like only, exact, newest     levels by __%, compared
                technology, most advanced
          –     Words that imply the device is necessary for daily life or
                                                                             to ___% with insulin.”
                curing disease
          –     Words that indicate the device may help the user deal with
                common life pressures, improve performance, make the user
                more energetic, taller or more talented.

  Significant regulations on medical advertisements exist, prompting
  ads in this industry to be more informational or educational in
page 61       confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Promotions: Consumer Attitudes Toward Medical Advertising
• > 16% of all advertising expenditures are spent on Medical advertising. It is one of the
  most heavily advertised product categories in China.

• 19% of Chinese consumers report using advertising as a source of information
  about medical treatments (compared to only 2% in US)

• Chinese consumers hold positive attitudes toward advertising in general and
  specifically medical-related advertising

• Consumers distrust over-stated claims but appreciate information on new products

• 45% report they looked online for information about health care treatment options
  in the past year

• 44% report searching online for information provided by a specific doctor; notably,
  more than half of those with a chronic condition (55%) say they searched for such

  Consumers have positive feelings toward informational medical
  advertising and they actively seek out information about treatment
page 62   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Promotions: Consumer Sources of Information

  • As trusted sources of information on effective and safe treatments,
    consumers rely on:

          • 53%: Doctors at academic medical centers
          • 41%: Reports from medical associations/societies
          • 38%: Internet (such as Baidu, Google or Baidu Wenku)
          • 37%: Doctors at community hospitals
          • 28%: Pharmacies
          • 27%: Health insurance companies/health plans
          • 24%: Employers (e.g., health benefits office)
          • 23%: Pharmaceutical or Medical Device Manufacturers

  Chinese consumers use a variety of resources, beyond medical
  professionals, to gain information about treatment options. We
  sought to incorporate these sources into our purchase funnel.

page 63   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Promotions: Purchase Funnel


page 64   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

            Consumer Awareness Process influenced by:
             1) Physician Recommendation
             2) Patient/Family-Initiated Research for Better
             3) Diabetic Education and Communications

                             J&J Marketing Methods:
                             - Partnership with Government and NGOs

                             - Sponsorship of major social and cultural

                             - Participate in diabetes awareness functions
                               and medical conventions

                             - Ads in business magazines or newspapers
page 65   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
    Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial
         Partnerships                                    Social Media & Internet                             Print & Other

   Chinese Medical Doctor                            Weibo - A cross between Facebook
        Association:                                and Twitter that has +250MM users in              Advertise in print publications
  An established network of                          China and is growing an additional               commonly read by our target
   +2MM doctors in China                                   +10M users per month                   group, upscale food magazines, travel
                                                                                                                 & leisure
Chinese Ministry of Health and                       Baidu – Baidu is the largest internet
 World Health Organization:                                search engine in China
Leaders in promoting diabetes                                                                      Seek out potential spokes person to
  awareness and education                                     Utilize Weibo to                        promote diabetes awareness
                                                        comment, educate, diabetes                  Example – Jeremy Lin (Athlete –
                                                    awareness and drive traffic to our own                       NBA)
Participate in Diabetes related                       website, pay Baidu for diabetes
conferences and events with a                         search results drive traffic to our
     focus around driving                                          website
 awareness on all treatment
            options                                  “in a 2010 survey, 56 percent of Chinese
                                                       consumers said they regarded online
                                                    advertising as credible, up from 29 percent
                                                                      in 2009”

    page 66   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

            Consumer Interest Process influenced by:
                1) Convincing information about how the
                   product will solve their specific problem
                2) Easy of access to additional information

                             J&J Marketing Methods:
                             - Use medical sales force to educate

                             - Make informational brochures available
                               for MD’s to give to patients and to display in
                               waiting room

                             - E-newsletter from physician

page 67   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial
 Sample Brochure:
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

            Consumer Consideration Process:
              Patient & Family need information that:
              1) Gives detailed information about the
                 procedure, benefits, cost and availability
              2) Gives testimonials/success stories from
                 current patients

                             J&J Marketing Methods:
                             - Website for additional research

                             - Include information specific to patients and
                               family members, because this is a family

                             - Testimonials from past patients

page 69   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

                                                                                         Contact Us
                                                   Helping you fight the diabetes
                                                                                                             Sign up for our

What is diaGUARD?                How it works?               Is it for you?              Support              Contact Us

        How do I get my
        diabetes under
    In a 60 minute procedure performed in an outpatient center, a protective sleeve is placed just beyond
    the stomach within the first portion of your intestine. As a result of getting this procedure and
    changing the way your body processes food, you can expect better control of your diabetes, as
    compared to other available treatments.
Marketing Mix
 Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

                                                                Contact Us
                              Helping you fight the diabetes
                              challenge                                       Sign up for our

What is diaGUARD?     How it works?     Is it for you?         Support         Contact Us

 - How it is put in
 - How it works
 - How it is removed
 - Living with diaGUARD
Marketing Mix
  Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

                                                                          Contact Us

                                              Helping you fight the diabetes
                                                        challenge                       Sign up for our

  What is diaGUARD?             How it works?         Is it for you?       Support         Contact Us

Is the diaGUARD right for you?
Are you a patient who:

• Has been unable to manage their type 2 diabetes with
  medication or lifestyle modifications?

• Are you tired of daily monitoring and injections?

• Are diabetes and constant insulin injections stopping you
  from living the life you deserve?

• Looking for a safer and more convenient solution?
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

Drive traffic to by :

• Search Engine Optimization through, China’s number one
  search engine (both natural and
  paid search).

• Sending our newsletters (email blasts)

page 73   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

            Consumer Trial Process:
             Patient & Family need information that:
             1) Validates efficacy & safety of procedure
             2) Makes procedure seem “socially acceptable”

                             J&J Marketing Methods:

                             - Published studies in academic journals

                             - Testimonials from doctors

                             - Online “Community”: It’s important to
                               feel accepted and part of a group

page 74   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

   Academic Studies:            MD Testimonials:         Online Community: SNS

Chinese Medical              Web sites of private     RenRen: “For Everybody”
Association: Publishes the   hospitals performing     most popular SNS in China
most heavily cited and       procedure
circulated journals.                         Another very
                             Web MD-type service in   popular social network.
The Chinese Academy of       China                     - Users are mostly "white
Medical Sciences: Second                                 collar middle class" and
to CMA in citation and                typically come from a "first
circulation.                                             tier cities.“

                                                      - Extremely popular among
                                                        people who work for
                                                        multinational companies and
                                                        other white collar companies.

