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it’s not just for Google

Eleanor McHugh
garbage collected
package main

import “fmt”

const HELLO string = “hello”
var WORLD string = “world”

func main() {
	   fmt.Println(HELLO, WORLD)
strongly typed
boolean, numeric, array
                    structure, interface

reference   pointer, slice, string, map, channel

function        function, method, closure
underlying               method
  type                    set
underlying               method
  type                    set

package Integer

type Int int

func (i *Int) Add(x int) {
	   *i += Int(x)
type Buffer []Int

func (b Buffer) Swap(i, j int) {
	   b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i]

func (b Buffer) Clone() Buffer {
	   s := make(Buffer, len(b))
	   copy(s, b)
	   return s

func (b Buffer) Move(i, n int) {
	   if n > len(b) - i {
	   	     n = len(b) - i
	   segment_to_move := b[:i].Clone()
	   copy(b, b[i:i + n])
	   copy(b[n:i + n], segment_to_move)
package main

import “fmt”
import "Integer"

func main() {
	   i := Integer.Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}   produces:
	   b := i.Clone()                             b[0:2] = [6 4]
	   b.Swap(1, 2)
	   b.Move(3, 2)

   fmt.Printf(“b[0:2] = %vn”, b[0:2])
func (b Buffer) Eq(o Buffer) (r bool) {
	   if len(b) == len(o) {
	   	     for i := len(b) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
	   	     	     if b[i] != o[i] {
	   	     r = true
func TestSwap(t *testing.T) {
	   i := Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	   b := i.Clone()
	   b.Swap(1, 2)
	   if !b[1:3].Eq(Buffer{2, 1}) {
	   	     t.Fatalf("b = %v", b)
package Vector
import . "Integer"

type Vector struct {

func (v *Vector) Clone() *Vector {
	   return &Vector{v.Buffer.Clone()}

func (v *Vector) Slice(i, j int) Buffer {
	   return v.Buffer[i:j]
package Vector
import "testing"

func TestVectorSwap(t *testing.T) {
	   i := Vector{Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
	   v := i.Clone()
	   v.Swap(1, 2)
	   r := Vector{Buffer{0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5}}
	   switch {
	   case !v.Eq(r.Buffer):	 	      fallthrough
	   case !v.Buffer.Eq(r.Buffer):	 t.Fatalf("b[0:5] = %v", v)
include $(GOROOT)/src/



include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
func BenchmarkVectorClone6(b *testing.B) {
	   v := Vector{Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
	   for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	   	     _ = v.Clone()

func BenchmarkVectorSwap(b *testing.B) {
	   v := Vector{Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
	   for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	   	     v.Swap(1, 2)
$ gotest -bench="Benchmark"
rm -f _test/scripts.a
6g -o _gotest_.6 integer.go vector.go nominal_typing_test.go
embedded_typing_benchmark_test.go embedded_typing_test.go
rm -f _test/scripts.a
gopack grc _test/scripts.a _gotest_.6
integer.BenchmarkVectorSwap	200000000	            8 ns/op
integer.BenchmarkVectorClone6	 10000000	             300 ns/op
type Adder interface {
	   Add(j int)
	   Subtract(j int)
	   Result() interface{}
type IAdder int

func (i IAdder) Add(j int) {
	   i[0] += i[j]

func (i IAdder) Subtract(j int) {
	   i[0] -= i[j]

func (i IAdder) Result() interface{} {
	   return i[0]

func (i IAdder) Reset() {
	   i[0] = *new(int)
type FAdder []float32

func (f FAdder) Add(j int) {
	   f[0] += f[j]

func (f FAdder) Subtract(j int) {
	   f[0] -= f[j]

func (f FAdder) Result() interface{} {
	   return f[0]
func TestAdder(t *testing.T) {
	   var a	 Adder

	   a = IAdder{0, 1, 2}
	   if i.Result().(int) != 1 {
	   	     t.Fatalf("IAdder::Add(1) %v != %v", a.Result(), 1)
	   if a.Result().(int) != -1 {
	   	     t.Fatalf("IAdder::Subtract(2) %v != %v", a.Result()), -1

