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Service Quality and Customer
An Assessment with Special Reference to Life
Insurance Companies in Colombo District
2/15/2018 2
1. Introduction
2. Research Problem
3. Research Objectives
4. Conceptual Framework
5. Hypothesis
6. Methodology
7. Research Findings
8. Concluding Remarks
9. Suggestions and Policy Implications
2/15/2018 3
 Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality remain
vital issues in most service industries, including
financial service providers
 E.g. The insurance industry,
The major approach to differentiation and
distinguish from other insurers is service before and
after the sale of the policy
(Stafford and Wells, 1996)
Service Quality
• Service Quality is the extent to which a service meets
customers’ needs or expectations
Asubonteng et al (1996)
• Service Quality is meeting or exceeding customer
expectations, or the difference between customer
perceptions and expectations of service
Nitecki et al. (2000)
Customer Satisfaction
• Satisfaction / dissatisfaction is the consumer’s
fulfillment response, the degree to which the level of
fulfillment is pleasant or unpleasant
Oliver (1997)
• Satisfaction is the customer’s overall judgment of the
service provider
McDougall G. H. G. and Levesque. T (2000)
2/15/2018 5
2/15/2018 6
•When Perceived Service Quality is high, then it will
lead to increase in Customer Satisfaction. He supports
that fact that Service Quality leads to Customer
Parasuraman et al. (1985 )
•Customer Satisfaction is based upon the level of Service
Quality provided by the service provider
Saravana and Rao (2007);Lee et al. (2000)
2/15/2018 7
Author Research Title Findings
Siddiqui. M.H and
Sharma T. G,
Analyzing customer
satisfaction with service
quality in life insurance
competence, assurance,
corporate image
strongly affect on
customer satisfaction in
life insurance industry
in Indi
Upadhyaya. D and
Badlani M. (2011)
An empirical examination of
a model of perceived service
quality and satisfaction
customers go for better
priced life insurance
• Contradictory Ideas
Research Problem
2/15/2018 8
• Rare in Research World
Early researchers focused mostly on Banking,
healthcare, retail, education etc
(Gyasi and Azumah, 2009; Mehdi, 2007;
Asubonteng, McCleary, & Swan, 1996; Rust, & Oliver,
1994; Gronroos, 1994; Rust Zahorik, 1993)
2/15/2018 9
•What is the existing situation of Service Quality in Sri Lankan
Life Insurance Industry?
•Does Service Quality affect on Customer Satisfaction in Life
Insurance Industry?
•What are the most important Services Quality dimensions which
affect on Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry?
Research Questions
2/15/2018 10
• To identify existing situation of Service Quality in
Life Insurance Industry in Colombo District
• To identify the relationship between Service
Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Life
Insurance Industry
• To determine the impact of Service Quality
dimensions on Customer Satisfaction in Life
Insurance Industry
Research Objectives
2/15/2018 11
Service Quality
Financial Planning
•Corporate Image
Overall Customer
•Satisfaction with
•Satisfaction with
Functional Services
•Satisfaction with
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Conceptual Framework
Source: Siddiqui M.H. and Sharma T.G. (2010)
2/15/2018 12
H0: There is no relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
H1: There is a relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
H0: There is no relationship between Competence and Customer Satisfaction
H1: There is a relationship between Competence and Customer Satisfaction
H0: There is no relationship between Personalized Financial Planning and
Customer Satisfaction
H1: There is a relationship between Personalized Financial Planning and
Customer Satisfaction
H0: There is no relationship between Assurance and Customer Satisfaction
H1: There is a relationship between Assurance and Customer Satisfaction
2/15/2018 13
H0: There is no relationship between Tangibles and Customer Satisfaction
H1: There is a relationship between Tangibles and Customer Satisfaction
H0: There is no relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Satisfaction
H1: There is a relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Satisfaction
H0: There is no relationship between Technology and Customer Satisfaction
