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Carsten Ziegeler | Adobe Research Switzerland
•  RnD Team at Adobe Research Switzerland
•  Co-founder Adobe Granite
•  OSGi Core Platform and Enterprise Expert Groups
•  Member of the ASF
•  Current PMC Chair of Apache Sling
•  Apache Sling, Felix, ACE
•  Conference Speaker
•  Technical Reviewer
•  Article/Book Author
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Felix OSGi Event Admin
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Felix OSGi Event Admin
Publish / Subscribe Model
OSGi Event Admin
•  OSGi event is a data object with
•  Topic (hierarchical namespace)
•  Properties (key-value-pairs)
•  Page Event
•  Topic: com/day/cq/wcm/core/page
•  Properties: path, change type (add/remove/edit) etc.
Publish / Subscribe Model
•  Publisher creates event object
•  Sends event through EventAdmin service
•  Either sync or async delivery
•  Subscriber is an OSGi service (EventHandler)
•  Service registration properties
•  Interested topic(s)
•  com/day/cq/wcm/core/*
•  Additional filters (optional)
•  (type="add“)
Publish / Subscribe Model
•  Immediate delivery to available subscribers
•  No guarantee of delivery
•  No distributed delivery
Publish / Subscribe Model
•  Immediate delivery to available subscribers
•  No guarantee of delivery
•  No distributed delivery
Publish / Subscribe Model
DiscoverySling Job Distribution
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
New in
Clustered CRX
Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID)
Apache Sling Discovery
Clustered CRXCRX
ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1
•  Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID)
•  Cluster: Unique Id and leader
Apache Sling Discovery
Cluster 99Cluster 35
Clustered CRXCRX
ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1
Leader Leader
•  Topology: Set of clusters
Apache Sling Discovery
Cluster 99Cluster 35
Clustered CRXCRX
ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1
Leader Leader
•  Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID)
•  Cluster: Unique Id and leader
Apache Sling Discovery
•  Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID)
•  Cluster: Unique Id and leader
•  Topology: Set of clusters
Cluster 99
Clustered CRXCRX
ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1
Cluster 35
Cluster 99
•  Instance
•  Sling ID
•  Optional: Name and description
•  Belongs to a cluster
•  Might be the cluster leader
•  Additional properties which are distributed
•  Extensible through own services (PropertyProvider)
•  E.g. data center, region or enabled job topics
•  Cluster
•  Elects (stable) leader
•  Stable instance ordering
•  TopologyEventListener: receives events on topology changes
Apache Sling Discovery
ID : 42
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  Job : Guaranteed processing, exactly once
•  Exactly one job consumer
•  Started by client code, e.g. for replication, workflow...
•  Job topic
•  Payload is a serializable map
Apache Sling Job Handling
•  Sling Job Manager handles and distributes jobs
•  Delivers job to a job consumer…
•  …and waits for response
•  Retry and failover
•  Notification listeners (fail, retry, success)
Apache Sling Job Handling
Apache Sling Job Handling
public interface JobConsumer {	
String PROPERTY_TOPICS = "job.topics";	
enum JobResult {	
JobResult process(Job job);	
public interface JobManager {	
Job addJob(String topic, String optionalName, Map<String, Object> properties);	
Starting a job
Processing a job
Note: Starting/processing of jobs through Event Admin is deprecated but still supported
New in
@Property(name=JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value="org/apache/sling/jobs/backup")	
public class BackupJobConsumer	
implements JobConsumer {	
public JobResult process(final Job job) {	