	   a = FAdder{0.0, 1.0, 2.0}
	   if a.Result().(float32) != 1.0 {
	   	     t.Fatalf("FAdder::Add(1) %v != %v", a.Result(), 1.0)
package generalise

import "reflect"

func Allocate(i interface{}, limit... int) (n interface{}) {
	   switch v := reflect.ValueOf(i); v.Kind() {
	   case reflect.Slice:		       l := v.Cap()
	   	    	    	     	   	      if len(limit) > 0 {
	   	    	    	     	   	      	     l = limit[0]
	   	    	    	     	   	      n = reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), l, l).Interface()

	    case reflect.Map:		       n = reflect.MakeMap(v.Type()).Interface()
package generalise

import . "reflect"

func Allocate(i interface{}, limit... int) (n interface{}) {
	   switch v := ValueOf(i); v.Kind() {
	   case Slice:	 	      l := v.Cap()
	   	    	    	     	   if len(limit) > 0 {
	   	    	    	     	   	      l = limit[0]
	   	    	    	     	   n = MakeSlice(v.Type(), l, l).Interface()

	   case Map:	 	        n = MakeMap(v.Type()).Interface()
func throwsPanic(f func()) (b bool) {
	   defer func() {
	   	    if x := recover(); x != nil {
	   	    	     b = true
func TestAllocate(t *testing.T) {
	   var s2 []int

	   s1 := []int{0, 1, 2}
	   m := map[int] int{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}
	   switch {
	   case throwsPanic(func() { s2 = Allocate(s1, 1).([]int) }):
	   	    t.Fatal("Unable to allocate new slice")

	   case len(s2) != 1 || cap(s2) != 1:
	   	   t.Fatal("New slice should be %v not %v", make([]int, 0, 1), s2)

	   case throwsPanic(func() { Allocate(m) }):
	   	   t.Fatal("Unable to allocate new map")
func Duplicate(i interface{}) (clone interface{}) {
	   if clone = Allocate(i); clone != nil {
	   	     switch clone := ValueOf(clone); clone.Kind() {
	   	     case Slice:	 	      	   Copy(clone, ValueOf(i))

	   	    case Map:	    	    	    m := ValueOf(i)
	   	    	   	  	      	    	    for _, k := range m.Keys() {
	   	    	   	  	      	    	    	    clone.SetMapIndex(k, m.MapIndex(k))
func TestDuplicateSlice(t *testing.T) {
	   s1 := []int{0, 1, 2}
	   var s2 []int

	   if throwsPanic(func() { s2 = Duplicate(s1).([]int) }) {
	   	     t.Fatalf("Unable to duplicate slice %vn", s1)
	   switch {
	   case len(s1) != len(s2):	 	  fallthrough
	   case cap(s1) != cap(s2):	 fallthrough
	   case s1[0] != s2[0]:	 	      fallthrough
	   case s1[1] != s2[1]:	 	      fallthrough
	   case s1[2] != s2[2]:	 	      fallthrough
	   	     t.Fatalf("Duplicating %v produced %v", s1, s2)
func TestDuplicateMap(t *testing.T) {
	   m1 := map[int]int{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}
	   var m2 map[int]int

	   if throwsPanic(func() { m2 = Duplicate(m1).(map[int]int) }) {
	   	     t.Fatalf("Unable to duplicate map %vn", m1)

	   switch {
	   case len(m1) != len(m2):	 fallthrough
	   case m1[1] != m2[1]:	 	    fallthrough
	   case m1[2] != m2[2]:	 	    fallthrough
	   case m1[3] != m2[3]:	 	    fallthrough
	   	   t.Fatalf("Duplicating %v produced %v", m1, m2)
package raw

import . "reflect"
import "unsafe"

var _BYTE_SLICE Type = Typeof([]byte(nil))

