SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Eleanor McHugh
The Browser Environment
A Systems Programmer's Perspective

[Sinatra and Ruby]
pay attention!
all code is BSD 2-clause licensed

any resemblance to actual code &
conceptstm, living or dead, is probably
your imagination playing tricks on you

if you can make money from it you're
doing a damn sight better than we are!
serving web content with Ruby
require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :message, ARGV[0] || "Hello World"

get '/' do


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :message, ARGV[0] || "Hello World"

get '/' do

erb :html_02, locals: { message: settings.message }


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby HTML</title>


<body class='container'>

<h1>TBE:Ruby HTML</h1>


<%= message %>



Microsoft's Gift

to Humanity
the XMLHttpRequest object

asynchronous javascript and XML
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
•JavaScript is a single-threaded language

•but browsers are event-driven environments

•so JavaScript runtimes normally have three basic threads

•one to run the main script

•one to run scripts for high priority events

•one to run scripts for low priority events

•and each event can have callbacks de
ned for it
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
rst appeared in MSXML

•available in IE5 as an ActiveX component from 1999

•similar functionality in other browsers from 2000 onwards

•fully supported in IE 7 2006

•despite its name it isn't restricted to XML

•most modern uses involve JSON
require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

get '/' do

erb :html_03, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


get '/:command' do



<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby AJAX</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

<% commands.each do |c, v| %>

function <%= c %>() {

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {



};"GET", "<%= c %>", true);



<% end %>




<h1>TBE:Ruby AJAX</h1>



<% commands.each do |c, v| %>


<button type="button" onclick="<%= c %>();"><%= c %></button>


<% end %>


<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

get '/' do

erb :html_04, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


get '/:command' do

if settings.commands.include? params[:command]



halt 404



<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby AJAX</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

function sendCommand(c) {

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

if (this.readyState == 4) {

if (this.status == 200) {


} else {

print(`Request Failed: ${this.status}`);



};"GET", c, true);






<h1>TBE:Ruby AJAX</h1>



<% commands.each do |c, v| %>


<button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></button>


<% end %>


<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

get '/' do

erb :html_05, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


get '/:command' do

if settings.commands.include? params[:command]



halt 404



<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby AJAX</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

function sendCommand(c) {

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", c, false);


if (xhttp.status == 200) {


} else {

print(`Request Failed: ${xhttp.status}`);






<h1>TBE:Ruby AJAX</h1>



<% commands.each do |c, v| %>


<button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></button>


<% end %>


<button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('D');">D</button>



<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


a promise of things to come
require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

get '/' do

erb :html_06, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


get '/:command' do

if settings.commands.include? params[:command]



halt 404



<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby Fetch</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

async function sendCommand(c) {

let response = await fetch(c);

if (response.ok) {

let body = await response.text();


} else {

print(`Request Failed: ${response.status}`);






<h1>TBE:Ruby Fetch</h1>



<% commands.each do |c, v| %>


<button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></


<% end %>


<button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('D');">D</button>



<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

get '/' do

erb :html_07, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


get '/:command' do

if settings.commands.include? params[:command]



halt 404



<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby Fetch</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

async function sendCommand(c) {

let response = await fetch(c);

if (response.ok) {

let body = await response.text();


} else {

print(`Request Failed: ${response.status}`);






<h1>TBE:Ruby Fetch</h1>



<% commands.each do |c, v| %>


<button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></


<% end %>


<button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('D');">D</button>



<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


document object model
require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, {

"A": ["B", "C"],

"B": ["A", "C"],

"C": ["A", "B"]


get '/' do

erb :html_08, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby Fetch</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

const hide = e => {

let el = element(e);

el.disabled = true;

el.innerHTML = "X";


const show = (...n) => n.forEach(e => {

let el = element(e);

el.disabled = false;

el.innerHTML = e;


function toggle(name) {



switch(name) {

<% commands.each do |c, v| %>

case '<%= c %>':

show(<%= {|x| "'#{x}'" }.join(',') %>);


<% end %>






<h1>TBE:Ruby Fetch</h1>



<% commands.each do |c, v| %>


<button type="button" onclick="toggle('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></button>


<% end %>


<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

get '/' do

erb :html_09


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby DOM</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const hide = e => {

e.innerHTML = "X";

e.disabled = true;


const show = (...n) => n.forEach(e => {

e.innerHTML =;

e.disabled = false;


var buttons = [];

function toggle(e) {


switch( {

case 'A':

show(buttons[1], buttons[0]);


case 'B':

show(buttons[2], buttons[0]);


case 'C':

show(buttons[2], buttons[1]);




function newButton(id) {

let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); = id;

b.onclick = new Function("toggle(this);");


return b;


window.onload = () => {

['A', 'B', 'C'].forEach(n => {








<h1>TBE:Ruby DOM</h1>


<div id="action_buttons"></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

get '/' do

erb :html_10, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


get '/:command' do

if settings.commands.include? params[:command]



halt 404



<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby DOM Fetch/title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

async function sendCommand(c) {


.then(response => {

if (response.status != 200) {

throw new Error(response.status)


return response.text()


