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dev agile devops lean arch code java culture scala fp xp engineering architecture soa software coach clojure team kanban design cloud nosql people microservices functional msa tech innovation test product mgmt management akka coaching it development web business spring cassandra org db teams distributed tdd redis aws jvm ops ruby scrum k8s book serverless stream oss bigdata haskell language improvements testing workshop desenvolvimento jee sec engineering-management technology sre dta discovery kubernetes chaos es kafka ml netflix spark solution security hadoop mapreduce startup http concepts amazon js actors mindset functions 2011 tests services rest tdc br groovy ilegra diegopacheco review encryption infosec books em dependencies dependency production observability theory log training ux future trends debug cloud-native java8 machine learning big data netflixoss api lean the principles tools ui threads leadership practices metrics lean startup twitter bootstrap apache kafka cluster netty event functional society fun messaging reactor function stm func operation deming socket python programming vacation change system methods open source jms eda opensource 2010 lecture 2009 mockito integracao contnua testes framework jboss codes naming basecamp shapeup holocracy iam infra automation cdk cipher operational-modes aes deepdive devsecops simmetric vulnerabilities mtls tls oawsp secuirity trunk-baaed-development trunk patterns scm branches branch cicd non-obvious ddd design thinking eginering organization chaos-engineering testing-in-production prod work lies companies learning leam inteligence artificial inteligence ai dummy spy fakes mocks doubles improve obervability hardening designer sidecars science troubleshooting investigation forensics systems death_of_microservices reliability flink streaming apis tta store k/v kiss simple solid dbc rdd oop clean code stress telemetry distributed systems self-organization productivity gtd parallel concurrent threading opp uml ut unit xunit cqrs product culture engineer wasmer wasm webassembly leanux beyondbudget noestimates okr sv leanstartup rust delivery slit traffic toggles feature flags a/b testing ab testing micro-vm gitops istio traction biz yc notes 101 c bitcoin eth blockhain react front mobile vr ar eureka prana dynomite digital reactive netflixoss stack devops engineering rxnetty rx boot d spring4 ev tomcat jetty cn cloudnative native elastic cass elasticsearch stress testing samza docker streams stream patterns tech evaluation terraform apache flink bimodal agilebr experiences agilebrazil15 agilebrazil r apache mesos benefits analitics apache storm snowplow analitics ami baking image bake packer ansible queues gtf team tools: pomodoro qconsp qcon cd discoverability distributed architecture shift kaizen lib spray html sinatra finatra route server polyglot persistence why ideas listp fsharp verticles bus lightweight vert.x timeouts resilience hystrix decision making core data fast fastdata lang lisp think brazil functional programing 2014 10 anos guma feedback caoch models contracts principles constraints mindsets cognitive knox hdfs software design poka yoke reducers clojure 1.5 agile coaching p2 entrepreneur entrepreneurship responsive html5 css scala 2.10 apache zookeeper sync conf service avout document store database schema-free fleetdb .framework ratpack micro middleware scalability serialization remoting escalabilidade actor concurrency arquitetura model scala.io io cyclone twisted wire nio ip tvcp udp scalaz recursions list comprehensions monads lambda currying higher order functions 2012 vacations machine key/value hawtdb hackathon nerd geek hack foss delivering zappos company happiness fs society dev-clojure ldc lift webdev socket.io nodejs node.js activemq apollo dispatch hawt ring rack-like handler leiningen build lein ror wev rails rails3 cucumber bdd 0m1 zmq zeromq tcp pdca midnsets diego pacheco dojo coding distribuido offshore jts team agile thinking values process projects tcd deployment compatibility continuous bits ws nobranchs backward seda feature soap ceonceitos aop lighting talk planning cxf jax-rs tchelinux ejb cep drools produtividade pessoal organizao pessoas efetividade scrum agile rework bookclub unilegra mercado trabalho 20 presentation zen development process srping framework 20 ptbr spring framework 25 ptbr refactoring soa real it software soa so soe adoo it ti registry galaxy value governance repository mulé fluent code dsl dynamimc languages maven2 unit testing java tdc 2009 conference rod johnson edburns mike curso pmi bsc projeto rup teste frameworks junit ia rules engine
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