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Varnish @ Opera
         Varnish Users Group Meeting
               Paris, 22nd March 2012
Cosimo Streppone <>
1st Varnish deployment: My Opera

•   October 2009
•   1 old recycled machine, 2 Gb of disk allocated
•   Started serving static pictures (1M+ req/day)
•   Then more...
•   Even more...
•   ...
•   ~15% of all My Opera requests were «varnished»
•   Around 8M req/day
My Opera – The start

• Still using Debian Etch
  First Varnish instance was running v1.x from Etch.
  several years old, not good

• Experienced VIPs
   – ”Very Interesting Problems”
   – User X getting User Y's session
   – Random users getting admin powers. Nightmare!

• Theory: Varnish was caching response bodies that contained
  Set-Cookie: opera_session=<session_id>
My Opera – The start

if (req.url ~ "^/community/users/[0-9]+$"
  || req.url ~ "^/.+/$"
  || req.url ~ "^/.+/$"
  || req.url ~ "^/desktopteam/xml/atom/blog/?$"
  || req.url ~ "^/desktopteam/xml/rss/blog/?$"
  || req.url ~ "^/community/api/users/$"
  || req.url ~ "^/community/api/users/$"
) {
    unset req.http.Cookie;
    unset req.http.Authorization;
My Opera – Pass logged in users
    # Check for cookie only after always-cache URLs
    if (req.http.Cookie ~ "(opera_session|opera_persistent_)") {

    # DANGER, Will Robinson! Caching the front-page
    # At this point, lots of Google Analytics cookies will go in.
    # No problem. It's stuff used by Javascript
    if (req.url ~ "^/community/$") {

My Opera: testing Varnish setup
   ok 289 - Got response from backend for /community/ (from ...)
   ok 290 - Correct status line
   # Adding header [Cookie] => [language=it]
   # ----------
   # GET
   # Host:
   # ------------
   ok 291 - 2nd request: got response from backend for /community/ (from...)
             X-Varnish: 1211283813 1211283812
   ok 292 - Correct status line
   # X-Varnish: 1211283813 1211283812
             X-Varnish-Status: hit
   # X-Varnish-Status: hit
   # X-Varnish-Cacheable: yes, language cookie
             X-Varnish-Cacheable: yes, language cookie
   # X-Varnish-URL: /community/
             X-Varnish-URL: /community/
   ok 293 - URL '/community/' was handled correctly by varnish
   # cookie_header:
   ok 294 - URL '/community/' has correct cookies (or no cookies)

All tests successful.
My Opera – Next steps
My Opera – Next steps

    Front page caching
    Static assets and UGC
    On-the-fly thumbnails
    “Shields-up” configuration
Front page caching

 Problem                   Solution

• Very dynamic, i18n   • varnish-accept-language
• Accept-Language        “extension”
  header variation
• Vary: Accept-
  Language sub-optimal
Front page caching - Accept-Language

      SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = “:de:es:it:ru:”
      DEFAULT_LANGUAGE    = “en”

  Client sends                       Backend receives

Accept-Language:   ru, uk;q=0.9      Accept-Language:   ru
Accept-Language:   es-ES, es;q=0.8   Accept-Language:   es
Accept-Language:   fr, it;q=0.7      Accept-Language:   it
Accept-Language:   fr                Accept-Language:   ben
Front page caching
Static assets and UGC servers

  Problem                   Solution

• One central location    • Decentralized varnish
• SPOF                      servers in multiple DC
• High latency US -> NO   • Talking to 1 backend
                          • Very long TTL
                          • Health probes
                          • Cache invalidation API
                          • Built our GeoDNS
Thumbnail generation and caching

  Problem                 Solution

• Change of Design™      • Switch to on-the-fly
  made our millions of     generation model
  pre-generated          • Used mod_dims (AOL)
  thumbnails useless     • Varnish on :80
                         • 2 backends
                           300k objects
                           95% hit rate avg
                           800 req/s/backend peak
Thumbnail generation and caching

 How it works
   /actual/picture/url.jpg (remote too!)

