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книг выложен группой
книг выложен группой
I Presenttime 1:presentsimple,presentcontinuous.timeexprcssions l0
2 Pr€senttime2: presentsimpleorcontinuous?,prcsentcontinuousor presentpedect 14
continuous?,otherusesof presenttenses,stateverbs
3 Pasttime 1:pastsimple,pastcontinuous,timeexpressions,pastsmpleorcontinuous 18
4 Pasttime 2rpastperfect,timeexprcssions,pastperfectcontinuous,usedtol!'l,ould 22
+ nfinitive
5 Pastand present1:presentperfect,timeexpressions,be€t(to)andgone(to) 26
6 Pastandpresent2: pastsimpleor presentperfect?,prcsentsimpeor presentperfectT, 30
presentperfectcontinuous,timeexpressions,presentpertector presentperfectcontinuous?
7 Eutute1t wilt,goingto, presentcontinuous,wil/ot goingto?,goingta ot ptesent 34
8 Future2i timeexpressions,prcsentsimple/continuous,futurecontinLlous,futurep€rfect' 38
walgoingto,otherwaysto talkaboutlhefutule
9 passiveli fofm,focusonimpo(antinformation,systemsandprocesses,sayinqwhodoes 42
10 Pasiive2: linkingto previoosinformation,beingfomal/impersonal,passive+ infintive, 46
verbswith two objects,havesomethingdone,to bebom
11 Modalsandrelatedverbsl: form,ability,w;//andwillingness 50
12 Modalsand relatedverbs2i necessity,nonecessity,pemission,prohibition,oplnions 54
13 Modalsandrelatedv€rbs3: probability,certaintyanddeduction,expectation,lncearanty, 58
I 4 Modalsandrelatedverbs4: direct/indirectlanguage,requests,permisson,offersand 62
15 Questionsl: yeslnoquestionsandanswers,questionwordquestions,questionphrases, 66
16 Questions2:questiontags,replyquenions,indiFctquestons,prepositonslnquestion5, ia
whatB it tor andwlal wasi lile
17 Conditionals1:conditionsandresulls,fvvesel/...,/fwesold.,unlers,oihermodak74
18 Conditionafs2:/f we50ld .-., ff wehadsold...,.onditionalswithouili wish,modalverbs 78
n conditionals./f/ rvereYou...
книг выложен группой
19 Verb+ -ingor intinitiveI: ve|b+-r?g;verb+ to+ innnitive,verb+objecr+fo+ infnitve, a2
makeand/et,verb+ thatclause
20 Verb+ ,hg or inJinitive2:ve.b+ -t g or infinitive,ve|bsof p-6rcepUon,passv-aforms: 86
-lrg orinfinitive
2l Reportedspeech1:reportedspeech;tensechanges,notensechange.peopl€,paces, 90
22 Reportedspeech2:5ayor te4otherreportingvebs,/t + passveof a reportingverb, 94
P H R A S A L V E R B 5
23 Phrasalverbsl: undeGtandingphrasalvelbs,separablephrasalverbs,inseparable 98
24 Phrasalverbs2: phrasalve|bs+ p€position.three-panphrasalverbs,partcleme.nings 1O2
O I H E R V E R B C O N s T R U C I I O N S
25 Verbsandobiectsrtransitivevebs,intransitiveverbs,verb+ twoobjects,vefb+ two
objedsusinglor 106
26 The'ing form:asa noun,asanadjective,afterprcpositions,usedto b-caina cause 110
27 rhake,do,get,haverusesof fourcommonverbs 114
F E L A I I V € C I A U S € 5
28 Relativeclau5$1:relativeclauses,€lativepronouns,leavingoutthereativepronoun n 118
a definingrclativeclause,non-definingreiativeclauses,€latveprono!nsandprepostions
29 Relativeclauses2:combrningsenten<es,structureof combinedsentences,useof 122
what, useol where,whenandwhy,rclativeclauseswith a participle{-lngl-ed)
30 Countableanduncountablenouns:@untablenouns,uncountablenouns,singuaror 126
p|nal?,alan/abt of,anylsone,nanylnuch,few,liftle,specificandgeneralmeanings
3l Pronouns:indefiniteprcr,ouna,someonelanyone,eye4lonelnoone,reflexivepronouns 130
32 Determiners:a///most/nanylsomelafew,all meaning'everything'or 'th€ony ih ng', 134
no/none,ea.hlevery,bothIelherl neithel
33 Possessiv€sandcompoundnouns:possessiveadjectivesandpronouns,'s(aposirophes), 138
ot compoundnouns
34 Articles1:basicusesol artides,a/a4 a ofan?,tle noarticle 142
35 Articles2:placenamesandnoarticle,placenamesandrhe,speci.lsesof the, 146
specdluse!of'ro ddi(le.gener.landspFcrtr(rredrrngs
36 Adiectivesandadverbs:types,formof adverbs,g€dableandnongradab€ adj€ctves l 50
oder of adjectives,adiedivesending-t g and-ed
37 Comparing1:comparaiivesandsuperlatives,comparinqequalthings,comparngactions 154
38 Comparing2:lalgeandsmalldiffercnces.otherstructureswithcornparatives,phGseswth 158
39 Adverbsof degrce:toolenoughlnotenough,orherstuctut€sw th tooande'ough'50 162
ad such,quite,lail, PrctlYot Gtherl
40 Timeadverbs:inlon/af, no prepositionon timeot in tinel ' farlsincelduringlago, 166
duing ot whtlel, byot untin, thenlafterwatds/after/later,calenderreferences
I I I { K I N G W O R D S A N D P H R A S E S
4l Linkingwor& l: additionand,both,too'atsa,etc)'.or[astlbut,yet,althaughthaugh, 17o
eventhough,whereas,despitelinspiteol) althoughot wheteas?
42 Linkingwords2: te3son(becausqat since)rcsut (5o),purpo5e(toandftr, 50thaf), 174
43 Developinganargument1:wordsmeaningand,butand50,exarnples(forexamp/e' 174
in sumnary),eithet... ot .., insteadof, exceptfor
44 Developinganargument2: pelsonalcomment,othetlinkingwordsandphrases, 142
structuresto ioclisonimportantinformation,af t/reend,in theend,at last,if, unless,otherwse'
P R E P O S I T I O N s
45 Prepositlonsof pfa<e:ai or,ir?,exprcssionswithat in andon,above/below,ovet/under, 186
46 Verb+ preposition:velb+ preposition,verb+ obje( + preposition,verb+ different 190
oreoositons,use5of differentprcpositions
47 Adjective+ preposition:adjective+ prcposition,feelings,otheradlectives,adjective+ 194
choiceof oreoosition
48 Noun+ preposition:noun+ preposition.rise,fal/+ ofllr, connection,reatlonship+ 194
wkh/bef een,need,wish,reguest+ for' prepositionalphrases
I R E N D S . G R A P H 5 A N D F I G U R E S
49 Tr€nd5,graphsandfigures:qraphsandfiqures,trends,verbsandobjects,.dverbsand 242
50 Punctuation:capitallettets,fullstop,comma,semi-colon,colon,speechmarks,questlon )46
co[tENTs 7
Testbank (for diagnosisor review)
TcatI Verbtenses:prgent (units1 2)
Test2 Verbtens€s:past(unitsH)
Test3 Velbtens€s:pastandpresem(unitst6)
Tesl4 Verbtenses:future(units7-€)
Tert 5 Passives(units9-10)
Test5 Modals(units1l-14)
Test7 Qr.i€stions(units15-16)
TestI Condhionals(units17-18)
Test9 Verbs+ -,iagor inlinitive(units19-20)
Testl0 Reportedspeech(units21-22)
Test11 Phrasalverbs(unils23-24)
nakeldolgetl have(unit271
Ten t3 Relatjveclauses(units28-29)
Test14 Nount pronounsandanicles(units30-35)
Ten 15 Adjectivesandadv€ftE(units36-40)
T€st16 Prepositions(units45-48)
Answer key
List of grammarterms
Theactrv€form of a verbiswhenthe pe6onorthlng doingthe a'tion |5the
subjectof theverb:, Mote the reporr.Comparewith 'parsivefo'm' on page9'
An adjectivehelpsto d€scbea nounor pronoun:/t3 a small' modem starage
An adverbaddsinfomatiotiabo'rwhen,whercat haw sornethinghappens:/d'd
it yeneday. I did it qui.klY.
Article5.rcthewsd the(=th€ definteartice)ora/an(=the indefnte altcle)
An auxiliaryverb (be do andhave)isusedwith alherverbsto maketenses'no
passieforme:He it vnrking in Milan where did vou go? Iwa hundredpeapte
have beennade redundant.
A clauie i5a groupof wods thatcontansa subjectanda verb lt mayb€a
sentenceor onlypanor a sent€nce.
A .onditional isa sentencelhat incLud€si, unlessetc,andnaressomethlngthat
mustbet.ue(thecondition)beforesomethinqeltecanbetnreor canhappen{the
Thecontinuousisthelom of the velblh.t luggeststhatan actbn s in progress
Thecontinuousformendsin -rng
A determinerisa wod likelhe,son]eandevervlt isusedbeiorea nounor
adjecrNero showwh(h tr' .g yo- nean
A gerund isan ',ng formof a verbusedlikea noun:Smokingisnot allowedMy
haw is sailing
An imperarivei5whenwe tellpeopewhatto do we usethe baseformof the
et6: Come hete. Swilth off the lbht
Theinfinitive islhe basefoffnot theverb(wort,qo, €tc) lt s usedwith or without
to: I hapeto seeyou nextweek. I mustgo naw.
The-ing lorm isthe formoi the verbthai endsln'ing Whenit s usedasa verbor
adjectiveit issometimescalleda'presentparticipe:/saw hin leaving' Abo ng
meetrEr.Whenit isusedasa nouf it i5sometmes.alleda 'qerund'
An intransitiveverb isa vetbthatdo€snoi takeanobiect Forexample,the vem
arive ir iniransitlve:/ atrived here/astweek ln thissentencethereisno object
comparewlth 'vansiliveve.b'on paqe9.
A modafverb isa verblikecan,wi , night andshould lt g vesa me'nlnqlike
A noun isa wordthat isthe nam€of anobject,idea,paceor person:a car,
demo(acy SingaPorc, Robett.
A noun phraseisa groupof words.lncLudinga noLrn'wh ch canactasa subledor
objectof a senienc€:p€aple,sane peapte,sane peoplewha werc hetevestetday
Theobject isthe wod that descrlbesthe peBonor lhinglhat isaff€ctedbythe
vetb:t innalled tone new softwarc on ny PC
Passiveform Thepassiveform isusedto showhowrh€subj€clof thev€rbisatfectedbythe
actionof thevelb:Ihereportwaswfitten W n,e.Compaewlththeactiveforrn
Pastparticiple A pan paiticipleistheformusedintheperfecttenseorpassivestructr.rres.Yc,
canfindit inthethtrdcolumnoftensetables.Forexample:workedisthepan
participleof lvolk(thisisd regularpastparticiple).gonelsthepastparticipeof90
Possessive A possessiveisaformthatshowswhoorwhatsomethingbelongsto:my4lour
(possessiveadjectivet.m,loelyours(possessivepronouns), isasousedto show
othertypesof €lationships:my hthet my hometown;ny enployer.
Phrasalverb A phrasalverbisaverbwithanadverborprepositonthathasa dffe€ntmeanng
Preposition A prepositionisa wordlikeaabehind,in,thtough,to, wth u5edb€for€a nounor
pronounto showpla.e,time,direcrion,etc.
Pronoun A pronounisawod likelCme,you,hin, her,e.(,rhattakestheplaceof a noun:
Haveyou beento Wa6aw?L haschangeda lotaverthelastfewyeaE.
Questiontag A queniontag isa sho(quenionlike/snti2 ordon't,ou7thatyouaddai the
endofa sentenceto checkinfomationoraskit someoneaqr€€swth vour/tshol
isnt It?
Reflexivepronoun A reflexivep.onounismainlyusedtoshowthatthepersonwhodoestheactonis
alsotheoersonalfectedbvir: Sheintroducedherselfto ne at thecofleebreak.
Relative.lause A relativeclauseisusedto identii/someoneof somethng,orgivemor€ beginswithwho,which,that,eL.
Thesfmpfe Thesimpleisthebasicfom of thevetb:I agrcewithyou(pr€sentsimple),He
Th€subj€ct lhe subjectisthewordthatshowswhoisdoingtheactonoftheverbr.rea,works
hereoara-,lme,lt usuallvcomesbeforetheverb.
Tense At€nsei5thefom helps!s to knowthet meatwhichanactionof
eventhappened(past,presentorf!tufe).A(ademcssometmeshavea moreimited
definitionot theword'tense',andrheymakea distinctonbetw€€n'tense'and
'aspecr'. I work in thena*eitng ar€a(pres€ntsimpl€teffe), t wo*ed in the
Transitiveverb Atransitiveverbisav€rblhathasanobject.Thevelbmakestr.nstve,and n
thissentencea m,lrtakeistheobled:lhey'vemadea ndake. Compar€wih
Verb A verb expressesanactiono( stare:Hea ived at 103A.He knowsthenaftet
книг выложен группой
resent time 1
Present simple: form
I Thep€sentslmpl€isfomed with th€ nf nitiveformof the verb We addsforthethlrd person
l/you/we /they work here.
He/ she/it works here.
a Negatvesarefomed with doldoerrot. Inspeechandinformawitlng we ueecontractons
t/yaulwelthey do not (don't) wo* herc.
Hetshe/it does not (doesn't) wotk herc.
a Quenionsarcforrnedwith the auxiliaryverbdoldoerandth€ nflntve.shortanswe6to
yeslnoqueetionsrep€atthe auxiliary
A: Do tou work here? A: Does shework herc?
B Presentsimple: uses
a Weusethepresentsimpleforpermanentfacts.
ln finance,'p/e'ttandsfot priceleaningsrcna'.
a Weusethepresenlsimpleforactionsandsituationsthataregeneray true.
Weoffet a fullrangeof flnancialprcduc1s.
Lizwo*s in theMatketingdepannent.
a Weusethepr€senlsimpleloraclionswhich.rerepeatedreg!aryovera longpeiodoi t me,
AtU,ionl Est,'ent,a lat{.Ftd klrt jukl h4mlet,dbo halfrf ttudBtoneiwesrd ftrular
anhr,t.!c' ,'otth. (WrllStreetJouanlEurcpewebsite)
C Present simple: time expressions
a We oftenule frcqu€ncyadverbswirhthe presentsirnpe Exarnpesincude:
alwavs,often, usually,nomaly, sametines,occasionaly,ftrely, not aften, hardlyeve, never
Ibq Shith, tha.hieJeedti,e ol Colli's Sku4tt, cswllt ises dt 6 d,h.H. tdk6 thettdin ta
Iinnok a d afti"e! at hisofie hy I an. LMcll k tt alb a tand.ptehuith sanaJapaneterrcea
le{trel. (sund.yTines websire)
a Notethe positlonof fiequencyadv€rbs:
Belorcthe mainvelb: I often .3ke (l don't of€n |j,ke) the Eurostatto Erussels
I'n usuay (l'n not usualy)nervausbefateaptesentattan.
B: Yes,ldo./No,I don't B. )€5 ih€ doei./No, she doeiDl.
a Adverbphr.seslikee!€ryday,onG a yeaanost af thetine, frcn timeta time,nowandthen
comeat the beginningo. endot th€ senten.e:
Ttrf St'tithta"els to hit NeuYa'k ofre ofe dflonth. (SundayTiEes website)
seeunfta a We alsolse the prcsentsimpleaft€rthes€futuretimeexpressions:when,aftecbefare unless,
in case,assaan as,until, by the tine, the nextti|r,e
D Present<ontinuous:form
a Thepresentcontinuousisformedw ththeauxiliaryverbbeandthe hg forrnof themainverb.
mingsdrealsol'!syatDeathePon,ehichJosfldeditsE-ConftLereSetui( IECS)htemel
divisiotii nlid-1999.ECSLrsettingry odin. stoq,hsndliagproductdelivetyanderet
d.lministdinglrEnet a6tonE6'ftdit cotd ,nbe6. (FT.comwebsite)
seeappendix3 Insp€echandin{ormalwritingweLrseconvactions.Negativesareformedwth theverb
t an (t'n) warkinshere. I'n not workingherc.
Youarc (you"e) wo*ing here. You'renot/You arcn't vr'a*ing here.
sheis (she's)warkinghere She'snot/She isn't wotkinghere.
we arc (we're)warkinghere. we'rc not/we arcn't wo*ing here.
Theyate(they'rc) workinshere They'rcnot/They arcn't wo*ins herc.
Notcethattherear€twoalternativesforthenegativesoIyou/he/ she/itlwelthey
I Quenionsarefomedbyinvertingthesubj€ctandtheauxiarybe.ShortansweGtoyes/no
A: Ateyou workinghere? A: ls he workinghere?
S:Yes,I amlNo,l'm not- B:Yes,he is/^ta,he isn't.
E Ptesent continuous: usei
a Weusethep€sent.ontinuoustotalkabouttemporaryactionsandsituationsthatarc
a Theactonorsituationmaybeinprogressnow,atthemornentofspeaking:
SarryW Oa* cant seeyouat thenanent. He'sElking taa ustoner
a Theactonorrituatio.maybehappening'aroundnow',evenf il snothappenngexactlyat
themomenloi speakngl
A e o powefuloklnr rttha,lt aremovinzca*ua , tolrc ar Nethtarketh Ewope.
openiryofi.csin lindo" CanatfWhaf ... andbulng biLlb.adti Bamloa.
a Theactionof situationmaybea currenttrend:
Codp etSan'Barcgettirg bettetercryyearTlEapplnatianoJphyi6is nakins htouenet htorc
&lni. anddnifuialihtcllircneir .a6ing pky{s tobuou. 'karceuotianalltintulred.
F Presentcontinuousitime expressions
a Thepresentcontinuousisoftenusedwith theseiimeexprcssions:now ar ihe momeni,
nowadays,tunently, thesedays,right now.
Ftunthnitg ii lnc UtiErl Std?sh6 beet go|ing steadilysine th. 1950sdnd thk @fteptis nov
p@iding husiflssopponunitiesi" not kan ?5 difetent indunri.s. (worldtndeonlile
12 I PiEE|'T T|ME 1
I Practice
Exercise1 ff g
1 Youoftenvnrk/DQJgllgfteltworkattheweekend?
2 | dant knowlnotknowwhyyourinvoicehdsn'tbeenpaid.' tryto f ndout.
3 Excuseme,does)ou knowldoyouknowll Ihisisthewdyto thelTsernin.r?
4 sorrythatpojectordon'two*ldoesn'twork.Userhisone nstead.
5 A: Doyouknowou.newsalesrepMarta?
B: Yes,Ido-lYes,I know.
6 a: lsthatLindaNapie.overth€rc?
B: Yes,shewpks/ shedoworkhe.e.
I I writing/I'm writingIhe€pon atthemomentlt shouldbercadyiomorrow
a Theynotreplying/They'renotrepting to myemaib.l'll haveto phonethem
9 why isthercsucha longdelay?whar ishawening?lis happenl
1A YouareenjayinglAreyouenioyhgthisconference?
11 CanKarencallyouback?Shesspeatlsie3spea/o)rgonanotherne.
12 A: lsSarahKennedyexpectingme?
B: Yes,she'sexpeding.lYes,sheis.
Exercise2 8g:
a) permanenifacts
b) habtsandrepeatedactions
c) actonsinprogressatthemomentotspeaking
d) temporaryadionshappening'aroundnow'
e) currenttrendsandchangingsituations
I Thesedayswetesellingmoreandmoreoi olr productsabroad
2 LooklTh€ytesellingmaltwhiskyat20olodscounlindLrtyireel
3 we resellingthenewmodel,butwedon'thaveanyinstockrightnow
4 we usualysellarcund40%ol ourannualtotalatCh stmast me.
5 we sella fullrangeofconsumerelectronics,fromTVsto cameras.
a) | everydayarriveatt6eofiiceataboulnine. J
b) EverydayI arriveattheofficeataboutnine. n
a) lawarscheckmyemailbeforedoinqanylhingelse. n
b) AlwaysI checkmyemailbelo.edoinqanythinqelse. n
a) Thisiakesa lotoftimeusuallyas| rcceivesomany. n
b)rhlsusu.llyrakesa LotoftimeasI re(eivesomany. L.l
a) Mostofthetim€theemarlsarenotveryurgent. n
b)Theemalk.remostofthetimenotveryurgent. n
a) quiteoftengetjunkemailfrcm.ompaniesI don'tknowabout.n
b) qetquiteoftenjunkemailfrcmcompaniesI don'tknow.bour !
a) abor.rtoncea monthdeleteallmyjunkemail. ]
b) deleteallmyjunkemailaboutoncea month. ]
IL ]
Exercise3 lFl
Decidewhichwod orderisthe mostusual,.) or b).Puta tick(/) bythe coff€ctanswer.
Exercise4 A 3
laneintroducesClaudeto lo;o in London.compet€ the dl.logLreby punnq eachof the verbsn brdckers
intothe coffectformoJthe prcs€ntsmple.
rAM Chud..(1)........QP..1Q{..K$9!.1......(}o"/ k"o*) Joio?Joio (2) . .....------ (t'.)
fron Br:zrl.but he sorked$irh meh Parishn yeir'He (3) .... ....----
(tro, a lot abourlour Lineofrork.
.ia!Dr ReaI'lWcllI (.+)..........................................(be)verl plersedto mcctyou,Joio Plelsedto ,neet),ouroo-Chude.
CLUD!, So.Nhrr exictly (5) ............ . . (]ou/do)?
lono, I (6)....................................... (ork) in theon lndtstrl .s r nrarketimlysr.
.LAUDE oh, $ )ou (7) . . . . . (nmke)de.nio's aboutlevelofprcductio'1?
ro^o No.l (8).................... ..............(Irot'
(r) ....................... . . (nrvolve)studvmgmrket tends andsivins.dvicc on levch'f
{tr^!r)1, StiI, rh.ti: lot of rcsponsibihtl
r(),i() Vell.-lcs.butB..zil (10) 0rot/be) x t]xior prcducs likc Stdl
Anbir. What aboutoo?
i:uurr I rvrk for r Frcn.h.oDryanrdr3t(ll) . . . . .... .. ('!pply)sPccixlised
cquipnentto drcoil !!tostr(wc (12).................................. (be)oneofthc bisses
conrprnies!r our nlfket.
r()^() Oh,rcilll?And (13) ..... (vo!/ often/ conrc)b Lordor?
(,^urn, Ycs,quiteofieD.M! conlp.Dy(1{) ......... . . .. ...... 0urc) rn oliicehcrc lt
(1s).....................................(ltx/t.kc) loDsro gtt herenorv,ifyo! trivclby Eurostxr'
(inrld I givc )ou D1!cirda
Exercise5 D E
02 CompLeiethisnewspaperartcleabouithe Brazan cornpanyCerdauby usingthe wordsfromlhe Lisi
beow Eachsetof wods f Llslwo spaces
i5+€€6rFi€€l€€mpa€ie5ismaking/flexibe s altractinq/attention isapproaching/marketslrare
isgetting/rghi s raisifg/plan6 iebeginning/expectationsi5rnodernisn9/Law
(6bl----------- ---- of ctd€, th€
Th6€ days it'3 much easi€rto do
hsiness ir B.& . Th€ gov€lm€n!
is 3implilying th€ .6nPmy-td
ti€ labou mrk€t mor.
(7b)..--.........,.....,,.,...,,,,,,, charying
rhe rstncfv.lalou lawt, dd il
dom6ri. ndk€l ald so it
.......-......... ........comPdv
Gerdau:a Braziliansuccessstory
G€dau, th. Bdilid st€elErk€r,
Am.rica's dott 3ud€ssful
in fts l2t ) .,,,,,,..,,,,,.........-......,,,....j ft
(3a) -"" - - th'Pri@
dil timing oi 6 r.keor6 of smaller
cobpad6 (3b) - -, - * - - - * - - - - - - - * ;
wat a 6tu ihlgs fods€d and
tFnspent, with . .impl.
structurc,ad th.l3 €scdy what
TIE o! y ptubld in ih. snon rem is
. prebl€F of succ63. G€rd.u
resent time 2
A Present simple or continuous?
It lhe prcsentsimpeandpres€ntconlinuousareexpan€d nuftl Compare
l rive in Audapesa (all the time)
Thisplane lands in rtankfurt (rculine)
eventshappenn9 at the mome.t
t'm living in Budapest. (fo. a lew rnonths)
Looktwe'rc landing. (inprcgrcssnow)
NTL dortint6 th. UK 6bl. tcl.ritia" tztket (Aenetllsituation).1tir doilg ,.t, r,.ll t, rr.
t stt{ Entup.,ta.,vith rbour4tr,.rrro,e^ (rt the moment). (lntcrD.tioml HcraldTribune
Cd ddacoiti'i'6 to b. th.
poprlar onnt Ju|idt.h lic .rpd{rnri dr!,{.q L,S-rdr../
.o,?d,ni (generalsrtuatiorl),blt thdt is .hanging(tJe.d in progrcs). (worldtradconlmc
B Presentcontinuous or ptesent perlfectcontinuous?
a Thepresentcontinuousisusedioratemporaryacrionhappenn9now
Thepresentperiectcontinuousdercribesanactionn progressfiomthepastupto thepresent.
'ue is wo*ing an thenewdesiqn. (inprogressnow .ndwrllconnnue)
'ue hasbeenworkingonthenewdesign.(inprog€sslrpto now andmayor rnaynotcontnue)
C Otherusesof presenttenses
seeunirB. Thepresentsimpecanbe us€dio referto tmelablesandschedul€sWh€nw€ speakabout
t metableswe areofienihinkingaboutthe futurc.
BritlshAiMays flight 8A729 leaves Genevaat 16.40and anives in Landonat 17.20.
a Thepretentsimplecanbeusedto makea sroryappearmoreimmedrateandiniereeting.Ths is
commonn journalism.
OD dsrcy No,eh'betdq, h Nev E,sld"d lE na.d i$ine EMC' heddqraneab nry nnd
bnstu.Eftcatires aJthedataJtotdte,wkct leaduye ha liuits ta thewold expadin! dppetite.fot
thehtonge t&chinet.CEO Michael Rrcttrcrs tullsEMC reteiatptuoJ
(Busin6sWeek iveblite)
seeunit7 a Thepreseniconiinuouscanbe usedto descrlbea fxed Juiurearrangement.Thereisusuay a
HSBCarc moving tonewpremisesnextyeat
a Wecanusea/war.swiththeprcsentcontinuous.Thsisoft€nusedforexdqgeratinqor
D State verbs
usedinthecontinuousformof anytense
I noticethatyou'venovedJr'ourdesk (NOTljn-i€{€ing)
SotryI don't undedhnd. (NOTFr*-r€+rrnC€€€nd*g)
Hawmuchdoesit con? (NOTH€.fl-rat€hi5++€+ii€+
It weighs4kgwiththepackaging.(NOTl+i5*e€*iEd
thesenset: appearhearr/ooklike,notice,see,seem,snel, sound,laste(=hav€aflavou,
feelings: dislike,feat,hate,like,IovE,prefe, want,wish
thinklng: agtee,believedoubt,expect(=believe)fee/(=believe),foryet,imagine,know,
rcalise,rccognise,suppose,suspect,t lnk(=beieve)unde6tand
being: be,consistof. eist
othefverbs:coscdependon,fit, involve,nattet, neasure(=havelengthtmeaanee4satBFy
Andlystsdp..t thattha/eti, tlr d.hEryedPGOPinessCntisstril thdeinitia y atlhott
400t oshaqwhichtn .ns thatPEO isc"rektlyutdetuahrcd.Haue'ersoncakalyststhinh thal
th. afti%loIkctutt'1itcshi.6ai th hh at toilltbdu@dtll i" pro,'ia.(Telegraph{ebsite)
Someof theverbsinlheprcviousistcanhavea Staie'meaningandan'acton'meaning.
out supplie/Jarc usuallyveryhelpful.9".eJ
out supplieEate belngvetyhelpfulat thenanent. (actian)
I haven^/oiiste6. (state)
I'm havingprcblenswith thr5computer (action)
Ih6 souptaner sa/Ol(state)
I'm tasting thesoupto seeif li needsmorera/t (action)
I thinkyou'retight. lsrae)
t'm thinking aboutchangingny hb. (acrion)
"Whrt doyouthink . . , lhould w. 9a!sbrled
onth.t motivationrcearch or notr
2 Practice
ExerciseI !
Underlinethecored words-
1 A. Whatdovoudolateyoudoing1
B: l'm anexecutivesecretary
2 A, Whatdotau dolaretou doing2
B: l'm lookingfor thedetailsonlhe computer.
3 A: whetedoyouwo*l areyouwotking?
B: Paisthi5month.thenEonnthenext.
4 A: whetedoyouwo*larc youwoking?
B: At ourheadofficein Paris.
5 N,lynameSwalter,and/ cortel/ mcomingfromF€nkfurt.
6 | conell'n comingto FtanHurtnextThursday- | cancallinto yourofflce.
7 | dealwithll'n dealirywithAndrcw!dientswhilehe! onholiday.
A I dealwithll'n dealirqwiththepapeMorkandgeneraladministration.
9 At Whodoyougolareyou9o,in9to theTradeFairwithT
B: Thisyearwith Stefano.