.then(text => print(text))

.catch(e => print(`Request Failed: ${e}`));


function newButton(n, c) {

let b = document.createElement("BUTTON");

b.onclick = c;


return b;


window.onload = () => {

<% commands.each do |c, v| %>



newButton('<%= c %>', () => sendCommand('<%= c %>')));

<% end %>





<h1>TBE:Ruby DOM Fetch</h1>


<div id="action_buttons"></div>

<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


marking time
require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

get '/' do

erb :html_11


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby Timer/title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

window.onload = () => {

let i = window.setInterval(() => {

print(`setInterval ${i} triggered`);

}, 500);

let j = window.setTimeout(() => {

print(`setTimeout ${j} triggered`);

let k = window.setTimeout(() => {


print(`setInterval ${k} cancelled`);

}, 2000);

}, 3000);





<h1>TBE:Ruby Timer</h1>

<h2>Timer Events</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

get '/' do

erb :html_12


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby Timer/title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

const doAfter = (i, f) => { return window.setTimeout(f, i) };

const doEvery = (i, f) => { return window.setInterval(f, i) };

window.onload = () => {

let i = doEvery(500, () => {

print(`doEvery ${i} triggered`);


let j = doAfter(3000, () => {

print(`doAfter ${j} triggered`);

let k = doAfter(2000, () => {


print(`doAfter ${k} triggered cancelling ${i}`);







<h1>TBE:Ruby Timer</h1>

<h2>Timer Events</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, [

["interval", 3000],

["timeout", 5000],

["timeout", 7500],

["interval", 1000]


get '/' do

erb :html_13, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby Timer/title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) };

const doAfter = (i, f) => { return window.setTimeout(f, i) };

const doEvery = (i, f) => { return window.setInterval(f, i) };

function newButton(n, c) {

let b = document.createElement("BUTTON");

b.innerHTML = n;

b.onclick = c(b);

return b;


const cancelButton = (b, n, i, f) => {

print(`timer ${i} cancelled`);

b.innerHTML = n;

b.onclick = f;


window.onload = () => {

<% count = commands.length

commands.each do |c, i|

case c

when "interval" %>

<% count -= 1 %>

let f_<%= count %> = b => {

return () => {

var count = 1;

let i = doEvery(<%= i %>, () => {

print(`doEvery ${i} triggered ${count}`);



print(`doEvery ${i} cued`);

b.innerHTML = `cancel ${i}`;

b.onclick = () => {


cancelButton(b, '<%= c %>', i, f_<%= count %>(b));




addButton('<%= c %>', f_<%= count %>);

<% when "timeout" %>

<% count -= 1 %>

let f_<%= count %> = b => {

return () => {

let i = doAfter(<%= i %>, () => {

print(`doAfter ${i} completed`);

b.innerHTML = '<%= c %>'

b.onclick = f_<%= count %>(b);


print(`doAfter ${i} cued`);

b.innerHTML = `cancel ${i}`;

b.onclick = () => {


cancelButton(b, '<%= c %>', i, f_<%= count %>(b));




addButton('<%= c %>', f_<%= count %>);

<% end

end %>





<h1>TBE:Ruby Timer</h1>


<div id="action_buttons"></div>

<h2>Timer Events</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :commands, {

"A" => 300,

"B" => 700,

"C" => 500


get '/' do

erb :html_14, locals: { commands: settings.commands }


get '/:command' do

if settings.commands.include? params[:command]



halt 404



<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby Timer Fetch</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) };

const doEvery = (i, f) => { return window.setInterval(f, i) };

function newButton(n, c) {

let b = document.createElement("BUTTON");

b.onclick = c;


return b;


var timers = {}

const clearTimer = t => {


print(`no longer polling ${t}`);

timers[t] = null;


function doCommand(c, i) {

if (timers[c]) {


} else {

print(`poll ${c}`);

timers[c] = doEvery(i, () => {


.then(response => response.text())

.then(text => print(`polling ${c}: ${text}`))

.catch(e => print(`Request Failed: ${e}`));




window.onload = () => {

<% commands.each do |c, v| %>

addButton('<%= c %>', () => doCommand('<%= c %>', '<%= v %>'));

<% end %>

addButton("cancel", () => {

for (const t in timers) { clearTimer(t) }});





<h1>TBE:Ruby Timer Fetch</h1>


<div id="action_buttons"></div>

<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


bidirectional communication
require 'sinatra'

require 'sinatra-websocket'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/'

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

get '/' do

if !request.websocket?

