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7.1 Types Of Information System
7.2 System Development Life Cycle
7.1 Types Of Information System
At the end of this topic, student should be able to:
1. Define Information System
2. Identify several types of Information System
3. Describe the purposes of each Information System
Learning Outcome
2 2
● Is a collection of hardware, software, data,
people, and procedures that work together to
produce quality information.
(Shelly & Vermaat, 2012)
● Is a set of interrelated elements or components that collect
(input), manipulate (process), store disseminate (output) data
and information and provide corrective reaction (feedback
mechanism) to meet an objective.
(Stair & Reynolds, 2012)
● An information system supports daily, short-term and long
range activities of users.
Definition Information System
3 3
The Component Of Information System
4 4
1. Hardware
Hardware refers to the computer system that the database
system runs on. Example mainframe, minicomputer,
microcomputer, network, input/output peripherals etc.
2. Software
Software refers to a collection of programs used by a
computer in a database system. This includes the DBMS,
the operating system of a computer and network,
application and utility program.
3. Data
Data comprises of all facts stored in a database. This
includes operational data and metadata.
Component of Information System
5 5
4. Procedures
Procedures refer to the instruction and rules that govern the
design and use of a database system.
5. People
People encompasses all users of a database system. This
includes the business analysts, database designer, data
administrators, DBA, application programmers and end-users.
Component of Information System
6 6
Graphical representation of information system in a triangle
Types of Information System
(Executive Support System)
(Executive Support System)
(Management Information System)
(Transaction Processing System)
1. Transaction Processing System (TPS)
2. Management Information System (MIS)
3. Decision Support System (DSS)
4. Executive Support System (ESS)
5. Office Automation System (OAS)
Types of Information System
9 9
➢ Is an information System that use by Operational level
management (OLM) to captures and processes data
day-to-day business transaction / activity.
➢ Used by Low Level Management such as Line supervisor.
➢ An operational system that record and process data
resulting from business transactions.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
10 10
➢ Examples of transactions are deposits, payments,
orders and reservations
➢Two basic way of process transaction:
1. Batch processing
2. Online transaction Processing
(OLTP) / Real -Time Processing
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
1.Batch processing
○ Transactions data are accumulated over a period of time
and processed periodically.
○ The computer collect data over time and processes all
transactions later, as a group.
○ Example : Paying by check, Credit card transaction,
Electric bill, Salaries, credit card monthly statement.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
12 12
2. Online Transaction Processing (OLP)
/ Real-Time Processing
•The computer processes each transaction as it is entered.
•Data are processed immediately after a transaction occurs
•Example : reservation system, ATM transaction, Airline
ticket booking.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
13 13
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Batch processing vs OLTP
Figure 14-14
With batch processing,
all airline reservations
are processed together
at the end of the day.
With OLTP,
reservations are
processed immediately.
(Shelly & Vermaat, 2012)
- page 733
14 14
Purpose of TPS
● Capture and process data from day-to-day
business activities.
● The intent of these system is to
● process transactions faster
● reduce clerical costs
● improve customer service
15 15
Management Information System (MIS)
▪ Is an information system that used by middle
level management that generates accurate,
timely and organized information
▪ Produce meaningful information for manager or
produce report
16 16
● Produce meaningful information for
● Three basic types of reports
1. Detailed
2. Summary
3. Exception
● Assist lower management in problem solving
and making decision.
Purpose of MIS
17 17
Management Information System (MIS)
Detailed report: A list of all transaction
Management Information System (MIS)
Summary report :
Data usually with totals, tables or graph, so that
manager can review it quickly and easily
Management Information System (MIS)
Exception report :
Data outside of a normal condition / unusual condition
● Is an information system that used by middle level
management (MLM) to help analyze information and
make decisions.
● DSS give direct computer support to managers during the
decision-making process.
● Example :
A production manager may use a DSS to decide
how much product to manufacture based on the
expected sales associated with a future promotion
and the location.
Decision Support System (DSS)
21 21
Purpose of DSS
● Help users retrieve data and analyze the
● Allow managers to create a model of the
factors affecting a decision
● Reports are in the form of charts or diagram
22 22
Executive Support System (ESS)
● Is an information system that used by top
level management to support the strategic
information needs of executive
management to set goal and long term
● A special type of Decision Support System
(DSS) that serve the strategic level of the
23 23
● Supports the strategic information needs of
executive management.