'10 a: who doyougoleft yougrorir,gto theTladeFairwith?
8: UsuallywithStefano.
Exercise2 Il
1 | ...4|d..19eki4t...4t.. (looka0thedeiailsonthescreenrightnow.
2 L...............................(lookat)thesalesresultsindetaileverymonth.
3 Theproducttonline................................(nol wo*) atw€ekends.
4 Thep|oductionline................................(noLwo*) 6tthemoment.
5 Yes,I agree.| .......-........................(think)itl agoodidea.
6 | ................................(think)aboutit.l'llletyouknowtomorow
7 Helen................................(stay)attheAnodawhileshe!inMadridthismonth.
8 Helen................................(stay)attheAstoriawhenshesinlradrid.
9 We................................(take)asamplefortestingoncea day.
10 We.-................'.-'.-...(take)abigriskif wegoaheadwiththepfoject.
11 They..-.........-....-..............(be)usuallyveryflexjbl€if weneedto changetheord€r
12 They..-...................-..-.,....(b€)flexibleaboutgivinguscr€ditforafewmoremonths.
Exercise3 I
Someofthefollowingsentencesarerightandsomearewrong.Putati.k (/)nextto therlghtones,and
corectthewong ones.
I Whichwineareyougoingto have?
2 Whichwinee€.y€r+p#ngt
3 ]hatsridiculous- I mnotbelievingit!
4 Thatsridiculous- l'mnotdoingbusinesswiththemagainl............................................
5 l'msorryl'mnotIollowinqwhatyou'resaing.
6 l'msorry,l'mnotundeFtandingwhatyou'r€saying.
7 Thisbuildingisconlainingallthepfintingmachines.
do vou orefer
S Ihisbuildingisqettingveryold- soonwe'llhaveto move.-............-.........................-...
Exercise4A D unit 1
!- 03 Cornpeteih s dr. ogle by putnngeachof theverbsin bracketsintothe correcrform of the presentsmple
or presentcontinuous.
0)^4....()ou/Look) fo. someone?
jENNTERYesI (2).........................................(need)ro spcakto Kinr tsryantbot helsnt n heroncc.
(3) .....................................(!ou/kno!)Nheresrres?
oh.I n sormshesDt heretodN Shc(,+)............................... ......... (lvorkldt hork t,l hrg
ro fiDshan urscn!.eporr.I(5) . ......................................(thhk) she'llte brckat her desk
rornorrosllahJp. l .-n hclpou:
JENNtrrROh, thhks. I (6) ...........................................(!iork) for PrirchaftlE!2ns.we
(7) .........................................(orgrniie).orporarehospiralin...
IENNTFRWeil,Knn IlDlrt .odte.ted ushst *tck Apprrcntl_v)o!
(81....................................Gxpcct). visirbv r KorernrradedelesJtionnet trronth.
Ycs.thrti right
r NNrrEr(yln rskcdmc to cill in rDd givc hcr someinlbrmton on our seNicc.Um, I
(9)..........................................(hivc)x lisi.f sussestxnarvithnre.It
(10) . . ......(give))o! nlfornurior ou rvhcrcvou couLtttrkc _vou! ^,(!,
rDd .le ilr ofert servicesdut s,e cf olTcr.likeour pick{,p s$vic. Iiou dic hotcl in r
.hx!ffc!.-drileD ltrDousine.
wcll, drrt nnnldssrext.Iln mre Kinr wo!ld bc rc.lly inrcrcsredro seerhis
LNN!r Hor l(rrs(l l) ....................................? (],ourvsiro$/sr.y)?
Oh.1 Drso.nrI (12).....................................(Dor/kDow),vYr rc.llynecdto spcrk
to Ku!r,dic (13) Glcil)wuh rhiconrir.i.c. I'll tcllhcr o, $ive),,u
r ring tonoroslwhat dre bcsrInlc to crll?
rlNNtrlL I (1+) ... ... ('u/ork) ii th. oftl.c ir thc onillr ... rnytrDe rftcr
No. Or sh. .rn .xll lrc on !r! nr)bil(.,on 1)777...
Exercise5 A D
04!r themag.zneIimeOd by!s ngwordsfromthellstbelowDecdewhetherto
plt theverbsinlo the presentsimpeo. prcsenlconiinuous
€v/F lookior move want provde try1o
managem€.ttime.ElliotrJ$ h.s plds for
rh€ w€isit€, Tiheout-co6, which wag
infomation about hoe tha 30 .iti€s. Ir
{5).,....,........--........-...........o! adv€rrising
@€nui: d.l a sEaI uoDt of morcy fren
ti.&et sal6 lo 3wiv€. But as lir. OIl'
.hanges d.t qpanils, To.y Elliotr
3P..e on ih€ Int€rret site. ALo, he
11).,...................................the poddibility of
.h.rAing viditoB t6 th€ 3it. f6r a..€36 to
some inJonation. Derpite lh$€ e1pdsion
plds, Elliot saF that a fotation on the stock
mark€t i3 out of th. qledtion. H€
{3)..,,,,......, ke.p .onhol of
th. b8in$6 he lu3 built up-
Time Oufi time to e><1>a rrd-
Tine Ott, tlr. Loldon .nl€rrairmeni
nagazine, h$ plan. lor €rpansion. Ii
alre.dy (1).............q.b-.1;€ no nly
magazirc P.ds ?adi6n, anil now it
other markels 3!.h I Arg.ntina and Japan,
Tory Elliott, Titu O!f'r fou.ler, eF he
(3),...,,...,,...,,..,,...,,...,........local people to
iriliat€ and m th. mtein6, as ?iru
Ort's London of6.€ doedn'thayethe casho. in the printed v€Bion 10 tak€ more
asttime 1
A Pastsimple:form
Yaulweltheywerc tate.
t/he/ shetlt wasn't late.
YauIwe/they wercn't lale.
wat l/he/she/nlaE?
a Thepastsimpleofregularve.bsisform€dbydddng edtothe nfntve Veftsendingn €
simplyadd-d. commonnrcgularvefbsdrelistedon page240.
check-checked: I decked the t'iqures
tike liked: rhey liked hisidea
lrfegul.r: eat-6te dtink dnnk ga went etc
a Negativesarefor.nedwith dlcl,ot dndthe infint ve Thisiscontractedto ddn't n speechand
tdidn't like hisidea.
l didn't 90 ta the neeting.
a Qu€nionsarcformedwth the auxili.ryvelbdLl andthe infintve Sho.tansweEto /es/ro
quenionsrepeatthe arx ary
A: Did you .heck the ftgures?
B: Yes,I did.lNa tdidn't.
a Th€verbto be 6 rreguar andfo owsa differentpattern n negatvesthereisno d/d n
questionsthereisno d/dandthe sLrbjectandverbarc nverled:
B Past simple: uses
a WeLrsethepansimpleto delcribeactionsandstatesnacompletedperodoftime.Weknow
whenthe actlonhappened,andthismaybe meniionedor cearfromthe stualion.
l.hecked the ligurcs verycarcfuly iast week.
I n sorry I wasn't in the aflice yestetday.
Akrtuan ISPJno design.d .al taa6.ohailvtuk. a nv rtulA( nDdtlu ontsonrccd
rritrhi,tt dse.h lcased/br. li'xt.fto t d do.. t.updrk! d d hhedort d5toitrt!.tui.c
a Thepansmpleisalsousedto describehabitualaclonsnthepan
Everyeveningwe went out and ate in a different rcstaurant.
c Past simple: time exptessions
seeunir40 a T meexpressonslsed with the pan simplencludel
r,, r..: '. !r,.i ji!
ar tuelvea,ctock/theendof theyeal
in the narning llune / 1998/ the sixttes
on Friday/thesercnd of Aqtil
no prcposition lastweek/yenetdayIago
tuk t n', 4ierq d i@ t e d4td. owttu.
D Pastcontinuous: form
seeappendix3 O Thepancontinuousisformedwiththepastofbeandthe-irgformofthemainv€rb.
lorspernerues Negativesarcformedwiththeverbbe+ ,rot.Inspe€chand nfo.malwritingweus€
l/he/shelit wasw)*ing yesterday. ll helsheIit wasn't warkingyesterday.
Youlwe/theywerc wofing yesterday. Youlweltheyweren't waking yestetday.
a Quenionsarcformedbyinvertingthesubjectandtheauxiliaryverbbe.shortansw€6to
A: Washe wotkingtesterclay?
B:res,he was.lNo,he watn't.
A: Werethey wakingyestet)ay?
E Pastcontinuous:uses
a Thepastcontinuousislsedto describeasitudtioninprogressinth€pan
I waswaiting in thedepaftureloungefot nore thanwo hous.
a Therecanbeseveralsituationsrnprogress,happeningatthes.metirne:
Tl'eedtly1970tMs a tih. ukcnIBM uas belinningtoloseitsMy a hd y lkiLltdNaplc
wetelearingto setry thcnoM l,vliftltc!. Contpfiin{udsdtering a kewd.q( (The'f ines
a Thepastcontinuousisusedto giveinformationaboutth€backgrcundsituation.Theseparate,
'I catn in to Otulc 6 it u'asfteoo.rinzron the&ssion oJthcedy 1990!Ttc busie!! ittit I
joircd ha.lat1azei'gptudtctlincthatuasd.ellningby30pu ,entd yat i saletWlthi a y?at
uEcafiplctcutsrnealthotun aro,id.'(Eurobusincsswebsite)
lf wedonotmentionthebackgroundsituationthenthesepafateactionsareinthepastsimple
WhenI a vedI rcgisEred at rcceplonandwent straightto theconfercncehall.
F Pastcontinuous:time expressions
a Wecanusewhe4wh,leoraswithihepancortnuousto mean'durngthetimethat
Whilc PlatnerandDietnarHW ud. devclopingthei6t redl-tineo 4 loesing tftteu 4l
sAe aaus Wellent herpB Mitins thcjndntial sotware.(xurobusineswebsite)
Butifwemean'atthetimethat'thenweonlyus€whe,withthepa( sirnpe:
Hewasnt veryhaprywhen I told hirr'thenevvs.(NOT*Hel-+d*hh ...)
G Pastsimple or continuous?
a Sometimesthepastsimpleorpastcontinuols.anbeusedThepasisimpe slggestra
separate,completeaciionorevent.Thepastcontinlousemphasisesth€durationoi theacion.
we discustedtherepoftandaqreedthat detailedflgurcsbefore
we wete discussingtherepottforoveranhour EventuallyweagreedthatPetetshauld
20 :' PAST TIi'E T
3 Practice
Exercise1 ff
underlinethe correctword/s.
1 A: Didyouge!/gotthe €maillsentyouyesteday?
B: Yes,thank, Ioidlgot
2 HcNyou feltldid you fed when they to/d/did te//you about movinqofflces?
3 a: Didyoutel//io/dhimaboutthechangeof plans?
B: Yes,l t lti.lldid.
4 1didn't see/didn't saw rhe eason fof the delay,so I gotIdid get argry.
Exer<iie 2 H
@05 Completethe diaogueusingthevelbsfromthe li5tbelowin the pastsimple.Thereisa m xtlre of
9€ take think sell lik€ have(x2) make(x2) be (x4) buy
DALEHi,Jill.You (1) .......*q^ the Milan FashionShowiastweek.didnt you?
(2)--,------- you --...................a goodnip?
lrll, Yes,it'tv3sgrcat.
D LE (3) .........................:rnyusetulcontacts?
',igel,therc(4) .........................loids ofpeopie at the sho d I (5) .......................... lot ofgood
contict but we (6) -.......... rly $ manyorde.saslastyerr.
DALEoh, why wasthrt? (7) .........................rhey.........................our new styles?
Iu, No, no, rhat(8).........................rhe p.oblen.The shoes(9) .........................rcallywell,but we
(10) successtulwnh someofour other products.likehandbrgs.for exanrple,ind
there(11).........................much more comperirionrhisyear
lrLL we[, the Paul smith srandwa5real]y busy.
DrE Oh, but his clorhesareexpeniive... Um, (12) ...-.....................peopleat the show
.............-..................our pricesweretoo high?
ILL, Po$iblJrBur we (13)...............-..-....-.....-.........-....-..-..the authoriryro lower them .t the rime.
DrE Oh, whar a shame.So it wasa sEste ofa trip th€n?
IILL wel, not exactly... I (14)..................-......thisglEatpanofPnda shoesandthisCucci h.ndbag
Exercise3 gg
Unde inethe bestcontinuationof the conve6ations.
I A: Whatwasshedoingthismorning?
B: SheinANiewed/wat!fu?!!!!l4149 candidatesfof the lalesjob.
2 A: Howdid Erendaspendherholiday?
B: Most dayssh€!rcntlwas goitg to the beach.
3 A: Whathappenedafteryoulaun.hedth€ prcduct?
B: while we promot€dlwere qonolng iI" ov maincompelilot dropped/was droppirg their prices.
4 A: ldidn t seeyouln the officelastweek.
B: Na,l wotkedlwas wo*ittg at homefor a few dala.
5 A: Whatdid Patdo whenshesawthe artlvork?
B: Shecalledlwas (alling the designersandsa/itlwas saylhEit wasnt suitable.
5 A: Whydid Renatatakeso longto g€t here?
Bi Shesaidthey mendedlu!€remerd,ingthe rcad andso the rtaffi( noved/was naving ery sowly.
Exer.ise4 A
Completethi5articleaboutVN€ndiby pLrtlnq of the verbs
verbsare rreqllar(seeAppendix2)
n bracketsnto the pan ! mpe. .4ostoi the
Vivendi: 1-50yearsof history
I 7iendi, th. Fr.n.h utiliti€s .nd
Y communi.'tion! Amup, hs . lonB
historygoingba.k to r3$,ln tlat y€arli€
covd"-e"r (1)-..S.I:-44''€ire)
compagni€ Generale det Eaui The
founders (2).,,...,...-...........(hrv.) rwo
obj€ctives:ro irigate rhe countrysid.for
faming andto srpply wnterlo townsand
In ',1330a tRiry (3)-..,,,,,,...,,,,,....G've)
Cen€raledes Eaur tha righl lo suPP,y
waterro Venice,and th.n Consl.nlinople
ind Oporto (4)............--..--(con€) soon
iitei By the tine of tha .entcnary
ccl€brrtionsin 1953Ge.ettl. d.s Eaut
(s).,,,,,...,,,,,,....,,,(supply) wtter to .iaht
mitlion peoplcin Fran.€.
6 Whenhe
I. th. 1960sand 1970sth. compmy
(6).......-.......---,,(beAin)actiYitiesin th€aRa
oI ciwil .onstru.tion a.d (7)--........--....--.
(hild) a l.r8e tow€r hlock in th€
LaDefenspb8incas dislrictot P,ris. lh. 1930sC€neral€des Eaur
(3)..,,,.,,.............-(join) with the Hav,5
nedia gro{p io .r€al. Cdal Plus,r Pay
Tv .hannel. Th€y alto (9)---------
(tak€)'olling sl.k€ in lht civil
engir€erin88iant,SGE.In the 1990sthcy
(10),,,...........,,,,,...(wir) majo. .ontrads in
th€ Asia P.cifj. region ,nd in Lati.
Jcan-Mari€Messter (11t.- .- . .
(becom€)CEo in 1995a.d o2) ....--................
(n.l the codp,.y alongAmericanliner'
He (13)...........--.--,(sell) $5 biuion in
ass€ts and (14)-...,-,,,..,,,..,.....(cut) the
workforceby10%.All thie(151.-----.----
lnean) thalan annuallossof S600mmion
(16)...,,,.,..............(ttrm)into a Prcfitof$320
million, In 1993 h€ (17)..,.......-...---,
(.hange)th€nameor thegrelP lo vivendi
and soon ailcr (13)........-........,,,,,(nake) a
sdes of p.rtn€ships and a.quisilionsin
lhe tele.onn!ni.alions indnstry
Operations in North Americr
(19).................--...(8row)very qui.kly ilter
tiis and in 2000Viv€n.ti(20)-------..
(buy) Seasrad lo become . trury
intemalionll m€dii and cohmuni.rtions
Exercise5 B E
Compleleihe senlencesby pltl ng the verbs!n bracketsin|oe therihe srmpe or pan contnuoLrs
Sometmeslhe sarnelenses lsed tw ce;sometmesd flerentlensesareused
I whar .. dld you eAt (ea0whe.yo! !,q^1.. (qo)to Pars)
2 vth e wt. ,'a4s-+..i1!]!t^4(negotaie)rheconvact,my boss.... Fhc^ed (phone)me1-
saythal hewanled.ompleteyd flerentconditions.
3 Thean t rnesomethnq kelh s .......(happen),she.. (ca) a
4 Anne ....(exp.n)herpropoqawhenPedro... .. ..........(i.terr!pt)her
5 W e n e v e r q o l l h e c h a n c e t o r n t e r v e w h mW h i l e w e . . . . . . . . . . ( n v e ng a t e ) t h en c d e n t ,r r e
. . . . . . . . . . . ( | e t 9 n ) .
saythat hewdsstLr.kin. trdfficjarn.
lclean)the pece ... ldrop) t by nrstake
(f nsh)readnqrhe adicle,he ....... ... (gve) i to me
(wa0 for ihe rneetingto begn whenhe ...... (call)to
9 (nnd)lhe missingl lewh e .....
10 WhenTlm. .......... ... ....(arve),w (te) h rnwhathadhappened.
L, rhep*r pad. pes.i r€qua,ve,bs
ast time 2
A Past perfed: form
n Thepastperfectisfomed wth theauxiliaryhadandthe pastpartcpe.In speechandinforma
I had (l'd) aheadyde.ided what to do befote he called rr,e.
a Negatvesarefomed with notand contracrionsdreused(radr'i). Questions.reformedby
lnvertngthe sublectandhad.
At that tine I still hadn't decided what to da.
Had you aheadydecided what to do before he calledyou?
Past perfect us€s
a Thepastperfectisusedto showdearlythatonepaneventhappenedbeforeanotlrerpast
O" /n.NhrYorksro.lEr.r'dir. th. Nasdatll"de' hadopn.d hirh.t,hnJellbd.kto 1,578n1
na 'nEtudi't.* (Ylhoo NewsSe.vicesebsite)
1 Sueleftat2 pn. Weaftivedat heraffkeat23A. (bothverbsinpastsmpe)
2 whenwpaftived at Sue'soffice shehadleft. (eareractlonin pastp€rfect)
n exampleI th€h4oactonsareseparateinthemindofthespeakerInexample2 thercisa
a lt maynotbenecessarylo lse thepastperfectifweusebeforeorafterto rnakethetimeclear
Suelelt/had left hetofficebelote wearived. (bothfoms possible)
weaffivedatsuesafficeaftet sheleft/hadleft. (bolhfomspossible) usethepastperfectinthi9case,to show. ltrongconnectlon
a Thepastperfecisoftenusedwithverbso{thinkingketnoq reallJe,renenbetbesure,
Davidknew he'd seenhersanewherebeforc,buthecauldn'trcnenbet $herc.
When1gat to theoffi.e t rcalisedI'd lelt allny pape6behind.
Ellenwat swe they hadnt rcceivedtheinvarce,but shecheckedonemorctlme.
I thought we'd aheadydtosenthenanefor thenewproduct!
Past perfect time expressions
r Thetime expressionsaftet, once by,aheady,just, neve4meanwhl/eareoflen usedwth the pan
perfecl.Thewordstl/ isoftenusedwith negatvetorms.
Aftu"d 1993 Koreu cotpotdtionttd etl tniiiq to Pdrk to aqtie tunpdni.s in the US ot
E tope.By this tine, he hait b,ih up etfr.ient tunta  td ,elp rren. (Asi, Inc website)
D Pastperfect continuous:form
a Thepan perfectcontinuousisfomed with th€ duxiLiaryphras€hadbeenandthe -,nglorm of
the mainverb.Contractionsareused.
I'd been waking on the project for tuo nonths befare they decidedto cancelit.
a Negativesarcformedwith hadnot beenandthe 'ing forrnof the man verb
Questionsarefomed by invedinqthe subjectandhad.
I hadn't been sleeping wel, so I wasquite tied.
Had you heen vr'aking ftn a long tine on the projecl before theycance ed it?
E Past perfect continuous: uses
a Thepastperfectcontinuousisusedto describeasituationth.t wasn progress!p to a certan oftenemphasisestheduratiofof lime.
BeJothel.Jt IBM Pktnd hctlhen pclin! togethqd soliuupI'd.kdr.Jotth. UK'bard
clgnitdl.onvanytCI. Hehddbeetwo*ing onthkptoje.tdwr I97t dhd1972.
a Thepastperfectandthepanperfedcontinuousbothlookbackfioma pontinihepan The
pastperfectlooksbackatanearllerevent.Thepattperfectconiinuouslooksbackai a situaton
n prcgress.
Theeconomksituatbnwasquitehealthy.Thecenttalbankhadlowered intercst'atesbecause
inflatbnhad beenfa ing steadilyfot sevetalyea6.
F Usedtolwould + infinitive
a uiedtodescribesa habitorstateinthepast.Thercisnopresentform(forpresenthabitswe
'hha dictat.suhdt ttotoritt ptt itto leir pettulk ks.btt gfpeoplt!,lLonsedto haretrcil
doubtsaboutdicrlIron biolori.dltowcesnrercr, reg rces', !oy! DietetE en,r'|toorusar
indep.hd.ntjlingadtionid solthet Ce niy. (FrankfurterRundschauwebsite)
u5edtonormallysuggeststhaltheactionorsituationisnolongertrueandsornakes. contrast
I usedto wDfuinna*elng (=bLrtnowI workrnanotherarea)
Heusedto be realyenthusiasticabouthisjob. (=butnowhe sn't)
O Noret1arusedtoisJsedforhab.tsandrepedtedd('9 e eveLs
I went to theMilanFashionShowlar thefist tine lastmorth. (NOT|u5€++€e)
a Withnegativesandquestionsusedto becornesu5eto.
Didyou useto workin matketing? I didnt ute to warkin natketing.
a wouldisusedii thesamewayasusedto,butit onlydescribesrepeatedactonsirithepast,
In theolddaysweusedto/wodd makethreecapiesaf a dacunentstor thefiles.
our canpanyusedto belongto anAmericanmultinatiaraf (NOT,i^,€{ld$eeg)
Wouldismorecommonindescriptivewriiinglhann speech.
4 Practice
Exer<isel EEFro
1 while I lookedl@@kirg for myke!s,lsuddenlyr€membered| /eitliaClht themat home.
3 Ailettheywerebuyinglhadboughtthecompany,theJstaftedlwetestaftingra makea lotof people
4 )ackusedb havelwashacirga Maq butthenheuiedto changelchangedra aPc.
5 | askedaboutmypackagein reception,buttheysardlrcr€salng that it stillhadr't anived/wasn't
6 | wassulethatI usedto l6kl hadleked rhedootlo myoffice art night,butit wa5lradbeenopenthis
walklwerewalkingto s<hoolinthesnoweverywinter
8 | hadgonelwentbackto th€€staurantto lookfor myumb'€lla,bul loundlwasfindlhgthatsom€one
9 WhenGeorgesawlevas5ee,hgDianeat theseminar,heknewlwasknowinglhalhe metlhadn,etnel
10 WhileI hadlwashaing hEakfastl loakedlwaslookingatthefinancialpagesio seethesharep ces.
Exercise2 tr!J
1 Aftershe...........14d...Y4d.e-.........(m6ke)a fewnotes,she............tJa1::tCd...........(start)writrng
theintroductionto theAnnualRepod.
2 Gary.................................(besure)thathe.-....................--................Get)thealarmbefore
4 Once| ..............-.........................(speak)tohim,| ..... ...........................(realise)therehadbeena
5 Afte'Jrll... ...................................(give)herfid presentation,s1e............................. ('ee
6 EeforeEdite..........-----.........................(become)MichaelEdwad3personaassistantshe
-. (alreadywork)inthecompanyfortwoyears.
7 | ......(nois€e)thefigur.sbefoFihenFFring,sorr
(p!t) meat adisadvantaqeduringthediscussion.
I Sorryit iooksolonq.| ..............-.............-..----.....(haveto)godownto thestorcrcombeca!sewe
.- -. (runoutoDpaperforthephotocopier.
l0 | ...-.-----....................----......(bp)surpnsedtofindthaishe......................-.................(akeadyeave).
Exercise3 B unit3
07 completeth,smaqaznearlrcleby p!tl ng theverbin bracketsnto eiiherthe pan smpleor p.n perrect
Inonecaseony ihe pan perfeclcanbe!sed,in fve casesony ihe pastsnrpe canbe useddnd n t x case5
On 28 Seplember?000 rhe peopleor
Demark (l)....-v-D;!eQ....('ote) No ro
joinine {re singleEuropeancurency. the
euro.All rhe main polilicalparlies.the
lradesuDions,lhc cmployersdnd $e
media(2)..................kanPaisn)lbr a
'Yes'lorc bcioErhereleiendud.SoNly
Ler's look lirn al $e econoDic
backgrolnd.For nmy yeas the Dehh
cenealb&k(4).....................(bd conrDined
ro keeping the value of lhc kronc slable
aeainstthe Geman 'nark. md this policy
(i).....................(be) very succe$rul in
nainlainin-q nability ald pros!€riry. Then
$c eurc sas launchcdin tanuary1999.In
thc penod afier rhe launch lhe countnes in
rhe eurc zone (6)...................(p€dom)
relatively well in econonic lems. How
€Yer by rhc time oi fie rclerendun the
curo (7)...................(frU) siSnificanlly
aS.insrrhc dollar,andnE cenrEl banksor
tbe USA md Japan(8)...................(be)
toiced ro inteNene in th€ foreign exchange
Bur rhe No ca'npaien(9).......... ...
(f@us) on nlrional idcnrity.not economic
issues.ln theendrhcDan€s(10).................
(make) ihcn decision becausc theY
(l l ) .................. (feu) ihar cconodic
inlcgmtionBouldeventuillyleadto polilicaL
inrcsfttion.Tley (12)..................(wintl to
Exercise4A B unit3
tf,Ot aun stalklngaboulh,sI rstlob tompelewh.thesayswththebenfomoftheverbinbra.kecChooee
betweenthe pan r rnpe(!n 1l). palt continuouslunil 3)or pastpedect
So.Alr).$1, diJ otr (luitour h.t.t(nr:
Ar^N: Wcll..nille ti . I (1) !4t W-o,CKl^4hvdrk)is r in, ibr ir, l,rtt,,irtiorr.rl
A(.ourrr,!,.lnn 'n i.ondon| (l) (bc)ii dlt sr)r. .orrrlrv t(' $iae vc,r.
rNrLr(r rr.R llos (l)
,r^: J!r,'herI (.1)
ftn. I (,ll (.t
crreeroprlortnnifliar ntc.n I (lr))
n)r nrv .legrcc.So | (l l) ..
So Nhrt (16) ...
AL{N: wel, dre sirurrion Nrs rhs: I (17)
. (!ou/s.Othcl(nr?
(iiD,nt$itr I (5) . (so)t{)i roh
(rlcd.lo $l,rt Irnkt n) d..!!l I wi i,,t.Rrc(l to rc. $4ri't
(bc)r dr. thtr.Whilc I (s)
. (.ne'rdv/r.ikc)u!c icornrin.-v c.urs
' . , 1 r I r l . ' L r , ' " 1 :
.- -.......... (work) lbr,, pe^or vho NJs ver-v
nri;r,Driior on oDe ofrlt {rnd fur r l.,rsc nt.rdrriodil xc.otrDr,rtre)ti n. nt!.onc
(9) ....... (qno nr. iD .,pplid.trD lirrdr ro tlll rn. I droughr !hi nlqhr b. x goo.l
(icnd) ,r on:Thev (1-']) ..... . (intcnie$) Dre dre ibllo!.!rg !.ck rnd I goljob.
Ar tirr,I {11) ........(ii.l) s[si].d $rrh rhcjob.but rs tn). !v.nrb',tlur$
(15) ....... (ch.!gc) Dd I b.gin to h!t. 'orkins rhcre
d a , , , . | . .  c r r d , , '_ . i r r r . . . . t . c ' . ,, F l L u  r , ' r o , t  r ^ l '
' o
(becoDle)too rcperrd! dd I rcalh r.n!ed lo do $nerhtrg rrorc crcxlik. So,d[rt wlry I
resisDed..I (19)... 0ro!hat) aDolhetjobto go ro,burlkDc'l
(20) (hre) to !nk.. chtrDs..
Exer<ise5 F
Complerethe sentenceswilh osedta ot use.Jtalwoutd
I wth myold bosswe. ${1d..haveneet ngseeveratim€sa week
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o w na B M Wb l t n o w h a v ea nM G .
3 Befo.elheybuiltthe newmotorwayi . ..................... .......takernean hour1oqetto worK
4 .................................rhnkIwant€dtoworkforaargeor9.n5ationNow wantto besef'ernpoved
see appendi! 2
lor the pi!r Fft( pe: il r€q! ir re b5
yerlro quenionsrepedttheauxiliary
B:Yes,they havelNo,they haven't.
ast and present1
Present perfecti form
a Theprcsentperfectisformedwith the presentrenseof the auxitiaryverbhayeandrhepasr
padiclpe.Inspeechandinfomalwriringw€ usecontrdcrions(,ye.nd 's).
lltjau/we/thev have('vd oone.
