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LLVM Greedy Register
• Introduction to Register Allocation Problem
• LLVM Register Allocation Template Method
• LLVM Basic Register Allocation
• LLVM Greedy Register Allocation
Introduction to Register
• Definition
• Register allocation is the problem of mapping
program variables to either machine registers or
memory addresses.
• Best solution
• minimise the number of loads/stores from/to memory
• NP-complete
int main()
int i, j;
int answer;
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
answer = i * j;
return 0;
@ BB#0:
sub sp, #16
movs r0, #0
str r0, [sp, #12]
movs r0, #1
str r0, [sp, #8]
b LBB0_2
adds r1, #1
str r1, [sp, #8]
ldr r1, [sp, #8]
cmp r1, #9
bgt LBB0_6
@ BB#3:
str r0, [sp, #4]
b LBB0_5
ldr r2, [sp, #4]
muls r1, r2, r1
str r1, [sp]
ldr r1, [sp, #4]
adds r1, #1
Graph Coloring
• For an arbitrary graph G; a coloring of G assigns a
color to each node in G so that no pair of adjacent
nodes have the same color.
2-colorable 3-colorable
Graph Coloring for RA
• Node: Live interval
• Edge: Two live intervals have interference
• Color: Physical register
• Find a optimal colouring for the graph
a0 = …
b0 = …
… = b0
d0 = …
c0 = …
d1 = c0
… = a0
… = d1
B1 B2
LIa = …
LIb = …
… = LIb
LIc = …
LId = LIc
… = LIa
… = LId
B1 B2
LIa = …
LIb = …
… = LIb
LIc = …
LId = LIc
… = LIa
… = LId
B1 B2
LLVM Register Allocation
• Basic
• Provide a minimal implementation of the basic register allocator
• Greedy
• Global live range splitting.
• Fast
• This register allocator allocates registers to a basic block at a
• Partitioned Boolean Quadratic Programming (PBQP) based
register allocator for LLVM
Template Method
• Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation,
deferring some steps to subclasses.
LLVM Register Allocation Template Method
Enqueue All
selectOrSplit for One
Assign the Physical
Enqueue Split
physical register is available
split live interval
customised by new RA algorithm
for (unsigned i = 0, e = MRI->getNumVirtRegs(); i != e; ++i) {
unsigned Reg = TargetRegisterInfo::index2VirtReg(i);
if (MRI->reg_nodbg_empty(Reg))
Basic Register
LLVM Basic Register Allocation
LiveInterval Weight
Enqueue All
Assign the Physical
Enqueue Split
physical register is available
split live interval
update LiveInterval.weight
(spill cost)
priority Q
(spill cost)
customised by RABasic algorithm
struct CompSpillWeight {
bool operator()(LiveInterval *A, LiveInterval *B) const {
return A->weight < B->weight;
1. Assign physical registers to Live Interval with highest spill cost.
2. If there is no physical registers for current Live Interval, select

the highest spill cost Live Interval between current one and 

interferences to assign physical registers.
3. Spill the unassigned Live Intervals.
LiveInterval Weight
• Weight for one instruction with the register
• weight = (isDef + isUse) * (Block Frequency / Entry Frequency)
• loop induction variable: weight *= 3
• For all instructions with the register
• totalWeight += weight
• Hint: totalWeight *= 1.01
• Re-materializable: totalWeight *= 0.5
• LiveInterval.weight = totalWeight / size of LiveInterval
Greedy Register
• Example (assign physical registers by length)
D0 D1
D2 D3
V3 V4
D0 D1
D2 D3
V3 V4
• No physical register for V1
D0 D1
D2 D3
V3 V4
• Evict V2 (evict Live Interval with lower spill cost)
D0 D1
D2 D3
• Split V2
D0 D1
D2 D3
• Split V2
D0 D1
D2 D3
Greedy RA Stages
• RS_New: created
• RS_Assign: enqueue
• RS_Split: need to split
• RS_Split2
• used for split products that may not be making progress
• RS_Spill: need to spill
• RS_Done: assigned a physical register or created by spill
• The live intervals created by split will enqueue to
process again.
• There is a risk of creating infinite loops.
