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Points of Interest of Real EstatePoints of Interest of Real Estate
Inve sting in re al e state is as
advantag e o us and as attractive as
inve sting in the sto ck m arke t. George
Schiaffino wo uld say it has thre e tim e s
m o re pro spe cts o f m aking m o ne y than
any o the r busine ss. But, But, But. . .
since , it is e q ually g uide d by the
m arke t fo rce s; yo u canno t unde rm ine
the co nstant risks invo lve d in the re al
e state . Le t m e be g in discussing with
yo u the advantag e s o f re al e state
inve stm e nts. Ge o rg e fo und the
advantag e s as m o st suite d and re ally
Real EstateInvestments areLessReal EstateInvestments areLess
As co m pare d to o the r inve stm e nts, le ss o f m isadve nture is invo lve d in a
re al e state pro pe rty. Iwill no t g e t away fro m the fact that just like s any
inve stm e nt yo u m ake ; yo u have the risk o f lo sing it. Re al e state
inve stm e nts are traditio nally co nside re d a stable and rich g aine r, pro vide d
if o ne take s it se rio usly and with full sag acity. The re aso ns fo r the re al
e state inve stm e nts be co m ing a le ss risky adve nture prim arily re late to
vario us so cio e co no m ic facto rs, lo catio n, m arke t be havio r, the po pulatio n
de nsity o f an are a; m o rtg ag e inte re st rate stability; g o o d histo ry o f land
appre ciatio n, le ss abo ut inflatio n and m any m o re . As a rule o f thum b, if yo u
have a g e o g raphical are a whe re the re are ple nty o f re so urce s available
and lo w, stable m o rtg ag e rate s, yo u have g o o d re aso n fo r inve sting in the
re al e state m arke t o f such a re g io n. O n the co ntrary, if yo u have the co ndo
in a place , which is burg e o ning unde r the hig h inflatio n, it is far-fe tche d to
e ve n think o f inve sting in its re ale state m arke t.
This is what yo u call Hig h Ratio
Financing . If yo u do n't have the ide a
as to ho w it wo rks, the n le t m e e xplain
yo u with the he lp o f an e xam ple .
Re m e m be r that saying . . . Exam ple s
are be tte r than pre ce pts.
Suppo sing , yo u buy a co ndo wo rth
$20 0 , 0 0 0 , the n yo u have to just pay
the initial capital am o unt say 1 0 % o f
$20 0 , 0 0 0 . The re m aining am o unt can
be finance d, ag ainst yo ur co ndo . It
m e ans that in a Hig h Ratio financing ,
the ratio be twe e n the de bt and the
e q uity is ve ry hig h. If ne e de d, yo u can
also purchase the co ndo o n 1 0 0 %
m o rtg ag e price .
HoningInvestment SkillsHoningInvestment Skills
A re al e state inve stm e nt, e spe cially
whe n yo u buy a co ndo fo r yo urse lf, will
be a ple asurable le arning e xpe rie nce . It
g ive s yo u the o ppo rtunity to le arn.
Acco rding to George Schiaffino, whe n I
we nt ahe ad with m y first re al e state
pro pe rty, Iwas to tally a dum p m an. Ask
m e no w, and I can te ll yo u e ve rything ,
fro m Ato Z. Ne ce ssity is the m o the r o f all
inve ntio ns. Ihad the ne ce ssity to buy the
pro pe rty and so Itrie d with it, and Iwas
succe ssful. Iacq uire d all the kno wle dg e
and skills thro ug h e xpe rie nce o f se lling
and purchasing the re side ntial pro pe rty.
Thanks to m y jo b. It g ave m e the
e xpe rie nce to be co m e an inve sto r.
Not aTimeTakingAdventureNot aTimeTakingAdventure
Re al e state inve stm e nt will no t take o ut all yo ur e ne rg ie s, until yo u are
pre pare d and fo re sig hte d to take the adve nture in full swing . Yo u can save
a he ll lo t o f tim e , if yo u are vig ilant e no ug h to kno w the te chniq ue s o f
m aking a judicio us inve stm e nt in the rig ht tim e and whe n the re are g o o d
m arke t co nditio ns pre vailing at that po int o f tim e .
