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VISION, CENTRAL                                                                                                                   NEUROREPORT

   Neural mechanisms of attentional modulation of
         perceptual grouping by collinearity
                                              Yanhong Wu, Jun Chen and Shihui HanCA

                                         Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, PR China
                                                        Corresponding Author:

                                                Received 4 February 2005; accepted 22 February 2005

  Psychophysical research showed that detection of an oriented vi-            at 48^72 ms when collinear patches were congruent rather
  sual target is facilitated when the target is grouped with collinear        than incongruent with the cued orientation. A negative shift be-
  visual £ankers. However, this collinear grouping e¡ect is evident           tween 260 and 380 ms was observed over the occipital^ parietal
  only when the £ankers are attended. This study examined neural              areas in the congruent rather than incongruent conditions.
  mechanisms underlying the interaction between attention and                 The long-latency e¡ect, however, was evident only when the colli-
  grouping by collinearity. Event-related potentials were recorded            near patches were allocated along 451.The event-related potential
  from study participants who judged whether oriented Gabor                   results suggest that the interaction between attention and
  patches (i.e. visual elements consisting of a sinusoidal contrast           collinear grouping may take place as early as in the primary
  modulation convolved with a Gaussian function) along the cued or-           visual cortex and is independent of global orientations of
  ientation were collinear or orthogonal. Event-related potentials            perceptual groups. NeuroReport 16:567^570  2005 Lippincott
  showed an enhanced negativity over the posterior occipital cortex           Williams  Wilkins.

  Key words: Attention; Collinear grouping; Event-related potential; Orientation

 INTRODUCTION                                                                 attention and perceptual grouping in the human primary
 Our perception of an ordered visual world is based on                        visual cortex [3]. Neural activities in the primary visual
 grouping processes that integrate local elements into global                 cortex around the calcarine sulcus associated with proxi-
 configurations. It is widely accepted that such grouping                     mity grouping are strengthened when stimulus arrays are of
 operations occur at early stages of visual perception [1].                   high task relevance and fall inside attended areas. Similarly,
 Human neural correlates of grouping processes have been                      a recent psychophysical study showed that collinear
 investigated in neuroimaging studies. For example, event-                    flankers facilitate the detection of a central Gabor patch
 related brain potential (ERP) studies found that perceptual                  when flankers are attended but not when flankers are
 grouping defined by proximity (i.e. integration of spatially                 ignored [8]. This lateral interaction possibly reflects atten-
 close objects into a whole) results in enhanced neural                       tional modulation of flanker-target grouping defined by
 activities at 100 ms after sensory stimulation [2]. Functional               collinearity. The current study investigated neural mechan-
 magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies further identi-                    isms underlying the interaction between attention and
 fied generators of such early grouping activity in the human                 grouping by collinearity using a cueing paradigm similar
 primary visual cortex [3]. Similarly, there has been evidence                to that used in prior psychophysical experiments [8,9].
 for the engagement of the primary visual cortex in the                       Study participants were cued to allocate their attention
 grouping process defined by collinearity (i.e. integration of                along a specific orientation (451 or 1351) before they were
 oriented visual elements of which orientations match the                     shown a stimulus array of Gabor patches, as illustrated in
 global orientation of a virtual line drawn through all                       Fig. 1. Neural mechanisms underlying attentional modula-
 elements). Neuronal responses in monkeys’ primary visual                     tion of grouping by collinearity were investigated by
 cortex are enhanced when stimuli inside and outside the                      comparing ERPs with stimulus arrays between the condi-
 neurons’ receptive fields form a collinear group [4].                        tions when attentional allocation was either congruent or
 Collinear grouping also facilitates the detection of central                 incongruent with the orientation of perceptual groups
 Gabor patches (a Gabor patch consists of a sinusoidal                        formed by collinear Gabor patches.
 contrast modulation convolved with a Gaussian function) in
 humans [5] and is associated with an increased activity at
 80–140 ms over the middle occipital area [6], suggesting the                 MATERIALS AND METHODS
 involvement of the human primary visual cortex in collinear                  Study participants: Sixteen undergraduate and graduate
 grouping.                                                                    students (nine women, seven men; 18–27 years of age, mean
    It has been argued that grouping processes may take                       22 years) from Peking University participated in this study.
 place independent of focal attention [7]. However, recent                    All participants were right-handed and had normal or
 research has shown evidence for the interaction between                      corrected-to-normal vision. Informed consent was obtained

