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CON6156 - Apache Kafka
Scalable Message Processing and more!
Guido Schmutz – 2.10.2017
Guido Schmutz
Working at Trivadis for more than 20 years
Oracle ACE Director for Fusion Middleware and SOA
Consultant, Trainer Software Architect for Java, Oracle, SOA and
Big Data / Fast Data
Head of Trivadis Architecture Board
Technology Manager @ Trivadis
More than 30 years of software development experience
Twitter: gschmutz
With over 600 specialists and IT experts in your region.
14 Trivadis branches and more than
600 employees
200 Service Level Agreements
Over 4,000 training participants
Research and development budget:
CHF 5.0 million
Financially self-supporting and
sustainably profitable
Experience from more than 1,900
projects per year at over 800
1. What is Apache Kafka?
2. Kafka Connect
3. Kafka Streams
5. Kafka and "Big Data" / "Fast Data" Ecosystem
6. Kafka in Enterprise Architecture
What is Apache Kafka?
Apache Kafka History
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Cluster	mirroring
data	compression
Data	Processing
(Streams	API)
Data	Integration
(Connect	API)
Exactly	Once		Semantics
Performance	Improvements
KSQL	Developer
Apache Kafka - Unix Analogy
$ cat < in.txt | grep "kafka" | tr a-z A-Z > out.txt
Kafka	Connect	API Kafka	Connect	APIKafka	Streams	API
Kafka	Core	(Cluster)
Adapted	from:	Confluent
Kafka High Level Architecture
The who is who
• Producers write data to brokers.
• Consumers read data from
• All this is distributed.
The data
• Data is stored in topics.
• Topics are split into partitions,
which are replicated.
Kafka Cluster
Consumer Consumer Consumer
Producer Producer Producer
Broker 1 Broker 2 Broker 3
Kafka Broker 1
Movement	Topic
P	0
1 2 3 4 5
P	2 1 2 3 4 5
Kafka Broker 2
Movement	Topic
P	2 1 2 3 4 5
P	1 1 2 3 4 5
Kafka Broker 3
Movement	Topic
P	0 1 2 3 4 5
P	1 1 2 3 4 5
Kafka Producer
Write Ahead Log / Commit Log
Producers always append to tail (append to file, i.e. segment)
Order is preserved for messages within same partition
Kafka Broker
Movement	Topic
1 2 3 4 5
6 6
Kafka Consumer - Partition offsets
Offset – A sequential id number assigned to messages in the partitions. Uniquely
identifies a message within a partition.
• Consumers track their pointers via (offset, partition, topic) tuples
• Kafka 0.10: seek to offset by given timestamp using method KafkaConsumer#offsetsForTimes
Consumer	Group	A Consumer	Group	B
1 2 3 4 5 6
Consumer	at
“earliest”	offset
Consumer	at
“latest”	offset
New	data
from	Producer
Consumer	at
specific	offset
Data Retention – 3 options
1. Never:
2. Time based (TTL): log.retention.{ms | minutes | hours}
3. Size based: log.retention.bytes
4. Log compaction based (entries with same key are removed): --zookeeper zk:2181 
--create --topic customers 
--replication-factor 1 
--partitions 1 
--config cleanup.policy=compact
Data Retention - Log Compaction
ensures that Kafka always retain at least the last known value for each message key
within a single topic partition
compaction is done in the background by periodically recopying log segments.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
K1 K2 K1 K1 K3 K2 K4 K5 K5 K2 K6 K2
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11
3 4 6 8 9 10
K1 K3 K4 K5 K2 K6
V4 V5 V7 V9 V10 V11
Topic Viewed as Event Stream or State Stream (Change
Event Stream State Stream (Change Log Stream)
2017-10-02T20:18:46 11,Normal,41.87,-87.67
2017-10-02T20:18:55 11,Normal,40.38,-89.17
2017-10-02T20:18:59 21,Normal,42.23,-91.78
2017-10-02T20:19:01 21,Normal,41.71,-91.32
2017-10-02T20:19:02 11,Normal,38.65,-90.2
2017-10-02T20:19:23 21,Normal41.71,-91.32
11 2017-10-02T20:18:46,11,Normal,41.87,-87.67
11 2017-10-02T20:18:55,11,Normal,40.38,-89.17
21 2017-10-02T20:18:59,	21,Normal,42.23,-91.78
21 2017-10-02T20:19:01,21,Normal,41.71,-91.32
11 2017-10-02T20:19:02,11,Normal,38.65,-90.2
21 2017-10-02T20:19:23,21,Normal41.71,-91.32
Demo (I)
2016-06-02	14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426|
Wichita to	Little Rock	Route2|
Testdata-Generator	by	Hortonworks
Demo (I) – Create Kafka Topic
$ kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --create 
--topic truck_position --partitions 8 --replication-factor 1
$ kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 –list
Demo (I) – Run Producer and Kafka-Console-Consumer
Demo (I) – Java Producer to “truck_position”
Constructing a Kafka Producer
private Properties kafkaProps = new Properties();
kafkaProps.put("key.serializer", "...StringSerializer");
kafkaProps.put("value.serializer", "...StringSerializer");
producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(kafkaProps);
ProducerRecord<String, String> record =
new ProducerRecord<>(”truck_position", driverId, eventData);
try {
metadata = producer.send(record).get();
} catch (Exception e) {}
Demo (II) – devices send to MQTT instead of Kafka
2016-06-02	14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426|
Wichita to	Little Rock	Route2|
Demo (II) – devices send to MQTT instead of Kafka
Demo (II) - devices send to MQTT instead of Kafka –
how to get the data into Kafka?