erb :html_15, locals: {

url: settings.socket_url,

commands: settings.commands }


request.websocket do |ws|

ws.onopen do

warn "websocket connected"

ws.send "connection established"


ws.onmessage do |m|

warn "received: #{m}n"

if settings.commands.include? m

ws.send m


ws.send "unknown request #{m}"



ws.onclose do

warn "socket closed #{ws}"





<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

const addButton = (n, c) => {

element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) };

function newButton(n, c) {

let b = document.createElement("BUTTON");

b.onclick = c;


return b;


window.onload = () => {

var socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${}<%= url %>`);

socket.onopen = (e) => print("opening socket: <%= url %>");

socket.onclose = (e) => print("closing socket: <%= url %>");

socket.onerror = (e) => print(e.message);

socket.onmessage = (m) => { print( };

<% commands.each do |c, v| %>

addButton('<%= c %>', () => socket.send('<%= c %>'));

<% end %>

addButton('D', () => socket.send('D'));




<h1>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</h1>


<div id="action_buttons"></div>

<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

require 'sinatra-websocket'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/'

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

set :sockets, []

get '/' do

if !request.websocket?

erb :html_16, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands }


request.websocket do |ws|

ws.onopen do

warn "websocket #{ws} connected"

m = "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }

settings.sockets << ws

ws.send "connection established: #{ws.object_id}"


ws.onmessage do |m|

if settings.commands.include? m

EM.next_tick do

ws.send "message sent: #{m}"

m = "message received from #{ws.object_id}: #{m}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m unless s == ws }



ws.send "unknown command: #{m}"



ws.onclose do

warn "socket closed #{ws}"

settings.sockets.delete ws

m = "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }





<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

const addButton = (n, c) => {

element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) };

function newButton(n, c) {

let b = document.createElement("BUTTON");

b.onclick = c;


return b;


window.onload = () => {

var socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${}<%= url %>`);

socket.onopen = (e) => print("opening socket: <%= url %>");

socket.onclose = (e) => print("closing socket: <%= url %>");

socket.onerror = (e) => print(e.message);

socket.onmessage = (m) => { print( };

<% commands.each do |c, v| %>

addButton('<%= c %>', () => socket.send('<%= c %>'));

<% end %>

addButton('D', () => socket.send('D'));




<h1>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</h1>


<div id="action_buttons"></div>

<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

require 'sinatra-websocket'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/'

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

set :sockets, []

get '/' do

if !request.websocket?

erb :html_17, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands }


request.websocket do |ws|

ws.onopen do

warn "websocket #{ws} connected"

m = "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }

settings.sockets << ws

ws.send "connection established: #{ws.object_id}"


ws.onmessage do |m|

if settings.commands.include? m

EM.next_tick do

ws.send "message sent: #{m}"

m = "message received from #{ws.object_id}: #{m}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m unless s == ws }



ws.send "unknown command: #{m}"



ws.onclose do

warn "socket closed #{ws}"

settings.sockets.delete ws

m = "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }





require 'websocket-eventmachine-client'

server = ENV['SERVER'] || ''

server_url = "ws://#{server}" do

puts "connecting to server: #{server_url}"

ws = WebSocket::EventMachine::Client.connect :uri => server_url

puts ws

ws.onopen do

puts "connected: #{server}"


ws.onmessage do |m, t|

puts m


ws.onerror do |e|

puts "error: #{e}"


ws.onclose do |c, m|

puts "disconnected: #{server} (#{c}, #{m})"



require 'sinatra'

require 'sinatra-websocket'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/'

set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"]

set :sockets, []

get '/' do

if !request.websocket?

erb :html_18, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands }


request.websocket do |ws|

ws.onopen do

warn "websocket #{ws} connected"

m = "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }

settings.sockets << ws

ws.send "connection established: #{ws.object_id}"


ws.onmessage do |m|

if settings.commands.include? m

EM.next_tick do

ws.send "message sent: #{m}"

m = "message received from #{ws.object_id}: #{m}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m unless s == ws }



ws.send "unknown command: #{m}"



ws.onclose do

warn "socket closed #{ws}"

settings.sockets.delete ws

m = "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }





require 'websocket-eventmachine-client'

server = ENV['SERVER'] || 'localhost:3000'

heartbeat = ENV['HEARTBEAT'] || 2

commands = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]

server_url = "ws://#{server}"

connected = false

def rotate_buffer b

r = b.shift

b << r


end do

puts "connecting to server: #{server_url}"

ws = WebSocket::EventMachine::Client.connect(:uri => "ws://")

puts ws

ws.onopen do

puts "connected: #{server}"

connected = true


ws.onmessage do |m, t|

puts m


ws.onerror do |e|

puts "error: #{e}"


ws.onclose do |c, m|

puts "disconnected: #{server} (#{c}, #{m})"


timer = do

ws.send rotate_buffer(commands) if connected


require 'sinatra'

require 'sinatra-websocket'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/'

set :commands, [:HEARTBEAT, :PRINT, :ERROR]

set :sockets, []

set :heartbeat, 0

def message id, a, m, e = nil

{ "id" => id, "action" => a, "message" => m, "error" => e }


get '/' do

if !request.websocket?

