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Epidemiology of Malocclusion

       Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
The prevalence of malocclusions in modern populations
Orthodontic Anomalies of any kind and malocclusions are relative
    infrequently analyzed in bio-archaeological investigations

                           There are at least three reasons for this
orthodontic anomalies and
malocclusions are not recognized by
bioarchaeologists, anthropologists,
and related scientists as an important
and useful source of data about the
oral and general health of ancient
populations, as well as an important
source of data about other aspects of
their everyday life

  ‫لم يتم التعرف على حاالت سوء اإلطباق بواسطة‬
   ،‫علماء اآلثارالبيولوجية، علماء األنثروبولوجيا‬
   ‫كمصدر مهم ومفيد من البيانات حول صحة الفم‬
       ‫والعامة من الشعوب القديمة، وكذلك مصدرا‬
    ‫مهما للبيانات عن الجوانب األخرى من حياتهم‬

Scientists involved in the examination of skeletal remains derived
from archaeological contexts usually do not have enough
knowledge for the identification (diagnosis) of orthodontic
anomaliesor for the interpretation of malocclusions

         ‫العلماء المشاركين في دراسة بقايا الهياكل العظمية المستمدة من‬
        ‫سياقات األثرية عادة ليس لديهم ما يكفي من المعرفة لتفسير سوء‬

    Dentists, as experts educated in the diagnosis and
    interpretations of orthodontic status are rarely
    involved in bio-archaeological investigations.

     .‫أطباء األسنان، وخبراء التشخيص نادرا ما يشاركوا في التحقيقات األثرية‬
Third:                                    ‫حتى عندما يتم التعرف على أهمية تقويم األسنان، وأنها هي‬
even when the importance of              ‫محور التحقيق، وحتى لو أحد الباحثين هو طبيب أسنان، هناك‬
orthodontic anomalies is recognised,           ‫مشكلة هامة هي: عدم وجود عينات صالحة لالستعمال‬
and they are a focus of the
investigation, and even if one of the
researchers is a dentist, there is the
final and possibly most important
problem: the lack of usable samples

Papers and reports about
malocclusions and orthodontic
anomalies in skeletal populations
from archaeological contexts are
relatively rare and often based on
small samples
Although Malocclusion Now Generally Occurs In Much Of The Population, this was not always the case.

        Skeletal remains show that malocclusions were relatively unusual before the 19th and
                                          20th centuries
However Malocclusions were not absent

ً‫اإلنسان البدائ‬               Neanderthal specimen        CROWDING , although the

                              estimated to be 100,000     Neanderthals had little rotation and

                              years old                   displacement of teeth with close a

                                                          proximal contacts

                              ancient skull dated about   Impacted maxillary canines

                              7250 to 6700 BC.            congenitally missing third molars

                              since Medieval Times
                                                          Several reports found increases in
                                    ‫العصور الوسطى‬
                                                          the frequency of malocclusion

                              the last 150 years          increases in malocclusion frequency

                                                          seem to have accelerated in modern

                                                          industrialized societies , after only

                                                          modest changes for 6000 years
Problems of Dental Public Health

             Caries              Periodontal          Malocclusion             others

               Malocclusions are THIRD in the ranking of priorities among the problems of
                      dental public health worldwide, surpassed only by dental cavity and
                                               periodontal diseases

             with the reduction of caries in children and adolescents in recent decades,
                                  this condition has received more attention
‫الدراسات االستقصائية‬
     Many organized surveys have been carried out in different parts of the world

                with the objective of

        Estimating prevalence of malocclusion & orthodontic treatment needs

                     The ultimate goal being to identify etiologic factors

  Prevalence is when
something is widespread

                                                                        The total number of cases of
                                                                        a condition in a given
                                                                        population at a specific time
Prevalence of malocclusion

Country             % of malocclusion
Chinese children    67.82
Nigeria children    84 % Class I malocclusion
                    1.7 % Class II malocclusion
Indian Children     19.6 %
American            34 % whites
                    15 % blacks

      is estimated to be HIGHER in

                   Developed countries > developing & under-developed countries
Measurement of malocclusion

