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A Look Back, Moving Forward
Dale Sanders
June 2005
Introduction & Warnings
 Why am I here?
 Teach
 Stimulate some thought
 Share some of my experiences and lessons
 Learn
 From you, please…
 Ask questions, challenge opinions, share your knowledge
 I’ll do my best to live up to my end of the bargain
 Warnings
 The pictures in this presentation
 May or may not have any relevance
whatsoever to the topic or slide
 Mostly intended to break up the monotony
Expectation Management
 DW Strengths (according to others)
 I know what not to do as much as I know what to do
 Seen and made all the big mistakes
 Vision, strategy, system architecture, data management &
DW modeling, complex cultural issues, “leapfrog” problem
 What not to expect: DW weaknesses
 My programming skills suck
 Haven’t written a decent line of code in four years!
 Some might say it’s been 24 years… 
 Knowledge of leading products is very rusty
 Though I’m beefing up on Microsoft and Cognos
Within these expectations, make no mistake about it… I know data warehousing 
Today’s Discussions
 I am a good “Idea Guy”
 But, ideas are worthless without someone to implement and
enhance them
 Steve Barlow, Dan Lidgard, Jon Despain, Chuck Lyon, Laure
Shull, Kris Mitchell, Peter Hess, Ron Gault, Rob Carpenter, my
wife, and many others
 My greatest strength and blessing
 The ability to recognize, listen to, and hold
onto good people
 Knock on wood
 My achievements in personal and professional life
 More a function of those around me than a reflection on me
DW Best Practices:
The Most Important Metrics
 Employee satisfaction
 Without it, long-term customer satisfaction is impossible
 Customer satisfaction
 That’s the nature of the Information Services career field
 Some people in our profession still don’t get it
 We are here to serve
 The Organizational Laugh Metric
 How many times do you hear laughter in the day-to-day
operations of your team?
 It is the single most important vital sign to organizational health
and business success
My Background
 Three, eight-year chapters
 Captain, Information Systems Engineer, US Air Force
 Nuclear warfare battle management
 Force status data integration
 Intelligence and attack warning data “fusion”
 Consultant in several industries
 CIA Data Center
 TRW Credit Reporting Data Base
 National Security Agency (NSA)
 Intel: New Mexico Data Repository (NMDR)
 Air Force
 Integrated Minuteman Data Base (IMDB)
 Peacekeeper Information Retrieval System (PIRS)
 Many others…
 Healthcare
 Intermountain Health Care Enterprise Data Warehouse
 Consultant to other healthcare organizations’ data warehouses
 Now at Northwestern University Medical System
 Data warehousing history
 According to Sanders
 Why and how did this become a sub-specialty in information
 What have we learned so far?
 My take on “Best Practices”
 Key lessons-learned
 My thoughts on the most popular authors in the field
 What they contribute, where they detract
Data Warehousing History
“Newspaper Rock”
100 B.C.
American Retail
2005 A.D.
Lots of stuff happened
What Happened in the Cloud?
 Stage 1: Laziness
 Operators grew tired of hanging tapes
 In response to requests for historical financial data
 They stored data on-line, in “unauthorized” mainframe databases
 Stage 2: End of the mainframe bully
 Computing moved out from finance to the rest of the business
 Unix and relational databases
 Distributed computing created islands of information
 Stage 2.1: The government gets involved
 Consolidating IRS and military databases to save money on mainframes
 “Hey, look what I can do with this data…”
 Stage 3: Demming comes along
 Push towards constant business “reengineering”
 Cultural emphasis on “continuous quality improvement” and “business
innovation” drives the need for data
 Stage 4: Data warehousing has it’s own language
 Ralph Kimball publishes “The Data Warehouse Toolkit”
The Real Truth
 Data warehousing is a symptom of a
 Technological inability to deploy single-platform
information systems that:
 Capture data once and reuse it throughout an
 Support high-transaction rates (single record
CREATE, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE) and analytic queries
on the same computing platform, with the same
data, at the same time
 Someday, maybe we will address the root cause
 Until then, it’s a good way to make a living
The “Ideal Library” Practice
 Stores all of the books and other reference material you need to
conduct your research
 The Enterprise data warehouse
 A single place to visit
 One database environment
 Contents are kept current and refreshed
 Timely, well choreographed data loads
 Staffed with friendly, knowledgeable people that can help you
find your way around
 Your Data Warehouse team
 Organized for easy navigation and use
 Metadata
 Data models
 “User friendly” naming conventions
Cultural Detractors
The two biggies…
 The business supported by the data
warehouse must be motivated by a desire
for constant improvement and fact-based
decision making
 The data warehouse team falls victim to the
“Politics of Data”
 Through naivety
 Through misguided motives, themselves
Business Culture
 Does your CEO…
 Talk about constant improvement, constantly?
 Drive corporate goals that are SMART?
 Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,
 Crave data to make better informed decisions?
 Become visibly, buoyantly excited at a demo for
a data cube?
 If so, the success of your data warehouse
is right around the corner… sort of…
I love data!
Political Best Practices
 You will be called a “data thief”
 Get used to it
 Encourage life cycle ownership of the OLTP
data, even in the EDW
 You will be called “dangerous”
 “You don’t understand our data!”
 OLTP owners know their data better than
you do– acknowledge it and leverage it
 You will be blamed for poor data quality in the OLTP systems
 This is a natural reaction
 Data warehouses raise the visibility of poor data quality
 Use the EDW as a tool for raising overall data quality
 You will be called a “job robber”
 EDW is perceived as a replacement for OLTP systems
 Educate people: The EDW depends on OLTP systems for its existence
 Stick to your values and pure motives
 The politics will fade away
Data Quality
 Pitfall
 Taking accountability for data quality on the source system
 Spending gobs of time and money “cleansing” data before it’s loaded into
the DW
 It’s a never ending, never win battle
 You will always be one step behind data quality
 You will always be in the cross-hairs of
 Best Practice
 Push accountability where it belongs– to the
source system
 Use the data warehouse as a tool to reveal
data quality, either good or bad
 Be prepared to weather the initial storm of
Measuring Data Quality
 Data Quality = Completeness x Validity
 Can it be measured objectively?
 Measuring “Completeness”
 Number of null values in a column
 Measuring “Validity”
 Cardinality is a simple way to measure validity
 “We only have four standard regions in the business, but we
have 18 distinct values in the region column.”
Business Validity
 How can you measure it? You can’t…
 “I collect this data from our customers, but I have to guess
sometimes because I don’t speak Spanish.”
 “This data is valid for trend analysis decisions before
9/11/2001, but should not be used after that date, due to
changes in security procedures.”
 “You can’t use insurance billing and reimbursement data to
make clinical, patient care decisions.”
 “This customer purchased four copies of ‘Zamfir, Master of
the Pan Flute’, therefore he loves everything about Zamfir.”
 What Amazon didn’t know: I bought them for my mom and her
sewing circle.
Where do you capture subjective data quality? Metadata….
The Importance of Metadata
 Maybe the most over-hyped, underserved area of
data warehousing common sense
 Vendors want to charge you big $$$$$ for their tools
 Consultants would like you to think that it’s the Holy Grail in
disguise and only they can help you find it
 Authors who have never been in an operational environment
would have you chasing your tail in pursuit of an esoteric,
mythological Metadata Nirvana
 Don’t listen to the confusing messages! You know the
answer… just listen to your common sense…
Metadata: Keep It Simple!
 Ultimately, what are the most valuable business
motives behind metadata?
 Make data more “understandable” to those who are
not familiar with it
 Data quality issues
 Data timeliness and temporal issues
 Context in which is was collected
 Translating physical names to natural language
 Make data more “findable” to those who don’t know
where it is
 Organize it
 Take a lesson from library science and the card
Table Elements
Required Elements
 Long Name (or English name)
 Description
Semi-optional Elements
 Source
 Example
 Data Steward
Column Elements
Required Elements
 Long Name
 Description
Optional Elements
 Value Range
 Data Quality
 Associated Lookup
The Data Model
Example Metadata Entry
Long Name:
Postal Code Master - IHC
Contains Postal (Zip) codes for the IHC referral region and
IHC specific descriptions. These descriptions allow for
specific IHC groupings used in various analyses.
