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Unit outline
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:
• Understand the impacts of tourism in protected areas and the
importance of responsible tourism
• Explain how to integrate responsible tourism principles into
protected area planning
• Explain how responsible tourism principles should be considered in
protected area infrastructure and services
• Describe responsible tourism principles in visitor impact
management in protected areas
• Identify financing mechanisms for economic sustainability in
protected areas
• Explain how to communicate and interpret natural heritage
• Identify how to involve local communities in protected area
planning and management
• Explain how to monitor and evaluate protected areas for
1. Overview of protected areas
and tourism in Vietnam
2. Integrating responsible
tourism into planning
3. Responsible tourism
considerations in
infrastructure & services
4. Responsible tourism
approach to visitor impact
5. Responsible financing of
protected areas
6. Responsible communication
& interpretation
7. Protected area monitoring
& evaluation for
Picture source:
Defining protected areas
A clearly defined
geographical space,
recognised, dedicated and
managed, through legal or
other effective means, to
achieve the long term
conservation of nature
with associated
ecosystem services and
cultural values
Source: Dudley, N. (ed.) 2008, Guidelines for Appling Protected Areas
Management Categories, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland
The six IUCN categories of protected areas
E. Protect biodiversity and geological /
geomorphical features or natural
1. Strict Nature Reserve
(a) & Wilderness Area
2. National Park
3. Natural Monument or
4. Habitat / Species
Management Area
5. Protected Landscape
/ Seascape
6. Protected Area with
Sustainable Use of
Natural Resources
B. Protect large scale-ecological
processes, species and ecosystems
F. Protect a specific natural monument
C. Protect a particular species or
A. Protect significant areas
characterised by the interaction of
people and nature
D. Protect ecosystems, habitats and
associated cultural values and
traditional natural resource
management systems
The six IUCN categories of protected areas
E. Protect biodiversity and geological /
geomorphical features or natural
1. Strict Nature Reserve
(a) & Wilderness Area
2. National Park
3. Natural Monument or
4. Habitat / Species
Management Area
5. Protected Landscape
/ Seascape
6. Protected Area with
Sustainable Use of
Natural Resources
B. Protect large scale-ecological
processes, species and ecosystems
F. Protect a specific natural monument
C. Protect a particular species or
A. Protect significant areas
characterised by the interaction of
people and nature
D. Protect ecosystems, habitats and
associated cultural values and
traditional natural resource
management systems
Vietnam’s natural environment at a glance
More than
of the land
under some form
of environmental
wetlands of national
of the world’s
diversity &
water &
& genetics
al, spiritual
capital &
The benefits of protected areas
The key administrators of Vietnam’s
protected areas
Ministry of
Planning and
Investment (MPI)
Ministry of
Agriculture and
Rural Development
Ministry of
Fisheries (MOFI)
Ministry of Natural
Resources and
Ministry of Culture
& Information
Vietnam National
Administration of
Tourism (VNAT)
Provincial People’s
Committees (PPCs)
The growing importance of tourism in
protected areas
Protected areas play an
important role in tourism
by offering visitors places
• Outdoor recreational
• Education and learning
• Solace, spiritualism,
healing and renewal
• Ecotourism has been growing 20%-
34% per year since the 1990s
• In the international market nature-
based tourism has been growing at
10-12% per annum
• Indications that tourism is expanding
most in and around the word’s
remaining natural areas
• Eco-resorts and hotels are expected
to boom faster than traditional
forms of accommodation
Source: The International Ecotourism Society 2006, Fact Sheet:
Global Ecotourism, Available [online]:
Ecotourism-IETS.pdf (accessed May 2013)
The three key tourism market segments to
protected areas
Mass tourism
• Largest component of
international tourism
• Seek ‘sun, sea, sand’
and entertainment
• Often on holiday
• Take excursions to local
• Visit protected areas for
soft leisure activities
• Growing demand for
Adventure tourism
• Growing segment
• Involves strenuous
outdoor activities
• Often in protected
• Adventure rather than
• Potentially damaging
Ecotourism / Nature-
based tourism
• Want to see attractive
natural environments
and their wildlife
• Undertake specific
nature based activities
• Relatively high social
bracket, well-educated,
over 35, more women
than men
• A key segment that can
benefit conservation
International vs. domestic markets to
protected areas in Vietnam
Travel independently, any
group size
Motivation is soft leisure
Popular with ‘Phot’
High visitation rates
Travel in small groups and
/ or organised tours
Motivation is adventure
and eco-tourism
Stronger for first time
Mainly stick to 5H’s
Source: Grunz, S. 2012, Responsible Tourism in and Around Protected Areas in Vietnam – Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses and
Protected Areas [unpublished], GIZ/MARD Project “Preservation of biodiversity in forest ecosystems in Vietnam”, GIZ
The benefits of tourism in protected areas
Supports revival and
maintenance of local
Supports cross cultural
Promotes preservation of
historical heritage
Training for communities
Economic incentives for
habitat protection
Revenue raising for
community projects
Employment for local
Selling of local products
Diversified livelihoods
Funding for protected
areas management
Supports conservation of
Awareness raising for
tourists and locals on
importance of
Negative environmental impacts of
tourism in protected areas (example)
1. Vegetation
Tourists picking
flowers to take home
Interrupts reproduction processes
of plants; Removes a food source
for insects and other animals;
Diminishes aesthetic values of
protected area…
2. Trekking … …
3. … … …
4. … … …
5. … … …
Negative environmental impacts of tourism in
protected areas
• Vegetation removal
• Animal disturbance
• Elimination of animal habitats
• Pollution
• Changes to drainage patterns
• Firewood over exploitation
• Trampling / damage to vegetation
• Introduction of alien species
• Destruction of flora and fauna
• Animal “road kills”
• Changes to geological processes
• Others?
Negative economic impacts of tourism in
protected areas
• Conflict over control of land
• Conflict over control of resources
• Conflict over tourism profits
• Others?
Negative social impacts of tourism
in protected areas
• Threats to indigenous culture
• Changes to social values
• Changes to traditional livelihood practices
• Loss of access to resources
• Degradation of cultural sites
• Visitor-host cultural conflict
• Others?
Responsible tourism: Building a sustainable
future for protected areas
Uses natural resources
optimally whilst still
conserving the natural
heritage and biodiversity
Respects and
conserves socio-
cultural authenticity
including built and
living cultural
heritage and
traditional values
Ensures viable, long
term economic
benefits to all
including fair
distribution of
The responsible tourism approach
1. BE
We must accept that every
decision and action we make
in our daily lives has an
We must take
for our actions
and acquire the
skills and
resources to
make change.
Being responsible is
not just an intent. It
requires action. And
that action must be
for good - based upon
the law, our ethics and
More satisfied
The benefits of adopting a responsible tourism
approach in protected areas
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Greater ownership
and accountability
Enhanced biodiversity &
ecosystem health
Empowerment of
local residents
Enhanced contribution
for conservation
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What is the issue?
• Many PAs in Vietnam have do
not have comprehensive and
up to date master plans
• PA plans help ensure areas
retain their values and benefits
• PA plans address
environmental compatibility,
product quality and business
The importance of effective PA planning and
“If there is no general management
plan, preservation, development and use
activities in a park will occur in a haphazard basis,
often in response to political pressures with little
consideration as to the implications for the future. The
result is likely to be lost opportunities and irreversible
damage to park resources and values.”
Young & Young, 1993
Source: Young, C. & Young, B. 1993, Park Planning: A training manual
(Instructors Guide), College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Tanzania
The challenge in protected area planning
Goal: Preserve
poverty alleviation
Goal: Customer
- Preventing local
- Loss of financial
- Environmental
- Exploitation- Unprofessional
- Unsustainable
use of natural
+ Joint product
development &
+ Joint
+ Sustainable use of
natural resources
Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for
International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
Benefits of PA plans that follow responsible
tourism principles
• Better ensures objectives of all stakeholders can be
met and funded
• Fosters greater respect, co-operation and support
• Creates a common understanding for the PA set
within the broader framework of plans and policies
• Fosters transparency and public accountability
• Enables continued improvement
1. Be guided by a
PA management
plan 2. Embrace
3. Adopt a
4. Plan zones
for effective
Principles of good practice in PA planning and
responsible tourism approaches
Principle 1: Be guided by a comprehensive PA
management plan
Develop a PA management plan
that contains as a core:
• Conservation targets
• Vision, management
objectives, and principles
• Opportunities and
• Management zones
• Monitoring and evaluation plan
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Key inclusions in protected area management
Description Summarises natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic features, how it is used, and its
legal and management framework
Evaluation Identifies why the protected area is important. Explains the values associated with it.
Issues &
Analyses the constraints and opportunities affecting the area, in particular focusing on
principal internal / external threats to conservation, management and maintenance
Vision &
The broad, long-term vision for the protected area. May take the form of goals, and a vision
statement. Objectives should be listed as specific statements outlining what is to be achieved
within the plan’s timeframe. Objectives can be Limits of Acceptable Change (LACs).
Zoning plan A summary of the more detailed Zoning Plan that illustrates the boundaries, classification and
management and other activities allowed or prohibited in areas of the reserve.
The specific actions to be carried out in order to achieve the objectives including: list of
management actions required; action / activity plan (what, who, when), priority activities, and;
staff and finances required
Monitoring &
Outlines how implementation of the plan will be monitored (including indicators and targets),
and when and how a review of the plan will be carried out.
Regional plans,
broad-scale land
management plans
Management plans for
protected areas / reserves
Subsidiary plans
Operational / action plans, work
Ensure plan is integrated into broader context
to ensure sustainability
• The plan will not be sustainable
unless it fits in with relevant
higher level plans and policies
• Critical to review legislation /
formal agreements
designating the area (e.g.
IUCN category) and
confirm their meaning
• These set the overriding
purpose and goals of
the management
Protected area
plans fit here
Principle 2: Embrace participation
• Involving key stakeholders critical
to success of PA plans
• Key stakeholders may be external
(local people, visitors, others) or
internal (staff involved in
implementation of the plan)
• Participation creates sense of
ownership and is more likely to
generate action
• The opportunity for the general
public and stakeholders to review
the draft Management
Picture source:
Key stakeholders in protected area planning
area planners
leaders &
Methods for involving stakeholders in PA
Press releases /advertisements inviting submissions Informing
Radio / TV appearances to discuss planning issues Informing
Publication of specialised pre-planning pamphlets / brochures which provide
detailed discussion on specific issues
Publication of draft plans of management Informing
Open forum public meetings to present and discuss planning documents Consulting
Pre-arranged meetings of special interest groups to resolve conflicting
Deciding together
Consultations between planners and individuals / organisations Consulting
Analysis of written public submissions by agencies and third parties Deciding together
Referral of public submissions to external advisory groups e.g. committees
comprising community leaders / representatives
Formal involvement of independent statutory advisory committees in assessing
plans and public submissions
Deciding together
Input through political processes, particularly in regard to more difficult issues Deciding together
Source: Thomas, L. & Middleton, J. 2003, Guidelines for Management
Planning of Protected Areas, IUCN Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK
Guidelines for consultation on PA management
Adapted from: Phillips, A. 2002, Management Guidelines for IUCN Category V Protected
Areas Protected Landscapes/seascapes, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, & Cambridge, UK
Record and document all
comments and contacts
Produce materials that are
informative, clear and user-
Obtain comments using a variety
of culturally appropriate methods
Be open to revisiting any
Identify all stakeholders and
approach them on the basis of
equality and transparency
Promptly respond to all
requests for meetings,
materials etc
Consider every view -
whether it is adopted or not
Give stakeholders adequate
time for input
Feedback the results of
consultation to all
Treat stakeholders as
respected and essential
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Involving the local community
• PA authorities have a responsibility to support local
communities because of socio-economic restrictions PA
often place on them
• Moreover, helping local communities in and around PAs can
also help PA management by:
– Decreasing destructive or
damaging effects of natural
resource extraction / use
– Drawing on their local knowledge
of the environment for planning
– Promoting the development of
sustainable tourism products
Picture source:
Tips for involving the local community in PA
Implement a participatory assessment of socio-
economic development needs
Ensure the local community is fairly
represented in stakeholder forums
Assist the local community develop a formal
destination management organisation
Train key community representatives in PA
management and conservation
Types of local participation for consideration in
PA planning
Type of participation Level of skill
Level of
Security of
return (risk)
Direction of benefits Contribution to
local development
Reception of PA user
None None Secure Community as a whole Low
Sale of land to investor None Low Very secure Individuals or community as a
Rent of land or
delegation of user rights
None Low Secure Individuals or community as a
Employment by outside
Low to
Low Fairly secure Individuals (can include
Supply of goods and
Low to
Low to
Fairly secure Individuals (favours more
active members)
Community – private
sector joint venture
Moderate Moderate to
Fairly secure Active individuals and
community as a whole
Independent community
High High Insecure Active individuals and
community as a whole
Individual local
High High Insecure Active individuals High
Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for
International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
7 tips for increasing “ownership” of PA
management plans among staff
Secure a strong public
commitment from senior
personnel 5. Allocate members of staff with
activities identified in the plan
Ensure real and visible linkages
between plan and budgetary
allocations 6. Provide work plans for staff
Hold meetings to inform staff
about the plan at the outset
and identify how staff can
7. Link the plan to annual
performance assessments
4. Involve staff at key stages in the
formulation of the plan
Source: Thomas, L. & Middleton, J. 2003, Guidelines for Management
Planning of Protected Areas, IUCN Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK
Picture source:
Principle 3. Adopt a regional ecosystem
• Protected areas are impacted upon by
external decisions, activities and ecological
• PA management plans must
consider resource use and
impacts outside its
• Particularly important when
other administrations manage
outside areas
• For success, PA planning see
itself as aiming to build more sustainable
patterns of development in general
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Three focus areas for regional integration
Integrate or link PA
management plans with
local development
processes and the activities
of other agencies and
organisations working in
the area.