● Gathers and presents information to Senior
management in the form of graphics and
reports used to assist in decision making.
Purpose of ESS
24 24
Executive Support System (ESS)
Manager use an ESS to analyze
a company's financial trends
25 25
● Is an information system that enables employees
to perform tasks using computers and other
electronic devices.
● The system help employee to collect, process,
store and transmit electronic message, document
and other form of communication among
individual, work group and organizations.
● Example :
A school posted its class schedule on the internet.
When the school admin updates the schedule,
students receive an email notification.
Office Automation System (OAS)
26 26
● Increase employee productivity
● Assists with communication among employee
Purpose of OAS
27 27
Types of IS Characteristics
Processing System
● Provides raw data used for processing
in ESS, MIS and DSS
● The lowest level of information system
● Used by businesses to record “
transaction” information
● Transactions include things like
booking airline tickets, purchasing
goods or services.
Types of IS Characteristics
System (MIS)
● A step up from TPS
● This type of systems is used for routine
● Reports are used to monitor and control
normal business activities
● Provides input to be used in the managerial
decision process.
● Generate report in various time – basis
(weekly, monthly, and/or yearly)
● Data is provided from internal company
sources only.
Types of IS Characteristics
System (DSS)
● Provides information to managers who must
make judgments about particular situations.
Supports decision-makers in situations that
● are not well structured
Types of IS Characteristics
Support System
● Used for strategic business planning
● Relatively long time-frame considered
● Unstructured and open-ended (many
variables can be considered)
● For accurate results ESS require
information from inside and outside the
● Its major activity is information
scanning and evaluation, it deals
mainly with the intelligence phase of
OAS :Clerical workers
1. Explain the components of information system
2. What is TPS and who is the users of TPS?
3. What is the main difference between TPS and MIS?
4. Differentiate MIS from DSS.
5. Who are the users of OAS?
6. What is ESS and who are the main users of ESS?
34 34
● Shelly, G. B., & Vermaat, M. E. (2012). Discovering
Computer 2012 Complete. Boston: Course Technology
Cengage Learning
● Haag, S., Cummings, M., & Dawkins, J. (2000).
Management Information Systems for the Information
Age (2nd
Edition). Boston: McGraw Hill.
● Rainer R.K. (2012). Introduction to Information
Technology (4th
Edition). New Jersey: John Wiley &
Sons Inc.
35 35
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
1.Identify the steps of system development life
2. Describe each step of system development life
Learning Outcome
What is SDLC ?
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
● is a set of activities used to build an information
● each phase of system development consist of a
series of activities and the phase form a loop
STEPS OF SDLC : Activities contain five (5) phases
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
SDLC (Major Activities)
phase: Planning ▪ Review project requests
▪ Prioritize project requests
▪ Allocate resources
▪ Identify project development team
phase: Analysis ▪ Conduct preliminary investigation
▪ Perform detailed analysis activities:
- Study current system
- Determine user requirements
- Recommend solution
phase: Design ▪ Acquire hardware and software, if necessary
▪ Develop details of the new or modified system.
▪ Develop programs,
▪ Install and test new system
▪ Train users
▪ Convert to new system
phase: Maintenance . Perform maintenance activities
. Monitor system performance
. Evaluate system security
phase: Planning
• Begins when the steering committee received a project
• Committee members usually consists of five to nine members
• example: mix of vice presidents, managers, non-management
users, and IT personnel
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
● Purpose: The Steering committee evaluates :
○ if it has enough funds and budget
○ the remaining project request based on their value
to the organization
○ approves some projects and rejects others
● During the meeting, committee member decides the
project request identifies an improvement to the
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Planning
1. Conduct preliminary investigation
• Sometimes called the feasibility study
• Defines the problem - The main purpose is to determine
the exact nature of the problem or improvement &
decide whether it is worth pursuing.
• Interview the user who submitted the project request
and others users.
• Upon completion of the preliminary investigation, the
systems analyst writes the feasibility report to present
the team’s findings to the steering committee.
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Analysis
Feasibility study:
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
2. Perform detailed analysis activities:
• Detailed analysis sometimes is called logical design
because the systems analysts develop the proposed
solution without regard to any specific hardware or software.
