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Modern Perl
with Dancer
Some History
20 years ago most web development was done
with Perl & CGI
10-15 years ago that changed
Competition in the web development space
Other (better?) technologies
What Changed?
Hard to maintain
CGI used less
No "new version" for twenty years
Technologies with less historical baggage
What Else Changed?
Perl changed a lot
Major release every year
Powerful extension libraries
CPAN - Perl's killer app
The Plan
Show that Perl is still good for web development
Demonstrate some Modern Perl tools
Show Perl working with modern web
– Bootstrap
– jQuery
– Mustache
The App
Perl Web Tools
– Web server interaction
– Web framework
Other Perl Tools
Template Toolkit
– Templating engine
– OO framework
Other Tools
– CSS framework
– Javascript framework
– Javascript templates
Perl Server Gateway Interface
Interface between Perl app and web server
A lot like Python's WSGI
PSGI Application
my $app = sub {
my $env = shift;
return [
[ Content_type => 'text/plain' ],
[ 'Hello world!' ],
PSGI Specification
Subroutine reference
Passed a hash reference
Returns a reference to a three-element array
Status code
Array of header name/value pairs
Array containing body
PSGI Advantages
Separates development from deployment
Easier debugging & testing
Plack is a toolbox for working with PSGI
A lot like Ruby's Rack
● Development web server (plackup)
Adapters for various deployment environments
Writing a PSGI Application
You can write your application in "raw" Plack
– Plack::Request
– Plack::Response
But unless it's very simple you should use a
Makes your life easier
Frameworks in Perl
– Our choice
Simple route-based framework
Plenty of plugins available
– Sessions
– Authentication
– Database access
Good balance between ease and power
Step 1 - Your
Dancer2 App
Creating Your Dancer2 App
Command line program to create an app
● dancer2 gen -a Todo
● Many files put into Todo directory
Running Your Dancer2 App
Run your web app in a development web server
– plackup
● cd Todo
● plackup bin/app.psgi
Go to http://localhost:5000/
Running Your Dancer2 App
Step 2 -
The default Dancer2 index page looks nice
But we can do better
Bootstrap is a CSS framework
– From Twitter
Easy improvements to web pages
Pages and Layouts
● Dancer2 stores page templates in views
– views/
● And layouts in views/layouts
– views/layouts/
These are Template Toolkit files
Changing Template Engine
Dancer2's default templating engine is
But we use the Template Toolkit instead
● Change templating engine in config.yml
config.yml (before)
template: "simple"
# template: "template_toolkit"
# engines:
# template:
# template_toolkit:
# start_tag: '<%'
# end_tag: '%>'
config.yml (after)
# template: "simple"
template: "template_toolkit"
start_tag: '<%'
end_tag: '%>'
Template Toolkit
Perl's de-facto standard templating engine
Text templates
● Processing tags marked with <% ... %>
Simple programming language
– Variables
– Loops
Layouts vs Pages
A page is a single page
A layout is a wrapper around all of your pages
Consistant look and feel
● <% content %> tag where page content is
Bootstrap Changes
● Edit views/layouts/
Steal HTML from Bootstrap examples page
● Insert the <% content %> tag
● Replace views/
– <p>Page content</p>
Bootstrapped Version
Step 3 - Plack
Plack Middleware
Plack Middleware wraps around your PSGI app
Can alter the request on the way in
Can alter the response on the way out
PSGI's simple specification makes this easy
Plack Middleware Onion
Middleware Power
Middleware can skip the app
Go straight to the response
Serving static files
Static Files
Your app will have static files
– Images
– Javascript
Serve these from the filesystem
No need to go through the app
Use Plack::Middleware::Static
Your Dancer2 App
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use Todo;
Adding Middleware
Plack::Builder is used to load and configure middleware
● Use the builder and enable keywords
use Plack::Builder;
my $app = ...;
builder {
enable 'Some::Middleware';
use Plack::Builder;
use Todo;
builder {
enable 'Plack::Middleware::Static',
path => qr{^/(javascripts|css)/},
root => './public/';
Serve static files directly
– Don't go through the app
● If the path matches qr{^/(javascripts|
● Serve files from ./public
– Note the "."