Yo u sho uld be pre pare d to tim e yo urse lf. Take so m e tim e o ut, and do
m arke t re se arch. Initiate sm all adve nture s that invo lve ne g o tiating re al
e state de als, buying a pro pe rty, m anag ing it and the n se lling it o ff.
Calculate the tim e inve ste d in yo ur re al e state ne g o tiatio n. If the tim e was
le ss than the o ptim um tim e , yo u have do ne it rig ht. And if yo u e nd up
inve sting m o re tim e , the n yo u ne e d to wo rk it o ut ag ain, and m ake so m e
re al co rre ctio n fo r co nsum m ating ne xt de als. Yo u have vario us ways and
m e tho do lo g ie s, calle d the Re al Estate Strate g ie s that can m ake it happe n
fo r yo u in the rig ht m anne r.
Leverageis theRight WayLeverageis theRight Way
The co nce pt o f le ve rag e in re al e state is no t a ne w o ne . It im plie s inve sting a
part o f yo ur m o ne y and bo rro wing the re st fro m o the r so urce s, like banks,
inve stm e nt co m panie s, finance co m panie s, o r o the r pe o ple 's m o ne y (O PM).
The re have be e n m any instance s whe re pe o ple have be co m e rich by
practically applying O PM Le ve rag e Principal. As I had discusse d unde r the
subhe ad - No Ne e d fo r Hug e Starting Capital, the hig h ratio financing sche m e
g ive s an o ppo rtunity o f no risk to the le nde rs, as the pro pe rty be co m e s the
se curity. Mo re o ve r, in case the le nde r is inte re ste d in se lling the pro pe rty, the
ne t pro ce e ds re sulting fro m the sale o f the pro pe rty sho uld co m fo rtably co ve r
the m o rtg ag e am o unt.
No w co nside r a situatio n, whe re the le nde r le ve rag e s the pro pe rty at a to o hig h
ratio , de bt, says 9 8 % o r e ve n m o re , and all o f the sudde n the m arke t sho ws a
do wnturn, than bo th the inve sto r as we ll as the le nde r. He nce , g re at is the
m o rtg ag e de bt, m o re is the le nde r's risk, and it is the re fo re ne ce ssary that the
le nde r pays hig he r inte re st rate s. The o nly way o ut to e ase the risk fro m
le nde r's he ad is to g e t the m o rtg ag e insure d.
Real EstateAppreciationReal EstateAppreciation
An appre ciatio n is an ave rag e incre ase
in the pro pe rty value o ve r the o rig inal
capital inve stm e nt, taking place o ve r a
pe rio d. The re are so m e ne g le cte d re al
e state pro pe rtie s that have an
appre ciatio n be lo w the ave rag e m ark,
whe re as, so m e o f the pro pe rtie s lo cate d
in m aintaine d g e o g raphical are as,
sho wing hig h de m and, have an abo ve
ave rag e appre ciatio n. In such ce ntrally
lo cate d and hig h de m and are as, the
ave rag e appre ciatio n can re ach up to
25% in a ye ar. Iwilldiscuss appre ciatio n
in the chapte r o n re al e state cycle s. Fo r
no w, fo r g e ne ral unde rstanding ,
appre ciatio n is what g o e s up.
As yo u g radually pay yo ur m o rtg ag e de bts, yo u are cre ating yo ur e q uity. In
o the r wo rds, yo u wo uld be re aching to o rig inal ho use price o n which yo u have
no de bt. Yo ur e q uity is abso lute ly fre e o f pe rce ntag e incre ase in appre ciatio n.
Fro m the inve sto r's pe rspe ctive , in the re ale state m arke t, e q uity is the am o unt
that is fre e o f de bt and it is the am o unt that an inve sto r ho lds. Whe n yo u sale
yo ur pro pe rty, the n the ne t m o ne y yo u g e t, afte r paying all the co m m issio ns
and clo sing co sts, be co m e s yo ur e q uity. Le nde rs do n't want to take a risk by
allo wing a lo an o n o ve r 9 0 % o f e q uity. The re fo re , in this m anne r, the le nde rs
take the safe ty m e asure s in the wake o f the ir lo an be ing de faulte d.