Data Steward:
Jim Allred, ext. 3518
Metadata on the Web
Some Info Is Free
It can be collected from the database.
For example:
 Primary and Foreign Keys
 Indexed Columns
 Table Creation Dates
Most Valuable Info is Subjective
The human element
 Most metadata is not automatically
collected by tools because it does NOT
exist in that form
 Interviews with data stewards are the key
 It can take months (and months and
months) of effort to collect initial
Holding Feet to the Fire
 Made data architects
responsible for metadata
in their subject areas
 Metadata completion
reports in every staff
meeting for a year
 Standing rule: No new
data marts go live
without metadata
Is it all worth it?
Data analysts think so.
“I couldn’t do my job without it.”
It will push the ROI of a home-hum DW into the
It does for DW’ing what the Yellow Pages did for
the business ROI of the telephone
It Gets Used
At Intermountain Health Care
 210 web hits on average each week day
 (23,000 employees, $2B revenue)
Avg Hits by Day of Week
(April 2004 - Sep 2004)
217 212
“What’s New”
Report Quality
 A function of…
 Data quality
 How well does the report reflect the intent behind the question being
 “This report doesn’t make sense. I’m trying to find out how many
widgets we can produce next year, based on the last four years’
 “That’s not what you asked for.”
 SQL and other programming accuracy
 Statistical validity– population size of the data
 Timeliness of the data relative to the decision
 Event Correlation
 Best Practice:
 An accompanying “meta-report” for every report that involves
significant, high risk decisions
Meta Report
A document, associated with a
published report, which defines the
A central place for storing and sharing
information about business reports
IHC Analyst Use of Meta Reports
Data Collected Aug-04 N=32
Read Others Search Duplication Search SQL Audience Request
Meta Report
 Core Elements
 Author Information
 Report Name
 Report Purpose
 Data Source(s)
 Report Methods
 Recommended Elements
 Business Owner
 Run Frequency
 Intended Audience
 Statistical Tests
 Software Used
 Source Code
 Formulas
 Relevant Issues &
• Title
• Location
• Author
• Owner
• Purpose
• Frequency
• Audience
• Data Source(s)
• Selection Criteria
• Statistics
• Software
• Source Code
• Formulas
It Look
Utilization and Creation Rate
Think: Mission Control
 Customized ETL Library
 Schedule of operations
 Alerting tool
 Storage strategies / backups
 Development philosophy and environment
 Performance—monitoring and tuning
Operations Best Practices
 Oracle v on AIX 5.2
 Storage: IBM SAN (shark), >3T
 ETL tools
 Ascential’s Data Stage
 Kornshell (unix), SQL scripts, PL/SQL
 OLAP: MS’ Analysis Services
 BI: Business Objects (Crystal Enterprise)
 With a Cube presentation layer
 Dashboard: Visual Mining’s Net Charts
 EDW Team: ~16 FTEs, plus SAs and DBAs
IHC Architecture
 One of our ETL programmers noticed he kept
doing the same things over and over for all of
his ETL jobs. Rather than copying and
pasting this repetitive code, he created a
library. Now we all use the ETL Library.
 We named the library EDW_UTIL (EDW
 Executes via Oracle stored procedures
 Supported by associated tables to hold data
when necessary
 Error table
 QA table
 Index table
 Provides standardization
 Eliminates code rewrites
 Can hide complexities
 Such as the appropriate way to
analyze and gather statistics
on tables
 Very accessible to all of
our ETL tools
 Simply an Oracle stored
procedure call
Index Management
 Past process included:
 Dropping the table’s indexes with a script
 Loading the table
 Creating the indexes with a script
 The past process resulted in messy
scripts to manage and
Index Management
 New process includes:
 Capturing a table’s existing indexes metadata
 Dropping the table’s indexes with a single procedure call
 Loading the table
 Recreating the indexes with a single
procedure call
 There are no more messy scripts to
manage and coordinate
 No “lost” indexes were neglected
when adding to create index script
Index Management
 Samples
Background Loading of Tables
 We often load data into tables which are not
accessible to end users. A simple rename puts them
into production.
 Helps transfer the identical attributes from the live to
the background table
 Samples
(Create on background table, identical to production table)
Load Times, Errors, QA
 We had no idea who was loading what and when
 Each staff member logged in their own way and for their
own interest
 ETL error capturing and QA was difficult
 We can now capture errors and QA information in a
somewhat standardized fashion
Load Times, Errors, QA
 (ex: CASEMIX)
(Begin and end together)
(Alert on these errors)
QA (row counts)
Miscellaneous Procedures
 Hide the “gory” details from the majority
of the EDW team
 Such as Oracle’s table analyze command
 Gives us consistent application of
system wide parameters such as:
 A new box with a different number of CPUs
(parallel slaves)
 A new version of Oracle
 We populate some metadata too, such
as last load date
DW Schedule of Operations
 Some loads are adhoc, not scheduled
 Users query in an adhoc fashion
 We have a minimal service/application tier
implemented (loss of control)
 Use of a variety of ETL tools
 Use of a variety of user categories
 DBA, SA, ETL user, end users
 Use of a variety of servers
 Production EDW, Stage EDW, ETL servers, OLAP servers,
Presentation layer servers
General Approach
 Focus on load jobs against production EDW
 Still working on all the reporting aspects (a sample on the
next slide)
 Pull this information out of the “load times” data
captured by these ETL library calls
Sample Report
DW Alerting Tool
 DW alerting
 Aggregate data alerts, such as, your
average length of stay just crossed a
certain threshold
 A simple tool was created which
sends a text email, based on
existence of data returned from a
 Primarily embraced by DW team
members for internal DW
operations, not that the original
intent is abandoned
 Web based
 Open to all EDW users
 Run daily, weekly, every two weeks, monthly,
quarterly (wakes every 5 minutes)
 This is a passive polling
 Ability to enter query in SQL
 Alert (email) on 3 situations
 Query returns data
 Query returns no data
 Always
User Interface
 ~100 alerts in use
 Live performance check
 Every 4 hours—look for inactive sessions holding active
 Daily—look for any active sessions older than 72 hours
 ETL monitoring; alert only if problem
 Alert on errors logged via the ETL_UTIL library (manage by
 Alert on existence of “bad” records captured during ETL
Storage and Backup
 Inherited state of affairs
 Running like any OLTP database
 High end expensive SANs (storage area
 FULL nightly online backups
 Out of space? Just buy more
Nightmare in the Making
 Exponential growth
 More data sources
 More summary tables
 More indexes
 No data has yet been
 Relaxed attitude
 Disk is cheap
 Reality: Disk management is expensive
Looming Crisis
 Backups often run 16 hours or more
 Performance degradation witnessed by users
 Good backups obtained less than 50% of the time
 Literally running out of space
 Gross underestimating
 Some reckless overuse
 Financial $$$$ cost
 The system administrators (SAs) quadruple the price of
disk purchase from the previous budget year. Ouch!
 SAs roll in the price of tape drives, etc.
Major Changes in Operations
 Transfer some disk ownership AND backup
responsibilities to DW team, away from
SAs and DBAs
 EDW team more aware of upcoming space
 EDW team more in tune with which data sets
are easily recreated from the source (don’t
need a backup)
 Stop performing full daily backups
 Move towards less expensive disk
 IBM offers a few levels of SANs
Tracking and Predicting
Storage Use
Changes to Backup Strategy
 Perform full backup once monthly during
 Perform no data backup on DEV/STAGE
 Do backup DDL (all code)
daily in all environments
 Implement daily
“incremental” backup
Daily Incremental Backups
 Easier said than done
 We’ve resorted to a table level backup (in Oracle,
that’s an EXPORT)
 The EDW team owns which tables are exported
 EDW team populates a table, the “export table list” with
each table’s export frequency
 Populated via an application in development
 The DBA’s run an export based on the “export table
Use Cheaper Disk
 General practice: You can take greater risks with DW reliability
and availability vs. OLTP systems
 Use it to your advantage
 Our SAN vendor (IBM) offers a few levels of SANs. Next level
down is a big step down in price, small step down in features.