• Involves three major activities:
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Analysis
1. Acquire hardware and software
• The activity consists of four major tasks:
1. Identify technical specifications
2. Request vendor proposals
3. Test and evaluate vendor proposals
4. Make a decision
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Design
2. Develop details of the new or modified system
• After the systems analyst identifies the data and process
requirements, the next step is to develop detailed design
specifications for the components in the proposed solution.
• A detailed design sometimes is called a physical design
because it specifies hardware & software — the physical
components required — for automated procedures.
• The activities include developing designs for the databases,
inputs, outputs & programs.
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Design
phase: Implementation
• The purpose of this phase is to Construct or build
the new or modified system and then deliver it to
the user
• Four (4) major activities
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
1. Develop programs
2. Install and test new system
3. Train users
4. Convert to new system
1. Develop programs
○ If the organization purchases packaged software (no
modifications required) the development team may skip
this activity.
○ For custom software or packaged software, however,
programs are developed or modified either by an outside
firm or in-house.
○ Programmers write or modify programs from the program
specification package created during the analysis phase.
○ These program development follow an organized set of
activities known as the program development life cycle.
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Implementation
2. Install and test new system
• If the organization acquires new hardware or software,
someone must install and test it
• Tests performed during this step include:
1. unit tests - verifies that each individual program or object
works by itself.
2. systems tests - verifies that all programs in an application
work together properly
3. integration tests - verifies that an application works with
other applications.
4. acceptance tests - performed by end- users & checks the
new system to ensure that it works with actual data.
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Implementation
3. Train user
• Training involves showing users exactly how they will use
the new hardware and software in the system.
• Some training takes place as one-on-one sessions or
classroom style lectures
• Other organizations use Web-based training, which is a
self-directed, self-paced online instruction technique.
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Implementation
4. Convert to new system
• The final implementation activity is to change from
the old system to the new system.
• This change can take place using one or more of
the following conversion strategies:
1. direct
2. parallel
3. phased
4. pilot
phase: Implementation
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Implementation
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Implementation
The old system is
replaced by the new
system all at once
The old system and new
system are both operated
until it is determined that
the new system is working
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
The system is
implemented by module
(each module can be
implemented using
either direct or parallel
The new system is used
at only one location
within the organization.
After it is determined that
the new system is
phase: Maintenance
• Provide ongoing assistance for an information
system after the system is implemented
• Three (3) major activities
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
1. Perform maintenance activities
2. Monitor system performance
3. Evaluate system security
1. Perform maintenance activities
• corrective maintenance
(process of identify and correcting errors in an IS)
• adaptive maintenance
(process of including new features/capabilities in an IS)
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Maintenance
2. Monitor system performance
• perfective maintenance,
•determine if the system is inefficient/unstable
at any point,
•if this occurs, investigation must be done
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Maintenance
3. Evaluate system security
• All elements of an information system must be secure
from threats both inside and outside.
• Users should be allowed access only to the data and
information for which they are authorized (Maintain
• Data should be secure so that intruders cannot alter,
damage, or steal data. (Ensure integrity and reliability)
• Networks need safeguards to prevent them from being
compromised. (Limited access to information)
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
phase: Maintenance
Shelly, G.B., & Vermaat, M. (2012).
Discovering computers: Your interactive guideto the
digital world.
Boston, MA: Course Technology/ Cengage Learning.
7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
1.Differentiate between database and information system.
2.List ALL database and information system components.
3.List ALL types of information system (IS), it’s purpose
and user(s).
4.List and explain ALL phases of system development life
cycle (SDLC).
Answer ALL questions:
1.Differentiate between database and information
Database Information System
Is a collection of data organized in a
manner that allows access, retrieval
and use of that data.
Is a collection of hardware, software,
data, people, and procedures that
work together to produce quality
2. List ALL database and information system
●Database: People, Hardware, Software, Data, Procedure.
●Information System: People, Hardware, Software, Data, Procedure.
Types of IS Purpose User
OAS Enable employee to perform tasks using computers and electronic devices.
