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VIM Hacks
        Why Vim
                  c9s / Cornelius

It doesn’t matter
It does matter
Visual Studio
Code Block
•   IDE , Editor
•   IDE , Editor
•     XXX Editor ..
•          IDE , Editor
•            XXX Editor ..
•   ....
Windows      ...
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();

#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $happiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $happiness = COS::CUP();
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $happiness = COS::CUP();
The VIM way...
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $hppiness = COS::CUP();
                        F    h
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $happiness = COS::CUP();
       a ppend a

VI Improved
Learning Curve
• Vim
• Vim
• gVim
• Vim
• gVim
• gVim Easy
• Vim
• gVim
• gVim Easy
• MacVim
• Vim
• gVim
• gVim Easy
• MacVim
• Vi in Emacs
• Vim
• gVim
• gVim Easy
• MacVim
• Vi in Emacs
• Vi in Bash
• Vim
• gVim
• gVim Easy
• MacVim
• Vi in Emacs
• Vi in Bash
• etc ...
  ... et cetera
1.1 Normal Mode
# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {

    #                         [{

   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;
}                                  f@

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;
}                                       $

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;
}      ^

sub func1 {

# comments ...
foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep
}                    C
                             Insert mode
sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

# comments ...

foreach my $foo ( @bar ) {


   my @outs = grep /pattern/ , @list;

sub func1 {

:h motion.txt
1.2 Insert Mode
Editing text
Insert Mode

• i : Insert text before the cursor
Insert Mode

• i : Insert text before the cursor
• I : Insert text before the first non-blank in the
Insert Mode

• i : Insert text before the cursor
• I : Insert text before the first non-blank in the
• a : Append text after the cursor
Insert Mode

• i : Insert text before the cursor
• I : Insert text before the first non-blank in the
• a : Append text after the cursor
• A : Append text at the end of the line
1.3 Visual Mode
Select region
Visual Mode

• v : start Visual mode per character.
Visual Mode

• v : start Visual mode per character.
• V : start Visual mode linewise.
Visual Mode

• v : start Visual mode per character.
• V : start Visual mode linewise.
• Ctrl-v : start Visual mode blockwise.
Visual Mode

• v : start Visual mode per character.
• V : start Visual mode linewise.
• Ctrl-v : start Visual mode blockwise.
                    operator      y (yank) , d
                (delete) , c (change) ... etc
Syntax Highlight Support
$ ls -1 syntax/ | wc -l

syn match [id] [re] [options]

syn match [id] [re] [options]
syn region [id] start=[re] end=[re]

syn match [id] [re] [options]
syn region [id] start=[re] end=[re]
syn keyword [id] [keyword] ...

syn match [id] [re] [options]
syn region [id] start=[re] end=[re]
syn keyword [id] [keyword] ...

hi [id]   guibg=[color] ctermfg=[color]
:help syntax.txt
:set fencs=utf-8,gbk,big5,euc-jp,utf-16le

:set fenc=utf-8 enc=utf-8 tenc=utf-8
:set fencs=utf-8,gbk,big5,euc-jp,utf-16le

:set fenc=utf-8 enc=utf-8 tenc=utf-8

:set fencs=utf-8,gbk,big5,euc-jp,utf-16le

:set fenc=utf-8 enc=utf-8 tenc=utf-8
:set fencs=utf-8,gbk,big5,euc-jp,utf-16le

:set fenc=utf-8 enc=utf-8 tenc=utf-8
:set fencs=utf-8,gbk,big5,euc-jp,utf-16le

:set fenc=utf-8 enc=utf-8 tenc=utf-8
:set fencs=utf-8,gbk,big5,euc-jp,utf-16le

:set fenc=utf-8 enc=utf-8 tenc=utf-8

:help encoding
 Key Mapping
... more
:map       (all)

:nmap      (normal mode)

:vmap      (visual mode)

:imap      (insert mode)

:smap      (select mode)

:xmap      (visual , select mode)
... more
:map       (all)

:nmap      (normal mode)

:vmap      (visual mode)

:imap      (insert mode)

:smap      (select mode)

:xmap      (visual , select mode)
... more
:nmap <C-c><C-c> :!gcc -Wall % -o %:r.out<CR>

     Ctrl C    Ctrl C

Normal Mode      Tab   Shift-Tab

   nmap       <tab>   v>
   nmap       <s-tab> v<

   vmap       <tab>   >gv
   vmap       <s-tab> <gv
nmap        <tab>   v>
         nmap        <s-tab> v<

         vmap        <tab>   >gv
         vmap        <s-tab> <gv

Visual/Select Mode       Tab   Shift-Tab
nmap        <tab>   v>
         nmap        <s-tab> v<
                        When mappings and menus are defined with
                        the |:vmap| or |:vmenu| command they work
         vmap        <tab>   >gv
                           both in Visual mode and in Select mode.
                          When these are used in Select mode Vim

         vmap        <s-tab> <gv
                          automatically switches to Visual mode, so
                         that the same behavior as in Visual mode is

Visual/Select Mode       Tab         Shift-Tab
imap <F2> <C-R>=strftime("%c")<CR>

