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The orthodontic management
       open bite cases

       Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair

                          High angle cases

   Covers a number of conditions that include:

1. Long face syndrome
2. Posterior growth rotation
3. Anterior open bite
4. Open bite tendency.
Many Orthodontists are concerned about the DIFFICULTIES of management of

                          high angle and open bite cases.

• It is usually neither clear
    • which angle is increased nor

    • what the relationship between facial morphology and open bite is.
• Some of the angles implicated in the term high angle are
    • the SN/MnP angle,

    • the FH/MnP angle,

    • the SN/MxP angle and

    •the MxP/MnP angle.
'Long-face syndrome'.

"Children and adults who have excessive
vertical facial growth demonstrate a
characteristic facial appearance and have
been described as having 'long-face
syndrome'. (Proffet)

Because the disproportionately long
lower face is often accompanied by an
open bite, this condition has also been
labelled 'skeletal open bite'.
Not all long-faced patients have open bite and not all
          open bite patients are long faced
Posterior growth rotation

                            Growth rotations of
                            the mandible occurs
                            when there is a
                            discrepancy in the
                            amount of growth in
                            anterior & posterior
                            facial heights
Open bite

Malocclusion can occur in three planes of space

  Sagittal, Transverse and in the Vertical
Open bite is a malocclusion that occurs in
            the vertical plane

      Characterized by lack of vertical overlap between the maxillary
                        and mandibular dentition.
Open bites

    Anterior region                Posterior region

Anterior open bite                        Posterior open bite
Etiologic Factors

Many potential etiologic factors are
implicated as causes of open bite

 (1) unfavorable growth patterns,
 (2) digit-sucking habits,
 (3) tongue and orofacial muscle activity,
 (4) hereditary,
 (5) orofacial functional matrices,
 (6) imbalances between jaw posture, occlusal and eruptive forces and
 head position.

A detailed understanding of its etiology and developmental
process is thus essential in its management.
Anterior Open Bite

      Etiology                      Multifactorial
                                                                       No single factor

  Non- Hereditary                                                       HEREDITARY

          Prolonged thumb-sucking habit              (1) Increased   tongue size

    Tongue thrusting
                                                            (2) Abnormalskeletal
Nasopharyngeal Airway Obstruction And                      growth pattern of the
     Associated Mouth Breathing.                           maxilla and mandible
Non- hereditary factors

         Prolonged thumb-sucking habit

          The posture of thumb positioning
             The intensity

              The frequency of sucking

      Influence the NATURE and SEVERITY of the open bite

Lead to restriction of development of the jaw by the finger or thumb.
Non- hereditary factors

                          Tongue thrusting
Abnormal Swallowing/ Tongue Thrust Habit

                      􀁡 Protrusion of the tongue
                     against or between the anterior
                        dentition and
                     excessive circum-oral activity
                     during deglutition.
                      􀁡 Innate behavior
                      􀁡 Universal infant oral behavior for
                        children under the age of 6

                         􀁡 Not a causative factor for
                            anterior open bite.
Tongue Thrust Habit

                                  Delayed Transition
     Infantile swallowing                                         Adult swallowing.

                   Age       Description
                   2         Begins to happen
                   6          50% completed the transition.
                   12        Most cases (80%) will self correct

         10-15% estimated never to fully complete the transition

                                                        Mouth breathing
(Tongue Thrust Habit)           associated with         Anterior open bite

          Functional adaptation of malocclusion and not the etiology

                  Can cause speech problems - lisping
Mouth Breathing
       Of all the possible etiologic factors

   Nasopharyngeal airway obstruction and associated mouth breathing.

                    The greatest importance

Mouth Breathing - can be caused by physiologic or anatomic conditions

                 - can be transitional when exercise induced or due to a nasal

                  - True mouth breathing when the habit
                  continues after the obstruction is removed.
Mouth Breathing

           Nasal obstruction                           Habit

                               Lower tongue position

Abnormal muscles activity                              Increase inter-Maxillary space

                Overdevelopment of the buccal segment teeth

             Increase in the height of the lower third of the face

                            A greater incidence of AOP.
Adenoid Facies    Skeletal Open Bite or
                 “Long Face Syndrome”
Mouth Breathing Habit
     􀁡 Adenoid Facies                􀁡 Skeletal Open Bite or “Long
                                           Face Syndrome”
⌧ Long narrow face                   ⌧Excessive eruption of posteriors
⌧Narrow nose and nasal airway        ⌧Constricted maxillary arch
⌧Flaccid lips with short upper lip   ⌧Excessive overjet
⌧Upturned nose exposing nares        ⌧Anterior openbite
frontally                            ⌧Mandubilar down/forward
                                       growth is poor
Constricted Arches of
  Mouth Breathers
Enlarged Tonsils

