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Cloud Services Brokerages Add Needed Elements of Trust 
and Oversight to Complex Cloud Deals 
Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on how a cloud services brokerage can help small and 
medium-size businesses make best use of cloud computing. 
Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Duncan, LLC 
Dana Gardner: Hi, this is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and you're 
listening to BriefingsDirect. 
Our discussion today focuses on an essential aspect of helping businesses make 
the best use of cloud computing. 
We're examining the role and value of cloud services brokers with an emphasis 
on small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), regional businesses, and 
government, and looking for the best results from a specialist cloud service 
brokerage role within these different types of organizations. 
Learn more about Todd D. Lyle's book, 
Grounding the Cloud: Basics and Brokerages, 
No two businesses have identical needs, and so specialized requirements need to be factored into 
the use of often commodity-type cloud services. An intermediary brokerage can help companies 
and government agencies make the best use of commodity and targeted clouds and not fall prey 
to replacing an on-premises integration problem with a cloud complexity problem. 
To learn more about the role and value of the specialist cloud services brokerage, we're now 
joined by our panel. Please join me in welcoming Todd Lyle, President of Duncan, LLC, a cloud 
services brokerage in Ohio. Welcome, Todd. 
Todd D. Lyle: Well hello, Dana. It's a pleasure to be here. 
Gardner: We're also here with Kevin Jackson, the Founder and CEO of GovCloud Network in 
Northern Virginia. Welcome, Kevin. 
Kevin L. Jackson: Thank you very much. Looking forward to the discussion. 
Gardner: Let’s start with you, Todd. Tell me little bit about why there's a difference between the 
good part of cloud, which is a commodity set of services, a utility approach to computing, and
the gulf between a company's culture of IT acquisition in the past and what they are going to 
expect? How do we get regular companies to start using new cloud services? 
Lyle: Through education. That’s our first step. The technology is clearly here, the three of us will 
agree. It's been here for quite some time now. The beauty of it is that we're able 
to extract bits and pieces for bundles, much like you get from your cell phone or 
your cable TV folks. You can pull those together through a cloud services 
So brokerage firms will go out and deal with the cloud services providers like 
Amazon, Rackspace, Dell, and those types of organizations. They bring the 
strengths of each of those organizations together and bundle them. Then, the 
consumer gets that on a monthly basis. It's non-CAPEX, meaning there is no 
capital expenditure. 
You're renting these services. So you can expand and contract as necessary. To liken this to a 
utility environment, utility organizations that do electric and do power, you flip the switch on or 
turn the faucet on and off. It’s a metered service. 
That's where you're going to get the largest return on your collective investment when you switch 
from a traditional IT environment on premises, or even a private cloud, to the public cloud and 
utility that this brings. 
Government agencies 
Gardner: Kevin you're involved more with government agencies. They've been using IT for 
an awfully long time. How is the adjustment to cloud for them? Is it easier, is it better, or is it just 
a different type of approach and therefore requires adjustment? 
Jackson: Thank you for bringing that up. Yes, I've been focused on providing advanced IT to the 
federal market and Fortune 500 businesses for quite a while. The advent of cloud 
computing and cloud services brokerages is a double-edged sword. At once, it 
provides a much greater agility with respect to the ability to leverage information 
But, at the same time, it brings a much greater amount of responsibility, because 
cloud service providers have a broad range of capabilities. That broad range has 
to be matched against the range of requirements within an enterprise, and that 
drives a change in the management style of IT professionals. You're going more 
from your implementation skills to a management of IT skills. This is a great transition across IT, 
and is something that cloud services brokerages can really aid. 
Gardner: Todd, it sounds as if we're moving this from an implementation and a technology skill 
set into more of a procurement, governance, contracts, and creating the right service-level
agreements (SLAs). These are, I think, new skills for many businesses. How is that coaching 
aspect of a cloud service’s brokerage coming out in the market? Is that something you are seeing 
a lot of demand for? 
Lyle: It’s customer service, plain and simple, and we hear about it all the time, but we also pass it 
off all the time. You have to be accessible. If you're a 69-year-old business owner and embracing 
a technology from your demographic, it’s going to be different than if you are 23 years old in the 
approach that you take to that person 
As we all get more tenured, we'll see more adaptability to new technologies in a workplace, but 
that’s a while out. That's the 35 and younger crowd. If you go to 35 and above, it's what Kevin 
mentioned -- changing the culture, changing the way things are procured within those cultures, 
and also centralizing command. That’s where the brokerage or the exchange comes into place for 
this. Did I answer your question? 
Gardner: Yes. One of the things that’s interesting to me is that a lot of companies are now 
looking at this as not just as a way of switching from one type of IT, say a server under a desk, to 
another type of IT, a server in a cloud. 
It’s forcing companies to reevaluate how they do business and think of themselves as a process-management 
function, regardless of where the services reside. This also requires more than just 
how to write a contract. It's really how to do business transformation at a certain level. 
Does that play into the cloud services brokerage? Do you find yourselves coaching companies on 
business management? 
Jackson: Absolutely. One of the things cloud services is bringing to the forefront is the rapidity 
of change. We're going from an environment where organizations expect a homogenous IT 
platform to where hybrid IT is really the norm. Change management is a key aspect of being able 
to have an organization take on change as a normal aspect of their business. 
This is also driving business models. The more effective business models today are taking 
advantage of the parallel and global nature of cloud computing. This requires experience, and 
cloud services brokerages have the experience of dealing with different providers, different 
technologies, and different business models. This is where they provide a tremendous amount of 
Different types of services 
Gardner: Todd, this notion of being a change agent also raises the notion that we're not just 
talking about one type of cloud service. We're talking about software as a service (SaaS), 
bringing communications applications like e-mail and calendar into a web or mobile 
environment. We're talking about platform as a service (PaaS), if you're doing development.
We're talking about even some analytics nowadays, as people try to think about how to use big 
data and business intelligence (BI) in the cloud. 
Tell me a bit more about why being a change agent across these different models and not just a 
cloud implementor or integrator raises the value of this cloud service brokerage role? 
