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ī‚Ą History
ī‚Ą Anatomy and organisation
ī‚Ą Connections and circuits
ī‚Ą Functions
ī‚Ą Diseases and abnormalities
ī‚— Concept of Limbic System
ī‚— Broca (1877) - ‘La Grand Lobe Limbique’
ī‚— Papez (1937) - ‘Limbic Circuit’ - emotion
ī‚— MacLean (1952) - ‘Limbic System’ - visceral brain
ī‚— Nauta (1972) - ‘Septo-hypothalamo-mesencephalic
Paul D. MacLean (1913- )
Limbic System
- term of Paul MacLean (1952)
- Visceral Brain
Nucleus accumbens
amygdaloid nuclear complex
orbitofrontal cortex
Some psychiatric implications on
physiological studies on fronto-
temporal portions of limbic system
(visceral brain). Electroencephalogr
Clin Neurophysiol 4: 407-418, 1952
Septo-(Preoptico)-Hypothalamo- Mesencephalic Continuum
Main Components of Limbic System
Limbic cortex
Limbic System
ī‚Ą Scoville and Milner īƒ memory loss
following bilateral ATL
ī‚§ Bilateral hippocampal ablation īƒ loss of recent
memory and anterograde amnesia
ī‚Ą The amygdala īƒ  German physician Burdach
in the early 19th century.
Heinrich KlÃŧver Paul Clancy Bucy
(1897-1979) (1904-1992)
ī‚— KlÃŧver and Bucy in 1939 īƒ hypersexuality
in monkeys after bilateral temporal lobectomy
ī‚— The human counterpart was described by
Terzian and Dalle Ore in 1955 and by
Marlowe in 1975.
ī‚— structures that form a limbus (ring or border) around the brain
ī‚— The limbic lobe is a synthetic lobe whose component parts are
derived from different lobes of the brain (frontal, parietal,
ī‚— subcallosal gyrus
ī‚— cingulate gyrus
ī‚— isthmus
ī‚— parahippocampal gyrus
ī‚— uncus
The term limbic system refers to the limbic lobe and the
structures connected to it.
ī‚Ą crescent of tissue
that caps the lateral
end of the fissure,
bulges into the
medial wall and
floor of the
temporal horn and
then curves
medially above the
dentate gyrus
ī‚Ą Archicortex īƒ hippocampal formation and
dentate gyrus
ī‚Ą Paleocortex īƒ rostral parahippocampal
gyrus and uncus
ī‚Ą Juxtallocortex / mesocortex īƒ cingulate
ī‚Ą Originally, the limbic lobe was assigned a
purely olfactory function.
ī‚§ only a minor part of the limbic lobe has
olfactory function
ī‚Ą Rest of the limbic lobe plays a role in
emotional behavior and memory
ī‚— limbic lobe and all the cortical and subcortical
structures related to it
ī‚— Septal nuclei
ī‚— Amygdala
ī‚— Hypothalamus (particularly the mamillary body)
ī‚— Thalamus (anterior and medial thalamic nuclei)
ī‚— Brain stem reticular formation
ī‚— Epithalamus
ī‚— Neocortical areas in the basal fronto-temporal region
ī‚— Olfactory cortex
ī‚— Ventral parts of the striatum
ī‚Ą Reticular Formation of the Brain Stem and Spinal
ī‚§ limbic nuclear groupings
(1) mesencephalic reticular formation īƒ hypothalamus,
thalamus, and septum
(2) the locus ceruleus of the upper pons and the raphe of
the midbrain īƒ ascending serotoninergic and
adrenergic systems onto the diencephalon and
Interpeduncular Nucleus
ī‚Ą habenulopeduncular tractīƒ  hypothalamus
and the midbrain limbic region
ī‚Ą Amygdaloidal information īƒ via the stria
terminalis to the septum and then from the
septum to the interpeduncular nucleus.
ī‚Ą highest subcortical center
ī‚§ body temperature
ī‚§ Appetite
ī‚§ water balance
ī‚§ pituitary functions
ī‚§ emotional content
ī‚Ą most potent īƒ control of the autonomic
nervous system
ī‚Ą Thalamus
reticular system cingulate, frontal association cortex
ī‚Ą Epithalamus
ī‚Ą habenular nuclei īƒ  habenulopeduncular tract
īƒ midbrain tegmentum and interpeduncular nucleus.
â€ĸ Septal area
â–Ē septum pellucidum īƒ  glia ,lined by ependyma
â–Ē septum verumīƒ vental to s. pellucidum
â–Ē Poorly developed in humans
ī‚— The hippocampal-septal relationship is
topographically organized
ī‚— specific areas of the hippocampus project on
specific regions of the septum
ī‚— CA1 īƒ medial septal region
ī‚— CA3 and CA4 īƒ lateral septal region
ī‚— medial septal region to CA3 and CA4
ī‚— Amygdala īƒ stria terminalis ,ventral amygdalofugal pathway
ī‚— Hypothalamus īƒ medial forebrain bundl
ī‚— Midbrain (PAG andVTA )īƒ medial forebrain bundle
ī‚— Habenular nuclei īƒ  stria medullaris thalami
ī‚— Interpeduncular nucleus of the midbrainīƒ 
habenulointerpeduncular tract
ī‚— Thalamic nuclei īƒ septothalamic tract
ī‚§ high initial state of activity in response to a novel
situation which rapidly declines almost to
ī‚§ tend to learn tasks quickly and perform them
effectively once they have been learned.
ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ pleasure or rewarding effects.
ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ inhibitory effect
ī‚Ą Cardiac deceleration īƒ  reversible with
ī‚§ septal effects are mediated via the cholinergic
fibers of the vagus nerve.
ī‚Ą Destruction of the septal nuclei īƒ behavioral
overreaction to most environmental stimuli.
ī‚§ changes occur in sexual and reproductive behavior,
feeding, drinking, and the rage reaction
ī‚Ą ACh īƒ euphoria and sexual orgasm
ī‚Ą Septal recording during sexual intercourse īƒ spike and
wave activity
ī‚Ą septal damage īƒ  increased sexual activity in humans.
ī‚Ą below the caudate
ī‚§ amygdala īƒ ventral amygdalofugal pathway
ī‚§ basal ganglia īƒ major link between the limbic and
basal nuclei
ī‚Ą high content of acetylcholine
ī‚Ą Alzheimer’s disease īƒ  significant loss of cholinergic
neurons in this nucleus.