 Using rewrite rules
Thumbnail generation and caching

    Recognize mobile/non-mobile

    Scale thumbnails on the fly

    Reduce JPEG quality
    Ex.: /thumb/small/quality/80/some/path/pic.jpg
Shields-up configuration

  Problem                  Solution

• Original setup too     • DDoS
  specific to My Opera   • Varnish in front, rather
• Long tail of non-        than after frontends
  popular content        • Cache most logged out
  “unprotected”            requests with lower TTL
• Can we find some       • Compromise solution,
  more generic setup?      but generic enough
Sitecheck – Malware, fraud protection

 •   Used by the Opera browser
 •   Must work! Failure not an option
 •   ~8k req/s/backend peak
 •   2 varnish boxes, 16k req/s, 20k peak
 •   85% hit rate
 •   TTL 10'
Opera TV Store
Country-level ban

 • Contract mandates that TV Store shouldn't
   be available in specific countries

 • Country check in the backend means no
   caching is possible

 • Implemented with varnish-geoip
Country-level ban
 sub country_ban_list_check {

     # Allow testing of country ban
     if (req.http.Cookie ~ "x_geo_ip_forceds*=s*country:..") {
       set req.http.X-Geo-IP = regsuball(
          "^.*x_geo_ip_forceds*=s*(country:..).*$", "1"
       log "Forced X-Geo-IP to '" req.http.X-Geo-IP "'";

     # Block access to tvstore in these countries
     if (req.http.X-Geo-IP &&
         req.http.X-Geo-IP ~ "^country:(C1|C2|C3|...)$") {
         log "Country ban";
         error 750 "tvstore is not available in your country";

 sub vcl_recv {
     C{ vcl_geoip_country_set_header_xff(sp); }C
     call country_ban_list_check;
Brand + device TV detection

• Analyze User-Agent header

• Regex the hell out of it

• Send X-Brand, X-Device header to backend

• Fallback Device detection in the backend
  (for development, test setups, ...)
VCL library
# STD: Deal with different Accept-Encoding formats
sub accept_encoding_normalize {
    if (req.http.Accept-Encoding) {

        if (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "gzip") {
            set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "gzip";
        elsif (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "deflate") {
            set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "deflate";
        else {
            unset req.http.Accept-Encoding;

 * Accept-language header normalization
 * - Parses client Accept-Language HTTP header
 * - Tries to find the best match with the supported languages
 * - Writes the best match as req.http.X-Varnish-Accept-Language

#include   <ctype.h> /* isupper */
#include   <stdio.h>
#include   <stdlib.h> /* qsort */
#include   <string.h>

#define SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES ":de:en:es-la:fr:fy:hu:ja:no:pl:pt-

maintenance.vcl + {up,down}.sh
include "/etc/varnish/accept-encoding.vcl";

backend oopsy {
    .host = "”;
    .port = "80";

sub vcl_recv {

    set req.backend = oopsy;

    # Serve page from within Varnish. See vcl_error()
    if (req.url == "/ping.html") {
        error 700;

    call accept_encoding_normalize;

    # Collapse URLs, so that we have just one cached object
    set req.url = "/maintenance-down";

    remove req.http.Cookie;
    remove req.http.Authorization;
    return (lookup);
acl purge { … }

sub vcl_recv {

    if (req.request == "PURGE") {
        If (! (client.ip ~ purge)) {
            error 405 "Not allowed.";
        purge("req.url == " req.url);
        error 200 "Purged.";

    else if (req.request == "PURGE_SUFFIX") {
        set req.http.X-URL =
          regsuball(req.url, "[|]|[^.$|()*+?{}]", "0") "$";
        unset req.http.X-URL;
        error 200 "Purged suffix.";

    else if (req.request == "PURGE_PREFIX") {

# See
sub inject_forwarded_for {

    # Rename the incoming XFF header to work around a Varnish bug
    if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For) {
        # Append the client IP
        set req.http.X-Real-Forwarded-For =
            req.http.X-Forwarded-For ", "
            regsub(client.ip, ":.*", "");
    else {
        # Simply use the client IP
        set req.http.X-Real-Forwarded-For = regsub(client.ip,
":.*", "");

