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WIFI SSID:SparkAISummit | Password: UnifiedAnalytics
● Represents an entity within the graph
● Can have labels
● Connects a start node with an end node
● Has one type
● Describes a node/relationship: e.g. name, age, weight etc
● Key-value pair: String key; typed value (string, number, bool, list, ...)
Property graph view of data mirrors conceptual view
○ Entities and relationships, with attributes
○ Nodes and relationships, with properties
Graph queries are concise and visual (ASCII Art)
MATCH (c:Customer)-[:BOUGHT]-(p:Product)
Network algorithms run over graphs
→ Graphs enhance data engineering and science
Tables Graphs
& Analytics Spark SQL Morpheus
Spark is an immutable data processing engine
○ Spark graphs are compositions of tables (DFs)
○ Spark graphs can be transformed and combined
○ Functions (including queries) over multiple graphs
○ Cypher query plans mapped to Catalyst
Neo4j is a native transactional CRUD database
○ Neo4j graphs use a native graph data representation
○ Neo4j has optimized in-process MT graph algos
○ Morpheus helps move data in and out of Neo4j
Graphs and tables are both useful data models
○ Finding paths and subgraphs, and transforming graphs
○ Viewing, aggregating and ordering values
The Morpheus project parallels Spark SQL
○ PropertyGraph type (composed of DataFrames)
○ Catalog of graph data sources, named graphs, views,
○ Cypher query language
A CypherSession adds graphs to a SparkSession
● Data integration
○ Integrate (non-)graphy data from multiple, heterogeneous
data sources into one or more property graphs
● Distributed Cypher execution
○ OLAP-style graph analytics
● Data science
○ Integration with other Spark libraries
○ Feature extraction using Neo4j Graph Algorithms
& Search
Centrality /
Finds optimal paths
or evaluates route
availability and quality
Determines the
importance of distinct
nodes in the network
Detects group
clustering or partition
Evaluates how
alike nodes are
Estimates the likelihood
of nodes forming a
future relationship
Hive, DF, JDBC
FS snapshot
Table Result
Graph Result
Graph Cypher
Graph Result
Driving Table
DataFrame DataFrame
FS snapshot
Cypher 9 is the latest full version of openCypher
○ Implemented in Neo4j 3.5
○ Includes date/time types and functions
○ Implemented in whole/part by six other vendors
○ Several other partial and research implementations
○ Cypher for Gremlin is another openCypher project
Cypher is a full CRUD language ← OLTP database
○ RETURNs only tabular results: not composable
○ Results can include graph elements (paths,
relationships, nodes) or property values
Morpheus implements most of read-only Cypher
○ Spark immutable data + transformations
Cypher 10 proposes Multiple Graph features
○ Multiple Graph CIP:
Allows for Cypher Query composition
○ Similar to chaining transformations on DataFrames
Support Graph Catalog for managing Graphs
○ Analogous to Spark SQL catalog
Query support for Graph Construction
Input: a property graph
Output: a table
FROM GRAPH socialNetwork
MATCH ({name: 'Dan'})-[:FRIEND*2]->(foaf)
RETURN toUpper( AS name
Language features available in Morpheus
Input: a property graph
Output: a property graph
FROM GRAPH socialNetwork
MATCH (p:Person)-[:FRIEND*2]->(foaf)
WHERE NOT (p)-[:FRIEND]->(foaf)
Language features available in Morpheus
Input: property graphs
Output: a property graph
FROM GRAPH socialNetwork
MATCH (p:Person)
FROM GRAPH products
MATCH (c:Customer)
CONSTRUCT ON socialNetwork, products
CREATE (p)-[:IS]->(c)
Language features available in Morpheus
Input: property graphs
Output: a property graph
CATALOG CREATE VIEW youngFriends($inGraph){
MATCH (p1:Person)-[r]->(p2:Person)
WHERE p1.age < 25 AND p2.age < 25
CREATE (p1)-[COPY OF r]->(p2)
Language features available in Morpheus
Input: property graphs
Output: table or graph
FROM youngFriends(socialNetwork)
MATCH (p:Person)-[r]->(o)
RETURN p, r, o
// and views over views
FROM youngFriends(europe(socialNetwork))
Language features available in Morpheus
Query EngineProperty Graph Data Sources
Property Graph Catalog
Scala API
● Distributed executionSpark Core
Spark SQL
● Rule- and Cost-based query
optimization via Catalyst
MATCH (c:Captain)-[:COMMANDS]->(s:Ship)
WHERE = ‘Morpheus’
● Parsing, Rewriting, Normalization
● Semantic Analysis (Scoping,
Typing, etc.)