                                                      - Wealthy user base.
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

            Consumer Re-trial Process:
              Patient & Family need information that:
              1) Demonstrates and monitors their success
              2) Provides value-added services
              3) Creates personal relationship

                                 J&J Marketing Methods:

                                 - Smart Phone App to: provide ongoing
                                   support, track success and countdown to
                                   next procedure

                                 - Health-coaching- 24/7 support

page 76   confidential / for EES internal use
Marketing Mix
Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial

            Diabetes Apps:                  Benefits of Health Coaching:

dLife: U.S. Benchmark                      -Increases compliance & helps
                                             with disease management
Allows user to:
- log glucose levels                       -Lowers overall health costs for
- find recipes and nutrition information    consumers
- Watch dLife videos
- Connect with the dLife community         -Creates long-term relationship
- Connect with experts to get answers       and decreases switching
  to diabetes-related questions             behavior
- graph daily, weekly, or monthly
  glucose levels and track trends          - Having medical professionals
- E-mail information from app to             available to offer 24/7 health
  yourself or your health care provider.     support gives value-added
Marketing Mix
    Promotions: Purchase Funnel Summary

       Awareness                             Interest        Consideration                  Trial                Re-Trial

• Partnership with            • Use medical sales       • Website for            • Published studies     • Smart Phone App
  Government and                force to educate          additional research      in academic             to: provide
  NGOs                          endocrinologists          (benchmark:              journals                ongoing
                                                                                 support, track
• Sponsorship of              • Make informational                               • Testimonials from       success, and
  major social and              materials available     • Include information                              countdown to next
  cultural events               in MD waiting room        specific to patients
                                                          and family
• Participate in              • Supply doctors with       members, because       • Accepting
  diabetes awareness            materials for             this is a family         “Community”: It’s     • Health-coaching-
  functions and                 patients that makes       decision                 important to know       24/7 support
  medical conventions           it easy to access                                  that others support
                                additional              • Testimonials from        the decision          • E-newsletter & on-
• Ads in business               information               past patients                                    line community
  magazines or

• Cross-promote with
  insulin at the

    page 78   confidential / for EES internal use
Next Steps
                          Once a foothold has been
                          established, we suggest:

                          1. Move into Caregiver
                              • Procedure will now be
                                 seen as more socially
                                 acceptable and less
                              • Can use the power of
  Mission Critical               Advertising                     Caregivers
 Moderate and severe                                       Wealthy, urban families
                          2. Build the support to make
 diabetics living            Mission Critical a            who are taking care of
 in rural China who are      success                       aging parents with
 in desperate need of         • Entering in a high-end     severe diabetes and
 effective, long-term             market establishes       desire a safer more
 treatment.                       this as truly            convenient treatment
                                  philanthropic vs.        than insulin.
                              • Proven safety &
                                  efficacy will help to
                                  gain financial support

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Go-to-Market Strategy: Launching a Diabetes Treatment in China

