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The Joy Of Server Side
Swift Development
In 1943 Konrad Zuse invented
9 Programming languages
- Fortran(concept)
- Fortran II
- LISP(implementation)
58 Programming languages
- ALGOL 60
- COBOL 61(implementation)
- APL(concept)
- Simula(concept) - SNOBOL - CPL - SNOBOL3
- ALGOL 68(concept)
113 Programming languages
- Pascal
- Smalltalk
- C
- Prolog
- Structured Query language ( SQL)
- Bourne Shell(sh)
- Modula-2
170 Programming languages
- Ada 80(MIL-STD-1815)
- Turbo Pascal
- Objective-C
- C++
- Eiffel
- Erlang
231 Programming languages
- Haskell
- Python
- Visual Basic
- Brainfuck
- Borland Delphi
- Java
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- Standard C++
292 Programming languages
- ActionScript
- C#
- D
- Scala
- Groovy
- F#
- Clojure
- Go
339 Programming languages
- Rust
- Elm
- Kotlin
- Elixir
- Hack
- C++14
354 Programming languages
and then...
Do we really need another
programming language?
Who Am I?
A developer
After one year
For Real!
Officially, only Linux is
Being Open-Source...
Server side development
without a web framework?
We have a few...
Perfect: (8829)
Vapor: (6763)
Kitura: (4578)
Swifton: (2016)
Zewo: (1358)
Blackfish: (932)
Slimane: (61)
Tailor: (55)
Kunugi: (35)
Quark: (33)
"Perfect is a complete and
powerful toolbox,
framework, and application
server for Linux, iOS, and
They got money
(Even without React.js!)
Open-source-ish, but
Sean Stephens
Chief Executive Officer
let server = HTTPServer()
var routes = Routes()
routes.add(method: .get, uri: "/", handler: {
request, response in
response.setHeader(.contentType, value: "text/html")
"<html><title>Hello, world!</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html>")
server.serverPort = 8181
server.documentRoot = "./webroot"
do {
try server.start()
} catch PerfectError.networkError(let err, let msg) {
print("Network error thrown: (err) (msg)")
4 Laravel inspired
4 Easy to setup
4 Fantastic Command Line Tool
let drop = Droplet()
drop.get("/") { request in
return try drop.view.make("welcome.html")
drop.get("plaintext") { request in
return "Hello, World!"
4 Backed by IBM
4 Express.js-like
4 Perfectly integrated in IBM cloud solution BlueMix
import Kitura
let router = Router()
router.get("/") {
request, response, next in
response.send("Hello, World!")
Kitura.addHTTPServer(onPort: 8080, with: router)
Let's talk now of...
Benchmarks are difficult
and useless...
Swift Frameworks
Fair Enough
Let's do some code
You can write Basic in
You can write Haskell-ish
in Swift...
The sense of Swift
An Isomorphic Swift App!
A Universal Swift App!
Mr Drizzle!
An hyper local weather app
MrDrizzle Server Requirements:
4 Convert from Wunderground Models to MrDrizzle
4 Refresh cache every hour
MrDrizzle Server
mkdir MrDrizzleServer
cd MrDrizzleServer
swift package init --type executable
Swift Package Manager
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MrDrizzleServer",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 0)
Let's make it run
// main.swift
import Foundation
import HTTP
import Vapor
let wheaterUndergroundKey = "KEY"
let wheaterUndergroundDomain = ""
let drop = Droplet()
drop.get("/hello") { _ in
return "Hello World"
$ swift build
> Cloning
> HEAD is now at 453f7cf Merge pull request #628
> Resolved version: 1.0.3
> Cloning
> HEAD is now at 0aaa68b Merge pull request #15
> Resolved version: 1.0.1
> Cloning
> Compile Swift Module 'TypeSafeRouting' (3 sources)
> Compile Swift Module 'Vapor' (83 sources)
> Compile Swift Module 'MrDrizzleServer' (1 sources)
> Linking ./.build/debug/MrDrizzleServer
$ .build/debug/MrDrizzleServer
> Could not load localization files
> No cipher key was set, using blank key.
> Chacha20 cipher requires an initialization
> No command supplied, defaulting to serve
> No preparations.
> No servers.json configuration found.
