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Git 101
Scott Chacon
Scott Chacon
What is Git?
Git is an open source,
distributed version control
system designed for speed
        and efficiency
version control
mercurial (hg)


       subversion (svn)

version control
concurrent version system (cvs)


       visual source safe
        mercurial (hg)


       subversion (svn)

version control
concurrent version system (cvs)


       visual source safe
        mercurial (hg)      “not bad”


       subversion (svn)

version control
concurrent version system (cvs)


       visual source safe
        mercurial (hg)


       subversion (svn)

version control
concurrent version system (cvs)


       visual source safe “kill self”
git           mercurial (hg)


             subversion (svn)

      version control
      concurrent version system (cvs)


             visual source safe
Git is an open source,
distributed version control
system designed for speed
       and efficiency
Git is an open source,
distributed version control
 system designed for speed
        and efficiency
Fully Distributed
(almost) everything is local
which means

   everything is fast

every clone is a backup

     work offline
No Network Needed
         Performing a diff
        Viewing file history
       Committing changes
         Merging branches
 Obtaining other revisions of a file
        Switching branches
Git is an open source,
distributed version control
  system designed for
 speed and efficiency
(almost) never removes data
Snapshots, not Patches
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
              

                        
                             

                            

                          

snapshot                   

                             

                           
Basic Git
First Steps
$ git config --global “Scott Chacon”

$ git config --global “”
Getting a Repo
Create One
git init
$   touch hello_world.rb
$   git init
$   git add .
$   git commit -m ‘first commit’
$   touch hello_world.rb
$   git init
$   git add .
$   git commit -m ‘first commit’
$ tree -a
|-- .git
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- branches
|   |-- config
|   |-- description
|   |-- hooks
|   |    |-- post-commit.sample
|   |    |-- post-receive.sample
|   |    |-- ...
|   |    |-- pre-rebase.sample
|   |    `-- update.sample
|   |-- info
|   |    `-- exclude
|   |-- objects
|   |    |-- info
|   |    `-- pack
|   |-- refs
|   |    |-- heads
|   |    `-- tags
|   `-- remotes
`-- hello_world.rb

11 directories, 25 files
$ tree -a
|-- .git
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- branches
|   |-- config
|   |-- description
|   |-- hooks
|   |    |-- post-commit.sample
|   |    |-- post-receive.sample
|   |    |-- ...
|   |    |-- pre-rebase.sample
|   |    `-- update.sample
|   |-- info
|   |    `-- exclude
|   |-- objects
|   |    |-- info
|   |    `-- pack
|   |-- refs
|   |    |-- heads
|   |    `-- tags
|   `-- remotes
`-- hello_world.rb

11 directories, 25 files
$ tree -a
|-- .git
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- branches
|   |-- config
|   |-- description
|   |-- hooks
|   |    |-- post-commit.sample
|   |    |-- post-receive.sample
|   |    |-- ...
|   |    |-- pre-rebase.sample
|   |    `-- update.sample
|   |-- info
|   |    `-- exclude
|   |-- objects
|   |    |-- info
|   |    `-- pack
|   |-- refs
|   |    |-- heads
|   |    `-- tags
|   `-- remotes
`-- hello_world.rb

11 directories, 25 files
$   touch hello_world.rb
$   git init
$   git add .
$   git commit -m ‘first commit’
$   touch hello_world.rb
$   git init
$   git add .
$   git commit -m ‘first commit’
$ tree -a
|-- .git
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- branches
|   |-- config
|   |-- description
|   |-- hooks
|   |    |-- applypatch-msg.sample
|   |    `-- update.sample
|   |-- index
|   |-- info
|   |    `-- exclude
|   |-- logs
|   |    |-- HEAD
|   |    `-- refs
|   |        `-- heads
|   |             `-- master
|   |-- objects
|   |    |-- 32/09658ac8d80bc9726d3a33d77e3dfc5fe6035e
|   |    |-- 53/9cd7886a627841d525a78d45cbc6396be20b41
|   |    |-- e6/9de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
|   |    |-- info
|   |    `-- pack
|   |-- refs
|   |    |-- heads
|   |    |   `-- master
|   |    `-- tags
|   `-- remotes
`-- hello_world.rb

17 directories, 33 files
$ tree -a
|-- .git
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- branches
|   |-- config
|   |-- description
|   |-- hooks
|   |    |-- applypatch-msg.sample
|   |    `-- update.sample
|   |-- index
|   |-- info
|   |    `-- exclude
|   |-- logs
|   |    |-- HEAD
|   |    `-- refs
|   |        `-- heads
|   |             `-- master
|   |-- objects
|   |    |-- 32/09658ac8d80bc9726d3a33d77e3dfc5fe6035e
|   |    |-- 53/9cd7886a627841d525a78d45cbc6396be20b41
|   |    |-- e6/9de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
|   |    |-- info
|   |    `-- pack
|   |-- refs
|   |    |-- heads
|   |    |   `-- master
|   |    `-- tags
|   `-- remotes
`-- hello_world.rb

17 directories, 33 files
$ tree -a
|-- .git
|   |-- HEAD
|   |-- branches
|   |-- config
|   |-- description
|   |-- hooks
|   |    |-- applypatch-msg.sample
|   |    `-- update.sample
|   |-- index
|   |-- info
|   |    `-- exclude
|   |-- logs
|   |    |-- HEAD
|   |    `-- refs
|   |        `-- heads
|   |             `-- master
|   |-- objects
|   |    |-- 32/09658ac8d80bc9726d3a33d77e3dfc5fe6035e
|   |    |-- 53/9cd7886a627841d525a78d45cbc6396be20b41
|   |    |-- e6/9de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
|   |    |-- info
|   |    `-- pack
|   |-- refs
|   |    |-- heads
|   |    |   `-- master
|   |    `-- tags
|   `-- remotes
`-- hello_world.rb

17 directories, 33 files
Clone One
git clone
$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 591, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done.
remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252)
Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done.
$ cd ticgit/
$ ls
LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! ! ticgit.gemspec
      ! bin! lib! spec
             !     !
$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 591, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done.
remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252)
Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done.
$ cd ticgit/
$ ls
LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! ! ticgit.gemspec
      ! bin! lib! spec
             !     !
$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 591, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done.
remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252)
Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done.
$ cd ticgit/
$ ls
LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! ! ticgit.gemspec
      ! bin! lib! spec
             !     !
$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 591, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done.
remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252)
Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done.
$ cd ticgit/
$ ls
.git LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! !
ticgit.gemspec     README!! bin!!     lib!! spec
A Basic Workflow
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files
 Stage the changes
Review your changes
Commit the changes
working directory

git add

                       git commit
a working copy
      working directory
                           of your project
git add

                       git commit
working directory

         git add

                                  git commit

object database      repository
working directory

git add
            index          “staging”
                       git commit
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files
 Stage the changes
Review your changes
Commit the changes
$ find .
$ vim
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import webapp

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):
    self.response.out.write('Hello world!')

def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)],

if __name__ == '__main__':
"" 16L, 402C
$ vim
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import webapp

# this program prints out ‘hello world’

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):
    self.response.out.write('Hello world!')

def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)],

if __name__ == '__main__':
"" 16L, 402C
$ git status
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what
#	modified:
no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what
#	modified:
no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what
#	modified:
no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not STAGED
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what
#	modified:
no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files
 Stage the changes
Review your changes
Commit the changes
git add
working directory

git add

                       git commit
working directory

git add

                       git commit
$ git add
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#    (use "git reset HEAD <file>.
#	modified:
$ git add
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#    (use "git reset HEAD <file>.
#	modified:
$ git add
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
           THAT ARE STAGED
#    (use "git reset HEAD <file>.
#	modified:
$ vim app.yaml
application: chacon
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1