H1: There is a relationship between Technology and Customer Satisfaction
2/15/2018 14
Life Insurance Policyholders in Colombo District
100 Life Insurance Policyholders of Five Life Insurance
Companies in Colombo District
Unit of Analysis
Life Insurance Policyholder
Sampling Technique
Simple Random Sampling
Sample Selection
Life Insurance Policyholders
in Colombo District
Life Insurance Policyholders of
Five Life Insurance Companies
in Colombo District
20 Life Insurance
Policyholders from each
15 Life Insurance Companies
5 Life Insurance Companies
Highest Market Share
of GWP (IBSL, 2011)
2/15/2018 16
Primary Data
(2 Parts)
Secondary Data
•IBSL annual reports
•Journal articles
•Company annual
Data Collection
For Service Quality
For Customer
Descriptive statistics
Graphical representations : Graphs
Numerical representations : mean, variance
Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis
Regression Analysis
Simple Regression
Multiple Regression
Data Analysis
2/15/2018 18
Research Findings
2/15/2018 19
Background of the Sample
Figure 1 - Gender Distribution of the Sample
Source: Field Survey 2012
61% of the Sample is
Represented by Male
Life Policyholders
Gender Distribution of the Sample
2/15/2018 20
Figure 2 - Monthly Premium Expenses of the Sample
Source: Field Survey 2012
Monthly Premium Expenses of the Sample
Expenses group
Rs. 500-2000
2/15/2018 21
1. Existing situation of Service Quality in Life Insurance
Table 1 – Mean and Standard Deviation of Service Quality dimensions
Dimension Mean Standard Deviation
Assurance 3.6625 0.45418
Personalized Financial Planning 3.9925 0.52639
Competence 3.7150 0.37776
Tangibles 2.8925 0.68742
Corporate Image 3.5900 0.51198
Technology 3.7900 0.66609
Overall Service Quality 3.6015 0.29657
Source: Field Survey 2012
2/15/2018 22
2. There is a strong positive relationship between four Service
Quality dimensions and Customer Satisfaction
Dimension Pearson correlation P-value Null Hypothesis
Accepted/ Rejected
Assurance 0.618 0.000 H0 Rejected
Personalized Financial
0.561 0.000 H0 Rejected
Competence 0.012 0.905 H0 Accepted
Tangibles 0.159 0.114 H0 Accepted
Corporate Image 0.579 0.000 H0 Rejected
Technology 0.654 0.000 H0 Rejected
Not Significance
Table 2 - Correlation between Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction
Source: Field Survey 2012Significant at the 0.05 level .
2/15/2018 23
3. 59% of total variation in Customer Satisfaction is explained
by Service Quality in Life Insurance companies
Figure Value
R 0.768
R square 0.590
Adjusted R Square 0.586
Standard Error of Estimate 0.19077
Table 3-Model Summery of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Source: Field Survey 2012
2/15/2018 24
Model Sum of
DF F Significant
Regression 5.141 1 141.267 0.000
Table 4 - Analysis of Variance for Simple Linear Regressions
Source: Field Survey 2012
Significant at the 0.05 level
4. Simple Regression Model is Statistically significant
2/15/2018 25
Predictor ß Coefficients Standard Error P-Value
Constant 1.080 0.238 0.000
Service Quality 0.784 0.066 0.000
5. The Regression Equation
Table 5- Simple Linear Regression Analysis of Service Quality
versus Customer Satisfaction
Source: Field Survey 2012
Significant at the 0.05 level
CS = 1.080 + 0.784 SQ
2/15/2018 26
6. 74.4% of total variation in Customer Satisfaction is
explained by Service Quality Dimensions in Life Insurance
Figure Value
R 0.862
R square 0.744
Adjusted R Square 0.727
Standard Error of Estimate 0.15493
Table 6-Model Summery of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Source: Field Survey 2012
2/15/2018 27
Model Sum of
DF F Significant
Regression 6.475 6 44.964 0.000
Table 7 - Analysis of Variance for Multiple Linear Regressions
Source: Field Survey 2012
Significant at the 0.05 level
7. Multiple Regression Model is Statistically significant
2/15/2018 28
Predictor ß Coefficients Standard Error P-Value
Constant 0.786 0.282 0.006
Assurance 0.225 0.041 0.000
Personalized Financial Planning 0.161 0.062 0.011
Competence 0.094 0.043 0.031
Tangibles 0.040 0.025 0.114
Corporate Image 0.268 0.032 0.000
Technology 0.058 0.053 0.272
Table 8 - Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Service Quality dimensions
versus Customer Satisfaction
Source: Field Survey 2012
Not Significance
8. Corporate Image is the major predictor of Customer
Significant at the 0.05 level .