īą crescent of tissue that caps the lateral end of
the fissure, bulges into the medial wall and
floor of the temporal horn and then curves
medially above the dentate gyrus
The hippocampus (Ammon's horn)
Ammon the Egyptian Ram God
Ammon’s horn
(Cornu Ammonis)
Hippocampus Proper
CA4 - Area
Dentate Gyrus
Hippocampal Formation
ī‚Ą Hippocampus of humans contains 1.2 million
principal neurons on each side, a figure close
to the number of pyramidal tract fibers
Archicortex - 3 layers
Hippocampus Proper
Molecular Layer
Pyramidal Layer
Polymorphic Layer
Dentate Gyrus
Molecular Layer
Granular Layer
Polymorphic Layer
Transitional type between hippocampal archicortex and entorhinal
Hippocampal Formation - Archicortex
The Hippocampus
CA fields
A) Lateral Ventricle, B) ependymal glia (ventricular surface), C) Alvear Layer, (pyramidal axons)
3 layers of hippocampus (archicortex):
1. Polymorph Layer (pyramidal axons & basket cells (-))
2. Hippocampal pyramidal layer (pyramidal cell bodies)
3. Molecular Layer (pyramidal dendrites)
A) Lateral ventricle
B) Ependymal glia
C) Alvear layer
1. Polymorph Layer
2. Pyramidal Layer
3. Molecular Layer(pyramidal dendrite)
(pyramidal axon)
(pyramidal cell body)
Hippocampus is divided in three parts
Based on relation to brain stem
Head : anterior edge of brain stem
Body : adjacent to brain stem
Tail : ascending , curving behind brain stem
Hippocampal Head
The hippocampal head is the voluminous anteror part of the
arc of the hippocapus.
It includes an intraventricular part and an extraventricular
Intrinsic Connections
ClassicTrisynaptic Pathway
1. Entorhinal cortex (perforant
ī‚Ž dentate gyrus granular cell
2. Granular cell axon (mossy fiber)
ī‚ŽCA3 pyramidal cell
3. Pyramidal cell (Schaffer
ī‚ŽCA1 pyramidal cell
ī‚Ž subiculum ī‚Ž entorhinal cortex
The Hippocampus Dentate Complex
Afferent Pathways
Pyramidal cell
PHG (ERC, Sub)
1. Perforant Pathway: PHG (ERC) --> DG
Also â€Ļ.
2. Alvear Pathway: PHG --> CA1
3. Septo-hippocampal path (via fornix): Septal nuclei --> DG
4. Hippocampal commissure (connects bilateral hippocampi)
Dentate gyrus
(granule cells)
(mossy fibers)
Pyramidal cell
(schaffer collaterals)
1. (perforant path)
(Also note: this efferent path
closes the HC circuit loop!)
2. (alvear path)
Septal nuclei
3. (septo-hippocampal
path - thru fornix)
Afferent Connections
From Entorhinal Cortex
Alveolar Path
from medial part of EC
to CA1 and Subiculum
Perforant Path
from lateral part of EC
to CA1, CA2, CA3 and
Dentate Gyrus
Entorhinal Cortex
.1 entorhinal cortex
2. uncus
3. fornix
4. dentate gyrus
5. hippocampal
6. collateral sulcus
Afferent Connections
EC & Hippocampal Afferents
Surrounding Neocortex
from association areas
- temporal, frontal lobe
Limbic System
from hypothalamus,
amygdala, septal area,
anterior thalamic nuclei,
and midbrain limbic area
Efferent Connections
1. Alveus
2. Fimbriae
3. Crus
4. Commissure
5. Corpus
6. Column
Efferent Connections
- from pyramidal neurons of hippocampus &
Postcommissural Fornix – main bundle
to Mammillary Body
Anterior Thalamus
Lateral Septal Nuclei
Midbrain Tegmentum
Hippocampal Formation:
A.Components and structure –
a banana-shaped structure with its
components (dentate, hipp,
subiculum) folded upon one
another like a “jelly roll”.
Inputs are from entorhinal
cortex, which collects info
from other association areas
īƒ dentate gyrus
īƒ hipp formation + subculum
īƒ output to fornix and
also back to entorhinal cortex
Summary of Hippocampal Connections
ī‚Ą Entorhinal Cortex
Alveolar Path
from medial part of EC to CA1 and Subiculum
Perforant Path
from lateral part of EC
to CA1, CA2, CA3 and
Dentate Gyrus
ī‚Ą Dentate Gyrus
Mossy fiber - CA3
Schaefer fiber (CA3-CA1)
ī‚Ą Others
Hypothalamus, Septal Nuclei, Substantia Innominata
Midbrain Limbic Area
ī‚Ą fornix
ī‚§ from Pyramidal Neurons of hippocampus & subiculum
ī‚Ą Precommissural Fornix
ī‚§ Nucleus Accumbens Septi
ī‚§ Anterior Hypothalamic Area
ī‚§ Medial Surface of Frontal Lobe
ī‚§ Anterior Olfactory Nucleus
ī‚Ą Postcommissural Fornix
ī‚§ to Mammillary Body
ī‚§ Anterior Thalamus
ī‚§ Hypothalamus
ī‚§ Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis
ī‚Ą attention and alertness
ī‚Ą Stimulation of the hippocampus in animals
ī‚§ glancing and searching movements
ī‚§ bewilderment and anxiety
ī‚Ą Unilateral ablation of the hippocampus in humans
does not affect memory to a significant degree
ī‚Ą declarative (explicit) memoryīƒ facts, words, and
data that can be brought to mind and consciously
ī‚Ą plays a time-limited role (being needed only for
recently acquired information)
ī‚Ą Episodic memory īƒ more severely disrupted than
semantic memory
ī‚§ left hippocampus īƒ verbal memory
ī‚§ right hippocampus īƒ  nonverbal memory
ī‚Ą low threshold for epileptic activity
ī‚Ą spread of such epileptic activity to the nonspecific
thalamic system, and hence all over the cortex, is
not usual
ī‚— CA1 īƒ NMDA receptors.
ī‚— dentate hilus ,CA3 sector īƒ kainate receptors
ī‚— Activation by glutamate īƒ entry of calcium ions into
the pyramidal neurons
ī‚— The pyramidal neurons of these sectors contain very
little calcium-buffering protein
ī‚— repeated activation of these pyramidal neurons
could result in cell death.
