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Eachtra Journal

Issue 13                                                  [ISSN 2009-2237]

                 Archaeological Excavation Report
                 E3661 - Busherstown, Co. Offaly
  Early medieval kilns and medieval moated site with associated annexe
Archaeological Projects

                          Archaeological Excavation Report
                          Co. Offaly

                          Early medieval kilns and medieval moated site with
                          associated annexe.

                 Date: February 2012

               Client: Laois County Council and National
                       Roads Authority
              Project: N7 Castletown to Nenagh (Contract 1)
                 E No: E3661

Excavation Director: Tori McMorran
          Written by: Ewelina Chrobak, Jacinta Kiely and Tori McMorran
Archaeological Excavation Report
                                                   Co. Offaly

                                                   Excavation Director

                                                 Tori McMorran

                                                         Written By

         Ewelina Chrobak, Jacinta Kiely and Tori McMorran

                                                       Archaeological Projects

                           CORK                                                                  GALWAY
               The Forge, Innishannon, Co. Cork                            Unit 10, Kilkerrin Park, Liosbain Industrial Estate, Galway
tel: 021 4701616 | web: | email:        tel: 091 763673 | web: | email:
© Eachtra Archaeological Projects 2012
  The Forge, Innishannon, Co Cork

        Set in 12pt Garamond
          Printed in Ireland
Table of Contents
     Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� vii
1	   Scope	of	the	project		�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
2	   Route	location��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
3	   Receiving	environment	��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
4	   Archaeological	and	historical	background	��������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
     Mesolithic(c�8000to4000BC)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
     Neolithic(c�4000to2000BC)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
     BronzeAge(c�2000to600BC)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
     IronAge(c�500BCtoAD500)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
     Earlymedievalperiod(c�AD400to1100)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
     Highandlatermedievalperiods(c�AD1100to1650)���������������������������������������������������������������� 7
     Post-medievalperiod(c�1650tothepresent)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
5	   Site	location	and	Topography	��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
6	   Archaeological	and	Historical	Setting	���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
7	   Excavation	methodology	���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
8	   Excavation	results		����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
     Phase3High/Latemedieval(firstphase)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48
9	   Specialist	Results	��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64
     Plantremains��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
     Lithicartefacts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
     Archaeometallurgy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
     Geophysical������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 66
     Quernstones��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
     Charcoal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66

Radiocarbondates���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
     10	 Conclusion	�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������68
         NeolithicandBronzeAgeactivity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
     11	 References	�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76
     Appendix	1	 Stratigraphic	Index	�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
     Appendix	2	 Site	Matrix	�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
     Appendix	3	 Groups	and	Subgroups	������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 87
     Appendix	4	 Plant	Remains	����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������154
     Appendix	5	 Lithics	Finds	Report	�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������172
     Appendix	6	 Metal	Artefacts	��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������179
     Appendix	7	 Animal	Bone	Report	����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������182
     Appendix	8	 Osteological	report		����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������194
     Appendix	9	 Metallurgy	Report	��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������201
     Appendix	10	 Geophysical	Report	���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204
     Appendix	11	 Quernstone	Report	������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 219

List of Figures
Figure	1:	         The	 route	 of	 the	 N7	 Castletown	 to	 Nenagh	 overlain	 on	 the	 Ordnance	 Survey	
                   Discovery	Series	map�		����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Figure	2:	         The	 route	 of	 the	 N7	 Castletown	 to	 Nenagh	 overlain	 on	 the	 Ordnance	 Survey	
                   Discovery	Series	map	with	all	the	excavation	sites	marked�		����������������������������������������������������� 6
Figure	3:	         Portion	 of	 the	 Ist	 edition	 Ordnance	 Survey	 Map	 OF47	 showing	 the	 location	 of	
                   Busherstown�	����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Figure	4:	         Topography	of	the	area	around	Busherstown�	������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
Figure	5:	         Location	 and	 extent	 of	 Busherstown	 E3661	 on	 the	 N7	 Castletown	 to	 Nenagh�	
                   Note	the	location	of	the	stream�	�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Figure	6:	         Post	excavation	plan	of	Busherstown�		�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
Figure	7:	         Post-excavation	plan	of	Structure	A	at	Busherstown�	���������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Figure	8:	         Post-excavation	plan	of	ditches	C�447	and	C�68	at	Busherstown������������������������������������������� 17
Figure	9:	         Section	plans	of	ditches	C�68,	C�63,	C�447	and	C�78/127	at	Busherstown�		������������������������� 19
Figure	10:	 Post-excavation	 plan	 of	 kilns,	 location	 of	 firing	 bowl	 of	 kilns	 illustrated,	 at	
            Busherstown�		��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21
Figure	11:	 Section	plan	of	kilns	C�97	and	C�74	at	Busherstown�		������������������������������������������������������������������27
Figure	12:	 Plan	of	kilns	C�90	and	C�97	and	associated	shelter	belt	at	Busherstown�		���������������������������29
Figure	13:	 Post-excavation	plan	of	kilns	located	in	the	northern	part	of	the	site	at	Busherstown�	30
Figure	14:	 Section	plan	of	kiln	C�355	and	pit	C�1043	at	Busherstown�		������������������������������������������������������40
Figure	15:	 Post-excavation	plan	of	Buildings	C	and	D	within	moated	site	at	Busherstown�		������������40
Figure	16:	 Post-excavation	plan	of	Structures	E	and	F	at	Busherstown�		��������������������������������������������������46
Figure	17:	 Section	 plans	 of	 ditches	 C�246/C�273	 and	 C�277	 and	 ditches	 C�54	 and	 C�277	 at	
            Busherstown�		��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49
Figure	18:	 Post-excavation	plan	of	the	medieval	enclosure	and	moated	site	at	Busherstown�		������52
Figure	19:	 Post-excavation	plan	of	the	moated	site	at	Busherstown�	�������������������������������������������������������54
Figure	20:	 Section	plans	of	the	ditch	C�44	of	the	moated	site�		��������������������������������������������������������������������57
Figure	21:	 Section	plan	of	ditch	C�8	and	C�19	at	Busherstown�	��������������������������������������������������������������������58
Figure	22:	 Plan	of	geophysical	testing	at	Busherstown	(Earthsound)�	������������������������������������������������������60
Figure	23:	 Aerial	 photography	 of	 Busherstown	 showing	 the	 extent	 of	 moated	 site	 in	 the	
            adjoining	field	outside	the	road	corridor�	��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61

List of Plates
     Plate	1:	    View	of	Busherstown	from	north�	������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13
     Plate	2:	    Flint	scraper	E3661:1:5	from	Busherstown�	������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
     Plate	3:	    Building	A	from	south-west	at	Busherstown�	�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
     Plate	4:	    Quern	stone	E3661:71:1	from	Busherstown�	�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
     Plate	5:	    Kiln	C�74	(in	foreground)	and	kiln	C�30	from	NW	at	Busherstown�	����������������������������������������23
     Plate	6:	    Kiln	C�74	from	NE	at	Busherstown�	����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
     Plate	7:	    Mid-excavation	view	of	kiln	C�97	in	foreground	and	kiln	C�90	in	background	at	
                  Busherstown�	���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
     Plate	8:	    Stone	lining	in	kiln	C�90	from	east	at	Busherstown�	��������������������������������������������������������������������33
     Plate	9:	    Bone	pin	E3661:735:1	from	Busherstown�	���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
     Plate	10:	   Mid-excavation	view	of	kiln	C�872	at	Busherstown�	��������������������������������������������������������������������36
     Plate	11:	   Kiln	989	in	ditch	C�54	at	Busherstown�	���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������37
     Plate	12:	   View	of	Building	B	and	kiln	C�490	in	background	from	north	at	Busherstown�	����������������43
     Plate	13:	   View	of	interior	of	moated	site	and	ditch	C�44	at	Busherstown�	��������������������������������������������44
     Plate	14:	   View	of	Structure	E	and	kilns	C�30	and	C�74	from	north-east	at	Busherstown�	�����������������47
     Plate	15:	   SE	facing	section	of	enclosure	ditches	C�54,	C�277	and	C�447	at	Busherstown�����������������50
     Plate	16:	   View	 of	 mid	 excavation	 of	 ditch	 C�68	 from	 south,	 excavated	 ditches	 C�54	 (in	
                  foreground)	and	C�78	(in	middle	ground)	and	kiln	189��������������������������������������������������������������51
     Plate	17:	   Mid-excavation	view	of	ditch	C�44	of	moated	site	at	Busherstown�	�������������������������������������56
     Plate	18:	   View	of	south-eastern	corner	of	moated	site,	Structure	D,	and	ditches	C�8	(left)	
                  and	C�68	(right)	in	middle	background	at	Busherstown�	�����������������������������������������������������������59
     Plate	19:	   Edward	1	long	penny	E3661:3:1	from	Busherstown�	�������������������������������������������������������������������62

List of Tables
Table	1	    Dimensions	and	orientation	of	17	cereal-drying	kilns����������������������������������������������������������������24
Table	2	    Dimensions	and	orientation	of	7	truncated	cereal-drying	kilns�	                                           	�����������������������������������39
Table	3	    Number	and	date	of	buildings	located	at	Busherstown			����������������������������������������������������������42
Table	4	    Dimensions	of	the	slot	trenches	associated	with	Structure	D	�������������������������������������������������44
Table	5	    Dimensions	of	the	four	large	pits		������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Table	6	    Phase	of	ditches	associated	with	enclosure	and	annexe	of	moated	site	�����������������������������48
Table	7	    Radiocarbon	dates	from	Busherstown	���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������67
Table	8:	   Relative	abundance	of	the	main	domestic	animals	��������������������������������������������������������������������73

iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237   archaEological Excavation rEport


Archaeological excavation of the site at Busherstown revealed a complex multi-period site
with six phases of activity. In broad outline they confirmed the use of the area from the
Early Neolithic period to the present time. The first period of activity was prehistoric in
date and comprised a small assemblage of lithics and a circular structure (Structure A)
dated on typological grounds to the Bronze Age. The second phase was dated to the early
medieval period, when the area was used for cereal processing, as evidenced by the discov-
ery of at least 17 cereal-drying kilns and a further seven possible kilns. The majority of the
kilns were located in a line that extended for a distance of 80 m in a NW-SE direction.
The firing chambers of the kiln were for the most part located at the NE. A small number
of the kilns were partially enclosed (Structures D and E). The third phase of activity was
defined by an enclosure (ditches C.68 and 447) which was probably contemporary with
the cereal processing. The continuous use of the area of the enclosure in the medieval pe-
riod was confirmed when certain areas of the site were enclosed through the construction
of deep, wide ditches (ditches C.54 and C.63). The ditches (ditches C.227 and C.78) were
re-cut in the later medieval period to function as an annexe to a moated site. A substan-
tial ditch, 5.5 m wide by 1.7 m deep, defined the moated site. Only the southern corner
of the moated site was located within the road corridor. However, the entire outline can
be clearly seen in aerial photographs of the adjoining field to the north-east. Two struc-
tures (C and D) were contemporary with the moated site. The post-medieval period was
represented by a large number of furrows crossing the site and material which had been
dumped into the top fills of the ditches. The site was levelled in the recent past.