 Feature loss:
 Read cache (referring to disk cache, not box memory).
 We rarely read the same thing twice anyway
 No “phone home” to IBM (auto paging)
 Mean time to failure is higher, but still acceptable
Performance Monitoring & Tuning
 Err on the side of freedom and empowerment
 How much harm can really be done?
 We’d rather not constrain our customers
 “Pounding queries” do find
their way to production
 Opportunity to educate users
 Opportunity for us to tune
underlying structures
The Focus Areas
 Indexing
 Well-defined criteria for when and how to apply indexes
 Is this a lost art?
 Big use of BITMAPS
 Composite index trick (acts like a table)
 Partitioning for performance, rather than data management
 Exploiting Oracle’s Direct Path INSERT feature
 Avoiding UPDATE and DELETE commands
 Copy with MINUS instead
 Implementing Oracle's Parallel Query
 Turn off referential integrity in the DW.. no brainer
 That’s the job of the source system
DW Monitoring:
Empowering End Users
 Motive
 Too many calls from end users about their
 “Please kill it.”
 “Is it still running or is my PC locked up?”
 “Why is the DW so slow?”
 Give them the insight and tools
 Give them the ability to kill their own
 Still in the works
The Insight
Tracking Long-Running Queries
 We use Pinecone (from Ambeo) to monitor
the duration of all queries and the SQL
 Each week, we look at the top few
 Typical outcome?
 We’ll add indexes
 We’ll denormalize
 We'll contact the user
and assist them with
writing a better query
The DW Sandbox
 More empowerment for customers
 Motive
 Lots of little MS
 Access databases
(with valuable data) spread
all over the place
 Needed to be joined
with DW data
 Costly to maintain
 PC hogs
 Solution
 Provide customers with their own “sandbox” on the DW,
with DBA-like priv’s
 Web based tool for creating tables and
loading MS Access data to the DW
 Simple, easy to use interface
 Privileges
 Users have full rights to the
tables they create
 Can grant rights to others
 Big, big victory for customer
service and data “maturity”
 10% of DW customers use the
 About 600 tables in use now
 About 2G of data
Design-Build Best Practices
 Build vertically, design horizontally
 Start by building data marts that address analytic
needs in one area of the business with a fairly
limited data set
 But, design with the horizontal needs of the
company in mind, so that you will eventually “tie”
all of these vertical data marts together with a
common semantic layer
Creating Value In Both Axes
For Example…
An Integrated Reporting Model of Cancer Patient’s Data
Oncology Data Integration Strategy
Top down reporting
requirements and
data model
Disparate Sources “connected” semantically to the data bus
The Logic Layer in Data Warehouses
ETL Process Data
Data Layer Logic Layer
Analytic Systems
Transaction Systems
HereNot Here
Evidence of Business Process Alignment
1. Map out your high level business process
 Don’t fall prey to analysis paralysis with endless business
process modeling diagrams!
1. Identify and associate the transaction systems that support
those processes
2. Identify the common, overlapping semantics/data attributes
and their utilization rates
3. Build your data marts within an enterprise framework
that is aligned with the processes
you are trying to understand
For example…
DiagnosisHealth Need
Results &
Episode of Care
ProcessingHealthcare business process
Supported by non-integrated data in Transaction Systems…
Integrated in the Data
Event Correlation
 A leading edge Best Practice
 The third dimension to rows and columns
 Overlays the data that underlies a report or
 “In 2004, we experienced a drop in revenue
as a result of the earthquake that destroyed
our plant in the Philippines.”
 “In January of 2005, we saw a spike in the
North America market for snow shovel sales
that coincided with an increase in sales for
pain relievers. This correlates to the record
snowfall in that region and should not be
considered a trend. Barring major product
innovation, we consider the market for snow
shovels in this area as saturated. Sales will be
slow for the next several years.”
Standardizing Semantics
 Sweet irony are the many synonyms for “standard
 Data dictionary
 Vocabulary
 Dimensions
 Data elements
 Data attributes
 The bottom line issue: Standardizing the terms you
use to describe key facts about your business
Standardizing “Names of Things”
 You better do it within the first two months of your
data warehouse project
 If you are beyond that point, you better stop and do it now,
lest you pay a bigger price later
 Don’t…
 Push the standard on the source systems, unless it’s easy
to accomplish
 This was one of the common pitfalls of early data
warehousing project failures
 Try to standardize everything under
the sun!
 Focus on the high value facts
Where Are The “High Value” Semantics?
In the high-overlap, high-utilization areas…
System X
System Y
System Z
Highest value
area for
Another Perspective
Semantic Utilization
The Standard Semantic “Layer”
Systems Extract, Transform, Load
Semantic Standards
Data Modeling
 Star schemas are great and simple, but they aren’t
the end-all, be-all of analytic data modeling
 Best practices: Do what makes sense– don’t be a schema
 I’ve seen great analytic value from 3NF models
 Maintain data familiarity for your customers
 When meeting vertical needs
 Don’t make massive changes to the way the model looks
and feels, nor the naming conventions– you will alienate
existing users of the data
 Use views to achieve “new” or standards-compliant
perspectives on data
 When meeting horizontal needs
For Example…
Source perspective
DW perspective
Similar names
& organization
Vertical data customer
Horizontal data customer
“Standardized” view
The Case For Timely Updates
Data Age
Today 1 year 2 years
Generally, to minimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), your update frequency
should be no greater than the decision making cycle associated with the data.
But… everyone wants more timely data.
Best Practice: Measure Yourself
 Employee satisfaction
 Customer satisfaction
 Average number of
 Number of queries above a
threshold (30 minutes?)
 Average query response time
 Total number of records
 Total number of query-able
 Total number of query-able
 Number of “users”
 Average rows delivered per
 Storage utilization
 CPU utilization
 Downtime per month by data
The Data Warehouse Dashboard
Other Best Practices
 The Data Warehouse Information
Systems Team reports to the CIO
 Most data analysts can and probably
should report to the business units
 Change management/service level
agreements with the source systems
 No changes in the sources systems
unless they are coordinated with the data
warehouse team
More Best Practices
 Skills of the Data Warehouse IS Team
 Experienced chief architect/project manager
 Procedural/script programmers
 SQL/declarative programmers
 Data warehouse storage management architects
 Data warehouse hardware architects and system
 Data architects/modelers
 DBAs
More Best Practices
 Evidence of project collaboration
 A cross section of members and expertise from the data
warehouse IS team
 Statisticians and data analysts who understand the
business domain
 A customer that understands the process(es) being
measured and can influence change
 A data steward– usually someone from the front lines who
knows how the data is collected
Project = complex reports or a data mart
More Best Practices
 When at all possible, always extract as close
to the source as possible
Copy A
Copy B
Best Practice Path
The Most Popular Authors
 I appreciate…
 The interest they stir
 The vocabulary– semantics– of this new specialty that they helped
 The downside…
 The buzzwords that are more buzz than substance
 “Corporate Information Factories”
 Endless, meaningless debate
 “That’s not an Operational Data Store!”
 “Do you follow Kimball or Inmon?”
 Follow your own common sense
 Most of these authors have not had to build a data warehouse from
scratch and live with their decisions through a complete lifecycle
ETL Operations
 Besides the cultural risks and challenges, the riskiest part of a
data warehouse…
 Good book
 Westerman, WalMart Data Warehousing
 The Extract, Transform, and Load
 Worthy of it’s own “Best Practices” discussion
 Suffice to say, mitigate risks in this area carefully and deliberately
 The major design errors don’t show up until late in the lifecycle,
when the cost of repair is great
Two Essential ETL Functions
 Initial loads
 How far back do we go in history?
 Maintenance loads
 Differential loads or total refresh?
 How often?
 You will run and tune these processes several times
before you go into production
 How many records are we dealing with?
 How long will this take to run?
 What’s the impact on the source system performance?
Maintenance Loads
 Total refresh vs. Incremental loads
 Total refresh: Truncate and reload everything from the
source system
 Incremental: Load only the new and updated records
 For small data sets, a total refresh strategy is the
easiest to implement
 How do you define “small”? You will know it when don’t
see it.