ī‚— 75% of the complex partial seizures arise in the temporal lobe;
the remainder arise in the frontal lobe
ī‚— Seizures might arise in the temporal neocortex, majority arise
in the mesial temporal structures, particularly the hippocampus
ī‚— The hippocampus has a low threshold for seizure discharge;
consequently, stimulation of any region that supplies
hippocampal afferents or stimulation of the hippocampus itself
might produce seizures
ī‚— Hippocampal stimulation īƒ respiratory and cardiovascular
changes, as well as automatisms (stereotyped movements)
involving the face, limb, and trunk
ī‚Ą critical age during infancy and early childhood for
the acquisition of the pathology
ī‚Ą There might be an age-related remodeling of
intrinsic hippocampal connections
ī‚§ anterior thalamic nuclei
ī‚§ contralateral and ipsilateral cingulate cortex
ī‚§ temporal lobe via the cingulum bundle
ī‚§ corpus striatum and most of the subcortical limbic
ī‚Ą The cingulate
cortex is
with the
al gyrus at the
isthmus behind
the splenium of
the corpus
ī‚Ą Stimulation īƒ respiratory, vascular, and visceral
changes, but changes less than hypothalamic
ī‚Ą Interruption of the cingulum bundle, which lies deep
to the cingulate cortex and the parahippocampal
gyrus, has been proposed as a less devastating way
to produce the effects of prefrontal lobotomy
without a major reduction in intellectual capacity
K. F. Burdach’s
ī‚Ą tip of the temporal lobe beneath the cortex of
the uncus and rostral to the hippocampus and
the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle.
ī‚Ą Corticomedial - central : small ,phylogenetically
ī‚§ connections with the phylogenetically older
regions -olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, and brain
ī‚Ą Basolateral : larger , phylogenetically recent
ī‚§ connections with the cerebral cortex
ī‚§ intimately and reciprocally connected with the
prefrontal cortex via the uncinate fasciculus
Cerebral cortex
Olfactory system
Brainstem reticular formation
Ventral Amygdalofugal
Corticomedial Nuclear
Basolateral Nuclear
Central Nucleus
Temporal Lobe
(associated with visual,
auditory, tactile senses)
Brainstem (viscerosensory relay
Nuclei: solitary nucleus
and parbrachial nucleus)
Corticomedial Nuclear
Basolateral Nuclear
Central Nucleus
Septal Nuclei
Dorsal Medial Thalamic Nucleus
Nucleus Accumbens
Nuclei of
Stria Terminalis
Connections of the Amygdala
Extended Amygdala
Afferents from
Intra-amygdaloid association
fibers from basolateral
amygdaloid nucleus,
whic recieves wealth of
modality-specific and
multimodal sensory input
from the cerebral cortex.
Efferents to
Hypothalamus and
Brain Stem
Extended Amygdala
- bridging cell groups directly
interconnects amygdaloid
and bed nucleus of stria
terminalis (BST)
which refered to as
Extended amygdala.
ī‚§ Acetylcholine
ī‚§ gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
ī‚§ noradrenaline
ī‚§ serotonin
ī‚§ dopamine
ī‚§ substance P
ī‚§ enkephalin.
ī‚— exteroceptive afferents :olfactory, somatosensory,
auditory, and visual) for integration with interoceptive
stimuli from a variety of autonomic areas
(1) prefrontal, temporal, occipital, and insular
corticesīƒ highly processed somatosensory, auditory,
and visual sensory information from modality-specific
and multimodal association areas as well as visceral
(2) the thalamus (dorsomedial nucleus)
(3) the olfactory cortex
(4) cholinergic input from the nucleus basalis of Meynert
ī‚Ą Mostly terminate in nuclei that regulate
endocrine and autonomic function, and others
are directed to the neocortex
ī‚Ą The two amygdala communicate with each other
through the stria terminalis and the anterior
ī‚Ą Nuclear groups within each amygdaloid nuclear
complex communicate with each other via short
fiber systems
ī‚— heart rate, respiration, BP, and gastric motility
ī‚— Stimulation īƒ  Both increase and decrease
depending on the.
ī‚— Stimulation īƒ enhances the orienting response to
novel events.
ī‚— Animals with amygdalar lesions manifest reduced
responsiveness to novel events in the visual
ī‚— Their responsiveness, however, is improved if they
are rewarded for the response.
ī‚Ą corticomedial nuclear group
ī‚§ Lesionīƒ aphagia, decreased emotional tone, fear,
sadness, and aggression
ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ defensive and aggressive reaction
ī‚Ą basolateral nuclear group
ī‚§ Lesionīƒ hyperphagia, happiness, and pleasure
ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ  fear and flight.
ī‚Ą attack behavior
ī‚§ Amygdalar stimulation īƒ gradual buildup and
gradual subsidence upon the onset and cessation
of stimulation.
ī‚§ Hypothalamic stimulationīƒ  begins and subsides
almost immediately after the onset and cessation
of the stimulus.
ī‚Ą prior septal stimulation prevents aggressive
behavior of both amygdala and hypothalamus
ī‚Ą link the perception of the face to the retrieval of
knowledge about its emotional and social meaning.
ī‚— Bilateral amygdalar lesions īƒ alteration in social behavior
and social cognition, especially as related to the
recognition of social cues from faces,impaired recognition
of facial expressions
ī‚— Functional imaging studies īƒ activation of the amygdala
during presentation of emotional facial expressions
ī‚— for negatively valenced emotions (fear, anger, and
ī‚Ą Stimulation of the basolateral nuclear group of the
amygdala īƒ arousal response that is similar to but
independent of that of ARAS.
ī‚Ą Stimulation of the corticomedial nuclear group of
the amygdala, by contrast, produces the reverse
effect (a decrease in arousal and sleep).
ī‚Ą The net total effect of the amygdala, however, is
ī‚Ą contains the highest density of receptors for sex
ī‚Ą Stimulation īƒ erection, ejaculation, copulatory
movements, and ovulation
ī‚Ą Bilateral lesions of the amygdala produce
hypersexuality and perverted sexual behavior.
ī‚Ą Stimulation CMN group īƒ complex rhythmic
movements related to eating, such as chewing,
smacking of the lips, licking, and swallowing
ī‚Ą Electric stimulation of the amygdala elicits
defensive or fear-related behavior
ī‚Ą The amygdaloid projections to the hypothalamus
via the ventral amygdalofugal pathway seem to be
essential for fear-related behavior
ī‚Ą low threshold for electrical dischargesīƒ 
focus of seizures.