       Anterior open bite is a condition where there is no vertical overlap
                    between the upper and lower anteriors

                   Esthetically    unattractive

                particularly during speech


Tongue is pressed between the teeth and lips
Causes of Anterior Open Bite

           Cause                                  Aetiology
Skeletal pattern             - Increase in lower anterior facial height such
                                 that the compensatory ability of the incisors to
                                 erupt into contact is exceeded.
                             - This may be worsened by a downward &
                                 backward pattern of facial growth
Soft tissues                 - Rarely endogenous tongue thrust
Habits                       - Persistence Digit sucking, which often leads to
                                 an asymmetric anterior open bite

Localized failure of alveolar - Occurs in cleft lip & palate
Classification of anterior open bite
Anterior open bite can be classified as:
     a. Skeletal anterior open bite
     b. Dental anterior open bile
Skeletal anterior open bite

Features :
  a. Increased lower anterior facial height

  b. Decreased upper anterior facial height

  c. Increased anterior and decreased
      posterior facial height

  d. A steep mandibular plane angle.

  e. Small mandibular body and ramus

  f. The patient may have short upper lip
      with excessive maxillary incisor
Features of skeletal anterior open bite
                                            “Long Face Syndrome”

a. Increased lower anterior facial height

b. Decreased upper anterior facial height

c. Increased anterior and decreased
   posterior facial height

d. A steep mandibular plane angle.

e. Small mandibular body and ramus

f. The patient may have short upper lip
   with excessive maxillary incisor
Features of skeletal anterior open bite
                                            “Long Face Syndrome”

a. Increased lower anterior facial height

b. Decreased upper anterior facial height

c. Increased anterior and decreased
   posterior facial height

d. A steep mandibular plane angle.

e. Small mandibular body and ramus

f. The patient may have short upper lip
   with excessive maxillary incisor

Skeletal anterior open bite
             “Long Face Syndrome”
Features :
  a. Increased lower anterior facial height

  b. Decreased upper anterior facial height

  c. Increased anterior and decreased
      posterior facial height

  d. A steep mandibular plane angle.

  e. Small mandibular body and ramus

  f. The patient may have short upper lip
      with excessive maxillary incisor
Features of skeletal anterior open bite
               “Long Face Syndrome”

                     g. The patient may often has a long &
                         narrow face

                     h. Divergent cephalometric planes

                     i. Steep anterior cranial base

                     j. Cephalometric examination may
                         revealed a downward & forward
                         rotation of the mandible. In some
                         patients, an upward tipping of the
                         maxillary skeletal base can be
                         observed. Another common feature is
                         a vertical maxillary increase
Features of skeletal anterior open bite
               “Long Face Syndrome”

                         g. The patient may often has a long &
                             narrow face

                         h. Divergent cephalometric planes

                         i. Steep anterior cranial base

                         j. Cephalometric examination may
                             revealed a downward & forward
                             rotation of the mandible. In some
                             patients, an upward tipping of the
                             maxillary skeletal base can be
                             observed. Another common feature is
                             a vertical maxillary increase
Features of skeletal anterior open bite
               “Long Face Syndrome”

                         j. Cephalometric examination may
                            revealed a downward &
                            backward rotation of the

                         In some patients, an upward tipping
                            of the maxillary skeletal base can
                            be observed.

                         Another common feature is a
                            vertical maxillary increase
Features of skeletal anterior open bite
               “Long Face Syndrome”

                         j. Cephalometric examination may
                            revealed a downward &
                            backward rotation of the

                         In some patients, an upward tipping
                            of the maxillary skeletal base can
                            be observed.

                         Another common feature is a
                            Vertical Maxillary Increase
Features of dental anterior open bite

                Dental anterior open bites Do Not present with the skeletal
                               complications mentioned above.

      • The following are the features of dental open bite:

a. Proclined upper anterior teeth.

b. The upper and lower anteirors
   fail to overlap each other
   resulting in a space between the
   maxillary and mandibular
Features of dental anterior open bite

             Dental anterior open bites Do Not present with the skeletal
                            complications mentioned above.