type MemoryBlock interface {
	   ByteSlice() []byte

func valueHeader(v reflect.Value) (Header *reflect.SliceHeader) {
	   if v.IsValid() {
	   	      s := int(v.Type().Size())
	   	      header = &reflect.SliceHeader{ v.UnsafeAddr(), s, s }
func SliceHeader(i interface{}) (Header *SliceHeader, Size, Align int) {
	   switch value := Indirect(ValueOf(i)); value.Kind() {
	   case Slice:	 	     Header = (*SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(value.UnsafeAddr()))
	   	    	   	    	    t := value.Type().Elem()
	   	    	   	    	    Size = int(t.Size())
	   	    	   	    	    Align = t.Align()
	   case Interface:	 Header, Size, Align = SliceHeader(value.Elem())

func Scale(oldHeader *SliceHeader, oldESize, newESize int) (h *SliceHeader) {
	   if oldHeader != nil {
	   	     s := float64(oldESize) / float64(newESize)
	   	     h = &SliceHeader{ Data: oldHeader.Data }
	   	     h.Len = int(float64(oldHeader.Len) * s)
	   	     h.Cap = int(float64(oldHeader.Cap) * s)
func ByteSlice(i interface{}) []byte {
	   switch i := i.(type) {
	   case []byte:	 	      	   	     return i
	   case MemoryBlock:	 	           return i.ByteSlice()

	   var header *SliceHeader
	   switch v := ValueOf(i); value.Kind() {
	   case Interface, Ptr:	 header = valueHeader(v.Elem())

	   case Slice:	 	      	    h, s, _ := SliceHeader(i)
	   	   	    	   	      	    header = Scale(h, s, 1)

	   case String:	 	     	    s := v.Get()
	   	   	    	    	     	    h := *(*StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
	   	   	    	    	     	    header = &SliceHeader{ h.Data, h.Len, h.Len }

	   default:	 	  	   	   header = valueHeader(v)
	   return unsafe.Unreflect(_BYTE_SLICE, unsafe.Pointer(header)).([]byte)
package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
	   var c chan int
	   c = make(chan int)
	   limit := 16
	   go func() {
	   	     for i := limit; i > 0; i-- {
	   for i := limit; i > 0; i-- {
	   	     select {
	   	     case c <- 0:
	   	     case c <- 1:
func main() {
	   var c chan int
	   c = make(chan int, 16)
	   go func() {
	   	     for i := 16; i > 0; i-- {
	   }()                               produces:
	   go func() {                          0110011101011010
	   	     select {
	   	     case c <- 0:
	   	     case c <- 1:
	   for {}
package generalise

type SignalSource func(status chan bool)

func Wait(s SignalSource) {
	   done := make(chan bool)
	   defer close(done)
	   go s(done)

func WaitAll(count int, s SignalSource) {
	   done := make(chan bool)
	   defer close(done)
	   go s(done)
	   for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
	   	     <- done
type Iteration func(k, x interface{}) bool

func (i Iteration) apply(k, v interface{}, c chan bool) {
	   go func() {
	   	      c <-i(k, v)

func (f Iteration) Each(c interface{}) {
	   switch c := ValueOf(c); c.Kind() {
	   case Slice:	 	       WaitAll(c.Len(), SignalSource(func(done chan bool) {
	   	      	    	   	    	    for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ {
	   	      	    	   	    	    	     f.apply(i, c.Elem(i).Interface(), done) }}))

	   case Map:	 	        WaitAll(c.Len(), SignalSource(func(done chan bool) {
	   	   	  	   	        	   for _, k := range c.Keys() {
	   	   	  	   	        	   	     f.apply(k, c.Elem(k).Interface(), done) }}))
type Results chan interface{}

type Combination func(x, y interface{}) interface{}

func (f Combination) Reduce(c, s interface{}) (r Results) {
	   r = make(Results)
	   go func() {
	   	    Iteration(func(k, x interface{}) (ok bool) {
	   	    	    s = f(s, x)
	   	    	    return true
	   	    r <- s
type Transformation func(x interface{}) interface{}

func (t Transformation) Transform(x interface{}) Value {
	   return ValueOf(t(x))