HAtshelit ha;(s) sone
a Negatvesarefom€d with not
t/ youI we/ they have not (havenj gone.
He/shetit hasnot (hasn't)gone.
. Quesrionsarefo.rnedby invertingrhesubj€ctandthe.ux aryve.bhaye.Shortanswersto
B:Yes,he has/No,he hasn't.
Present perfe<ft uses
a Ingeneral,weusethepferentperfedto t. k abouta preseni5tldt onwhch sconnecledto
a lheremaybea presentsituationthalnaaredn thepast
I've lived herefarabouttenyeaE.
l've known Marysincewewarkedtogetherin Spain.
a Theremaybea seriesof actionsthathappenedinourtifeupronow
I've oftenbeento Singapore.
I've seena lot of chahgesarcundherc
a Therem.ybea resuhinthepresentofa pasrevent.
Sary,I thinkl've lost thefile.
lly conputethascashed
h ihiscasewe.reexplainingrhecurrentirnporranceofthepasteveni.Wh€nt happeneds
not mporlantandsnotmentroned.
Present perfect time expriessions
a We lse everand,reyertoaskandtalkaboutour generatJeexperence.
Have you ever spoken in frcnt of a brge audience?lin a your tife up to now)
I've never wo*ed abroad,but nextyeat I night be basedin paris.
lf ihe quenion s yesthenwe contrnuero gv€ rnoreiniormatonaboutthe
(pel IL eve^6by u<ingvr'bs In I e {mp'e.
A: Have yau ever spoken in front of a hrye audience?
B: Yes,t have. Lastyeat 1went ta a salescanfeten e in Berneandtgave a prcsentdtion.
i Thepresentperfecti!often us€dwitha/readyandyer.A/.eadyisnormay Lrs€dn affirmatve
K]app, CEO aJUs aLle .o,ryatry NTL, insis^tltut NTL has dlrca4' ffiade 7j% o.fnsptdnned
i',att"an b delivd btuadbd for liobile phonc ty^. (Tetegnph website)
vetis usedin quenionsandnegatives,andsuggeststhatsomethng hasnot happened,
aLthoughwe expectit lo happen
Have yau finished the rePoltYet?
Sorry I haven't finished the .epott yet. (ll try to finishit this afternoon
Shaesik thenn big telecontsstorksColt afld Eflctgis.adin e toJdll Neithethat yet ndnafeti ta
conine i v6to6 thdt theycM Ptu ide seruicesnttbctile et@Whto 4m n drcnt rctwh (Giardian
t we use./ustto descibesomethingthat happeneda sho( timeago
Ite just spoken to himon the phone and he salshe'll be hercat 9 34 bnorrcw
a Thep.esentperfectisofien usedwith timeexpressionsthat referto unfinishedtime Inoih_ar
wordsthetimeperiodincludesthe prcsent.Commonexprcrsionsate:thisnaming, today this
month,so faa up to now re<ently,dutittglin the pastnonth aver the lastfew years,eI(
n1e F:ussidnCennal tsonkdn'onft.d or'llu'day thdt ik rold ad .une el Eset,.sha"' in(nsed
in the pastu'e.h by t300 t tilio, (Delovoj Peterburgwebsitc)
tn thc areoof Io"onn da.loph'.nt, th.Asia Padfu Erian hdsrl.cecdedii ^"r q)id rrar)th,
uhkh hB ex?ed?d7% a' tnly t*iry th. pastf.w lu'r. (AsiaPrcific Econo,nj' Review
a Somet me expressionscanbe usedwilh the presentp€riector the pastsimple,dependnq on
Haveyou sp*en to Suethis moning? (itis now 11am:the morninghasnot finsh€d)
Did tou speakto Suethis noming? (it h now3 pm:the morninghasi i shed)
a We usefor ands,hcewith the presentperiect to relef to pe odsof t me
A: How long haslon wo*ed herc? * He'swo*ed herefot thrce months i
B:He'swo*ed hetesince the beginning of May
seeareounii40 Fordescbeslhe lengthof thetimepeiod sinced€scribesthe pontwhen thetirneperod
'Wc ha1'ebe.t ir bdifestJor 37 Yats, sotlft l tetnetto 4sn j'rst aNthcr av ofeolladi ! otdcts'
saysI'ndt Er.ts'inteuationalvkeple'ide k mybt (CNBC Busjne$website)
UPSbe6k? a wdd ide Otympis sroksoti 1994, aid sineethn it has ha led theAtlatia
goneti t996 on.ltllc 1998Japoru'ktetra'hct (wolldtladeonlinenngazine)
a Frequencyadverbsthat areusedwiththe presentsimplecanalsobe usedwith the present
seeunh1 perfect.
Ihey've often given usgood advke
Hollirfet hasalpa$ b.d ideeeed if buyitg rcPsPApeR,andwetendto laoknt non thdtcone
ah to thetak t. (SundayTimd website)
D Eeerr(to) ani gone (to)
a lf we havebeento a place,we went there and havenow returned lf we havegone ro a pLace
we wentthercbut havenot vet Fturned
She3 been to visitout supplies Eve!thing seemsto be AK (shehascomeback)
She'sgone to vtst out supplie9 l hopeevetythingwil be OK Gheisstill there)
5 Practice
Exercise1 n
Completethesenten€esbyputtingtheveftsinbta*eti intoaformofthepresentperfect.Usecontraciions
1 areyousureit isn'tworkins?.....1161e...)lSa...i{!Cd.....(youltry)it?
2 | ..-.-..-......-....-....-....-..............(never/see)sucha boingpresentarion.
3 Luckily,ourcunomers... ................--- '. (not/complain)aboutiheprceI se.
4 We......-......-....-............-............(already/spend)quitea lotof moneyonthisproject.
6 L.....-.....................................(not/get)thefiguresto hand-can tcallyoubacktat€r?
7 Unemployment............................................{9o/up)by2% sincelanuary
8 Irr sorry9he3nolhereShe..................,,.....................(Ln/leave)
9 Theirshares............................................(fall)by15%5incethemerger
Exer<ise2 E
1 lnflationhasfallenby1%. Lll a) Twoyea6agoit was46,6.Lastyearit was:%
2 Inflationfellby1%. L41 b) Lastmonthit was4%.Thismonthit is3%.
3 l ihinkrvelostthefile. L-J a) I can'tfindthefile.twonderwheret puitt?
4 Sorry| lostthefile. L--l b) Thefilehasgoneaid t'lln€verfnd i.
5 HasJanecalledth6morning? t-l a) Janepromis€drocalthrsmor--g .t5'1 ar1
6 DidJanecallthismorning? L l b) Janepromisedto ca thismomn9.lt32 pm.
7 Salesimprcved. L-l a) Lastyearsaleswerepoor.Thisyeartheyarebetter.
8 Saleshaveimproved. L l b) Saleswerepoo.initialiy.A y€arlatertheywerebetter
9 Howlo19haveyouworledhere?L a) In1999.
10 Whendidyoustartwo inghe€? Lj b) Since1999.
Exercise3 l;
Completethesentenceswithasuitabletimeexpressionfromthelin below
ake€dy yet ever never just for sin<e always
l Thegoodswllbewithybusoon.They've........4!f9#dJ.......lefrourwarehouse.
2 l've........................-..-....hada greatidea!Whydon'tw€launch. newrangeof colours?
3 We'veknowneachother..-..-............-.......-.-...morethantwentyyears.
4 l've.....................-.......-..usedmycreditcadonthetntemet_| don'tthinkitt safe.
5 haven'thada.hanceto speakto Magda.........-...................-..,butl'msurcshe'lla9ree.
6 l've.-.........-.-....-....-..-.....workedininsurance,eversinceleavingunive6ity.
8€nro 560Paulo?lt3completelydifferentfrornRio.
Althoush lord (1)........|ret-.............X4d9.....operati"g
profits of over $Tbillion in its Ameri.u market this yed,
the story in Europe(2).,...,..-'---- ------..*, v€ry
di{' mr,lpr shire(1) ....................
hom 12%six yeas ago to only 9'1,nos. The truth is ihat
rivals like volkswagen.nd Re.ault (4)......................
.......,..,..,...,..,.much betterover recentyeds. They
( t . . . . ( . { ' d n d( 6 r ' '
.............-.,..,,.excitingand hiShly suc.esstulnes'models ln
conhast,lord (7) ..................-. ......................its latgesaloon,
E x e r c i s e 4 A BC
Readth r textaboutthe pe.formanceof the Fordcarcompany.Competethe iext with the verbsfromthe
st beoW Lrsng the presentPerfecl
rR.*e lall launch be have cut withdr.w spend iake periorm
Ford: theroadto recovery
the S.orpio $ hich was not selling wel1. But Ford
(8) ............................................alotmoresuc.essalth€
higher end of the market. O!'er the last lew years it
(9)..'.''.'''.''-'- -.--.. ...a lot ofmon€ybuyin8brands
such asJaglar, Aston Martin and Land Rovcr, and th€se
models hale mu.h hiEhe. profit margins. k
(10)..............................................sometime io sort out the
prcblemsat Jaguarin pdticulat butit's nolv a su.cesshrl
Exercise5 C D
R€adth6 emaiLfromSteve.thePurchasng M€nagerof . UK mpo(etwho,s n Po€ndon a buenesstr p
Competethe emailbychooenqthe corre.lalterianvefrornA, B,C or D beow
Sleve McGinLaY to: Mike ..'.,l_1ur.u.-
".,[ ,.
soiiv havenl canlacredvou i1) P. laslweer., bot ve been verv blsv lve(2). . 1oKatowce in the south
west of Poand (3) ... . .. a rew days, a.d ive (4) in Wa6aw rrom where Im sending th s
email lvisiled severa nrms when lwas in Kalowce and one or rhem looks quite promisns lve (5)
fa.lory. and Ive gol some product samples rd show you
Unfortunatery Ihaven hel th€ suy in charse (6) .... .... He wasn r th€re - he s (7) td cdansk,nd should be
so, the trip has been q! re successful(3) . .... Have yoL (s) ... b€6n lo cenlral Europe?Everythng rs
chano ng very fasl ve (1o) ...........seen so much bulldingwo.k going on. Anvwav L enaL vou aga n rsrer . rh6
week to lel you know what's happening.
2 A qoinq
5 A yet
6 A t l n
7 A going
Ba ready
Ba ready
B gone
c jun
c lln
c jun
A Past simple o. present perfect?
a Thepastsirnpleisusedto describe.ctonsin a compl€rediimeperod.
Thepresentperfectislrsedwhenthe timep€riodncludeeth€ presentThs canbea stu€ton
which5tartedin the pan andcontinlesto berrueln rhe p€sent, feexperenc€untitnowor
the pfesentresultof a pan actron.
I lived in Milan nany yea6 ago.
Ive lived in Milan since1998
I've lived in both Milan and Rame
(.ompleted:now I vein anotherplace)
(astuaton thatnaded in the pan andcontnuesn
the prese.t:I nill verhere)
( ie experence:thetirnewhenI ved n theseclties
s not m€ntioneddnd s not irnportant)
t've spoken to ny bass,and he'sasrced. (pretent rcsuhof pastacriof)
seeunit3 a T mephraseslsed wlth the partsimplefeferto a partcularpoint n the pan:yesterda,/asr
nonth, a few yeatsago, in 2042
seeunir5 T mephrasesusedwith rhe prcsentperlecr nk the pan 1othe presentthisnanth, evet,never
alrcady,just, recently,since
Lookat thisexample:
LojasAwti6"ds, a cl'ii't oI tlilla stots ,t Btd:il,hashodd;fii 1ti.!sincerhanid-1990s.
Althaqh lr stotcs.q(nak arnl6 ttufr(,t)n)litdbilityhasbeethad h1d.lrar h&,r. ol . hw
dr.titc ptthascpti... In 1998it begaad tutiondlkatnc[ivt. It rcdr.edth! tun[( oJuarcho$$
did sold2-1t'pnntuitct !a6 to Cdn.fin (Fnrd. (ebusine$fonun$rbsn.)
a Thetimewod for refersto a periodoi t me. t canbe lsedw th eilhe.tense:
1lived in Milan for fou yea6 when I wasat unive5ity (now donr ve there)
thave lived in Milanfot fov yea's. ( stlll iv€there)
(apemaneft st.te- alwaysliveihere)
a Thechoceof
We'vewon the.ontftctl (recentnews:theevenisoresentinmvmind)
Wewon thecantta(t. (te nganory:th€eventfeesdistantinmyrnnd)
B Presentgimple or present perfect?
a Thepresentsimplelsusedintwornainwaysrfacts,andhabitsorstaresn theprcsent.The
prcs€ntperfectmakesa connectionbetweenpastandpresent.
Aboutt,onillion peoplelivein Milan. lala.I)
I have lived in Milan far twa yeas. (l arrivedthere two yea6 aqo and si livethere now)
C Present perfect continuous: form
a Thepresentperfe.lcontinuolsi5formedwith the presentperfectol be,andthe -/hqformol
theveft. Negativesarcformedwth nor.
t've heen (haven't been) waiting here far norc than an haur
Sh.'s been (hasn't been) waiting he,Fallnormng
a Questionsarcfo.medby inveriingthe subjectandhdye.
Im sotry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?
D Present perfect continuous: qses
I Theprcs€ntp€rfectcontinuousdescribesanactionor sluationin progressfrcm the pdn !p to
betEenslove!'iadfld the Ltkrainehasbeeairqssing steadilr sint 1992,.lhen it tatalle'l
jut Us$9 klillion. (SloEnia Busine$ Week website)
a Thepesentperf€ctcontinuousoftenemphasisesthe lenqthoi t meof the action:
Ive been trying ta contacther all day
a Theactionmayb€finishedor continuing,we ony knowbyth€ stLration:
I've been waiting for an hour! Wtryareyou so late? (the waitinq isf nished)
t've been wainng for an hour and he hasnt anivedyer (l will cont nuewaiting)
a ThepresentperfectcontinuouscanbeLrsedfor r€p€atedactions:
t've been phoning her aI marnins, but she'salwaysin a meeting.
E Present perfe<t continuous: time expaeisions
a Typcatirneexp.essionsthatarelsed with the presentperlectcontinuousinclude:a//dayfor
manths, fot ages,lately,rccently,aver the lastfew yea6, sin.e, far
ForeirkliJenurcRhdrebe.nexpaadit! thenbBi'pssir Japarbt ahbut15%ainudllyoret tht
p*stfo'E r.|rs. (Businesweek lvebsite)
F Present perfect or present peife(t continuous?
a Oltenthereisverylittledifferenceinmeaningbetlveenthepresentpedectandpresentperfect
l'vewotked/been working hetefot thteeyea6.
a Thechoceofienseoftendependsonwhereor.rallentonis,Welsethepresentperfectif ou"
l'vewitten therepott. (theiinishedrcportsinmymind)
Weuleth€presenlperfectcontinuousf ourattentionisontheactoninprogress.
l've beenwiting thercport. (theactol wrtingisin myrnnd)
Ih theslobaleaao'nnrbeh oJree,I yedtsia" eokryatieshar. beeneteatedatdn astoblshitu
lata.Can?a esu,hnhhau bed opdatingJotflanf yats tuitha .ta ehiikrat. flawcxploinr
a lfwegivedetailsof howrnanyorhowmu.hwedonotusea contnuousform
l've wdtten thfte rcpofts thisweek.
l've donea lot of rcsearchan this.onpany.
TheE haolog.hea'yNatnaqindexh^ beaJalliisJottlweueeh,41db iou 3la.4lawetthd,iLt
Math peak.ShnetoI.o,tpakiesafl,ont'd,gpaotfteLltrharefallefl bt a thM or a hd$ aft(
paft warnkgs.(wshhgton Posrlvebsite)
5 Practice
ExerciseI !
1 yes'e.daytphonedlI'vephonedthebankaboutmyovedraft.
2 | wo* here/havewotkd heresincetheendof lastyear.
3 Yol.rrraxihasjustanivedIjun affieed.
4 We|eenjoyingou.trip-Wetavenadel nadea lotof usefulcontacts.
5 /1€seen//sawHughHopperafewdaysago- hes€ndshisregards.
5 Weyv€ntlhaveb€ento anintercnings€minarlastweek.
7 Todayhasbeehlwasreallybusy-anditsonlylunchtimel
8 Todayhaibeefllwasreallyburjrlt37 pm- l'mgoinghome.
9 I'.rl af?idPattizialeftl has/e/itheoffaceanhourago.
10 l'mafraidPatriziaisn'thete- she/eftlha5/erttheoffice.
Exe.cise2 I !
I Thecompanyjsdoingverywell.Lastyearsales............*a..A-t-..$p.........(Soup)by15%,andsofarihis
2 We......................................(op€rate)allovertatinAmeca.Recentlywe ......................................(setup)
3 This......................................(notlook)likethe ghtblock.Areyousurewe.........
4 ......-...............................(you/see)mylaptop?l'msure| ---'--''--,---'.'.... (leave)lt hereearlier
5 | ......................................(ust/meoAndrewf.omSales.......................................(you/know)him7
5 | ......................................(nev€r/speak)to him,but| ...-..'.'--------.- Gpeak)tohisassistanionthe
7 | ......................................(wo*)forWorldComnow- | ......................................(be)thereformorerhan
Exercise3 !!l
@to Completeeactrmini-d'aloguebyputtingtheverbsinbGck€tsintothecorrectform.Oneverbwillbeinthe
1 A: What3thematier?Youlookworriedl
B:yes.I am.| .1.Ye...-he4t-...k++!l{...41.tuokat)the(ontractinderait,and| .......:.y.*...|rP}if#-......
{notice)a lotof potentialproblems.
2 A: l -....-......-.......-................(phone)Ca.olallday,butthere3no.eply.
B:I expectshe......................................(go)to HeadOffice.
A: Oh,yes,Ifolgot.
I A: 'Tosca'iscomingto theOpetaHous€.....-.......-..-......................(yousee)it?
B:No,notyet.shallwego?| .........................-..-.........(lookfoMard)to itfor ages.
4 A: Howlong..........-....-..-.................-.(youprcduce)carsatthissite?
. B:Aboutfouryears-We.-.-.....-..---'..--*- {inven)twentymilliondollarsinplantandmachinery
A: Oh,andhowlongwillittaketorecoupyourinvestment,doyouthinkT
. A , ,
Exercise4 A
Cor.petethsdialoguebypultingtheverbsn br.cketsintothecoreclforrnofihe pansnrpeorpresent
!r. roRrr Hi. suc.I (r) . ...114f.e1:t.tqql (ior. see)vouii)r ascsl
lti. r.'o.lrnsorrI (2) . (nd/ire)in rouchNjrhanyonerecenrly...I
(-r)............................ (bc)r..n!bu
lrcroRri ()h. 'lDt hale ou beer upto dE?
Vtll.ror knos I (.r) ......................... flc c) nrvJobriJ.rtr,xr_vn) thrt I
(5)........ .... .... . . (.trn)so tieclanccasa g phi. Jcisrer?
! r , ( x , A Y c sl r c n , c D r t c rl o u ( . ) . . . . . . . . . . t J 1 k ) r l t ) t r l r u r t h r t l s r _  t r . l l o N i j . s o n r s ?
n r  v c l l . , r( 7 ) . . . . . . . t . ) x r e r l l !d , r i . n l tv e r r o f t r I ( S ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lrNo/do) rnrthng lik. (hr t).lbn' . . t nuch hrrderrofk rh.rD1 (1))
(1r)rsr'.) (lr)) (on. ev.r/br) 5crfcn+,lo]cdl
v ( r o r r ^ N o . . e  e r .r l r l N u s hI ( l l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( o r i c nd r ! ) k )r b o l r i t s o ,r v h . !h r  i r b c c n
 V c l l . r t t h c h c q i n r i n { l ( l : ) . . . . . . . . . ( h N e )r K , o r r h . . . q o o , lc h c n t s r r d ,
ro! kno: rcorl. thtrrI (ll) .. . . . . ... (krd) n,. nrxn!, n lJicr.L.
And sin.. rhcnI (11) . . ..(h.,!e)x l(,tor'inr.rcs.riorndilT(r..t.onir.nics-
bu xnicofrh.r) (15) .. .. . (luom.) r.tU1.,,crr..,.r!.
 {' . . . l i r , r , , . .
I(l()) (.rlr(.(h/(l(,)dr.r l(17) . ... .... h1r)i,i .r(ive|'(ii,
I).!rr) Mord)h .,.o!fl. .i ! xrrh .rgo.l,ur I (ls) . ... (,ior/sro i|v rt|licr
()h.,1..n..11.(l')) t,ut) ut).,$ehir. $id) cM,||I. ()i!.r, L{trk?
Y.s.l (l1r) . (iu{/h,,trh)n Vr,l,l !{{1 ri!,),1hrv,,ilrllf,.k l(n,krr il
.url tcllnrcsh.rtvouthirk ofit?
Exercise5 A
?a 12 Loota1the qraph..ri readthe p.ssaqeabourtechnologyno.ks Competethe textby pltt f! nreveros,r
br.clels nlo rhecoiiectformof the pan ! mpleor presentpeiecl
Europea invetors (1).........h4-v,e...1,.4'tllPd...........(watch)Us stockmarkeis
neflously over the last few months.Thepreblemswirh USte.hnology dd
sharepric6 at.ompdia likelntel,AppleandDeX(3)..
(crash).ove! thesunner authse gidts (4)........................................................(annoluce)
lower thd exp!.ted profits, md tnvesios fearthat delldd for PCsin thehigliy
developedUSmarket(5).............- - .............(peak).Now it'stheturnof
Edopem stftks. On Monday stock in companieslike Cemdy's SA?dd
Finland'sNokia(6)........................ .. .....(falt)sharply.sAP
@.....................................................-.-..(be)doM 3%in lrdkfln, md Nokia
(8)--............-.-.......................................(drop)7%in Helsinki
But thercwas$me ged nes s fo. invetoF vesreday Yah@l
$295 mitioi! tp from $115 million a yed edlid. Yznel reIi6 on ornie advertising for most of iis ituome, dd this yed it
(11)...................................................--.(gain)sig.i6@! Mrket sharein E@pe ad (12) ...................(manage)10achievethe
pGition ol top Web'navigationconpdy.
Anatystsbelievethat the mdkei (13)...-.-.........-..---*--,-.,..........(noi/hit) the bonom yet.Edlier this yearjnvestore
(1.1).-..................................................-.(buy) dy tntemet stels that wde available,catint a st@kmdket bubble-Now ifs jusr the
opposite.Invstors (15).............................-........................-.-.(beome) sonero6 that they aree]ling everythin& evenif the companyis soud
md the siocklools cheap.
uture 1
a wi
WecanLrsew// + the infinitiv€(wthout to)to rcferto the future.M// lsusualyshodenedn
speechandinformalwritingro'll.Ihe rcgariveol willis wan't
We usewTto talkaboutfutureeventsth.t we seed5rdcL5:
ln Junewe will bring out twe new nadels.
sovonnut aill soot imposean oblirdtior all cl..ttkity ',ppU atnpdkas to buya spe.A.d
p(entds. oJthcitpoln Jron rcfleunbt.sonrte'.(cua.dian websrlc)
We useM// to talkaboutfuturebe efsl
Lyrth tlnt fkbolsatioi aid .otsolidatio in th. tihiolosy sc.tatwiII crcat! d.qrcdt.l
dqrdd.fu kw d"1pdrefil ha66.'Sto.k ,fldtketsuill hd,. tl .ow t lot nor nd'F.t
.aptali$tion andt d .r itd']{ltJ oiU ha,e kssof d tok'jd),r Lr,.l,. (Obscrvcr wcbsrtc)
We car addperhapsInaybeor probdblyto makethe b€liefesscertan:
Ttu.li6t lda afjob la$s futthn( ioh l'. ,nryetsi, (;unan bdslnqwill prcbablyb. h tlt
Cny oI lindot. @trsinsswecklvcbsire)
Noticethaiprobabt come!afterwil/bLrtbeforervon't
He'llprchably agreewithyau.
Heprobahly won't aqrcewith you.
We canusenil/ wth an introductoryphraseto 9 veothermeanngs.Forexarnpe,a persona
opinion(/ th,nk)or a hope(/hope):
I think we'll prcbably opena subsidiaryin Russianextyeal
I hope he'll agtee with yau.
ty,7canbe usedior instanldecisionsandthoughisthatcorneintoour headat the momentof
I' wait fat you outside.
I' phone yau tamanaw.
B Going to
a We usethe ved be+ gorngto + the i.finitiveto a conneclionbeiweenthe presentand
a We usegolrg ta for plansandintentions.Thesearcthlngswe havealreadydecd€dio do.
I belie,ethdt Cree'tpan is goins to lorpetbt.s.T'et dft tone tisr oJliqtidny ptuh1effiin the
dedit ,1a*ets at hi pon tu 6ft, a i sntut enbal hanhftspondsby easingoedit. Q'IewYotk
Times $'ebsite)
TLel|nc In rre fLlurecanbe -ea or disunt.
I'm going to call FionaCla*e thisafternoon.
We'te going to open a faatotyin Hungary nexryeat
a We Lrsegoingto to makepredictionswhenthereissomeevdencein the presentsiuationi
BeGrefult t* 9oin9 to fa . (l canseeit)
I thinkweTegoing ao|oset/]lsdedl (lvejusthe.rdsomenews)
C Presentcontinuous
a Wecanus€rhepresent.ontinuoustenseto ratkaboutth ngswe havearr.ngedto do in the
future.Thereisnearlyalwaysa timeexprcssion.
Annis leaving tonoffow norning
HSBCare moving to new prenises nextyear
Theaffangemenlsareoft€nsocidlarrangementsor dppointmenB.
seeunirs1and2 What are you doing an Tuesdayafternoon?
l'm seeing lackat tuw, and after thatI'm meeting ny bank nanager
D Wilt or going to?
a Wll/susedforinstantd€cisionsGoingto isusedforplansand nienrions.
aK,t knowwhattodo.fll .a/lane (aninsiantdecision)
Datou havetheinlornationforJane?I'm going to catlherrhlsafternoon.(anintention)
a l4rl/isuledforgeneralbeiefs,opnions,hop€!andth ngsthespeakerteesasfacts
I n surethey'll like thenewdesign
ln thefuturc,narc peoplewi wotk fromhone.
a When'v/7susedwitha ph€selike/ thirkand/orwordslikeprobab,rhenthebelief/opnion
becomeslesscertain,likea prediction.
I thinkyou'll likethisidea.
Thewo d wi prcbablyendin aboutfi@billianyeaE.
8utif th€eisircng evid€nceintheprerenrsituarionthengo,inqtoisusuay usedfor
Ithinkit'sgoingto Rin. (lcanreeblackclouds)
We'rcgoing to nake a losson thisptoject. (thaverhefiguresntrontof me)
a Thereareoccasionswhenwecanuseeitherfonn:
]nny presentationI'll talk/rm going to talk aboutthreemaiharcasFitst,...
Hercthespeakercouldseeit .s afact(w/, oran ntentionGolrgro).
a W;t^g. llandgoingtaaE noreusuainspeech.
E GoDg to or present continuous?
a Forfururepansand.nangementsthereisofrenlirtledfferencebetweengolngroandrhe
rm going to givelrm giving ny prcsentationonFriday.
a Golngtocanslqgenthatthedetaihof theafiangemenlhavenotbeenfinased.Thepresent
continuouscansirqqestthatthearrangementismorefixed,wirharirneanda pace.
I'mgoingto meethin nertweek.(justaplan iimeandpacearesiill! nknown)
I'm meetinghin at tenin ny o#tce.(adefinite,fixedarranqement)
F Time expressions
a Cornmontime exprcssionsfor ihe fLrtureinclude:tomoftaw, the dayafter tanarraw on Fiday,
at the weel,end.nen w?pk. n a htu ddk ine.
:F rFnEl
7 Practice
Exercise1 llI
l/atch sentences1-{ withtheirusesaFo.
a) afuturefact d) afutureplanorintention
b) anopinionaboutthefuture e) a predictionwithevidenceinthepresentsituation
c) aninstantdecGion fl afuturearrangement
1 l'm goingto askmybosslor a payrisenextweek. E
2 l'msorrytohearthat.l'llfindoutwhattheproblemisrightnow n
3 l'msorrybutI won'tbeheretomorrc,w-l ll bein Paris. n
4 l'mmeetingAngelaforlunch.Doyouwanttojoinut n
5 Theirsharepricewill probablyrisewhenthemarketre<overs L l
6 with somlch competitionit3goingto bedilticuhto increasesales n
Exercise2 | |
1 ArAreyoufrcenextTuesdaymorning?
B. Sorry,1'llhavell'mhaing a meetingwithSue.
Ai oh,dght.well,,^hataboutThu6day?
2 Ai Whatareyourplansfornextyear?
S: We'I open/We'rcgoingto ope, a newfactoryio Hungary
3 A:Whatdoyouthinkabouttheirnewma*etingcampaign?
B: I think,?'/probabtsuceed/ it! gobablysucceeding.
Ar Doyoureally?
4 Ar Whatabouttomorrowataroundlivethidy?
gt OK,I'll seeyou then.ll'mseeingyouthen.
A: 8ye.
5 A: Soasyoucan5e€,l'vebe€nthinkingaboutthisproblemquitea lol
8i Yes,I see.So,#,at ateyougoingto do?lwlEt arcyoudoing?