Identify and address the
aspirations and needs of
the local communities
around the protected area
(as well as those living in it)
in the PA management
Incorporate regional
stakeholders in the
planning of buffer zones
and compatible uses, and
in educational, interpretive
and community
involvement programmes
Principle 4. Plan zones for effective
• Zoning defines what can and
cannot occur in different areas
of a PA including:
– Natural resource management
– Cultural resources management
– Human use and benefit
– Visitor use and experience
– Access
– Facilities and park development
– Maintenance and operations
• Zones establish limits of
acceptable use and
Picture sources:
Typical functions of zones
Separate conflicting
human activities
Enable damaged
areas to be set
aside to recover or
be restored
Provide protection
for critical habitats,
ecosystems and
Protect the natural
and / or cultural
qualities while
allowing a range of
reasonable human
Picture sources:
Types of protected area zones
Non-use zones
•Extremely sensitive eco-systems
•Closed to visitors or use not encouraged
Backcountry / wilderness
•Pristine, sensitive ecosystems
•No infrastructure except for primitive trails
•Low visitor numbers
•Guides may be required
Moderate / quiet zone
•Moderately sensitive ecosystems
•Basic infrastructure possibly including
improved trails, viewpoints and simple
campgrounds at some places
•Moderate visitor numbers
Intensive use zone
•Less sensitive ecosystems
•Hardened surfaces and improved
infrastructure including roads, trails,
viewpoints and rest areas
•High visitor numbers, adjacent to
infrastructure zone
Infrastructure zone
•Less sensitive ecosystems
•Concentrating buildings, services, parking
lots and general park maintenance
•Located on the periphery or outside of
parks and not too close to non-use or
wilderness zones
Sports fishing and hunting zones
•Fishing may be allowed through a special
licence in some of the zones (except for
non-use zones)
•Hunting is not compatible with other types
of tourism and has to be restricted to
specially managed hunting blocks, often in
buffer zones adjacent to the actual PA
Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for
International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
Example of a protected area zoning
Guard post
Walking trail
There are 4 zones in
this plan. What are
Road, entrance
Road, entrance
Guard post
Walking trail
Example of a protected area zoning
Guiding principle: Keep zoning plans simple
1. Don’t create too
complex a pattern
of zoning
2. Using multiple
zones with only
slight differences
between them can
be confusing to the
public and
3. The aim is to use
the minimum
number of zones
needed to achieve
the management
4. Zones should be
able to be easily
identified by
visitors and enable
them to know what
zone they are in and
therefore what
constraints apply
Picture source:
Picture source:,_Himachal_Pradesh.jpg
What is the issue?
• Many PA’s in Vietnam lack, or have
insufficient or low quality infrastructure
and services
• Trails, signs, roads, and services are
generally limited or low quality
• As a result:
– More adverse environmental impacts
from limited visitor and business controls
– Compromises to visitor health and safety
– Low visitor satisfaction resulting in less
revenue from entrance fees and use of
Poor / limited
infrastructure &
Visitor has
Unlikely to return;
Negative word of
Less visitors and
revenue from
visitor fees
Less finance for
conservation and
The effect of poor infrastructure and services in
Picture source:
The link between infrastructure and services
and responsible tourism in PAs
•Compromises visitor
health and safety
•Less ability to inform
and educate visitors
on importance of PAs
•Restricted controls
over visitor and
business impacts on
the environment
•Less revenue for
conservation and
management – PA is
not economically
Impact of limited
or inadequate
infrastructure &
services =
social, economic
& environmental
RT Pillars
The importance and benefits of providing
adequate infrastructure
Visitor satisfaction,
referrals, repeat visitation
Reduced health and
safety incidents
Opportunities to
increase fees and
Picture source:
1. Reflect PA
values and
2. Situate
3. Design
Principles of good practice in infrastructure &
service provision in PAs
Principle 1: Reflect PA values and policies in
infrastructure and services
• Infrastructure and services
must be consistent with
protected area values
• Infrastructure and services
must also be appropriate to
the zone it is situated in
• General principle: All
must provide a net benefit
for conservation
What is appropriate and why?
Picture source:
Attractiveness of protected areas as perceived
by visitors
Natural attractions
•Grand / diverse landscapes (mountains,
lakes, rivers, waterfalls etc)
•High biodiversity
•Interesting flora and fauna
•Pristine ecosystems
•Proximity to major transport hubs
(airport, bus, train, highway)
•Ease of travel (e.g. condition of roads)
Accommodation and F&B
•Adequate lodgings
•Adequate quality meals
•Opportunities for:
•Picnicing and camping
Cultural attractions
•Archaeological or historic sites
•Traditional cultures
•Paleontological sites
•Complementary attractions nearby
Ancillary services
•Information centre
•Emergency services
•Medical care
What infrastructure and services are required to help meet the visitor needs above?
Principle 2: Situate infrastructure and services
• Infrastructure must be
situated appropriately in order
to not compromise the
ecological processes and to
have best use and effect
• Zoning system should provide
guide on what should go
• The location of infrastructure
and services can also be a
strategy to manage visitor and
business impacts
Picture source:
Infrastructure and service types, functions,
impacts and location considerations
Paved roads Enables good accessibility
Should be kept to a minimum
Impacts on peace and tranquillity,
safety, harm wildlife / habitats
Intensive use zone
Trails Provide a range of trails to facilitate visitor enjoyment
Requires careful grading, maintenance, careful siting,
supported by good and available maps and directional
Impacts on safety, harm wildlife /
habitats, litter, fires
Intensive use zone,
Wilderness zone (more
basic, difficult trails)
Waterway facilities Piers and jetties facilitate enjoyment of water areas
and are needed for boating
Should only be provided in accessible transport hub
Impacts on peace and tranquillity,
safety, harm wildlife / habitats
Intensive use zone
Information and
Facilitate learning about the PA values, and
communicates rules and regulations
Should be located beside various attractions /
Large facilities can impact on peace and
tranquillity, effective use and impact if
located in high traffic areas
Entrance to PA, Buffer
Zone, at attractions
Facilitates leisure needs of visitors, toilets, picnic
areas, taps, shelters etc
Should be located away from wilderness areas
Impacts on peace and tranquillity,
safety, harm wildlife / habitats, litter,
Intensive use zone
Hotels, resorts, restaurants, cafes etc increase length
of stay, visitor spend, and increase enjoyment
Should be situated away from sensitive areas
Impacts on peace and tranquillity, harm
wildlife / habitats in construction,
environmental, affects visual aesthetics
Outside the PA or in
Buffer Zone
Principle 3: Design infrastructure and services
• The objective in the design of infrastructure is to:
– Provide a variety of attractive opportunities to experience nature
– Respect the natural environment
– Be practical and user-friendly
• Should also be continually improved according to visitor feedback
Picture source:
Good design principles for trails in PAs
Should access the PA’s
most interesting features
Should avoid
highly sensitive
ecosystems /
Should use good design
to reduce impacts (e.g.
boardwalks, steps)
Should incorporate loops /
circuits to manage traffic and
maintain interest
Should have a range of
difficulty levels and
durations Should be kept simple,
natural and easily
Should be
widened and
hardened in
high use areas
Picture source:
Good design principles for buildings in PAs
Siting should consider construction impacts
on ecosystem processes and wildlife habitats
Should create a ‘sense of
place’, reflect the
surrounding nature and
create a unique
Should reflect local
culture / architecture
Should incorporate green
Should be open to the
natural environment
Should not be higher
than surrounding trees
Should use colours that
blend with surrounding
Should involve respectfully
preserving, restoring or
repairing any existing built
Picture source:
Good design principles for gardens and grounds
Should use natural
materials for any
constructed facilities
Should integrate
prominent trees, rocks,
Gardens should
use native plants
Should use natural
barriers rather than
man-made barriers
Picture source:
What is the issue?
• Protected areas can only achieve
their purpose if the natural
features and processes of the
reserve remain in good condition
• However, impacts on the natural
environment can occur even
under relatively low levels of use
• Effective tourism impact
management is therefore critical
to the sustainability of PAs
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Managing visitor impacts is also about
managing visitor safety
claims and
pay outs
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Causes of tourism impacts in PAs
• Visitor activities
and associated
• Transportation
• Operation of
tourism service
• Accommodation,
F&B operation
• Associated
• Indirect
Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for
International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
Factors which affect the level of tourism impact
Characteristics of
the site
and type of
of PA
Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for
International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
Picture source:
Benefits of effective tourism impact
Safeguards the
health of
ecosystemsGains the
support and
participation of
the public
Controls and
contains visitor and
tourism business
Reduces the
number and extent
of health and
safety incidents
Picture source:
Impacts of tourism in PAs
Tourist activities
Hiking / walking Construction of trails,
Destruction of vegetation, damage to vegetation, soil erosion and
Boat / canoe / kayak trips
Camping / picnic
Sale / extraction of souvenirs
Mountaineering / trekking
Sport fishing
Tourism services
& infrastructure
Infrastructure construction
Building construction
Accommodation & F&B operation
Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for
International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
Impacts of tourism in PAs
Hiking / walking Construction of trails, trampling Destruction of vegetation, damage to vegetation, soil erosion and compaction
Boat / canoe / kayak
Physical presence Disturbance to sea life, damage to aquatic vegetation
Camping / picnic Construction of camp sites, noise, litter, fires, trampling Soil erosion and compaction, damage to vegetation, disturbance to wildlife, pollution, risk of
bush fires
Sale / extraction of
Sale of animals / animal parts, extraction of coral, shells
Decimation of rare species, damage to reefs, species decimation
Mountaineering /
Physical presence, trampling, spike fixing Trample damage to vegetation, disturbance to animals, damage to rocks, visual pollution
Diving Breaking coral, underwater hunting Damage to reefs, decimation of certain species
Hunting Infringing ethical hunting principles Decimation of certain species, disturbance, affect food chain
Sport fishing Over fishing, fishing with dynamite, cutting new trails Decimation of species, disturbance, affects food chain, destruction of entire ecosystems
Land consumption, logging Deforestation, damage to vegetation, splitting up integral ecosystems
Vehicles Driving off road, noise, pollution Soil erosion and compaction, damage to vegetation, road kills, air / soil / water
Boats Noise, pollution, wave impacts Disturbance to wildlife, air and water pollution, shoreline erosion and damage to vegetation
and nests
Building construction Logging, noise, drainage, exposed sites, inappropriate
Deforestation, animal disturbance, impairment of landscape
Accommodation & F&B
Presence of people, power use, water consumption,
poor waste disposal, untreated sewage
Animal disturbance, land / water / air contamination, lowering of water table, litter
Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for
International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
1: Enforce PA
2: Offer
and enforce
3: Inform
and educate
4: Implement
visitor safety
Principles of good practice in tourism impact
management in PAs
Principle 1: Enforce PA zoning system
• Ensure the PA zoning plan is effectively
• The zones will allocate geographical
areas for specific levels and intensities
of activities and of conservation
• Zones can also be implemented
• Further formalise zones by developing
and implementing policies
• The policies should detail:
– Use of natural and cultural resources
– Access
– Facilities
– Protected area development
– Maintenance and operations
Picture source:
Principle 2: Offer incentives and enforce
Encourage appropriate
behaviour in PAs by
offering rewards
Enforce acceptable
behaviour in PAs by
giving penalties for
doing the wrong thing
Regulations to minimise impacts by reducing
tourism volume
Number of
Length of stay
Tour group
Skills and / or
Extent of
Picture source:
Regulations to minimise impacts by changing
tourism behaviour
Types of
of use
of use
Park rangers
and education
and standards
Picture source:
Incentives to minimise impacts
• Offer specific benefits for communities and businesses
operating in the protected area to behave in an
environmentally / socially / economically sensitive way.
• Two examples are:
• Provide a gift /
souvenir for visitors
who donate to a PA
environmental project
• What else can you
think of?
• Develop a “preferred supplier” scheme for
suppliers that meet sustainability goals which
offers benefits such as: higher rates, longer-
term contracts, committed guarantees, joint
marketing agreements, more brochure space,
joint promotional activities
• What else can you think of?
Principle 3: Inform and educate to minimise
tourism impacts
• “Soft” management tools
• Aim to reduce negative impacts of tourism by:
– Educating tourists and tourism businesses
– Influencing behaviour
• Two key options are:
A. Educating visitors
about importance of the
natural environment and
ecosystem processes
B. Communicating
expected codes of
conduct on visitor and
business behaviour in the
Picture source:
A. Educate visitors about the importance of the
natural environment
• Most visitors mean well but simply do not know
what the problem is
• Providing simple information about the values of
the protected area, important species, and
important ecological processes can be enough to
encourage sensitive behaviour in PAs
• Communicating PA values, and management’s
goals and policies can be achieved through well-
placed signs, brochures, posters and flyers
• Visitor information centres / interpretation
centres are also very effective
Examples of interpretation of natural values
Good practice tip:
Interpretation should engage
1. Visitors enjoy
activities requiring some
form of participation
2. People remember
activities with
interactive elements
3. Make the experience
more meaningful by
enabling visitors to smell,
taste, feel, explore, lift, push
4. Provide field guides,
photographs of local events
or interesting people; or
plant and animal specimens
Picture source:
Examples of engaging interpretive displays
B. Communicate tourism codes of conduct
• Voluntary principles and
practices that visitors are
requested to follow
• Codes of conduct can be
developed to both limit
negative impacts of tourism
activities and also enhance
positive impacts
• Codes of conduct must be well-
communicated in order to be
Picture source:
Example of a visitor code of conduct 1/2
Source: VNAT, Do’s and Don'ts in Vietnam for Community-based Tourists, VNAT, Vietnam
Example of a visitor code of conduct 2/2
Source: VNAT, Do’s and Don'ts in Vietnam for Community-based Tourists, VNAT, Vietnam
Good practice in developing effective
tourism codes of conduct
Sustainability. Do the criteria consider
the environment, economy and
Equity. Do the criteria reflect the
interests of everyone?
Efficiency & effectiveness. Are the
criteria practical and follow best
practice in sustainable management?
Relevance. Do the criteria directly
connect to the destination’s own
sustainability goals?
Responsibilities of businesses and host
communities in local tourism destinations
•Provide quality tourist products and
•Provide a safe and secure environment for tourists to
•Be welcoming and friendly to visitors
•Protect local cultures and traditions
•Raise local awareness about the importance of
balancing conservation and economic development
•…what else?
