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Orofacial &
 1-Odontogenic
 Pulp disease
 Periodontal disease
 Secondarily infected cyst & odontomes
 Remaining root fragment
 Pericoronal infection
 2-Trauma
 3-Implant Surgery
 4-Reconstructive Surgery
 Contaminated Needle Puncture
 Infections Of Maxillary Antrum
 Infections of salivary glands
 Secondary to oral malignancies
Pathways of odontogenic
Invasion of dental pulp by bacteria after
decay of a tooth
Inflammation, edema & lack of
blood supply
Venous congestion or avascular
(pulpal tissue death) 4
Reservoir of bacterial growth(anaerobic)
Periodic egress of bacteria into
alveolar bone
 Aerobic gram positive cocci bacteria-
streptococci milleri, strep. Sanguis,
strep. Salivarius, strep. Mutans.
 Anaerobic Cocci-peptostreptococcus.
 Bacteriodes-porphyromonas,
 A/c
 C/c
 Acute stage - 3 forms
 1.Abscess
 2.cellulitis
 3.fulminating infection
 It is a circumscribed collection of pus
in a pathologic tissue space.
 Infections are characterised by
 It is spreading infection of loose
connective tissues.
 It is a diffuse, erythematous, mucosal
or cutaneous infection.
 It is the result of streptococcal
 It does not result in accumulation of
large amount of pus.
 Streptococcus produces
streptokinase, hyaluronidase &
streptodornase which break down
fibrin, connective tissue ground
substance & lyse cellular debris, which
facilitate rapid spread of bacteria.
 Here the infection involves secondary
spaces involving vital structures.
Chronic stage
 C/c fistulous tract or sinus
 Abscesses neglected for a long time
may discharge intraorally or extra
 Medical treatment
 Soft or liquid diet
 Adequate hydration
 Diet rich in protein
 Analgesics
 Antiseptic mouthwash
 Antibiotics
 In a non compromised patient, with
well localized abscess, surgical
drainage with dental therapy will
resolve the infection.
 In poorly localized, extensive abscess
& cellulitis antibiotic therapy is
 In compromised patients & patients
with trismus, airway obstruction &
fever antibiotic therapy is must.
 Penicillin is the drug of choice.
 Penicillin+metronidazole Can Also Be
 Clindamycin
 Amoxycillin+clavulanic Acid
 First & Second Generation
 Surgical treatment
 It involves blunt exploration of the
anatomic space or abscess.
 Abscess cavity is then irrigated with
betadine & saline.
 A drain is inserted into the space.
 Hilton`s method of incision & drainage
◦ No blood vessel or nerve is damaged.
◦ Topical anaesthesia is obtained.
◦ Stab incision is made over the point of
maximum fluctuation in the most
dependent area along the skin creases,
through skin & subcutaneous tissue.
◦ If pus is not encountered deepening of
surgical site is done with artery forceps.
◦ Closed forceps are pushed through deep
fascia & advanced towards the pus
◦ Abscess cavity is entered & forceps is
opened parallel to vital structures.
◦ Pus flows along the beaks of the forceps.
◦ A rubber drain is inserted into the depth of
cavity & secured to the wound margin with
the help of sutures.
◦ Drain is left for 24 hrs.
◦ Dressing is given without pressure.
◦ Drain allows discharge of tissue fluids &
pus from the wound.
◦ Drain is removed when the drainage is
completely ceased
 Etiology
◦ Caries
◦ Contamination of traumatic exposure of
◦ Chemical or thermal damage to pulp.
 The entry to periapical tissues is by
◦ Apical foramina,
◦ Accessary canals,
◦ Endodontic perforation,
◦ Opening in the floor of pulp chamber,
 Clinical features
◦ Severe throbbing pain in the affected
◦ The offending tooth may be sensitive to
◦ Mobility may or may not be present.
 Radiographic features
◦ Tooth has caries with periapical pathology,
root # or erosion.
◦ There may be periapical radiolucency.
 Treatment
◦ Antibiotics
◦ Analgesics
◦ Drainage through pulp chamber
◦ Extraction of tooth
◦ Endodontic treatment
Acute dentoalveolar
 Etiology
 Continuation of periapical abscess.
 Clinical features
 Pain
 Submucosal swelling in the sulcus on
the outer aspect of alveolar process.
 If left untreated, swelling bursts &
produces a sinus.
 Radiologic features
 More marked radiolucency than
periapical abscess.
 Treatment
 Same as periapical abscess.
 Extraoral incision & drainage may be
Acute periodontal abscess
 Etiology
 Periodontitis with periodontal pockets.
 Clinical features
 Dull pain
 Pus discharge via gingival pocket
 Sinus either on the outer or inner
aspect of alveolar process.
Spread of oral infection
 Routes of spread
 Direct continuity through tissues
 By lymphatics to the lymph
nodes.From lymph nodes to tissues
results in secondary areas of cellulitis
or tissue space abscess.
 By blood stream-local
thrombophlebitis may spread via the
veins entering the cranial cavity
producing cavernous sinus 25
 Factors influencing spread
◦ General factors
 Host resistance
 Virulance of micro organism
 Combination of both
◦ Local factors
 Anatomic barriers-
 Alveolar bone
 Periosteum
 Adjacent muscles & fascia
General clinical features in
patient with orofacial infection
 Redness due to vasodialtation
 Swelling due to accumulation of
exudate or pus
 Temperature over the infected area
due to increased blood flow &
increased metabolism
 Pain due to pressure in nerve endings
& release of mediators of pain.
 Fever
 Head ache
 Lymphadenopathy
◦ Acute infection-soft, tender, enlarged,
surrounding tissues are edematous&
overlying skin is erythematous
◦ Chronic infection-firm, nontender enlarged
lymph nodes.