A: Resignl
6 a: ltwouldbenicetose€younextweel,
B:Yes,it would.Are,1,udoirg antrhinglwill youdoanythtngonWednesday?
completethesentencesbyputtingthevelbsin bracketsintothemostapproprlateflture form Choose
berweenw,4 goingto andlhepresent(ontinuous.
1 Haveyouheardthenews?
2 1.......-....-............-.-..-....-..............(meet)AndrcaatninenextThursdaymomingoutsideihestation
3 l'vejusthada€allJromRichard- he........................ . . ... ... -.. . (be)late
4 Nextyea.-...........................................-....-(be)ihecompanyScentenaryyear
5 Thistaxidriveristerible-He .............-.-...-.......... ... . . (have)ana.cident
6 lnthefuturevidecronfe.ences...-...........-...-................(probablvreplace)manyintemational
7 We........................................-.........(test)thenewmachinesometimenextweek
8 | ........-...................-.......-.........-...(go)ro MancheneronFdday.
. 9 wouldyoumindwaitingfora momenl?| ..............-'.'.-....-.................... (notbe)lon9
7 FI'TURE1 37
Exercise4 !!!
@ 14 Completethisdialoguebypuningeachof theverbsin bra€ketsiniothefuture.ChoosebetweenLail/and
going io. Sometimeseitheranswermaybe possible,but decidewhich form isthe most natura. Use
contractionswhere possible.
IoANN^, Pleae, come in, h.E . se*.Would you like a dlirl? Cofee? Minenl water?
oh, r (1) ...............:!!...b*ys..................(lne) a cos€eplease.
Jo NNA Lucy ... could )ru neke tm cotrees?(siglts)We , th3nk for comiry this morning. l
(2) ................................................GeD}lcu why I sked )ou here.Um, asyou know,thde
(3) --------..... ..... ........Oe) sone bis chmgs itr the company.In facr,{€
(4) .................................................(Gtructue) the whole depanment.
Yes.I ktrow.when (5) ................................................(n/happen)?
lo NN^, Ererythiry (6) . (be) finihed by rhe sumer. Um, the thing n,
underthe Ds structureyou!job o) ................................................(probably/disappeu).
Realy? Is that cEtain?
Jo NN^ well, we (8) ................................................(have)a meeringn€xr wek ro linaliseall the plans,
and I (9) . (leg you know what we decide.Anyway,you
dont haveto uorry
JoNN^, w€[, a!I w:! s.yingyoudont heveto worryWe00) ...............................-.-----(ofted
youa newjob.You(11)................................................(har€)morcresponsibiliryandrhesabry
Thatl wondertul,thrnkyouverymuch.v}lat€)acdy(13)..............................................(rhe
nN job / involvc)?
JoANN^ Wc[,wc (14) . (€xpand)thewholecustomcrscrvicesarca.Ifyou . (be)responsiblefor thenewteam.Um,
it (16)................................................(meen)alot norc work,ofcoune.whardoyourhink?
It sound!gre.t,but I (17). (n€cd)! dayor two ro rhink aboutu.
JoNN, Ofcoune,noprcblem.Look,I (18) . (nor/be)in theogice6r
theDextfewd4 -I(19) . (visir)oursubsidi$yin Hungary.
(20)................................................(you,/ha!!)anaiswerfor mebynextweek?
Yes,I(21)................................................Give)youlny decisionon Mondala
Exercise5 [ |
Completethisemailfrcma PAtoherbossbyputtingtheverbsinbracketslntothefuture.Choosebetween
Ive booked your flight to Slovenla. You (1) ..-.I_z,..le4y!.64._(l€6) on Tuesday 3rd at A-45in the mornlng, so you
(2)........................(arl€) in Ljubljanab€fo€ lunch.sonsn€ (3)........................(be)at th€ €irportto me€r
you.Yourfret meetlngis withAlekaanderP@kar, and you (4) .-,...--................(s6€)himat 1 pm at our to@l
otfie- He (5) ...-.....-..............(prcbably/take)you out to luncr'-Afrerlunchyou (6) -.......................(novdo)
anythinquntll4 ph, so you (7) ...,....,....,....,.....(have)timeto qo to ih6 hoter.You(8) ,,...-....-....-....-...(stay)al the
Interconrhental,whichis in a very@ntrallo€tion. | (9) ...,..-.-.--.--. (go)to the travelagentsto pickup the
ticketsrhisaftem@n,e I (10)-....--...--.........-.,(give)themro you tomo@.
uture 2
A Future: time expressions
a We usethe presenirmpl€ or the presenrperfecr(notw//)to referto th€ futureafterthese
wotds. when, after,beforc, unless,in case,assoon as,until, by the tine, the nexttine:
when I seehec I'lltell het yau called.
we I discussit again aftet you get back
As soon as I've finishedthe rcpon, lllenall it to yau
Yaucanwait here until shecomes back
Notcethat a {ulureform(wil, car) s u5edin the otherp. ( of the 5entence
B Presentsimple/continuous
a We olt€n usethe presentsimple(orpresentcontinlout whenwe talkaboulevenlsn the
futurcbasedon a fixedlimetabe,prcgrammeor caendar
tims planeleaves(isleavind at 12.15
Our bossrctires (is rctinnd nextyeat
C Future continuous
a Thefuturecontinuousislormedwth w// + be + the -ingforrnol the verb:
Ok. hn hdt isclct it lht tuat.aid larynkrhr.! arryofi. tuill b. ii'cstibg i Chi n atli
thdtttu na! lawn t't vill dllo',r/r,x rd. (Asixrvcckwcbshc)
a Thefuturecontin!o!sde5crbesanactivityin progre!5in the luture
we oftenure ii whenwe comparewhal we aredo ng nowwth whal we w llbe do ng in the
fulure.Thereisnearyalwaysa limeexpression.
Nextyeat I'll be working in aut SaoPaulooffice
where will you be wo*ing in slxnonthl time?
a Thefutureco.t nuous6 oftenutedto saythatsomethingwill deinitelyhappen:
we'll be holding a meetingsoon,sa we can makea decisianthen.
D Future perfect
a ThefuturcperJec(isformedwith w7 + have+ pastpaniciple:
8y the tine I retirc, nl have been in bankingfar ovet thirtyyeaa.
By theyetu2a20 fu ,ol ,tco.fsoodsptodtedby hadniotdlhantfadwinr ootdtide Mll
prcboblybeat ledtluie ,t' it n hday.Brt ih tfu US,IIEnMreo.fna {a,tu s in CDe tuhnh
n sill oroundlioA or so,will ha"esh nh to 5%. (lndusrrvweekwebsite)
a we lse the futureperf€ctio lookbackfromonepoift in th€ futureto an ear er evenlor
periodof time.We oftef usebyor by the tme withthe futureperfect:
By the tine we prepareour proposalthey' have found anothet supplier.
By the end af theyeat we'll have sold arcund 1,AAOunits.
a r iscommonto lse. simplew;flformin pl.ceof thefutureperfect,athoughsomep€ople
th nkth s isnot grammaiic.lly.orrect:
By the tine we'vepreparcdou prcpasal thel find anothersuppliet
By the endof theyeat we'll sell arauntl 1,000 units.
t We usethe continuousfom of thefutureperfedto fromonepolntin th€ future.t
an aaviy in proqrcss:
Nextyear we' have been nanufactwing the sane nodel for tenyeats.
Was going to
a Waslwercgoingra1snota futueform.Weuseitto referto somerhingtharwepannednthe
I'n sorrylwas going to phoneyou thisnorning,butI hadto seeaneal outclients.
Otherwaysto talk about the future
a Weoftenusemodalsandrelatedvelbslikeshou/d,belikelyA could,may,miqhtro rcletta
O W-Ausetheverbs pect, hope,intend,wouldIikqpla4 warafollowedbyan nfnitive(rodo)
to referto thefuturc:
Cettflandutot dketBMW b pldnniry to hciE aWdftt ai pla in Cehtal .r Eatem Ewope
by thehiddle of2001- aid the Czecl'Republnis ho ng to get theoitb.t. (pegnepost
Noticethe negativeforms:
lexpedlhopeI won't ...
We don't inEftllplanlwant to ... usethevelbt,rinkfollowedby '/l
I think/don't think I' changeny htenet Se"/i(€tuavider
Wecanusebe dueto for thatw€ expectto happen:
Mrwckh, utb hit' CE 'flandatoryrcfie,nettdgeof 65 nert no th, hatbtilt CE intnAnerna
Nd1o'npony in stock'natketlalMtian.Hc k dle to nan thr ctt chdhhdnd thiclexc uit?
9f CE i thencrtItu ddys.(WallStreetJourn.l Eurcpewebsirc)
We canusebe aboutio for thingsthatwill (willnot)happenverysoon:
A laokdt It sto.knia'tet Mluatio'tsolbir tolxude hosys s,.h asCiteoand Onde showthat the
po.eofdtulopncnt i nct!te tulofy k not cboBtt6 doo (Fo$es.comwebsire)
h mod€rnEnglishsha////r€...2 areusedto makesuggestions,not to feferto the futLire.
shall I open the window?
shall we neet again nen week?
sha//isstillusedfor the futurcin formalsiluations,for exampleegaldocumenb.
"I uaja, going h nt,'w.4 I danr tub t . tuta. Bu|,
ofa,,4r&natutt tuht.'
Seeunit14 a
8 Practice
Exercise1 SSHUgg
1 Iamotrcwnl inteNiewtrllbeinteNiewingcandidatesallmoming.
2 we willhavenavedtwillbemolngto ournewp€misesinAugust.
3 Wewillhaveno/edlwillbe mov,,ngto ournewpFmisesbyAugust.
4 WhatUmedoesJourtrainlwilltov trainleave?
5 Don'tforgetto turnofi thelightsbeforeyouare/eaving/youlea,p.
6 We<an'tsendthegoodsunlilwe'vereceivedlwewillre.eiveafim oder.
7 we wil bercpayinglwilha!€repaidthebankloanbyDecember
A Uresstheyle/theyllbemorereasonable.w€llhaveto brcakoffnegotiations.
9 I wasgoingto witelwas w',rtngto them,butI forgot.
1A lhopellwillhopero beabletospeakatthepressconferencemyself.
1l Ou.visitorsaredi./eto affiveldueaniing ar 10.30.
12 lhopelwon'tlldon'thope/7be lateforthemeeting.
13 | thinklwon'tlldon'tthrl?k/7be lateforthemeeting.
14 Whentheconrract,i/wz beready,l'llletyouknow
15 Willt/Elshallweb'eakforcoffeenow?
16 Sorrylcan'tspeaknowI'lljusthavell'njustabouttohaye.meeting.
Exercise2 fiEn
Completeea(hsenren(el+ wth anendrngaFh)
1 Pleasetakea seatuntil
2 Theywon'tacceptourorderunless
3 Helenwantsto seeyoubefore
4 Youwon'tseeHelel1.8ythetimeshearrives
5 AssoonasHelenarives
6 | cafl waitlThistimenextweekl'll
7 l'llhaveasuntann€xttimewemeetll'll
8 Sorryabouithis.Ina fewmomentsl'll
DfRihalisfeadyto seeyou.
wegivea bankguaranie€.
i'llaskherto phoneyou.
belyingona beachincfeece.
E a t
n o r
! o
! a r
! " r
n o
I q l
n ;
Completethe sentencesby puttingthe v€rbsin bracketsintothe righttense.Choosebetlveenthe present
smp e (/do), future .ontinuous (i7 be dolhq) and future peded lt'll havedane).
l Bythetimeallthe p.pe6 areready,the deadline...-Lrj!!...k.v.g..MttreC....(past.
2 Theflight .-....-....-....-....-....-.........-.......(,eave)at I pm and............................................(arrlve)at 3.45.
I L...............................-..-....-....(see)Nicktomorrowsolcan giveh m yo!r message.
4 Thistaxlissoslow Bythe timewe gettherethe meeting............................................(finish).
5 Sorry| can'ts€€youon the 15th | ..-..-...................-..................(play)golfw th . client.
6 won't do .nythinquntil| ..............................-....-........(hear)fromyo!.
7 Huffy!pl Bythe timewe affive,the play......................-......-....-..-......(nari).
8 what ...........-..-....-.-..-....-........(you/learn)bythe endof yourcourse?
10 When| ..........------....-. ...-....-(see)him,l'llaskhim.
8 FUTURE2 41
E x e r c i s e 4 A C D F
An economisthdsprepareda sho.trcpodabouths co!ntrynextyear Reddit, tlrenchoosethe correct
alternatve{romA, B,C or D beow to completethe report.
126onth e.onni. Iote@t
The Cennd Bdk (1) ...S....keepintcre$ nr6low nextIeaf nr orde. to $lmulte economicsrowth,.nd so
ve {2) .........the c.oroNr to continucgrc$ns rt about l%.Thi5neanstbr mcnPloymdrt (3) .. '!
mon secors of the econonr,vnext yer Exchange ntes ar vert difil.ult to lredicq bui the curency
(a) .........cmain st.blc.
sonE nnporeDr eventsfe (s) .........takepl,cc in thc poliricd neH.The President(6) .. Gll eledions
wirhin the next twele monrhs.and50by the nnddc ofncxt yca!fie electioncamPrisn(7) . The
sovcrnmenr(8) ........ on i phtfon othonsty rnd.onPcicnce. rnd t (9) oducc rcfor$ to lhc
lcsrl sy*cD so ihdjldges.rn nr!€stiste thc mnuseofprblic fundsmore e6ily.'Whenthrt (10) .. ,
inrc.n*ioml nNr$or co.ndenceshouldincPse nPi.Iy.
7 Aw havebegln
8 Aw beioughl
B s liknglo
I will beei f. ng
Bw bebegun
Bw beiighling
C w t a n 9
C being
C w fLghtrng
D w i a l
D s prcbaby
D expecting
D 6 d u n g t o
Dwill begrn
Dwll havef qht
E x e r c i s e 5 A C D E
15 TheHlmdnResou,.esMa.agerol a .,9ecompanys explan ngtheappra|sdlsvstemto a groupot new
employeesComplelehEialk bypun ng lhe verbsn bracketsinlo the r ght tenseChoosebetweenthe
p.esenrsmpe (/do),lutu€ contnlous (/7 be doi.q).lutu.e perfect(/'//havedore)...) '|asgoingto.
'Yo!rapprasa ntervews(1)......4[q....(be)!nf./ar.hEr, rnsorryrhey(2). ..............- . -. -
(be)in Februaryblt we hadio ponponelhem Sorryabolt lhat Um,d!ring Febr!afyyoLrrnemanaqetr
(3).... ... ....................(coLLect)atheinformalon theyneedfrornyou,andbythet meyo! mee!for
theinterveWthey(4)........ -.-..-.......(prodlce)a checklistof pontsior disclsson
RLghtUm, n the Lnteruiewyou(5) . ...............-.-..- -. . ... (d6cLrss)yourpe.forman.edurnqthe pan
year.nd anyiesuesreatnq to yourfutureneeds,et slch .s trarningBythe endof the rneetng hopethat
youandyo!rlin€manaqer5(6). ... ... ........ ...................(agree)onyoLrrper50naoblectvesrornextveat
both n terrnso{ salestarqelsandprofessonaLdeveopment s thatdear?Y€p,OK,qood Oi colrsetheres
somef e|ibilty in the targets,n .aseany'lhinq(7) - , . (happen)to the rnarketthatwe
cannotpredct We rnayasohave. budg€tforyouto do somet.anrng.afteryo! (8) . .
(come)backlromyolr sumrnerholdaysbul beforework(9) ..... . . (qet)rea]?busJrin
Afterthai,lhenentimelhaiwe al!(r0)......................................(meet)aqainwillbeln Octobet
when d likesomefeedbackon yoLrrtrdn nq,asbythenanycou6$ thatyoudo
(I I) ... ....... .... .. . . . . . .( f i ns h ) .l st h a tO K ?Y e a h ( 1 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G e n d ) y o l r
feedbackforn'rsn€arerthetime We , et unessyo! (r3) . ................................(have)anyqlesions,
th nkthata . Oh,no Er,yes l{14).............. .. .... ....(have)a wordwithyoudboutyourho ddv
pLans,but youprobabydont knowth€myet.CouldyouemaLmewlth yoLrreqlen assoonasyouknow
A Form
a Tomakethe passivewe useaob€.nd a pastparic plel
tntelproducesnilians af chipseveryyeat
Theyhave chosen the new design.
Rasawi give a pressbnefing tananow. arange a loan within sixdays
Wenay give you sone new salestaryets
Mitlionsof .hipsareprcducedeveryyear.
Oursupplieris shipping the goods nextweek Thegoods are being shipped nextweek.
Thegovenment nised interest rctesby lo/d. tnterestrateswerc rcised by |ak.
He was asking ne somedifficult quesnans I was being asked sone difficult questians.
Thenew designhas been chosen.
A pressbiefing will be given tonanaw.
A laan can be aranged within sixdays.
Youmay be given sanenew salestaryets.
a Theobjectin the.ctive senrcnce(nillionsof chips/interestratei)movesto the frontin the
a We fofm negatvesandquestonsin ihe sam€wayasin actvesentences
Thenew designhatnt been .hosen. Has the new designheen choten?
B Uses:fo<us on important intormation
a n theactivesenrencesabovethe pe6onor organsaion who doesth€ acrion(/rrel/Ihe
. ln the passivesentencesaboveihe pe6onor organaaton who doesthe acrions nor
mentoned.t nrightbe
clearfromlhe siiuation
Innead,rhe mponanrnfom.tion isetherrheactions(ralsedlchoser)or thethingsafiecledby
the adon (Mi bnsof.hips/rhe goods/Aprcssbiefirg).
a Sludytheseexampes:
laryepropottiot oJwo d ntlltodtuior it Sewtdted tu th. Nlihlle Edt. (culfBusines
Hereihe writerwanrsto ernphassetheamountof o . Whodidthe acton (ge,lerate)iscearor
me North Aneiedn Frc. TtadeArcd (NAFTA) uds cstahlishedin 1993 b link the Linited
Stat.s,Ca adr dtd 14.!ko in dfi.. rrddeasteenet. (LatjnTnde websrte)
Hefethewrlterw.ntsio saywhen.ndwhytheaclonhappenedWhoddtheactton
(estabrsh)isnot rnpo.tant.
D.utstltc PostAC nill ofet ntush^ dtut prie di ot tsandbakr thdres.s lart aJitsplaa,ed
nfiidl p,blt ofe E. Thesei1'edtio* toill beofercd n)EkiL ihrekE in EU .ounti6 who nke
a ertll tliniptio . 0fi/a11Sftet Jou.nalEurole websne)
Hercthe witer wantrto glveintonndtonaboLrrrheincentives.Whowittdo ihe acton (olfedis
nol rr.portantor not known.
C Uses:sysiemsand Processes
a we oftenlse the passiveto talkdboLrtsynems,pro(essesandprocedures:
Tje bdnq,tvd to nnhe hzh ukisky tnkesdhort oen nasths to gto ih thefeld. Ia Auqun the
bo cyL' hdtrsteil d,,t thenW tu renfu d bryle al flonths.menettttzpis 'nallry', dh 4k i.nt
.hettnby Iull of ttatitiat. ]t rirc a i.h, watu fd,o"t to th. whisq dhd d'ses thes6ih taptud,ce
narh6, whnh oft eofwte.I to suSa6at a ld@ ndgeaJth. po.e$.The tudhe.lbdtev k Bted Jol
abort thteeoeclJ dlengtowd htoiofi dndpld.ed irto htse 'estehihn n is mked unh hot
utatetto 'ldk. a 'utott'.7 he tt@nis .ooleil, thendn into orothet vesselHM, yust is addetl'dn.l
thettdth is tnned inta!.!art p@.l!.nE d deatliqrid cdlledthe tuth' It i distilLdtianthdt nt$
thistudt1itlto ehkln. I'1 tlistilli':a,theliqtid Lt h@tedtntil thespi tutns to lnlatt' thett
.o"dercedtrdtkit o liryid. By av, Scotchuhis@ nust 6eagedi" odkbardsJot nt leostthtee
y.d6 (Adaptedfrctu De!%r'sScotchwhisky {ebsite)
s.eakounit4s a Toshowa sequ€nceln a prcc€sswe usewords tke:Fnsylfistof a , Then,Thenextstep
Ne4 Aftet that, Finar.
Firtt of all the finishedproductsarc .he.ked fur qualiry,then thevarc packed and sent out
fron ou wareholse.Aftet disPat h we allaw custanen ta lollow the progrcssof thetrarder
on ou lntr.,net.Finally, we get a digital inage af the signatureof the pe,sanwha rcceivesthe
qaadt sa that this can be checked lateaif necessaty
D Saying who does ihe a<tion
a Inallthepasslveexampesabovethepe6onororganisationthatdoestheactonisnot wewantto savwhodoeriheactionthenweuseby:
Thegoodsarebeingshippednextweekby our suwliet in china
A pressbriefingwillbeglventananow by our lnfotmatton officet RosaMendoza
Tt.fd'ton' it ttdfcdbr thc loralpeopleuho uorhedthelebeJorc,h ai a awplataLfditetul
E Transitive and intrantitive verbs
seearsounit2r a Verbswhichusuallytakeoblecls.rccalledl€nsitiveverbs(e9:help)Verb5whichdo not lsually
takeobie.tsa€ calledintransitiveverbs(eq:/oot)
A: Gn t helpyou?
B: No,In iustlooking.
DctonaiesshowthisinformationwithT or L.Someverbscanbebothtranstveand
inilansitive.Onlylransitiveverbscanbe madepaseve
RaiseA lnterestrateswerercisedlastmonth
lnsease (T/l) lnterestrateswete increasedlast manth
Go up (l) lnteren ntes *ereei6Ae-up la* nonth.
9 Practice
Exer<ise1 g
Completeeachsentencewitha passiveverb.Youmayneeda negativeform.
1 Somebodydamagedthegoodsintlansit.
2 Thousandsof peopleseethisadverteverydal.
Thisadvert_._...._...._............................................bythousandsof peopteeveryday.
3 Theywillnotfinishtheprojectbytheendofthemonth.
4 Theyhaveclosedfifty retailoutletsoverthelastyear
Fiily.etaiioutlets................ r rhetastyear.
5 Wearcreviewingallof ourlTsyslems.
Allof ourlTsystems...........
6 Wecannotshipyourorderlntilwe receivepayment.
Exercise2 g !t
Decideif it it isnornecessary(tossit oU. tftt isnecessaryplt a
1 | don'tthlnkyourproposalwillbeacceptedry+€€pl€,
2 Thecompanywasfoundedbythefatherof thepresentchairman./
3 Allolr machinesareservicedbyhighlytrainedtechnicians.
4 Thismachineisn'tworkingagainllt wasrepai€dyesterdaybyatechni(ian.
5 TheconferencewasopenedbysomeonefiomtheLondonBusinesrSchool.
5 l'llbeshownroundthefacrorybysomeone,andthent,ltrneetthesalesteam.
Rewritethesesentencesusingthepassjv€if it ispossible.youmayneeda it snotpossbe
(becauseth€verbisintransitive)puta crossL
I OurR& Ddepartmenthavediscovereda promisingnewdrug.
2 Theinflationratew€ntdownbyO_5%lanmonth.
3 O.e of our bestyoungdesgneBcreatedthisline
4 l'msorrywecan'tdothat.
5 Somethingveryinterestinghappenedto melanweek.
6 We?espendingmorethana milliondollaGonadvenisinqthisvear
7 TheAccountsDepadmentmaynotauthorisethispaymenr.
8 | workedasa(onsultantforfourvealsafrefmvtvt8A.
a marketingmanageriswritingatrainingmanualthatexplainshowthecompanyusesqu€stionnalresto do
rn.rketrcseaKh.Completethetextbyputtingtheverbsfrcmthe in beowintoiheprcs€nismplepastive.
d€5i9€ sendbacl distribute otfer put outrource analise
Firn,wec.refullys€l€cta sampleof peopleto ask.Thenthequestions(1) 4!:g d,eti4^ed'. byasmall
toqetherbytopic.Afterthat,weprintthequestionnaireandit (3) everyoneInthe
sampleOfcou6e,notallthefoms(4) us,butwetryto collectasmanyaspossble
Sometimesa smallgift(5) peoplewhorctumtheforms.asanincentve.Fnallv
weenterallth€€sultsontoa sprcadsheet,andtheinformaton(6)...-............................bylh€ma(eting
depadment.lf wear€usingaveryla€esamplethedl(ributionandcoection(7).-........ . . to an
Exercise5 n P
toa busin€ssadviceservice.choos€eitherthepresentp€rfectpassive(haslha!€beendone),prcs€nt
contnuou!passive(,s/a/ebeinqdone)ora modalpassiveform(e9:shou/dbedone).
Contactbankto affangeloan.
Equipmentneeded?orderif necessary
I am wrifFg io arange m interiew with oneof your businessadvi*F io discussmy busine$ sta.t-uP.
I've analy*d ihe marketvery cdtully and I believethai I havea Soodbuiness plan- I cangive you a
few detailsof my prctress sofd.
I've had *veral meetinssuth ny banl, anda lod (1) i4'-..*f.n..4!.-r.-a*4C-(acute) l've fomd some
ofiicespacein a Soodlocation,arthoughsomework (2) ........ . .... (will/need)
move in. I've reviewedmy equipmentneds and in factsone sPecialseditens (3).
