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microservices microservice architecture software architecture cqrs architecture event sourcing java sagas nosql service-oriented architecture pattern language command query responsibility segregation distributed transactions eventual consistency patterns nodejs redis scala ec2 cloud mongodb mysql amazon event-driven architecture cloud computing javascript spring boot event driven spring framework cloud foundry monolithic architecture devops functional programming springone svcc cassandra application modernization command query responsibility separation docker software development rxjava asynchronous devnexus polyglot persistence web services javaone polyglot databases jvm refactoring testing microservices transformation api composition distributed system reactive programming paas scale cube computing dark energy dark matter conways law event driven architecture deployment concurrency reactive extensions futures reactor pattern message-oriented architecture devnexus2013 domain driven design springonebeijng springonechina twilio factual gluecon functional decomposition cloudfoundry voltdb mongo spring dsl tomcat tests web selenium mothers object tools coupling team topologies strangler pattern strangler fig application asynchronous messaging hexagonal architecture transaction management events continuous deployment microxchg oakjug amazon web services aws hadoop lambda expressions big data jax2014 jax devnexus2014 jmaghreb2013 jmaghreb svcc2013 fault tolerance rest springoneindia oredev scalability deployability cloud services javaone2012 modular rabbitmq newsql phillyete domain groovy communityone grails persistence database pojos elastic compute deploying strangler application pattern kubernetes dark energy and dark matter evolving architecture microservices patterns service collaboration skillsmatter scenarios user stories architecture documentation oreilly isaqb loosely coupled design-time coupling astrophysics mucon2021 mucon cloud native availability visual architecture cto connection strangler fig pattern enterprise it vuca digital transformation loose coupling jpa saga eventuate eventuateio dotnet queries migration automated testing test pyramid test automation software testing strangler application encapsulation testing pyramid transactions gotochgo pitfalls potholes adoption anti-pattern pattern messaging choreography orchestration anti-patterns oraclecodeone2018 oraclecodeone testability svcc2018 kongsummit kongsummit2018 saturn2018 saturn eventually consistency microxchng2018 oreillysacon codefreeze2018 codefreeze qcon qconsf10217 qconsf javaone2017 plop2017 plop archsummit spring days oraclecode gluecon2017 saturn2017 aggregates sfmicroservices springone platform ljc london java community dockercon16 containers dockercon gluecon2016 redisconf redisconf2016 design patterns microxchg2016 application integration svcc2015 sbtb2015 sbtb gids2015 great indian developer summit gids apache helix apache kafka kafka zookeeper helix silver bullet sfscala hacksummit dynamodb lambda scalable java8 javaone2014 reac scalding spark java 8 jaxcon javaee ordev2013 nodes javaone2013 rx mvc frameworks web development angularjs netflix programmable web replication springsource micro-services object-oriented design sv_code_camp javazone history service oriented architecture gluecon2012 sharding #opentour #cloudfoundry phillyete2012 sql amqp mongophilly phillyete2011 lisp hopl foundry smell code design driven model flex ria sdforum dynamic language programming javadomaindrivendesigncodesmell javatestingdomainmodel cloudamazon foundrytools ddd gorm hibernate orm
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