  • 1. Launching a Type 2 Diabetes Treatment in China Go-to-Market Strategy
  • 2. Today’s Presentation Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China Diabetes Treatments Strategic Analysis Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 3. Current Trends Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China • Aging Population • Emerging Middle Class Diabetes • Urbanization Treatments • Growing Economy • Safety & Reliability Issues Strategic Analysis • Concern for Public Health Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 4. Current Trends Aging Population: • Population growth rate in Population by Age China – 0.493% (World Fact Book) • One-child policy • Increased life expectancy 0-15 13% 19% 15-20 20-39 8% 28% 40-59 60+ 32% Children will be caring for multiple dependent parents and age- related illness will be on the rise.
  • 5. Current Trends Emerging Middle Class: • Growing consumer spending on food, housing & healthcare • Top 10% of population possess more than 40% of the wealth • Increased Earnings • Increased disposable income
  • 6. Current Trends Emerging Middle Class: There is a growing consumer segment in China that expects, and is willing to pay, for the best products on the market.
  • 7. Current Trends Urbanization: • People in China are migrating to urban China's Rural and Urban areas for jobs Population, 1950-2030 (UN • Wealth & resources are concentrated in Estimates, 2003) urban areas • Much of rural China is still comprised of subsistence farmers There is a massive disparity between the availability of wealth, resources and labor in urban vs. rural China.
  • 8. Current Trends Growing economy open to foreign trade: • Economy grew on average +10.14% from 2001 to 2010 • Rigorous tax system with lucrative incentives designed to attract foreign investment and boost exports • No debt, significant reserves • 20% CAGR in pharmaceutical market China has a stable and rapidly growing economy, making it an important player in the global market.
  • 9. Current Trends Safety & Reliability Issues: • Contaminated baby milk powder recalled after four Chinese infants died and at least 6,000 more fell ill • Chinese-made batches of the blood-thinning drug heparin recalled after 81 patients died • Mattel orders the third Chinese toy recall, saying it would take back more than 800,000 units globally that contain “impermissible” levels of lead Chinese consumers tend to have a preference for Western goods due to a history of safety issues and affluent Chinese are willing to go outside of the system to access goods.
  • 10. Current Trends Growing Concern with Public Health: • Negative health effects brought on by aging of the population, urbanization, industrializ ation, and globalization • Old Chinese public health models cannot meet present requirements. • Main issues: poor capacity to respond to public health emergencies, severe inequality of health care services, and lagging development of public health information systems. Public health issues, like diabetes education, diagnosis and treatment are at the top of the government’s priorities.
  • 11. Healthcare in China Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China • Reform • Current System Diabetes Treatments • Availability • Consumers • Western vs. TCM Strategic Analysis Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 12. Healthcare in China Healthcare Reform: • Medical costs are growing faster than income • 2009 goal to develop a national health insurance system by the end of 2020 which includes:  Universal coverage for basic services  Targeted improvements to public health infrastructure, safety, the pharmaceutical system, and hospitals  Essential Drug List that fixes prices for essential pharmaceuticals The Chinese government is focused on making quality medical care affordable and accessible for all citizens as the cost of treatment rises faster than wages.
  • 13. Healthcare in China Current Healthcare System:  Currently in China, covered consumers pay:  50% for medically necessary or emergency medical services  50-100% for all other medical care  50-100% for pharmaceuticals or medications  100% for “elective” procedures  40% of urban and 57% of rural resident are not covered by healthcare Even with insurance, few costs are covered and the majority of Chinese consumers are very worried about their ability to afford medical care.
  • 14. Healthcare in China Availability of Health Services in China: Availability of health-related service varies greatly depending on your physical location.
  • 15. Healthcare in China Chinese Health Care Consumers: •Consumers with progressive DM spend 22% of their current household income for healthcare vs. 9% for average consumer •Actively research and pursue treatment options •Collectivist: Family & friends heavily influence all medical decisions Chinese consumers do not passively listen to their doctors; the family will actively research and evaluate various treatment options. page 15 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 16. Healthcare in China Chinese vs. Western Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic Western medicine is the type of medical treatment system of health and healing, based on the that is most popular in North America and Western notion of harmony and balance, and employing European countries, based on the use of drugs and the ideas of moderation and prevention. surgery to treat symptoms. Both exist side-by-side in the Chinese market, are covered by insurance, and are considered valid treatment options for different purposes and conditions. page 16 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 17. Healthcare in China Chinese vs. Western Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic Western medicine is the type of medical treatment system of health and healing, based on the that is most popular in North America and Western notion of harmony and balance, and employing European countries, based on the use of drugs and the ideas of moderation and prevention. surgery to treat symptoms. • Slower acting, milder side effects • Quickly alleviates symptoms page 17 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 18. Healthcare in China Chinese vs. Western Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic Western medicine is the type of medical treatment system of health and healing, based on the that is most popular in North America and Western notion of harmony and balance, and employing European countries, based on the use of drugs and the ideas of moderation and prevention. surgery to treat symptoms. • Slower acting, milder side effects • Quickly alleviates symptoms • Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame illness when the time-frame is longer or when shorter and a medical diagnosis has been made the cause of symptoms is uncertain •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a sense of urgency in treatment page 18 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 19. Healthcare in China Chinese vs. Western Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic Western medicine is the type of medical treatment system of health and healing, based on the that is most popular in North America and Western notion of harmony and balance, and employing European countries, based on the use of drugs and the ideas of moderation and prevention. surgery to treat symptoms. • Slower acting, milder side effects • Quickly alleviates symptoms • Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame shorter illness when the time-frame is longer or when the and a medical diagnosis has been made cause of symptoms is uncertain •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a sense of urgency in treatment • TCM to treats a problem • WM fixes a problem page 19 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 20. Healthcare in China Chinese vs. Western Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic Western medicine is the type of medical treatment system of health and healing, based on the that is most popular in North America and Western notion of harmony and balance, and employing European countries, based on the use of drugs and the ideas of moderation and prevention. surgery to treat symptoms. • Slower acting, milder side effects • Quickly alleviates symptoms • Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame shorter illness when the time-frame is longer or when the and a medical diagnosis has been made cause of symptoms is uncertain •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a sense of urgency in treatment • TCM to treats a problem • WM fixes a problem •Consumers who prefer TCM tend to be more •Consumers who prefer TCM see it as a way to by- focused on a living a healthy lifestyle pass healthy lifestyle changes page 20 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 21. Healthcare in China Chinese vs. Western Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Western Medicine Used for thousands of years, TCM is a holistic Western medicine is the type of medical treatment system of health and healing, based on the that is most popular in North America and Western notion of harmony and balance, and employing European countries, based on the use of drugs and the ideas of moderation and prevention. surgery to treat symptoms. • Slower acting, milder side effects • Quickly alleviates symptoms • Consumers prefer TCM to cure the underlying • Consumers prefer WM when the time-frame shorter illness when the time-frame is longer or when the and a medical diagnosis has been made cause of symptoms is uncertain •Consumers increasingly prefer WM when there is a sense of urgency in treatment • TCM to treats a problem • WM fixes a problem •Consumers who prefer TCM tend to be more •Consumers who prefer TCM see it as a way to by- focused on a living a healthy lifestyle pass healthy lifestyle changes To have an invasive procedure would require more than a doctor’s recommendation, a sense of urgency and a belief that the procedure could fix a serious condition would be needed. page 21 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 22. Diabetes in China Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China • Global Rank • Global Prevalence Diabetes • Market Growth Treatments • Drivers of Growth • Demographics Strategic Analysis • Education & Awareness Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 23. Diabetes in China Top 10 Countries with the Highest Cases of Diabetes China has more cases of diabetes than any other country in the world.
  • 24. Diabetes in China Prevalence of Diabetes (%) Top 10 most populated countries China’s rate of diabetes is high relative to other countries and continues to climb.
