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Android Data Binding in action
using MVVM pattern
Fabio Collini
droidcon London
October 2016
Ego slide
1. Data Binding basics
2. Custom attributes
3. Components
4. Two Way Data Binding
5. Data Binding + RxJava
6. Model View ViewModel
#droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 4
1Data Binding basics
Google I/O 2016
Google I/O 2015
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"


<ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>

<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>


<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>


public class TeamScore {

private final String name;

private final int goals;
//constructor and getters

public class MatchResult {

private final TeamScore homeTeam;

private final TeamScore awayTeam;

private final String gifUrl;
//constructor and getters

dataBinding {

enabled = true


android {



defaultConfig {



buildTypes {


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<LinearLayout style=“@style/root_layout"

<ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>

<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>


<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>



Data Binding layout
<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"


<ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>

<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>


<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"


<ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>

<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>


<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>

<TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>


One layout traversal
Auto generated class
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
public class MatchResultBinding extends
android.databinding.ViewDataBinding {

// ...

public final android.widget.ImageView resultGif;

public final android.widget.TextView homeTeam;

public final android.widget.TextView homeGoals;

public final android.widget.TextView awayTeam;

public final android.widget.TextView awayGoals;

// ...

public class MatchResultActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private MatchResultBinding binding;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.match_result);

MatchResult result = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("RESULT");

if (result.getHomeTeam() != null) {




if (result.getAwayTeam() != null) {







Variable in layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<layout xmlns:android="">
Automatic null check

<variable name="result"

<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">

<ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>

<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView style=“@style/name"


<TextView style="@style/goals"



<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView style="@style/name"


<TextView style="@style/goals"




public class MatchResultActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private MatchResultBinding binding;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.match_result);

MatchResult result = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("RESULT");






Code in XML?
Are you serious?!?
Complex code in XML is
a best practice
#droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 17
2Custom attributes
<ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>


<ImageView style="@style/gif" app:imageUrl="@{result.gifUrl}"/>

public static void loadImage(ImageView view, String url) {



public class MatchResultActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private MatchResultBinding binding;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(
this, R.layout.match_result);

MatchResult result = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("RESULT");



Annotated methods are static but…

public static void bindSomething(View view, AnyObject b) {

MyBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.findBinding(view);

MyObject myObject = binding.getMyObject();

TextView myTextView = 

Can be any object
Get the layout binding
Get the connected objects
Access to all the views
Can be defined anywhere Can be used everywhere
Can be any View

public static void bindGoals(TextView view, int goals) {



<TextView style="@style/goals"

<TextView style="@style/goals"
#droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 22
<layout xmlns:android=""



<variable name="result"



<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">

<ImageView style="@style/gif" app:imageUrl="@{result.gifUrl}"/>

<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView style="@style/name"


<TextView style="@style/goals"




<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView style="@style/name"


<TextView style="@style/goals"





<variable name="team"



<LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">

<TextView style="@style/name"


<TextView style="@style/goals"



<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">

<ImageView style="@style/gif" app:imageUrl="@{result.gifUrl}"/>

<layout xmlns:android=""



<variable name="result"


<include layout="@layout/team_detail"

<include layout="@layout/team_detail"


#droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 26
4Two Way Data Binding
public class QuestionInfo {

public String answer = "";

public int countdown = 10;
public int decrementCountdown() {

return --countdown;

public class QuestionInfo {

public String answer = "";

public int countdown = 10;
public int decrementCountdown() {

return --countdown;

<layout xmlns:android="">






<LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">

<TextView style="@style/question"/>

<EditText style="@style/answer" 

android:text="@{info.answer}" />

<Button style="@style/form_button"

android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>

<TextView style="@style/countdown"

android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />


public class QuestionActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private QuestionInfo info;


protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {


QuestionBinding binding =
DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.question);

info = new QuestionInfo();

Handler handler = new Handler();

handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

@Override public void run() {

int newValue = info.decrementCountdown();

if (newValue > 0) {

handler.postDelayed(this, 1000);



}, 1000);

public class QuestionInfo {

public String answer = "";

public int countdown = 10;
public int decrementCountdown() {

return --countdown;

Views are not automatically updated :(
package android.databinding;

public interface Observable {

void addOnPropertyChangedCallback(
OnPropertyChangedCallback callback);

void removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(
OnPropertyChangedCallback callback);

abstract class OnPropertyChangedCallback {

public abstract void onPropertyChanged(
Observable sender, int propertyId);