Malocclusion & dento-facial deformity are conditions that

                                                        ‫تشكل خطرا على المحافظة على صحة الفم واألسنان‬
                - Constitute a hazard to the maintenance of oral health

                 - Interfere with the well being of the person by adversely
                 affecting dento-facial aesthetics, mandibular function or speech
Measurement of malocclusion
                                 as a public health problem is extremely difficult

       since most orthodontic treatment is undertaken for AESTHETIC REASONS

              It is very difficult to estimate the extent to which malposed teeth or
              dento-facial anomalies constitute a psychological hazard

            ‫من الصعب للغاٌة تقدٌر المدى إلى أي حد ٌشكل سو اإلطباق مشكلة نفسٌة‬
Malocclusion has proved to be a difficult entity to define


               individual perceptions of what constitute a malocclusion problem differ widely

                              ‫تختلف التصورات الفردية فبما يعتبر مشكلة سو اإلطبلق على نطاق واسع‬

As a result

     No generally accepted
     epidemiological index of
     malocclusion has yet
     been devised
Malocclusion is not an acute condition


Treatment of malocclusion has been associated with a great degree of subjectivity
                  and distorted perceptions of treatment need

                          "‫"دراسة لديناميكية حدوث حالة أو سمة في مجتمع أو مجموعة‬

          NHANES III                                                               USPHS survey

                                • “study of the dynamics of occurrence of a

          (1989-1994)               condition or trait in a population or
                                                                                   (1963, 1969 &1970)

14,000 individuals surveyed
                                                                                     data on :
provides current information       Epidemiology                                      6 - 11 and 12 -17 year-
on children, adults and major
                                                                                     old children
ethnic groups
Current Malocclusion Prevalence Data

NHANES III ( National Health And Nutrition Estimates Survey III)            1989-1994

                                                  Study design
                                                        14,000 individuals sampled
                                                        Target population of 150,000,000
                                                        Statistically designed weighted
                                                        75% Whites, 11% African Americans
                                                          and 8% Hispanics

   Malocclusion is not a disease,

but a spectrum representing biological


                                                               When the deviation from the

                                                                normal reaches a certain degree of

                                                                severity (threshold), then it is

                                                                termed malocclusion

                    What is of relevance is “clinically significant” deviation from normal occlusion

                     Mild                      35%

  20%             20%

                            Severe   20%        5%

                             20%                 Handicapped

A handicapping malocclusion

             DEFINITION:             Abnormal dental development with at least one of the following:

(a) A medical condition and/or a nutritional
    deficiency with medical physiological impact,
    that is documented in the physician progress
    notes that predate the diagnosis and request
    for orthodontics.
The condition must be non-responsive to
medical treatment without orthodontic

   (b) The presence of a speech pathology, that is documented in speech therapy progress notes
   that predate the diagnosis and request for orthodontics.
   The condition must be non-responsive to speech therapy without orthodontic treatment.
(c) Palatal tissue laceration from a
deep impinging overbite where
lower incisor teeth contact palatal
This does not include occasional
biting of the cheek

   Sagittal or Antero-


   Vertical

   Transverse

   Intra-arch


   Irregularity index

   Midline Diastema (spacing)

   Posterior cross-bite (transverse)

   Overjet (antero-posterior)

   Overbite/ Openbite (vertical)
   Little more than 50% surveyed had little or no
     IRREGULARITY and DIASTEMA                      crowding with about 6-8 % exhibiting severe to
                                                    extreme crowding in the younger age group

Irregularity increased between childhood and           26% had maxillary midline diastemas in the
youth, and was largely stable between youth              8-11 age group, which decreased to 6% in
and adult EXCEPT for mandibular crowding                 later age groups
which increased
                       Antero-posterior component

Class I malocclusion         Class II malocclusion   Class III malocclusion

Antero-Posterior Dimension

                  Class II
Overjet     8-11 yrs       12-17yrs   18-50 yrs

10mm       0.2                0.2    0.4
7-10        3.4                3.5    3.9
5-6         18.9               11.9   9.1
3-4         45.2               39.5   37.7
Ideal 1-2   29.6               39.3   43.0
                   Class III
0           2.2                4.6    4.8
-1 to -2    0.7                0.5    0.7
-3 to -4    0                  0.6    0.2
-4         0                  0      0.1
Antero-Posterior Dimension, By Ethnicity