2/15/2018 29
CS = ß0 + ß1AS + ß2PFP + ß3TC + ß4CM + ß5TA + ß6CI + ε
CS = Customer Satisfaction TC = Technology
ß0 = Intercept of the equation CM = Competence
ß1, ß2, ß3, ß4 , ß5 , ß6 = Slope of the Equation TA = Tangibles
AS = Assurance CI = Corporate image
PFP = Personalized Financial Planning ε = Error term
9. The Regression Equation
CS = 0.786 + 0.225 AS + 0.161 PFP + 0.094 CM + 0.268 CI
Technology and Tangibles are removed from the regression model
because they are insignificant.
2/15/2018 30
Concluding Remarks
2/15/2018 31
First Objective
Highly agree with existing conditions of Assurance, Personalized Financial
Planning, Competence, Corporate Image and Technology of Life Insurance
Companies in Colombo District
Moderately agree with the existing situation of Tangibles in Life Insurance
Second Objective
Significant Positive relationship between Overall Service Quality and
Customer Satisfaction
Competence and Tangibles are not significantly associated with Customer
Satisfaction in Life Insurance Companies
2/15/2018 32
Third Objective
Corporate Image, Assurance, Personalized Financial Planning and
Competence are significantly impact on Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction is highly influenced by Corporate Image in life
Insurance Industry in Colombo District
However, Tangibles and Technology are not significantly influence on
Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry in Colombo district
2/15/2018 33
and Policy Implications
1) Improve satisfaction through Corporate Image of Life
Insurance Company
• Continuous innovations in life insurance policies
• Provisions for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities
• Invest in advertising and conduct road shows
2/15/2018 34
2) Improve satisfaction through Assurance of Life Insurance
• Ensure the policyholders’ transactions are safety
• Ensure truthfulness in keeping to promises to customers
• Insist on error-free records regarding customer information
• Recruiting knowledgeable and skilled employees’ who are polite and
capable on providing information required by customers
3) Improve satisfaction through Personalized Financial
Planning of Life Insurance Company
• Formulate flexible life insurance product solutions which match to the
individuals’ income level, risk level, age and career status
• Develop flexible premium payment schedule
• Provide loan facilities, bonuses and other incentives to customers
2/15/2018 35
4) Improve satisfaction through Competence of Life Insurance
• Recruiting employees who have knowledge and skills regarding the
insurance business and who can provide correct information to the customer
• Formulate online complaint handling procedure
• Claim settlement process should be made fast and must not involve lengthy
decision making process
2/15/2018 36
2/15/2018 37
Supportive Slides
Independent variable (Service Quality)
2/15/2018 38
Dimension Indicators Measurement
Assurance 1. Safety transaction Five point Likert
scale2. employee behavior
3.employee politeness
4.employee knowledge and skills
Provision of flexible payment schedule Five point Likert
scale2.Availability of flexible product solution
3.Provisions for Convertibility of products
4.Supplementary services
2/15/2018 39
Dimension Indicators Measurement
Competence 1.Efficient staff Five point Likert
scale2.Easy access to information
3.Prompt & Efficient complaint handling
4.Prompt and hassle free claims settlement
Tangibles 1.up-to-date equipments Five point Likert
2.visual appearance
3.employee appearance
4.physical environment
2/15/2018 40
Dimension Indicators Measurement
1.Innovativeness in introducing new products Five point
Likert scale2.reputation
3.Financially stable company responsiveness
Technology 3.Financially stable company Five point
Likert responsiveness
5.brand image
2/15/2018 41
Dependent variable (Customer Satisfaction)
Dimension Indicators Measurement
with Agents
1. Trusting agents when explaining policies Five point
Likert scale2. Trained and well-informed agents
3.Clarity in explaining policy’s terms and conditions
1.policy features Five point
Likert scale2.policy returns
1.Reccomendation Five point
Likert scale2.Re-purchasing
3.Long term relationship
• The study is specifically only to the five life insurance companies out of
fifteen life insurance companies that offer life insurance services in
Colombo district
• Because of time constraint sample size was restricted to 100 respondents
and this is relatively small
• Though, structured questionnaire method was used to collect data for this
research it may not be sufficient. In addition to questionnaire method, direct
interview may provide sufficiency information
2/15/2018 42
2/15/2018 43
Author Research Title Findings
Oliver, Richard.