Testing VCLs – http-cuke
http-cuke – csrf.test

Feature: TVStore uses cookies to protect against CSRF attacks
 In order to protect the users from CSRF attacks
 As a TV Store developer
 I want to verify that some pages send out a CSRF cookie token to
   the browser or device

Scenario: Accessing the Backgammon application URL
 Given a "Opera/9.80 (Linux … Opera TV Store)" user agent
 When I go to "https://tvstore.server/store/app/backgammon"
 Then the final HTTP status code should be "200"
 Then the page should contain "A board game for one player"
  Then the page should not be cached by varnish
 Then the server should send a CSRF token
http-cuke – prove-like output

    $ http-cuke --test ./csrf.test

    $ http-cuke --test-dir ./some-dir
http-cuke – a sample test run
# ============================================================
# FEATURE: TV Store uses cookies to protect against CSRF attacks
# ============================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------
#   SCENARIO: Accessing the Backgammon application URL
# ------------------------------------------------------------
ok 1 - Given a "Opera/9.80 (Linux...)" user agent
ok 2 - When I go to "https://tvstore.server/app/backgammon"
ok 3 -   Status code is 200 (expected 200)
ok 4 - Then the final HTTP status code should be "200"
ok 5 -   String 'A board game for one player' was found in the page
ok 6 - Then the page should contain "A board game for one player"
ok 7 -   X-Varnish header contains only current XID (523289525)
ok 8 -   Age of cached resource is zero
ok 9 - Then the page should not be cached by varnish
ok 10 -   CSRF token was found (49a0da1b2758bf62a028072e4f7f36dc)
ok 11 - Then the server should send a CSRF token
Puppet module
 class varnish {

     package { "varnish": ensure => "installed" }
     file { "/etc/init.d/varnish": … }
     file { "/etc/sysctl.conf": … }
         exec { "update-sysctl": … }
     file { "/usr/share/varnish/purge-cache": … }

     service { "varnish": ensure => "running", … }
     munin::plugin::custom { "varnish_": }
     munin::plugin { [
Custom init script
  # Lower stack limit demand for every Varnish thread
  # Still relevant for Varnish 3 ??
  ulimit -s 256

  # Startup with custom cc_command fails
  # Filed Debian bug #659005
  if bash -c "start-stop-daemon 
    --start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} 
    --exec ${DAEMON} -- -P ${PIDFILE} 
    ${DAEMON_OPTS} > ${output} 2>&1"; then
       log_end_msg 0
Custom sysctl settings
 # From
 # + our own tweaking and tuning

 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65536
 net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216
 net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 30000
 net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1
 net.core.somaxconn = 262144
 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
 net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 262144
 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 262144
 net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2
 net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 2
Purge cache script

 Modeled after Debian vcl-reload script

 $ purge-cache -a
 $ purge-cache -u http://some.url
 $ purge-cache -r '^/(home|user)/'
varnish/manifests/init.pp – 2
 define varnish::config (
     $vcl_conf="default.vcl",   $listen_address="",
     $listen_port=6081,         $thread_min=400,
     $thread_max=5000,          $thread_timeout=30,
     $storage_type="malloc",    $storage_size="12G",
     $ttl=60,                   $thread_pools=$processorcount,
     $sess_workspace=131072,    $cc_command="",
     $sess_timeout=3 ) {
     file { "/etc/default/varnish":
         ensure => "present",
         owner   => "root",
         group   => "root",
         mode    => 644,
         content => template("varnish/debian-defaults.erb"),
         require => Package["varnish"],
         notify => Service["varnish"],