Lyle: It’s a holistic approach. I've been talking to my team lately about being the Dale Carnegie 
of the cloud hence the specialist cloud services brokerage because it really does come down to 
In a book that I've recently written called ‘Grounding the Cloud, Basics and Brokerages,’ I talk 
about the human element. That's the personalities, expectations, and abilities of your workforce, 
not only your present workforce but your future workforce, which we discussed just a moment 
ago, as far as demographics were concerned. 
It's constant change. Kevin said it, using a different term, but that's the world we live in. Some 
schools are doing this, where they're adding this to their MBA program. It is a common set of 
skills that you must have and it's managing personalities more than you're managing technology 
in my opinion. 
Gardner: Tell me a bit more about this book, Todd, it’s called ‘Grounding the Cloud.' When is it 
available and how can people learn more about it? 
Lyle: It’s available now on Amazon, and they can find out at This 
is a layman’s introduction to cloud computing and it helps business men and women get a better 
understanding of the cloud and how they could best maximize their time and their money, as it 
associates to their IT needs. 
Gardner: Does the book get into this concept of the specialist cloud services brokerage, as 
opposed to just a general brokerage, and what is the difference? 
Lyle: That’s an excellent question, Dana. There are a lot of perceptions, you have one as well, of 
what a cloud services brokerage is. But, at the end of the day, and we've been talking about this 
in the entire discussion, it's about the human element, our personalities, and how to make these 
changes so that the companies actually can speed up. 
We discuss it here in the "flyover country," in Ohio. We meet with Cleveland State University. 
We meet with Allen Black Enterprises, and then with a small landscaping company to 
demonstrate how the cloud is being applied from 6 and 7 users, all the way up to 25,000 users. 
And we're doing it here, where things tend to take a couple of years to change, and that’s what’s 
User advocate 
Gardner: How is a cloud services brokerage different from a systems integrator? It seems as if 
there's some commonality. But it almost seems like you are not just channeled, that you are really 
as much an advocate for the user, and not so much an advocate for the vendor, or do I have that 
Lyle: A specialist cloud services brokerage is going to be more like Underwriters Laboratories 
(UL). It’s going to go out, field all the different flavors that are available, pick what they feel is 
best, and bring it together in a bundle. Then, it works with the entity to adapt to the culture and 
the change that's going to have to occur and the education within their particular businesses, as 
opposed to a very high-level vertical, where some things are just pushed out at an enterprise 
Jackson: I see this cloud services brokerage and specialist cloud services brokerage as the new-age 
system integrator, because there are additional capabilities that are offered. 
For example, you need a trusted third-party to monitor and report on adherence to SLAs. The 
provider is not going to do that. That’s a role for your cloud services brokerage. Also you need to 
maintain viable options for alternative cloud-service providers. The cloud services brokerage will 
identify your options and give you choices, should you need the change. A specialist cloud 
services brokerage also helps to ensure portability of your business process and data from one 
cloud service provider to another. 
Management of change is more than a single aspect within the organization. It’s how to adapt 
with constant change and make sure that your enterprise has options and doesn't get locked into a 
single vendor. 
Lyle: It comes to the point, Kevin, of building for constant change. You're exactly right. 
Gardner: You raise an interesting point too, Kevin, that you shouldn’t get lulled into thinking 
that we'll just make a move to the cloud, and it will all be done. This is going to be a constant set 
of moves, a journey, and you're going to want to avail yourself of the marketplace that’s 
We're seeing prices driven down. We're seeing competition among commodity-level cloud 
services. I expect we'll see other kinds of market forces at work. You want to be agile and be able 
to take advantage of that in your total cost of computing. Actually, I think that's going to take 
quite a dip over the next several years because of that. 
Jackson: There's a broad range of providers in the marketplace, and that range expands daily. 
Similarly, there's a large range of requirements within any enterprise of any size. Brokers act as 
matchmakers, avoiding common mistakes, and also help the organizations, the SMBs in 
particular, implement best practices in their adoption of this new model.
Gardner: Also, when you’ve got a brokerage as your advocate, they're keeping their eye on the 
cloud marketplace, so that you can keep your eye on your business and your vertical. Therefore, 
you're going to need somebody to tip you off when things change and be on the vanguard of that. 
Is that something that comes up in your book, Todd, of the public service brokerage being an 
educated expert in a field where the business really wants to stick to its knitting? 
Primary goal 
Lyle: Absolutely. That’s the primary goal, both at a strategic level, when you're deciding what 
products to use -- the Rackspaces, the Microsofts, the RightSignatures, etc. -- all the way down 
to the tactical one of the daily operation. When I leave the company, how soon can we lock Todd 
out? How soon can we lock him down or lock him out? It becomes a security issue at a very 
granular level. Because it's metered, you turn it off, you turn Todd off, you save his data, and put 
it someplace else. 
That’s a role that, requires command and control and oversight, and that's a responsibility. You're 
part butler. You're looking out for the day-to-day, the minute issues. Then you get up to a very 
high level. You're like UL. You're keeping an eye on everything that’s occurring. UL comes to 
mind because they do things that are tactile and those things that you can't touch, and definitely 
the cloud is something you can’t touch. 
Jackson: Actually, I believe it represents the embracing of a cooperative model of my consumers 
of this information technology, but embracing with open eyes. This is particularly of interest 
within the federal marketplace, because federal procurement executives have to stop their 
adversarial attitude towards industry. Cloud services brokerages and specialist cloud services 
brokerages sit at the same the table with these consumers. 
Learn more about Todd D. Lyle's book, 
Grounding the Cloud: Basics and Brokerages, 
Lyle: Kevin, your point is very well taken. I'll go one step further. We were talking up and down 
the scales, strategic down to the daily operations. One of the challenges that we have to 
overcome is the signatories, the senior executives, that make these decisions. They're in a 
different age group and they're used to doing things a certain way. 
That being said, getting legislation to be changed at the federal level, directives being pushed 
down, will make the difference, because they do know how to take orders. I know I'm speaking 
frankly, but what's going to have to occur for us to see some significant change within the next 
five years is being told how the procurement process is going to happen.
