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A Primer In Far Too Many Parts
                     April 1995    LiveScript

Brendan Eich
CTO, Mozilla Corp.


Data Types
• number
• string
• boolean
• object
• null
• NaN
• undefined

• Are Objects, have methods

"Foo" + "Bar";        //"FooBar"

var str = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet";

str.toLowerCase();    //"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
str.toUpperCase();    //"LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET"
str.split(" ");       //["Lorem", "Ispum", "Dolor", "Sit", "Amet"]
str.substring(6,9);   //"Ips"

new String("Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet") == str; //true
String to Number

parseInt("56");        //56
parseInt("42.567");    //42
parseInt("asdf");      //NaN
parseInt("5a6");       //5
parseFloat("24.68");   //24.68
parseFloat("asdf");    //NaN
parseFloat("24a");     //24

• “Dictionary” / “Associative Array”
• Key: Value or 'Key': Value
  • Without ': A-Z0-9 only
• Does not keep intrinsic ordering
• Accessed keys using . (dot) or [] notation

var object = {
    foo: 'value',
    'complex key': 0,
    bar: {
        nested: true
};;                //'value'
object.['complex key'];    //0;         //true['nested'];      //true
object['bar'].nested;      //true
object['bar']['nested'];   //true
in or hasOwnProperty()

• Tough call:
  • .hasOwnProperty() more consistent
  • in checks inherited properties
     • Used in for loop

var test   = {
    foo:   'value',
    bar:   'value',
    baz:   'value'

for (var key in test) {
    console.log(key + ": " + test[key]);

//foo: value
//bar: value
//baz: value

• Special object
• Numerical keys only
• Keeps intrinsic ordering
• Short ([]) and Long (new Array()) syntax

var arrayShort = [
arrayShort[2] = 'three';

var arrayLong = new Array();
arrayLong[0] = 'one';
arrayLong[1] = 'two';
arrayLong[2] = 'three';

//arrayShort: ["one", "two", "three"]
//arrayLong: ["one", "two", "three"]
var arr = [1,2,3,4,6];

arr.indexOf(2);     //1
arr.join(':');      //"1:2:3:4:6"
arr.pop();          //6
arr.push(7);        //5
arr.reverse();      //[7,4,3,2,1]
arr.shift();        //1
arr.unshift(8);     //5
arr.slice(1);       //[2,3,4,7]
arr.slice(1,3);     //[2,3]
arr.slice(-3);      //[3,4,7]
arr.slice(-3,-1);   //[3,4]

var arr1 = [1,2,3];
var arr2 = [3,4,5];

arr1.concat(arr2);    //[1,2,3,3,4,5]

• Are Objects as well
• “Elevated”
  • You can use a named function before it is
    defined in code

  • Function definitions are elevated to the top

function Foo() {

Foo(); //valid
Bar(); //valid

function Bar() {

function Foo() {

} = "value";

'bar' in Foo;       //true == "value"; //true
Function Arguments

• No way to assign default arguments
• But arguments are not required
  • If an argument is not specified, it is set to

• A special variable found inside a function
• A not-quite array object containing all the
 function arguments

function sum() {
    var x = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
        x += arguments[i];
    return x;
sum(1, 2, 3); //6

• Determines a variables type
• Returns a string

typeof   true;        //"boolean"
typeof   12;          //"number"
typeof   "string";    //"string"
typeof   [];          //"object"
typeof   {};          //"object"
typeof   NaN;         //"number"
typeof   null;        //"object"
typeof   undefined;   //"undefined"

function Foo() {}
typeof Foo;       //"function"
• a == b / a != b
  • A and B compared by value alone
  • 1 == “1” evaluates to true
• a === b / a !== b
  • A and B compared by value and by type
  • 1 === “1” evaluates to false
window, document
• Built in, global, Objects
• window
  • Provides access to the browser window
  • The “global” object: foo ===
  • Things like window.location.href, etc
• document
  • Provides access to the current DOM
Global & Local

• Functions are the only way to create new

• Variables defined with var are local
• Variables defined without var are global
• Global variables are members of window
Global & Local

var outerScope = 10;
var outerScope2 = 10;

function Foo() {
    var outerScope   =   20;
    var innerScope   =   20;
    globalVariable   =   30;
    outerScope2      =   40;


alert(outerScope);         //10
alert(outerScope2);        //40
alert(innerScope);         //error
alert(globalVariable);     //30
Lexical Scoping
function Foo() {              function Foo() {
    var baz = 1;                  var baz = 1;
    return Bar();
}                                 function Bar() {
                                      return baz;
function Bar() {                  }
    return baz;
}                                 return Bar();
Foo(); //baz is not defined
                              Foo(); //1

