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WIFI SSID:Spark+AISummit | Password: UnifiedDataAnalytics
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Graphs are everywhere
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
… and growing
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Graphs at Spark Summit
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Property Graphs & Big Data
The Property Graph data model is becoming increasingly mainstream
Cloud graph data services like Azure CosmosDB or Amazon Neptune
Simple graph features in SQLServer 2017, multiple new graph DB products
New graph query language to be standardized by ISO
Neo4j becoming common operational store in retail, finance, telcos … and more
Increasing interest in graph algorithms over graph data as a basis for AI
Apache® Spark is the leading scale-out clustered memory solution for Big Data
Spark 2: Data viewed as tables (DataFrames), processed by SQL,
in function chains, using queries and user functions,
transforming immutable tabular data sets
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Graphs are coming to Spark
SPIP: Property Graphs, Cypher Queries, and Algorithms
● bring Property Graphs and the Cypher Query language to
● the SparkSQL for graphs
● Accepted by the community
● Implementation still Work in Progress
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
The Property Graph
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
The Whiteboard Model Is the Physical Model
In your data
Bridge the gap
between logical
model and DB
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
name: “Dan”
born: May 29, 1970
twitter: “@dan”
name: “Ann”
born: Dec 5, 1975
Jan 10, 2011
name: “Cars, Inc”
Property Graph Model Components
• The objects in the graph
• Can have name-value
• Can be labeled
User User
• Relate nodes by type and
• Can have name-value
properties Business
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Relational Versus Graph Models
Relational Model Graph Model
Burgers, Inc
Pizza, Inc
User BusinessUser-Business
Burgers, Inc
Pizza, Inc
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Graphs in Spark 3.0
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Tables for Labels
• In Spark Graph, PropertyGraphs are represented by
– Node Tables and Relationship Tables
• Tables are represented by DataFrames
– Require a fixed schema
• Property Graphs have a Graph Type
– Node and relationship types that occur in the graph
– Node and relationship properties and their data type
Property Graph
Node Tables
Rel. Tables
Graph Type
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Tables for Labels
name: Alice
name: Burgers, Inc
id name
0 Alice
id name
1 Burgers, Inc
id source target
0 0 1
Graph Type {
:User:ProAccount (
name: STRING
:Business (
name: STRING
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Creating a graph
Property Graphs are created from a set of DataFrames.
There are two possible options:
- Using Wide Tables
- one DF for nodes and one for relationships
- column name convention identifies label and property
- Using NodeFrames and RelationshipFrames
- requires a single DataFrame per node label combination and
relationship type
- allows mapping DF columns to properties
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Storing and Loading
Create Node and
Relationship Tables
Create Property Graph Store Property Graph
as Parquet
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Graph Querying with
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
What is Cypher?
• Declarative query language for graphs
– "SQL for graphs"
• Based on pattern matching
• Supports basic data types for properties
• Functions, aggregations, etc
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Pattern matching
a b
1 2
4 5
Query graph: Data graph: Result:
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Basic Pattern: Alice's reviews?
(:User {name:'Alice'} ) -[:REVIEWS]-> (business:Business)
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Cypher query structure
• Cypher operates over a graph and returns a table
• Basic structure:
MATCH pattern
WHERE predicate
RETURN/WITH expression AS alias, ...
ORDER BY expression
SKIP ... LIMIT ...
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Basic Query:
Businesses Alice has reviewed?
MATCH (user:User)-[r:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
RETURN, r.rating
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Query Comparison: Colleagues of Tom Hanks?
SELECT AS coReviewer, count(co) AS nbrOfCoReviews
FROM User AS user
JOIN UserBusiness AS ub1 ON ( = ub1.user_id)
JOIN UserBusiness AS ub2 ON (ub1.b_id = ub2.b_id)
JOIN User AS co ON ( = ub2.user_id)
WHERE = "Alice"
WHERE = 'Alice'
RETURN AS coReviewer, count(*) AS nbrOfCoReviews
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Variable-length patterns
MATCH (a:User)-[r:KNOWS*2..6]->(other:User)
RETURN a, other, length(r) AS length
Allows the traversal of paths of variable length
Returns all results between the minimum and maximum number of
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
• Cypher supports a number of aggregators
– min(), max(), sum(), avg(), count(), collect(), ...