 Sometimes the fastest strategy when you are trying to
show quick results
 Grab and go…
Incremental Loads
 How do we get a snapshot of the data that
has changed since the last load?
 Many source systems will have an existing log file
of some kind
 Take advantage of these when you can,
otherwise incremental loads can be complicated
File Transfer Formats
Design your extract so that it uses…
 Fixed, predetermined length for all records and fields
 Avoid variable length if at all possible
 A unique character that separates each field in a record, such as ~
 A standard format for header records across all source systems
 Such as the first three records in each file
 Include name of source system,
file, and record count and
number of fields in the
 This will be handy for
monitoring jobs and
collecting load metadata
Benefits of Standard
File Transfer Format
 Compatible with standard database and operating system utilities
 Dynamically create initial and maintenance load scripts
 Read the table definitions (DDL) then merge that with the
standard transfer file format
 Dynamically generate load monitoring data
 Read the header row, insert that into a
“Load Status” table with status “Running”,
# of records, start time
 At EOF, change status to “Complete” and
capture end of load time
 I wish I would have thought about this topic
more, and earlier in my career
Westerman Makes A Good Point
 My experience: ETL is the least tasteful and
productive use of a veteran EDW Team member, so
I like Westerman’s insight on this topic
 If you design for
instantaneous updates
from the beginning, it
translates to less ETL
maintenance and labor
time for the EDW staff,
Messaging Applied to ETL
 Basic concepts
 Use a load message queue for records that need to be updated, coming
from the source systems
 When the EDW analytical processing workload is low (off-peak), pick the
next message off the load queue and load the data
 Run this in parallel so that you can process several load messages at
the same time while you have a window of opportunity
 Sometimes called “throttling”
 Speed up and slow down based upon traffic conditions
 Motive behind the concept
 Continuous updates in a mixed
workload environment
 Mixed: Analytical processing at the
same time as transaction oriented,
constant updates, deletes, inserts
ETL Message Queue
ETL Message Queue
Workload and
EDW Production Tables
Four Data Maintenance
 Initial load
 Loading into an empty table
 Append load
 Update process
 Delete process
 As much as practical, use your database utilities for these
 Study and know your database utilities for data warehousing;
they are getting better all the time
 I see some bad strategies in this area-- companies spending
time building their own utilities…aye cucumber!
A Few Planning Thoughts
 Understand the percentage of records
that will be updated, deleted, or inserted
 You’ll probably develop a different
process for 90% inserts vs. 90%
 Logging
 In general, turn logging off during the processes, if logging was
on at all
 Field vs. Record level updates
 Some folks, in the interest of purity, will build complex update
processes for passing only field (attribute) level changes
 No brainer: Pass the whole record
Initial Load
 Every table will, at some time, require an
initial load
 For some tables, it will be the best choice for data
 Total data refresh
 Best for “small” tables
 Simple process to implement
 Simply delete (or truncate) and reload with fresh
A Better Initial Load Process
 Background load
 Safer– protects against corrupt files
 Higher availability to customers
 Three or four steps… maybe 6?
1. Create a temporary table
2. Load the temporary table
3. Run quality checks
4. Rename the temporary table to the production table name
5. Delete the old table
6. Regrant rights, if necessary
 Westerman: “You want to use as many initial load processes as
 I agree!
Append Load
 For larger tables that accumulate historical
 There are no updates, just appends
 A hard fact that will not change
 Example
 Sales that are closed
 Lab results
Append Load Options
 Load a single part of a table
 Load a partition and ‘attach’ it to the table
 Create a new, empty partition
 Load the new records
 Attach the partition to the table
 Look to use the “LOAD APPEND” command
in your database
Another Append Option
1. Create a temp table identical to the one you
are loading
2. Load the new records into the empty temp
1. Delete the temp table
Update Process
 The most difficult and risky to build
 Use this process only if the tables are too large for a
complete refresh, “Initial Load” process
 Updates affect data that changes over time
 Like Purchase Orders, hospital transactions, etc.
 Medical records, if you treat the data maintenance at the
macroscopic level
Update Process Options
 Simple process
1. Separate the affected records into an update file, insert file, or
delete file
 Do this on the source system, if possible
1. Transfer the files to the data warehouse staging area
2. Create and run two processes
– A delete process for deleting the records in the production table
that need updated or deleted
– An insert process for inserting the entirely new “updated” record
into the production table, as well as the true inserts
Simple, but typically not very fast
Updated records
Deleted records
New records
Source System
EDW Staging Area
Delete Process
Insert Process
Production Table1
1. Delete Process identifies records for
deletion from the Production Table
based upon contents of the
Updates file.
2. Delete Process identifies records for
deletion from the Production Table
based upon contents of the
Deletes file.
3. Delete process deletes records
from Production Table.
4. Insert Process identifies records for
insert to the Production Table
based upon contents of the
Updates file.
5. Insert Process identifies records for
insert to the Production Table
based upon contents of the Inserts
6. Insert Process inserts records into
the Production Table.
When You Are Unsure
 Sometimes, source system log and audit files make
it difficult to know if a record was updated or
inserted (i.e. created)
 Try this…
1. Load the records into a temp table that is
identical to the production table to be updated
2. Delete corresponding records from the
production table
DELETE FROM prod_table WHERE key_field
IN (SELECT temp_key_field FROM temp_table)
3. Insert all the records from the temp table into
the production table
Most databases now support this with an UPSERT
Massive Deletes
 Just as with Updates and Inserts, the number of Deletes you
have to manage is inversely proportional to the frequency of your
ETL processes
 Infrequent ETL Massive data operations
 Partitions work well for this, again
 E.g., keeping a 5 year window of data
 Insert most recent year with a partition
 Delete the last year’s partition
 Blazing fast!
1 2 3 4 5
Delete partition
Insert partition
“Raw” Data Standards for ETL
 Makes the process of communicating with your source system
partners much easier
 Data type (e.g., format for date time stamps)
 File formats (ASCII vs. EBCDIC)
 Header records
 Control characters
 Rule of thumb
 Never transfer data at the binary level unless you are transferring
between binary compatible computer systems
 Use only text-displayable characters
 Less rework time vs. Less storage space and faster transfer speed
 Storage and CPU time are cheap compared to labor
Last Thought…Indexing Strategies
 Define these early, practice them
religiously, use them extensively
 This is “Database Design 101”
 Don’t fall prey to this most common
performance problem!