- url: .*
"app.yaml" 8L, 101C
$ vim app.yaml
application: chacon
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1

- url: .*
"app.yaml" 8L, 101C
$ vim app.yaml
application: chacon
version: 2
runtime: python
api_version: 1

- url: .*
"app.yaml" 8L, 101C
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	 modified:
# Changed but not updated:
#    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com
#	 modified:   app.yaml
$ vim
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import webapp

# this program prints out ‘hello world’

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):
    self.response.out.write('Hello world!')

def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)],

if __name__ == '__main__':
"" 16L, 402C
$ vim
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import webapp

# this program prints out ‘hello world’

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):
    self.response.out.write('Hola world!')

def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)],

if __name__ == '__main__':
"" 16L, 402C
$ vim
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import webapp

# this program prints out ‘hello world’

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):
    self.response.out.write('Hola Mundo!')

def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)],

if __name__ == '__main__':
"" 16L, 402C
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	 modified:
# Changed but not updated:
#    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com
#	 modified:   app.yaml
#	 modified:
$ git status
         # On branch master
         # Changes to be committed:
Staged   #    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
         #	 modified:
         # Changed but not updated:
         #    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com
         #	 modified:    app.yaml
         #	 modified:
$ git status
           # On branch master
           # Changes to be committed:
           #    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
           #	 modified:
           # Changed but not updated:
Unstaged   #
                (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com

           #	 modified:    app.yaml
           #	 modified:
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	 modified:
# Changed but not updated:
#    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com
#	 modified:    app.yaml
#	 modified:
Staged                             In Working Directory
#!/usr/bin/env python                         #!/usr/bin/env python
import wsgiref.handlers                       import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import webapp       from google.appengine.ext import webapp

# this program prints out ‘hello world’       # this program prints out ‘hello world’

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):     class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):                                def get(self):
    self.response.out.write('Hello World!')       self.response.out.write('Hola Mundo!')

def main():                                   def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication          application = webapp.WSGIApplication
([('/'                                        ([('/'
debug=True)                                   debug=True)
  wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run             wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run
(applicat                                     (applicat

if __name__ == '__main__':                    if __name__ == '__main__':
  main()                                        main()
Staged                             In Working Directory
#!/usr/bin/env python                         #!/usr/bin/env python
import wsgiref.handlers                       import wsgiref.handlers
from google.appengine.ext import webapp       from google.appengine.ext import webapp

# this program prints out ‘hello world’       # this program prints out ‘hello world’

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):     class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):                                def get(self):
    self.response.out.write('Hello World!')       self.response.out.write('Hola Mundo!')

def main():                                   def main():
  application = webapp.WSGIApplication          application = webapp.WSGIApplication
([('/'                                        ([('/'
debug=True)                                   debug=True)
  wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run             wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run
(applicat                                     (applicat

if __name__ == '__main__':                    if __name__ == '__main__':
  main()                                        main()
You have to stage a file
   after you edit it
You have to stage a file
  after you edit it
You have to stage a file
  after you edit it
$ git add app.yaml
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	 modified:   app.yaml
#	 modified:
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files
 Stage the changes
Review your changes
Commit the changes
git commit
working directory

git add

                       git commit
working directory

git add

                       git commit
$ git commit

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   app.yaml
#       modified:
".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" 10L, 279C
$ git commit

descriptive commit message
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   app.yaml
#       modified:
".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" 10L, 279C
$ git commit

descriptive commit message
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   app.yaml
#       modified:
".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" 10L, 279C
$ git commit
Created commit 77d3001: descriptive commit message
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files        vim / emacs / etc
 Stage the changes      git add (file)
Review your changes     repo status
Commit the changes       git commit
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files        vim / emacs / etc
 Stage the changes      git add (file)
Review your changes     repo status
Commit the changes       git commit
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files        vim / emacs / etc
 Stage the changes      git add (file)
Review your changes     repo status
Commit the changes       git commit
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files        vim / emacs / etc
 Stage the changes      git add (file)
Review your changes       git status
Commit the changes       git commit
A Basic Workflow
     Edit files        vim / emacs / etc
 Stage the changes      git add (file)
Review your changes       git status
Commit the changes       git commit
A Basicer Workflow

    Edit files      vim / emacs / etc
Stage and Commit    git commit -a
What’s going on here?
$ git commit
Created commit 77d3001: descriptive commit message
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
$ git commit
Created commit 77d3001: descriptive commit message
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
               commit               size
                 tree         c4ec5
                parent        a149e
                author        Scott
               committer      Scott
               my commit message goes here
               and it is really, really cool
                     commit        size
tree c4ec543b0322744e55c5efc9b6c4e449d398dbff
parent a149e2160b3f7573768cdc2fce24d0881f3577e1
                       tree    c4ec5
author Scott Chacon <> 1223402504 -0700
committer Scott Chaconparent
                        <> 1223402504 -0700
                      author   Scott
descriptive commit message
                     committer Scott
                     my commit message goes here
                     and it is really, really cool
               commit               size
                 tree         c4ec5
                parent        a149e
                author        Scott
               committer      Scott
               my commit message goes here
               and it is really, really cool
               commit                 size
                 tree           c4ec5
                parent          a149e
                author          Scott
               committer        Scott
               my commit message goes here
               and it is really, really cool

                         ./         c4e

                              app.yaml       3d5

                              index.yaml     1d3

                              commit                 size
commit               size
  tree         2de54
                                tree           c4ec5
 parent        38def           parent          a149e
 author        Scott
                               author          Scott
committer      Scott
this is the previous commit   committer        Scott
and I am very proud of it
                              my commit message goes here
                              and it is really, really cool

                                        ./         c4e

                                             app.yaml       3d5

                                             index.yaml     1d3

                                 commit                 size
commit                    size
  tree            2de54
                                   tree           c4ec5
 parent           38def           parent          a149e
 author           Scott
                                  author          Scott
committer         Scott
this is the previous commit      committer        Scott
and I am very proud of it
                                 my commit message goes here
                                 and it is really, really cool

        ./         c4e

             app.yaml     3d5

             index.yaml   1d3              ./         c4e


                                                app.yaml       3d5

                                                index.yaml     1d3

                                                                                                   commit                 size
                                                                  commit                    size
commit                    size
                                 commit                    size
                                                                    tree            2de54
                                                                                                     tree           c4ec5
                                   tree            2fe65
                  90ecd           parent           90ecd           parent           38def           parent          a149e
                                  author           Scott
committer         Scott
                                 committer                                          Scott
this is the commit before that
and I'm not sure why
                                 this is the commit before that
                                 and I'm not sure why             committer         Scott
                                                                  this is the previous commit      committer        Scott
                                                                  and I am very proud of it
        ./         c4e

             app.yaml     3d5
                                                                                                   my commit message goes here
                                         ./         c4e

             index.yaml   1d3
                                                                                                   and it is really, really cool
                                              app.yaml     3d5

                                              index.yaml   1d3
                                                                          ./         c4e