// do backup	
return JobResult.OK;	
Apache Sling Job Handling New in
•  New jobs are immediately persisted (resource tree / repository)
•  Jobs are “pushed” to the processing instance
•  Processing instances use different queues
•  Associated with job topic(s)
•  Main queue
•  0..n custom queues
•  For example: replication agent queue or workflow queue
Apache Sling Job Handling
•  Queue is configurable
•  Queue is started on demand in own thread
•  And stopped if unused for some time
•  Types
•  Ordered queue (eg replication)
•  Parallel queues: Plain and Topic Round Robin (eg workflow)
•  Limit for parallel threads per queue
•  Number of retries (-1 = endless)
•  Retry delay
•  Thread priority
Apache Sling Job Handling
•  Job Manager Configuration = Main Queue Configuration
•  Maximum parallel jobs (15)
•  Retries (10)
•  Retry Delay
•  Eventing Thread Pool Configuration
•  Used by all queues
•  Pool size (35) = Maximum parallel jobs for a single instance
Apache Sling Job Handling
Apache Sling Job Handling
Apache Sling Job Handling
•  Each instance determines enabled job topics
•  Derived from Job Consumers (new API required)
•  Can be whitelisted/blacklisted (in Job Consumer Manager)
•  Announced through Topology
•  Job Distribution depends on enabled job topics and queue type
•  Potential set of instances derived from topology (enabled job topics)
•  Ordered : processing on leader only, one job after the other
•  Parallel: Round robin distribution on all potential instances
•  Local cluster instances have preference
•  Failover
•  Instance crash: leader redistributes jobs to available instances
•  Leader change taken into account
•  On enabled job topics changes: potential redistribution
Apache Sling Job Handling
•  Scalability in AEM:
•  DAM Ingestion
•  Non-Clustered installation requirement
•  The term Offloading:
•  In AEM used for all things job distribution and topology in clustered and non-
clustered installations, e.g. ‘Offloading Browser’
•  More technically it’s ‘only’ a little add-on in Granite to Sling Job Distribution
for handling non-clustered installations
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Sling ID: 1
Job Manager
Sling ID: 2
Job Manager
Sling ID: 3
Job Manager
Sling ID: 4
Job Manager
Job Consumer
Topic: A
Job Consumer
Topic: B
Job Consumer
Topic: C
Sling ID: 1
Job Manager
Sling ID: 2
Job Manager
Sling ID: 3
Job Manager
Sling ID: 4
Job ManagerA
Job Consumer
Topic: A
Job Consumer
Topic: B
Job Consumer
Topic: CJob
Sling ID: 1
Job Manager
Sling ID: 2
Job Manager
Sling ID: 3
Job Manager
Sling ID: 4
Job ManagerB
Job Consumer
Topic: A
Job Consumer
Topic: B
Job Consumer
Topic: CJob
Sling ID: 1
Job Manager
Sling ID: 2
Job Manager
Sling ID: 3
Job Manager
Sling ID: 4
Job ManagerC
Job Consumer
Topic: A
Job Consumer
Topic: B
Job Consumer
Topic: CJob
Sling ID: 1
Job Manager
Sling ID: 2
Job Manager
Sling ID: 3
Job Manager
Sling ID: 4
Job ManagerC
Job Consumer
Topic: A
Job Consumer
Topic: B
Job Consumer
Topic: CJob
•  Detects offloading jobs
•  Transport of job and job
payload between origin
and target instance
•  Uses replication for the
•  No distribution of jobs
•  No execution of jobs
Sling ID: 1
Job Manager
Job Manager
Sling ID: 4
Job Manager
Job Consumer
Topic: C
Job Manager
3 5
•  Replication agents are created automatically
•  Uses naming convention
•  Needs manual adjustments (replication user)
Sling ID: 4
Sling ID: 1
(outgoing agent)
(reverse agent)
(outbox agent)
•  Additional properties required
•  Offloading job input
•  Property: OffloadingJobProperties. INPUT_PAYLOAD (offloading.input.payload)
•  Offloading job output
•  Property: OffloadingJobProperties. OUTPUT_PAYLOAD
•  Takes comma separated list of paths
•  Used to build the replication package
•  Job sender needs to set these properties for offloading to work!
