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Avoiding Developer Taxes
(Making development more robust
with introspection tools. )

Stephen.Kennedy @
Principal Engineer

Awesome Coding

Awesome “Other”     Collecting Awards



          Debugging              Awards

The Classic Game Taxes

Serialization    Memory Reporting

Script Binding     Versioning

Memory Lane

10 Years of taxes
Why we changed
Spread the workload


Memory Reporting
Script Binding

Manual serialization
    xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_A"); xtream>>point_A;
    bool has_two_bodies = true;
    if (xtream.GetVersion() >= 1350)
        xtream.TokenMustBe("HAS_TWO_BODIES"); xtream>>has_two_bodies;
    if (has_two_bodies)
        xtream.TokenMustBe("BODY_B"); xtream>>prot_buffer;
        priv_rigid_body_B = prot_subspace->GetRigidBody(prot_buffer);
        if (!priv_rigid_body_B) throw_exception("Rigidbody unknown in Spring");
    xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_B"); xtream>>point_B;

S                                                                                 8
Reflection Recap (1)

struct   A0 { float x; byte y; }
struct   A1 { float z; byte p; byte q };
struct   A2 { byte i[3]; }
struct   A1023 { };

S                                          9
Reflection Recap (2)
struct A0 { float x; byte y; }
char A0_type[]={ “FB” };
void save_any( void* obj, char* type )
  while(*type) { switch( *type++ ) {
    case ‘F’:// write(); obj += sizeof(float);
    case ‘B’:// write(); obj += sizeof(bool);
    case 0: return; }
S                                                10
Serialization with Reflection

 Straightforward. (mostly)

 The problem now is …

Get Reflected

How to reflect our data?

How to keep it up to date?


Manual Reflection
    class Foo {
                           RTTI_DESCRIBE_CLASS( Foo, (
         enum Flags {…};
                              RTTI_FIELD(i, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC),
         int i;               RTTI_PTR(pc, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC),
         char* pc;            RTTI_FIELD(d, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC),
         double d;            RTTI_FIELD(f, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC),
         Flags flags;         RTTI_ARRAY(larr, RTTI_FLD_PROTECTED),
                              RTTI_PTR(pa, RTTI_FLD_PROTECTED)
                           ) );
         long larr[10];
         A* pa;

R                                                                     13
Parsing Headers
    class Foo {

         int i;
         char* pc;
         double d;
         enum Flags flags;
       protected:             Dirty
         long larr[10];      Regexes
         class B* pb;
         #ifdef PLATFORM_Y
            special* s;
         #endif              FooReflect.cpp
R                                             14
We Went Full Auto

               Master.h       GCC-XML          DB

     Script1        Script2       Generate
 R                                              15
Clang AST Consumer
class RawDumpASTConsumer : public ASTConsumer
    virtual void Initialize(ASTContext& Context);
    virtual void HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG)
        // ...
        if( const FieldDecl* fd = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(declIn) )
            // ...
        else if( const CXXMethodDecl* md = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(declIn) )
            // ...
        else if( const EnumConstantDecl* ed = dyn_cast<EnumConstantDecl>(declIn) )
            // ...

      R                                                                              16
Clang Custom Output
File( id=20270, location='Base/Types/Geometry/hkGeometry.h' )

RecordType( id=20271, name='hkGeometry', polymorphic=False,
abstract=False, scopeid=20270 )

Method( id=20317, recordid=20271, typeid=20316,
name='getTriangle' )

Field( id=20320, recordid=20271, typeid=9089,
name='m_vertices' )
    R                                                           17
Build Integration

Prebuild step runs Clang if necessary
Plugins run on the database
That’s it               Generate    Reflect.cpp
ClangAST       DB
   R                                        18
Runtime Introspection
struct X
{                         float
   float time;     bool
   bool used;             float
   float pos;
   bool canmove;   bool           short float
   short flags;                    short    bool bool
};                                       float

    R                                              19
R   20
Reflection Conclusion
LLVM Clang pass
    •   Robust
    •   Eliminates out-of-sync errors
DB Consumer pass
    •   Pre-compile logic checks
    •   Runtime errors → compile errors
Unit Tests
    •   Examine reflection data