                                                                               app.yaml     3d5

                                                                               index.yaml   1d3              ./         c4e


                                                                                                                  app.yaml       3d5

                                                                                                                  index.yaml     1d3

                                                                                                   commit                 size
                                                                  commit                    size
commit                    size
                                 commit                    size
                                                                    tree    2de54
                                                                                                     tree           c4ec5
                                   tree    2fe65
               90ecd              parent 38d
                                           90ecd                   parent a14
                                                                            38def                   parent        77d
                                  author   Scott
committer         Scott
                                 committer                                  Scott
this is the commit before that
and I'm not sure why
                                 this is the commit before that
                                 and I'm not sure why             committer         Scott
                                                                  this is the previous commit      committer        Scott
                                                                  and I am very proud of it
        ./         c4e

                                                                                                   my commit message goes here
             app.yaml                               c4e

             index.yaml   1d3
                                                                                                   and it is really, really cool
                                              app.yaml     3d5

                                              index.yaml   5b1
                                                                          ./         f46

                                                                               app.yaml     23f

                                                                               index.yaml   30e
                                                                                            1d3              ./         c4e


                                                                                                                  app.yaml       3d5

                                                                                                                  index.yaml     1d3


5b1   32a   c36

1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6

38d   23f   03e

254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3

3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e

77d   de3   2d3

5b1   32a   c36

1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6
                  git checkout ae635
38d   23f   03e

254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3

3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e

77d   de3   2d3

5b1   32a   c36

1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6
                  git checkout ae635
38d   23f   03e

254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3

3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e

77d   de3   2d3
Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3
Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3
Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3
Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3
Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3

                                           git add
Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3              Rakefile
38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3

                                           git add
Repository               Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                    ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6     ./Rakefile         1d3
                                      34f              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                    ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                    ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e     ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3

34f   3da   a08


                  git commit
Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3
                                    34f              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3

34f   3da   a08

Repository             Index               Working Directory

5b1   32a   c36
                  ./                3d4         ./
1d3   f46   3d4

ffe   6fe   ae6   ./Rakefile         1d3
                                    34f              Rakefile

38d   23f   03e
                  ./README          03e              README
254   30e   5b1

a14   67e   1d3
                  ./lib/            c36                lib/
3d5   735   d23

c4e   c4e   48e   ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1                  simplegit.rb

77d   de3   2d3

34f   3da   a08

object model
pointer to a       commit


directory list      tree

file contents        blob
object model
pointer to a       commit


directory list      tree

file contents        blob

       commit                 commit                 commit

        tree                   tree                   tree

blob            tree   blob            tree   blob            tree

Branching and Merging
lightweight, movable
pointers to a commit


git branch
git checkout

     master         experiment

C0     C1

               C2      C3

      master       experiment

C0       C5

      experiment      C3

      git branch experiment

      master       experiment

C0       C5

      experiment      C3

      git branch experiment

      master       experiment

                           $ git branch
C0       C5
        C1                 * default

      experiment      C3

      master       experiment

                           $ git branch
C0       C5
        C1                 * default

      experiment      C3
       master      experiment

C0        C5

      experiment      C3


      git checkout experiment
T1          master
               master              experiment

                                           git commit
    C0    C4 C1

2        C3              C5
                         C2           C3


T1          master
               master              experiment

                                           git commit
    C0    C4 C1

2        C3              C5
                         C2           C3


T1          master
               master              experiment

                                           git commit
    C0    C4 C1

2        C3              C5
                         C2           C3


T1          master
           master               experiment

                                         git commit
 C0          C1        C4
                                         git commit

      C2              C3
                     C2            C5



           master               git checkout default

 C0          C1        C4

      C2              C3
                     C2             C5


           master               git checkout default

 C0          C1        C4

      C2              C3
                     C2             C5

git commit
            T1              T1
                            master       default


C0        C1     C4         C4

     C2         C3
               C2        C5
                         C3           C5

                      experiment   experiment
git commit
            T1              T1
                            master       default


C0        C1     C4         C4

     C2         C3
               C2        C5
                         C3           C5

                      experiment   experiment
git commit
            T1              T1
                            master       default


C0        C1     C4         C4

     C2         C3
               C2        C5
                         C3           C5

                      experiment   experiment
T1         default

  C0        C1             C4

                 C2       C3           C5

git checkout experiment             experiment

       git commit
what is a branch, really?
$ find .git/refs
$ find .git/refs
$ find .git/refs
$ find .git/refs
$ cat .git/refs/heads/default
$ find .git/refs
$ cat .git/refs/heads/default
$ cat .git/refs/heads/experiment
$ cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/experiment
$ cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/experiment
$ cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/experiment
git merge
T1         default

C0   C1         C4

          C2   C3           C5



                            T1         default

C0        C1            C4

                C2     C3           C5

git checkout default             experiment

                             T1                master

 C0        C1                C4                 C6

                C2      C3           C5

 git checkout default             experiment

git merge experiment

                             T1                master

 C0        C1                C4                 C6

                C2      C3           C5

 git checkout default             experiment

git merge experiment

 C0      C1                C4                 C6            C8

              C2      C3           C5                  C7


git checkout experiment           HEAD

C0        C1             C4         C6             C8

               C2   C3        C5             C7


     git commit                          HEAD


C0     C1                   C4         C6             C8

            C2         C3        C5             C7


git checkout default


C0     C1                   C4        C6            C8

            C2         C3        C5        C7


git merge experiment
Why is this cool?
non-linear development
• clone the code that is in production
• create a branch for issue #53 (iss53)
• work for 10 minutes
• someone asks for a hotfix for issue #102
• checkout ‘production’
• create a branch (iss102)
• fix the issue
• checkout ‘production’, merge ‘iss102’
• push ‘production’
• checkout ‘iss53’ and keep working

origin/master      C1


                             git clone

origin/master      C1        iss53


                                     git checkout -b iss53

                production   C2

origin/master      C1


                                     git commit


                production   C2

origin/master      C1


                                     git commit


                production   C2

origin/master      C1                      iss102


                                     git checkout production
                                      git checkout -b iss102

                             C3      iss102

                production   C2       C4

origin/master      C1


                                     git commit

                production   C3

   iss102          C4        C2

origin/master      C1


                                     git checkout production
                                          git merge iss102

                production   C3

origin/master      C4        C2



                                     git push


                production   C3

origin/master      C4        C2


                                     git checkout iss53
                                         git commit


                production                     C3

origin/master      C4        iss53v2           C2


                                       git checkout production
                                        git checkout -b iss53v2
iss53v2   iss53


                production              C3

origin/master      C4                   C2


                                       git commit
                                       git commit
try out an idea
isolate work units
long running topics
all local, so far
sharing git
git clone git://
distributed workflow
distributed workflow
     fetch, pull and push
pull = fetch + merge
git push
a who in the what now?
local repo

           public repo                public repo


                         local repo

                         A   B    C
local repo

               public repo                 public repo

           A   B   C


                   git push

                              local repo

                              A   B    C
local repo

                   git fetch   A   B    C


               public repo                  public repo

           A   B   C


                   git push

                               local repo

                               A   B    C
local repo

                   git fetch   A   B    C

                     (git)     D   E    F   git commit

               public repo                    public repo

           A   B   C


                   git push

                               local repo

                               A   B    C
local repo

                   git fetch   A   B    C   git push
                     (git)     D   E    F    (ssh)

               public repo                  public repo

           A   B   C                           A   B      C

internet                                       D   E      F

                   git push

                               local repo

                               A   B    C
local repo

                   git fetch   A   B    C   git push
                     (git)     D   E    F    (ssh)

               public repo                  public repo

           A   B   C                           A   B      C

internet                                       D   E      F

                   git push                 git fetch
                    (ssh)                    (http)