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NEUROREPORT                                                                                             Y.WU, J. CHEN AND S. HAN

  from all the participants. Four of them were excluded from          time windows elicited by nontargets were submitted to
  data analyses because of excessive eye blinks during                ANOVAs with congruency (the collinear group was
  electrophysiological data recording.                                congruent or incongruent with the orientation along which
                                                                      attention was allocated) and orientation of the collinear
  Stimuli and procedure: Stimuli were displayed on a gray             group (451 vs. 1351) as independent variables.
  background (25.1 cd/m2). Each stimulus array consisted of a
  configuration of Gabor patches (see Fig. 1). The central            RESULTS
  Gabor patch was orientated either 451 or 1351 and was               Behavioral data: Response accuracy did not differ be-
  flanked by two pairs of patches in an ‘X’ configuration. The        tween ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses [95.0% vs. 92.3%, t(11)¼1.53,
  flankers were either collinear with or orthogonal with the          p40.1]. Significant main effects of response type and
  central Gabor patch. At a viewing distance of 120 cm, each          attended orientation were observed on reaction times [F
  Gabor patch had a wavelength (l) and Gaussian distribu-             (1,11)¼21.44 and 7.00, respectively, both po0.03]. ‘yes’
  tion equal to 0.451 of visual angle (spatial frequency, 2.2         response (728724 ms) were faster than ‘no’ response
  cycles per degree), with center-to-center separation of 4.2l        (810728 ms). Responses were faster when attention was
  between the central Gabor and each flanker. Target stimulus         allocated along 451 rather than along 1351. However, the
  arrays consisted of Gabor patches with carrier wavelength           interaction between response types and attended orientation
  and Gaussian distribution of contrast envelope both equal to        was not significant [F(1,11)¼1.13, p40.3].
  0.361 of the visual angle (spatial frequency, 2.8 cycles per
  degree). Center-to-center separation between center and
  flanker was 3.7l. The target stimulus arrays were 70%               Event-related potential data: The grand-average ERPs
  smaller than the nontarget stimulus arrays.                         over the posterior electrodes elicited by nontarget stimuli
     Participants pressed a button with the left or right index       in each stimulus condition are illustrated in Fig. 1. ERPs to
  finger to start each block of trials. On each trial, the fixation   nontargets were characterized with a negativity peaking
  cross (0.61 Â 0.61) and two peripheral bars (each with length       between 40 and 80 ms (C1), which was followed by a
  of 0.61) were presented for 300 ms. The two bars cued the           positivity at 80–130 ms (P1) and a negativity at 140–190 ms
  orientation (451 or 1351) along which the Gabor patches             (N1) over the lateral occipital sites. The mean P1 and N1
  were congruent or incongruent. After an interstimulus               amplitudes did not vary as a function of congruency and
  interval that varied randomly between 300 and 600 ms, a             orientation of the collinear group (p40.05). However, there
  stimulus array of Gabor patches was shown for 200 ms,               was a main effect of congruency on the mean amplitudes
  which was followed by a blank screen that varied randomly           between 48 and 72 ms at occipital electrodes [O1:
  between 1000 and 1500 ms. After two blocks of 48 trials for         F(1,11)¼5.94, po0.04; O2: F(1,11)¼7.74, po0.02; OZ:
  practice, each participant was presented with 10 blocks of 48       F(1,11)¼4.92, po0.05] suggesting that the mean amplitudes