Language Binding

Expose C++ to script

Data: Natural

Callables: Harder

Sample Interface

    class Timeline
         /// Adds a label at the given time and
         /// returns an id for that label
       int addLabel( float time, const char* label );

B                                                  23
What is a Binding?
     Lua State
                     int addLabel(
      Lua_String        float time,
         “GDC”          const char* label)
           Lua_Num       // ...
             1.4     }

B                                            24
Three Parts of a Binding
    Lua State             float time = lua_...
                          char* label = lua_...
         “GDC”            push time
                Lua_Num   push label
                  1.4     call addLabel
                          pop id
     ret = 64
                          lua_set_return( id )
B                                                 25
Manual Bindings
    int wrap_timeLine_addLabel(lua_state* s) {
       TimeLine* tline = lua_checkuserdata(s,1);
       int arg0 = lua_checkint(s,2);
       const char* arg1 = lua_checkstring(s,3);
       int id = tline->addLabel( arg0, arg1 );
       return 1;
B                                                  26
Normal “Fat” Bindings

                               1:1 wrapper:native
        wrap_addLabel()        Manual or Generated
                               ~400b per wrapper

B                                                27
Slimmer Bindings?

    wrap_x()   wrap_z()
                          data_x   data_y

         wrap_z()         data_z   data_w

B                                       28
What is a Trampoline?
typedef void (*ErrorFunc)(const char* msg, void* context);
void set_error_function( ErrorFunc func, void* context );

class MyHandler { void on_error(const char* msg) = 0; };

void trampoline(const...;
MyHandler* handler = char* msg, void* context) {
set_error_function( &MyHandler::on_error, handler }
       ((MyErrorHandler*)context)->on_error(msg); );
MyErrorHandler* handler = ...;
set_error_function( &trampoline, handler );

B                                                          29
Reflected Function
struct FunctionReflection {
   const char* name;
   Callable callable; // “function pointer”
   TypeReflection* argTypes;
   int numArgs; // Including return type
B                                             30
Slimmer Binding
int wrap_anything(lua_state* s) {
   FunctionReflection* fr = func_get(s);
   Buffer buf;
   unpack_args(s, fr->argTypes, buf);
   return pack_args(s, fr->argTypes, buf);

B                                            31
Function Trampoline
typedef int (*Func_int__int_charp)(int i, char* c);

void trampoline(void** buf, Func_int__int_charp funcptr)
    int& ret = *(int*)buf[0];
    int& a0 = *(int*)buf[1];
    char* a1 = *(char**)buf[2];
    ret = (*funcptr)(a0,a1);

B                                                          32


    trampoline_int()    trampoline_int_charp()

f0(int x)   f1(int x)      native(int,char*)
B                                                33
Fat vs Slim Memory Cost
            N functions
            T distinct trampolines (T≤N)

    N * wrap_func()          1 lua_bridge()    N * Reflection

                            T * trampoline()
      N * func()
                              N * func()

     ~400*N                  ~40*N + ~64*T
B                                                        34
Sharing the Trampolines

tl:addLabel(1,”x”)           tl.addLabel(1,’x’)

    lua_bridge()                  python_bridge()


B                                                   35
Bindings Conclusion
Generated “Slim” Bindings
     Crossplatform & Multilanguage!
Marginally slower
     Extra indirection
Considerably smaller

Memory Reporting Goals

    More than just block sizes
    Account for every byte
    Low maintenance burden
    Customizable output

M                                37
Memory Reporting

Manual getMemoryStatistics()
           void hkpMeshShape::calcContentStatistics
                      ( hkStatisticsCollector* collector ) const
Buggy      {
             collector->addArray( "SubParts", this->m_subparts );
             for( int i = 0; i < this->m_childInfo.getSize(); i++ )
               collector->addReferencedObject( "Child", m_childInfo[i].m_shape );


M                                                                            38
Automatic Reports

Aim for 100% automatic coverage
Provide debugging for missing
Leapfrog Technique:
      Remember types of (some) allocations
      Know offsets of pointers in each type

 M                                             39
Raw Blocks

Raw pairs of

 M               40
Type Roots
               ?          BvTree
Hooked class
operator       Mesh   ?       ?