                                      Class II
                          Overjet      EA         AA     Hispanic
                          10mm        0.3        0.4    0.4
                           7-10        3.8        4.3    2.2
                            5-6        10.1       11.8   6.5
                            3-4        38.0       39.8   49.0
                         Ideal 1-2     42.4       35.6   33.6
                                      Class III
                             0         4.1        6.1     6.7
                          -1 to -2     0.5        1.5     0.9
                          -3 to -4     0.2        0.4     0.4
                            -4        0.1        0.1     0.3

                            NORMAL OCCLUSION

                      LINGUAL POSTERIOR CROSS BITE

   Vertical problems of anterior open bite versus

    anterior deep bite exhibits RACIAL DIFFERENCES

   Anterior open bites          Anterior deep bites

    affect significantly          are more common

    larger number of              in European-

    African-Americans             Americans

        30% had normal Class I occlusion                    15-20% had Class II malocclusions

        50-55% had Class I malocclusions (crowding)         Less than 1% had Class III malocclusions

                                        Class II malocclusions             Normal Class I occlusion

       Class II problems were

        most prevalent in
                                              Class I malocclusions (crowding)
        people of European


       Class III problems were MORE prevalent in the African American, Hispanic and East Asian populations
For many years,
    Epidemiologic studies of malocclusion suffered from:
    considerable DISAGREEMENT among the investigators

                                  100          % of malocclusion

The considerable variations        90

in malocclusion frequency          80
and treatment need relate to:      70
-     different ages,              60
-     genetics,
-     methods of registrations.
-     the size and composition
      of the group studied (for
      example age and racial       20

      characteristics),            10
                                            1930           1945    1955        1965
                                        Prevalence of malocclusion in the United States
Prevalence of crowding



50             Age= 13
               n= 200
40                              Age= 13
     Age= 10 -12                n= 200
30   n= 479

20                                              Age≥20                     Age= 12
                                                n=669                      n= 5744

     Libya   Jordan   Jordan    Iraq
              (Max.   (Mand.            Iraq    Sweden
               ant)            (Max.   (Mand.            Sweden   South
                       ant)     ant)             Male    Female
                                        ant)                      Africa
Mean overjet and prevalences of increased overjet




                                                          mean OJ
                                                          OJ ≥ 6



     Jordan       America        England         Iraq

             There was a tendency to decreased size and number of teeth

             Modern Humans have underdeveloped jaws

             Imbalance between the progressive decreased jaw size and tooth

               size can lead to teeth crowding or spacing

             Less use of masticatory forces with softer food could have lead to

               an increase in malocclusion
Need for orthodontic treatment


can cause three types of problems for the patient:

                                         1- Discrimination because of facial appearance

                                           2- Problems of Oral functions and TMD

                                          3- Greater susceptibility to trauma,
                                             periodontal disease, or tooth decay
•          Psychological problems

                                     Malocclusion is likely to be a social handicap
                                                                                 ‫ٌحتمل أن ٌكون عائقا اجتماعٌة‬

           Well-aligned teeth and                                                   Appearance makes a

            pleasing smile carry                                                      difference in teachers'

            Positive Status to all                                                    expectations and therefore

            social levels                                                             student progress, in
                                                                                      employment and in
                                                                                      competition for a mate.

                An individual who is grossly disfigured can anticipate a consistently Negative Response.
• Oral function
Severe malocclusion can

                          Compromise mastication as in open bite cases

                       certain sounds might be impossible to be
                            produced and patients usually need speech
                            therapy (as in Cleft lip/palate patients)

                            (Class III, anterior open bite, posterior cross
                                bite and rotated/tipped teeth) correlate
                                positively to TMD

So, Malocclusion + TMD may indicate the need for orthodontic treatment
Relationship to injury and Dental diseases

   Malocclusion contributes to caries and
     periodontal disease by increasing the areas of
     food stagnation.