Road project name                      N7 Castletown to Nenagh
Site name                              Busherstown
E no.                                  E3661
Site director                          Tory Mc Morran
Townland                               Busherstown
Parish                                 Castletownely
County                                 Offaly
Barony                                 Clonlisk
OS Map Sheet No.                       Offaly 47
National Grid Reference                20479 / 181806
Elevation                              145 m OD

       The project was commissioned by Laois County Council and was funded by the Na-
       tional Roads Authority under the National Development Plan (2000-2006). The project
       archaeologist was Niall Roycroft. Kildare County Council supervised the archaeological
       contract with RE staff of Pat Dowling and Colum Fagan. Kildare County Council Sen-
       ior Executive Engineer was Joseph Kelly and Kildare County Council Senior Engineer
       was John Coppinger. The senior archaeologist was John Tierney and the post-excavation
       manager was Jacinta Kiely. Illustrations are by Maurizio Toscano, photographs by John
       Sunderland and Eagle Photography and aerial photography by StudioLab. Specialist anal-
       ysis was carried out by Anne Carey, Mary Dillon, Earthsound Geophysics, Jonny Geber,
       Penny Johnston, Margaret McCarthy, Órla Scully, Farina Sternke, Tim Young and the
       14 Chrono Centre at Queen’s University Belfast.


1     Scope of the project
Eachtra Archaeological Projects were commissioned by Laois County Council and the
National Roads Authority to undertake archaeological works along 17.1 km (Contact
1) of the 35km N7 Castletown to Nenagh (Derrinsallagh to Ballintotty) national road
scheme (EIS approved in November 2005). The scheme runs from the eastern junction
of the present N7 Nenagh Bypass, North Tipperary a tie in to the M7/M8 Portlaoise-
Castletown scheme to the south of Borris-in-Ossory in County Laois. The scheme is ap-
proximately 191 hectares. Contract 1 comprises the western half of the scheme and runs
from Clashnevin to Castleroan passing along the Tipperary North and Offaly county
border regions. The Ministers Direction Number is A38.
    It was funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2000-
2006. The total archaeological cost was administered by the National Roads Authority
through Laois County Council as part of the Authority’s commitment to protecting our
cultural heritage. The purpose of the archaeological services project was to conduct ar-
chaeological site investigations within the lands made available for the scheme and to
assess the nature and extent of any new potential archaeological sites uncovered.
    Phase 1 of the project (archaeological testing of the route) was carried out in 2007
under licence E3371, E3372 and E3375-8 issued by Department of the Environment Her-
itage and Local Government (DoEHLG) in consultation with the National Museum
of Ireland. The principal aim of this phase of the project was to test for any previously
unknown sites by a programme of centreline and offset testing and to test sites of archaeo-
logical potential identified in the EIS.
    Phase 2 of the project (resolution) involved the resolution of all archaeological sites
identified within the proposed road corridor prior to commencement of the construction
of the road. This phase of the project was carried out from June 2007 to February 2008
and excavations were conducted under the management of a Senior Archaeologist. A total
of 27 sites were excavated during this phase of works under separate licences issued by
    A post-excavation assessment and strategy document was prepared in Phase 3 of the
project to present a management strategy for dealing with post-excavation work aris-
ing from archaeological works along the route of the new N7 Castletown to Nenagh. It
included a proposal for post-excavation and archiving work and a budget for the works.

2     Route location
The route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh road is located in Counties North Tipperary
and Offaly (OF) (Figure 1). The project (Contract 1) involves the construction of c. 17.5
km of the N7 from Clashnevin east of Nenagh to Castleroan south-east of Dunkerrin. It
passes through the townlands of Clashnevin, Derrybane, Newtown, Lissanisky, Killeisk,
Garavally, Derrycarney, Garrynafanna, Gortnadrumman, Kilgorteen, Falleen, Knock-
ane, Clash, Park, Rosdremid (OF), Clynoe (OF), Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Greenhills,

182550                                                 198900                     215250


                                                                                                                                                        iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237

                 Derg (Lough)



                                                                                                                 0            5     10

                                   182550                                                 198900
    Figure	1:	 The	route	of	the	N7	Castletown	to	Nenagh	overlain	on	the	Ordnance	Survey	Discovery	Series	map�	
                                                                                                                                                      archaEological Excavation rEport

Drumbaun, Busherstown (OF), Drumroe (OF), Moatquarter, Loughan (OF) and Cas-
tleroan (OF). The townlands are located in the parishes of Ballymackey, Cullenwaine,
Castletownely, Rathnaveoge, Finglas and Dunkerrin and the baronies of Upper Ormond,
Ikerrin and Clonisk,
    The route begins at the eastern end of the Nenagh bypass at Clashnevin c. 5 km east
of Nenagh and continues eastward on the northern side of the existing N7 in Co. Tip-
perary. It crosses a number of third class roads to the north of Toomyvara and 0.7 km
east of Clash crossroads crosses the Ollatrim River. It extends into County Offaly directly
east of Park. From here it crosses the R490 0.6 km north of Moneygall. It extends back
in County Tipperary and through the demesne of Greenhills before crossing the existing
N7 at the junction of Greenhills and Drumbaun townlands. It crosses back into County
Offaly and climbs east into Busherstown and Drumroe. It crosses the Keeloge Stream
into Moatquarter in County Tipperary and extends northeast back into County Offaly
through the townlands of Loughan and Castleroan 1.4 km southwest of Dunkerrin.

3     Receiving environment
North Tipperary is bounded on the west by the River Shannon and Lough Derg with
the Silvermines, to the south, and small hills extending towards Devilsbit and Borrisnoe
Mountains to the east. The mountains are composed largely of Silurian strata and Old
Red Sandstone. Copper, silver and lead deposits have been mined in the Silvermines. The
geology of the lowlands consists of Carboniferous limestone covered by glacial drift in
addition to tracts of raised bog.
    The western portion of the study area is drained by the Ollatrim River which flows
westwards into the River Ballintotty which in turns drains into the River Nenagh. The
eastern portion is drained by the Keeloge Stream and other small water sources. These rise
in the foothills of the Silvermine Mountains and flow north. The Keeloge drains into the
Little Brosna River c. 1 km south of Shinrone, Co Offaly. The Brosna turns north and
drains into the Shannon south of Banagher.
    The largest population centre in the area is Nenagh. The smaller population centres,
are Toomyvara, Moneygall and Dunkerrin.
    The soils on the route are characterised by 80% grey brown podzolics, 10% gleys, 5%
brown earths and 5% basis peat. They are derived from glacial till of predominantly Car-
boniferous limestone composition. These soils occur in Tipperary and Offaly and have a
wide use range being suitable for both tillage and pasture (Gardiner and Radford 1980,
97-99). Land use along the route was a mix of grassland devoted to intensive dairying and
cattle-rearing and tillage.

iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237                               archaEological Excavation rEport

              4      Archaeological and historical background
              Archaeological sites of numerous periods were discovered along the route of the new road
              (Figure 2). The periods are referred to as follows: Mesolithic (c. 8000 to 4000 BC), Neo-
              lithic (c. 4000 to 2000 BC), Bronze Age (c. 2000 to 600 BC), and Iron Age (c. 500 BC
              to AD 500), early medieval period (c. AD 500 to 1100), medieval period (c. AD 1100 to
              1650), post-medieval period (c. AD 1650 to the present).

              Mesolithic (c. 8000 to 4000 BC)
              The earliest known human settlement in Ireland dates from the Mesolithic period (c.
              8000 BC - 4000 BC). The majority of the evidence (flint scatters) for Mesolithic occupa-
              tion has come from the river valleys. No evidence for the Mesolithic was recorded on the

              Neolithic (c. 4000 to 2000 BC)
              The Neolithic Period is characterised by the introduction of agriculture and the begin-
              nings of the clearance of the woodlands. The population increased and became more
              sedentary in nature. The most important Neolithic site in the vicinity was at Tullahedy
              recorded on the route of the Nenagh by-pass. It was a specialist chert arrow manufactur-
              ing site.
                  No evidence for a Neolithic site was recorded on the route but stone tools dating to
              the Neolithic were recorded at Busherstown E3661, Clash E3660, Cullenwaine E3741
              and Greenhills 2 and 3 E3637 and E3658. Stone tools dating to the late Neolithic/Early
              Bronze Age were recorded at Busherstown E3661, Castleroan E3909, Cullenwaine E3741,
              Derrybane 1 E3585, Drumroe E3773, Greenhills 1 E3638 and Moatquarter E3910. Neo-
              lithic pottery was recorded at Cullenwaine E3741 and Drumbaun E3912.