      • The following are the features of dental open bite:

c. The patient may have a narrow
   maxillary arch, due to lowered
   tongue posture due to a habit.
Diagnostic and treatment planning considerations:-
Successful management of AOP                                       Diagnosis

                       A Simple Diagnostic Classification

      A simple clinical diagnostic classification might be as follows:
           1. Anterior open bite with increased facial proportions
           2. Anterior open bite with history of digit sucking and normal
              facial proportions
           3. Anterior open bite with no history of digit sucking and normal
              facial proportions
Favourable prognosis for treatment by orthodontic means alone

                     digit sucking habit is stopped
Patients with increased facial proportions frequently require
        orthognathic surgery to close the open bite
Increased facial proportions

           In the absence of other factors

                                          Reaching the limit of
                                        their eruptive potential

                    Before incisor contact is made


               Surgery to correct their facial disproportion
Digit sucking
                         Characterized by an AOP


                         limited to the INCISOR REGION

  Corresponds with the
   digit being sucked
Soft tissue habits and posture

                  The presence of an anterior open

                                                           Absence of
  Tongue Thrust Habit
                                  - Increased facial proportions or
                                   - A digit sucking habit
AOP from canine – canine

                                              Anterior tongue posture
Tongue movement during swallowing

                                The three stages of swallowing

                        Stage      Description
                                   Loss of contact of the dorsal tongue with the
                                   soft palate
                                   Passage of the bolus head across the
                        2          posterior/inferior margin of the ramus of the
                        3          Bolus head enters the oesophagus

During swallowing and compared to patients with normal occlusions, patients
with anterior open bite have:
    1. tongue tip protrusion
    2. slower movement of the dorsal part of the tongue
    3. earlier closure of the nasopharynx
Management of anterior openbite:
Management of open bite tendency

The key to the management of open bite tendency is:

1. elimination of the aetiology

2. the avoidance of the extrusion of posterior teeth and if possible to

   produce relative or real intrusion of these teeth.
• Removal of the cause:

Open bites
                                           Thumb sucking or
   Diagnosed due to habits                 Tongue thrusting



                      1.If habits stoped before 6-8 years,
                                (self correction)
                                 2. Thumb devices
                          3. Educate proper swallowing
Passive Habit

If habit persists over 10 years

       Psychological therapy
If habits stoped before 6-8 years,
         (self correction)
Myofunctional therapy:
 Skeletal anterior open bites

                                 Functional appliances such as
Can be treated during GROWTH           FR.IV or a modified

     Incorporate Bite Blocks
    interposed between the
         posterior teeth

      Intrusive Action on the
     upper and lower posterior
Myofunctional therapy:
 Skeletal anterior open bites

                                Patients exhibiting a downward
                                     and backward rotation of
 if treated during the mixed       the mandible with increased
      dentition period
                                          vertical growth

vertical pull head gear
     with chin cup
Myofunctional therapy:
   Skeletal anterior open bites

                                  Patients exhibiting a downward
                                       and backward rotation of
   if treated during the mixed       the mandible with increased
        dentition period
                                            vertical growth

vertical pull head gear
     with chin cup
Orthodontic therapy:

Extrusion of the upper and lower anteriors.

Intrusion of the posterior teeth.
Extrusion of the upper and lower anteriors.

            Mild to moderate open bits

 can be successfully managed

              Fixed mechano-therapy

        in conjunction with

                 Box Elastics

            Stretched to extend between the upper and lower anteriars.

             This brings about extrusion of the upper and lower anteriors.
Intrusion of the posterior teeth

            Orthodontic Miniscrews
Surgical correction:

                                              Skeletal open bites in adults

                                                         best treated by surgical

                                         involving the maxilla and the mandible.

1.Once growth is complete for
severe problems with a skeletal

2. In some patients an anterior
openbite is associated with a
‘gummy’ smile

               Characterized by

                       Lack of contact

        between the posteriors when the teeth
        are in centric occlusion
Causes of posterior open bite
      two possible causes
                                                             either before or
     (1) Mechanical interference with eruption,

                                                  The tooth emerges from the
                                                        alveolar bone

(2) failure of the eruptive mechanisms of the tooth
                                             so that the expected amount of
                                                  eruption does not occur.
(1) Mechanical interference with eruption

  Caused by

      Ankylosis (spontaneously or as a result of trauma )

   Obstacles in the path of the erupting tooth

                                   Before                           Before

                       Supernumerary teeth                      Pressure from the soft
                                                             tissues interposed b/w the
Non-resorbing deciduous tooth roots or alveolar bone        teeth (cheek, tongue, finger)

Remove the cause

  Habit             intercepted                 Spontaneous improvement

  Ankylosed teeth                    Crowns on posteriors

                                  To restore normal occlusal level

    The posteriors can be forcefully extruded
Thank you for your attention !