Job Payload
•  Configures Job Consumers
•  Configures the topic white/black listing properties of each instance
•  What jobs to execute on what instance
•  Configures the distribution
•  Configuration applies for both, clustered and non-clustered installations
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  New JobConsumer
•  Class: WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer
•  Topic: com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading
•  Can launch new workflows
•  Expects the workflow model on the job payload
•  Expects the workflow payload on the job payload
•  For use with clustered and non-clustered installations
@Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC)
public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer {
public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”;
public JobResult process(Job job) {
// read workflow model and payload from job payload
String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , "");
String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , "");
// get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects
WorkflowSession wfSession = ..;
WorkflowModel wfModel = ..;
WorkflowData wfData = ..;
// start the workflow
wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData);
// all good
return JobResutl.OK;
Job Consumer (Simplified)
@Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC)
public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer {
public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”;
public JobResult process(Job job) {
// read workflow model and payload from job payload
String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , "");
String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , "");
// get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects
WorkflowSession wfSession = ..;
WorkflowModel wfModel = ..;
WorkflowData wfData = ..;
// start the workflow
wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData);
// all good
return JobResutl.OK;
Job Consumer (Simplified)
•  Define the job topic
@Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC)
public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer {
public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”;
public JobResult process(Job job) {
// read workflow model and payload from job payload
String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , "");
String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , "");
// get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects
WorkflowSession wfSession = ..;
WorkflowModel wfModel = ..;
WorkflowData wfData = ..;
// start the workflow
wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData);
// all good
return JobResutl.OK;
Job Consumer (Simplified)
•  Create service component
•  Must register with topic
•  Implement new JobConsumer
@Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC)
public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer {
public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”;
public JobResult process(Job job) {
// read workflow model and payload from job payload
String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , "");
String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , "");
// get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects
WorkflowSession wfSession = ..;
WorkflowModel wfModel = ..;
WorkflowData wfData = ..;
// start the workflow
wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData);
// all good
return JobResutl.OK;
Job Consumer (Simplified)
•  Access job properties (payload)
•  Read workflow model and
payload from job properties
@Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC)
public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer {
public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”;
public JobResult process(Job job) {
// read workflow model and payload from job payload
String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , "");
String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , "");
// get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects
WorkflowSession wfSession = ..;
WorkflowModel wfModel = ..;
WorkflowData wfData = ..;
// start the workflow
wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData);
// all good
return JobResutl.OK;
Job Consumer (Simplified)
•  Workflow specific
•  Use workflow API to start
workflow for the given model
and payload
@Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC)
public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer {
public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model";
public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”;
public JobResult process(Job job) {
// read workflow model and payload from job payload
String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , "");
String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , "");
// get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects
WorkflowSession wfSession = ..;
WorkflowModel wfModel = ..;
WorkflowData wfData = ..;
// start the workflow
wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData);
// all good
return JobResutl.OK;
Job Consumer (Simplified)
•  Use JobResult enumeration to
report back the job status
Where to fit in the stack
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  Default ingestion workflow: “DAM Update Asset”
•  Load is put on the instance where the workflow is started, usually the author
•  New ingestion workflow: “DAM Update Asset Offloading”
•  Needs to be manually enabled by changing the workflow launcher
•  New workflow model with a single step: AssetOffloadingProcess
•  Uses WorkflowExternalProcess API
•  Creates a new job on topic: com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading
•  Allows distributing the default ingestion workflow
•  Load is put on the instance where the job is distributed to
•  Can be used to distribute in clustered and non-clustered installations
public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess {
private JobManager jobManager;
private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){
Asset asset = ..;
String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”;
String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”;
ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel);
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload);
String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput);
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput);
Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties);