                               local repo

                               A   B    C

                               D   E    F
local repo

                   git fetch   A   B    C   git push
                     (git)     D   E    F    (ssh)

               public repo                  public repo

           A   B   C                           A   B      C

internet   D   E   F                           D   E      F

                   git push                 git fetch
                    (ssh)                    (http)

                               local repo

                               A   B    C

                               D   E    F
multiple remotes
developer                               developer
  nick                                   jessica

                      ce0   4a7   5ec    master

            my repo   e4a
developer                               developer
  nick                                   jessica

                      ce0   4a7   5ec    master

            my repo   e4a
developer                                developer
  nick                                    jessica

                      ce0    4a7   5ec    master

            my repo   e4a
developer                                developer
  nick                                    jessica

                       ce0   4a7   5ec    master

            my repo    e4a
developer                                       developer
  nick                                           jessica

                              ce0   4a7   5ec


 git push public
                              ce0   4a7   5ec    master

                   my repo    e4a                public/master
ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
  nick                                                      jessica

                              git clone (url)

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec


                                         ce0   4a7   5ec    master

                              my repo    e4a                public/master
ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12

                               git commit

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec


                                         ce0   4a7   5ec    master

                              my repo    e4a                public/master
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                 ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                             e4a
            24f   ec5   c12   git clone (url)               jessica

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec


                                         ce0   4a7   5ec    master

                              my repo    e4a                public/master
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                 ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                             e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                 4ea   df7   2fb

                                 git commit                                 a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec


                                         ce0   4a7   5ec    master

                              my repo    e4a                public/master
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

                                   git push                                a09

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb
                              "public"                                     a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                              my repo    e4a               public/master
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"                                     a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                              my repo    e4a               public/master

git remote add nicknick git://
       git remote add git://
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

 "nick"                       "public"                                     a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                              my repo    e4a               public/master

git remote add nicknick git://
       git remote add git://
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"                      "jess"         a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                              my repo    e4a               public/master

git remote add add jess git://
       git remote jess git://
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                 ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                             e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                 4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                    ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                                e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12                                                 4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"                     “jess”
                                                             "jess"         a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                              my repo    e4a                public/master

git remote add add jess git://
       git remote jess git://
5ec                ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
      schacon/                        jessica/
                   e4a                               e4a
       project     ce0   4a7   5ec     project                                         ce0   4a7   5ec
c12   developer                                      4ea   df7   2fb   developer
                   e4a                                                                 e4a
         nick                          "jess"        a09                jessica
                   24f   ec5   c12                                                     4ea   df7   2fb

                   ce0   4a7   5ec   master          ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
       nickh/                         schacon/                          jessica/
      my repo      e4a               public/master   e4a                               e4a
       project                         project                           project
                   24f   ec5   c12   nick/master                                       4ea   df7   2fb
       "nick"                        "public"                           "jess"         a09

       git fetch nick
                                                     ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                                     my repo         e4a               public/master

                                 git fetch nick
                  git remote add jess git://
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"                       "jess"        a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                              my repo    e4a               public/master

                                         24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                               git fetch nick
nickh/                      schacon/                            jessic
                                          e4a                                e4a
                                project                      project                             proje
                                          24f   ec5   c12
             ce0   4a7   5ec                                                 ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                       "nick"                      "public"
                                                            developer                            "jess
             e4a                                                             e4a
  nick                                                       jessica
             24f   ec5   c12                                                 4ea   df7   2fb

                                                                             ce0   4a7   5ec   master

             ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec   my repo          e4a
                                                                             ce0   4a7   5ec   public/
 nickh/                        schacon/                     jessica/
             e4a                          e4a                                24f
                                                                             e4a   ec5   c12   nick/ma
 project                        project                      project
             24f   ec5   c12                                                 4ea
                                                                             4ea   df7
                                                                                   df7   2fb
                                                                                         2fb   jess/ma

 "nick"                        "public"                       "jess"         a09

                                                              git fetch jess

                                          ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                               my repo    e4a               public/master

                                          24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                           git fetchnick
                             git fetch jess
            git remote add jess git://
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"                       "jess"        a09

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec   master

                              my repo    e4a               public/master

                                         24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                                         4ea   df7   2fb   jess/master


                               git fetch jess
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
 developer                                                  developer
             e4a                                                            e4a
   nick                                                      jessica
             24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

             ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
  nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
             e4a                          e4a                               e4a
  project                       project                       project
             24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb
  "nick"                       "public"                       "jess"        a09

                                          ce0   4a7   5ec
                               my repo    e4a               public/master

                                          24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                                          4ea   df7   2fb   jess/master

                                          a09   c63   b3b   master

git merge nick jess
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12              24f   ec5   c12                   4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"   4ea   df7   2fb     "jess"        a09
                                         a09   c63   b3b

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec
                              my repo    e4a
                                         24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                                         4ea   df7   2fb   jess/master

                                         a09   c63   b3b   master


git push public
ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12              24f   ec5   c12                   4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"   4ea   df7   2fb     "jess"        a09
                                         a09   c63   b3b

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec
                              my repo    e4a
                                         24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                                         4ea   df7   2fb   jess/master

                                         a09   c63   b3b   master

ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12              24f   ec5   c12                   4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"   4ea   df7   2fb     "jess"        a09
                                         a09   c63   b3b

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec
                              my repo    e4a
                                         24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                                         4ea   df7   2fb   jess/master

                                         a09   c63   b3b   master

ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12              24f   ec5   c12                   4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"   4ea   df7   2fb     "jess"        a09
                                         a09   c63   b3b

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec
                              my repo    e4a
                                         24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                                         4ea   df7   2fb   jess/master

                                         a09   c63   b3b   master

ce0   4a7   5ec                                                ce0   4a7   5ec
developer                                                  developer
            e4a                                                            e4a
  nick                                                      jessica
            24f   ec5   c12                                                4ea   df7   2fb

            ce0   4a7   5ec              ce0   4a7   5ec                   ce0   4a7   5ec
 nickh/                       schacon/                      jessica/
            e4a                          e4a                               e4a
 project                       project                       project
            24f   ec5   c12              24f   ec5   c12                   4ea   df7   2fb
 "nick"                       "public"   4ea   df7   2fb     "jess"        a09
                                         a09   c63   b3b

                                         ce0   4a7   5ec
                              my repo    e4a
                                         24f   ec5   c12   nick/master

                                         4ea   df7   2fb   jess/master

                                         a09   c63   b3b   master

popular workflows
central repository
developer             developer

developer                                     developer

                   shared repository
developer                                     developer

            developer             developer
shared repository

developer      developer        developer

            git clone
shared repository

developer      developer        developer

            git push
shared repository

developer      developer        developer

            git push
shared repository

developer      developer        developer
shared repository

developer       developer        developer

             git fetch
            git merge
shared repository

developer      developer        developer

            git push
dictator and lieutenants
dictator                                 blessed repository



developer         developer   developer                developer
dictator                                    blessed repository



developer         developer      developer                developer

                          git clone
dictator                                 blessed repository



developer         developer   developer                developer

     git fetch
    git merge
dictator                                     blessed repository



developer         developer       developer                developer

                               git fetch
                              git merge
git fetch; git merge
  dictator                                 blessed repository



 developer         developer   developer                developer
git push
 dictator                                 blessed repository



developer         developer   developer                developer
dictator                                    blessed repository



developer         developer      developer                developer

                          git fetch
integration manager
repository    developer   developer
                public      public

integration   developer   developer
 manager       private     private
                     /yob/ticgit   /pope/ticgit
   repository         developer      developer
                        public         public

   integration        developer      developer
    manager            private        private
/schacon/ticgit                 “forks”
                     /yob/ticgit        /pope/ticgit
   repository         developer          developer
                        public             public