● Data Import and Export
● Schema and Type handling
● Query translation to Spark
● Translation into Logical
● Basic Logical Optimization
● Backend Agnostic Query
● Conversion and typing of
Frontend expressions
● Translation into Relational
Operations on abstract
● Column layout computation
● Spark-specific table
● In Morpheus, PropertyGraphs are represented by
○ Node Tables and Relationship Tables
● Tables are represented by DataFrames
○ Require a fixed schema
● Property Graphs have a Graph Type
○ Node and relationship types that occur in the graph
○ Node and relationship properties and their data type
Property Graph
Node Tables
Rel. Tables
Graph Type
name: Morpheus
name: Nebuchadnezzar
id name
0 Morpheus
id name
1 Nebuchadnezzar
id source target
0 0 1
Graph Type {
:Captain:Person (
name: STRING
:Ship (
name: STRING
Property Graph
MATCH (c:Captain)-[:COMMANDS]->(s:Ship)
WHERE = ‘Morpheus’
Part 1
From JSON to Graph
Create persistent
Property Graph from
raw Yelp dataset
Read Yelp Data from
JSON into DataFrames
Create Property Graph
from DataFrames
Store Property Graph
using Parquet
Part 2
A library of Graphs
Create a library of
graph projections
Read Property Graph
from Parquet
Create subgraph for a
specifc city
Project and persist city
Part 3
Federated queries
Integrate reviews with
social network data
Define Graph Type and
Mapping with Graph
Load data from Hive
and H2
Run analytical query on
the integrated graph
Part 5
Neo4j Integration II
businesses to users
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j,
run Louvain + Jaccard
Run analytical query in
Morpheus to find
Part 4
Neo4j Integration I
Find trending
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j
and run PageRank
Combine graphs in
Morpheus and select
trending businesses
● Yelp is a search service based on crowd-sourced
reviews about local businesses
● The Yelp Open Dataset is part of the Yelp Dataset
○ Yelps’ effort to encourage researchers to explore the
○ ~150K businesses, 10M users, 5M reviews, 35M
name : ACME
address : 123 ACME Rd.
city : San Jose
state : CA
name : Alice
since : 2013
elite : [2014, 2016]
name : Bob
since : 2014
elite : null
stars : 5
date : 2014-02-03
stars : 4
date : 2014-08-03
Create Node and
Relationship Tables
Create Property Graph Store Property Graph
// (:User)
val userDataFrame =
val userNodeTable = CAPSEntityTable.create(NodeMappingBuilder.on("id")
.build, userDataFrame)
id name yelping_since elite
0 Alice 2013 [2014, 2016]
1 Bob 2014 null
● Property Graphs are managed within a catalog
Cypher Session
Property Graph Catalog
Property Graph Data Source <namespace>
Property Graph <name>
QualifiedGraphName = <namespace>.<name>
● API to operate with the query engine and the catalog
trait CypherSession {
def cypher(
query: String,
parameters: CypherMap = CypherMap.empty,
drivingTable: Option[CypherRecords] = None
): Result
def catalog: PropertyGraphCatalog
● API to manage multiple Property Graphs
● Catalog functions can be executed via Cypher or Scala API
trait PropertyGraphCatalog {
def register(namespace: Namespace, dataSource: PropertyGraphDataSource): Unit
def store(qualifiedGraphName: QualifiedGraphName, graph: PropertyGraph): Unit
def graph(qualifiedGraphName: QualifiedGraphName): PropertyGraph
def drop(qualifiedGraphName: QualifiedGraphName): Unit
// additional methods for managing views, listing namespaces and graphs
● API for loading and saving property graphs
trait PropertyGraphDataSource {
def hasGraph(name: GraphName): Boolean
def graph(name: GraphName): PropertyGraph
def schema(name: GraphName): Option[Schema]
// additional methods for storing, deleting, listing graphs
PGDS Multiple graphs Read graphs Write graphs
Parquet, ORC, CSV
HDFS, local, S3
Yes Yes Yes
Hive, Jdbc
Yes Yes No
Neo4j Bolt Yes Yes Yes
Neo4j Bulk Import No No Yes
Cypher Session
Property Graph Catalog
Property Graph Data Source <namespace>
Property Graph <name>
QualifiedGraphName = <namespace>.<name>
Cypher Session
Property Graph Catalog
“social-net” (Neo4j PGDS)
“US” (Property Graph)
FROM social-net.US
MATCH (p:Person)
Cypher Session
Property Graph Catalog
“social-net” (Neo4j PGDS)
“products” (SQL PGDS)
FROM social-net.US
MATCH (p:Person)
FROM products.2018
MATCH (c:Customer)
Cypher Session
Property Graph Catalog
“social-net” (Neo4j PGDS)
“products” (SQL PGDS)
CATALOG CREATE GRAPH social-net.US_new {
FROM social-net.US
MATCH (p:Person)
FROM products.2018
MATCH (c:Customer)
CONSTRUCT ON social-net.US
CREATE (p)-[:SAME_AS]->(c)
CATALOG CREATE GRAPH social-net.US_new {
FROM social-net.US
MATCH (p:Person)
FROM products.2018
MATCH (c:Customer)
CONSTRUCT ON social-net.US
CREATE (p)-[:SAME_AS]->(c)
Cypher Session
Property Graph Catalog
“social-net” (Neo4j PGDS)
“products” (SQL PGDS)
Cypher Session
Property Graph Catalog
“social-net” (Neo4j PGDS)
CATALOG CREATE VIEW youngPeople($sn) {
FROM $sn
MATCH (p:Person)-[r]->(n)
WHERE p.age < 21
CREATE (p)-[COPY OF r]->(n)
FROM youngPeople(social-net.US)
MATCH (p:Person)
Part 1
From JSON to Graph
Create persistent
Property Graph from
raw Yelp dataset
Read Yelp Data from
JSON into DataFrames
Create Property Graph
from DataFrames
Store Property Graph
using Parquet
Part 2
A library of Graphs
Create a library of
graph projections
Read Property Graph
from Parquet
Create subgraph for a
specifc city
Project and persist city
Part 3
Federated queries
Integrate reviews with
social network data
Define Graph Type and
Mapping with Graph
Load data from Hive
and H2
Run analytical query on
the integrated graph
Part 5
Neo4j Integration II
businesses to users
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j,
run Louvain + Jaccard
Run analytical query in
Morpheus to find
Part 4
Neo4j Integration I
Find trending
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j
and run PageRank
Combine graphs in
Morpheus and select
trending businesses
name : ACME
address : 123 ACME Rd.