Satisfaction: A behavior
perspective on the
Perceived Service
Quality and
Satisfaction is
distinct constructs
Spreng, R. A. and
Mackoy, R. D,
An empirical
examination of a model
of perceived service
quality and satisfaction
There is a causal
relationship between
Service Quality and
Literature Review
2/15/2018 44
Author Research Title Findings
Graham K. Rand,
Path analysis of
perceived service
quality, satisfaction and
loyalty in Greek
positive correlation
between the levels of
the service’s
tangibility with the
importance of its
tangible dimension to
the customers
Upadhyaya. D and
Badlani M. (2011)
An empirical
examination of a model
of perceived service
quality and satisfaction
customers go for
better priced life
insurance policy
• Asubonteng, P., McCleary, K.J. and Swan, J.E., “SERVQUAL revisited: a
critical review of service quality”, The Journal of Services Marketing,
Vol.10, (1996) pp.62-81
• Lee, H., Lee, Y. & Yoo, D. , “The determinants of perceived service quality
and its relationship with satisfaction”, Journal of Service Marketing, Vol.
14, Number 3, (2000), p.217-231
• McDougall. G. H. G. and Levesque. T,, “Customer satisfaction with
services: Putting perceived value into the equation”, Journal of Services
Marketing, Vol.14 (5), 2000, pp.392 – 410
• Niteki D.A. and Hernon P., “Measuring Service Quality at Yale university’s
libraries”, journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 26 (4), (2000), pp. 259-
2/15/2018 45
• Oliver, Richard L. Satisfaction: “A behavior perspective on the consumer,
New York Irwin McGraw Hill, (1997)
• Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., and Berry, L. L, “A conceptual model of
service quality and its implications for future research”, Journal of
Marketing, Vol. 49, (1985 ), p.41-50.
• Saravanan, R. and Rao, K. S. P. , “Measurement of service quality from the
customer’s perspective – An empirical study”, Total Quality Management,
Vol. 18. No. 4, (2007), p.435-449
• Siddiqui. M.H and Sharma T. G, “Analyzing customer satisfaction with
service quality in life insurance services”, Journal of Targeting,
Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 18, 3/4,2010,pp.221–238
• Stafford and Wells, 1996 "Path analysis of perceived service quality,
satisfaction and loyalty in Greek insurance", Managing Service Quality,
Vol. 16 Iss: 5 pp. 501 – 5192/15/2018 46
Measurement Criteria
• If mean value:
1<= X< 2.5 Not at all agree
2.5<= X<3.5 Moderately agree
3.5<= X<5 Almost agree
• If correlation value is:
r = +1 (perfect positive correlation)
0.5 < r < +1 (strong positive correlation)
0 < r < 0.5 (weak positive correlation)
r = 0 (no correlation)
-0.5 < r < 0 (weak negative correlation)
-1 < r <-0.5 (strong negative correlation)
r = -1 (perfect negative correlation)
2/15/2018 47
2/15/2018 48
Figure - Linear Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Source: SPSS output from field information
2/15/2018 49
Life insurance companies in SL
2/15/2018 50
1. Amana Takaful PLC
2. Asian Allianz Insurance PLC
3. AVIVA NDB Insurance PLC
4. Ceylinco Insurance PLC
5. Cooperative Insurance company Ltd
6. HNB Assurance PLC
7. Janashakthi Insurance PLC
8. LOLC Insurance PLC
9. MBSL Insurance PLC
10. Seemasahitha Sanasa Rakshana Samagama
11. Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Ltd
12. Union Assurance PLC
13. Life Insurance Corporation
14. Arpico Insurance Limited
15. Allianz Life Insurance Lanka Ltd
Time Frame
2/15/2018 51
November December January February March April
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Finalizing the
Topic Selection and
Proposal Writing
Design and
Data Collection
Data analysis
Drafting Chapters
Preparation an
Submission of final
Final Presentation

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Service quality and customer satisfaction related to Insurance industry

  • 1. 12/15/2018 Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction An Assessment with Special Reference to Life Insurance Companies in Colombo District
  • 2. 2/15/2018 2 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Research Problem 3. Research Objectives 4. Conceptual Framework 5. Hypothesis 6. Methodology 7. Research Findings 8. Concluding Remarks 9. Suggestions and Policy Implications
