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Psychological First Aid
Supporting People in
the Aftermath of
Crisis EventsQuickTime™ and a
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PFA Guide for Field
• WHO publication
• Collaborative effort:
– World Health Organization
– War Trauma Foundation
– World Vision International
• Endorsed by 24 UN/NGO
international agencies
• Available in several languages
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What we will cover in the training
• What PFA is and is not
• Place of PFA in overall response
• Key resilience factors
• Who, when and where of PFA
• Frequent needs of survivors
• Action principles: Prepare, Look, Listen and Link
• Good communication skills
• People who likely need special attention
• Caring for yourself and your team members
Crisis events you have
• Large events affecting many people
– Natural disasters, plane crash, war/conflict
• Events affecting individuals
– Car accident, robbery, home fire
• What physical, social and psychological
reactions did people have?
• What was done to help and support people?
What comes to mind when you
“Psychological First Aid”
Let’s hope NOT…
”trauma therapy, victim coordination center and hospitality”
Starting with Care for Ourselves
Take a moment to reflect and
write down:
• What I do to take care of
• What does my team (family,
colleagues) do to take care
of each other?
Save your paper for later discussion!
PFA Simulation:
• What was it like as a helper responding to this situation?
• As a helper, what did you do well? Did you feel that you
were making a difference?
• What could you as helper(s) have done better?
• What was it like as a person affected by this disaster?
• How did you feel supported or helped by the helpers?
• Was there anything the helpers said or did that was NOT
helpful, or could have done better?
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What PFA Is?
• Humane, supportive and practical assistance to
fellow human beings who recently suffered exposure
to serious stressors, and involves
– Non-intrusive, practical care and support
– Assessing needs and concerns
– Helping people to address basic needs (food, water)
– Listening, but not pressuring people to talk
– Comforting people and helping them to feel calm
– Helping people connect to information, services and social
– Protecting people from further harm
What PFA is NOT?
• It is NOT something only professionals can do
• It is NOT professional counseling
• It is NOT “psychological debriefing”
– No detailed discussion of the distressing event
• It is NOT asking people to analyze what happened or
put time and events in order
• Although PFA involves being available to listen to
people’s stories, it is NOT pressuring people to tell
you their feelings or reactions to an event
Basic services and security
Community and family supports
Focused (person-to-
person) non-specialised
Strengthening community and
family supports
Social considerations in
basic services and security
Advocacy for basic
services that are safe,
socially appropriate
and protect dignity
Activating social networks
Communal traditional
Supportive child-friendly
Basic mental health care by
PHC doctors
Basic emotional and practical
support by community workers
(Psychological First Aid)
Mental health care by mental
health specialists (psychiatric
nurse, psychologist, psychiatrist
The place of PFA
in overall mental
Responses to Critical Incidents
• People may have very different reactions to an event
• What factors influence how someone responds?
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Why PFA?
Key resilience factors
• People do better over
the long-term if they…
– Feel safe, connected to
others, calm & hopeful
– Have access to social,
physical & emotional
– Regain a sense of
control by being able to
help themselves
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Group Exercise (5 minutes)
Following a crisis event…
• WHO may benefit from PFA?
• WHO may need more advanced support?
• WHEN should PFA be provided?
• WHERE should PFA be provided?
PFA: Who?
• Very distressed people who were recently
exposed to a serious stressful event.
• Can be provided to adults and children
• Not everyone who experiences a crisis event
will need or want PFA.
– Don’t force help on those who don’t want it, but
make yourself available and easily accessible to
those who may want support
Who needs more advanced
support than PFA alone?
• People with serious life-
threatening injuries
• People so upset they
cannot care for
themselves or their
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• People who may hurt themselves
• People who may hurt or endager the lives of
PFA: When?
• Upon first contact with very distressed
people, usually immediately following an
event, or sometimes a few days or weeks
PFA: Where?
• Wherever it is safe enough for you
to be there.
• Ideally with some privacy, as
appropriate to preserve
confidentiality and dignity
If this crisis happened…
• What would you need
• What would you need
as a HELPER?
Optional Slide
Frequent Needs of People After Crisis Event
• Basic needs: shelter, food, water, sanitation
• Health services for injuries or help with chronic
medical conditions
• Understandable and correct information about event,
loved ones and available services
• Being able to contact loved ones
• Access to specific support related to one’s culture or
• Being consulted and involved in important decisions
Prepare •Learn about the crisis event.
•Learn about available services and supports.
•Learn about safety and security concerns.
• Crisis situations
can be chaotic
• Often require
urgent action
Wherever possible BEFORE you enter a crisis site, try to
obtain accurate information
so you can be safe and effective.
The Crisis
What happened?
How many and who are affected?
Who is providing for basic needs (emergency
medical care, food, shelter)?
When & where can people access services?
Who is helping, including community members?
Safety &
Is the crisis over or ongoing (aftershocks, fighting)?
What dangers may be in the environment?
Are there places to avoid due to insecurity or
because it is not permitted to be there?
Wherever possible, before you enter a crisis
site, try to learn about…
PFA Action Principles
Look Listen Link
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PFA Action Principles
Prepare •Learn about the crisis event.
•Learn about available services and supports.
•Learn about safety and security concerns.
Look •Observe for safety.
•Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs.
•Observe for people with serious distress reactions.
Listen •Make contact with people who may need support.
•Ask about people’s needs and concerns.
•Listen to people and help them feel calm.
Link •Help people address basic needs and access services.
•Help people cope with problems.
•Give information.
•Connect people with loved ones and social support.
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Case Scenarios
1. Natural disaster
2. Violence &
3. Accident
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Case Scenario Group Work
Think about 1) what you need most urgently and would
find most helpful as a survivor, and 2) what you need
as a helper to be able to assist…
• How will you PREPARE to help?
• What will you LOOK for in the crisis setting?
• What is important to consider as you approach
affected people to LISTEN?
• How will you LINK people - what will they need and
what resources can you draw upon?
Case Scenario Feedback
Group 1:
Natural Disaster
• The setting:
– A large earthquake suddenly hit the center of the city in
the middle of the work day. Many people are affected,
the extent of the damage is unclear
• Key PREPARE questions:
– Am I ready to help?
– What information do I have about the crisis situation?