• When aggregating, non-aggregation projections form a grouping
MATCH (u:User)
RETURN, count(*) AS count
The above query will return the count per unique name
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
UNWIND [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’] AS list
– Behaves similar to RETURN
– Allows projection of values into new variables
– Controls scoping of variables
MATCH (n1)-[r1]->(m1)
WITH n1, collect(r1) AS r // r1, m1 not visible after this
RETURN n1, r
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
• Arithmetic (+, -, *, /, %)
• Logical (AND, OR, NOT)
• Comparison (<, <=, =, <>, >=, >)
• Functions
– Math functions (sin(), cos(), asin(), ceil(), floor())
– Conversion (toInteger(), toFloat(), toString())
– String functions
– Date and Time functions
– Containers (Nodes, Relationships, Lists, Maps)
– …
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Cypher in Spark 3.0
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
In the previous session...
• Property Graph is a growing data model
• Spark Graph will bring Property Graphs
and Cypher to Spark 3.0
• Cypher is "SQL for graphs"
– Based on pattern matching
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Now that you know Cypher...
val graph: PropertyGraph = …
|MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
|WHERE = 'Alice'
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
So, what happens in that call?
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
● Distributed executionSpark Core
Spark SQL ● Rule-based query optimization
Query Processing
MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
openCypher Frontend
● Shared with Neo4j database system
● Parsing, Rewriting, Normalization
● Semantic Analysis (Scoping, Typing, etc.)
Okapi + Spark Cypher ● Schema and Type handling
● Query translation to DataFrame operations
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Query Translation
MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
Logical view
Physical view (DataFrame operations)
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Spark Cypher Architecture
● Conversion of expressions
● Typing of expressions
● Translation into Logical Operators
● Basic Logical Optimization
● Column layout computation for intermediate results
● Translation into Relational Operations
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark Cypher
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Intermediate Language
Relational Planning
Logical Planning
● Translation of Relational Operations into DataFrame
● Expression Conversion to Spark SQL Columns
Spark Cypher
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Equals(Property(Variable(u),PropertyKeyName(name)),Parameter( AUTOSTRING0,String))))))),
MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Relational Planning
Logical Planning
Spark Cypher
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
╙──TableResultBlock(OrderedFields(List( :: STRING, :: STRING)), ...)
╙──ProjectBlock(Fields(Map( :: STRING -> :: STRING, :: STRING -> :: STRING)), Set(), ...)
╙──ProjectBlock(Fields(Map( :: STRING -> :: STRING, :: STRING -> :: STRING)), Set(), ...)
Map( UNNAMED18 :: RELATIONSHIP(:REVIEWS) -> DirectedRelationship(Endpoints(u :: NODE, b :: NODE))),
Set(u:User :: BOOLEAN, b:Business :: BOOLEAN, :: STRING = "Alice" :: STRING)
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Relational Planning
Logical Planning
Spark Cypher
• Converting AST patterns into okapi patterns
• Converting AST expressions into okapi expressions
• Typing expressions
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
Select(List( :: STRING, :: STRING), ...)
╙─Project(( :: STRING,Some( :: STRING)), ...)
╙─Project(( :: STRING,Some( :: STRING)), ...)
╙─Filter( :: STRING = $ AUTOSTRING0 :: STRING, ...)
╙─Project(( :: STRING,None), ...)
╙─Filter(b:Business :: BOOLEAN, ...)
╙─Filter(u:User :: BOOLEAN, ...)
╙─Expand(u :: NODE, UNNAMED18 :: RELATIONSHIP(:REVIEWS), b :: NODE, Directed, ...)
╟─NodeScan(u :: NODE, ...)
║ ╙─Start(LogicalCatalogGraph(session.tmp#1), ...)
╙─NodeScan(b :: NODE , ...)
╙─Start(LogicalCatalogGraph(session.tmp#1), ...)
Convert Intermediate Language Blocks into Logical Query Operators
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Relational Planning
Logical Planning
Spark Cypher
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Select(List( :: STRING, :: STRING), ...)
╙─Project(( :: STRING,Some( :: STRING)), ...)
╙─Project(( :: STRING,Some( :: STRING)), ...)
╙─Filter( :: STRING = $ AUTOSTRING0 :: STRING, ...)
╙─Project(( :: STRING,None), ...)
╙─Expand(u :: NODE, UNNAMED18 :: RELATIONSHIP(:REVIEWS), b :: NODE, Directed, ...)
╟─NodeScan(u :: NODE(:User), ...)
║ ╙─Start(LogicalCatalogGraph(session.tmp#1), ...)
╙─NodeScan(b :: NODE(:Business), ...)
╙─Start(LogicalCatalogGraph(session.tmp#1), ...)