position raw
2016-06-02	14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426|
Wichita to	Little Rock	Route2|
Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect - Overview
Kafka Connect – Single Message Transforms (SMT)
Simple Transformations for a single message
Defined as part of Kafka Connect
• some useful transforms provided out-of-the-box
• Easily implement your own
Optionally deploy 1+ transforms with each
• Modify messages produced by source
• Modify messages sent to sink connectors
Makes it much easier to mix and match connectors
Some of currently available
• InsertField
• ReplaceField
• MaskField
• ValueToKey
• ExtractField
• TimestampRouter
• RegexRouter
• SetSchemaMetaData
• Flatten
• TimestampConverter
Kafka Connect – Many Connectors
60+ since first release (0.9+)
20+ from Confluent and Partners
Confluent	supported	Connectors
Certified	Connectors Community	Connectors
Demo (III)
mqtt to	
2016-06-02	14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426|
Wichita to	Little Rock	Route2|
Demo (III) – Create MQTT Connect through REST API
curl -X "POST" "" 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d $'{
"name": "mqtt-source",
"config": {
"connect.mqtt.connection.timeout": "1000",
"tasks.max": "1",
"INSERT INTO truck_position SELECT * FROM truck/+/position",
"name": "MqttSourceConnector",
"connect.mqtt.service.quality": "0",
"": "tm-mqtt-connect-01",
"connect.mqtt.converter.throw.on.error": "true",
"connect.mqtt.hosts": "tcp://mosquitto:1883”
Demo (III) – Call REST API and Kafka Console
Demo (III)
mqtt to	
2016-06-02	14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426|
Wichita to	Little Rock	Route2|
what	about	some	
analytics	?
Kafka Streams
Kafka Streams - Overview
• Designed as a simple and lightweight library in Apache
• no external dependencies on systems other than Apache
• Part of open source Apache Kafka, introduced in 0.10+
• Leverages Kafka as its internal messaging layer
• Supports fault-tolerant local state
• Event-at-a-time processing (not microbatch) with millisecond
• Windowing with out-of-order data using a Google DataFlow-like
Kafka Stream DSL and Processor Topology
KStream<Integer, String> stream1 =”in-1");
KStream<Integer, String> stream2=”in-2");
KStream<Integer, String> joined =
stream1.leftJoin(stream2, …);
KTable<> aggregated =
1 2
Kafka Stream DSL and Processor Topology
KStream<Integer, String> stream1 =”in-1");
KStream<Integer, String> stream2=”in-2");
KStream<Integer, String> joined =
stream1.leftJoin(stream2, …);
KTable<> aggregated =
1 2
Kafka Streams Cluster
Processor Topology
Kafka Cluster
store	(changelog)
1 2
Kafka Cluster
Processor Topology
Partition	0
Partition	1
Partition	2
Partition	3
Partition	0
Partition	1
Partition	2
Partition	3
Kafka Streams 1
Kafka Streams 2
Kafka Cluster
Processor Topology
Partition	0
Partition	1
Partition	2
Partition	3
Partition	0
Partition	1
Partition	2
Partition	3
Kafka Streams 1 Kafka Streams 2
Kafka Streams 3 Kafka Streams 4
KSQL: a Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka
• Enables stream processing with zero coding required
• The simples way to process streams of data in real-time
• Powered by Kafka and Kafka Streams: scalable, distributed, mature
• All you need is Kafka – no complex deployments
• available as Developer preview!