– Will I travel alone or together with colleagues?
– What support can I expect from my agency or others?
• Key LOOK questions:
– What services and supports are available?
– Where will I provide PFA?
Group 1 Learning Points (natural disaster)
• Readiness: consider your health and personal
• Gather as much accurate information as you can
about: who is affected, how severely affected,
where they are
• Work in pairs/teams for support/safety
• Your agency may be able to provide you with:
equipment, updated information, support with
Prepare •Learn about the crisis event.
•Learn about available services and supports.
•Learn about safety and security concerns.
Group 1 Learning Points (natural disaster)
•Safety issues: fallen or unstable buildings
•Services (i.e., emergency medical) may be disrupted
•Look for seriously injured or trapped people
•Look for people who are upset, anxious or in shock
•Look for people who may need special assistance:
separated children, immobile/elderly
Optional Slide
Group 2: Violence & displacement learning points
• PREPARE: learn about…
– Refugees’ culture, language and customs.
– Conflict situation and displacement to anticipate needs
(food, water, shelter).
– Available services, how to coordinate and link with them.
– People displaced due to violence may have injuries or
illnesses or have experienced traumatic events.
– Children/adolescents/others separated from loved ones.
– Serious reactions: being unable to to care for oneself
Optional Slide
Group 3: Accident learning points
– You need to react quickly, but take a moment to scan for
safety of yourself, affected people, others
– Life-saving measures (emergency medical) ar a priority in
any crisis situation
– Affected people have different needs: emergency
medical, calm & comfort, safety
– Others may be able to help (villagers can call ambulance,
redirect traffic).
– Others may also interfere (someone may try to move the
injured man)
• Crisis situations can change rapidly.
• What you encounter may be different from
what you learned before entering.
• Take time - even a quick scan - to LOOK
around you before offering help
Be calm
Be safe
Think before you act
Look •Observe for safety.
•Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs.
•Observe for people with serious distress reactions.QuickTime™ and a
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Safety •What dangers can you observe?
•Can you be there without harm to
yourself or others?
If you’re not certain about
safety…DO NOT GO! Seek
help from others.
Communicate from a safe
People with
urgent basic
•Is anyone critically injured
•Does anyone need rescue?
•Obvious needs (torn clothing…)?
•Who may need help to access
services or to be protected?
•Who else is available to help?
Know your role. Try to
obtain help for people who
need special assistance.
Refer critically injured
people for care.
People with
•How many & where are they?
•Is anyone extremely upset, immobile,
not responding to others or in shock?
Consider who may benefit
from PFA and how best to
Look •Observe for safety.
•Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs.
•Observe for people with serious distress reactions.
People who Likely Need Special Attention
(to be safe…to access services)
• Children and adolescents
– Especially those separated from caregivers
• People with health conditions and
– Chronic illness, elderly, pregnant or nursing
women, non-mobile, hearing/visual impairments
• People at risk of discrimination or
– Women, certain ethnic or religious groups,
mental disabilities
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Distress Reactions to Crisis
• Physical symptoms (shaking,
headaches, fatigue, loss of
appetite, aches & pains)
• Anxiety, fear
• Weeping, grief and sadness
• Guilt, shame (for having
survived, or for not saving
• Elation for having survived
• Being on guard, jumpy
• Anger, irritability
• Immobile, withdrawn
• Disoriented - not knowing one’s
name, where one is from or what
• Not responding to others, not
speaking at all
• Feeling confused, emotionally
numb, feeling unreal or in a daze
• Unable to care for oneself or
one’s children (not eating or
drinking, not able to make simple
Helping people in
• Most people recover well over time, especially if
they can restore basic needs and receive support
• Those with severe or long-lasting distress may
require more support.
– Try to make sure they are not left alone.
– Try to keep them safe until the reaction passes or you
can find help from others.
Case Scenario Feedback
Group 2: Violence
& displacement
• The setting:
– Refugees are brought to a new location because of
fighting in their area. Some are scared, crying, and unsure
of where they will sleep, eat or receive health care.
• Key LISTEN questions:
– People who experience/witness violence may feel
frightened and unsafe. How will you approach and
support them?
– How can you find out the needs and concerns of people
who may need special assistance, such as women or
unaccompanied children?
Role Play
•Approach respectfully
•Introduce yourself by name & organization
•Ask if you can provide help, find safe/quiet place
•Help person feel comfortable (water, blanket)
•Try to keep them safe
Ask about
needs &
•Although some needs are obvious,
always ask
•Find out person’s priorities - what is most
important to them.
Listen &
feel calm
•Stay close to the person
•Do not pressure them to talk
•Listen in case they want to talk
•If very distressed, help them feel calm
& make sure they are not alone
Help People
Feel Calm
• Keep your tone of voice soft and calm
• Maintain some eye contact
• Reassure them they are safe and that you are there
to help
• If someone feels “unreal”, help them make contact
– Themselves (feel feet on the floor, tap hands on lap)
– Their surroundings (notice things around them)
– Their breath (focus on breath & breathe slowly)
Role Play:
Help People Feel Calm
• Instructions to helper(s)
– You have encountered a woman standing outside of the
rubble of a fallen building. She is crying and shaking,
although does not appear to be physically injured. Provide
PFA and demonstrate how you will approach her to LISTEN
and help her to feel calm.
• Instructions to survivor
– You are a woman who witnessed the building falling
during the earthquake. Your colleagues were inside and
you are very upset and shocked, crying and shaking. You
are not sure what has happened and what to do.
Role play learning points
• Introduce yourself by name and agency.
• Ask the affected woman her name and if you can help her.
• Protect her from harm by moving her to a safer place to talk
away from the rubble.
• Offer her some comfort (i.e., water) if you can.
• Listen and stay near her without forcing talk.
• Ask for her needs and concerns, and help her feel calm.
• Reflect ways in which she has acted appropriately (i.e.,
keeping herself safe) and encouraging good coping
• Acknowledge her worry over possible loss of her colleagues.
• Offer to help connect her with loved ones or other supports.
Listen with compassion by using your:
Eyes - giving the person your undivided attention
Ears - hearing carefully their concerns
Heart - with caring and showing respect
Listen •Make contact with people who may need support.
•Ask about people’s needs and concerns.