Our App
Step 4: Adding
Displaying Data
We want to display data
– Todo item
Start simple
Hard-code data in
Read that data in
Data in
my @items = ({
title => 'Todo item 1',
description =>
'Do something interesting',
due => '2016-08-24',
done => 1,
}, {
Munge the Data
my $dt_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%Y-%m-%d',
my $now = DateTime->now;
foreach my $item (@items) {
$item->{due} =
$item->{overdue} = $item->{due} <= $now;
Pass Data to Template
template 'index',
{ items => @items };
Display Data in Template
<% FOREACH item IN items -%>
<div class="panel panel-<% IF item.done %>success<% ELSIF
item.overdue %>danger<% ELSE %>info<% END %>">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title"><% item.title %></h3>
<div class="panel-body"><p><% item.description %></p>
<p class="text-right">
<small>Due: <% item.due.strftime('%A %d %B')
<% END -%>
Our App
Step 5 - Getting
Data from a
Dynamic Data
That's nice, but we don't have a static Todo list
– Hopefully
Need to get the data from a database
Define Database Table
id integer not null
auto_increment primary key,
title varchar(200) not null,
description text,
due datetime,
done boolean not null default false
) Engine=InnoDB;
Database Interfaces with Perl
The standard Perl database interface is called
But we can do better than that
We will use DBIx::Class
– Based on DBI
Object Relational Mapping
Maps between OO concepts and DB concepts
table : class
row : object
column : attribute
Write less SQL!
Database Metadata
DBIx::Class needs a set of Perl classes
You can write these yourself
Or you can automatically generate them
● dbicdump extracts metadata from your
Generates the classes
schema_class Todo::Schema
dsn dbi:mysql:todo
user todouser
pass sekr1t
dump_directory ./Todo/lib
components InflateColumn::DateTime
use_moose 1
Generating Classes
● Run dbicdump from your command line
● dbicdump todo.conf
Dumps stuff into Todo/lib
Generated Classes
– Main connection object
– One row from the item table
Dancer2 and DBIC
Use a plugin to access DBIC from Dancer2
Configure connection in config.yml
schema_class: Todo::Schema
dsn: dbi:mysql:dbname=todo
user: todouser
pass: sekr1t
use Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC;
get '/' => sub {
# Removed hard-coded data
# Get data from database instead
my @items =
template 'index', { items => @items };
No changes
Which is a bonus
Previously we passed hashrefs
Now we pass objects
TT uses the same syntax for both
TT Hashes vs Objects
– Perl: $item->{key}
– TT: item.key
– Perl: $item->attribute
– TT: item.attribute
Handy for prototyping
Our App
Step 6 -
Displaying with
Generating the HTML using TT code in the template
isn't very flexible
Write a JSON data structure instead
Generate the HTML from the JSON
– Mustache
Process Mustache template on page load
– jQuery
var items = [
<% FOREACH item IN items -%>
counter: <% loop.count %>,
title: "<% item.title %>",
description: "<% item.description %>",
done: <% item.done %>,
overdue: <% item.overdue %>,
due: "<% item.due.strftime('%A %d %B') %>",
panel_class: "<% IF item.done %>success
<% ELSIF item.overdue %>danger
<% ELSE %>info<% END %>",
}<% UNLESS loop.last %>,<% END %>
<% END -%>
Somewhere to Put the List
<div id="list">
Simple Javascript templating language
Similar features to Template Toolkit
● Define templates in <script> tags
● Render with Mustache.render()
Mustache Template
<script id="item-template" type="text/template">
<div class="panel panel-{{panel_class}}">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">{{counter}}: {{title}}</h3>
<div class="panel-body"><p>{{description}}</p>
<p class="text-right"><small>Due:
Rendering the Template
$( document ).ready(function() {
var template = $('#item-template').html();
var list = Mustache.render(
template, { items: items }
Our App
Step 7 -
Done Items
Our First Feature
Show/hide done items
– Bootstrap Switch
– jQuery
Save the state in a cookie
– js.cookie
No Perl in this step
Add the Switch
<p>Completed items:
<input type="checkbox"
Set Up the Switch
function set_up_switch(the_switch, curr_state) {
function(event, new_state) {
Cookies.set('show-complete', new_state);
'state', curr_state
Some Other Helpers
function generate_list(div, list_items) {
var template = $('#item-template').html();
{ items: list_items })
function show_list(state) {
if (state) {
} else {
Document Ready
$( document ).ready(function() {
list_div = $("#list");
generate_list(list_div, items);