•Employ local staff and local guides
•Patronise small locally owned businesses
•Discourage our customers offering money to beggars
•Discourage our customers from littering
•Discourage our customers from damaging the natural
•Discourage our customers from purchasing protected
•Support local social and environmental projects
•Respect local and provincial laws, rules and regulations
affecting business operation
•Interpret the environment and culture authentically
and accurately
•…what else?
The responsibility of visitors in local tourism
As a visitor I agree to:
Help the local economy by…
• Using accredited operators
• Buying locally made souvenirs
• Eating at local restaurants
• Staying in locally-owned places
• Purchasing fair trade products
• Supporting responsible tourism
Help the local environment by…
• Not littering
• Avoiding excessive waste
• Leaving nature as it is
• Not disturbing wildlife
• Putting out cigarettes properly
• Carbon offseting
• Saving energy
• Not purchasing or eating endangered species…
Help the local people by…
• Being considerate of the communities I
• Donating via reputable institutions
• Not giving money to children and
• Respecting cultural difference
• Not supporting the illegal drug or sex
• Using responsible travel providers
• Using operators with responsible
tourism policies.
Picture source:
Principle 4: Implement visitor safety provisions
• Recreation carries risks to the
health and safety of the visitor
and may indirectly impact on
the PA authority
• Visitor safety, accidents,
liability and search and rescue
must be considered
• Staff should be trained in how
to react to accidents and other
emergency situations
• A risk and emergency
management plan should be
Picture source:
What is a risk?
Frequency of
Severity of
Guidelines for the risk management process
Is the process working effectively to identify and manage risks? - Develop a list of risks
associated with an area or activity; Develop checklists to use when inspecting the area;
Inspect the area and talk to visitors; Record all risks identified
Have the control measures eliminated or reduced the risks to an acceptable level? Have
the control measures introduced any new risks? - Gather information about each risk
identified; Think about the likelihood of an event (e.g. frequency of exposure to risk and
probability that an accident will occur); Assess probable consequences (number of
people at risk and likely severity of an injury); Use exposure, probability and
consequence to calculate level or risk
Determine control measures - Eliminate risk; Transfer risk; Reduce risk probability;
Reduce risk impact; Accept risk
Assess effectiveness of control measures - Review proposed measures; Apply control
measures; Monitor effectiveness through regular assessments and documentation
Identify all risks associated with an
area or activity
Assess the level of each risk
Decide on and use the appropriate
control measures
Monitor residual risks and review
Source: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK
Picture source:
What is the issue?
• Around the world government funding of PAs is
becoming increasingly limited
• With out adequate funding for PAs:
 The ability of authorities to maintain the
PA’s natural values is compromised
 Alternative land uses and even destructive
practices may become more prevalent
 Livelihood options for communities will
become even more limited
• To achieve economic sustainability public
funding needs to be supported by a diverse mix
of supplementary revenue raising strategies
Picture source:
The evolution of protected areas: Increasing
value but increasing pressure
Before Now
• Funded by governments
• Maintained as assets for the
• National populations relatively
• Accessibility limited
• Limited population pressure
• Government funding more limited
• Recognition of importance of
• Large population
• Highly accessible
• Increasing pressure on environment
and wildlife
• More competing interests on
exploitation of natural resources
Picture source:
Typical economic model of tourism in PAs
Return of
income over
Departure &
hotel taxes
Business &
sales tax
Employment &
income tax
& wages
Licences &
user fees
& management
& wages
for goods &
National government –
Local government
Local communities
Protected areas
Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., and Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism
revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Benefits of supplementary revenue raising
strategies in PAs
Better enable the
implementation of prioritised
protected area management
Provide increased stability and
confidence in budgeting
Reduce the potential for conflicting or
damaging forms of resource use such
as logging and hunting
Reduce the financial strain on
provincial and national budgets
Picture source:
1. Review
mechanisms to
2. Implement
innovative fund
3. Support the
local economy
Principles of good practice in responsible
financing of PAs
Principle 1: Review financing mechanisms to
identify opportunities
• Existing funding and revenue
making structures and systems
may be inefficient or
ineffective providing
• Analysing current financing
systems can sometimes reveal
opportunities to cut costs or
increase revenue
Picture source:
Four areas to look for financial opportunities
Consistencies / inconsistencies
with government financial
planning timeframes. Ensure up to
date. Specification / allocation of
funding requirements.
Role and responsibilities. Financial
Range of user charges. Account for
inflation, current day costs,
changes in disposable income,
increasing demand. Examine
opportunities for non-tourism
charges. 4INVESTMENT
Range of existing incentives.
Examine opportunities to implement
new or increase existing incentives.
Source: PARC Project 2006, Policy Brief: Building Viet Nam’s National ProtectedAreas System – policy and institutional innovations requiredfor progress, Creating
Protected Areas for Resource Conservation using Landscape Ecology (PARC) Project, Government of Viet Nam, (FPD) / UNOPS, UNDP, IUCN, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Principle 2: Implement innovative fund raising
• Reducing reliance on
government funding by
generating revenue from
additional fund raising strategies
is an increasing worldwide trend
• To be most effective a range of
strategies should be pursued to
target different stakeholders and
generate the maximum amount
of revenue
• Strategies may include entrance
fees, user fees, concessions and
leases, taxes and donations
Entrance fees
Fees charged to visitors to enter the PA CHALLENGES
• Inefficient fee
collection resulting
in losses of
entrance fee
• Scarce human
resources for fee
collection /
• Corruption /
• Fees charged to visitors to enter the PA
• Most effective in high visitation PAs or where
unique species or ecosystems can be found
• Rate should aim to cover capital and operating
costs, reflect quality of service and product offering,
and market demand / willingness to pay
• Visitors pay more if they know the money will be
used to enhance the experience or conserve nature
• Tiered pricing can maximise revenue
Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding
tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
User fees
Fees charged for undertaking specific activities or using
PA facilities
• Maintaining fee
collection system
• Political and socio-
economic factors
• Examples include parking fee, camping fee, fishing
fee, hunting fee, boating fee, diving fee, hiking fee
• Willing to pay if they know funds are used for
conservation and management of PA
• Common with diving, e.g. $2-3 / dive
Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding
tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Permits, leases and licences
Contracts between PAs and businesses allowing them to
operate a commercial activity in exchange for a fee
• Unsuccessful
businesses = less
• Business not
• Business not
controlling visitor
• Profit made by
business = income
lost by PA
• Private sector more critical due to limited
government funding
• Examples: tour guiding, trekking, diving,
accommodation, restaurants, boating
• Requires good control
• PA benefit: business has the knowledge, experience,
equipment etc
• Business benefit: access to attractive location,
limited competition
Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding
tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Direct commercial operation
PA authority provides commercial goods and services CHALLENGES
• Human resources,
knowledge, skills,
financial resources
• Ensuring
businesses are not
owned by PA
personnel who
receive all the
profits and no
benefit to the PA
• Can cover same activities as private sector
• Can be wholly-state owner or Public-Private
Partnership (PPP) / joint venture
• Ensures all / more money is obtained by the PA
• Should include local labour and goods / services
Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding
tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Charges on goods and services that generate funds for the
government and can be used to support PA management CHALLENGES
• Not popular with
locals or visitors
• Ensuring money
goes back into
• Costs of managing
the system
• Hard to manage
“small” taxes
administration as
larger taxes)
• Allows for generating funds nationally and on a long-
term basis and to use the funds to suit needs
• Examples: Local tax on users of a protected area or
use of equipment, bed levies on accommodation
Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding
tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Gifts of money, goods or services, offered free of charge
to support PAs
• Requires good
communication to
visitors by guides
and print material
• Good transparency
and accountability
in management
and use of money
• Can use trust funds to hold and manage the
• Can encourage businesses to donate a small % of
sales to support a PA project (e.g. developing trails,
bridges, environmental research)
• Can use donation boxes
Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding
tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
WCPA recommendations for reducing public
resistance to fees
Use fee revenues for quality
improvements to trails, toilets,
maps, and other facilities 4
Retain and use money for specific,
known, park purposes, rather than
for general revenues
Make small fee increases
rather than making them in
large jumps 5 Use extra money for conservation
of the area visited
Use money for operational
costs rather than as a control
mechanism for visitor entry 6
Provide abundant information to
the public about the income
earned and the actions funded
through it
Source: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK
Principle 3: Support the local economy
• Responsible tourism
requires socio-economic
benefits are received by the
local people
• If local communities only
see the cost of the PA and
no benefits, they are
unlikely to support PA
management or tourism
Picture source:
The PA’s obligation to help local communities in
and around PAs
Local communities
in and around PAs
are relatively poor
PAs sometimes ask
local communities
to relocate
PAs often require
restrictions on
Local community
disrupted and
Diminished local
community support
for conservation
PA authorities have
obligation to help
Understanding the local communities’ views of
tourism in PAs
Create income
Create employment
Create opportunities for
local businesses
Assist community
Protect culture
Access to better services
Source: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK
Six simple opportunities to support the local
economy in and around PAs
Provide product
Facilitate CBT
joint ventures
Introduce local
Implement responsible
employment & supply
chain policies
Build capacity and
provide occupational
skills training
Establish a
community fund
Picture source:
The role and importance of communication and
interpretation in PAs
• Communication mostly relates to the
delivery of information about PA
facilities, features, accessibility and
codes of conduct
• Interpretation relates to informing
about the PA’s natural and cultural
heritage (species, ecosystems,
people) and issues around it to raise
awareness and appreciation for
• Good communication and
interpretation greatly increases
visitor satisfaction
What is the issue?
Limited or poor
communication of the PA
increases the chance of
disturbance and damage
to the PA
Limited or poor interpretation
of natural values and its
importance to visitors and
residents reduces support and
action in conservation
The objectives of communication and
interpretation in PAs
• To increase awareness about the
resources and attractions in the PA
• To alter behaviour of visitors and
residents in the PA
• To orient visitors to the PA
• To explain about the community and
PA authority’s goals and objectives
• To increase understanding about the
role and importance of special
species in the PA and issues in
• To increase understanding about the
role and importance of important
ecosystems in the PA and issues in
• To increase understanding and
respect for local culture and heritage
sites in the PA and socio-cultural
issues in sympathetic preservation
and promotion
The benefits of responsible communication and
interpretation in PAs
Builds understanding and
support for conservation
Increases repeat
visitation and positive
Increases visitor
satisfaction and reduces
1. Inform and
educate visitors
about the
importance of
the PA
accurately and
3. Raise
awareness of
PA zones and
Principles of good practice in responsible
communication and interpretation
Principle 1: Inform and educate visitors about
the importance of the PA
• The tourism code of conduct is
• Ensure the code of conduct is based
upon the objectives of the zoning
• Ensure codes of conduct are
developed for both visitors and
business operators (services)
• Ensure codes of conduct are easy to
understand and easily accessible
• Ensure regulations and associated
penalties for breeches are also
clearly stated and easily identified /
The key steps in developing tourism
codes of conduct
Get support
•Who will the
code affect?
Identify issues
•What are we trying
to protect or
•Who will do what?
Draft code
of conduct
•What will we
Communicating codes of conduct to visitors
• Before booking
– What? Destination’s people,
culture and environment
– Where? Website, social media,
• Between booking & arrival
– What? How to prepare
– Where? Tour pre-departure packs
• During the visit
– What? Print information and
displays about destination’s
people, culture and environment
– Where? Meet and greet, signs /
displays in prominent places, tour
• What? Expected operational
behaviour including that of guests
• Where? Formal licencing
contracts, agreements, permits..
Strategically located warning /
penalty notices around PA
Picture source:
Interpretation through signs and exhibits
• Interpretational signs and exhibits use
stories and messages to inform visitors
about places, objects or events
• Properly planned and designed
interpretive programs relay a theme /
message to visitors
• Common topics can include unique
animal species, unique flora, important
ecosystems, built heritage, local culture,
activities, events
• Interpretation principles can also be
applied to communicating codes of
• Interpretation should incorporate 3
components: education, emotion,
Educational component
Emotional component
Behavioural component
Examples of interpretive exhibits
Three tips for detailed interpretive signs
Deliver information
using themes that are
strong and
provocative. 3
Structure theme into
topics easily
identified by sub-
2Create titles that are
eye-catching and
Examples of detailed interpretive signs
Eye catching
title (theme)
(well structured) Good use
of images
Principle 2: Communicate messages accurately
and authentically
• Poor marketing of PA values
can result in loss of meaning
and significance and erosion
of the integrity of the
natural (and cultural)
• Communicating messages
accurately and authentically
promotes greater
understanding and respect
Picture source:
Authenticity in tourism experiences
• As with tourism in general, promotion of messages
in PAs is often based upon selling “authentic
• While authenticity is perceived it remains highly
connected to marketing and should display as
accurately as possible meanings that reflect the
• If messages are exaggerated in
order to make them more attractive to consumers
they will become disappointed when their
expectations are not met
Examples of inauthentic advertising from
around the world
Picture sources:
 Sharing a bottle of wine
on the beach…really?
Are we in Spain or the
The Mediterranean
Sea has never looked
this good!
Cultural commodification in PAs
• Communication about the culture of local
communities and cultural heritage sites in PAs
should be respectful and accurate
• Commercialisation and commodification of the
local culture should be avoided not only in the
products sold but in the language used and
messages communicated
• Cultural commercialisation and commodification
may result in the loss of original meaning
• The involvement and determination of local
people of how to interpret their culture is critical
4 examples of cultural commodification in
Redeveloping places to make them more
attractive for tourist consumption
Creating staged and reshaped traditional
performances for tourists
Adaptive reuse of historical buildings
without interpretation
Sale and / or reproduction of artefacts of
cultural or spiritual significance as souvenirs
Picture sources:
Principle 3: Raise awareness of PA zones and
• Services and infrastructure is of
no benefit if visitors don’t know
about what is available, where to
find it, and how to get there
• Visitors exploring PAs will also
continue to cause damage if they
don’t know where they can /
cannot go and why
• Visitors need information about
what is available, where to
access it, and how to interact
with the PA in a sustainable way
Picture source:
Basic requirements for communicating how
visitors should interact with the PA
• Visitors should have access to a
protected map at a minimum
• The map should details the
trails, roads, facilities,
attractions etc
• Zones should be clearly
identified and terms of use
 PA website
 Print brochures /
leaflets at
centres, local
tourism service
 Large fixed signs
at key locations
in PA
Example of PA visitor map
Facilities and
locations clearly
Trails, roads,
parking marked
Non-use areas,
boundaries clearly
Example: Zoning map for Great Barrier Reef
MPA (Townsville)
Each colour
a different
Example: Zoning guide for Great Barrier Reef
MPA (Townsville)
Aquaculture P P P    
Bait netting       
Boating, diving       
Crabbing       
Harvest fishing for aquariums P P P    
Limited collecting P P     
Limited spearfishing       
Line fishing       
Netting       
Research P P P P P P P
Shipping  P P P P P 
Tourism programme P P P P P P 
Traditional use of marine resources       
Trawling       
Trolling       
P = Permit
Picture source:,_North_Carolina
The role and importance of monitoring and
evaluation in PAs
• Monitoring is the routine process of
data collection and measurement of
progress toward programme
• Evaluation is the use of social
research methods to systematically
investigate the achievement of
programme results
• Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
provides the information needed to
guide and prioritise PA management
activities to accepted standards
What is the issue?