city : San Jose
state : CA
name : Alice
since : 2013
elite : [2014, 2016]
name : Bob
since : 2014
elite : null
stars : 5
date : 2014-02-03
stars : 4
date : 2014-08-03
2015 - 2018
Boulder City
Constuct graphs for each year
Extract Yelp
subgraph for
specific city
SQL Server
Graph DDL
Graph Instance
- Table mappings
SQL Tables Property Graphs
Property Graph
Node Tables
Rel. Tables
Graph Type
SQL Property Graph
Data Source
Spark SQL
Data Sources
Graph Type
- Element types
- Node types
- Relationship types
Part 1
From JSON to Graph
Create persistent
Property Graph from
raw Yelp dataset
Read Yelp Data from
JSON into DataFrames
Create Property Graph
from DataFrames
Store Property Graph
using Parquet
Part 2
A library of Graphs
Create a library of
graph projections
Read Property Graph
from Parquet
Create subgraph for a
specifc city
Project and persist city
Part 3
Federated queries
Integrate reviews with
social network data
Define Graph Type and
Mapping with Graph
Load data from Hive
and H2
Run analytical query on
the integrated graph
Part 5
Neo4j Integration II
businesses to users
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j,
run Louvain + Jaccard
Run analytical query in
Morpheus to find
Part 4
Neo4j Integration I
Find trending
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j
and run PageRank
Combine graphs in
Morpheus and select
trending businesses
name : ACME
address : 123 ACME Rd.
city : San Jose
state : CA
name : Alice
since : 2013
elite : [2014, 2016]
email :
name : Bob
since : 2014
elite : null
email :
stars : 5
date : 2014-02-03
stars : 4
date : 2014-08-03
email :
Yelp Reviews
Yelp Book
Graph DDL
-- Element types (concepts used to describe a graph)
User ( name STRING, since DATE ),
Business ( name STRING, city STRING ),
-- Node types
-- Relationship types
CREATE GRAPH yelp_and_yelpBook OF yelp (
-- Node type mappings
(User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user,
(Business) FROM,
-- Relationship type mappings
(User)-[REVIEWS]->(Business) FROM e
START NODES (User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user n JOIN e.user_email =
END NODES (Business) FROM n JOIN e.business_id = n.business_id,
(User)-[FRIEND]->(User) FROM H2.yelpbook.friend e
START NODES (User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user n JOIN e.user1_email =
END NODES (User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user n JOIN e.user2_email =
● Morpheus and Neo4j
Graph Algorithms
● Spark Graph SPIP
sneak peek
● SQL/Cypher/GQL
Hive, DF, JDBC
FS snapshot
Table Result
Graph Result
Graph Cypher
Graph Result
Driving Table
DataFrame DataFrame
FS snapshot
Coming in Spark 3.0
Native Graph
Cypher Query
Wide Range of
APOC Procedures
Graph Algorithms
• Parallel Breadth First Search*
• Parallel Depth First Search
• Shortest Path*
• Single-Source Shortest Path
• All Pairs Shortest Path
• Minimum Spanning Tree
• A* Shortest Path
• Yen’s K Shortest Path
• K-Spanning Tree (MST)
• Random Walk
• Degree Centrality
• Closeness Centrality
• CC Variations: Harmonic, Dangalchev,
Wasserman & Faust
• Betweenness Centrality
• Approximate Betweenness Centrality
• PageRank*
• Personalized PageRank
• ArticleRank
• Eigenvector Centrality
• Triangle Count*
• Clustering Coefficients
• Connected Components (Union Find)*
• Strongly Connected Components*
• Label Propagation*
• Louvain Modularity – 1 Step & Multi-Step
• Balanced Triad (identification)
• Euclidean Distance
• Cosine Similarity
• Jaccard Similarity
• Overlap Similarity
• Pearson Similarity
& Search
Centrality /
• Adamic Adar
• Common Neighbors
• Preferential Attachment
• Resource Allocations
• Same Community
• Total Neighbors* Available in GraphFrames
Free O’Reilly Book
• Spark & Neo4j Examples
• Machine Learning Chapter
Part 1
From JSON to Graph
Create persistent
Property Graph from
raw Yelp dataset
Read Yelp Data from
JSON into DataFrames
Create Property Graph
from DataFrames
Store Property Graph
using Parquet
Part 2
A library of Graphs
Create a library of
graph projections
Read Property Graph
from Parquet
Create subgraph for a
specifc city
Project and persist city
Part 3
Federated queries
Integrate reviews with
social network data
Define Graph Type and
Mapping with Graph
Load data from Hive
and H2
Run analytical query on
the integrated graph
Part 5
Neo4j Integration II
businesses to users
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j,
run Louvain + Jaccard
Run analytical query in
Morpheus to find
Part 4
Neo4j Integration I
Find trending
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j
and run PageRank
Combine graphs in
Morpheus and select
trending businesses
● Use when
○ Anytime you’re looking for broad influence over a network
○ Many domain specific variations for differing analysis, e.g.