Observable hierarchy
public class QuestionInfo extends BaseObservable {_

private String answer = "";

private int countdown = 10;

public int decrementCountdown() {



return countdown;


@Bindable public String getAnswer() {

return answer;


public void setAnswer(String answer) {

this.answer = answer;



@Bindable public int getCountdown() {

return countdown;


public class QuestionInfo {_

public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");

public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10);

public int decrementCountdown() {

int value = countdown.get() - 1;


return value;


<layout xmlns:android="">






<LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">

<TextView style="@style/question"/>

<EditText style="@style/answer" 

android:text="@{info.answer}" />

<Button style="@style/form_button"

android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>

<TextView style="@style/countdown"

android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />


public class QuestionInfo {_

public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");

public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10);

public int decrementCountdown() {

int value = countdown.get() - 1;


return value;


Two way Data Binding

public static void bindEditText(EditText view,
final ObservableString observable) {

Pair<ObservableString, TextWatcherAdapter> pair =
(Pair) view.getTag(;

if (pair == null || pair.first != observable) {

if (pair != null)


TextWatcherAdapter watcher = new TextWatcherAdapter() {

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int a, int b, int c) {




view.setTag(, new Pair<>(observable, watcher));



String newValue = observable.get();

if (!view.getText().toString().equals(newValue))


<layout xmlns:android="">






<LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">

<TextView style="@style/question"/>

<EditText style="@style/answer" 

android:text="@={info.answer}" />

<Button style="@style/form_button"

android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>

<TextView style="@style/countdown"

android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />


Two way data binding
if (changed)
if (changed)
#droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 44
5Data Binding + RxJava
<layout xmlns:android="">






<LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">

<TextView style="@style/question"/>

<EditText style="@style/answer" 

android:text="@={info.answer}" />

<Button style="@style/form_button"

android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>

<TextView style="@style/countdown"

android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />


public class QuestionInfo extends BaseObservable {_

private String answer = "";

private int countdown = 10;

public int decrementCountdown() {



return countdown;


@Bindable public String getAnswer() {

return answer;


public void setAnswer(String answer) {

this.answer = answer;




@Bindable public int getCountdown() {

return countdown;

@Bindable public boolean isSendEnabled() {

return !answer.isEmpty() && countdown > 0;


Not an Observable, View is not updated!
public class QuestionInfo {_

public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");

public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10);

public int decrementCountdown() {

int value = countdown.get() - 1;


return value;

public boolean isSendEnabled() {

return !answer.get().isEmpty() && countdown.get() > 0;


RxJava FTW!
ObservableField<T> rx.Observable<T>
ObservableField<T> rx.Observable<T>
public static <T> rx.Observable<T> toRx(ObservableField<T> observableField) {

return rx.Observable.fromEmitter(emitter -> {


OnPropertyChangedCallback callback = new OnPropertyChangedCallback() {


public void onPropertyChanged(Observable observable, int i) {

emitter.onNext(((ObservableField<T>) observable).get());




emitter.setCancellation(() ->

}, Emitter.BackpressureMode.BUFFER);

public class QuestionInfo {_

public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");

public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10);
public final ObservableBoolean sendEnabled = new ObservableBoolean();

public int decrementCountdown() {

int value = countdown.get() - 1;


return value;

public class QuestionActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private QuestionInfo info;

private Subscription subscription;


protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {



@Override protected void onStart() {


subscription = Observable.combineLatest(



(answer, countdown) ->

!answer.isEmpty() && countdown > 0



@Override protected void onStop() {




compile 'com.cantrowitz:rxbroadcast:1.0.0'
public class ConnectionChecker {

private Context context;

public ConnectionChecker(Context context) {

this.context = context;


public Observable<Boolean> getConnectionStatus() {

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(

return RxBroadcast.fromBroadcast(context, filter)

.map(i -> getNetworkInfo())

.map(info -> info != null && info.isConnected())



private NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo() {

ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager)

return connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();


public class QuestionActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private QuestionInfo info;

private Subscription subscription;


protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {



@Override protected void onStart() {


subscription = Observable.combineLatest(




(answer, countdown, connected) ->

!answer.isEmpty() && countdown > 0 && connected



@Override protected void onStop() {




#droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 55
public class MatchResultViewModel {

public final ObservableField<MatchResult> result =
new ObservableField<>();

public final ObservableBoolean loading =
new ObservableBoolean();

public void reload() {

reloadInBackground(result -> {





<layout xmlns:android=""