You're taking the feather; I'm taking the stick, but it’s going to take both of those to accomplish 
that task at the federal level. 
Gardner: We know that Duncan, LLC is a specialized cloud services brokerage. Kevin, tell us a 
little bit about the GovCloud Network. What is your organization, and how do you align with 
cloud brokerage? 
Jackson: GovCloud Network is a specialty consultancy that helps organizations modify or 
change their mission and business processes in order to take advantage of this new style of 
system integrator. 
Earlier, I said that the key to transition in a cloud is adopting and adapting to the parallel nature 
and a global nature of cloud computing. This requires a second look at your existing business 
processes and your existing mission processes to do things in different ways. That's what 
GovCloud Network allows. It helps you redesign your business and mission processes for this 
constant change and this new model. 
Notion of governance 
Gardner: I'd like to go back to this notion of governance. It seems to me, Todd, that when you 
have different parts of your company procuring cloud services, sometimes this is referred to as 
shadow IT. They're not doing it in concert, through a gatekeeper like a cloud broker. Not only is 
there a potential redundancy of efforts in labor and work in process, but there is this governance 
and security risk, because one hand doesn’t know what the other hand is doing. 
Let's address this issue about better security from better governance by having a common 
brokerage gatekeeper, rather than having different aspects of your company out buying and using 
cloud services independently, without that unifying factor of how to create the right governance 
policies and management? 
Lyle: We're your trusted adviser. We’re also very much a trusted member of your team when you 
bring us into the fold. We provide oversight. We're big brother, if you want to look at it that way, 
but big brother is important when you are dealing with your business and your business 
resources. You don’t want to leave a window open at night. You certainly don't want to leave 
your network open. 
There's a lot going on in today's world, a lot of transition, the NSA and everything we worry 
about. It's important to have somebody providing command and control. We don’t sit there and 
stare at a monitor all day. We use systems that watch this, but we can tell when there's an 
increase or decrease out of the norm of activities within your organization 
It really doesn't matter how big or how small, there are systems that allow us to monitor this and 
give a heads up. If you're part of a leadership team, you’d be notified that again Todd Lyle has
left an open window. But if you don't know that Todd even has the window, then that’s even a 
bigger concern. That comes down to the leadership again -- how you want to manage your entity. 
We all want to feel free to make decisions, but there are too many benefits available to us, 
transparent benefits, as Kevin put it, to using the cloud and hiding in plain sight, maximizing e-mail 
at 100,000 plus users. Those are all good things but they require oversight. 
It's almost like an aviation model, where you have your ground control and your flight crew. 
Everybody on that team is providing oversight to the other. Ultimately, you have your control 
tower that's watching that, and the control tower, both in the air and on the ground, is your cloud 
services brokerage. 
Jackson: It’s important to understand that cloud computing is the industrialization of 
information technology. You're going from an age where the IT infrastructure is a hand-designed 
and built work of art to where your IT infrastructure is a highly automated assembly-line 
platform that requires real-time monitoring and metering. Your specialist cloud services 
brokerage actually helps you in that transition and operations within this highly automated 
Lyle: Well said, Kevin. 
Gardner: We've talked about this a little bit in the abstract, and it's made a tremendous amount 
of sense to me. A powerful way to cement understanding is to show examples and understand 
what others have gone through. 
I’d like to start with you, Todd. You did mention that you have some examples in your book. I’d 
like to hear in more detail about when someone has used a specialized cloud brokerage attuned to 
their business, their industry, or their vertical. What do they get for it and how has it worked out 
for them? Can you run us through a use case of where this works well? 
Three narratives 
Lyle: Okay, in my book, we have three narratives, as I mentioned earlier. I talk about 
Cleveland State University (CSU) and education because this is what this whole program is 
about, education. It's not offensive -- it's not business, it's not government, it’s education. 
With technology, there are so many options out there today as we’re discussing. It's so exciting, 
but we have to get Iris to change her way of thinking. 
A couple of things occurred at CSU, cementing my theory on demographics and change in 
speaking computing as a first language. CSU switched to Microsoft 365 from onsite Lotus Notes, 
and for anybody who's been on Lotus Notes, it's always been a challenge to use. To get to 365, 
some education had to occur, and some heads-up had to occur.
People need to be involved in the process at some point, and others excluded for business 
reasons, and I don't mean that a bad way. I mentioned Iris, because Iris was a lady who works on 
the third floor of Rhodes Tower at Cleveland State and was very unhappy about losing her 
desktop printer. 
They went from 2,100 printers down to 300 with the help of not only Bill Wilson and the IT 
team, but Xerox. Xerox was able to bring tremendous savings at the granular level, but it took a 
great deal of education and patience, because Iris wasn't happy about losing her printer. She 
wanted to know why Bill Wilson wasn’t going to lose his. 
It really discusses it at a very personal level, because we can all relate to printers and ancillary 
equipment and our way of doing business. It discusses again, on the great Lake Erie, how change 
has occurred and how they were able to address it from a human element perspective, again, Iris. 
What we do as a specialist cloud services brokerage is the human element side of this, making 
sure that people are included in the process, being educated, giving access to communication and 
then being available when the time comes. Make sure you answer that phone for the person who 
needs someone on the phone and make sure that you have the Wiki available and up to date for 
the person who is going to reach out to that Wiki 
Gardner: Kevin, any examples from your vantage point on the role of the cloud services 
brokerage and some concrete ways that it’s helped a specific organization? 
Jackson: Absolutely. About three years ago I responded to a requirement from the National 
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), where they were having issues working with allies with 
respect to exchange of geospatial information and data. Everyone had their maps and everyone 
had their own system for distributing and sharing that, but they didn't work together. The NGA 
wanted to have a more effective and efficient means for exchanging geospatial information. 
So they reached out to the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC) to see if 
this industry organization had any good ideas for addressing this mission-critical requirement. I 
was serving as the head of the cloud-computing working group, and the team came up with an 
idea of using cloud as an inner-space in order to translate different types and formats of 
geospatial information and data amongst the participants. 