Example of varnish::config
 varnish::config { "cache-varnish-config":
     vcl_conf       => "cache.vcl",
     storage_type   => "malloc",
     storage_size   => "20G",
     listen_port    => 80,
     sess_workspace => 131072,
     ttl            => 86400,
     thread_pools   => 8,
     thread_min     => 800,
     thread_max     => 10000,
     # Necessary for GeoIP
     cc_command     =>
          'exec cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x 
          -L/usr/include/GeoIP.h -lGeoIP -o %o %s',
varnish/manifests/init.pp – 3

 define varnish::vcl ($source) {

     file { "/etc/varnish/${name}.vcl":
         ensure => "present",
         owner   => "root",
         group   => "root",
         mode    => 644,
         source => $source,
         require => Package["varnish"],
         notify => Service["varnish"],

Migration to Varnish 3
Following Debian stable
   Not there yet. Still anchored to 2.1
Migration 2.0 → 2.1 was relatively painless
Embedded C code?
Migrate accept-language and geoip
      extensions to VMODs
2.1 → 3.0 syntax changes?
       Test our VCLs
Are they still relevant for 3.0?
       (ulimit -s 256, etc...)
I'd like to see in varnish...
Easier VMODs
Ideally, as easy as embedded C!
varnishtop -t10s
  Collect traffic for 10s and then report

    Bonus feature: tags, AKA group-by

varnishtop -i RxURL -g RxHeader.Referer -t 60s
Use headers as vars less than ideal
  Introduce variables or registers to avoid

    set req.http.X-Var = regsuball(
        req.http.Some-Header, '…', '1'
Better Cookies inspection
Avoid regsuball() mess on req.http.Cookie

set req.http.Cookie.SomeName = “xxx”;
set req.http.X-Var1 = req.http.Cookie.sessionid;


set var.SessionID = req.http.Cookie.sessionid;
file storage?
malloc works fine for us, but we always had
        problems with file storage
Better SSL handling
Not really. nginx works fine.

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VUG5: Varnish at Opera Software