• Without data of PA tourism
conditions and trends that
monitoring provides, planners
and managers:
– Cannot assure stakeholders of the
reliability of their decisions;
– Cannot respond to public concerns and criticisms; and
– Cannot properly fulfil their responsibilities or judge the
effectiveness of their actions.
• Moreover, if planners and managers do not undertake
the monitoring, someone else will – and such monitoring
may well be biased Adapted from: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected
Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK
Picture source:
The benefits of monitoring and evaluation of
PAs for sustainability
Provides data on
management progress
and effectiveness
Improves conservation
management and
to stakeholders,
Provides data to plan
future resource needs
Provides data useful
for policy-making and
Picture source:
Monitor tourism impacts because prevention and
early intervention is always better than cure!
In tourism,
symptoms of
negative impacts
can be gradual…
After a negative
impact has been
to manage
become more
…and problems
can be difficult
to spot.
…and in many
cases returning
to the original
state can be
“Gosh where
did all these
tourists come
I don’t remember
seeing so many a
few years ago!”
“I thought we were
able to handle all the
tourists unit I saw
some kids acting like
foreigners and it
occurred to me just
how much our
culture has
“When we started
running tours to the
nearby cave some
tourists damaged
the beautiful rock
formations. Now
we have lost them
“We really have too
many tourists here
but with so many
businesses now
depending on them
reducing the volume
would never be
1. Ensure integration
of sustainability
criteria indicators 2. Evaluate
indicators using
benchmarks and
limits of acceptable
3. Ensure results are
Principles of good practice in monitoring and
evaluation for sustainability in PAs
Principle 1: Ensure integration of sustainability
• In PA’s there is a tendency
to focus most attention
on environmental impacts
and management related
• To ensure comprehensive
sustainability of the PA
social and economic
impacts must also be
Managerial /
Examples of key issues to consider when
scoping PA sustainability
Gender equity & social
• Family well-being, equal employment
opportunities, gender roles in
traditional communities, access to
loans and credit, control over
tourism-related income…
Poverty reduction / economic
• Income, employment,
entrepreneurship, quality of life…
Capacity development
• Tourism awareness, tourism business
training, local control of tourism
operations, participation in local
Environmental protection
• Endangered species, water quality,
litter, loss / changes in vegetation
structure, habitat loss, erosion,
disturbance to animals, trail widening
/ changes…
Cultural preservation and
• Preservation of traditions and values,
maintenance of cultural significance
and meaning, maintenance of
cultural heritage sites…
Social gains
• Quality of life, crime, access to
resources, access to heath care,
access to education, limitation of
rural to urban migration…
Turning sustainability impacts and issues into
monitoring indicators
• An “indication” of the state of a
particular issue
• Formally selected and used on a
regular basis to measure changes
• Conventional tourism indicators
include arrival numbers, length of
stay, and expenditure
• Sustainable tourism indicators focus
on the link between tourism and
sustainability issues
• Issues concerning the
natural resources and
environment of a
• Concerns relating to
economic sustainability
• Issues relating to
cultural assets and social
• Broad organisation and
management issues
within the tourism
sector and broader
Types of indicators
• Early warning indicators
• Indicators of stresses on the
• Measures of the current state
of industry
• Measures of tourism
development sustainability impacts
• Measures of management effort
• Measures of management effects
Impact type vs. Indicator type
Environmental impacts
Social impacts
Economic impacts
Category indices
Normative indicators
Nominal indicators
Opinion-based indicators
Raw data
Dissection of an sustainability issue into
Example of tourism indicator development
process for sustainability
Number hotels with a
recycling programme
Number of threatened
or extinct species as
percentage of all
known species
Perceived value of
forest resources to
Don’t reinvent the wheel!
Use and / or adapt existing indicators
Many organisations have
already developed and
refined useful indicators
for monitoring tourism
impacts on sustainability
World Tourism Organisation
Indicator Guidebook
Pressure, State, Response
UNEP Environmental
IUCN Indicators of
Resources Management
Example of environmental and economic
sustainability indicators in tourism
ENVIRONMENTAL Number of threatened or extinct species as percentage of all known species
Perceived value of forest resources to tourism
Number of days tourists spend on nature tourism activities out of total number of days
Number of hotels with environmental policy
Environmental awareness campaigns conducted
Number hotels recycling 25% or more of their waste products
Demand/supply ratio for water
Number of hotels with 50% or more of total toilets as dual flush
% of energy consumption from renewable resources
ECONOMIC Average wage rates in tourism jobs rural/ urban
Number of local people employed in tourism (men and women)
Revenues generated by tourism as % of all revenues generated in the community
% of visitors who overnight in local tourist accommodation
% of hotels with a majority local staff
% of GDP provided by tourism
Change in number of visitor arrivals
Average tourist length of stay
New tourism businesses as a percentage of all new businesses
Example of social and project / business
sustainability indicators in tourism
SOCIAL % of tourism operators who provide day care to employees with children
% of tourism operators who have commitments regarding equal gender opportunity
Women/men as a % of all tourism employment
% women/men employees sent on training programmes
Satisfaction with volume of tourists visiting the destination
PA Management Plan exists
All personnel receive periodic tourism impact management training
% of purchases of services and goods from local providers
% of purchases that are fair trade purchases
Number of facilities built using local material
Code of conduct developed with local community
% of women and local minority employees
Good practice in setting
effective tourism indicators
Ensure indicators identify
conditions or outputs of
tourism development
Ensure indicators are
descriptive rather than
Ensure indicators are
easy to measure
Ensure you start with
only a few key variables
Principle 2: Evaluate indicators using baselines,
benchmarks and limits of acceptable change
•The first
“foundation” study
from which future
studies follow
•Comparison of data
against baseline
•Can also use
industry averages
•Helps establish if
results are positive
or negative in local
Effective monitoring systems often incorporate at a
number of different tools to assist in the analysis of
Examples of baselines, benchmarks and
Establishing a baseline
•A survey was conducted in 2014 which
established that 15% of households in a
village had running water
•This forms the baseline for household
access to running water in the destination
Using a benchmark
•In 2015 a repeat survey was conducted
which recorded that 25% of households
had running water
•This shows a positive change of 10%
against the Year 1 baseline
Comparing to thresholds
•In terms of access to running water,
anything less than 100% requires action
•If however, the study was of the amount
of protected forest in a community, 40%
might be an acceptable target depending
on the year 1 benchmark
Limits of acceptable change process and
guidelines 1/2
1. Identify special
values, issues, and
concerns attributed to
the area
Citizens and managers:
• Identify special features or qualities that require attention
• Identify existing management problems and concerns
• Identify public issues: economic, social, environmental
• Identify role the area plays in a regional and national context and political/institutional constraints
Encourages a better understanding of the natural
resource base, a general concept of how the
resource could be managed, and a focus on
principal management issues.
2. Identify and
describe recreation
opportunity classes or
Opportunity classes describe subdivisions or zones of the natural resource where different social,
resource, or managerial conditions will be maintained
• Identify opportunity classes for the natural resources
• Describe different conditions to be maintained (Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex case study, Box
6.2 below illustrates the opportunity classes used there)
Developing classes (or zones) provides a way of
defining a range of diverse conditions within the
protected area.
3. Select indicators of
resource and social
Indicators are specific elements of the resource or social setting selected to be indicative of the
conditions deemed appropriate and acceptable in each opportunity class
• Select a few indicators as indicative measures of overall health
• Use economic, social, environmental, political indicators
• Ensure indicators are easy to measure, relate to conditions in opportunity classes, and reflect
changes in recreational use
Indicators are essential to LAC because their
condition as a group reflects the overall condition
of the opportunity class and guides the
4. Inventory existing
resource and social
• Use chosen indicators to guide the inventory of resource and social conditions
• Use inventory data to provide a better understanding of area constraints and opportunities
• Map inventories to establish status (location and condition) of indicators
By placing the inventory as step 4, rather than the first step as is often done, planners avoid
unnecessary data collection and ensure that the data collected is useful
Inventory data are mapped so both the condition
and location of the indicators are known.
Helps managers establish realistic standards, and
used later to evaluate the consequences of
Limits of acceptable change process and
guidelines 2/2
5. Specify standards for
resource and social
conditions in each
opportunity class
• Identify the range of conditions for each indicator considered desirable or acceptable for each opportunity
• Define conditions in measurable terms, to represent the maximum permissible conditions allowed (limits)
• Ensure conditions are attainable and realistic
Provides the basis for establishing a distinctive and
diverse range of protected area settings, serving to
define the “limits of acceptable change.”
6. Identify
opportunity class
This stage identifies alternative allocations of opportunities
• Identify different types/location/timing of alternatives, using steps 1 and 4 to explore how well
the different opportunity classes meet the various interests and values
Provides alternative ways of managing the area
to best meet the needs, interests, and
7. Identify
management actions
for each alternative
• Analyse broad costs and benefits of each alternative
• Identify the kinds of management actions needed to achieve the desired conditions (direct or
This step involves an analysis of the costs and
benefits of each alternative.
8. Evaluation and
selection of a
preferred alternative
• Review costs vs. benefits of alternatives with managers, stakeholders and public
• Examine the responsiveness of each alternative to the issues
• Explicitly state the factors considered, and their weight in decision-making
• Select a preferred alternative
Builds consensus and selects the best
9. Implement actions
and monitor
• Develop implementation plan with actions, costs, timetable, and responsibilities
• Develop a monitoring programme, focusing on the indicators developed in step 3
• Compare indicator conditions with standards to evaluate the success of actions
If conditions do not correspond with standards the intensity of the management effort might need
to be increased or new actions implemented
Ensures timely implementation and adjustment
of management strategies. Monitoring ensures
that effectiveness of implementation is known.
If monitoring shows problems, actions can be
Example: Acceptable thresholds of change for a
national sustainable tourism programme in Samoa
% of new hotels undertaking environmental impact assessments 33% 90-100% V.POOR
% of hotels using secondary or tertiary sewage treatment 8% 30-50% V.POOR
% of tourists participating in nature tourism 8% 20-40% V.POOR
% of tourist sites passing water quality tests 50% 70-90% POOR
% of hotels composting their biodegradable waste 76% 60-80% ACCEPTABLE
Water usage per guest night in hotels (in litres) 928 500-1000 ACCEPTABLE
Contribution of direct tourism businesses to GDP 4% 10-20% POOR
Proportion of new businesses focused on tourism 4% 10-20% POOR
Proportion of hotel jobs in rural areas 48% 40-60% ACCEPTABLE
Hotel staff participating in training courses 27% 25-50% ACCEPTABLE
Villages included in tourism awareness programmes 28% 25-50% ACCEPTABLE
Proportion of traditional events in Tourism Festivals 50% 50-70% ACCEPTABLE
Proportion of handicraft stalls out of all stalls in markets 21% 20-40% ACCEPTABLE
Tourism operators informing visitors of village protocol 72% 50-70% GOOD
Source: SNV Vietnam & the University of Hawaii, School of Travel Industry Management 2007, A Toolkit for
Monitoring and Managing Community-based Tourism, SNV Vietnam & the University of Hawaii, USA
Principle 3: Ensure results are clearly
• There is no point in doing a
monitoring programme if no
one finds out about the results
• Stakeholders and decision
makers need to hear about the
results so they can take action
• Results should presented to help
stakeholders reinforce positive
actions or remedy problem
Consider the
needs of the
potential user
Portray the
results as simply
as possible
Options for getting the message out
Meetings and workshops
Provide an analysis of the
monitoring programme results
in a practical and “hands-on”
workshop or meeting. It also
in-depth analysis and detailed
clarification of issues.
Newsletters & reports
Provide details of the results
within the organisation
newsletter or alternatively
create a newsletter specifically
for communicating the results.
Include results in the
organisation’s annual report.
Create a section on the
organisation’s website that
provides details of the progress
being made in sustainability
Deliver information about the
sustainability monitoring program
directly into the mailbox of the
stakeholders. Coming from senior
management can add a level of
authority. Quick and direct.
Picture sources:
Xin trân trọng cảm ơn!
Thank you!

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Responsible Tourism Practices for Protected Areas

  • 2. Unit outline Objectives By the end of this unit, participants will be able to: • Understand the impacts of tourism in protected areas and the importance of responsible tourism • Explain how to integrate responsible tourism principles into protected area planning • Explain how responsible tourism principles should be considered in protected area infrastructure and services • Describe responsible tourism principles in visitor impact management in protected areas • Identify financing mechanisms for economic sustainability in protected areas • Explain how to communicate and interpret natural heritage responsibly • Identify how to involve local communities in protected area planning and management • Explain how to monitor and evaluate protected areas for sustainability Topics 1. Overview of protected areas and tourism in Vietnam 2. Integrating responsible tourism into planning 3. Responsible tourism considerations in infrastructure & services 4. Responsible tourism approach to visitor impact management 5. Responsible financing of protected areas 6. Responsible communication & interpretation 7. Protected area monitoring & evaluation for sustainability
  • 4. Defining protected areas A clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values Source: Dudley, N. (ed.) 2008, Guidelines for Appling Protected Areas Management Categories, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland
  • 5. The six IUCN categories of protected areas E. Protect biodiversity and geological / geomorphical features or natural condition 1. Strict Nature Reserve (a) & Wilderness Area (b) 2. National Park 3. Natural Monument or Feature 4. Habitat / Species Management Area 5. Protected Landscape / Seascape 6. Protected Area with Sustainable Use of Natural Resources B. Protect large scale-ecological processes, species and ecosystems F. Protect a specific natural monument C. Protect a particular species or habitats A. Protect significant areas characterised by the interaction of people and nature D. Protect ecosystems, habitats and associated cultural values and traditional natural resource management systems ?