Brokered platform 
We did this by use of a brokered cloud platform that came to be known as the Geospatial 
Community Cloud. The cloud services brokerage acted as an intermediary to allow for a real-time 
change or identification of capabilities for geospatial interoperability. It's a very successful 
The Recovery, Accountability, and Transparency Board also leveraged a cloud services 
brokerage paradigm when they were required to stand up very quickly to manage their hundreds
of billions of dollars during the financial crisis. The CIO there, Shawn Kingsberry, knew that he 
wouldn't be able to respond to the requirements of monitoring, metering, and managing these 
large sums of money without an IT infrastructure. 
Instead of taking the traditional acquisition process within the Federal Government, which would 
take years, he instead became a cloud services brokerage for his own agency and adopted 
multiple cloud services. This also was a very successful implementation. So even the Federal 
Government can adopt cloud services brokerage and respond in a very quick and efficient and 
effective manner. 
Gardner: Todd, we spoke earlier about how we're moving from implementation to procurement. 
We've also talked about governance being important, SLAs, and managing a contract across 
variety of different organizations that are providing cloud type services. It seems to me that we're 
talking about financial types of relations. 
How does the cloud services brokerage help the financial people in a company. Maybe it's an 
individual who wears many hats, but you could think of them as akin to a chief financial officer, 
even though that might not be their title? 
What is it that we are doing with the cloud services brokerage that is of a special interest and 
value to the financial people? Is it unified billing or is it one throat to choke? How does that 
Lyle: Both, and then some. Ultimately it's unified billing and unified management from daily 
operations. It's helping people understand that we're moving from a capitalized expense, the 
server, the software, things that are tactile that we are used to touching. We're used to being able 
to count them and we like to see our stuff. 
So it's transitioning and letting go, especially for the people who watch the money. We have a 
fiduciary responsibility to the organizations that we work for. Part of that is communicating, 
educating, and helping the CFO-type person understand the transition not only from the CAPEX 
to the OPEX, because they get that, but also how you're going to correlate it to productivity. 
It's letting them know to be patient. It's going to take a couple months for your metering to level 
up. We have some statistics and we can read into that. It's holding their hand, helping them out. 
That's a very big deal as far as that's concerned. 
Gardner: Let's start to think about how to get started. Obviously, every company is different. 
They're going to be at a different place in terms of maturity, in their own IT, never mind the 
transition to cloud types of activities. Would you recommend the book as a starting point? Do 
you have some other materials or references? How do you help that education process get going. 
I'm thinking about organizations that are really at the very beginning? 
Gateway cloud
Lyle: We've created a gateway cloud in our book, not to confuse the cloud story. Ultimately, we 
have to take in consideration our economy, the world economy today. We're still very slow to 
move forward. 
There are some activities occurring that are forcing us to make change. Our contracts may be 
running out. Software like XP is no longer supported. So we may be forced into making a 
change. That's when it's time to engage a cloud services brokerage or a specialist cloud services 
Go out and buy the book. It's available on Amazon. It gives you a breakdown, and you can do an 
assessment of your organization as it currently is and it will help you map your network. Then, it 
will help you reach out to a cloud services brokerage, if you are so inclined, through points of 
interest for request for proposal or request for information. 
The fun part is, it gives you a recipe using Rackspace, Jungle Disk, and,where 
you get to build a baby cloud. Then, you can go out and play with it. 
You want to begin with three points: file sharing, remote access, and email. You can be the 
lighthouse or you can be a dry-cleaners, but every organization needs file sharing, remote access, 
and email. We open-sourced this recipe or what we call the industrial bundle for small 
It's not daunting. We’ve got some time yet, but I would encourage you to get a handle on where 
your infrastructure is today, digest that information, go out and play with the gateway cloud that 
we've created, and reach out to us if you are so inclined. 
We’d love for you to use one of our organizations, but ultimately know that there are people out 
there to help you. This book was written for us, not for the technical person. It is not in geek 
speak. This is written for the layperson. I've been told it’s entertaining, which is the most 
important part, because you’re going to read it then. 
Jackson: I would urge SMBs to take the plunge. Cloud can be scary to some, but there is very 
little risk and there is much to gain for any SMB. The using, leveraging, taking advantage of the 
cloud gateway that Todd mentioned is a very good, low risk, and high reward path towards the 
Gardner: I would agree with both of what you all said. The notion of a proof of concept and 
dipping your toe in. You don't have to buy it all at once, but find an area of your company where 
you’re going to be forced to make a change anyway and then to your point, Kevin, do it now. 
Take the plunge earlier rather than later. 
Jackson: Before you're forced.
Large changes 
Gardner: Before you’re forced, but you want to look at a tactical benefit and where to work 
towards strategic benefit, but there is going to be some really large changes happening in what 
these cloud providers can do in a fairly short amount of time. 
We're moving from discrete apps into the entire desktop, so a full PC experience as a service. 
That’s going to be very attractive to people. They're going to need to make some changes to get 
there. But rather than thinking about services discreetly, more and more of what they're looking 
for is going to be coming as the entire desktop experience and more analytics capabilities mixed 
into that. So I am glad to hear you both thinking how to do it, managed at a proof-of-concept 
level, but I would say do it sooner rather than later. 
We're about out of time. I'm afraid we have to leave it there. You've been listening to a sponsored 
BriefingsDirect discussion on helping businesses make the best use of cloud computing, and 
we've seen how the role and value of a cloud services brokerage brokerage with an emphasis 
across the different types of businesses, whether it's small to medium, regional, government, 
specializing with a brokerage that's attuned to your area, this makes a tremendous amount of 
This is going to help companies and government agencies make the best use of the commodity 
and targeted-cloud services, but not fall prey to replacing on-premises integration problems with 
a cloud complexity and management problem. 
So a huge thank you to our guests. We've been here with Todd Lyle, the President of Duncan, 
LLC, a cloud services brokerage in Ohio. Thank you Todd. 
Lyle: You're welcome. Thanks for having me, Dana. 
Learn more about Todd D. Lyle's book, 
Grounding the Cloud: Basics and Brokerages, 
Gardner: And thanks also to Kevin Jackson, the Founder and CEO of GovCloud Network in 
Northern Virginia. Thanks, Kevin. 