  trials. There were 25% of targets in each block of trials.          in the time window were larger in the congruent than in the
  Participants were asked to decide whether the Gabor                 incongruent conditions. Also, a main effect of congruency
  patches in target stimuli at cued orientation were collinear        on the mean amplitudes at 200–420 ms at posterior electro-
  or orthogonal by pressing one of the buttons with the left or       des [O1: F(1,11)¼6.21, po0.03; O2: F(1,11)¼5.51, po0.04; OZ:
  right index finger. The assignment of the left and right            F(1,11)¼7.24, po0.02; PZ: F(1,11)¼4.52, po0.057; P3:
  finger to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response was counterbalanced across        F(1,11)¼5.33, po0.042; P4: F(1,11)¼5.25, po0.04] was ob-
  participants.                                                       served, indicating that there was a negative shift in the
                                                                      congruent rather than incongruent conditions at the
                                                                      occipital–parietal areas. Moreover, there was a significant
  Electrophysiological data recording and analysis: The               interaction between congruency and orientation of the
  electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from electrodes             collinear group at 260–340 ms [F(1,11)45.48, po0.04]. Post-
  at 10–20 standard positions and five other pairs of                 hoc analyses confirmed that the congruency effect was
  nonstandard sites. An electrode at the right mastoid was            significant only when the collinear patches were arranged
  used as reference. The electrode impedance was kept less            along 451 [451 O1: F(1,11)¼20.93, po0.001; O2: F(1,11)¼7.76,
  than 5 kO. The EEG was amplified by using a band pass of            po0.018; OZ: F(1,11)¼11.69, po0.006; PZ: F(1,11)¼7.82,
  0.1–75 Hz (1/2 amplitude cutoffs), digitized at 250 Hz/             po0.017; P3: F(1,11)¼29.33, po0.001; P4: F(1,11)¼5.59,
  channel. Eye blinks were monitored with an electrode                po0.038; 1351 F(1,11)o3.79, p40.08 for all posterior
  located below the right eye. The horizontal electrooculo-           electrodes].
  gram (EOG) was recorded from electrodes placed about
  1.5 cm lateral to the left and right external canthi. ERPs were
  averaged offline using a computer program that extracted            DISCUSSION
  epochs of EEG beginning 200 ms before stimulus onset and            We used a cueing paradigm to examine neural mechanisms
  continuing for 1200 ms. Trials containing eye blinks, eye           underlying the interaction between attention and grouping
  movement deflections exceeding 750 mv at any electrode,             by collinearity. Participants were able to allocate their
  or incorrect behavioral responses were excluded from the            attention along the global cued orientation, as indicated by
  ERP averages. The baseline for ERP measurements was                 high response accuracy. Responses to collinear groups of
  the mean voltage of a 200-ms prestimulus interval and the           Gabor patches (‘yes’ responses) were faster than those to
  latency was measured relative to the stimulus onset.                noncollinear groups of Gabor patches (‘no’ responses),
     Reaction times were submitted to repeated measures               reflecting the fact that identification of a collinear group
  analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with response types (‘yes’            was either faster or earlier than identification of a noncol-
  vs. ‘no’ response) and attended orientation (451 vs. 1351) as       linear group. Moreover, the advantage of ‘yes’ response over
  independent variables. Mean ERP amplitudes at specific              ‘no’ responses did not differ between conditions when the