              Bronze Age (c. 2000 to 600BC)
              The Bronze Age is characterised by the introduction of metallurgy and an increase in
              settlement and burial sites. Copper ores were mined and copper, bronze and gold items
              manufactured. The range of burial site types includes cist graves, pit and urn burials,
              cremation cemeteries, barrows, ring-ditches and wedge tombs. Stone circles and stand-
              ing stones also date to the Bronze Age. Both enclosed and unenclosed settlement sites are
              known. The most prolific Bronze Age site type is the fulacht fiadh. These monuments
              survive as low mounds of charcoal rich black silt, packed with heat-shattered stones, and
              generally situated close to a water source. Fulachta fiadh are generally classified as ‘cook-
              ing places’, whereby stones were heated in a hearth and subsequently placed in a trough
              of water, the water continued to boil with the addition of hot stones and wrapped food
              was cooked within the hot water. The trough eventually filled with small stones, ash and
              charcoal that were removed, forming the basis of the familiar mound.


   Two new fulachta fiadh or burnt mounds were recorded at Clashnevin 1 E3586,
Cullenwaine E3741 and six at three separate locations in Greenhills, E3638, E3637 and
E3658. Evidence of nine roundhouses or partial round structures were recorded; two at
Castleroan E3909, Derrybane 2 E3591 and Drumbaun 2 E3912 and one at Clash E3660,
Drumroe E3773 and Moatquarter E3910.

Iron Age (c. 500 BC to AD 500)
Up to recently there was little evidence of a significant Iron Age presence in Munster.
Settlement sites are few and far between as well as being difficult to identify (Woodman,
2000) while the material culture of this period is limited. Linear earthworks, believed
to have marked tribal boundaries, and hillforts are two of the most visible monuments
of the period. Ten percent of sites excavated on NRA road schemes in recent years have
produced Iron Age dates. The dates have led to the identification of 30 new Iron Age sites
in Munster from road schemes in counties Cork, Limerick and Tipperary (McLaughlin
2008, 51). These include a ditched enclosure in Ballywilliam and a wooden trackway in
Annaholty Bog excavated on the route of the N7 Nenagh-Limerick (Taylor 2008, 54).
    Three Iron Age dates were returned from pits in Castleroan E3909 and Drumroe
E3773 on the route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh (Contract 1).

Early medieval period (c. AD 400 to 1100)
The early medieval period is characterised by the arrival of Christianity to Ireland. The
characteristic monument type of the period is the ringfort. Ringforts are the most nu-
merous archaeological monument found in Ireland, with estimates of between 30,000
and 50,000 illustrated on the first edition of the Ordnance Survey 6” maps of the 1840’s
(Barry 1987). As a result of continued research, the construction of these monuments has
a narrow date range during the early medieval period between the 7th and 9th centuries
AD. Although there are some very elaborate examples of ringforts, they often take the
form of a simple earth or stone enclosure functioning as settlements for all classes of secu-
lar society (Stout 1997).
     North Tipperary is rich in early ecclesiastical sites and the remains of these religious
centres are at the core of some of the towns and villages. Roscrea, for example, was chosen
by St Cronan as a location for his monastery in the seventh century as it was located at
the crossroads on the Slighe Dála, an important roadway in early medieval times (NIAH
2006, 4-8).
     Early medieval activity was recorded at five sites on the route of the N7 Castletown
to Nenagh (Contract 1). A series of cereal-drying kilns were recorded at Busherstown
E3661. A denuded ringfort (OF046-013) was excavated at Clynoe 2 E3774. An area of
iron-working and associated pits was recorded at Drumbaun E3912. Iron working activ-
ity, cereal-drying kilns and settlement activity was recorded at Park 1 E3659. A group of
pits and associated ditch were recorded at Drumroe E3773.

190400                                                               196200                                                   202000                                                            207800

                                                           Busherstown 1


                                                                                                                                                                                                       Castleroan 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                         E 3909
                                                                                                                                                              Busherstown 1
                                                                                                                                                                 E 3661
                                                                                                                                                                                 Loughan 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237

                                                                                                                                                                                  E 4000
                                                                                                                                                 Greenhills 3
                                                                                                                                                   E 3658

                                                                                                                       Culleenwaine 1   Moneygall 2
                                                                                                                           E 3741        E 3635                                                          Moatquarter 1
                                                                                                          Clynoe 2                                                                                         E 3910
                                                                                                           E 3774


                                                                                                 Park 1                                                                                              Drumroe 1
                                                   Garravally      Kilgorteen 1                  E 3659                                                                                               E 3773
                                                    E 3589           E 3739
                                                                                                                                                                                               Drumbaun 2
                                     Derrybane 2                                                                                                                                                 E 3912
                                       E 3591                                                                                                  Greenhills 1                   Greenhills 2
                                                                                                                                                 E 3638                         E 3637
                        Clashnevin 2
                           E 3590                                                                    Clash 1         Park 2
                                                                                                     E 3660          E 3772

                                                                                     Derrycarney 1
                                                                                        E 3740

                      Clashnevin 1                   Derrybane 1        Killeisk 1
                         E 3586                        E 3585            E 3587


                                                                                                                                                    0                                  3                                 6

                                                                                                                                                                                  Kilometres                                 ±
             190400                                                               196200                                                   202000                                                            207800

     Figure	2:	 The	route	of	the	N7	Castletown	to	Nenagh	overlain	on	the	Ordnance	Survey	Discovery	Series	map	with	all	the	excavation	sites	marked�	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          archaEological Excavation rEport

High and later medieval periods (c. AD 1100 to 1650)
This period is characterized by the arrival of the Anglo-Normans and the building of tow-
er houses. The Anglo-Normans obtained charters in the thirteenth century for the towns
of Nenagh, Roscrea, Thurles and Templemore and established markets. Nenagh grew
rapidly in the aftermath of the granting of the lands of Munster to Theobald fitzWalter in
1185 (ibid. 8). Moated sites represent the remains of isolated, semi-defended homesteads
in rural areas. They were build mainly in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth cen-
turies in counties, such as Wexford, Kilkenny, Tipperary, mid-Cork and Limerick, that
were colonised by English settlers (O’Conor 1998, 58). The Archaeological Inventory for
North Tipperary lists 39 moated sites (2002, 298).
    A medieval enclosure and associated field systems were recorded at Killeisk E3587. A
series of ditches and settlement activity was recorded at Park 1 E3659.

Post-medieval period (c. 1650 to the present)
The post-medieval period is characterised by mills, limekilns, workhouses, country hous-
es and associated demesnes, vernacular buildings and field systems (Figure 3). A small
demesne associated with a county house was recorded at Greenhills.

5     Site location and Topography
The site is located in the townland of Busherstown, in the Parish of Castletownely and
the barony of Clonlisk. It is located to the south of the present N7 and at the time of ex-
cavation accessed by a small by-road linking the N7 at Moneygall to the third class road
linking the village of Dunkerrin and the town of Templemore, east of Clonakenny and
south of Quinlisk’s Cross roads.
     The site at Busherstown was situated on and around the summit of a low hill on the
northern edge of the rolling uplands of North Tipperary and South Offaly (Figure 4). The
site is surrounded on three sides by higher ground being open to the North with excellent
views across the vast expanse of the Offaly bogs and lowlands. The Slieve Bloom moun-
tains are visible to the North East.
     To the west the ground rises gently and levels out, where the prehistoric settlement
evidence at Drumbaun 2 E3912 was located, before dropping sharply down to the present
N7 on the north-east side of the village of Moneygall. To the north-west a hill rises steeply
to approximately 175m OD. The lower slopes of this hill are containing a number of ring-
forts and enclosures. To the east the landscape rises and gently undulates through the
townlands of Moatquater and Castleroan before rising steeply in the townland of Rathna-
veoge Lower. To the south-east, south and south-west the ground rises steeply through
densely wooded areas through the townland of Durmroe to the source of the Suir River
just below the summit (460m OD) of the north end of the Devilsbit Mountain Range.

204713                                                            205713


                                                                                                                   ea m

                                                                                                                 S tr


                                                                                                             lo g
                                                                                                            K ee
                                                                                                                                                                                       iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237






                          Drumbaun 2

                                                                                                                                       0        300                   600

              DRUMBAUN                                                                           Drumroe
                                                                                                                                   ¥           Meters
                                                        204713                                                            205713

      Figure	3:	 Portion	of	the	Ist	edition	Ordnance	Survey	Map	OF47	showing	the	location	of	Busherstown�
                                                                                                                                                                                     archaEological Excavation rEport
Loughan 1
                                                    204100                                                                              205400

                               s   na                                                                                                                                      ¢

                   ittl e











                                                                                        Busherstown 1

                                                                     Drumbaun 2                                             Drumroe 1
                                                                                                                                                        Ke e
                                                                                                                                                         l og
                                                                                                                                                           e Str





                                                                                   16                                                             180


             0                                                                              1 Km
                                                    204100                                                                              205400

    Figure	4:	 Topography	of	the	area	around	Busherstown�

iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237                              archaEological Excavation rEport

                  The site itself is located at around 140m OD overlooking a wide area of marshy ground
              to the north-east and east. The ground drops sharply from the northern edge of the road
              corridor to a small but fast flowing stream now forming part of a field boundary. The
              post-medieval landscape is the most clearly visible on the landscape today. The rooftop
              of Busherstown House can be seen nestled into a sheltered part of the valley surrounded
              by mature woodland. The stone walled deerpark encloses land adjacent to the house and
              rising up the slope to the east. A linear area of dense woodland bounds the deerpark to
              the west, named as ‘the shrubbery’ on older maps. Running NE-SW along a current field
              boundary is a line of wood growth named ‘Beech Grove’, leading into a larger area of
              Lawn Wood.