func (t Transformation) Map(c interface{}) (r interface{}) {
	   r = Allocate(c)
	   if i := MapIterator(r); i != nil {
func MapIterator(c interface{}) (i Iteration) {
	   switch n := ValueOf(c); n.Kind() {
	   case Slice:	 	     i = Iteration(func(k, x interface{}) bool {
	   	   	    	    	    	     return true

	   case Map:	     	    i = Iteration(func(k, x interface{}) bool {
	   	    	 	       	    	     n.SetMapIndex(ValueOf(k), t.GetValue(x))
	   	    	 	       	    	     return true
func main() {
	   s := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	   d := Transformation(func(x interface{}) interface{} {
	   	    return x.(int) * 2 }
	   sum := Combination(func(x, y interface{}) interface{} {
	   	    return x.(int) + y.(int)
	   fmt.Printf("s = %v, sum = %vn", s, (<- sum.Reduce(s, 0)).(int))
	   fmt.Printf("d = %v, sum = %vn", d, (<- sum.Reduce(d, 0)).(int))

                                                  s = [0 1 2 3 4 5], sum = 15
                                                  d = [0 2 4 6 8 10], sum = 30
include $(GOROOT)/src/



ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)

include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
package sqlite3

// #include <sqlite3.h>
import "C"
import "fmt"
import "os"

type Database struct {
	   handle	 	    	     	   *C.sqlite3
	   Filename	    	     	   string

func (db *Database) Error() os.Error {
	   return Errno(C.sqlite3_errcode(db.handle))
	   OK	 	 	   = Errno(iota)
	   CANTOPEN	 = Errno(14)

var errText = map[Errno]string {
	    ERROR: 	    	    "SQL error or missing database",
	    CANTOPEN:		      "Unable to open the database file",

type Errno int

func (e Errno) String() (err string) {
	   if err = errText[e]; err == "" {
	   	     err = fmt.Sprintf("errno %v", int(e))
func (db *Database) Open(flags... int) (e os.Error) {
	   db.Flags = 0
	   for _, v := range flags {
	   	     db.Flags = db.Flags |
	   f := C.CString(db.Filename)
	   if err := Errno(C.sqlite3_open_v2(f, &db.handle, db.Flags, nil)); err != OK {
	   	     e = err
	   } else if db.handle == nil {
	   	     e = CANTOPEN

func (db *Database) Close() {
	   db.handle = nil
func Open(filename string, flags... int) (db *Database, e os.Error) {
	   defer func() {
	   	     if x := recover(); x != nil {
	   	     	     db = nil
	   	     	     e = ERROR
	   db = &Database{ Filename: filename }
	   if len(flags) == 0 {
	   	     e = db.Open(	  	     C.SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX,
	   	     	     	    	   	     C.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE )
	   } else {
	   	     e = db.Open(flags...)
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wikipedia or google

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Go: It's Not Just For Google