> Starting server at
$ swift package generate-xcodeproj
> generated: ./MrDrizzleServer.xcodeproj
Hello World for dummies
This version:
drop.get("/hello") { _ in
return "Hello World"
Is equivalent to:
func handler(request: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable {
return Response(status: .ok, body: "Hello, World")
drop.get("/hello", handler: handler)
extension Swift.String: ResponseRepresentable {
public func makeResponse() -> Response {
return Response(body: self.bytes)
Go back to
The list of the stations:
struct StationInfo {
let name: String
let stationId: String
let lat: Float
let lon: Float
let stationsInfo = [
StationInfo(name: "Chelsea",
stationId: "ILONDON330",
lat: 51.479633, lon:-0.180277),
StationInfo(name: "Westminster",
stationId: "ILONDON120",
lat: 51.65343, lon:-0.183732)
Let's define a schema for
our models
Model schema in pseudocode
object Stations {
Array of Station stations
object Station {
string id
float lat
float lon
string name
Array of HourlyMeasure measures
object HourlyMeasure {
int32 hour
float temp_f
float temp_c
syntax = "proto3";
message Stations {
repeated Station stations = 1;
message Station {
string id = 1;
float lat = 2;
float lon = 3;
string name = 4;
repeated HourlyMeasure measures = 5;
message HourlyMeasure {
int32 hour = 1;
float temp_f = 2;
float temp_c = 3;
Invented by Apple
Given this:
syntax = "proto3";
message Stations {
repeated Station stations = 1;
message Station {
string id = 1;
float lat = 2;
float lon = 3;
string name = 4;
repeated HourlyMeasure measures = 5;
message HourlyMeasure {
int32 hour = 1;
float temp_f = 2;
float temp_c = 3;
* Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.
* Source: mrdrizzle.proto
public struct Stations: ProtobufGeneratedMessage {
public var swiftClassName: String {return "Stations"}
public var protoMessageName: String {return "Stations"}
public var protoPackageName: String {return ""}
public struct Station: ProtobufGeneratedMessage {
public var swiftClassName: String {return "Station"}
public var protoMessageName: String {return "Station"}
public var protoPackageName: String {return ""}
public struct HourlyMeasure: ProtobufGeneratedMessage {
public var swiftClassName: String {return "HourlyMeasure"}
public var protoMessageName: String {return "HourlyMeasure"}
public var protoPackageName: String {return ""}
We extend these structs to
instantiate from the
wunderground JSON
Wheater Underground JSON:
"response": {
"version": "0.1",
"hourly_forecast": [
"hour": "22",
"mday": "19",
"mday_padded": "19",
"yday": "292",
"isdst": "1",
"age": "",
"temp": {
"english": "52",
"metric": "11"
"condition": "Clear",
"icon": "clear",
"metric": "-9999"
extension Station {
init?(stationInfo: StationInfo, json: JSON) {
guard let hourly_forecast =
json["hourly_forecast"]?.array as? [JSON]
else {
return nil
let measures = hourly_forecast.flatMap {
HourlyMeasure(json: $0)
lon: stationInfo.lon,
measures: measures)
extension HourlyMeasure {
init?(json: JSON) {
guard let fctTime = json["FCTTIME"]?.object,
let hour = fctTime["hour"]?.string,
let temp = json["temp"]?.object,
let tempF = temp["english"]?.string,
let tempC = temp["metric"]?.string
else {
return nil
self.init(hour: Int32(hour),
tempF: Float(tempF),
tempC: Float(tempC))
Retrieving from
Wunderground Server
extension Station {
init?(stationInfo: StationInfo, client: ClientProtocol.Type) {
let url = "http://(wheaterUndergroundDomain)/api/" +
"(wheaterUndergroundKey)/hourly/q/pws:" +
guard let response = try? client.get(url),
case .data(let bytes) = response.body,
let json = try? JSON(bytes: bytes)
else {
return nil
self.init(stationInfo: stationInfo, json: json)
Refreshing every hour
We cannot use URLSession :-(
class WeatherService {
private let refreshQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.mrdrizzle.refresh")
private(set) var stations = Stations()
init(stationsInfo: [StationInfo], client: ClientProtocol.Type) {
refresh(stationsInfo: stationsInfo, client: client)
private func refresh(stationsInfo: [StationInfo], client: ClientProtocol.Type) {
stations = stations.refreshed(given: stationsInfo, client: client)
refreshQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3600) { [weak self] in
self?.refresh(stationsInfo: stationsInfo, client: client)
private extension Stations {
func refreshed(given stationsInfo: [StationInfo],
client: ClientProtocol.Type) -> Stations {
return Stations(stations: stationsInfo.flatMap {
Station(stationInfo: $0, client: client)
Putting everything
let drop = Droplet()
let stationsInfo = [
StationInfo(name: "Chelsea", stationId: "ILONDON330", lat: 51.479633, lon:-0.180277),
StationInfo(name: "Westminster", stationId: "ILONDON120", lat: 51.65343, lon:-0.183732)
let weatherService = WeatherService(stationsInfo: stationsInfo, client: drop.client)
drop.get("/api/weather") { _ in
let stations = weatherService.stations
guard let data = try? stations.serializeProtobuf(),
let bytes = try? data.makeBytes()
else {
throw Abort.serverError
return Response(status: .ok, body: .data(bytes))
Job done!