• First-Class
  • Can assign functions to variables, pass as
     arguments and return as values

• Anonymous
  • Not required to have a name
• A function that “closes over” variables defined
  outside itself

function Foo() {
    var count = 0;

    return function() {
        count = count + 1;
        return count;

var bar = Foo();

bar(); //1
bar(); //2
bar(); //3

function createAdder(amount) {
    return function(input) {
        return input + amount;

var add2 = createAdder(2);

add2(2); //4
add2(8); //10

var add3 = createAdder(3);

add3(3); //6
add3(7); //10
Module Pattern

   (function(exports, undefined){
       //ALL your code here

       var localVar = "bar"
       globalVar    = "baz";   = "bat";

   alert(localVar);             //error
   alert(globalVar);            //"baz"
   alert(window.globalVar);     //"baz"
   alert(foo);                  //"bat"
   alert(;           //"bat"

BEWARE: export (singular) is a reserved word in Safari

• Trips everyone up
• Special variable used within a function
• Refers to the “contextual object”
• Changes based on where a function executes

var Foo = {
    bar: "bar",
    baz: function() {

Foo.baz(); //"bar" = "bat";
Foo.baz(); //"bat"

var baz = Foo.baz;
baz();     //undefined

var Foo = {
    bar: "bar",
    baz: function() {

Foo.bat = function() {
    return + "bat";

Foo.bat(); //"barbat"
call & apply

• Methods in the function prototype
• Change the context in which a function
call & apply

var Foo = {
    bar: "bar",
    baz = function(param1, param2) {
        return + param1 + param2;

var Foo2 = {
    bar: "123"

Foo.baz("baz", "bat"); //"barbazbat"

Foo.baz.apply(Foo2, "baz", "bat"); //"123bazbat", ["baz", "bat"]); //"123bazbat"

• All errors are thrown
• Classic try...catch...finally blocks

try {
} catch (e) {
    alert(e); //ReferenceError: funcDoesNotExist is not defined
} finally {
    //Always Executes
function Foo() {
    throw new Error("Message");

function Bar() {
    throw "Message";

try {
} catch (e) {
    e.message == "Message"; //true

try {
} catch (e) {
    e == "Message"; //true
OOP... Kinda...

• Almost no real difference between a dictionary
 and an object

• Named Functions double as object constructors
• Function objects contain a prototype
 dictionary that is copied to instance when
 using new
OOP... Kinda...

function Foo() {
    //The "Constructor"
                                   ‣ bar = function() {
    //A "Static" Function
                                   ‣ prototype
                                    ‣ baz
Foo.prototype.baz = function() {    ‣ constructor
    //A "Method"
};                                  ‣ __proto__

var instance = new Foo();

instance.baz();      //works;      //error     ‣ __proto__;           //works
                                  ‣ baz
Foo.baz();           //error
                                  ‣ constructor
Foo.prototype.baz(); //works
                                  ‣ __proto__
                                     ‣ ...

instance.bat = function() {
    /* ... */
                                 ‣ bat
instance.bat();      //works
                                 ‣ __proto__
Foo.bat();           //error
                                  ‣ baz
Foo.prototype.bat(); //error
                                  ‣ constructor
                                  ‣ __proto__
                                     ‣ ...
Overriding Prototype
function Foo(baz) {
    this.baz = baz;
} = function() {
    return this.baz;

var foo1 = new Foo(1);
var foo2 = new Foo(2);; //1; //2 = function() {
    return this.baz * 2;
};; //2; //4

• setTimeout, setInterval allow you to have code
 executing asynchronously while other code

var id = setInterval(function() {
    //Code to execute every 1000 milliseconds
}, 1000);

//clearInterval(id); to stop

var id = setTimeout(function() {
    //Code to execute after 1000 milliseconds have passed
}, 1000);

//clearTimeout(id); to cancel
Nifty Trick

setTimeout(function() {
    //Code to run in parallel
    //while the code after is
}, 1);

//Code here will execute immediately
//without waiting on the above

• Document Object Model
• API to interact with the HTML/XHTML

var paragraph = document.createElement('p');
var content = document.createTextNode("Lorem Ipsum");


2001   JSON

Douglas Crockford

• JavaScript Object Notation
• Serialization format that is basically JavaScript
 code minus comments