  • 1. Ro u gh Cut ! Go it’s not just for Google Eleanor McHugh
  • 5. package main import “fmt” const HELLO string = “hello” var WORLD string = “world” func main() { fmt.Println(HELLO, WORLD) }
  • 7. boolean, numeric, array value structure, interface reference pointer, slice, string, map, channel function function, method, closure
  • 8. underlying method type set expressed type
  • 9. underlying method type set expressed type embedded types
  • 10. package Integer type Int int func (i *Int) Add(x int) { *i += Int(x) }
  • 11. type Buffer []Int func (b Buffer) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] } func (b Buffer) Clone() Buffer { s := make(Buffer, len(b)) copy(s, b) return s } func (b Buffer) Move(i, n int) { if n > len(b) - i { n = len(b) - i } segment_to_move := b[:i].Clone() copy(b, b[i:i + n]) copy(b[n:i + n], segment_to_move) }
  • 12. package main import “fmt” import "Integer" func main() { i := Integer.Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} produces: b := i.Clone() b[0:2] = [6 4] b.Swap(1, 2) b.Move(3, 2) b[0].Add(3) fmt.Printf(“b[0:2] = %vn”, b[0:2]) }
  • 14. func (b Buffer) Eq(o Buffer) (r bool) { if len(b) == len(o) { for i := len(b) - 1; i > 0; i-- { if b[i] != o[i] { return } } r = true } return }
  • 15. func TestSwap(t *testing.T) { i := Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} b := i.Clone() b.Swap(1, 2) if !b[1:3].Eq(Buffer{2, 1}) { t.Fatalf("b = %v", b) } }
  • 16. package Vector import . "Integer" type Vector struct { Buffer } func (v *Vector) Clone() *Vector { return &Vector{v.Buffer.Clone()} } func (v *Vector) Slice(i, j int) Buffer { return v.Buffer[i:j] }
  • 17. package Vector import "testing" func TestVectorSwap(t *testing.T) { i := Vector{Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}} v := i.Clone() v.Swap(1, 2) r := Vector{Buffer{0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5}} switch { case !v.Eq(r.Buffer): fallthrough case !v.Buffer.Eq(r.Buffer): t.Fatalf("b[0:5] = %v", v) } }
  • 18. include $(GOROOT)/src/ TARG=integer GOFILES= integer.go vector.go include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
  • 19. func BenchmarkVectorClone6(b *testing.B) { v := Vector{Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}} for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _ = v.Clone() } } func BenchmarkVectorSwap(b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() v := Vector{Buffer{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}} b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { v.Swap(1, 2) } }
  • 20. $ gotest -bench="Benchmark" rm -f _test/scripts.a 6g -o _gotest_.6 integer.go vector.go nominal_typing_test.go embedded_typing_benchmark_test.go embedded_typing_test.go rm -f _test/scripts.a gopack grc _test/scripts.a _gotest_.6 PASS integer.BenchmarkVectorSwap 200000000 8 ns/op integer.BenchmarkVectorClone6 10000000 300 ns/op
  • 22. type Adder interface { Add(j int) Subtract(j int) Result() interface{} Reset() }
  • 23. type IAdder int func (i IAdder) Add(j int) { i[0] += i[j] } func (i IAdder) Subtract(j int) { i[0] -= i[j] } func (i IAdder) Result() interface{} { return i[0] } func (i IAdder) Reset() { i[0] = *new(int) }
  • 24. type FAdder []float32 func (f FAdder) Add(j int) { f[0] += f[j] } func (f FAdder) Subtract(j int) { f[0] -= f[j] } func (f FAdder) Result() interface{} { return f[0] }
  • 25. func TestAdder(t *testing.T) { var a Adder a = IAdder{0, 1, 2} a.Add(1) if i.Result().(int) != 1 { t.Fatalf("IAdder::Add(1) %v != %v", a.Result(), 1) } a.Subtract(2) if a.Result().(int) != -1 { t.Fatalf("IAdder::Subtract(2) %v != %v", a.Result()), -1 } a = FAdder{0.0, 1.0, 2.0} a.Add(1) if a.Result().(float32) != 1.0 { t.Fatalf("FAdder::Add(1) %v != %v", a.Result(), 1.0) } }
  • 27. package generalise import "reflect" func Allocate(i interface{}, limit... int) (n interface{}) { switch v := reflect.ValueOf(i); v.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: l := v.Cap() if len(limit) > 0 { l = limit[0] } n = reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), l, l).Interface() case reflect.Map: n = reflect.MakeMap(v.Type()).Interface() } return }