<variable name="viewModel"



<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">

<ImageView style="@style/gif"

<include layout="@layout/team_detail"

<include layout="@layout/team_detail"


<FrameLayout style="@style/progress_layout"

"@{viewModel.loading ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}">

<ProgressBar style="@style/progress"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<layout xmlns:android=""



<import type="android.view.View"/>

<variable name="viewModel"


<FrameLayout style="@style/main_container">

<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">

<!-- ... -->



<FrameLayout style="@style/progress_layout"


<ProgressBar style="@style/progress"/>


public static void bindVisibleOrGone(View view, boolean b) {

view.setVisibility(b ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);


public static void bindVisible(View view, boolean b) {

view.setVisibility(b ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);

<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"


<!-- ... -->


public class MatchResultViewModel {
public final ObservableField<MatchResult> result =
new ObservableField<>();

public final ObservableBoolean loading = new ObservableBoolean();

public void reload() {

reloadInBackground(result -> {




<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"

android:onClick="@{v -> viewModel.reload()}">

<!-- ... -->


public void reload() {

<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"


<!-- ... -->


public void reload(View v) {


public static void bindOnClick(View view, final Runnable listener) {

view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

@Override public void onClick(View v) {;



<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"


<!-- ... -->


public void reload() {

Final layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<layout xmlns:android=""




<!-- ... -->


<FrameLayout style="@style/main_container">

<LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"


<!-- ... -->


<FrameLayout style="@style/progress_layout"


<ProgressBar style="@style/progress"/>



Model View ViewModel
Retained on
configuration change
Saved in Activity or
Fragment state
Activity or Fragment
Less Java code
if (view != null)
A/B testing on View
Sometimes we need an
Activity :(
Testable code Testable code
Less XML
No more
Move your Android code to testable Java classes
Custom attributes Reusable UI code
Data binding
Includes UI components
RxJava Easy composition
Google I/O 2015 - What's new in Android
Data Binding -- Write Apps Faster (Android Dev Summit 2015)
Advanced Data Binding - Google I/O 2016
George Mount medium profile
Radosław Piekarz: RxJava meets Android Data Binding
Florina Muntenescu: A Journey Through MV Wonderland
Bill Phillips: Shades of MVVM
Thanks for your attention!
This presentation will be soon available on the droidcon London website at

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Android Data Binding in action using MVVM pattern - droidconUK