MrDrizzle Client
Networking classes from
struct Resource<A> {
let url: URL
let parse: (Data) -> A?
for example:
let url = URL(string: "")!
let helloResource = Resource<String>(url: url, parse: { data in
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
class ApiService {
func load<A>(resource: Resource<A>, completion: @escaping (A?) -> ()) {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: resource.url) { data, response, error in
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200,
let data = data
else {
let url = URL(string: "")!
let helloResource = Resource<String>(url: url) { data in
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
ApiService().load(resource: helloResource) {
guard let hello = $0 else {
print("ERROR - Hello")
let url = URL(string: "")!
let stationResources = Resource<Stations>(url: url) { data in
return try? Stations(protobuf: data)
ApiService().load(resource: stationResources) {
guard let stations = $0 else {
print("ERROR - Stations")
It's ok :-)
Apps are so 2014!
Let's do something modern
A Deep Learning Functional
Reactive Chatbot!
Story behind it
Diagram of a Facebook
Messenger ChatBot
Chat Flow
Let's do it
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "UncleLucio",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 0)
// main.swift
import Foundation
import Vapor
import HTTP
let fbURL = "" +
let uncleLucio = UncleLucio(jokesDB: JokesDB())
let drop = Droplet()
// main.swift
drop.get("fbwebhook") { request in
guard let token =["hub.verify_token"]?.string,
let response =["hub.challenge"]?.string
else {
throw Abort.badRequest
return response // Response(status: .ok, text: response)
} else {
return "Error, invalid token"//Response(status: .ok, text: "Error, invalid token")
// main.swift"fbwebhook") { request in
guard let jsonBody = request.json,
let chatMessage = ChatMessage(message: jsonBody)
else {
throw Abort.badRequest
let replyMessage = uncleLucio.message(after: chatMessage)
return try,
headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"],
body: replyMessage.toJSON())
// ChatMessage.swift
import Foundation
import Vapor
import HTTP
struct ChatMessage {
let sender: String
let recipient: String
let text: String?