Personalized PageRank for personalized recommendations
● Examples:
○ Twitter Recommendations
○ Fraud Detection
call algo.pagerank
trendRank =
pageRank_2018 -
Part 1
From JSON to Graph
Create persistent
Property Graph from
raw Yelp dataset
Read Yelp Data from
JSON into DataFrames
Create Property Graph
from DataFrames
Store Property Graph
using Parquet
Part 2
A library of Graphs
Create a library of
graph projections
Read Property Graph
from Parquet
Create subgraph for a
specifc city
Project and persist city
Part 3
Federated queries
Integrate reviews with
social network data
Define Graph Type and
Mapping with Graph
Load data from Hive
and H2
Run analytical query on
the integrated graph
Part 5
Neo4j Integration II
businesses to users
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j,
run Louvain + Jaccard
Run analytical query in
Morpheus to find
Part 4
Neo4j Integration I
Find trending
Load graph projections
from library
Write graphs to Neo4j
and run PageRank
Combine graphs in
Morpheus and select
trending businesses
● Use when
○ Community Detection in large networks
○ Uncover hierarchical structures in data
● Examples
○ Money Laundering
○ Protein-Protein-Interactions
● Use when
○ Computing pair-wise similarities
○ Accommodates vectors of different lengths
● Examples
○ Recommendations
○ Disambiguation
call algo.louvain
call algo.jaccard
businesses similar
users have
Compute similarity
based on overlapping
reviewed businesses
communities based
on co-reviews
for each
Coming in Spark 3.0
● SPARK-25994 Spark Graph for Apache Spark 3.0
○ Property Graphs, Cypher Queries, and Algorithms
● Defines a Cypher-compatible Property Graph
type based on DataFrames
● Replaces GraphFrames querying with Cypher
● Reimplements GraphFrames/GraphX algos on
the Property Graph type
● “Spark Cypher”
○ Run a Cypher 9 query on a Property Graph returning a
tabular result
● Migrate GraphFrames to Spark Graph
● Implementation is based on Spark SQL
○ Property Graphs are composed of one or more DFs
● Provide Scala, Python and Java APIs
● Addresses the Cypher Property Graph Model
○ Does not deal with variants of that model (e.g. RDF)
● No Cypher 10 multiple graph features
○ API is flexible to support this in future iterations
● No Property Graph Catalog
○ Also no Property Graph Data Sources
[SPARK-27299][GRAPH][WIP] Spark Graph API
design proposal (GraphExamplesSuite.scala)
test("create PropertyGraph from Node- and RelationshipFrames") {
val nodeData: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(0 -> "Alice", 1 -> "Bob")).toDF("id", "name")
val relationshipData: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(Seq((0, 0, 1))).toDF("id", "source", "target")
val nodeFrame: NodeFrame = NodeFrame(nodeData, "id", Set("Person"))
val relationshipFrame: RelationshipFrame = RelationshipFrame(relationshipData, "id", "source", "target", "KNOWS")
val graph: PropertyGraph = cypherSession.createGraph(Seq(nodeFrame), Seq(relationshipFrame))
val result: CypherResult = graph.cypher(
|MATCH (a:Person)-[r:KNOWS]->(:Person)
|RETURN a, r""".stripMargin)
okapi morpheus
Cypher to relational
operators compiler
Spark SQL and “Spark GQL”
Two models, two languages
A common core of datatypes and expressions
GQL as the focal point of graph programming
Graph languages with a shared graph type system
Thanks for listening

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WIFI SSID and Password for Spark Summit

  • 1. WIFI SSID:SparkAISummit | Password: UnifiedAnalytics
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Node ● Represents an entity within the graph ● Can have labels Relationship ● Connects a start node with an end node ● Has one type Property ● Describes a node/relationship: e.g. name, age, weight etc ● Key-value pair: String key; typed value (string, number, bool, list, ...)
  • 11.