Purpose: 1.Increase employee productivity
2.Assist communication among employee.15
ALL / clerical worker
TPS is an IS that collects, store, modifies and retrieves transaction of an
organization. e.g. ATM
Purpose: 1.Process transactions faster
2.Reduce clerical costs
3.Improve customer service.
supervisor, line
manager, (clerk,
cashier, customer,
student CANNOT
state as a USER )
MIS is an IS that generates accurate, timely and organized information.
Purpose: 1.Produce meaningful information for managers
(detailed, summary, exceptions report)
2.Assist lower management in problem solving and
making decision.
Middle manager,
doctor, supervisor
DSS is an IS that helps users analyze information and make decisions.
1.Analyze information recognize problems and make decision
2.Assist in solving semi structured problems
3.Contribute to decision effectiveness.
Assistant president,
Chief Executive
Officer (CEO)
ESS Types of DSS supports strategies information needs of executive
Purpose: 1.Gather and presents info to senior management
(graphic & report) to assist decision making.
Vice president,
CEO, board of
director, President.
Phases of SDLC Descriptions
PLANNING •Review and approve the project request
•Prioritize project request
•Allocate resources
•Develop a team
ANALYSIS •Preliminary investigation/feasibility study
•Detailed analysis/logical design
•Study current system
•Determine project request
•Recommend solution
DESIGN •Acquire hardware and software
•Physical design – prototype, CASE tools
IMPLEMENTATION •Develop program
•Install and testing
•Train user
•Convert to new system
MAINTENANCE •Perform maintenance(corrective and adaptive)
•Monitor system performance(perfective maintenance)
•Evaluate System security

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Chapter 7 Information System

  • 1. 7.1 Types Of Information System 7.2 System Development Life Cycle 11 7.0 INFORMATION SYSTEM 1
  • 2. 7.1 Types Of Information System At the end of this topic, student should be able to: 1. Define Information System 2. Identify several types of Information System 3. Describe the purposes of each Information System 2 Learning Outcome 2 2
  • 3. ● Is a collection of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality information. (Shelly & Vermaat, 2012) ● Is a set of interrelated elements or components that collect (input), manipulate (process), store disseminate (output) data and information and provide corrective reaction (feedback mechanism) to meet an objective. (Stair & Reynolds, 2012) ● An information system supports daily, short-term and long range activities of users. Definition Information System 3 3
  • 4. The Component Of Information System 4 4
  • 5. 1. Hardware Hardware refers to the computer system that the database system runs on. Example mainframe, minicomputer, microcomputer, network, input/output peripherals etc. 2. Software Software refers to a collection of programs used by a computer in a database system. This includes the DBMS, the operating system of a computer and network, application and utility program. 3. Data Data comprises of all facts stored in a database. This includes operational data and metadata. Component of Information System 5 5
  • 6. 4. Procedures Procedures refer to the instruction and rules that govern the design and use of a database system. 5. People People encompasses all users of a database system. This includes the business analysts, database designer, data administrators, DBA, application programmers and end-users. Component of Information System 6 6
  • 8. Graphical representation of information system in a triangle 8 Types of Information System (Executive Support System) DSS MIS TPS ESS (Executive Support System) (Management Information System) (Transaction Processing System) TOP LEVEL MANAGEMENT MIDDLE LEVEL MANAGEMENT LOW LEVEL MANAGEMENT 8
  • 9. 1. Transaction Processing System (TPS) 2. Management Information System (MIS) 3. Decision Support System (DSS) 4. Executive Support System (ESS) 5. Office Automation System (OAS) Types of Information System 9 9
  • 10. ➢ Is an information System that use by Operational level management (OLM) to captures and processes data day-to-day business transaction / activity. ➢ Used by Low Level Management such as Line supervisor. ➢ An operational system that record and process data resulting from business transactions. Transaction Processing System (TPS) 10 10
  • 11. ➢ Examples of transactions are deposits, payments, orders and reservations ➢Two basic way of process transaction: 1. Batch processing 2. Online transaction Processing (OLTP) / Real -Time Processing 11 Transaction Processing System (TPS) 11
  • 12. 1.Batch processing ○ Transactions data are accumulated over a period of time and processed periodically. ○ The computer collect data over time and processes all transactions later, as a group. ○ Example : Paying by check, Credit card transaction, Electric bill, Salaries, credit card monthly statement. Transaction Processing System (TPS) 12 12
  • 13. 2. Online Transaction Processing (OLP) / Real-Time Processing •The computer processes each transaction as it is entered. •Data are processed immediately after a transaction occurs •Example : reservation system, ATM transaction, Airline ticket booking. Transaction Processing System (TPS) 13 13