  • 28. package generalise import . "reflect" func Allocate(i interface{}, limit... int) (n interface{}) { switch v := ValueOf(i); v.Kind() { case Slice: l := v.Cap() if len(limit) > 0 { l = limit[0] } n = MakeSlice(v.Type(), l, l).Interface() case Map: n = MakeMap(v.Type()).Interface() } return }
  • 29. func throwsPanic(f func()) (b bool) { defer func() { if x := recover(); x != nil { b = true } }() f() return }
  • 30. func TestAllocate(t *testing.T) { var s2 []int s1 := []int{0, 1, 2} m := map[int] int{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3} switch { case throwsPanic(func() { s2 = Allocate(s1, 1).([]int) }): t.Fatal("Unable to allocate new slice") case len(s2) != 1 || cap(s2) != 1: t.Fatal("New slice should be %v not %v", make([]int, 0, 1), s2) case throwsPanic(func() { Allocate(m) }): t.Fatal("Unable to allocate new map") } }
  • 31. func Duplicate(i interface{}) (clone interface{}) { if clone = Allocate(i); clone != nil { switch clone := ValueOf(clone); clone.Kind() { case Slice: Copy(clone, ValueOf(i)) case Map: m := ValueOf(i) for _, k := range m.Keys() { clone.SetMapIndex(k, m.MapIndex(k)) } } } return }
  • 32. func TestDuplicateSlice(t *testing.T) { s1 := []int{0, 1, 2} var s2 []int if throwsPanic(func() { s2 = Duplicate(s1).([]int) }) { t.Fatalf("Unable to duplicate slice %vn", s1) } switch { case len(s1) != len(s2): fallthrough case cap(s1) != cap(s2): fallthrough case s1[0] != s2[0]: fallthrough case s1[1] != s2[1]: fallthrough case s1[2] != s2[2]: fallthrough t.Fatalf("Duplicating %v produced %v", s1, s2) } }
  • 33. func TestDuplicateMap(t *testing.T) { m1 := map[int]int{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3} var m2 map[int]int if throwsPanic(func() { m2 = Duplicate(m1).(map[int]int) }) { t.Fatalf("Unable to duplicate map %vn", m1) } switch { case len(m1) != len(m2): fallthrough case m1[1] != m2[1]: fallthrough case m1[2] != m2[2]: fallthrough case m1[3] != m2[3]: fallthrough t.Fatalf("Duplicating %v produced %v", m1, m2) } }
  • 35. package raw import . "reflect" import "unsafe" var _BYTE_SLICE Type = Typeof([]byte(nil)) type MemoryBlock interface { ByteSlice() []byte } func valueHeader(v reflect.Value) (Header *reflect.SliceHeader) { if v.IsValid() { s := int(v.Type().Size()) header = &reflect.SliceHeader{ v.UnsafeAddr(), s, s } } return }
  • 36. func SliceHeader(i interface{}) (Header *SliceHeader, Size, Align int) { switch value := Indirect(ValueOf(i)); value.Kind() { case Slice: Header = (*SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(value.UnsafeAddr())) t := value.Type().Elem() Size = int(t.Size()) Align = t.Align() case Interface: Header, Size, Align = SliceHeader(value.Elem()) } return } func Scale(oldHeader *SliceHeader, oldESize, newESize int) (h *SliceHeader) { if oldHeader != nil { s := float64(oldESize) / float64(newESize) h = &SliceHeader{ Data: oldHeader.Data } h.Len = int(float64(oldHeader.Len) * s) h.Cap = int(float64(oldHeader.Cap) * s) } return }
  • 37. func ByteSlice(i interface{}) []byte { switch i := i.(type) { case []byte: return i case MemoryBlock: return i.ByteSlice() } var header *SliceHeader switch v := ValueOf(i); value.Kind() { case Interface, Ptr: header = valueHeader(v.Elem()) case Slice: h, s, _ := SliceHeader(i) header = Scale(h, s, 1) case String: s := v.Get() h := *(*StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) header = &SliceHeader{ h.Data, h.Len, h.Len } default: header = valueHeader(v) } return unsafe.Unreflect(_BYTE_SLICE, unsafe.Pointer(header)).([]byte) }
  • 39. package main import "fmt" func main() { var c chan int c = make(chan int) limit := 16 go func() { for i := limit; i > 0; i-- { produces: fmt.Print(<-c) 0110011101011010 } }() for i := limit; i > 0; i-- { select { case c <- 0: case c <- 1: } } }