   Trauma from occlusion due to improper
     alignment of teeth can cause periodontal

   Protruded incisors as in Class II Division 1
     malocclusion, can make the patient more prone
     to trauma than well-aligned incisors.
Epidemiologic estimate of orthodontic treatment need and demand:
                : ‫تقدير الحاجة والطلب إلى عالج تقويم األسنان‬

 About 35 % of adolescents are perceived by

    parents and peers as needing orthodontic


   Dentists recommend treatment for another 20%

 There is more orthodontic need in urban areas

    than in rural areas

      Demand for orthodontic need is correlated to family income
Occlusal indices
Occlusal indices

Diagnostic   Epidemiologic   Treatment needs    Treatment outcome   Treatment complexity
  indices        indices          indices             indices              Index
Occlusal indices

Diagnostic       Epidemiologic         Treatment needs      Treatment outcome      Treatment complexity
  indices            indices                indices               indices                 Index

    Dental esthetic     DAI components include:
    index (DAI), Cons   1. Number of visible missing teeth (incisors, canines and premolars in
    (1986)              maxillary and mandibular arch).
                        2. Incisal segment crowding
                        3. Incisal segment spacing
                        4. Midline diastema
                        5. Maxillary anterior irregularity
                        6. Mandibular anterior irregularity
                        7. Maxillary overjet
                        8. Mandibular overjet
                        9. Vertical anterior open bite
                        10. Anteroposterior molar relationship
Occlusal indices

Diagnostic   Epidemiologic        Treatment needs     Treatment outcome       Treatment complexity
  indices        indices               indices              indices                  Index

               DAI score     Severity levels
                             Normal or minor malocclusion
                  25
                             No treatment need or slight need
                             Definite malocclusion Treatment elective
                26 – 30

                             Severe malocclusion Treatment highly desirable
                31 – 35

                             Very severe (handicapping) malocclusion
                  36        Treatment mandatory

 It has two components

 A. Dental health component (DHC):
             has five grades

Grade 1—none: variations in occlusion
including displacement less than or
equal to 1 mm.
Grade 2—little
Grade 3—moderate
Grade 4—great
Grade 5—Very great

  B. Esthetic component of IOTN
Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair

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Epidemiology of Malocclusion Dr.Nabil Al-Zubair