 Presence of draining sinus & fistula
 Difficulty in opening mouth
 Increased salivation
 Change in phonation
 Difficulty in breathing
 Bad breath
Radiologic examination
 Lateral oblique view of mandible
 PA & lateral view of neck
 CT
General principles of
management of a/c orofacial
 Immediate hospitalization
 Medical treatment
 Surgical management
Medical management
 Antibiotics
 Hydration of the patient through iv
 Analgesics
 Bed rest
 Mouth rinses
 Opening of tooth for drainage
Surgical management
 Needle decompression
 Done in case of pterigomandibular,
peritonsillar,lateral pharyngeal space
infection that is likely to rupture during
passage of endotracheal tube.
 Extraction of tooth
 Early extraction leads to early
resolution of infection by eliminating
the source of infection & provides a
portal of drainage 33
 Surgical drainage-
 Incision is placed on the most
dependent areas.
 Incision should be parallel to skin
 Incision should lie in aesthetically
acceptable site as far as possible.
 Incision should be supported by
healthy underlying dermis &
subcutaneous tissue. 34
 Intraoral incision should not be placed
over frenal attachments, should be
placed parallel to nerve fibers in the
region of mental nerve.
 Removal cause such as infected
tooth, segment of necrotic bone,
foreign body, if not already done, then
is done at the time of drainage
Classification of fascial
Primary maxillary spaces
 Canine
 Buccal
 Infratemporal
Primary mandibular spaces
 Submental
 Buccal
 Submandibular
 Sublingual
Secondary fascial spaces
 Masseteric
 Pterigomandibular
 Superficial & deep temporal
 Lateral pharyngeal
 Retropharyngeal
 Prevertebral
 Parotid space
Canine space infection
 Infection of maxillary canine, premolar
& mesiobuccal root of 1st molar.
 Inferiorly-caninus muscle
 Anteriorly-orbicularis oris muscle
 Posteriorly-buccinator muscle
 Medially-anterolateral surface of
 Clinical features
 Swelling of cheek & upper lip
 Obliteration of nasolabial fold
 Drooping of angle of mouth
 Edema of lower eyelids
 Marked Periorbital Edema
 Redness & Marked Tenderness Of
Facial Tissues
 In c/c stage-fistula near the medial
canthus eye.
 Offended tooth is mobile & tender to
 Treatment
 Incision & drainage-
 Through the mucosa of buccal
vestibule in the region of lateral incisor
& canine.
 A curved mosquito artery forceps is
inserted, pus is evacuated & a drain is
inserted & is secured with suture
Buccal space infection
 Infection of maxillary & mandibular
premolars & molars
 Pericoronitis of lower 3rd molar.
 Anteromedially-buccinator muscle
 Posteromedially-masseter muscle
 Laterally-deep fascia from parotid
capsule & platysma muscle
 Inferiorly-deep fascia & depressor
anguli oris
 Superiorly-zygomatic process of
maxilla & zygomaticus major & minor
 Buccal pad of fat
 Stenson`s duct
 Facial artery
 Clinical features
 Gum boil in vestibule
 Swelling extending from lower border
of mandible to infraorbital margin, from
anterior border of masseter to angle of
 Edema of lower eyelid
 Spread
 To pterigomandibular space
 Infratemporal space
 Submasseteric space
 Treatment
 Incision & drainage through mucosa of
cheek in premolar molar region.
Infratemporal space infection
 Also called retrozygomatic space
because it is situated behind the
zygomatic bone.
 Etiology
 Infection of buccal roots of maxillary
2nd &3rd molars
 LA injection with contaminated
needles in the area of tuberosity
 Spread from other spaces
 Boundaries
 Laterally - by ramus of mandible,
temporalis muscle & its tendon .
 Medially - medial pterygoid plate ,
lateral pterygoid muscle , medial
pterygoid muscle ,lower part of
temporal fossa of the skull & lateral
wall of pharynx .
 Superiorly - greater wing of sphenoid
& by zygomatic arch . 47
 Inferiorly - lateral pterigoid muscle
 Anteriorly - infra temporal surface of
 Posteriorly- parotid gland
 Contents
 Medial & lateral pterigoid muscle
 Pterigoid venous plexus
 Maxillary artery
 Mandibular nerve
 Middle meningeal artery
 Clinical features
 Limitation of mouth opening
 Swelling in front of ear on the affected
 Proptosis of eye
 Swelling in the area of tuberosity
 Elevation of temperature
 Incision & drainage
 Incision is given in buccal vestibule
opposite the 2nd & 3rd molars
 In severe infection incision is made at
the upper posterior edge of temporalis
 Sinus forceps is directed upwards &
 In case of failure to improve mouth
opening temporalis myotomy or
excision of coronoid process is done.
 To temporal space
 Pterigomandibular space
 Cavernous sinus
Abscess of upper lip
 Infection of upper incisors & canine
Clinical features
 Swelling in the base of the upper lip
 Swelling in vestibule
 Antibiotics
 Incision & drainage
 Extraction of offending tooth or RCT
Palatal abscess
 Periodontal abscess from palatal
 Apical abscess from palatal roots of
posterior teeth usually from the lateral
 Inferiorly-hard palate
 Superiorly-periosteum & mucosa
 Laterally-alveolar process of maxilla &53
Clinical features
 Fluctuant swelling in palate near the
offending tooth
 Offending tooth is tender to
Incision & drainage
 Anterioposterior incision is made
through the mucosa down to bone
Submental space infection
 Infection from 6 mandibular anterior
 Infection of submental lymph nodes
 Laterally-lower border of mandible,
anterior belly of digastric muscle
 Superiorly-mylohoid muscle
 Inferiorly-deep cervical fascia,
platysma, superficial fascia, skin
 Submental lymph nodes
 Anterior jugular vein
Clinical features
 Distinct ,firm swelling in midline
,beneath the chin
 Skin overlying the swelling is board
like & taut
 Fluctuation of swelling
 Nonvital, fractured or carious anterior
 Offending tooth is tender on
percussion& sometimes mobile
Incision & drainage
 Transverse incision in skin below
symphysis of mandible.