• STREAM and TABLE as first-class citizens
• STREAM = data in motion
• TABLE = collected state of a stream
• join STREAM and TABLE
KSQL Deployment Models
Standalone Mode Cluster Mode
Source:	Confluent
Demo (IV)
mqtt to	
2016-06-02	14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426|
Wichita to	Little Rock	Route2|
Demo (IV) - Start Kafka KSQL
$ docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql-cli local --bootstrap-server broker-1:9092
= _ __ _____ ____ _ =
= | |/ // ____|/ __ | | =
= | ' /| (___ | | | | | =
= | < ___ | | | | | =
= | .  ____) | |__| | |____ =
= |_|______/ __________| =
= =
= Streaming SQL Engine for Kafka =
Copyright 2017 Confluent Inc.
CLI v0.1, Server v0.1 located at http://localhost:9098
Having trouble? Type 'help' (case-insensitive) for a rundown of how things work!
Demo (IV) - Create Stream
ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_s 
truckid VARCHAR, 
driverid BIGINT, 
routeid BIGINT, 
routename VARCHAR, 
eventtype VARCHAR, 
latitude DOUBLE, 
longitude DOUBLE, 
correlationid VARCHAR) 
WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position', 
Stream created
Demo (IV) - Create Stream
ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_s 
truckid VARCHAR, 
driverid BIGINT, 
routeid BIGINT, 
routename VARCHAR, 
eventtype VARCHAR, 
latitude DOUBLE, 
longitude DOUBLE, 
correlationid VARCHAR) 
WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position', 
Stream created
Demo (IV) - Create Stream
ksql> describe truck_position_s;
Field | Type
Demo (IV) - Create Stream
ksql> SELECT * FROM truck_position_s;
1506922133306 | "truck/13/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 31 | 13 | 371182829
| Memphis to Little Rock | Normal | 41.76 | -89.6 | -2084263951914664106
1506922133396 | "truck/16/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 19 | 16 | 160405074
| Joplin to Kansas City Route 2 | Normal | 41.48 | -88.07 | -2084263951914664106
1506922133457 | "truck/30/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 26 | 30 | 160779139
| Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Normal | 41.85 | -89.29 | -2084263951914664106
1506922133485 | "truck/23/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 32 | 23 |
1090292248 | Peoria to Ceder Rapids Route 2 | Normal | 41.48 | -88.07 | -
1506922133497 | "truck/12/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 80 | 12 |
1961634315 | Saint Louis to Memphis | Normal | 41.74 | -91.47 | -
1506922133547 | "truck/14/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 73 | 14 |
1927624662 | Springfield to KC Via Columbia | Normal | 35.12 | -90.68 | -
Demo (IV) - Create Stream
ksql> SELECT * FROM truck_position_s WHERE eventtype != 'Normal';
1506922264016 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:04 | 27 | 11 |
1325712174 | Saint Louis to Tulsa Route2 | Lane Departure | 38.5 | -90.69 | -
1506922281156 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:21 | 27 | 11 |
1325712174 | Saint Louis to Tulsa Route2 | Unsafe tail distance | 37.81 | -92.31
| -2084263951914664106
1506922284436 | "truck/10/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:24 | 93 | 10 |
1384345811 | Joplin to Kansas City | Unsafe following distance | 37.02 | -94.54 |
1506922297887 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:37 | 27 | 11 |
1325712174 | Saint Louis to Tulsa Route2 | Unsafe following distance | 37.09 | -
94.23 | -2084263951914664106
Demo (IV) - Create Stream
ksql> CREATE STREAM dangerous_driving_s 
WITH (kafka_topic= dangerous_driving_s', 
AS SELECT * FROM truck_position_s 
WHERE eventtype != 'Normal';
Stream created and running
ksql> select * from dangerous_driving_s;
1506922849375 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:40:49 | 90 | 11 | 160779139
| Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 41.48 | -88.07 |
1506922866488 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:41:06 | 90 | 11 | 160779139
| Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 40.38 | -89.17 |
Demo (V)
27,	Mark	Lochbihler,	2017-10-02	15:19:00
consumer2016-06-02	14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426|
Wichita to	Little Rock	Route2|
Demo (V) – Create JDBC Connect through REST API
curl -X "POST" "" 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d $'{
"name": "jdbc-driver-source",
"config": {
"connector.class": "JdbcSourceConnector",
"mode": "timestamp",
"key.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"name": "jdbc-driver-source",