My Thanks
 For being invited…
 For your time and attention
 For the many folks who have worked for and with
me over the years that made me look better as a
 Please contact me if you have any questions
 PH: 312-695-8618

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Data Warehousing History and Best Practices

  • 1. Data Warehousing A Look Back, Moving Forward Dale Sanders June 2005
  • 2. 2 Introduction & Warnings  Why am I here?  Teach  Stimulate some thought  Share some of my experiences and lessons  Learn  From you, please…  Ask questions, challenge opinions, share your knowledge  I’ll do my best to live up to my end of the bargain  Warnings  The pictures in this presentation  May or may not have any relevance whatsoever to the topic or slide  Mostly intended to break up the monotony
  • 3. 3 Expectation Management  DW Strengths (according to others)  I know what not to do as much as I know what to do  Seen and made all the big mistakes  Vision, strategy, system architecture, data management & DW modeling, complex cultural issues, “leapfrog” problem solving  What not to expect: DW weaknesses  My programming skills suck  Haven’t written a decent line of code in four years!  Some might say it’s been 24 years…   Knowledge of leading products is very rusty  Though I’m beefing up on Microsoft and Cognos Within these expectations, make no mistake about it… I know data warehousing 
  • 4. 4 Today’s Discussions  I am a good “Idea Guy”  But, ideas are worthless without someone to implement and enhance them  Steve Barlow, Dan Lidgard, Jon Despain, Chuck Lyon, Laure Shull, Kris Mitchell, Peter Hess, Ron Gault, Rob Carpenter, my wife, and many others  My greatest strength and blessing  The ability to recognize, listen to, and hold onto good people  Knock on wood  My achievements in personal and professional life  More a function of those around me than a reflection on me
  • 5. 5 DW Best Practices: The Most Important Metrics  Employee satisfaction  Without it, long-term customer satisfaction is impossible  Customer satisfaction  That’s the nature of the Information Services career field  Some people in our profession still don’t get it  We are here to serve  The Organizational Laugh Metric  How many times do you hear laughter in the day-to-day operations of your team?  It is the single most important vital sign to organizational health and business success
  • 6. 6 My Background  Three, eight-year chapters  Captain, Information Systems Engineer, US Air Force  Nuclear warfare battle management  Force status data integration  Intelligence and attack warning data “fusion”  Consultant in several industries  TRW  CIA Data Center  TRW Credit Reporting Data Base  National Security Agency (NSA)  Intel: New Mexico Data Repository (NMDR)  Air Force  Integrated Minuteman Data Base (IMDB)  Peacekeeper Information Retrieval System (PIRS)  Many others…  Healthcare  Intermountain Health Care Enterprise Data Warehouse  Consultant to other healthcare organizations’ data warehouses  Now at Northwestern University Medical System
  • 7. 7 Overview  Data warehousing history  According to Sanders  Why and how did this become a sub-specialty in information systems?  What have we learned so far?  My take on “Best Practices”  Key lessons-learned  My thoughts on the most popular authors in the field  What they contribute, where they detract
  • 8. 8 Data Warehousing History “Newspaper Rock” 100 B.C. American Retail 2005 A.D. Lots of stuff happened
  • 9. 9 What Happened in the Cloud?  Stage 1: Laziness  Operators grew tired of hanging tapes  In response to requests for historical financial data  They stored data on-line, in “unauthorized” mainframe databases  Stage 2: End of the mainframe bully  Computing moved out from finance to the rest of the business  Unix and relational databases  Distributed computing created islands of information  Stage 2.1: The government gets involved  Consolidating IRS and military databases to save money on mainframes  “Hey, look what I can do with this data…”  Stage 3: Demming comes along  Push towards constant business “reengineering”  Cultural emphasis on “continuous quality improvement” and “business innovation” drives the need for data  Stage 4: Data warehousing has it’s own language  Ralph Kimball publishes “The Data Warehouse Toolkit”
  • 10. 10 The Real Truth  Data warehousing is a symptom of a problem  Technological inability to deploy single-platform information systems that:  Capture data once and reuse it throughout an enterprise  Support high-transaction rates (single record CREATE, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE) and analytic queries on the same computing platform, with the same data, at the same time  Someday, maybe we will address the root cause  Until then, it’s a good way to make a living
  • 11. 11 The “Ideal Library” Practice  Stores all of the books and other reference material you need to conduct your research  The Enterprise data warehouse  A single place to visit  One database environment  Contents are kept current and refreshed  Timely, well choreographed data loads  Staffed with friendly, knowledgeable people that can help you find your way around  Your Data Warehouse team  Organized for easy navigation and use  Metadata  Data models  “User friendly” naming conventions
  • 12. 12 Cultural Detractors The two biggies…  The business supported by the data warehouse must be motivated by a desire for constant improvement and fact-based decision making  The data warehouse team falls victim to the “Politics of Data”  Through naivety  Through misguided motives, themselves
  • 13. 13 Business Culture  Does your CEO…  Talk about constant improvement, constantly?  Drive corporate goals that are SMART?  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Tangible  Crave data to make better informed decisions?  Become visibly, buoyantly excited at a demo for a data cube?  If so, the success of your data warehouse is right around the corner… sort of… I love data!
  • 14. 14 Political Best Practices  You will be called a “data thief”  Get used to it  Encourage life cycle ownership of the OLTP data, even in the EDW  You will be called “dangerous”  “You don’t understand our data!”  OLTP owners know their data better than you do– acknowledge it and leverage it  You will be blamed for poor data quality in the OLTP systems  This is a natural reaction  Data warehouses raise the visibility of poor data quality  Use the EDW as a tool for raising overall data quality  You will be called a “job robber”  EDW is perceived as a replacement for OLTP systems  Educate people: The EDW depends on OLTP systems for its existence  Stick to your values and pure motives  The politics will fade away
  • 15. 15 Data Quality  Pitfall  Taking accountability for data quality on the source system  Spending gobs of time and money “cleansing” data before it’s loaded into the DW  It’s a never ending, never win battle  You will always be one step behind data quality  You will always be in the cross-hairs of blame  Best Practice  Push accountability where it belongs– to the source system  Use the data warehouse as a tool to reveal data quality, either good or bad  Be prepared to weather the initial storm of blame
  • 16. 16 Measuring Data Quality  Data Quality = Completeness x Validity  Can it be measured objectively?  Measuring “Completeness”  Number of null values in a column  Measuring “Validity”  Cardinality is a simple way to measure validity  “We only have four standard regions in the business, but we have 18 distinct values in the region column.”
  • 17. 17 Business Validity  How can you measure it? You can’t…  “I collect this data from our customers, but I have to guess sometimes because I don’t speak Spanish.”  “This data is valid for trend analysis decisions before 9/11/2001, but should not be used after that date, due to changes in security procedures.”  “You can’t use insurance billing and reimbursement data to make clinical, patient care decisions.”  “This customer purchased four copies of ‘Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute’, therefore he loves everything about Zamfir.”  What Amazon didn’t know: I bought them for my mom and her sewing circle. Where do you capture subjective data quality? Metadata….
  • 18. 18 The Importance of Metadata  Maybe the most over-hyped, underserved area of data warehousing common sense  Vendors want to charge you big $$$$$ for their tools  Consultants would like you to think that it’s the Holy Grail in disguise and only they can help you find it  Authors who have never been in an operational environment would have you chasing your tail in pursuit of an esoteric, mythological Metadata Nirvana  Don’t listen to the confusing messages! You know the answer… just listen to your common sense…
  • 19. 19 Metadata: Keep It Simple!  Ultimately, what are the most valuable business motives behind metadata?  Make data more “understandable” to those who are not familiar with it  Data quality issues  Data timeliness and temporal issues  Context in which is was collected  Translating physical names to natural language  Make data more “findable” to those who don’t know where it is  Organize it  Take a lesson from library science and the card catalog
  • 20. 20 Table Elements Required Elements  Long Name (or English name)  Description Semi-optional Elements  Source  Example  Data Steward
  • 21. 21 Column Elements Required Elements  Long Name  Description Optional Elements  Value Range  Data Quality  Associated Lookup
  • 23. 23 Example Metadata Entry LKUP.POSTAL_CD_MASTER Table Long Name: Postal Code Master - IHC Description: Contains Postal (Zip) codes for the IHC referral region and IHC specific descriptions. These descriptions allow for specific IHC groupings used in various analyses. Data Steward: Jim Allred, ext. 3518
  • 25. 25 Some Info Is Free It can be collected from the database. For example:  Primary and Foreign Keys  Indexed Columns  Table Creation Dates
  • 26. 26 Most Valuable Info is Subjective The human element  Most metadata is not automatically collected by tools because it does NOT exist in that form  Interviews with data stewards are the key  It can take months (and months and months) of effort to collect initial metadata.
  • 27. 27 Holding Feet to the Fire  Made data architects responsible for metadata in their subject areas  Metadata completion reports in every staff meeting for a year  Standing rule: No new data marts go live without metadata
  • 28. 28 Is it all worth it? Data analysts think so. “I couldn’t do my job without it.” It will push the ROI of a home-hum DW into the stratosphere It does for DW’ing what the Yellow Pages did for the business ROI of the telephone
  • 29. 29 It Gets Used At Intermountain Health Care  210 web hits on average each week day  (23,000 employees, $2B revenue) Avg Hits by Day of Week (April 2004 - Sep 2004) 189 217 212 240 188 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 MON TUE WED THU FRI
  • 31. 31 Report Quality  A function of…  Data quality  How well does the report reflect the intent behind the question being asked?  “This report doesn’t make sense. I’m trying to find out how many widgets we can produce next year, based on the last four years’ production.”  “That’s not what you asked for.”  SQL and other programming accuracy  Statistical validity– population size of the data  Timeliness of the data relative to the decision  Event Correlation  Best Practice:  An accompanying “meta-report” for every report that involves significant, high risk decisions
  • 32. 32 Meta Report A document, associated with a published report, which defines the report.
