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ContellioPut together by content repurposing specialists from
Popular Content Marketing Terms
Explained in Plain English
Table of contents
A/B testing
Algorithm updates
Big Data
Bounce rate
Brand Ambassador
Call-to-Action (CTA)
Clickthrough Rate
Content creation
Content strategy
Conversion Rate
Drip campaigns
Editorial calendar
Email marketing
Evergreen Content
External link
Funnel optimization
Google Analytics
Growth Hacking
Guest posts
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Content Marketing Glossary
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Integrated campaign
KPI or key
Landing Page
Lead Generation
Lean startup cycle
Lifecycle stages
Localized content
Location Data
Marketing Authority
Micro content
Multilingual content
Push Messages
Remarketing pixel
Responsive content
Road map
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Content Marketing Glossary
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Search marketing
Sponsored post
Stock sites
UTM tags
Word bites
WordPress Plug-In
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Content Marketing Glossary
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Content Marketing Glossary
A/B testing
A/B testing is a simple way to test your content and
determine which version of it produces best results. It
originated in web technologies where different website
elements can be tested and results can tell which version to
deploy for everyone. One visitor sees content A, another,
content B.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: it's important to
know what the target audience react to the best.
More on this topic: start by browsing this WordPress plug-in
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Short for acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and
referral. It's a startup metrics model developed by Dave
McClure of 500 Startups. These 5 metrics represent all of
the behaviors of the customer.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: it's the same story
with content distribution. We first acquire readers, try to
activate them (to comment or share), bring them back with a
newsletter, get interested in our offer, and at the end share
blog with their friends.
More on this topic: this SlideShare presentation is a great
starting point:
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An element of AARRR metric telling how many people are
"acquired" through content marketing. Eg. number of
people visiting your blog or a landing page.
See also: AARRR.
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An element of AARRR metric telling what percentage of
people visiting your sites do a certain action.
Content marketers have to choose which metric will be their
activation metric. Eg. from 1000 landing page visitors 120
signed up for a newsletter. In that particular case if
newsletter signups are counted as activation this metric
would be 12%.
See also: AARRR.
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(Google) Adwords
Adwords is an ad network created by Google. It's one of the
world's biggest ad networks and users interact with Adwords
ads in every corner of the internet.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: Adwords is a paid
acquisition channel. If you have money to spend on traffic
acquisition you can advertise on Google Adwords and your
content will be shown along with Google search results and
on many sites which uses Adwords to display ads.
More on this topic:
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Algorithm updates
Google updates its indexing algorithm every couple of months.
Changes are introduced in order to minimize spam results and
show more relevant ones near the top. The algorithm changes
most often penalize websites that gain exposure by gaming the
Why it's relevant for content marketers: if you're doing
everything according to the book, you have nothing to fear. What's
more if you read about the changes you can make your content
even more Google (= users) friendly. Eg. recent update gives higher
positions to websites that are mobile-friendly. If your blog isn't you
could update your template or change it to a new one (there are
stocks of WordPress themes like
See also: stocks, WordPress
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Your audience are all the people who would find your
content interesting.
Before you write your first blog post you should spend time
defining your ideal persona. Next with that persona in mind,
every piece of content should be benchmarked against it to
see if it's relevant, helpful, interesting, etc.
See also: persona
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Audit in an inspection of your content, typically by an
independent body.
Aim of the audit is to point any mistakes and errors that you
may have omitted due to the fact that you see your content
every day.
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B2B stands for business-to-business and is a category
of businesses that sell to other companies.
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B2C is short for business-to-customer. If your company's or
blog's target audience are individuals you can say your target
is the B2C market.
Often B2B (business-to-business) blogs target specific
individuals within companies but that doesn't make them
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Big Data
Big data is a term that describes any large amount of
structured or semi-structured data that has the potential to
be mined for information.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: if your company
sits on top of a big amount of data you should request some
time with engineers to sort through that resource. With data
in hand you can create insightful infographics and data-
packed blog posts that will get shared in your niche.
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A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that
contains JavaScript commands that add new features to
your browser. Bookmarklets can help extracting data from
the page (e.g. links), submit current URL to CRM or other
place, query a search engine with highlighted word, etc.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: bookmarklets
greatly increase your speed by semi-automating tasks you
often repeat.
More on this topic: Orbit Media has list of 15 handy
bookmarklets for content marketers here: http://
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Bounce rate
Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e.
sessions in which the person left your site from the
entrance page without interacting with the page).
Why it's relevant for content marketers: with multi-page
sites like blogs you should aim for bounce rate as low as
possible. Low bounce rate means that readers visiting your
page continue to browse it before they leave. You should
monitor bounce rate as well as time spent on your site to
determine what content was read throughout and what was
skipped. That way you can see what resonates well with your
audience and what doesn't.
See also: audience, Google Analytics.
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A brand is a name, term, design, or other feature that
distinguishes your product from others.
Brand not only means your company's brand but also your
blog's as well as personal. Your team should spend time
thinking what your brand represents, how you'd like it to be
seen, what emotions it should trigger, etc.
Brand building is an area on it's own and as content
marketers we should respect and remember about our
brand all the time while producing and promoting content.
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Brand Ambassador
Brand ambassador is a person employed by an
organization or company to promote its products or
services. Ambassadors are often celebrities or well-know
industry experts who you either pay or reward in another
way for their endorsement.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: having an
ambassador can greatly enhance your reach. Especially in the
early days having someone respected in the field can do
wonders for traffic acquisition.
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Call-to-Action (CTA)
Call to action or CTA is a phrase used to describe button,
link, or other interactive element that urges users to take
Why it's relevant for content marketers: great piece of
content incorporates CTA seamlessly. Almost every piece of
content that we produce should be equipped with it. Most
often CTAs are buy-now buttons, newsletter signup forms,
social media share buttons, etc.
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Clickthrough Rate (CTR)
The number of clicks received divided by the number of
impressions generated. For example, an ad that is displayed
1,000 times and receives 10 clicks has a click-through rate of 1
Why it's relevant for content marketers: CTR is an vital
metric for every content marketer. We should measure CTR
of our ads, Tweet links, quest post referrals, etc. Only by
measuring CTR of every channel, can you decide which one is
the most effective.
Warning: it's common marketers get excited about particular
channel high CTR without getting enough traffic through it.
With a sample of 100 high CTR can be misleading sign.
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Collaboration is working with others to do a task and to
achieve shared goals.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: collaboration is a
great way to create and edit new content. You can work with
your peers on the content, with the editor on wording, with
translator on new versions, or with a designer on blog post
See also: outsourcing.
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Content creation
Content creation is an element of content marketing
process where an idea for a piece is turned into a blog
post, presentation, infographic, etc.