              6      Archaeological and Historical Setting
              The following text on the history of Busherstown was written by Paul MacCotter (2011):
                   The Busherstown of 1641 bears only a loose resemblance to the area of the modern
              townland. In 1641 there was the single townland of Busherstown  Drumroe and the
              second townland of Castletown, the greater portions of which together make up the
              modern townland. The original Busherstown lay in the west of this area, Castletown in
              the east. Most of modern Drumroe lay in Castletown, with only that part west of the
              road lying in Busherstown, hence this western area must be the original Drumroe. The
              church ruin in modern Drumroe then lay in Castletown, and this is the old parish church
              of Castletownely, earlier Castle Philip. The newly excavated moated site lies in the origi-
              nal Busherstown. The name Busherstown must derive from an Anglo-Norman family
              of Bosser (modern Busher), a fairly common Anglo-Norman cognomen-type surname,
              literally ‘the butcher’, who appear to have left no record beyond the toponym. Later, two
              O Carroll families are associated with Busherstown and Castletown, those of Clonagan-
              nagh and Ballybrack, although only the latter occur as planters in 1619, while both still
              held property here in 1641.
                   The de Barrys of Castle Philip (Moatquarter and Busherstown) were one of the lead-
              ing Anglo-Norman settler families in the cantred of Elyocarroll before the destruction
              of its colony at the hands of the O Carroll chieftains during the second quarter of the
              14th century. Among a number of fees they possessed here was that of Castle Philip, a
              name which refers to the motte in Moatquarter. In the 1305 extent we read that Regi-
              nald de Barry held ‘one theod at Castle Philip in Ossergele’. Here we should certainly
              read ‘Offergele’, a colonial theod based on the pre-Invasion túath of Uí Fhearghaile. The
              identification is certain: references to the church of Castle Philip occur in 1300, 1306,
              1425 and 1506, and these references indicate that Castle Philip is the parish now known
              as Castletown Ely, whose ruined church lies in Drumroe. Note that Drumroe church
              lies adjacent to the motte of Moatquarter, the normal juxtaposition for manor house and
              manor church at this period, for in most cases parish and manor share the same shape.
              In this instance both church and motte bear the original name Castle Philip. The church


becomes known as Castletown in 1615 and, eventually, Castletownely. In 17th century
records the name Castletown is also given to the townland in which the church stood,
occupying the eastern third of modern Busherstown and most of Drumroe. Therefore,
this church is called after a fortification built originally by one Philip (de Barry?) and
which lay near the church. Yet there is no evidence from any of the topographical sources
we possess dating from the mid-17th century onwards of any castle in the vicinity of this
church apart from the nearby motte in Moatquarter. Hence, the inescapable conclusion
we arrive at is that the ‘castle’ in question is this motte.
    Historical references help us to locate the de Barry theod of Offergele here, which
clearly included Moatquarter, Drumroe and Moneygall. We should expect to find its
shape reflected in that of the parish of Castletownely, but this omits Moatquarter and
Moneygall. It has a very different shape in the Down Survey (1656) however, and this
older extent allows us to add Moatquarter and Moneygall, as well as several other town-
lands, including Drumbaun, to the fee of Castle Philip. Given the propensity for civil par-
ish boundaries to change over time, a 17th century source is to be greatly preferred over a
19th century source. These references allow us to conclude that the motte of Moatquarter
was the site of an early Anglo-Norman manorial caput while the church of Drumroe or
Castletownely was its corresponding manor church. Thus both the historical and archae-
ological record suggest that this area only became important as the location of an Anglo-
Norman manorial caput in the early 13th century. The location of these dual features
at the centre of an area of significant distribution of late-medieval archaeological sites
confirms the location of the caput here and its importance. We note especially the large
moated-site at Busherstown. This was clearly the fortified homestead of an important
free-tenant of the manor of Castle Philip, who was very probably surnamed Busher. The
actual area of the farm attached to the moated site is very probably reflected in the shape
of the 17th century 510-acre townland of Busherstown. Other important sites nearby
include a late-medieval settlement in Busherstown, an Anglo-Norman ringwork castle
in Lisduff, and a number of possible moated sites in Lisduff and Moatquarter. Again, the
archaeology agrees with the historical record telling of the abandonment of much of these
settlements as a result of the Gaelic resurgence here, when the O Carrolls destroyed the
colony in Elyocarroll after 1325.

7     Excavation methodology
The site was mechanically stripped of topsoil under strict archaeological supervision.
Stripping was done with a tracked machine with a flat toothless bucket. Topsoil stripping
commenced in the areas of identified archaeology and continued radially outward until
the limit of the road take was reached or until the limit of the archaeological remains was
fully defined. A grid was set up in the excavation area(s) and all archaeological features
were sufficiently cleaned, recorded and excavated so as to enable an accurate and mean-
ingful record of the site to be preserved. The excavation, environmental sampling, site

204400                                                204750                                                  205100


                                                                                                                                                                                                iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237








              DRUMBAUN                                                                                                          Busherstown 1 (E3661)
                                                                                                                                0                    100           200
                              204400                                                204750                                                  205100

     Figure	5:	 Location	and	extent	of	Busherstown	E3661	on	the	N7	Castletown	to	Nenagh�	Note	the	location	of	the	stream�
                                                                                                                                                                                              archaEological Excavation rEport

Plate	1:	 View	of	Busherstown	from	north�

photographs, site drawings, find care and retrieval, on-site recording and site archive was
as per the Procedures for Archaeological works as attached to the licence method state-
ments for excavation licences.
     The site was excavated from the 10th September 2007 and the on-site phase of work
was completed on the 8th February 2008. An area approximately 5185m² was initially
opened. Only areas within the LMA (lands made available) were resolved (Figure 5). This
area was cleaned and examined. On the establishment of the nature, extent and distri-
bution of the archaeological remains present a further 400m² was opened on the north
side of the site. During the length of the excavation the crew comprised one director, two
supervisors and 22 site assistants.
    The full record of excavated contexts is recorded in the context register and the strati-
graphic matrix (Appendix 2). Detailed stratigraphic descriptions are found in the groups
and sub-groups text (Appendix 3). The context register maybe viewed in the EAPOD
(Eachtra Archaeological Projects office database) in the accompanying CD.

204720                                                                    204780

                                                                                                                   Moated Structure C


                                                                                                                                        Structure D

                                                                                                                              AD                713-888
                                                                                                                                                                     iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237

                                                                                       Structure B

                                                                                               Structure F
                                                          145 m O.D.                   AD

                                                                                      Structure E         AD


                                                                       Structure A



                  Kilns         Human skeleton
              0                           25 m
                                                 204720                                                                    204780

     Figure	6:	 Post	excavation	plan	of	Busherstown�	
                                                                                                                                                                   archaEological Excavation rEport

                                                           Plate	2:	 Flint	 scraper	 E3661:1:5	 from	

8     Excavation results
Archaeological excavation of the site at Busherstown revealed a complex multi-period site
with at least six phases of activity identified (Figure 6). In broad outline they confirmed
the use of the area from the Early Neolithic period to the present time. The earliest phase
of activity was prehistoric in date and comprised a small lithic assemblage and possibly a
circular structure. The second and third phases of activity were dated to the early medie-
val period. The area was used for cereal processing and was defined by an enclosure. More
than 20 kilns were recorded and upto ten of these were located in a line that extended for
a distance of 80 m in a NW-SE direction. The continuous use of the area in the medieval
period was confirmed by the next phase of activity (Phase 4) when certain areas of the
site were enclosed through the construction of deep, wide ditches. A subsequent phase of
activity on the site included the construction of a substantial ditch which enclosed a sub-
rectangular moated site (Phase 5). The moated site was only partially located within the
road corridor, but the entire outline can be clearly seen in aerial photographs of the ad-
joining field to the north-east (Plate 1). The modern period (Phase 6) was represented by
a large number of furrows and attempts to level the site. The upper fill of all the medieval
ditches was modern in origin as the site had been levelled.

iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237                                          archaEological Excavation rEport



                         Structure A                                                        1020

                                                                 463   454

                                                       543      430




              0                                     2.5 m

              Figure	7:	 Post-excavation	plan	of	Structure	A	at	Busherstown�

              Phase 1 Prehistoric
              The prehistoric phase of activity was defined by a small assemblage of lithics dated to
              the Neolithic Period and a small circular structure dated, on typological grounds, to the
              Bronze Age.

              The Neolithic assemblage from Busherstown includes a flint blade dated to the first half
              of the Neolithic period (E366:365:1), three flakes, possibly Middle Neolithic in date
              (E3661:1:5, E3661:99:1 and E3661:175:1), three retouched artefacts, including one flint
              scraper (E3661:1:5, Plate 2) and two rubbing stones dated to Late Neolithic/ Early Bronze
              Age (E3661:777:1 and E3661:796:1). The lithic finds were recovered from residual con-
              texts, including the topsoil, the fills of ditches C.68, C.44, C.54, kilns C.30, C.491 and
              C.743A, post-holes/pit C.366, post-hole C.796, slot trench C.392, pit C.669 and furrow

              Bronze Age
              A circular structure, Structure 1, was recorded in the central part of the site (Figure 7,
              plate 3). It comprised a ring of seven post-holes (C.214, C.378, C.389, C.398, C.411,

204720                                              204780






              0                                   25 m
                              204720                                              204780

     Figure	8:	 Post-excavation	plan	of	ditches	C�447	and	C�68	at	Busherstown�

iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237                               archaEological Excavation rEport

              Plate	3:	 Building	A	from	south-west	at	Busherstown�

              C.419 and C.1020) and a hearth (C.427) in the interior. The building measured 4.4 m
              in diameter. The structural post-holes were similar in size, measuring on average 0.24 m
              by 0.23 m by 0.33 m in depth. All of them had one mid grey brown silty sand fill with
              occasional inclusions of pebbles and small stones. The distance between the post-holes
              averaged 1.9 m with the exception of a gap of 2.3 m between two post-holes on the east-
              ern side, which defined the area of the entrance. A total of five stake-holes (C.563, C.454,
              C.463, C.430 and C.543) were associated with the hearth, three of them (C.430, C.454
              and C.463) cut the hearth and the other two (C.543 and C.563) were placed on the op-
              posite sides of hearth.
                  The northern edge of this group of features was truncated by the enclosure ditch C.54.