(order)atthenom{t. My businesscardsl4).............-.-....-..-....-....-..(fint)dd will b€readyin a weekor
60.ThisweekI'mbsy decoratingtheoffi.e,md I (5).-.-.......-......-....-....-.-.....(shotnd/6nish)by theendof
I klow that roon l'l] hale to advertie in thelftal PIs, dd PerhaPsyou co!]d advjseme on ihis matter
Iielly, I'd likesomehelpplaming my stalfingneds - extrastaff{6)...-..-....-....-...................(might/ need)
over the Ckistnas period-
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Business Grammar Builder
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Business Grammar Builder
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Business Grammar Builder

  • 3. Contents L I S T O F G R A M M A R T E R M S VERBTEN5E5 I Presenttime 1:presentsimple,presentcontinuous.timeexprcssions l0 2 Pr€senttime2: presentsimpleorcontinuous?,prcsentcontinuousor presentpedect 14 continuous?,otherusesof presenttenses,stateverbs 3 Pasttime 1:pastsimple,pastcontinuous,timeexpressions,pastsmpleorcontinuous 18 4 Pasttime 2rpastperfect,timeexprcssions,pastperfectcontinuous,usedtol!'l,ould 22 + nfinitive 5 Pastand present1:presentperfect,timeexpressions,be€t(to)andgone(to) 26 6 Pastandpresent2: pastsimpleor presentperfect?,prcsentsimpeor presentperfectT, 30 presentperfectcontinuous,timeexpressions,presentpertector presentperfectcontinuous? 7 Eutute1t wilt,goingto, presentcontinuous,wil/ot goingto?,goingta ot ptesent 34 continuous?,timeexDressons 8 Future2i timeexpressions,prcsentsimple/continuous,futurecontinLlous,futurep€rfect' 38 walgoingto,otherwaysto talkaboutlhefutule PASStVES 9 passiveli fofm,focusonimpo(antinformation,systemsandprocesses,sayinqwhodoes 42 theaction,transitiveandintransitiveverbs 10 Pasiive2: linkingto previoosinformation,beingfomal/impersonal,passive+ infintive, 46 verbswith two objects,havesomethingdone,to bebom MODAISANO RELATEDVERBS 11 Modalsandrelatedverbsl: form,ability,w;//andwillingness 50 12 Modalsand relatedverbs2i necessity,nonecessity,pemission,prohibition,oplnions 54 andadvice,Dastcriticism,needlo 13 Modalsandrelatedv€rbs3: probability,certaintyanddeduction,expectation,lncearanty, 58 possibillty I 4 Modalsandrelatedverbs4: direct/indirectlanguage,requests,permisson,offersand 62 invltatlons,suggestons Q U E S T I O N S 15 Questionsl: yeslnoquestionsandanswers,questionwordquestions,questionphrases, 66 quesrionwordsaslhesubred,negativequestions 16 Questions2:questiontags,replyquenions,indiFctquestons,prepositonslnquestion5, ia whatB it tor andwlal wasi lile coNDtttoNAtS 17 Conditionals1:conditionsandresulls,fvvesel/...,/fwesold.,unlers,oihermodak74 18 Conditionafs2:/f we50ld .-., ff wehadsold...,.onditionalswithouili wish,modalverbs 78 n conditionals./f/ rvereYou... книг выложен группой
  • 4. CONTENTS 5 VERBS FOLLOWED BY -,,VG OR INFII{ITIVE 19 Verb+ -ingor intinitiveI: ve|b+-r?g;verb+ to+ innnitive,verb+objecr+fo+ infnitve, a2 makeand/et,verb+ thatclause 20 Verb+ ,hg or inJinitive2:ve.b+ -t g or infinitive,ve|bsof p-6rcepUon,passv-aforms: 86 -lrg orinfinitive R E P O R T E DS P E E C H 2l Reportedspeech1:reportedspeech;tensechanges,notensechange.peopl€,paces, 90 timesandthings 22 Reportedspeech2:5ayor te4otherreportingvebs,/t + passveof a reportingverb, 94 reportingquestions,rcpodingcommandsandrequests P H R A S A L V E R B 5 23 Phrasalverbsl: undeGtandingphrasalvelbs,separablephrasalverbs,inseparable 98 phraralverbs 24 Phrasalverbs2: phrasalve|bs+ p€position.three-panphrasalverbs,partcleme.nings 1O2 O I H E R V E R B C O N s T R U C I I O N S 25 Verbsandobiectsrtransitivevebs,intransitiveverbs,verb+ twoobjects,vefb+ two objedsusinglor 106 26 The'ing form:asa noun,asanadjective,afterprcpositions,usedto b-caina cause 110 27 rhake,do,get,haverusesof fourcommonverbs 114 F E L A I I V € C I A U S € 5 28 Relativeclau5$1:relativeclauses,€lativepronouns,leavingoutthereativepronoun n 118 a definingrclativeclause,non-definingreiativeclauses,€latveprono!nsandprepostions 29 Relativeclauses2:combrningsenten<es,structureof combinedsentences,useof 122 what, useol where,whenandwhy,rclativeclauseswith a participle{-lngl-ed) I{OUNS,PRONOUiISAIIDARTICLES 30 Countableanduncountablenouns:@untablenouns,uncountablenouns,singuaror 126 p|nal?,alan/abt of,anylsone,nanylnuch,few,liftle,specificandgeneralmeanings 3l Pronouns:indefiniteprcr,ouna,someonelanyone,eye4lonelnoone,reflexivepronouns 130 32 Determiners:a///most/nanylsomelafew,all meaning'everything'or 'th€ony ih ng', 134 no/none,ea.hlevery,bothIelherl neithel 33 Possessiv€sandcompoundnouns:possessiveadjectivesandpronouns,'s(aposirophes), 138 ot compoundnouns 34 Articles1:basicusesol artides,a/a4 a ofan?,tle noarticle 142 35 Articles2:placenamesandnoarticle,placenamesandrhe,speci.lsesof the, 146 specdluse!of'ro ddi(le.gener.landspFcrtr(rredrrngs
  • 5. 6 CONTEI{IS ADJECTIVE5ANDADVERBS 36 Adiectivesandadverbs:types,formof adverbs,g€dableandnongradab€ adj€ctves l 50 oder of adjectives,adiedivesending-t g and-ed 37 Comparing1:comparaiivesandsuperlatives,comparinqequalthings,comparngactions 154 38 Comparing2:lalgeandsmalldiffercnces.otherstructureswithcornparatives,phGseswth 158 supeatives,comparingadvelbs,compannqnouns 39 Adverbsof degrce:toolenoughlnotenough,orherstuctut€sw th tooande'ough'50 162 ad such,quite,lail, PrctlYot Gtherl 40 Timeadverbs:inlon/af, no prepositionon timeot in tinel ' farlsincelduringlago, 166 duing ot whtlel, byot untin, thenlafterwatds/after/later,calenderreferences I I I { K I N G W O R D S A N D P H R A S E S 4l Linkingwor& l: additionand,both,too'atsa,etc)'.or[astlbut,yet,althaughthaugh, 17o eventhough,whereas,despitelinspiteol) althoughot wheteas? 42 Linkingwords2: te3son(becausqat since)rcsut (5o),purpo5e(toandftr, 50thaf), 174 manner(as,asifand,ke) 43 Developinganargument1:wordsmeaningand,butand50,exarnples(forexamp/e' 174 fornstance.sucha5),additional/rcalinformation(infad,acTua//r,sequence(lilstofail asweltas,this,finally),generalising(ingereralontherviole),surnmarsingGo'tosumup, in sumnary),eithet... ot .., insteadof, exceptfor 44 Developinganargument2: pelsonalcomment,othetlinkingwordsandphrases, 142 structuresto ioclisonimportantinformation,af t/reend,in theend,at last,if, unless,otherwse' abbrcviationsinwrittenEnglith P R E P O S I T I O N s 45 Prepositlonsof pfa<e:ai or,ir?,exprcssionswithat in andon,above/below,ovet/under, 186 o1qosite,nextta/beside,neatlbY 46 Verb+ preposition:velb+ preposition,verb+ obje( + preposition,verb+ different 190 oreoositons,use5of differentprcpositions 47 Adjective+ preposition:adjective+ prcposition,feelings,otheradlectives,adjective+ 194 choiceof oreoosition 48 Noun+ preposition:noun+ preposition.rise,fal/+ ofllr, connection,reatlonship+ 194 wkh/bef een,need,wish,reguest+ for' prepositionalphrases I R E N D S . G R A P H 5 A N D F I G U R E S 49 Tr€nd5,graphsandfigures:qraphsandfiqures,trends,verbsandobjects,.dverbsand 242 adjecuves,linkingwordsandphEses PUNCTUATIOI{ 50 Punctuation:capitallettets,fullstop,comma,semi-colon,colon,speechmarks,questlon )46 mafkandexclamationmark
  • 6. co[tENTs 7 Testbank (for diagnosisor review) TcatI Verbtenses:prgent (units1 2) Test2 Verbtens€s:past(unitsH) Test3 Velbtens€s:pastandpresem(unitst6) Tesl4 Verbtenses:future(units7-€) Tert 5 Passives(units9-10) Test5 Modals(units1l-14) Test7 Qr.i€stions(units15-16) TestI Condhionals(units17-18) Test9 Verbs+ -,iagor inlinitive(units19-20) Testl0 Reportedspeech(units21-22) Test11 Phrasalverbs(unils23-24) .rest12 nakeldolgetl have(unit271 Ten t3 Relatjveclauses(units28-29) Test14 Nount pronounsandanicles(units30-35) Ten 15 Adjectivesandadv€ftE(units36-40) T€st16 Prepositions(units45-48) 210 212 214 218 220 222 224 226 221 228 231 232 Appendices Appendlr1 Appendlx2 Appendlx3 Appendlx4 App€ndlx5 Regularv€rh6:alltoms kregulaaverbs Spelling DiagramoftheEnglishvelbsystem Eriti5handAmericanEnglish 244 249 263 Answer key Index
  • 7. List of grammarterms Theactrv€form of a verbiswhenthe pe6onorthlng doingthe a'tion |5the subjectof theverb:, Mote the reporr.Comparewith 'parsivefo'm' on page9' An adjectivehelpsto d€scbea nounor pronoun:/t3 a small' modem starage An adverbaddsinfomatiotiabo'rwhen,whercat haw sornethinghappens:/d'd it yeneday. I did it qui.klY. Article5.rcthewsd the(=th€ definteartice)ora/an(=the indefnte altcle) An auxiliaryverb (be do andhave)isusedwith alherverbsto maketenses'no passieforme:He it vnrking in Milan where did vou go? Iwa hundredpeapte have beennade redundant. A clauie i5a groupof wods thatcontansa subjectanda verb lt mayb€a sentenceor onlypanor a sent€nce. A .onditional isa sentencelhat incLud€si, unlessetc,andnaressomethlngthat mustbet.ue(thecondition)beforesomethinqeltecanbetnreor canhappen{the result). Thecontinuousisthelom of the velblh.t luggeststhatan actbn s in progress Thecontinuousformendsin -rng A determinerisa wod likelhe,son]eandevervlt isusedbeiorea nounor adjecrNero showwh(h tr' .g yo- nean A gerund isan ',ng formof a verbusedlikea noun:Smokingisnot allowedMy haw is sailing An imperarivei5whenwe tellpeopewhatto do we usethe baseformof the et6: Come hete. Swilth off the lbht Theinfinitive islhe basefoffnot theverb(wort,qo, €tc) lt s usedwith or without to: I hapeto seeyou nextweek. I mustgo naw. The-ing lorm isthe formoi the verbthai endsln'ing Whenit s usedasa verbor adjectiveit issometimescalleda'presentparticipe:/saw hin leaving' Abo ng meetrEr.Whenit isusedasa nouf it i5sometmes.alleda 'qerund' 6eeabove) An intransitiveverb isa vetbthatdo€snoi takeanobiect Forexample,the vem arive ir iniransitlve:/ atrived here/astweek ln thissentencethereisno object comparewlth 'vansiliveve.b'on paqe9. A modafverb isa verblikecan,wi , night andshould lt g vesa me'nlnqlike abiliry,obligation,prcbability,permsson,etc A noun isa wordthat isthe nam€of anobject,idea,paceor person:a car, demo(acy SingaPorc, Robett. A noun phraseisa groupof words.lncLudinga noLrn'wh ch canactasa subledor objectof a senienc€:p€aple,sane peapte,sane peoplewha werc hetevestetday Theobject isthe wod that descrlbesthe peBonor lhinglhat isaff€ctedbythe vetb:t innalled tone new softwarc on ny PC Clause conditional Gerund lnfinitive The-ioqform object
  • 8. LIST OF GRAMMAR TERMS 9 Passiveform Thepassiveform isusedto showhowrh€subj€clof thev€rbisatfectedbythe actionof thevelb:Ihereportwaswfitten W n,e.Compaewlththeactiveforrn onpage8. Pastparticiple A pan paiticipleistheformusedintheperfecttenseorpassivestructr.rres.Yc, canfindit inthethtrdcolumnoftensetables.Forexample:workedisthepan participleof lvolk(thisisd regularpastparticiple).gonelsthepastparticipeof90 (thisisaniregularpastparticipie). Possessive A possessiveisaformthatshowswhoorwhatsomethingbelongsto:my4lour (possessiveadjectivet.m,loelyours(possessivepronouns), isasousedto show othertypesof €lationships:my hthet my hometown;ny enployer. Phrasalverb A phrasalverbisaverbwithanadverborprepositonthathasa dffe€ntmeanng f.omtheverbusedalone:Iheplanetoo&off. Preposition A prepositionisa wordlikeaabehind,in,thtough,to, wth u5edb€for€a nounor pronounto showpla.e,time,direcrion,etc. Pronoun A pronounisawod likelCme,you,hin, her,e.(,rhattakestheplaceof a noun: Haveyou beento Wa6aw?L haschangeda lotaverthelastfewyeaE. Questiontag A queniontag isa sho(quenionlike/snti2 ordon't,ou7thatyouaddai the endofa sentenceto checkinfomationoraskit someoneaqr€€swth vour/tshol isnt It? Reflexivepronoun A reflexivep.onounismainlyusedtoshowthatthepersonwhodoestheactonis alsotheoersonalfectedbvir: Sheintroducedherselfto ne at thecofleebreak. Relative.lause A relativeclauseisusedto identii/someoneof somethng,orgivemor€ beginswithwho,which,that,eL. Thesfmpfe Thesimpleisthebasicfom of thevetb:I agrcewithyou(pr€sentsimple),He agre€dr14thme(pastsimple). Th€subj€ct lhe subjectisthewordthatshowswhoisdoingtheactonoftheverbr.rea,works hereoara-,lme,lt usuallvcomesbeforetheverb. Tense At€nsei5thefom helps!s to knowthet meatwhichanactionof eventhappened(past,presentorf!tufe).A(ademcssometmeshavea moreimited definitionot theword'tense',andrheymakea distinctonbetw€€n'tense'and 'aspecr'. I work in thena*eitng ar€a(pres€ntsimpl€teffe), t wo*ed in the marketlngrarea(pastsimpletense). Transitiveverb Atransitiveverbisav€rblhathasanobject.Thevelbmakestr.nstve,and n thissentencea m,lrtakeistheobled:lhey'vemadea ndake. Compar€wih 'inlrdn<iriveverbonpage€. Verb A verb expressesanactiono( stare:Hea ived at 103A.He knowsthenaftet книг выложен группой
  • 9. 10 A resent time 1 Present simple: form I Thep€sentslmpl€isfomed with th€ nf nitiveformof the verb We addsforthethlrd person sinqularhelrh€l/t. l/you/we /they work here. He/ she/it works here. a Negatvesarefomed with doldoerrot. Inspeechandinformawitlng we ueecontractons t/yaulwelthey do not (don't) wo* herc. Hetshe/it does not (doesn't) wotk herc. a Quenionsarcforrnedwith the auxiliaryverbdoldoerandth€ nflntve.shortanswe6to yeslnoqueetionsrep€atthe auxiliary A: Do tou work here? A: Does shework herc? B Presentsimple: uses a Weusethepresentsimpleforpermanentfacts. Thisnachinecutsthenetal. ln finance,'p/e'ttandsfot priceleaningsrcna'. a Weusethepresenlsimpleforactionsandsituationsthataregeneray true. Weoffet a fullrangeof flnancialprcduc1s. Lizwo*s in theMatketingdepannent. a Weusethepr€senlsimpleloraclionswhich.rerepeatedreg!aryovera longpeiodoi t me, forexamplehabitsandroutin€s. AtU,ionl Est,'ent,a lat{.Ftd klrt jukl h4mlet,dbo halfrf ttudBtoneiwesrd ftrular anhr,t.!c' ,'otth. (WrllStreetJouanlEurcpewebsite) C Present simple: time expressions a We oftenule frcqu€ncyadverbswirhthe presentsirnpe Exarnpesincude: alwavs,often, usually,nomaly, sametines,occasionaly,ftrely, not aften, hardlyeve, never Ibq Shith, tha.hieJeedti,e ol Colli's Sku4tt, cswllt ises dt 6 d,h.H. tdk6 thettdin ta Iinnok a d afti"e! at hisofie hy I an. LMcll k tt alb a tand.ptehuith sanaJapaneterrcea le{trel. (sund.yTines websire) a Notethe positlonof fiequencyadv€rbs: Belorcthe mainvelb: I often .3ke (l don't of€n |j,ke) the Eurostatto Erussels I'n usuay (l'n not usualy)nervausbefateaptesentattan. B: Yes,ldo./No,I don't B. )€5 ih€ doei./No, she doeiDl. a Adverbphr.seslikee!€ryday,onG a yeaanost af thetine, frcn timeta time,nowandthen comeat the beginningo. endot th€ senten.e: Ttrf St'tithta"els to hit NeuYa'k ofre ofe dflonth. (SundayTiEes website) seeunfta a We alsolse the prcsentsimpleaft€rthes€futuretimeexpressions:when,aftecbefare unless, in case,assaan as,until, by the tine, the nextti|r,e
  • 10. 1 PRESENTIIME I 1I D Present<ontinuous:form a Thepresentcontinuousisformedw ththeauxiliaryverbbeandthe hg forrnof themainverb. mingsdrealsol'!syatDeathePon,ehichJosfldeditsE-ConftLereSetui( IECS)htemel divisiotii nlid-1999.ECSLrsettingry odin. stoq,hsndliagproductdelivetyanderet d.lministdinglrEnet a6tonE6'ftdit cotd ,nbe6. (FT.comwebsite) seeappendix3 Insp€echandin{ormalwritingweLrseconvactions.Negativesareformedwth theverb t an (t'n) warkinshere. I'n not workingherc. Youarc (you"e) wo*ing here. You'renot/You arcn't vr'a*ing here. sheis (she's)warkinghere She'snot/She isn't wotkinghere. we arc (we're)warkinghere. we'rc not/we arcn't wo*ing here. Theyate(they'rc) workinshere They'rcnot/They arcn't wo*ins herc. Notcethattherear€twoalternativesforthenegativesoIyou/he/ she/itlwelthey I Quenionsarefomedbyinvertingthesubj€ctandtheauxiarybe.ShortansweGtoyes/no qLrenionsrepeattheauxiliary A: Ateyou workinghere? A: ls he workinghere? S:Yes,I amlNo,l'm not- B:Yes,he is/^ta,he isn't. E Ptesent continuous: usei a Weusethep€sent.ontinuoustotalkabouttemporaryactionsandsituationsthatarc nappenrngnow a Theactonorsituationmaybeinprogressnow,atthemornentofspeaking: SarryW Oa* cant seeyouat thenanent. He'sElking taa ustoner a Theactonorrituatio.maybehappening'aroundnow',evenf il snothappenngexactlyat themomenloi speakngl A e o powefuloklnr rttha,lt aremovinzca*ua , tolrc ar Nethtarketh Ewope. 'Ihey're openiryofi.csin lindo" CanatfWhaf ... andbulng biLlb.adti Bamloa. (Businessweekwebsire) a Theactionof situationmaybea currenttrend: Codp etSan'Barcgettirg bettetercryyearTlEapplnatianoJphyi6is nakins htouenet htorc &lni. anddnifuialihtcllircneir .a6ing pky{s tobuou. 'karceuotianalltintulred. (Econonntwebsite) F Presentcontinuousitime expressions a Thepresentcontinuousisoftenusedwith theseiimeexprcssions:now ar ihe momeni, nowadays,tunently, thesedays,right now. Ftunthnitg ii lnc UtiErl Std?sh6 beet go|ing steadilysine th. 1950sdnd thk @fteptis nov p@iding husiflssopponunitiesi" not kan ?5 difetent indunri.s. (worldtndeonlile
  • 11. 12 I PiEE|'T T|ME 1 I Practice Exercise1 ff g Undeineth€corr€ctwords. 1 Youoftenvnrk/DQJgllgfteltworkattheweekend? 2 | dant knowlnotknowwhyyourinvoicehdsn'tbeenpaid.' tryto f ndout. 3 Excuseme,does)ou knowldoyouknowll Ihisisthewdyto thelTsernin.r? 4 sorrythatpojectordon'two*ldoesn'twork.Userhisone nstead. 5 A: Doyouknowou.newsalesrepMarta? B: Yes,Ido-lYes,I know. 6 a: lsthatLindaNapie.overth€rc? B: Yes,shewpks/ shedoworkhe.e. I I writing/I'm writingIhe€pon atthemomentlt shouldbercadyiomorrow a Theynotreplying/They'renotrepting to myemaib.l'll haveto phonethem 9 why isthercsucha longdelay?whar ishawening?lis happenl 1A YouareenjayinglAreyouenioyhgthisconference? 11 CanKarencallyouback?Shesspeatlsie3spea/o)rgonanotherne. 12 A: lsSarahKennedyexpectingme? B: Yes,she'sexpeding.lYes,sheis. Exercise2 8g: Matchsentences1-5withtheirlsesa)-€). a) permanenifacts b) habtsandrepeatedactions c) actonsinprogressatthemomentotspeaking d) temporaryadionshappening'aroundnow' e) currenttrendsandchangingsituations I Thesedayswetesellingmoreandmoreoi olr productsabroad 2 LooklTh€ytesellingmaltwhiskyat20olodscounlindLrtyireel 3 we resellingthenewmodel,butwedon'thaveanyinstockrightnow 4 we usualysellarcund40%ol ourannualtotalatCh stmast me. 5 we sella fullrangeofconsumerelectronics,fromTVsto cameras. a) | everydayarriveatt6eofiiceataboulnine. J b) EverydayI arriveattheofficeataboutnine. n a) lawarscheckmyemailbeforedoinqanylhingelse. n b) AlwaysI checkmyemailbelo.edoinqanythinqelse. n a) Thisiakesa lotoftimeusuallyas| rcceivesomany. n b)rhlsusu.llyrakesa LotoftimeasI re(eivesomany. L.l a) Mostofthetim€theemarlsarenotveryurgent. n b)Theemalk.remostofthetimenotveryurgent. n a) quiteoftengetjunkemailfrcm.ompaniesI don'tknowabout.n b) qetquiteoftenjunkemailfrcmcompaniesI don'tknow.bour ! a) abor.rtoncea monthdeleteallmyjunkemail. ] b) deleteallmyjunkemailaboutoncea month. ] ta IL ] n n Exercise3 lFl Decidewhichwod orderisthe mostusual,.) or b).Puta tick(/) bythe coff€ctanswer.
  • 12. @0. 1 PRESENTTIMEI 13 Exercise4 A 3 laneintroducesClaudeto lo;o in London.compet€ the dl.logLreby punnq eachof the verbsn brdckers intothe coffectformoJthe prcs€ntsmple. rAM Chud..(1)........QP..1Q{..K$9!.1......(}o"/ k"o*) Joio?Joio (2) . .....------ (t'.) fron Br:zrl.but he sorked$irh meh Parishn yeir'He (3) .... ....---- (tro, a lot abourlour Lineofrork. .ia!Dr ReaI'lWcllI (.+)..........................................(be)verl plersedto mcctyou,Joio Plelsedto ,neet),ouroo-Chude. CLUD!, So.Nhrr exictly (5) ............ . . (]ou/do)? lono, I (6)....................................... (ork) in theon lndtstrl .s r nrarketimlysr. .LAUDE oh, $ )ou (7) . . . . . (nmke)de.nio's aboutlevelofprcductio'1? ro^o No.l (8).................... ..............(Irot' (r) ....................... . . (nrvolve)studvmgmrket tends andsivins.dvicc on levch'f Productron. {tr^!r)1, StiI, rh.ti: lot of rcsponsibihtl r(),i() Vell.-lcs.butB..zil (10) 0rot/be) x t]xior prcducs likc Stdl Anbir. What aboutoo? i:uurr I rvrk for r Frcn.h.oDryanrdr3t(ll) . . . . .... .. ('!pply)sPccixlised cquipnentto drcoil !!tostr(wc (12).................................. (be)oneofthc bisses conrprnies!r our nlfket. r()^() Oh,rcilll?And (13) ..... (vo!/ often/ conrc)b Lordor? (,^urn, Ycs,quiteofieD.M! conlp.Dy(1{) ......... . . .. ...... 0urc) rn oliicehcrc lt (1s).....................................(ltx/t.kc) loDsro gtt herenorv,ifyo! trivclby Eurostxr' (inrld I givc )ou D1!cirda Exercise5 D E 02 CompLeiethisnewspaperartcleabouithe Brazan cornpanyCerdauby usingthe wordsfromlhe Lisi beow Eachsetof wods f Llslwo spaces i5+€€6rFi€€l€€mpa€ie5ismaking/flexibe s altractinq/attention isapproaching/marketslrare isgetting/rghi s raisifg/plan6 iebeginning/expectationsi5rnodernisn9/Law t5b) (6bl----------- ---- of ctd€, th€ Th6€ days it'3 much easi€rto do hsiness ir B.& . Th€ gov€lm€n! is 3implilying th€ .6nPmy-td 3ttu.tue,it(7a),,.......,,.,....,,,,,,......--. ti€ labou mrk€t mor. (7b)..--.........,.....,,.,...,,,,,,, charying rhe rstncfv.lalou lawt, dd il dom6ri. ndk€l ald so it (5.),,....,-.....,,*......,*....--lh€ .......-......... ........comPdv Gerdau:a Braziliansuccessstory G€dau, th. Bdilid st€elErk€r, o")!.9x11.X.....'"'.rkri" Am.rica's dott 3ud€ssful {$).......S-o..}re*.}i.-e:......Ir (2.).,....,,,,,....,,,,,..............,,,!rcduclivity in fts l2t ) .,,,,,,..,,,,,.........-......,,,....j ft (3a) -"" - - th'Pri@ dil timing oi 6 r.keor6 of smaller cobpad6 (3b) - -, - * - - - * - - - - - - - * ; (4a),,......,..,..............,,-...,,,,io (4b)--......-.......-,.....,,,,.....,,,...InvetoE wat a 6tu ihlgs fods€d and tFnspent, with . .impl. structurc,ad th.l3 €scdy what TIE o! y ptubld in ih. snon rem is . prebl€F of succ63. G€rd.u
  • 13. resent time 2 A Present simple or continuous? It lhe prcsentsimpeandpres€ntconlinuousareexpan€d nuftl Compare factsthataredlw.ysirue l rive in Audapesa (all the time) Thisplane lands in rtankfurt (rculine) eventshappenn9 at the mome.t t'm living in Budapest. (fo. a lew rnonths) Looktwe'rc landing. (inprcgrcssnow) NTL dortint6 th. UK 6bl. tcl.ritia" tztket (Aenetllsituation).1tir doilg ,.t, r,.ll t, rr. t stt{ Entup.,ta.,vith rbour4tr,.rrro,e^ (rt the moment). (lntcrD.tioml HcraldTribune Cd ddacoiti'i'6 to b. th. "tost poprlar onnt Ju|idt.h lic .rpd{rnri dr!,{.q L,S-rdr../ .o,?d,ni (generalsrtuatiorl),blt thdt is .hanging(tJe.d in progrcs). (worldtradconlmc B Presentcontinuous or ptesent perlfectcontinuous? a Thepresentcontinuousisusedioratemporaryacrionhappenn9now Thepresentperiectcontinuousdercribesanactionn progressfiomthepastupto thepresent. 'ue is wo*ing an thenewdesiqn. (inprogressnow .ndwrllconnnue) 'ue hasbeenworkingonthenewdesign.(inprog€sslrpto now andmayor rnaynotcontnue) C Otherusesof presenttenses P R E S E N TS I M P L E seeunirB. Thepresentsimpecanbe us€dio referto tmelablesandschedul€sWh€nw€ speakabout t metableswe areofienihinkingaboutthe futurc. BritlshAiMays flight 8A729 leaves Genevaat 16.40and anives in Landonat 17.20. a Thepretentsimplecanbeusedto makea sroryappearmoreimmedrateandiniereeting.Ths is commonn journalism. OD dsrcy No,eh'betdq, h Nev E,sld"d lE na.d i$ine EMC' heddqraneab nry nnd bnstu.Eftcatires aJthedataJtotdte,wkct leaduye ha liuits ta thewold expadin! dppetite.fot thehtonge t&chinet.CEO Michael Rrcttrcrs tullsEMC reteiatptuoJ (Busin6sWeek iveblite) PRESfNTCONTINUOUS seeunit7 a Thepreseniconiinuouscanbe usedto descrlbea fxed Juiurearrangement.Thereisusuay a tuturetimeexprcssion. HSBCarc moving tonewpremisesnextyeat a Wecanusea/war.swiththeprcsentcontinuous.Thsisoft€nusedforexdqgeratinqor complaining.Weemphasisea/wdr.sinspeechnthiscase. Thisphotacopierisalwaysbreakingdawn!
  • 14. 2 PSESENTTIME2 15 D State verbs Somevebsdescibestates,notacdons.Nothinghappeni.Vetbslikethisarenotnormay usedinthecontinuousformof anytense I noticethatyou'venovedJr'ourdesk (NOTljn-i€{€ing) SotryI don't undedhnd. (NOTFr*-r€+rrnC€€€nd*g) Hawmuchdoesit con? (NOTH€.fl-rat€hi5++€+ii€+ It weighs4kgwiththepackaging.(NOTl+i5*e€*iEd Theseev€mplesareinthepresentsimpleeventholghwearetakingabouttemporary Stateverbsinclude: thesenset: appearhearr/ooklike,notice,see,seem,snel, sound,laste(=hav€aflavou, feelings: dislike,feat,hate,like,IovE,prefe, want,wish thinklng: agtee,believedoubt,expect(=believe)fee/(=believe),foryet,imagine,know, rcalise,rccognise,suppose,suspect,t lnk(=beieve)unde6tand possession:belongto,cortain,have(=possess),indude,own,passess being: be,consistof. eist othefverbs:coscdependon,fit, involve,nattet, neasure(=havelengthtmeaanee4satBFy sutqisewetgh Andlystsdp..t thattha/eti, tlr d.hEryedPGOPinessCntisstril thdeinitia y atlhott 400t oshaqwhichtn .ns thatPEO isc"rektlyutdetuahrcd.Haue'ersoncakalyststhinh thal th. afti%loIkctutt'1itcshi.6ai th hh at toilltbdu@dtll i" pro,'ia.(Telegraph{ebsite) Someof theverbsinlheprcviousistcanhavea Staie'meaningandan'acton'meaning. Examplesincludebe,/ra!€,taste,tiirk. out supplie/Jarc usuallyveryhelpful.9".eJ out supplieEate belngvetyhelpfulat thenanent. (actian) I haven^/oiiste6. (state) I'm havingprcblenswith thr5computer (action) Ih6 souptaner sa/Ol(state) I'm tasting thesoupto seeif li needsmorera/t (action) I thinkyou'retight. lsrae) t'm thinking aboutchangingny hb. (acrion) Statev€rbsarcnotnormallyusedintheimperative. "Whrt doyouthink . . , lhould w. 9a!sbrled onth.t motivationrcearch or notr
  • 15. 16 2 DRESET'IME 2 2 Practice ExerciseI ! Underlinethecored words- 1 A. Whatdovoudolateyoudoing1 B: l'm anexecutivesecretary 2 A, Whatdotau dolaretou doing2 B: l'm lookingfor thedetailsonlhe computer. 3 A: whetedoyouwo*l areyouwotking? B: Paisthi5month.thenEonnthenext. 4 A: whetedoyouwo*larc youwoking? B: At ourheadofficein Paris. 5 N,lynameSwalter,and/ cortel/ mcomingfromF€nkfurt. 6 | conell'n comingto FtanHurtnextThursday- | cancallinto yourofflce. 7 | dealwithll'n dealirywithAndrcw!dientswhilehe! onholiday. A I dealwithll'n dealirqwiththepapeMorkandgeneraladministration. 9 At Whodoyougolareyou9o,in9to theTradeFairwithT B: Thisyearwith Stefano. '10 a: who doyougoleft yougrorir,gto theTladeFairwith? 8: UsuallywithStefano. Exercise2 Il Completethesentencesbyputtingtheverb5inbracketsintothepresentsimpleorpresentcontnuous. 1 | ...4|d..19eki4t...4t.. (looka0thedeiailsonthescreenrightnow. 2 L...............................(lookat)thesalesresultsindetaileverymonth. 3 Theproducttonline................................(nol wo*) atw€ekends. 4 Thep|oductionline................................(noLwo*) 6tthemoment. 5 Yes,I agree.| .......-........................(think)itl agoodidea. 6 | ................................(think)aboutit.l'llletyouknowtomorow 7 Helen................................(stay)attheAnodawhileshe!inMadridthismonth. 8 Helen................................(stay)attheAstoriawhenshesinlradrid. 9 We................................(take)asamplefortestingoncea day. 10 We.-................'.-'.-...(take)abigriskif wegoaheadwiththepfoject. 11 They..-.........-....-..............(be)usuallyveryflexjbl€if weneedto changetheord€r 12 They..-...................-..-.,....(b€)flexibleaboutgivinguscr€ditforafewmoremonths. Exercise3 I Someofthefollowingsentencesarerightandsomearewrong.Putati.k (/)nextto therlghtones,and corectthewong ones. I Whichwineareyougoingto have? 2 Whichwinee€.y€r+p#ngt 3 ]hatsridiculous- I mnotbelievingit! 4 Thatsridiculous- l'mnotdoingbusinesswiththemagainl............................................ 5 l'msorryl'mnotIollowinqwhatyou'resaing. 6 l'msorry,l'mnotundeFtandingwhatyou'r€saying. 7 Thisbuildingisconlainingallthepfintingmachines. do vou orefer S Ihisbuildingisqettingveryold- soonwe'llhaveto move.-............-.........................-...