   integration        developer          developer
    manager            private            private
 repository    developer   developer
                 public      public

 integration   developer   developer
  manager       private     private

git push
repository       developer   developer
                   public      public

integration      developer   developer
 manager          private     private

              git clone
repository      developer   developer
                  public      public

integration     developer   developer
 manager         private     private

              git push
repository    developer     developer
                public        public

integration   developer     developer
 manager       private       private

                           git fetch
                          git merge
repository    developer    developer
                public       public

integration   developer    developer
 manager       private      private

                          git push
repository     developer   developer
                 public      public

integration    developer   developer
 manager        private     private

   git fetch
  git merge
 repository    developer   developer
                 public      public

 integration   developer   developer
  manager       private     private

git push
Remotes Are Branches
scott   jessica



scott              jessica

default           scott/default        default

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott                    jessica

            git clone   scott/default        default

 C1                         C1

 C0                         C0
scott              jessica

default           scott/default        default

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott              jessica

default           scott/default        default

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott              jessica




default           scott/default         C2

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott              jessica




default           scott/default         C2

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott              jessica




default           scott/default         C2

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott              jessica

default                                default

 C7                                     C4

 C6                                     C3

 C5               scott/default         C2

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott              jessica

default                                default

 C7                                     C4

 C6                                     C3

 C5               scott/default         C2

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott              jessica

default           scott/default        default

 C7                   C7                C4

 C6                   C6                C3

 C5                   C5                C2

 C1                   C1

 C0                   C0
scott                     jessica

default   scott/default    default   experiment

 C7           C7            C4          C9

 C6           C6            C3          C8

 C5           C5            C2

 C1           C1

 C0           C0
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
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Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
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Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
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Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
Git 101 Presentation
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Git 101 Presentation
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Git 101 Presentation