… = vreg1 …
… = vreg1 …
… = vreg1 …
vreg2 = COPY vreg1
… = vreg2 …
vreg3 = COPY vreg1
… = vreg3 …
… = vreg3 …
Greedy Register Allocation
try to assign physical register
try to evict to find better register
enter RS_Split
try last chance
pick a physical register and evict all
stage >= RS_Done or
Live Interval is unspillable
stage < RS_Split
stage is RS_Split
or RS_Split2
Last Chance Recoloring
• Try to assign a physical register to Live Interval by
evicting all its interferences.
• The recoloring process may recursively use the
last chance recoloring. Therefore, when a virtual
register has been assigned a color by this
mechanism, it is marked as Fixed.
vA can use {R1, R2 }
vB can use { R2, R3}
vC can use {R1 }
vA => R1
vB => R2
vC => fails
vA => R2
vB => R3
vC => R1 (fixed)
selectOrSplit(d) selectOrSplit(d + 1)
How to Split?
is stage
is in one BB? tryLocalSplit
is stage less
than RS_Split2?
• Try to split virtual register interval into smaller
intervals inside its only basic block.
• calculate gap weights
• adjust the split region
Calculate Gap Weights
NumGaps = 4
Calculate Gap Weights
VirtReg Live Interval
If there is a physical register occupied by VirtReg.0
Calculate Gap Weights
physical Live Interval
If there is a fixed physical register.0
Adjust Split Region
SplitAfter = 1
SplitBefore = 0
spill weight >
max gap
if Diff > BestDiff:
BestBefore = SplitBefore
BestAfter = SplitAfter
normalise spill weight = spill cost / distance
= (#gap * block_freq) / distance(SplitBefore, SplitAfter)
Adjust Split Region
spill weight >
max gap
if Diff > BestDiff:
BestBefore = SplitBefore
BestAfter = SplitAfter
normalise spill weight = spill cost / distance
= (#gap * block_freq) / distance(SplitBefore, SplitAfter)
(or RS_Split2)
Go through all physical registers.
Find the most critical range.
• Use Hopfield Network to find optimal splits.
• Guaranteed to converge to a local minimum.
Hopfield Network
a(t)s⇥1 =
ps⇥1 : t = 0
S(Ws⇥s ⇥ a(t 1)s⇥1 + bs⇥1) : t 1
S(x) =
+1 : x ✓
1 : x < ✓
1. For every physical register, construct Hopfield Network
• Initialize border constraints
• Initialize Hopfield Network nodes according to
border constraints
• Add links to Hopfield Network and iterate
2. Get the best candidate
3. Do region split
Initialize Border Constraints
• No Interference.
LiveIn ? PrefReg : DontCare;
LiveOut ? PrefReg : DontCare;
enum BorderConstraint {
Initialize Border Constraints
• There are Interferences.
MustSpill PrefSpill
PrefSpill PrefReg/DontCare
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6
// Join the outgoing bundle with the ingoing bundles of all successors.