  • 1. Varnish @ Opera Varnish Users Group Meeting Paris, 22nd March 2012 Cosimo Streppone <>
  • 2. 1st Varnish deployment: My Opera • October 2009 • 1 old recycled machine, 2 Gb of disk allocated • Started serving static pictures (1M+ req/day) • Then more... • Even more... • ... • ~15% of all My Opera requests were «varnished» • Around 8M req/day
  • 3. My Opera – The start • Still using Debian Etch First Varnish instance was running v1.x from Etch. several years old, not good • Experienced VIPs – ”Very Interesting Problems” – User X getting User Y's session – Random users getting admin powers. Nightmare! • Theory: Varnish was caching response bodies that contained Set-Cookie: opera_session=<session_id>
  • 4. My Opera – The start if (req.url ~ "^/community/users/[0-9]+$" || req.url ~ "^/.+/$" || req.url ~ "^/.+/$" || req.url ~ "^/desktopteam/xml/atom/blog/?$" || req.url ~ "^/desktopteam/xml/rss/blog/?$" || req.url ~ "^/community/api/users/$" || req.url ~ "^/community/api/users/$" ) { unset req.http.Cookie; unset req.http.Authorization; lookup; }
  • 5. My Opera – Pass logged in users ... # Check for cookie only after always-cache URLs if (req.http.Cookie ~ "(opera_session|opera_persistent_)") { pass; } # DANGER, Will Robinson! Caching the front-page # At this point, lots of Google Analytics cookies will go in. # No problem. It's stuff used by Javascript if (req.url ~ "^/community/$") { lookup; } pass; }
  • 6. My Opera: testing Varnish setup ... ok 289 - Got response from backend for /community/ (from ...) ok 290 - Correct status line # Adding header [Cookie] => [language=it] # ---------- # GET # Host: # ------------ ok 291 - 2nd request: got response from backend for /community/ (from...) X-Varnish: 1211283813 1211283812 ok 292 - Correct status line # X-Varnish: 1211283813 1211283812 X-Varnish-Status: hit # X-Varnish-Status: hit # X-Varnish-Cacheable: yes, language cookie X-Varnish-Cacheable: yes, language cookie # X-Varnish-URL: /community/ X-Varnish-URL: /community/ ok 293 - URL '/community/' was handled correctly by varnish # cookie_header: ok 294 - URL '/community/' has correct cookies (or no cookies) 1..294 All tests successful.
  • 7. My Opera – Next steps
  • 8. My Opera – Next steps ● Front page caching ● Static assets and UGC ● On-the-fly thumbnails ● “Shields-up” configuration
  • 9. Front page caching Problem Solution • Very dynamic, i18n • varnish-accept-language • Accept-Language “extension” header variation • Vary: Accept- Language sub-optimal
  • 10. Front page caching - Accept-Language SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = “:de:es:it:ru:” DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = “en” Client sends Backend receives Accept-Language: ru, uk;q=0.9 Accept-Language: ru Accept-Language: es-ES, es;q=0.8 Accept-Language: es Accept-Language: fr, it;q=0.7 Accept-Language: it Accept-Language: fr Accept-Language: ben
  • 12. Static assets and UGC servers Problem Solution • One central location • Decentralized varnish • SPOF servers in multiple DC • High latency US -> NO • Talking to 1 backend • Very long TTL • Health probes • Cache invalidation API • Built our GeoDNS
  • 13. Thumbnail generation and caching Problem Solution • Change of Design™ • Switch to on-the-fly made our millions of generation model pre-generated • Used mod_dims (AOL) thumbnails useless • Varnish on :80 • 2 backends 300k objects 95% hit rate avg 800 req/s/backend peak
  • 14. Thumbnail generation and caching How it works http://localhost/dims/ crop/472x360/ contrast/+1/ quality/90/ /actual/picture/url.jpg (remote too!) Using rewrite rules Http://localhost/tn/small/ /actual/picture/url.jpg
  • 15. Thumbnail generation and caching ● Recognize mobile/non-mobile ● Scale thumbnails on the fly ● Reduce JPEG quality Ex.: /thumb/small/quality/80/some/path/pic.jpg
  • 16. Shields-up configuration Problem Solution • Original setup too • DDoS specific to My Opera • Varnish in front, rather • Long tail of non- than after frontends popular content • Cache most logged out “unprotected” requests with lower TTL • Can we find some • Compromise solution, more generic setup? but generic enough
  • 18. Sitecheck – Malware, fraud protection • Used by the Opera browser • Must work! Failure not an option • ~8k req/s/backend peak • 2 varnish boxes, 16k req/s, 20k peak • 85% hit rate • TTL 10'