Jackson: It’s been my pleasure. Thank you. 
Gardner: And also a huge thank you to our audience for joining. This is Dana Gardner, Principal 
Analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Thanks again for being with us, and don't forget to come back 
next time.
Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Duncan, LLC 
Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on how a cloud services brokerage can help small and 
medium-size businesses make best use of cloud computing. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 
2005-2014. All rights reserved. 
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Cloud Services Brokerages Add Needed Elements of Trust and Oversight to Complex Cloud Deals

  • 1. Cloud Services Brokerages Add Needed Elements of Trust and Oversight to Complex Cloud Deals Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on how a cloud services brokerage can help small and medium-size businesses make best use of cloud computing. Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Duncan, LLC Dana Gardner: Hi, this is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and you're listening to BriefingsDirect. Our discussion today focuses on an essential aspect of helping businesses make the best use of cloud computing. We're examining the role and value of cloud services brokers with an emphasis on small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), regional businesses, and government, and looking for the best results from a specialist cloud service Gardner brokerage role within these different types of organizations. Learn more about Todd D. Lyle's book, Grounding the Cloud: Basics and Brokerages, at No two businesses have identical needs, and so specialized requirements need to be factored into the use of often commodity-type cloud services. An intermediary brokerage can help companies and government agencies make the best use of commodity and targeted clouds and not fall prey to replacing an on-premises integration problem with a cloud complexity problem. To learn more about the role and value of the specialist cloud services brokerage, we're now joined by our panel. Please join me in welcoming Todd Lyle, President of Duncan, LLC, a cloud services brokerage in Ohio. Welcome, Todd. Todd D. Lyle: Well hello, Dana. It's a pleasure to be here. Gardner: We're also here with Kevin Jackson, the Founder and CEO of GovCloud Network in Northern Virginia. Welcome, Kevin. Kevin L. Jackson: Thank you very much. Looking forward to the discussion. Gardner: Let’s start with you, Todd. Tell me little bit about why there's a difference between the good part of cloud, which is a commodity set of services, a utility approach to computing, and
  • 2. the gulf between a company's culture of IT acquisition in the past and what they are going to expect? How do we get regular companies to start using new cloud services? Lyle: Through education. That’s our first step. The technology is clearly here, the three of us will agree. It's been here for quite some time now. The beauty of it is that we're able to extract bits and pieces for bundles, much like you get from your cell phone or your cable TV folks. You can pull those together through a cloud services brokerage. So brokerage firms will go out and deal with the cloud services providers like Amazon, Rackspace, Dell, and those types of organizations. They bring the strengths of each of those organizations together and bundle them. Then, the consumer gets that on a monthly basis. It's non-CAPEX, meaning there is no Lyle capital expenditure. You're renting these services. So you can expand and contract as necessary. To liken this to a utility environment, utility organizations that do electric and do power, you flip the switch on or turn the faucet on and off. It’s a metered service. That's where you're going to get the largest return on your collective investment when you switch from a traditional IT environment on premises, or even a private cloud, to the public cloud and utility that this brings. Government agencies Gardner: Kevin you're involved more with government agencies. They've been using IT for an awfully long time. How is the adjustment to cloud for them? Is it easier, is it better, or is it just a different type of approach and therefore requires adjustment? Jackson: Thank you for bringing that up. Yes, I've been focused on providing advanced IT to the federal market and Fortune 500 businesses for quite a while. The advent of cloud computing and cloud services brokerages is a double-edged sword. At once, it provides a much greater agility with respect to the ability to leverage information technology. But, at the same time, it brings a much greater amount of responsibility, because cloud service providers have a broad range of capabilities. That broad range has to be matched against the range of requirements within an enterprise, and that drives a change in the management style of IT professionals. You're going more Jackson from your implementation skills to a management of IT skills. This is a great transition across IT, and is something that cloud services brokerages can really aid. Gardner: Todd, it sounds as if we're moving this from an implementation and a technology skill set into more of a procurement, governance, contracts, and creating the right service-level
  • 3. agreements (SLAs). These are, I think, new skills for many businesses. How is that coaching aspect of a cloud service’s brokerage coming out in the market? Is that something you are seeing a lot of demand for? Lyle: It’s customer service, plain and simple, and we hear about it all the time, but we also pass it off all the time. You have to be accessible. If you're a 69-year-old business owner and embracing a technology from your demographic, it’s going to be different than if you are 23 years old in the approach that you take to that person As we all get more tenured, we'll see more adaptability to new technologies in a workplace, but that’s a while out. That's the 35 and younger crowd. If you go to 35 and above, it's what Kevin mentioned -- changing the culture, changing the way things are procured within those cultures, and also centralizing command. That’s where the brokerage or the exchange comes into place for this. Did I answer your question? Gardner: Yes. One of the things that’s interesting to me is that a lot of companies are now looking at this as not just as a way of switching from one type of IT, say a server under a desk, to another type of IT, a server in a cloud. It’s forcing companies to reevaluate how they do business and think of themselves as a process-management function, regardless of where the services reside. This also requires more than just how to write a contract. It's really how to do business transformation at a certain level. Does that play into the cloud services brokerage? Do you find yourselves coaching companies on business management? Jackson: Absolutely. One of the things cloud services is bringing to the forefront is the rapidity of change. We're going from an environment where organizations expect a homogenous IT platform to where hybrid IT is really the norm. Change management is a key aspect of being able to have an organization take on change as a normal aspect of their business. This is also driving business models. The more effective business models today are taking advantage of the parallel and global nature of cloud computing. This requires experience, and cloud services brokerages have the experience of dealing with different providers, different technologies, and different business models. This is where they provide a tremendous amount of value. Different types of services Gardner: Todd, this notion of being a change agent also raises the notion that we're not just talking about one type of cloud service. We're talking about software as a service (SaaS), bringing communications applications like e-mail and calendar into a web or mobile environment. We're talking about platform as a service (PaaS), if you're doing development.