erb :html_19, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands }


request.websocket do |ws|

ws.onopen do

warn "websocket #{ws} connected"

m = message 0, :PRINT, "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json }

ws.send message(0, :PRINT, "connection established: #{ws.object_id}").to_json

ws.send message(0, :HEARTBEAT, settings.heartbeat).to_json

settings.sockets << ws


ws.onmessage do |m|

m = JSON.parse m

m.merge! "id" => ws.object_id

case m["action"].to_sym


settings.heartbeat = m["message"].to_i

EM.next_tick do

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json }


when :PRINT

EM.next_tick do

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json if s != ws }



ws.send message(0, :ERROR, m["message"], m["action"]).to_json



ws.onclose do

warn "socket closed #{ws}"

settings.sockets.delete ws

m = message(0, :PRINT, "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}").to_json

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }




<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset='UTF-8' />

<title>WebSocket EXAMPLE</title>


const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) };

const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` };

const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) };

const sendMessage = (s, a, m) => {

s.send(JSON.stringify({ id: null, action: a, message: m }))


function newButton(n, c) {

let b = document.createElement("BUTTON");

b.onclick = c;


return b;


window.onload = () => {

var heartbeat = 0;

var socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${}<%= url %>`);

socket.onopen = (e) => print("opening socket: <%= url %>");

socket.onclose = (e) => print("closing socket: <%= url %>");

socket.onerror = (e) => print(e.message);

socket.onmessage = (m) => {

let d = JSON.parse(;

switch (d.action.toUpperCase()) {


heartbeat = d.message;

element("counter").innerHTML = heartbeat;

print(`${}: ${d.action} ${heartbeat}`);


case 'PRINT':

print(`${}: ${d.message}`);




[0, 10, 100].forEach(i => {

addButton(`HEARTBEAT ${i}`, () => sendMessage(socket, 'HEARTBEAT', i));






<h1>WebSocket EXAMPLE</h1>


<div id="heartbeat">

HEARTBEAT: <span id="counter">0</span>


<div id="action_buttons"></div>

<h2>Server Output</h2>

<div id='event_log'></div>


require 'sinatra'

require 'sinatra-websocket'

set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ]

set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || ''

set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000

set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/'

set :commands, [:HEARTBEAT, :PRINT, :ERROR]

set :sockets, []

set :heartbeat, 0

def message id, a, m, e = nil

{ "id" => id, "action" => a, "message" => m, "error" => e }


get '/' do

if !request.websocket?

erb :html_19, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands }


request.websocket do |ws|

ws.onopen do

warn "websocket #{ws} connected"

m = message 0, :PRINT, "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}"

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json }

ws.send message(0, :PRINT, "connection established: #{ws.object_id}").to_json

ws.send message(0, :HEARTBEAT, settings.heartbeat).to_json

settings.sockets << ws


ws.onmessage do |m|

m = JSON.parse m

m.merge! "id" => ws.object_id

case m["action"].to_sym


settings.heartbeat = m["message"].to_i

EM.next_tick do

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json }


when :PRINT

EM.next_tick do

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json if s != ws }



ws.send message(0, :ERROR, m["message"], m["action"]).to_json



ws.onclose do

warn "socket closed #{ws}"

settings.sockets.delete ws

m = message(0, :PRINT, "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}").to_json

settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m }




require 'websocket-eventmachine-client'

require 'json'

server = ENV['SERVER'] || ''

heartbeat = ENV['HEARTBEAT'] || 1

server_url = "ws://#{server}"

connected = false

count = 0 do

puts "connecting to server: #{server_url}"

ws = WebSocket::EventMachine::Client.connect(:uri => server_url)

puts ws

ws.onopen do

puts "connected: #{server}"

connected = true


ws.onmessage do |m, t|

v = JSON.parse(m)

case v["action"].to_sym

when :PRINT

puts "#{v["id"]}: #{v["message"]}"


count = v["message"].to_i

puts "#{v["id"]}: HEARTBEAT ==> #{count}"

when :ERROR

puts "ERROR: #{v["error"]} ==> #{v["message"]}"



ws.onerror do |e|

puts "error: #{e}"


ws.onclose do |c, m|

puts "disconnected: #{server} (#{c}, #{m})"



timer = do

count += 1

ws.send({ "action" => 'HEARTBEAT', "message" => count }.to_json) if connected





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The Browser Environment - A Systems Programmer's Perspective [sinatra edition]