Ho we ve r, the re are ce rtain co nditio ns, whe re in, CMHC o ffe rs the purchase rs
o f re al e state pro pe rty q ualifying the insurance , a m o rtg ag e o f up to 1 0 0 % o f
the purchase price o ve r yo ur principal ho use value . In the wake o f an e ve nt
whe re bo rro we rs want m o re m o ne y fro m the le nde rs, the y wo uld ide ally se ttle
fo r se co nd and the third m o rtg ag e s.
Low InflationLow Inflation
Inflatio n is the rise in the price s o f the
pro ducts, co m m o ditie s and se rvice s, o r
putting it ano the r way, it is the de cre ase in
yo ur capacity to buy o r hire the se rvice s.
Suppo sing , a co m m o dity was wo rth $1 0 a
de cade back, will no w co st $ 1 0 0 as the
re sult o f inflatio n. Fo r pe o ple who have
fixe d salarie s fe e l the re al brunt o f the
do llar, as the inflatio n rise s.
If we analyze clo se ly, the land appre ciatio n
value fo r the re side ntial re al e state is 4% to
5% hig he r than the inflatio n rate . The re fo re ,
whe n yo u inve st in re al e state , the n yo u are
paying m o rtg ag e de bts o n hig h do llar value .
No w, as yo u are g e tting m o re , salary to pay
le ss am o unt than the am o unt that yo u had
paid o n the o rig inalm o rtg ag e .
Yo u g e t vario us tax e xe m ptio ns o n yo ur principal and inve stm e nt inco m e pro pe rty.
The tax e xe m ptio ns available in re al e state pro pe rty inve stm e nt are m o re than
available in any o the r inve stm e nt. In o the r inve stm e nts, yo u lo se te rribly o n the
inve stm e nts in yo ur bank in the fo rm o f inflatio n and hig h taxe s the re in, but in re al
e state ; yo u do n't actually have such hindrance s.
Net PositiveandHighIncomeisNet PositiveandHighIncomeis
If take n in the rig ht dire ctio n and playe d se rio usly, a re ale state inve stm e nt can be
yo ur virtue , m aking e nde avo r no w and in tim e s to co m e . Yo u will no t o nly be
having an additio nal asse t building in yo ur favo r, but also with po sitive cash flo w,
yo ur re ale state pro pe rty value willincre ase auto m atically.
Re al e state inve stm e nt g ive s yo u po te ntially hig h Re turn o n Inve stm e nts (RO Is)
be fo re and afte r the taxe s le vie d o n yo ur inco m e . In fact, inve sting in re al e state
g ive s yo u hig h RO Is afte r the taxe s.
DemandforReal EstateIncreasesDemandforReal EstateIncreases
As a natural instance , whe n the po pulatio n
o f a re g io n incre ase s, the to tal usable land
de cre ase s, and this pro vide s the im pe tus
fo r hig h re al e state price s. The re are m any
co m m unitie s that can o r canno t have
g ro wth and de ve lo pm e nt re g ulatio ns,
the re by, re sulting in lim ite d land available
fo r use . The re fo re , the re al e state price s in
the are a se t up. Re m e m be r ho using is the
ne ce ssity o f an individualand the re fo re it is
m uch in de m and than any o the r sing le
co m m o dity take n. Furthe rm o re , the re are
pe o ple who purchase additio nal ho use s fo r
the ir re cre atio n, re cluse o r as a past tim e .
This in turn incre ase s the de m and fo r land.
Formoreinformationvisit at:Formoreinformationvisit at:
https: //www. face bo o k. co m /G e o rg e Schiaffino The Re alto r/
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Contact UsContact Us
1 0 220 S Do lfie ld Rd, Suite 1 0 6 ,
O wing s Mills, MD 21 1 1 7
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Points of interest of Real Estate Investing

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Points of interest of Real Estate Investing

  • 1. Points of Interest of Real EstatePoints of Interest of Real Estate InvestingInvesting GeorgeSchiaffinoGeorgeSchiaffino
  • 2. IntroductionIntroduction Inve sting in re al e state is as advantag e o us and as attractive as inve sting in the sto ck m arke t. George Schiaffino wo uld say it has thre e tim e s m o re pro spe cts o f m aking m o ne y than any o the r busine ss. But, But, But. . . since , it is e q ually g uide d by the m arke t fo rce s; yo u canno t unde rm ine the co nstant risks invo lve d in the re al e state . Le t m e be g in discussing with yo u the advantag e s o f re al e state inve stm e nts. Ge o rg e fo und the advantag e s as m o st suite d and re ally practical.