# Gotcha!
cook_state = Cookies.get('show-complete') == 'true';
Our App
Our App
Step 8 - Mark
Items Done
An Important Feature
Need to mark items as done
Add "done" button to page
– Bootstrap Glyphicons
Update status in database
Redisplay page
More Data Needed
Add id to JSON
Add button_type to JSON
– Controls colour of button
<% FOREACH item IN items -%>
counter: <% loop.count %>,
id: <% %>,
title: "<% item.title %>",
description: "<% item.description %>",
done: <% item.done %>,
overdue: <% item.overdue %>,
due: "<% item.due.strftime('%A %d %B') %>",
panel_class: "<% IF item.done %>success
<% ELSIF item.overdue %>danger
<% ELSE %>info<% END %>",
button_type: "<% IF item.done %>success
<% ELSIF item.overdue %>danger
<% ELSE %>primary<% END %>"
}<% UNLESS loop.last %>,<% END %>
<% END -%>
Display Button
<script id="item-template" type="text/template">
<div class="panel panel-{{panel_class}}">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">{{counter}}: {{title}} {{^done}}">
<form style="float:right" method="post"
<button type="submit"
class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>
<div class="panel-body">
<p class="text-right"><small>Due: {{due}}</small></p>
Done action is POST
Alters the database
Protection from crawlers
Marking Item Done
Find item in database
– Not found -> 404
Update status
Redirect to home page
post '/done/:id' => sub {
my $id = route_parameters->get('id');
my $item =
unless ($item) {
status 404;
return "Item $id not found";
$item->update({ done => 1 });
Our App
Step 9 - Add
New Tasks
Add Todo Items
Todo lists get longer
Need to add new items
New form to capture information
Save to database
Handle missing information
Add an Add Button
<span style="float:right">
<a href="/add">
<button type="submit"
class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon
Display Add Form
Two actions on /add
Display form
Process form data
Use HTTP method to differentiate
get '/add' => sub {
template 'add';
}; - POST
post '/add' => sub {
my $item;
my @errors;
my %cols = (
title => 'Title',
description => 'Description',
due => 'Due Date',
foreach (qw[title description due]) {
unless ($item->{$_} = body_parameters->get($_)) {
push @errors, $cols{$_};
if (@errors) {
return template 'add', {
errors => @errors, item => $item
}; (Error Display)
<% IF errors.size -%>
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
The following inputs were missing:
<% FOREACH error IN errors -%>
<li><% error %></li>
<% END -%>
<% END -%> (Data Capturing)
<form method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="title">Title</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control"
id="title" name="title" placeholder="Title"
value="<% item.title %>">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="description">Description</label>
<textarea class="form-control" rows="5"
id="description" name="description"
<% item.description %>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="due">Date Due</label>
<input type="date" id="due" name="due"
value="<% item.due %>">
<button type="submit"
class="btn btn-default">Save</button>
Our App
Our App
Our App
Step 10 -
Logging In
Logging In
Only valid users should be able to edit the list
Other visitors can view the list
Use sessions to store login details
Add Login Form and Logout Link to
<% IF session.user %>
<a href="/logout">Log out</a>
<% ELSE %>
<form class="navbar-form navbar-right"
method="post" action="/login">
<div class="form-group form-group-sm">
<input type="text" class="form-control"
name="user" placeholder="User">
<div class="form-group form-group-sm">
<input type="password" class="form-control"
name="password" placeholder="Password">
<button type="submit"
class="btn btn-default btn-xs">Log in</button>
<% END %>
</li> - Logging In
post '/login' => sub {
my $user = body_parameters->get('user');
my $pass = body_parameters->get('password');