 M                                 41
Reflection Walk
Mesh {         ?            BvTree
 Section [];
               Mesh   Section   void
Section {
 Indices[];    ?
 M                                     42
Reflection Walk
Finds all pointer-to
                     vector4[]         BvTree

Debug – Time &      Mesh         Section   void

Verify everything   int[3][]
  M                                               43
Memory Implementation Details

Custom Type Handlers
        slack space – false positives
Obfuscated Pointers
        ptr ^= 1;
Untyped Data
        void*
 M                                       44
Annotated Memory Dump
D   1287169594
M   Win32 “demos.exe"                        #L(ocation) <address> <string name>?
T   0 UNKNOWN                                #C(allstack) <callstack id> <address>+
T   1 hkNativeFileSystem                     #T(ype) <type id> <type name>
C   13 0x29656826 0x29828312 …               #a(llocation) <alloc id> <size>
a   0 8                                      #t(ype instance) <alloc id> <type id>
t   0 1                                      #c(allstack instance) <alloc id> <callstack id>
c   0 13                                     #o(wns) <alloc id> <'owned' alloc id>+
…                                            #M(odule information) <platform-dependent>
o   1 113 9                                  #D(ate of capture) <timestamp>
o   2 193
L   0x29656826   sourcecommonbasesystemiofilesystemhknativefilesystem.h(90):'hkNativeFileSystem::operator

    M                                                                                                             45
M   46
Memory Report Conclusion

Label root blocks & grow with reflection
We found offline analysis useful
Low maintenance
Accounts for all reachable memory
     Or tells you where it came from

    Change Happens

    Hitting a moving target.

    Not much in literature.

V                              48
Manual Conditionals
                            xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_A"); xtream>>point_A;
                            bool has_two_bodies = true;

    Version number
                            if (xtream.GetVersion()>=1350)


    Inter-object changes?
                            if (has_two_bodies)

    Large refactor?             xtream.TokenMustBe("BODY_B");
                                priv_rigid_body_B = s->GetRigidBody(prot_buffer);
                                if (!priv_rigid_body_B)
                                   throw_exception("Rigidbody unknown in Spring");
                            xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_B"); xtream>>point_B;

Ideal Versioning System

    Don’t slow me down
    Don’t constrain my changes
    Help me fix it up
    Don’t make me think
    Don’t make me revisit

V                                50
Snapshot Versioning

Compare all previous vs current metadata

Function updates changed members

Check up-to-date with CRC of reflection

V                                          51
Snapshot example
A { int x; int y; }     A { int y; }
B { A* a; }             B { A* a; int x;}

void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) {
  // newB->x = oldB->a->x; }

{ “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL }
{ “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B }
V                                           52
Version Function
A { int x; int y; }     A { int y; }
B { A* a; }             B { A* a; int x;}

void Update_B( Object& oldB, Object& newB )
  newB[“x”] = oldB[“a”].asObject()[“x”].asInt();
V                                              53
Chaining Snapshot Updates

    V1 → V2                                      V2 → Current
    A { int x; int y; }      A { int y; }        A { int y; }             A { int y; int z; }
    B { A* a; }              B { A* a; int x;}   B { A* a; int x; }       B { A* a; int x; }

    void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) {    void Update_A( void* oldA, void* newA ) {
      // newB->x = oldB->a->x; }                   // newA->z = 1000; }

    { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL }                { “A”, 0x8989, 0x52c1, Update_A }
    { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B }            { “B”, 0xfed4, 0xf115, NULL }

V                                                                                                    54
What Have We Gained?
    Manual                                                                                                                                                                                    if version<1

                                                                                                                             if version<1                                                     if version<2

                                                            if version<1                                                     if version<2                                                     if version<3

     v0                                                        v1                                                               v2                                                            Now

          A { int x; int y; }           A { int y; }                       A { int x; int y; }           A { int y; }                       A { int x; int y; }           A { int y; }
          B { A* a; }                   B { A* a; int x;}                  B { A* a; }                   B { A* a; int x;}                  B { A* a; }                   B { A* a; int x;}

          void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) {                        void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) {                        void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) {
            // newB->x = oldB->a->x; }                                       // newB->x = oldB->a->x; }                                       // newB->x = oldB->a->x; }

          { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL }                                    { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL }                                    { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL }
          { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B }                                { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B }                                { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B }

     v0                                                        v1                                                               v2                                                            Now
V                                                                                                                                                                                                            55
Finer Grained Changes
We hired artists
Full snapshots too heavy
New products, lots of branches
     •   No global timeline

 V                               56
Patching (1)
A0 { int x; }            A0 { int x; }         A1 { int x; int y; }
B0 { A* a; }             B1 { A* a; int y; }   B2 { A* a; }


    V                                                            57
Patching (2)
A0 { int x; }            A0 { int x; }          A1 { int x; int y; }
B0 { A* a; }             B1 { A* a; int y; }    B2 { A* a; }

                                      A.y = B.y
    V                                                             58
Sample Patch
// This block is generated by the metadata comparison.
// It is pasted into the source and expands out to a few constant structures.
PATCH_BEGIN("hkbLookAtModifier", 2, "hkbLookAtModifier", 3)
  // Require hkbEventBase version 3 before running this patch
  PATCH_DEPENDS("hkbEventBase", 3)

 PATCH_MEMBER_ADDED_VEC_4("neckForwardLS", 0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f)

 // user edit: add & remove changed to rename
 PATCH_MEMBER_RENAMED("headForwardHS", "headForwardLS")

  // user edit: call a C function here
  PATCH_FUNCTION( hkbLookAtModifier_2_to_3 )

   V                                                                            59
 Previous       Apply        Patched
 Reflection    Patches      Reflection

     Patches                Compare
     Wrong/              against current
                           reflection        OK

 V                                             60
Versioning Workflow
Make your changes
Run a reflection diff utility
    Copy & paste the suggested patch
    Edit (add&remove → rename)
    Write version function if necessary
 V                                        61
Versioning Conclusion

Massively reduced tax
Quick to add versioning
Cheap to test
Non-prescriptive workflow

Data, Not Functions
       Generating code?
            Stop, generate data

            big and single purpose.
            small and multi-purpose
Conclusion             github:clang-extract

 Reflection   Serialization   Memory

         Binding       Versioning


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개발 과정 최적화 하기 내부툴로 더욱 강력한 개발하기 Stephen kennedy _(11시40분_103호)