  • 6. The six IUCN categories of protected areas E. Protect biodiversity and geological / geomorphical features or natural condition 1. Strict Nature Reserve (a) & Wilderness Area (b) 2. National Park 3. Natural Monument or Feature 4. Habitat / Species Management Area 5. Protected Landscape / Seascape 6. Protected Area with Sustainable Use of Natural Resources B. Protect large scale-ecological processes, species and ecosystems F. Protect a specific natural monument C. Protect a particular species or habitats A. Protect significant areas characterised by the interaction of people and nature D. Protect ecosystems, habitats and associated cultural values and traditional natural resource management systems !
  • 7. Vietnam’s natural environment at a glance 128 More than forested protected areas 15 marine protected areas of the land under some form of environmental protection 18% wetlands of national importance 68 10% about of the world’s species
  • 8. Bio- diversity & ecology Poverty reduction Fresh water & food security Medicines & genetics Natural barriers Regulates climate change Recreation al, spiritual Traditional lifestyles Social capital & solidarity The benefits of protected areas
  • 9. The key administrators of Vietnam’s protected areas Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Ministry of Fisheries (MOFI) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) Ministry of Culture & Information Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) Provincial People’s Committees (PPCs)
  • 10. The growing importance of tourism in protected areas Protected areas play an important role in tourism by offering visitors places for: • Outdoor recreational • Education and learning • Solace, spiritualism, healing and renewal FINDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ECOTOURISM SOCIETY • Ecotourism has been growing 20%- 34% per year since the 1990s • In the international market nature- based tourism has been growing at 10-12% per annum • Indications that tourism is expanding most in and around the word’s remaining natural areas • Eco-resorts and hotels are expected to boom faster than traditional forms of accommodation Source: The International Ecotourism Society 2006, Fact Sheet: Global Ecotourism, Available [online]: content/uploads/downloads/2011/02/Fact-Sheet-Global- Ecotourism-IETS.pdf (accessed May 2013)
  • 11. The three key tourism market segments to protected areas Mass tourism • Largest component of international tourism market • Seek ‘sun, sea, sand’ and entertainment • Often on holiday packages • Take excursions to local attractions • Visit protected areas for soft leisure activities • Growing demand for excursions Adventure tourism • Growing segment • Involves strenuous outdoor activities • Often in protected areas • Adventure rather than nature • Potentially damaging activities Ecotourism / Nature- based tourism • Want to see attractive natural environments and their wildlife • Undertake specific nature based activities • Relatively high social bracket, well-educated, over 35, more women than men • A key segment that can benefit conservation
  • 12. International vs. domestic markets to protected areas in Vietnam INTERNATIONAL MARKET DOMESTIC MARKET Travel independently, any group size Motivation is soft leisure activities Popular with ‘Phot’ High visitation rates Travel in small groups and / or organised tours Motivation is adventure and eco-tourism Stronger for first time visitors Mainly stick to 5H’s Source: Grunz, S. 2012, Responsible Tourism in and Around Protected Areas in Vietnam – Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses and Protected Areas [unpublished], GIZ/MARD Project “Preservation of biodiversity in forest ecosystems in Vietnam”, GIZ
  • 13. The benefits of tourism in protected areas SOCIAL Supports revival and maintenance of local culture Supports cross cultural empathy Promotes preservation of historical heritage Training for communities Others? ECONOMIC Economic incentives for habitat protection Revenue raising for community projects Employment for local people Selling of local products Diversified livelihoods Funding for protected areas management Others? ENVIRONMENT Supports conservation of biodiversity Awareness raising for tourists and locals on importance of conservation Others?
  • 14. Negative environmental impacts of tourism in protected areas (example) ACTIVITY ISSUE RESULT (WHY IT’S A PROBLEM) 1. Vegetation removal Tourists picking flowers to take home Interrupts reproduction processes of plants; Removes a food source for insects and other animals; Diminishes aesthetic values of protected area… 2. Trekking … … 3. … … … 4. … … … 5. … … …
  • 15. Negative environmental impacts of tourism in protected areas • Vegetation removal • Animal disturbance • Elimination of animal habitats • Pollution • Changes to drainage patterns • Firewood over exploitation • Trampling / damage to vegetation • Introduction of alien species • Destruction of flora and fauna • Animal “road kills” • Changes to geological processes • Others? -VE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS
  • 16. Negative economic impacts of tourism in protected areas • Conflict over control of land • Conflict over control of resources • Conflict over tourism profits • Others? -VE ECONOMIC IMPACTS
  • 17. Negative social impacts of tourism in protected areas • Threats to indigenous culture • Changes to social values • Changes to traditional livelihood practices • Loss of access to resources • Degradation of cultural sites • Visitor-host cultural conflict • Others? -VE SOCIAL IMPACTS
  • 18. Responsible tourism: Building a sustainable future for protected areas Uses natural resources optimally whilst still conserving the natural heritage and biodiversity Respects and conserves socio- cultural authenticity including built and living cultural heritage and traditional values Ensures viable, long term economic benefits to all stakeholders including fair distribution of benefits
  • 19. The responsible tourism approach ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL ECONOMIC SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 1. BE ACCOUNTABLE 3. TAKE ACTION 2. HAVE CAPACITY RESPONSIBLE TOURISM We must accept that every decision and action we make in our daily lives has an impact. We must take responsibility for our actions and acquire the knowledge, skills and resources to make change. Being responsible is not just an intent. It requires action. And that action must be for good - based upon the law, our ethics and morals.
  • 20. More satisfied visitors The benefits of adopting a responsible tourism approach in protected areas Picture source: Pixabay, Greater ownership and accountability Enhanced biodiversity & ecosystem health Empowerment of local residents Enhanced contribution for conservation
  • 22. What is the issue? • Many PAs in Vietnam have do not have comprehensive and up to date master plans • PA plans help ensure areas retain their values and benefits • PA plans address environmental compatibility, product quality and business aspects
  • 23. The importance of effective PA planning and implementation “If there is no general management plan, preservation, development and use activities in a park will occur in a haphazard basis, often in response to political pressures with little consideration as to the implications for the future. The result is likely to be lost opportunities and irreversible damage to park resources and values.” Young & Young, 1993 Source: Young, C. & Young, B. 1993, Park Planning: A training manual (Instructors Guide), College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Tanzania
  • 24. The challenge in protected area planning CONSERVATION Goal: Preserve biodiversity LOCAL PARTICIPATION Goal: Empowerment, poverty alleviation TOURISM BUSINESS Goal: Customer satisfaction, profitability - Preventing local development - Loss of financial resources - Environmental degradation - Exploitation- Unprofessional enterprises - Unsustainable use of natural resources + Joint product development & marketing + Joint ventures + Sustainable use of natural resources Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
  • 25. Benefits of PA plans that follow responsible tourism principles • Better ensures objectives of all stakeholders can be met and funded • Fosters greater respect, co-operation and support • Creates a common understanding for the PA set within the broader framework of plans and policies • Fosters transparency and public accountability • Enables continued improvement
  • 26. PROTECTED AREA PLANNING 1. Be guided by a comprehensive PA management plan 2. Embrace participation 3. Adopt a regional ecosystem approach 4. Plan zones for effective management Principles of good practice in PA planning and responsible tourism approaches
  • 27. Principle 1: Be guided by a comprehensive PA management plan Develop a PA management plan that contains as a core: • Conservation targets • Vision, management objectives, and principles • Opportunities and constraints • Management zones • Monitoring and evaluation plan Picture source:
  • 28. Key inclusions in protected area management plans Description Summarises natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic features, how it is used, and its legal and management framework Evaluation Identifies why the protected area is important. Explains the values associated with it. Issues & problems Analyses the constraints and opportunities affecting the area, in particular focusing on principal internal / external threats to conservation, management and maintenance Vision & objectives The broad, long-term vision for the protected area. May take the form of goals, and a vision statement. Objectives should be listed as specific statements outlining what is to be achieved within the plan’s timeframe. Objectives can be Limits of Acceptable Change (LACs). Zoning plan A summary of the more detailed Zoning Plan that illustrates the boundaries, classification and management and other activities allowed or prohibited in areas of the reserve. Management actions The specific actions to be carried out in order to achieve the objectives including: list of management actions required; action / activity plan (what, who, when), priority activities, and; staff and finances required Monitoring & review Outlines how implementation of the plan will be monitored (including indicators and targets), and when and how a review of the plan will be carried out.
  • 29. Legislation Agency policies, strategies Regional plans, broad-scale land management plans Management plans for protected areas / reserves Subsidiary plans Operational / action plans, work programmes Ensure plan is integrated into broader context to ensure sustainability • The plan will not be sustainable unless it fits in with relevant higher level plans and policies • Critical to review legislation / formal agreements designating the area (e.g. IUCN category) and confirm their meaning • These set the overriding purpose and goals of the management plan Protected area management plans fit here
  • 30. Principle 2: Embrace participation • Involving key stakeholders critical to success of PA plans • Key stakeholders may be external (local people, visitors, others) or internal (staff involved in implementation of the plan) • Participation creates sense of ownership and is more likely to generate action • The opportunity for the general public and stakeholders to review the draft Management Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 31. Key stakeholders in protected area planning STAKEHOLDERS Government authorities Protected area planners Businesses Community leaders & groups Nearby residents Occupiers Researchers
  • 32. Methods for involving stakeholders in PA planning METHOD TYPE OF INVOLVEMENT Press releases /advertisements inviting submissions Informing Radio / TV appearances to discuss planning issues Informing Publication of specialised pre-planning pamphlets / brochures which provide detailed discussion on specific issues Informing Publication of draft plans of management Informing Open forum public meetings to present and discuss planning documents Consulting Pre-arranged meetings of special interest groups to resolve conflicting requirements Deciding together Consultations between planners and individuals / organisations Consulting Analysis of written public submissions by agencies and third parties Deciding together Referral of public submissions to external advisory groups e.g. committees comprising community leaders / representatives Consulting Formal involvement of independent statutory advisory committees in assessing plans and public submissions Deciding together Input through political processes, particularly in regard to more difficult issues Deciding together Source: Thomas, L. & Middleton, J. 2003, Guidelines for Management Planning of Protected Areas, IUCN Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK
  • 33. Guidelines for consultation on PA management plans Adapted from: Phillips, A. 2002, Management Guidelines for IUCN Category V Protected Areas Protected Landscapes/seascapes, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, & Cambridge, UK Record and document all comments and contacts Produce materials that are informative, clear and user- friendly Obtain comments using a variety of culturally appropriate methods Be open to revisiting any proposal Identify all stakeholders and approach them on the basis of equality and transparency Promptly respond to all requests for meetings, materials etc Consider every view - whether it is adopted or not Give stakeholders adequate time for input Feedback the results of consultation to all Treat stakeholders as respected and essential partners Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 34. Involving the local community • PA authorities have a responsibility to support local communities because of socio-economic restrictions PA often place on them • Moreover, helping local communities in and around PAs can also help PA management by: – Decreasing destructive or damaging effects of natural resource extraction / use – Drawing on their local knowledge of the environment for planning – Promoting the development of sustainable tourism products Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 35. Tips for involving the local community in PA planning Implement a participatory assessment of socio- economic development needs Ensure the local community is fairly represented in stakeholder forums Assist the local community develop a formal destination management organisation Train key community representatives in PA management and conservation
  • 36. Types of local participation for consideration in PA planning Type of participation Level of skill required Level of empowerment Security of return (risk) Direction of benefits Contribution to local development Reception of PA user fees None None Secure Community as a whole Low Sale of land to investor None Low Very secure Individuals or community as a whole Low Rent of land or delegation of user rights None Low Secure Individuals or community as a whole Low Employment by outside investor Low to moderate Low Fairly secure Individuals (can include poorest) Moderate Supply of goods and services Low to moderate Low to moderate Fairly secure Individuals (favours more active members) Moderate Community – private sector joint venture Moderate Moderate to high Fairly secure Active individuals and community as a whole High Independent community enterprise High High Insecure Active individuals and community as a whole High Individual local enterprise High High Insecure Active individuals High Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
  • 37. 7 tips for increasing “ownership” of PA management plans among staff 1. Secure a strong public commitment from senior personnel 5. Allocate members of staff with activities identified in the plan 2. Ensure real and visible linkages between plan and budgetary allocations 6. Provide work plans for staff 3. Hold meetings to inform staff about the plan at the outset and identify how staff can participate 7. Link the plan to annual performance assessments 4. Involve staff at key stages in the formulation of the plan Source: Thomas, L. & Middleton, J. 2003, Guidelines for Management Planning of Protected Areas, IUCN Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 38. Principle 3. Adopt a regional ecosystem approach • Protected areas are impacted upon by external decisions, activities and ecological processes • PA management plans must consider resource use and impacts outside its boundaries • Particularly important when other administrations manage outside areas • For success, PA planning see itself as aiming to build more sustainable patterns of development in general Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 39. Three focus areas for regional integration Integrate or link PA management plans with local development processes and the activities of other agencies and organisations working in the area. Identify and address the aspirations and needs of the local communities around the protected area (as well as those living in it) in the PA management plan Incorporate regional stakeholders in the planning of buffer zones and compatible uses, and in educational, interpretive and community involvement programmes
  • 40. Principle 4. Plan zones for effective management • Zoning defines what can and cannot occur in different areas of a PA including: – Natural resource management – Cultural resources management – Human use and benefit – Visitor use and experience – Access – Facilities and park development – Maintenance and operations • Zones establish limits of acceptable use and development Picture sources: Pixabay,
  • 41. Typical functions of zones Separate conflicting human activities Enable damaged areas to be set aside to recover or be restored Provide protection for critical habitats, ecosystems and ecological processes Protect the natural and / or cultural qualities while allowing a range of reasonable human uses Picture sources: Pixabay,
  • 42. Types of protected area zones Non-use zones •Extremely sensitive eco-systems •Closed to visitors or use not encouraged Backcountry / wilderness •Pristine, sensitive ecosystems •No infrastructure except for primitive trails •Low visitor numbers •Guides may be required Moderate / quiet zone •Moderately sensitive ecosystems •Basic infrastructure possibly including improved trails, viewpoints and simple campgrounds at some places •Moderate visitor numbers Intensive use zone •Less sensitive ecosystems •Hardened surfaces and improved infrastructure including roads, trails, viewpoints and rest areas •High visitor numbers, adjacent to infrastructure zone Infrastructure zone •Less sensitive ecosystems •Concentrating buildings, services, parking lots and general park maintenance •Located on the periphery or outside of parks and not too close to non-use or wilderness zones Sports fishing and hunting zones •Fishing may be allowed through a special licence in some of the zones (except for non-use zones) •Hunting is not compatible with other types of tourism and has to be restricted to specially managed hunting blocks, often in buffer zones adjacent to the actual PA Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
  • 43. Example of a protected area zoning plan Ocean Attraction Guard post Walking trail Ocean Ocean There are 4 zones in this plan. What are they? Ocean Road, entrance 1. 2. 4. 3.