 Submandibular space
Submandibular space
 Infection From Mandibular Molars
 Infection Of Submandibular Salivary
 Infection From Submental Space
 Infection From Submental Lyph Nodes
 Infection From Sublingual Space
 Infection from middle 1/3 of tongue,
posterior part of floor of mouth,
maxillary teeth, cheek, maxillary sinus59
 Anteromedially-mylohyoid Muscle
 Posteromedially-hyoglossusmuscle
 Superolaterally-medial Surface Of
 Anteroposteriorly-anterior belly of
 Posterosuperiorly-posterior belly of
digastric,stylohyoid ,stylopharyngeus
musle 60
 Laterally-platysma & skin
 Contents
 Submandibular salivary gland
 Submandibular lymphnodes
 Facial artery & vein
 Clinical features
 Firm swelling in submandibular region
 Constitutional symptoms
 Tenderness of swelling
 Redness of overlying skin
 Teeth Are Sensitive To Percussion &
 Dysphagia
 Moderate Trismus
 Incision & drainage
 Incision of 1.5 to 2cm length is made
2cm below the lower border of
mandible in the skin creases.
 Skin & subcutaneous tissues are
 Spread
 Submental space
 Submandibular space of opposite side
 Sublingual space 63
Sublingual space infection
 Infection from mandibular incisors,
canines, premolars & molars
 Inferiorly-mylohyoid muscle
 Laterally-medial side of mandible
 Medially-hyoglossus, genioglossus,
geniohyoid muscles
 Posteriorly-hyoid bone
 Contents
 Geniohyoid, genioglossus, mylohyoid
 Deep part of submandibular salivary
 Sublingual salivary gland
 Lingual nerve
 Hypoglossal nerve
 Clinical features
 Enlarged tender lymph nodes.
 Pain & discomfort on deglutition
 Speech is affected
 Painful swelling in floor of mouth
 Tongue may be pushed superiorly
 Incision & drainage
 Incision made close to lingual cortical
 Spread
 Sublingual space of opposite side
 Submandibular space
 Pterigomandibular space
 Parapharyngeal space
 Submental & submandibular
Temporal space
 Etiology
 Secondary to the involvement of
infratemporal space
 Boundaries
 Superficial temporal space-b/w
temporal fascia & temporalis muscle.
 Deep temporal space-b/w temporalis
muscle & skull
 Clinical features
 Pain
 Trismus
 Swelling over temporal region
 Incision & drainage
 Incision in temporal region in hairline
45 to zygomatic arch
Parotid space
 Etiology
 Infection through stenson`s duct
 Blood borne infection
 Infection from
submasseteric,pterigomandibular &
lateral pharyngeal space
 Boundaries
 Inferiorly-stylomandibular ligament
 Anteriorly-masseteric space
 Space formed by splitting deep
cervical fascia around the parotid
 Contents
 Parotid gland
 Parotid lymph nodes
 Facial nerve
 Retromandibular vein
 External carotid artery
 Clinical features
 Severe pain referring to ear
accentuated by eating
 Swelling extending from zygomatic
arch to lower border of mandible.
 Ear lobe may be lifted up
 Pus escapes from stenson`s duct
when gland is milked
 Incision & drainage
 Incision is made on skin behind the
posterior border of mandible extending
from inferior aspect of lobule of ear to
just above mandible
 Spread
 Submasseteric space
 Pterigomandibular space
 Lateral pharyngeal space
Submasseteric space infection
 Etiology
 Infection Of Lower 3rd Molar
 Boundaries
 Anterior-anterior border of masseter &
buccinator muscle
 Posterior-parotid gland,posterior part
of masseter
 Inferior- attachment of masseter to
lower border of mandible
 Medial-lateral surface of ramus of
 Lateral-medial surface of masseter
 Contents
 Masseteric Nerve
 Superficial Temporal Artery
 Transverse Facial Artery
 Clinical Features
 Moderate swelling extending from
lower border of mandible to
zygomatic arch, anteriorly to anterior
border of masseter, posteriorly to
posterior border of mandible
 Tenderness over angle of mandible
 Complete Limitation Of Mouth
 Pyrexia & Malaise 76
 Incision & drainage
 Intraoral-incision is made vertically
over the lower part of anterior border
of ramus of mandible, deep to bone
 Extraoral-incision is placed in skin
behind the angle of mandible
Pterigo - mandibular space
 Etiology
 Pericoronitis related to the mandibular
third molar .
 Inferior alveolar nerve block using
contaminated needle .
 Infection form maxillary third molar .
 Boundaries .
 Posterior - parotid gland .
 Medial - lateral surface of medial
pterygoid muscle .
 Lateral - medial surface of ramus of
mandible .
 Anterior -pterygomandibular raphae .
 Superior - lateral pterygoid muscle .
 Contents .
 Lingual nerve .
 Mandibular nerve .
 Inferior alveolar artery .
 Mylohyoid muscle
 Clinical features .
 Limitation of mouth opening .
 Tenderness & swelling medial to
anterior border of ramus of the
mandible .
 Dysphagia .
 Difficulty in breathing
 Incision & drainage .
 Intraoral – a vertical incision;
approximately 1.5 cm in length , is
made on the anterior & medial aspect
of the ramus of mandible .
 Extraoral - an incision is taken in the
skin below the angle of the mandible .