  • 1. Avoiding Developer Taxes (Making development more robust with introspection tools. ) Stephen.Kennedy @ Principal Engineer github:clang-extract
  • 3. Awesome Meetings Coding Refactoring Debugging Awards 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. The Classic Game Taxes Serialization Memory Reporting Script Binding Versioning 5
  • 6. Memory Lane 10 Years of taxes Why we changed Automate Correctness Spread the workload 6
  • 8. Manual serialization xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_A"); xtream>>point_A; bool has_two_bodies = true; if (xtream.GetVersion() >= 1350) { xtream.TokenMustBe("HAS_TWO_BODIES"); xtream>>has_two_bodies; } if (has_two_bodies) { xtream.TokenMustBe("BODY_B"); xtream>>prot_buffer; priv_rigid_body_B = prot_subspace->GetRigidBody(prot_buffer); if (!priv_rigid_body_B) throw_exception("Rigidbody unknown in Spring"); } xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_B"); xtream>>point_B; //… S 8
  • 9. Reflection Recap (1) struct A0 { float x; byte y; } struct A1 { float z; byte p; byte q }; struct A2 { byte i[3]; } … struct A1023 { }; S 9
  • 10. Reflection Recap (2) struct A0 { float x; byte y; } char A0_type[]={ “FB” }; void save_any( void* obj, char* type ) while(*type) { switch( *type++ ) { case ‘F’:// write(); obj += sizeof(float); case ‘B’:// write(); obj += sizeof(bool); case 0: return; } S 10
  • 11. Serialization with Reflection Straightforward. (mostly) The problem now is … 11
  • 12. Get Reflected How to reflect our data? How to keep it up to date? Robustness 12
  • 13. Manual Reflection class Foo { public: RTTI_DESCRIBE_CLASS( Foo, ( enum Flags {…}; RTTI_FIELD(i, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC), int i; RTTI_PTR(pc, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC), char* pc; RTTI_FIELD(d, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC), double d; RTTI_FIELD(f, RTTI_FLD_PUBLIC), Flags flags; RTTI_ARRAY(larr, RTTI_FLD_PROTECTED), RTTI_PTR(pa, RTTI_FLD_PROTECTED) protected: ) ); long larr[10]; A* pa; }; R 13
  • 14. Parsing Headers class Foo { Foo.h public: int i; char* pc; double d; enum Flags flags; protected: Dirty long larr[10]; Regexes class B* pb; #ifdef PLATFORM_Y special* s; #endif FooReflect.cpp }; R 14
  • 15. We Went Full Auto C++ Master.h GCC-XML DB headers Script1 Script2 Generate Reflection R 15
  • 16. Clang AST Consumer class RawDumpASTConsumer : public ASTConsumer { virtual void Initialize(ASTContext& Context); virtual void HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) { // ... if( const FieldDecl* fd = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(declIn) ) // ... else if( const CXXMethodDecl* md = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(declIn) ) // ... else if( const EnumConstantDecl* ed = dyn_cast<EnumConstantDecl>(declIn) ) // ... } }; R 16
  • 17. Clang Custom Output File( id=20270, location='Base/Types/Geometry/hkGeometry.h' ) RecordType( id=20271, name='hkGeometry', polymorphic=False, abstract=False, scopeid=20270 ) Method( id=20317, recordid=20271, typeid=20316, name='getTriangle' ) Field( id=20320, recordid=20271, typeid=9089, name='m_vertices' ) R 17
  • 18. Build Integration Prebuild step runs Clang if necessary Plugins run on the database That’s it Generate Reflect.cpp Reflection ClangAST DB Static Analysis R 18
  • 19. Runtime Introspection struct X { float float time; bool bool used; float float pos; bool canmove; bool short float short flags; short bool bool }; float R 19
  • 20. R 20
  • 21. Reflection Conclusion LLVM Clang pass • Robust • Eliminates out-of-sync errors DB Consumer pass • Pre-compile logic checks • Runtime errors → compile errors Unit Tests • Examine reflection data 21
  • 22. Language Binding Expose C++ to script Data: Natural Callables: Harder 22
  • 23. Sample Interface class Timeline { /// Adds a label at the given time and /// returns an id for that label int addLabel( float time, const char* label ); }; B 23
  • 24. What is a Binding? Lua State int addLabel( Lua_String float time, “GDC” const char* label) { Lua_Num // ... 1.4 } B 24
  • 25. Three Parts of a Binding Lua State float time = lua_... char* label = lua_... Lua_String “GDC” push time Lua_Num push label 1.4 call addLabel pop id Lua_Int ret = 64 lua_set_return( id ) B 25