  568       Vol 16 No 6 25 April 2005

Copyright © Lippincott Williams  Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
PERCEPTUAL GROUPING BY COLLINEARITY                                                                                                      NEUROREPORT


                                                    45° Collinear group                          45° Collinear group
                                                    attend 45°                                   attend 135°
                                          µV              N1                                µV
                                        −12 O1                                                   O2        N1


                                               C1                                                C1
                                   −100             100        300          500 (ms)

                                           6         P1                                               P1


                                                    135° Collinear group                        135° Collinear group
                                                    attend 135°                                 attend 45°

                                          µV                                               µV
                                       −12 O1             N1                                    O2


                                               C1                                               C1
                                   −100         100            300         500 (ms)

                                           6        P1                                               P1
 Fig. 1. Illustrations of stimulus arrays and grand average event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by 451 and 1351 collinear groupings under di¡erent
 conditions recorded at occipital electrode (O1, O2). (a) ERPs elicited by 451 collinear group under congruent and incongruent conditions. (b) ERPs elicited
 by 1351 collinear grouping under congruent and incongruent conditions.

 collinear group was allocated along 451 or 1351, indicating                      have neural generators in the human primary visual cortex
 that response speeds were independent of the global                              around the calcarine sulcus [10,11]. Because stimulus arrays
 orientations of perceptual groups.                                               were identical in the congruent and incongruent conditions,
    The neural mechanisms of attentional modulation of                            the C1 effect could not arise from any difference in stimulus
 grouping by collinearity were indexed by the differences in                      features. Thus, our ERP results suggest that attention along
 ERPs between the conditions when attentional allocation                          the collinear group resulted in enhancement of neural
 was either congruent or incongruent with the global                              activities in the primary visual cortex as early as 50 ms after
 orientations of perceptual groups composed of collinear                          stimulus onset, providing electrophysiological evidence for
 Gabor patches. We found that nontarget stimulus arrays                           the interaction between attention and grouping by colli-
 elicited an early negative wave peaking between 40 and                           nearity in the primary visual cortex. Because the task used
 80 ms after stimulus onset, which was enlarged by attention                      in the current study emphasized the global orientation of a
 allocated along the collinear group in stimulus displays.                        perceptual group rather than the orientation of the central
 Both the time course and morphology suggest that this                            Gabor patch, the C1 effect suggests that the integration of
 negativity is the C1 component that has been identified to                       collinear Gabor patches involved neural mechanisms in the

                                                                                                                       Vol 16 No 6 25 April 2005     5 69
Copyright © Lippincott Williams  Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
NEUROREPORT                                                                                                             Y.WU, J. CHEN AND S. HAN

  primary visual cortex, possibly through long-range hor-                  CONCLUSION
  izontal connections linking neurons with common orienta-                 The early interaction between spatial attention and collinear
  tion tunings [12].                                                       grouping may have occurred in the primary visual cortex
     Prior ERP studies have shown that the C1 component                    and was independent of global orientations of perceptual
  evoked by stimulus arrays is modulated by whether local                  groups. Also, a long-latency interaction occurred between
  elements in the stimulus display are grouped into columns                attention and collinear grouping, which depended upon the
  or rows by proximity [13]. In addition, the proximity-                   global orientations of collinear groups.
  grouping-related activity in the calcarine cortex is modu-
  lated by whether stimulus arrays are of high task relevance
  and are located inside an attended area [3]. In accordance               REFERENCES
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            Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project 30225026, 30328016,
                         30470568, 30370476), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Project 2002CCA01000).

  5 70     Vol 16 No 6 25 April 2005

Copyright © Lippincott Williams  Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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NeuroReport_Neural mechanisms of attentional modulation of perceptual grouping by collinearity