• Can be eval()’ed
• Minimal overhead compared to XML
  • No advanced parsers needed
{"menu": {                                <menu id="file" value="File">
   "id": "file",                            <popup>
   "value": "File",                           <menuitem value="New"
   "popup": {                                           onclick="CreateNewDoc()" />
     "menuitem": [                            <menuitem value="Open"
       {"value": "New",                                 onclick="OpenDoc()" />
        "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},         <menuitem value="Close"
       {"value": "Open",                                onclick="CloseDoc()" />
        "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},            </popup>
       {"value": "Close",                 </menu>
        "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}
January 2006   jQuery

John Resig
Author, jQuery

• Cross-browser JavaScript library
• Simplifies and normalizes DOM, AJAX, etc.
• Centers around using extended CSS selectors
 to grab an element(s)
                                Find all div tags
                                Add class special
$("#foo")                              <div id="foo"></div>
  .html("<strong>bar</strong> baz");
                                       <div id="foo">
                                           <strong>bar</strong> baz
$('.button').click(function(){   •Hide all images with
    $('img.preview').show();     the class preview
                                 •When element with the
                                 class button is clicked,
                                 show all images with the
                                 class preview
                                     When .button is clicked,
        .fadeOut(600, function() {   fade out img.preview
        });                          over 600 milliseconds
                                     and then remove it from
                                     the DOM

• jQuery wraps an event handling system
• Handles browser events, AJAX events, and
 custom events

$(document).ready(function() {
    //Only execute when the document fires
    //its onready event (page is done loading)

$(document).bind('ready', function() {
    //Equivalent to the above

    //Do something when user hovers over
    //any img tag

• Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
  • Though never use XML, use JSON
• jQuery has an AJAX library
• Wraps all the different browser quirks
  • IE is weird

  url: "test.php",
  success: function(data){
Chrome/Safari Devel. Tools
Firefox FireBug