              Phase 2 Early medieval activity
              The second phase of activity comprised two ditches which formed three sides of an enclo-
              sure and a series of cereal-drying kilns.

              Early medieval ditches
              Two ditches (C.68 and C.447) (Figure 8) formed three sides of an enclosure which meas-
              ured at least 30 m north-south by 45 m east-west. The activity was early medieval in date
              and contemporary with the kilns. No radiocarbon dates were obtained from the ditches
              but several of the kilns were located close to both sides of the ditches presumably for shel-

N7CN                                                                                          N7CN
          Busherstown                                                                                   Busherstown
          E3661                                                                                         E3661
          NW facing section of C.447                                                                    SW facing section of C.127



                                                                                                                                      C.80              C.82



                                       SW facing section of C.68 and C.63




                                                                                          C.73                       C.66


                                                                                                                                                               0   500 mm

     Figure	9:	 Section	plans	of	ditches	C�68,	C�63,	C�447	and	C�78/127	at	Busherstown�	

Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
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Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
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Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
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Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly
Archaeological Excavation Report Reveals Early Medieval Kilns and Medieval Moated Site in Offaly

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Archaeological Report - Ballinglanna North 3, Co. Cork (Ireland)
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Archaeological Report - Ballynamona 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)Archaeological Report - Ballynamona 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Ballynamona 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
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Archaeological Report - Gortnahown 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Gortore 1 b, Co. Cork (Ireland)
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Archaeological Report - Ballynamona 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)Archaeological Report - Ballynamona 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)
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Archaeological Report - Glentalucky, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)
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Archaeological Report - Ballinglanna North 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Moyveela 3, Co. Galway (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Moyveela 3, Co. Galway (Ireland)Archaeological Report - Moyveela 3, Co. Galway (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Moyveela 3, Co. Galway (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Gortnahown 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Gortnahown 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)Archaeological Report - Gortnahown 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Gortnahown 1, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Gortore 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Gortore 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)Archaeological Report - Gortore 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Gortore 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 2, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 3, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 3, Co. Cork (Ireland)Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 3, Co. Cork (Ireland)
Archaeological Report - Kilshanny 3, Co. Cork (Ireland)