return offloadingJob.getId();
Create Job (from workflow step)
public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess {
private JobManager jobManager;
private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){
Asset asset = ..;
String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”;
String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”;
ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel);
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload);
String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput);
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput);
Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties);
return offloadingJob.getId();
Create Job (from workflow step)
•  Create service component
•  Implement
•  Reference JobManager service
public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess {
private JobManager jobManager;
private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){
Asset asset = ..;
String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”;
String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”;
ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel);
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload);
String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput);
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput);
Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties);
return offloadingJob.getId();
Create Job (from workflow step)
•  DAM and Workflow specific
•  Resolve to Asset
•  Read model from meta data
•  Read workflow payload from
Asset path
public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){
Asset asset = ..;
String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”;
String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”;
ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel);
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload);
String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput);
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput);
Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties);
return offloadingJob.getId();
Create Job (from workflow step)
•  ValueMap for job properties
•  Put model and payload on job
•  Used by the JobConsumer
public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){
Asset asset = ..;
String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”;
String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”;
ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel);
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload);
String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput);
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput);
Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties);
return offloadingJob.getId();
Create Job (from workflow step)
•  Build offloading payload properties
•  Comma separated list of paths
•  Put them on the job payload as
•  Only used for non-clustered
public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){
Asset asset = ..;
String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”;
String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”;
ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel);
jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload);
String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model,
/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ;
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput);
jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput);
Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties);
return offloadingJob.getId();
Create Job (from workflow step)
•  Create job using JobManager
•  Use topic from job consumer
•  Put job payload properties
•  Return the jobId as the workflow
process id (workflow specific)
public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess {
private JobManager jobManager;
private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading";
public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){
public boolean hasFinished(Serializable externalProcessId, ..){
// returns null, if job is finished
Job offloadingJob = jobManager.getJobById((String) externalProcessId);
return offloadingJob == null;
Create Job (from workflow step)
•  Workflow API specific callback
•  Process id = jobId, from
•  Query job by jobId
•  Workflow step finished when job
is finished
•  Choose a job topic
•  Create JobConsumer component and register with topic chosen
•  To create a new job use new JobManager.addJob() API with the topic chosen
and the job payload
•  Add offloading payload to job payload
•  Bundle and deploy JobConsumer on topology instances
•  Enable/Disable the new topic on the instances, using Offloading Browser
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  Discovers topology
•  Cross-Cluster detection
•  Foundation for job distribution
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  Uses Sling Discovery
•  New JobConsumer API and job topics
•  New JobManager API for creating new distributed jobs
•  Distributes jobs based on available job topics and job queue
•  Distributes in the whole topology, including clustered and non-
clustered instances
•  Can execute cluster local jobs only
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  Builds on top of Sling Distributed Jobs
•  Does not perform distribution
•  Detects jobs distributed to non-clustered instances
•  Transports the jobs and payload to non-clustered
•  Uses replication for transport
•  Does not execute jobs
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  Defines a job consumer to distribute the execution
of whole workflows
•  Defines topic com/adobe/granite/workflow/
•  Implements WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer
•  Supports clustered and non clustered installations
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
•  Makes use of com/adobe/granite/workflow/
offloading topic from Workflow Distribution
•  New workflow step (external step) that creates a
new job on topic com/adobe/granite/workflow/
•  New “DAM Update Asset Offloading” workflow
•  Supports clustered and non clustered
Potential Future
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Felix OSGi Event Admin
Potential Future
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Felix OSGi Event Admin
New OSGi Specification
• Distributed Eventing
• Cloud Computing
Potential Future
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Felix OSGi Event Admin
Job Distribution
• Improved load balancing