  • 25. Diabetes in China Market Growth: 2025-2030: 180MM Total Cases of Diabetes CURRENT 14.7% Prevalence Rate SITUATION: 7.2MM New Cases Per Year 90 MM 9.2% 4.2MM Diabetes-related Deaths 2 MM 1.5MM Market growth is projected to be significant. Total cases, prevalence, new cases and mortality are all on the rise.
  • 26. Diabetes in China Drivers of Diabetes Growth 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Population growth, urbanization, risk factors, and age are all factors driving the growth of the diabetic population in China.
  • 27. Diabetes in China Demographics: Gender Diabetes Cases by Gender 45.70% 54.30% Men Women There are a significant number of cases in both men and women.
  • 28. Diabetes in China Demographics: Age Population and Diabetes Cases millions by Age Group 500 435 400 380 300 200 172 100 43.7 35 13.92 0 20-39 40-59 60+ Age Population Cases of Diabetes The highest percentage of diabetes cases is in the 40-59 age range, but the greatest number of cases is in the 20-39 age range. This is much younger than other countries.
  • 29. Diabetes in China Demographics: Weight Status Diabetes Pre- Diabetes Underweight 4.5% 11.2% (BMI<18.5) Healthy 7.6% 13.1% Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9) Overweight 12.8% 19.9% (BMI 25.0-29.9) Obese 18.5% 26.7% (BMI>30.0) Their overall obesity rate is growing and the Chinese population has a higher diabetes prevalence rates at lower BMI’s than in the U.S.
  • 30. Diabetes in China Demographics: Income & Geography Prevalence (%) estimates of diabetes (20-79 years) by income group Urban vs. Rural Prevalence 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% Rural Urban Diabetes is much more prevalent in urban areas and upper- income groups. Studies show up to 5 times as many cases in urban than rural areas.
  • 31. Diabetes in China Education & Awareness: Known Cases •13% of total medical expenditures in China are directly caused by diabetes: RMB 173.4 billion or US$25 billion •Early diagnosis can lower the risk of complications by more than 50% 39.3% •Diabetes education significantly improves A1C levels 60.7% in diagnosed patients •Organizations currently working to educate Chinese citizens include: Chinese Diabetes Society, International Diabetes Foundation, Chinese Ministry of Health, WHO, Doctors Without Undiagnosed Diagnosed Borders, United Nations, Project HOPE •Corporate partners like Bayer & Elli Lilly are also significantly involved in the effort The education and awareness diabetes is very limited in China. More than half of people who have diabetes don’t know they have it which is costly in terms of dollars and their health.
  • 32. Diabetes Treatments Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China • Options Diabetes • Costs Treatments • Diabetic Stages Strategic Analysis Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 33. Diabetes Treatments Breakdown of Treatment Utilization in China: Pharma Insulin TCM Lifestyle 80% 12% 24% 61% Pharma 4% Insulin 5% 9% Lifestyle Only Only TCM Only Only • Glucobay • Lantus • Acupuncture • 50-60% Diet • Januvia • Humulin • Herbal Medicine Modification • Actos • Humalog • Diet Therapy • 90% Exercise 3+ • Avandia • Novolin • Meditation times/week • Metformin • Byetta • Massage • Glibenclamide • Biocon • Glipizide • Glufast • Galvus Primary diabetic treatments in China include pharmaceuticals, injectables, Traditional Chinese Medicine and lifestyle changes. The proportion of patients using each method is shown above.
  • 34. Diabetes Treatments Approximate Out-of-Pocket Cost (USD) of Diabetes Treatments in China (per year): Pharma Insulin TCM Lifestyle 80% 12% 24% $125-250 $120 $100-180 $0 Yearly diabetic medication for urban residents is about 5-10% of their disposable income and for rural residents it is about 15- 20%. page 34 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 35. Diabetes Treatments Classification of Diabetic Stages: Early Moderate Severe Characteristics •Newly diagnosed • Regularly see their •Regularly see their •Periodically see clinician clinician clinician •Focus on lifestyle • Worried about disease •Intrusion on their daily changes and prevention progression life • Try to stay compliant with •Experiencing serious their diets complications •Trouble controlling blood sugar page 35 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 36. Diabetes Treatments Classification of Diabetic Stages: Early Moderate Severe Characteristics •Newly diagnosed • Regularly see their clinician •Regularly see their •Periodically see clinician • Worried about disease clinician •Focus on lifestyle changes progression •Intrusion on their daily life and prevention • Try to stay compliant with •Experiencing serious their diets complications •Trouble controlling blood sugar Treatments Controlled with diet On a combination of Insulin dependant and exercise and pharmaceutical drug maybe oral medication therapies or TCM page 36 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 37. Diabetes Treatments Classification of Diabetic Stages: Early Moderate Severe Characteristics •Newly diagnosed • Regularly see their clinician •Regularly see their •Periodically see clinician • Worried about disease clinician •Focus on lifestyle changes progression •Intrusion on their daily life and prevention • Try to stay compliant with •Experiencing serious their diets complications •Trouble controlling blood sugar Treatments Controlled with diet and On a combination of Insulin dependant exercise and maybe oral pharmaceutical drug medication or TCM therapies A1C < 7.5 7.5-8.5 >8.5 page 37 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 38. Diabetes Treatments Classification of Diabetic Stages: Early Moderate Severe Characteristics •Newly diagnosed • Regularly see their clinician •Regularly see their •Periodically see clinician • Worried about disease clinician •Focus on lifestyle changes progression •Intrusion on their daily life and prevention • Try to stay compliant with •Experiencing serious their diets complications •Trouble controlling blood sugar Treatments Controlled with diet and On a combination of Insulin dependant exercise and maybe oral pharmaceutical drug medication or TCM therapies A1C < 7.5 7.5-8.5 >8.5 Associated None Single Multiple Conditions page 38 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 39. Diabetes Treatments Classification of Diabetic Stages: Early Moderate Severe Characteristics •Newly diagnosed • Regularly see their clinician •Regularly see their •Periodically see clinician • Worried about disease clinician •Focus on lifestyle changes progression •Intrusion on their daily life and prevention • Try to stay compliant with •Experiencing serious their diets complications •Trouble controlling blood sugar Treatments Controlled with diet and On a combination of Insulin dependant exercise and maybe oral pharmaceutical drug medication or TCM therapies A1C < 7.5 7.5-8.5 >8.5 Associated None Single Multiple Conditions % of Diabetic 48% 39% 12-13% Population page 39 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 40. Diabetes Treatments Classification of Diabetic Stages: Early Moderate Severe Characteristics •Newly diagnosed • Regularly see their clinician •Regularly see their •Periodically see clinician • Worried about disease clinician •Focus on lifestyle changes progression •Intrusion on their daily life and prevention • Try to stay compliant with •Experiencing serious their diets complications •Trouble controlling blood sugar Treatments Controlled with diet and On a combination of Insulin dependant exercise and maybe oral pharmaceutical drug medication or TCM therapies A1C < 7.5 7.5-8.5 >8.5 Associated None Single Multiple Conditions % of Diabetic 48% 39% 12-13% Population It is important to use disease progression as a way to further segment the diabetic population, because treatment options and patient characteristics are different at each stage. page 40 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 41. Strategic Analysis Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China • SWOT • Porter’s Five Forces Diabetes Treatments •Key Takeaways Strategic Analysis Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 42. TOWS Strategic Alternatives Matrix Strategic Analysis SWOT: Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses 1. J&J Brand awareness 1. New entry to market 2. J&J Existing Sales Force 2. Elective procedure (not paid via ins) 3. J&J Training Facilities for doctors 3. 1 year limited use 4. Fewer side effects than alt 4. Muted effects after 1st use 5. Scalability of product 5. Low priced alternatives 6. Yearly (vs. daily) maintenance 6. Unappealing procedure External Opportunities External Threats 1. Large and growing market 1. Pharmaceutical strengths 2. No direct substitute (currently) 2. Possible entrants of substitutes 3. Pockets of high income in China 3. Limited skilled doctors in China 4. Urbanization movement 4. Limited awareness of diabetes 5. Insulin dependancy intolerance 5. Government power 6. Prevalance in 20-30 age bracket page 42 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 43. Strategic Analysis Porter’s Five Forces: Threat of New Entrants – Low Barriers to entry: • Finances needed to get approved in clinical studies • Patents Rivalry – Low Bargaining Power of Bargaining Power of Suppliers – Low • No direct Buyers - High competition • Supplies to make the sleeve for same • Chinese consumers are inexpensive and easily product in have numerous options sourced China to treat their diabetes Threat of substitutes – Medium • Insulin is inexpensive, subsidized by government
  • 44. Strategic Analysis Key Takeaways: Opportunities Challenges • Large and growing diabetic population • Weak purchasing power of Chinese consumers • Rapid growth in emerging diabetes care market which could translate into first- • Low-cost and easily accessible mover advantage treatment alternatives • No direct substitutes • Cultural resistance to surgical procedures • Growing affluent population • Lack of knowledge about the • Growing concern regarding the safety of seriousness of diabetes medicine available in China • Government proactively encouraging economic investment and health care initiatives page 44 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 45. Potential Markets Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China • Market Segments • Analysis Diabetes Treatments • Selection Strategic Analysis Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 46. Potential Markets Mission Critical Work Hard, Play Hard Caregivers Moderate and severe Wealthy, urban, severe Wealthy, urban families diabetics living diabetics who’s busy who are taking care of in rural China who are Westernized lifestyles aging parents with in desperate need of make daily insulin severe diabetes and effective, long-term therapy inconvenient desire a safer more treatment. and difficult to manage. convenient treatment than insulin.