•Listen to people and help them feel calm.QuickTime™ and a
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Optional Slide
Good Communication Exercise
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Good Communication:
Things to Say and Do
• Try to find a quiet place to talk
and minimize outside
• Stay near the person but keep
an appropriate distance
depending on their age, gender
and culture
• Let them know you hear them,
for example, nod your head and
• Be patient and calm
• Provide factual information IF
you have it. Be honest about
what you know and what you
don’t know. “I don’t know but I
will try to find out about that for
• Give information in a way the
person can understand - keep
it simple.
• Acknowledge how they are
feeling, and any losses or
important events they share
with you, such as loss of home
or death of a loved one. “I’m
so sorry…”
• Respect privacy. Keep the
person’s story confidential,
especially when they disclose
very private events.
• Acknowledge the person’s
strengths and how they have
helped themselves.
Good Communication:
Things NOT to Say and Do
• Don’t pressure someone to tell
their story
• Don’t interrupt or rush
someone’s story
• Don’t give your opinions of the
person’s situation, just listen.
• Don’t touch the person if you’re
not sure it is appropriate to do
• Don’t judge what they have or
haven’t done, or how they are
feeling. Don’t say…”You
shouldn’t feel that way.” or
“You should feel lucky you
• Don’t make up things you don’t
• Don’t use too technical terms.
• Don’t tell them someone’s
else’s story
• Don’t talk about your own
• Don’t give false promises or
false reassurances
• Don’t feel you have to try to
solve all the person’s problems
for them
• Don’t take away the person’s
strength and sense of being
able to care for themselves
Role Play:
Unaccompanied Child
• Instructions to helper: At the edge of the refugee
group, you notice a boy of about 10 years old
standing alone and looking very frightened. Show
how you will approach him and offer PFA.
• Instructions to child: You and your older sister fled
your village when you heard gunfire and got lost
from your parents. You were separated from your
sister when getting on the trucks. You are thirsty,
tired and frightened.
Role play learning points:
Unaccompanied child
• Notice the unaccompanied child in the group of
refugees as someone who likely needs special
• Speak with the child at their eye level
• Speak calmly and kindly to the child using words the
child can understand
• Find out information about the child’s family, such as
the name of his sister
• Stay with the child while identifying a trustworthy
family tracing organization that can organize a safe
place for the child to stay until his family is found.
Case Scenario Feedback
Group 3:
• The setting:
– You see an accident on a busy village road. A man, who
was crossing the road with his wife and young daughter,
was hit by a passing car and is lying on the road. Near him,
his wife is crying and shaking, while his daughter is
standing motionless and silent. Villagers are gathering
near the accident scene.
• Key LINK questions:
– What basic needs, worries or concerns may the distressed
people have?
– How can I help the wife cope with problems?
– What information will they want?
– How can I connect them with loved ones for support?
Role Play:
Accident Scenario
• Provide PFA in this situation using the principles of
• Once the injured man is attended to appropriately,
show how you will LINK the wife and daughter with:
– Basic needs
– Help coping with problems
– Information
– Loved ones
Group 3 learning points (accident)
•LOOK – safety for self and others, emergency medical needs
•LISTEN – introduce yourself and speak appropriately with wife
and daughter, help wife to feel calm
– Move the wife and daughter out of danger
– Help the wife prioritize problems and to care for her child
– Link with information about husband’s care (hospital name)
– Link wife and daughter with loved ones, and/or assist them
to accompany husband to hospital
Help people to help themselves and
regain control of their situation.
Link •Help people address basic needs and access services.
•Help people cope with problems.
•Give information.
•Connect people with loved ones and social support.
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Link -
basic needs
• What needs do they request?
• What services are available?
• Don’t overlook the needs of vulnerable or
marginalized people
• Follow-up if you promise to do so
Link - help people
cope with
Distressed people may feel
overwhelmed with worries…
• Help them prioritize urgent needs (what to do first)
• Help them identify supports in their life
• Give practical suggestions how they can meet their
needs (i.e., registering for food aid)
• Help them remember how they coped in the past and
what helps them to feel better
Positive coping strategies (adjust
for culture)
Help people use their natural coping mechanisms to
regain a sense of control:
– Get enough rest
– Eat as regularly as possible and drink water
– Talk and spend time with family and friends
– Discuss problems with someone you trust
– Relax: walk, sing, pray, play with children
– Exercise
– Avoid alcohol or drugs, caffeine, nicotine
– Bathe and attend to personal hygiene
– Find safe ways to help others
Role Play: Giving Information
(violence and displacement)
• Demonstrate how you will give information to the group of
refugees. Some are fearful, anxious, uncertain and even
angry; and all would like information on the situation and
what help they can expect.
Link - give
• Find accurate information before helping
• Keep updated
• Make sure people are informed where & how to access
services - especially vulnerable people
• Say ONLY what you know - Don’t make up information
• Keep messages simple & accurate, repeat often
• Give same info to groups to decrease rumors
• Explain source & reliability of info you give
• Let them know when/where you will update them
Link -
social support
• Very important to recovery
• Keep families together & children with caregivers
• Help people contact friends and loved ones
• Give access to religious support
• Affected people may be able to help each other -
bring them together
• Make sure people know about how to access
services (especially vulnerable people)
Ending your assistance
• Use your best judgment of
person’s needs and YOUR own
• Explain you are leaving and, if
possible, introduce them to
someone else who can help.
• If you linked them with
services, be sure they have
contact details and know what
to expect.
• No matter what your
experience, say goodbye in a
good way, wish them well.
Optional Slide
Exercise: Adapting PFA Action
Principles to the Local Culture
• Group 1: LOOK
– In this culture, how do people react, behave or respond
when they are distressed? What might you be able to do
to assist people with these symptoms of distress?
• Group 2: LISTEN
– In this culture, what do people do to show they are
listening? How do you help people feel calm?
• Group 3: LINK
– In this culture, who are the people that individuals seek for
emotional support? How do they approach others to get
that support? How do they know they are supported?
PFA Review
• What have you
learned so far?
• What confuses you?
• Do you disagree with
• Do you feel confident
about being able to
offer PFA?