  • 2. pay attention! all code is BSD 2-clause licensed any resemblance to actual code & conceptstm, living or dead, is probably your imagination playing tricks on you if you can make money from it you're doing a damn sight better than we are!
  • 3.
  • 5. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :message, ARGV[0] || "Hello World" get '/' do settings.message end
  • 6. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :message, ARGV[0] || "Hello World" get '/' do erb :html_02, locals: { message: settings.message } end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby HTML</title> </head> <body class='container'> <h1>TBE:Ruby HTML</h1> <div> <%= message %> </div> </body> </html>
  • 7. Microsoft's Gift to Humanity the XMLHttpRequest object
  • 9. AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML •JavaScript is a single-threaded language •but browsers are event-driven environments •so JavaScript runtimes normally have three basic threads •one to run the main script •one to run scripts for high priority events •one to run scripts for low priority events •and each event can have callbacks de fi ned for it
  • 10. AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML •XMLHttpRequest fi rst appeared in MSXML •available in IE5 as an ActiveX component from 1999 •similar functionality in other browsers from 2000 onwards •fully supported in IE 7 2006 •despite its name it isn't restricted to XML •most modern uses involve JSON
  • 11. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] get '/' do erb :html_03, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end get '/:command' do params[:command] end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby AJAX</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; <% commands.each do |c, v| %> function <%= c %>() { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { print(this.responseText); } };"GET", "<%= c %>", true); xhttp.send(); } <% end %> </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby AJAX</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div> <% commands.each do |c, v| %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="<%= c %>();"><%= c %></button> </span> <% end %> </div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 12. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] get '/' do erb :html_04, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end get '/:command' do if settings.commands.include? params[:command] params[:command] else halt 404 end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby AJAX</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; function sendCommand(c) { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status == 200) { print(this.responseText); } else { print(`Request Failed: ${this.status}`); } } };"GET", c, true); xhttp.send(); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby AJAX</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div> <% commands.each do |c, v| %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></button> </span> <% end %> </div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 13. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] get '/' do erb :html_05, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end get '/:command' do if settings.commands.include? params[:command] params[:command] else halt 404 end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby AJAX</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; function sendCommand(c) { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", c, false); xhttp.send(); if (xhttp.status == 200) { print(xhttp.responseText); } else { print(`Request Failed: ${xhttp.status}`); } } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby AJAX</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div> <% commands.each do |c, v| %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></button> </span> <% end %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('D');">D</button> </span> </div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 14. fetch a promise of things to come
  • 15. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] get '/' do erb :html_06, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end get '/:command' do if settings.commands.include? params[:command] params[:command] else halt 404 end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby Fetch</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; async function sendCommand(c) { let response = await fetch(c); if (response.ok) { let body = await response.text(); print(body); } else { print(`Request Failed: ${response.status}`); } } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby Fetch</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div> <% commands.each do |c, v| %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></ button> </span> <% end %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('D');">D</button> </span> </div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 16. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] get '/' do erb :html_07, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end get '/:command' do if settings.commands.include? params[:command] params[:command] else halt 404 end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby Fetch</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; async function sendCommand(c) { let response = await fetch(c); if (response.ok) { let body = await response.text(); print(body); } else { print(`Request Failed: ${response.status}`); } } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby Fetch</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div> <% commands.each do |c, v| %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></ button> </span> <% end %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="sendCommand('D');">D</button> </span> </div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 18. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, { "A": ["B", "C"], "B": ["A", "C"], "C": ["A", "B"] } get '/' do erb :html_08, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby Fetch</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; const hide = e => { let el = element(e); el.disabled = true; el.innerHTML = "X"; }; const show = (...n) => n.forEach(e => { let el = element(e); el.disabled = false; el.innerHTML = e; }); function toggle(name) { print(name); hide(name); switch(name) { <% commands.each do |c, v| %> case '<%= c %>': show(<%= {|x| "'#{x}'" }.join(',') %>); break; <% end %> }; } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby Fetch</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div> <% commands.each do |c, v| %> <span> <button type="button" onclick="toggle('<%= c %>');"><%= c %></button> </span> <% end %> </div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 19. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 get '/' do erb :html_09 end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby DOM</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const hide = e => { e.innerHTML = "X"; e.disabled = true; }; const show = (...n) => n.forEach(e => { e.innerHTML =; e.disabled = false; }); var buttons = []; function toggle(e) { hide(e); switch( { case 'A': show(buttons[1], buttons[0]); break; case 'B': show(buttons[2], buttons[0]); break; case 'C': show(buttons[2], buttons[1]); break; }; } function newButton(id) { let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); = id; b.onclick = new Function("toggle(this);"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(id)); return b; } window.onload = () => { ['A', 'B', 'C'].forEach(n => { buttons.unshift(newButton(n)); element("action_buttons").appendChild(buttons[0]); }); }; </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby DOM</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div id="action_buttons"></div> </body> </html>
  • 20. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] get '/' do erb :html_10, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end get '/:command' do if settings.commands.include? params[:command] params[:command] else halt 404 end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby DOM Fetch/title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; async function sendCommand(c) { fetch(c) .then(response => { if (response.status != 200) { throw new Error(response.status) } return response.text() }) .then(text => print(text)) .catch(e => print(`Request Failed: ${e}`)); } function newButton(n, c) { let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); b.onclick = c; b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)); return b; } window.onload = () => { <% commands.each do |c, v| %> element("action_buttons"). appendChild( newButton('<%= c %>', () => sendCommand('<%= c %>'))); <% end %> }; </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby DOM Fetch</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div id="action_buttons"></div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 22. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 get '/' do erb :html_11 end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby Timer/title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; window.onload = () => { let i = window.setInterval(() => { print(`setInterval ${i} triggered`); }, 500); let j = window.setTimeout(() => { print(`setTimeout ${j} triggered`); let k = window.setTimeout(() => { window.clearInterval(i); print(`setInterval ${k} cancelled`); }, 2000); }, 3000); }; </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby Timer</h1> <h2>Timer Events</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 23. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 get '/' do erb :html_12 end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby Timer/title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; const doAfter = (i, f) => { return window.setTimeout(f, i) }; const doEvery = (i, f) => { return window.setInterval(f, i) }; window.onload = () => { let i = doEvery(500, () => { print(`doEvery ${i} triggered`); }); let j = doAfter(3000, () => { print(`doAfter ${j} triggered`); let k = doAfter(2000, () => { window.clearInterval(i); print(`doAfter ${k} triggered cancelling ${i}`); }); }); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby Timer</h1> <h2>Timer Events</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 24. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, [ ["interval", 3000], ["timeout", 5000], ["timeout", 7500], ["interval", 1000] ] get '/' do erb :html_13, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby Timer/title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) }; const doAfter = (i, f) => { return window.setTimeout(f, i) }; const doEvery = (i, f) => { return window.setInterval(f, i) }; function newButton(n, c) { let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); b.innerHTML = n; b.onclick = c(b); return b; } const cancelButton = (b, n, i, f) => { print(`timer ${i} cancelled`); b.innerHTML = n; b.onclick = f; } window.onload = () => { <% count = commands.length commands.each do |c, i| case c when "interval" %> <% count -= 1 %> let f_<%= count %> = b => { return () => { var count = 1; let i = doEvery(<%= i %>, () => { print(`doEvery ${i} triggered ${count}`); count++; }); print(`doEvery ${i} cued`); b.innerHTML = `cancel ${i}`; b.onclick = () => { window.clearInterval(i); cancelButton(b, '<%= c %>', i, f_<%= count %>(b)); }; }; ; addButton('<%= c %>', f_<%= count %>); <% when "timeout" %> <% count -= 1 %> let f_<%= count %> = b => { return () => { let i = doAfter(<%= i %>, () => { print(`doAfter ${i} completed`); b.innerHTML = '<%= c %>' b.onclick = f_<%= count %>(b); }); print(`doAfter ${i} cued`); b.innerHTML = `cancel ${i}`; b.onclick = () => { window.clearTimeout(i); cancelButton(b, '<%= c %>', i, f_<%= count %>(b)); }; }; }; addButton('<%= c %>', f_<%= count %>); <% end end %> } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby Timer</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div id="action_buttons"></div> <h2>Timer Events</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 25. require 'sinatra' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :commands, { "A" => 300, "B" => 700, "C" => 500 } get '/' do erb :html_14, locals: { commands: settings.commands } end get '/:command' do if settings.commands.include? params[:command] settings.commands[params[:command]].to_s