  • 33. 33 Repository A central place for storing and sharing information about business reports
  • 34. 34 IHC Analyst Use of Meta Reports 37% 89% 21% 95% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Data Collected Aug-04 N=32 Read Others Search Duplication Search SQL Audience Request
  • 35. 35 Meta Report  Core Elements  Author Information  Report Name  Report Purpose  Data Source(s)  Report Methods  Recommended Elements  Business Owner  Run Frequency  Intended Audience  Statistical Tests  Software Used  Source Code  Formulas  Relevant Issues & Commentary
  • 36. 36 • Title • Location • Author • Owner
  • 37. 37 • Purpose • Frequency • Audience • Data Source(s)
  • 38. 38 • Selection Criteria • Statistics • Software • Source Code • Formulas
  • 40. 40
  • 42. 42 Think: Mission Control  Customized ETL Library  Schedule of operations  Alerting tool  Storage strategies / backups  Development philosophy and environment  Performance—monitoring and tuning Operations Best Practices
  • 43. 43  EDW  Oracle v on AIX 5.2  Storage: IBM SAN (shark), >3T  ETL tools  Ascential’s Data Stage  Kornshell (unix), SQL scripts, PL/SQL scripting  OLAP: MS’ Analysis Services  BI: Business Objects (Crystal Enterprise)  With a Cube presentation layer  Dashboard: Visual Mining’s Net Charts  EDW Team: ~16 FTEs, plus SAs and DBAs IHC Architecture
  • 45. 45  One of our ETL programmers noticed he kept doing the same things over and over for all of his ETL jobs. Rather than copying and pasting this repetitive code, he created a library. Now we all use the ETL Library.  We named the library EDW_UTIL (EDW Utilities) History
  • 46. 46 Implementation  Executes via Oracle stored procedures  Supported by associated tables to hold data when necessary  Error table  QA table  Index table
  • 47. 47 Benefits  Provides standardization  Eliminates code rewrites  Can hide complexities  Such as the appropriate way to analyze and gather statistics on tables  Very accessible to all of our ETL tools  Simply an Oracle stored procedure call
  • 48. 48 Index Management  Past process included:  Dropping the table’s indexes with a script  Loading the table  Creating the indexes with a script  The past process resulted in messy scripts to manage and coordinate
  • 49. 49 Index Management  New process includes:  Capturing a table’s existing indexes metadata  Dropping the table’s indexes with a single procedure call  Loading the table  Recreating the indexes with a single procedure call  There are no more messy scripts to manage and coordinate  No “lost” indexes were neglected when adding to create index script
  • 51. 51 Background Loading of Tables  We often load data into tables which are not accessible to end users. A simple rename puts them into production.  Helps transfer the identical attributes from the live to the background table  Samples  COPY_TABLE_METADATA  TRANSFER_TABLE_PRIVS  DROP_TABLE_INDEXES  CREATE_TABLE_INDEXES (Create on background table, identical to production table)
  • 52. 52 Load Times, Errors, QA  We had no idea who was loading what and when  Each staff member logged in their own way and for their own interest  ETL error capturing and QA was difficult  We can now capture errors and QA information in a somewhat standardized fashion
  • 53. 53 Load Times, Errors, QA Samples  BEGIN_JOB_TIME  (ex: CASEMIX)  BEGIN_LOAD_TIME  (ex: CASEMIX INDEX)  END_LOAD_TIME  END_JOB_TIME  COMPLETE_LOAD_TIME (Begin and end together)  LOAD_TIME_ERROR (Alert on these errors)  LOAD_TIME_METRICS QA (row counts)
  • 54. 54 Miscellaneous Procedures  Hide the “gory” details from the majority of the EDW team  Such as Oracle’s table analyze command  Gives us consistent application of system wide parameters such as:  A new box with a different number of CPUs (parallel slaves) or  A new version of Oracle  We populate some metadata too, such as last load date
  • 55. 55 DW Schedule of Operations  Some loads are adhoc, not scheduled  Users query in an adhoc fashion  We have a minimal service/application tier implemented (loss of control)  Use of a variety of ETL tools  Use of a variety of user categories  DBA, SA, ETL user, end users  Use of a variety of servers  Production EDW, Stage EDW, ETL servers, OLAP servers, Presentation layer servers
  • 56. 56 General Approach  Focus on load jobs against production EDW  Still working on all the reporting aspects (a sample on the next slide)  Pull this information out of the “load times” data captured by these ETL library calls  BEGIN_JOB_TIME  BEGIN_LOAD_TIME  END_LOAD_TIME  END_JOB_TIME  COMPLETE_LOAD_TIME
  • 58. 58 DW Alerting Tool  DW alerting  Aggregate data alerts, such as, your average length of stay just crossed a certain threshold  A simple tool was created which sends a text email, based on existence of data returned from a query  Primarily embraced by DW team members for internal DW operations, not that the original intent is abandoned
  • 59. 59 Features  Web based  Open to all EDW users  Run daily, weekly, every two weeks, monthly, quarterly (wakes every 5 minutes)  This is a passive polling  Ability to enter query in SQL  Alert (email) on 3 situations  Query returns data  Query returns no data  Always
  • 61. 61 Examples  ~100 alerts in use  Live performance check  Every 4 hours—look for inactive sessions holding active slaves  Daily—look for any active sessions older than 72 hours  ETL monitoring; alert only if problem  Alert on errors logged via the ETL_UTIL library (manage by exception)  Alert on existence of “bad” records captured during ETL
  • 62. 62 Storage and Backup  Inherited state of affairs  Running like any OLTP database  High end expensive SANs (storage area networks)  FULL nightly online backups  Out of space? Just buy more
  • 63. 63 Nightmare in the Making  Exponential growth  More data sources  More summary tables  More indexes  No data has yet been purged  Relaxed attitude  Disk is cheap  Reality: Disk management is expensive
  • 64. 64 Looming Crisis  Backups often run 16 hours or more  Performance degradation witnessed by users  Good backups obtained less than 50% of the time  Literally running out of space  Gross underestimating  Some reckless overuse  Financial $$$$ cost  The system administrators (SAs) quadruple the price of disk purchase from the previous budget year. Ouch!  SAs roll in the price of tape drives, etc.