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JavaScript Primer

  • 1. JavaScript A Primer In Far Too Many Parts
  • 3. Mocha April 1995 LiveScript JavaScript Brendan Eich CTO, Mozilla Corp.
  • 4. JScript JavaScript ECMAScript ActionScript
  • 6. Data Types • number • string • boolean • object • null • NaN • undefined
  • 8. Strings "Foo" + "Bar"; //"FooBar" var str = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet"; str.toLowerCase(); //"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" str.toUpperCase(); //"LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET" str.split(" "); //["Lorem", "Ispum", "Dolor", "Sit", "Amet"] str.substring(6,9); //"Ips" new String("Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet") == str; //true
  • 9. String to Number parseInt("56"); //56 parseInt("42.567"); //42 parseInt("asdf"); //NaN parseInt("5a6"); //5 parseFloat("24.68"); //24.68 parseFloat("asdf"); //NaN parseFloat("24a"); //24
  • 10. Objects • “Dictionary” / “Associative Array” • Key: Value or 'Key': Value • Without ': A-Z0-9 only • Does not keep intrinsic ordering • Accessed keys using . (dot) or [] notation
  • 11. Objects var object = { foo: 'value', 'complex key': 0, bar: { nested: true } };; //'value' object.['complex key']; //0; //true['nested']; //true object['bar'].nested; //true object['bar']['nested']; //true
  • 12. in or hasOwnProperty() • Tough call: • .hasOwnProperty() more consistent • in checks inherited properties • Used in for loop
  • 13. in var test = { foo: 'value', bar: 'value', baz: 'value' } for (var key in test) { console.log(key + ": " + test[key]); } //PRINTS: //foo: value //bar: value //baz: value
  • 14. Arrays • Special object • Numerical keys only • Keeps intrinsic ordering • Short ([]) and Long (new Array()) syntax
  • 15. Arrays var arrayShort = [ 'one', 'two' ]; arrayShort[2] = 'three'; var arrayLong = new Array(); arrayLong[0] = 'one'; arrayLong[1] = 'two'; arrayLong[2] = 'three'; //arrayShort: ["one", "two", "three"] //arrayLong: ["one", "two", "three"]
  • 16. Arrays var arr = [1,2,3,4,6]; arr.indexOf(2); //1 arr.join(':'); //"1:2:3:4:6" arr.pop(); //6 //[1,2,3,4] arr.push(7); //5 //[1,2,3,4,7] arr.reverse(); //[7,4,3,2,1] arr.shift(); //1 //[2,3,4,7] arr.unshift(8); //5 //[8,2,3,4,7] arr.slice(1); //[2,3,4,7] arr.slice(1,3); //[2,3] arr.slice(-3); //[3,4,7] arr.slice(-3,-1); //[3,4]
  • 17. Arrays var arr1 = [1,2,3]; var arr2 = [3,4,5]; arr1.concat(arr2); //[1,2,3,3,4,5]
  • 18. Functions • Are Objects as well • “Elevated” • You can use a named function before it is defined in code • Function definitions are elevated to the top
  • 19. Functions function Foo() { //... } Foo(); //valid Bar(); //valid function Bar() { //... }
  • 20. Functions function Foo() { } = "value"; 'bar' in Foo; //true == "value"; //true
  • 21. Function Arguments • No way to assign default arguments • But arguments are not required • If an argument is not specified, it is set to undefined
  • 22. arguments • A special variable found inside a function • A not-quite array object containing all the function arguments
  • 23. arguments function sum() { var x = 0; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { x += arguments[i]; } return x; } sum(1, 2, 3); //6
  • 24. typeof • Determines a variables type • Returns a string
  • 25. typeof typeof true; //"boolean" typeof 12; //"number" typeof "string"; //"string" typeof []; //"object" typeof {}; //"object" typeof NaN; //"number" typeof null; //"object" typeof undefined; //"undefined" function Foo() {} typeof Foo; //"function"
  • 26. Comparison • a == b / a != b • A and B compared by value alone • 1 == “1” evaluates to true • a === b / a !== b • A and B compared by value and by type • 1 === “1” evaluates to false
  • 27. window, document • Built in, global, Objects • window • Provides access to the browser window • The “global” object: foo === • Things like window.location.href, etc • document • Provides access to the current DOM
  • 29. Global & Local • Functions are the only way to create new scopes • Variables defined with var are local • Variables defined without var are global • Global variables are members of window
  • 30. Global & Local var outerScope = 10; var outerScope2 = 10; function Foo() { var outerScope = 20; var innerScope = 20; globalVariable = 30; outerScope2 = 40; } Foo(); alert(outerScope); //10 alert(outerScope2); //40 alert(innerScope); //error alert(globalVariable); //30
  • 31. Lexical Scoping function Foo() { function Foo() { var baz = 1; var baz = 1; return Bar(); } function Bar() { return baz; function Bar() { } return baz; } return Bar(); } Foo(); //baz is not defined Foo(); //1
  • 33. Closures • First-Class • Can assign functions to variables, pass as arguments and return as values • Anonymous • Not required to have a name • A function that “closes over” variables defined outside itself
  • 34. Closures function Foo() { var count = 0; return function() { count = count + 1; return count; }; } var bar = Foo(); bar(); //1 bar(); //2 bar(); //3
  • 35. Closures function createAdder(amount) { return function(input) { return input + amount; }; } var add2 = createAdder(2); add2(2); //4 add2(8); //10 var add3 = createAdder(3); add3(3); //6 add3(7); //10
  • 36. Module Pattern (function(exports, undefined){ //ALL your code here var localVar = "bar" globalVar = "baz"; = "bat"; })(window); alert(localVar); //error alert(globalVar); //"baz" alert(window.globalVar); //"baz" alert(foo); //"bat" alert(; //"bat" BEWARE: export (singular) is a reserved word in Safari