  • 47. Mission Critical Moderate and severe diabetics living in rural China who are in desperate need of effective, long-term treatment. Market Size 28.3M Severe to Moderate Diabetics Skilled Physicians Physicians: 1.3-.06 doctors per 1,000 people Hospitals: 1 hospital every 257-1047 km2 Ability to Pay Rural net income =$812/year 9-22% expected healthcare cost=$85-$179/year Benefits: Limitations: - Large underserved market - If government or NGO won’t cover - Minimal competition from pharma or costs of device and insulin procedure, consumers will not have - Partnering with government or NGO to ability to pay. bring resources to this population - If there are complications, patients may would be good PR for J&J and fulfill not have immediate access to medical their philanthropic mission care. - There is a serious need for a low - Launching a new product in a high- maintenance treatment option due to need population leaves J&J open to lack of availability of continuing accusations of “experimenting” on the medical care. poor - J&J is a low-risk company and this is a high risk option
  • 48. Work Hard, Play Hard Wealthy, urban, severe diabetics who’s busy Westernized lifestyles make daily insulin therapy inconvenient and difficult to manage. Market Size 239,086 (urban, diabetes, 40-60, severe, affluent) Skilled Physicians Physicians: 5.8 doctors per 1,000 people Hospitals: 1 hospital every 1.4 km2 Ability to Pay Urban Net Income= Global & Mass Affluent: >$15,900 22% expected healthcare cost = >$3498 Benefits: Limitations: - J&J currently has strong presence in - It may be hard to convince even severe urban hospitals and connections with diabetics to have this type of skilled physicians procedure, due to: - Targeting severe diabetics is an • Comparatively low cost for advantage due to: alternative treatments • Culturally, only very serious • Cultural resistance to surgical conditions are treated surgically procedures • Clear right to win against • Collectvism, which may make it insulin, more difficult against difficult to find early adopters of a pharma. radically different idea. - Takes price out of the equation and allows J&J to compete on convenience and effectiveness. - Younger generation more open to
  • 49. Caregivers Wealthy, urban families who are taking care of aging parents with severe diabetes and desire a safer more convenient treatment than insulin. Market Size 248,933 (urban, diabetes, 60+, severe, affluent) Skilled Physicians Physicians: 5.8 doctors per 1,000 people Hospitals: 1 hospital every 1.4 km2 Ability to Pay Urban Net Income= Global & Mass Affluent: >$15,900 22% expected healthcare cost = >$3498 Benefits: Limitations: - Highest growth rate for severe - It may be hard to convince even severe diabetes is among 60+ population diabetics to have this type of procedure, - Researching and accessing best care due to: for aging parents is very important to • Comparatively low cost for alternative Chinese families treatments - Low-maintenance therapy would help • Cultural resistance to surgical to ease the burden for children taking procedures care of one or more ageing parents. • Older generations being more risk- adverse and closed to western ideals • The possible perception that children are “experimenting” on parents
  • 51. Target Market Selection Work Hard, Play Hard Wealthy, urban, severe diabetics who’s busy Westernized lifestyles make daily insulin therapy inconvenient and difficult to manage. We chose this segment, because: • Younger segments are less risk-adverse and more accepting of Western practices • Busy, working professionals are willing to pay a premium for convenience • Young, affluent consumers are attracted to high-end (high-priced) Western goods • Urgency of treatment and control is greatest among younger people with severe complications
  • 52. Entering China Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China Diabetes Treatments • Competitive Set • Positioning • Growth Potential Strategic Analysis Potential Markets Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 53. Entering China Competitive Set: Insulin • In 2010, Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and Sanofi-Aventis accounted for 90.6% of China’s insulin market, while Tonghua Dongbao, the largest domestic company, only accounted for 3.7% • In 2009, China’s insulin market size reached up to RMB5.3 billion, but still accounted for less than 6% of the global market. • CAGR for growth in Chinese Insulin Market=26.8%
  • 54. Entering China Positioning: 1. CONVENIENT– Right to Win • No more need for insulin • No need to check your sugar levels and inject insulin multiple times night and day • Yearly, rather than daily maintenance 2. EFFECTIVE – Right to Win Positioning Statement • Make claims on more improvement in A1C than insulin DiaGuard is the one • Induce weight loss where insulin causes weight gain diabetes treatment that provides severe • While its implanted, you will get better results than if on insulin diabetics with a safe, effective, convenient therapy which has been 3. SAFE – Right to Play clinically proven to reduce • Skilled specialists trained and supported by J&J A1c more significantly and • Very few side effects when compared to other have fewer side effects than treatments insulin. • As safe to use as insulin .
  • 55. Entering China Growth Potential • The first year target for the foothold Projected Revenue Growth 12000000 market is $30M or 15,000 patients, $98.3M which is 6% of the target market 10000000 segment 80000000 • Capturing a 6% share of the target USD 60000000 market would equate to a 0.14% share in the overall Chinese insulin market 40000000 20000000 • Based on the 26.8% CAGR for growth in the Chinese Insulin Market, we 0 project revenue in 5 years to reach 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 $98.3M Starting with a base of 15,000 patients or $30M in revenue in year one, would grow to $98.3M in revenues in year five.
  • 56. Marketing Mix Current Trends Healthcare System Diabetes in China Diabetes • Product & Branding Treatments • Pricing • Placement Strategic Analysis • Promotions: o Benchmarking o Advertising Regulations Potential Markets o Consumer Attitudes o Purchase Funnel Entry Strategy Marketing Mix
  • 57. Marketing Mix Product & Branding • Brand Name: DiaGuard • Cultural significance of the “Guardian” concept • Descriptive name helps relay information about the product • Global affluent in China prefer Western brands • English brand helps with global portability
  • 58. Marketing Mix Pricing •We are not competing on price, because of low cost of alternatives and affluent target market. We are competing on convenience and effectiveness. •Due to the Chinese consumers’ limited ability to pay, we recommend $2000 per procedure as the max price when entering this market • Assuming a 22% healthcare expenditure vs 9% average, $2000 is still more than 50% of total yearly healthcare expenditures for affluent Chinese consumers • Minimum price set by J&J is $1500-$2000 •Addressing the Gray Market: • Due to the developing medical care market in China, people are not currently traveling to China for medical procedures • Our buyers are not price sensitive, so they would not be “shopping” for lower prices Although we are not competing on price, even affluent Chinese consumers have a limited ability and willingness to pay. We recommend entering the market at a price of $2000.
  • 59. Marketing Mix Placement • 57-75% of middle-class • 2 types of hospitals: consumers would seek specialty 1. Public (81%) medical care at a private hospital • State owned, operated and subsidized by the government • 58-83% of middle-class • Dominate healthcare market consumers believe private 2. Private (19%) hospitals have greater • Primarily foreign-owned or technical expertise joint-venture • Affordable only to affluent • Willingness-to-Pay at Private consumers Hospital: .4% would pay 8 • Small, focus on out-patient times more, 12% would pay 3 procedures to 4 times more, 43% would pay 2 to 3 times more than at public facility We recommend placement in private hospitals. Affluent consumers are more likely to seek specialty care, have greater confidence in, and are willing to pay more at private hospitals.
  • 60. Marketing Mix Promotions: Benchmarking -Promote diabetes awareness - Create partnerships with World Diabetes Foundation, the Ministry of Health, and selected key opinion leaders - Physician training - Facilitate physician trainings in both small and large cities - Patient education - facilitate education programs to support patients in using their medicine and facilitate lifestyle changes and prevention - NovoCare telephone hotline – diabetics directly communicate with trained diabetes management specialists - NovoCare Education – run by the Novo Care Club with more than 300 members - Changing Diabetes Bus: promote diabetes awareness, provide feedback to already diagnosed diabetics, facilitate local education initiatives Currently, market leaders are taking a holistic approach to their promotions. Their focus is on awareness, training and education. We recommend J&J take a similar approach with DiaGuard. page 60 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 61. Marketing Mix Promotions: Advertising Regulations -2009: Medical ads must be accurate in and SHALL NOT EXAMPLE: INCLUDE: – Assertion or guarantee of effectiveness NO: “Diaguard is more – Description of the efficacy rate or recovery rate – Comparison to other devices, drugs or therapies in effective than insulin at effectiveness or safety treating diabetes.” – Non-scientific descriptions of the characteristics or mechanisms – Research findings that cannot be confirmed YES: “In a clinical – Implications that the device is a cure-all study, DiaGuard was – Promising words such as safe, no side effects, refund if shown to reduce HA1c ineffective, or exclusive words like only, exact, newest levels by __%, compared technology, most advanced – Words that imply the device is necessary for daily life or to ___% with insulin.” curing disease – Words that indicate the device may help the user deal with common life pressures, improve performance, make the user more energetic, taller or more talented. Significant regulations on medical advertisements exist, prompting ads in this industry to be more informational