else halt 404 end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby Timer Fetch</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) }; const doEvery = (i, f) => { return window.setInterval(f, i) }; function newButton(n, c) { let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); b.onclick = c; b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)); return b; } var timers = {} const clearTimer = t => { window.clearInterval(timers[t]); print(`no longer polling ${t}`); timers[t] = null; } function doCommand(c, i) { if (timers[c]) { clearTimer(c); } else { print(`poll ${c}`); timers[c] = doEvery(i, () => { fetch(c) .then(response => response.text()) .then(text => print(`polling ${c}: ${text}`)) .catch(e => print(`Request Failed: ${e}`)); }); } } window.onload = () => { <% commands.each do |c, v| %> addButton('<%= c %>', () => doCommand('<%= c %>', '<%= v %>')); <% end %> addButton("cancel", () => { for (const t in timers) { clearTimer(t) }}); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby Timer Fetch</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div id="action_buttons"></div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 27. require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra-websocket' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/' set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] get '/' do if !request.websocket? erb :html_15, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands } else request.websocket do |ws| ws.onopen do warn "websocket connected" ws.send "connection established" end ws.onmessage do |m| warn "received: #{m}n" if settings.commands.include? m ws.send m else ws.send "unknown request #{m}" end end ws.onclose do warn "socket closed #{ws}" end end end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) }; function newButton(n, c) { let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); b.onclick = c; b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)); return b; } window.onload = () => { var socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${}<%= url %>`); socket.onopen = (e) => print("opening socket: <%= url %>"); socket.onclose = (e) => print("closing socket: <%= url %>"); socket.onerror = (e) => print(e.message); socket.onmessage = (m) => { print( }; <% commands.each do |c, v| %> addButton('<%= c %>', () => socket.send('<%= c %>')); <% end %> addButton('D', () => socket.send('D')); </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div id="action_buttons"></div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 28. require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra-websocket' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/' set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] set :sockets, [] get '/' do if !request.websocket? erb :html_16, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands } else request.websocket do |ws| ws.onopen do warn "websocket #{ws} connected" m = "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } settings.sockets << ws ws.send "connection established: #{ws.object_id}" end ws.onmessage do |m| if settings.commands.include? m EM.next_tick do ws.send "message sent: #{m}" m = "message received from #{ws.object_id}: #{m}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m unless s == ws } end else ws.send "unknown command: #{m}" end end ws.onclose do warn "socket closed #{ws}" settings.sockets.delete ws m = "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } end end end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) }; function newButton(n, c) { let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); b.onclick = c; b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)); return b; } window.onload = () => { var socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${}<%= url %>`); socket.onopen = (e) => print("opening socket: <%= url %>"); socket.onclose = (e) => print("closing socket: <%= url %>"); socket.onerror = (e) => print(e.message); socket.onmessage = (m) => { print( }; <% commands.each do |c, v| %> addButton('<%= c %>', () => socket.send('<%= c %>')); <% end %> addButton('D', () => socket.send('D')); </script> </head> <body> <h1>TBE:Ruby WebSocket</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div id="action_buttons"></div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 29. require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra-websocket' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/' set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] set :sockets, [] get '/' do if !request.websocket? erb :html_17, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands } else request.websocket do |ws| ws.onopen do warn "websocket #{ws} connected" m = "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } settings.sockets << ws ws.send "connection established: #{ws.object_id}" end ws.onmessage do |m| if settings.commands.include? m EM.next_tick do ws.send "message sent: #{m}" m = "message received from #{ws.object_id}: #{m}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m unless s == ws } end else ws.send "unknown command: #{m}" end end ws.onclose do warn "socket closed #{ws}" settings.sockets.delete ws m = "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } end end end end require 'websocket-eventmachine-client' server = ENV['SERVER'] || '' server_url = "ws://#{server}" do puts "connecting to server: #{server_url}" ws = WebSocket::EventMachine::Client.connect :uri => server_url puts ws ws.onopen do puts "connected: #{server}" end ws.onmessage do |m, t| puts m end ws.onerror do |e| puts "error: #{e}" end ws.onclose do |c, m| puts "disconnected: #{server} (#{c}, #{m})" exit end end