  • 1. VISION, CENTRAL NEUROREPORT Neural mechanisms of attentional modulation of perceptual grouping by collinearity Yanhong Wu, Jun Chen and Shihui HanCA Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, PR China CA Corresponding Author: Received 4 February 2005; accepted 22 February 2005 Psychophysical research showed that detection of an oriented vi- at 48^72 ms when collinear patches were congruent rather sual target is facilitated when the target is grouped with collinear than incongruent with the cued orientation. A negative shift be- visual £ankers. However, this collinear grouping e¡ect is evident tween 260 and 380 ms was observed over the occipital^ parietal only when the £ankers are attended. This study examined neural areas in the congruent rather than incongruent conditions. mechanisms underlying the interaction between attention and The long-latency e¡ect, however, was evident only when the colli- grouping by collinearity. Event-related potentials were recorded near patches were allocated along 451.The event-related potential from study participants who judged whether oriented Gabor results suggest that the interaction between attention and patches (i.e. visual elements consisting of a sinusoidal contrast collinear grouping may take place as early as in the primary modulation convolved with a Gaussian function) along the cued or- visual cortex and is independent of global orientations of ientation were collinear or orthogonal. Event-related potentials perceptual groups. NeuroReport 16:567^570 2005 Lippincott c showed an enhanced negativity over the posterior occipital cortex Williams Wilkins. Key words: Attention; Collinear grouping; Event-related potential; Orientation INTRODUCTION attention and perceptual grouping in the human primary Our perception of an ordered visual world is based on visual cortex [3]. Neural activities in the primary visual grouping processes that integrate local elements into global cortex around the calcarine sulcus associated with proxi- configurations. It is widely accepted that such grouping mity grouping are strengthened when stimulus arrays are of operations occur at early stages of visual perception [1]. high task relevance and fall inside attended areas. Similarly, Human neural correlates of grouping processes have been a recent psychophysical study showed that collinear investigated in neuroimaging studies. For example, event- flankers facilitate the detection of a central Gabor patch related brain potential (ERP) studies found that perceptual when flankers are attended but not when flankers are grouping defined by proximity (i.e. integration of spatially ignored [8]. This lateral interaction possibly reflects atten- close objects into a whole) results in enhanced neural tional modulation of flanker-target grouping defined by activities at 100 ms after sensory stimulation [2]. Functional collinearity. The current study investigated neural mechan- magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies further identi- isms underlying the interaction between attention and fied generators of such early grouping activity in the human grouping by collinearity using a cueing paradigm similar primary visual cortex [3]. Similarly, there has been evidence to that used in prior psychophysical experiments [8,9]. for the engagement of the primary visual cortex in the Study participants were cued to allocate their attention grouping process defined by collinearity (i.e. integration of along a specific orientation (451 or 1351) before they were oriented visual elements of which orientations match the shown a stimulus array of Gabor patches, as illustrated in global orientation of a virtual line drawn through all Fig. 1. Neural mechanisms underlying attentional modula- elements). Neuronal responses in monkeys’ primary visual tion of grouping by collinearity were investigated by cortex are enhanced when stimuli inside and outside the comparing ERPs with stimulus arrays between the condi- neurons’ receptive fields form a collinear group [4]. tions when attentional allocation was either congruent or Collinear grouping also facilitates the detection of central incongruent with the orientation of perceptual groups Gabor patches (a Gabor patch consists of a sinusoidal formed by collinear Gabor patches. contrast modulation convolved with a Gaussian function) in humans [5] and is associated with an increased activity at 80–140 ms over the middle occipital area [6], suggesting the MATERIALS AND METHODS involvement of the human primary visual cortex in collinear Study participants: Sixteen undergraduate and graduate grouping. students (nine women, seven men; 18–27 years of age, mean It has been argued that grouping processes may take 22 years) from Peking University participated in this study. place independent of focal attention [7]. However, recent All participants were right-handed and had normal or research has shown evidence for the interaction between corrected-to-normal vision. Informed consent was obtained 0959- 4965 Lippincott Williams Wilkins c Vol 16 No 6 25 April 2005 5 67 Copyright © Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 2. NEUROREPORT Y.WU, J. CHEN AND S. HAN from all the participants. Four of them were excluded from time