  • 12. Property graph view of data mirrors conceptual view ○ Entities and relationships, with attributes ○ Nodes and relationships, with properties Graph queries are concise and visual (ASCII Art) MATCH (c:Customer)-[:BOUGHT]-(p:Product) RETURN, Network algorithms run over graphs → Graphs enhance data engineering and science
  • 14. Spark is an immutable data processing engine ○ Spark graphs are compositions of tables (DFs) ○ Spark graphs can be transformed and combined ○ Functions (including queries) over multiple graphs ○ Cypher query plans mapped to Catalyst Neo4j is a native transactional CRUD database ○ Neo4j graphs use a native graph data representation ○ Neo4j has optimized in-process MT graph algos ○ Morpheus helps move data in and out of Neo4j
  • 15. Graphs and tables are both useful data models ○ Finding paths and subgraphs, and transforming graphs ○ Viewing, aggregating and ordering values The Morpheus project parallels Spark SQL ○ PropertyGraph type (composed of DataFrames) ○ Catalog of graph data sources, named graphs, views, ○ Cypher query language A CypherSession adds graphs to a SparkSession
  • 16. ● Data integration ○ Integrate (non-)graphy data from multiple, heterogeneous data sources into one or more property graphs ● Distributed Cypher execution ○ OLAP-style graph analytics ● Data science ○ Integration with other Spark libraries ○ Feature extraction using Neo4j Graph Algorithms
  • 17. Pathfinding & Search Centrality / Importance Community Detection Link Prediction Finds optimal paths or evaluates route availability and quality Determines the importance of distinct nodes in the network Detects group clustering or partition options Evaluates how alike nodes are Estimates the likelihood of nodes forming a future relationship Similarity
  • 19. DataFrame Table Result Cypher QUERY Property Graph Result Property Graph Cypher QUERY Cypher QUERY Property Graph Result DataFrame Driving Table
  • 22.
  • 23. Cypher 9 is the latest full version of openCypher ○ Implemented in Neo4j 3.5 ○ Includes date/time types and functions ○ Implemented in whole/part by six other vendors ○ Several other partial and research implementations ○ Cypher for Gremlin is another openCypher project
  • 24. Cypher is a full CRUD language ← OLTP database ○ RETURNs only tabular results: not composable ○ Results can include graph elements (paths, relationships, nodes) or property values Morpheus implements most of read-only Cypher ○ No MERGE or DELETE ○ Spark immutable data + transformations
  • 25. Cypher 10 proposes Multiple Graph features ○ Multiple Graph CIP: Allows for Cypher Query composition ○ Similar to chaining transformations on DataFrames Support Graph Catalog for managing Graphs ○ Analogous to Spark SQL catalog Query support for Graph Construction
  • 26. Input: a property graph Output: a table FROM GRAPH socialNetwork MATCH ({name: 'Dan'})-[:FRIEND*2]->(foaf) RETURN toUpper( AS name ORDER BY name DESC Language features available in Morpheus
  • 27. Input: a property graph Output: a property graph FROM GRAPH socialNetwork MATCH (p:Person)-[:FRIEND*2]->(foaf) WHERE NOT (p)-[:FRIEND]->(foaf) CONSTRUCT CREATE (p)-[:POSSIBLE_FRIEND]->(foaf) RETURN GRAPH Language features available in Morpheus
  • 28. Input: property graphs Output: a property graph FROM GRAPH socialNetwork MATCH (p:Person) FROM GRAPH products MATCH (c:Customer) WHERE = CONSTRUCT ON socialNetwork, products CREATE (p)-[:IS]->(c) RETURN GRAPH Language features available in Morpheus
  • 29. Input: property graphs Output: a property graph CATALOG CREATE VIEW youngFriends($inGraph){ FROM GRAPH $inGraph MATCH (p1:Person)-[r]->(p2:Person) WHERE p1.age < 25 AND p2.age < 25 CONSTRUCT CREATE (p1)-[COPY OF r]->(p2) RETURN GRAPH } Language features available in Morpheus
  • 30. Input: property graphs Output: table or graph FROM youngFriends(socialNetwork) MATCH (p:Person)-[r]->(o) RETURN p, r, o // and views over views FROM youngFriends(europe(socialNetwork)) MATCH ... Language features available in Morpheus
  • 31.
  • 32. Morpheus Query EngineProperty Graph Data Sources Property Graph Catalog Scala API SQL JDBC
  • 33. ● Distributed executionSpark Core Spark SQL ● Rule- and Cost-based query optimization via Catalyst MATCH (c:Captain)-[:COMMANDS]->(s:Ship) WHERE = ‘Morpheus’ RETURN, openCypher Frontend ● Parsing, Rewriting, Normalization ● Semantic Analysis (Scoping, Typing, etc.) Morpheus ● Data Import and Export ● Schema and Type handling ● Query translation to Spark operations Relational Planning Logical Planning Spark Backend ● Translation into Logical Operators ● Basic Logical Optimization ● Backend Agnostic Query Representation ● Conversion and typing of Frontend expressions ● Translation into Relational Operations on abstract tables ● Column layout computation Intermediate Language ● Spark-specific table implementation
  • 34. ● In Morpheus, PropertyGraphs are represented by ○ Node Tables and Relationship Tables ● Tables are represented by DataFrames ○ Require a fixed schema ● Property Graphs have a Graph Type ○ Node and relationship types that occur in the graph ○ Node and relationship properties and their data type Property Graph Node Tables Rel. Tables Graph Type
  • 35. :Captain:Person name: Morpheus :Ship name: Nebuchadnezzar :COMMANDS id name 0 Morpheus id name 1 Nebuchadnezzar id source target 0 0 1 :Captain:Person :Ship :COMMANDS Graph Type { :Captain:Person ( name: STRING ), :Ship ( name: STRING ), :COMMANDS }