Common practice in content marketing is outsourcing
content creation to other people (see collaboration). By doing
so marketers are able to turn ideas into posts much quicker
and increase content volume many fold. Note that it's not
always possible to outsource content creation as sometimes
your niche requires domain expertise and/or professional
See also: collaboration, outsourcing.
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Content strategy
Content strategy refers to content creation, repurposing,
and distribution plan for a company.
It's put in place by marketers to streamline it's branding,
makes sure content is consistent across channels, and
delivers results.
See also: editorial calendar, persona, repurposing, ROI.
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Conversion Rate
See: CTR and funnel optimization.
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Credibility is a quality of being believable or worthy of
In content marketing and marketing in general trust is often
a deciding factor when a client chooses one company over
Same as with brand and PR trust and credibility can be easily
lost and is very hard to regain.
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Crowdsourcing is a great way to generate additional
content for your business.
This will only work with engaged communities that are
willing to help with close to nothing in return.
To give you an example startup community is crowdsourcing
this list of growth hacks you can use to grow your business -
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See: acquisition.
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Drip campaigns
Drip campaigns refers to email marketing and email
campaign prepared in advance and sent to new
subscribers starting always from the first email, no matter
when they joined. It's fundamentally different than regular
send-to-all campaign in which you send same emails to
every subscriber no matter when she joined.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: drip campaigns
allow marketers to build relationship with users over
carefully designed series of email.
Most email marketing services offer this kind of campaigns.
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In most cases "ebook" refer to an electronic version of a
paperback book. In marketing though ebook is often standalone
item and was never published as physical version.
Why it's relevant to content marketers: ebooks a presumably one
of the best giveaway items you can create. Well prepared and
executed ebook giveaway can grow your email list by the
In traditional sense ebook is a file in EPUB or MOBI format – easy to
upload to your Kindle. In marketing most often ebooks are PDF files
formatted by DTP company or individual to fit company's brand.
PDF has multiple advantages over EPUB/MOBI when it comes to
content marketing. To name just a few: it will look exactly the same
on every screen, it's lightweight, and everyone knows how to open
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Editorial calendar
When you get going with your content marketing you will
quickly realize that you have to squeeze a lot of content in
a space of couple days of the week.
New blog posts, presentations, Twitter campaigns, when to
send newsletter, etc. – lots to do. This is exactly the moment
when you need to build an editorial calendar. Mark the days
when you post on your blog, schedule when to send
campaigns, and generally see if everything will fit nicely or
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Email marketing
Email is crucial for content marketing acquisition and
retention efforts.
Content marketers often rely on growing newsletter lists as it
is still one the most effective method to bring customers
back to your site and the product.
See also: drip campaigns
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Engagement is a metric and a quality of your content.
Engagement the metric shows how much people interact
with your content. Depending on how you structure your
goals that can be time spend on a site, number of social
media shares or comments, etc.
High engagement brings customers back to your site or blog
and helps with reaching your goals and KPIs.
See also: AARRR, KPI, CTR.
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Evergreen content
Evergreen content is content that is equally relevant today
as in half a year.
Some industries cannot produce evergreen content (news,
stock market) but in most cases of B2C and B2B content
marketing evergreen content is something we should all aim
Producing and promoting content is expensive enough, so
doing it in a way it stays fresh longer can only increase return
of investment.
See also: ROI
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External link
External link or an incoming link is a link that point to your
site from some other place.
This link can be placed in a guest post, social media post,
SlideShare or YouTube content, etc. It serves two purposes:
firstly it gets you traffic from an external site, and secondly, it
works toward your SEO score with Google and other search
engines. If you get links from high quality sites search
engines treat your site as more relevant and place you higher
in the search results.
See also: guest posts, link-building
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Funnel optimization
Funnel optimization is a term originating in e-commerce
where users visiting a webpage enter a "funnel" to a
hopeful exit by checking out. Website owners fine-tune
their listings, payment process, cart management, etc. to
lower the friction between each step and get more people to
the end of the funnel.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: marketers should
also monitor their equivalent of sales funnel as people enter
your site and follow the steps toward whatever is your
preferred „exit”.
See also: KPI, AARRR, CTR.
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Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free service from Google that allows
website owners measure and analyze traffic coming to
their sites. Over the years Google Analytics become a
standard in this space and is now installed on over 15 million
websites worldwide.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: without proper
analytics marketers are blind. Analyzing incoming traffic as
well as users' behavior on the site is crucial in understanding
whether our content marketing activities deliver proper
See also: ROI, funnel optimization, AARRR
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Growth hacking
Growth hacking is a almost a buzzword now, but it
combines all the activities, coding, analytics, and hacking
companies do to achieve and maintain growth.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: depending on how
you look at it growth hacking is part of marketing or
marketing is part of growth hacking. In a crowded markets
content marketers have to come up with creative and
innovative ways to deliver results.
Sometimes these unconventional methods are very similar
to growth hacking. Hence marketers should monitor newest
growth hacking trends and borrow as much as possible
whenever it's possible.
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Guest posts
Guest posts are exactly what the name implies: it's a post
on your blog by a guest author OR other way around it's
your post in someone else's blog.
Guest posting is an important tactic in link building and
generating traffic. Pitching blog owners with your post idea is
an art on it's own and the rule of thumb here is to start with
smaller blogs and move to bigger ones as you gain
experience and portfolio.
See also: link building, SEO, PageRank, external links
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Hastags are social media's way of getting more people to
know about a common topic. In a nut shell it's a word
preceded by the # symbol that major social media sites
automatically convert into links.
Once a user clicks on such link she's redirected to a subpage with
all other posts containing this particular hashtag.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: you can use hashtags
to get in touch with different communities. You can analyze
hashtag contents to decide on your next move. You can monitor
interesting topics using hashtags. You can launch initiatives using
hashtags – for example hashtag for this content marketing
glossary is #contentglossary. When you tweet with it we get to
read it and can add/edit items to this list.
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Wikipedia says the headline is the text indicating the
nature of the article.
Writing great headlines is an art on it's own and content
marketers spend years testing different ways of doing so.
Important to note here is the fact that working headline in
one industry won't translate 1:1 to another. Every audience has
their own preferences and finding the right headline for
them is very important.
See also: A/B testing, audience
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By "inbound" businesses describe all activities that bring
customers the site without proactively reaching out.
This is the opposite of outbound where for example, sales
reps contact possible clients and try to convert them to a sell
via a cold call or engagement on the sales floor. Examples of
inbound activities are: updating blog with new content on a
regular basis, being visible in social media, paid ads, guest
posts, etc.
See also: outbound
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Influencers are well known and respected individuals in an
They often have relatively big social media followings and can
influence the industry with their opinions.