  • 45. Guiding principle: Keep zoning plans simple 1. Don’t create too complex a pattern of zoning 2. Using multiple zones with only slight differences between them can be confusing to the public and management 3. The aim is to use the minimum number of zones needed to achieve the management objectives 4. Zones should be able to be easily identified by visitors and enable them to know what zone they are in and therefore what constraints apply Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 47. What is the issue? • Many PA’s in Vietnam lack, or have insufficient or low quality infrastructure and services • Trails, signs, roads, and services are generally limited or low quality • As a result: – More adverse environmental impacts from limited visitor and business controls – Compromises to visitor health and safety – Low visitor satisfaction resulting in less revenue from entrance fees and use of services
  • 48. Poor / limited infrastructure & services Visitor has unsatisfactory experience Unlikely to return; Negative word of mouth Less visitors and revenue from visitor fees Less finance for conservation and management The effect of poor infrastructure and services in PAs VICIOUS CYCLE Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 49. The link between infrastructure and services and responsible tourism in PAs SOCIAL •Compromises visitor health and safety •Less ability to inform and educate visitors on importance of PAs ENVIRONMENTAL •Restricted controls over visitor and business impacts on the environment ECONOMIC •Less revenue for conservation and management – PA is not economically sustainable RESPONSIBLE TOURISM Impact of limited or inadequate infrastructure & services = Compromised social, economic & environmental sustainability RT Pillars
  • 50. The importance and benefits of providing adequate infrastructure Visitor satisfaction, referrals, repeat visitation Reduced health and safety incidents Healthier ecosystems Better managed tourism behaviour Opportunities to increase fees and revenue Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 51. INFRASTRUCTURE & SERVICES 1. Reflect PA values and policies 2. Situate strategically 3. Design appropriately Principles of good practice in infrastructure & service provision in PAs
  • 52. Principle 1: Reflect PA values and policies in infrastructure and services • Infrastructure and services must be consistent with protected area values • Infrastructure and services must also be appropriate to the zone it is situated in • General principle: All facilities must provide a net benefit for conservation
  • 53. What is appropriate and why? Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 54. Attractiveness of protected areas as perceived by visitors Natural attractions •Grand / diverse landscapes (mountains, lakes, rivers, waterfalls etc) •High biodiversity •Interesting flora and fauna •Pristine ecosystems Accessibility •Proximity to major transport hubs (airport, bus, train, highway) •Ease of travel (e.g. condition of roads) Accommodation and F&B •Adequate lodgings •Adequate quality meals Recreation •Opportunities for: •Swimming •Hiking •Climbing •Kayaking •Picnicing and camping Cultural attractions •Archaeological or historic sites •Traditional cultures •Paleontological sites •Complementary attractions nearby Ancillary services •Information centre •Emergency services •Medical care •Toilets What infrastructure and services are required to help meet the visitor needs above?
  • 55. Principle 2: Situate infrastructure and services strategically • Infrastructure must be situated appropriately in order to not compromise the ecological processes and to have best use and effect • Zoning system should provide guide on what should go where • The location of infrastructure and services can also be a strategy to manage visitor and business impacts Picture source:
  • 56. Infrastructure and service types, functions, impacts and location considerations INFRASTRUCTURE / SERVICE FUNCTION IMPACTS LOCATION Paved roads Enables good accessibility Should be kept to a minimum Impacts on peace and tranquillity, safety, harm wildlife / habitats Intensive use zone Trails Provide a range of trails to facilitate visitor enjoyment Requires careful grading, maintenance, careful siting, supported by good and available maps and directional signs Impacts on safety, harm wildlife / habitats, litter, fires Intensive use zone, Wilderness zone (more basic, difficult trails) Waterway facilities Piers and jetties facilitate enjoyment of water areas and are needed for boating Should only be provided in accessible transport hub locations Impacts on peace and tranquillity, safety, harm wildlife / habitats Intensive use zone Information and interpretation Facilitate learning about the PA values, and communicates rules and regulations Should be located beside various attractions / features Large facilities can impact on peace and tranquillity, effective use and impact if located in high traffic areas Entrance to PA, Buffer Zone, at attractions Recreational facilities Facilitates leisure needs of visitors, toilets, picnic areas, taps, shelters etc Should be located away from wilderness areas Impacts on peace and tranquillity, safety, harm wildlife / habitats, litter, fires Intensive use zone Accommodation, F&B Hotels, resorts, restaurants, cafes etc increase length of stay, visitor spend, and increase enjoyment Should be situated away from sensitive areas Impacts on peace and tranquillity, harm wildlife / habitats in construction, environmental, affects visual aesthetics Outside the PA or in Buffer Zone
  • 57. Principle 3: Design infrastructure and services appropriately • The objective in the design of infrastructure is to: – Provide a variety of attractive opportunities to experience nature – Respect the natural environment – Be practical and user-friendly • Should also be continually improved according to visitor feedback Picture source:
  • 58. Good design principles for trails in PAs Should access the PA’s most interesting features Should avoid highly sensitive ecosystems / habitats Should use good design to reduce impacts (e.g. boardwalks, steps) Should incorporate loops / circuits to manage traffic and maintain interest Should have a range of difficulty levels and durations Should be kept simple, natural and easily identified Should be widened and hardened in high use areas Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 59. Good design principles for buildings in PAs Siting should consider construction impacts on ecosystem processes and wildlife habitats Should create a ‘sense of place’, reflect the surrounding nature and create a unique experience Should reflect local culture / architecture Should incorporate green principles Should be open to the natural environment Should not be higher than surrounding trees Should use colours that blend with surrounding environment Should involve respectfully preserving, restoring or repairing any existing built heritage Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 60. Good design principles for gardens and grounds Should use natural materials for any constructed facilities Should integrate prominent trees, rocks, waterways Gardens should use native plants Should use natural barriers rather than man-made barriers Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 62. What is the issue? • Protected areas can only achieve their purpose if the natural features and processes of the reserve remain in good condition • However, impacts on the natural environment can occur even under relatively low levels of use • Effective tourism impact management is therefore critical to the sustainability of PAs Picture source:
  • 63. Managing visitor impacts is also about managing visitor safety Recreation Personal injury Potential claims and pay outs Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 64. Causes of tourism impacts in PAs • Visitor activities and associated infrastructure  • Transportation  • Operation of tourism service providers  • Accommodation, F&B operation • Associated infrastructure • Indirect developments Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
  • 65. Factors which affect the level of tourism impact Characteristics of the site Intensity and type of use Interactions of PA management Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 66. Benefits of effective tourism impact management Safeguards the health of important ecosystemsGains the support and participation of the public Controls and contains visitor and tourism business activities Reduces the number and extent of health and safety incidents Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 67. Impacts of tourism in PAs TYPE ACTIVITY ISSUE IMPACT Tourist activities Hiking / walking Construction of trails, trampling Destruction of vegetation, damage to vegetation, soil erosion and compaction Boat / canoe / kayak trips Camping / picnic Sale / extraction of souvenirs Mountaineering / trekking Diving Hunting Sport fishing Tourism services & infrastructure Infrastructure construction Vehicles Boats Accommodation, F&B Building construction Accommodation & F&B operation Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
  • 68. Impacts of tourism in PAs TYPE ACTIVITY ISSUE IMPACT Touristactivities Hiking / walking Construction of trails, trampling Destruction of vegetation, damage to vegetation, soil erosion and compaction Boat / canoe / kayak trips Physical presence Disturbance to sea life, damage to aquatic vegetation Camping / picnic Construction of camp sites, noise, litter, fires, trampling Soil erosion and compaction, damage to vegetation, disturbance to wildlife, pollution, risk of bush fires Sale / extraction of souvenirs Sale of animals / animal parts, extraction of coral, shells etc Decimation of rare species, damage to reefs, species decimation Mountaineering / trekking Physical presence, trampling, spike fixing Trample damage to vegetation, disturbance to animals, damage to rocks, visual pollution Diving Breaking coral, underwater hunting Damage to reefs, decimation of certain species Hunting Infringing ethical hunting principles Decimation of certain species, disturbance, affect food chain Sport fishing Over fishing, fishing with dynamite, cutting new trails Decimation of species, disturbance, affects food chain, destruction of entire ecosystems Tourismservices& infrastructure Infrastructure construction Land consumption, logging Deforestation, damage to vegetation, splitting up integral ecosystems Vehicles Driving off road, noise, pollution Soil erosion and compaction, damage to vegetation, road kills, air / soil / water contamination Boats Noise, pollution, wave impacts Disturbance to wildlife, air and water pollution, shoreline erosion and damage to vegetation and nests Accommodat ion,F&B Building construction Logging, noise, drainage, exposed sites, inappropriate architecture Deforestation, animal disturbance, impairment of landscape Accommodation & F&B operation Presence of people, power use, water consumption, poor waste disposal, untreated sewage Animal disturbance, land / water / air contamination, lowering of water table, litter Source: Strasdas, W. 2002, The Ecotourism Training Manual for Protected Area Managers, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) & Centre for Food, Rural Development and the Environment (ZEL), Germany
  • 69. TOURISM IMPACT MANAGEMENT 1: Enforce PA zones 2: Offer incentives and enforce regulations 3: Inform and educate 4: Implement visitor safety provisions Principles of good practice in tourism impact management in PAs
  • 70. Principle 1: Enforce PA zoning system • Ensure the PA zoning plan is effectively implemented • The zones will allocate geographical areas for specific levels and intensities of activities and of conservation • Zones can also be implemented temporally • Further formalise zones by developing and implementing policies • The policies should detail: – Use of natural and cultural resources – Access – Facilities – Protected area development – Maintenance and operations Picture source:
  • 71. Principle 2: Offer incentives and enforce regulations INCENTIVES Encourage appropriate behaviour in PAs by offering rewards REGULATIONS Enforce acceptable behaviour in PAs by giving penalties for doing the wrong thing
  • 72. Regulations to minimise impacts by reducing tourism volume Access Number of visitors Length of stay Tour group size Skills and / or equipment Extent of facilities Timing Barriers Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 73. Regulations to minimise impacts by changing tourism behaviour Types of activities Frequency of use Impact appraisals Travel Conditions of use Park rangers Guides Information and education Qualifications and standards Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 74. Incentives to minimise impacts • Offer specific benefits for communities and businesses operating in the protected area to behave in an environmentally / socially / economically sensitive way. • Two examples are: VISITORS • Provide a gift / souvenir for visitors who donate to a PA environmental project • What else can you think of? SERVICES • Develop a “preferred supplier” scheme for suppliers that meet sustainability goals which offers benefits such as: higher rates, longer- term contracts, committed guarantees, joint marketing agreements, more brochure space, joint promotional activities • What else can you think of?
  • 75. Principle 3: Inform and educate to minimise tourism impacts • “Soft” management tools • Aim to reduce negative impacts of tourism by: – Educating tourists and tourism businesses – Influencing behaviour • Two key options are: A. Educating visitors about importance of the natural environment and ecosystem processes B. Communicating expected codes of conduct on visitor and business behaviour in the PA Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 76. A. Educate visitors about the importance of the natural environment • Most visitors mean well but simply do not know what the problem is • Providing simple information about the values of the protected area, important species, and important ecological processes can be enough to encourage sensitive behaviour in PAs • Communicating PA values, and management’s goals and policies can be achieved through well- placed signs, brochures, posters and flyers • Visitor information centres / interpretation centres are also very effective
  • 77. Examples of interpretation of natural values
  • 78. Good practice tip: Interpretation should engage 1. Visitors enjoy activities requiring some form of participation 2. People remember activities with interactive elements 3. Make the experience more meaningful by enabling visitors to smell, taste, feel, explore, lift, push 4. Provide field guides, photographs of local events or interesting people; or plant and animal specimens Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 79. Examples of engaging interpretive displays
  • 80. B. Communicate tourism codes of conduct • Voluntary principles and practices that visitors are requested to follow • Codes of conduct can be developed to both limit negative impacts of tourism activities and also enhance positive impacts • Codes of conduct must be well- communicated in order to be effective Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 81. Example of a visitor code of conduct 1/2 Source: VNAT, Do’s and Don'ts in Vietnam for Community-based Tourists, VNAT, Vietnam
  • 82. Example of a visitor code of conduct 2/2 Source: VNAT, Do’s and Don'ts in Vietnam for Community-based Tourists, VNAT, Vietnam
  • 83. Good practice in developing effective tourism codes of conduct Sustainability. Do the criteria consider the environment, economy and people? Equity. Do the criteria reflect the interests of everyone? Efficiency & effectiveness. Are the criteria practical and follow best practice in sustainable management? Relevance. Do the criteria directly connect to the destination’s own sustainability goals?
  • 84. Responsibilities of businesses and host communities in local tourism destinations AS THE HOST COMMUNITY WE AGREE TO: •Provide quality tourist products and experiences •Provide a safe and secure environment for tourists to visit •Be welcoming and friendly to visitors •Protect local cultures and traditions •Raise local awareness about the importance of balancing conservation and economic development •…what else? AS A TOURISM ORGANISATION WE AGREE TO: •Employ local staff and local guides •Patronise small locally owned businesses •Discourage our customers offering money to beggars •Discourage our customers from littering •Discourage our customers from damaging the natural environment •Discourage our customers from purchasing protected animals •Support local social and environmental projects •Respect local and provincial laws, rules and regulations affecting business operation •Interpret the environment and culture authentically and accurately •…what else?