or educational in nature. page 61 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 62. Marketing Mix Promotions: Consumer Attitudes Toward Medical Advertising • > 16% of all advertising expenditures are spent on Medical advertising. It is one of the most heavily advertised product categories in China. • 19% of Chinese consumers report using advertising as a source of information about medical treatments (compared to only 2% in US) • Chinese consumers hold positive attitudes toward advertising in general and specifically medical-related advertising • Consumers distrust over-stated claims but appreciate information on new products • 45% report they looked online for information about health care treatment options in the past year • 44% report searching online for information provided by a specific doctor; notably, more than half of those with a chronic condition (55%) say they searched for such information. Consumers have positive feelings toward informational medical advertising and they actively seek out information about treatment options. page 62 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 63. Marketing Mix Promotions: Consumer Sources of Information • As trusted sources of information on effective and safe treatments, consumers rely on: • 53%: Doctors at academic medical centers • 41%: Reports from medical associations/societies • 38%: Internet (such as Baidu, Google or Baidu Wenku) • 37%: Doctors at community hospitals • 28%: Pharmacies • 27%: Health insurance companies/health plans • 24%: Employers (e.g., health benefits office) • 23%: Pharmaceutical or Medical Device Manufacturers Chinese consumers use a variety of resources, beyond medical professionals, to gain information about treatment options. We sought to incorporate these sources into our purchase funnel. page 63 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 64. Marketing Mix Promotions: Purchase Funnel Awareness Interest Consideration Trial Re-Trial page 64 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 65. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Awareness Consumer Awareness Process influenced by: 1) Physician Recommendation 2) Patient/Family-Initiated Research for Better Treatment 3) Diabetic Education and Communications J&J Marketing Methods: - Partnership with Government and NGOs - Sponsorship of major social and cultural Events - Participate in diabetes awareness functions and medical conventions - Ads in business magazines or newspapers page 65 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 66. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Partnerships Social Media & Internet Print & Other Chinese Medical Doctor Weibo - A cross between Facebook Association: and Twitter that has +250MM users in Advertise in print publications An established network of China and is growing an additional commonly read by our target +2MM doctors in China +10M users per month group, upscale food magazines, travel & leisure Chinese Ministry of Health and Baidu – Baidu is the largest internet World Health Organization: search engine in China Leaders in promoting diabetes Seek out potential spokes person to awareness and education Utilize Weibo to promote diabetes awareness comment, educate, diabetes Example – Jeremy Lin (Athlete – awareness and drive traffic to our own NBA) Participate in Diabetes related website, pay Baidu for diabetes conferences and events with a search results drive traffic to our focus around driving website awareness on all treatment options “in a 2010 survey, 56 percent of Chinese consumers said they regarded online advertising as credible, up from 29 percent in 2009” page 66 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 67. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Interest Consumer Interest Process influenced by: 1) Convincing information about how the product will solve their specific problem 2) Easy of access to additional information J&J Marketing Methods: - Use medical sales force to educate endocrinologists - Make informational brochures available for MD’s to give to patients and to display in waiting room - E-newsletter from physician page 67 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 68. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Sample Brochure:
  • 69. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Consideration Consumer Consideration Process: Patient & Family need information that: 1) Gives detailed information about the procedure, benefits, cost and availability 2) Gives testimonials/success stories from current patients J&J Marketing Methods: - Website for additional research (benchmark: - Include information specific to patients and family members, because this is a family decision - Testimonials from past patients page 69 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 70. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial diaGUARD Contact Us Helping you fight the diabetes  Sign up for our challenge Newsletter What is diaGUARD? How it works? Is it for you? Support Contact Us How do I get my diabetes under control? In a 60 minute procedure performed in an outpatient center, a protective sleeve is placed just beyond the stomach within the first portion of your intestine. As a result of getting this procedure and changing the way your body processes food, you can expect better control of your diabetes, as compared to other available treatments.
  • 71. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial diaGUARD Contact Us Helping you fight the diabetes challenge  Sign up for our Newsletter What is diaGUARD? How it works? Is it for you? Support Contact Us Videos: - How it is put in - How it works - How it is removed - Living with diaGUARD
  • 72. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial diaGUARD Contact Us Helping you fight the diabetes challenge  Sign up for our Newsletter What is diaGUARD? How it works? Is it for you? Support Contact Us Is the diaGUARD right for you? Are you a patient who: • Has been unable to manage their type 2 diabetes with medication or lifestyle modifications? • Are you tired of daily monitoring and injections? • Are diabetes and constant insulin injections stopping you from living the life you deserve? • Looking for a safer and more convenient solution?
  • 73. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Drive traffic to by : • Search Engine Optimization through, China’s number one search engine (both natural and paid search). • Sending our newsletters (email blasts) page 73 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 74. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Trial Consumer Trial Process: Patient & Family need information that: 1) Validates efficacy & safety of procedure 2) Makes procedure seem “socially acceptable” J&J Marketing Methods: - Published studies in academic journals - Testimonials from doctors - Online “Community”: It’s important to feel accepted and part of a group page 74 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 75. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Academic Studies: MD Testimonials: Online Community: SNS Chinese Medical Web sites of private RenRen: “For Everybody” Association: Publishes the hospitals performing most popular SNS in China most heavily cited and procedure circulated journals. Another very Web MD-type service in popular social network. The Chinese Academy of China - Users are mostly "white Medical Sciences: Second collar middle class" and to CMA in citation and typically come from a "first circulation. tier cities.“ - Extremely popular among people who work for multinational companies and other white collar companies. - Wealthy user base.
  • 76. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Re-Trial Consumer Re-trial Process: Patient & Family need information that: 1) Demonstrates and monitors their success 2) Provides value-added services 3) Creates personal relationship J&J Marketing Methods: - Smart Phone App to: provide ongoing support, track success and countdown to next procedure - Health-coaching- 24/7 support page 76 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 77. Marketing Mix Purchase Funnel: Awareness>Interest>Consideration>Trial>Re-trial Diabetes Apps: Benefits of Health Coaching: dLife: U.S. Benchmark -Increases compliance & helps with disease management Allows user to: - log glucose levels -Lowers overall health costs for - find recipes and nutrition information consumers - Watch dLife videos - Connect with the dLife community -Creates long-term relationship - Connect with experts to get answers and decreases switching to diabetes-related questions behavior - graph daily, weekly, or monthly glucose levels and track trends - Having medical professionals - E-mail information from app to available to offer 24/7 health yourself or your health care provider. support gives value-added service
  • 78. Marketing Mix Promotions: Purchase Funnel Summary Awareness Interest Consideration Trial Re-Trial • Partnership with • Use medical sales • Website for • Published studies • Smart Phone App Government and force to educate additional research in academic to: provide NGOs endocrinologists (benchmark: journals ongoing support, track • Sponsorship of • Make informational • Testimonials from success, and major social and materials available • Include information countdown to next cultural events in MD waiting room specific to patients doctors procedure and family • Participate in • Supply doctors with members, because • Accepting diabetes awareness materials for this is a family “Community”: It’s • Health-coaching- functions and patients that makes decision important to know 24/7 support medical conventions it easy to access that others support additional • Testimonials from the decision • E-newsletter & on- • Ads in business information past patients line community magazines or newspapers • Cross-promote with insulin at the pharmacy page 78 confidential / for EES internal use
  • 79. Next Steps Once a foothold has been established, we suggest: 1. Move into Caregiver segment • Procedure will now be seen as more socially acceptable and less risky • Can use the power of “Word-of-Mouth” Mission Critical Advertising Caregivers Moderate and severe Wealthy, urban families 2. Build the support to make diabetics living Mission Critical a who are taking care of in rural China who are success aging parents with in desperate need of • Entering in a high-end severe diabetes and effective, long-term market establishes desire a safer more treatment. this as truly convenient treatment philanthropic vs. than insulin. experimental • Proven safety & efficacy will help to gain financial support