Recap: Ethical Guidelines
• Be honest and trustworthy
• Respect a person’s right to make
their own decisions
• Be aware of and set aside your
own biases and prejudices
• Make it clear to people that even
if they refuse help now, they can
still access help in the future
• Respect privacy and keep the
person’s story confidential, as
• Behave appropriately according
to the person’s culture, age and
• Don’t exploit your relationship as a
• Don’t ask the person for any money
or favor for helping them
• Don’t make false promises or give
false information
• Don’t exaggerate your skills
• Don’t force help on people, and
don’t be intrusive or pushy
• Don’t pressure people to tell you
their story
• Don’t share the person’s story with
• Don’t judge the person for their
actions or feelings
Final Simulation
Final PFA
• What was it like as a helper responding to this situation?
• As a helper, what did you do well? Did you feel that you
were making a difference?
• What could you as helper(s) have done better?
• What was it like as a person affected by this disaster?
• How did you feel supported or helped by the helpers?
• Was there anything the helpers said or did that was NOT
helpful, or could have done better?
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Final Simulation Evaluation:
Did you do all of the following?
Prepare •Learn about the crisis event.
•Learn about available services and supports.
•Learn about safety and security concerns.
Look •Observe for safety.
•Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs.
•Observe for people with serious distress reactions.
Listen •Make contact with people who may need support.
•Ask about people’s needs and concerns.
•Listen to people and help them feel calm.
Link •Help people address basic needs and access services.
•Help people cope with problems.
•Give information.
•Connect people with loved ones and social support.
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Starting and ending
with care for ourselves
Remember what you wrote…
• How do I take care of myself?
• How does my team take care of
each other?
Be responsible to yourself and
others by paying attention to
self-care on a daily basis
Practice self and team care
• Before:
– Are you ready to help?
• During:
– How can you stay physically
and emotionally healthy?
– How can you support
colleagues and they
support you?
• After:
– How can you take time to
rest, recover and reflect?
Seek help when you…
• Have upsetting thoughts or
memories about the crisis
• Feel very nervous or
extremely sad
• Have trouble sleeping
• Drink a lot of alcohol or take
drugs to cope with your
Consult a professional if
these difficulties persist
more than one month
Team support
• It is best for helpers to
be connected with an
agency or group to
ensure safety and good
• Tips for peer support or
– Use good listening skills
– Show concern and empathy
– Be respectful
– Don’t blame or judge
– Have clear boundaries
– Be available when needed
– Help your colleague regain control
and help themselves
– Maintain confidentiality
– Appreciate each other
• Please say…
– What went well?
– What could have been better?
– What did you learn (one thing) that you will use in
offering PFA?
1. Bisson, J.K. & Lewis, C. (2009) Systematic Review of Psychological
First Aid, Commissioned by WHO.
2. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) (2007) IASC Guidelines on
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.
Geneva: IASC.
3. The Sphere Project (2011) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum
Standards in Disaster Response. Geneva: The Sphere Project.
4. TENTS Project Partners. The TENTS Guidelines for psychosocial care
following disasters and major incidents.
5. Hobfoll S, Watson P, Bell C, Bryant R, Brymer M, Friedman M, et al.
(2007) Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass
trauma intervention: Empirical evidence. Psychiatry 70 (4): 283-
• Writing & Editorial Team:
– Leslie Snider (WTF), Alison Schafer (WVI), Mark van Ommeren
• Steering Committee:
– Stefan Germann (WVI), Erin Jones (WVI), Relinde Reiffers (WTF),
Shekhar Saxena (WHO), Marieke Schouten (WTF), Leslie Snider
(WTF), Mark van Ommeren (WHO)
• Illustrations: Julie Smith (PD Consulting)
• Funding: World Vision International
• Reviewers:
– We thank the many reviewers, endorsing agencies
(including IASC RG members) and those who participated
in a survey to determine the need to develop our guide.

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Psychological First Aid Training by MHPSS

  • 1. Psychological First Aid Supporting People in the Aftermath of Crisis EventsQuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 2. PFA Guide for Field Workers • WHO publication • Collaborative effort: – World Health Organization – War Trauma Foundation – World Vision International • Endorsed by 24 UN/NGO international agencies • Available in several languages QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 3. What we will cover in the training • What PFA is and is not • Place of PFA in overall response • Key resilience factors • Who, when and where of PFA • Frequent needs of survivors • Action principles: Prepare, Look, Listen and Link • Good communication skills • People who likely need special attention • Caring for yourself and your team members
  • 4. Crisis events you have encountered • Large events affecting many people – Natural disasters, plane crash, war/conflict • Events affecting individuals – Car accident, robbery, home fire • What physical, social and psychological reactions did people have? • What was done to help and support people?
  • 5. What comes to mind when you hear… “Psychological First Aid”
  • 6. Let’s hope NOT… ”trauma therapy, victim coordination center and hospitality”
  • 7. Starting with Care for Ourselves Take a moment to reflect and write down: • What I do to take care of myself? • What does my team (family, colleagues) do to take care of each other? Save your paper for later discussion!
  • 9. PFA Simulation: Discussion • What was it like as a helper responding to this situation? • As a helper, what did you do well? Did you feel that you were making a difference? • What could you as helper(s) have done better? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • What was it like as a person affected by this disaster? • How did you feel supported or helped by the helpers? • Was there anything the helpers said or did that was NOT helpful, or could have done better? QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 10. What PFA Is? • Humane, supportive and practical assistance to fellow human beings who recently suffered exposure to serious stressors, and involves – Non-intrusive, practical care and support – Assessing needs and concerns – Helping people to address basic needs (food, water) – Listening, but not pressuring people to talk – Comforting people and helping them to feel calm – Helping people connect to information, services and social supports – Protecting people from further harm
  • 11. What PFA is NOT? • It is NOT something only professionals can do • It is NOT professional counseling • It is NOT “psychological debriefing” – No detailed discussion of the distressing event • It is NOT asking people to analyze what happened or put time and events in order • Although PFA involves being available to listen to people’s stories, it is NOT pressuring people to tell you their feelings or reactions to an event
  • 12. Basic services and security Community and family supports Specialised services Focused (person-to- person) non-specialised supports Strengthening community and family supports Social considerations in basic services and security Advocacy for basic services that are safe, socially appropriate and protect dignity Activating social networks Communal traditional supports Supportive child-friendly spaces Basic mental health care by PHC doctors Basic emotional and practical support by community workers (Psychological First Aid) Mental health care by mental health specialists (psychiatric nurse, psychologist, psychiatrist etc) The place of PFA in overall mental health and psychosocial response Examples:
  • 13. Responses to Critical Incidents • People may have very different reactions to an event • What factors influence how someone responds? QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 14. Why PFA? Key resilience factors • People do better over the long-term if they… – Feel safe, connected to others, calm & hopeful – Have access to social, physical & emotional support – Regain a sense of control by being able to help themselves QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 15. Group Exercise (5 minutes) Following a crisis event… • WHO may benefit from PFA? • WHO may need more advanced support? • WHEN should PFA be provided? • WHERE should PFA be provided?