  • 14. Transaction Processing System (TPS) Batch processing vs OLTP Figure 14-14 With batch processing, all airline reservations are processed together at the end of the day. With OLTP, reservations are processed immediately. (Shelly & Vermaat, 2012) - page 733 14 14
  • 15. Purpose of TPS ● Capture and process data from day-to-day business activities. ● The intent of these system is to ● process transactions faster ● reduce clerical costs ● improve customer service 15 15
  • 16. Management Information System (MIS) ▪ Is an information system that used by middle level management that generates accurate, timely and organized information ▪ Produce meaningful information for manager or produce report 16 16
  • 17. ● Produce meaningful information for managers ● Three basic types of reports 1. Detailed 2. Summary 3. Exception ● Assist lower management in problem solving and making decision. Purpose of MIS 17 17
  • 18. Management Information System (MIS) Detailed report: A list of all transaction 18
  • 19. Management Information System (MIS) Summary report : Data usually with totals, tables or graph, so that manager can review it quickly and easily 19
  • 20. Management Information System (MIS) Exception report : Data outside of a normal condition / unusual condition 20
  • 21. ● Is an information system that used by middle level management (MLM) to help analyze information and make decisions. ● DSS give direct computer support to managers during the decision-making process. ● Example : A production manager may use a DSS to decide how much product to manufacture based on the expected sales associated with a future promotion and the location. Decision Support System (DSS) 21 21
  • 22. Purpose of DSS ● Help users retrieve data and analyze the result ● Allow managers to create a model of the factors affecting a decision ● Reports are in the form of charts or diagram 22 22
  • 23. Executive Support System (ESS) ● Is an information system that used by top level management to support the strategic information needs of executive management to set goal and long term planning. ● A special type of Decision Support System (DSS) that serve the strategic level of the organisation. 23 23
  • 24. ● Supports the strategic information needs of executive management. ● Gathers and presents information to Senior management in the form of graphics and reports used to assist in decision making. Purpose of ESS 24 24
  • 25. Executive Support System (ESS) ESS Manager use an ESS to analyze a company's financial trends 25 25
  • 26. ● Is an information system that enables employees to perform tasks using computers and other electronic devices. ● The system help employee to collect, process, store and transmit electronic message, document and other form of communication among individual, work group and organizations. ● Example : A school posted its class schedule on the internet. When the school admin updates the schedule, students receive an email notification. Office Automation System (OAS) 26 26
  • 27. ● Increase employee productivity ● Assists with communication among employee Purpose of OAS 27 27
  • 28. Summary 28 Types of IS Characteristics Transaction Processing System (TPS) ● Provides raw data used for processing in ESS, MIS and DSS ● The lowest level of information system ● Used by businesses to record “ transaction” information ● Transactions include things like booking airline tickets, purchasing goods or services. 28
  • 29. Types of IS Characteristics Management Information System (MIS) ● A step up from TPS ● This type of systems is used for routine reporting ● Reports are used to monitor and control normal business activities ● Provides input to be used in the managerial decision process. ● Generate report in various time – basis (weekly, monthly, and/or yearly) ● Data is provided from internal company sources only. 29 Summary 29
  • 30. Types of IS Characteristics Decision Support System (DSS) ● Provides information to managers who must make judgments about particular situations. Supports decision-makers in situations that ● are not well structured 30 Summary 30
  • 31. 31 Summary Types of IS Characteristics Executive Support System (ESS) ● Used for strategic business planning ● Relatively long time-frame considered ● Unstructured and open-ended (many variables can be considered) ● For accurate results ESS require information from inside and outside the business. ● Its major activity is information scanning and evaluation, it deals mainly with the intelligence phase of decision-making. 31
  • 32. 32
  • 33. IS - MAP OAS :Clerical workers 33
  • 34. 1. Explain the components of information system 2. What is TPS and who is the users of TPS? 3. What is the main difference between TPS and MIS? 4. Differentiate MIS from DSS. 5. Who are the users of OAS? 6. What is ESS and who are the main users of ESS? EXERCISE 34 34
  • 35. References ● Shelly, G. B., & Vermaat, M. E. (2012). Discovering Computer 2012 Complete. Boston: Course Technology Cengage Learning ● Haag, S., Cummings, M., & Dawkins, J. (2000). Management Information Systems for the Information Age (2nd Edition). Boston: McGraw Hill. ● Rainer R.K. (2012). Introduction to Information Technology (4th Edition). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 35 35
  • 36. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) At the end of this topic, students should be able to: 1.Identify the steps of system development life cycle 2. Describe each step of system development life cycle Learning Outcome 36