  • 1. #droidconUK Android Data Binding in action using MVVM pattern Fabio Collini droidcon London October 2016
  • 3. 3 Agenda 1. Data Binding basics 2. Custom attributes 3. Components 4. Two Way Data Binding 5. Data Binding + RxJava 6. Model View ViewModel
  • 4. #droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 4 1Data Binding basics
  • 7. 7 match_result.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 <ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
  • 8. 8 public class TeamScore {
 private final String name;
 private final int goals; //constructor and getters
 } public class MatchResult {
 private final TeamScore homeTeam;
 private final TeamScore awayTeam;
 private final String gifUrl; //constructor and getters
  • 9. dataBinding {
 enabled = true
 9 build.gradle android {
 defaultConfig {
 buildTypes {
 ____} }
  • 10. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <LinearLayout style=“@style/root_layout" xmlns:android="">
 <ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
 </layout> 10 Data Binding layout <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 <ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
 </LinearLayout> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layout> </layout>
  • 11. <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 <ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/home_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_team" style="@style/name"/>
 <TextView android:id="@+id/away_goals" style="@style/goals"/>
 </LinearLayout> 11 One layout traversal Auto generated class <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layout> </layout> public class MatchResultBinding extends android.databinding.ViewDataBinding {
 // ...
 public final android.widget.ImageView resultGif;
 public final android.widget.TextView homeTeam;
 public final android.widget.TextView homeGoals;
 public final android.widget.TextView awayTeam;
 public final android.widget.TextView awayGoals;
 // ...
  • 12. 12 public class MatchResultActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
 private MatchResultBinding binding;
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.match_result);
 MatchResult result = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("RESULT");
 if (result.getHomeTeam() != null) {
 binding.homeGoals.setText( Integer.toString(result.getHomeTeam().getGoals()));
 if (result.getAwayTeam() != null) {
 binding.awayGoals.setText( Integer.toString(result.getAwayTeam().getGoals()));
  • 13. 13 Variable in layout <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <layout xmlns:android=""> Automatic null check <data>
 <variable name="result" type="it.droidcon.databinding.MatchResult"/>
 </data> <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">
 <ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView style=“@style/name"
 <TextView style="@style/goals"
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView style="@style/name"
 <TextView style="@style/goals"
  • 14. 14 public class MatchResultActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
 private MatchResultBinding binding;
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.match_result);
 MatchResult result = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("RESULT");
  • 15. 15 Code in XML? Are you serious?!?
  • 16. 16 Complex code in XML is NOT a best practice
  • 17. #droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 17 2Custom attributes
  • 18. 18 @BindingAdapter <ImageView android:id="@+id/result_gif" style="@style/gif"/> Glide.with(this).load(result.getGifUrl())
 <ImageView style="@style/gif" app:imageUrl="@{result.gifUrl}"/> @BindingAdapter("imageUrl")
 public static void loadImage(ImageView view, String url) {
  • 19. 19 public class MatchResultActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
 private MatchResultBinding binding;
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView( this, R.layout.match_result);
 MatchResult result = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("RESULT");
  • 20. Annotated methods are static but… @BindingAdapter("something")
 public static void bindSomething(View view, AnyObject b) {
 MyBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.findBinding(view); 
 MyObject myObject = binding.getMyObject();
 //… TextView myTextView = 
 binding.myTextView; //… } Can be any object Get the layout binding Get the connected objects Access to all the views Can be defined anywhere Can be used everywhere Can be any View
  • 21. @BindingAdapter("goals")
 public static void bindGoals(TextView view, int goals) {
 21 BindingAdapter <TextView style="@style/goals"
 android:text="@{Integer.toString(result.awayTeam.goals)}"/> <TextView style="@style/goals" app:goals="@{result.awayTeam.goals}"/>
  • 22. #droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 22 3Components
  • 23. 23 <layout xmlns:android=""
 <variable name="result"
 <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">
 <ImageView style="@style/gif" app:imageUrl="@{result.gifUrl}"/>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView style="@style/name"
 <TextView style="@style/goals"
 </layout> <LinearLayout style="@style/team_layout">
 <TextView style="@style/name"
 <TextView style="@style/goals"
  • 25. </data>
 <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">
 <ImageView style="@style/gif" app:imageUrl="@{result.gifUrl}"/>
 <layout xmlns:android=""
 xmlns:app="" xmlns:bind="">
 <variable name="result"
 <include layout="@layout/team_detail"
 /> <include layout="@layout/team_detail"
 /> </LinearLayout>
 </layout> bind:team="@{result.homeTeam}" bind:team="@{result.awayTeam}"
  • 26. #droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 26 4Two Way Data Binding
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28 public class QuestionInfo {
 public String answer = "";