for (MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator SI = MBB.succ_begin(),
SE = MBB.succ_end(); SI != SE; ++SI)
EC.join(OutE, 2 * (*SI)->getNumber());
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 11 -> 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
void join(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
unsigned eca = EC[a];
unsigned ecb = EC[b];
while (eca != ecb)
if (eca < ecb)
EC[b] = eca, b = ecb, ecb = EC[b];
EC[a] = ecb, a = eca, eca = EC[a];
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6 Blocks:
Bundle #0: BB#0
Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5
Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6
Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4
Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5
Bundle #5: BB#6
Bundle #6:
Bundle #7:
Bundle #8:
Bundle #9:
Bundle #10:
Bundle #11:
Bundle #12:
Bundle #13:
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6 Blocks:
Bundle #0: BB#0
Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5
Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6
Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4
Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5
Bundle #5: BB#6
Bundle #6:
Bundle #7:
Bundle #8:
Bundle #9:
Bundle #10:
Bundle #11:
Bundle #12:
Bundle #13:
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6 Blocks:
Bundle #0: BB#0
Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5
Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6
Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4
Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5
Bundle #5: BB#6
Bundle #6:
Bundle #7:
Bundle #8:
Bundle #9:
Bundle #10:
Bundle #11:
Bundle #12:
Bundle #13:
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6 Blocks:
Bundle #0: BB#0
Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5
Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6
Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4
Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5
Bundle #5: BB#6
Bundle #6:
Bundle #7:
Bundle #8:
Bundle #9:
Bundle #10:
Bundle #11:
Bundle #12:
Bundle #13:
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6 Blocks:
Bundle #0: BB#0
Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5
Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6
Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4
Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5
Bundle #5: BB#6
Bundle #6:
Bundle #7:
Bundle #8:
Bundle #9:
Bundle #10:
Bundle #11:
Bundle #12:
Bundle #13:
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6 Blocks:
Bundle #0: BB#0
Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5
Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6
Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4
Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5
Bundle #5: BB#6
Bundle #6:
Bundle #7:
Bundle #8:
Bundle #9:
Bundle #10:
Bundle #11:
Bundle #12:
Bundle #13:
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
Edge Bundle
BB #0
BB #1
BB #3
BB #2
BB #4 BB #5
BB #6 Blocks:
Bundle #0: BB#0
Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5
Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6
Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4
Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5
Bundle #5: BB#6
Bundle #6:
Bundle #7:
Bundle #8:
Bundle #9:
Bundle #10:
Bundle #11:
Bundle #12:
Bundle #13:
(BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0
(BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1
(BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1
(BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2
(BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2
(BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3
(BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3
(BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4
(BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4
(BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3
(BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4
(BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1
(BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2
(BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
Initialize Hopfield Network Node
• update BiasN, BiasP according to BorderConstraint
BB #n (freq)
… = Y op …
Bundle ib
BiasP += freq
Bundle ob
BiasN += freq
void addBias(BlockFrequency freq, BorderConstraint direction) {
switch (direction) {
case PrefReg:
BiasP += freq;
case PrefSpill:
BiasN += freq;
case MustSpill:
BiasN = BlockFrequency::getMaxFrequency(); // (uint64_t)-1ULL
Add Links to Hopfield Network
• add weight to links
Live Through
BB #n (freq)
Bundle ib
Bundle ob
void addLink(unsigned b, BlockFrequency w) {
// Update cached sum.
SumLinkWeights += w;
// There can be multiple links to the same bundle, add them up.
for (LinkVector::iterator I = Links.begin(), E = Links.end(); I !=
if (I->second == b) {
I->first += w;
// This must be the first link to b.
Links.push_back(std::make_pair(w, b));