   Insert Mode       F2
cmap   <c-a>   <home>
cmap   <c-e>   <end>
cnoremap <c-b>        <left>
cnoremap <c-d>        <del>
cnoremap <c-f>        <right>
cnoremap <c-n>        <down>
cnoremap <c-p>        <up>

cnoremap   <esc><c-b> <s-left>
cnoremap   <esc><c-f> <s-right>

       Command Mode      Bash     Key Binding
:h map.txt
Text Object

• word
• string      ⇛             action
• paragraph       (yank,delete,change ...etc)

• block
Operator Mapping

v|c|d       i|a            { | [ | ( |“ |‘

   visual                         Region
  change    Inner Object            {}
  delete     An Object              []
Operator                            ‘‘
function ( blah , blah )

     function ( )

   function ( new_args )
“Hello World”


“Hello New World”
:tabedit path/to/file
:tabedit path/to/file
:tabfind path/to/file
:help tabpage.txt
Fold Methods
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
         :set foldmethod=syntax

Perl                  :

if exists("perl_want_scope_in_variables")
“ .....
if exists("perl_extended_vars")
“ .....
  if exists("perl_fold")
“ .....

                             let perl_fold = 1
                             let perl_extended_vars = 1
                             “ .... etc
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
 Marker Fold
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
 Marker Fold

          :set foldmethod=marker

                  “{{{“   “}}}”
# fold this {{{
function do_something {

    echo “COSCUP”;

#   }}}
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
 Marker Fold
 Indent Fold
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
 Marker Fold
 Indent Fold
          :set foldmethod=indent
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
 Marker Fold
 Indent Fold
 Manual Fold
:set foldmethod=manual

autocmd   BufWinLeave *.*          silent mkview
autocmd   BufWinEnter *.*          silent loadview

                autocmd   mkview , loadview
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
 Marker Fold
 Indent Fold
 Manual Fold
 Expr Fold (Custom Fold Function)
:set foldexpr=MyFoldLevel(v:lnum)
Fold Methods
 Syntax Fold
 Marker Fold
 Indent Fold
 Manual Fold
 Expr Fold (Custom Fold Function)
 Diff Fold
8.Modeline & FileType
" vim:fdm=marker:sw=2:ts=2:et:fdl=0:
" Author:   Cornelius <
cornelius.howl{at}gmail{dot}com >
" vim:fdm=marker:sw=2:ts=2:et:fdl=0:
" Author:   Cornelius <
cornelius.howl{at}gmail{dot}com >

                       Fold (Level 0   )


:set equalprg=perltidy
:set equalprg=perltidy

autocmd Filetype perl :set equalprg=perltidy

autocmd Filetype c :set equalprg=indent

         GNU Ident
 $ cat bin/
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use SQL::Beautify;
 local $/;
 my $sql = SQL::Beautify->new( query => <STDIN> , spaces =>
 4 , break => "n" );
 print $sql->beautify;

autocmd Filetype sql :set

10. QuickFix
:grep & :make
:grep [pattern] [filepath]
:grep [pattern] [filepath]

     grepprg (   vimgrep)
      grep             QuickFix
QuickFix Window
:set grepprg=/path/to/grep

      grepprg (   VIM   grep)

     makeprg (    make)
Makefile.            compiler
  output parser
:set makeprg=gmake

    makeprg (   make)
Result ⇛ QuickFix Window

QuickFix Window

QuickFix Window


QuickFix Window Toggle
com! -bang -nargs=? QFix cal QFixToggle(<bang>0)
fu! QFixToggle(forced)
   if exists("g:qfix_win") && a:forced == 0
      unlet g:qfix_win
      copen 10
      let g:qfix_win = bufnr("$")
nn        <leader>q :QFix<cr>
QuickFix Window Toggle
com! -bang -nargs=? QFix cal QFixToggle(<bang>0)
fu! QFixToggle(forced)
   if exists("g:qfix_win") && a:forced == 0
      unlet g:qfix_win
      copen 10
      let g:qfix_win = bufnr("$")
nn        <leader>q :QFix<cr>

             nmap    “q” , <leader>      “”
snippet cla class .. initialize .. end
    class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', 'u&', '')`}
        def initialize(${2:args})

Oracle, Sybase, MSSQL ,
 Fuzzy/Partial pattern explorer
The NERD Commenter
macro , function , variable
most recently used
    Buffer Explorer
  Vim script Manager
• Vimball
• Archive File ( zip , rar )
• .vim file

CPAN   Vimana

 $ cpan Vimana
$ vimana search xml
$ vimana search xml
rrd.vim             - Edit RRD data with Vim.
qt.vim              - tiny tool for the uic used in Qt from
syntax-for-xul      - Highlighting for XML User interface Language.
maven2.vim          - Compiler plugin for maven2
 .... skip

$ vimana info xml.vim

$ vimana install xml.vim
$ vimana   install   xml.vim
$ vimana   install   rails.vim
$ vimana   install   the-nerd-tree.vim
$ vimana   install   taglist.vim
$ vimana   install   snipmate
$ vimana   install   fuzzyfinder.vim
etc ...
                               ALL Works
Git Repository
Thank You
Q &A

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OSDC.TW - Gutscript for PHP haters
OSDC.TW - Gutscript for PHP hatersOSDC.TW - Gutscript for PHP haters
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Secret sauce of building php applicationsSecret sauce of building php applications
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