Payload send by Facebook callback
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "1677732245875632",
"time": 1476209402183,
"messaging": [
"sender": {
"id": "1243544059050238"
"recipient": {
"id": "1677732245875632"
"timestamp": 1476209402090,
"message": {
"mid": "mid.1476209402075:82aff934133d72d746",
"seq": 17,
"text": "Knock knock"
// ChatMessage.swift
extension ChatMessage {
init?(message: JSON) {
guard let entry = message["entry"]?.array?.first as? JSON
else {
return nil
guard let messaging = entry["messaging"]?.array?.first as? JSON
else {
return nil
guard let senderWrapper = messaging["sender"]?.object,
let sender = senderWrapper["id"]?.string
else {
return nil
self.sender = sender
guard let recipientWrapper = messaging["recipient"]?.object,
let recipient = recipientWrapper["id"]?.string
else {
return nil
self.recipient = recipient
guard let message = messaging["message"]?.object
else {
return nil
self.text = message["text"]?.string
// ChatMessage.swift
extension ChatMessage {
func toJSON() throws -> JSON {
return try JSON(node: [
"sender": try JSON(node: [
"id": sender
"recipient": try JSON(node: [
"id": recipient
"message": try JSON(node: [
"text": text
// UncleLucio.swift
class UncleLucio {
private let jokesDB: JokesDB
private var sessions = [String: State]()
init(jokesDB: JokesDB) {
self.jokesDB = jokesDB
func message(after chatMessage: ChatMessage) -> ChatMessage {
return replyMessage
// UncleLucio.swift
func message(after chatMessage: ChatMessage) -> ChatMessage {
let state = sessions[chatMessage.sender] ?? StartState(joke: jokesDB.randomJoke())
let (text, newState) = state.nextState(when: chatMessage.text ?? "pota")
if newState is Done {
sessions.removeValue(forKey: chatMessage.sender)
} else {
sessions[chatMessage.sender] = newState
let replyMessage = ChatMessage(sender: chatMessage.recipient,
recipient: chatMessage.sender,
text: text)
return replyMessage
// UncleLucio.swift
protocol State {
func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State)
// UncleLucio.swift
struct StartState: State {
let joke: Joke
func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) {
if message.lowercased().contains("joke") {
return ("Knock Knock", WaitingForReplyState(joke: joke))
return ("pota", self)
struct WaitingForReplyState: State {
let joke: Joke
func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) {
let text = message.lowercased()
if text.contains("who's there") ||
text.contains("who is there") {
return ("(joke.subject)!", WaitingForSubjectReplyState(joke: joke))
return ("pota", StartState(joke: joke))
struct WaitingForSubjectReplyState: State {
let joke: Joke
func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) {
let text = message.lowercased()
if text.contains("(joke.subject.lowercased()) who") {
return ("(joke.punchline)nahahah", Done())
return ("pota", StartState(joke: joke))
struct Done: State {
func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) {
return ("pota", Done())
Really easy to test
func testInStart_ReceivingGarbage_SaysSlogan_GoesStart() {
let state = StartState(joke: joke())
let (text, nextState) = state.nextState(when: "foobar")
XCTAssertEqual(text, "pota")
XCTAssertTrue(nextState is StartState)
func testWaitingForSubjectReply_ReceivingReply_SaysPunchline_GoesDone() {
let state = WaitingForSubjectReplyState(joke: joke())
let (text, nextState) = state.nextState(when: "(joke().subject) who")
XCTAssertEqual(text, "(joke().punchline)nahahah")
XCTAssertTrue(nextState is Done)
class JokesDB {
private let jokes: [Joke] = [
("Harry", "Harry up and let me in!"),
("Wanda", "Wanda hang out with me right now?"),
("Olive", "Olive you and I don’t care who knows it!"),
("Ho-ho", "You know, your Santa impression could use a little work."),
("Hanna", "...Hanna partridge in a pear tree!"),
("Mary and Abbey", "Mary Christmas and Abbey New Year!"),
("Irish", "Irish you a Merry Christmas!"),
("Yule log", "Yule log the door after you let me in, won’t you?"),
("Ya", "I’m excited to see you too!"),
("Sherlock", "Sherlock your door shut tight!"),
("Scold", "Scold outside—let me in!"),
("Robin", "Robin you! Hand over your cash!"),
("Needle", "Needle little help gettin’ in the door."),
("Nana", "Nana your business who’s there."),
("Luke", "Luke through the keyhole to see!"),
("Isabelle", "Isabelle working, or should I keep knocking?"),
].map {
Joke(subject: $0.0,
punchline: $0.1)
func randomJoke() -> Joke {
return jokes.randomItem()
extension Array {
func randomItem() -> Element {
let index = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.count)))
return self[index]
A reason for using Swift in
Often in our job...
But sometimes...
"Everything in Its Right
Place" (cit.)
Thank You!

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The Joy Of Server Side Swift Development

  • 1. The Joy Of Server Side Swift Development
  • 2. In 1943 Konrad Zuse invented Plankalkül
  • 4. 1950s ... - Fortran(concept) - Fortran II - ALGOL 58(IAL) - LISP(implementation) ...
  • 6. 1960s ... - ALGOL 60 - COBOL 61(implementation) - FORTRAN IV - APL(concept) - Simula(concept) - SNOBOL - CPL - SNOBOL3 - ALGOL 68(concept) - BASIC ...