 public int countdown = 10; public int decrementCountdown() {
 return --countdown;
 }_ }_
  • 29. 29 public class QuestionInfo {
 public String answer = "";
 public int countdown = 10; public int decrementCountdown() {
 return --countdown;
 }_ }_ <layout xmlns:android="">
 <LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">
 <TextView style="@style/question"/>
 <EditText style="@style/answer" 
 android:text="@{info.answer}" />
 <Button style="@style/form_button"
 android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>
 <TextView style="@style/countdown"
 android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />
  • 30. public class QuestionActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
 private QuestionInfo info;
 protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 QuestionBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.question);
 info = new QuestionInfo();
 binding.setInfo(info); Handler handler = new Handler();
 handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
 @Override public void run() {
 int newValue = info.decrementCountdown();
 if (newValue > 0) {
 handler.postDelayed(this, 1000);
 }, 1000);
 } } 30 public class QuestionInfo {
 public String answer = "";
 public int countdown = 10; public int decrementCountdown() {
 return --countdown;
 }_ }_
  • 31. 31
  • 32. 32 Views are not automatically updated :( package android.databinding;
 public interface Observable {
 void addOnPropertyChangedCallback( OnPropertyChangedCallback callback);
 void removeOnPropertyChangedCallback( OnPropertyChangedCallback callback);
 abstract class OnPropertyChangedCallback {
 public abstract void onPropertyChanged( Observable sender, int propertyId);
  • 34. 34 public class QuestionInfo extends BaseObservable {_
 private String answer = "";
 private int countdown = 10;
 public int decrementCountdown() {
 return countdown;
 @Bindable public String getAnswer() {
 return answer;
 public void setAnswer(String answer) {
 this.answer = answer;
 @Bindable public int getCountdown() {
 return countdown;
  • 35. 35 public class QuestionInfo {_
 public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");
 public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10);
 public int decrementCountdown() {
 int value = countdown.get() - 1;
 return value;
  • 36. <layout xmlns:android="">
 <LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">
 <TextView style="@style/question"/>
 <EditText style="@style/answer" 
 android:text="@{info.answer}" />
 <Button style="@style/form_button"
 android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>
 <TextView style="@style/countdown"
 android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />
 </layout> 36 ObservableField<String> ObservableInt ObservableInt public class QuestionInfo {_
 public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");
 public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10);
 public int decrementCountdown() {
 int value = countdown.get() - 1;
 return value;
 }___ ObservableField<String>
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38 Two way Data Binding @BindingAdapter("binding")
 public static void bindEditText(EditText view, final ObservableString observable) {
 Pair<ObservableString, TextWatcherAdapter> pair = (Pair) view.getTag(;
 if (pair == null || pair.first != observable) {
 if (pair != null)
 TextWatcherAdapter watcher = new TextWatcherAdapter() {
 @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int a, int b, int c) {
 view.setTag(, new Pair<>(observable, watcher));
 String newValue = observable.get();
 if (!view.getText().toString().equals(newValue))
  • 39. 39
  • 40. <layout xmlns:android="">
 <LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">
 <TextView style="@style/question"/>
 <EditText style="@style/answer" 
 android:text="@={info.answer}" />
 <Button style="@style/form_button"
 android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>
 <TextView style="@style/countdown"
 android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />
 </layout> 40 Two way data binding
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42
  • 44. #droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 44 5Data Binding + RxJava
  • 45. 45 <layout xmlns:android="">
 <LinearLayout style="@style/form_root">
 <TextView style="@style/question"/>
 <EditText style="@style/answer" 
 android:text="@={info.answer}" />
 <Button style="@style/form_button"
 android:enabled="@{info.countdown > 0 &amp;&amp; !info.answer.empty}"/>
 <TextView style="@style/countdown"
 android:text="@{Integer.toString(info.countdown)}" />
  • 46. public class QuestionInfo extends BaseObservable {_
 private String answer = "";
 private int countdown = 10;
 public int decrementCountdown() {
 notifyPropertyChanged(BR.countdown); notifyPropertyChanged(BR.sendEnabled);
 return countdown;
 @Bindable public String getAnswer() {
 return answer;
 public void setAnswer(String answer) {
 this.answer = answer;
 @Bindable public int getCountdown() {
 return countdown;
 }getCountdown @Bindable public boolean isSendEnabled() {
 return !answer.isEmpty() && countdown > 0;
  • 47. 47 Not an Observable, View is not updated! public class QuestionInfo {_
 public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");
 public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10);
 public int decrementCountdown() {
 int value = countdown.get() - 1;
 return value;
 }__ public boolean isSendEnabled() {
 return !answer.get().isEmpty() && countdown.get() > 0;
  • 50. 50 ObservableField<T> rx.Observable<T> public static <T> rx.Observable<T> toRx(ObservableField<T> observableField) {
 return rx.Observable.fromEmitter(emitter -> {
 OnPropertyChangedCallback callback = new OnPropertyChangedCallback() {
 public void onPropertyChanged(Observable observable, int i) {