See also: brand, ambassadors
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Infographics is a graphic form of representing complicated
concepts or plenty of data in a fun, engaging, easy to
understand format.
People are many times more likely to remember what they
see than what they hear or read.
Thanks to that phenomena infographics become an
important weapon in a content marketer hands. Not only are
they simple to digest but one-file format also help with viral
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Integrated campaigns
Integrated campaigns include a multiple of different
media types, one of which is often online. In addition to
online, other media types can include print, outdoor, TV,
guerrilla or radio.
See also: brand
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Interview has two meanings for content marketers:
1. Interviewing interesting people for your blog is a clever
way to bring more traffic and promote your work.
Interviewed guests have strong incentive to share the
interview with their social media following, hence bring
you more traffic from interested audience.
2. Interviews are also used to learn about your market
and customers. By interviewing people in your space you
can get tremendous amount of knowledge and insight
into what's happening.
See also: persona, lean
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If you were to distill your whole communication to only
couple words, chances are these would be your keywords.
Every company do that on purpose or just by common sense.
Using concrete set of keywords for all you outside
communication helps with brand building, planting the
message in your customers' heads, and ranking higher in
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KPI or key performance indicator
Key performance indicator (KPI) is a business metric used
to evaluate factors that are crucial to the success of an
From content marketing perspective a KPI can be number of
visits to the company blog, newsletter signups, or number of
signups to the product generated by content marketing
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Landing page
Landing page is a single-page website that appears when
users click on a search result or paid ad.
They include complete offer description and a strong CTA
and aim to convert visitors to take action (sign up for a
newsletter, download an ebook, share on Facebook, etc.).
See also: CTA, funnel optimization
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Lead generation
Lead generation is a term describing process of collecting
clients' information. It can be done manually or
automatically by multiple inbound activities.
See also: landing page, inbound, outbound
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Lean startup cycle
"Lean startup cycle" is a term coined in 2011 by Eric Ries. It
describes a methodology for building businesses based on
short interactions, experiments, clients' feed and generally
lowering risk by learning fast what works and what does
Why it's relevant for content marketers: lean startup cycle
is based on build-measure-learn principal. The same
methodology can and should be applied to all areas of
content marketing. We should always measure an outcome
of our actions, learn from it, and improve them in the next
See also: AARRR, Google analytics, funnel optimization, ROI.
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Lifecycle stages
Lifecycle stages refers to the stage that your product is at
any given time. There are four main stages: introduction,
growth, maturity, decline.
It start with an audience of early adopters who actively look
for your product and use it. With a product that has been
debugged and a scalable business model you move to growth
stage. When sales flatten or the market becomes saturated,
it's a sign you've reached the maturity stage.
Why it's relevant to content marketers: as a content
manager you should always know who your target audience
is. You don't communicate in the same manner with early
adopters as you do with maturity level customers. Content
marketing should always reflect the company stage.
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Link building is an important SEO technique that aims to
increase website position in search engines by acquiring
links from other sites.
The logic for this to work is that Google and other search
engines care about how many links point to your website.
See also: SEO, external link
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List building is the activity of building your email
newsletter list in size.
List building activities include giveaways, newsletter popups,
See also: AARRR, retention
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Localized content
Localized content is your content translated into another
Companies translate their content to different languages to
help their positioning on foreign markets. It is also a
legitimate lead building technique that lowers entry barriers
for possible clients.
See also: lead generation.
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Location data
Using users' location and geotagging can be used by
companies to show relevant content based on user
location in the physical world.
This will work well especially for companies that does local
offers in which users can benefit from location-based
content the most.
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Marketing authority
Authority marketing helps entrepreneurs leverage their
knowledge to gain authority status in their industry.
This authority status then allows them to dramatically
amplify their message and convert their new audience into
higher paying customers.
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Metrics are used by marketers to benchmark their results
against other as well as find out how far or close are they
to reaching their KPIs.
There are multiple types of metrics that can tell different
things about your business or content. For content marketers
one of the most often used metrics is number of signups it
generates for the product or number of people that it brings
to the site.
See also: KPI, Google analytics, funnel optimization, bounce
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Micro content
Micro content is social media posts and images. They are
short (posts) and small (images) hence the "micro" in the
It's used to attract users' attention while they scroll their
Facebook or Twitter feeds.
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See: landing page
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Multilingual content
See: localized content
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It's the opposite of inbound: it's all the activities where
a company actively contact possible clients.
See also: inbound
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Outsourcing is paying someone else complete a certain
task based on your predefined criteria.
There are whole websites dedicated to outsourcing graphic
design, writing, coding, and etc. Content marketers often rely
on outsourcing writers and designers to speed up content
See also: content creation, collaboration
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PageRank is a metric used by Google to score a website's
importance. Based on it and other factors Google can
increase or decrease website position in the search
results. According to Google:
PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links
to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important
the website is.
The underlying assumption is that more important websites
are likely to receive more links from other websites.
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Better known as marketing persona.
Marketers build different personas to represent a group of
customers to be able to focus marketing activities at it.
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Personalization is a process during which an otherwise
generic message is customized for a specific person.
Instead of receiving email starting with "Hi customer" you
would send "Hi John". In email marketing it's done to achieve
higher email open rates.
See also: email marketing, CTR
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A way to describe your business in couple of sentences.
There are different types of pitches, most popular one is
"Elevator Pitch" that stands for really short, memorable
and straight to the point speech (it's name comes from
pitching investors while riding an elevator).
Why it's relevant to content marketers: content marketers
most often pitch the blog authors in an attempt post a guest
blog post on their website.
See also: guest posting
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Push messages
Push messages are notifications from mobile applications
that a user gets on their devices, even when the app is not
currently running.
Why it’s relevant to content marketers: there are multiple
ways content marketers can utilize push messages in the
communication. Especially for B2C and app-based
businesses push messages are likely to replace email
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Reach is a metric most often used on social media sites to
describe how many people have seen a message after it
was posted.
Reach increases as other users share, like, or retweet your
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Referral is a metric, part of AARRR methodology of
measuring business performance. It refers to number of
new users brought to the site by existing users.
Why it's relevant to content marketers: you should
optimize landing pages and CTAs to induce as much social
media shares as possible.
See also: AARRR, funnel optimization, email marketing,
remarketing, CTA
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Remarketing is a way to bring customer back to your
product by displaying ads visible only to them.
This can be achieved by using Google Adwords or Facebook
ad network and placing a remarketing pixel (browser cookie)
on your site. From the moment you place Google/Facebook
code on your website every visitor that lands on your site will
be added to the custom audience eligible for remarketing
After you turn on remarketing campaign users will see your
ads all over the internet.