   The End

             Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair

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Management of Open Bite - Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair

  • 1. The orthodontic management of open bite cases Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair
  • 2. INTRODUCTION High angle cases Covers a number of conditions that include: 1. Long face syndrome 2. Posterior growth rotation 3. Anterior open bite 4. Open bite tendency.
  • 3. Many Orthodontists are concerned about the DIFFICULTIES of management of high angle and open bite cases. • It is usually neither clear • which angle is increased nor • what the relationship between facial morphology and open bite is.
  • 4. • Some of the angles implicated in the term high angle are • the SN/MnP angle, • the FH/MnP angle, • the SN/MxP angle and •the MxP/MnP angle.
  • 5. 'Long-face syndrome'. "Children and adults who have excessive vertical facial growth demonstrate a characteristic facial appearance and have been described as having 'long-face syndrome'. (Proffet) Because the disproportionately long lower face is often accompanied by an open bite, this condition has also been labelled 'skeletal open bite'.
  • 6. Not all long-faced patients have open bite and not all open bite patients are long faced
  • 7. Posterior growth rotation Growth rotations of the mandible occurs when there is a discrepancy in the amount of growth in anterior & posterior facial heights
  • 8. Open bite Malocclusion can occur in three planes of space Sagittal, Transverse and in the Vertical plane. Open bite is a malocclusion that occurs in the vertical plane Characterized by lack of vertical overlap between the maxillary and mandibular dentition.
  • 9. Open bites Anterior region Posterior region Anterior open bite Posterior open bite
  • 10. Etiologic Factors Many potential etiologic factors are implicated as causes of open bite including (1) unfavorable growth patterns, (2) digit-sucking habits, (3) tongue and orofacial muscle activity, (4) hereditary, (5) orofacial functional matrices, (6) imbalances between jaw posture, occlusal and eruptive forces and head position. A detailed understanding of its etiology and developmental process is thus essential in its management.
  • 11. Anterior Open Bite Etiology Multifactorial No single factor Non- Hereditary HEREDITARY Prolonged thumb-sucking habit (1) Increased tongue size Tongue thrusting (2) Abnormalskeletal Nasopharyngeal Airway Obstruction And growth pattern of the Associated Mouth Breathing. maxilla and mandible
  • 12. Non- hereditary factors Prolonged thumb-sucking habit The posture of thumb positioning The intensity The frequency of sucking Influence the NATURE and SEVERITY of the open bite Lead to restriction of development of the jaw by the finger or thumb.
  • 13. Non- hereditary factors Tongue thrusting
  • 14. Abnormal Swallowing/ Tongue Thrust Habit 􀁡 Protrusion of the tongue against or between the anterior dentition and excessive circum-oral activity during deglutition. 􀁡 Innate behavior 􀁡 Universal infant oral behavior for children under the age of 6 years. 􀁡 Not a causative factor for anterior open bite.
  • 15. Tongue Thrust Habit Delayed Transition Infantile swallowing Adult swallowing. Age Description 2 Begins to happen 6 50% completed the transition. 12 Most cases (80%) will self correct 10-15% estimated never to fully complete the transition Mouth breathing (Tongue Thrust Habit) associated with Anterior open bite Functional adaptation of malocclusion and not the etiology Can cause speech problems - lisping
  • 16. Mouth Breathing Of all the possible etiologic factors Nasopharyngeal airway obstruction and associated mouth breathing. The greatest importance Mouth Breathing - can be caused by physiologic or anatomic conditions - can be transitional when exercise induced or due to a nasal obstruction. - True mouth breathing when the habit continues after the obstruction is removed.
  • 17. Mouth Breathing Nasal obstruction Habit Lower tongue position Abnormal muscles activity Increase inter-Maxillary space Overdevelopment of the buccal segment teeth Increase in the height of the lower third of the face A greater incidence of AOP.
  • 18. Adenoid Facies Skeletal Open Bite or “Long Face Syndrome”
  • 19. Mouth Breathing Habit 􀁡 Adenoid Facies 􀁡 Skeletal Open Bite or “Long Face Syndrome” ⌧ Long narrow face ⌧Excessive eruption of posteriors ⌧Narrow nose and nasal airway ⌧Constricted maxillary arch ⌧Flaccid lips with short upper lip ⌧Excessive overjet ⌧Upturned nose exposing nares ⌧Anterior openbite frontally ⌧Mandubilar down/forward growth is poor