  • 8. 1970s ... - Pascal - Smalltalk - C - Prolog - Structured Query language ( SQL) - Bourne Shell(sh) - Modula-2 - AWK ...
  • 10. 1980s ... - Ada 80(MIL-STD-1815) - GW-BASIC - Turbo Pascal - Objective-C - C++ - Eiffel - Erlang ...
  • 12. 1990s ... - AMOS BASIC - Haskell - Python - Visual Basic - Brainfuck - Borland Delphi - Java - PHP - Ruby - JavaScript - Standard C++ ...
  • 14. 2000s ... - ActionScript - C# - D - Scala - Groovy - F# - Clojure - Go ...
  • 16. 2010s ... - Rust - Elm - Kotlin - Elixir - Hack - C++14 ...
  • 19.
  • 20. 355
  • 21. Do we really need another programming language?
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. Officially, only Linux is Supported
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 41. We have a few...
  • 42. Perfect: (8829) Vapor: (6763) Kitura: (4578) Swifton: (2016) Zewo: (1358) Blackfish: (932) Slimane: (61) Tailor: (55) Kunugi: (35) Quark: (33)
  • 43.
  • 44. "Perfect is a complete and powerful toolbox, framework, and application server for Linux, iOS, and macOS"
  • 45. They got money (Even without React.js!)
  • 46.
  • 48.
  • 50. let server = HTTPServer() var routes = Routes() routes.add(method: .get, uri: "/", handler: { request, response in response.setHeader(.contentType, value: "text/html") response.appendBody(string: "<html><title>Hello, world!</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html>") response.completed() } ) server.addRoutes(routes) server.serverPort = 8181 server.documentRoot = "./webroot" configureServer(server) do { try server.start() } catch PerfectError.networkError(let err, let msg) { print("Network error thrown: (err) (msg)") }
  • 51.
  • 52. 4 Laravel inspired 4 Easy to setup 4 Fantastic Command Line Tool
  • 53.
  • 54. let drop = Droplet() drop.get("/") { request in return try drop.view.make("welcome.html") } drop.get("plaintext") { request in return "Hello, World!" } drop.serve()
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. 4 Backed by IBM 4 Express.js-like 4 Perfectly integrated in IBM cloud solution BlueMix
  • 58.
  • 59. import Kitura let router = Router() router.get("/") { request, response, next in response.send("Hello, World!") next() } Kitura.addHTTPServer(onPort: 8080, with: router)
  • 60. Let's talk now of...
  • 63.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 71.
  • 74. You can write Basic in Swift...
  • 75. You can write Haskell-ish in Swift...
  • 76. The sense of Swift
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 82. An hyper local weather app
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87. MrDrizzle Server Requirements: 4 Convert from Wunderground Models to MrDrizzle Model 4 Refresh cache every hour
  • 89.
  • 90. mkdir MrDrizzleServer cd MrDrizzleServer swift package init --type executable
  • 91.
  • 92. Swift Package Manager import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "MrDrizzleServer", dependencies: [ .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 0) ] )
  • 93. Let's make it run // main.swift import Foundation import HTTP import Vapor let wheaterUndergroundKey = "KEY" let wheaterUndergroundDomain = "" let drop = Droplet() drop.get("/hello") { _ in return "Hello World" }
  • 94. $ swift build > Cloning > HEAD is now at 453f7cf Merge pull request #628 > Resolved version: 1.0.3 > Cloning > HEAD is now at 0aaa68b Merge pull request #15 > Resolved version: 1.0.1 > Cloning .... .... > Compile Swift Module 'TypeSafeRouting' (3 sources) > Compile Swift Module 'Vapor' (83 sources) > Compile Swift Module 'MrDrizzleServer' (1 sources) > Linking ./.build/debug/MrDrizzleServer $ .build/debug/MrDrizzleServer
  • 95. > Could not load localization files > No cipher key was set, using blank key. > Chacha20 cipher requires an initialization > No command supplied, defaulting to serve > No preparations. > No servers.json configuration found. > Starting server at
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98. $ swift package generate-xcodeproj > generated: ./MrDrizzleServer.xcodeproj
  • 99.