ī‚Ą kindling
ī‚Ą CPS : oral and licking movements with a loss
of conscious activity
ī‚Ą Stimulation of the amygdala during brain
surgery īƒ autonomic and emotional reactions
,feeling of fear and anxiety, dÊjà vu
ī‚Ą Destruction of both amygdalas īƒ  relieve
intractable epilepsy and treat violent behavior.
ī‚§ Such patients usually become complacent
and sedate and show significant changes in
emotional behavior
ī‚Ąstructures deep to the anterior perforating substance
ī‚Ą OlfactoryTubercle
ī‚Ą Substantia Innominata
ī‚Ą Basal Nucleus of Meynert
ī‚Ą Ventral Pallidum
ī‚Ą - non cholinergic portions of the substantia innominata
ī‚Ą - part of limbic basal ganglia
ī‚Ą Ventral Striatum
ī‚Ą Afferents
hippocampal formation
amygdaloid body
cingulate gyrus
ventral tegmental area
dorsal raphe nuclei
ī‚Ą Efferents
mediodorsal (MD) thalamus
substantia nigra
subthalamic nucleus
amygdaloid nucleus
lateral habenular nucleus
Medial and lateral temporal lobe
Entorhinal cortex (24)
Ventral Striatum
(nucleus accumbens)
Caudate Nucleus
Anterior Cingulate Gyrus
Orbitofrontal Areas (10, 11)
Ventral Pallidum
Medial Globus Pallidus
Pars Reticularis
(Substantia nigra)
Ventral Anterior Nucleus
Dorsomedial Nucleus
Mammillary bodies
Other hypothalamic nuclei
Septal nuclei
Substantia innominata
(Basal nucleus of Meynert)
Hippocampal Formation
and dentate gyrus)
Anterior Thalamic
nuclear group
Cortex of Cingulate GyrusParahippocampal Gyrus
â€ĸ Short-term memory
– The information is accessed via temporary
links or associations formed in the
â€ĸ Long-term memory
– The links in the hippocampus are replaced
by more permanent connections within the
cerebral cortex itself.
â€ĸ Both types of memories involve the
storage of information in the cerebral
Taxonomy of Long-term Memory Systems
â€ĸ Hippocampus
– Essential for acquiring new long-tern
memories, but not for maintaining them.
â€ĸ Amygdala
– Formation and storage of memories
associated with emotional events.
– Involved in the modulation of memory
Overview of Limbic Motor Systems
ī‚Ą sudden memory loss of recent events, transient
inability to retain new information (anterograde
amnesia), retrograde amnesia of variable extension.
ī‚Ą Complete recovery within a few hours.
ī‚Ą epilepsy, migraine headache, and tumor.
ī‚Ą bilateral transient ischemia of medial temporal
ī‚Ą spreading cortical depression in medial temporal
ī‚— amygdala, hippocampal formation, and adjacent
neural structures.
ī‚— Visual agnosia or psychic blindness
ī‚— Hyperorality
ī‚— Hypersexuality
ī‚— Lack of emotional response, blunted affect, and
ī‚— Increased appetite
ī‚— Memory deficit.
ī‚— disorganized thought processes, hallucinations,
delusions, and cognitive deficits.
ī‚— Vulnerability to schizophrenia is 60% genetic and 40%
ī‚— Cytoarchitectural studies in schizophrenic brains point
to abnormal laminar organization in limbic structures
that are suggestive of abnormal neuronal migration
during brain development
ī‚— atrophic gyri and widened sulci most prominent in
the limbic cortex
ī‚— Association cortices are heavily affected,
primary sensory cortices are minimally affected and
the motor cortex is least affected.
ī‚Ą Infectious
ī‚Ą Non infectious
ī‚§ Paraneoplastic
ī‚§ Non PLE ;VGKC Ab LE
ī‚Ą severe focal necrotizing process with a predilection
for the limbic system
ī‚Ą intranuclear viral inclusions (Cowdry type A
inclusions) and inflammation within limbic
ī‚Ą Thiamine deficiency īƒ mammilary body
ī‚Ą Infarcts of the medial or anterior thalamic areas
ī‚Ą mammillothalamic tract
ī‚Ą Tumors of the posterior hypothalamus.
ī‚Ą Lesions in the fornix .
ī‚Ą corpus callosum
ī‚Ą Lesions of the basal forebrain
Two basic approaches:
1. transcortical: image guidance is very helpful
ī‚Ą A. Niemeyer approach: 2-3 cm longitudinal cortical
incision through the middle temporal gyrus centered at
a point ≈ 4 cm posterior to the temporal tip
ī‚Ą B. approach through the anterior superior temporal
2. transsylvian: approach advocated byYasargil. More
restrictive and greater risk of injury to M1 portion of
MCA within sylvian fissure
ī‚Ą Complications: vascular injury is the most significant
ī‚Ą The major psychiatric diagnostic groups that might
benefit from cingulotomy are
1. chronic anxiety states, including OCD, and
2. major affective disorder (i.e., major depression or
bipolar disorder).
ī‚Ą Oblique coronal MR images are obtained and
typically, target coordinates are calculated for a
point in the anterior cingulate gyrus 2 to 2.5 cm
posterior to the tip of the frontal horn, 7 mm from
the midline, and 2 to 3 mm above the corpus
callosum bilaterally
ī‚Ą Stephen G.Waxman, MD, PhD;
ClinicalNeuroanatomy,Twenty-Sixth Edition
ī‚Ą Snell, Richard S; Clinical Neuroanatomy, 7th Edition
ī‚Ą T. Scarabino,U. Salvolini ;Atlas of Morphology and Functional
Anatomy of the brain
ī‚Ą Stanley Jacobson, Elliott M Marcus; Neuroanatomy for the
ī‚Ą Charles R. Noback, Norman L. Strominger;The Human
Nervous System Structure and Function , sixth edition

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Limbic system brain

  • 2. ī‚Ą History ī‚Ą Anatomy and organisation ī‚Ą Connections and circuits ī‚Ą Functions ī‚Ą Diseases and abnormalities
  • 3. ī‚— Concept of Limbic System ī‚— Broca (1877) - ‘La Grand Lobe Limbique’ ī‚— Papez (1937) - ‘Limbic Circuit’ - emotion ī‚— MacLean (1952) - ‘Limbic System’ - visceral brain ī‚— Nauta (1972) - ‘Septo-hypothalamo-mesencephalic continuum’
  • 5. Paul D. MacLean (1913- ) Limbic System - term of Paul MacLean (1952) - Visceral Brain Hypothalamus Nucleus accumbens amygdaloid nuclear complex orbitofrontal cortex Some psychiatric implications on physiological studies on fronto- temporal portions of limbic system (visceral brain). Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 4: 407-418, 1952
  • 6. Septo-(Preoptico)-Hypothalamo- Mesencephalic Continuum Main Components of Limbic System Septal Region Hypothalamus Limbic Midbrain Area Hippocampal Formation Limbic cortex Amygdaloid Nuclear Complex Spinal Cord & Brain Stem Limbic System
  • 7. ī‚Ą Scoville and Milner īƒ memory loss following bilateral ATL ī‚§ Bilateral hippocampal ablation īƒ loss of recent memory and anterograde amnesia ī‚Ą The amygdala īƒ  German physician Burdach in the early 19th century.