  • 1. Epidemiology of Malocclusion Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
  • 2. The prevalence of malocclusions in modern populations
  • 3. Orthodontic Anomalies of any kind and malocclusions are relative infrequently analyzed in bio-archaeological investigations There are at least three reasons for this
  • 4. First: orthodontic anomalies and malocclusions are not recognized by bioarchaeologists, anthropologists, and related scientists as an important and useful source of data about the oral and general health of ancient populations, as well as an important source of data about other aspects of their everyday life ‫لم يتم التعرف على حاالت سوء اإلطباق بواسطة‬ ،‫علماء اآلثارالبيولوجية، علماء األنثروبولوجيا‬ ‫كمصدر مهم ومفيد من البيانات حول صحة الفم‬ ‫والعامة من الشعوب القديمة، وكذلك مصدرا‬ ‫مهما للبيانات عن الجوانب األخرى من حياتهم‬ ‫اليومية‬
  • 5. Second: Scientists involved in the examination of skeletal remains derived from archaeological contexts usually do not have enough knowledge for the identification (diagnosis) of orthodontic anomaliesor for the interpretation of malocclusions ‫العلماء المشاركين في دراسة بقايا الهياكل العظمية المستمدة من‬ ‫سياقات األثرية عادة ليس لديهم ما يكفي من المعرفة لتفسير سوء‬ .‫اإلطباق‬ Dentists, as experts educated in the diagnosis and interpretations of orthodontic status are rarely involved in bio-archaeological investigations. .‫أطباء األسنان، وخبراء التشخيص نادرا ما يشاركوا في التحقيقات األثرية‬
  • 6. Third: ‫حتى عندما يتم التعرف على أهمية تقويم األسنان، وأنها هي‬ even when the importance of ‫محور التحقيق، وحتى لو أحد الباحثين هو طبيب أسنان، هناك‬ orthodontic anomalies is recognised, ‫مشكلة هامة هي: عدم وجود عينات صالحة لالستعمال‬ and they are a focus of the investigation, and even if one of the researchers is a dentist, there is the final and possibly most important problem: the lack of usable samples Papers and reports about malocclusions and orthodontic anomalies in skeletal populations from archaeological contexts are relatively rare and often based on small samples
  • 7. Although Malocclusion Now Generally Occurs In Much Of The Population, this was not always the case. Skeletal remains show that malocclusions were relatively unusual before the 19th and 20th centuries
  • 8. However Malocclusions were not absent ً‫اإلنسان البدائ‬ Neanderthal specimen CROWDING , although the estimated to be 100,000 Neanderthals had little rotation and years old displacement of teeth with close a proximal contacts ancient skull dated about Impacted maxillary canines 7250 to 6700 BC. congenitally missing third molars since Medieval Times Several reports found increases in ‫العصور الوسطى‬ the frequency of malocclusion the last 150 years increases in malocclusion frequency seem to have accelerated in modern industrialized societies , after only modest changes for 6000 years
  • 9. Problems of Dental Public Health Caries Periodontal Malocclusion others disease Malocclusions are THIRD in the ranking of priorities among the problems of Currently dental public health worldwide, surpassed only by dental cavity and periodontal diseases with the reduction of caries in children and adolescents in recent decades, However, this condition has received more attention
  • 10. ‫الدراسات االستقصائية‬ Many organized surveys have been carried out in different parts of the world with the objective of Estimating prevalence of malocclusion & orthodontic treatment needs The ultimate goal being to identify etiologic factors Prevalence is when something is widespread The total number of cases of a condition in a given population at a specific time
  • 11. Prevalence of malocclusion Country % of malocclusion Chinese children 67.82 Nigeria children 84 % Class I malocclusion 1.7 % Class II malocclusion Indian Children 19.6 % American 34 % whites 15 % blacks is estimated to be HIGHER in Developed countries > developing & under-developed countries
  • 12. Measurement of malocclusion Malocclusion & dento-facial deformity are conditions that ‫تشكل خطرا على المحافظة على صحة الفم واألسنان‬ - Constitute a hazard to the maintenance of oral health - Interfere with the well being of the person by adversely affecting dento-facial aesthetics, mandibular function or speech
  • 13. Measurement of malocclusion as a public health problem is extremely difficult since most orthodontic treatment is undertaken for AESTHETIC REASONS It is very difficult to estimate the extent to which malposed teeth or dento-facial anomalies constitute a psychological hazard ‫من الصعب للغاٌة تقدٌر المدى إلى أي حد ٌشكل سو اإلطباق مشكلة نفسٌة‬