  • 36. Property Graph ⋈ ⋈ π MATCH (c:Captain)-[:COMMANDS]->(s:Ship) WHERE = ‘Morpheus’ RETURN, π π Morpheus Relational Planning ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Part 1 From JSON to Graph Create persistent Property Graph from raw Yelp dataset Read Yelp Data from JSON into DataFrames Create Property Graph from DataFrames Store Property Graph using Parquet Part 2 A library of Graphs Create a library of graph projections Read Property Graph from Parquet Create subgraph for a specifc city Project and persist city subgraph Part 3 Federated queries Integrate reviews with social network data Define Graph Type and Mapping with Graph DDL Load data from Hive and H2 Run analytical query on the integrated graph Part 5 Neo4j Integration II Recommend businesses to users Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j, run Louvain + Jaccard Run analytical query in Morpheus to find recommendations Part 4 Neo4j Integration I Find trending businesses Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j and run PageRank Combine graphs in Morpheus and select trending businesses
  • 39. ● Yelp is a search service based on crowd-sourced reviews about local businesses ● The Yelp Open Dataset is part of the Yelp Dataset Challenge ○ Yelps’ effort to encourage researchers to explore the dataset ○ ~150K businesses, 10M users, 5M reviews, 35M friendships
  • 40. :Business name : ACME address : 123 ACME Rd. city : San Jose state : CA :User name : Alice since : 2013 elite : [2014, 2016] :User name : Bob since : 2014 elite : null :REVIEWS stars : 5 date : 2014-02-03 :REVIEWS stars : 4 date : 2014-08-03
  • 41. business.json user.json review.json Create Node and Relationship Tables Create Property Graph Store Property Graph
  • 42. // (:User) val userDataFrame = val userNodeTable = CAPSEntityTable.create(NodeMappingBuilder.on("id") .withImpliedLabel("User") .withPropertyKey("name") .withPropertyKey("yelping_since") .withPropertyKey("elite") .build, userDataFrame) id name yelping_since elite 0 Alice 2013 [2014, 2016] 1 Bob 2014 null
  • 43.
  • 44. ● Property Graphs are managed within a catalog Cypher Session Property Graph Catalog Property Graph Data Source <namespace> Property Graph <name> QualifiedGraphName = <namespace>.<name>
  • 45. ● API to operate with the query engine and the catalog trait CypherSession { def cypher( query: String, parameters: CypherMap = CypherMap.empty, drivingTable: Option[CypherRecords] = None ): Result def catalog: PropertyGraphCatalog }
  • 46. ● API to manage multiple Property Graphs ● Catalog functions can be executed via Cypher or Scala API trait PropertyGraphCatalog { def register(namespace: Namespace, dataSource: PropertyGraphDataSource): Unit def store(qualifiedGraphName: QualifiedGraphName, graph: PropertyGraph): Unit def graph(qualifiedGraphName: QualifiedGraphName): PropertyGraph def drop(qualifiedGraphName: QualifiedGraphName): Unit // additional methods for managing views, listing namespaces and graphs }
  • 47. ● API for loading and saving property graphs trait PropertyGraphDataSource { def hasGraph(name: GraphName): Boolean def graph(name: GraphName): PropertyGraph def schema(name: GraphName): Option[Schema] // additional methods for storing, deleting, listing graphs }
  • 48. PGDS Multiple graphs Read graphs Write graphs File-based Parquet, ORC, CSV HDFS, local, S3 Yes Yes Yes SQL Hive, Jdbc Yes Yes No Neo4j Bolt Yes Yes Yes Neo4j Bulk Import No No Yes
  • 49. Cypher Session Property Graph Catalog Property Graph Data Source <namespace> Property Graph <name> QualifiedGraphName = <namespace>.<name>
  • 50. Cypher Session Property Graph Catalog “social-net” (Neo4j PGDS) “US” (Property Graph) FROM social-net.US MATCH (p:Person) RETURN p
  • 51. Cypher Session Property Graph Catalog “social-net” (Neo4j PGDS) “US” “EU” “products” (SQL PGDS) “2018” “2017” FROM social-net.US MATCH (p:Person) FROM products.2018 MATCH (c:Customer) WHERE = RETURN p, c
  • 52. Cypher Session Property Graph Catalog “social-net” (Neo4j PGDS) “US” “EU” “products” (SQL PGDS) “2018” “2017” CATALOG CREATE GRAPH social-net.US_new { FROM social-net.US MATCH (p:Person) FROM products.2018 MATCH (c:Customer) WHERE = CONSTRUCT ON social-net.US CREATE (p)-[:SAME_AS]->(c) RETURN GRAPH }
  • 53. CATALOG CREATE GRAPH social-net.US_new { FROM social-net.US MATCH (p:Person) FROM products.2018 MATCH (c:Customer) WHERE = CONSTRUCT ON social-net.US CREATE (p)-[:SAME_AS]->(c) RETURN GRAPH } Cypher Session Property Graph Catalog “social-net” (Neo4j PGDS) “US” “EU” “products” (SQL PGDS) “2018” “2017” “US_new”
  • 54. Cypher Session Property Graph Catalog “social-net” (Neo4j PGDS) “US” “EU” ... CATALOG CREATE VIEW youngPeople($sn) { FROM $sn MATCH (p:Person)-[r]->(n) WHERE p.age < 21 CONSTRUCT CREATE (p)-[COPY OF r]->(n) RETURN GRAPH } FROM youngPeople(social-net.US) MATCH (p:Person) RETURN p “youngPeople” Views
  • 55. Part 1 From JSON to Graph Create persistent Property Graph from raw Yelp dataset Read Yelp Data from JSON into DataFrames Create Property Graph from DataFrames Store Property Graph using Parquet Part 2 A library of Graphs Create a library of graph projections Read Property Graph from Parquet Create subgraph for a specifc city Project and persist city subgraph Part 3 Federated queries Integrate reviews with social network data Define Graph Type and Mapping with Graph DDL Load data from Hive and H2 Run analytical query on the integrated graph Part 5 Neo4j Integration II Recommend businesses to users Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j, run Louvain + Jaccard Run analytical query in Morpheus to find recommendations Part 4 Neo4j Integration I Find trending businesses Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j and run PageRank Combine graphs in Morpheus and select trending businesses
  • 56. :Business name : ACME address : 123 ACME Rd. city : San Jose state : CA :User name : Alice since : 2013 elite : [2014, 2016] :User name : Bob since : 2014 elite : null :REVIEWS stars : 5 date : 2014-02-03 :REVIEWS stars : 4 date : 2014-08-03
  • 57. 2015 - 2018 Boulder City (:User)-[:CO_REVIEWS]->(:User) (:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(:Business) (:User)-[:CO_REVIEWS]->(:User) Constuct graphs for each year Extract Yelp subgraph for specific city (:Business)-[:CO_REVIEWED]->(:Business)
  • 58.