  • 8. Heinrich KlÃŧver Paul Clancy Bucy (1897-1979) (1904-1992)
  • 9. ī‚— KlÃŧver and Bucy in 1939 īƒ hypersexuality in monkeys after bilateral temporal lobectomy ī‚— The human counterpart was described by Terzian and Dalle Ore in 1955 and by Marlowe in 1975.
  • 10. ī‚— structures that form a limbus (ring or border) around the brain stem. ī‚— The limbic lobe is a synthetic lobe whose component parts are derived from different lobes of the brain (frontal, parietal, temporal) ī‚— subcallosal gyrus ī‚— cingulate gyrus ī‚— isthmus ī‚— parahippocampal gyrus ī‚— uncus The term limbic system refers to the limbic lobe and the structures connected to it.
  • 11. ī‚Ą crescent of tissue that caps the lateral end of the fissure, bulges into the medial wall and floor of the temporal horn and then curves medially above the dentate gyrus
  • 12.
  • 13. ī‚Ą Archicortex īƒ hippocampal formation and dentate gyrus ī‚Ą Paleocortex īƒ rostral parahippocampal gyrus and uncus ī‚Ą Juxtallocortex / mesocortex īƒ cingulate gyrus
  • 14. ī‚Ą Originally, the limbic lobe was assigned a purely olfactory function. ī‚§ only a minor part of the limbic lobe has olfactory function ī‚Ą Rest of the limbic lobe plays a role in emotional behavior and memory
  • 15. ī‚— limbic lobe and all the cortical and subcortical structures related to it ī‚— Septal nuclei ī‚— Amygdala ī‚— Hypothalamus (particularly the mamillary body) ī‚— Thalamus (anterior and medial thalamic nuclei) ī‚— Brain stem reticular formation ī‚— Epithalamus ī‚— Neocortical areas in the basal fronto-temporal region ī‚— Olfactory cortex ī‚— Ventral parts of the striatum
  • 16.
  • 17. ī‚Ą Reticular Formation of the Brain Stem and Spinal Cord ī‚§ limbic nuclear groupings (1) mesencephalic reticular formation īƒ hypothalamus, thalamus, and septum (2) the locus ceruleus of the upper pons and the raphe of the midbrain īƒ ascending serotoninergic and adrenergic systems onto the diencephalon and telencephalon.
  • 18. Interpeduncular Nucleus ī‚Ą habenulopeduncular tractīƒ  hypothalamus and the midbrain limbic region ī‚Ą Amygdaloidal information īƒ via the stria terminalis to the septum and then from the septum to the interpeduncular nucleus.
  • 19. Hypothalamus ī‚Ą highest subcortical center ī‚§ body temperature ī‚§ Appetite ī‚§ water balance ī‚§ pituitary functions ī‚§ emotional content ī‚Ą most potent īƒ control of the autonomic nervous system
  • 20. ī‚Ą Thalamus nociceptive pathways hypothalamus reticular system cingulate, frontal association cortex ī‚Ą Epithalamus ī‚Ą habenular nuclei īƒ  habenulopeduncular tract īƒ midbrain tegmentum and interpeduncular nucleus.
  • 21. â€ĸ Septal area â–Ē septum pellucidum īƒ  glia ,lined by ependyma â–Ē septum verumīƒ vental to s. pellucidum â–Ē Poorly developed in humans
  • 22. ī‚— The hippocampal-septal relationship is topographically organized ī‚— specific areas of the hippocampus project on specific regions of the septum ī‚— CA1 īƒ medial septal region ī‚— CA3 and CA4 īƒ lateral septal region ī‚— medial septal region to CA3 and CA4
  • 23. ī‚— Amygdala īƒ stria terminalis ,ventral amygdalofugal pathway ī‚— Hypothalamus īƒ medial forebrain bundl ī‚— ī‚— Midbrain (PAG andVTA )īƒ medial forebrain bundle ī‚— Habenular nuclei īƒ  stria medullaris thalami ī‚— Interpeduncular nucleus of the midbrainīƒ  habenulointerpeduncular tract ī‚— Thalamic nuclei īƒ septothalamic tract
  • 24.
  • 25. ī‚Ą ACTIVITY ī‚§ high initial state of activity in response to a novel situation which rapidly declines almost to immobility. ī‚Ą LEARNING ī‚§ tend to learn tasks quickly and perform them effectively once they have been learned. ī‚Ą REWARD ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ pleasure or rewarding effects.
  • 26. ī‚Ą AUTONOMIC EFFECTS ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ inhibitory effect ī‚Ą Cardiac deceleration īƒ  reversible with atropine ī‚§ septal effects are mediated via the cholinergic fibers of the vagus nerve.
  • 27. ī‚Ą Destruction of the septal nuclei īƒ behavioral overreaction to most environmental stimuli. ī‚§ changes occur in sexual and reproductive behavior, feeding, drinking, and the rage reaction ī‚Ą ACh īƒ euphoria and sexual orgasm ī‚Ą Septal recording during sexual intercourse īƒ spike and wave activity ī‚Ą septal damage īƒ  increased sexual activity in humans.
  • 28. ī‚Ą below the caudate ī‚§ amygdala īƒ ventral amygdalofugal pathway ī‚§ basal ganglia īƒ major link between the limbic and basal nuclei ī‚Ą high content of acetylcholine ī‚Ą Alzheimer’s disease īƒ  significant loss of cholinergic neurons in this nucleus.