  • 4. We're talking about even some analytics nowadays, as people try to think about how to use big data and business intelligence (BI) in the cloud. Tell me a bit more about why being a change agent across these different models and not just a cloud implementor or integrator raises the value of this cloud service brokerage role? Lyle: It’s a holistic approach. I've been talking to my team lately about being the Dale Carnegie of the cloud hence the specialist cloud services brokerage because it really does come down to personalities. In a book that I've recently written called ‘Grounding the Cloud, Basics and Brokerages,’ I talk about the human element. That's the personalities, expectations, and abilities of your workforce, not only your present workforce but your future workforce, which we discussed just a moment ago, as far as demographics were concerned. It's constant change. Kevin said it, using a different term, but that's the world we live in. Some schools are doing this, where they're adding this to their MBA program. It is a common set of skills that you must have and it's managing personalities more than you're managing technology in my opinion. Gardner: Tell me a bit more about this book, Todd, it’s called ‘Grounding the Cloud.' When is it available and how can people learn more about it? Lyle: It’s available now on Amazon, and they can find out at This is a layman’s introduction to cloud computing and it helps business men and women get a better understanding of the cloud and how they could best maximize their time and their money, as it associates to their IT needs. Gardner: Does the book get into this concept of the specialist cloud services brokerage, as opposed to just a general brokerage, and what is the difference? Lyle: That’s an excellent question, Dana. There are a lot of perceptions, you have one as well, of what a cloud services brokerage is. But, at the end of the day, and we've been talking about this in the entire discussion, it's about the human element, our personalities, and how to make these changes so that the companies actually can speed up. We discuss it here in the "flyover country," in Ohio. We meet with Cleveland State University. We meet with Allen Black Enterprises, and then with a small landscaping company to demonstrate how the cloud is being applied from 6 and 7 users, all the way up to 25,000 users. And we're doing it here, where things tend to take a couple of years to change, and that’s what’s happening.
  • 5. User advocate Gardner: How is a cloud services brokerage different from a systems integrator? It seems as if there's some commonality. But it almost seems like you are not just channeled, that you are really as much an advocate for the user, and not so much an advocate for the vendor, or do I have that wrong? Lyle: A specialist cloud services brokerage is going to be more like Underwriters Laboratories (UL). It’s going to go out, field all the different flavors that are available, pick what they feel is best, and bring it together in a bundle. Then, it works with the entity to adapt to the culture and the change that's going to have to occur and the education within their particular businesses, as opposed to a very high-level vertical, where some things are just pushed out at an enterprise level. Jackson: I see this cloud services brokerage and specialist cloud services brokerage as the new-age system integrator, because there are additional capabilities that are offered. For example, you need a trusted third-party to monitor and report on adherence to SLAs. The provider is not going to do that. That’s a role for your cloud services brokerage. Also you need to maintain viable options for alternative cloud-service providers. The cloud services brokerage will identify your options and give you choices, should you need the change. A specialist cloud services brokerage also helps to ensure portability of your business process and data from one cloud service provider to another. Management of change is more than a single aspect within the organization. It’s how to adapt with constant change and make sure that your enterprise has options and doesn't get locked into a single vendor. Lyle: It comes to the point, Kevin, of building for constant change. You're exactly right. Gardner: You raise an interesting point too, Kevin, that you shouldn’t get lulled into thinking that we'll just make a move to the cloud, and it will all be done. This is going to be a constant set of moves, a journey, and you're going to want to avail yourself of the marketplace that’s emerging. We're seeing prices driven down. We're seeing competition among commodity-level cloud services. I expect we'll see other kinds of market forces at work. You want to be agile and be able to take advantage of that in your total cost of computing. Actually, I think that's going to take quite a dip over the next several years because of that. Jackson: There's a broad range of providers in the marketplace, and that range expands daily. Similarly, there's a large range of requirements within any enterprise of any size. Brokers act as matchmakers, avoiding common mistakes, and also help the organizations, the SMBs in particular, implement best practices in their adoption of this new model.
  • 6. Gardner: Also, when you’ve got a brokerage as your advocate, they're keeping their eye on the cloud marketplace, so that you can keep your eye on your business and your vertical. Therefore, you're going to need somebody to tip you off when things change and be on the vanguard of that. Is that something that comes up in your book, Todd, of the public service brokerage being an educated expert in a field where the business really wants to stick to its knitting? Primary goal Lyle: Absolutely. That’s the primary goal, both at a strategic level, when you're deciding what products to use -- the Rackspaces, the Microsofts, the RightSignatures, etc. -- all the way down to the tactical one of the daily operation. When I leave the company, how soon can we lock Todd out? How soon can we lock him down or lock him out? It becomes a security issue at a very granular level. Because it's metered, you turn it off, you turn Todd off, you save his data, and put it someplace else. That’s a role that, requires command and control and oversight, and that's a responsibility. You're part butler. You're looking out for the day-to-day, the minute issues. Then you get up to a very high level. You're like UL. You're keeping an eye on everything that’s occurring. UL comes to mind because they do things that are tactile and those things that you can't touch, and definitely the cloud is something you can’t touch. Jackson: Actually, I believe it represents the embracing of a cooperative model of my consumers of this information technology, but embracing with open eyes. This is particularly of interest within the federal marketplace, because federal procurement executives have to stop their adversarial attitude towards industry. Cloud services brokerages and specialist cloud services brokerages sit at the same the table with these consumers. Learn more about Todd D. Lyle's book, Grounding the Cloud: Basics and Brokerages, at Lyle: Kevin, your point is very well taken. I'll go one step further. We were talking up and down the scales, strategic down to the daily operations. One of the challenges that we have to overcome is the signatories, the senior executives, that make these decisions. They're in a different age group and they're used to doing things a certain way. That being said, getting legislation to be changed at the federal level, directives being pushed down, will make the difference, because they do know how to take orders. I know I'm speaking frankly, but what's going to have to occur for us to see some significant change within the next five years is being told how the procurement process is going to happen.