See also: Google Adwords, remarketing pixel
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Remarketing pixel
Remarketing pixel is a common name for a remarketing
browse cookie included on many sites to catch visitors on
a remarketing list.
To place remarketing pixel on your site you edit your site
source code and place provided Javascript code close to the
end of the code. If you're using WordPress site you don't have
to edit your page source code, but instead use one of many
remarketing plugins.
See also: remarketing, Wordpress, Wordpress plug-in
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Adding a new, extra value to the existing content
by reformatting it to other mediums.
Examples of repurposing include turning a blog post into a
presentation, which in turn can be repurposed as animation,
and so on. The aim for repurposing is to get the most out of
every word of original text.
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Responsive content
Every single piece of information that is visually adjusted
to the mobile devices.
E.g. a website that changes its design and functionality in
response to the viewing device (laptop, tablet, smartphone)
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Retention is a metric telling website owners how many
people have return to their site after they visited it.
Retention is most often expressed as percentage, meaning
that 7% retention is 7 people returned to the site after
they signed up.
Why it's relevant for content marketers: retention is a key
metric to watch for when you run your blog. You want to
produce content people will want to return to read/watch
again. Returning readers mean lower bounce rate and higher
chance of converting to whatever your goal is.
See also: AARRR, email marketing, remarketing, bounce rate
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Content Marketing Glossary
Road map
Road maps are most often referring to new product
features and how they are planned in time.
You should work with product managers to prepare and
schedule your content marketing activities around the
product road map. Road maps can also refer to editorial
calendars, but the latter is more common name.
See also: editorial calendar
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Content Marketing Glossary
ROI is short for return of investment. It's a metric telling
marketers whether the activities you perform or money you
spend gives you the desired effect either financially or increased
web activity. It may also point out the specific activities.
You can calculate ROI by dividing revenue this particular ad brought
by money that was spent on it. For example an ad campaign that
costed $1000 can bring $1800 in sales from the product (that is
180% ROI).
Note: often ROI has to be considered over longer period of time. In
another example a $1000 ad campaign can bring only $450 in
immediate revenue (45% ROI). But given that high percentage of
clients renew their subscription after one month, ROI for this
campaign over period of couple months can be much higher.
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Content Marketing Glossary
Search marketing
Search marketing refers to ads you can purchase next to
search results in Google and other search engines.
Don't confuse with search engine optimization (SEO) which
affects your website position in the search results.
See also: SEO
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SEO is short for search engine optimization which covers
a  broad field of activities that all result in getting your
website listed higher in search results.
Many SEO tactics involve content and generally content
marketing contributes to SEO in a great way. Original content
is number 1 SEO tactic to this day.
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Content Marketing Glossary
When a post has high shareability it means there is high
probability it will be shared by users across social
There are number of factors that influence content
shareability, like: great headline and copy, interesting
graphics, or dynamic animation.
See also: headline
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Content Marketing Glossary
Snippet is small amount of code or text that you can reuse
over and over again. There are multiple snippets managers
available as browser extensions or desktop or mobile
The reason for existence of snippets is to relieve authors
form typing the same content all the time. If you use some
phrases a lot, you may consider turning it into a snippet.
See also: bookmarklet
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Content Marketing Glossary
Sponsored post
Sponsored post is a blog post that appear in the regular
blog content flow, but is prepared and paid for by a
Companies never accept sponsored posts on their blogs as
the whole blog is usually an advertisement for the company
But companies often propose to sponsor content on other
blogs to promote their business.
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Content Marketing Glossary
Stock sites
Stocks are sites that collect huge amounts of pictures,
videos, audio files, or other media formats and make their
business by cataloguing and selling them at a small price.
The point of stocks is that you normally wouldn't be able to
buy a photo of this quality, but because they sell one file to
multiple clients, they can keep the price low.
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Content Marketing Glossary
Storytelling is a quality of a great content marketer.
Businesses that master storytelling are able to market their
products without looking like they're selling something.
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Content Marketing Glossary
Templates are ready to use chunks of content that one just
has to fill out with data and it's ready to publish. They are
snippets on steroids.
See also: snippets
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Content Marketing Glossary
Thought leadership
Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the
go-to people in their field of expertise.
They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with
innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show
how to replicate their success.
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Content Marketing Glossary
Tracking is an action of monitoring what users do on your
website in order to optimize it better, lower their entry
barrier, and widen the convention funnel.
Tracking in most cases mean installing some kind of website
analytics tools like Google Analytics.
See also: Google Analytics, remarketing, remarketing pixel
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Content Marketing Glossary
UTM tags
UTM tags are a web standard introduced to precisely monitor
incoming traffic. There are five tags, three of which are mandatory:
Mandatory: utm_source for campaign source (newsletter, landing
page 3, etc.), utm_medium for advertising medium used (like
banner, cpc, email), and utm_campaign for a campaign name (like
"content marketing glossary")
Optional: utm_term used to identify the paid keywords and
utm_content use to differentiate ads (like banner300x250,
banner750x100, etc.).
See also: tracking, Google Analytics
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Word bites
See: micro content
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A website engine that allows you to build your website and
adjust its design for free. Its primary use was to create a
blog so it's equipped with lots of options that help managing
blogs (SEO plugins, different users, categories etc.)
See also: WordPress Plug-Ins
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Content Marketing Glossary
WordPress plug-ins
WordPress can be extended in multiple ways using plug-
These small applications exist within your WordPress
installation and add new features and functionalities to your
blog or website.
See also: WordPress
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Content Marketing Glossary
Workflow is common name for a "process". It describes
some procedure in steps needed to complete it.
It's especially useful when introducing new team members
and for quality assurance purposes.