  • 100. Hello World for dummies
  • 101. This version: drop.get("/hello") { _ in return "Hello World" }
  • 102. Is equivalent to: func handler(request: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable { return Response(status: .ok, body: "Hello, World") } drop.get("/hello", handler: handler) because: extension Swift.String: ResponseRepresentable { public func makeResponse() -> Response { return Response(body: self.bytes) } }
  • 104. The list of the stations: struct StationInfo { let name: String let stationId: String let lat: Float let lon: Float } let stationsInfo = [ StationInfo(name: "Chelsea", stationId: "ILONDON330", lat: 51.479633, lon:-0.180277), StationInfo(name: "Westminster", stationId: "ILONDON120", lat: 51.65343, lon:-0.183732) //... ]
  • 105. Let's define a schema for our models
  • 106. Model schema in pseudocode object Stations { Array of Station stations } object Station { string id float lat float lon string name Array of HourlyMeasure measures } object HourlyMeasure { int32 hour float temp_f float temp_c }
  • 107. syntax = "proto3"; message Stations { repeated Station stations = 1; } message Station { string id = 1; float lat = 2; float lon = 3; string name = 4; repeated HourlyMeasure measures = 5; } message HourlyMeasure { int32 hour = 1; float temp_f = 2; float temp_c = 3; }
  • 109.
  • 110. Given this: syntax = "proto3"; message Stations { repeated Station stations = 1; } message Station { string id = 1; float lat = 2; float lon = 3; string name = 4; repeated HourlyMeasure measures = 5; } message HourlyMeasure { int32 hour = 1; float temp_f = 2; float temp_c = 3; }
  • 111. /* * DO NOT EDIT. * * Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. * Source: mrdrizzle.proto * */ public struct Stations: ProtobufGeneratedMessage { public var swiftClassName: String {return "Stations"} public var protoMessageName: String {return "Stations"} public var protoPackageName: String {return ""} //... } public struct Station: ProtobufGeneratedMessage { public var swiftClassName: String {return "Station"} public var protoMessageName: String {return "Station"} public var protoPackageName: String {return ""} //... } public struct HourlyMeasure: ProtobufGeneratedMessage { public var swiftClassName: String {return "HourlyMeasure"} public var protoMessageName: String {return "HourlyMeasure"} public var protoPackageName: String {return ""} //... }
  • 112. We extend these structs to instantiate from the wunderground JSON
  • 113. Wheater Underground JSON: { "response": { "version": "0.1", }, "hourly_forecast": [ { "FCTTIME": { "hour": "22", "mday": "19", "mday_padded": "19", "yday": "292", "isdst": "1", "age": "", "UTCDATE": "" }, "temp": { "english": "52", "metric": "11" }, "condition": "Clear", "icon": "clear", "metric": "-9999" }, ...
  • 114. extension Station { init?(stationInfo: StationInfo, json: JSON) { guard let hourly_forecast = json["hourly_forecast"]?.array as? [JSON] else { return nil } let measures = hourly_forecast.flatMap { HourlyMeasure(json: $0) } self.init(lat:, lon: stationInfo.lon, name:, measures: measures) } }
  • 115. extension HourlyMeasure { init?(json: JSON) { guard let fctTime = json["FCTTIME"]?.object, let hour = fctTime["hour"]?.string, let temp = json["temp"]?.object, let tempF = temp["english"]?.string, let tempC = temp["metric"]?.string else { return nil } self.init(hour: Int32(hour), tempF: Float(tempF), tempC: Float(tempC)) } }
  • 117. extension Station { init?(stationInfo: StationInfo, client: ClientProtocol.Type) { let url = "http://(wheaterUndergroundDomain)/api/" + "(wheaterUndergroundKey)/hourly/q/pws:" + "(stationInfo.stationId).json" guard let response = try? client.get(url), case .data(let bytes) = response.body, let json = try? JSON(bytes: bytes) else { return nil } self.init(stationInfo: stationInfo, json: json) } }
  • 119. We cannot use URLSession :-( class WeatherService { private let refreshQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.mrdrizzle.refresh") private(set) var stations = Stations() init(stationsInfo: [StationInfo], client: ClientProtocol.Type) { refresh(stationsInfo: stationsInfo, client: client) } private func refresh(stationsInfo: [StationInfo], client: ClientProtocol.Type) { stations = stations.refreshed(given: stationsInfo, client: client) refreshQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3600) { [weak self] in self?.refresh(stationsInfo: stationsInfo, client: client) } } }
  • 120. private extension Stations { func refreshed(given stationsInfo: [StationInfo], client: ClientProtocol.Type) -> Stations { return Stations(stations: stationsInfo.flatMap { Station(stationInfo: $0, client: client) }) } }