Demo (V) – Create JDBC Connect through REST API
Demo (V) - Create Table with Driver State
ksql> CREATE TABLE driver_t 
(id BIGINT, 
name VARCHAR) 
WITH (kafka_topic=‘trucking_driver', 
Table created
Demo (V) - Create Table with Driver State
ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_and_driver_s 
WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position_and_driver_s', 
AS SELECT driverid, name, truckid, routeid,routename, eventtype 
FROM truck_position_s 
LEFT JOIN driver_t 
ON truck_position_s.driverid =;
Stream created and running
ksql> select * from truck_position_and_driver_s;
1506922849375 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:40:49 | 90 | 11 | 160779139
| Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 41.48 | -88.07 |
1506922866488 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:41:06 | 90 | 11 | 160779139
| Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 40.38 | -89.17 |
Demo (V) - Create Table with Driver State
ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_and_driver_s 
WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position_and_driver_s', 
AS SELECT driverid, name, truckid, routeid,routename, eventtype 
FROM truck_position_s 
LEFT JOIN driver_t 
ON truck_position_s.driverid =;
Stream created and running
ksql> select * from truck_position_and_driver_s;
1506976928603 | 11 | 11 | Jamie Engesser | 14 | 1961634315 | Saint Louis to
Memphis | Normal
1506976930143 | 11 | 11 | Jamie Engesser | 14 | 1961634315 | Saint Louis to
Memphis | Normal
1506976931824 | 11 | 11 | Jamie Engesser | 14 | 1961634315 | Saint Louis to
Memphis | Overspeed
Kafka and "Big Data" / "Fast Data"
Kafka and the Big Data / Fast Data ecosystem
Kafka integrates with many popular products / frameworks
• Apache Spark Streaming
• Apache Flink
• Apache Storm
• Apache Apex
• Apache NiFi
• StreamSets
• Oracle Stream Analytics
• Oracle Service Bus
• Oracle GoldenGate
• Oracle Event Hub Cloud Service
• Debezium CDC
• …
Additional	Info:
Kafka in Enterprise Architecture
Hadoop Clusterd
Hadoop Cluster
Big Data Cluster
Traditional Big Data Architecture
BI	Tools
Enterprise Data
Billing &
File Import / SQL Import
Search	/	Explore
Online	&	Mobile	
Parallel Batch
• Machine	Learning
• Graph	Algorithms
• Natural	Language	Processing
Hadoop Clusterd
Hadoop Cluster
Big Data Cluster
Event Hub – handle event stream data
BI	Tools
Enterprise Data
Billing &
Search	/	Explore
Online	&	Mobile	
Data Flow
Parallel Batch
• Machine	Learning
• Graph	Algorithms
• Natural	Language	Processing
Hadoop Clusterd
Hadoop Cluster
Big Data Cluster
Event Hub – taking Velocity into account
Billing &
Batch Analytics
Streaming Analytics
Parallel Batch
Stream Analytics
Reference /
BI	Tools
Enterprise Data
Search	/	Explore
Online	&	Mobile	
File Import / SQL Import
Hadoop Clusterd
Hadoop Cluster
Big Data Cluster
Event Hub – Asynchronous Microservice Architecture
Billing &
BI	Tools
Enterprise Data
Search	/	Explore
Online	&	Mobile	
File Import / SQL Import
{		}
Guido Schmutz
Technology Manager

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Similar to Apache Kafka Scalable Message Processing and more!

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Apache Kafka Scalable Message Processing and more!

  • 1. BASEL BERN BRUGG DÜSSELDORF FRANKFURT A.M. FREIBURG I.BR. GENF HAMBURG KOPENHAGEN LAUSANNE MÜNCHEN STUTTGART WIEN ZÜRICH CON6156 - Apache Kafka Scalable Message Processing and more! Guido Schmutz – 2.10.2017 @gschmutz
  • 2. Guido Schmutz Working at Trivadis for more than 20 years Oracle ACE Director for Fusion Middleware and SOA Consultant, Trainer Software Architect for Java, Oracle, SOA and Big Data / Fast Data Head of Trivadis Architecture Board Technology Manager @ Trivadis More than 30 years of software development experience Contact: Blog: Slideshare: Twitter: gschmutz
  • 3. COPENHAGEN MUNICH LAUSANNE BERN ZURICH BRUGG GENEVA HAMBURG DÜSSELDORF FRANKFURT STUTTGART FREIBURG BASEL VIENNA With over 600 specialists and IT experts in your region. 14 Trivadis branches and more than 600 employees 200 Service Level Agreements Over 4,000 training participants Research and development budget: CHF 5.0 million Financially self-supporting and sustainably profitable Experience from more than 1,900 projects per year at over 800 customers
  • 4. Agenda 1. What is Apache Kafka? 2. Kafka Connect 3. Kafka Streams 4. KSQL 5. Kafka and "Big Data" / "Fast Data" Ecosystem 6. Kafka in Enterprise Architecture
  • 5. What is Apache Kafka?