Editor's Notes

  1. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  2. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  3. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  4. China Executes Former Drug Regulator:;ref=chinaFrame this better, so they know why it is here.
  5. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  6. China introduced a national health reform blueprint in 2009 Plan: develop a national health insurance system that will provide universal coverage for basic health care by the end of 2020 Includes: targeted improvements to public health infrastructure, the medical care delivery system (particularly primary-level care), public health safety, the pharmaceutical system, and hospitals by changing financing incentives. In 2008, China’s health expenditures totaled 4.8% of the gross domestic product (GDP): government contributions comprised 49.9 percent and private 50.0%.1Economic disparities mean that wealthier households have greater access to health care and related technologies. Low-income and rural households face significant barriers to access affordable care and medicines. Traditional Chinese Medicine is the preferred treatment option for many and is integrated into the national health care system and training for health care practitioners.
  7. China introduced a national health reform blueprint in 2009 Plan: develop a national health insurance system that will provide universal coverage for basic health care by the end of 2020 Includes: targeted improvements to public health infrastructure, the medical care delivery system (particularly primary-level care), public health safety, the pharmaceutical system, and hospitals by changing financing incentives. In 2008, China’s health expenditures totaled 4.8% of the gross domestic product (GDP): government contributions comprised 49.9 percent and private 50.0%.1Economic disparities mean that wealthier households have greater access to health care and related technologies. Low-income and rural households face significant barriers to access affordable care and medicines. Traditional Chinese Medicine is the preferred treatment option for many and is integrated into the national health care system and training for health care practitioners.
  8. The quality and quantity of healthcare is substantially lower than that in the developed world for the average Chinese person. Physician Density - 1.1 physicians/1,000 population [US 3.2] (2010) Hospital Bed Density - 2.6 beds/1,000 population [US 3.0] (2009)Doctors are generally less skilled in rural areasPrimary care sector is underdeveloped leading to overcrowding at the large urban hospitalsPatients reluctant to go to rural healthcare institutions opting instead for treatment in urban centersPrivate sector hospitals (6% of beds) cater mostly to wealthy elite or specific specialist treatments
  9. Chinese consumers have increasing voice in health care decision-making and research treatment optionsFamily heavily influences all medical decisionsWestern and Traditional medicines exist side-by-side in the marketplaceInvasive procedures are seen as “life-saving” measures
  10. Chinese consumers have increasing voice in health care decision-making and research treatment optionsFamily heavily influences all medical decisionsWestern and Traditional medicines exist side-by-side in the marketplaceInvasive procedures are seen as “life-saving” measures
  11. Chinese consumers have increasing voice in health care decision-making and research treatment optionsFamily heavily influences all medical decisionsWestern and Traditional medicines exist side-by-side in the marketplaceInvasive procedures are seen as “life-saving” measures
  12. Chinese consumers have increasing voice in health care decision-making and research treatment optionsFamily heavily influences all medical decisionsWestern and Traditional medicines exist side-by-side in the marketplaceInvasive procedures are seen as “life-saving” measures
  13. Chinese consumers have increasing voice in health care decision-making and research treatment optionsFamily heavily influences all medical decisionsWestern and Traditional medicines exist side-by-side in the marketplaceInvasive procedures are seen as “life-saving” measures
  14. Chinese consumers have increasing voice in health care decision-making and research treatment optionsFamily heavily influences all medical decisionsWestern and Traditional medicines exist side-by-side in the marketplaceInvasive procedures are seen as “life-saving” measures
  15. Chinese consumers have increasing voice in health care decision-making and research treatment optionsFamily heavily influences all medical decisionsWestern and Traditional medicines exist side-by-side in the marketplaceInvasive procedures are seen as “life-saving” measures
  16. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  17. Forecast for the Future of Diabetes in China:Prevalence of type 2 diabetes is projected to grow from 90 million people in 2012 to 180 million in 2030.The prevalence rate for the overall population above age 20 is projected to grow from 9.2% in 2012 to 14.7% in 2030. Incidence of new diagnosed cases is projected to grow from 2 million in 2007 to 7.2 million in 2025Total annual number of deaths related to type 2 diabetes in projected to grow from 1.5 million in 2007 to 4.2 million in 2025. Study showed by 2025, 60% of the world’s 380b diabetics would be in Pacific-Asia
  18. Baseline – the growth of population from 2007-2025 as predicted by the UN (12 million add’l cases)Urbanization –the rate of urbanization will increase from 43% in 2005 to 52% in 2017; projecting an increase of 1.7% from 2007-2025 (Add’l 16 million cases)Risk factors - poor nutrition, overweight, obesity (36 million add’l cases)Age – the proportion of older people is increasing significantly (16 million add’l cases)
  19. “The government of China is dedicated to diabetes care and prevention. We have introduced several programmes to raise public awareness of diabetes through education and train community-level healthcare professionals in diabetes care,” said Madame Kong Lingzhi, Deputy Director-General, Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control, Chinese Ministry of Health.
  20. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  21. For those over 60, the prevalence for severe is about 1/3 higher or 15.6%Without chronic conditions(n = 727) 8.0 ± 1.6 111 (15.3) 213(29.3) 403(55.4)With chronic conditions(n = 784) †8.2 ± 1.6 95 (12.1) 195(24.9) 494(63.0)Cardiovascular conditions(n = 457) 8.0 ± 1.5 64(14.0) 121(26.5) 272(59.5)Neuropathy(n = 268) 8.0 ± 1.6 40(14.9) 66(24.6) 162(60.4)Cerebrovascular conditions(n = 103) 8.2 ± 1.7 16(15.5) 23(22.3) 64(62.1)Nephropathy conditions(n = 160) 8.3 ± 1.7 19(11.9) 34(21.3) 107(66.9)Ocular conditions(n = 221) 8.6 ± 1.7 19(8.6) 43(19.5) 159(71.9)Foot diseases(n = 12) 8.1 ± 2.0 3(25.0) 3(25.0) 6(50.0)
  22. For those over 60, the prevalence for severe is about 1/3 higher or 15.6%Without chronic conditions(n = 727) 8.0 ± 1.6 111 (15.3) 213(29.3) 403(55.4)With chronic conditions(n = 784) †8.2 ± 1.6 95 (12.1) 195(24.9) 494(63.0)Cardiovascular conditions(n = 457) 8.0 ± 1.5 64(14.0) 121(26.5) 272(59.5)Neuropathy(n = 268) 8.0 ± 1.6 40(14.9) 66(24.6) 162(60.4)Cerebrovascular conditions(n = 103) 8.2 ± 1.7 16(15.5) 23(22.3) 64(62.1)Nephropathy conditions(n = 160) 8.3 ± 1.7 19(11.9) 34(21.3) 107(66.9)Ocular conditions(n = 221) 8.6 ± 1.7 19(8.6) 43(19.5) 159(71.9)Foot diseases(n = 12) 8.1 ± 2.0 3(25.0) 3(25.0) 6(50.0)