  • 14. Malocclusion has proved to be a difficult entity to define because individual perceptions of what constitute a malocclusion problem differ widely ‫تختلف التصورات الفردية فبما يعتبر مشكلة سو اإلطبلق على نطاق واسع‬ As a result No generally accepted epidemiological index of malocclusion has yet been devised
  • 15. Malocclusion is not an acute condition therefore Treatment of malocclusion has been associated with a great degree of subjectivity and distorted perceptions of treatment need
  • 16. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MALOCCLUSION "‫"دراسة لديناميكية حدوث حالة أو سمة في مجتمع أو مجموعة‬ NHANES III USPHS survey • “study of the dynamics of occurrence of a (1989-1994) condition or trait in a population or (1963, 1969 &1970) group” 14,000 individuals surveyed data on : provides current information Epidemiology 6 - 11 and 12 -17 year- on children, adults and major old children ethnic groups
  • 17. Current Malocclusion Prevalence Data NHANES III ( National Health And Nutrition Estimates Survey III) 1989-1994 Study design  14,000 individuals sampled  Target population of 150,000,000  Statistically designed weighted samples  75% Whites, 11% African Americans and 8% Hispanics
  • 18. WHAT IS MALOCCLUSION?  Malocclusion is not a disease, but a spectrum representing biological variability/diversity  When the deviation from the normal reaches a certain degree of severity (threshold), then it is termed malocclusion  What is of relevance is “clinically significant” deviation from normal occlusion
  • 20. 20% Mild 35% Normal 5% 20% 20% Moderate 20% Severe 20% 5% 20% Handicapped Malocclusion
  • 21. A handicapping malocclusion DEFINITION: Abnormal dental development with at least one of the following: (a) A medical condition and/or a nutritional deficiency with medical physiological impact, that is documented in the physician progress notes that predate the diagnosis and request for orthodontics. The condition must be non-responsive to medical treatment without orthodontic treatment. (b) The presence of a speech pathology, that is documented in speech therapy progress notes that predate the diagnosis and request for orthodontics. The condition must be non-responsive to speech therapy without orthodontic treatment.
  • 22. (c) Palatal tissue laceration from a deep impinging overbite where lower incisor teeth contact palatal mucosa. This does not include occasional biting of the cheek
  • 23. COMPONENTS OF MALOCCLUSION  Sagittal or Antero- posterior  Vertical  Transverse  Intra-arch (crowding/spacing)
  • 24. NHANES III TRAITS ‫الصفات‬  Irregularity index  Midline Diastema (spacing)  Posterior cross-bite (transverse)  Overjet (antero-posterior)  Overbite/ Openbite (vertical)
  • 27. Little more than 50% surveyed had little or no IRREGULARITY and DIASTEMA crowding with about 6-8 % exhibiting severe to extreme crowding in the younger age group Irregularity increased between childhood and  26% had maxillary midline diastemas in the youth, and was largely stable between youth 8-11 age group, which decreased to 6% in and adult EXCEPT for mandibular crowding later age groups which increased
  • 28. ANGLE’S CLASSIFICATION – Antero-posterior component Class I malocclusion Class II malocclusion Class III malocclusion ANTERO-POSTERIOR COMPONENT
  • 29. Antero-Posterior Dimension Class II Overjet 8-11 yrs 12-17yrs 18-50 yrs 10mm 0.2 0.2 0.4 7-10 3.4 3.5 3.9 5-6 18.9 11.9 9.1 3-4 45.2 39.5 37.7 Ideal 1-2 29.6 39.3 43.0 Class III 0 2.2 4.6 4.8 -1 to -2 0.7 0.5 0.7 -3 to -4 0 0.6 0.2 -4 0 0 0.1
  • 30. Antero-Posterior Dimension, By Ethnicity Class II Overjet EA AA Hispanic 10mm 0.3 0.4 0.4 7-10 3.8 4.3 2.2 5-6 10.1 11.8 6.5 3-4 38.0 39.8 49.0 Ideal 1-2 42.4 35.6 33.6 Class III 0 4.1 6.1 6.7 -1 to -2 0.5 1.5 0.9 -3 to -4 0.2 0.4 0.4 -4 0.1 0.1 0.3
  • 32. PREVALENCE  Vertical problems of anterior open bite versus anterior deep bite exhibits RACIAL DIFFERENCES  Anterior open bites  Anterior deep bites affect significantly are more common larger number of in European- African-Americans Americans
  • 33. SUMMARY OF PREVALENCE  30% had normal Class I occlusion  15-20% had Class II malocclusions  50-55% had Class I malocclusions (crowding)  Less than 1% had Class III malocclusions Class II malocclusions Normal Class I occlusion  Class II problems were most prevalent in Class I malocclusions (crowding) people of European descent  Class III problems were MORE prevalent in the African American, Hispanic and East Asian populations