  • 65. 65 Major Changes in Operations  Transfer some disk ownership AND backup responsibilities to DW team, away from SAs and DBAs  EDW team more aware of upcoming space demands  EDW team more in tune with which data sets are easily recreated from the source (don’t need a backup)  Stop performing full daily backups  Move towards less expensive disk option  IBM offers a few levels of SANs
  • 67. 67 Changes to Backup Strategy  Perform full backup once monthly during downtime  Perform no data backup on DEV/STAGE environments  Do backup DDL (all code) daily in all environments  Implement daily “incremental” backup
  • 68. 68 Daily Incremental Backups  Easier said than done  We’ve resorted to a table level backup (in Oracle, that’s an EXPORT)  The EDW team owns which tables are exported  EDW team populates a table, the “export table list” with each table’s export frequency  Populated via an application in development  The DBA’s run an export based on the “export table list”
  • 69. 69 Use Cheaper Disk  General practice: You can take greater risks with DW reliability and availability vs. OLTP systems  Use it to your advantage  Our SAN vendor (IBM) offers a few levels of SANs. Next level down is a big step down in price, small step down in features.  Feature loss:  Read cache (referring to disk cache, not box memory).  We rarely read the same thing twice anyway  No “phone home” to IBM (auto paging)  Mean time to failure is higher, but still acceptable
  • 70. 70 Performance Monitoring & Tuning  Err on the side of freedom and empowerment  How much harm can really be done?  We’d rather not constrain our customers  “Pounding queries” do find their way to production  Opportunity to educate users  Opportunity for us to tune underlying structures
  • 71. 71 The Focus Areas  Indexing  Well-defined criteria for when and how to apply indexes  Is this a lost art?  Big use of BITMAPS  Composite index trick (acts like a table)  Partitioning for performance, rather than data management  Exploiting Oracle’s Direct Path INSERT feature  Avoiding UPDATE and DELETE commands  Copy with MINUS instead  Implementing Oracle's Parallel Query  Turn off referential integrity in the DW.. no brainer  That’s the job of the source system
  • 72. 72 DW Monitoring: Empowering End Users  Motive  Too many calls from end users about their queries  “Please kill it.”  “Is it still running or is my PC locked up?”  “Why is the DW so slow?”  Give them the insight and tools  Give them the ability to kill their own queries  Still in the works
  • 74. 74 Tracking Long-Running Queries  We use Pinecone (from Ambeo) to monitor the duration of all queries and the SQL  Each week, we look at the top few  Typical outcome?  We’ll add indexes  We’ll denormalize  We'll contact the user and assist them with writing a better query
  • 75. 75 The DW Sandbox  More empowerment for customers  Motive  Lots of little MS  Access databases (with valuable data) spread all over the place  Needed to be joined with DW data  Costly to maintain  PC hogs  Solution  Provide customers with their own “sandbox” on the DW, with DBA-like priv’s
  • 76. 76 Features  Web based tool for creating tables and loading MS Access data to the DW  Simple, easy to use interface  Privileges  Users have full rights to the tables they create  Can grant rights to others  Big, big victory for customer service and data “maturity”  10% of DW customers use the Sandbox  About 600 tables in use now  About 2G of data
  • 77. 77 Design-Build Best Practices  Build vertically, design horizontally  Start by building data marts that address analytic needs in one area of the business with a fairly limited data set  But, design with the horizontal needs of the company in mind, so that you will eventually “tie” all of these vertical data marts together with a common semantic layer
  • 78. 78 Creating Value In Both Axes Build Design
  • 79. 79 For Example… CancerRegistry Mammography Radiology Pathology Laboratory ContinuingCare AndFollow-Up QualityofLife Survey Radiation Therapy HealthPlans Claims Ambulatory Casemix AcuteCare Casemix An Integrated Reporting Model of Cancer Patient’s Data Oncology Data Integration Strategy Top down reporting requirements and data model Disparate Sources “connected” semantically to the data bus
  • 80. 80 The Logic Layer in Data Warehouses Source System ETL Process Data Warehouse Reports Data Layer Logic Layer Presentation Layer Analytic Systems Transaction Systems HereNot Here
  • 81. 81 Evidence of Business Process Alignment 1. Map out your high level business process  Don’t fall prey to analysis paralysis with endless business process modeling diagrams! 1. Identify and associate the transaction systems that support those processes 2. Identify the common, overlapping semantics/data attributes and their utilization rates 3. Build your data marts within an enterprise framework that is aligned with the processes you are trying to understand
  • 82. 82 For example… DiagnosisHealth Need Patient Perception Procedure Results & Outcomes Episode of Care AP/AR Claims ProcessingHealthcare business process HELP Lab HPI MC400 SurveyAS400IDX HDMCIS/CDRHNA Supported by non-integrated data in Transaction Systems… Rx Integrated in the Data Warehouse Data Warehouse
  • 83. 83 Event Correlation  A leading edge Best Practice  The third dimension to rows and columns  Overlays the data that underlies a report or graph  “In 2004, we experienced a drop in revenue as a result of the earthquake that destroyed our plant in the Philippines.”  “In January of 2005, we saw a spike in the North America market for snow shovel sales that coincided with an increase in sales for pain relievers. This correlates to the record snowfall in that region and should not be considered a trend. Barring major product innovation, we consider the market for snow shovels in this area as saturated. Sales will be slow for the next several years.”
  • 84. 84 Standardizing Semantics  Sweet irony are the many synonyms for “standard semantics”  Data dictionary  Vocabulary  Dimensions  Data elements  Data attributes  The bottom line issue: Standardizing the terms you use to describe key facts about your business
  • 85. 85 Standardizing “Names of Things”  You better do it within the first two months of your data warehouse project  If you are beyond that point, you better stop and do it now, lest you pay a bigger price later  Don’t…  Push the standard on the source systems, unless it’s easy to accomplish  This was one of the common pitfalls of early data warehousing project failures  Try to standardize everything under the sun!  Focus on the high value facts
  • 86. 86 Where Are The “High Value” Semantics? In the high-overlap, high-utilization areas… Source System X Source System Y Source System Z Highest value area for standardizing semantics
  • 88. 88 The Standard Semantic “Layer” Data Warehouse Source Systems Extract, Transform, Load Semantic Standards
  • 89. 89 Data Modeling  Star schemas are great and simple, but they aren’t the end-all, be-all of analytic data modeling  Best practices: Do what makes sense– don’t be a schema bigot  I’ve seen great analytic value from 3NF models  Maintain data familiarity for your customers  When meeting vertical needs  Don’t make massive changes to the way the model looks and feels, nor the naming conventions– you will alienate existing users of the data  Use views to achieve “new” or standards-compliant perspectives on data  When meeting horizontal needs
  • 90. 90 For Example… Source perspective DW perspective Similar names & organization Vertical data customer Horizontal data customer “Standardized” view
  • 91. 91 The Case For Timely Updates %RequestsforData utilization Data Age 0 100 Today 1 year 2 years Generally, to minimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), your update frequency should be no greater than the decision making cycle associated with the data. But… everyone wants more timely data.
  • 92. 92 Best Practice: Measure Yourself  Employee satisfaction  Customer satisfaction  Average number of queries/month  Number of queries above a threshold (30 minutes?)  Average query response time  Total number of records  Total number of query-able tables  Total number of query-able columns  Number of “users”  Average rows delivered per month  Storage utilization  CPU utilization  Downtime per month by data mart The Data Warehouse Dashboard
  • 93. 93 Other Best Practices  The Data Warehouse Information Systems Team reports to the CIO  Most data analysts can and probably should report to the business units  Change management/service level agreements with the source systems  No changes in the sources systems unless they are coordinated with the data warehouse team
  • 94. 94 More Best Practices  Skills of the Data Warehouse IS Team  Experienced chief architect/project manager  Procedural/script programmers  SQL/declarative programmers  Data warehouse storage management architects  Data warehouse hardware architects and system administrators  Data architects/modelers  DBAs
  • 95. 95 More Best Practices  Evidence of project collaboration  A cross section of members and expertise from the data warehouse IS team  Statisticians and data analysts who understand the business domain  A customer that understands the process(es) being measured and can influence change  A data steward– usually someone from the front lines who knows how the data is collected Project = complex reports or a data mart
  • 96. 96 More Best Practices  When at all possible, always extract as close to the source as possible Primary Source Copy A Copy B Data Warehouse Best Practice Path
  • 97. 97 The Most Popular Authors  I appreciate…  The interest they stir  The vocabulary– semantics– of this new specialty that they helped create  The downside…  The buzzwords that are more buzz than substance  “Corporate Information Factories”  Endless, meaningless debate  “That’s not an Operational Data Store!”  “Do you follow Kimball or Inmon?”  Follow your own common sense  Most of these authors have not had to build a data warehouse from scratch and live with their decisions through a complete lifecycle
  • 98. 98 ETL Operations  Besides the cultural risks and challenges, the riskiest part of a data warehouse…  Good book  Westerman, WalMart Data Warehousing  The Extract, Transform, and Load processes  Worthy of it’s own “Best Practices” discussion  Suffice to say, mitigate risks in this area carefully and deliberately  The major design errors don’t show up until late in the lifecycle, when the cost of repair is great
  • 99. 99 Two Essential ETL Functions  Initial loads  How far back do we go in history?  Maintenance loads  Differential loads or total refresh?  How often?  You will run and tune these processes several times before you go into production  How many records are we dealing with?  How long will this take to run?  What’s the impact on the source system performance?