  • 16. PFA: Who? • Very distressed people who were recently exposed to a serious stressful event. • Can be provided to adults and children • Not everyone who experiences a crisis event will need or want PFA. – Don’t force help on those who don’t want it, but make yourself available and easily accessible to those who may want support
  • 17. Who needs more advanced support than PFA alone? • People with serious life- threatening injuries • People so upset they cannot care for themselves or their children QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. • People who may hurt themselves • People who may hurt or endager the lives of others
  • 18. PFA: When? • Upon first contact with very distressed people, usually immediately following an event, or sometimes a few days or weeks after.
  • 19. PFA: Where? • Wherever it is safe enough for you to be there. • Ideally with some privacy, as appropriate to preserve confidentiality and dignity
  • 20. If this crisis happened… • What would you need as a SURVIVOR? • What would you need as a HELPER?
  • 21. Optional Slide Frequent Needs of People After Crisis Event • Basic needs: shelter, food, water, sanitation • Health services for injuries or help with chronic medical conditions • Understandable and correct information about event, loved ones and available services • Being able to contact loved ones • Access to specific support related to one’s culture or religion • Being consulted and involved in important decisions
  • 22. Prepare •Learn about the crisis event. •Learn about available services and supports. •Learn about safety and security concerns. • Crisis situations can be chaotic • Often require urgent action Wherever possible BEFORE you enter a crisis site, try to obtain accurate information so you can be safe and effective.
  • 23. The Crisis Event What happened? Where? When? How many and who are affected? Available Services Who is providing for basic needs (emergency medical care, food, shelter)? When & where can people access services? Who is helping, including community members? Safety & Security Is the crisis over or ongoing (aftershocks, fighting)? What dangers may be in the environment? Are there places to avoid due to insecurity or because it is not permitted to be there? Wherever possible, before you enter a crisis site, try to learn about…
  • 24. PFA Action Principles Prepare ------------------- Look Listen Link QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 25. PFA Action Principles Prepare •Learn about the crisis event. •Learn about available services and supports. •Learn about safety and security concerns. Look •Observe for safety. •Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs. •Observe for people with serious distress reactions. Listen •Make contact with people who may need support. •Ask about people’s needs and concerns. •Listen to people and help them feel calm. Link •Help people address basic needs and access services. •Help people cope with problems. •Give information. •Connect people with loved ones and social support. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 26. Case Scenarios 1. Natural disaster 2. Violence & displacement 3. Accident QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 27. Case Scenario Group Work Think about 1) what you need most urgently and would find most helpful as a survivor, and 2) what you need as a helper to be able to assist… • How will you PREPARE to help? • What will you LOOK for in the crisis setting? • What is important to consider as you approach affected people to LISTEN? • How will you LINK people - what will they need and what resources can you draw upon?
  • 29. Group 1: Natural Disaster • The setting: – A large earthquake suddenly hit the center of the city in the middle of the work day. Many people are affected, the extent of the damage is unclear • Key PREPARE questions: – Am I ready to help? – What information do I have about the crisis situation? – Will I travel alone or together with colleagues? – What support can I expect from my agency or others? • Key LOOK questions: – What services and supports are available? – Where will I provide PFA?
  • 30. Group 1 Learning Points (natural disaster) • Readiness: consider your health and personal situation • Gather as much accurate information as you can about: who is affected, how severely affected, where they are • Work in pairs/teams for support/safety • Your agency may be able to provide you with: equipment, updated information, support with coordination Prepare •Learn about the crisis event. •Learn about available services and supports. •Learn about safety and security concerns.
  • 31. Group 1 Learning Points (natural disaster) •Safety issues: fallen or unstable buildings •Services (i.e., emergency medical) may be disrupted •Look for seriously injured or trapped people •Look for people who are upset, anxious or in shock •Look for people who may need special assistance: separated children, immobile/elderly
  • 32. Optional Slide Group 2: Violence & displacement learning points • PREPARE: learn about… – Refugees’ culture, language and customs. – Conflict situation and displacement to anticipate needs (food, water, shelter). – Available services, how to coordinate and link with them. • LOOK: – People displaced due to violence may have injuries or illnesses or have experienced traumatic events. – Children/adolescents/others separated from loved ones. – Serious reactions: being unable to to care for oneself
  • 33. Optional Slide Group 3: Accident learning points • PREPARE: – You need to react quickly, but take a moment to scan for safety of yourself, affected people, others – Life-saving measures (emergency medical) ar a priority in any crisis situation • LOOK: – Affected people have different needs: emergency medical, calm & comfort, safety – Others may be able to help (villagers can call ambulance, redirect traffic). – Others may also interfere (someone may try to move the injured man)
  • 34. • Crisis situations can change rapidly. • What you encounter may be different from what you learned before entering. • Take time - even a quick scan - to LOOK around you before offering help Be calm Be safe Think before you act Look •Observe for safety. •Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs. •Observe for people with serious distress reactions.QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 35. Safety •What dangers can you observe? •Can you be there without harm to yourself or others? If you’re not certain about safety…DO NOT GO! Seek help from others. Communicate from a safe distance. People with obvious urgent basic needs •Is anyone critically injured •Does anyone need rescue? •Obvious needs (torn clothing…)? •Who may need help to access services or to be protected? •Who else is available to help? Know your role. Try to obtain help for people who need special assistance. Refer critically injured people for care. People with serious distress •How many & where are they? •Is anyone extremely upset, immobile, not responding to others or in shock? Consider who may benefit from PFA and how best to help. Look •Observe for safety. •Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs. •Observe for people with serious distress reactions.