• Pull based distribution
Potential Future
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Felix OSGi Event Admin
• As part of job distribution
• Even simpler setup
Offloading Workflow Distribution
DAM Ingestion
Job Distribution
Felix OSGi Event Admin

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Adobe AEM - From Eventing to Job Processing

  • 1. FROM EVENTING TO JOB PROCESSING Carsten Ziegeler | Adobe Research Switzerland 1
  • 2. 2 •  RnD Team at Adobe Research Switzerland •  Co-founder Adobe Granite •  OSGi Core Platform and Enterprise Expert Groups •  Member of the ASF •  Current PMC Chair of Apache Sling •  Apache Sling, Felix, ACE •  Conference Speaker •  Technical Reviewer •  Article/Book Author @cziegeler ABOUT
  • 3. 3 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution Felix OSGi Event Admin FromEventingtoJobProcessing
  • 4. 4 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution Felix OSGi Event Admin FromEventingtoJobProcessing
  • 5. 5 OSGI EVENT ADMIN Publish / Subscribe Model OSGi Event Admin Component A publish deliver Component X Component Y
  • 6. 6 •  OSGi event is a data object with •  Topic (hierarchical namespace) •  Properties (key-value-pairs) •  Page Event •  Topic: com/day/cq/wcm/core/page •  Properties: path, change type (add/remove/edit) etc. OSGI EVENT ADMIN Publish / Subscribe Model
  • 7. 7 •  Publisher creates event object •  Sends event through EventAdmin service •  Either sync or async delivery •  Subscriber is an OSGi service (EventHandler) •  Service registration properties •  Interested topic(s) •  com/day/cq/wcm/core/* •  Additional filters (optional) •  (type="add“) OSGI EVENT ADMIN Publish / Subscribe Model
  • 8. 8 •  Immediate delivery to available subscribers •  No guarantee of delivery •  No distributed delivery OSGI EVENT ADMIN Publish / Subscribe Model
  • 9. 9 •  Immediate delivery to available subscribers •  No guarantee of delivery •  No distributed delivery OSGI EVENT ADMIN Publish / Subscribe Model DiscoverySling Job Distribution
  • 10. 10 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution
  • 11. 11 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution New in 5.6.1
  • 13. 13 Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID) TOPOLOGIES I Apache Sling Discovery Clustered CRXCRX ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1 Single Instance Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3
  • 14. 14 •  Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID) •  Cluster: Unique Id and leader TOPOLOGIES I Apache Sling Discovery Cluster 99Cluster 35 Clustered CRXCRX ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1 Single Instance Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Leader Leader
  • 15. 15 •  Topology: Set of clusters TOPOLOGIES I Apache Sling Discovery Cluster 99Cluster 35 Clustered CRXCRX ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1 Single Instance Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Leader Leader TopologyTopology •  Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID) •  Cluster: Unique Id and leader
  • 16. 16 TOPOLOGIES I Apache Sling Discovery •  Instance: Unique Id (Sling ID) •  Cluster: Unique Id and leader •  Topology: Set of clusters Cluster 99 Clustered CRXCRX ID : A ID : X ID : 42ID : 1 Single Instance Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Leader Topology Cluster 35 Leader
  • 17. Cluster 99 17 •  Instance •  Sling ID •  Optional: Name and description •  Belongs to a cluster •  Might be the cluster leader •  Additional properties which are distributed •  Extensible through own services (PropertyProvider) •  E.g. data center, region or enabled job topics •  Cluster •  Elects (stable) leader •  Stable instance ordering •  TopologyEventListener: receives events on topology changes TOPOLOGIES II Apache Sling Discovery ID : 42 Instance 3 Topology Leader
  • 18. 18 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution
  • 19. 19 •  Job : Guaranteed processing, exactly once •  Exactly one job consumer •  Started by client code, e.g. for replication, workflow... •  Job topic •  Payload is a serializable map JOB HANDLING I Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 20. 20 •  Sling Job Manager handles and distributes jobs •  Delivers job to a job consumer… •  …and waits for response •  Retry and failover •  Notification listeners (fail, retry, success) JOB HANDLING I Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 21. 21 STARTING / PROCESSING A JOB I Apache Sling Job Handling public interface JobConsumer { String PROPERTY_TOPICS = "job.topics"; enum JobResult { OK, FAILED, CANCEL, ASYNC } JobResult process(Job job); } public interface JobManager { Job addJob(String topic, String optionalName, Map<String, Object> properties); … } Starting a job Processing a job Note: Starting/processing of jobs through Event Admin is deprecated but still supported New in 5.6.1
  • 22. 22 @Component @Service(value={JobConsumer.class}) @Property(name=JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value="org/apache/sling/jobs/backup") public class BackupJobConsumer implements JobConsumer { @Override public JobResult process(final Job job) { // do backup return JobResult.OK; } } STARTING / PROCESSING A JOB II Apache Sling Job Handling New in 5.6.1
  • 23. 23 •  New jobs are immediately persisted (resource tree / repository) •  Jobs are “pushed” to the processing instance •  Processing instances use different queues •  Associated with job topic(s) •  Main queue •  0..n custom queues •  For example: replication agent queue or workflow queue JOB HANDLING II Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 24. 24 •  Queue is configurable •  Queue is started on demand in own thread •  And stopped if unused for some time •  Types •  Ordered queue (eg replication) •  Parallel queues: Plain and Topic Round Robin (eg workflow) •  Limit for parallel threads per queue •  Number of retries (-1 = endless) •  Retry delay •  Thread priority JOB QUEUE Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 25. 25 •  Job Manager Configuration = Main Queue Configuration •  Maximum parallel jobs (15) •  Retries (10) •  Retry Delay •  Eventing Thread Pool Configuration •  Used by all queues •  Pool size (35) = Maximum parallel jobs for a single instance ADDITIONAL CONFIGURATIONS Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 26. 26 MONITORING – WEB CONSOLE Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 27. 27 MONITORING – WEB CONSOLE Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 28. 28 •  Each instance determines enabled job topics •  Derived from Job Consumers (new API required) •  Can be whitelisted/blacklisted (in Job Consumer Manager) •  Announced through Topology •  Job Distribution depends on enabled job topics and queue type •  Potential set of instances derived from topology (enabled job topics) •  Ordered : processing on leader only, one job after the other •  Parallel: Round robin distribution on all potential instances •  Local cluster instances have preference •  Failover •  Instance crash: leader redistributes jobs to available instances •  Leader change taken into account •  On enabled job topics changes: potential redistribution JOB DISTRIBUTION Apache Sling Job Handling