  • 59. JDBC Hive Oracle SQL Server Orc Parquet Table/View Table/View Table/View ... ... Graph DDL Graph Instance - Table mappings SQL Tables Property Graphs Property Graph Node Tables Rel. Tables Graph Type SQL Property Graph Data Source Spark SQL Data Sources Graph Type - Element types - Node types - Relationship types
  • 60. Part 1 From JSON to Graph Create persistent Property Graph from raw Yelp dataset Read Yelp Data from JSON into DataFrames Create Property Graph from DataFrames Store Property Graph using Parquet Part 2 A library of Graphs Create a library of graph projections Read Property Graph from Parquet Create subgraph for a specifc city Project and persist city subgraph Part 3 Federated queries Integrate reviews with social network data Define Graph Type and Mapping with Graph DDL Load data from Hive and H2 Run analytical query on the integrated graph Part 5 Neo4j Integration II Recommend businesses to users Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j, run Louvain + Jaccard Run analytical query in Morpheus to find recommendations Part 4 Neo4j Integration I Find trending businesses Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j and run PageRank Combine graphs in Morpheus and select trending businesses
  • 61. :Business name : ACME address : 123 ACME Rd. city : San Jose state : CA :User name : Alice since : 2013 elite : [2014, 2016] email : :User name : Bob since : 2014 elite : null email : :REVIEWS stars : 5 date : 2014-02-03 :REVIEWS stars : 4 date : 2014-08-03
  • 63. Yelp Reviews Yelp Book Graph DDL + SQL PGDS (:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(:Business) (:User)-[:FRIEND]->(:User)
  • 64. CREATE GRAPH TYPE yelp ( -- Element types (concepts used to describe a graph) User ( name STRING, since DATE ), Business ( name STRING, city STRING ), REVIEWS ( stars INTEGER, date LOCALDATETIME ), FRIEND, -- Node types (User), (Business), -- Relationship types (User)-[REVIEWS]->(Business), (User)-[FRIEND]->(User) )
  • 65. CREATE GRAPH yelp_and_yelpBook OF yelp ( -- Node type mappings (User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user, (Business) FROM, -- Relationship type mappings (User)-[REVIEWS]->(Business) FROM e START NODES (User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user n JOIN e.user_email = END NODES (Business) FROM n JOIN e.business_id = n.business_id, (User)-[FRIEND]->(User) FROM H2.yelpbook.friend e START NODES (User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user n JOIN e.user1_email = END NODES (User) FROM HIVE.yelp.user n JOIN e.user2_email = )
  • 66. ● Morpheus and Neo4j Graph Algorithms ● Spark Graph SPIP sneak peek ● SQL/Cypher/GQL
  • 67.
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  • 69.
  • 71. DataFrame Table Result Cypher QUERY Property Graph Result Property Graph Cypher QUERY Cypher QUERY Property Graph Result DataFrame Driving Table
  • 74.
  • 76.
  • 77. Neo4j Native Graph Database Analytics Integrations Cypher Query Language Wide Range of APOC Procedures Native Graph Algorithms
  • 78. • Parallel Breadth First Search* • Parallel Depth First Search • Shortest Path* • Single-Source Shortest Path • All Pairs Shortest Path • Minimum Spanning Tree • A* Shortest Path • Yen’s K Shortest Path • K-Spanning Tree (MST) • Random Walk • Degree Centrality • Closeness Centrality • CC Variations: Harmonic, Dangalchev, Wasserman & Faust • Betweenness Centrality • Approximate Betweenness Centrality • PageRank* • Personalized PageRank • ArticleRank • Eigenvector Centrality • Triangle Count* • Clustering Coefficients • Connected Components (Union Find)* • Strongly Connected Components* • Label Propagation* • Louvain Modularity – 1 Step & Multi-Step • Balanced Triad (identification) • Euclidean Distance • Cosine Similarity • Jaccard Similarity • Overlap Similarity • Pearson Similarity Pathfinding & Search Centrality / Importance Community Detection Similarity graph-algorithms/current/ Link Prediction • Adamic Adar • Common Neighbors • Preferential Attachment • Resource Allocations • Same Community • Total Neighbors* Available in GraphFrames
  • 79. Free O’Reilly Book graph-algorithms-book • Spark & Neo4j Examples • Machine Learning Chapter
  • 80.