 Spread .
 Infra temporal space
 Lateral pharyngeal space .
 Retropharygeal space .
 Submandibular space . .
 Etiology
 Mandibular third molar area .
 Sublingual , submandibular &
ptergomandibular space infection .
 Boundaries .
 Inferiorly - hyoid bone .
 Anteriorly - pterygomandibular raphe
 Laterally - ascending ramus of
 Medially - pharyngeal wall . 83
 Posteriorly - styloid muscle , upper
part of carotid sheath , prevertebral
fascia .
 Contents
 Anterior compartment - lymph nodes ,
facial artery , loose areolar connective
tissue .
 Posterior compartment - carotid
sheath , internal carotid artery ,
glossopharyngeal nerve , cervical 84
 Clinical Features .
 Respiratory Embarrassment Due To
Edema Of The Larynx .
 Malaise .
 Pyrexia .
 Brawny Induration Of The Face .
 Trismus .
 Severe pain
 Dysphagia
 Incision & drainage
 Extraoral - an incision is made along
the anterior border of
sternocleidomastoid muscle ,
extending from below the angle of the
mandible , to the middle third of
submandibular gland .
 Intraoral - a vertical incision is placed
over the pterygomandibular raphe .
Retropharyngeal space
(prevertebral space )
 Etiology
 Infection from the iateral pharyngeal
 Boundaries .
 Laterally - carotid sheath
 Inferiorly-6th thoracic vertebra
 Clinical features .
 Painful deglutition .
 Snoring .
 Choking .
 Stertorous breathing .
 Incision & drainage .
 Same as lateral pharyngeal space
 Definition
 An inflammatory process involving the
soft tissue covering the crown of
partially erupted or unerupted teeth
 Etiology
 Impacted teeth .
 Trauma to the overlying gingivae from
the cusps of an opposing tooth .
 Clinical features
 Dull pain
 Swollen ,red,tender gingival pad
 Pus discharge from the gingival pad
 Foetor oris
 Indentations of cusps of upper teeth
 Discomfort on swallowing
 Restriction of oral opening
 Enlarged tender submandibular lymph
 Pyrexia/fever
 Malaise
 Anorexia
 Spread
 Buccal space
 Submandibular space
 Pterigomandibular space
Ludwig`s angina
 Definition
 A massive, firm, brawny, cellulitis or
induration & acute toxic stage
involving simultaneously
submandibular, sublingual &
submental spaces bilaterally.
 Etiology
 Odontogenic-
◦ A/c dentoalveolar abscess
◦ A/c periodontal abscess 92
◦ Pericoronal abscess
◦ Infected mandibular cyst
 Iatrogenic
◦ La using contaminated needles
 Trauma in orofacial region
 Osteomyelitis
 Submandibular & sublingual
 Secondary infections of oral
malignancies 93
 Tonsillitis
 Foreign bodies like fish bone
 Oral soft tissue lacerations
 Clinical features
 Pyrexia .
 Anorexia
 Chills .
 Malaise .
 Dysphagia .
 Impaired speech .
 Hoarseness of voice .
 Firm or hard brawny swelling in
bilateral submandibular & submental
regions extending to the clavicles .
 Swelling is non pitting , non fluctuant
,tender with ill defined borders .
 Restricted mouth opening .
 Air way obstruction .
 Mouth remains open due to edema of
sublingual tissues
 Reduced tongue movements .
 Increased respiratory rate .
 Cyanosis .
 Raised floor of mouth .
 Tongue is raised against palate .
 Increased salivation .
 Drooling of saliva .
 Spread
 Submasseteric space .
 Pterygomandibular space .
 Parapharyngeal space .
 Paratonsillar space .
 Mediastinum .
 Cavernous sinus thrombosis .
 Treatment
 Maintenance of air way .
◦ Nasotracheal intubation
 Surgical decompression.
◦ Bilateral submandibular incision s & a
midline submental incision 1cm below
inferior border of mandible for drainage
 Extraction of offending tooth .
 Antibiotic therapy .
◦ Aqueous penicillin G 2 - 4 million units , i
v 4-6 hourly or 500mg 6 hourly orally
◦ Ampicillin or amoxycillin 500mg 6 & 8
hourly i v & orally respectively .
◦ Cloxacillin 500mg orally 8 hourly .
◦ Erythromycin 600mg 6- 8 hourly .
◦ Gentamycin 80mg i m bd .
◦ Clindamycin i v 300mg 600mg 8 hourly .
or orally
◦ Metronidazole 400mg 8 hourly orally or i
v .
 Hydration of the pt .
 Hydro therapy
◦ Cold application decreases inflammation ,
exudates , edema .
 Complications
 Osteomyelitis .
 Maxillary Sinusitis .
 Septicaemia . 100
 Mediastinitis .
 Pericarditis .
 Jugular vein thrombosis .
 Meningitis .
 Brain abscess .