  • 36. People who Likely Need Special Attention (to be safe…to access services) • Children and adolescents – Especially those separated from caregivers • People with health conditions and disabilities – Chronic illness, elderly, pregnant or nursing women, non-mobile, hearing/visual impairments (deaf/blind) • People at risk of discrimination or violence – Women, certain ethnic or religious groups, mental disabilities QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 37. Distress Reactions to Crisis • Physical symptoms (shaking, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, aches & pains) • Anxiety, fear • Weeping, grief and sadness • Guilt, shame (for having survived, or for not saving others) • Elation for having survived • Being on guard, jumpy • Anger, irritability • Immobile, withdrawn • Disoriented - not knowing one’s name, where one is from or what happened. • Not responding to others, not speaking at all • Feeling confused, emotionally numb, feeling unreal or in a daze • Unable to care for oneself or one’s children (not eating or drinking, not able to make simple decisions)
  • 38. Helping people in distress • Most people recover well over time, especially if they can restore basic needs and receive support (PFA). • Those with severe or long-lasting distress may require more support. – Try to make sure they are not left alone. – Try to keep them safe until the reaction passes or you can find help from others.
  • 40. Group 2: Violence & displacement • The setting: – Refugees are brought to a new location because of fighting in their area. Some are scared, crying, and unsure of where they will sleep, eat or receive health care. • Key LISTEN questions: – People who experience/witness violence may feel frightened and unsafe. How will you approach and support them? – How can you find out the needs and concerns of people who may need special assistance, such as women or unaccompanied children?
  • 42. Make contact •Approach respectfully •Introduce yourself by name & organization •Ask if you can provide help, find safe/quiet place •Help person feel comfortable (water, blanket) •Try to keep them safe Ask about needs & concerns •Although some needs are obvious, always ask •Find out person’s priorities - what is most important to them. Listen & help people feel calm •Stay close to the person •Do not pressure them to talk •Listen in case they want to talk •If very distressed, help them feel calm & make sure they are not alone
  • 43. Help People Feel Calm • Keep your tone of voice soft and calm • Maintain some eye contact • Reassure them they are safe and that you are there to help • If someone feels “unreal”, help them make contact with: – Themselves (feel feet on the floor, tap hands on lap) – Their surroundings (notice things around them) – Their breath (focus on breath & breathe slowly)
  • 44. Role Play: Help People Feel Calm • Instructions to helper(s) – You have encountered a woman standing outside of the rubble of a fallen building. She is crying and shaking, although does not appear to be physically injured. Provide PFA and demonstrate how you will approach her to LISTEN and help her to feel calm. • Instructions to survivor – You are a woman who witnessed the building falling during the earthquake. Your colleagues were inside and you are very upset and shocked, crying and shaking. You are not sure what has happened and what to do.
  • 45. Role play learning points • Introduce yourself by name and agency. • Ask the affected woman her name and if you can help her. • Protect her from harm by moving her to a safer place to talk away from the rubble. • Offer her some comfort (i.e., water) if you can. • Listen and stay near her without forcing talk. • Ask for her needs and concerns, and help her feel calm. • Reflect ways in which she has acted appropriately (i.e., keeping herself safe) and encouraging good coping strategies. • Acknowledge her worry over possible loss of her colleagues. • Offer to help connect her with loved ones or other supports.
  • 46. Listen with compassion by using your: Eyes - giving the person your undivided attention Ears - hearing carefully their concerns Heart - with caring and showing respect Listen •Make contact with people who may need support. •Ask about people’s needs and concerns. •Listen to people and help them feel calm.QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 47. Optional Slide Good Communication Exercise QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 48. Good Communication: Things to Say and Do • Try to find a quiet place to talk and minimize outside distractions • Stay near the person but keep an appropriate distance depending on their age, gender and culture • Let them know you hear them, for example, nod your head and say…”hmmmm.” • Be patient and calm • Provide factual information IF you have it. Be honest about what you know and what you don’t know. “I don’t know but I will try to find out about that for you.” • Give information in a way the person can understand - keep it simple. • Acknowledge how they are feeling, and any losses or important events they share with you, such as loss of home or death of a loved one. “I’m so sorry…” • Respect privacy. Keep the person’s story confidential, especially when they disclose very private events. • Acknowledge the person’s strengths and how they have helped themselves. TALK LESS, LISTEN MORE!
  • 49. Good Communication: Things NOT to Say and Do • Don’t pressure someone to tell their story • Don’t interrupt or rush someone’s story • Don’t give your opinions of the person’s situation, just listen. • Don’t touch the person if you’re not sure it is appropriate to do so. • Don’t judge what they have or haven’t done, or how they are feeling. Don’t say…”You shouldn’t feel that way.” or “You should feel lucky you survived.” • Don’t make up things you don’t know. • Don’t use too technical terms. • Don’t tell them someone’s else’s story • Don’t talk about your own troubles • Don’t give false promises or false reassurances • Don’t feel you have to try to solve all the person’s problems for them • Don’t take away the person’s strength and sense of being able to care for themselves
  • 50. Role Play: Unaccompanied Child • Instructions to helper: At the edge of the refugee group, you notice a boy of about 10 years old standing alone and looking very frightened. Show how you will approach him and offer PFA. • Instructions to child: You and your older sister fled your village when you heard gunfire and got lost from your parents. You were separated from your sister when getting on the trucks. You are thirsty, tired and frightened.
  • 51. Role play learning points: Unaccompanied child • Notice the unaccompanied child in the group of refugees as someone who likely needs special attention • Speak with the child at their eye level • Speak calmly and kindly to the child using words the child can understand • Find out information about the child’s family, such as the name of his sister • Stay with the child while identifying a trustworthy family tracing organization that can organize a safe place for the child to stay until his family is found.
  • 53. Group 3: Accident • The setting: – You see an accident on a busy village road. A man, who was crossing the road with his wife and young daughter, was hit by a passing car and is lying on the road. Near him, his wife is crying and shaking, while his daughter is standing motionless and silent. Villagers are gathering near the accident scene. • Key LINK questions: – What basic needs, worries or concerns may the distressed people have? – How can I help the wife cope with problems? – What information will they want? – How can I connect them with loved ones for support?