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  • 1. Eachtra Journal Issue 13 [ISSN 2009-2237] Archaeological Excavation Report E3661 - Busherstown, Co. Offaly Early medieval kilns and medieval moated site with associated annexe
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  • 3. EACHTRA Archaeological Projects Archaeological Excavation Report Busherstown Co. Offaly Early medieval kilns and medieval moated site with associated annexe. Date: February 2012 Client: Laois County Council and National Roads Authority Project: N7 Castletown to Nenagh (Contract 1) E No: E3661 Excavation Director: Tori McMorran Written by: Ewelina Chrobak, Jacinta Kiely and Tori McMorran
  • 4.
  • 5. Archaeological Excavation Report Busherstown Co. Offaly Excavation Director Tori McMorran Written By Ewelina Chrobak, Jacinta Kiely and Tori McMorran EACHTRA Archaeological Projects CORK GALWAY The Forge, Innishannon, Co. Cork Unit 10, Kilkerrin Park, Liosbain Industrial Estate, Galway tel: 021 4701616 | web: | email: tel: 091 763673 | web: | email:
  • 6. © Eachtra Archaeological Projects 2012 The Forge, Innishannon, Co Cork Set in 12pt Garamond Printed in Ireland
  • 7. Table of Contents Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� vii Acknowledgements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������viii 1 Scope of the project �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 2 Route location��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 3 Receiving environment ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 4 Archaeological and historical background ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Mesolithic(c�8000to4000BC)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Neolithic(c�4000to2000BC)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4 � BronzeAge(c�2000to600BC)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 IronAge(c�500BCtoAD500)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Earlymedievalperiod(c�AD400to1100)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Highandlatermedievalperiods(c�AD1100to1650)���������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Post-medievalperiod(c�1650tothepresent)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 � 5 Site location and Topography ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 6 Archaeological and Historical Setting ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 7 Excavation methodology ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 8 Excavation results ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Phase1Prehistoric�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Phase2Earlymedievalactivity��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 Phase3High/Latemedieval(firstphase)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48 Phase4High/Latemedieval(secondphase)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������53 Phase5Moatedsite��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55 Phase6Modernactivity�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������59 9 Specialist Results ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64 Plantremains��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64 � Lithicartefacts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64 Metalartefacts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65 Animalbone�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65 � Humanremains�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65 Archaeometallurgy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Geophysical������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 66 Quernstones��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Charcoal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 i
  • 8. Radiocarbondates���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 10 Conclusion �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������68 NeolithicandBronzeAgeactivity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68 Earlymedievalactivity���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69 Earlymedievalenclosure���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������70 Highmedievalperiod����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72 Moatedsite��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������73 11 References �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76 Appendix 1 Stratigraphic Index �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79 Appendix 2 Site Matrix �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80 Appendix 3 Groups and Subgroups ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 87 Appendix 4 Plant Remains ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������154 Appendix 5 Lithics Finds Report �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������172 Appendix 6 Metal Artefacts ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������179 Appendix 7 Animal Bone Report ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������182 Appendix 8 Osteological report ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������194 Appendix 9 Metallurgy Report ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������201 Appendix 10 Geophysical Report ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204 Appendix 11 Quernstone Report ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 219 ii
  • 9. List of Figures Figure 1: The route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh overlain on the Ordnance Survey Discovery Series map� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 � Figure 2: The route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh overlain on the Ordnance Survey Discovery Series map with all the excavation sites marked� ����������������������������������������������������� 6 Figure 3: Portion of the Ist edition Ordnance Survey Map OF47 showing the location of Busherstown� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Figure 4: Topography of the area around Busherstown� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Figure 5: Location and extent of Busherstown E3661 on the N7 Castletown to Nenagh� Note the location of the stream� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 � Figure 6: Post excavation plan of Busherstown� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Figure 7: Post-excavation plan of Structure A at Busherstown� ���������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Figure 8: Post-excavation plan of ditches C�447 and C�68 at Busherstown������������������������������������������� 17 Figure 9: Section plans of ditches C�68, C�63, C�447 and C�78/127 at Busherstown� ������������������������� 19 Figure 10: Post-excavation plan of kilns, location of firing bowl of kilns illustrated, at Busherstown� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Figure 11: Section plan of kilns C�97 and C�74 at Busherstown� ������������������������������������������������������������������27 Figure 12: Plan of kilns C�90 and C�97 and associated shelter belt at Busherstown� ���������������������������29 Figure 13: Post-excavation plan of kilns located in the northern part of the site at Busherstown� 30 Figure 14: Section plan of kiln C�355 and pit C�1043 at Busherstown� ������������������������������������������������������40 Figure 15: Post-excavation plan of Buildings C and D within moated site at Busherstown� ������������40 Figure 16: Post-excavation plan of Structures E and F at Busherstown� ��������������������������������������������������46 Figure 17: Section plans of ditches C�246/C�273 and C�277 and ditches C�54 and C�277 at Busherstown� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Figure 18: Post-excavation plan of the medieval enclosure and moated site at Busherstown� ������52 Figure 19: Post-excavation plan of the moated site at Busherstown� �������������������������������������������������������54 Figure 20: Section plans of the ditch C�44 of the moated site� ��������������������������������������������������������������������57 Figure 21: Section plan of ditch C�8 and C�19 at Busherstown� ��������������������������������������������������������������������58 Figure 22: Plan of geophysical testing at Busherstown (Earthsound)� ������������������������������������������������������60 Figure 23: Aerial photography of Busherstown showing the extent of moated site in the adjoining field outside the road corridor� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 iii
  • 10. List of Plates Plate 1: View of Busherstown from north� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Plate 2: Flint scraper E3661:1:5 from Busherstown� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Plate 3: Building A from south-west at Busherstown� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Plate 4: Quern stone E3661:71:1 from Busherstown� �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Plate 5: Kiln C�74 (in foreground) and kiln C�30 from NW at Busherstown� ����������������������������������������23 Plate 6: Kiln C�74 from NE at Busherstown� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 � Plate 7: Mid-excavation view of kiln C�97 in foreground and kiln C�90 in background at Busherstown� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Plate 8: Stone lining in kiln C�90 from east at Busherstown� ��������������������������������������������������������������������33 Plate 9: Bone pin E3661:735:1 from Busherstown� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34 Plate 10: Mid-excavation view of kiln C�872 at Busherstown� ��������������������������������������������������������������������36 Plate 11: Kiln 989 in ditch C�54 at Busherstown� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������37 Plate 12: View of Building B and kiln C�490 in background from north at Busherstown� ����������������43 Plate 13: View of interior of moated site and ditch C�44 at Busherstown� ��������������������������������������������44 Plate 14: View of Structure E and kilns C�30 and C�74 from north-east at Busherstown� �����������������47 Plate 15: SE facing section of enclosure ditches C�54, C�277 and C�447 at Busherstown�����������������50 Plate 16: View of mid excavation of ditch C�68 from south, excavated ditches C�54 (in foreground) and C�78 (in middle ground) and kiln 189��������������������������������������������������������������51 Plate 17: Mid-excavation view of ditch C�44 of moated site at Busherstown� �������������������������������������56 Plate 18: View of south-eastern corner of moated site, Structure D, and ditches C�8 (left) and C�68 (right) in middle background at Busherstown� �����������������������������������������������������������59 Plate 19: Edward 1 long penny E3661:3:1 from Busherstown� �������������������������������������������������������������������62 iv
  • 11. List of Tables Table 1 Dimensions and orientation of 17 cereal-drying kilns����������������������������������������������������������������24 Table 2 Dimensions and orientation of 7 truncated cereal-drying kilns� �����������������������������������39 Table 3 Number and date of buildings located at Busherstown ����������������������������������������������������������42 Table 4 Dimensions of the slot trenches associated with Structure D �������������������������������������������������44 Table 5 Dimensions of the four large pits ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45 Table 6 Phase of ditches associated with enclosure and annexe of moated site �����������������������������48 Table 7 Radiocarbon dates from Busherstown ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������67 Table 8: Relative abundance of the main domestic animals ��������������������������������������������������������������������73 v
  • 12. iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 archaEological Excavation rEport vi
  • 13. bUShErStown-E3661 Summary Archaeological excavation of the site at Busherstown revealed a complex multi-period site with six phases of activity. In broad outline they confirmed the use of the area from the Early Neolithic period to the present time. The first period of activity was prehistoric in date and comprised a small assemblage of lithics and a circular structure (Structure A) dated on typological grounds to the Bronze Age. The second phase was dated to the early medieval period, when the area was used for cereal processing, as evidenced by the discov- ery of at least 17 cereal-drying kilns and a further seven possible kilns. The majority of the kilns were located in a line that extended for a distance of 80 m in a NW-SE direction. The firing chambers of the kiln were for the most part located at the NE. A small number of the kilns were partially enclosed (Structures D and E). The third phase of activity was defined by an enclosure (ditches C.68 and 447) which was probably contemporary with the cereal processing. The continuous use of the area of the enclosure in the medieval pe- riod was confirmed when certain areas of the site were enclosed through the construction of deep, wide ditches (ditches C.54 and C.63). The ditches (ditches C.227 and C.78) were re-cut in the later medieval period to function as an annexe to a moated site. A substan- tial ditch, 5.5 m wide by 1.7 m deep, defined the moated site. Only the southern corner of the moated site was located within the road corridor. However, the entire outline can be clearly seen in aerial photographs of the adjoining field to the north-east. Two struc- tures (C and D) were contemporary with the moated site. The post-medieval period was represented by a large number of furrows crossing the site and material which had been dumped into the top fills of the ditches. The site was levelled in the recent past. Road project name N7 Castletown to Nenagh Site name Busherstown E no. E3661 Site director Tory Mc Morran Townland Busherstown Parish Castletownely County Offaly Barony Clonlisk OS Map Sheet No. Offaly 47 National Grid Reference 20479 / 181806 Elevation 145 m OD vii
  • 14. Acknowledgements The project was commissioned by Laois County Council and was funded by the Na- tional Roads Authority under the National Development Plan (2000-2006). The project archaeologist was Niall Roycroft. Kildare County Council supervised the archaeological contract with RE staff of Pat Dowling and Colum Fagan. Kildare County Council Sen- ior Executive Engineer was Joseph Kelly and Kildare County Council Senior Engineer was John Coppinger. The senior archaeologist was John Tierney and the post-excavation manager was Jacinta Kiely. Illustrations are by Maurizio Toscano, photographs by John Sunderland and Eagle Photography and aerial photography by StudioLab. Specialist anal- ysis was carried out by Anne Carey, Mary Dillon, Earthsound Geophysics, Jonny Geber, Penny Johnston, Margaret McCarthy, Órla Scully, Farina Sternke, Tim Young and the 14 Chrono Centre at Queen’s University Belfast. viii