# TODO: Make this better!
if ($pass eq 'letmein') {
session user => $user;
redirect '/';
}; - Logging Out
get '/logout' => sub {
session user => undef;
redirect '/';
Display Appropriate Buttons - Add
<% IF session.user -%>
<span style="float:right">
<a href="/add">
<button type="submit"
class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon
<% END -%>
Display Appropriate Buttons - Mark
<% IF session.user %>
<form style="float:right" method="post"
<button type="submit"
class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>
<% END %>
Our App
Our App
Step 11 - Edit
Editing Tasks
Tasks aren't fixed in stone
Deadlines change
Details change
Fix typos
Delete tasks
Add Edit and Delete Buttons
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">{{counter}}:
{{title}}<% IF session.user %>
{{^done}}<form style="float:right" method="post"
<button title="Mark Done" type="submit"
class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>
<a href="/edit/{{id}}"><button title="Edit" type="button"
class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>
<a href="/delete/{{id}}"><button title="Delete" type="button"
class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>
</button></a></form>{{/done}}<% END %></h3>
Add Edit and Delete Buttons
Deletion Code
get '/delete/:id' => sub {
my $id = route_parameters->get('id');
my $item = find_item_by_id($id)
or return "Item $id not found";
template 'delete', { item => $item };
post '/delete/:id' => sub {
my $id = route_parameters->get('id');
my $item = find_item_by_id($id)
or return "Item $id not found";
redirect '/';
Deletion Check
Edit Code (GET)
get '/edit/:id' => sub {
my $id = route_parameters->get('id');
my $item = find_item_by_id($id)
or return "Item $id not found";
template 'add', { item => $item };
Edit Code (POST)
post '/edit/:id' => sub {
my $id = route_parameters->get('id');
my $item = find_item_by_id($id)
or return "Item $id not found";
my $new_item;
my @errors;
my %cols = (
title => 'Title',
description => 'Description',
due => 'Due Date',
foreach (qw[title description due]) {
unless ($new_item->{$_} = body_parameters->get($_)) {
push @errors, $cols{$_};
if (@errors) {
return template 'add',
{ errors => @errors, item => $new_item };
sub find_item_by_id {
my ($id) = @_;
my $item =
unless ($item) {
status 404;
return $item;
Step 12 - Tag
Tag Tasks
Associate tags with tasks
Display tags for task
Edit tags
Filter on tags
Database Changes
New table "tag"
New link table "item_tag"
Generate new DBIC schema classes
Database Changes
Database Changes (Cheating)
● cd step12
● db/make_db
● dbicdump todo.conf
Database Relationships
DBIC recognises relationships between tables
Regenerates code automatically
● Item has_many Item Tags
● Item Tags belong_to Items
● Item has a many_to_many relationship with
– And vice versa
Add Tags
my @tags = split /s*,s*/,
my $new_item =
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
$new_item->add_to_tags({ name => $tag });
Displaying Tags (1)
tags: [
<% FOREACH tag IN item.tags -%>
"<% %>"
<% UNLESS loop.last %>,<% END %>
<% END -%>
Displaying Tags (2)
<div class="panel
{{#tags}}tag-{{.}} {{/tags}}">
Displaying Tags (3)
<p><a class="btn btn-{{button_type}}
btn-xs tag-button" href="#" role="button"
title="Clear tag filter" id="clear-tag">
<span class="glyphicon
<a class="btn btn-{{button_type}}
btn-xs tag-button"
href="#" role="button">{{.}}</a>
Displaying Tags
Filtering Tags
$(".tag-button").on('click', function(event)
if ( == "clear-tag") {
} else {
$(".tag-" + this.text).show(400);
Things We Didn't Cover
Things to Add
User management
Better error checks
– Pop-ups
Things to Read
Dancer documentation
Dancer advent calendar
PSGI/Plack documentation
Things to Consider
Perl has great tools for web development
Moose is a state of the art object system
DBIC is a state of the art ORM
Dancer, Catalyst and Mojolicious are state of the
art web frameworks
No language has better tools
Stay in Touch
Mailing list
Thank You

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Modern Perl Web Development with Dancer

  • 2. Some History ● 20 years ago most web development was done with Perl & CGI ● 10-15 years ago that changed ● Competition in the web development space ● Other (better?) technologies
  • 3. What Changed? ● Hard to maintain ● CGI used less ● No "new version" for twenty years ● Technologies with less historical baggage
  • 4. What Else Changed? ● Perl changed a lot ● Major release every year ● Powerful extension libraries ● CPAN - Perl's killer app