  • 37. What is SDLC ? 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) ● is a set of activities used to build an information system ● each phase of system development consist of a series of activities and the phase form a loop 37
  • 38. STEPS OF SDLC : Activities contain five (5) phases 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 38 Planning 1 Maintenance 5 Design 3 Implementation 4 Analysis 2
  • 39. SDLC (Major Activities) 1st phase: Planning ▪ Review project requests ▪ Prioritize project requests ▪ Allocate resources ▪ Identify project development team 2nd phase: Analysis ▪ Conduct preliminary investigation ▪ Perform detailed analysis activities: - Study current system - Determine user requirements - Recommend solution 3rd phase: Design ▪ Acquire hardware and software, if necessary ▪ Develop details of the new or modified system. 4th phase: Implementation ▪ Develop programs, ▪ Install and test new system ▪ Train users ▪ Convert to new system 5th phase: Maintenance . Perform maintenance activities . Monitor system performance . Evaluate system security 39
  • 40. 1st phase: Planning • Begins when the steering committee received a project request • Committee members usually consists of five to nine members • example: mix of vice presidents, managers, non-management users, and IT personnel 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 40
  • 41. ● Purpose: The Steering committee evaluates : ○ if it has enough funds and budget ○ the remaining project request based on their value to the organization ○ approves some projects and rejects others ● During the meeting, committee member decides the project request identifies an improvement to the system 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 1st phase: Planning 41
  • 42. 1. Conduct preliminary investigation • Sometimes called the feasibility study • Defines the problem - The main purpose is to determine the exact nature of the problem or improvement & decide whether it is worth pursuing. • Interview the user who submitted the project request and others users. • Upon completion of the preliminary investigation, the systems analyst writes the feasibility report to present the team’s findings to the steering committee. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 2nd phase: Analysis 42
  • 43. Feasibility study: 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 43
  • 44. 2. Perform detailed analysis activities: • Detailed analysis sometimes is called logical design because the systems analysts develop the proposed solution without regard to any specific hardware or software. • Involves three major activities: 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 2nd phase: Analysis 44
  • 45. 1. Acquire hardware and software • The activity consists of four major tasks: 1. Identify technical specifications 2. Request vendor proposals 3. Test and evaluate vendor proposals 4. Make a decision 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 3rd phase: Design 45
  • 46. 2. Develop details of the new or modified system • After the systems analyst identifies the data and process requirements, the next step is to develop detailed design specifications for the components in the proposed solution. • A detailed design sometimes is called a physical design because it specifies hardware & software — the physical components required — for automated procedures. • The activities include developing designs for the databases, inputs, outputs & programs. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 3rd phase: Design 46
  • 47. 4th phase: Implementation • The purpose of this phase is to Construct or build the new or modified system and then deliver it to the user • Four (4) major activities 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 1. Develop programs 2. Install and test new system 3. Train users 4. Convert to new system 47
  • 48. 1. Develop programs ○ If the organization purchases packaged software (no modifications required) the development team may skip this activity. ○ For custom software or packaged software, however, programs are developed or modified either by an outside firm or in-house. ○ Programmers write or modify programs from the program specification package created during the analysis phase. ○ These program development follow an organized set of activities known as the program development life cycle. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 4th phase: Implementation 48
  • 49. 2. Install and test new system • If the organization acquires new hardware or software, someone must install and test it • Tests performed during this step include: 1. unit tests - verifies that each individual program or object works by itself. 2. systems tests - verifies that all programs in an application work together properly 3. integration tests - verifies that an application works with other applications. 4. acceptance tests - performed by end- users & checks the new system to ensure that it works with actual data. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 4th phase: Implementation 49
  • 50. 3. Train user • Training involves showing users exactly how they will use the new hardware and software in the system. • Some training takes place as one-on-one sessions or classroom style lectures • Other organizations use Web-based training, which is a self-directed, self-paced online instruction technique. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 4th phase: Implementation 50