  • 6. Apache Kafka History 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Cluster mirroring data compression Intra-cluster replication 0.7 0.8 0.9 Data Processing (Streams API) 0.10 Data Integration (Connect API) 0.11 2018 Exactly Once Semantics Performance Improvements KSQL Developer Preview
  • 7. Apache Kafka - Unix Analogy $ cat < in.txt | grep "kafka" | tr a-z A-Z > out.txt Kafka Connect API Kafka Connect APIKafka Streams API Kafka Core (Cluster) Adapted from: Confluent KSQL
  • 8. Kafka High Level Architecture The who is who • Producers write data to brokers. • Consumers read data from brokers. • All this is distributed. The data • Data is stored in topics. • Topics are split into partitions, which are replicated. Kafka Cluster Consumer Consumer Consumer Producer Producer Producer Broker 1 Broker 2 Broker 3 Zookeeper Ensemble
  • 9. Apache Kafka Kafka Broker 1 Movement Processor Truck Movement Topic P 0 Movement Processor 1 2 3 4 5 P 2 1 2 3 4 5 Kafka Broker 2 Movement Topic P 2 1 2 3 4 5 P 1 1 2 3 4 5 Kafka Broker 3 Movement Topic P 0 1 2 3 4 5 P 1 1 2 3 4 5 Movement Processor
  • 10. Kafka Producer Write Ahead Log / Commit Log Producers always append to tail (append to file, i.e. segment) Order is preserved for messages within same partition Kafka Broker Movement Topic 1 2 3 4 5 Truck 6 6
  • 11. Kafka Consumer - Partition offsets Offset – A sequential id number assigned to messages in the partitions. Uniquely identifies a message within a partition. • Consumers track their pointers via (offset, partition, topic) tuples • Kafka 0.10: seek to offset by given timestamp using method KafkaConsumer#offsetsForTimes Consumer Group A Consumer Group B 1 2 3 4 5 6 Consumer at “earliest” offset Consumer at “latest” offset New data from Producer Consumer at specific offset
  • 12. Data Retention – 3 options 1. Never: 2. Time based (TTL): log.retention.{ms | minutes | hours} 3. Size based: log.retention.bytes 4. Log compaction based (entries with same key are removed): --zookeeper zk:2181 --create --topic customers --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --config cleanup.policy=compact
  • 13. Data Retention - Log Compaction ensures that Kafka always retain at least the last known value for each message key within a single topic partition compaction is done in the background by periodically recopying log segments. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 K1 K2 K1 K1 K3 K2 K4 K5 K5 K2 K6 K2 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 Offset Key Value 3 4 6 8 9 10 K1 K3 K4 K5 K2 K6 V4 V5 V7 V9 V10 V11 Offset Key Value Compaction
  • 14. Topic Viewed as Event Stream or State Stream (Change Log) Event Stream State Stream (Change Log Stream) 2017-10-02T20:18:46 11,Normal,41.87,-87.67 2017-10-02T20:18:55 11,Normal,40.38,-89.17 2017-10-02T20:18:59 21,Normal,42.23,-91.78 2017-10-02T20:19:01 21,Normal,41.71,-91.32 2017-10-02T20:19:02 11,Normal,38.65,-90.2 2017-10-02T20:19:23 21,Normal41.71,-91.32 11 2017-10-02T20:18:46,11,Normal,41.87,-87.67 11 2017-10-02T20:18:55,11,Normal,40.38,-89.17 21 2017-10-02T20:18:59, 21,Normal,42.23,-91.78 21 2017-10-02T20:19:01,21,Normal,41.71,-91.32 11 2017-10-02T20:19:02,11,Normal,38.65,-90.2 21 2017-10-02T20:19:23,21,Normal41.71,-91.32
  • 15. Demo (I) Truck-2 truck position Truck-1 Truck-3 console consumer 2016-06-02 14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426| Wichita to Little Rock Route2| Normal|38.65|90.21|5187297736652502631 Testdata-Generator by Hortonworks
  • 16. Demo (I) – Create Kafka Topic $ kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --create --topic truck_position --partitions 8 --replication-factor 1 $ kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 –list __consumer_offsets _confluent-metrics _schemas docker-connect-configs docker-connect-offsets docker-connect-status truck_position
  • 17. Demo (I) – Run Producer and Kafka-Console-Consumer