  • 5. The Plan ● Show that Perl is still good for web development ● Demonstrate some Modern Perl tools ● Show Perl working with modern web technology – Bootstrap – jQuery – Mustache
  • 7. Perl Web Tools ● PSGI/Plack – Web server interaction ● Dancer2 – Web framework
  • 8. Other Perl Tools ● DBIx::Class – ORM ● Template Toolkit – Templating engine ● Moose – OO framework
  • 9. Other Tools ● Bootstrap – CSS framework ● jQuery – Javascript framework ● Mustache – Javascript templates
  • 11. PSGI ● Perl Server Gateway Interface ● CGI++ ● Interface between Perl app and web server ● A lot like Python's WSGI
  • 12. PSGI Application my $app = sub { my $env = shift; return [ 200, [ Content_type => 'text/plain' ], [ 'Hello world!' ], ]; }
  • 13. PSGI Specification ● Subroutine reference ● Passed a hash reference ● Returns a reference to a three-element array ● Status code ● Array of header name/value pairs ● Array containing body
  • 14. PSGI Advantages ● Separates development from deployment ● Easier debugging & testing ● Middleware
  • 15. Plack ● Plack is a toolbox for working with PSGI ● A lot like Ruby's Rack ● Development web server (plackup) ● Middleware ● Apps ● Adapters for various deployment environments
  • 16. Writing a PSGI Application ● You can write your application in "raw" Plack – Plack::Request – Plack::Response ● But unless it's very simple you should use a framework ● Makes your life easier
  • 18. Dancer2 ● Simple route-based framework ● Plenty of plugins available – Sessions – Authentication – Database access ● Good balance between ease and power
  • 19. Step 1 - Your Dancer2 App
  • 20. Creating Your Dancer2 App ● Command line program to create an app skeleton ● dancer2 gen -a Todo ● Many files put into Todo directory
  • 21. Running Your Dancer2 App ● Run your web app in a development web server – plackup ● cd Todo ● plackup bin/app.psgi ● Go to http://localhost:5000/
  • 24. Bootstrap ● The default Dancer2 index page looks nice ● But we can do better ● Bootstrap is a CSS framework – From Twitter ● Easy improvements to web pages ●
  • 25. Pages and Layouts ● Dancer2 stores page templates in views – views/ ● And layouts in views/layouts – views/layouts/ ● These are Template Toolkit files
  • 26. Changing Template Engine ● Dancer2's default templating engine is Template::Simple ● But we use the Template Toolkit instead ● Change templating engine in config.yml
  • 27. config.yml (before) template: "simple" # template: "template_toolkit" # engines: # template: # template_toolkit: # start_tag: '<%' # end_tag: '%>'
  • 28. config.yml (after) # template: "simple" template: "template_toolkit" engines: template: template_toolkit: start_tag: '<%' end_tag: '%>'
  • 29. Template Toolkit ● Perl's de-facto standard templating engine ● Text templates ● Processing tags marked with <% ... %> ● Simple programming language – Variables – Loops
  • 30. Layouts vs Pages ● A page is a single page ● A layout is a wrapper around all of your pages ● Consistant look and feel ● <% content %> tag where page content is inserted
  • 31. Bootstrap Changes ● Edit views/layouts/ ● Steal HTML from Bootstrap examples page ● Insert the <% content %> tag ● Replace views/ – <p>Page content</p>
  • 33. Step 3 - Plack Middleware
  • 34. Plack Middleware ● Plack Middleware wraps around your PSGI app ● Can alter the request on the way in ● Can alter the response on the way out ● PSGI's simple specification makes this easy
  • 36. Middleware Power ● Middleware can skip the app ● Go straight to the response ● Authentication ● Serving static files
  • 37. Static Files ● Your app will have static files – Images – CSS – Javascript ● Serve these from the filesystem ● No need to go through the app ● Use Plack::Middleware::Static
  • 38. Your Dancer2 App #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use Todo; Todo->to_app;
  • 39. Adding Middleware ● Plack::Builder is used to load and configure middleware ● Use the builder and enable keywords use Plack::Builder; my $app = ...; builder { enable 'Some::Middleware'; $app; };
  • 40. Plack::Middleware::Static use Plack::Builder; use Todo; builder { enable 'Plack::Middleware::Static', path => qr{^/(javascripts|css)/}, root => './public/'; Todo->to_app; };
  • 41. Plack::Middleware::Static ● Serve static files directly – Don't go through the app ● If the path matches qr{^/(javascripts| css)/} ● Serve files from ./public – Note the "."