  • 20. Constricted Arches of Mouth Breathers
  • 22. ANTERIOR OPEN BITE Anterior open bite is a condition where there is no vertical overlap between the upper and lower anteriors Esthetically unattractive particularly during speech when Tongue is pressed between the teeth and lips
  • 23.
  • 24. Causes of Anterior Open Bite Cause Aetiology Skeletal pattern - Increase in lower anterior facial height such that the compensatory ability of the incisors to erupt into contact is exceeded. - This may be worsened by a downward & backward pattern of facial growth Soft tissues - Rarely endogenous tongue thrust Habits - Persistence Digit sucking, which often leads to an asymmetric anterior open bite Localized failure of alveolar - Occurs in cleft lip & palate development
  • 25. Classification of anterior open bite Anterior open bite can be classified as: a. Skeletal anterior open bite b. Dental anterior open bile
  • 26. Skeletal anterior open bite Features : a. Increased lower anterior facial height b. Decreased upper anterior facial height c. Increased anterior and decreased posterior facial height d. A steep mandibular plane angle. e. Small mandibular body and ramus f. The patient may have short upper lip with excessive maxillary incisor exposure
  • 27. Features of skeletal anterior open bite “Long Face Syndrome” a. Increased lower anterior facial height b. Decreased upper anterior facial height c. Increased anterior and decreased posterior facial height d. A steep mandibular plane angle. e. Small mandibular body and ramus f. The patient may have short upper lip with excessive maxillary incisor exposure
  • 28. Features of skeletal anterior open bite “Long Face Syndrome” a. Increased lower anterior facial height b. Decreased upper anterior facial height c. Increased anterior and decreased posterior facial height d. A steep mandibular plane angle. e. Small mandibular body and ramus f. The patient may have short upper lip with excessive maxillary incisor exposure ‫منحدر‬
  • 29. Skeletal anterior open bite “Long Face Syndrome” Features : a. Increased lower anterior facial height b. Decreased upper anterior facial height c. Increased anterior and decreased posterior facial height d. A steep mandibular plane angle. e. Small mandibular body and ramus f. The patient may have short upper lip with excessive maxillary incisor exposure
  • 30. Features of skeletal anterior open bite “Long Face Syndrome” g. The patient may often has a long & narrow face h. Divergent cephalometric planes i. Steep anterior cranial base j. Cephalometric examination may revealed a downward & forward rotation of the mandible. In some patients, an upward tipping of the maxillary skeletal base can be observed. Another common feature is a vertical maxillary increase
  • 31. Features of skeletal anterior open bite “Long Face Syndrome” g. The patient may often has a long & narrow face h. Divergent cephalometric planes i. Steep anterior cranial base j. Cephalometric examination may revealed a downward & forward rotation of the mandible. In some patients, an upward tipping of the maxillary skeletal base can be observed. Another common feature is a vertical maxillary increase
  • 32. Features of skeletal anterior open bite “Long Face Syndrome” j. Cephalometric examination may revealed a downward & backward rotation of the mandible. In some patients, an upward tipping of the maxillary skeletal base can be observed. Another common feature is a vertical maxillary increase
  • 33. Features of skeletal anterior open bite “Long Face Syndrome” j. Cephalometric examination may revealed a downward & backward rotation of the mandible. In some patients, an upward tipping of the maxillary skeletal base can be observed. Another common feature is a Vertical Maxillary Increase
  • 34. Features of dental anterior open bite Dental anterior open bites Do Not present with the skeletal complications mentioned above. • The following are the features of dental open bite: a. Proclined upper anterior teeth. b. The upper and lower anteirors fail to overlap each other resulting in a space between the maxillary and mandibular anteriors.
  • 35. Features of dental anterior open bite Dental anterior open bites Do Not present with the skeletal complications mentioned above. • The following are the features of dental open bite: c. The patient may have a narrow maxillary arch, due to lowered tongue posture due to a habit.
  • 36. Diagnostic and treatment planning considerations:-