  • 51. 4. Convert to new system • The final implementation activity is to change from the old system to the new system. • This change can take place using one or more of the following conversion strategies: 1. direct 2. parallel 3. phased 4. pilot 4th phase: Implementation 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 51
  • 52. 52 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 4th phase: Implementation 52
  • 53. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 4th phase: Implementation DIRECT CONVERSION The old system is replaced by the new system all at once PARALLEL CONVERSION The old system and new system are both operated until it is determined that the new system is working properly 53
  • 54. 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) PHASED CONVERSION The system is implemented by module (each module can be implemented using either direct or parallel conversion PILOT CONVERSION The new system is used at only one location within the organization. After it is determined that the new system is working 54
  • 55. 5th phase: Maintenance • Provide ongoing assistance for an information system after the system is implemented • Three (3) major activities 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 1. Perform maintenance activities 2. Monitor system performance 3. Evaluate system security 55
  • 56. 1. Perform maintenance activities • corrective maintenance (process of identify and correcting errors in an IS) • adaptive maintenance (process of including new features/capabilities in an IS) 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 5th phase: Maintenance 56
  • 57. 2. Monitor system performance • perfective maintenance, •determine if the system is inefficient/unstable at any point, •if this occurs, investigation must be done 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 5th phase: Maintenance 57
  • 58. 3. Evaluate system security • All elements of an information system must be secure from threats both inside and outside. • Users should be allowed access only to the data and information for which they are authorized (Maintain confidentiality) • Data should be secure so that intruders cannot alter, damage, or steal data. (Ensure integrity and reliability) • Networks need safeguards to prevent them from being compromised. (Limited access to information) 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 5th phase: Maintenance 58
  • 59. Shelly, G.B., & Vermaat, M. (2012). Discovering computers: Your interactive guideto the digital world. Boston, MA: Course Technology/ Cengage Learning. REFERENCES 7.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 59
  • 60. 1.Differentiate between database and information system. 2.List ALL database and information system components. 3.List ALL types of information system (IS), it’s purpose and user(s). 4.List and explain ALL phases of system development life cycle (SDLC). Answer ALL questions: 60
  • 61. ANSWERS: 1.Differentiate between database and information system: Database Information System Is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval and use of that data. Is a collection of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality information. 2. List ALL database and information system components. ●Database: People, Hardware, Software, Data, Procedure. ●Information System: People, Hardware, Software, Data, Procedure. 61
  • 62. Types of IS Purpose User OAS Enable employee to perform tasks using computers and electronic devices. Purpose: 1.Increase employee productivity 2.Assist communication among employee.15 ALL / clerical worker TPS is an IS that collects, store, modifies and retrieves transaction of an organization. e.g. ATM Purpose: 1.Process transactions faster 2.Reduce clerical costs 3.Improve customer service. supervisor, line manager, (clerk, cashier, customer, student CANNOT state as a USER ) MIS is an IS that generates accurate, timely and organized information. Purpose: 1.Produce meaningful information for managers (detailed, summary, exceptions report) 2.Assist lower management in problem solving and making decision. Middle manager, doctor, supervisor DSS is an IS that helps users analyze information and make decisions. Purpose: 1.Analyze information recognize problems and make decision 2.Assist in solving semi structured problems 3.Contribute to decision effectiveness. Assistant president, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ESS Types of DSS supports strategies information needs of executive management Purpose: 1.Gather and presents info to senior management (graphic & report) to assist decision making. Vice president, CEO, board of director, President. 62
  • 63. Phases of SDLC Descriptions PLANNING •Review and approve the project request •Prioritize project request •Allocate resources •Develop a team ANALYSIS •Preliminary investigation/feasibility study •Detailed analysis/logical design •Study current system •Determine project request •Recommend solution DESIGN •Acquire hardware and software •Physical design – prototype, CASE tools IMPLEMENTATION •Develop program •Install and testing •Train user •Convert to new system MAINTENANCE •Perform maintenance(corrective and adaptive) •Monitor system performance(perfective maintenance) •Evaluate System security 63