  • 37. this
  • 38. this • Trips everyone up • Special variable used within a function • Refers to the “contextual object” • Changes based on where a function executes
  • 39. this var Foo = { bar: "bar", baz: function() { return; } }; Foo.baz(); //"bar" = "bat"; Foo.baz(); //"bat" var baz = Foo.baz; baz(); //undefined
  • 40. this var Foo = { bar: "bar", baz: function() { return; } }; Foo.bat = function() { return + "bat"; }; Foo.bat(); //"barbat"
  • 41. call & apply • Methods in the function prototype • Change the context in which a function executes!
  • 42. call & apply var Foo = { bar: "bar", baz = function(param1, param2) { return + param1 + param2; } }; var Foo2 = { bar: "123" }; Foo.baz("baz", "bat"); //"barbazbat" Foo.baz.apply(Foo2, "baz", "bat"); //"123bazbat", ["baz", "bat"]); //"123bazbat"
  • 44. Exceptions • All errors are thrown • Classic try...catch...finally blocks
  • 45. Exceptions try { funcDoesNotExist(); } catch (e) { alert(e); //ReferenceError: funcDoesNotExist is not defined } finally { //Always Executes }
  • 46. Exceptions function Foo() { throw new Error("Message"); } function Bar() { throw "Message"; } try { Foo(); } catch (e) { e.message == "Message"; //true } try { Bar(); } catch (e) { e == "Message"; //true }
  • 48. OOP... Kinda... • Almost no real difference between a dictionary and an object • Named Functions double as object constructors • Function objects contain a prototype dictionary that is copied to instance when using new
  • 49. OOP... Kinda... Foo function Foo() { //The "Constructor" } ‣ bar = function() { //A "Static" Function ‣ prototype } ‣ baz Foo.prototype.baz = function() { ‣ constructor //A "Method" }; ‣ __proto__
  • 50. new instance var instance = new Foo(); instance.baz(); //works; //error ‣ __proto__; //works ‣ baz Foo.baz(); //error ‣ constructor Foo.prototype.baz(); //works ‣ __proto__ ‣ ...
  • 51. new instance instance.bat = function() { /* ... */ } ‣ bat instance.bat(); //works ‣ __proto__ Foo.bat(); //error ‣ baz Foo.prototype.bat(); //error ‣ constructor ‣ __proto__ ‣ ...
  • 52. Overriding Prototype function Foo(baz) { this.baz = baz; } = function() { return this.baz; }; var foo1 = new Foo(1); var foo2 = new Foo(2);; //1; //2 = function() { return this.baz * 2; };; //2; //4
  • 54. Asynchronous • setTimeout, setInterval allow you to have code executing asynchronously while other code executes
  • 55. setInterval var id = setInterval(function() { //Code to execute every 1000 milliseconds }, 1000); //clearInterval(id); to stop
  • 56. setTimeout var id = setTimeout(function() { //Code to execute after 1000 milliseconds have passed }, 1000); //clearTimeout(id); to cancel
  • 57. Nifty Trick setTimeout(function() { //Code to run in parallel //while the code after is //executed. }, 1); //Code here will execute immediately //without waiting on the above
  • 58. DOM
  • 59. DOM • Document Object Model • API to interact with the HTML/XHTML document
  • 60.
  • 61. DOM var paragraph = document.createElement('p'); var content = document.createTextNode("Lorem Ipsum"); paragraph.appendChild(content); paragraph.classList.add('my-class'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(paragraph);
  • 62.
  • 63. JSON
  • 64. 2001 JSON Douglas Crockford Awesome
  • 65. JSON • JavaScript Object Notation • Serialization format that is basically JavaScript code minus comments • Can be eval()’ed • Minimal overhead compared to XML • No advanced parsers needed
  • 66. JSON {"menu": { <menu id="file" value="File"> "id": "file", <popup> "value": "File", <menuitem value="New" "popup": { onclick="CreateNewDoc()" /> "menuitem": [ <menuitem value="Open" {"value": "New", onclick="OpenDoc()" /> "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"}, <menuitem value="Close" {"value": "Open", onclick="CloseDoc()" /> "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}, </popup> {"value": "Close", </menu> "onclick": "CloseDoc()"} ] } }}
  • 68. January 2006 jQuery John Resig Author, jQuery
  • 69. jQuery • Cross-browser JavaScript library • Simplifies and normalizes DOM, AJAX, etc. • Centers around using extended CSS selectors to grab an element(s)
  • 70. jQuery $("div").addClass("special"); Find all div tags Add class special
  • 71. jQuery $("#foo") <div id="foo"></div> .html("<strong>bar</strong> baz"); <div id="foo"> <strong>bar</strong> baz </div>
  • 72. jQuery $('img.preview').hide(); $('.button').click(function(){ •Hide all images with }); $('img.preview').show(); the class preview •When element with the class button is clicked, show all images with the class preview
  • 73. Animation $('.button').click(function(){ $('img.preview') When .button is clicked, .fadeOut(600, function() { fade out img.preview $(this).remove(); }); over 600 milliseconds }); and then remove it from the DOM
  • 74. Events • jQuery wraps an event handling system • Handles browser events, AJAX events, and custom events
  • 75. Events $(document).ready(function() { //Only execute when the document fires //its onready event (page is done loading) }); $(document).bind('ready', function() { //Equivalent to the above });
  • 76. Events $('img').hover(function(){ //Do something when user hovers over //any img tag });
  • 77. AJAX • Asynchronous JavaScript And XML • Though never use XML, use JSON • jQuery has an AJAX library • Wraps all the different browser quirks • IE is weird
  • 78. AJAX $.ajax({ url: "test.php", success: function(data){ $('div.status').addClass("done") .html(data); } });
  • 80. Tools