  • 54. Role Play: Accident Scenario • Provide PFA in this situation using the principles of LOOK, LISTEN and LINK. • Once the injured man is attended to appropriately, show how you will LINK the wife and daughter with: – Basic needs – Help coping with problems – Information – Loved ones
  • 55. Group 3 learning points (accident) •LOOK – safety for self and others, emergency medical needs •LISTEN – introduce yourself and speak appropriately with wife and daughter, help wife to feel calm •LINK – Move the wife and daughter out of danger – Help the wife prioritize problems and to care for her child – Link with information about husband’s care (hospital name) – Link wife and daughter with loved ones, and/or assist them to accompany husband to hospital
  • 56. Help people to help themselves and regain control of their situation. Link •Help people address basic needs and access services. •Help people cope with problems. •Give information. •Connect people with loved ones and social support. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 57. Link - basic needs • What needs do they request? • What services are available? • Don’t overlook the needs of vulnerable or marginalized people • Follow-up if you promise to do so
  • 58. Link - help people cope with problems Distressed people may feel overwhelmed with worries… • Help them prioritize urgent needs (what to do first) • Help them identify supports in their life • Give practical suggestions how they can meet their needs (i.e., registering for food aid) • Help them remember how they coped in the past and what helps them to feel better
  • 59. Positive coping strategies (adjust for culture) Help people use their natural coping mechanisms to regain a sense of control: – Get enough rest – Eat as regularly as possible and drink water – Talk and spend time with family and friends – Discuss problems with someone you trust – Relax: walk, sing, pray, play with children – Exercise – Avoid alcohol or drugs, caffeine, nicotine – Bathe and attend to personal hygiene – Find safe ways to help others
  • 60. Role Play: Giving Information (violence and displacement) • Demonstrate how you will give information to the group of refugees. Some are fearful, anxious, uncertain and even angry; and all would like information on the situation and what help they can expect.
  • 61. Link - give information • Find accurate information before helping • Keep updated • Make sure people are informed where & how to access services - especially vulnerable people • Say ONLY what you know - Don’t make up information • Keep messages simple & accurate, repeat often • Give same info to groups to decrease rumors • Explain source & reliability of info you give • Let them know when/where you will update them
  • 62. Link - social support • Very important to recovery • Keep families together & children with caregivers • Help people contact friends and loved ones • Give access to religious support • Affected people may be able to help each other - bring them together • Make sure people know about how to access services (especially vulnerable people)
  • 63. Ending your assistance • Use your best judgment of person’s needs and YOUR own needs. • Explain you are leaving and, if possible, introduce them to someone else who can help. • If you linked them with services, be sure they have contact details and know what to expect. • No matter what your experience, say goodbye in a good way, wish them well.
  • 64. Optional Slide Exercise: Adapting PFA Action Principles to the Local Culture • Group 1: LOOK – In this culture, how do people react, behave or respond when they are distressed? What might you be able to do to assist people with these symptoms of distress? • Group 2: LISTEN – In this culture, what do people do to show they are listening? How do you help people feel calm? • Group 3: LINK – In this culture, who are the people that individuals seek for emotional support? How do they approach others to get that support? How do they know they are supported?
  • 65. PFA Review • What have you learned so far? • What confuses you? • Do you disagree with anything? • Do you feel confident about being able to offer PFA?
  • 66. Recap: Ethical Guidelines Do’s • Be honest and trustworthy • Respect a person’s right to make their own decisions • Be aware of and set aside your own biases and prejudices • Make it clear to people that even if they refuse help now, they can still access help in the future • Respect privacy and keep the person’s story confidential, as appropriate • Behave appropriately according to the person’s culture, age and gender Don’ts • Don’t exploit your relationship as a helper • Don’t ask the person for any money or favor for helping them • Don’t make false promises or give false information • Don’t exaggerate your skills • Don’t force help on people, and don’t be intrusive or pushy • Don’t pressure people to tell you their story • Don’t share the person’s story with others • Don’t judge the person for their actions or feelings
  • 68. Final PFA Simulation: Discussion • What was it like as a helper responding to this situation? • As a helper, what did you do well? Did you feel that you were making a difference? • What could you as helper(s) have done better? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • What was it like as a person affected by this disaster? • How did you feel supported or helped by the helpers? • Was there anything the helpers said or did that was NOT helpful, or could have done better? QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 69. Final Simulation Evaluation: Did you do all of the following? Prepare •Learn about the crisis event. •Learn about available services and supports. •Learn about safety and security concerns. Look •Observe for safety. •Observe for people with obvious urgent basic needs. •Observe for people with serious distress reactions. Listen •Make contact with people who may need support. •Ask about people’s needs and concerns. •Listen to people and help them feel calm. Link •Help people address basic needs and access services. •Help people cope with problems. •Give information. •Connect people with loved ones and social support. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 70. Starting and ending with care for ourselves Remember what you wrote… • How do I take care of myself? • How does my team take care of each other? Be responsible to yourself and others by paying attention to self-care on a daily basis
  • 71. Practice self and team care • Before: – Are you ready to help? • During: – How can you stay physically and emotionally healthy? – How can you support colleagues and they support you? • After: – How can you take time to rest, recover and reflect?
  • 72. Seek help when you… • Have upsetting thoughts or memories about the crisis event • Feel very nervous or extremely sad • Have trouble sleeping • Drink a lot of alcohol or take drugs to cope with your experience Consult a professional if these difficulties persist more than one month
  • 73. Team support • It is best for helpers to be connected with an agency or group to ensure safety and good coordination. • Tips for peer support or “buddies”: – Use good listening skills – Show concern and empathy – Be respectful – Don’t blame or judge – Have clear boundaries – Be available when needed – Help your colleague regain control and help themselves – Maintain confidentiality – Appreciate each other
  • 74. Evaluation • Please say… – What went well? – What could have been better? – What did you learn (one thing) that you will use in offering PFA? THANK YOU & GOOD LUCK!