  • 85. The responsibility of visitors in local tourism destinations As a visitor I agree to: Help the local economy by… • Using accredited operators • Buying locally made souvenirs • Eating at local restaurants • Staying in locally-owned places • Purchasing fair trade products • Supporting responsible tourism operators.. Help the local environment by… • Not littering • Avoiding excessive waste • Leaving nature as it is • Not disturbing wildlife • Putting out cigarettes properly • Carbon offseting • Saving energy • Not purchasing or eating endangered species… Help the local people by… • Being considerate of the communities I visit • Donating via reputable institutions • Not giving money to children and beggars • Respecting cultural difference • Not supporting the illegal drug or sex trade • Using responsible travel providers • Using operators with responsible tourism policies. Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 86. Principle 4: Implement visitor safety provisions • Recreation carries risks to the health and safety of the visitor and may indirectly impact on the PA authority • Visitor safety, accidents, liability and search and rescue must be considered • Staff should be trained in how to react to accidents and other emergency situations • A risk and emergency management plan should be developed Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 87. What is a risk? Risk Frequency of incident Severity of consequences
  • 88. Guidelines for the risk management process Is the process working effectively to identify and manage risks? - Develop a list of risks associated with an area or activity; Develop checklists to use when inspecting the area; Inspect the area and talk to visitors; Record all risks identified Have the control measures eliminated or reduced the risks to an acceptable level? Have the control measures introduced any new risks? - Gather information about each risk identified; Think about the likelihood of an event (e.g. frequency of exposure to risk and probability that an accident will occur); Assess probable consequences (number of people at risk and likely severity of an injury); Use exposure, probability and consequence to calculate level or risk Determine control measures - Eliminate risk; Transfer risk; Reduce risk probability; Reduce risk impact; Accept risk Assess effectiveness of control measures - Review proposed measures; Apply control measures; Monitor effectiveness through regular assessments and documentation 1. IDENTIFY THE RISKS Identify all risks associated with an area or activity 2. ASSESS THE RISKS Assess the level of each risk 3. MANAGE THE RISKS Decide on and use the appropriate control measures 4. MONITOR & REVIEW Monitor residual risks and review Source: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK
  • 90. What is the issue? • Around the world government funding of PAs is becoming increasingly limited • With out adequate funding for PAs:  The ability of authorities to maintain the PA’s natural values is compromised  Alternative land uses and even destructive practices may become more prevalent  Livelihood options for communities will become even more limited • To achieve economic sustainability public funding needs to be supported by a diverse mix of supplementary revenue raising strategies Picture source:
  • 91. The evolution of protected areas: Increasing value but increasing pressure Before Now • Funded by governments • Maintained as assets for the nation • National populations relatively small • Accessibility limited • Limited population pressure • Government funding more limited • Recognition of importance of biodiversity • Large population • Highly accessible • Increasing pressure on environment and wildlife • More competing interests on exploitation of natural resources Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 92. Typical economic model of tourism in PAs Government funding Entrance fees Return of income over budget Departure & hotel taxes Business & sales tax Employment & income tax Employment & wages Licences & user fees Infrastructure & management costs Employment & wages Payments for goods & services Tourists National government – Local government Businesses Local communities Protected areas Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., and Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
  • 93. Benefits of supplementary revenue raising strategies in PAs Better enable the implementation of prioritised protected area management activities Provide increased stability and confidence in budgeting Reduce the potential for conflicting or damaging forms of resource use such as logging and hunting Reduce the financial strain on provincial and national budgets Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 94. RESPONSIBLE FINANCING 1. Review financing mechanisms to identify opportunities 2. Implement innovative fund raising strategies 3. Support the local economy Principles of good practice in responsible financing of PAs
  • 95. Principle 1: Review financing mechanisms to identify opportunities • Existing funding and revenue making structures and systems may be inefficient or ineffective providing • Analysing current financing systems can sometimes reveal opportunities to cut costs or increase revenue Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 96. Four areas to look for financial opportunities 1 FINANCIAL PLANNING Consistencies / inconsistencies with government financial planning timeframes. Ensure up to date. Specification / allocation of funding requirements. 3BOARDS Role and responsibilities. Financial autonomy. 2 REVENUE GENERATION Range of user charges. Account for inflation, current day costs, changes in disposable income, increasing demand. Examine opportunities for non-tourism charges. 4INVESTMENT Range of existing incentives. Examine opportunities to implement new or increase existing incentives. Source: PARC Project 2006, Policy Brief: Building Viet Nam’s National ProtectedAreas System – policy and institutional innovations requiredfor progress, Creating Protected Areas for Resource Conservation using Landscape Ecology (PARC) Project, Government of Viet Nam, (FPD) / UNOPS, UNDP, IUCN, Ha Noi, Vietnam
  • 97. Principle 2: Implement innovative fund raising strategies • Reducing reliance on government funding by generating revenue from additional fund raising strategies is an increasing worldwide trend • To be most effective a range of strategies should be pursued to target different stakeholders and generate the maximum amount of revenue • Strategies may include entrance fees, user fees, concessions and leases, taxes and donations
  • 98. Entrance fees Fees charged to visitors to enter the PA CHALLENGES • Inefficient fee collection resulting in losses of entrance fee revenue • Scarce human resources for fee collection / reducing conservation activities • Corruption / bribery CHARACTERISTICS • Fees charged to visitors to enter the PA • Most effective in high visitation PAs or where unique species or ecosystems can be found • Rate should aim to cover capital and operating costs, reflect quality of service and product offering, and market demand / willingness to pay • Visitors pay more if they know the money will be used to enhance the experience or conserve nature • Tiered pricing can maximise revenue Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
  • 99. User fees Fees charged for undertaking specific activities or using PA facilities CHALLENGES • Maintaining fee collection system • Political and socio- economic factors CHARACTERISTICS • Examples include parking fee, camping fee, fishing fee, hunting fee, boating fee, diving fee, hiking fee • Willing to pay if they know funds are used for conservation and management of PA • Common with diving, e.g. $2-3 / dive Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
  • 100. Permits, leases and licences Contracts between PAs and businesses allowing them to operate a commercial activity in exchange for a fee CHALLENGES • Unsuccessful businesses = less revenue • Business not respecting contractual obligations • Business not controlling visitor behaviour • Profit made by business = income lost by PA CHARACTERISTICS • Private sector more critical due to limited government funding • Examples: tour guiding, trekking, diving, accommodation, restaurants, boating • Requires good control • PA benefit: business has the knowledge, experience, equipment etc • Business benefit: access to attractive location, limited competition Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
  • 101. Direct commercial operation PA authority provides commercial goods and services CHALLENGES • Human resources, knowledge, skills, financial resources • Ensuring businesses are not owned by PA personnel who receive all the profits and no benefit to the PA CHARACTERISTICS • Can cover same activities as private sector • Can be wholly-state owner or Public-Private Partnership (PPP) / joint venture • Ensures all / more money is obtained by the PA • Should include local labour and goods / services Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
  • 102. Taxes Charges on goods and services that generate funds for the government and can be used to support PA management CHALLENGES • Not popular with locals or visitors • Ensuring money goes back into conservation • Costs of managing the system • Hard to manage “small” taxes (same administration as larger taxes) CHARACTERISTICS • Allows for generating funds nationally and on a long- term basis and to use the funds to suit needs • Examples: Local tax on users of a protected area or use of equipment, bed levies on accommodation Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
  • 103. Donations Gifts of money, goods or services, offered free of charge to support PAs CHALLENGES • Requires good communication to visitors by guides and print material etc • Good transparency and accountability in management and use of money CHARACTERISTICS • Can use trust funds to hold and manage the donations • Can encourage businesses to donate a small % of sales to support a PA project (e.g. developing trails, bridges, environmental research) • Can use donation boxes Source: Font, X., Cochrane, J., & Tapper, R. 2004, Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
  • 104. WCPA recommendations for reducing public resistance to fees 1 Use fee revenues for quality improvements to trails, toilets, maps, and other facilities 4 Retain and use money for specific, known, park purposes, rather than for general revenues 2 Make small fee increases rather than making them in large jumps 5 Use extra money for conservation of the area visited 3 Use money for operational costs rather than as a control mechanism for visitor entry 6 Provide abundant information to the public about the income earned and the actions funded through it Source: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK
  • 105. Principle 3: Support the local economy • Responsible tourism requires socio-economic benefits are received by the local people • If local communities only see the cost of the PA and no benefits, they are unlikely to support PA management or tourism Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 106. The PA’s obligation to help local communities in and around PAs Local communities in and around PAs are relatively poor PAs sometimes ask local communities to relocate PAs often require restrictions on traditional livelihoods Local community livelihoods disrupted and restricted Diminished local community support for conservation PA authorities have obligation to help
  • 107. Understanding the local communities’ views of tourism in PAs Create income Create employment Create opportunities for local businesses Assist community development Protect culture Access to better services Source: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK
  • 108. Six simple opportunities to support the local economy in and around PAs Provide product development assistance Facilitate CBT joint ventures Introduce local investment incentives Implement responsible employment & supply chain policies Build capacity and provide occupational skills training Establish a community fund Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 110. The role and importance of communication and interpretation in PAs • Communication mostly relates to the delivery of information about PA facilities, features, accessibility and codes of conduct • Interpretation relates to informing about the PA’s natural and cultural heritage (species, ecosystems, people) and issues around it to raise awareness and appreciation for conservation • Good communication and interpretation greatly increases visitor satisfaction
  • 111. What is the issue? Limited or poor communication of the PA increases the chance of disturbance and damage to the PA Limited or poor interpretation of natural values and its importance to visitors and residents reduces support and action in conservation
  • 112. The objectives of communication and interpretation in PAs COMMUNICATION • To increase awareness about the resources and attractions in the PA • To alter behaviour of visitors and residents in the PA • To orient visitors to the PA • To explain about the community and PA authority’s goals and objectives INTERPRETATION • To increase understanding about the role and importance of special species in the PA and issues in conservation • To increase understanding about the role and importance of important ecosystems in the PA and issues in conservation • To increase understanding and respect for local culture and heritage sites in the PA and socio-cultural issues in sympathetic preservation and promotion
  • 113. The benefits of responsible communication and interpretation in PAs Builds understanding and support for conservation Increases repeat visitation and positive referrals Increases visitor satisfaction and reduces complaints
  • 114. RESPONSIBLE COMMUNICATION & INTERPRETATION 1. Inform and educate visitors about the importance of the PA 2. Communicate messages accurately and authentically 3. Raise awareness of PA zones and facilities Principles of good practice in responsible communication and interpretation
  • 115. Principle 1: Inform and educate visitors about the importance of the PA • The tourism code of conduct is central • Ensure the code of conduct is based upon the objectives of the zoning system • Ensure codes of conduct are developed for both visitors and business operators (services) • Ensure codes of conduct are easy to understand and easily accessible • Ensure regulations and associated penalties for breeches are also clearly stated and easily identified / accessible
  • 116. The key steps in developing tourism codes of conduct Get support •Who will the code affect? Identify issues •What are we trying to protect or promote? Define responsibilities •Who will do what? Draft code of conduct •What will we communicate?
  • 117. Communicating codes of conduct to visitors VISITORS SERVICES • Before booking – What? Destination’s people, culture and environment – Where? Website, social media, brochures… • Between booking & arrival – What? How to prepare – Where? Tour pre-departure packs • During the visit – What? Print information and displays about destination’s people, culture and environment – Where? Meet and greet, signs / displays in prominent places, tour guides • What? Expected operational behaviour including that of guests • Where? Formal licencing contracts, agreements, permits.. Strategically located warning / penalty notices around PA Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 118. Interpretation through signs and exhibits • Interpretational signs and exhibits use stories and messages to inform visitors about places, objects or events • Properly planned and designed interpretive programs relay a theme / message to visitors • Common topics can include unique animal species, unique flora, important ecosystems, built heritage, local culture, activities, events • Interpretation principles can also be applied to communicating codes of conduct • Interpretation should incorporate 3 components: education, emotion, behaviour Educational component Emotional component Behavioural component
  • 120. Three tips for detailed interpretive signs 1 Deliver information using themes that are strong and provocative. 3 Structure theme into topics easily identified by sub- headings. 2Create titles that are eye-catching and interesting.
  • 121. Examples of detailed interpretive signs Eye catching title (theme) Sub-headings (well structured) Good use of images
  • 122. Principle 2: Communicate messages accurately and authentically • Poor marketing of PA values can result in loss of meaning and significance and erosion of the integrity of the natural (and cultural) heritage • Communicating messages accurately and authentically promotes greater understanding and respect Picture source:
  • 123. Authenticity in tourism experiences • As with tourism in general, promotion of messages in PAs is often based upon selling “authentic experiences” • While authenticity is perceived it remains highly connected to marketing and should display as accurately as possible meanings that reflect the reality • If messages are exaggerated in order to make them more attractive to consumers they will become disappointed when their expectations are not met
  • 124. Examples of inauthentic advertising from around the world Picture sources:  Sharing a bottle of wine on the beach…really? Are we in Spain or the Carribbean!? The Mediterranean Sea has never looked this good!