  • 26. Manual Bindings int wrap_timeLine_addLabel(lua_state* s) { TimeLine* tline = lua_checkuserdata(s,1); int arg0 = lua_checkint(s,2); const char* arg1 = lua_checkstring(s,3); int id = tline->addLabel( arg0, arg1 ); lua_pushint(id); return 1; } timeLine:addLabel(1,”x”) B 26
  • 27. Normal “Fat” Bindings timeLine:addLabel(1,”x”) 1:1 wrapper:native wrap_addLabel() Manual or Generated ~400b per wrapper TimeLine::addLabel() B 27
  • 28. Slimmer Bindings? wrap_x() wrap_z() wrap_any() wrap_y() data_x data_y wrap_z() data_z data_w B 28
  • 29. What is a Trampoline? typedef void (*ErrorFunc)(const char* msg, void* context); void set_error_function( ErrorFunc func, void* context ); class MyHandler { void on_error(const char* msg) = 0; }; void trampoline(const...; MyHandler* handler = char* msg, void* context) { set_error_function( &MyHandler::on_error, handler } ((MyErrorHandler*)context)->on_error(msg); ); MyErrorHandler* handler = ...; set_error_function( &trampoline, handler ); B 29
  • 30. Reflected Function struct FunctionReflection { const char* name; Callable callable; // “function pointer” TypeReflection* argTypes; int numArgs; // Including return type }; B 30
  • 31. Slimmer Binding int wrap_anything(lua_state* s) { FunctionReflection* fr = func_get(s); Buffer buf; unpack_args(s, fr->argTypes, buf); (*fr->callable)(buf); return pack_args(s, fr->argTypes, buf); } B 31
  • 32. Function Trampoline typedef int (*Func_int__int_charp)(int i, char* c); void trampoline(void** buf, Func_int__int_charp funcptr) { int& ret = *(int*)buf[0]; int& a0 = *(int*)buf[1]; char* a1 = *(char**)buf[2]; ret = (*funcptr)(a0,a1); } B 32
  • 33. Trampolines call_in_lua() lua_bridge() trampoline_int() trampoline_int_charp() f0(int x) f1(int x) native(int,char*) B 33
  • 34. Fat vs Slim Memory Cost N functions T distinct trampolines (T≤N) N * wrap_func() 1 lua_bridge() N * Reflection T * trampoline() N * func() N * func() ~400*N ~40*N + ~64*T B 34
  • 35. Sharing the Trampolines tl:addLabel(1,”x”) tl.addLabel(1,’x’) lua_bridge() python_bridge() trampoline() the_actual_native_function() B 35
  • 36. Bindings Conclusion Generated “Slim” Bindings  Crossplatform & Multilanguage! Marginally slower  Extra indirection Considerably smaller 36
  • 37. Memory Reporting Goals More than just block sizes Account for every byte Low maintenance burden Customizable output M 37
  • 38. Memory Reporting Manual getMemoryStatistics() void hkpMeshShape::calcContentStatistics ( hkStatisticsCollector* collector ) const Buggy { collector->addArray( "SubParts", this->m_subparts ); for( int i = 0; i < this->m_childInfo.getSize(); i++ ) { collector->addReferencedObject( "Child", m_childInfo[i].m_shape ); Tedious } hkpShapeCollection::calcContentStatistics(collector); } M 38
  • 39. Automatic Reports Aim for 100% automatic coverage Provide debugging for missing Leapfrog Technique:  Remember types of (some) allocations  Know offsets of pointers in each type M 39
  • 40. Raw Blocks Raw pairs of (address,size) M 40
  • 41. Type Roots ? BvTree Hooked class operator Mesh ? ? new/delete ? M 41
  • 42. Reflection Walk Mesh { ? BvTree Section []; }; Mesh Section void Section { Vector4[]; Indices[]; ? }; M 42
  • 43. Reflection Walk Finds all pointer-to vector4[] BvTree relationships Debug – Time & Mesh Section void Stacktrace Verify everything int[3][] reached M 43
  • 44. Memory Implementation Details Custom Type Handlers  slack space – false positives Obfuscated Pointers  ptr ^= 1; Untyped Data  void* M 44
  • 45. Annotated Memory Dump D 1287169594 M Win32 “demos.exe" #L(ocation) <address> <string name>? T 0 UNKNOWN #C(allstack) <callstack id> <address>+ T 1 hkNativeFileSystem #T(ype) <type id> <type name> C 13 0x29656826 0x29828312 … #a(llocation) <alloc id> <size> a 0 8 #t(ype instance) <alloc id> <type id> t 0 1 #c(allstack instance) <alloc id> <callstack id> c 0 13 #o(wns) <alloc id> <'owned' alloc id>+ … #M(odule information) <platform-dependent> o 1 113 9 #D(ate of capture) <timestamp> o 2 193 … L 0x29656826 sourcecommonbasesystemiofilesystemhknativefilesystem.h(90):'hkNativeFileSystem::operator new' M 45
  • 46. M 46
  • 47. Memory Report Conclusion Label root blocks & grow with reflection We found offline analysis useful Low maintenance Accounts for all reachable memory  Or tells you where it came from 47
  • 48. Versioning Change Happens Hitting a moving target. Not much in literature. V 48