  • 29. īą crescent of tissue that caps the lateral end of the fissure, bulges into the medial wall and floor of the temporal horn and then curves medially above the dentate gyrus
  • 30. The hippocampus (Ammon's horn) Ammon the Egyptian Ram God Seahorse
  • 32. Hippocampus Proper CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 - Area Dentata Dentate Gyrus Subiculum Prosubiculum Subiculum Presubiculum Parasubiculum Hippocampal Formation
  • 33. ī‚Ą Hippocampus of humans contains 1.2 million principal neurons on each side, a figure close to the number of pyramidal tract fibers
  • 34. Archicortex - 3 layers Hippocampus Proper Molecular Layer Pyramidal Layer Polymorphic Layer Dentate Gyrus Molecular Layer Granular Layer Polymorphic Layer Subiculum Transitional type between hippocampal archicortex and entorhinal paleocortex Hippocampal Formation - Archicortex
  • 35. The Hippocampus CA fields A) Lateral Ventricle, B) ependymal glia (ventricular surface), C) Alvear Layer, (pyramidal axons) 3 layers of hippocampus (archicortex): 1. Polymorph Layer (pyramidal axons & basket cells (-)) 2. Hippocampal pyramidal layer (pyramidal cell bodies) 3. Molecular Layer (pyramidal dendrites) A) Lateral ventricle B) Ependymal glia C) Alvear layer 1. Polymorph Layer 2. Pyramidal Layer 3. Molecular Layer(pyramidal dendrite) (pyramidal axon) (pyramidal cell body)
  • 36. Hippocampus is divided in three parts Based on relation to brain stem Head : anterior edge of brain stem Body : adjacent to brain stem Tail : ascending , curving behind brain stem
  • 37. Hippocampal Head The hippocampal head is the voluminous anteror part of the arc of the hippocapus. It includes an intraventricular part and an extraventricular part.
  • 38.
  • 39. Intrinsic Connections ClassicTrisynaptic Pathway 1. Entorhinal cortex (perforant path) ī‚Ž dentate gyrus granular cell 2. Granular cell axon (mossy fiber) ī‚ŽCA3 pyramidal cell 3. Pyramidal cell (Schaffer collateral) ī‚ŽCA1 pyramidal cell ī‚Ž subiculum ī‚Ž entorhinal cortex
  • 40. The Hippocampus Dentate Complex (HC-DG) Afferent Pathways Pyramidal cell (CA1,2) PHG (ERC, Sub) 1. Perforant Pathway: PHG (ERC) --> DG Also â€Ļ. 2. Alvear Pathway: PHG --> CA1 3. Septo-hippocampal path (via fornix): Septal nuclei --> DG 4. Hippocampal commissure (connects bilateral hippocampi) Dentate gyrus (granule cells) (mossy fibers) Pyramidal cell (CA3) (schaffer collaterals) 1. (perforant path) (Also note: this efferent path closes the HC circuit loop!) 2. (alvear path) Septal nuclei 3. (septo-hippocampal path - thru fornix)
  • 41. Afferent Connections From Entorhinal Cortex Alveolar Path from medial part of EC to CA1 and Subiculum Perforant Path from lateral part of EC to CA1, CA2, CA3 and Dentate Gyrus
  • 42. Entorhinal Cortex .1 entorhinal cortex 2. uncus 3. fornix 4. dentate gyrus 5. hippocampal sulcus 6. collateral sulcus
  • 43. Afferent Connections EC & Hippocampal Afferents Surrounding Neocortex from association areas - temporal, frontal lobe Limbic System from hypothalamus, amygdala, septal area, anterior thalamic nuclei, and midbrain limbic area
  • 44. Efferent Connections FORNIX 1. Alveus 2. Fimbriae 3. Crus 4. Commissure 5. Corpus 6. Column
  • 45. Efferent Connections Fornix - from pyramidal neurons of hippocampus & subiculum Postcommissural Fornix – main bundle to Mammillary Body Anterior Thalamus Lateral Septal Nuclei Hypothalamus Midbrain Tegmentum
  • 46. Hippocampal Formation: Circuitry. A.Components and structure – a banana-shaped structure with its components (dentate, hipp, subiculum) folded upon one another like a “jelly roll”. Inputs are from entorhinal cortex, which collects info from other association areas īƒ dentate gyrus īƒ hipp formation + subculum īƒ output to fornix and also back to entorhinal cortex
  • 47. Summary of Hippocampal Connections ī‚Ą Entorhinal Cortex Alveolar Path from medial part of EC to CA1 and Subiculum Perforant Path from lateral part of EC to CA1, CA2, CA3 and Dentate Gyrus ī‚Ą Dentate Gyrus Mossy fiber - CA3 Schaefer fiber (CA3-CA1) ī‚Ą Others Hypothalamus, Septal Nuclei, Substantia Innominata Midbrain Limbic Area
  • 48. ī‚Ą fornix ī‚§ from Pyramidal Neurons of hippocampus & subiculum ī‚Ą Precommissural Fornix ī‚§ Nucleus Accumbens Septi ī‚§ Anterior Hypothalamic Area ī‚§ Medial Surface of Frontal Lobe ī‚§ Anterior Olfactory Nucleus ī‚Ą Postcommissural Fornix ī‚§ to Mammillary Body ī‚§ Anterior Thalamus ī‚§ Hypothalamus ī‚§ Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis
  • 49. ī‚Ą attention and alertness ī‚Ą Stimulation of the hippocampus in animals ī‚§ glancing and searching movements ī‚§ bewilderment and anxiety ī‚Ą Unilateral ablation of the hippocampus in humans does not affect memory to a significant degree
  • 50. ī‚Ą declarative (explicit) memoryīƒ facts, words, and data that can be brought to mind and consciously inspected ī‚Ą plays a time-limited role (being needed only for recently acquired information)
  • 51. ī‚Ą Episodic memory īƒ more severely disrupted than semantic memory ī‚§ left hippocampus īƒ verbal memory ī‚§ right hippocampus īƒ  nonverbal memory
  • 52. ī‚Ą low threshold for epileptic activity ī‚Ą spread of such epileptic activity to the nonspecific thalamic system, and hence all over the cortex, is not usual
  • 53. ī‚— CA1 īƒ NMDA receptors. ī‚— dentate hilus ,CA3 sector īƒ kainate receptors ī‚— Activation by glutamate īƒ entry of calcium ions into the pyramidal neurons ī‚— The pyramidal neurons of these sectors contain very little calcium-buffering protein ī‚— repeated activation of these pyramidal neurons could result in cell death.