  • 20. Country-level ban • Contract mandates that TV Store shouldn't be available in specific countries • Country check in the backend means no caching is possible • Implemented with varnish-geoip
  • 21.
  • 22. Country-level ban sub country_ban_list_check { # Allow testing of country ban if (req.http.Cookie ~ "x_geo_ip_forceds*=s*country:..") { set req.http.X-Geo-IP = regsuball( req.http.Cookie, "^.*x_geo_ip_forceds*=s*(country:..).*$", "1" ); log "Forced X-Geo-IP to '" req.http.X-Geo-IP "'"; } # Block access to tvstore in these countries if (req.http.X-Geo-IP && req.http.X-Geo-IP ~ "^country:(C1|C2|C3|...)$") { log "Country ban"; error 750 "tvstore is not available in your country"; } } sub vcl_recv { C{ vcl_geoip_country_set_header_xff(sp); }C call country_ban_list_check; }
  • 23. Brand + device TV detection • Analyze User-Agent header • Regex the hell out of it • Send X-Brand, X-Device header to backend • Fallback Device detection in the backend (for development, test setups, ...)
  • 25. accept-encoding.vcl # STD: Deal with different Accept-Encoding formats sub accept_encoding_normalize { if (req.http.Accept-Encoding) { if (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "gzip") { set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "gzip"; } elsif (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "deflate") { set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "deflate"; } else { unset req.http.Accept-Encoding; } } }
  • 26. accept-language.vcl C{ /* * Accept-language header normalization * * - Parses client Accept-Language HTTP header * - Tries to find the best match with the supported languages * - Writes the best match as req.http.X-Varnish-Accept-Language * * */ #include <ctype.h> /* isupper */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* qsort */ #include <string.h> #define DEFAULT_LANGUAGE "en" #define SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES ":de:en:es-la:fr:fy:hu:ja:no:pl:pt- br:ru:sk:sq:sr:tr:uk:vn:xx-lol:zh-tw:" …
  • 27. maintenance.vcl + {up,down}.sh include "/etc/varnish/accept-encoding.vcl"; backend oopsy { .host = "”; .port = "80"; } sub vcl_recv { set req.backend = oopsy; # Serve page from within Varnish. See vcl_error() if (req.url == "/ping.html") { error 700; } call accept_encoding_normalize; # Collapse URLs, so that we have just one cached object set req.url = "/maintenance-down"; remove req.http.Cookie; remove req.http.Authorization; return (lookup); }
  • 28. purge.vcl acl purge { … } sub vcl_recv { if (req.request == "PURGE") { If (! (client.ip ~ purge)) { error 405 "Not allowed."; } purge("req.url == " req.url); error 200 "Purged."; } else if (req.request == "PURGE_SUFFIX") { set req.http.X-URL = regsuball(req.url, "[|]|[^.$|()*+?{}]", "0") "$"; purge_url(req.http.X-URL); unset req.http.X-URL; error 200 "Purged suffix."; } Ugly! else if (req.request == "PURGE_PREFIX") { … } }
  • 29. X-forwarded-for.vcl # See sub inject_forwarded_for { # Rename the incoming XFF header to work around a Varnish bug if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For) { # Append the client IP set req.http.X-Real-Forwarded-For = req.http.X-Forwarded-For ", " regsub(client.ip, ":.*", ""); } else { # Simply use the client IP set req.http.X-Real-Forwarded-For = regsub(client.ip, ":.*", ""); } } Wat!?
  • 30. Testing VCLs – http-cuke
  • 31. http-cuke – csrf.test Feature: TVStore uses cookies to protect against CSRF attacks In order to protect the users from CSRF attacks As a TV Store developer I want to verify that some pages send out a CSRF cookie token to the browser or device Scenario: Accessing the Backgammon application URL Given a "Opera/9.80 (Linux … Opera TV Store)" user agent When I go to "https://tvstore.server/store/app/backgammon" Then the final HTTP status code should be "200" Then the page should contain "A board game for one player" Then the page should not be cached by varnish Then the server should send a CSRF token
  • 32. http-cuke – prove-like output $ http-cuke --test ./csrf.test $ http-cuke --test-dir ./some-dir