 emitter.onNext(((ObservableField<T>) observable).get());
 emitter.setCancellation(() -> observableField.removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(callback));
 }, Emitter.BackpressureMode.BUFFER);
  • 51. 51 public class QuestionInfo {_
 public final ObservableField<String> answer = new ObservableField<>("");
 public final ObservableInt countdown = new ObservableInt(10); public final ObservableBoolean sendEnabled = new ObservableBoolean();
 public int decrementCountdown() {
 int value = countdown.get() - 1;
 return value;
 }__ }___
  • 52. 52 public class QuestionActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
 private QuestionInfo info;
 private Subscription subscription;
 protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 @Override protected void onStart() {
 subscription = Observable.combineLatest(
 (answer, countdown) ->
 !answer.isEmpty() && countdown > 0
 @Override protected void onStop() {
  • 53. 53 compile 'com.cantrowitz:rxbroadcast:1.0.0' public class ConnectionChecker {
 private Context context;
 public ConnectionChecker(Context context) {
 this.context = context;
 public Observable<Boolean> getConnectionStatus() {
 IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter( ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
 return RxBroadcast.fromBroadcast(context, filter)
 .map(i -> getNetworkInfo())
 .map(info -> info != null && info.isConnected())
 private NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo() {
 ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
 return connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
  • 54. public class QuestionActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
 private QuestionInfo info;
 private Subscription subscription;
 protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 @Override protected void onStart() {
 subscription = Observable.combineLatest(
 (answer, countdown, connected) ->
 !answer.isEmpty() && countdown > 0 && connected
 @Override protected void onStop() {
 }_ 54
  • 55. #droidconUK - London - October 2016 - @fabioCollini 55 6MVVM
  • 56. 56 MatchResultViewModel public class MatchResultViewModel { 
 public final ObservableField<MatchResult> result = new ObservableField<>();
 public final ObservableBoolean loading = new ObservableBoolean();
 public void reload() { loading.set(true);
 reloadInBackground(result -> {
  • 57. <layout xmlns:android=""
 xmlns:app="" xmlns:bind="">
 <variable name="viewModel"
 <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">
 <ImageView style="@style/gif" app:imageUrl="@{viewModel.result.gifUrl}"/>
 <include layout="@layout/team_detail"
 /> <include layout="@layout/team_detail"
 /> </LinearLayout>
 </layout> bind:team="@{viewModel.result.homeTeam}" bind:team="@{viewModel.result.awayTeam}" ObservableField
  • 58. 58 Visibility <FrameLayout style="@style/progress_layout"
 android:visibility= "@{viewModel.loading ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}">
 <ProgressBar style="@style/progress"/>
 </FrameLayout> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <layout xmlns:android=""
 <data> <import type="android.view.View"/>
 <variable name="viewModel"
 type="it.droidcon.databinding.MatchResultViewModel"/> </data>
 <FrameLayout style="@style/main_container"> 
 <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout">
 <!-- ... -->
  • 59. 59 Visibility <FrameLayout style="@style/progress_layout"
 <ProgressBar style="@style/progress"/>
 </FrameLayout> @BindingAdapter("visibleOrGone")
 public static void bindVisibleOrGone(View view, boolean b) {
 view.setVisibility(b ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
 }____ @BindingAdapter("visible")
 public static void bindVisible(View view, boolean b) {
 view.setVisibility(b ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);
  • 60. <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 <!-- ... -->
 60 }___ public class MatchResultViewModel { public final ObservableField<MatchResult> result = new ObservableField<>();
 public final ObservableBoolean loading = new ObservableBoolean();
 public void reload() { loading.set(true);
 reloadInBackground(result -> {
  • 61. <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 android:onClick="@{v -> viewModel.reload()}">
 <!-- ... -->
 61 public void reload() { //..
 }__ <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 <!-- ... -->
 public void reload(View v) { //..
 }__ @BindingAdapter("android:onClick")
 public static void bindOnClick(View view, final Runnable listener) {
 view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
 @Override public void onClick(View v) {;
 }___ <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 <!-- ... -->
 public void reload() { //..
  • 62. 62 Final layout <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <layout xmlns:android=""
 <!-- ... -->
 <FrameLayout style="@style/main_container"> 
 <LinearLayout style="@style/root_layout"
 <!-- ... -->
 <FrameLayout style="@style/progress_layout"
 <ProgressBar style="@style/progress"/>
  • 63. 63 Model View ViewModel View ViewModel Model DataBinding Retained on configuration change Saved in Activity or Fragment state Activity or Fragment
  • 65. MVVM MVPVs Less Java code if (view != null) A/B testing on View Sometimes we need an Activity :( Testable code Testable code Less XML No more
  • 67. Custom attributes Reusable UI code 67 Data binding Includes UI components RxJava Easy composition
  • 68. 68 Links Google I/O 2015 - What's new in Android Data Binding -- Write Apps Faster (Android Dev Summit 2015) Advanced Data Binding - Google I/O 2016 George Mount medium profile Radosław Piekarz: RxJava meets Android Data Binding Florina Muntenescu: A Journey Through MV Wonderland Bill Phillips: Shades of MVVM
  • 69. 69 Thanks for your attention! Questions? This presentation will be soon available on the droidcon London website at