  • 15. bUShErStown-E3661 1 Scope of the project Eachtra Archaeological Projects were commissioned by Laois County Council and the National Roads Authority to undertake archaeological works along 17.1 km (Contact 1) of the 35km N7 Castletown to Nenagh (Derrinsallagh to Ballintotty) national road scheme (EIS approved in November 2005). The scheme runs from the eastern junction of the present N7 Nenagh Bypass, North Tipperary a tie in to the M7/M8 Portlaoise- Castletown scheme to the south of Borris-in-Ossory in County Laois. The scheme is ap- proximately 191 hectares. Contract 1 comprises the western half of the scheme and runs from Clashnevin to Castleroan passing along the Tipperary North and Offaly county border regions. The Ministers Direction Number is A38. It was funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2000- 2006. The total archaeological cost was administered by the National Roads Authority through Laois County Council as part of the Authority’s commitment to protecting our cultural heritage. The purpose of the archaeological services project was to conduct ar- chaeological site investigations within the lands made available for the scheme and to assess the nature and extent of any new potential archaeological sites uncovered. Phase 1 of the project (archaeological testing of the route) was carried out in 2007 under licence E3371, E3372 and E3375-8 issued by Department of the Environment Her- itage and Local Government (DoEHLG) in consultation with the National Museum of Ireland. The principal aim of this phase of the project was to test for any previously unknown sites by a programme of centreline and offset testing and to test sites of archaeo- logical potential identified in the EIS. Phase 2 of the project (resolution) involved the resolution of all archaeological sites identified within the proposed road corridor prior to commencement of the construction of the road. This phase of the project was carried out from June 2007 to February 2008 and excavations were conducted under the management of a Senior Archaeologist. A total of 27 sites were excavated during this phase of works under separate licences issued by DoEHLG. A post-excavation assessment and strategy document was prepared in Phase 3 of the project to present a management strategy for dealing with post-excavation work aris- ing from archaeological works along the route of the new N7 Castletown to Nenagh. It included a proposal for post-excavation and archiving work and a budget for the works. 2 Route location The route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh road is located in Counties North Tipperary and Offaly (OF) (Figure 1). The project (Contract 1) involves the construction of c. 17.5 km of the N7 from Clashnevin east of Nenagh to Castleroan south-east of Dunkerrin. It passes through the townlands of Clashnevin, Derrybane, Newtown, Lissanisky, Killeisk, Garavally, Derrycarney, Garrynafanna, Gortnadrumman, Kilgorteen, Falleen, Knock- ane, Clash, Park, Rosdremid (OF), Clynoe (OF), Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Greenhills, 1
  • 16. 182550 198900 215250 2 193300 193300 ! ( Nenagh iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 Derg (Lough) 182950 182950 172600 172600 0 5 10 182550 198900 Kilometres 215250 ± Figure 1: The route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh overlain on the Ordnance Survey Discovery Series map� archaEological Excavation rEport
  • 17. bUShErStown-E3661 Drumbaun, Busherstown (OF), Drumroe (OF), Moatquarter, Loughan (OF) and Cas- tleroan (OF). The townlands are located in the parishes of Ballymackey, Cullenwaine, Castletownely, Rathnaveoge, Finglas and Dunkerrin and the baronies of Upper Ormond, Ikerrin and Clonisk, The route begins at the eastern end of the Nenagh bypass at Clashnevin c. 5 km east of Nenagh and continues eastward on the northern side of the existing N7 in Co. Tip- perary. It crosses a number of third class roads to the north of Toomyvara and 0.7 km east of Clash crossroads crosses the Ollatrim River. It extends into County Offaly directly east of Park. From here it crosses the R490 0.6 km north of Moneygall. It extends back in County Tipperary and through the demesne of Greenhills before crossing the existing N7 at the junction of Greenhills and Drumbaun townlands. It crosses back into County Offaly and climbs east into Busherstown and Drumroe. It crosses the Keeloge Stream into Moatquarter in County Tipperary and extends northeast back into County Offaly through the townlands of Loughan and Castleroan 1.4 km southwest of Dunkerrin. 3 Receiving environment North Tipperary is bounded on the west by the River Shannon and Lough Derg with the Silvermines, to the south, and small hills extending towards Devilsbit and Borrisnoe Mountains to the east. The mountains are composed largely of Silurian strata and Old Red Sandstone. Copper, silver and lead deposits have been mined in the Silvermines. The geology of the lowlands consists of Carboniferous limestone covered by glacial drift in addition to tracts of raised bog. The western portion of the study area is drained by the Ollatrim River which flows westwards into the River Ballintotty which in turns drains into the River Nenagh. The eastern portion is drained by the Keeloge Stream and other small water sources. These rise in the foothills of the Silvermine Mountains and flow north. The Keeloge drains into the Little Brosna River c. 1 km south of Shinrone, Co Offaly. The Brosna turns north and drains into the Shannon south of Banagher. The largest population centre in the area is Nenagh. The smaller population centres, are Toomyvara, Moneygall and Dunkerrin. The soils on the route are characterised by 80% grey brown podzolics, 10% gleys, 5% brown earths and 5% basis peat. They are derived from glacial till of predominantly Car- boniferous limestone composition. These soils occur in Tipperary and Offaly and have a wide use range being suitable for both tillage and pasture (Gardiner and Radford 1980, 97-99). Land use along the route was a mix of grassland devoted to intensive dairying and cattle-rearing and tillage. 3
  • 18. iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 archaEological Excavation rEport 4 Archaeological and historical background Archaeological sites of numerous periods were discovered along the route of the new road (Figure 2). The periods are referred to as follows: Mesolithic (c. 8000 to 4000 BC), Neo- lithic (c. 4000 to 2000 BC), Bronze Age (c. 2000 to 600 BC), and Iron Age (c. 500 BC to AD 500), early medieval period (c. AD 500 to 1100), medieval period (c. AD 1100 to 1650), post-medieval period (c. AD 1650 to the present). Mesolithic (c. 8000 to 4000 BC) The earliest known human settlement in Ireland dates from the Mesolithic period (c. 8000 BC - 4000 BC). The majority of the evidence (flint scatters) for Mesolithic occupa- tion has come from the river valleys. No evidence for the Mesolithic was recorded on the route. Neolithic (c. 4000 to 2000 BC) The Neolithic Period is characterised by the introduction of agriculture and the begin- nings of the clearance of the woodlands. The population increased and became more sedentary in nature. The most important Neolithic site in the vicinity was at Tullahedy recorded on the route of the Nenagh by-pass. It was a specialist chert arrow manufactur- ing site. No evidence for a Neolithic site was recorded on the route but stone tools dating to the Neolithic were recorded at Busherstown E3661, Clash E3660, Cullenwaine E3741 and Greenhills 2 and 3 E3637 and E3658. Stone tools dating to the late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age were recorded at Busherstown E3661, Castleroan E3909, Cullenwaine E3741, Derrybane 1 E3585, Drumroe E3773, Greenhills 1 E3638 and Moatquarter E3910. Neo- lithic pottery was recorded at Cullenwaine E3741 and Drumbaun E3912. Bronze Age (c. 2000 to 600BC) The Bronze Age is characterised by the introduction of metallurgy and an increase in settlement and burial sites. Copper ores were mined and copper, bronze and gold items manufactured. The range of burial site types includes cist graves, pit and urn burials, cremation cemeteries, barrows, ring-ditches and wedge tombs. Stone circles and stand- ing stones also date to the Bronze Age. Both enclosed and unenclosed settlement sites are known. The most prolific Bronze Age site type is the fulacht fiadh. These monuments survive as low mounds of charcoal rich black silt, packed with heat-shattered stones, and generally situated close to a water source. Fulachta fiadh are generally classified as ‘cook- ing places’, whereby stones were heated in a hearth and subsequently placed in a trough of water, the water continued to boil with the addition of hot stones and wrapped food was cooked within the hot water. The trough eventually filled with small stones, ash and charcoal that were removed, forming the basis of the familiar mound. 4
  • 19. bUShErStown-E3661 Two new fulachta fiadh or burnt mounds were recorded at Clashnevin 1 E3586, Cullenwaine E3741 and six at three separate locations in Greenhills, E3638, E3637 and E3658. Evidence of nine roundhouses or partial round structures were recorded; two at Castleroan E3909, Derrybane 2 E3591 and Drumbaun 2 E3912 and one at Clash E3660, Drumroe E3773 and Moatquarter E3910. Iron Age (c. 500 BC to AD 500) Up to recently there was little evidence of a significant Iron Age presence in Munster. Settlement sites are few and far between as well as being difficult to identify (Woodman, 2000) while the material culture of this period is limited. Linear earthworks, believed to have marked tribal boundaries, and hillforts are two of the most visible monuments of the period. Ten percent of sites excavated on NRA road schemes in recent years have produced Iron Age dates. The dates have led to the identification of 30 new Iron Age sites in Munster from road schemes in counties Cork, Limerick and Tipperary (McLaughlin 2008, 51). These include a ditched enclosure in Ballywilliam and a wooden trackway in Annaholty Bog excavated on the route of the N7 Nenagh-Limerick (Taylor 2008, 54). Three Iron Age dates were returned from pits in Castleroan E3909 and Drumroe E3773 on the route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh (Contract 1). Early medieval period (c. AD 400 to 1100) The early medieval period is characterised by the arrival of Christianity to Ireland. The characteristic monument type of the period is the ringfort. Ringforts are the most nu- merous archaeological monument found in Ireland, with estimates of between 30,000 and 50,000 illustrated on the first edition of the Ordnance Survey 6” maps of the 1840’s (Barry 1987). As a result of continued research, the construction of these monuments has a narrow date range during the early medieval period between the 7th and 9th centuries AD. Although there are some very elaborate examples of ringforts, they often take the form of a simple earth or stone enclosure functioning as settlements for all classes of secu- lar society (Stout 1997). North Tipperary is rich in early ecclesiastical sites and the remains of these religious centres are at the core of some of the towns and villages. Roscrea, for example, was chosen by St Cronan as a location for his monastery in the seventh century as it was located at the crossroads on the Slighe Dála, an important roadway in early medieval times (NIAH 2006, 4-8). Early medieval activity was recorded at five sites on the route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh (Contract 1). A series of cereal-drying kilns were recorded at Busherstown E3661. A denuded ringfort (OF046-013) was excavated at Clynoe 2 E3774. An area of iron-working and associated pits was recorded at Drumbaun E3912. Iron working activ- ity, cereal-drying kilns and settlement activity was recorded at Park 1 E3659. A group of pits and associated ditch were recorded at Drumroe E3773. 5
  • 20. 190400 196200 202000 207800 6 Busherstown 1 186400 186400 Castleroan 1 E 3909 Busherstown 1 E 3661 Loughan 1 iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 E 4000 Greenhills 3 E 3658 Culleenwaine 1 Moneygall 2 E 3741 E 3635 Moatquarter 1 Clynoe 2 E 3910 E 3774 181800 181800 Park 1 Drumroe 1 Garravally Kilgorteen 1 E 3659 E 3773 E 3589 E 3739 Drumbaun 2 Derrybane 2 E 3912 E 3591 Greenhills 1 Greenhills 2 E 3638 E 3637 Clashnevin 2 E 3590 Clash 1 Park 2 E 3660 E 3772 Derrycarney 1 E 3740 Clashnevin 1 Derrybane 1 Killeisk 1 E 3586 E 3585 E 3587 177200 177200 0 3 6 Kilometres ± 190400 196200 202000 207800 Figure 2: The route of the N7 Castletown to Nenagh overlain on the Ordnance Survey Discovery Series map with all the excavation sites marked� archaEological Excavation rEport
  • 21. bUShErStown-E3661 High and later medieval periods (c. AD 1100 to 1650) This period is characterized by the arrival of the Anglo-Normans and the building of tow- er houses. The Anglo-Normans obtained charters in the thirteenth century for the towns of Nenagh, Roscrea, Thurles and Templemore and established markets. Nenagh grew rapidly in the aftermath of the granting of the lands of Munster to Theobald fitzWalter in 1185 (ibid. 8). Moated sites represent the remains of isolated, semi-defended homesteads in rural areas. They were build mainly in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth cen- turies in counties, such as Wexford, Kilkenny, Tipperary, mid-Cork and Limerick, that were colonised by English settlers (O’Conor 1998, 58). The Archaeological Inventory for North Tipperary lists 39 moated sites (2002, 298). A medieval enclosure and associated field systems were recorded at Killeisk E3587. A series of ditches and settlement activity was recorded at Park 1 E3659. Post-medieval period (c. 1650 to the present) The post-medieval period is characterised by mills, limekilns, workhouses, country hous- es and associated demesnes, vernacular buildings and field systems (Figure 3). A small demesne associated with a county house was recorded at Greenhills. 5 Site location and Topography The site is located in the townland of Busherstown, in the Parish of Castletownely and the barony of Clonlisk. It is located to the south of the present N7 and at the time of ex- cavation accessed by a small by-road linking the N7 at Moneygall to the third class road linking the village of Dunkerrin and the town of Templemore, east of Clonakenny and south of Quinlisk’s Cross roads. The site at Busherstown was situated on and around the summit of a low hill on the northern edge of the rolling uplands of North Tipperary and South Offaly (Figure 4). The site is surrounded on three sides by higher ground being open to the North with excellent views across the vast expanse of the Offaly bogs and lowlands. The Slieve Bloom moun- tains are visible to the North East. To the west the ground rises gently and levels out, where the prehistoric settlement evidence at Drumbaun 2 E3912 was located, before dropping sharply down to the present N7 on the north-east side of the village of Moneygall. To the north-west a hill rises steeply to approximately 175m OD. The lower slopes of this hill are containing a number of ring- forts and enclosures. To the east the landscape rises and gently undulates through the townlands of Moatquater and Castleroan before rising steeply in the townland of Rathna- veoge Lower. To the south-east, south and south-west the ground rises steeply through densely wooded areas through the townland of Durmroe to the source of the Suir River just below the summit (460m OD) of the north end of the Devilsbit Mountain Range. 7