  • 29. 29 •  Scalability in AEM: •  DAM Ingestion •  Non-Clustered installation requirement •  The term Offloading: •  In AEM used for all things job distribution and topology in clustered and non- clustered installations, e.g. ‘Offloading Browser’ •  More technically it’s ‘only’ a little add-on in Granite to Sling Job Distribution for handling non-clustered installations WHY OFFLOADING
  • 30. 30 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution
  • 31. 31 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution
  • 32. 32 SLING JOB DISTRIBUTION Topology Instance Sling ID: 1 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 2 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 3 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 4 Job Manager Job Consumer Topic: A Job Consumer Topic: B Job Consumer Topic: C
  • 33. 33 SLING JOB DISTRIBUTION Instance Sling ID: 1 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 2 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 3 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 4 Job ManagerA Job Consumer Topic: A Job Consumer Topic: B A:2 Job Consumer Topic: CJob Topology
  • 34. 34 SLING JOB DISTRIBUTION Instance Sling ID: 1 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 2 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 3 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 4 Job ManagerB Job Consumer Topic: A Job Consumer Topic: B B:3 Job Consumer Topic: CJob Topology
  • 35. 35 SLING JOB DISTRIBUTION Instance Sling ID: 1 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 2 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 3 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 4 Job ManagerC Job Consumer Topic: A Job Consumer Topic: B C:4 Job Consumer Topic: CJob ? Topology
  • 36. 36 SLING JOB DISTRIBUTION Instance Sling ID: 1 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 2 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 3 Job Manager Instance Sling ID: 4 Job ManagerC Job Consumer Topic: A Job Consumer Topic: B C:4 Job Consumer Topic: CJob Offloading Framework Topology
  • 37. 37 •  Detects offloading jobs •  Transport of job and job payload between origin and target instance •  Uses replication for the transport •  No distribution of jobs •  No execution of jobs OFFLOADING FRAMEWORK Overview Instance Sling ID: 1 Job Manager Offloading Job Manager C:4 Instance Sling ID: 4 Job Manager Job Consumer Topic: C Offloading Job Manager C:4 C Job Replication 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 Topology
  • 38. 38 •  Replication agents are created automatically •  Uses naming convention •  Needs manual adjustments (replication user) OFFLOADING FRAMEWORK Replication Worker Sling ID: 4 Author Sling ID: 1 offloading_4 (outgoing agent) offloading_reverse_4 (reverse agent) offloading_outbox (outbox agent)
  • 39. 39 •  Additional properties required •  Offloading job input •  Property: OffloadingJobProperties. INPUT_PAYLOAD (offloading.input.payload) •  Offloading job output •  Property: OffloadingJobProperties. OUTPUT_PAYLOAD (offloading.output.payload) •  Takes comma separated list of paths •  Used to build the replication package •  Job sender needs to set these properties for offloading to work! OFFLOADING FRAMEWORK Job Payload
  • 40. 40 •  Configures Job Consumers •  Configures the topic white/black listing properties of each instance •  What jobs to execute on what instance •  Configures the distribution •  Configuration applies for both, clustered and non-clustered installations OFFLOADING BROWSER UI
  • 44. 44 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution
  • 45. 45 •  New JobConsumer •  Class: WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer •  Topic: com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading •  Can launch new workflows •  Expects the workflow model on the job payload •  Expects the workflow payload on the job payload •  For use with clustered and non-clustered installations WORKFLOW DISTRIBUTION
  • 46. 46 @Component @Service @Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC) public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer { public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”; public JobResult process(Job job) { // read workflow model and payload from job payload String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , ""); String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , ""); // get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects WorkflowSession wfSession = ..; WorkflowModel wfModel = ..; WorkflowData wfData = ..; // start the workflow wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData); // all good return JobResutl.OK; } } WORKFLOW DISTRIBUTION Job Consumer (Simplified)
  • 47. 47 @Component @Service @Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC) public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer { public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”; public JobResult process(Job job) { // read workflow model and payload from job payload String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , ""); String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , ""); // get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects WorkflowSession wfSession = ..; WorkflowModel wfModel = ..; WorkflowData wfData = ..; // start the workflow wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData); // all good return JobResutl.OK; } } WORKFLOW DISTRIBUTION Job Consumer (Simplified) •  Define the job topic