  • 44. Displaying Data ● We want to display data – Todo item ● Start simple ● Hard-code data in ● Read that data in
  • 45. Data in my @items = ({ title => 'Todo item 1', description => 'Do something interesting', due => '2016-08-24', done => 1, }, { ... });
  • 46. Munge the Data my $dt_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%Y-%m-%d', ); my $now = DateTime->now; foreach my $item (@items) { $item->{due} = $dt_parser->parse_datetime($item->{due}); $item->{overdue} = $item->{due} <= $now; }
  • 47. Pass Data to Template template 'index', { items => @items };
  • 48. Display Data in Template <% FOREACH item IN items -%> <div class="panel panel-<% IF item.done %>success<% ELSIF item.overdue %>danger<% ELSE %>info<% END %>"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title"><% item.title %></h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"><p><% item.description %></p> <p class="text-right"> <small>Due: <% item.due.strftime('%A %d %B') %></small> </p> </div> </div> <% END -%>
  • 50. Step 5 - Getting Data from a Database
  • 51. Dynamic Data ● That's nice, but we don't have a static Todo list – Hopefully ● Need to get the data from a database
  • 52. Define Database Table CREATE TABLE item ( id integer not null auto_increment primary key, title varchar(200) not null, description text, due datetime, done boolean not null default false ) Engine=InnoDB;
  • 53. Database Interfaces with Perl ● The standard Perl database interface is called DBI ● But we can do better than that ● We will use DBIx::Class – Based on DBI ● ORM
  • 54. Object Relational Mapping ● Maps between OO concepts and DB concepts ● table : class ● row : object ● column : attribute ● Write less SQL!
  • 55. Database Metadata ● DBIx::Class needs a set of Perl classes ● You can write these yourself ● Or you can automatically generate them ● dbicdump extracts metadata from your database ● Generates the classes
  • 56. todo.conf schema_class Todo::Schema <connect_info> dsn dbi:mysql:todo user todouser pass sekr1t </connect_info> <loader_options> dump_directory ./Todo/lib components InflateColumn::DateTime use_moose 1 </loader_options>
  • 57. Generating Classes ● Run dbicdump from your command line ● dbicdump todo.conf ● Dumps stuff into Todo/lib
  • 58. Generated Classes ● Todo/lib/Todo/ – Main connection object ● Todo/lib/Todo/Schema/Result/ – One row from the item table
  • 59. Dancer2 and DBIC ● Use a plugin to access DBIC from Dancer2 ● Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC ● Configure connection in config.yml
  • 61. use Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC; get '/' => sub { # Removed hard-coded data # Get data from database instead my @items = schema->resultset('Item')->all; template 'index', { items => @items }; };
  • 62. ● No changes ● Which is a bonus ● Previously we passed hashrefs ● Now we pass objects ● TT uses the same syntax for both
  • 63. TT Hashes vs Objects ● Hashref – Perl: $item->{key} – TT: item.key ● Object – Perl: $item->attribute – TT: item.attribute ● Handy for prototyping
  • 65. Step 6 - Displaying with Javascript
  • 66. Flexibility ● Generating the HTML using TT code in the template isn't very flexible ● Write a JSON data structure instead – JSON ● Generate the HTML from the JSON – Mustache ● Process Mustache template on page load – jQuery
  • 67. JSON <script> var items = [ <% FOREACH item IN items -%> { counter: <% loop.count %>, title: "<% item.title %>", description: "<% item.description %>", done: <% item.done %>, overdue: <% item.overdue %>, due: "<% item.due.strftime('%A %d %B') %>", panel_class: "<% IF item.done %>success <% ELSIF item.overdue %>danger <% ELSE %>info<% END %>", }<% UNLESS loop.last %>,<% END %> <% END -%> ]; </script>
  • 68. Somewhere to Put the List <div id="list"> </div>
  • 69. Mustache ● Simple Javascript templating language ● Similar features to Template Toolkit ● Define templates in <script> tags ● Render with Mustache.render()
  • 70. Mustache Template <script id="item-template" type="text/template"> {{#items}} <div class="panel panel-{{panel_class}}"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">{{counter}}: {{title}}</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"><p>{{description}}</p> <p class="text-right"><small>Due: {{due}}</small></p> </div> </div> {{/items}} </script>
  • 71. Rendering the Template <script> $( document ).ready(function() { var template = $('#item-template').html(); var list = Mustache.render( template, { items: items } ); $('#list').append(list); }); </script>
  • 74. Our First Feature ● Show/hide done items – Bootstrap Switch – jQuery ● Save the state in a cookie – js.cookie ● No Perl in this step
  • 75. Add the Switch <p>Completed items: <input type="checkbox" name="show-complete" data-on-text="Show" data-off-text="Hide" data-size="small"></p>