 Cavernous sinus thrombosis

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6 orofacial & neck infections

  • 2. ETIOLOGY  1-Odontogenic  Pulp disease  Periodontal disease  Secondarily infected cyst & odontomes  Remaining root fragment  Pericoronal infection  2-Trauma  3-Implant Surgery  4-Reconstructive Surgery 2
  • 3. Cont.  Contaminated Needle Puncture  Infections Of Maxillary Antrum  Infections of salivary glands  Secondary to oral malignancies 3
  • 4. Pathways of odontogenic infections Invasion of dental pulp by bacteria after decay of a tooth  Inflammation, edema & lack of collateral blood supply  Venous congestion or avascular necrosis (pulpal tissue death) 4
  • 5. Cont. Reservoir of bacterial growth(anaerobic)  Periodic egress of bacteria into surrounding alveolar bone 5
  • 6. MICROBIOLOGY  Aerobic gram positive cocci bacteria- streptococci milleri, strep. Sanguis, strep. Salivarius, strep. Mutans.  Anaerobic Cocci-peptostreptococcus.  Bacteriodes-porphyromonas, prevotella 6
  • 7. TYPES  A/c  C/c  Acute stage - 3 forms  1.Abscess  2.cellulitis  3.fulminating infection 7
  • 8. Abscess  It is a circumscribed collection of pus in a pathologic tissue space.  Infections are characterised by sphylococci. 8
  • 9. CELLULITIS  It is spreading infection of loose connective tissues.  It is a diffuse, erythematous, mucosal or cutaneous infection.  It is the result of streptococcal infection.  It does not result in accumulation of large amount of pus. 9
  • 10. Cont.  Streptococcus produces streptokinase, hyaluronidase & streptodornase which break down fibrin, connective tissue ground substance & lyse cellular debris, which facilitate rapid spread of bacteria. 10
  • 11. FULMINATING INFECTIONS  Here the infection involves secondary spaces involving vital structures. 11
  • 12. Chronic stage  C/c fistulous tract or sinus formation  Abscesses neglected for a long time may discharge intraorally or extra orally 12
  • 13. Treatment  Medical treatment  Soft or liquid diet  Adequate hydration  Diet rich in protein  Analgesics  Antiseptic mouthwash  Antibiotics 13
  • 14. Cont.  In a non compromised patient, with well localized abscess, surgical drainage with dental therapy will resolve the infection.  In poorly localized, extensive abscess & cellulitis antibiotic therapy is needed.  In compromised patients & patients with trismus, airway obstruction & fever antibiotic therapy is must. 14
  • 15. Cont.  Penicillin is the drug of choice.  Penicillin+metronidazole Can Also Be Used.  Clindamycin  Amoxycillin+clavulanic Acid  First & Second Generation Cephalosporins 15
  • 16. Cont.  Surgical treatment  It involves blunt exploration of the anatomic space or abscess.  Abscess cavity is then irrigated with betadine & saline.  A drain is inserted into the space.  Hilton`s method of incision & drainage ◦ No blood vessel or nerve is damaged. ◦ Topical anaesthesia is obtained. 16
  • 17. Cont. ◦ Stab incision is made over the point of maximum fluctuation in the most dependent area along the skin creases, through skin & subcutaneous tissue. ◦ If pus is not encountered deepening of surgical site is done with artery forceps. ◦ Closed forceps are pushed through deep fascia & advanced towards the pus collection. ◦ Abscess cavity is entered & forceps is opened parallel to vital structures. 17
  • 18. Cont. ◦ Pus flows along the beaks of the forceps. ◦ A rubber drain is inserted into the depth of cavity & secured to the wound margin with the help of sutures. ◦ Drain is left for 24 hrs. ◦ Dressing is given without pressure. ◦ Drain allows discharge of tissue fluids & pus from the wound. ◦ Drain is removed when the drainage is completely ceased 18
  • 19. ACUTE PERIAPICAL ABSCESS  Etiology ◦ Caries ◦ Contamination of traumatic exposure of pulp. ◦ Chemical or thermal damage to pulp.  The entry to periapical tissues is by ◦ Apical foramina, ◦ Accessary canals, ◦ Endodontic perforation, ◦ Opening in the floor of pulp chamber, 19
  • 20. Cont.  Clinical features ◦ Severe throbbing pain in the affected tooth ◦ The offending tooth may be sensitive to percussion. ◦ Mobility may or may not be present.  Radiographic features ◦ Tooth has caries with periapical pathology, root # or erosion. ◦ There may be periapical radiolucency. 20
  • 21. Cont.  Treatment ◦ Antibiotics ◦ Analgesics ◦ Drainage through pulp chamber ◦ Extraction of tooth ◦ Endodontic treatment 21
  • 22. Acute dentoalveolar abscess  Etiology  Continuation of periapical abscess.  Clinical features  Pain  Submucosal swelling in the sulcus on the outer aspect of alveolar process.  If left untreated, swelling bursts & produces a sinus. 22
  • 23. Cont.  Radiologic features  More marked radiolucency than periapical abscess.  Treatment  Same as periapical abscess.  Extraoral incision & drainage may be required. 23
  • 24. Acute periodontal abscess  Etiology  Periodontitis with periodontal pockets.  Clinical features  Dull pain  Pus discharge via gingival pocket  Sinus either on the outer or inner aspect of alveolar process. 24
  • 25. Spread of oral infection  Routes of spread  Direct continuity through tissues  By lymphatics to the lymph nodes.From lymph nodes to tissues results in secondary areas of cellulitis or tissue space abscess.  By blood stream-local thrombophlebitis may spread via the veins entering the cranial cavity producing cavernous sinus 25
  • 26. Cont.  Factors influencing spread ◦ General factors  Host resistance  Virulance of micro organism  Combination of both ◦ Local factors  Anatomic barriers-  Alveolar bone  Periosteum  Adjacent muscles & fascia 26