  • 3. Real EstateInvestments areLessReal EstateInvestments areLess RiskyRisky As co m pare d to o the r inve stm e nts, le ss o f m isadve nture is invo lve d in a re al e state pro pe rty. Iwill no t g e t away fro m the fact that just like s any inve stm e nt yo u m ake ; yo u have the risk o f lo sing it. Re al e state inve stm e nts are traditio nally co nside re d a stable and rich g aine r, pro vide d if o ne take s it se rio usly and with full sag acity. The re aso ns fo r the re al e state inve stm e nts be co m ing a le ss risky adve nture prim arily re late to vario us so cio e co no m ic facto rs, lo catio n, m arke t be havio r, the po pulatio n de nsity o f an are a; m o rtg ag e inte re st rate stability; g o o d histo ry o f land appre ciatio n, le ss abo ut inflatio n and m any m o re . As a rule o f thum b, if yo u have a g e o g raphical are a whe re the re are ple nty o f re so urce s available and lo w, stable m o rtg ag e rate s, yo u have g o o d re aso n fo r inve sting in the re al e state m arke t o f such a re g io n. O n the co ntrary, if yo u have the co ndo in a place , which is burg e o ning unde r the hig h inflatio n, it is far-fe tche d to e ve n think o f inve sting in its re ale state m arke t.
  • 4. NoNeedforHugeStartingCapitalNoNeedforHugeStartingCapital This is what yo u call Hig h Ratio Financing . If yo u do n't have the ide a as to ho w it wo rks, the n le t m e e xplain yo u with the he lp o f an e xam ple . Re m e m be r that saying . . . Exam ple s are be tte r than pre ce pts. Suppo sing , yo u buy a co ndo wo rth $20 0 , 0 0 0 , the n yo u have to just pay the initial capital am o unt say 1 0 % o f $20 0 , 0 0 0 . The re m aining am o unt can be finance d, ag ainst yo ur co ndo . It m e ans that in a Hig h Ratio financing , the ratio be twe e n the de bt and the e q uity is ve ry hig h. If ne e de d, yo u can also purchase the co ndo o n 1 0 0 % m o rtg ag e price .
  • 5. HoningInvestment SkillsHoningInvestment Skills A re al e state inve stm e nt, e spe cially whe n yo u buy a co ndo fo r yo urse lf, will be a ple asurable le arning e xpe rie nce . It g ive s yo u the o ppo rtunity to le arn. Acco rding to George Schiaffino, whe n I we nt ahe ad with m y first re al e state pro pe rty, Iwas to tally a dum p m an. Ask m e no w, and I can te ll yo u e ve rything , fro m Ato Z. Ne ce ssity is the m o the r o f all inve ntio ns. Ihad the ne ce ssity to buy the pro pe rty and so Itrie d with it, and Iwas succe ssful. Iacq uire d all the kno wle dg e and skills thro ug h e xpe rie nce o f se lling and purchasing the re side ntial pro pe rty. Thanks to m y jo b. It g ave m e the e xpe rie nce to be co m e an inve sto r.
  • 6. Not aTimeTakingAdventureNot aTimeTakingAdventure Re al e state inve stm e nt will no t take o ut all yo ur e ne rg ie s, until yo u are pre pare d and fo re sig hte d to take the adve nture in full swing . Yo u can save a he ll lo t o f tim e , if yo u are vig ilant e no ug h to kno w the te chniq ue s o f m aking a judicio us inve stm e nt in the rig ht tim e and whe n the re are g o o d m arke t co nditio ns pre vailing at that po int o f tim e . Yo u sho uld be pre pare d to tim e yo urse lf. Take so m e tim e o ut, and do m arke t re se arch. Initiate sm all adve nture s that invo lve ne g o tiating re al e state de als, buying a pro pe rty, m anag ing it and the n se lling it o ff. Calculate the tim e inve ste d in yo ur re al e state ne g o tiatio n. If the tim e was le ss than the o ptim um tim e , yo u have do ne it rig ht. And if yo u e nd up inve sting m o re tim e , the n yo u ne e d to wo rk it o ut ag ain, and m ake so m e re al co rre ctio n fo r co nsum m ating ne xt de als. Yo u have vario us ways and m e tho do lo g ie s, calle d the Re al Estate Strate g ie s that can m ake it happe n fo r yo u in the rig ht m anne r.