  • 54. ī‚— 75% of the complex partial seizures arise in the temporal lobe; the remainder arise in the frontal lobe ī‚— Seizures might arise in the temporal neocortex, majority arise in the mesial temporal structures, particularly the hippocampus ī‚— The hippocampus has a low threshold for seizure discharge; consequently, stimulation of any region that supplies hippocampal afferents or stimulation of the hippocampus itself might produce seizures ī‚— Hippocampal stimulation īƒ respiratory and cardiovascular changes, as well as automatisms (stereotyped movements) involving the face, limb, and trunk
  • 55. ī‚Ą critical age during infancy and early childhood for the acquisition of the pathology ī‚Ą There might be an age-related remodeling of intrinsic hippocampal connections
  • 56. ī‚§ anterior thalamic nuclei ī‚§ contralateral and ipsilateral cingulate cortex ī‚§ temporal lobe via the cingulum bundle ī‚§ corpus striatum and most of the subcortical limbic nuclei.
  • 57. ī‚Ą The cingulate cortex is continuous with the parahippocamp al gyrus at the isthmus behind the splenium of the corpus callosum.
  • 58. ī‚Ą Stimulation īƒ respiratory, vascular, and visceral changes, but changes less than hypothalamic stimulation. ī‚Ą Interruption of the cingulum bundle, which lies deep to the cingulate cortex and the parahippocampal gyrus, has been proposed as a less devastating way to produce the effects of prefrontal lobotomy without a major reduction in intellectual capacity
  • 60. ī‚Ą tip of the temporal lobe beneath the cortex of the uncus and rostral to the hippocampus and the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle.
  • 61.
  • 62. ī‚Ą Corticomedial - central : small ,phylogenetically older ī‚§ connections with the phylogenetically older regions -olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, and brain stem ī‚Ą Basolateral : larger , phylogenetically recent ī‚§ connections with the cerebral cortex ī‚§ intimately and reciprocally connected with the prefrontal cortex via the uncinate fasciculus
  • 63. Cerebral cortex Olfactory system Thalamus Brainstem reticular formation Hypothalamus AMYGDALA Stria terminalis Ventral Amygdalofugal fibers
  • 64. AMYGDALA Corticomedial Nuclear Group Basolateral Nuclear Group Central Nucleus Olfactory System Temporal Lobe (associated with visual, auditory, tactile senses) Brainstem (viscerosensory relay Nuclei: solitary nucleus and parbrachial nucleus) Ventral Amygdalofugal Fibers
  • 65. AMYGDALA Corticomedial Nuclear Group Basolateral Nuclear Group Central Nucleus Ventral Amygdalofugal Fibers Septal Nuclei Hypothalamus Dorsal Medial Thalamic Nucleus Nucleus Accumbens Hypothalamus Nuclei of ANS Ventral Amygdalofugal Fibers Stria Terminalis
  • 66. Connections of the Amygdala
  • 67. Extended Amygdala Connections Afferents from Intra-amygdaloid association fibers from basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, whic recieves wealth of modality-specific and multimodal sensory input from the cerebral cortex. Efferents to Hypothalamus and Brain Stem Extended Amygdala - bridging cell groups directly interconnects amygdaloid and bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) which refered to as Extended amygdala.
  • 68. ī‚§ Acetylcholine ī‚§ gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) ī‚§ noradrenaline ī‚§ serotonin ī‚§ dopamine ī‚§ substance P ī‚§ enkephalin.
  • 69. ī‚— exteroceptive afferents :olfactory, somatosensory, auditory, and visual) for integration with interoceptive stimuli from a variety of autonomic areas (1) prefrontal, temporal, occipital, and insular corticesīƒ highly processed somatosensory, auditory, and visual sensory information from modality-specific and multimodal association areas as well as visceral information (2) the thalamus (dorsomedial nucleus) (3) the olfactory cortex (4) cholinergic input from the nucleus basalis of Meynert
  • 70. ī‚Ą Mostly terminate in nuclei that regulate endocrine and autonomic function, and others are directed to the neocortex
  • 71. ī‚Ą The two amygdala communicate with each other through the stria terminalis and the anterior commissure ī‚Ą Nuclear groups within each amygdaloid nuclear complex communicate with each other via short fiber systems
  • 72. ī‚— AUTONOMIC EFFECTS ī‚— heart rate, respiration, BP, and gastric motility ī‚— Stimulation īƒ  Both increase and decrease depending on the.
  • 73. ī‚— ORIENTING RESPONSE ī‚— Stimulation īƒ enhances the orienting response to novel events. ī‚— Animals with amygdalar lesions manifest reduced responsiveness to novel events in the visual environment ī‚— Their responsiveness, however, is improved if they are rewarded for the response.
  • 74. ī‚Ą corticomedial nuclear group ī‚§ Lesionīƒ aphagia, decreased emotional tone, fear, sadness, and aggression ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ defensive and aggressive reaction ī‚Ą basolateral nuclear group ī‚§ Lesionīƒ hyperphagia, happiness, and pleasure reactions. ī‚§ Stimulation īƒ  fear and flight.
  • 75. ī‚Ą attack behavior ī‚§ Amygdalar stimulation īƒ gradual buildup and gradual subsidence upon the onset and cessation of stimulation. ī‚§ Hypothalamic stimulationīƒ  begins and subsides almost immediately after the onset and cessation of the stimulus. ī‚Ą prior septal stimulation prevents aggressive behavior of both amygdala and hypothalamus stimulation
  • 76. ī‚Ą link the perception of the face to the retrieval of knowledge about its emotional and social meaning. ī‚— Bilateral amygdalar lesions īƒ alteration in social behavior and social cognition, especially as related to the recognition of social cues from faces,impaired recognition of facial expressions ī‚— Functional imaging studies īƒ activation of the amygdala during presentation of emotional facial expressions ī‚— for negatively valenced emotions (fear, anger, and sadness).
  • 77. ī‚Ą Stimulation of the basolateral nuclear group of the amygdala īƒ arousal response that is similar to but independent of that of ARAS. ī‚Ą Stimulation of the corticomedial nuclear group of the amygdala, by contrast, produces the reverse effect (a decrease in arousal and sleep). ī‚Ą The net total effect of the amygdala, however, is facilitatory
  • 78. ī‚Ą contains the highest density of receptors for sex hormones ī‚Ą Stimulation īƒ erection, ejaculation, copulatory movements, and ovulation ī‚Ą Bilateral lesions of the amygdala produce hypersexuality and perverted sexual behavior.