  • 16. 2 PRESENTTIME2 'I7 Exercise4A D unit 1 !- 03 Cornpeteih s dr. ogle by putnngeachof theverbsin bracketsintothe correcrform of the presentsmple or presentcontinuous. 0)^4....()ou/Look) fo. someone? jENNTERYesI (2).........................................(need)ro spcakto Kinr tsryantbot helsnt n heroncc. (3) .....................................(!ou/kno!)Nheresrres? oh.I n sormshesDt heretodN Shc(,+)............................... ......... (lvorkldt hork t,l hrg ro fiDshan urscn!.eporr.I(5) . ......................................(thhk) she'llte brckat her desk rornorrosllahJp. l .-n hclpou: JENNtrrROh, thhks. I (6) ...........................................(!iork) for PrirchaftlE!2ns.we (7) .........................................(orgrniie).orporarehospiralin... Oh,,r'er' IENNTFRWeil,Knn IlDlrt .odte.ted ushst *tck Apprrcntl_v)o! (81....................................Gxpcct). visirbv r KorernrradedelesJtionnet trronth. Ycs.thrti right r NNrrEr(yln rskcdmc to cill in rDd givc hcr someinlbrmton on our seNicc.Um, I (9)..........................................(hivc)x lisi.f sussestxnarvithnre.It (10) . . ......(give))o! nlfornurior ou rvhcrcvou couLtttrkc _vou! ^,(!, rDd .le ilr ofert servicesdut s,e cf olTcr.likeour pick{,p s$vic. Iiou dic hotcl in r .hx!ffc!.-drileD ltrDousine. wcll, drrt nnnldssrext.Iln mre Kinr wo!ld bc rc.lly inrcrcsredro seerhis LNN!r Hor l(rrs(l l) ....................................? (],ourvsiro$/sr.y)? Oh.1 Drso.nrI (12).....................................(Dor/kDow),vYr rc.llynecdto spcrk to Ku!r,dic (13) Glcil)wuh rhiconrir.i.c. I'll tcllhcr o, $ive),,u r ring tonoroslwhat dre bcsrInlc to crll? rlNNtrlL I (1+) ... ... ('u/ork) ii th. oftl.c ir thc onillr ... rnytrDe rftcr No. Or sh. .rn .xll lrc on !r! nr)bil(.,on 1)777... Exercise5 A D 04!r themag.zneIimeOd by!s ngwordsfromthellstbelowDecdewhetherto plt theverbsinlo the presentsimpeo. prcsenlconiinuous €v/F lookior move want provde try1o (2) managem€.ttime.ElliotrJ$ h.s plds for rh€ w€isit€, Tiheout-co6, which wag laun.h€di!1e95ed(a)..--.-....,....-..,-...,,...,,,... infomation about hoe tha 30 .iti€s. Ir {5).,....,........--........-...........o! adv€rrising @€nui: d.l a sEaI uoDt of morcy fren ti.&et sal6 lo 3wiv€. But as lir. OIl' .hanges d.t qpanils, To.y Elliotr 3P..e on ih€ Int€rret site. ALo, he 11).,...................................the poddibility of .h.rAing viditoB t6 th€ 3it. f6r a..€36 to some inJonation. Derpite lh$€ e1pdsion plds, Elliot saF that a fotation on the stock mark€t i3 out of th. qledtion. H€ {3)..,,,,......, ke.p .onhol of th. b8in$6 he lu3 built up- Time Oufi time to e><1>a rrd- Tine Ott, tlr. Loldon .nl€rrairmeni nagazine, h$ plan. lor €rpansion. Ii alre.dy (1).............q.b-.1;€ no nly magazirc P.ds ?adi6n, anil now it other markels 3!.h I Arg.ntina and Japan, Tory Elliott, Titu O!f'r fou.ler, eF he (3),...,,...,,...,,..,,...,,...,........local people to iriliat€ and m th. mtein6, as ?iru Ort's London of6.€ doedn'thayethe casho. in the printed v€Bion 10 tak€ more
  • 17. asttime 1 A Pastsimple:form Yaulweltheywerc tate. t/he/ shetlt wasn't late. YauIwe/they wercn't lale. wat l/he/she/nlaE? Weteyou/v/eltheylate? a Thepastsimpleofregularve.bsisform€dbydddng edtothe nfntve Veftsendingn € simplyadd-d. commonnrcgularvefbsdrelistedon page240. check-checked: I decked the t'iqures tike liked: rhey liked hisidea lrfegul.r: eat-6te dtink dnnk ga went etc a Negativesarefor.nedwith dlcl,ot dndthe infint ve Thisiscontractedto ddn't n speechand nformalwflting tdidn't like hisidea. l didn't 90 ta the neeting. a Qu€nionsarcformedwth the auxili.ryvelbdLl andthe infintve Sho.tansweEto /es/ro quenionsrepeatthe arx ary A: Did you .heck the ftgures? B: Yes,I did.lNa tdidn't. a Th€verbto be 6 rreguar andfo owsa differentpattern n negatvesthereisno d/d n questionsthereisno d/dandthe sLrbjectandverbarc nverled: B Past simple: uses a WeLrsethepansimpleto delcribeactionsandstatesnacompletedperodoftime.Weknow whenthe actlonhappened,andthismaybe meniionedor cearfromthe stualion. l.hecked the ligurcs verycarcfuly iast week. I n sorry I wasn't in the aflice yestetday. Akrtuan ISPJno design.d .al taa6.ohailvtuk. a nv rtulA( nDdtlu ontsonrccd rritrhi,tt dse.h lcased/br. li'xt.fto t d do.. t.updrk! d d hhedort d5toitrt!.tui.c (BDsinesweeklvebs'te) a Thepansmpleisalsousedto describehabitualaclonsnthepan Everyeveningwe went out and ate in a different rcstaurant. c Past simple: time exptessions seeunir40 a T meexpressonslsed with the pan simplencludel r,, r..: '. !r,.i ji! ar tuelvea,ctock/theendof theyeal in the narning llune / 1998/ the sixttes on Friday/thesercnd of Aqtil no prcposition lastweek/yenetdayIago tuk t n', 4ierq d i@ t e d4td. owttu.
  • 18. 3 PASTTIME1 19 D Pastcontinuous: form seeappendix3 O Thepancontinuousisformedwiththepastofbeandthe-irgformofthemainv€rb. lorspernerues Negativesarcformedwiththeverbbe+ ,rot.Inspe€chand nfo.malwritingweus€ comraftons l/he/shelit wasw)*ing yesterday. ll helsheIit wasn't warkingyesterday. Youlwe/theywerc wofing yesterday. Youlweltheyweren't waking yestetday. a Quenionsarcformedbyinvertingthesubjectandtheauxiliaryverbbe.shortansw€6to )€slnoquenionsrepedttheauxiliary A: Washe wotkingtesterclay? B:res,he was.lNo,he watn't. A: Werethey wakingyestet)ay? B:Yes,theYwerc-lNo,theYwercn't. E Pastcontinuous:uses a Thepastcontinuousislsedto describeasitudtioninprogressinth€pan I waswaiting in thedepaftureloungefot nore thanwo hous. a Therecanbeseveralsituationsrnprogress,happeningatthes.metirne: Tl'eedtly1970tMs a tih. ukcnIBM uas belinningtoloseitsMy a hd y lkiLltdNaplc wetelearingto setry thcnoM l,vliftltc!. Contpfiin{udsdtering a kewd.q( (The'f ines a Thepastcontinuousisusedto giveinformationaboutth€backgrcundsituation.Theseparate, completedactionsthathappenduingorafterthi5periodarenthepastsimple: 'I catn in to Otulc 6 it u'asfteoo.rinzron the&ssion oJthcedy 1990!Ttc busie!! ittit I joircd ha.lat1azei'gptudtctlincthatuasd.ellningby30pu ,entd yat i saletWlthi a y?at uEcafiplctcutsrnealthotun aro,id.'(Eurobusincsswebsite) lf wedonotmentionthebackgroundsituationthenthesepafateactionsareinthepastsimple inth€normalway: WhenI a vedI rcgisEred at rcceplonandwent straightto theconfercncehall. F Pastcontinuous:time expressions a Wecanusewhe4wh,leoraswithihepancortnuousto mean'durngthetimethat somethingwashaPPening': Whilc PlatnerandDietnarHW ud. devclopingthei6t redl-tineo 4 loesing tftteu 4l sAe aaus Wellent herpB Mitins thcjndntial sotware.(xurobusineswebsite) Butifwemean'atthetimethat'thenweonlyus€whe,withthepa( sirnpe: Hewasnt veryhaprywhen I told hirr'thenevvs.(NOT*Hel-+d*hh ...) G Pastsimple or continuous? a Sometimesthepastsimpleorpastcontinuols.anbeusedThepasisimpe slggestra separate,completeaciionorevent.Thepastcontinlousemphasisesth€durationoi theacion. we discustedtherepoftandaqreedthat detailedflgurcsbefore thenertneenng. we wete discussingtherepottforoveranhour EventuallyweagreedthatPetetshauld preparesonedetailedfiguresbefotethenext'],eeting.
  • 19. 20 :' PAST TIi'E T 3 Practice Exercise1 ff underlinethe correctword/s. 1 A: Didyouge!/gotthe €maillsentyouyesteday? B: Yes,thank, Ioidlgot 2 HcNyou feltldid you fed when they to/d/did te//you about movinqofflces? 3 a: Didyoutel//io/dhimaboutthechangeof plans? B: Yes,l t lti.lldid. 4 1didn't see/didn't saw rhe eason fof the delay,so I gotIdid get argry. Exer<iie 2 H @05 Completethe diaogueusingthevelbsfromthe li5tbelowin the pastsimple.Thereisa m xtlre of affirmative,negaliveandquestionforms.Therei9onenegativeqoeslion. 9€ take think sell lik€ have(x2) make(x2) be (x4) buy DALEHi,Jill.You (1) .......*q^ the Milan FashionShowiastweek.didnt you? (2)--,------- you --...................a goodnip? lrll, Yes,it'tv3sgrcat. D LE (3) .........................:rnyusetulcontacts? lrr!, ',igel,therc(4) .........................loids ofpeopie at the sho d I (5) .......................... lot ofgood contict but we (6) -.......... rly $ manyorde.saslastyerr. DALEoh, why wasthrt? (7) .........................rhey.........................our new styles? Iu, No, no, rhat(8).........................rhe p.oblen.The shoes(9) .........................rcallywell,but we (10) successtulwnh someofour other products.likehandbrgs.for exanrple,ind there(11).........................much more comperirionrhisyear lrLL we[, the Paul smith srandwa5real]y busy. DrE Oh, but his clorhesareexpeniive... Um, (12) ...-.....................peopleat the show .............-..................our pricesweretoo high? ILL, Po$iblJrBur we (13)...............-..-....-.....-.........-....-..-..the authoriryro lower them .t the rime. DrE Oh, whar a shame.So it wasa sEste ofa trip th€n? IILL wel, not exactly... I (14)..................-......thisglEatpanofPnda shoesandthisCucci h.ndbag Exercise3 gg Unde inethe bestcontinuationof the conve6ations. I A: Whatwasshedoingthismorning? B: SheinANiewed/wat!fu?!!!!l4149 candidatesfof the lalesjob. 2 A: Howdid Erendaspendherholiday? B: Most dayssh€!rcntlwas goitg to the beach. 3 A: Whathappenedafteryoulaun.hedth€ prcduct? B: while we promot€dlwere qonolng iI" ov maincompelilot dropped/was droppirg their prices. 4 A: ldidn t seeyouln the officelastweek. B: Na,l wotkedlwas wo*ittg at homefor a few dala. 5 A: Whatdid Patdo whenshesawthe artlvork? B: Shecalledlwas (alling the designersandsa/itlwas saylhEit wasnt suitable. 5 A: Whydid Renatatakeso longto g€t here? Bi Shesaidthey mendedlu!€remerd,ingthe rcad andso the rtaffi( noved/was naving ery sowly.
  • 20. 3 PASTIIME 1 21 G1o" Exer.ise4 A Completethi5articleaboutVN€ndiby pLrtlnq of the verbs verbsare rreqllar(seeAppendix2) n bracketsnto the pan ! mpe. .4ostoi the Vivendi: 1-50yearsof history I 7iendi, th. Fr.n.h utiliti€s .nd Y communi.'tion! Amup, hs . lonB historygoingba.k to r3$,ln tlat y€arli€ covd"-e"r (1)-..S.I:-44''€ire) compagni€ Generale det Eaui The founders (2).,,...,...-...........(hrv.) rwo obj€ctives:ro irigate rhe countrysid.for faming andto srpply wnterlo townsand In ',1330a tRiry (3)-..,,,,,,...,,,,,....G've) Cen€raledes Eaur tha righl lo suPP,y waterro Venice,and th.n Consl.nlinople ind Oporto (4)............--..--(con€) soon iitei By the tine of tha .entcnary ccl€brrtionsin 1953Ge.ettl. d.s Eaut (s).,,,,,...,,,,,,....,,,(supply) wtter to .iaht mitlion peoplcin Fran.€. 6 Whenhe I. th. 1960sand 1970sth. compmy (6).......-.......---,,(beAin)actiYitiesin th€aRa oI ciwil .onstru.tion a.d (7)--........--....--. (hild) a l.r8e tow€r hlock in th€ LaDefenspb8incas dislrictot P,ris. lh. 1930sC€neral€des Eaur (3)..,,,.,,.............-(join) with the Hav,5 nedia gro{p io .r€al. Cdal Plus,r Pay Tv .hannel. Th€y alto (9)--------- (tak€)'olling sl.k€ in lht civil engir€erin88iant,SGE.In the 1990sthcy (10),,,...........,,,,,...(wir) majo. .ontrads in th€ Asia P.cifj. region ,nd in Lati. Jcan-Mari€Messter (11t.- .- . . (becom€)CEo in 1995a.d o2) ....--................ (n.l the codp,.y alongAmericanliner' He (13)...........--.--,(sell) $5 biuion in ass€ts and (14)-...,-,,,..,,,..,.....(cut) the workforceby10%.All thie(151.-----.---- lnean) thalan annuallossof S600mmion (16)...,,,.,..............(ttrm)into a Prcfitof$320 million, In 1993 h€ (17)..,.......-...---, (.hange)th€nameor thegrelP lo vivendi and soon ailcr (13)........-........,,,,,(nake) a sdes of p.rtn€ships and a.quisilionsin lhe tele.onn!ni.alions indnstry Operations in North Americr (19).................--...(8row)very qui.kly ilter tiis and in 2000Viv€n.ti(20)-------.. (buy) Seasrad lo become . trury intemalionll m€dii and cohmuni.rtions Exercise5 B E Compleleihe senlencesby pltl ng the verbs!n bracketsin|oe therihe srmpe or pan contnuoLrs Sometmeslhe sarnelenses lsed tw ce;sometmesd flerentlensesareused I whar .. dld you eAt (ea0whe.yo! !,q^1.. (qo)to Pars) 2 vth e wt. ,'a4s-+..i1!]!t^4(negotaie)rheconvact,my boss.... Fhc^ed (phone)me1- saythal hewanled.ompleteyd flerentconditions. 3 Thean t rnesomethnq kelh s .......(happen),she.. (ca) a prcssconleren(emmediately. 4 Anne ....(exp.n)herpropoqawhenPedro... .. ..........(i.terr!pt)her 5 W e n e v e r q o l l h e c h a n c e t o r n t e r v e w h mW h i l e w e . . . . . . . . . . ( n v e ng a t e ) t h en c d e n t ,r r e . . . . . . . . . . . ( | e t 9 n ) . saythat hewdsstLr.kin. trdfficjarn. lclean)the pece ... ldrop) t by nrstake (f nsh)readnqrhe adicle,he ....... ... (gve) i to me (wa0 for ihe rneetingto begn whenhe ...... (call)to 8 9 (nnd)lhe missingl lewh e ..... 10 WhenTlm. .......... ... ....(arve),w (te) h rnwhathadhappened.
  • 21. seeapp€ndix2 L, rhep*r pad. pes.i r€qua,ve,bs c B ast time 2 A Past perfed: form n Thepastperfectisfomed wth theauxiliaryhadandthe pastpartcpe.In speechandinforma writingnadiscontractedto 'd. I had (l'd) aheadyde.ided what to do befote he called rr,e. a Negatvesarefomed with notand contracrionsdreused(radr'i). Questions.reformedby lnvertngthe sublectandhad. At that tine I still hadn't decided what to da. Had you aheadydecided what to do before he calledyou? Past perfect us€s a Thepastperfectisusedto showdearlythatonepaneventhappenedbeforeanotlrerpast event.Weusethep.5tperfectfortheearliefevent: O" /n.NhrYorksro.lEr.r'dir. th. Nasdatll"de' hadopn.d hirh.t,hnJellbd.kto 1,578n1 na 'nEtudi't.* (Ylhoo NewsSe.vicesebsite) Comparetheseexampleswhichdesc.rbeexactythesamerituation: 1 Sueleftat2 pn. Weaftivedat heraffkeat23A. (bothverbsinpastsmpe) 2 whenwpaftived at Sue'soffice shehadleft. (eareractlonin pastp€rfect) n exampleI th€h4oactonsareseparateinthemindofthespeakerInexample2 thercisa strongerco.nectionbetlveenthetwo.ctonsandlhepanperfectemphasiseswhichhappened a lt maynotbenecessarylo lse thepastperfectifweusebeforeorafterto rnakethetimeclear Wecanuselhepastsimpeforbothaclions Suelelt/had left hetofficebelote wearived. (bothfoms possible) weaffivedatsuesafficeaftet sheleft/hadleft. (bolhfomspossible) usethepastperfectinthi9case,to show. ltrongconnectlon betweenlhetwoevents. a Thepastperfecisoftenusedwithverbso{thinkingketnoq reallJe,renenbetbesure, Davidknew he'd seenhersanewherebeforc,buthecauldn'trcnenbet $herc. When1gat to theoffi.e t rcalisedI'd lelt allny pape6behind. Ellenwat swe they hadnt rcceivedtheinvarce,but shecheckedonemorctlme. I thought we'd aheadydtosenthenanefor thenewproduct! Past perfect time expressions r Thetime expressionsaftet, once by,aheady,just, neve4meanwhl/eareoflen usedwth the pan perfecl.Thewordstl/ isoftenusedwith negatvetorms. Aftu"d 1993 Koreu cotpotdtionttd etl tniiiq to Pdrk to aqtie tunpdni.s in the US ot E tope.By this tine, he hait b,ih up etfr.ient tunta td ,elp rren. (Asi, Inc website)
  • 22. 4 PASTTIME2 23 D Pastperfect continuous:form a Thepan perfectcontinuousisfomed with th€ duxiLiaryphras€hadbeenandthe -,nglorm of the mainverb.Contractionsareused. I'd been waking on the project for tuo nonths befare they decidedto cancelit. a Negativesarcformedwith hadnot beenandthe 'ing forrnof the man verb Questionsarefomed by invedinqthe subjectandhad. I hadn't been sleeping wel, so I wasquite tied. Had you heen vr'aking ftn a long tine on the projecl before theycance ed it? E Past perfect continuous: uses a Thepastperfectcontinuousisusedto describeasituationth.t wasn progress!p to a certan oftenemphasisestheduratiofof lime. BeJothel.Jt IBM Pktnd hctlhen pclin! togethqd soliuupI'd.kdr.Jotth. UK'bard clgnitdl.onvanytCI. Hehddbeetwo*ing onthkptoje.tdwr I97t dhd1972. (Eurobusiness{ebsite) a Thepastperfectandthepanperfedcontinuousbothlookbackfioma pontinihepan The pastperfectlooksbackatanearllerevent.Thepattperfectconiinuouslooksbackai a situaton n prcgress. Theeconomksituatbnwasquitehealthy.Thecenttalbankhadlowered intercst'atesbecause inflatbnhad beenfa ing steadilyfot sevetalyea6. F Usedtolwould + infinitive a uiedtodescribesa habitorstateinthepast.Thercisnopresentform(forpresenthabitswe usethepresentsimple). 'hha dictat.suhdt ttotoritt ptt itto leir pettulk ks.btt gfpeoplt!,lLonsedto haretrcil doubtsaboutdicrlIron biolori.dltowcesnrercr, reg rces', !oy! DietetE en,r'|toorusar indep.hd.ntjlingadtionid solthet Ce niy. (FrankfurterRundschauwebsite) u5edtonormallysuggeststhaltheactionorsituationisnolongertrueandsornakes. contrast withthepresent: I usedto wDfuinna*elng (=bLrtnowI workrnanotherarea) Heusedto be realyenthusiasticabouthisjob. (=butnowhe sn't) O Noret1arusedtoisJsedforhab.tsandrepedtedd('9 e eveLs I went to theMilanFashionShowlar thefist tine lastmorth. (NOT|u5€++€e) a Withnegativesandquestionsusedto becornesu5eto. Didyou useto workin matketing? I didnt ute to warkin natketing. a wouldisusedii thesamewayasusedto,butit onlydescribesrepeatedactonsirithepast, In theolddaysweusedto/wodd makethreecapiesaf a dacunentstor thefiles. our canpanyusedto belongto anAmericanmultinatiaraf (NOT,i^,€{ld$eeg) Wouldismorecommonindescriptivewriiinglhann speech.
  • 23. 24 4 PASTTIME2 4 Practice Exer<isel EEFro underinethecorrectwords.Thisex€rcis€includ€sexamplesofthepastperfect,usedto,thepastsmpl€and 1 while I lookedl@@kirg for myke!s,lsuddenlyr€membered| /eitliaClht themat home. 2lnthosedaystheunionsuredto/hadusedrogoonnikewhenevertherewas/wasbeing 3 Ailettheywerebuyinglhadboughtthecompany,theJstaftedlwetestaftingra makea lotof people 4 )ackusedb havelwashacirga Maq butthenheuiedto changelchangedra aPc. 5 | askedaboutmypackagein reception,buttheysardlrcr€salng that it stillhadr't anived/wasn't 6 | wassulethatI usedto l6kl hadleked rhedootlo myoffice art night,butit wa5lradbeenopenthis mornin9. 7l'msu€thatthewinteEusedlobelhadbeen<olderwhenlwasachild.lrememberthatw walklwerewalkingto s<hoolinthesnoweverywinter 8 | hadgonelwentbackto th€€staurantto lookfor myumb'€lla,bul loundlwasfindlhgthatsom€one took/hadtakenit. 9 WhenGeorgesawlevas5ee,hgDianeat theseminar,heknewlwasknowinglhalhe metlhadn,etnel somewherebefore. 10 WhileI hadlwashaing hEakfastl loakedlwaslookingatthefinancialpagesio seethesharep ces. |sawlwasseeingthatmyoriginalinvestmentgrewlhadgrownbyovet4O%. Exercise2 tr!J Completethesentenceswiththebenformofthev€Atnbrackets,Ineachsentenceoneverbwillbeinihe pastsimple(unit3)andtheotherinthepanperfect. 1 Aftershe...........14d...Y4d.e-.........(m6ke)a fewnotes,she............tJa1::tCd...........(start)writrng theintroductionto theAnnualRepod. 2 Gary.................................(besure)thathe.-....................--................Get)thealarmbefore leaviogtheoffice. 31........................................(call)mywifeonmymobilebecausethemeeting... {nillnotfinish). 4 Once| ..............-.........................(speak)tohim,| ..... ...........................(realise)therehadbeena mis!nderstanding. 5 Afte'Jrll... ...................................(give)herfid presentation,s1e............................. ('ee rnlcnressnervous. 6 EeforeEdite..........-----.........................(become)MichaelEdwad3personaassistantshe -. (alreadywork)inthecompanyfortwoyears. 7 | ......(nois€e)thefigur.sbefoFihenFFring,sorr (p!t) meat adisadvantaqeduringthediscussion. I Sorryit iooksolonq.| ..............-.............-..----.....(haveto)godownto thestorcrcombeca!sewe .- -. (runoutoDpaperforthephotocopier. 9Iherain...-....----............................(stop)byihetimel---.---.................-.......... l0 | ...-.-----....................----......(bp)surpnsedtofindthaishe......................-.................(akeadyeave).