(freq, ob)
(freq, ib)
Update Hopfield Network
Bundle X
Value = 0
Bundle A
Value = -1
Bundle B
Value = 1
Bundle C
Value = 1
Bundle D
Value = 1
SumN = BiasN + freqA
SunP = BiasP + freqB + freqC + freqD
(freqA, A) (freqB, B) (freqC, C) (freqD, D)
if (SumN >= SumP + Threshold)
Value = -1;
else if (SumP >= SumN + Threshold)
Value = 1;
Value = 0;
a(t)s⇥1 =
ps⇥1 : t = 0
S(Ws⇥s ⇥ a(t 1)s⇥1 + bs⇥1) : t 1
· · ·
· · ·
· · ·
· · ·
Biasp Biasn
Region Split
• splitLiveThroughBlock
• splitRegInBlock
• splitRegOutBlock
Bundle ib
Value == 1
Bundle ob
Value != 1
Live Through
LiveOut on Stack
first non-PHI
New Int
Bundle ib
Value != 1
Bundle ob
Value == 1
Live Through
LiveIn on Stack
last split point
New Int
Live Through
No Interference
Bundle ib
Value == 1
Bundle ob
Value == 1
New Int
Bundle ib
Value == 1
Bundle ob
Value == 1
Non-overlapping interference
New Int
New Int
Bundle ib
Value == 1
Bundle ob
Value == 1
Overlapping interference
New Int
New Int
Bundle ib
Value == 1
No LiveOut
Interference after kill
New Int
Bundle ib
Value == 1
Bundle ob
Value != 1
LiveOut on Stack
Interference after last use
LiveOut on Stack
Interference after last use
last split point
New Int
Bundle ib
Value == 1
Bundle ob
Value != 1
last split point
New Int
Bundle ib
Value == 1
LiveOut on Stack
Interference overlapping uses
New Int
Bundle ib
Value == 1
last split point
New Int
New Int
last split point
New Int
Bundle ob
Value != 1
Bundle ob
Value != 1
LiveOut on Stack
Interference overlapping uses
No LiveIn
Interference before def
New Int
Bundle ib
Value != 1
Bundle ob
Value == 1
Live Through
Interference before def
Live Through
Interference overlapping uses
Bundle ib
Value != 1
Bundle ob
Value == 1
Bundle ob
Value == 1
New Int
last split point
New Int
New Int

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LLVM Register Allocation (2nd Version)

  • 2. Outline • Introduction to Register Allocation Problem • LLVM Register Allocation Template Method • LLVM Basic Register Allocation • LLVM Greedy Register Allocation
  • 3. Introduction to Register Allocation • Definition • Register allocation is the problem of mapping program variables to either machine registers or memory addresses. • Best solution • minimise the number of loads/stores from/to memory • NP-complete
  • 4. int main() { int i, j; int answer; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) { answer = i * j; } return 0; } _main: @ BB#0: sub sp, #16 movs r0, #0 str r0, [sp, #12] movs r0, #1 str r0, [sp, #8] b LBB0_2 LBB0_1: adds r1, #1 str r1, [sp, #8] LBB0_2: ldr r1, [sp, #8] cmp r1, #9 bgt LBB0_6 @ BB#3: str r0, [sp, #4] b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: ldr r2, [sp, #4] muls r1, r2, r1 str r1, [sp] ldr r1, [sp, #4] adds r1, #1
  • 5. Graph Coloring • For an arbitrary graph G; a coloring of G assigns a color to each node in G so that no pair of adjacent nodes have the same color. 2-colorable 3-colorable
  • 6. Graph Coloring for RA • Node: Live interval • Edge: Two live intervals have interference • Color: Physical register • Find a optimal colouring for the graph
  • 7. … a0 = … b0 = … … = b0 d0 = … c0 = … … d1 = c0 … = a0 … = d1 B0 B1 B2 B3 … LIa = … LIb = … … = LIb LIc = … … LId = LIc … = LIa … = LId B0 B1 B2 B3
  • 8. LIa LIb LIc LId … LIa = … LIb = … … = LIb LIc = … … LId = LIc … = LIa … = LId B0 B1 B2 B3
  • 9. LLVM Register Allocation • Basic • Provide a minimal implementation of the basic register allocator • Greedy • Global live range splitting. • Fast • This register allocator allocates registers to a basic block at a time. • PBQP • Partitioned Boolean Quadratic Programming (PBQP) based register allocator for LLVM
  • 10. Template Method • Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses.
  • 11. LLVM Register Allocation Template Method Enqueue All LiveInterval selectOrSplit for One LiveInterval Assign the Physical Register Enqueue Split LiveInterval dequeue physical register is available split live interval allocatePhysRegs enqueue seedLiveRegs Q customised by new RA algorithm for (unsigned i = 0, e = MRI->getNumVirtRegs(); i != e; ++i) { unsigned Reg = TargetRegisterInfo::index2VirtReg(i); if (MRI->reg_nodbg_empty(Reg)) continue; enqueue(&LIS->getInterval(Reg)); }
  • 13. LLVM Basic Register Allocation Calculate LiveInterval Weight Enqueue All LiveInterval RABasic::selectOrSplit Assign the Physical Register Enqueue Split LiveInterval dequeue physical register is available split live interval update LiveInterval.weight (spill cost) allocatePhysRegs enqueue seedLiveRegs priority Q (spill cost) customised by RABasic algorithm struct CompSpillWeight { bool operator()(LiveInterval *A, LiveInterval *B) const { return A->weight < B->weight; } }; 1. Assign physical registers to Live Interval with highest spill cost. 2. If there is no physical registers for current Live Interval, select
 the highest spill cost Live Interval between current one and 
 interferences to assign physical registers. 3. Spill the unassigned Live Intervals.