  • 76. Set Up the Switch function set_up_switch(the_switch, curr_state) { the_switch.on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function(event, new_state) { show_list(new_state); Cookies.set('show-complete', new_state); }); the_switch.bootstrapSwitch( 'state', curr_state ); }
  • 77. Some Other Helpers function generate_list(div, list_items) { var template = $('#item-template').html(); div.append( Mustache.render(template, { items: list_items }) ); } function show_list(state) { if (state) { $(".panel-success").show(1000); } else { $(".panel-success").hide(1000); } }
  • 78. Document Ready $( document ).ready(function() { list_div = $("#list"); list_div.hide(); generate_list(list_div, items); # Gotcha! cook_state = Cookies.get('show-complete') == 'true'; set_up_switch( $("[name='show-complete']"), cook_state ); show_list(cook_state);; });
  • 81. Step 8 - Mark Items Done
  • 82. An Important Feature ● Need to mark items as done ● Add "done" button to page – Bootstrap Glyphicons ● Update status in database ● Redisplay page
  • 83. More Data Needed ● Add id to JSON ● Add button_type to JSON – Controls colour of button
  • 84. <% FOREACH item IN items -%> { counter: <% loop.count %>, id: <% %>, title: "<% item.title %>", description: "<% item.description %>", done: <% item.done %>, overdue: <% item.overdue %>, due: "<% item.due.strftime('%A %d %B') %>", panel_class: "<% IF item.done %>success <% ELSIF item.overdue %>danger <% ELSE %>info<% END %>", button_type: "<% IF item.done %>success <% ELSIF item.overdue %>danger <% ELSE %>primary<% END %>" }<% UNLESS loop.last %>,<% END %> <% END -%>
  • 85. Display Button <script id="item-template" type="text/template"> {{#items}} <div class="panel panel-{{panel_class}}"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">{{counter}}: {{title}} {{^done}}"> <form style="float:right" method="post" action="/done/{{id}}"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> </button> </form>{{/done}} </h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p>{{description}}</p> <p class="text-right"><small>Due: {{due}}</small></p> </div> </div> {{/items}} </script>
  • 86. POST vs GET ● Done action is POST ● Alters the database ● Protection from crawlers
  • 87. Marking Item Done ● Find item in database – Not found -> 404 ● Update status ● Redirect to home page
  • 88. post '/done/:id' => sub { my $id = route_parameters->get('id'); my $item = schema->resultset('Item')->find($id); unless ($item) { status 404; return "Item $id not found"; } $item->update({ done => 1 }); redirect('/'); };
  • 90. Step 9 - Add New Tasks
  • 91. Add Todo Items ● Todo lists get longer ● Need to add new items ● New form to capture information ● Save to database ● Handle missing information
  • 92. Add an Add Button <span style="float:right"> <a href="/add"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> </button> </a> </span>
  • 93. Display Add Form ● Two actions on /add ● Display form ● Process form data ● Use HTTP method to differentiate ● GET vs POST
  • 94. - GET get '/add' => sub { template 'add'; };
  • 95. - POST post '/add' => sub { my $item; my @errors; my %cols = ( title => 'Title', description => 'Description', due => 'Due Date', ); foreach (qw[title description due]) { unless ($item->{$_} = body_parameters->get($_)) { push @errors, $cols{$_}; } } if (@errors) { return template 'add', { errors => @errors, item => $item }; } resultset('Item')->create($item); redirect('/'); };
  • 96. (Error Display) <% IF errors.size -%> <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"> The following inputs were missing: <ul> <% FOREACH error IN errors -%> <li><% error %></li> <% END -%> </ul> </div> <% END -%>
  • 97. (Data Capturing) <form method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="title">Title</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="title" name="title" placeholder="Title" value="<% item.title %>"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="description">Description</label> <textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="description" name="description" placeholder="Description"> <% item.description %> </textarea> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="due">Date Due</label> <input type="date" id="due" name="due" value="<% item.due %>"> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Save</button> </form>
  • 102. Logging In ● Only valid users should be able to edit the list ● Other visitors can view the list ● Use sessions to store login details
  • 103. Add Login Form and Logout Link to <li> <% IF session.user %> <a href="/logout">Log out</a> <% ELSE %> <form class="navbar-form navbar-right" method="post" action="/login"> <div class="form-group form-group-sm"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="user" placeholder="User"> </div> <div class="form-group form-group-sm"> <input type="password" class="form-control" name="password" placeholder="Password"> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-xs">Log in</button> </form> <% END %> </li>