  • 48. 48 @Component @Service @Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC) public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer { public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”; public JobResult process(Job job) { // read workflow model and payload from job payload String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , ""); String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , ""); // get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects WorkflowSession wfSession = ..; WorkflowModel wfModel = ..; WorkflowData wfData = ..; // start the workflow wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData); // all good return JobResutl.OK; } } WORKFLOW DISTRIBUTION Job Consumer (Simplified) •  Create service component •  Must register with topic •  Implement new JobConsumer interface
  • 49. 49 @Component @Service @Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC) public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer { public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”; public JobResult process(Job job) { // read workflow model and payload from job payload String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , ""); String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , ""); // get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects WorkflowSession wfSession = ..; WorkflowModel wfModel = ..; WorkflowData wfData = ..; // start the workflow wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData); // all good return JobResutl.OK; } } WORKFLOW DISTRIBUTION Job Consumer (Simplified) •  Access job properties (payload) •  Read workflow model and payload from job properties
  • 50. 50 @Component @Service @Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC) public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer { public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”; public JobResult process(Job job) { // read workflow model and payload from job payload String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , ""); String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , ""); // get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects WorkflowSession wfSession = ..; WorkflowModel wfModel = ..; WorkflowData wfData = ..; // start the workflow wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData); // all good return JobResutl.OK; } } WORKFLOW DISTRIBUTION Job Consumer (Simplified) •  Workflow specific •  Use workflow API to start workflow for the given model and payload
  • 51. 51 @Component @Service @Property(name = JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS, value = WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer.TOPIC) public class WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer implements JobConsumer { public static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL = "offloading.workflow.model"; public static final String WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD = "offloading.workflow.payload”; public JobResult process(Job job) { // read workflow model and payload from job payload String modelPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL , ""); String payloadPath= job.getProperty(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD , ""); // get/create WorkflowSession, WorkflowModel and WorkflowData objects WorkflowSession wfSession = ..; WorkflowModel wfModel = ..; WorkflowData wfData = ..; // start the workflow wfSession.startWorkflow(wfModel, wfData, metaData); // all good return JobResutl.OK; } } WORKFLOW DISTRIBUTION Job Consumer (Simplified) •  Use JobResult enumeration to report back the job status
  • 52. 52 OVERVIEW Where to fit in the stack Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution
  • 53. 53 •  Default ingestion workflow: “DAM Update Asset” •  Load is put on the instance where the workflow is started, usually the author •  New ingestion workflow: “DAM Update Asset Offloading” •  Needs to be manually enabled by changing the workflow launcher •  New workflow model with a single step: AssetOffloadingProcess •  Uses WorkflowExternalProcess API •  Creates a new job on topic: com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading •  Allows distributing the default ingestion workflow •  Load is put on the instance where the job is distributed to •  Can be used to distribute in clustered and non-clustered installations DAM INGESTION
  • 54. 54 @Component @Service public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess { @Reference private JobManager jobManager; private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){ Asset asset = ..; String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”; String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”; ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>()); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload); String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput); jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput); Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties); return offloadingJob.getId(); } DAM INGESTION Create Job (from workflow step)
  • 55. 55 @Component @Service public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess { @Reference private JobManager jobManager; private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){ Asset asset = ..; String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”; String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”; ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>()); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload); String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput); jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput); Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties); return offloadingJob.getId(); } DAM INGESTION Create Job (from workflow step) •  Create service component •  Implement WorkflowExternalProcess interface •  Reference JobManager service
  • 56. 56 @Component @Service public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess { @Reference private JobManager jobManager; private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){ Asset asset = ..; String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”; String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”; ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>()); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload); String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput); jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput); Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties); return offloadingJob.getId(); } DAM INGESTION Create Job (from workflow step) •  DAM and Workflow specific •  Resolve to Asset •  Read model from meta data •  Read workflow payload from Asset path