  • 14. LiveInterval Weight • Weight for one instruction with the register • weight = (isDef + isUse) * (Block Frequency / Entry Frequency) • loop induction variable: weight *= 3 • For all instructions with the register • totalWeight += weight • Hint: totalWeight *= 1.01 • Re-materializable: totalWeight *= 0.5 • LiveInterval.weight = totalWeight / size of LiveInterval
  • 16. • Example (assign physical registers by length) Q0 D0 D1 Q1 D2 D3 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
  • 18. • No physical register for V1 Q0 D0 D1 Q1 D2 D3 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
  • 19. • Evict V2 (evict Live Interval with lower spill cost) Q0 D0 D1 Q1 D2 D3 V1 V2 V3V4 V5 stack
  • 20. • Split V2 Q0 D0 D1 Q1 D2 D3 V1 V2b V3V4 V5 V2a V2c
  • 21. • Split V2 Q0 D0 D1 Q1 D2 D3 V1 V2b V3V4 V5 V2a V2c stack
  • 22. Greedy RA Stages • RS_New: created • RS_Assign: enqueue • RS_Split: need to split • RS_Split2 • used for split products that may not be making progress • RS_Spill: need to spill • RS_Done: assigned a physical register or created by spill
  • 23. RS_Split2 • The live intervals created by split will enqueue to process again. • There is a risk of creating infinite loops. … = vreg1 … … = vreg1 … … = vreg1 … vreg2 = COPY vreg1 … = vreg2 … vreg3 = COPY vreg1 … = vreg3 … … = vreg3 … RS_New RS_Split2
  • 24. Greedy Register Allocation try to assign physical register try to evict to find better register enter RS_Split stage try last chance recoloring split spill pick a physical register and evict all interference found register stage >= RS_Done or Live Interval is unspillable stage < RS_Split selectOrSplit(d+1) selectOrSplit(d) stage is RS_Split or RS_Split2
  • 25. Last Chance Recoloring • Try to assign a physical register to Live Interval by evicting all its interferences. • The recoloring process may recursively use the last chance recoloring. Therefore, when a virtual register has been assigned a color by this mechanism, it is marked as Fixed. vA can use {R1, R2 } vB can use { R2, R3} vC can use {R1 } vA => R1 vB => R2 vC => fails vA => R2 vB => R3 vC => R1 (fixed) selectOrSplit(d) selectOrSplit(d + 1)
  • 26. How to Split? is stage beyond RS_Spill? is in one BB? tryLocalSplit tryInstructionSplit No Yes tryRegionSplit is stage less than RS_Split2? No spill Yes success? No success? spill No tryBlockSplit Yes No success? No success? spill No done Yes Yes done Yes Yes
  • 27. tryLocalSplit • Try to split virtual register interval into smaller intervals inside its only basic block. • calculate gap weights • adjust the split region
  • 28. Calculate Gap Weights NumGaps = 4 define use use use use
  • 29. Calculate Gap Weights LI.weight VirtReg Live Interval If there is a physical register occupied by VirtReg.0 0 define use use use use
  • 30. Calculate Gap Weights LI.weight physical Live Interval If there is a fixed physical register.0 0 huge_valf define use use use use
  • 31. Adjust Split Region SplitAfter = 1 SplitBefore = 0 normalise spill weight > max gap if Diff > BestDiff: BestBefore = SplitBefore BestAfter = SplitAfter SplitAfter++ SplitBefore++ YesNo normalise spill weight = spill cost / distance = (#gap * block_freq) / distance(SplitBefore, SplitAfter)
  • 32. Adjust Split Region BestAfter BestBefore normalise spill weight > max gap if Diff > BestDiff: BestBefore = SplitBefore BestAfter = SplitAfter SplitAfter++ SplitBefore++ YesNo normalise spill weight = spill cost / distance = (#gap * block_freq) / distance(SplitBefore, SplitAfter) RS_New (or RS_Split2) RS_New Go through all physical registers. Find the most critical range.
  • 33. tryRegionSplit • Use Hopfield Network to find optimal splits. • Guaranteed to converge to a local minimum.