  • 22. 204713 205713 8 Castleroan LOUGHAN ea m Loughan S tr 182716 182716 e lo g K ee CASTLEROAN iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 Moatquarter BUSHERSTOWN 182066 182066 MOATQUARTER Busherstown Drumbaun 2 DRUMROE 0 300 600 DRUMBAUN Drumroe ¥ Meters 204713 205713 Figure 3: Portion of the Ist edition Ordnance Survey Map OF47 showing the location of Busherstown� archaEological Excavation rEport
  • 23. Loughan 1 204100 205400 110 s na ¢ ro B ittl e 13 Motte 0 rL bUShErStown-E3661 15 180 0 Rive 160 182250 182250 140 170 120 160 170 150 15 0 Busherstown 1 150 Drumbaun 2 Drumroe 1 Ke e l og e Str 16 0 eam 181500 181500 17 0 130 140 160 0 16 180 19 0 0 1 Km 204100 205400 Figure 4: Topography of the area around Busherstown� 9
  • 24. iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 archaEological Excavation rEport The site itself is located at around 140m OD overlooking a wide area of marshy ground to the north-east and east. The ground drops sharply from the northern edge of the road corridor to a small but fast flowing stream now forming part of a field boundary. The post-medieval landscape is the most clearly visible on the landscape today. The rooftop of Busherstown House can be seen nestled into a sheltered part of the valley surrounded by mature woodland. The stone walled deerpark encloses land adjacent to the house and rising up the slope to the east. A linear area of dense woodland bounds the deerpark to the west, named as ‘the shrubbery’ on older maps. Running NE-SW along a current field boundary is a line of wood growth named ‘Beech Grove’, leading into a larger area of Lawn Wood. 6 Archaeological and Historical Setting The following text on the history of Busherstown was written by Paul MacCotter (2011): The Busherstown of 1641 bears only a loose resemblance to the area of the modern townland. In 1641 there was the single townland of Busherstown Drumroe and the second townland of Castletown, the greater portions of which together make up the modern townland. The original Busherstown lay in the west of this area, Castletown in the east. Most of modern Drumroe lay in Castletown, with only that part west of the road lying in Busherstown, hence this western area must be the original Drumroe. The church ruin in modern Drumroe then lay in Castletown, and this is the old parish church of Castletownely, earlier Castle Philip. The newly excavated moated site lies in the origi- nal Busherstown. The name Busherstown must derive from an Anglo-Norman family of Bosser (modern Busher), a fairly common Anglo-Norman cognomen-type surname, literally ‘the butcher’, who appear to have left no record beyond the toponym. Later, two O Carroll families are associated with Busherstown and Castletown, those of Clonagan- nagh and Ballybrack, although only the latter occur as planters in 1619, while both still held property here in 1641. The de Barrys of Castle Philip (Moatquarter and Busherstown) were one of the lead- ing Anglo-Norman settler families in the cantred of Elyocarroll before the destruction of its colony at the hands of the O Carroll chieftains during the second quarter of the 14th century. Among a number of fees they possessed here was that of Castle Philip, a name which refers to the motte in Moatquarter. In the 1305 extent we read that Regi- nald de Barry held ‘one theod at Castle Philip in Ossergele’. Here we should certainly read ‘Offergele’, a colonial theod based on the pre-Invasion túath of Uí Fhearghaile. The identification is certain: references to the church of Castle Philip occur in 1300, 1306, 1425 and 1506, and these references indicate that Castle Philip is the parish now known as Castletown Ely, whose ruined church lies in Drumroe. Note that Drumroe church lies adjacent to the motte of Moatquarter, the normal juxtaposition for manor house and manor church at this period, for in most cases parish and manor share the same shape. In this instance both church and motte bear the original name Castle Philip. The church 10
  • 25. bUShErStown-E3661 becomes known as Castletown in 1615 and, eventually, Castletownely. In 17th century records the name Castletown is also given to the townland in which the church stood, occupying the eastern third of modern Busherstown and most of Drumroe. Therefore, this church is called after a fortification built originally by one Philip (de Barry?) and which lay near the church. Yet there is no evidence from any of the topographical sources we possess dating from the mid-17th century onwards of any castle in the vicinity of this church apart from the nearby motte in Moatquarter. Hence, the inescapable conclusion we arrive at is that the ‘castle’ in question is this motte. Historical references help us to locate the de Barry theod of Offergele here, which clearly included Moatquarter, Drumroe and Moneygall. We should expect to find its shape reflected in that of the parish of Castletownely, but this omits Moatquarter and Moneygall. It has a very different shape in the Down Survey (1656) however, and this older extent allows us to add Moatquarter and Moneygall, as well as several other town- lands, including Drumbaun, to the fee of Castle Philip. Given the propensity for civil par- ish boundaries to change over time, a 17th century source is to be greatly preferred over a 19th century source. These references allow us to conclude that the motte of Moatquarter was the site of an early Anglo-Norman manorial caput while the church of Drumroe or Castletownely was its corresponding manor church. Thus both the historical and archae- ological record suggest that this area only became important as the location of an Anglo- Norman manorial caput in the early 13th century. The location of these dual features at the centre of an area of significant distribution of late-medieval archaeological sites confirms the location of the caput here and its importance. We note especially the large moated-site at Busherstown. This was clearly the fortified homestead of an important free-tenant of the manor of Castle Philip, who was very probably surnamed Busher. The actual area of the farm attached to the moated site is very probably reflected in the shape of the 17th century 510-acre townland of Busherstown. Other important sites nearby include a late-medieval settlement in Busherstown, an Anglo-Norman ringwork castle in Lisduff, and a number of possible moated sites in Lisduff and Moatquarter. Again, the archaeology agrees with the historical record telling of the abandonment of much of these settlements as a result of the Gaelic resurgence here, when the O Carrolls destroyed the colony in Elyocarroll after 1325. 7 Excavation methodology The site was mechanically stripped of topsoil under strict archaeological supervision. Stripping was done with a tracked machine with a flat toothless bucket. Topsoil stripping commenced in the areas of identified archaeology and continued radially outward until the limit of the road take was reached or until the limit of the archaeological remains was fully defined. A grid was set up in the excavation area(s) and all archaeological features were sufficiently cleaned, recorded and excavated so as to enable an accurate and mean- ingful record of the site to be preserved. The excavation, environmental sampling, site 11
  • 26. 204400 204750 205100 12 182000 182000 BUSHERSTOWN iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 181800 181800 13400 13500 13300 13600 13200 1370 0 13100 1380 0 13900 14000 14100 181600 181600 DRUMROE DRUMBAUN Busherstown 1 (E3661) 0 100 200 Metres 204400 204750 205100 Figure 5: Location and extent of Busherstown E3661 on the N7 Castletown to Nenagh� Note the location of the stream� archaEological Excavation rEport
  • 27. bUShErStown-E3661 Plate 1: View of Busherstown from north� photographs, site drawings, find care and retrieval, on-site recording and site archive was as per the Procedures for Archaeological works as attached to the licence method state- ments for excavation licences. The site was excavated from the 10th September 2007 and the on-site phase of work was completed on the 8th February 2008. An area approximately 5185m² was initially opened. Only areas within the LMA (lands made available) were resolved (Figure 5). This area was cleaned and examined. On the establishment of the nature, extent and distri- bution of the archaeological remains present a further 400m² was opened on the north side of the site. During the length of the excavation the crew comprised one director, two supervisors and 22 site assistants. The full record of excavated contexts is recorded in the context register and the strati- graphic matrix (Appendix 2). Detailed stratigraphic descriptions are found in the groups and sub-groups text (Appendix 3). The context register maybe viewed in the EAPOD (Eachtra Archaeological Projects office database) in the accompanying CD. 13
  • 28. 204720 204780 14 Moated Structure C site 181827 181827 Annexe Structure D AD AD 713-888 1292-1394 iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 Structure B Structure F 145 m O.D. AD 657-769 Structure E AD 658-766 AD 1210-1271 Structure A 181789 181789 AD 1159-1252 Kilns Human skeleton 0 25 m 204720 204780 Figure 6: Post excavation plan of Busherstown� archaEological Excavation rEport
  • 29. bUShErStown-E3661 Plate 2: Flint scraper E3661:1:5 from Busherstown� 8 Excavation results Archaeological excavation of the site at Busherstown revealed a complex multi-period site with at least six phases of activity identified (Figure 6). In broad outline they confirmed the use of the area from the Early Neolithic period to the present time. The earliest phase of activity was prehistoric in date and comprised a small lithic assemblage and possibly a circular structure. The second and third phases of activity were dated to the early medie- val period. The area was used for cereal processing and was defined by an enclosure. More than 20 kilns were recorded and upto ten of these were located in a line that extended for a distance of 80 m in a NW-SE direction. The continuous use of the area in the medieval period was confirmed by the next phase of activity (Phase 4) when certain areas of the site were enclosed through the construction of deep, wide ditches. A subsequent phase of activity on the site included the construction of a substantial ditch which enclosed a sub- rectangular moated site (Phase 5). The moated site was only partially located within the road corridor, but the entire outline can be clearly seen in aerial photographs of the ad- joining field to the north-east (Plate 1). The modern period (Phase 6) was represented by a large number of furrows and attempts to level the site. The upper fill of all the medieval ditches was modern in origin as the site had been levelled. 15
  • 30. iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 archaEological Excavation rEport ± 214 389 Structure A 1020 427 563 463 454 398 543 430 419 378 411 0 2.5 m Figure 7: Post-excavation plan of Structure A at Busherstown� Phase 1 Prehistoric The prehistoric phase of activity was defined by a small assemblage of lithics dated to the Neolithic Period and a small circular structure dated, on typological grounds, to the Bronze Age. Neolithic The Neolithic assemblage from Busherstown includes a flint blade dated to the first half of the Neolithic period (E366:365:1), three flakes, possibly Middle Neolithic in date (E3661:1:5, E3661:99:1 and E3661:175:1), three retouched artefacts, including one flint scraper (E3661:1:5, Plate 2) and two rubbing stones dated to Late Neolithic/ Early Bronze Age (E3661:777:1 and E3661:796:1). The lithic finds were recovered from residual con- texts, including the topsoil, the fills of ditches C.68, C.44, C.54, kilns C.30, C.491 and C.743A, post-holes/pit C.366, post-hole C.796, slot trench C.392, pit C.669 and furrow C.287. Bronze Age A circular structure, Structure 1, was recorded in the central part of the site (Figure 7, plate 3). It comprised a ring of seven post-holes (C.214, C.378, C.389, C.398, C.411, 16
  • 31. 204720 204780 181827 181827 bUShErStown-E3661 447 622 68 181789 181789 0 25 m 204720 204780 Figure 8: Post-excavation plan of ditches C�447 and C�68 at Busherstown� 17
  • 32. iSSUE 13: Eachtra JoUrnal - iSSn 2009-2237 archaEological Excavation rEport Plate 3: Building A from south-west at Busherstown� C.419 and C.1020) and a hearth (C.427) in the interior. The building measured 4.4 m in diameter. The structural post-holes were similar in size, measuring on average 0.24 m by 0.23 m by 0.33 m in depth. All of them had one mid grey brown silty sand fill with occasional inclusions of pebbles and small stones. The distance between the post-holes averaged 1.9 m with the exception of a gap of 2.3 m between two post-holes on the east- ern side, which defined the area of the entrance. A total of five stake-holes (C.563, C.454, C.463, C.430 and C.543) were associated with the hearth, three of them (C.430, C.454 and C.463) cut the hearth and the other two (C.543 and C.563) were placed on the op- posite sides of hearth. The northern edge of this group of features was truncated by the enclosure ditch C.54. Phase 2 Early medieval activity The second phase of activity comprised two ditches which formed three sides of an enclo- sure and a series of cereal-drying kilns. Early medieval ditches Two ditches (C.68 and C.447) (Figure 8) formed three sides of an enclosure which meas- ured at least 30 m north-south by 45 m east-west. The activity was early medieval in date and contemporary with the kilns. No radiocarbon dates were obtained from the ditches but several of the kilns were located close to both sides of the ditches presumably for shel- 18
  • 33. N7CN N7CN Busherstown Busherstown E3661 E3661 NW facing section of C.447 SW facing section of C.127 C.591 bUShErStown-E3661 C.83 C.448 C.80 C.82 C.81 C.607 C.79 C.608 C.78/127 C.447 N7CN Busherstown E3661 SW facing section of C.68 and C.63 C.69 C.64 C.70 C.71 C.72 C.67 C.65 C.73 C.66 C.63 C.68 0 500 mm Figure 9: Section plans of ditches C�68, C�63, C�447 and C�78/127 at Busherstown� 19