  • 7. You're taking the feather; I'm taking the stick, but it’s going to take both of those to accomplish that task at the federal level. Gardner: We know that Duncan, LLC is a specialized cloud services brokerage. Kevin, tell us a little bit about the GovCloud Network. What is your organization, and how do you align with cloud brokerage? Jackson: GovCloud Network is a specialty consultancy that helps organizations modify or change their mission and business processes in order to take advantage of this new style of system integrator. Earlier, I said that the key to transition in a cloud is adopting and adapting to the parallel nature and a global nature of cloud computing. This requires a second look at your existing business processes and your existing mission processes to do things in different ways. That's what GovCloud Network allows. It helps you redesign your business and mission processes for this constant change and this new model. Notion of governance Gardner: I'd like to go back to this notion of governance. It seems to me, Todd, that when you have different parts of your company procuring cloud services, sometimes this is referred to as shadow IT. They're not doing it in concert, through a gatekeeper like a cloud broker. Not only is there a potential redundancy of efforts in labor and work in process, but there is this governance and security risk, because one hand doesn’t know what the other hand is doing. Let's address this issue about better security from better governance by having a common brokerage gatekeeper, rather than having different aspects of your company out buying and using cloud services independently, without that unifying factor of how to create the right governance policies and management? Lyle: We're your trusted adviser. We’re also very much a trusted member of your team when you bring us into the fold. We provide oversight. We're big brother, if you want to look at it that way, but big brother is important when you are dealing with your business and your business resources. You don’t want to leave a window open at night. You certainly don't want to leave your network open. There's a lot going on in today's world, a lot of transition, the NSA and everything we worry about. It's important to have somebody providing command and control. We don’t sit there and stare at a monitor all day. We use systems that watch this, but we can tell when there's an increase or decrease out of the norm of activities within your organization It really doesn't matter how big or how small, there are systems that allow us to monitor this and give a heads up. If you're part of a leadership team, you’d be notified that again Todd Lyle has
  • 8. left an open window. But if you don't know that Todd even has the window, then that’s even a bigger concern. That comes down to the leadership again -- how you want to manage your entity. We all want to feel free to make decisions, but there are too many benefits available to us, transparent benefits, as Kevin put it, to using the cloud and hiding in plain sight, maximizing e-mail at 100,000 plus users. Those are all good things but they require oversight. It's almost like an aviation model, where you have your ground control and your flight crew. Everybody on that team is providing oversight to the other. Ultimately, you have your control tower that's watching that, and the control tower, both in the air and on the ground, is your cloud services brokerage. Jackson: It’s important to understand that cloud computing is the industrialization of information technology. You're going from an age where the IT infrastructure is a hand-designed and built work of art to where your IT infrastructure is a highly automated assembly-line platform that requires real-time monitoring and metering. Your specialist cloud services brokerage actually helps you in that transition and operations within this highly automated environment. Lyle: Well said, Kevin. Gardner: We've talked about this a little bit in the abstract, and it's made a tremendous amount of sense to me. A powerful way to cement understanding is to show examples and understand what others have gone through. I’d like to start with you, Todd. You did mention that you have some examples in your book. I’d like to hear in more detail about when someone has used a specialized cloud brokerage attuned to their business, their industry, or their vertical. What do they get for it and how has it worked out for them? Can you run us through a use case of where this works well? Three narratives Lyle: Okay, in my book, we have three narratives, as I mentioned earlier. I talk about Cleveland State University (CSU) and education because this is what this whole program is about, education. It's not offensive -- it's not business, it's not government, it’s education. With technology, there are so many options out there today as we’re discussing. It's so exciting, but we have to get Iris to change her way of thinking. A couple of things occurred at CSU, cementing my theory on demographics and change in speaking computing as a first language. CSU switched to Microsoft 365 from onsite Lotus Notes, and for anybody who's been on Lotus Notes, it's always been a challenge to use. To get to 365, some education had to occur, and some heads-up had to occur.
  • 9. People need to be involved in the process at some point, and others excluded for business reasons, and I don't mean that a bad way. I mentioned Iris, because Iris was a lady who works on the third floor of Rhodes Tower at Cleveland State and was very unhappy about losing her desktop printer. They went from 2,100 printers down to 300 with the help of not only Bill Wilson and the IT team, but Xerox. Xerox was able to bring tremendous savings at the granular level, but it took a great deal of education and patience, because Iris wasn't happy about losing her printer. She wanted to know why Bill Wilson wasn’t going to lose his. It really discusses it at a very personal level, because we can all relate to printers and ancillary equipment and our way of doing business. It discusses again, on the great Lake Erie, how change has occurred and how they were able to address it from a human element perspective, again, Iris. What we do as a specialist cloud services brokerage is the human element side of this, making sure that people are included in the process, being educated, giving access to communication and then being available when the time comes. Make sure you answer that phone for the person who needs someone on the phone and make sure that you have the Wiki available and up to date for the person who is going to reach out to that Wiki Gardner: Kevin, any examples from your vantage point on the role of the cloud services brokerage and some concrete ways that it’s helped a specific organization? Jackson: Absolutely. About three years ago I responded to a requirement from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), where they were having issues working with allies with respect to exchange of geospatial information and data. Everyone had their maps and everyone had their own system for distributing and sharing that, but they didn't work together. The NGA wanted to have a more effective and efficient means for exchanging geospatial information. So they reached out to the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC) to see if this industry organization had any good ideas for addressing this mission-critical requirement. I was serving as the head of the cloud-computing working group, and the team came up with an idea of using cloud as an inner-space in order to translate different types and formats of geospatial information and data amongst the participants. Brokered platform We did this by use of a brokered cloud platform that came to be known as the Geospatial Community Cloud. The cloud services brokerage acted as an intermediary to allow for a real-time change or identification of capabilities for geospatial interoperability. It's a very successful demonstration. The Recovery, Accountability, and Transparency Board also leveraged a cloud services brokerage paradigm when they were required to stand up very quickly to manage their hundreds