Find out more online
This glossary is put together and maintained
by content repurposing specialists at
This glossary is also available online
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Content Marketing Glossary - Popular Content Marketing Terms Explained in Plain English

  • 1. CONTENT MARKETING GLOSSARY ContellioPut together by content repurposing specialists from Popular Content Marketing Terms Explained in Plain English
  • 2. Table of contents A A/B testing AARRR Acquisition Activation Adwords Algorithm updates Audience Audit B B2B B2C Big Data Bookmarklets Bounce rate Brand Brand Ambassador C Call-to-Action (CTA) Clickthrough Rate (CTR) Collaboration Content creation Content strategy Conversion Rate Credibility Crowdsourcing D Distribution Drip campaigns E Ebook Editorial calendar Email marketing Engagement Evergreen Content External link F Funnel optimization G Google Analytics Growth Hacking Guest posts H Hashtag Headline ContellioTypo? Something’s missing? Let us know by tweeting @contellio! Content Marketing Glossary
  • 3. Typo? Something’s missing? Let us know by tweeting @contellio I Inbound Influencers Infographic Integrated campaign Intelligence Interview K Keywords KPI or key performance indicator L Landing Page Lead Generation Lean startup cycle Lifecycle stages Link-building List-building Localized content Location Data M Marketing Authority Metrics Micro content Microsite Multilingual content O Outbound Outsourcing P PageRank Persona Personalization Pitch Push Messages R Reach Referral Remarketing Remarketing pixel Repurposing Responsive content Retention Road map ROI Table of contents Contellio! Content Marketing Glossary
  • 4. Tweet link to this glossary! S Search marketing SEO Shareability Snippet Sponsored post Stock sites Storytelling T Templates Thought leadership Tracking U UTM tags W Word bites WordPress WordPress Plug-In Workflow Table of contents Contellio Suggest new content by tweeting with #ContentGlossary hashtag Click here to tweet ! Content Marketing Glossary
  • 5. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary A/B testing A/B testing is a simple way to test your content and determine which version of it produces best results. It originated in web technologies where different website elements can be tested and results can tell which version to deploy for everyone. One visitor sees content A, another, content B. Why it's relevant for content marketers: it's important to know what the target audience react to the best. More on this topic: start by browsing this WordPress plug-in directory 5 Typo? Something’s missing? Let us know by Tweeting @contellio!
  • 6. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary AARRR Short for acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referral. It's a startup metrics model developed by Dave McClure of 500 Startups. These 5 metrics represent all of the behaviors of the customer. Why it's relevant for content marketers: it's the same story with content distribution. We first acquire readers, try to activate them (to comment or share), bring them back with a newsletter, get interested in our offer, and at the end share blog with their friends. More on this topic: this SlideShare presentation is a great starting point: startup-metrics-for-pirates-long-version 6 Typo? Something’s missing? Let us know by Tweeting @contellio!
  • 7. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Acquisition An element of AARRR metric telling how many people are "acquired" through content marketing. Eg. number of people visiting your blog or a landing page. See also: AARRR. 7 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 8. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Activation An element of AARRR metric telling what percentage of people visiting your sites do a certain action. Content marketers have to choose which metric will be their activation metric. Eg. from 1000 landing page visitors 120 signed up for a newsletter. In that particular case if newsletter signups are counted as activation this metric would be 12%. See also: AARRR. 8
  • 9. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary (Google) Adwords Adwords is an ad network created by Google. It's one of the world's biggest ad networks and users interact with Adwords ads in every corner of the internet. Why it's relevant for content marketers: Adwords is a paid acquisition channel. If you have money to spend on traffic acquisition you can advertise on Google Adwords and your content will be shown along with Google search results and on many sites which uses Adwords to display ads. More on this topic: 9
  • 10. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Algorithm updates Google updates its indexing algorithm every couple of months. Changes are introduced in order to minimize spam results and show more relevant ones near the top. The algorithm changes most often penalize websites that gain exposure by gaming the system. Why it's relevant for content marketers: if you're doing everything according to the book, you have nothing to fear. What's more if you read about the changes you can make your content even more Google (= users) friendly. Eg. recent update gives higher positions to websites that are mobile-friendly. If your blog isn't you could update your template or change it to a new one (there are stocks of WordPress themes like themes/wordpress) See also: stocks, WordPress 10
  • 11. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Audience Your audience are all the people who would find your content interesting. Before you write your first blog post you should spend time defining your ideal persona. Next with that persona in mind, every piece of content should be benchmarked against it to see if it's relevant, helpful, interesting, etc. See also: persona 11
  • 12. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Audit Audit in an inspection of your content, typically by an independent body. Aim of the audit is to point any mistakes and errors that you may have omitted due to the fact that you see your content every day. 12
  • 13. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary B2B B2B stands for business-to-business and is a category of businesses that sell to other companies. 13
  • 14. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary B2C B2C is short for business-to-customer. If your company's or blog's target audience are individuals you can say your target is the B2C market. Often B2B (business-to-business) blogs target specific individuals within companies but that doesn't make them B2C. 14 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 15. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Big Data Big data is a term that describes any large amount of structured or semi-structured data that has the potential to be mined for information. Why it's relevant for content marketers: if your company sits on top of a big amount of data you should request some time with engineers to sort through that resource. With data in hand you can create insightful infographics and data- packed blog posts that will get shared in your niche. 15 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 16. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Bookmarklet A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands that add new features to your browser. Bookmarklets can help extracting data from the page (e.g. links), submit current URL to CRM or other place, query a search engine with highlighted word, etc. Why it's relevant for content marketers: bookmarklets greatly increase your speed by semi-automating tasks you often repeat. More on this topic: Orbit Media has list of 15 handy bookmarklets for content marketers here: http:// bookmarklets/ 16
  • 17. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Bounce rate Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page). Why it's relevant for content marketers: with multi-page sites like blogs you should aim for bounce rate as low as possible. Low bounce rate means that readers visiting your page continue to browse it before they leave. You should monitor bounce rate as well as time spent on your site to determine what content was read throughout and what was skipped. That way you can see what resonates well with your audience and what doesn't. See also: audience, Google Analytics. 17
  • 18. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Brand A brand is a name, term, design, or other feature that distinguishes your product from others. Brand not only means your company's brand but also your blog's as well as personal. Your team should spend time thinking what your brand represents, how you'd like it to be seen, what emotions it should trigger, etc. Brand building is an area on it's own and as content marketers we should respect and remember about our brand all the time while producing and promoting content. 18 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 19. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Brand Ambassador Brand ambassador is a person employed by an organization or company to promote its products or services. Ambassadors are often celebrities or well-know industry experts who you either pay or reward in another way for their endorsement. Why it's relevant for content marketers: having an ambassador can greatly enhance your reach. Especially in the early days having someone respected in the field can do wonders for traffic acquisition. 19
  • 20. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Call-to-Action (CTA) Call to action or CTA is a phrase used to describe button, link, or other interactive element that urges users to take action. Why it's relevant for content marketers: great piece of content incorporates CTA seamlessly. Almost every piece of content that we produce should be equipped with it. Most often CTAs are buy-now buttons, newsletter signup forms, social media share buttons, etc. 20 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 21. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Clickthrough Rate (CTR) The number of clicks received divided by the number of impressions generated. For example, an ad that is displayed 1,000 times and receives 10 clicks has a click-through rate of 1 percent. Why it's relevant for content marketers: CTR is an vital metric for every content marketer. We should measure CTR of our ads, Tweet links, quest post referrals, etc. Only by measuring CTR of every channel, can you decide which one is the most effective. Warning: it's common marketers get excited about particular channel high CTR without getting enough traffic through it. With a sample of 100 high CTR can be misleading sign. 21