  • 75. References 1. Bisson, J.K. & Lewis, C. (2009) Systematic Review of Psychological First Aid, Commissioned by WHO. 2. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) (2007) IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. Geneva: IASC. 3. The Sphere Project (2011) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. Geneva: The Sphere Project. 4. TENTS Project Partners. The TENTS Guidelines for psychosocial care following disasters and major incidents. 5. Hobfoll S, Watson P, Bell C, Bryant R, Brymer M, Friedman M, et al. (2007) Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma intervention: Empirical evidence. Psychiatry 70 (4): 283- 315.
  • 76. WHO-WVI-WTF PFA Guide Acknowledgements • Writing & Editorial Team: – Leslie Snider (WTF), Alison Schafer (WVI), Mark van Ommeren (WHO) • Steering Committee: – Stefan Germann (WVI), Erin Jones (WVI), Relinde Reiffers (WTF), Shekhar Saxena (WHO), Marieke Schouten (WTF), Leslie Snider (WTF), Mark van Ommeren (WHO) • Illustrations: Julie Smith (PD Consulting) • Funding: World Vision International • Reviewers: – We thank the many reviewers, endorsing agencies (including IASC RG members) and those who participated in a survey to determine the need to develop our guide.

Editor's Notes

  1. I think this foto should be one of those games where you find all the things that are wrong in the picture…’victim’ focus, “trauma therapy,’ nobody coming for help - only helpers sitting around, inappropriate dress…mixing things that don’t make sense! Curiously, no one is coming to the tent! In some ways, the name is unfortunate - psychological first aid is much less focused on psychology than it is on practical and social support at its core. Who has provided PFA? Who has trained others in PFA?
  2. Instructions to outside group: you will shortly enter a scene where people are affected in different ways. You will have about 10 minutes to demonstrate how you will provide PFA. You can take a couple of minutes to decide amongst yourselves who you are (I.e., aid workers from an agency?) and how you will approach the situation. Instructions to inside group: you have been affected by this earthquake. Each of you will play a different role. You are each affected differently. Please stay in your role for the length of the exercise - about 10 minutes. In a moment, some people will encounter you here in your distress. Roles: Unaccompanied child - alone and frightened, about 10 years old. Pregnant woman with a child. Very distressed person who is unharmed, but whose family is lost in the rubble. Person in shock who cannot speak - her co-workers are with her. They saw the building collapse on their colleagues. Two people who have injuries but are still conscious. A person running around trying to go into the unsafe, damaged area to rescue people. Person who is relatively calm and able to give an account of what happened. A frail, elderly person.
  3. -In contrast to psychological debriefing: PFA does NOT necessarily involve a detailed discussion of the event that caused the distress.
  4. What kind of factors do you think influence how someone will respond to an event? Two people experiencing the same event may have very different reactions to it.
  5. キFeel safe, connected to others, calm and hopeful. キHave access to social, physical and emotional support. キRegain a sense of control by being able to help themselves.
  6. What you need - comes through in preparation and also in the action steps. -as much information as you can gather about the event, who is affected, etc. -to know you are safe -to know what your agency can provide in terms of support, communication, etc. What people may need is also clear when you look at the steps: helping to feel calm, urgent basic needs, information, social support, etc…
  7. “Especially vulnerable” - help to access services…help to be safe from violence or exploitation: Children - especially those separated from caregivers, girls especially at risk People with chronic health conditions or disabilities (pregnant women, elderly, blind, deaf, immobile people) People at risk of discrimination or violence (women, people of certain ethnic groups)
  8. Serious or long-lasting distress: Try to make sure they are not left alone. Try to keep them safe until the reaction passes or until you can find help from health personnel, local leaders or other community members in the area.
  9. These techniques are about helping people to get in touch with themselves and their surroundings…to “ground” themselves.
  10. When you were in distress (or helping someone in distress), what did someone say or do that helped you? What are the elements of good communication? (demonstrate) Tell your buddy about something that happened to you in the last week that you didn’t like…
  11. People may feel isolated, powerless in a crisis. Unable to access usual supports, daily life disrupted, suddenly living in stressful conditions. Linking is about helping people to begin meeting their needs and gathering their resources to cope.
  12. Try to help them access the needs THEY request - head scarf? Learn what they feel is important - things for caring for children? Make sure vulnerable & marginalized people are looked after & can access available services. Follow-up if you promise to do so.
  13. Hard to find accurate information - what are reliable sources?
  14. Religious support - people’s faith may be challenged, made stronger or somehow changed. Allow people to question. Don’t affirm or reject beliefs or religious interpretations of the crisis. Don’t impose your beliefs.
  15. Instructions to outside group: you will shortly enter a scene where people are affected in different ways. You will have about 10 minutes to demonstrate how you will provide PFA. You can take a couple of minutes to decide amongst yourselves who you are (I.e., aid workers from an agency?) and how you will approach the situation. Instructions to inside group: you have been affected by this earthquake. Each of you will play a different role. You are each affected differently. Please stay in your role for the length of the exercise - about 10 minutes. In a moment, some people will encounter you here in your distress. Roles: Unaccompanied child - alone and frightened, about 10 years old. Pregnant woman with a child. Very distressed person who is unharmed, but whose family is lost in the rubble. Person in shock who cannot speak - her co-workers are with her. They saw the building collapse on their colleagues. Two people who have injuries but are still conscious. A person running around trying to go into the unsafe, damaged area to rescue people. Person who is relatively calm and able to give an account of what happened. A frail, elderly person.
  16. What you need - comes through in preparation and also in the action steps. -as much information as you can gather about the event, who is affected, etc. -to know you are safe -to know what your agency can provide in terms of support, communication, etc. What people may need is also clear when you look at the steps: helping to feel calm, urgent basic needs, information, social support, etc…
  17. Readiness - make honest assessment - look at your personal needs and condition (life stresses, family demands…) Pitfall: feeling you have to solve everyone’s needs for them. Needs are overwhelming and resources may be scarce - not possible. You are there temporarily, so your actions should be about helping people to begin helping themselves. Help them to regain control. Don’t assume just b/c they have been through a distressing event, that they are helpless.
  18. Team support very important Supporting colleagues: buddy system, working in pairs/teams whenever possible. Can be very helpful for many reasons - safety, your own support, coordination and being better able to manage contexts where several people need help.