  • 3. Me
  • 5.
  • 7.
  • 11. </me>
  • 13. Git is an open source, distributed version control system designed for speed and efficiency
  • 15. mercurial (hg) bazaar subversion (svn) version control concurrent version system (cvs) perforce visual source safe
  • 16. SoS mercurial (hg) bazaar subversion (svn) version control concurrent version system (cvs) perforce visual source safe
  • 17. SoS mercurial (hg) “not bad” bazaar subversion (svn) version control concurrent version system (cvs) perforce visual source safe
  • 18. SoS mercurial (hg) bazaar subversion (svn) version control concurrent version system (cvs) perforce visual source safe “kill self”
  • 19. git mercurial (hg) bazaar subversion (svn) version control concurrent version system (cvs) perforce visual source safe
  • 20. Git is an open source, distributed version control system designed for speed and efficiency
  • 22. Git is an open source, distributed version control system designed for speed and efficiency
  • 25. which means everything is fast every clone is a backup work offline
  • 26. No Network Needed Performing a diff Viewing file history Committing changes Merging branches Obtaining other revisions of a file Switching branches
  • 27. Git is an open source, distributed version control system designed for speed and efficiency
  • 28.
  • 32.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 33.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 34.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 35.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 36.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 37.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 38.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 39.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 40.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 41.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 42.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 43.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 44.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 45.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 46.         delta storage             snapshot      storage          
  • 49. $ git config --global “Scott Chacon” $ git config --global “”
  • 53. $ touch hello_world.rb $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m ‘first commit’
  • 54. $ touch hello_world.rb $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m ‘first commit’
  • 55. $ tree -a . |-- .git | |-- HEAD | |-- branches | |-- config | |-- description | |-- hooks | | |-- post-commit.sample | | |-- post-receive.sample | | |-- ... | | |-- pre-rebase.sample | | `-- update.sample | |-- info | | `-- exclude | |-- objects | | |-- info | | `-- pack | |-- refs | | |-- heads | | `-- tags | `-- remotes `-- hello_world.rb 11 directories, 25 files
  • 56. $ tree -a . |-- .git | |-- HEAD | |-- branches | |-- config | |-- description | |-- hooks | | |-- post-commit.sample | | |-- post-receive.sample | | |-- ... | | |-- pre-rebase.sample | | `-- update.sample | |-- info | | `-- exclude | |-- objects | | |-- info | | `-- pack | |-- refs | | |-- heads | | `-- tags | `-- remotes `-- hello_world.rb 11 directories, 25 files
  • 57. $ tree -a . |-- .git | |-- HEAD | |-- branches | |-- config | |-- description | |-- hooks | | |-- post-commit.sample | | |-- post-receive.sample | | |-- ... | | |-- pre-rebase.sample | | `-- update.sample | |-- info | | `-- exclude | |-- objects | | |-- info | | `-- pack | |-- refs | | |-- heads | | `-- tags | `-- remotes `-- hello_world.rb 11 directories, 25 files
  • 58. $ touch hello_world.rb $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m ‘first commit’
  • 59. $ touch hello_world.rb $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m ‘first commit’
  • 60. $ tree -a . |-- .git | |-- COMMIT_EDITMSG | |-- HEAD | |-- branches | |-- config | |-- description | |-- hooks | | |-- applypatch-msg.sample | | `-- update.sample | |-- index | |-- info | | `-- exclude | |-- logs | | |-- HEAD | | `-- refs | | `-- heads | | `-- master | |-- objects | | |-- 32/09658ac8d80bc9726d3a33d77e3dfc5fe6035e | | |-- 53/9cd7886a627841d525a78d45cbc6396be20b41 | | |-- e6/9de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 | | |-- info | | `-- pack | |-- refs | | |-- heads | | | `-- master | | `-- tags | `-- remotes `-- hello_world.rb 17 directories, 33 files
  • 61. $ tree -a . |-- .git | |-- COMMIT_EDITMSG | |-- HEAD | |-- branches | |-- config | |-- description | |-- hooks | | |-- applypatch-msg.sample | | `-- update.sample | |-- index | |-- info | | `-- exclude | |-- logs | | |-- HEAD | | `-- refs | | `-- heads | | `-- master | |-- objects | | |-- 32/09658ac8d80bc9726d3a33d77e3dfc5fe6035e | | |-- 53/9cd7886a627841d525a78d45cbc6396be20b41 | | |-- e6/9de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 | | |-- info | | `-- pack | |-- refs | | |-- heads | | | `-- master | | `-- tags | `-- remotes `-- hello_world.rb 17 directories, 33 files
  • 62. $ tree -a . |-- .git | |-- COMMIT_EDITMSG | |-- HEAD | |-- branches | |-- config | |-- description | |-- hooks | | |-- applypatch-msg.sample | | `-- update.sample | |-- index | |-- info | | `-- exclude | |-- logs | | |-- HEAD | | `-- refs | | `-- heads | | `-- master | |-- objects | | |-- 32/09658ac8d80bc9726d3a33d77e3dfc5fe6035e | | |-- 53/9cd7886a627841d525a78d45cbc6396be20b41 | | |-- e6/9de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 | | |-- info | | `-- pack | |-- refs | | |-- heads | | | `-- master | | `-- tags | `-- remotes `-- hello_world.rb 17 directories, 33 files
  • 65. $ git clone git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 591, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done. remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252) Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done. $ cd ticgit/ $ ls LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! ! ticgit.gemspec README! ! bin! lib! spec ! ! $
  • 66. $ git clone git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 591, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done. remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252) Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done. $ cd ticgit/ $ ls LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! ! ticgit.gemspec README! ! bin! lib! spec ! ! $
  • 67. $ git clone git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 591, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done. remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252) Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done. $ cd ticgit/ $ ls LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! ! ticgit.gemspec README! ! bin! lib! spec ! ! $
  • 68. $ git clone git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/ticgit/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 591, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (267/267), done. remote: Total 591 (delta 253), reused 587 (delta 252) Receiving objects: 100% (591/591), 73.05 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (253/253), done. $ cd ticgit/ $ ls .git LICENSE! ! Rakefile! examples! note! ! ticgit.gemspec README!! bin!! lib!! spec $
  • 70. A Basic Workflow Edit files Stage the changes Review your changes Commit the changes
  • 71. working directory git add index git commit repository
  • 72. a working copy working directory of your project git add index git commit repository
  • 73. working directory git add index git commit object database repository
  • 74. working directory git add index “staging” git commit repository
  • 75. A Basic Workflow Edit files Stage the changes Review your changes Commit the changes
  • 77. $ vim #!/usr/bin/env python import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write('Hello world!') def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)], debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ~ ~ "" 16L, 402C
  • 78. $ vim #!/usr/bin/env python import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp # this program prints out ‘hello world’ class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write('Hello world!') def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)], debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ~ ~ "" 16L, 402C
  • 80. $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what # # modified: # no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
  • 81. $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what # # modified: # no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
  • 82. $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what # # modified: # no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
  • 83. $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not STAGED updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what # # modified: # no changes added to commit (use "git add" an
  • 84. A Basic Workflow Edit files Stage the changes Review your changes Commit the changes
  • 86. working directory git add index git commit repository
  • 87. working directory git add index git commit repository
  • 88. $ git add $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>. # # modified: #
  • 89. $ git add $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>. # # modified: #
  • 90. $ git add $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: THAT ARE STAGED # (use "git reset HEAD <file>. # # modified: #
  • 91. $ vim app.yaml application: chacon version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: .* script: ~ ~ ~ "app.yaml" 8L, 101C
  • 92. $ vim app.yaml application: chacon version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: .* script: ~ ~ ~ "app.yaml" 8L, 101C
  • 93. $ vim app.yaml application: chacon version: 2 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: .* script: ~ ~ ~ "app.yaml" 8L, 101C
  • 94. $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: # # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com # # modified: app.yaml #
  • 95. $ vim #!/usr/bin/env python import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp # this program prints out ‘hello world’ class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write('Hello world!') def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)], debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ~ ~ "" 16L, 402C
  • 96. $ vim #!/usr/bin/env python import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp # this program prints out ‘hello world’ class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write('Hola world!') def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)], debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ~ ~ "" 16L, 402C
  • 97. $ vim #!/usr/bin/env python import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp # this program prints out ‘hello world’ class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write('Hola Mundo!') def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)], debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ~ ~ "" 16L, 402C
  • 98. $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: # # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com # # modified: app.yaml # modified: #
  • 99. $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: Staged # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: # # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com # # modified: app.yaml # modified: #