  • 22. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Collaboration Collaboration is working with others to do a task and to achieve shared goals. Why it's relevant for content marketers: collaboration is a great way to create and edit new content. You can work with your peers on the content, with the editor on wording, with translator on new versions, or with a designer on blog post images. See also: outsourcing. 22 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 23. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Content creation Content creation is an element of content marketing process where an idea for a piece is turned into a blog post, presentation, infographic, etc. Common practice in content marketing is outsourcing content creation to other people (see collaboration). By doing so marketers are able to turn ideas into posts much quicker and increase content volume many fold. Note that it's not always possible to outsource content creation as sometimes your niche requires domain expertise and/or professional language. See also: collaboration, outsourcing. 23
  • 24. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Content strategy Content strategy refers to content creation, repurposing, and distribution plan for a company. It's put in place by marketers to streamline it's branding, makes sure content is consistent across channels, and delivers results. See also: editorial calendar, persona, repurposing, ROI. 24
  • 25. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Conversion Rate See: CTR and funnel optimization. 25 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 26. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Credibility Credibility is a quality of being believable or worthy of trust. In content marketing and marketing in general trust is often a deciding factor when a client chooses one company over another. Same as with brand and PR trust and credibility can be easily lost and is very hard to regain. 26
  • 27. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing is a great way to generate additional content for your business. This will only work with engaged communities that are willing to help with close to nothing in return. To give you an example startup community is crowdsourcing this list of growth hacks you can use to grow your business - 27
  • 28. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Distribution See: acquisition. 28
  • 29. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Drip campaigns Drip campaigns refers to email marketing and email campaign prepared in advance and sent to new subscribers starting always from the first email, no matter when they joined. It's fundamentally different than regular send-to-all campaign in which you send same emails to every subscriber no matter when she joined. Why it's relevant for content marketers: drip campaigns allow marketers to build relationship with users over carefully designed series of email. Most email marketing services offer this kind of campaigns. 29 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 30. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Ebook In most cases "ebook" refer to an electronic version of a paperback book. In marketing though ebook is often standalone item and was never published as physical version. Why it's relevant to content marketers: ebooks a presumably one of the best giveaway items you can create. Well prepared and executed ebook giveaway can grow your email list by the thousands. In traditional sense ebook is a file in EPUB or MOBI format – easy to upload to your Kindle. In marketing most often ebooks are PDF files formatted by DTP company or individual to fit company's brand. PDF has multiple advantages over EPUB/MOBI when it comes to content marketing. To name just a few: it will look exactly the same on every screen, it's lightweight, and everyone knows how to open one. 30 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 31. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Editorial calendar When you get going with your content marketing you will quickly realize that you have to squeeze a lot of content in a space of couple days of the week. New blog posts, presentations, Twitter campaigns, when to send newsletter, etc. – lots to do. This is exactly the moment when you need to build an editorial calendar. Mark the days when you post on your blog, schedule when to send campaigns, and generally see if everything will fit nicely or not. 31
  • 32. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Email marketing Email is crucial for content marketing acquisition and retention efforts. Content marketers often rely on growing newsletter lists as it is still one the most effective method to bring customers back to your site and the product. See also: drip campaigns 32
  • 33. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Engagement Engagement is a metric and a quality of your content. Engagement the metric shows how much people interact with your content. Depending on how you structure your goals that can be time spend on a site, number of social media shares or comments, etc. High engagement brings customers back to your site or blog and helps with reaching your goals and KPIs. See also: AARRR, KPI, CTR. 33
  • 34. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Evergreen content Evergreen content is content that is equally relevant today as in half a year. Some industries cannot produce evergreen content (news, stock market) but in most cases of B2C and B2B content marketing evergreen content is something we should all aim for. Producing and promoting content is expensive enough, so doing it in a way it stays fresh longer can only increase return of investment. See also: ROI 34 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 35. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary External link External link or an incoming link is a link that point to your site from some other place. This link can be placed in a guest post, social media post, SlideShare or YouTube content, etc. It serves two purposes: firstly it gets you traffic from an external site, and secondly, it works toward your SEO score with Google and other search engines. If you get links from high quality sites search engines treat your site as more relevant and place you higher in the search results. See also: guest posts, link-building 35 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 36. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Funnel optimization Funnel optimization is a term originating in e-commerce where users visiting a webpage enter a "funnel" to a hopeful exit by checking out. Website owners fine-tune their listings, payment process, cart management, etc. to lower the friction between each step and get more people to the end of the funnel. Why it's relevant for content marketers: marketers should also monitor their equivalent of sales funnel as people enter your site and follow the steps toward whatever is your preferred „exit”. See also: KPI, AARRR, CTR. 36
  • 37. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free service from Google that allows website owners measure and analyze traffic coming to their sites. Over the years Google Analytics become a standard in this space and is now installed on over 15 million websites worldwide. Why it's relevant for content marketers: without proper analytics marketers are blind. Analyzing incoming traffic as well as users' behavior on the site is crucial in understanding whether our content marketing activities deliver proper results. See also: ROI, funnel optimization, AARRR 37
  • 38. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Growth hacking Growth hacking is a almost a buzzword now, but it combines all the activities, coding, analytics, and hacking companies do to achieve and maintain growth. Why it's relevant for content marketers: depending on how you look at it growth hacking is part of marketing or marketing is part of growth hacking. In a crowded markets content marketers have to come up with creative and innovative ways to deliver results. Sometimes these unconventional methods are very similar to growth hacking. Hence marketers should monitor newest growth hacking trends and borrow as much as possible whenever it's possible. 38 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 39. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Guest posts Guest posts are exactly what the name implies: it's a post on your blog by a guest author OR other way around it's your post in someone else's blog. Guest posting is an important tactic in link building and generating traffic. Pitching blog owners with your post idea is an art on it's own and the rule of thumb here is to start with smaller blogs and move to bigger ones as you gain experience and portfolio. See also: link building, SEO, PageRank, external links 39 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 40. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Hashtag Hastags are social media's way of getting more people to know about a common topic. In a nut shell it's a word preceded by the # symbol that major social media sites automatically convert into links. Once a user clicks on such link she's redirected to a subpage with all other posts containing this particular hashtag. Why it's relevant for content marketers: you can use hashtags to get in touch with different communities. You can analyze hashtag contents to decide on your next move. You can monitor interesting topics using hashtags. You can launch initiatives using hashtags – for example hashtag for this content marketing glossary is #contentglossary. When you tweet with it we get to read it and can add/edit items to this list. 40 Tweet link to this glossary! Click here »!