  • 30. require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra-websocket' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/' set :commands, ["A", "B", "C"] set :sockets, [] get '/' do if !request.websocket? erb :html_18, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands } else request.websocket do |ws| ws.onopen do warn "websocket #{ws} connected" m = "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } settings.sockets << ws ws.send "connection established: #{ws.object_id}" end ws.onmessage do |m| if settings.commands.include? m EM.next_tick do ws.send "message sent: #{m}" m = "message received from #{ws.object_id}: #{m}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m unless s == ws } end else ws.send "unknown command: #{m}" end end ws.onclose do warn "socket closed #{ws}" settings.sockets.delete ws m = "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } end end end end require 'websocket-eventmachine-client' server = ENV['SERVER'] || 'localhost:3000' heartbeat = ENV['HEARTBEAT'] || 2 commands = ["A", "B", "C", "D"] server_url = "ws://#{server}" connected = false def rotate_buffer b r = b.shift b << r r end do puts "connecting to server: #{server_url}" ws = WebSocket::EventMachine::Client.connect(:uri => "ws://") puts ws ws.onopen do puts "connected: #{server}" connected = true end ws.onmessage do |m, t| puts m end ws.onerror do |e| puts "error: #{e}" end ws.onclose do |c, m| puts "disconnected: #{server} (#{c}, #{m})" end timer = do ws.send rotate_buffer(commands) if connected end end
  • 31. require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra-websocket' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/' set :commands, [:HEARTBEAT, :PRINT, :ERROR] set :sockets, [] set :heartbeat, 0 def message id, a, m, e = nil { "id" => id, "action" => a, "message" => m, "error" => e } end get '/' do if !request.websocket? erb :html_19, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands } else request.websocket do |ws| ws.onopen do warn "websocket #{ws} connected" m = message 0, :PRINT, "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json } ws.send message(0, :PRINT, "connection established: #{ws.object_id}").to_json ws.send message(0, :HEARTBEAT, settings.heartbeat).to_json settings.sockets << ws end ws.onmessage do |m| m = JSON.parse m m.merge! "id" => ws.object_id case m["action"].to_sym when :HEARTBEAT settings.heartbeat = m["message"].to_i EM.next_tick do settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json } end when :PRINT EM.next_tick do settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json if s != ws } end else ws.send message(0, :ERROR, m["message"], m["action"]).to_json end end ws.onclose do warn "socket closed #{ws}" settings.sockets.delete ws m = message(0, :PRINT, "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}").to_json settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } end end end end <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8' /> <title>WebSocket EXAMPLE</title> <script> const element = (e = "event_log") => { return document.getElementById(e) }; const print = m => { element().innerHTML += `<div>${m}</div>` }; const addButton = (n, c) => { element("action_buttons").appendChild(newButton(n, c)) }; const sendMessage = (s, a, m) => { s.send(JSON.stringify({ id: null, action: a, message: m })) }; function newButton(n, c) { let b = document.createElement("BUTTON"); b.onclick = c; b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)); return b; } window.onload = () => { var heartbeat = 0; var socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${}<%= url %>`); socket.onopen = (e) => print("opening socket: <%= url %>"); socket.onclose = (e) => print("closing socket: <%= url %>"); socket.onerror = (e) => print(e.message); socket.onmessage = (m) => { let d = JSON.parse(; switch (d.action.toUpperCase()) { case 'HEARTBEAT': heartbeat = d.message; element("counter").innerHTML = heartbeat; print(`${}: ${d.action} ${heartbeat}`); break; case 'PRINT': print(`${}: ${d.message}`); break; } }; [0, 10, 100].forEach(i => { addButton(`HEARTBEAT ${i}`, () => sendMessage(socket, 'HEARTBEAT', i)); }); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>WebSocket EXAMPLE</h1> <h2>Actions</h2> <div id="heartbeat"> HEARTBEAT: <span id="counter">0</span> </div> <div id="action_buttons"></div> <h2>Server Output</h2> <div id='event_log'></div> </body> </html>
  • 32. require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra-websocket' set :server, %w[ thin mongrel webrick ] set :bind, ENV['IP_ADDRESS'] || '' set :port, ENV['PORT'] || 3000 set :socket_url, ENV['SOCKET'] || '/' set :commands, [:HEARTBEAT, :PRINT, :ERROR] set :sockets, [] set :heartbeat, 0 def message id, a, m, e = nil { "id" => id, "action" => a, "message" => m, "error" => e } end get '/' do if !request.websocket? erb :html_19, locals: { url: settings.socket_url, commands: settings.commands } else request.websocket do |ws| ws.onopen do warn "websocket #{ws} connected" m = message 0, :PRINT, "connection opened: #{ws.object_id}" settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json } ws.send message(0, :PRINT, "connection established: #{ws.object_id}").to_json ws.send message(0, :HEARTBEAT, settings.heartbeat).to_json settings.sockets << ws end ws.onmessage do |m| m = JSON.parse m m.merge! "id" => ws.object_id case m["action"].to_sym when :HEARTBEAT settings.heartbeat = m["message"].to_i EM.next_tick do settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json } end when :PRINT EM.next_tick do settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m.to_json if s != ws } end else ws.send message(0, :ERROR, m["message"], m["action"]).to_json end end ws.onclose do warn "socket closed #{ws}" settings.sockets.delete ws m = message(0, :PRINT, "connection closed: #{ws.object_id}").to_json settings.sockets.each { |s| s.send m } end end end end require 'websocket-eventmachine-client' require 'json' server = ENV['SERVER'] || '' heartbeat = ENV['HEARTBEAT'] || 1 server_url = "ws://#{server}" connected = false count = 0 do puts "connecting to server: #{server_url}" ws = WebSocket::EventMachine::Client.connect(:uri => server_url) puts ws ws.onopen do puts "connected: #{server}" connected = true end ws.onmessage do |m, t| v = JSON.parse(m) case v["action"].to_sym when :PRINT puts "#{v["id"]}: #{v["message"]}" when :HEARTBEAT count = v["message"].to_i puts "#{v["id"]}: HEARTBEAT ==> #{count}" when :ERROR puts "ERROR: #{v["error"]} ==> #{v["message"]}" end end ws.onerror do |e| puts "error: #{e}" end ws.onclose do |c, m| puts "disconnected: #{server} (#{c}, #{m})" exit end timer = do count += 1 ws.send({ "action" => 'HEARTBEAT', "message" => count }.to_json) if connected end end