  • 24. 4 PASTTIME 2 25 Exercise3 B unit3 "- 07 completeth,smaqaznearlrcleby p!tl ng theverbin bracketsnto eiiherthe pan smpleor p.n perrect Inonecaseony ihe pan perfeclcanbe!sed,in fve casesony ihe pastsnrpe canbe useddnd n t x case5 botharepossible IHEDAI{ESSAY'NO' On 28 Seplember?000 rhe peopleor Demark (l)....-v-D;!eQ....('ote) No ro joinine {re singleEuropeancurency. the euro.All rhe main polilicalparlies.the lradesuDions,lhc cmployersdnd $e media(2)..................kanPaisn)lbr a 'Yes'lorc bcioErhereleiendud.SoNly (3)...................(heDanes/rqect)rheeu'o? Ler's look lirn al $e econoDic backgrolnd.For nmy yeas the Dehh cenealb&k(4).....................(bd conrDined ro keeping the value of lhc kronc slable aeainstthe Geman 'nark. md this policy (i).....................(be) very succe$rul in nainlainin-q nability ald pros!€riry. Then $c eurc sas launchcdin tanuary1999.In thc penod afier rhe launch lhe countnes in rhe eurc zone (6)...................(p€dom) relatively well in econonic lems. How €Yer by rhc time oi fie rclerendun the curo (7)...................(frU) siSnificanlly aS.insrrhc dollar,andnE cenrEl banksor tbe USA md Japan(8)...................(be) toiced ro inteNene in th€ foreign exchange Bur rhe No ca'npaien(9).......... ... (f@us) on nlrional idcnrity.not economic issues.ln theendrhcDan€s(10)................. (make) ihcn decision becausc theY (l l ) .................. (feu) ihar cconodic inlcgmtionBouldeventuillyleadto polilicaL inrcsfttion.Tley (12)..................(wintl to keepthenindepeddenceandfreedon. Exercise4A B unit3 tf,Ot aun stalklngaboulh,sI rstlob tompelewh.thesayswththebenfomoftheverbinbra.kecChooee betweenthe pan r rnpe(!n 1l). palt continuouslunil 3)or pastpedect So.Alr).$1, diJ otr (luitour h.t.t(nr: Ar^N: Wcll..nille ti . I (1) !4t W-o,CKl^4hvdrk)is r in, ibr ir, l,rtt,,irtiorr.rl A(.ourrr,!,.lnn 'n i.ondon| (l) (bc)ii dlt sr)r. .orrrlrv t(' $iae vc,r. rNrLr(r rr.R llos (l) ,r^: J!r,'herI (.1) ftn. I (,ll (.t k,DdolJobsrherc(7) crreeroprlortnnifliar ntc.n I (lr)) n)r nrv .legrcc.So | (l l) .. So Nhrt (16) ... AL{N: wel, dre sirurrion Nrs rhs: I (17) . (!ou/s.Othcl(nr? (iiD,nt$itr I (5) . (so)t{)i roh (rlcd.lo $l,rt Irnkt n) d..!!l I wi i,,t.Rrc(l to rc. $4ri't (bc)r dr. thtr.Whilc I (s) . (.ne'rdv/r.ikc)u!c icornrin.-v c.urs ' . , 1 r I r l . ' L r , ' " 1 : .- -.......... (work) lbr,, pe^or vho NJs ver-v nri;r,Driior on oDe ofrlt {rnd fur r l.,rsc nt.rdrriodil xc.otrDr,rtre)ti n. nt!.onc (9) ....... (qno nr. iD .,pplid.trD lirrdr ro tlll rn. I droughr !hi nlqhr b. x goo.l (icnd) ,r on:Thev (1-']) ..... . (intcnie$) Dre dre ibllo!.!rg !.ck rnd I goljob. Ar tirr,I {11) ........(ii.l) s[si].d $rrh rhcjob.but rs tn). !v.nrb',tlur$ (15) ....... (ch.!gc) Dd I b.gin to h!t. 'orkins rhcre d a , , , . | . . c r r d , , '_ . i r r r . . . . t . c ' . ,, F l L u r , ' r o , t r ^ l ' ' o (becoDle)too rcperrd! dd I rcalh r.n!ed lo do $nerhtrg rrorc crcxlik. So,d[rt wlry I resisDed..I (19)... 0ro!hat) aDolhetjobto go ro,burlkDc'l (20) (hre) to !nk.. chtrDs.. Exer<ise5 F Complerethe sentenceswilh osedta ot use.Jtalwoutd I wth myold bosswe. ${1d..haveneet ngseeveratim€sa week 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o w na B M Wb l t n o w h a v ea nM G . 3 Befo.elheybuiltthe newmotorwayi . ..................... .......takernean hour1oqetto worK 4 .................................rhnkIwant€dtoworkforaargeor9.n5ationNow wantto besef'ernpoved
  • 25. A see appendi! 2 lor the pi!r Fft( pe: il r€q! ir re b5 B yerlro quenionsrepedttheauxiliary B:Yes,they havelNo,they haven't. ast and present1 Present perfecti form a Theprcsentperfectisformedwith the presentrenseof the auxitiaryverbhayeandrhepasr padiclpe.Inspeechandinfomalwriringw€ usecontrdcrions(,ye.nd 's). lltjau/we/thev have('vd oone. HAtshelit ha;(s) sone ' a Negatvesarefom€d with not t/ youI we/ they have not (havenj gone. He/shetit hasnot (hasn't)gone. . Quesrionsarefo.rnedby invertingrhesubj€ctandthe.ux aryve.bhaye.Shortanswersto B:Yes,he has/No,he hasn't. Present perfe<ft uses a Ingeneral,weusethepferentperfedto t. k abouta preseni5tldt onwhch sconnecledto a lheremaybea presentsituationthalnaaredn thepast I've lived herefarabouttenyeaE. l've known Marysincewewarkedtogetherin Spain. a Theremaybea seriesof actionsthathappenedinourtifeupronow I've oftenbeento Singapore. I've seena lot of chahgesarcundherc a Therem.ybea resuhinthepresentofa pasrevent. Sary,I thinkl've lost thefile. lly conputethascashed h ihiscasewe.reexplainingrhecurrentirnporranceofthepasteveni.Wh€nt happeneds not mporlantandsnotmentroned. Present perfect time expriessions a We lse everand,reyertoaskandtalkaboutour generatJeexperence. Have you ever spoken in frcnt of a brge audience?lin a your tife up to now) I've never wo*ed abroad,but nextyeat I night be basedin paris. lf ihe quenion s yesthenwe contrnuero gv€ rnoreiniormatonaboutthe (pel IL eve^6by u<ingvr'bs In I e {mp'e. A: Have yau ever spoken in front of a hrye audience? B: Yes,t have. Lastyeat 1went ta a salescanfeten e in Berneandtgave a prcsentdtion. i Thepresentperfecti!often us€dwitha/readyandyer.A/.eadyisnormay Lrs€dn affirmatve K]app, CEO aJUs aLle .o,ryatry NTL, insis^tltut NTL has dlrca4' ffiade 7j% o.fnsptdnned i',att"an b delivd btuadbd for liobile phonc ty^. (Tetegnph website) c
  • 26. 5 PASTAND PRESENTI 27 vetis usedin quenionsandnegatives,andsuggeststhatsomethng hasnot happened, aLthoughwe expectit lo happen Have yau finished the rePoltYet? Sorry I haven't finished the .epott yet. (ll try to finishit this afternoon Shaesik thenn big telecontsstorksColt afld Eflctgis.adin e toJdll Neithethat yet ndnafeti ta conine i v6to6 thdt theycM Ptu ide seruicesnttbctile et@Whto 4m n drcnt rctwh (Giardian websire) t we use./ustto descibesomethingthat happeneda sho( timeago Ite just spoken to himon the phone and he salshe'll be hercat 9 34 bnorrcw a Thep.esentperfectisofien usedwith timeexpressionsthat referto unfinishedtime Inoih_ar wordsthetimeperiodincludesthe prcsent.Commonexprcrsionsate:thisnaming, today this month,so faa up to now re<ently,dutittglin the pastnonth aver the lastfew years,eI( n1e F:ussidnCennal tsonkdn'onft.d or'llu'day thdt ik rold ad .une el Eset,.sha"' in(nsed in the pastu'e.h by t300 t tilio, (Delovoj Peterburgwebsitc) tn thc areoof Io"onn da.loph'.nt, th.Asia Padfu Erian hdsrl.cecdedii ^"r q)id rrar)th, uhkh hB ex?ed?d7% a' tnly t*iry th. pastf.w lu'r. (AsiaPrcific Econo,nj' Review website) a Somet me expressionscanbe usedwilh the presentp€riector the pastsimple,dependnq on whenYouarespeaking: Haveyou sp*en to Suethis moning? (itis now 11am:the morninghasnot finsh€d) Did tou speakto Suethis noming? (it h now3 pm:the morninghasi i shed) a We usefor ands,hcewith the presentperiect to relef to pe odsof t me A: How long haslon wo*ed herc? * He'swo*ed herefot thrce months i B:He'swo*ed hetesince the beginning of May seeareounii40 Fordescbeslhe lengthof thetimepeiod sinced€scribesthe pontwhen thetirneperod started 'Wc ha1'ebe.t ir bdifestJor 37 Yats, sotlft l tetnetto 4sn j'rst aNthcr av ofeolladi ! otdcts' saysI'ndt Er.ts'inteuationalvkeple'ide k mybt (CNBC Busjne$website) UPSbe6k? a wdd ide Otympis sroksoti 1994, aid sineethn it has ha led theAtlatia goneti t996 on.ltllc 1998Japoru'ktetra'hct (wolldtladeonlinenngazine) a Frequencyadverbsthat areusedwiththe presentsimplecanalsobe usedwith the present seeunh1 perfect. Ihey've often given usgood advke Hollirfet hasalpa$ b.d ideeeed if buyitg rcPsPApeR,andwetendto laoknt non thdtcone ah to thetak t. (SundayTimd website) D Eeerr(to) ani gone (to) a lf we havebeento a place,we went there and havenow returned lf we havegone ro a pLace we wentthercbut havenot vet Fturned She3 been to visitout supplies Eve!thing seemsto be AK (shehascomeback) She'sgone to vtst out supplie9 l hopeevetythingwil be OK Gheisstill there)
  • 27. 2A 5 PA9TAND PNESEI{TI 5 Practice Exercise1 n Completethesenten€esbyputtingtheveftsinbta*eti intoaformofthepresentperfect.Usecontraciions 1 areyousureit isn'tworkins?.....1161e...)lSa...i{!Cd.....(youltry)it? 2 | ..-.-..-......-....-....-....-..............(never/see)sucha boingpresentarion. 3 Luckily,ourcunomers... ................--- '. (not/complain)aboutiheprceI se. 4 We......-......-....-............-............(already/spend)quitea lotof moneyonthisproject. 5...........................-....-.......-...(they/reply)toyourlastemaii? 6 L.....-.....................................(not/get)thefiguresto hand-can tcallyoubacktat€r? 7 Unemployment............................................{9o/up)by2% sincelanuary 8 Irr sorry9he3nolhereShe..................,,.....................(Ln/leave) 9 Theirshares............................................(fall)by15%5incethemerger l0............................................{you/ever/take)theEurcstartoBrusselsT Exer<ise2 E LookatthepakedsentencesbelowMatcheachonewithsituationa)orb), 1 lnflationhasfallenby1%. Lll a) Twoyea6agoit was46,6.Lastyearit was:% 2 Inflationfellby1%. L41 b) Lastmonthit was4%.Thismonthit is3%. 3 l ihinkrvelostthefile. L-J a) I can'tfindthefile.twonderwheret puitt? 4 Sorry| lostthefile. L--l b) Thefilehasgoneaid t'lln€verfnd i. 5 HasJanecalledth6morning? t-l a) Janepromis€drocalthrsmor--g .t5'1 ar1 6 DidJanecallthismorning? L l b) Janepromisedto ca thismomn9.lt32 pm. 7 Salesimprcved. L-l a) Lastyearsaleswerepoor.Thisyeartheyarebetter. 8 Saleshaveimproved. L l b) Saleswerepoo.initialiy.A y€arlatertheywerebetter 9 Howlo19haveyouworledhere?L a) In1999. 10 Whendidyoustartwo inghe€? Lj b) Since1999. Exercise3 l; Completethesentenceswithasuitabletimeexpressionfromthelin below ake€dy yet ever never just for sin<e always l Thegoodswllbewithybusoon.They've........4!f9#dJ.......lefrourwarehouse. 2 l've........................-..-....hada greatidea!Whydon'tw€launch. newrangeof colours? 3 We'veknowneachother..-..-............-.......-.-...morethantwentyyears. 4 l've.....................-.......-..usedmycreditcadonthetntemet_| don'tthinkitt safe. 5 haven'thada.hanceto speakto Magda.........-...................-..,butl'msurcshe'lla9ree. 6 l've.-.........-.-....-....-..-.....workedininsurance,eversinceleavingunive6ity. 7l'msorryhehasn'tcalledyouback.HeSbeeninameetin9.................._.............lun 8€nro 560Paulo?lt3completelydifferentfrornRio.
  • 28. 5 PASTAND PRESENTI 29 aSot Althoush lord (1)........|ret-.............X4d9.....operati"g profits of over $Tbillion in its Ameri.u market this yed, the story in Europe(2).,...,..-'---- ------..*, v€ry di{' mr,lpr shire(1) .................... hom 12%six yeas ago to only 9'1,nos. The truth is ihat rivals like volkswagen.nd Re.ault (4)...................... .......,..,..,...,..,.much betterover recentyeds. They ( t . . . . ( . { ' d n d( 6 r ' ' .............-.,..,,.excitingand hiShly suc.esstulnes'models ln conhast,lord (7) ..................-. ......................its latgesaloon, E x e r c i s e 4 A BC Readth r textaboutthe pe.formanceof the Fordcarcompany.Competethe iext with the verbsfromthe st beoW Lrsng the presentPerfecl rR.*e lall launch be have cut withdr.w spend iake periorm Ford: theroadto recovery the S.orpio $ hich was not selling wel1. But Ford (8) ............................................alotmoresuc.essalth€ higher end of the market. O!'er the last lew years it (9)..'.''.'''.''-'- -.--.. ...a lot ofmon€ybuyin8brands such asJaglar, Aston Martin and Land Rovcr, and th€se models hale mu.h hiEhe. profit margins. k (10)..............................................sometime io sort out the prcblemsat Jaguarin pdticulat butit's nolv a su.cesshrl Exercise5 C D R€adth6 emaiLfromSteve.thePurchasng M€nagerof . UK mpo(etwho,s n Po€ndon a buenesstr p Competethe emailbychooenqthe corre.lalterianvefrornA, B,C or D beow Sleve McGinLaY to: Mike ..'.,l_1ur.u.- ' 1 ".,[ ,. soiiv havenl canlacredvou i1) P. laslweer., bot ve been verv blsv lve(2). . 1oKatowce in the south west of Poand (3) ... . .. a rew days, a.d ive (4) in Wa6aw rrom where Im sending th s email lvisiled severa nrms when lwas in Kalowce and one or rhem looks quite promisns lve (5) fa.lory. and Ive gol some product samples rd show you Unfortunatery Ihaven hel th€ suy in charse (6) .... .... He wasn r th€re - he s (7) td cdansk,nd should be so, the trip has been q! re successful(3) . .... Have yoL (s) ... b€6n lo cenlral Europe?Everythng rs chano ng very fasl ve (1o) ...........seen so much bulldingwo.k going on. Anvwav L enaL vou aga n rsrer . rh6 week to lel you know what's happening. Regards,Steve 2 A qoinq 5 A yet 6 A t l n 7 A going Bsin.e Bbeen Ba ready Ba ready B gone Byei Bsin.e c jun Cbeing c lln Cbeen Cnow c c jun Cever Dsotar Dgone Dyet
  • 29. 30 A Past simple o. present perfect? a Thepastsirnpleisusedto describe.ctonsin a compl€rediimeperod. Thepresentperfectislrsedwhenthe timep€riodncludeeth€ presentThs canbea stu€ton which5tartedin the pan andcontinlesto berrueln rhe p€sent, feexperenc€untitnowor the pfesentresultof a pan actron. I lived in Milan nany yea6 ago. Ive lived in Milan since1998 I've lived in both Milan and Rame (.ompleted:now I vein anotherplace) (astuaton thatnaded in the pan andcontnuesn the prese.t:I nill verhere) ( ie experence:thetirnewhenI ved n theseclties s not m€ntioneddnd s not irnportant) t've spoken to ny bass,and he'sasrced. (pretent rcsuhof pastacriof) seeunit3 a T mephraseslsed wlth the partsimplefeferto a partcularpoint n the pan:yesterda,/asr nonth, a few yeatsago, in 2042 seeunir5 T mephrasesusedwith rhe prcsentperlecr nk the pan 1othe presentthisnanth, evet,never alrcady,just, recently,since Lookat thisexample: LojasAwti6"ds, a cl'ii't oI tlilla stots ,t Btd:il,hashodd;fii 1ti.!sincerhanid-1990s. Althaqh lr stotcs.q(nak arnl6 ttufr(,t)n)litdbilityhasbeethad h1d.lrar h&,r. ol . hw dr.titc ptthascpti... In 1998it begaad tutiondlkatnc[ivt. It rcdr.edth! tun[( oJuarcho$$ did sold2-1t'pnntuitct !a6 to Cdn.fin (Fnrd. (ebusine$fonun$rbsn.) a Thetimewod for refersto a periodoi t me. t canbe lsedw th eilhe.tense: 1lived in Milan for fou yea6 when I wasat unive5ity (now donr ve there) thave lived in Milanfot fov yea's. ( stlll iv€there) (apemaneft st.te- alwaysliveihere) a Thechoceof We'vewon the.ontftctl (recentnews:theevenisoresentinmvmind) Wewon thecantta(t. (te nganory:th€eventfeesdistantinmyrnnd) B Presentgimple or present perfect? a Thepresentsimplelsusedintwornainwaysrfacts,andhabitsorstaresn theprcsent.The prcs€ntperfectmakesa connectionbetweenpastandpresent. Aboutt,onillion peoplelivein Milan. lala.I) I have lived in Milan far twa yeas. (l arrivedthere two yea6 aqo and si livethere now) C Present perfect continuous: form a Thepresentperfe.lcontinuolsi5formedwith the presentperfectol be,andthe -/hqformol theveft. Negativesarcformedwth nor. t've heen (haven't been) waiting here far norc than an haur Sh.'s been (hasn't been) waiting he,Fallnormng a Questionsarcfo.medby inveriingthe subjectandhdye. Im sotry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?
  • 30. 6 PASTAND PRESENT2 3T D Present perfect continuous: qses I Theprcs€ntp€rfectcontinuousdescribesanactionor sluationin progressfrcm the pdn !p to 'ndde betEenslove!'iadfld the Ltkrainehasbeeairqssing steadilr sint 1992,.lhen it tatalle'l jut Us$9 klillion. (SloEnia Busine$ Week website) a Thepesentperf€ctcontinuousoftenemphasisesthe lenqthoi t meof the action: Ive been trying ta contacther all day a Theactionmayb€finishedor continuing,we ony knowbyth€ stLration: I've been waiting for an hour! Wtryareyou so late? (the waitinq isf nished) t've been wainng for an hour and he hasnt anivedyer (l will cont nuewaiting) a ThepresentperfectcontinuouscanbeLrsedfor r€p€atedactions: t've been phoning her aI marnins, but she'salwaysin a meeting. E Present perfe<t continuous: time expaeisions a Typcatirneexp.essionsthatarelsed with the presentperlectcontinuousinclude:a//dayfor manths, fot ages,lately,rccently,aver the lastfew yea6, sin.e, far ForeirkliJenurcRhdrebe.nexpaadit! thenbBi'pssir Japarbt ahbut15%ainudllyoret tht p*stfo'E r.|rs. (Businesweek lvebsite) F Present perfect or present peife(t continuous? a Oltenthereisverylittledifferenceinmeaningbetlveenthepresentpedectandpresentperfect l'vewotked/been working hetefot thteeyea6. a Thechoceofienseoftendependsonwhereor.rallentonis,Welsethepresentperfectif ou" attentionsonthepresentres!.rt. l'vewitten therepott. (theiinishedrcportsinmymind) Weuleth€presenlperfectcontinuousf ourattentionisontheactoninprogress. l've beenwiting thercport. (theactol wrtingisin myrnnd) Ih theslobaleaao'nnrbeh oJree,I yedtsia" eokryatieshar. beeneteatedatdn astoblshitu lata.Can?a esu,hnhhau bed opdatingJotflanf yats tuitha .ta ehiikrat. flawcxploinr theposribilitie'.(worldtndeorJinewebsite) a lfwegivedetailsof howrnanyorhowmu.hwedonotusea contnuousform l've wdtten thfte rcpofts thisweek. l've donea lot of rcsearchan this.onpany. TheE haolog.hea'yNatnaqindexh^ beaJalliisJottlweueeh,41db iou 3la.4lawetthd,iLt Math peak.ShnetoI.o,tpakiesafl,ont'd,gpaotfteLltrharefallefl bt a thM or a hd$ aft( paft warnkgs.(wshhgton Posrlvebsite)
  • 31. 32 6 PA5I AXD PNESEIIT2 5 Practice ExerciseI ! lh4lerliDethecorrectwords. 1 yes'e.daytphonedlI'vephonedthebankaboutmyovedraft. 2 | wo* here/havewotkd heresincetheendof lastyear. 3 Yol.rrraxihasjustanivedIjun affieed. 4 We|eenjoyingou.trip-Wetavenadel nadea lotof usefulcontacts. 5 /1€seen//sawHughHopperafewdaysago- hes€ndshisregards. 5 Weyv€ntlhaveb€ento anintercnings€minarlastweek. 7 Todayhasbeehlwasreallybusy-anditsonlylunchtimel 8 Todayhaibeefllwasreallyburjrlt37 pm- l'mgoinghome. 9 I'.rl af?idPattizialeftl has/e/itheoffaceanhourago. 10 l'mafraidPatriziaisn'thete- she/eftlha5/erttheoffice. Exe.cise2 I ! Completethesentencesbyputtingthevefusinb6€ket5intoeitherthepresentsimple,pastsimpleor presentperfect, I Thecompanyjsdoingverywell.Lastyearsales............*a..A-t-..$p.........(Soup)by15%,andsofarihis yearthey.....h4y.9..4e1g..!r!0....(goup)another12%. 2 We......................................(op€rate)allovertatinAmeca.Recentlywe ......................................(setup) kenchesinPeruandEcuador 3 This......................................(notlook)likethe ghtblock.Areyousurewe......... (come)totherightaddress? 4 ......-...............................(you/see)mylaptop?l'msure| ---'--''--,---'.'.... (leave)lt hereearlier 5 | ......................................(ust/meoAndrewf.omSales.......................................(you/know)him7 5 | ......................................(nev€r/speak)to him,but| ...-..'.'--------.- Gpeak)tohisassistanionthe 7 | ......................................(wo*)forWorldComnow- | ......................................(be)thereformorerhan fiveyea|5.......................................(you/know)Worldcom? 81......................................(work)forWorldComsincelastyear,butnowt............ changejobs.....................-.........-.......(you/hear)ofanyvacancies? Exercise3 !!l @to Completeeactrmini-d'aloguebyputtingtheverbsinbGck€tsintothecorrectform.Oneverbwillbeinthe presentperfectandtheotherintheprcsentpedectcontinuous.UsecontEctionswherepossible. 1 A: What3thematier?Youlookworriedl B:yes.I am.| .1.Ye...-he4t-...k++!l{...41.tuokat)the(ontractinderait,and| .......:.y.*...|rP}if#-...... {notice)a lotof potentialproblems. A:oh,su.has? 2 A: l -....-......-.......-................(phone)Ca.olallday,butthere3no.eply. B:I expectshe......................................(go)to HeadOffice. A: Oh,yes,Ifolgot. I A: 'Tosca'iscomingto theOpetaHous€.....-.......-..-......................(yousee)it? B:No,notyet.shallwego?| .........................-..-.........(lookfoMard)to itfor ages. A:50havel.Whataboutnextweek? 4 A: Howlong..........-....-..-.................-.(youprcduce)carsatthissite? . B:Aboutfouryears-We.-.-.....-..---'..--*- {inven)twentymilliondollarsinplantandmachinery A: Oh,andhowlongwillittaketorecoupyourinvestment,doyouthinkT
  • 32. . A , , 6 PASTAND PRESENT2 33 Exercise4 A Cor.petethsdialoguebypultingtheverbsn br.cketsintothecoreclforrnofihe pansnrpeorpresent perJecr.Use(ontracilonswherepossible !r. roRrr Hi. suc.I (r) . ...114f.e1:t.tqql (ior. see)vouii)r ascsl lti. r.'o.lrnsorrI (2) . (nd/ire)in rouchNjrhanyonerecenrly...I (-r)............................ (bc)r..n!bu lrcroRri ()h. 'lDt hale ou beer upto dE? Vtll.ror knos I (.r) ......................... flc c) nrvJobriJ.rtr,xr_vn) thrt I (5)........ .... .... . . (.trn)so tieclanccasa g phi. Jcisrer? ! r , ( x , A Y c sl r c n , c D r t c rl o u ( . ) . . . . . . . . . . t J 1 k ) r l t ) t r l r u r t h r t l s r _ t r . l l o N i j . s o n r s ? n r v c l l . , r( 7 ) . . . . . . . t . ) x r e r l l !d , r i . n l tv e r r o f t r I ( S ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lrNo/do) rnrthng lik. (hr t).lbn' . . t nuch hrrderrofk rh.rD1 (1)) (1r)rsr'.) (lr)) (on. ev.r/br) 5crfcn+,lo]cdl v ( r o r r ^ N o . . e e r .r l r l N u s hI ( l l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( o r i c nd r ! ) k )r b o l r i t s o ,r v h . !h r i r b c c n V c l l . r t t h c h c q i n r i n { l ( l : ) . . . . . . . . . ( h N e )r K , o r r h . . . q o o , lc h c n t s r r d , ro! kno: rcorl. thtrrI (ll) .. . . . . ... (krd) n,. nrxn!, n lJicr.L. And sin.. rhcnI (11) . . ..(h.,!e)x l(,tor'inr.rcs.riorndilT(r..t.onir.nics- bu xnicofrh.r) (15) .. .. . (luom.) r.tU1.,,crr..,.r!. {' . . . l i r , r , , . . I(l()) (.rlr(.(h/(l(,)dr.r l(17) . ... .... h1r)i,i .r(ive|'(ii, I).!rr) Mord)h .,.o!fl. .i ! xrrh .rgo.l,ur I (ls) . ... (,ior/sro i|v rt|licr ()h.,1..n..11.(l')) t,ut) ut).,$ehir. $id) cM,||I. ()i!.r, L{trk? Y.s.l (l1r) . (iu{/h,,trh)n Vr,l,l !{{1 ri!,),1hrv,,ilrllf,.k l(n,krr il .url tcllnrcsh.rtvouthirk ofit? Exercise5 A ?a 12 Loota1the qraph..ri readthe p.ssaqeabourtechnologyno.ks Competethe textby pltt f! nreveros,r br.clels nlo rhecoiiectformof the pan ! mpleor presentpeiecl Europea invetors (1).........h4-v,e...1,.4'tllPd...........(watch)Us stockmarkeis neflously over the last few months.Thepreblemswirh USte.hnology dd teleco"trtlsstocks(2)..............................-.-.....-.-.................(beCin)lasiMar.h,andsincethen sharepric6 at.ompdia likelntel,AppleandDeX(3).. (crash).ove! thesunner authse gidts (4)........................................................(annoluce) lower thd exp!.ted profits, md tnvesios fearthat delldd for PCsin thehigliy developedUSmarket(5).............- - .............(peak).Now it'stheturnof Edopem stftks. On Monday stock in companieslike Cemdy's SA?dd Finland'sNokia(6)........................ .. .....(falt)sharply.sAP @.....................................................-.-..(be)doM 3%in lrdkfln, md Nokia (8)--............-.-.......................................(drop)7%in Helsinki But thercwas$me ged nes s fo. invetoF vesreday Yah@l $295 mitioi! tp from $115 million a yed edlid. Yznel reIi6 on ornie advertising for most of iis ituome, dd this yed it (11)...................................................--.(gain)sig.i6@! Mrket sharein E@pe ad (12) ...................(manage)10achievethe pGition ol top Web'navigationconpdy. Anatystsbelievethat the mdkei (13)...-.-.........-..---*--,-.,..........(noi/hit) the bonom yet.Edlier this yearjnvestore (1.1).-..................................................-.(buy) dy tntemet stels that wde available,catint a st@kmdket bubble-Now ifs jusr the opposite.Invstors (15).............................-........................-.-.(beome) sonero6 that they aree]ling everythin& evenif the companyis soud md the siocklools cheap.
  • 33. 34 uture 1 a wi WecanLrsew// + the infinitiv€(wthout to)to rcferto the future.M// lsusualyshodenedn speechandinformalwritingro'll.Ihe rcgariveol willis wan't We usewTto talkaboutfutureeventsth.t we seed5rdcL5: ln Junewe will bring out twe new nadels. '11'. sovonnut aill soot imposean oblirdtior all cl..ttkity ',ppU atnpdkas to buya spe.A.d p(entds. oJthcitpoln Jron rcfleunbt.sonrte'.(cua.dian websrlc) We useM// to talkaboutfuturebe efsl Lyrth tlnt fkbolsatioi aid .otsolidatio in th. tihiolosy sc.tatwiII crcat! d.qrcdt.l dqrdd.fu kw d"1pdrefil ha66.'Sto.k ,fldtketsuill hd,. tl .ow t lot nor nd'F.t .aptali$tion andt d .r itd']{ltJ oiU ha,e kssof d tok'jd),r Lr,.l,. (Obscrvcr wcbsrtc) We car addperhapsInaybeor probdblyto makethe b€liefesscertan: Ttu.li6t lda afjob la$s futthn( ioh l'. ,nryetsi, (;unan bdslnqwill prcbablyb. h tlt Cny oI lindot. @trsinsswecklvcbsire) Noticethaiprobabt come!afterwil/bLrtbeforervon't He'llprchably agreewithyau. Heprobahly won't aqrcewith you. We canusenil/ wth an introductoryphraseto 9 veothermeanngs.Forexarnpe,a persona opinion(/ th,nk)or a hope(/hope): I think we'll prcbably opena subsidiaryin Russianextyeal I hope he'll agtee with yau. ty,7canbe usedior instanldecisionsandthoughisthatcorneintoour headat the momentof sPeakng I' wait fat you outside. I' phone yau tamanaw. B Going to a We usethe ved be+ gorngto + the i.finitiveto a conneclionbeiweenthe presentand a We usegolrg ta for plansandintentions.Thesearcthlngswe havealreadydecd€dio do. I belie,ethdt Cree'tpan is goins to lorpetbt.s.T'et dft tone tisr oJliqtidny ptuh1effiin the dedit ,1a*ets at hi pon tu 6ft, a i sntut enbal hanhftspondsby easingoedit. Q'IewYotk Times $'ebsite) TLel|nc In rre fLlurecanbe -ea or disunt. I'm going to call FionaCla*e thisafternoon. We'te going to open a faatotyin Hungary nexryeat a We Lrsegoingto to makepredictionswhenthereissomeevdencein the presentsiuationi BeGrefult t* 9oin9 to fa . (l canseeit) I thinkweTegoing ao|oset/]lsdedl (lvejusthe.rdsomenews)
  • 34. 7 FUIUFE'I 35 C Presentcontinuous a Wecanus€rhepresent.ontinuoustenseto ratkaboutth ngswe havearr.ngedto do in the future.Thereisnearlyalwaysa timeexprcssion. Annis leaving tonoffow norning HSBCare moving to new prenises nextyear Theaffangemenlsareoft€nsocidlarrangementsor dppointmenB. seeunirs1and2 What are you doing an Tuesdayafternoon? l'm seeing lackat tuw, and after thatI'm meeting ny bank nanager D Wilt or going to? a Wll/susedforinstantd€cisionsGoingto isusedforplansand nienrions. aK,t knowwhattodo.fll .a/lane (aninsiantdecision) Datou havetheinlornationforJane?I'm going to catlherrhlsafternoon.(anintention) a l4rl/isuledforgeneralbeiefs,opnions,hop€!andth ngsthespeakerteesasfacts I n surethey'll like thenewdesign ln thefuturc,narc peoplewi wotk fromhone. a When'v/7susedwitha ph€selike/ thirkand/orwordslikeprobab,rhenthebelief/opnion becomeslesscertain,likea prediction. I thinkyou'll likethisidea. Thewo d wi prcbablyendin aboutfi@billianyeaE. 8utif th€eisircng evid€nceintheprerenrsituarionthengo,inqtoisusuay usedfor Ithinkit'sgoingto Rin. (lcanreeblackclouds) We'rcgoing to nake a losson thisptoject. (thaverhefiguresntrontof me) a Thereareoccasionswhenwecanuseeitherfonn: ]nny presentationI'll talk/rm going to talk aboutthreemaiharcasFitst,... Hercthespeakercouldseeit .s afact(w/, oran ntentionGolrgro). a W;t^g. llandgoingtaaE noreusuainspeech. E GoDg to or present continuous? a Forfururepansand.nangementsthereisofrenlirtledfferencebetweengolngroandrhe preeent.ontinuo!s. rm going to givelrm giving ny prcsentationonFriday. a Golngtocanslqgenthatthedetaihof theafiangemenlhavenotbeenfinased.Thepresent continuouscansirqqestthatthearrangementismorefixed,wirharirneanda pace. I'mgoingto meethin nertweek.(justaplan iimeandpacearesiill! nknown) I'm meetinghin at tenin ny o#tce.(adefinite,fixedarranqement) F Time expressions a Cornmontime exprcssionsfor ihe fLrtureinclude:tomoftaw, the dayafter tanarraw on Fiday, at the weel,end.nen w?pk. n a htu ddk ine.