  • 100. $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: # # Changed but not updated: Unstaged # # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com # modified: app.yaml # modified: #
  • 101. $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: # # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be com # # modified: app.yaml # modified: #
  • 102. Staged In Working Directory #!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python import wsgiref.handlers import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.ext import webapp # this program prints out ‘hello world’ # this program prints out ‘hello world’ class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): def get(self): self.response.out.write('Hello World!') self.response.out.write('Hola Mundo!') def main(): def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication application = webapp.WSGIApplication ([('/' ([('/' debug=True) debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run (applicat (applicat if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__': main() main()
  • 103. Staged In Working Directory #!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python import wsgiref.handlers import wsgiref.handlers from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.ext import webapp # this program prints out ‘hello world’ # this program prints out ‘hello world’ class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): def get(self): self.response.out.write('Hello World!') self.response.out.write('Hola Mundo!') def main(): def main(): application = webapp.WSGIApplication application = webapp.WSGIApplication ([('/' ([('/' debug=True) debug=True) wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run (applicat (applicat if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__': main() main()
  • 104. You have to stage a file after you edit it
  • 105. You have to stage a file after you edit it
  • 106. You have to stage a file after you edit it
  • 107. $ git add app.yaml $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: app.yaml # modified: #
  • 108. A Basic Workflow Edit files Stage the changes Review your changes Commit the changes
  • 110. working directory git add index git commit repository
  • 111. working directory git add index git commit repository
  • 112. $ git commit # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: app.yaml # modified: # ~ ~ ~ ~ ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" 10L, 279C
  • 113. $ git commit descriptive commit message # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: app.yaml # modified: # ~ ~ ~ ~ ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" 10L, 279C
  • 114. $ git commit descriptive commit message # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: app.yaml # modified: # ~ ~ ~ ~ ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" 10L, 279C
  • 115. $ git commit Created commit 77d3001: descriptive commit message 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
  • 116. A Basic Workflow Edit files vim / emacs / etc Stage the changes git add (file) Review your changes repo status Commit the changes git commit
  • 117. A Basic Workflow Edit files vim / emacs / etc Stage the changes git add (file) Review your changes repo status Commit the changes git commit
  • 118. A Basic Workflow Edit files vim / emacs / etc Stage the changes git add (file) Review your changes repo status Commit the changes git commit
  • 119. A Basic Workflow Edit files vim / emacs / etc Stage the changes git add (file) Review your changes git status Commit the changes git commit
  • 120. A Basic Workflow Edit files vim / emacs / etc Stage the changes git add (file) Review your changes git status Commit the changes git commit
  • 121. A Basicer Workflow Edit files vim / emacs / etc Stage and Commit git commit -a
  • 123. $ git commit Created commit 77d3001: descriptive commit message 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
  • 124. $ git commit Created commit 77d3001: descriptive commit message 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
  • 128. 77d3001a1de6bf8f5e431972fe4d25b01e595c0b ae668.. commit size tree c4ec5 parent a149e author Scott committer Scott my commit message goes here and it is really, really cool
  • 129. 77d3001a1de6bf8f5e431972fe4d25b01e595c0b ae668.. commit size tree c4ec543b0322744e55c5efc9b6c4e449d398dbff parent a149e2160b3f7573768cdc2fce24d0881f3577e1 tree c4ec5 author Scott Chacon <> 1223402504 -0700 committer Scott Chaconparent <> 1223402504 -0700 a149e author Scott descriptive commit message committer Scott my commit message goes here and it is really, really cool
  • 130. 77d3001a1de6bf8f5e431972fe4d25b01e595c0b ae668.. commit size tree c4ec5 parent a149e author Scott committer Scott my commit message goes here and it is really, really cool
  • 131. 77d3001a1de6bf8f5e431972fe4d25b01e595c0b ae668.. commit size tree c4ec5 parent a149e author Scott committer Scott my commit message goes here and it is really, really cool ./ c4e app.yaml 3d5 index.yaml 1d3 03e
  • 132. ae668.. commit size commit size tree 2de54 tree c4ec5 parent 38def parent a149e author Scott author Scott committer Scott this is the previous commit committer Scott and I am very proud of it my commit message goes here and it is really, really cool ./ c4e app.yaml 3d5 index.yaml 1d3 03e
  • 133. ae668.. commit size commit size tree 2de54 tree c4ec5 parent 38def parent a149e author Scott author Scott committer Scott this is the previous commit committer Scott and I am very proud of it my commit message goes here and it is really, really cool ./ c4e app.yaml 3d5 index.yaml 1d3 ./ c4e 03e app.yaml 3d5 index.yaml 1d3 03e
  • 134. ae668.. commit size commit size commit size commit size tree 2de54 tree c4ec5 tree 2fe65 tree parent author 2fe65 90ecd parent 90ecd parent 38def parent a149e Scott author Scott author author committer Scott committer Scott this is the commit before that and I'm not sure why Scott Scott this is the commit before that and I'm not sure why committer Scott this is the previous commit committer Scott and I am very proud of it ./ c4e app.yaml 3d5 my commit message goes here ./ c4e index.yaml 1d3 and it is really, really cool app.yaml 3d5 03e index.yaml 1d3 ./ c4e 03e app.yaml 3d5 index.yaml 1d3 ./ c4e 03e app.yaml 3d5 index.yaml 1d3 03e
  • 135. ae668.. commit size commit size commit size commit size tree 2de54 tree c4ec5 tree 2fe65 tree parent author 48e 2fe65 90ecd parent 38d 90ecd parent a14 38def parent 77d a149e Scott author Scott author author committer Scott committer Scott this is the commit before that and I'm not sure why Scott Scott this is the commit before that and I'm not sure why committer Scott this is the previous commit committer Scott and I am very proud of it ./ c4e 3d5 my commit message goes here 32a app.yaml c4e ./ index.yaml 1d3 and it is really, really cool app.yaml 3d5 03e index.yaml 5b1 1d3 c4e ./ f46 03e app.yaml 23f 3d5 index.yaml 30e 1d3 ./ c4e 67e 03e app.yaml 3d5 index.yaml 1d3 03e 03e
  • 136. Repository 5b1 32a c36 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 38d 23f 03e 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e 77d de3 2d3
  • 137. Repository 5b1 32a c36 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 git checkout ae635 38d 23f 03e 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e 77d de3 2d3
  • 138. Repository 5b1 32a c36 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 git checkout ae635 38d 23f 03e 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e 77d de3 2d3
  • 139. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3
  • 140. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3
  • 141. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3
  • 142. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3
  • 143. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3 git add
  • 144. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 Rakefile 34f 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3 git add
  • 145. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 34f Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3 34f 3da a08 ae9 git commit
  • 146. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 34f Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3 34f 3da a08 ae9
  • 147. Repository Index Working Directory 5b1 32a c36 ./ 3d4 ./ 1d3 f46 3d4 ffe 6fe ae6 ./Rakefile 1d3 34f Rakefile 38d 23f 03e ./README 03e README 254 30e 5b1 a14 67e 1d3 ./lib/ c36 lib/ 3d5 735 d23 c4e c4e 48e ./lib/simplegit.rb 5b1 simplegit.rb 77d de3 2d3 34f 3da a08 ae9
  • 148. object model pointer to a commit } snapshot C1 directory list tree file contents blob
  • 149. object model pointer to a commit } snapshot C1 directory list tree file contents blob
  • 150. ref commit commit commit tree tree tree blob tree blob tree blob tree blob
  • 157. HEAD default master experiment C0 C1 C2 C3
  • 158. HEAD C4 default master experiment C3 C0 C5 C1 C2 experiment C3 git branch experiment
  • 159. HEAD C4 default master experiment C3 C0 C5 C1 C2 experiment C3 git branch experiment
  • 160. HEAD C4 default master experiment $ git branch C3 C0 C5 C1 * default experiment C2 experiment C3
  • 161. HEAD C4 default master experiment $ git branch C3 C0 C5 C1 * default experiment C2 experiment C3
  • 162. C4 default master experiment C3 C0 C5 C1 C2 experiment C3 HEAD git checkout experiment
  • 163. T1 master default master experiment git commit C0 C4 C1 2 C3 C5 C2 C3 experiment HEAD
  • 164. T1 master default master experiment git commit C0 C4 C1 2 C3 C5 C2 C3 experiment HEAD
  • 165. T1 master default master experiment git commit C0 C4 C1 2 C3 C5 C2 C3 experiment HEAD
  • 166. T1 master default master experiment git commit C1 C0 C1 C4 git commit C2 C3 C2 C5 C3 experiment HEAD
  • 167. HEAD T1 default master git checkout default master experiment C1 C0 C1 C4 C2 C3 C2 C5 C3 experiment
  • 168. HEAD T1 default master git checkout default master experiment C1 C0 C1 C4 C2 C3 C2 C5 C3 experiment
  • 169. git commit T1 T1 master default master HEAD C1 C0 C1 C4 C4 C2 C3 C2 C5 C3 C5 experiment experiment
  • 170. git commit T1 T1 master default master HEAD C1 C0 C1 C4 C4 C2 C3 C2 C5 C3 C5 experiment experiment
  • 171. git commit T1 T1 master default master HEAD C1 C0 C1 C4 C4 C2 C3 C2 C5 C3 C5 experiment experiment
  • 172. T1 default master C0 C1 C4 C2 C3 C5 git checkout experiment experiment git commit HEAD
  • 173. what is a branch, really?
  • 177. $ find .git/refs .git/refs .git/refs/heads .git/refs/heads/default .git/refs/heads/experiment $ cat .git/refs/heads/default 6370409dc9e38af91565082bdf93577ff555489e
  • 178. $ find .git/refs .git/refs .git/refs/heads .git/refs/heads/default .git/refs/heads/experiment $ cat .git/refs/heads/default 6370409dc9e38af91565082bdf93577ff555489e $ cat .git/refs/heads/experiment 33ce13c2f0ed35775956f81191b01a644448dcfc
  • 179. $ cat .git/HEAD ref: refs/heads/experiment
  • 180. $ cat .git/HEAD ref: refs/heads/experiment
  • 181. $ cat .git/HEAD ref: refs/heads/experiment
  • 184. T1 default master C0 C1 C4 C2 C3 C5 experiment HEAD
  • 185. HEAD T1 default master C0 C1 C4 C2 C3 C5 git checkout default experiment
  • 186. HEAD T1 master default C0 C1 C4 C6 C2 C3 C5 git checkout default experiment git merge experiment
  • 187. HEAD T1 master default C0 C1 C4 C6 C2 C3 C5 git checkout default experiment git merge experiment
  • 188. default C0 C1 C4 C6 C8 C2 C3 C5 C7 experiment git checkout experiment HEAD