  • 34. For many years, Epidemiologic studies of malocclusion suffered from: considerable DISAGREEMENT among the investigators 100 % of malocclusion The considerable variations 90 in malocclusion frequency 80 and treatment need relate to: 70 - different ages, 60 - genetics, 50 - methods of registrations. 40 - the size and composition 30 of the group studied (for example age and racial 20 characteristics), 10 0 1930 1945 1955 1965 Prevalence of malocclusion in the United States
  • 35. Prevalence of crowding 70 60 50 Age= 13 n= 200 40 Age= 13 Age= 10 -12 n= 200 30 n= 479 20 Age≥20 Age= 12 n=669 n= 5744 10 0 Libya Jordan Jordan Iraq (Max. (Mand. Iraq Sweden ant) (Max. (Mand. Sweden South ant) ant) Male Female ant) Africa
  • 36. Mean overjet and prevalences of increased overjet 16 14 12 10 mean OJ 8 OJ ≥ 6 6 4 2 0 Jordan America England Iraq
  • 37. Evolution  There was a tendency to decreased size and number of teeth  Modern Humans have underdeveloped jaws  Imbalance between the progressive decreased jaw size and tooth size can lead to teeth crowding or spacing  Less use of masticatory forces with softer food could have lead to an increase in malocclusion
  • 38. Need for orthodontic treatment Protruding, IRREGULAR, or MALOCCLUDED TEETH can cause three types of problems for the patient: ‫التمٌٌز‬ 1- Discrimination because of facial appearance 2- Problems of Oral functions and TMD 3- Greater susceptibility to trauma, periodontal disease, or tooth decay
  • 39. Psychological problems Malocclusion is likely to be a social handicap ‫ٌحتمل أن ٌكون عائقا اجتماعٌة‬  Well-aligned teeth and  Appearance makes a pleasing smile carry difference in teachers' Positive Status to all expectations and therefore social levels student progress, in employment and in competition for a mate.  An individual who is grossly disfigured can anticipate a consistently Negative Response. ‫مشوه‬
  • 40. • Oral function Severe malocclusion can Compromise mastication as in open bite cases certain sounds might be impossible to be produced and patients usually need speech therapy (as in Cleft lip/palate patients) (Class III, anterior open bite, posterior cross bite and rotated/tipped teeth) correlate positively to TMD So, Malocclusion + TMD may indicate the need for orthodontic treatment
  • 41. Relationship to injury and Dental diseases  Malocclusion contributes to caries and periodontal disease by increasing the areas of food stagnation.  Trauma from occlusion due to improper alignment of teeth can cause periodontal diseases.  Protruded incisors as in Class II Division 1 malocclusion, can make the patient more prone to trauma than well-aligned incisors.
  • 42. Epidemiologic estimate of orthodontic treatment need and demand: : ‫تقدير الحاجة والطلب إلى عالج تقويم األسنان‬  About 35 % of adolescents are perceived by parents and peers as needing orthodontic treatment  Dentists recommend treatment for another 20%  There is more orthodontic need in urban areas than in rural areas  Demand for orthodontic need is correlated to family income
  • 44. Occlusal indices Diagnostic Epidemiologic Treatment needs Treatment outcome Treatment complexity indices indices indices indices Index
  • 45. Occlusal indices Diagnostic Epidemiologic Treatment needs Treatment outcome Treatment complexity indices indices indices indices Index Dental esthetic DAI components include: index (DAI), Cons 1. Number of visible missing teeth (incisors, canines and premolars in (1986) maxillary and mandibular arch). 2. Incisal segment crowding 3. Incisal segment spacing 4. Midline diastema 5. Maxillary anterior irregularity 6. Mandibular anterior irregularity 7. Maxillary overjet 8. Mandibular overjet 9. Vertical anterior open bite 10. Anteroposterior molar relationship
  • 46. Occlusal indices Diagnostic Epidemiologic Treatment needs Treatment outcome Treatment complexity indices indices indices indices Index DAI score Severity levels Normal or minor malocclusion  25 No treatment need or slight need Definite malocclusion Treatment elective 26 – 30 Severe malocclusion Treatment highly desirable 31 – 35 Very severe (handicapping) malocclusion  36 Treatment mandatory
  • 47. INDEX OF ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT NEED IOTN It has two components A. Dental health component (DHC): has five grades Grade 1—none: variations in occlusion including displacement less than or equal to 1 mm. Grade 2—little Grade 3—moderate Grade 4—great Grade 5—Very great B. Esthetic component of IOTN