  • 3. 2/15/2018 3  Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality remain vital issues in most service industries, including financial service providers  E.g. The insurance industry, The major approach to differentiation and distinguish from other insurers is service before and after the sale of the policy (Stafford and Wells, 1996) Introduction
  • 4. Service Quality • Service Quality is the extent to which a service meets customers’ needs or expectations Asubonteng et al (1996) • Service Quality is meeting or exceeding customer expectations, or the difference between customer perceptions and expectations of service Nitecki et al. (2000) 42/15/2018 Cont’d
  • 5. Customer Satisfaction • Satisfaction / dissatisfaction is the consumer’s fulfillment response, the degree to which the level of fulfillment is pleasant or unpleasant Oliver (1997) • Satisfaction is the customer’s overall judgment of the service provider McDougall G. H. G. and Levesque. T (2000) 2/15/2018 5 Cont’d
  • 6. 2/15/2018 6 •When Perceived Service Quality is high, then it will lead to increase in Customer Satisfaction. He supports that fact that Service Quality leads to Customer Satisfaction Parasuraman et al. (1985 ) •Customer Satisfaction is based upon the level of Service Quality provided by the service provider Saravana and Rao (2007);Lee et al. (2000) Cont’d
  • 7. 2/15/2018 7 Author Research Title Findings Siddiqui. M.H and Sharma T. G, Analyzing customer satisfaction with service quality in life insurance services competence, assurance, corporate image strongly affect on customer satisfaction in life insurance industry in Indi Upadhyaya. D and Badlani M. (2011) An empirical examination of a model of perceived service quality and satisfaction customers go for better priced life insurance policy • Contradictory Ideas Research Problem
  • 8. 2/15/2018 8 • Rare in Research World Early researchers focused mostly on Banking, healthcare, retail, education etc (Gyasi and Azumah, 2009; Mehdi, 2007; Asubonteng, McCleary, & Swan, 1996; Rust, & Oliver, 1994; Gronroos, 1994; Rust Zahorik, 1993) Cont’d
  • 9. 2/15/2018 9 •What is the existing situation of Service Quality in Sri Lankan Life Insurance Industry? •Does Service Quality affect on Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry? •What are the most important Services Quality dimensions which affect on Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry? Research Questions
  • 10. 2/15/2018 10 • To identify existing situation of Service Quality in Life Insurance Industry in Colombo District • To identify the relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry • To determine the impact of Service Quality dimensions on Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry Research Objectives
  • 11. 2/15/2018 11 Service Quality •Assurance •Personalized Financial Planning •Technology •Competence •Tangibles •Corporate Image Overall Customer Satisfaction •Satisfaction with Agents •Satisfaction with Functional Services •Satisfaction with Company Independent Variable Dependent Variable Conceptual Framework Source: Siddiqui M.H. and Sharma T.G. (2010)
  • 12. 2/15/2018 12 Hypothesis H0: There is no relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is a relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction H0: There is no relationship between Competence and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is a relationship between Competence and Customer Satisfaction H0: There is no relationship between Personalized Financial Planning and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is a relationship between Personalized Financial Planning and Customer Satisfaction H0: There is no relationship between Assurance and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is a relationship between Assurance and Customer Satisfaction
  • 13. 2/15/2018 13 H0: There is no relationship between Tangibles and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is a relationship between Tangibles and Customer Satisfaction H0: There is no relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is a relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Satisfaction H0: There is no relationship between Technology and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is a relationship between Technology and Customer Satisfaction Cont’d
  • 14. 2/15/2018 14 Sampling Population Life Insurance Policyholders in Colombo District Sample 100 Life Insurance Policyholders of Five Life Insurance Companies in Colombo District Unit of Analysis Life Insurance Policyholder Sampling Technique Simple Random Sampling Methodology