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Relational Planning
Logical Planning
Spark Cypher
Apply basic optimizations to a Logical Query plan (e.g. label pushdown)
MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
MATCH (u:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(b:Business)
WHERE = 'Alice'
Select( :: STRING, :: STRING), RecordHeader with 2 entries)
╙─Alias( :: STRING AS :: STRING RecordHeader with 15 entries)
╙─Alias( :: STRING AS :: STRING, RecordHeader with 14 entries)
╙─Filter( :: STRING = "Alice", RecordHeader with 13 entries)
╙─Join((target(UNNAMED18 :: RELATIONSHIP(:REVIEWS)) -> b :: NODE)), RecordHeader with 13 entries, InnerJoin)
╟─Join((u :: NODE -> source(UNNAMED18 :: RELATIONSHIP(:REVIEWS))), RecordHeader with 9 entries, InnerJoin)
║ ╟─NodeScan(u :: NODE(:User), RecordHeader 4 entries)
║ ║ ╙─Start(Some(CAPSRecords.unit), session.tmp#1)
║ ╙─RelationshipScan(UNNAMED18 :: RELATIONSHIP(:REVIEWS), RecordHeader with 5 entries)
║ ╙─Start(None)
╙─NodeScan(b :: NODE(:Business), RecordHeader with 4 entries)
Translation of graph operations into relational operations
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Logical Planning
Relational Planning
Spark Cypher
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
● Describes the output table of a relational operator
● Maps query expressions (e.g. ‘’ or ‘n:User’) to DataFrame / Table columns
● Used to access columns when evaluating expression during physical execution
● Supports relational operations to reflect data changes (e.g.
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Expression Column Name
NodeVar(n) :: CTNODE(:User) n
HasLabel(n, :User) :: CTBOOLEAN ____n:User
Property( :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
Select(b, name)
╙─Project( as name)
╙─Project(n as b)
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Expression Column Name
NodeVar(n) :: CTNODE(:User) n
HasLabel(n, :User) :: CTBOOLEAN ____n:User
Property( :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
NodeVar(b) :: CTNODE(:User) n
HasLabel(b, :User) :: CTBOOLEAN ____n:User
Property( :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
Select(b, name)
╙─Project( as name)
╙─Project(n as b)
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Expression Column Name
NodeVar(n) :: CTNODE(:User) n
HasLabel(n, :User) :: CTBOOLEAN ____n:User
Property( :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
NodeVar(b) :: CTNODE(:User) n
HasLabel(b, :User) :: CTBOOLEAN ____n:User
Property( :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
SimpleVar(name) :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
Select(b, name)
╙─Project( as name)
╙─Project(n as b)
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Expression Column Name
NodeVar(b) :: CTNODE(:User) n
HasLabel(b, :User) :: CTBOOLEAN ____n:User
Property( :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
SimpleVar(name) :: CTSTRING ____n_dot_nameSTRING
Select(b, name)
╙─Project( as name)
╙─Project(n as b)
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Abstracts relational operators over the relational backends table
Converts OKAPI expressions into backend specific expressions
trait Table[E] {
def header: RecordHeader
def select(expr: String, exprs: String*): Table[E]
def filter(expr: Expr): Table[E]
def distinct: Table[E]
def order(by: SortItem[Expr]*): Table[E]
def group(by: Set[Expr], aggregations: Set[Aggregation]): Table[E]
def join(other: Table[E], joinExprs: Set[(String, String)], joinType: JoinType): Table[E]
def unionAll(other: Table[E]): Table[E]
def add(expr: Expr): Table[E]
def addInto(expr: Expr, into: String): Table[E]
def drop(columns: String*): Table[E]
def rename(oldColumn: Expr, newColumn: String): Table[E]
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Relational Planning
Spark Cypher
Logical Planning
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
class DataFrameTable(df: DataFrame) extends RelationalTable[DataFrameTable] {
// ...
override def filter(expr: Expr): DataFrameTable = {
new DataFrameTable(df.filter(convertExpression(expr, header)))
override def join(other: DataFrameTable, joinExprs: Set[(String, String)], joinType: JoinType): DataFrameTable = {
val joinExpr = { case (l,r) => df.col(l) === other.df(r) }.reduce(_ && _)
new DataFrameTable(df.join(other.df, joinExpr, joinType))
// ...
openCypher Frontend
Okapi + Spark
Spark SQL
Spark Core
Relational Planning
Logical Planning
Spark Cypher
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Future improvement ideas
• Common table expressions
• Worst-case optimal joins
• Graph-aware optimisations in Catalyst
• Graph-aware data partitioning
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Spark Cypher in Action
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Extending Spark
Graph with Neo4j
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Neo4j Morpheus
• Incubator for SparkCypher
• Extends Cypher language with
multiple-graph features
• Graph catalog
• Property graph data sources for
integration with Neo4j, SQL DBMS, etc.
#UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
Get Involved!
• SPIP was accepted in February
• Current status:
– Core development is poc-complete
– PRs in review
• We are not Spark committers
– Help us review / merge
– Contribute to documentation, Python API

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