windows elicited by nontargets were submitted to data analyses because of excessive eye blinks during ANOVAs with congruency (the collinear group was electrophysiological data recording. congruent or incongruent with the orientation along which attention was allocated) and orientation of the collinear Stimuli and procedure: Stimuli were displayed on a gray group (451 vs. 1351) as independent variables. background (25.1 cd/m2). Each stimulus array consisted of a configuration of Gabor patches (see Fig. 1). The central RESULTS Gabor patch was orientated either 451 or 1351 and was Behavioral data: Response accuracy did not differ be- flanked by two pairs of patches in an ‘X’ configuration. The tween ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses [95.0% vs. 92.3%, t(11)¼1.53, flankers were either collinear with or orthogonal with the p40.1]. Significant main effects of response type and central Gabor patch. At a viewing distance of 120 cm, each attended orientation were observed on reaction times [F Gabor patch had a wavelength (l) and Gaussian distribu- (1,11)¼21.44 and 7.00, respectively, both po0.03]. ‘yes’ tion equal to 0.451 of visual angle (spatial frequency, 2.2 response (728724 ms) were faster than ‘no’ response cycles per degree), with center-to-center separation of 4.2l (810728 ms). Responses were faster when attention was between the central Gabor and each flanker. Target stimulus allocated along 451 rather than along 1351. However, the arrays consisted of Gabor patches with carrier wavelength interaction between response types and attended orientation and Gaussian distribution of contrast envelope both equal to was not significant [F(1,11)¼1.13, p40.3]. 0.361 of the visual angle (spatial frequency, 2.8 cycles per degree). Center-to-center separation between center and flanker was 3.7l. The target stimulus arrays were 70% Event-related potential data: The grand-average ERPs smaller than the nontarget stimulus arrays. over the posterior electrodes elicited by nontarget stimuli Participants pressed a button with the left or right index in each stimulus condition are illustrated in Fig. 1. ERPs to finger to start each block of trials. On each trial, the fixation nontargets were characterized with a negativity peaking cross (0.61 Â 0.61) and two peripheral bars (each with length between 40 and 80 ms (C1), which was followed by a of 0.61) were presented for 300 ms. The two bars cued the positivity at 80–130 ms (P1) and a negativity at 140–190 ms orientation (451 or 1351) along which the Gabor patches (N1) over the lateral occipital sites. The mean P1 and N1 were congruent or incongruent. After an interstimulus amplitudes did not vary as a function of congruency and interval that varied randomly between 300 and 600 ms, a orientation of the collinear group (p40.05). However, there stimulus array of Gabor patches was shown for 200 ms, was a main effect of congruency on the mean amplitudes which was followed by a blank screen that varied randomly between 48 and 72 ms at occipital electrodes [O1: between 1000 and 1500 ms. After two blocks of 48 trials for F(1,11)¼5.94, po0.04; O2: F(1,11)¼7.74, po0.02; OZ: practice, each participant was presented with 10 blocks of 48 F(1,11)¼4.92, po0.05] suggesting that the mean amplitudes trials. There were 25% of targets in each block of trials. in the time window were larger in the congruent than in the Participants were asked to decide whether the Gabor incongruent conditions. Also, a main effect of congruency patches in target stimuli at cued orientation were collinear on the mean amplitudes at 200–420 ms at posterior electro- or orthogonal by pressing one of the buttons with the left or des [O1: F(1,11)¼6.21, po0.03; O2: F(1,11)¼5.51, po0.04; OZ: right index finger. The assignment of the left and right F(1,11)¼7.24, po0.02; PZ: F(1,11)¼4.52, po0.057; P3: finger to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response was counterbalanced across F(1,11)¼5.33, po0.042; P4: F(1,11)¼5.25, po0.04] was ob- participants. served, indicating that there was a negative shift in the congruent rather than incongruent conditions at the occipital–parietal areas. Moreover, there was a significant Electrophysiological data recording and analysis: The interaction between congruency and orientation of the electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from electrodes collinear group at 260–340 ms [F(1,11)45.48, po0.04]. Post- at 10–20 standard positions and five other pairs of hoc analyses confirmed that the congruency effect was nonstandard sites. An electrode at the right mastoid was significant only when the collinear patches were arranged used as reference. The electrode impedance was kept less along 451 [451 O1: F(1,11)¼20.93, po0.001; O2: F(1,11)¼7.76, than 5 kO. The EEG was amplified by using a band pass of po0.018; OZ: F(1,11)¼11.69, po0.006; PZ: F(1,11)¼7.82, 0.1–75 Hz (1/2 amplitude cutoffs), digitized at 250 Hz/ po0.017; P3: F(1,11)¼29.33, po0.001; P4: F(1,11)¼5.59, channel. Eye blinks were monitored with an electrode po0.038; 1351 F(1,11)o3.79, p40.08 for all posterior located below the right eye. The horizontal electrooculo- electrodes]. gram (EOG) was recorded from electrodes placed about 1.5 cm lateral to the left and right