  • 41. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Headline Wikipedia says the headline is the text indicating the nature of the article. Writing great headlines is an art on it's own and content marketers spend years testing different ways of doing so. Important to note here is the fact that working headline in one industry won't translate 1:1 to another. Every audience has their own preferences and finding the right headline for them is very important. See also: A/B testing, audience 41
  • 42. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Inbound By "inbound" businesses describe all activities that bring customers the site without proactively reaching out. This is the opposite of outbound where for example, sales reps contact possible clients and try to convert them to a sell via a cold call or engagement on the sales floor. Examples of inbound activities are: updating blog with new content on a regular basis, being visible in social media, paid ads, guest posts, etc. See also: outbound 42
  • 43. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Influencers Influencers are well known and respected individuals in an industry. They often have relatively big social media followings and can influence the industry with their opinions. See also: brand, ambassadors 43 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 44. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Infographic Infographics is a graphic form of representing complicated concepts or plenty of data in a fun, engaging, easy to understand format. People are many times more likely to remember what they see than what they hear or read. Thanks to that phenomena infographics become an important weapon in a content marketer hands. Not only are they simple to digest but one-file format also help with viral spread. 44 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 45. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Integrated campaigns Integrated campaigns include a multiple of different media types, one of which is often online. In addition to online, other media types can include print, outdoor, TV, guerrilla or radio. See also: brand 45
  • 46. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Interview Interview has two meanings for content marketers: 1. Interviewing interesting people for your blog is a clever way to bring more traffic and promote your work. Interviewed guests have strong incentive to share the interview with their social media following, hence bring you more traffic from interested audience. 2. Interviews are also used to learn about your market and customers. By interviewing people in your space you can get tremendous amount of knowledge and insight into what's happening. See also: persona, lean 46
  • 47. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Keywords If you were to distill your whole communication to only couple words, chances are these would be your keywords. Every company do that on purpose or just by common sense. Using concrete set of keywords for all you outside communication helps with brand building, planting the message in your customers' heads, and ranking higher in Google. 47
  • 48. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary KPI or key performance indicator Key performance indicator (KPI) is a business metric used to evaluate factors that are crucial to the success of an organization. From content marketing perspective a KPI can be number of visits to the company blog, newsletter signups, or number of signups to the product generated by content marketing activities. 48 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 49. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Landing page Landing page is a single-page website that appears when users click on a search result or paid ad. They include complete offer description and a strong CTA and aim to convert visitors to take action (sign up for a newsletter, download an ebook, share on Facebook, etc.). See also: CTA, funnel optimization 49 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 50. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Lead generation Lead generation is a term describing process of collecting clients' information. It can be done manually or automatically by multiple inbound activities. See also: landing page, inbound, outbound 50
  • 51. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Lean startup cycle "Lean startup cycle" is a term coined in 2011 by Eric Ries. It describes a methodology for building businesses based on short interactions, experiments, clients' feed and generally lowering risk by learning fast what works and what does not. Why it's relevant for content marketers: lean startup cycle is based on build-measure-learn principal. The same methodology can and should be applied to all areas of content marketing. We should always measure an outcome of our actions, learn from it, and improve them in the next iteration. See also: AARRR, Google analytics, funnel optimization, ROI. 51 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 52. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Lifecycle stages Lifecycle stages refers to the stage that your product is at any given time. There are four main stages: introduction, growth, maturity, decline. It start with an audience of early adopters who actively look for your product and use it. With a product that has been debugged and a scalable business model you move to growth stage. When sales flatten or the market becomes saturated, it's a sign you've reached the maturity stage. Why it's relevant to content marketers: as a content manager you should always know who your target audience is. You don't communicate in the same manner with early adopters as you do with maturity level customers. Content marketing should always reflect the company stage. 52 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 53. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Link-building Link building is an important SEO technique that aims to increase website position in search engines by acquiring links from other sites. The logic for this to work is that Google and other search engines care about how many links point to your website. See also: SEO, external link 53
  • 54. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary List-building List building is the activity of building your email newsletter list in size. List building activities include giveaways, newsletter popups, etc. See also: AARRR, retention 54
  • 55. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Localized content Localized content is your content translated into another language. Companies translate their content to different languages to help their positioning on foreign markets. It is also a legitimate lead building technique that lowers entry barriers for possible clients. See also: lead generation. 55
  • 56. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Location data Using users' location and geotagging can be used by companies to show relevant content based on user location in the physical world. This will work well especially for companies that does local offers in which users can benefit from location-based content the most. 56
  • 57. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Marketing authority Authority marketing helps entrepreneurs leverage their knowledge to gain authority status in their industry. This authority status then allows them to dramatically amplify their message and convert their new audience into higher paying customers. 57 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 58. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Metrics Metrics are used by marketers to benchmark their results against other as well as find out how far or close are they to reaching their KPIs. There are multiple types of metrics that can tell different things about your business or content. For content marketers one of the most often used metrics is number of signups it generates for the product or number of people that it brings to the site. See also: KPI, Google analytics, funnel optimization, bounce rate 58 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 59. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Micro content Micro content is social media posts and images. They are short (posts) and small (images) hence the "micro" in the name. It's used to attract users' attention while they scroll their Facebook or Twitter feeds. 59
  • 60. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Microsite See: landing page 60 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 61. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Multilingual content See: localized content 61
  • 62. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Outbound It's the opposite of inbound: it's all the activities where a company actively contact possible clients. See also: inbound 62
  • 63. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Outsourcing Outsourcing is paying someone else complete a certain task based on your predefined criteria. There are whole websites dedicated to outsourcing graphic design, writing, coding, and etc. Content marketers often rely on outsourcing writers and designers to speed up content creation. See also: content creation, collaboration 63
  • 64. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary PageRank PageRank is a metric used by Google to score a website's importance. Based on it and other factors Google can increase or decrease website position in the search results. According to Google: PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites. 64
  • 65. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Persona Better known as marketing persona. Marketers build different personas to represent a group of customers to be able to focus marketing activities at it. 65 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 66. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Personalization Personalization is a process during which an otherwise generic message is customized for a specific person. Instead of receiving email starting with "Hi customer" you would send "Hi John". In email marketing it's done to achieve higher email open rates. See also: email marketing, CTR 66