  • 15. Sample Selection 2/15/2018 Population Life Insurance Policyholders in Colombo District Life Insurance Policyholders of Five Life Insurance Companies in Colombo District 20 Life Insurance Policyholders from each company Sample 100 15 Life Insurance Companies 5 Life Insurance Companies Highest Market Share of GWP (IBSL, 2011)
  • 16. 2/15/2018 16 Primary Data Questionnaire (2 Parts) Secondary Data •IBSL annual reports •Journal articles •Company annual reports Data Collection For Service Quality For Customer Satisfaction
  • 17. Descriptive statistics Graphical representations : Graphs Numerical representations : mean, variance Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis Regression Analysis Simple Regression Multiple Regression 172/15/2018 Data Analysis
  • 19. 2/15/2018 19 Background of the Sample Figure 1 - Gender Distribution of the Sample Source: Field Survey 2012 61% of the Sample is Represented by Male Life Policyholders Gender Distribution of the Sample
  • 20. 2/15/2018 20 Figure 2 - Monthly Premium Expenses of the Sample Source: Field Survey 2012 Monthly Premium Expenses of the Sample Highest Premium Expenses group is Rs. 500-2000 Cont’d
  • 21. 2/15/2018 21 1. Existing situation of Service Quality in Life Insurance Companies Table 1 – Mean and Standard Deviation of Service Quality dimensions Dimension Mean Standard Deviation Assurance 3.6625 0.45418 Personalized Financial Planning 3.9925 0.52639 Competence 3.7150 0.37776 Tangibles 2.8925 0.68742 Corporate Image 3.5900 0.51198 Technology 3.7900 0.66609 Overall Service Quality 3.6015 0.29657 Source: Field Survey 2012
  • 22. 2/15/2018 22 2. There is a strong positive relationship between four Service Quality dimensions and Customer Satisfaction Dimension Pearson correlation P-value Null Hypothesis Accepted/ Rejected Assurance 0.618 0.000 H0 Rejected Personalized Financial Planning 0.561 0.000 H0 Rejected Competence 0.012 0.905 H0 Accepted Tangibles 0.159 0.114 H0 Accepted Corporate Image 0.579 0.000 H0 Rejected Technology 0.654 0.000 H0 Rejected Not Significance Table 2 - Correlation between Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction Source: Field Survey 2012Significant at the 0.05 level .
  • 23. 2/15/2018 23 3. 59% of total variation in Customer Satisfaction is explained by Service Quality in Life Insurance companies Figure Value R 0.768 R square 0.590 Adjusted R Square 0.586 Standard Error of Estimate 0.19077 Table 3-Model Summery of Simple Linear Regression Analysis Source: Field Survey 2012
  • 24. 2/15/2018 24 Model Sum of Squares DF F Significant Regression 5.141 1 141.267 0.000 Table 4 - Analysis of Variance for Simple Linear Regressions Source: Field Survey 2012 Significant at the 0.05 level 4. Simple Regression Model is Statistically significant
  • 25. 2/15/2018 25 Predictor ß Coefficients Standard Error P-Value Constant 1.080 0.238 0.000 Service Quality 0.784 0.066 0.000 5. The Regression Equation Table 5- Simple Linear Regression Analysis of Service Quality versus Customer Satisfaction Source: Field Survey 2012 Significant at the 0.05 level CS = 1.080 + 0.784 SQ
  • 26. 2/15/2018 26 6. 74.4% of total variation in Customer Satisfaction is explained by Service Quality Dimensions in Life Insurance companies Figure Value R 0.862 R square 0.744 Adjusted R Square 0.727 Standard Error of Estimate 0.15493 Table 6-Model Summery of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Source: Field Survey 2012
  • 27. 2/15/2018 27 Model Sum of Squares DF F Significant Regression 6.475 6 44.964 0.000 Table 7 - Analysis of Variance for Multiple Linear Regressions Source: Field Survey 2012 Significant at the 0.05 level 7. Multiple Regression Model is Statistically significant
  • 28. 2/15/2018 28 Predictor ß Coefficients Standard Error P-Value Constant 0.786 0.282 0.006 Assurance 0.225 0.041 0.000 Personalized Financial Planning 0.161 0.062 0.011 Competence 0.094 0.043 0.031 Tangibles 0.040 0.025 0.114 Corporate Image 0.268 0.032 0.000 Technology 0.058 0.053 0.272 Table 8 - Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Service Quality dimensions versus Customer Satisfaction Source: Field Survey 2012 Not Significance 8. Corporate Image is the major predictor of Customer Satisfaction Significant at the 0.05 level .