  • 189. default C0 C1 C4 C6 C8 C2 C3 C5 C7 experiment git commit HEAD
  • 190. HEAD default C0 C1 C4 C6 C8 C2 C3 C5 C7 experiment git checkout default
  • 191. HEAD default C0 C1 C4 C6 C8 C2 C3 C5 C7 experiment git merge experiment
  • 192. Why is this cool?
  • 194. • clone the code that is in production • create a branch for issue #53 (iss53) • work for 10 minutes • someone asks for a hotfix for issue #102 • checkout ‘production’ • create a branch (iss102) • fix the issue • checkout ‘production’, merge ‘iss102’ • push ‘production’ • checkout ‘iss53’ and keep working
  • 195. production origin/master C1 C0 git clone
  • 196. production origin/master C1 iss53 C0 git checkout -b iss53
  • 197. iss53 production C2 origin/master C1 C0 git commit
  • 198. iss53 C3 production C2 origin/master C1 C0 git commit
  • 199. iss53 C3 production C2 origin/master C1 iss102 C0 git checkout production git checkout -b iss102
  • 200. iss53 C3 iss102 production C2 C4 origin/master C1 C0 git commit
  • 201. iss53 production C3 iss102 C4 C2 origin/master C1 C0 git checkout production git merge iss102
  • 202. iss53 production C3 origin/master C4 C2 C1 C0 git push
  • 203. iss53 C5 production C3 origin/master C4 C2 C1 C0 git checkout iss53 git commit
  • 204. iss53 C5 production C3 origin/master C4 iss53v2 C2 C1 C0 git checkout production git checkout -b iss53v2
  • 205. iss53v2 iss53 C5 C7 production C3 C6 origin/master C4 C2 C1 C0 git commit git commit
  • 206. try out an idea
  • 212.
  • 213.
  • 214.
  • 215.
  • 216.
  • 217.
  • 218.
  • 219.
  • 220.
  • 221.
  • 222.
  • 223.
  • 224.
  • 225.
  • 226.
  • 227.
  • 228.
  • 231. distributed workflow fetch, pull and push
  • 232. fetch
  • 233.
  • 234.
  • 235.
  • 236.
  • 237.
  • 238.
  • 239. pull
  • 240. pull = fetch + merge
  • 241. push
  • 242.
  • 243.
  • 244.
  • 246.
  • 247. a who in the what now?
  • 248. local repo public repo public repo internet local repo A B C
  • 249. local repo public repo public repo A B C internet git push (ssh) local repo A B C
  • 250. local repo git fetch A B C (git) public repo public repo A B C internet git push (ssh) local repo A B C
  • 251. local repo git fetch A B C (git) D E F git commit public repo public repo A B C internet git push (ssh) local repo A B C
  • 252. local repo git fetch A B C git push (git) D E F (ssh) public repo public repo A B C A B C internet D E F git push (ssh) local repo A B C
  • 253. local repo git fetch A B C git push (git) D E F (ssh) public repo public repo A B C A B C internet D E F git push git fetch (ssh) (http) local repo A B C D E F
  • 254. local repo git fetch A B C git push (git) D E F (ssh) public repo public repo A B C A B C internet D E F D E F git push git fetch (ssh) (http) local repo A B C D E F
  • 256. developer developer nick jessica ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a
  • 257. developer developer nick jessica commit ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a
  • 258. developer developer nick jessica tree ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a
  • 259. developer developer nick jessica blobs ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a
  • 260. developer developer nick jessica ce0 4a7 5ec schacon/ e4a project "public" git push public ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master
  • 261. ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a nick jessica git clone (url) ce0 4a7 5ec schacon/ e4a project "public" ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master
  • 262. ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 git commit ce0 4a7 5ec schacon/ e4a project "public" ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master
  • 263. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick 24f ec5 c12 git clone (url) jessica ce0 4a7 5ec schacon/ e4a project "public" ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master
  • 264. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb git commit a09 ce0 4a7 5ec schacon/ e4a project "public" ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master
  • 265. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb git push a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "public" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master
  • 266. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master git remote add nicknick git:// git remote add git://
  • 267. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb “nick” "nick" "public" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master git remote add nicknick git:// git remote add git://
  • 268. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" "jess" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master git remote add add jess git:// git remote jess git://
  • 269. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" “jess” "jess" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master git remote add add jess git:// git remote jess git://
  • 270. 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a project ce0 4a7 5ec project ce0 4a7 5ec c12 developer 4ea df7 2fb developer e4a e4a "public" nick "jess" a09 jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ my repo e4a public/master e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" "jess" a09 git fetch nick ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master git fetch nick git remote add jess git://
  • 271. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" "jess" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master 24f ec5 c12 nick/master git fetch nick
  • 272. nickh/ schacon/ jessic e4a e4a project project proje 24f ec5 c12 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer "nick" "public" developer "jess e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec my repo e4a ce0 4a7 5ec public/ nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a 24f e4a ec5 c12 nick/ma project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea 4ea df7 df7 2fb 2fb jess/ma "nick" "public" "jess" a09 a09 git fetch jess ce0 4a7 5ec master master my repo e4a public/master public/master 24f ec5 c12 nick/master git fetchnick git fetch jess git remote add jess git://
  • 273. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" "jess" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec master my repo e4a public/master 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb jess/master a09 git fetch jess
  • 274. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" "jess" a09 ce0 4a7 5ec my repo e4a public/master 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb jess/master a09 c63 b3b master git merge nick jess
  • 275. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" 4ea df7 2fb "jess" a09 a09 c63 b3b ce0 4a7 5ec my repo e4a 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb jess/master a09 c63 b3b master public/master git push public
  • 276. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" 4ea df7 2fb "jess" a09 a09 c63 b3b ce0 4a7 5ec my repo e4a 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb jess/master a09 c63 b3b master public/master
  • 277. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" 4ea df7 2fb "jess" a09 a09 c63 b3b ce0 4a7 5ec my repo e4a 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb jess/master a09 c63 b3b master public/master
  • 278. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" 4ea df7 2fb "jess" a09 a09 c63 b3b ce0 4a7 5ec my repo e4a 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb jess/master a09 c63 b3b master public/master
  • 279. ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec developer developer e4a e4a nick jessica 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb a09 ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec ce0 4a7 5ec nickh/ schacon/ jessica/ e4a e4a e4a project project project 24f ec5 c12 24f ec5 c12 4ea df7 2fb "nick" "public" 4ea df7 2fb "jess" a09 a09 c63 b3b ce0 4a7 5ec my repo e4a 24f ec5 c12 nick/master 4ea df7 2fb jess/master a09 c63 b3b master public/master
  • 282. developer developer developer developer shared repository developer developer developer developer
  • 283. shared repository developer developer developer git clone
  • 284. shared repository developer developer developer git push
  • 285. shared repository developer developer developer git push
  • 286. shared repository developer developer developer
  • 287. shared repository developer developer developer git fetch git merge
  • 288. shared repository developer developer developer git push
  • 290. dictator blessed repository lieutenant lieutenant developer developer developer developer
  • 291. dictator blessed repository lieutenant lieutenant developer developer developer developer git clone
  • 292. dictator blessed repository lieutenant lieutenant developer developer developer developer git fetch git merge
  • 293. dictator blessed repository lieutenant lieutenant developer developer developer developer git fetch git merge
  • 294. git fetch; git merge dictator blessed repository lieutenant lieutenant developer developer developer developer
  • 295. git push dictator blessed repository lieutenant lieutenant developer developer developer developer
  • 296. dictator blessed repository lieutenant lieutenant developer developer developer developer git fetch
  • 298. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private
  • 299. /schacon/ticgit blessed /yob/ticgit /pope/ticgit repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private
  • 300. /schacon/ticgit “forks” blessed /yob/ticgit /pope/ticgit repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private
  • 301. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private git push
  • 302. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private git clone
  • 303. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private git push
  • 304. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private git fetch git merge
  • 305. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private git push
  • 306. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private git fetch git merge
  • 307. blessed repository developer developer public public integration developer developer manager private private git push
  • 309. scott jessica default C1 C0
  • 310. scott jessica default scott/default default C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 311. scott jessica default git clone scott/default default C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 312. scott jessica default scott/default default C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 313. scott jessica default scott/default default C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 314. scott jessica default C4 C3 default scott/default C2 C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 315. scott jessica default C4 C3 default scott/default C2 C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 316. scott jessica default C4 C3 default scott/default C2 C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 317. scott jessica default default C7 C4 C6 C3 C5 scott/default C2 C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 318. scott jessica default default C7 C4 C6 C3 C5 scott/default C2 C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 319. scott jessica default scott/default default C7 C7 C4 C6 C6 C3 C5 C5 C2 C1 C1 C0 C0
  • 320. scott jessica default scott/default default experiment C7 C7 C4 C9 C6 C6 C3 C8 C5 C5 C2 C1 C1 C0 C0