  • 33. http-cuke – a sample test run # ============================================================ # FEATURE: TV Store uses cookies to protect against CSRF attacks # ============================================================ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # SCENARIO: Accessing the Backgammon application URL # ------------------------------------------------------------ ok 1 - Given a "Opera/9.80 (Linux...)" user agent ok 2 - When I go to "https://tvstore.server/app/backgammon" ok 3 - Status code is 200 (expected 200) ok 4 - Then the final HTTP status code should be "200" ok 5 - String 'A board game for one player' was found in the page ok 6 - Then the page should contain "A board game for one player" ok 7 - X-Varnish header contains only current XID (523289525) ok 8 - Age of cached resource is zero ok 9 - Then the page should not be cached by varnish ok 10 - CSRF token was found (49a0da1b2758bf62a028072e4f7f36dc) ok 11 - Then the server should send a CSRF token
  • 34.
  • 36. varnish/manifests/init.pp class varnish { package { "varnish": ensure => "installed" } file { "/etc/init.d/varnish": … } file { "/etc/sysctl.conf": … } exec { "update-sysctl": … } file { "/usr/share/varnish/purge-cache": … } service { "varnish": ensure => "running", … } munin::plugin::custom { "varnish_": } munin::plugin { [ "varnish_backend_traffic", "varnish_expunge", … } }
  • 37. Custom init script # Lower stack limit demand for every Varnish thread # # Still relevant for Varnish 3 ?? ulimit -s 256 # Startup with custom cc_command fails # Filed Debian bug #659005 if bash -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --exec ${DAEMON} -- -P ${PIDFILE} ${DAEMON_OPTS} > ${output} 2>&1"; then log_end_msg 0 else …
  • 38. Custom sysctl settings # From # + our own tweaking and tuning net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65536 net.core.rmem_max = 16777216 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 30000 net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1 net.core.somaxconn = 262144 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 262144 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 262144 net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2 net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 2
  • 39. Purge cache script Modeled after Debian vcl-reload script $ purge-cache -a $ purge-cache -u http://some.url $ purge-cache -r '^/(home|user)/'
  • 40. varnish/manifests/init.pp – 2 define varnish::config ( $vcl_conf="default.vcl", $listen_address="", $listen_port=6081, $thread_min=400, $thread_max=5000, $thread_timeout=30, $storage_type="malloc", $storage_size="12G", $ttl=60, $thread_pools=$processorcount, $sess_workspace=131072, $cc_command="", $sess_timeout=3 ) { file { "/etc/default/varnish": ensure => "present", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, content => template("varnish/debian-defaults.erb"), require => Package["varnish"], notify => Service["varnish"], } }
  • 41. Example of varnish::config varnish::config { "cache-varnish-config": vcl_conf => "cache.vcl", storage_type => "malloc", storage_size => "20G", listen_port => 80, sess_workspace => 131072, ttl => 86400, thread_pools => 8, thread_min => 800, thread_max => 10000, # Necessary for GeoIP cc_command => 'exec cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x -L/usr/include/GeoIP.h -lGeoIP -o %o %s', }
  • 42. varnish/manifests/init.pp – 3 define varnish::vcl ($source) { file { "/etc/varnish/${name}.vcl": ensure => "present", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644, source => $source, require => Package["varnish"], notify => Service["varnish"], } }
  • 43.
  • 45. Following Debian stable Not there yet. Still anchored to 2.1 Migration 2.0 → 2.1 was relatively painless
  • 46. Embedded C code? Migrate accept-language and geoip extensions to VMODs
  • 47. 2.1 → 3.0 syntax changes? Test our VCLs
  • 48. Customizations Are they still relevant for 3.0? (ulimit -s 256, etc...)
  • 49. I'd like to see in varnish...
  • 50. Easier VMODs Ideally, as easy as embedded C!
  • 51. varnishtop -t10s Collect traffic for 10s and then report Bonus feature: tags, AKA group-by varnishtop -i RxURL -g RxHeader.Referer -t 60s
  • 52. Use headers as vars less than ideal Introduce variables or registers to avoid set req.http.X-Var = regsuball( req.http.Some-Header, '…', '1' );
  • 53. Better Cookies inspection Avoid regsuball() mess on req.http.Cookie set req.http.Cookie.SomeName = “xxx”; set req.http.X-Var1 = req.http.Cookie.sessionid; and... set var.SessionID = req.http.Cookie.sessionid;
  • 54. file storage? malloc works fine for us, but we always had problems with file storage
  • 55. Better SSL handling Not really. nginx works fine.