  • 29. 2/15/2018 29 CS = ß0 + ß1AS + ß2PFP + ß3TC + ß4CM + ß5TA + ß6CI + ε Where, CS = Customer Satisfaction TC = Technology ß0 = Intercept of the equation CM = Competence ß1, ß2, ß3, ß4 , ß5 , ß6 = Slope of the Equation TA = Tangibles AS = Assurance CI = Corporate image PFP = Personalized Financial Planning ε = Error term 9. The Regression Equation CS = 0.786 + 0.225 AS + 0.161 PFP + 0.094 CM + 0.268 CI Technology and Tangibles are removed from the regression model because they are insignificant.
  • 31. 2/15/2018 31 First Objective Highly agree with existing conditions of Assurance, Personalized Financial Planning, Competence, Corporate Image and Technology of Life Insurance Companies in Colombo District Moderately agree with the existing situation of Tangibles in Life Insurance Companies Second Objective Significant Positive relationship between Overall Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Competence and Tangibles are not significantly associated with Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Companies
  • 32. 2/15/2018 32 Third Objective Corporate Image, Assurance, Personalized Financial Planning and Competence are significantly impact on Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction is highly influenced by Corporate Image in life Insurance Industry in Colombo District However, Tangibles and Technology are not significantly influence on Customer Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry in Colombo district Cont’d
  • 34. 1) Improve satisfaction through Corporate Image of Life Insurance Company • Continuous innovations in life insurance policies • Provisions for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities • Invest in advertising and conduct road shows 2/15/2018 34 2) Improve satisfaction through Assurance of Life Insurance Company • Ensure the policyholders’ transactions are safety • Ensure truthfulness in keeping to promises to customers • Insist on error-free records regarding customer information • Recruiting knowledgeable and skilled employees’ who are polite and capable on providing information required by customers
  • 35. 3) Improve satisfaction through Personalized Financial Planning of Life Insurance Company • Formulate flexible life insurance product solutions which match to the individuals’ income level, risk level, age and career status • Develop flexible premium payment schedule • Provide loan facilities, bonuses and other incentives to customers 2/15/2018 35 4) Improve satisfaction through Competence of Life Insurance Company • Recruiting employees who have knowledge and skills regarding the insurance business and who can provide correct information to the customer • Formulate online complaint handling procedure • Claim settlement process should be made fast and must not involve lengthy decision making process Cont’d
  • 38. Independent variable (Service Quality) 2/15/2018 38 Dimension Indicators Measurement Assurance 1. Safety transaction Five point Likert scale2. employee behavior 3.employee politeness 4.employee knowledge and skills Personalized Financial Planning Provision of flexible payment schedule Five point Likert scale2.Availability of flexible product solution 3.Provisions for Convertibility of products 4.Supplementary services
  • 39. 2/15/2018 39 Dimension Indicators Measurement Competence 1.Efficient staff Five point Likert scale2.Easy access to information 3.Prompt & Efficient complaint handling mechanism 4.Prompt and hassle free claims settlement Tangibles 1.up-to-date equipments Five point Likert scale 2.visual appearance 3.employee appearance 4.physical environment
  • 40. 2/15/2018 40 Dimension Indicators Measurement Corporate Image 1.Innovativeness in introducing new products Five point Likert scale2.reputation 3.Financially stable company responsiveness Technology 3.Financially stable company Five point Likert responsiveness 5.brand image
  • 41. 2/15/2018 41 Dependent variable (Customer Satisfaction) Dimension Indicators Measurement Satisfaction with Agents 1. Trusting agents when explaining policies Five point Likert scale2. Trained and well-informed agents 3.Clarity in explaining policy’s terms and conditions Satisfaction with Functional Services 1.policy features Five point Likert scale2.policy returns 3.responsiveness Satisfaction with Company 1.Reccomendation Five point Likert scale2.Re-purchasing 3.Long term relationship