  • 40. func main() { var c chan int c = make(chan int, 16) go func() { for i := 16; i > 0; i-- { fmt.Print(<-c) } }() produces: go func() { 0110011101011010 select { case c <- 0: case c <- 1: } }() for {} }
  • 41. package generalise type SignalSource func(status chan bool) func Wait(s SignalSource) { done := make(chan bool) defer close(done) go s(done) <-done } func WaitAll(count int, s SignalSource) { done := make(chan bool) defer close(done) go s(done) for i := 0; i < count; i++ { <- done } }
  • 42. type Iteration func(k, x interface{}) bool func (i Iteration) apply(k, v interface{}, c chan bool) { go func() { c <-i(k, v) }() } func (f Iteration) Each(c interface{}) { switch c := ValueOf(c); c.Kind() { case Slice: WaitAll(c.Len(), SignalSource(func(done chan bool) { for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ { f.apply(i, c.Elem(i).Interface(), done) }})) case Map: WaitAll(c.Len(), SignalSource(func(done chan bool) { for _, k := range c.Keys() { f.apply(k, c.Elem(k).Interface(), done) }})) } }
  • 43. type Results chan interface{} type Combination func(x, y interface{}) interface{} func (f Combination) Reduce(c, s interface{}) (r Results) { r = make(Results) go func() { Iteration(func(k, x interface{}) (ok bool) { s = f(s, x) return true }).Each(c) r <- s }() return }
  • 44. type Transformation func(x interface{}) interface{} func (t Transformation) Transform(x interface{}) Value { return ValueOf(t(x)) } func (t Transformation) Map(c interface{}) (r interface{}) { r = Allocate(c) if i := MapIterator(r); i != nil { i.Each(c) } return }
  • 45. func MapIterator(c interface{}) (i Iteration) { switch n := ValueOf(c); n.Kind() { case Slice: i = Iteration(func(k, x interface{}) bool { n.Elem(k.(int)).SetValue(t.GetValue(x)) return true }) case Map: i = Iteration(func(k, x interface{}) bool { n.SetMapIndex(ValueOf(k), t.GetValue(x)) return true }) } return }
  • 46. func main() { s := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} d := Transformation(func(x interface{}) interface{} { return x.(int) * 2 } ).Map(s) sum := Combination(func(x, y interface{}) interface{} { return x.(int) + y.(int) }) fmt.Printf("s = %v, sum = %vn", s, (<- sum.Reduce(s, 0)).(int)) fmt.Printf("d = %v, sum = %vn", d, (<- sum.Reduce(d, 0)).(int)) } produces: s = [0 1 2 3 4 5], sum = 15 d = [0 2 4 6 8 10], sum = 30
  • 48. include $(GOROOT)/src/ TARG=sqlite3 CGOFILES= sqlite3.go database.go ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin) CGO_LDFLAGS=/usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib else CGO_LDFLAGS=-lsqlite3 endif include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
  • 49. package sqlite3 // #include <sqlite3.h> import "C" import "fmt" import "os" type Database struct { handle *C.sqlite3 Filename string Flags } func (db *Database) Error() os.Error { return Errno(C.sqlite3_errcode(db.handle)) }
  • 50. const( OK = Errno(iota) ERROR CANTOPEN = Errno(14) ) var errText = map[Errno]string { ERROR: "SQL error or missing database", CANTOPEN: "Unable to open the database file", } type Errno int func (e Errno) String() (err string) { if err = errText[e]; err == "" { err = fmt.Sprintf("errno %v", int(e)) } return }
  • 51. func (db *Database) Open(flags... int) (e os.Error) { db.Flags = 0 for _, v := range flags { db.Flags = db.Flags | } f := C.CString(db.Filename) if err := Errno(C.sqlite3_open_v2(f, &db.handle, db.Flags, nil)); err != OK { e = err } else if db.handle == nil { e = CANTOPEN } return } func (db *Database) Close() { C.sqlite3_close(db.handle) db.handle = nil }
  • 52. func Open(filename string, flags... int) (db *Database, e os.Error) { defer func() { if x := recover(); x != nil { db.Close() db = nil e = ERROR } }() db = &Database{ Filename: filename } if len(flags) == 0 { e = db.Open( C.SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX, C.SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, C.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE ) } else { e = db.Open(flags...) } return }
  • 53. fun!

Editor's Notes

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