  • 104. - Logging In post '/login' => sub { my $user = body_parameters->get('user'); my $pass = body_parameters->get('password'); # TODO: Make this better! if ($pass eq 'letmein') { session user => $user; } redirect '/'; };
  • 105. - Logging Out get '/logout' => sub { session user => undef; redirect '/'; };
  • 106. Display Appropriate Buttons - Add <% IF session.user -%> <span style="float:right"> <a href="/add"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> </button> </a> </span> <% END -%>
  • 107. Display Appropriate Buttons - Mark Done <% IF session.user %> {{^done}} <form style="float:right" method="post" action="/done/{{id}}"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> </button> </form> {{/done}} <% END %>
  • 110. Step 11 - Edit Tasks
  • 111. Editing Tasks ● Tasks aren't fixed in stone ● Deadlines change ● Details change ● Fix typos ● Delete tasks
  • 112. Add Edit and Delete Buttons <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">{{counter}}: {{title}}<% IF session.user %> {{^done}}<form style="float:right" method="post" action="/done/{{id}}"> <button title="Mark Done" type="submit" class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> </button> <a href="/edit/{{id}}"><button title="Edit" type="button" class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> </button></a> <a href="/delete/{{id}}"><button title="Delete" type="button" class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-lg"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </button></a></form>{{/done}}<% END %></h3> </div>
  • 113. Add Edit and Delete Buttons
  • 114. Deletion Code get '/delete/:id' => sub { my $id = route_parameters->get('id'); my $item = find_item_by_id($id) or return "Item $id not found"; template 'delete', { item => $item }; }; post '/delete/:id' => sub { my $id = route_parameters->get('id'); my $item = find_item_by_id($id) or return "Item $id not found"; $item->delete; redirect '/'; };
  • 116. Edit Code (GET) get '/edit/:id' => sub { my $id = route_parameters->get('id'); my $item = find_item_by_id($id) or return "Item $id not found"; template 'add', { item => $item }; };
  • 117. Edit Code (POST) post '/edit/:id' => sub { my $id = route_parameters->get('id'); my $item = find_item_by_id($id) or return "Item $id not found"; my $new_item; my @errors; my %cols = ( title => 'Title', description => 'Description', due => 'Due Date', ); foreach (qw[title description due]) { unless ($new_item->{$_} = body_parameters->get($_)) { push @errors, $cols{$_}; } } if (@errors) { return template 'add', { errors => @errors, item => $new_item }; } $item->update($new_item); redirect('/'); };
  • 118. find_item_by_id($id) sub find_item_by_id { my ($id) = @_; my $item = schema->resultset('Item')->find($id); unless ($item) { status 404; return; } return $item; }
  • 119. Step 12 - Tag Tasks
  • 120. Tag Tasks ● Associate tags with tasks ● Display tags for task ● Edit tags ● Filter on tags
  • 121. Database Changes ● New table "tag" ● New link table "item_tag" ● Generate new DBIC schema classes
  • 123. Database Changes (Cheating) ● cd step12 ● db/make_db ● dbicdump todo.conf
  • 124. Database Relationships ● DBIC recognises relationships between tables ● Regenerates code automatically ● Item has_many Item Tags ● Item Tags belong_to Items ● Item has a many_to_many relationship with Tag – And vice versa
  • 125. Add Tags my @tags = split /s*,s*/, body_parameters->get('tags'); ... my $new_item = resultset('Item')->create($item); foreach my $tag (@tags) { $new_item->add_to_tags({ name => $tag }); }
  • 126. Displaying Tags (1) tags: [ <% FOREACH tag IN item.tags -%> "<% %>" <% UNLESS loop.last %>,<% END %> <% END -%> ]
  • 127. Displaying Tags (2) <div class="panel panel-{{panel_class}} {{#tags}}tag-{{.}} {{/tags}}">
  • 128. Displaying Tags (3) <p><a class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-xs tag-button" href="#" role="button" title="Clear tag filter" id="clear-tag"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a> {{#tags}} <a class="btn btn-{{button_type}} btn-xs tag-button" href="#" role="button">{{.}}</a> {{/tags}}</p>
  • 130. Filtering Tags $(".tag-button").on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if ( == "clear-tag") { $(".panel").show(400); } else { $(".panel").hide(400); $(".tag-" + this.text).show(400); } });
  • 132. Things We Didn't Cover ● Testing ● Deployment
  • 133. Things to Add ● User management ● Better error checks ● AJAX – Pop-ups
  • 134. Things to Read ● Dancer documentation ● Dancer advent calendar ● PSGI/Plack documentation ● CPAN
  • 135. Things to Consider ● Perl has great tools for web development ● Moose is a state of the art object system ● DBIC is a state of the art ORM ● Dancer, Catalyst and Mojolicious are state of the art web frameworks ● No language has better tools