  • 122. //main.swift let drop = Droplet() let stationsInfo = [ StationInfo(name: "Chelsea", stationId: "ILONDON330", lat: 51.479633, lon:-0.180277), StationInfo(name: "Westminster", stationId: "ILONDON120", lat: 51.65343, lon:-0.183732) //... ] let weatherService = WeatherService(stationsInfo: stationsInfo, client: drop.client) drop.get("/api/weather") { _ in let stations = weatherService.stations guard let data = try? stations.serializeProtobuf(), let bytes = try? data.makeBytes() else { throw Abort.serverError } return Response(status: .ok, body: .data(bytes)) }
  • 126. struct Resource<A> { let url: URL let parse: (Data) -> A? } for example: let url = URL(string: "")! let helloResource = Resource<String>(url: url, parse: { data in return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) })
  • 127. class ApiService { func load<A>(resource: Resource<A>, completion: @escaping (A?) -> ()) { URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: resource.url) { data, response, error in guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse, httpResponse.statusCode == 200, let data = data else { completion(nil) return } completion(resource.parse(data)) }.resume() } }
  • 128. let url = URL(string: "")! let helloResource = Resource<String>(url: url) { data in return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) } ApiService().load(resource: helloResource) { guard let hello = $0 else { print("ERROR - Hello") return } print(hello) }
  • 129. let url = URL(string: "")! let stationResources = Resource<Stations>(url: url) { data in return try? Stations(protobuf: data) } ApiService().load(resource: stationResources) { guard let stations = $0 else { print("ERROR - Stations") return } print(stations) }
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  • 132. Recap
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  • 136. Apps are so 2014!
  • 138. A Deep Learning Functional Reactive Chatbot!
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  • 146. Diagram of a Facebook Messenger ChatBot
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  • 156. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "UncleLucio", dependencies: [ .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 0) ] )
  • 157. // main.swift import Foundation import Vapor import HTTP let PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN = "STUFF" let fbURL = "" + PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN let uncleLucio = UncleLucio(jokesDB: JokesDB()) let drop = Droplet()
  • 158. // main.swift drop.get("fbwebhook") { request in guard let token =["hub.verify_token"]?.string, let response =["hub.challenge"]?.string else { throw Abort.badRequest } if token == "UNCLELUCIO_VERIFICATION_TOKEN" { return response // Response(status: .ok, text: response) } else { return "Error, invalid token"//Response(status: .ok, text: "Error, invalid token") } }
  • 159. // main.swift"fbwebhook") { request in request.log() guard let jsonBody = request.json, let chatMessage = ChatMessage(message: jsonBody) else { throw Abort.badRequest } let replyMessage = uncleLucio.message(after: chatMessage) return try, headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"], body: replyMessage.toJSON()) }
  • 160. // ChatMessage.swift import Foundation import Vapor import HTTP struct ChatMessage { let sender: String let recipient: String let text: String? }
  • 161. Payload send by Facebook callback { "object": "page", "entry": [ { "id": "1677732245875632", "time": 1476209402183, "messaging": [ { "sender": { "id": "1243544059050238" }, "recipient": { "id": "1677732245875632" }, "timestamp": 1476209402090, "message": { "mid": "mid.1476209402075:82aff934133d72d746", "seq": 17, "text": "Knock knock" } } ] } ] }
  • 162. // ChatMessage.swift extension ChatMessage { init?(message: JSON) { guard let entry = message["entry"]?.array?.first as? JSON else { return nil } guard let messaging = entry["messaging"]?.array?.first as? JSON else { return nil } guard let senderWrapper = messaging["sender"]?.object, let sender = senderWrapper["id"]?.string else { return nil } self.sender = sender guard let recipientWrapper = messaging["recipient"]?.object, let recipient = recipientWrapper["id"]?.string else { return nil } self.recipient = recipient guard let message = messaging["message"]?.object else { return nil } self.text = message["text"]?.string } }
  • 163. // ChatMessage.swift extension ChatMessage { func toJSON() throws -> JSON { return try JSON(node: [ "sender": try JSON(node: [ "id": sender ]), "recipient": try JSON(node: [ "id": recipient ]), "message": try JSON(node: [ "text": text ]), ]) } }
  • 164.