  • 27. General clinical features in patient with orofacial infection  Redness due to vasodialtation  Swelling due to accumulation of exudate or pus  Temperature over the infected area due to increased blood flow & increased metabolism  Pain due to pressure in nerve endings & release of mediators of pain.  Fever 27
  • 28. Cont.  Head ache  Lymphadenopathy ◦ Acute infection-soft, tender, enlarged, surrounding tissues are edematous& overlying skin is erythematous ◦ Chronic infection-firm, nontender enlarged lymph nodes.  Presence of draining sinus & fistula  Difficulty in opening mouth 28
  • 29. Cont.  Increased salivation  Change in phonation  Difficulty in breathing  Bad breath 29
  • 30. Radiologic examination  IOPA  Lateral oblique view of mandible  PA & lateral view of neck  CT  MRI 30
  • 31. General principles of management of a/c orofacial infections  Immediate hospitalization  Medical treatment  Surgical management 31
  • 32. Medical management  Antibiotics  Hydration of the patient through iv route  Analgesics  Bed rest  Mouth rinses  Opening of tooth for drainage 32
  • 33. Surgical management  Needle decompression  Done in case of pterigomandibular, peritonsillar,lateral pharyngeal space infection that is likely to rupture during passage of endotracheal tube.  Extraction of tooth  Early extraction leads to early resolution of infection by eliminating the source of infection & provides a portal of drainage 33
  • 34. Cont.  Surgical drainage-  Incision is placed on the most dependent areas.  Incision should be parallel to skin creases  Incision should lie in aesthetically acceptable site as far as possible.  Incision should be supported by healthy underlying dermis & subcutaneous tissue. 34
  • 35. Cont.  Intraoral incision should not be placed over frenal attachments, should be placed parallel to nerve fibers in the region of mental nerve.  Removal cause such as infected tooth, segment of necrotic bone, foreign body, if not already done, then is done at the time of drainage procedure 35
  • 36. Classification of fascial spaces Primary maxillary spaces  Canine  Buccal  Infratemporal Primary mandibular spaces  Submental  Buccal  Submandibular  Sublingual 36
  • 37. Cont. Secondary fascial spaces  Masseteric  Pterigomandibular  Superficial & deep temporal  Lateral pharyngeal  Retropharyngeal  Prevertebral  Parotid space 37
  • 38. Canine space infection Etiology  Infection of maxillary canine, premolar & mesiobuccal root of 1st molar. Boundaries  Inferiorly-caninus muscle  Anteriorly-orbicularis oris muscle  Posteriorly-buccinator muscle  Medially-anterolateral surface of maxilla 38
  • 39. Cont.  Clinical features  Swelling of cheek & upper lip  Obliteration of nasolabial fold  Drooping of angle of mouth  Edema of lower eyelids  Marked Periorbital Edema  Redness & Marked Tenderness Of Facial Tissues 39
  • 40. Cont.  In c/c stage-fistula near the medial canthus eye.  Offended tooth is mobile & tender to percussion  Treatment  Incision & drainage-  Through the mucosa of buccal vestibule in the region of lateral incisor & canine. 40
  • 41. Cont.  A curved mosquito artery forceps is inserted, pus is evacuated & a drain is inserted & is secured with suture 41
  • 42. Buccal space infection Etiology  Infection of maxillary & mandibular premolars & molars  Pericoronitis of lower 3rd molar. Boundaries  Anteromedially-buccinator muscle  Posteromedially-masseter muscle  Laterally-deep fascia from parotid capsule & platysma muscle 42
  • 43. Cont.  Inferiorly-deep fascia & depressor anguli oris  Superiorly-zygomatic process of maxilla & zygomaticus major & minor muscles Contents  Buccal pad of fat  Stenson`s duct  Facial artery 43
  • 44. Cont.  Clinical features  Gum boil in vestibule  Swelling extending from lower border of mandible to infraorbital margin, from anterior border of masseter to angle of mouth  Edema of lower eyelid 44
  • 45. Cont.  Spread  To pterigomandibular space  Infratemporal space  Submasseteric space  Treatment  Incision & drainage through mucosa of cheek in premolar molar region. 45
  • 46. Infratemporal space infection  Also called retrozygomatic space because it is situated behind the zygomatic bone.  Etiology  Infection of buccal roots of maxillary 2nd &3rd molars  LA injection with contaminated needles in the area of tuberosity  Spread from other spaces 46
  • 47. Cont.  Boundaries  Laterally - by ramus of mandible, temporalis muscle & its tendon .  Medially - medial pterygoid plate , lateral pterygoid muscle , medial pterygoid muscle ,lower part of temporal fossa of the skull & lateral wall of pharynx .  Superiorly - greater wing of sphenoid & by zygomatic arch . 47
  • 48. Cont.  Inferiorly - lateral pterigoid muscle  Anteriorly - infra temporal surface of maxilla  Posteriorly- parotid gland  Contents  Medial & lateral pterigoid muscle  Pterigoid venous plexus  Maxillary artery  Mandibular nerve 48
  • 49. Cont.  Middle meningeal artery  Clinical features  Limitation of mouth opening  Swelling in front of ear on the affected side  Proptosis of eye  Swelling in the area of tuberosity  Elevation of temperature 49
  • 50. Cont.  Incision & drainage  Incision is given in buccal vestibule opposite the 2nd & 3rd molars  In severe infection incision is made at the upper posterior edge of temporalis muscle.  Sinus forceps is directed upwards & medially. 50
  • 51. Cont.  In case of failure to improve mouth opening temporalis myotomy or excision of coronoid process is done. Spread  To temporal space  Pterigomandibular space  Cavernous sinus 51
  • 52. Abscess of upper lip Etiology  Infection of upper incisors & canine Clinical features  Swelling in the base of the upper lip  Swelling in vestibule Treatment  Antibiotics  Incision & drainage  Extraction of offending tooth or RCT 52