  • 67. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Pitch A way to describe your business in couple of sentences. There are different types of pitches, most popular one is "Elevator Pitch" that stands for really short, memorable and straight to the point speech (it's name comes from pitching investors while riding an elevator). Why it's relevant to content marketers: content marketers most often pitch the blog authors in an attempt post a guest blog post on their website. See also: guest posting 67 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 68. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Push messages Push messages are notifications from mobile applications that a user gets on their devices, even when the app is not currently running. Why it’s relevant to content marketers: there are multiple ways content marketers can utilize push messages in the communication. Especially for B2C and app-based businesses push messages are likely to replace email marketing. 68 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 69. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Reach Reach is a metric most often used on social media sites to describe how many people have seen a message after it was posted. Reach increases as other users share, like, or retweet your message. 69
  • 70. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Referral Referral is a metric, part of AARRR methodology of measuring business performance. It refers to number of new users brought to the site by existing users. Why it's relevant to content marketers: you should optimize landing pages and CTAs to induce as much social media shares as possible. See also: AARRR, funnel optimization, email marketing, remarketing, CTA 70
  • 71. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Remarketing Remarketing is a way to bring customer back to your product by displaying ads visible only to them. This can be achieved by using Google Adwords or Facebook ad network and placing a remarketing pixel (browser cookie) on your site. From the moment you place Google/Facebook code on your website every visitor that lands on your site will be added to the custom audience eligible for remarketing ads. After you turn on remarketing campaign users will see your ads all over the internet. See also: Google Adwords, remarketing pixel 71
  • 72. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Remarketing pixel Remarketing pixel is a common name for a remarketing browse cookie included on many sites to catch visitors on a remarketing list. To place remarketing pixel on your site you edit your site source code and place provided Javascript code close to the end of the code. If you're using WordPress site you don't have to edit your page source code, but instead use one of many remarketing plugins. See also: remarketing, Wordpress, Wordpress plug-in 72
  • 73. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Repurposing Adding a new, extra value to the existing content by reformatting it to other mediums. Examples of repurposing include turning a blog post into a presentation, which in turn can be repurposed as animation, and so on. The aim for repurposing is to get the most out of every word of original text. 73 Psst! This is what we do at
  • 74. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Responsive content Every single piece of information that is visually adjusted to the mobile devices. E.g. a website that changes its design and functionality in response to the viewing device (laptop, tablet, smartphone) 74 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 75. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Retention Retention is a metric telling website owners how many people have return to their site after they visited it. Retention is most often expressed as percentage, meaning that 7% retention is 7 people returned to the site after they signed up. Why it's relevant for content marketers: retention is a key metric to watch for when you run your blog. You want to produce content people will want to return to read/watch again. Returning readers mean lower bounce rate and higher chance of converting to whatever your goal is. See also: AARRR, email marketing, remarketing, bounce rate 75 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 76. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Road map Road maps are most often referring to new product features and how they are planned in time. You should work with product managers to prepare and schedule your content marketing activities around the product road map. Road maps can also refer to editorial calendars, but the latter is more common name. See also: editorial calendar 76
  • 77. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary ROI ROI is short for return of investment. It's a metric telling marketers whether the activities you perform or money you spend gives you the desired effect either financially or increased web activity. It may also point out the specific activities. You can calculate ROI by dividing revenue this particular ad brought by money that was spent on it. For example an ad campaign that costed $1000 can bring $1800 in sales from the product (that is 180% ROI). Note: often ROI has to be considered over longer period of time. In another example a $1000 ad campaign can bring only $450 in immediate revenue (45% ROI). But given that high percentage of clients renew their subscription after one month, ROI for this campaign over period of couple months can be much higher. 77 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 78. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Search marketing Search marketing refers to ads you can purchase next to search results in Google and other search engines. Don't confuse with search engine optimization (SEO) which affects your website position in the search results. See also: SEO 78 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 79. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary SEO SEO is short for search engine optimization which covers a  broad field of activities that all result in getting your website listed higher in search results. Many SEO tactics involve content and generally content marketing contributes to SEO in a great way. Original content is number 1 SEO tactic to this day. 79
  • 80. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Shareability When a post has high shareability it means there is high probability it will be shared by users across social networks. There are number of factors that influence content shareability, like: great headline and copy, interesting graphics, or dynamic animation. See also: headline 80
  • 81. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Snippet Snippet is small amount of code or text that you can reuse over and over again. There are multiple snippets managers available as browser extensions or desktop or mobile applications. The reason for existence of snippets is to relieve authors form typing the same content all the time. If you use some phrases a lot, you may consider turning it into a snippet. See also: bookmarklet 81
  • 82. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Sponsored post Sponsored post is a blog post that appear in the regular blog content flow, but is prepared and paid for by a sponsor. Companies never accept sponsored posts on their blogs as the whole blog is usually an advertisement for the company itself. But companies often propose to sponsor content on other blogs to promote their business. 82
  • 83. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Stock sites Stocks are sites that collect huge amounts of pictures, videos, audio files, or other media formats and make their business by cataloguing and selling them at a small price. The point of stocks is that you normally wouldn't be able to buy a photo of this quality, but because they sell one file to multiple clients, they can keep the price low. 83
  • 84. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Storytelling Storytelling is a quality of a great content marketer. Businesses that master storytelling are able to market their products without looking like they're selling something. 84
  • 85. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Templates Templates are ready to use chunks of content that one just has to fill out with data and it's ready to publish. They are snippets on steroids. See also: snippets 85 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 86. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Thought leadership Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success. 86
  • 87. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Tracking Tracking is an action of monitoring what users do on your website in order to optimize it better, lower their entry barrier, and widen the convention funnel. Tracking in most cases mean installing some kind of website analytics tools like Google Analytics. See also: Google Analytics, remarketing, remarketing pixel 87 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 88. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary UTM tags UTM tags are a web standard introduced to precisely monitor incoming traffic. There are five tags, three of which are mandatory: Mandatory: utm_source for campaign source (newsletter, landing page 3, etc.), utm_medium for advertising medium used (like banner, cpc, email), and utm_campaign for a campaign name (like "content marketing glossary") Optional: utm_term used to identify the paid keywords and utm_content use to differentiate ads (like banner300x250, banner750x100, etc.). See also: tracking, Google Analytics 88 utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=link&utm_content=utm-tags- entry&utm_campaign=contentglossary Tweet link to this glossary! Click here »!
  • 89. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Word bites See: micro content 89
  • 90. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary WordPress A website engine that allows you to build your website and adjust its design for free. Its primary use was to create a blog so it's equipped with lots of options that help managing blogs (SEO plugins, different users, categories etc.) See also: WordPress Plug-Ins 90 Did you know this glossary is also available online?
  • 91. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary WordPress plug-ins WordPress can be extended in multiple ways using plug- ins. These small applications exist within your WordPress installation and add new features and functionalities to your blog or website. See also: WordPress 91 Tweet link to this glossary!!
  • 92. Contellio Table of Contents ⇧ Content Marketing Glossary Workflow Workflow is common name for a "process". It describes some procedure in steps needed to complete it. It's especially useful when introducing new team members and for quality assurance purposes. 92 Find out more online
  • 93. Contellio This glossary is put together and maintained by content repurposing specialists at This glossary is also available online Show some love