  • 100. 100 Maintenance Loads  Total refresh vs. Incremental loads  Total refresh: Truncate and reload everything from the source system  Incremental: Load only the new and updated records  For small data sets, a total refresh strategy is the easiest to implement  How do you define “small”? You will know it when don’t see it.  Sometimes the fastest strategy when you are trying to show quick results  Grab and go…
  • 101. 101 Incremental Loads  How do we get a snapshot of the data that has changed since the last load?  Many source systems will have an existing log file of some kind  Take advantage of these when you can, otherwise incremental loads can be complicated
  • 102. 102 File Transfer Formats Design your extract so that it uses…  Fixed, predetermined length for all records and fields  Avoid variable length if at all possible  A unique character that separates each field in a record, such as ~  A standard format for header records across all source systems  Such as the first three records in each file  Include name of source system, file, and record count and number of fields in the record  This will be handy for monitoring jobs and collecting load metadata
  • 103. 103 Benefits of Standard File Transfer Format  Compatible with standard database and operating system utilities  Dynamically create initial and maintenance load scripts  Read the table definitions (DDL) then merge that with the standard transfer file format  Dynamically generate load monitoring data  Read the header row, insert that into a “Load Status” table with status “Running”, # of records, start time  At EOF, change status to “Complete” and capture end of load time  I wish I would have thought about this topic more, and earlier in my career
  • 104. 104 Westerman Makes A Good Point  My experience: ETL is the least tasteful and productive use of a veteran EDW Team member, so I like Westerman’s insight on this topic  If you design for instantaneous updates from the beginning, it translates to less ETL maintenance and labor time for the EDW staff, later
  • 105. 105 Messaging Applied to ETL  Basic concepts  Use a load message queue for records that need to be updated, coming from the source systems  When the EDW analytical processing workload is low (off-peak), pick the next message off the load queue and load the data  Run this in parallel so that you can process several load messages at the same time while you have a window of opportunity  Sometimes called “throttling”  Speed up and slow down based upon traffic conditions  Motive behind the concept  Continuous updates in a mixed workload environment  Mixed: Analytical processing at the same time as transaction oriented, constant updates, deletes, inserts
  • 106. 106 ETL Message Queue Process Source Systems •Updates •Inserts •Deletes ETL Message Queue ETL Manager Database Workload and Performance Metrics EDW Production Tables
  • 107. 107 Four Data Maintenance Processes  Initial load  Loading into an empty table  Append load  Update process  Delete process  As much as practical, use your database utilities for these processes  Study and know your database utilities for data warehousing; they are getting better all the time  I see some bad strategies in this area-- companies spending time building their own utilities…aye cucumber!
  • 108. 108 A Few Planning Thoughts  Understand the percentage of records that will be updated, deleted, or inserted  You’ll probably develop a different process for 90% inserts vs. 90% updates  Logging  In general, turn logging off during the processes, if logging was on at all  Field vs. Record level updates  Some folks, in the interest of purity, will build complex update processes for passing only field (attribute) level changes  No brainer: Pass the whole record
  • 109. 109 Initial Load  Every table will, at some time, require an initial load  For some tables, it will be the best choice for data maintenance  Total data refresh  Best for “small” tables  Simple process to implement  Simply delete (or truncate) and reload with fresh data
  • 110. 110 A Better Initial Load Process  Background load  Safer– protects against corrupt files  Higher availability to customers  Three or four steps… maybe 6? 1. Create a temporary table 2. Load the temporary table 3. Run quality checks 4. Rename the temporary table to the production table name 5. Delete the old table 6. Regrant rights, if necessary  Westerman: “You want to use as many initial load processes as possible.”  I agree!
  • 111. 111 Append Load  For larger tables that accumulate historical data  There are no updates, just appends  A hard fact that will not change  Example  Sales that are closed  Lab results
  • 112. 112 Append Load Options  Load a single part of a table  Load a partition and ‘attach’ it to the table  Create a new, empty partition  Load the new records  Attach the partition to the table  Look to use the “LOAD APPEND” command in your database
  • 113. 113 Another Append Option 1. Create a temp table identical to the one you are loading 2. Load the new records into the empty temp table 3. Issue INSERT/SELECT INSERT INTO Big_Table (SELECT * FROM Temp_Big_Table) 1. Delete the temp table IF # RECORDS IN TEMP IS MUCH < # OF RECORDS IN BIG THEN GOOD TECHNIQUE ELSE NOT GOOD
  • 114. 114 Update Process  The most difficult and risky to build  Use this process only if the tables are too large for a complete refresh, “Initial Load” process  Updates affect data that changes over time  Like Purchase Orders, hospital transactions, etc.  Medical records, if you treat the data maintenance at the macroscopic level
  • 115. 115 Update Process Options  Simple process 1. Separate the affected records into an update file, insert file, or delete file  Do this on the source system, if possible 1. Transfer the files to the data warehouse staging area 2. Create and run two processes – A delete process for deleting the records in the production table that need updated or deleted – An insert process for inserting the entirely new “updated” record into the production table, as well as the true inserts Simple, but typically not very fast
  • 116. 116 Simple Process Updated records Deleted records New records Source System Updates Deletes Inserts EDW Staging Area Delete Process Insert Process EDW Production Table1 2 4 5 6 1. Delete Process identifies records for deletion from the Production Table based upon contents of the Updates file. 2. Delete Process identifies records for deletion from the Production Table based upon contents of the Deletes file. 3. Delete process deletes records from Production Table. 4. Insert Process identifies records for insert to the Production Table based upon contents of the Updates file. 5. Insert Process identifies records for insert to the Production Table based upon contents of the Inserts file. 6. Insert Process inserts records into the Production Table. 3
  • 117. 117 When You Are Unsure  Sometimes, source system log and audit files make it difficult to know if a record was updated or inserted (i.e. created)  Try this… 1. Load the records into a temp table that is identical to the production table to be updated 2. Delete corresponding records from the production table DELETE FROM prod_table WHERE key_field IN (SELECT temp_key_field FROM temp_table) 3. Insert all the records from the temp table into the production table Most databases now support this with an UPSERT
  • 118. 118 Massive Deletes  Just as with Updates and Inserts, the number of Deletes you have to manage is inversely proportional to the frequency of your ETL processes  Infrequent ETL Massive data operations  Partitions work well for this, again  E.g., keeping a 5 year window of data  Insert most recent year with a partition  Delete the last year’s partition  Blazing fast! 1 2 3 4 5 Delete partition Insert partition
  • 119. 119 “Raw” Data Standards for ETL  Makes the process of communicating with your source system partners much easier  Data type (e.g., format for date time stamps)  File formats (ASCII vs. EBCDIC)  Header records  Control characters  Rule of thumb  Never transfer data at the binary level unless you are transferring between binary compatible computer systems  Use only text-displayable characters  Less rework time vs. Less storage space and faster transfer speed  Storage and CPU time are cheap compared to labor
  • 120. 120 Last Thought…Indexing Strategies  Define these early, practice them religiously, use them extensively  This is “Database Design 101”  Don’t fall prey to this most common performance problem!
  • 121. 121 My Thanks  For being invited…  For your time and attention  For the many folks who have worked for and with me over the years that made me look better as a result  Please contact me if you have any questions   PH: 312-695-8618

Editor's Notes

  1. Place students goals in the parking lot.
  2. Briefly explain the objectives for the
  3. ** Allow 45 Minutes for Metadata Transition Statement: After this discussion of relational database concepts, let’s examine the EDW database and some of it’s content.
  4. At the beginning of this module, refer to the glossary of terms found at the end of the documentation before discussing the content — Refer students to glossary when they can’t define a term — Have students mark the glossary with a flag in the documentation — If a term needs an explanation but is not in the glossary, place it in the parking lot as you define it — Encourage students to ask questions if they don’t understand a term — Also write terms in the parking lot when they come up in class
  5. At the beginning of this module, refer to the glossary of terms found at the end of the documentation before discussing the content — Refer students to glossary when they can’t define a term — Have students mark the glossary with a flag in the documentation — If a term needs an explanation but is not in the glossary, place it in the parking lot as you define it — Encourage students to ask questions if they don’t understand a term — Also write terms in the parking lot when they come up in class
  6. At the beginning of this module, refer to the glossary of terms found at the end of the documentation before discussing the content — Refer students to glossary when they can’t define a term — Have students mark the glossary with a flag in the documentation — If a term needs an explanation but is not in the glossary, place it in the parking lot as you define it — Encourage students to ask questions if they don’t understand a term — Also write terms in the parking lot when they come up in class