  • 7. Leverageis theRight WayLeverageis theRight Way The co nce pt o f le ve rag e in re al e state is no t a ne w o ne . It im plie s inve sting a part o f yo ur m o ne y and bo rro wing the re st fro m o the r so urce s, like banks, inve stm e nt co m panie s, finance co m panie s, o r o the r pe o ple 's m o ne y (O PM). The re have be e n m any instance s whe re pe o ple have be co m e rich by practically applying O PM Le ve rag e Principal. As I had discusse d unde r the subhe ad - No Ne e d fo r Hug e Starting Capital, the hig h ratio financing sche m e g ive s an o ppo rtunity o f no risk to the le nde rs, as the pro pe rty be co m e s the se curity. Mo re o ve r, in case the le nde r is inte re ste d in se lling the pro pe rty, the ne t pro ce e ds re sulting fro m the sale o f the pro pe rty sho uld co m fo rtably co ve r the m o rtg ag e am o unt. No w co nside r a situatio n, whe re the le nde r le ve rag e s the pro pe rty at a to o hig h ratio , de bt, says 9 8 % o r e ve n m o re , and all o f the sudde n the m arke t sho ws a do wnturn, than bo th the inve sto r as we ll as the le nde r. He nce , g re at is the m o rtg ag e de bt, m o re is the le nde r's risk, and it is the re fo re ne ce ssary that the le nde r pays hig he r inte re st rate s. The o nly way o ut to e ase the risk fro m le nde r's he ad is to g e t the m o rtg ag e insure d.
  • 8. Real EstateAppreciationReal EstateAppreciation An appre ciatio n is an ave rag e incre ase in the pro pe rty value o ve r the o rig inal capital inve stm e nt, taking place o ve r a pe rio d. The re are so m e ne g le cte d re al e state pro pe rtie s that have an appre ciatio n be lo w the ave rag e m ark, whe re as, so m e o f the pro pe rtie s lo cate d in m aintaine d g e o g raphical are as, sho wing hig h de m and, have an abo ve ave rag e appre ciatio n. In such ce ntrally lo cate d and hig h de m and are as, the ave rag e appre ciatio n can re ach up to 25% in a ye ar. Iwilldiscuss appre ciatio n in the chapte r o n re al e state cycle s. Fo r no w, fo r g e ne ral unde rstanding , appre ciatio n is what g o e s up.
  • 9. YouMakeYourEquityYouMakeYourEquity As yo u g radually pay yo ur m o rtg ag e de bts, yo u are cre ating yo ur e q uity. In o the r wo rds, yo u wo uld be re aching to o rig inal ho use price o n which yo u have no de bt. Yo ur e q uity is abso lute ly fre e o f pe rce ntag e incre ase in appre ciatio n. Fro m the inve sto r's pe rspe ctive , in the re ale state m arke t, e q uity is the am o unt that is fre e o f de bt and it is the am o unt that an inve sto r ho lds. Whe n yo u sale yo ur pro pe rty, the n the ne t m o ne y yo u g e t, afte r paying all the co m m issio ns and clo sing co sts, be co m e s yo ur e q uity. Le nde rs do n't want to take a risk by allo wing a lo an o n o ve r 9 0 % o f e q uity. The re fo re , in this m anne r, the le nde rs take the safe ty m e asure s in the wake o f the ir lo an be ing de faulte d. Ho we ve r, the re are ce rtain co nditio ns, whe re in, CMHC o ffe rs the purchase rs o f re al e state pro pe rty q ualifying the insurance , a m o rtg ag e o f up to 1 0 0 % o f the purchase price o ve r yo ur principal ho use value . In the wake o f an e ve nt whe re bo rro we rs want m o re m o ne y fro m the le nde rs, the y wo uld ide ally se ttle fo r se co nd and the third m o rtg ag e s.