  • 81. Part 1 From JSON to Graph Create persistent Property Graph from raw Yelp dataset Read Yelp Data from JSON into DataFrames Create Property Graph from DataFrames Store Property Graph using Parquet Part 2 A library of Graphs Create a library of graph projections Read Property Graph from Parquet Create subgraph for a specifc city Project and persist city subgraph Part 3 Federated queries Integrate reviews with social network data Define Graph Type and Mapping with Graph DDL Load data from Hive and H2 Run analytical query on the integrated graph Part 5 Neo4j Integration II Recommend businesses to users Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j, run Louvain + Jaccard Run analytical query in Morpheus to find recommendations Part 4 Neo4j Integration I Find trending businesses Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j and run PageRank Combine graphs in Morpheus and select trending businesses
  • 82. ● Use when ○ Anytime you’re looking for broad influence over a network ○ Many domain specific variations for differing analysis, e.g. Personalized PageRank for personalized recommendations ● Examples: ○ Twitter Recommendations ○ Fraud Detection
  • 83. 2017 to 2018 call algo.pagerank 2017 2018 trendRank = pageRank_2018 - pageRank_2017 ⋈ (:Business) -[:CO_REVIEWED]-> (:Business)
  • 84. Part 1 From JSON to Graph Create persistent Property Graph from raw Yelp dataset Read Yelp Data from JSON into DataFrames Create Property Graph from DataFrames Store Property Graph using Parquet Part 2 A library of Graphs Create a library of graph projections Read Property Graph from Parquet Create subgraph for a specifc city Project and persist city subgraph Part 3 Federated queries Integrate reviews with social network data Define Graph Type and Mapping with Graph DDL Load data from Hive and H2 Run analytical query on the integrated graph Part 5 Neo4j Integration II Recommend businesses to users Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j, run Louvain + Jaccard Run analytical query in Morpheus to find recommendations Part 4 Neo4j Integration I Find trending businesses Load graph projections from library Write graphs to Neo4j and run PageRank Combine graphs in Morpheus and select trending businesses
  • 85. ● Use when ○ Community Detection in large networks ○ Uncover hierarchical structures in data ● Examples ○ Money Laundering ○ Protein-Protein-Interactions
  • 86. ● Use when ○ Computing pair-wise similarities ○ Accommodates vectors of different lengths ● Examples ○ Recommendations ○ Disambiguation
  • 87. call algo.louvain (:User)-[:REVIEWS]->(:Business) (:User)-[:CO_REVIEWS]->(:User) call algo.jaccard Recommend businesses similar users have reviewed 2017 Compute similarity based on overlapping reviewed businesses Compute communities based on co-reviews for each community :IS_SIMILAR
  • 88.
  • 90. ● SPARK-25994 Spark Graph for Apache Spark 3.0 ○ Property Graphs, Cypher Queries, and Algorithms ● Defines a Cypher-compatible Property Graph type based on DataFrames ● Replaces GraphFrames querying with Cypher ● Reimplements GraphFrames/GraphX algos on the Property Graph type
  • 91. ● “Spark Cypher” ○ Run a Cypher 9 query on a Property Graph returning a tabular result ● Migrate GraphFrames to Spark Graph ● Implementation is based on Spark SQL ○ Property Graphs are composed of one or more DFs ● Provide Scala, Python and Java APIs
  • 92. ● Addresses the Cypher Property Graph Model ○ Does not deal with variants of that model (e.g. RDF) ● No Cypher 10 multiple graph features ○ API is flexible to support this in future iterations ● No Property Graph Catalog ○ Also no Property Graph Data Sources
  • 93. [SPARK-27299][GRAPH][WIP] Spark Graph API design proposal (GraphExamplesSuite.scala) test("create PropertyGraph from Node- and RelationshipFrames") { val nodeData: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(0 -> "Alice", 1 -> "Bob")).toDF("id", "name") val relationshipData: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(Seq((0, 0, 1))).toDF("id", "source", "target") val nodeFrame: NodeFrame = NodeFrame(nodeData, "id", Set("Person")) val relationshipFrame: RelationshipFrame = RelationshipFrame(relationshipData, "id", "source", "target", "KNOWS") val graph: PropertyGraph = cypherSession.createGraph(Seq(nodeFrame), Seq(relationshipFrame)) val result: CypherResult = graph.cypher( """ |MATCH (a:Person)-[r:KNOWS]->(:Person) |RETURN a, r""".stripMargin) }
  • 94.
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  • 101. Spark SQL and “Spark GQL” Two models, two languages A common core of datatypes and expressions GQL as the focal point of graph programming Graph languages with a shared graph type system