  • 10. of billions of dollars during the financial crisis. The CIO there, Shawn Kingsberry, knew that he wouldn't be able to respond to the requirements of monitoring, metering, and managing these large sums of money without an IT infrastructure. Instead of taking the traditional acquisition process within the Federal Government, which would take years, he instead became a cloud services brokerage for his own agency and adopted multiple cloud services. This also was a very successful implementation. So even the Federal Government can adopt cloud services brokerage and respond in a very quick and efficient and effective manner. Gardner: Todd, we spoke earlier about how we're moving from implementation to procurement. We've also talked about governance being important, SLAs, and managing a contract across variety of different organizations that are providing cloud type services. It seems to me that we're talking about financial types of relations. How does the cloud services brokerage help the financial people in a company. Maybe it's an individual who wears many hats, but you could think of them as akin to a chief financial officer, even though that might not be their title? What is it that we are doing with the cloud services brokerage that is of a special interest and value to the financial people? Is it unified billing or is it one throat to choke? How does that work? Lyle: Both, and then some. Ultimately it's unified billing and unified management from daily operations. It's helping people understand that we're moving from a capitalized expense, the server, the software, things that are tactile that we are used to touching. We're used to being able to count them and we like to see our stuff. So it's transitioning and letting go, especially for the people who watch the money. We have a fiduciary responsibility to the organizations that we work for. Part of that is communicating, educating, and helping the CFO-type person understand the transition not only from the CAPEX to the OPEX, because they get that, but also how you're going to correlate it to productivity. It's letting them know to be patient. It's going to take a couple months for your metering to level up. We have some statistics and we can read into that. It's holding their hand, helping them out. That's a very big deal as far as that's concerned. Gardner: Let's start to think about how to get started. Obviously, every company is different. They're going to be at a different place in terms of maturity, in their own IT, never mind the transition to cloud types of activities. Would you recommend the book as a starting point? Do you have some other materials or references? How do you help that education process get going. I'm thinking about organizations that are really at the very beginning? Gateway cloud
  • 11. Lyle: We've created a gateway cloud in our book, not to confuse the cloud story. Ultimately, we have to take in consideration our economy, the world economy today. We're still very slow to move forward. There are some activities occurring that are forcing us to make change. Our contracts may be running out. Software like XP is no longer supported. So we may be forced into making a change. That's when it's time to engage a cloud services brokerage or a specialist cloud services brokerage. Go out and buy the book. It's available on Amazon. It gives you a breakdown, and you can do an assessment of your organization as it currently is and it will help you map your network. Then, it will help you reach out to a cloud services brokerage, if you are so inclined, through points of interest for request for proposal or request for information. The fun part is, it gives you a recipe using Rackspace, Jungle Disk, and,where you get to build a baby cloud. Then, you can go out and play with it. You want to begin with three points: file sharing, remote access, and email. You can be the lighthouse or you can be a dry-cleaners, but every organization needs file sharing, remote access, and email. We open-sourced this recipe or what we call the industrial bundle for small businesses. It's not daunting. We’ve got some time yet, but I would encourage you to get a handle on where your infrastructure is today, digest that information, go out and play with the gateway cloud that we've created, and reach out to us if you are so inclined. We’d love for you to use one of our organizations, but ultimately know that there are people out there to help you. This book was written for us, not for the technical person. It is not in geek speak. This is written for the layperson. I've been told it’s entertaining, which is the most important part, because you’re going to read it then. Jackson: I would urge SMBs to take the plunge. Cloud can be scary to some, but there is very little risk and there is much to gain for any SMB. The using, leveraging, taking advantage of the cloud gateway that Todd mentioned is a very good, low risk, and high reward path towards the cloud. Gardner: I would agree with both of what you all said. The notion of a proof of concept and dipping your toe in. You don't have to buy it all at once, but find an area of your company where you’re going to be forced to make a change anyway and then to your point, Kevin, do it now. Take the plunge earlier rather than later. Jackson: Before you're forced.
  • 12. Large changes Gardner: Before you’re forced, but you want to look at a tactical benefit and where to work towards strategic benefit, but there is going to be some really large changes happening in what these cloud providers can do in a fairly short amount of time. We're moving from discrete apps into the entire desktop, so a full PC experience as a service. That’s going to be very attractive to people. They're going to need to make some changes to get there. But rather than thinking about services discreetly, more and more of what they're looking for is going to be coming as the entire desktop experience and more analytics capabilities mixed into that. So I am glad to hear you both thinking how to do it, managed at a proof-of-concept level, but I would say do it sooner rather than later. We're about out of time. I'm afraid we have to leave it there. You've been listening to a sponsored BriefingsDirect discussion on helping businesses make the best use of cloud computing, and we've seen how the role and value of a cloud services brokerage brokerage with an emphasis across the different types of businesses, whether it's small to medium, regional, government, specializing with a brokerage that's attuned to your area, this makes a tremendous amount of sense. This is going to help companies and government agencies make the best use of the commodity and targeted-cloud services, but not fall prey to replacing on-premises integration problems with a cloud complexity and management problem. So a huge thank you to our guests. We've been here with Todd Lyle, the President of Duncan, LLC, a cloud services brokerage in Ohio. Thank you Todd. Lyle: You're welcome. Thanks for having me, Dana. Learn more about Todd D. Lyle's book, Grounding the Cloud: Basics and Brokerages, at Gardner: And thanks also to Kevin Jackson, the Founder and CEO of GovCloud Network in Northern Virginia. Thanks, Kevin. Jackson: It’s been my pleasure. Thank you. Gardner: And also a huge thank you to our audience for joining. This is Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Thanks again for being with us, and don't forget to come back next time.
  • 13. Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes. Sponsor: Duncan, LLC Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast on how a cloud services brokerage can help small and medium-size businesses make best use of cloud computing. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 2005-2014. All rights reserved. You may also be interested in: • Hybrid Cloud Models Demand More Infrastructure Standardization, Says Global Provider Steria • Cloud Service Automation Eases Application Delivery for Global Service Provider NNIT • More Than Just an IT Shift, Cloud Fuels the New Engine of Business Innovation • Perfecto Mobile Goes to Cloud-Based Testing Tools so Developers Can Build the Best Mobile Apps Fast • Ariba's Product Roadmap for 2014 Points to Instant Integrated and Data-Rich Business Cloud Services