  23. For those over 60, the prevalence for severe is about 1/3 higher or 15.6%Without chronic conditions(n = 727) 8.0 ± 1.6 111 (15.3) 213(29.3) 403(55.4)With chronic conditions(n = 784) †8.2 ± 1.6 95 (12.1) 195(24.9) 494(63.0)Cardiovascular conditions(n = 457) 8.0 ± 1.5 64(14.0) 121(26.5) 272(59.5)Neuropathy(n = 268) 8.0 ± 1.6 40(14.9) 66(24.6) 162(60.4)Cerebrovascular conditions(n = 103) 8.2 ± 1.7 16(15.5) 23(22.3) 64(62.1)Nephropathy conditions(n = 160) 8.3 ± 1.7 19(11.9) 34(21.3) 107(66.9)Ocular conditions(n = 221) 8.6 ± 1.7 19(8.6) 43(19.5) 159(71.9)Foot diseases(n = 12) 8.1 ± 2.0 3(25.0) 3(25.0) 6(50.0)
  24. For those over 60, the prevalence for severe is about 1/3 higher or 15.6%Without chronic conditions(n = 727) 8.0 ± 1.6 111 (15.3) 213(29.3) 403(55.4)With chronic conditions(n = 784) †8.2 ± 1.6 95 (12.1) 195(24.9) 494(63.0)Cardiovascular conditions(n = 457) 8.0 ± 1.5 64(14.0) 121(26.5) 272(59.5)Neuropathy(n = 268) 8.0 ± 1.6 40(14.9) 66(24.6) 162(60.4)Cerebrovascular conditions(n = 103) 8.2 ± 1.7 16(15.5) 23(22.3) 64(62.1)Nephropathy conditions(n = 160) 8.3 ± 1.7 19(11.9) 34(21.3) 107(66.9)Ocular conditions(n = 221) 8.6 ± 1.7 19(8.6) 43(19.5) 159(71.9)Foot diseases(n = 12) 8.1 ± 2.0 3(25.0) 3(25.0) 6(50.0)
  25. For those over 60, the prevalence for severe is about 1/3 higher or 15.6%Without chronic conditions(n = 727) 8.0 ± 1.6 111 (15.3) 213(29.3) 403(55.4)With chronic conditions(n = 784) †8.2 ± 1.6 95 (12.1) 195(24.9) 494(63.0)Cardiovascular conditions(n = 457) 8.0 ± 1.5 64(14.0) 121(26.5) 272(59.5)Neuropathy(n = 268) 8.0 ± 1.6 40(14.9) 66(24.6) 162(60.4)Cerebrovascular conditions(n = 103) 8.2 ± 1.7 16(15.5) 23(22.3) 64(62.1)Nephropathy conditions(n = 160) 8.3 ± 1.7 19(11.9) 34(21.3) 107(66.9)Ocular conditions(n = 221) 8.6 ± 1.7 19(8.6) 43(19.5) 159(71.9)Foot diseases(n = 12) 8.1 ± 2.0 3(25.0) 3(25.0) 6(50.0)
  26. For those over 60, the prevalence for severe is about 1/3 higher or 15.6%Without chronic conditions(n = 727) 8.0 ± 1.6 111 (15.3) 213(29.3) 403(55.4)With chronic conditions(n = 784) †8.2 ± 1.6 95 (12.1) 195(24.9) 494(63.0)Cardiovascular conditions(n = 457) 8.0 ± 1.5 64(14.0) 121(26.5) 272(59.5)Neuropathy(n = 268) 8.0 ± 1.6 40(14.9) 66(24.6) 162(60.4)Cerebrovascular conditions(n = 103) 8.2 ± 1.7 16(15.5) 23(22.3) 64(62.1)Nephropathy conditions(n = 160) 8.3 ± 1.7 19(11.9) 34(21.3) 107(66.9)Ocular conditions(n = 221) 8.6 ± 1.7 19(8.6) 43(19.5) 159(71.9)Foot diseases(n = 12) 8.1 ± 2.0 3(25.0) 3(25.0) 6(50.0)
  27. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  28. Threat of new entrants is more about the product in general less specific to China – Clinical Trial requirements not as strict in China
  29. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  30. Minimum qualifications for test market: Volume to generate $30M in revenue Skilled Physicians Ability to PaySuccess Factors: Clear Right to WinMarket Need
  31. Rural population=656560000*8.3% prevalence =74.7M diabetics* 52% mod to severe=38,844,000 Ability to pay: 941net income/year * 9% healthcare expenditure= $85/year total healthcare expenditure
  32. Add descriptors of these segments to the slidesMarket size= urban pop* urban prevalence * age prev. * severe prev * affluent= =690790000*11%*43.7%*12%*6%= 12,661
  33. Market size= urban pop* urban prevalence * age prev. * severe prev * affluent= =690790000*11%*35%*15.6%*6%= 12,661
  34. Add descriptors of these segments to the slidesMarket size= urban pop* urban prevalence * age prev. * severe prev * affluent= =690790000*11%*43.7%*12%*6%= 12,661
  35. Add descriptors of these segments to the slidesMarket size= urban pop* urban prevalence * age prev. * severe prev * affluent= =690790000*11%*43.7%*12%*6%= 12,661
  36. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  37. Animate so box comes up at the end on all slides
  38. Maybe move positioning statement to earlier slide- positioning slide
  39. How many public Vs. private hospitals
  40. Revisit strategy: This is who we are going after and this is what we want to say Animate it so the first thing that comes up is all three brands, then drop other two and talk about novo
  41. Intro the purchase funnel prior to this
  42. Need to show examples of some of these thingsAds in business magazines, example web site, give details about “Awareness”How does app add value?Check brochure for positioning.What is the message we are giving to the doctors.Add summary slide talking about challenges and how we tried to overcome them.
  43. Need to show examples of some of these thingsAds in business magazines, example web site, give details about “Awareness”How does app add value?Check brochure for positioning.What is the message we are giving to the doctors.Add summary slide talking about challenges and how we tried to overcome them.
  44. Nitan was more focused on us marketing to the consumer and to the doctors likely because they can already reach the doctors through their pre-established relationships that they have. However I still believe participating in conventions, tradeshows, conferences with the Chinese Medical Doctor Association is a main point.“in a 2010 survey, 56 percent of Chinese consumers said they regarded online advertising as credible, up from 29 percent in 2009” (Source: McKinsey consulting)“in 2010, 64 percent of respondents said word of mouth from family and or friends influenced their purchasing decisions, compared with 56 percent in 2008.” (McKinsey
  45. Need to show examples of some of these thingsAds in business magazines, example web site, give details about “Awareness”How does app add value?Check brochure for positioning.What is the message we are giving to the doctors.Add summary slide talking about challenges and how we tried to overcome them.
  46. Need to show examples of some of these thingsAds in business magazines, example web site, give details about “Awareness”How does app add value?Check brochure for positioning.What is the message we are giving to the doctors.Add summary slide talking about challenges and how we tried to overcome them.
  47. Web site mock-up
  48. Web site mock-up
  49. Web site Mock-Up
  50. Need to show examples of some of these thingsAds in business magazines, example web site, give details about “Awareness”How does app add value?Check brochure for positioning.What is the message we are giving to the doctors.Add summary slide talking about challenges and how we tried to overcome them.
  51. Web site mock-up
  52. Need to show examples of some of these thingsAds in business magazines, example web site, give details about “Awareness”How does app add value?Check brochure for positioning.What is the message we are giving to the doctors.Add summary slide talking about challenges and how we tried to overcome them.
  53. Web site mock-up
  54. Need to show examples of some of these thingsAds in business magazines, example web site, give details about “Awareness”How does app add value?Check brochure for positioning.What is the message we are giving to the doctors.Add summary slide talking about challenges and how we tried to overcome them.Add next steps slide about how we epand out to our other markets.