  • 53. Palatal abscess Etiology  Periodontal abscess from palatal pockets  Apical abscess from palatal roots of posterior teeth usually from the lateral incisor Boundaries  Inferiorly-hard palate  Superiorly-periosteum & mucosa  Laterally-alveolar process of maxilla &53
  • 54. Cont. Clinical features  Fluctuant swelling in palate near the offending tooth  Offending tooth is tender to percussion Incision & drainage  Anterioposterior incision is made through the mucosa down to bone 54
  • 55. Submental space infection Etiology  Infection from 6 mandibular anterior teeth  Infection of submental lymph nodes Boundaries  Laterally-lower border of mandible, anterior belly of digastric muscle  Superiorly-mylohoid muscle 55
  • 56. Cont.  Inferiorly-deep cervical fascia, platysma, superficial fascia, skin Contents  Submental lymph nodes  Anterior jugular vein Clinical features  Distinct ,firm swelling in midline ,beneath the chin 56
  • 57. Cont.  Skin overlying the swelling is board like & taut  Fluctuation of swelling  Nonvital, fractured or carious anterior teeth  Offending tooth is tender on percussion& sometimes mobile 57
  • 58. Cont. Incision & drainage  Transverse incision in skin below symphysis of mandible. Spread  Submandibular space 58
  • 59. Submandibular space infection Etiology  Infection From Mandibular Molars  Infection Of Submandibular Salivary Gland  Infection From Submental Space  Infection From Submental Lyph Nodes  Infection From Sublingual Space  Infection from middle 1/3 of tongue, posterior part of floor of mouth, maxillary teeth, cheek, maxillary sinus59
  • 60. Cont. Boundaries  Anteromedially-mylohyoid Muscle  Posteromedially-hyoglossusmuscle  Superolaterally-medial Surface Of Mandible  Anteroposteriorly-anterior belly of digastric  Posterosuperiorly-posterior belly of digastric,stylohyoid ,stylopharyngeus musle 60
  • 61. Cont.  Laterally-platysma & skin  Contents  Submandibular salivary gland  Submandibular lymphnodes  Facial artery & vein  Clinical features  Firm swelling in submandibular region  Constitutional symptoms 61
  • 62. Cont.  Tenderness of swelling  Redness of overlying skin  Teeth Are Sensitive To Percussion & Mobile  Dysphagia  Moderate Trismus 62
  • 63. Cont.  Incision & drainage  Incision of 1.5 to 2cm length is made 2cm below the lower border of mandible in the skin creases.  Skin & subcutaneous tissues are incised.  Spread  Submental space  Submandibular space of opposite side  Sublingual space 63
  • 64. Sublingual space infection Etiology  Infection from mandibular incisors, canines, premolars & molars Boundaries  Inferiorly-mylohyoid muscle  Laterally-medial side of mandible  Medially-hyoglossus, genioglossus, geniohyoid muscles  Posteriorly-hyoid bone 64
  • 65. Cont.  Contents  Geniohyoid, genioglossus, mylohyoid muscle  Deep part of submandibular salivary gland  Sublingual salivary gland  Lingual nerve  Hypoglossal nerve 65
  • 66. Cont.  Clinical features  Enlarged tender lymph nodes.  Pain & discomfort on deglutition  Speech is affected  Painful swelling in floor of mouth  Tongue may be pushed superiorly  Incision & drainage  Incision made close to lingual cortical plate. 66
  • 67. Cont.  Spread  Sublingual space of opposite side  Submandibular space  Pterigomandibular space  Parapharyngeal space  Submental & submandibular lyphnodes 67
  • 68. Temporal space  Etiology  Secondary to the involvement of infratemporal space  Boundaries  Superficial temporal space-b/w temporal fascia & temporalis muscle.  Deep temporal space-b/w temporalis muscle & skull 68
  • 69. Cont.  Clinical features  Pain  Trismus  Swelling over temporal region  Incision & drainage  Incision in temporal region in hairline 45 to zygomatic arch 69
  • 70. Parotid space  Etiology  Infection through stenson`s duct  Blood borne infection  Infection from submasseteric,pterigomandibular & lateral pharyngeal space  Boundaries  Inferiorly-stylomandibular ligament  Anteriorly-masseteric space 70
  • 71. Cont.  Space formed by splitting deep cervical fascia around the parotid gland  Contents  Parotid gland  Parotid lymph nodes  Facial nerve  Retromandibular vein  External carotid artery 71
  • 72. Cont.  Clinical features  Severe pain referring to ear accentuated by eating  Swelling extending from zygomatic arch to lower border of mandible.  Ear lobe may be lifted up  Pus escapes from stenson`s duct when gland is milked 72
  • 73. Cont.  Incision & drainage  Incision is made on skin behind the posterior border of mandible extending from inferior aspect of lobule of ear to just above mandible  Spread  Submasseteric space  Pterigomandibular space  Lateral pharyngeal space 73
  • 74. Submasseteric space infection  Etiology  Infection Of Lower 3rd Molar  Boundaries  Anterior-anterior border of masseter & buccinator muscle  Posterior-parotid gland,posterior part of masseter  Inferior- attachment of masseter to lower border of mandible 74
  • 75. Cont.  Medial-lateral surface of ramus of mandible  Lateral-medial surface of masseter muscle  Contents  Masseteric Nerve  Superficial Temporal Artery  Transverse Facial Artery 75
  • 76. Cont.  Clinical Features  Moderate swelling extending from lower border of mandible to zygomatic arch, anteriorly to anterior border of masseter, posteriorly to posterior border of mandible  Tenderness over angle of mandible  Complete Limitation Of Mouth Opening  Pyrexia & Malaise 76
  • 77. Cont.  Incision & drainage  Intraoral-incision is made vertically over the lower part of anterior border of ramus of mandible, deep to bone  Extraoral-incision is placed in skin behind the angle of mandible 77