  • 37. Successful management of AOP Diagnosis A Simple Diagnostic Classification A simple clinical diagnostic classification might be as follows: 1. Anterior open bite with increased facial proportions 2. Anterior open bite with history of digit sucking and normal facial proportions 3. Anterior open bite with no history of digit sucking and normal facial proportions
  • 38. Favourable prognosis for treatment by orthodontic means alone digit sucking habit is stopped
  • 39. Patients with increased facial proportions frequently require orthognathic surgery to close the open bite
  • 40. Increased facial proportions In the absence of other factors Reaching the limit of INCISORS their eruptive potential Before incisor contact is made require Surgery to correct their facial disproportion
  • 41. Digit sucking Characterized by an AOP frequently limited to the INCISOR REGION Corresponds with the Asymmetry digit being sucked
  • 42. Soft tissue habits and posture The presence of an anterior open Absence of Tongue Thrust Habit - Increased facial proportions or - A digit sucking habit AOP from canine – canine Anterior tongue posture
  • 43. Tongue movement during swallowing The three stages of swallowing Stage Description Loss of contact of the dorsal tongue with the 1 soft palate Passage of the bolus head across the 2 posterior/inferior margin of the ramus of the mandible 3 Bolus head enters the oesophagus During swallowing and compared to patients with normal occlusions, patients with anterior open bite have: 1. tongue tip protrusion 2. slower movement of the dorsal part of the tongue 3. earlier closure of the nasopharynx
  • 45. Management of open bite tendency The key to the management of open bite tendency is: 1. elimination of the aetiology 2. the avoidance of the extrusion of posterior teeth and if possible to produce relative or real intrusion of these teeth.
  • 46. • Removal of the cause: Open bites Thumb sucking or Diagnosed due to habits Tongue thrusting Require INTERCEPTION 1.If habits stoped before 6-8 years, (self correction) 2. Thumb devices 3. Educate proper swallowing
  • 47. Passive Habit Breaking Appliances If habit persists over 10 years Psychological therapy
  • 48. If habits stoped before 6-8 years, (self correction)
  • 49. Myofunctional therapy: Skeletal anterior open bites Functional appliances such as Can be treated during GROWTH FR.IV or a modified activator. Incorporate Bite Blocks interposed between the posterior teeth Intrusive Action on the upper and lower posterior teeth
  • 50. Myofunctional therapy: Skeletal anterior open bites Patients exhibiting a downward and backward rotation of if treated during the mixed the mandible with increased dentition period vertical growth vertical pull head gear with chin cup
  • 51. Myofunctional therapy: Skeletal anterior open bites Patients exhibiting a downward and backward rotation of if treated during the mixed the mandible with increased dentition period vertical growth vertical pull head gear with chin cup
  • 52. Orthodontic therapy: Extrusion of the upper and lower anteriors. Intrusion of the posterior teeth.
  • 53. Extrusion of the upper and lower anteriors. Mild to moderate open bits can be successfully managed Fixed mechano-therapy in conjunction with Box Elastics Stretched to extend between the upper and lower anteriars. This brings about extrusion of the upper and lower anteriors.
  • 54. Intrusion of the posterior teeth Orthodontic Miniscrews
  • 55.
  • 56. Surgical correction: Skeletal open bites in adults best treated by surgical procedures involving the maxilla and the mandible. 1.Once growth is complete for severe problems with a skeletal aetiology 2. In some patients an anterior openbite is associated with a ‘gummy’ smile
  • 57. POSTERIOR OPEN BITE Characterized by Lack of contact between the posteriors when the teeth are in centric occlusion
  • 58. Causes of posterior open bite two possible causes either before or after (1) Mechanical interference with eruption, The tooth emerges from the alveolar bone (2) failure of the eruptive mechanisms of the tooth so that the expected amount of eruption does not occur.
  • 59. (1) Mechanical interference with eruption Caused by Ankylosis (spontaneously or as a result of trauma ) Obstacles in the path of the erupting tooth Before Before Supernumerary teeth Pressure from the soft tissues interposed b/w the Non-resorbing deciduous tooth roots or alveolar bone teeth (cheek, tongue, finger)
  • 60. Treatment Remove the cause Habit intercepted Spontaneous improvement Ankylosed teeth Crowns on posteriors To restore normal occlusal level The posteriors can be forcefully extruded
  • 61. Thank you for your attention ! The End Dr. Nabil Al-Zubair