  • 34. Hopfield Network a(t)s⇥1 = ⇢ ps⇥1 : t = 0 S(Ws⇥s ⇥ a(t 1)s⇥1 + bs⇥1) : t 1 S(x) = ⇢ +1 : x ✓ 1 : x < ✓
  • 35. tryRegionSplit 1. For every physical register, construct Hopfield Network • Initialize border constraints • Initialize Hopfield Network nodes according to border constraints • Add links to Hopfield Network and iterate 2. Get the best candidate 3. Do region split
  • 36. Initialize Border Constraints • No Interference. LiveIn ? PrefReg : DontCare; LiveOut ? PrefReg : DontCare; enum BorderConstraint { DontCare, PrefReg, PrefSpill, PrefBoth, MustSpill };
  • 37. Initialize Border Constraints • There are Interferences. MustSpill PrefSpill FirstInstr LastInstr PrefReg/DontCare FirstInstr LastInstr FirstInstr LastInstr MustSpill FirstInstr LastInstr FirstInstr LastInstr FirstInstr LastInstr PrefSpill PrefReg/DontCare
  • 38. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 // Join the outgoing bundle with the ingoing bundles of all successors. for (MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator SI = MBB.succ_begin(), SE = MBB.succ_end(); SI != SE; ++SI) EC.join(OutE, 2 * (*SI)->getNumber()); EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 11 -> 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5 void join(unsigned a, unsigned b) { unsigned eca = EC[a]; unsigned ecb = EC[b]; while (eca != ecb) if (eca < ecb) EC[b] = eca, b = ecb, ecb = EC[b]; else EC[a] = ecb, a = eca, eca = EC[a]; }
  • 39. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 Blocks: Bundle #0: BB#0 Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5 Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6 Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4 Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5 Bundle #5: BB#6 Bundle #6: Bundle #7: Bundle #8: Bundle #9: Bundle #10: Bundle #11: Bundle #12: Bundle #13: EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
  • 40. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 Blocks: Bundle #0: BB#0 Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5 Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6 Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4 Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5 Bundle #5: BB#6 Bundle #6: Bundle #7: Bundle #8: Bundle #9: Bundle #10: Bundle #11: Bundle #12: Bundle #13: EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
  • 41. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 Blocks: Bundle #0: BB#0 Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5 Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6 Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4 Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5 Bundle #5: BB#6 Bundle #6: Bundle #7: Bundle #8: Bundle #9: Bundle #10: Bundle #11: Bundle #12: Bundle #13: EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
  • 42. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 Blocks: Bundle #0: BB#0 Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5 Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6 Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4 Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5 Bundle #5: BB#6 Bundle #6: Bundle #7: Bundle #8: Bundle #9: Bundle #10: Bundle #11: Bundle #12: Bundle #13: EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
  • 43. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 Blocks: Bundle #0: BB#0 Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5 Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6 Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4 Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5 Bundle #5: BB#6 Bundle #6: Bundle #7: Bundle #8: Bundle #9: Bundle #10: Bundle #11: Bundle #12: Bundle #13: EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
  • 44. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 Blocks: Bundle #0: BB#0 Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5 Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6 Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4 Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5 Bundle #5: BB#6 Bundle #6: Bundle #7: Bundle #8: Bundle #9: Bundle #10: Bundle #11: Bundle #12: Bundle #13: EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