  • 165. // UncleLucio.swift class UncleLucio { private let jokesDB: JokesDB private var sessions = [String: State]() init(jokesDB: JokesDB) { self.jokesDB = jokesDB } func message(after chatMessage: ChatMessage) -> ChatMessage { //... return replyMessage } }
  • 166. // UncleLucio.swift func message(after chatMessage: ChatMessage) -> ChatMessage { let state = sessions[chatMessage.sender] ?? StartState(joke: jokesDB.randomJoke()) let (text, newState) = state.nextState(when: chatMessage.text ?? "pota") if newState is Done { sessions.removeValue(forKey: chatMessage.sender) } else { sessions[chatMessage.sender] = newState } let replyMessage = ChatMessage(sender: chatMessage.recipient, recipient: chatMessage.sender, text: text) return replyMessage }
  • 167. // UncleLucio.swift protocol State { func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) }
  • 168. // UncleLucio.swift struct StartState: State { let joke: Joke func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) { if message.lowercased().contains("joke") { return ("Knock Knock", WaitingForReplyState(joke: joke)) } return ("pota", self) } }
  • 169. struct WaitingForReplyState: State { let joke: Joke func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) { let text = message.lowercased() if text.contains("who's there") || text.contains("who is there") { return ("(joke.subject)!", WaitingForSubjectReplyState(joke: joke)) } return ("pota", StartState(joke: joke)) } }
  • 170. struct WaitingForSubjectReplyState: State { let joke: Joke func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) { let text = message.lowercased() if text.contains("(joke.subject.lowercased()) who") { return ("(joke.punchline)nahahah", Done()) } return ("pota", StartState(joke: joke)) } }
  • 171. struct Done: State { func nextState(when message: String) -> (String, State) { return ("pota", Done()) } }
  • 172. Really easy to test
  • 173. func testInStart_ReceivingGarbage_SaysSlogan_GoesStart() { let state = StartState(joke: joke()) let (text, nextState) = state.nextState(when: "foobar") XCTAssertEqual(text, "pota") XCTAssertTrue(nextState is StartState) }
  • 174. func testWaitingForSubjectReply_ReceivingReply_SaysPunchline_GoesDone() { let state = WaitingForSubjectReplyState(joke: joke()) let (text, nextState) = state.nextState(when: "(joke().subject) who") XCTAssertEqual(text, "(joke().punchline)nahahah") XCTAssertTrue(nextState is Done) }
  • 175. class JokesDB { private let jokes: [Joke] = [ ("Harry", "Harry up and let me in!"), ("Wanda", "Wanda hang out with me right now?"), ("Olive", "Olive you and I don’t care who knows it!"), ("Ho-ho", "You know, your Santa impression could use a little work."), ("Hanna", "...Hanna partridge in a pear tree!"), ("Mary and Abbey", "Mary Christmas and Abbey New Year!"), ("Irish", "Irish you a Merry Christmas!"), ("Yule log", "Yule log the door after you let me in, won’t you?"), ("Ya", "I’m excited to see you too!"), ("Sherlock", "Sherlock your door shut tight!"), ("Scold", "Scold outside—let me in!"), ("Robin", "Robin you! Hand over your cash!"), ("Needle", "Needle little help gettin’ in the door."), ("Nana", "Nana your business who’s there."), ("Luke", "Luke through the keyhole to see!"), ("Isabelle", "Isabelle working, or should I keep knocking?"), ].map { Joke(subject: $0.0, punchline: $0.1) } func randomJoke() -> Joke { return jokes.randomItem() } }
  • 176. extension Array { func randomItem() -> Element { let index = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.count))) return self[index] } }
  • 179. A reason for using Swift in Server...
  • 180. Often in our job...
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  • 188. "Everything in Its Right Place" (cit.)
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