  • 125. Cultural commodification in PAs • Communication about the culture of local communities and cultural heritage sites in PAs should be respectful and accurate • Commercialisation and commodification of the local culture should be avoided not only in the products sold but in the language used and messages communicated • Cultural commercialisation and commodification may result in the loss of original meaning • The involvement and determination of local people of how to interpret their culture is critical
  • 126. 4 examples of cultural commodification in tourism Redeveloping places to make them more attractive for tourist consumption Creating staged and reshaped traditional performances for tourists Adaptive reuse of historical buildings without interpretation Sale and / or reproduction of artefacts of cultural or spiritual significance as souvenirs Picture sources:
  • 127. Principle 3: Raise awareness of PA zones and facilities • Services and infrastructure is of no benefit if visitors don’t know about what is available, where to find it, and how to get there • Visitors exploring PAs will also continue to cause damage if they don’t know where they can / cannot go and why • Visitors need information about what is available, where to access it, and how to interact with the PA in a sustainable way Picture source:
  • 128. Basic requirements for communicating how visitors should interact with the PA • Visitors should have access to a protected map at a minimum • The map should details the trails, roads, facilities, attractions etc • Zones should be clearly identified and terms of use explained WHERE?  PA website  Print brochures / leaflets at entrance, Information centres, local tourism service providers  Large fixed signs at key locations in PA
  • 129. Example of PA visitor map Facilities and locations clearly identified Trails, roads, parking marked Non-use areas, boundaries clearly indicated
  • 130. Example: Zoning map for Great Barrier Reef MPA (Townsville) Each colour represents a different zone
  • 131. Example: Zoning guide for Great Barrier Reef MPA (Townsville) ACTIVITY GUIDE Generalusezone Habitatprotection zone Conservationpark zone Bufferzone Scientificresearch zone Marinenational parkzone Preservationzone Aquaculture P P P     Bait netting        Boating, diving        Crabbing        Harvest fishing for aquariums P P P     Limited collecting P P      Limited spearfishing        Line fishing        Netting        Research P P P P P P P Shipping  P P P P P  Tourism programme P P P P P P  Traditional use of marine resources        Trawling        Trolling        P = Permit
  • 133. The role and importance of monitoring and evaluation in PAs • Monitoring is the routine process of data collection and measurement of progress toward programme objectives • Evaluation is the use of social research methods to systematically investigate the achievement of programme results • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) provides the information needed to guide and prioritise PA management activities to accepted standards
  • 134. What is the issue? • Without data of PA tourism conditions and trends that monitoring provides, planners and managers: – Cannot assure stakeholders of the reliability of their decisions; – Cannot respond to public concerns and criticisms; and – Cannot properly fulfil their responsibilities or judge the effectiveness of their actions. • Moreover, if planners and managers do not undertake the monitoring, someone else will – and such monitoring may well be biased Adapted from: Eagles, P., McCool, S. & Haynes, C. 2002, Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management, IUCN Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK Picture source:
  • 135. The benefits of monitoring and evaluation of PAs for sustainability Provides data on management progress and effectiveness Improves conservation management and decision-making Allows accountability to stakeholders, including funders Provides data to plan future resource needs Provides data useful for policy-making and advocacy Picture source: Pixabay,
  • 136. Monitor tourism impacts because prevention and early intervention is always better than cure! In tourism, symptoms of negative impacts can be gradual… After a negative impact has been identified opportunities to manage become more limited… …and problems can be difficult to spot. …and in many cases returning to the original state can be impossible “Gosh where did all these tourists come from? I don’t remember seeing so many a few years ago!” “I thought we were able to handle all the tourists unit I saw some kids acting like foreigners and it occurred to me just how much our culture has changed!” “When we started running tours to the nearby cave some tourists damaged the beautiful rock formations. Now we have lost them forever” “We really have too many tourists here but with so many businesses now depending on them reducing the volume would never be supported”
  • 137. MONITORING & EVALUATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY 1. Ensure integration of sustainability criteria indicators 2. Evaluate indicators using baselines, benchmarks and limits of acceptable change 3. Ensure results are clearly communicated Principles of good practice in monitoring and evaluation for sustainability in PAs
  • 138. Principle 1: Ensure integration of sustainability criteria • In PA’s there is a tendency to focus most attention on environmental impacts and management related impacts • To ensure comprehensive sustainability of the PA social and economic impacts must also be considered Environmental impacts Economic impacts Social impacts Experiential impacts Managerial / infrastructure impacts
  • 139. Examples of key issues to consider when scoping PA sustainability Gender equity & social inclusion • Family well-being, equal employment opportunities, gender roles in traditional communities, access to loans and credit, control over tourism-related income… Poverty reduction / economic development • Income, employment, entrepreneurship, quality of life… Capacity development • Tourism awareness, tourism business training, local control of tourism operations, participation in local governance… Environmental protection • Endangered species, water quality, litter, loss / changes in vegetation structure, habitat loss, erosion, disturbance to animals, trail widening / changes… Cultural preservation and promotion • Preservation of traditions and values, maintenance of cultural significance and meaning, maintenance of cultural heritage sites… Social gains • Quality of life, crime, access to resources, access to heath care, access to education, limitation of rural to urban migration…
  • 140. Turning sustainability impacts and issues into monitoring indicators • An “indication” of the state of a particular issue • Formally selected and used on a regular basis to measure changes • Conventional tourism indicators include arrival numbers, length of stay, and expenditure • Sustainable tourism indicators focus on the link between tourism and sustainability issues FOCUS OF INDICATORS FOR MONITORING SUSTAINABLE TOURISM • Issues concerning the natural resources and environment of a destination • Concerns relating to economic sustainability • Issues relating to cultural assets and social values • Broad organisation and management issues within the tourism sector and broader destination
  • 141. Types of indicators • Early warning indicators • Indicators of stresses on the system • Measures of the current state of industry • Measures of tourism development sustainability impacts • Measures of management effort • Measures of management effects INDICATORS MEASURE Impacts OutcomesOutputs
  • 142. Impact type vs. Indicator type Environmental impacts Social impacts Economic impacts Quantitative indicators Qualitative indicators IMPACT Category indices Normative indicators Nominal indicators Opinion-based indicators Raw data Ratio Percentage TYPE OF INDICATOR TYPE OF MEASURE
  • 144. Example of tourism indicator development process for sustainability INDICATORS COMPONENTS OF ISSUE KEY SUSTAINABILITY ISSUE Environmental protection Waste management Number hotels with a recycling programme Biodiversity protection Number of threatened or extinct species as percentage of all known species Perceived value of forest resources to tourism
  • 145. Don’t reinvent the wheel! Use and / or adapt existing indicators Many organisations have already developed and refined useful indicators for monitoring tourism impacts on sustainability World Tourism Organisation Indicator Guidebook Pressure, State, Response Indicators UNEP Environmental Indicators IUCN Indicators of Resources Management
  • 146. Example of environmental and economic sustainability indicators in tourism ENVIRONMENTAL Number of threatened or extinct species as percentage of all known species Perceived value of forest resources to tourism Number of days tourists spend on nature tourism activities out of total number of days Number of hotels with environmental policy Environmental awareness campaigns conducted Number hotels recycling 25% or more of their waste products Demand/supply ratio for water Number of hotels with 50% or more of total toilets as dual flush % of energy consumption from renewable resources ECONOMIC Average wage rates in tourism jobs rural/ urban Number of local people employed in tourism (men and women) Revenues generated by tourism as % of all revenues generated in the community % of visitors who overnight in local tourist accommodation % of hotels with a majority local staff % of GDP provided by tourism Change in number of visitor arrivals Average tourist length of stay New tourism businesses as a percentage of all new businesses
  • 147. Example of social and project / business sustainability indicators in tourism SOCIAL % of tourism operators who provide day care to employees with children % of tourism operators who have commitments regarding equal gender opportunity Women/men as a % of all tourism employment % women/men employees sent on training programmes Satisfaction with volume of tourists visiting the destination PROJECT / BUSINESS PERFORMANCE PA Management Plan exists All personnel receive periodic tourism impact management training % of purchases of services and goods from local providers % of purchases that are fair trade purchases Number of facilities built using local material Code of conduct developed with local community % of women and local minority employees
  • 148. Good practice in setting effective tourism indicators Ensure indicators identify conditions or outputs of tourism development Ensure indicators are descriptive rather than evaluative Ensure indicators are easy to measure Ensure you start with only a few key variables
  • 149. Principle 2: Evaluate indicators using baselines, benchmarks and limits of acceptable change •The first “foundation” study from which future studies follow BASELINES •Comparison of data against baseline •Can also use industry averages BENCHMARKS •Helps establish if results are positive or negative in local situation LIMITS OF ACCEPTABLE CHANGE (THRESHOLDS) Effective monitoring systems often incorporate at a number of different tools to assist in the analysis of results:
  • 150. Examples of baselines, benchmarks and thresholds Establishing a baseline •A survey was conducted in 2014 which established that 15% of households in a village had running water •This forms the baseline for household access to running water in the destination Using a benchmark •In 2015 a repeat survey was conducted which recorded that 25% of households had running water •This shows a positive change of 10% against the Year 1 baseline Comparing to thresholds •In terms of access to running water, anything less than 100% requires action •If however, the study was of the amount of protected forest in a community, 40% might be an acceptable target depending on the year 1 benchmark
  • 151. Limits of acceptable change process and guidelines 1/2 STEPS GUIDELINES COMMENT ON PURPOSE 1. Identify special values, issues, and concerns attributed to the area Citizens and managers: • Identify special features or qualities that require attention • Identify existing management problems and concerns • Identify public issues: economic, social, environmental • Identify role the area plays in a regional and national context and political/institutional constraints Encourages a better understanding of the natural resource base, a general concept of how the resource could be managed, and a focus on principal management issues. 2. Identify and describe recreation opportunity classes or zones Opportunity classes describe subdivisions or zones of the natural resource where different social, resource, or managerial conditions will be maintained • Identify opportunity classes for the natural resources • Describe different conditions to be maintained (Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex case study, Box 6.2 below illustrates the opportunity classes used there) Developing classes (or zones) provides a way of defining a range of diverse conditions within the protected area. 3. Select indicators of resource and social conditions Indicators are specific elements of the resource or social setting selected to be indicative of the conditions deemed appropriate and acceptable in each opportunity class • Select a few indicators as indicative measures of overall health • Use economic, social, environmental, political indicators • Ensure indicators are easy to measure, relate to conditions in opportunity classes, and reflect changes in recreational use Indicators are essential to LAC because their condition as a group reflects the overall condition of the opportunity class and guides the inventory. 4. Inventory existing resource and social conditions • Use chosen indicators to guide the inventory of resource and social conditions • Use inventory data to provide a better understanding of area constraints and opportunities • Map inventories to establish status (location and condition) of indicators By placing the inventory as step 4, rather than the first step as is often done, planners avoid unnecessary data collection and ensure that the data collected is useful Inventory data are mapped so both the condition and location of the indicators are known. Helps managers establish realistic standards, and used later to evaluate the consequences of alternatives.
  • 152. Limits of acceptable change process and guidelines 2/2 STEPS GUIDELINES COMMENT ON PURPOSE 5. Specify standards for resource and social conditions in each opportunity class • Identify the range of conditions for each indicator considered desirable or acceptable for each opportunity class • Define conditions in measurable terms, to represent the maximum permissible conditions allowed (limits) • Ensure conditions are attainable and realistic Provides the basis for establishing a distinctive and diverse range of protected area settings, serving to define the “limits of acceptable change.” 6. Identify alternative opportunity class allocations This stage identifies alternative allocations of opportunities • Identify different types/location/timing of alternatives, using steps 1 and 4 to explore how well the different opportunity classes meet the various interests and values Provides alternative ways of managing the area to best meet the needs, interests, and concerns. 7. Identify management actions for each alternative • Analyse broad costs and benefits of each alternative • Identify the kinds of management actions needed to achieve the desired conditions (direct or indirect) This step involves an analysis of the costs and benefits of each alternative. 8. Evaluation and selection of a preferred alternative • Review costs vs. benefits of alternatives with managers, stakeholders and public • Examine the responsiveness of each alternative to the issues • Explicitly state the factors considered, and their weight in decision-making • Select a preferred alternative Builds consensus and selects the best alternative. 9. Implement actions and monitor conditions • Develop implementation plan with actions, costs, timetable, and responsibilities • Develop a monitoring programme, focusing on the indicators developed in step 3 • Compare indicator conditions with standards to evaluate the success of actions If conditions do not correspond with standards the intensity of the management effort might need to be increased or new actions implemented Ensures timely implementation and adjustment of management strategies. Monitoring ensures that effectiveness of implementation is known. If monitoring shows problems, actions can be taken
  • 153. Example: Acceptable thresholds of change for a national sustainable tourism programme in Samoa INDICATOR RESULT THRESHOLD PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENTAL % of new hotels undertaking environmental impact assessments 33% 90-100% V.POOR % of hotels using secondary or tertiary sewage treatment 8% 30-50% V.POOR % of tourists participating in nature tourism 8% 20-40% V.POOR % of tourist sites passing water quality tests 50% 70-90% POOR % of hotels composting their biodegradable waste 76% 60-80% ACCEPTABLE Water usage per guest night in hotels (in litres) 928 500-1000 ACCEPTABLE ECONOMIC Contribution of direct tourism businesses to GDP 4% 10-20% POOR Proportion of new businesses focused on tourism 4% 10-20% POOR Proportion of hotel jobs in rural areas 48% 40-60% ACCEPTABLE SOCIAL Hotel staff participating in training courses 27% 25-50% ACCEPTABLE Villages included in tourism awareness programmes 28% 25-50% ACCEPTABLE Proportion of traditional events in Tourism Festivals 50% 50-70% ACCEPTABLE Proportion of handicraft stalls out of all stalls in markets 21% 20-40% ACCEPTABLE Tourism operators informing visitors of village protocol 72% 50-70% GOOD Source: SNV Vietnam & the University of Hawaii, School of Travel Industry Management 2007, A Toolkit for Monitoring and Managing Community-based Tourism, SNV Vietnam & the University of Hawaii, USA
  • 154. Principle 3: Ensure results are clearly communicated • There is no point in doing a monitoring programme if no one finds out about the results • Stakeholders and decision makers need to hear about the results so they can take action • Results should presented to help stakeholders reinforce positive actions or remedy problem situations Consider the needs of the potential user Portray the results as simply as possible PRINCIPLES IN COMMUNICATING RESULTS
  • 155. Options for getting the message out Meetings and workshops Provide an analysis of the monitoring programme results in a practical and “hands-on” workshop or meeting. It also in-depth analysis and detailed clarification of issues. Newsletters & reports Provide details of the results within the organisation newsletter or alternatively create a newsletter specifically for communicating the results. Include results in the organisation’s annual report. Website Create a section on the organisation’s website that provides details of the progress being made in sustainability performance. Email Deliver information about the sustainability monitoring program directly into the mailbox of the stakeholders. Coming from senior management can add a level of authority. Quick and direct. Picture sources: Pixabay,
  • 156. Xin trân trọng cảm ơn! Thank you!