  • 42. • The study is specifically only to the five life insurance companies out of fifteen life insurance companies that offer life insurance services in Colombo district • Because of time constraint sample size was restricted to 100 respondents and this is relatively small • Though, structured questionnaire method was used to collect data for this research it may not be sufficient. In addition to questionnaire method, direct interview may provide sufficiency information 2/15/2018 42 Limitations
  • 43. 2/15/2018 43 Author Research Title Findings Oliver, Richard. L,1997 Satisfaction: A behavior perspective on the consumer Perceived Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction is distinct constructs Spreng, R. A. and Mackoy, R. D, 1996 An empirical examination of a model of perceived service quality and satisfaction There is a causal relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Literature Review
  • 44. 2/15/2018 44 Author Research Title Findings Evangelos Tsoukatos, Graham K. Rand, (2006) Path analysis of perceived service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in Greek insurance positive correlation between the levels of the service’s tangibility with the importance of its tangible dimension to the customers Upadhyaya. D and Badlani M. (2011) An empirical examination of a model of perceived service quality and satisfaction customers go for better priced life insurance policy Cont’d
  • 45. References • Asubonteng, P., McCleary, K.J. and Swan, J.E., “SERVQUAL revisited: a critical review of service quality”, The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.10, (1996) pp.62-81 • Lee, H., Lee, Y. & Yoo, D. , “The determinants of perceived service quality and its relationship with satisfaction”, Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 14, Number 3, (2000), p.217-231 • McDougall. G. H. G. and Levesque. T,, “Customer satisfaction with services: Putting perceived value into the equation”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.14 (5), 2000, pp.392 – 410 • Niteki D.A. and Hernon P., “Measuring Service Quality at Yale university’s libraries”, journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 26 (4), (2000), pp. 259- 273 2/15/2018 45
  • 46. • Oliver, Richard L. Satisfaction: “A behavior perspective on the consumer, New York Irwin McGraw Hill, (1997) • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., and Berry, L. L, “A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49, (1985 ), p.41-50. • Saravanan, R. and Rao, K. S. P. , “Measurement of service quality from the customer’s perspective – An empirical study”, Total Quality Management, Vol. 18. No. 4, (2007), p.435-449 • Siddiqui. M.H and Sharma T. G, “Analyzing customer satisfaction with service quality in life insurance services”, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 18, 3/4,2010,pp.221–238 • Stafford and Wells, 1996 "Path analysis of perceived service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in Greek insurance", Managing Service Quality, Vol. 16 Iss: 5 pp. 501 – 5192/15/2018 46 Cont’d
  • 47. Measurement Criteria • If mean value: 1<= X< 2.5 Not at all agree 2.5<= X<3.5 Moderately agree 3.5<= X<5 Almost agree • If correlation value is: r = +1 (perfect positive correlation) 0.5 < r < +1 (strong positive correlation) 0 < r < 0.5 (weak positive correlation) r = 0 (no correlation) -0.5 < r < 0 (weak negative correlation) -1 < r <-0.5 (strong negative correlation) r = -1 (perfect negative correlation) 2/15/2018 47
  • 48. 2/15/2018 48 Figure - Linear Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Source: SPSS output from field information
  • 50. Life insurance companies in SL 2/15/2018 50 1. Amana Takaful PLC 2. Asian Allianz Insurance PLC 3. AVIVA NDB Insurance PLC 4. Ceylinco Insurance PLC 5. Cooperative Insurance company Ltd 6. HNB Assurance PLC 7. Janashakthi Insurance PLC 8. LOLC Insurance PLC 9. MBSL Insurance PLC 10. Seemasahitha Sanasa Rakshana Samagama 11. Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Ltd 12. Union Assurance PLC 13. Life Insurance Corporation 14. Arpico Insurance Limited 15. Allianz Life Insurance Lanka Ltd
  • 51. Time Frame 2/15/2018 51 Activity November December January February March April 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Finalizing the Topic Selection and Proposal Writing Questionnaire Design and finalizing Data Collection Data analysis Drafting Chapters Preparation an Submission of final report Final Presentation