  • 78. Pterigo - mandibular space infection  Etiology  Pericoronitis related to the mandibular third molar .  Inferior alveolar nerve block using contaminated needle .  Infection form maxillary third molar .  Boundaries .  Posterior - parotid gland . 78
  • 79. Cont.  Medial - lateral surface of medial pterygoid muscle .  Lateral - medial surface of ramus of mandible .  Anterior -pterygomandibular raphae .  Superior - lateral pterygoid muscle .  Contents .  Lingual nerve .  Mandibular nerve . 79
  • 80. Cont.  Inferior alveolar artery .  Mylohyoid muscle  Clinical features .  Limitation of mouth opening .  Tenderness & swelling medial to anterior border of ramus of the mandible .  Dysphagia .  Difficulty in breathing 80
  • 81. Cont.  Incision & drainage .  Intraoral – a vertical incision; approximately 1.5 cm in length , is made on the anterior & medial aspect of the ramus of mandible .  Extraoral - an incision is taken in the skin below the angle of the mandible .  Spread .  Infra temporal space 81
  • 82. Cont.  Lateral pharyngeal space .  Retropharygeal space .  Submandibular space . . 82
  • 83. LATERAL PHARYNGEAL SPACE .  Etiology  Mandibular third molar area .  Sublingual , submandibular & ptergomandibular space infection .  Boundaries .  Inferiorly - hyoid bone .  Anteriorly - pterygomandibular raphe  Laterally - ascending ramus of mandibular  Medially - pharyngeal wall . 83
  • 84. Cont.  Posteriorly - styloid muscle , upper part of carotid sheath , prevertebral fascia .  Contents  Anterior compartment - lymph nodes , facial artery , loose areolar connective tissue .  Posterior compartment - carotid sheath , internal carotid artery , glossopharyngeal nerve , cervical 84
  • 85. Cont.  Clinical Features .  Respiratory Embarrassment Due To Edema Of The Larynx .  Malaise .  Pyrexia .  Brawny Induration Of The Face .  Trismus .  Severe pain  Dysphagia 85
  • 86. Cont.  Incision & drainage  Extraoral - an incision is made along the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle , extending from below the angle of the mandible , to the middle third of submandibular gland .  Intraoral - a vertical incision is placed over the pterygomandibular raphe . 86
  • 87. Retropharyngeal space (prevertebral space )  Etiology  Infection from the iateral pharyngeal space  Boundaries .  Laterally - carotid sheath  Inferiorly-6th thoracic vertebra  Clinical features .  Painful deglutition .  Snoring . 87
  • 88. Cont.  Choking .  Stertorous breathing .  Incision & drainage .  Same as lateral pharyngeal space 88
  • 89. Pericoronitis  Definition  An inflammatory process involving the soft tissue covering the crown of partially erupted or unerupted teeth  Etiology  Impacted teeth .  Trauma to the overlying gingivae from the cusps of an opposing tooth . 89
  • 90. Cont.  Clinical features  Dull pain  Swollen ,red,tender gingival pad  Pus discharge from the gingival pad  Foetor oris  Indentations of cusps of upper teeth  Discomfort on swallowing  Restriction of oral opening 90
  • 91. Cont.  Enlarged tender submandibular lymph nodes  Pyrexia/fever  Malaise  Anorexia  Spread  Buccal space  Submandibular space  Pterigomandibular space 91
  • 92. Ludwig`s angina  Definition  A massive, firm, brawny, cellulitis or induration & acute toxic stage involving simultaneously submandibular, sublingual & submental spaces bilaterally.  Etiology  Odontogenic- ◦ A/c dentoalveolar abscess ◦ A/c periodontal abscess 92
  • 93. Cont. ◦ Pericoronal abscess ◦ Infected mandibular cyst  Iatrogenic ◦ La using contaminated needles  Trauma in orofacial region  Osteomyelitis  Submandibular & sublingual sialadenitis  Secondary infections of oral malignancies 93
  • 94. Cont.  Tonsillitis  Foreign bodies like fish bone  Oral soft tissue lacerations  Clinical features  Pyrexia .  Anorexia  Chills .  Malaise .  Dysphagia . 94
  • 95. Cont.  Impaired speech .  Hoarseness of voice .  Firm or hard brawny swelling in bilateral submandibular & submental regions extending to the clavicles .  Swelling is non pitting , non fluctuant ,tender with ill defined borders .  Restricted mouth opening .  Air way obstruction . 95
  • 96. Cont.  Mouth remains open due to edema of sublingual tissues  Reduced tongue movements .  Increased respiratory rate .  Cyanosis .  Raised floor of mouth .  Tongue is raised against palate .  Increased salivation .  Drooling of saliva . 96
  • 97. Cont.  Spread  Submasseteric space .  Pterygomandibular space .  Parapharyngeal space .  Paratonsillar space .  Mediastinum .  Cavernous sinus thrombosis . 97
  • 98. Cont.  Treatment  Maintenance of air way . ◦ Nasotracheal intubation  Surgical decompression. ◦ Bilateral submandibular incision s & a midline submental incision 1cm below inferior border of mandible for drainage .  Extraction of offending tooth . 98
  • 99. Cont.  Antibiotic therapy . ◦ Aqueous penicillin G 2 - 4 million units , i v 4-6 hourly or 500mg 6 hourly orally ◦ Ampicillin or amoxycillin 500mg 6 & 8 hourly i v & orally respectively . ◦ Cloxacillin 500mg orally 8 hourly . ◦ Erythromycin 600mg 6- 8 hourly . ◦ Gentamycin 80mg i m bd . ◦ Clindamycin i v 300mg 600mg 8 hourly . or orally 99
  • 100. Cont. ◦ Metronidazole 400mg 8 hourly orally or i v .  Hydration of the pt .  Hydro therapy ◦ Cold application decreases inflammation , exudates , edema .  Complications  Osteomyelitis .  Maxillary Sinusitis .  Septicaemia . 100
  • 101. Cont.  Mediastinitis .  Pericarditis .  Jugular vein thrombosis .  Meningitis .  Brain abscess .  Cavernous sinus thrombosis 101