  • 45. Edge Bundle BB #0 BB #1 BB #3 BB #2 BB #4 BB #5 BB #6 Blocks: Bundle #0: BB#0 Bundle #1: BB#0, BB#1, BB#5 Bundle #2: BB#1, BB#2, BB#6 Bundle #3: BB#2, BB#3, BB#4 Bundle #4: BB#3, BB#4, BB#5 Bundle #5: BB#6 Bundle #6: Bundle #7: Bundle #8: Bundle #9: Bundle #10: Bundle #11: Bundle #12: Bundle #13: EC: (BB#0, in) Bundle #0: 0 0 0 (BB#0, out) Bundle #1: 1 1 1 (BB#1, in) Bundle #2: 2 1 1 (BB#1, out) Bundle #3: 3 3 2 (BB#2, in) Bundle #4: 4 3 2 (BB#2, out) Bundle #5: 5 5 3 (BB#3, in) Bundle #6: 6 5 3 (BB#3, out) Bundle #7: 7 7 4 (BB#4, in) Bundle #8: 8 7 4 (BB#4, out) Bundle #9: 9 5 3 (BB#5, in) Bundle #10: 10 7 4 (BB#5, out) Bundle #11: 11 1 1 (BB#6, in) Bundle #12: 12 3 2 (BB#6, out) Bundle #13: 13 13 5
  • 46. Initialize Hopfield Network Node • update BiasN, BiasP according to BorderConstraint BB #n (freq) … = Y op … PrefReg PrefSpill Bundle ib BiasP += freq Bundle ob BiasN += freq void addBias(BlockFrequency freq, BorderConstraint direction) { switch (direction) { default: break; case PrefReg: BiasP += freq; break; case PrefSpill: BiasN += freq; break; case MustSpill: BiasN = BlockFrequency::getMaxFrequency(); // (uint64_t)-1ULL break; } }
  • 47. Add Links to Hopfield Network • add weight to links Live Through BB #n (freq) Bundle ib Bundle ob void addLink(unsigned b, BlockFrequency w) { // Update cached sum. SumLinkWeights += w; // There can be multiple links to the same bundle, add them up. for (LinkVector::iterator I = Links.begin(), E = Links.end(); I != if (I->second == b) { I->first += w; return; } // This must be the first link to b. Links.push_back(std::make_pair(w, b)); } (freq, ob) (freq, ib)
  • 48. Update Hopfield Network Bundle X BiasN BiasP Value = 0 Bundle A Value = -1 Bundle B Value = 1 Bundle C Value = 1 Bundle D Value = 1 SumN = BiasN + freqA SunP = BiasP + freqB + freqC + freqD (freqA, A) (freqB, B) (freqC, C) (freqD, D) if (SumN >= SumP + Threshold) Value = -1; else if (SumP >= SumN + Threshold) Value = 1; else Value = 0; a(t)s⇥1 = ⇢ ps⇥1 : t = 0 S(Ws⇥s ⇥ a(t 1)s⇥1 + bs⇥1) : t 1 2 6 6 6 6 4 · · · · · · · · · · · · FA FB FC FD 0 3 7 7 7 7 5 ⇥ 2 6 6 6 6 4 1 1 1 1 0 3 7 7 7 7 5 + 2 6 6 6 6 6 4 ... Biasp Biasn 3 7 7 7 7 7 5
  • 49. Region Split • splitLiveThroughBlock • splitRegInBlock • splitRegOutBlock
  • 50. splitLiveThroughBlock Bundle ib Value == 1 Bundle ob Value != 1 Live Through LiveOut on Stack first non-PHI Start New Int Bundle ib Value != 1 Bundle ob Value == 1 Live Through LiveIn on Stack last split point End New Int Live Through No Interference Bundle ib Value == 1 Bundle ob Value == 1 End New Int Start
  • 51. splitLiveThroughBlock Bundle ib Value == 1 Bundle ob Value == 1 LiveThrough Non-overlapping interference New Int Interference.first() Interference.last() New Int Bundle ib Value == 1 Bundle ob Value == 1 LiveThrough Overlapping interference New Int Interference.first() Interference.last() New Int
  • 52. splitRegInBlock Bundle ib Value == 1 No LiveOut Interference after kill Start New Int Bundle ib Value == 1 Bundle ob Value != 1 LiveOut on Stack Interference after last use LiveOut on Stack Interference after last use Interference.fist() LastInstr LastInstr last split point New Int Start Bundle ib Value == 1 Bundle ob Value != 1 LastInstr last split point New Int Start Interference.fist() Interference.fist()
  • 53. splitRegInBlock Bundle ib Value == 1 LiveOut on Stack Interference overlapping uses Start New Int Bundle ib Value == 1 Interference.fist() LastInstr last split point New Int Start New Int Interference.fist() LastInstr last split point New Int Bundle ob Value != 1 Bundle ob Value != 1 LiveOut on Stack Interference overlapping uses
  • 54. splitRegOutBlock No LiveIn Interference before def End New Int Bundle ib Value != 1 Bundle ob Value == 1 Live Through Interference before def Live Through Interference overlapping uses Interference.last() FirstInstr Bundle ib Value != 1 Bundle ob Value == 1 Bundle ob Value == 1 End New Int Interference.last() FirstInstr last split point End New Int Interference.last() FirstInstr New Int