  • 79. ī‚Ą Stimulation CMN group īƒ complex rhythmic movements related to eating, such as chewing, smacking of the lips, licking, and swallowing ī‚Ą Electric stimulation of the amygdala elicits defensive or fear-related behavior ī‚Ą The amygdaloid projections to the hypothalamus via the ventral amygdalofugal pathway seem to be essential for fear-related behavior
  • 80. ī‚Ą low threshold for electrical dischargesīƒ  focus of seizures. ī‚Ą kindling ī‚Ą CPS : oral and licking movements with a loss of conscious activity
  • 81. ī‚Ą Stimulation of the amygdala during brain surgery īƒ autonomic and emotional reactions ,feeling of fear and anxiety, dÊjà vu ī‚Ą Destruction of both amygdalas īƒ  relieve intractable epilepsy and treat violent behavior. ī‚§ Such patients usually become complacent and sedate and show significant changes in emotional behavior
  • 82. ī‚Ąstructures deep to the anterior perforating substance ī‚Ą OlfactoryTubercle ī‚Ą Substantia Innominata ī‚Ą Basal Nucleus of Meynert ī‚Ą Ventral Pallidum ī‚Ą - non cholinergic portions of the substantia innominata ī‚Ą - part of limbic basal ganglia
  • 83. ī‚Ą Ventral Striatum ī‚Ą Afferents hippocampal formation amygdaloid body cingulate gyrus ventral tegmental area dorsal raphe nuclei ī‚Ą Efferents mediodorsal (MD) thalamus substantia nigra subthalamic nucleus amygdaloid nucleus lateral habenular nucleus
  • 84. Medial and lateral temporal lobe Hippocampus Amygdala Entorhinal cortex (24) Ventral Striatum (nucleus accumbens) Caudate Nucleus (head) Anterior Cingulate Gyrus Orbitofrontal Areas (10, 11) Ventral Pallidum Medial Globus Pallidus Pars Reticularis (Substantia nigra) Ventral Anterior Nucleus Dorsomedial Nucleus
  • 85.
  • 86. Mammillary bodies Other hypothalamic nuclei Septal nuclei Substantia innominata (Basal nucleus of Meynert) Hippocampal Formation (hippocampus and dentate gyrus) Anterior Thalamic nuclear group Cortex of Cingulate GyrusParahippocampal Gyrus Neocortex Fornix Mammillothalamic tract
  • 87. Memory â€ĸ Short-term memory – The information is accessed via temporary links or associations formed in the hippocampus. â€ĸ Long-term memory – The links in the hippocampus are replaced by more permanent connections within the cerebral cortex itself. â€ĸ Both types of memories involve the storage of information in the cerebral cortex.
  • 88. Taxonomy of Long-term Memory Systems
  • 89. Memory â€ĸ Hippocampus – Essential for acquiring new long-tern memories, but not for maintaining them. â€ĸ Amygdala – Formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events. – Involved in the modulation of memory consolidation.
  • 90. Overview of Limbic Motor Systems
  • 91. ī‚Ą sudden memory loss of recent events, transient inability to retain new information (anterograde amnesia), retrograde amnesia of variable extension. ī‚Ą Complete recovery within a few hours. ī‚Ą epilepsy, migraine headache, and tumor. ī‚Ą bilateral transient ischemia of medial temporal structures ī‚Ą spreading cortical depression in medial temporal structures
  • 92. ī‚— amygdala, hippocampal formation, and adjacent neural structures. ī‚— Visual agnosia or psychic blindness ī‚— Hyperorality ī‚— Hypersexuality ī‚— Lack of emotional response, blunted affect, and apathy. ī‚— Increased appetite ī‚— Memory deficit.
  • 93. ī‚— disorganized thought processes, hallucinations, delusions, and cognitive deficits. ī‚— Vulnerability to schizophrenia is 60% genetic and 40% environmental. ī‚— Cytoarchitectural studies in schizophrenic brains point to abnormal laminar organization in limbic structures that are suggestive of abnormal neuronal migration during brain development
  • 94. ī‚— atrophic gyri and widened sulci most prominent in the limbic cortex ī‚— Association cortices are heavily affected, primary sensory cortices are minimally affected and the motor cortex is least affected.
  • 95. ī‚Ą Infectious ī‚Ą Non infectious ī‚§ Paraneoplastic ī‚§ Non PLE ;VGKC Ab LE
  • 96. ī‚Ą severe focal necrotizing process with a predilection for the limbic system ī‚Ą intranuclear viral inclusions (Cowdry type A inclusions) and inflammation within limbic structures
  • 97. ī‚Ą Thiamine deficiency īƒ mammilary body ī‚Ą Infarcts of the medial or anterior thalamic areas ī‚Ą mammillothalamic tract ī‚Ą Tumors of the posterior hypothalamus. ī‚Ą Lesions in the fornix . ī‚Ą corpus callosum ī‚Ą Lesions of the basal forebrain
  • 98. Two basic approaches: 1. transcortical: image guidance is very helpful ī‚Ą A. Niemeyer approach: 2-3 cm longitudinal cortical incision through the middle temporal gyrus centered at a point ≈ 4 cm posterior to the temporal tip ī‚Ą B. approach through the anterior superior temporal gyrus 2. transsylvian: approach advocated byYasargil. More restrictive and greater risk of injury to M1 portion of MCA within sylvian fissure ī‚Ą Complications: vascular injury is the most significant risk.
  • 99. ī‚Ą The major psychiatric diagnostic groups that might benefit from cingulotomy are 1. chronic anxiety states, including OCD, and 2. major affective disorder (i.e., major depression or bipolar disorder). ī‚Ą Oblique coronal MR images are obtained and typically, target coordinates are calculated for a point in the anterior cingulate gyrus 2 to 2.5 cm posterior to the tip of the frontal horn, 7 mm from the midline, and 2 to 3 mm above the corpus callosum bilaterally
  • 100. ī‚Ą Stephen G.Waxman, MD, PhD; ClinicalNeuroanatomy,Twenty-Sixth Edition ī‚Ą Snell, Richard S; Clinical Neuroanatomy, 7th Edition ī‚Ą T. Scarabino,U. Salvolini ;Atlas of Morphology and Functional Anatomy of the brain ī‚Ą Stanley Jacobson, Elliott M Marcus; Neuroanatomy for the Neuroscientist ī‚Ą Charles R. Noback, Norman L. Strominger;The Human Nervous System Structure and Function , sixth edition