external canthi. ERPs were averaged offline using a computer program that extracted DISCUSSION epochs of EEG beginning 200 ms before stimulus onset and We used a cueing paradigm to examine neural mechanisms continuing for 1200 ms. Trials containing eye blinks, eye underlying the interaction between attention and grouping movement deflections exceeding 750 mv at any electrode, by collinearity. Participants were able to allocate their or incorrect behavioral responses were excluded from the attention along the global cued orientation, as indicated by ERP averages. The baseline for ERP measurements was high response accuracy. Responses to collinear groups of the mean voltage of a 200-ms prestimulus interval and the Gabor patches (‘yes’ responses) were faster than those to latency was measured relative to the stimulus onset. noncollinear groups of Gabor patches (‘no’ responses), Reaction times were submitted to repeated measures reflecting the fact that identification of a collinear group analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with response types (‘yes’ was either faster or earlier than identification of a noncol- vs. ‘no’ response) and attended orientation (451 vs. 1351) as linear group. Moreover, the advantage of ‘yes’ response over independent variables. Mean ERP amplitudes at specific ‘no’ responses did not differ between conditions when the 568 Vol 16 No 6 25 April 2005 Copyright © Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 3. PERCEPTUAL GROUPING BY COLLINEARITY NEUROREPORT (a) 45° Collinear group 45° Collinear group attend 45° attend 135° µV N1 µV −12 O1 O2 N1 −6 C1 C1 0 −100 100 300 500 (ms) 6 P1 P1 (b) 135° Collinear group 135° Collinear group attend 135° attend 45° µV µV −12 O1 N1 O2 N1 −6 C1 C1 0 −100 100 300 500 (ms) 6 P1 P1 Fig. 1. Illustrations of stimulus arrays and grand average event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by 451 and 1351 collinear groupings under di¡erent conditions recorded at occipital electrode (O1, O2). (a) ERPs elicited by 451 collinear group under congruent and incongruent conditions. (b) ERPs elicited by 1351 collinear grouping under congruent and incongruent conditions. collinear group was allocated along 451 or 1351, indicating have neural generators in the human primary visual cortex that response speeds were independent of the global around the calcarine sulcus [10,11]. Because stimulus arrays orientations of perceptual groups. were identical in the congruent and incongruent conditions, The neural mechanisms of attentional modulation of the C1 effect could not arise from any difference in stimulus grouping by collinearity were indexed by the differences in features. Thus, our ERP results suggest that attention along ERPs between the conditions when attentional allocation the collinear group resulted in enhancement of neural was either congruent or incongruent with the global activities in the primary visual cortex as early as 50 ms after orientations of perceptual groups composed of collinear stimulus onset, providing electrophysiological evidence for Gabor patches. We found that nontarget stimulus arrays the interaction between attention and grouping by colli- elicited an early negative wave peaking between 40 and nearity in the primary visual cortex. Because the task used 80 ms after stimulus onset, which was enlarged by attention in the current study emphasized the global orientation of a allocated along the collinear group in stimulus displays. perceptual group rather than the orientation of the central Both the time course and morphology suggest that this Gabor patch, the C1 effect suggests that the integration of negativity is the C1 component that has been identified to collinear Gabor patches involved neural mechanisms in the Vol 16 No 6 25 April 2005 5 69 Copyright © Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 4. NEUROREPORT Y.WU, J. CHEN AND S. HAN primary visual cortex, possibly through long-range hor- CONCLUSION izontal connections linking neurons with common orienta- The early interaction between spatial attention and collinear tion tunings [12]. grouping may have occurred in the primary visual cortex Prior ERP studies have shown that the C1 component and was independent of global orientations of perceptual evoked by stimulus arrays is modulated by whether local groups. Also, a long-latency interaction occurred between elements in the stimulus display are grouped into columns attention and collinear grouping, which depended upon the or rows by proximity [13]. In addition, the proximity- global orientations of collinear groups. grouping-related activity in the calcarine cortex is modu- lated by whether stimulus arrays are of high task relevance and are located inside an attended area [3]. In accordance REFERENCES with the previous findings, the current ERP results suggest 1. 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Chinese Sci Bull 2004; 49: between spatial attention and grouping by collinearity. 819–823. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project 30225026, 30328016, 30470568, 30370476), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Project 2002CCA01000). 5 70 Vol 16 No 6 25 April 2005 Copyright © Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.