  • 57. 57 public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){ Asset asset = ..; String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”; String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”; ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>()); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload); String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput); jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput); Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties); return offloadingJob.getId(); } DAM INGESTION Create Job (from workflow step) •  ValueMap for job properties •  Put model and payload on job properties •  Used by the JobConsumer
  • 58. 58 public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){ Asset asset = ..; String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”; String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”; ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>()); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload); String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput); jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput); Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties); return offloadingJob.getId(); } DAM INGESTION Create Job (from workflow step) •  Build offloading payload properties •  Comma separated list of paths •  Put them on the job payload as well •  Only used for non-clustered distribution
  • 59. 59 public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){ Asset asset = ..; String workflowModel = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model”; String workflowPayload = “/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg”; ValueMap jobProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>()); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_MODEL, workflowModel); jobProperties.put(WORKFLOW_OFFLOADING_PAYLOAD, workflowPayload); String offloadingInput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; String offloadingOutput = “/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model, /content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg” ; jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.INPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingInput); jobProperties.put(OffloadingJobProperties.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD.propertyName(), offloadingOutput); Job offloadingJob = jobManager.addJob(TOPIC, null, jobProperties); return offloadingJob.getId(); } DAM INGESTION Create Job (from workflow step) •  Create job using JobManager service •  Use topic from job consumer •  Put job payload properties •  Return the jobId as the workflow process id (workflow specific)
  • 60. 60 @Component @Service public class AssetOffloadingProcess implements WorkflowExternalProcess { @Reference private JobManager jobManager; private static final String TOPIC = "com/adobe/granite/workflow/offloading"; public Serializable execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap){ …. } public boolean hasFinished(Serializable externalProcessId, ..){ // returns null, if job is finished Job offloadingJob = jobManager.getJobById((String) externalProcessId); return offloadingJob == null; } } DAM INGESTION Create Job (from workflow step) •  Workflow API specific callback •  Process id = jobId, from execute() •  Query job by jobId •  Workflow step finished when job is finished
  • 61. 61 •  Choose a job topic •  Create JobConsumer component and register with topic chosen •  To create a new job use new JobManager.addJob() API with the topic chosen and the job payload •  Add offloading payload to job payload •  Bundle and deploy JobConsumer on topology instances •  Enable/Disable the new topic on the instances, using Offloading Browser DEVELOPMENT - RECIPE
  • 62. 62 TAKE AWAY Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution
  • 63. 63 TAKE AWAY Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution •  Discovers topology •  Cross-Cluster detection •  Foundation for job distribution
  • 64. 64 TAKE AWAY Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution •  Uses Sling Discovery •  New JobConsumer API and job topics •  New JobManager API for creating new distributed jobs •  Distributes jobs based on available job topics and job queue configuration. •  Distributes in the whole topology, including clustered and non- clustered instances •  Can execute cluster local jobs only
  • 65. 65 TAKE AWAY Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution com.adobe.granite.offloading.core •  Builds on top of Sling Distributed Jobs •  Does not perform distribution •  Detects jobs distributed to non-clustered instances •  Transports the jobs and payload to non-clustered instances •  Uses replication for transport •  Does not execute jobs
  • 66. 66 TAKE AWAY Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution com.adobe.granite.workflow.core •  Defines a job consumer to distribute the execution of whole workflows •  Defines topic com/adobe/granite/workflow/ offloading •  Implements WorkflowOffloadingJobConsumer component •  Supports clustered and non clustered installations
  • 67. 67 TAKE AWAY Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution cq-dam-core •  Makes use of com/adobe/granite/workflow/ offloading topic from Workflow Distribution •  New workflow step (external step) that creates a new job on topic com/adobe/granite/workflow/ offloading •  New “DAM Update Asset Offloading” workflow •  Supports clustered and non clustered configurations
  • 68. 68 TAKE AWAY Potential Future Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution Felix OSGi Event Admin FromEventingtoJobProcessing
  • 69. 69 TAKE AWAY Potential Future Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution Felix OSGi Event Admin FromEventingtoJobProcessing New OSGi Specification • Distributed Eventing • Cloud Computing
  • 70. 70 TAKE AWAY Potential Future Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution Felix OSGi Event Admin FromEventingtoJobProcessing Job Distribution • Improved load balancing • Pull based distribution
  • 71. 71 TAKE AWAY Potential Future Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution Felix OSGi Event Admin FromEventingtoJobProcessing Offloading • As part of job distribution • Even simpler setup
  • 72. 72 TAKE AWAY Questions? Discovery Offloading Workflow Distribution DAM Ingestion Sling Granite AEM Job Distribution Felix OSGi Event Admin FromEventingtoJobProcessing
  • 73. 73