  • 10. Low InflationLow Inflation Inflatio n is the rise in the price s o f the pro ducts, co m m o ditie s and se rvice s, o r putting it ano the r way, it is the de cre ase in yo ur capacity to buy o r hire the se rvice s. Suppo sing , a co m m o dity was wo rth $1 0 a de cade back, will no w co st $ 1 0 0 as the re sult o f inflatio n. Fo r pe o ple who have fixe d salarie s fe e l the re al brunt o f the do llar, as the inflatio n rise s. If we analyze clo se ly, the land appre ciatio n value fo r the re side ntial re al e state is 4% to 5% hig he r than the inflatio n rate . The re fo re , whe n yo u inve st in re al e state , the n yo u are paying m o rtg ag e de bts o n hig h do llar value . No w, as yo u are g e tting m o re , salary to pay le ss am o unt than the am o unt that yo u had paid o n the o rig inalm o rtg ag e .
  • 11. TaxExemptionsTaxExemptions Yo u g e t vario us tax e xe m ptio ns o n yo ur principal and inve stm e nt inco m e pro pe rty. The tax e xe m ptio ns available in re al e state pro pe rty inve stm e nt are m o re than available in any o the r inve stm e nt. In o the r inve stm e nts, yo u lo se te rribly o n the inve stm e nts in yo ur bank in the fo rm o f inflatio n and hig h taxe s the re in, but in re al e state ; yo u do n't actually have such hindrance s.
  • 12. Net PositiveandHighIncomeisNet PositiveandHighIncomeis GeneratedGenerated If take n in the rig ht dire ctio n and playe d se rio usly, a re ale state inve stm e nt can be yo ur virtue , m aking e nde avo r no w and in tim e s to co m e . Yo u will no t o nly be having an additio nal asse t building in yo ur favo r, but also with po sitive cash flo w, yo ur re ale state pro pe rty value willincre ase auto m atically.
  • 13. HighReturnonInvestmentsHighReturnonInvestments Re al e state inve stm e nt g ive s yo u po te ntially hig h Re turn o n Inve stm e nts (RO Is) be fo re and afte r the taxe s le vie d o n yo ur inco m e . In fact, inve sting in re al e state g ive s yo u hig h RO Is afte r the taxe s.
  • 14. DemandforReal EstateIncreasesDemandforReal EstateIncreases As a natural instance , whe n the po pulatio n o f a re g io n incre ase s, the to tal usable land de cre ase s, and this pro vide s the im pe tus fo r hig h re al e state price s. The re are m any co m m unitie s that can o r canno t have g ro wth and de ve lo pm e nt re g ulatio ns, the re by, re sulting in lim ite d land available fo r use . The re fo re , the re al e state price s in the are a se t up. Re m e m be r ho using is the ne ce ssity o f an individualand the re fo re it is m uch in de m and than any o the r sing le co m m o dity take n. Furthe rm o re , the re are pe o ple who purchase additio nal ho use s fo r the ir re cre atio n, re cluse o r as a past tim e . This in turn incre ase s the de m and fo r land.
  • 15. Formoreinformationvisit at:Formoreinformationvisit at: https: //www. face bo o k. co m /G e o rg e Schiaffino The Re alto r/ https: //www. linke din. co m /in/g e o rg e -schiaffino -6 ab6 b0 1 20 http: //www. slide share . ne t/g e o rg e schiafffino https: //twitte r. co m /g schiaffino https: //g e o rg e schiaffino blo g . wo rdpre ss. co m / http: //www. g e o rg e schiaffino . us/ http: //www. allpe rfe ctsto rie s. co m /autho r/g e o rg e schiaffino / https: //www. face bo o k. co m /g e o rg e . schiaffino . 7
  • 16. Contact UsContact Us GeorgeSchiaffinoGeorgeSchiaffino 1 0 220 S Do lfie ld Rd, Suite 1 0 6 , O wing s Mills, MD 21 1 1 7 http: //www. re bate re altyusa. co m /