  • 49. Manual Conditionals xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_A"); xtream>>point_A; bool has_two_bodies = true; Version number if (xtream.GetVersion()>=1350) { Conditionals xtream.TokenMustBe("HAS_TWO_BODIES"); xtream>>has_two_bodies; Inter-object changes? } if (has_two_bodies) { Large refactor? xtream.TokenMustBe("BODY_B"); xtream>>prot_buffer; priv_rigid_body_B = s->GetRigidBody(prot_buffer); if (!priv_rigid_body_B) throw_exception("Rigidbody unknown in Spring"); } xtream.TokenMustBe("POINT_B"); xtream>>point_B; V //… 49
  • 50. Ideal Versioning System Don’t slow me down Don’t constrain my changes Help me fix it up Don’t make me think Don’t make me revisit V 50
  • 51. Snapshot Versioning Compare all previous vs current metadata Function updates changed members Check up-to-date with CRC of reflection V 51
  • 52. Snapshot example A { int x; int y; } A { int y; } B { A* a; } B { A* a; int x;} void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) { // newB->x = oldB->a->x; } { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL } { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B } V 52
  • 53. Version Function A { int x; int y; } A { int y; } B { A* a; } B { A* a; int x;} void Update_B( Object& oldB, Object& newB ) { newB[“x”] = oldB[“a”].asObject()[“x”].asInt(); } V 53
  • 54. Chaining Snapshot Updates V1 → V2 V2 → Current A { int x; int y; } A { int y; } A { int y; } A { int y; int z; } B { A* a; } B { A* a; int x;} B { A* a; int x; } B { A* a; int x; } Current void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) { void Update_A( void* oldA, void* newA ) { // newB->x = oldB->a->x; } // newA->z = 1000; } { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL } { “A”, 0x8989, 0x52c1, Update_A } { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B } { “B”, 0xfed4, 0xf115, NULL } V 54
  • 55. What Have We Gained? Manual if version<1 if version<1 if version<2 if version<1 if version<2 if version<3 v0 v1 v2 Now Snapshots A { int x; int y; } A { int y; } A { int x; int y; } A { int y; } A { int x; int y; } A { int y; } B { A* a; } B { A* a; int x;} B { A* a; } B { A* a; int x;} B { A* a; } B { A* a; int x;} void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) { void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) { void Update_B( void* oldB, void* newB ) { // newB->x = oldB->a->x; } // newB->x = oldB->a->x; } // newB->x = oldB->a->x; } { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL } { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL } { “A”, 0x1234, 0x8989, NULL } { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B } { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B } { “B”, 0xabcd, 0xfed4, Update_B } v0 v1 v2 Now V 55
  • 56. Finer Grained Changes We hired artists Full snapshots too heavy New products, lots of branches • No global timeline V 56
  • 57. Patching (1) A0 { int x; } A0 { int x; } A1 { int x; int y; } B0 { A* a; } B1 { A* a; int y; } B2 { A* a; } B0→B1 B.add(int,“y”) V 57
  • 58. Patching (2) A0 { int x; } A0 { int x; } A1 { int x; int y; } B0 { A* a; } B1 { A* a; int y; } B2 { A* a; } A0→A1 B1→B2 B0→B1 A.add(int,“y”) B.add(int,“y”) A.y = B.y B.rem(“y”) V 58
  • 59. Sample Patch // This block is generated by the metadata comparison. // It is pasted into the source and expands out to a few constant structures. PATCH_BEGIN("hkbLookAtModifier", 2, "hkbLookAtModifier", 3) // Require hkbEventBase version 3 before running this patch PATCH_DEPENDS("hkbEventBase", 3) PATCH_MEMBER_ADDED_VEC_4("neckForwardLS", 0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f) // user edit: add & remove changed to rename PATCH_MEMBER_RENAMED("headForwardHS", "headForwardLS") // user edit: call a C function here PATCH_FUNCTION( hkbLookAtModifier_2_to_3 ) PATCH_END() V 59
  • 60. Verification Previous Apply Patched Reflection Patches Reflection Patches Compare Patches Wrong/ against current reflection OK Missing V 60
  • 61. Versioning Workflow Make your changes Run a reflection diff utility Copy & paste the suggested patch Edit (add&remove → rename) Write version function if necessary Done V 61
  • 62. Versioning Conclusion Massively reduced tax Quick to add versioning Cheap to test Non-prescriptive workflow 62
  • 63. Data, Not Functions Generating code?  Stop, generate data Functions:  big and single purpose. Data:  small and multi-purpose 63
  • 64. Conclusion github:clang-extract Reflection Serialization Memory Binding Versioning 64