  • 35. :F rFnEl =-F 7 Practice Exercise1 llI l/atch sentences1-{ withtheirusesaFo. a) afuturefact d) afutureplanorintention b) anopinionaboutthefuture e) a predictionwithevidenceinthepresentsituation c) aninstantdecGion fl afuturearrangement 1 l'm goingto askmybosslor a payrisenextweek. E 2 l'msorrytohearthat.l'llfindoutwhattheproblemisrightnow n 3 l'msorrybutI won'tbeheretomorrc,w-l ll bein Paris. n 4 l'mmeetingAngelaforlunch.Doyouwanttojoinut n 5 Theirsharepricewill probablyrisewhenthemarketre<overs L l 6 with somlch competitionit3goingto bedilticuhto increasesales n Exercise2 | | underlinethecorcctwordsineachmini-dialogue. 1 ArAreyoufrcenextTuesdaymorning? B. Sorry,1'llhavell'mhaing a meetingwithSue. Ai oh,dght.well,,^hataboutThu6day? 2 Ai Whatareyourplansfornextyear? S: We'I open/We'rcgoingto ope, a newfactoryio Hungary A:Thatsoundsinterening. 3 A:Whatdoyouthinkabouttheirnewma*etingcampaign? B: I think,?'/probabtsuceed/ it! gobablysucceeding. Ar Doyoureally? 4 Ar Whatabouttomorrowataroundlivethidy? gt OK,I'll seeyou then.ll'mseeingyouthen. A: 8ye. 5 A: Soasyoucan5e€,l'vebe€nthinkingaboutthisproblemquitea lol 8i Yes,I see.So,#,at ateyougoingto do?lwlEt arcyoudoing? A: Resignl 6 a: ltwouldbenicetose€younextweel, B:Yes,it would.Are,1,udoirg antrhinglwill youdoanythtngonWednesday? Exercise3Illll completethesentencesbyputtingthevelbsin bracketsintothemostapproprlateflture form Choose berweenw,4 goingto andlhepresent(ontinuous. 1 Haveyouheardthenews? 2 1.......-....-............-.-..-....-..............(meet)AndrcaatninenextThursdaymomingoutsideihestation 3 l'vejusthada€allJromRichard- he........................ . . ... ... -.. . (be)late 4 Nextyea.-...........................................-....-(be)ihecompanyScentenaryyear 5 Thistaxidriveristerible-He .............-.-...-.......... ... . . (have)ana.cident 6 lnthefuturevidecronfe.ences...-...........-...-................(probablvreplace)manyintemational meetings. 7 We........................................-.........(test)thenewmachinesometimenextweek 8 | ........-...................-.......-.........-...(go)ro MancheneronFdday. . 9 wouldyoumindwaitingfora momenl?| ..............-'.'.-....-.................... (notbe)lon9 @,t
  • 36. 7 FI'TURE1 37 Exercise4 !!! @ 14 Completethisdialoguebypuningeachof theverbsin bra€ketsiniothefuture.ChoosebetweenLail/and going io. Sometimeseitheranswermaybe possible,but decidewhich form isthe most natura. Use contractionswhere possible. IoANN^, Pleae, come in, h.E . se*.Would you like a dlirl? Cofee? Minenl water? oh, r (1) ...............:!!...b*ys..................(lne) a cos€eplease. Jo NNA Lucy ... could )ru neke tm cotrees?(siglts)We , th3nk for comiry this morning. l (2) ................................................GeD}lcu why I sked )ou here.Um, asyou know,thde (3) --------..... ..... ........Oe) sone bis chmgs itr the company.In facr,{€ (4) .................................................(Gtructue) the whole depanment. Yes.I ktrow.when (5) ................................................(n/happen)? lo NN^, Ererythiry (6) . (be) finihed by rhe sumer. Um, the thing n, underthe Ds structureyou!job o) ................................................(probably/disappeu). Realy? Is that cEtain? Jo NN^ well, we (8) ................................................(have)a meeringn€xr wek ro linaliseall the plans, and I (9) . (leg you know what we decide.Anyway,you dont haveto uorry oh? Gotr€ealrives) JoNN^, w€[, a!I w:! s.yingyoudont heveto worryWe00) ...............................-.-----(ofted youa newjob.You(11)................................................(har€)morcresponsibiliryandrhesabry (12)................................................O€)muchbcncr. Thatl wondertul,thrnkyouverymuch.v}lat€)acdy(13)..............................................(rhe nN job / involvc)? JoANN^ Wc[,wc (14) . (€xpand)thewholecustomcrscrvicesarca.Ifyou . (be)responsiblefor thenewteam.Um, it (16)................................................(meen)alot norc work,ofcoune.whardoyourhink? It sound!gre.t,but I (17). (n€cd)! dayor two ro rhink aboutu. JoNN, Ofcoune,noprcblem.Look,I (18) . (nor/be)in theogice6r theDextfewd4 -I(19) . (visir)oursubsidi$yin Hungary. (20)................................................(you,/ha!!)anaiswerfor mebynextweek? Yes,I(21)................................................Give)youlny decisionon Mondala Exercise5 [ | Completethisemailfrcma PAtoherbossbyputtingtheverbsinbracketslntothefuture.Choosebetween !v,i/landthepresentcontinuous.Usecontractionswherepossible. Ive booked your flight to Slovenla. You (1) ..-.I_z,..le4y!.64._(l€6) on Tuesday 3rd at A-45in the mornlng, so you (2)........................(arl€) in Ljubljanab€fo€ lunch.sonsn€ (3)........................(be)at th€ €irportto me€r you.Yourfret meetlngis withAlekaanderP@kar, and you (4) .-,...--................(s6€)himat 1 pm at our to@l otfie- He (5) ...-.....-..............(prcbably/take)you out to luncr'-Afrerlunchyou (6) -.......................(novdo) anythinquntll4 ph, so you (7) ...,....,....,....,.....(have)timeto qo to ih6 hoter.You(8) ,,...-....-....-....-...(stay)al the Interconrhental,whichis in a very@ntrallo€tion. | (9) ...,..-.-.--.--. (go)to the travelagentsto pickup the ticketsrhisaftem@n,e I (10)-....--...--.........-.,(give)themro you tomo@.
  • 37. uture 2 A Future: time expressions a We usethe presenirmpl€ or the presenrperfecr(notw//)to referto th€ futureafterthese wotds. when, after,beforc, unless,in case,assoon as,until, by the tine, the nexttine: when I seehec I'lltell het yau called. we I discussit again aftet you get back As soon as I've finishedthe rcpon, lllenall it to yau Yaucanwait here until shecomes back Notcethat a {ulureform(wil, car) s u5edin the otherp. ( of the 5entence B Presentsimple/continuous a We olt€n usethe presentsimple(orpresentcontinlout whenwe talkaboulevenlsn the futurcbasedon a fixedlimetabe,prcgrammeor caendar tims planeleaves(isleavind at 12.15 Our bossrctires (is rctinnd nextyeat C Future continuous a Thefuturecontinuousislormedwth w// + be + the -ingforrnol the verb: Ok. hn hdt isclct it lht tuat.aid larynkrhr.! arryofi. tuill b. ii'cstibg i Chi n atli thdtttu na! lawn t't vill dllo',r/r,x rd. (Asixrvcckwcbshc) a Thefuturecontin!o!sde5crbesanactivityin progre!5in the luture we oftenure ii whenwe comparewhal we aredo ng nowwth whal we w llbe do ng in the fulure.Thereisnearyalwaysa limeexpression. Nextyeat I'll be working in aut SaoPaulooffice where will you be wo*ing in slxnonthl time? a Thefutureco.t nuous6 oftenutedto saythatsomethingwill deinitelyhappen: we'll be holding a meetingsoon,sa we can makea decisianthen. D Future perfect a ThefuturcperJec(isformedwith w7 + have+ pastpaniciple: 8y the tine I retirc, nl have been in bankingfar ovet thirtyyeaa. By theyetu2a20 fu ,ol ,tco.fsoodsptodtedby hadniotdlhantfadwinr ootdtide Mll prcboblybeat ledtluie ,t' it n hday.Brt ih tfu US,IIEnMreo.fna {a,tu s in CDe tuhnh n sill oroundlioA or so,will ha"esh nh to 5%. (lndusrrvweekwebsite) a we lse the futureperf€ctio lookbackfromonepoift in th€ futureto an ear er evenlor periodof time.We oftef usebyor by the tme withthe futureperfect: By the tine we prepareour proposalthey' have found anothet supplier. By the end af theyeat we'll have sold arcund 1,AAOunits. a r iscommonto lse. simplew;flformin pl.ceof thefutureperfect,athoughsomep€ople th nkth s isnot grammaiic.lly.orrect: By the tine we'vepreparcdou prcpasal thel find anothersuppliet By the endof theyeat we'll sell arauntl 1,000 units. t We usethe continuousfom of thefutureperfedto fromonepolntin th€ future.t an aaviy in proqrcss: Nextyear we' have been nanufactwing the sane nodel for tenyeats.
  • 38. E A FUIURE2 39 Was going to a Waslwercgoingra1snota futueform.Weuseitto referto somerhingtharwepannednthe pastbutdidnotdo: I'n sorrylwas going to phoneyou thisnorning,butI hadto seeaneal outclients. Otherwaysto talk about the future a Weoftenusemodalsandrelatedvelbslikeshou/d,belikelyA could,may,miqhtro rcletta thefuture.seeunit13. O W-Ausetheverbs pect, hope,intend,wouldIikqpla4 warafollowedbyan nfnitive(rodo) to referto thefuturc: Cettflandutot dketBMW b pldnniry to hciE aWdftt ai pla in Cehtal .r Eatem Ewope by thehiddle of2001- aid the Czecl'Republnis ho ng to get theoitb.t. (pegnepost Noticethe negativeforms: lexpedlhopeI won't ... We don't inEftllplanlwant to ... usethevelbt,rinkfollowedby '/l I think/don't think I' changeny htenet Se"/i(€tuavider Wecanusebe dueto for thatw€ expectto happen: Mrwckh, utb hit' CE 'flandatoryrcfie,nettdgeof 65 nert no th, hatbtilt CE intnAnerna Nd1o'npony in stock'natketlalMtian.Hc k dle to nan thr ctt chdhhdnd thiclexc uit? 9f CE i thencrtItu ddys.(WallStreetJourn.l Eurcpewebsirc) We canusebe aboutio for thingsthatwill (willnot)happenverysoon: A laokdt It sto.knia'tet Mluatio'tsolbir tolxude hosys s,.h asCiteoand Onde showthat the po.eofdtulopncnt i nct!te tulofy k not cboBtt6 doo (Fo$es.comwebsire) h mod€rnEnglishsha////r€...2 areusedto makesuggestions,not to feferto the futLire. shall I open the window? shall we neet again nen week? sha//isstillusedfor the futurcin formalsiluations,for exampleegaldocumenb. "I uaja, going h nt,'w.4 I danr tub t . tuta. Bu|, ofa,,4r&natutt tuht.' a Seeunit14 a
  • 39. 40 A FUIURE2 8 Practice Exercise1 SSHUgg Underlinethecorrectword' 1 Iamotrcwnl inteNiewtrllbeinteNiewingcandidatesallmoming. 2 we willhavenavedtwillbemolngto ournewp€misesinAugust. 3 Wewillhaveno/edlwillbe mov,,ngto ournewpFmisesbyAugust. 4 WhatUmedoesJourtrainlwilltov trainleave? 5 Don'tforgetto turnofi thelightsbeforeyouare/eaving/youlea,p. 6 We<an'tsendthegoodsunlilwe'vereceivedlwewillre.eiveafim oder. 7 we wil bercpayinglwilha!€repaidthebankloanbyDecember A Uresstheyle/theyllbemorereasonable.w€llhaveto brcakoffnegotiations. 9 I wasgoingto witelwas w',rtngto them,butI forgot. 1A lhopellwillhopero beabletospeakatthepressconferencemyself. 1l Ou.visitorsaredi./eto affiveldueaniing ar 10.30. 12 lhopelwon'tlldon'thope/7be lateforthemeeting. 13 | thinklwon'tlldon'tthrl?k/7be lateforthemeeting. 14 Whentheconrract,i/wz beready,l'llletyouknow 15 Willt/Elshallweb'eakforcoffeenow? 16 Sorrylcan'tspeaknowI'lljusthavell'njustabouttohaye.meeting. Exercise2 fiEn Completeea(hsenren(el+ wth anendrngaFh) 1 Pleasetakea seatuntil 2 Theywon'tacceptourorderunless 3 Helenwantsto seeyoubefore 4 Youwon'tseeHelel1.8ythetimeshearrives 5 AssoonasHelenarives 6 | cafl waitlThistimenextweekl'll 7 l'llhaveasuntann€xttimewemeetll'll 8 Sorryabouithis.Ina fewmomentsl'll DfRihalisfeadyto seeyou. you'llhaveleft. wegivea bankguaranie€. havefinishedandw€canttsk. i'llaskherto phoneyou. havejustcomebackfromcreec€ belyingona beachincfeece. E a t n o r ! o ! a r ! " r n o I q l n ; Exercise3mnHp Completethe sentencesby puttingthe v€rbsin bracketsintothe righttense.Choosebetlveenthe present smp e (/do), future .ontinuous (i7 be dolhq) and future peded lt'll havedane). l Bythetimeallthe p.pe6 areready,the deadline...-Lrj!!...k.v.g..MttreC....(past. 2 Theflight .-....-....-....-....-....-.........-.......(,eave)at I pm and............................................(arrlve)at 3.45. I L...............................-..-....-....(see)Nicktomorrowsolcan giveh m yo!r message. 4 Thistaxlissoslow Bythe timewe gettherethe meeting............................................(finish). 5 Sorry| can'ts€€youon the 15th | ..-..-...................-..................(play)golfw th . client. 6 won't do .nythinquntil| ..............................-....-........(hear)fromyo!. 7 Huffy!pl Bythe timewe affive,the play......................-......-....-..-......(nari). 8 what ...........-..-....-.-..-....-........(you/learn)bythe endof yourcourse? 9................................-.......-...(you/us€)theconfercncercomnexiTuesday? 10 When| ..........------....-. ...-....-(see)him,l'llaskhim.
  • 40. 8 FUTURE2 41 E x e r c i s e 4 A C D F An economisthdsprepareda sho.trcpodabouths co!ntrynextyear Reddit, tlrenchoosethe correct alternatve{romA, B,C or D beow to completethe report. 126onth e.onni. Iote@t The Cennd Bdk (1) ...S....keepintcre$ nr6low nextIeaf nr orde. to $lmulte economicsrowth,.nd so ve {2) .........the c.oroNr to continucgrc$ns rt about l%.Thi5neanstbr mcnPloymdrt (3) .. '! mon secors of the econonr,vnext yer Exchange ntes ar vert difil.ult to lredicq bui the curency (a) .........cmain st.blc. sonE nnporeDr eventsfe (s) .........takepl,cc in thc poliricd neH.The President(6) .. Gll eledions wirhin the next twele monrhs.and50by the nnddc ofncxt yca!fie electioncamPrisn(7) . The sovcrnmenr(8) ........ on i phtfon othonsty rnd.onPcicnce. rnd t (9) oducc rcfor$ to lhc lcsrl sy*cD so ihdjldges.rn nr!€stiste thc mnuseofprblic fundsmore e6ily.'Whenthrt (10) .. , inrc.n*ioml nNr$or co.ndenceshouldincPse nPi.Iy. 7 Aw havebegln 8 Aw beioughl B s liknglo I will beei f. ng Bwillprobaby Bw bebegun Bw beiighling C w t a n 9 C being C w fLghtrng D w i a l D s prcbaby D expecting D 6 d u n g t o Dwill begrn Dwll havef qht E x e r c i s e 5 A C D E "F 15 TheHlmdnResou,.esMa.agerol a .,9ecompanys explan ngtheappra|sdlsvstemto a groupot new employeesComplelehEialk bypun ng lhe verbsn bracketsinlo the r ght tenseChoosebetweenthe p.esenrsmpe (/do),lutu€ contnlous (/7 be doi.q).lutu.e perfect(/'//havedore)...) '|asgoingto. 'Yo!rapprasa ntervews(1)......4[q....(be)!nf./ar.hEr, rnsorryrhey(2). ..............- . -. - (be)in Februaryblt we hadio ponponelhem Sorryabolt lhat Um,d!ring Febr!afyyoLrrnemanaqetr (3).... ... ....................(coLLect)atheinformalon theyneedfrornyou,andbythet meyo! mee!for theinterveWthey(4)........ -.-..-.......(prodlce)a checklistof pontsior disclsson RLghtUm, n the Lnteruiewyou(5) . ...............-.-..- -. . ... (d6cLrss)yourpe.forman.edurnqthe pan year.nd anyiesuesreatnq to yourfutureneeds,et slch .s trarningBythe endof the rneetng hopethat youandyo!rlin€manaqer5(6). ... ... ........ ...................(agree)onyoLrrper50naoblectvesrornextveat both n terrnso{ salestarqelsandprofessonaLdeveopment s thatdear?Y€p,OK,qood Oi colrsetheres somef e|ibilty in the targets,n .aseany'lhinq(7) - , . (happen)to the rnarketthatwe cannotpredct We rnayasohave. budg€tforyouto do somet.anrng.afteryo! (8) . . (come)backlromyolr sumrnerholdaysbul beforework(9) ..... . . (qet)rea]?busJrin september.lsthatOK?Yeah.Good Afterthai,lhenentimelhaiwe al!(r0)......................................(meet)aqainwillbeln Octobet when d likesomefeedbackon yoLrrtrdn nq,asbythenanycou6$ thatyoudo (I I) ... ....... .... .. . . . . . .( f i ns h ) .l st h a tO K ?Y e a h ( 1 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G e n d ) y o l r feedbackforn'rsn€arerthetime We , et unessyo! (r3) . ................................(have)anyqlesions, th nkthata . Oh,no Er,yes l{14).............. .. .... ....(have)a wordwithyoudboutyourho ddv pLans,but youprobabydont knowth€myet.CouldyouemaLmewlth yoLrreqlen assoonasyouknow
  • 41. assive1 A Form a Tomakethe passivewe useaob€.nd a pastparic plel tntelproducesnilians af chipseveryyeat Theyhave chosen the new design. Rasawi give a pressbnefing tananow. arange a loan within sixdays Wenay give you sone new salestaryets Mitlionsof .hipsareprcducedeveryyear. Oursupplieris shipping the goods nextweek Thegoods are being shipped nextweek. Thegovenment nised interest rctesby lo/d. tnterestrateswerc rcised by |ak. He was asking ne somedifficult quesnans I was being asked sone difficult questians. Thenew designhas been chosen. A pressbiefing will be given tonanaw. A laan can be aranged within sixdays. Youmay be given sanenew salestaryets. a Theobjectin the.ctive senrcnce(nillionsof chips/interestratei)movesto the frontin the passivesentenceandbecomesthesubjecr a We fofm negatvesandquestonsin ihe sam€wayasin actvesentences Thenew designhatnt been .hosen. Has the new designheen choten? B Uses:fo<us on important intormation a n theactivesenrencesabovethe pe6onor organsaion who doesth€ acrion(/rrel/Ihe 90v€rnrrerf/Rosa)ieimponant . ln the passivesentencesaboveihe pe6onor organaaton who doesthe acrions nor mentoned.t nrightbe clearfromlhe siiuation Innead,rhe mponanrnfom.tion isetherrheactions(ralsedlchoser)or thethingsafiecledby the adon (Mi bnsof.hips/rhe goods/Aprcssbiefirg). a Sludytheseexampes: A "ery laryepropottiot oJwo d ntlltodtuior it Sewtdted tu th. Nlihlle Edt. (culfBusines Masazinewcbsrte.) Hereihe writerwanrsto ernphassetheamountof o . Whodidthe acton (ge,lerate)iscearor me North Aneiedn Frc. TtadeArcd (NAFTA) uds cstahlishedin 1993 b link the Linited Stat.s,Ca adr dtd 14.!ko in dfi.. rrddeasteenet. (LatjnTnde websrte) Hefethewrlterw.ntsio saywhen.ndwhytheaclonhappenedWhoddtheactton (estabrsh)isnot rnpo.tant. D.utstltc PostAC nill ofet ntush^ dtut prie di ot tsandbakr thdres.s lart aJitsplaa,ed nfiidl p,blt ofe E. Thesei1'edtio* toill beofercd n)EkiL ihrekE in EU .ounti6 who nke a ertll tliniptio . 0fi/a11Sftet Jou.nalEurole websne) Hercthe witer wantrto glveintonndtonaboLrrrheincentives.Whowittdo ihe acton (olfedis nol rr.portantor not known.
  • 42. 9 PASSTVEr 43 C Uses:sysiemsand Processes a we oftenlse the passiveto talkdboLrtsynems,pro(essesandprocedures: Tje bdnq,tvd to nnhe hzh ukisky tnkesdhort oen nasths to gto ih thefeld. Ia Auqun the bo cyL' hdtrsteil d,,t thenW tu renfu d bryle al flonths.menettttzpis 'nallry', dh 4k i.nt .hettnby Iull of ttatitiat. ]t rirc a i.h, watu fd,o"t to th. whisq dhd d'ses thes6ih taptud,ce narh6, whnh oft eofwte.I to suSa6at a ld@ ndgeaJth. po.e$.The tudhe.lbdtev k Bted Jol abort thteeoeclJ dlengtowd htoiofi dndpld.ed irto htse 'estehihn n is mked unh hot utatetto 'ldk. a 'utott'.7 he tt@nis .ooleil, thendn into orothet vesselHM, yust is addetl'dn.l thettdth is tnned inta!.!art p@.l!.nE d deatliqrid cdlledthe tuth' It i distilLdtianthdt nt$ thistudt1itlto ehkln. I'1 tlistilli':a,theliqtid Lt h@tedtntil thespi tutns to lnlatt' thett .o"dercedtrdtkit o liryid. By av, Scotchuhis@ nust 6eagedi" odkbardsJot nt leostthtee y.d6 (Adaptedfrctu De!%r'sScotchwhisky {ebsite) s.eakounit4s a Toshowa sequ€nceln a prcc€sswe usewords tke:Fnsylfistof a , Then,Thenextstep Ne4 Aftet that, Finar. Firtt of all the finishedproductsarc .he.ked fur qualiry,then thevarc packed and sent out fron ou wareholse.Aftet disPat h we allaw custanen ta lollow the progrcssof thetrarder on ou lntr.,net.Finally, we get a digital inage af the signatureof the pe,sanwha rcceivesthe qaadt sa that this can be checked lateaif necessaty D Saying who does ihe a<tion a Inallthepasslveexampesabovethepe6onororganisationthatdoestheactonisnot wewantto savwhodoeriheactionthenweuseby: Thegoodsarebeingshippednextweekby our suwliet in china A pressbriefingwillbeglventananow by our lnfotmatton officet RosaMendoza Tt.fd'ton' it ttdfcdbr thc loralpeopleuho uorhedthelebeJorc,h ai a awplataLfditetul ,dJiJ.(BusnrcssNewsAtncricaslvcbsitc) E Transitive and intrantitive verbs seearsounit2r a Verbswhichusuallytakeoblecls.rccalledl€nsitiveverbs(e9:help)Verb5whichdo not lsually takeobie.tsa€ calledintransitiveverbs(eq:/oot) A: Gn t helpyou? B: No,In iustlooking. DctonaiesshowthisinformationwithT or L.Someverbscanbebothtranstveand inilansitive.Onlylransitiveverbscanbe madepaseve RaiseA lnterestrateswerercisedlastmonth lnsease (T/l) lnterestrateswete increasedlast manth Go up (l) lnteren ntes *ereei6Ae-up la* nonth.
  • 43. 44 9 PASSTVE1 9 Practice Exer<ise1 g Completeeachsentencewitha passiveverb.Youmayneeda negativeform. 1 Somebodydamagedthegoodsintlansit. Thegoods...........-.L|ei:g...dA|$a4ed.............intrdnsit. 2 Thousandsof peopleseethisadverteverydal. Thisadvert_._...._...._............................................bythousandsof peopteeveryday. 3 Theywillnotfinishtheprojectbytheendofthemonth. Theproject.......--------......_.._._.._................bytheendofthemonth. 4 Theyhaveclosedfifty retailoutletsoverthelastyear Fiily.etaiioutlets................ r rhetastyear. 5 Wearcreviewingallof ourlTsyslems. Allof ourlTsystems........... 6 Wecannotshipyourorderlntilwe receivepayment. Yo!rorder,,,,...,._._.._............_._......,.,....,.,..,........untilwereceivepayment. Exercise2 g !t Decideif it it isnornecessary(tossit oU. tftt isnecessaryplt a tick(/). 1 | don'tthlnkyourproposalwillbeacceptedry+€€pl€, 2 Thecompanywasfoundedbythefatherof thepresentchairman./ 3 Allolr machinesareservicedbyhighlytrainedtechnicians. 4 Thismachineisn'tworkingagainllt wasrepai€dyesterdaybyatechni(ian. 5 TheconferencewasopenedbysomeonefiomtheLondonBusinesrSchool. 5 l'llbeshownroundthefacrorybysomeone,andthent,ltrneetthesalesteam. Exercise3IEE!l Rewritethesesentencesusingthepassjv€if it ispossible.youmayneeda it snotpossbe (becauseth€verbisintransitive)puta crossL I OurR& Ddepartmenthavediscovereda promisingnewdrug. ..4...Fr-qxiti14...^e.}|...d':$4...h4t.-bcs.^..dits-"J.g.!:gd*..,b.rx....'"!.c...R*D..deEa!: 2 Theinflationratew€ntdownbyO_5%lanmonth. 3 O.e of our bestyoungdesgneBcreatedthisline 4 l'msorrywecan'tdothat. 5 Somethingveryinterestinghappenedto melanweek. 6 We?espendingmorethana milliondollaGonadvenisinqthisvear 7 TheAccountsDepadmentmaynotauthorisethispaymenr. 8 | workedasa(onsultantforfourvealsafrefmvtvt8A.
  • 44. 9 PAsSIVEI 45 Exercise4f$[ a marketingmanageriswritingatrainingmanualthatexplainshowthecompanyusesqu€stionnalresto do rn.rketrcseaKh.Completethetextbyputtingtheverbsfrcmthe in beowintoiheprcs€nismplepastive. d€5i9€ sendbacl distribute otfer put outrource analise Firn,wec.refullys€l€cta sampleof peopleto ask.Thenthequestions(1) 4!:g d,eti4^ed'. byasmall teamwithinthedepartment.Next,thequestions(2)..........................-.....intosequenceandgrouped toqetherbytopic.Afterthat,weprintthequestionnaireandit (3) everyoneInthe sampleOfcou6e,notallthefoms(4) us,butwetryto collectasmanyaspossble Sometimesa smallgift(5) peoplewhorctumtheforms.asanincentve.Fnallv weenterallth€€sultsontoa sprcadsheet,andtheinformaton(6)...-............................bylh€ma(eting depadment.lf wear€usingaveryla€esamplethedl(ributionandcoection(7).-........ . . to an Exercise5 n P Helenisnartingherownbusrness.Lookattheextracifromherplanningsch€dule,thencompleteherlefier toa busin€ssadviceservice.choos€eitherthepresentp€rfectpassive(haslha!€beendone),prcs€nt contnuou!passive(,s/a/ebeinqdone)ora modalpassiveform(e9:shou/dbedone). Contactbankto affangeloan. Findoiflcespace. Equipmentneeded?orderif necessary Printbusinesscards,station€ryetc, Decorateoffice,orderfurniture,etc. Placeadvedsementsinlocaipress. ReviewstaffingneedsforChistmaspeiod. I am wrifFg io arange m interiew with oneof your businessadvi*F io discussmy busine$ sta.t-uP. I've analy*d ihe marketvery cdtully and I believethai I havea Soodbuiness plan- I cangive you a few detailsof my prctress sofd. I've had *veral meetinssuth ny banl, anda lod (1) i4'-..*f.n..4!.-r.-a*4C-(acute) l've fomd some ofiicespacein a Soodlocation,arthoughsomework (2) ........ . .... (will/need) move in. I've reviewedmy equipmentneds and in factsone sPecialseditens (3). (order)atthenom{t. My businesscardsl4).............-.-....-..-....-....-..(fint)dd will b€readyin a weekor 60.ThisweekI'mbsy decoratingtheoffi.e,md I (5).-.-.......-......-....-....-.-.....(shotnd/6nish)by theendof I klow that roon l'l] hale to advertie in thelftal PIs, dd PerhaPsyou co!]d advjseme on ihis matter Iielly, I'd likesomehelpplaming my stalfingneds - extrastaff{6)...-..-....-....-...................(might/ need) over the Ckistnas period- Heler'Clradwick