  • 18. Demo (I) – Java Producer to “truck_position” Constructing a Kafka Producer private Properties kafkaProps = new Properties(); kafkaProps.put("bootstrap.servers","broker-1:9092); kafkaProps.put("key.serializer", "...StringSerializer"); kafkaProps.put("value.serializer", "...StringSerializer"); producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(kafkaProps); ProducerRecord<String, String> record = new ProducerRecord<>(”truck_position", driverId, eventData); try { metadata = producer.send(record).get(); } catch (Exception e) {}
  • 19. Demo (II) – devices send to MQTT instead of Kafka Truck-2 truck/nn/ position Truck-1 Truck-3 2016-06-02 14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426| Wichita to Little Rock Route2| Normal|38.65|90.21|5187297736652502631
  • 20. Demo (II) – devices send to MQTT instead of Kafka
  • 21. Demo (II) - devices send to MQTT instead of Kafka – how to get the data into Kafka? Truck-2 truck/nn/ position Truck-1 Truck-3 truck position raw ? 2016-06-02 14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426| Wichita to Little Rock Route2| Normal|38.65|90.21|5187297736652502631
  • 23. Kafka Connect - Overview Source Connector Sink Connector
  • 24. Kafka Connect – Single Message Transforms (SMT) Simple Transformations for a single message Defined as part of Kafka Connect • some useful transforms provided out-of-the-box • Easily implement your own Optionally deploy 1+ transforms with each connector • Modify messages produced by source connector • Modify messages sent to sink connectors Makes it much easier to mix and match connectors Some of currently available transforms: • InsertField • ReplaceField • MaskField • ValueToKey • ExtractField • TimestampRouter • RegexRouter • SetSchemaMetaData • Flatten • TimestampConverter
  • 25. Kafka Connect – Many Connectors 60+ since first release (0.9+) 20+ from Confluent and Partners Source: Confluent supported Connectors Certified Connectors Community Connectors
  • 27. Demo (III) – Create MQTT Connect through REST API #!/bin/bash curl -X "POST" "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d $'{ "name": "mqtt-source", "config": { "connector.class": "com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.mqtt.source.MqttSourceConnector", "connect.mqtt.connection.timeout": "1000", "tasks.max": "1", "connect.mqtt.kcql": "INSERT INTO truck_position SELECT * FROM truck/+/position", "name": "MqttSourceConnector", "connect.mqtt.service.quality": "0", "": "tm-mqtt-connect-01", "connect.mqtt.converter.throw.on.error": "true", "connect.mqtt.hosts": "tcp://mosquitto:1883” } }'
  • 28. Demo (III) – Call REST API and Kafka Console Consumer
  • 29. Demo (III) Truck-2 truck/nn/ position Truck-1 Truck-3 mqtt to kafka truck_ position 2016-06-02 14:39:56.605|98|27|803014426| Wichita to Little Rock Route2| Normal|38.65|90.21|5187297736652502631 console consumer what about some analytics ?
  • 31. Kafka Streams - Overview • Designed as a simple and lightweight library in Apache Kafka • no external dependencies on systems other than Apache Kafka • Part of open source Apache Kafka, introduced in 0.10+ • Leverages Kafka as its internal messaging layer • Supports fault-tolerant local state • Event-at-a-time processing (not microbatch) with millisecond latency • Windowing with out-of-order data using a Google DataFlow-like model
  • 32. Kafka Stream DSL and Processor Topology KStream<Integer, String> stream1 =”in-1"); KStream<Integer, String> stream2=”in-2"); KStream<Integer, String> joined = stream1.leftJoin(stream2, …); KTable<> aggregated = joined.groupBy(…).count(“store”);“out-1”); 1 2 lj a t State
  • 33. Kafka Stream DSL and Processor Topology KStream<Integer, String> stream1 =”in-1"); KStream<Integer, String> stream2=”in-2"); KStream<Integer, String> joined = stream1.leftJoin(stream2, …); KTable<> aggregated = joined.groupBy(…).count(“store”);“out-1”); 1 2 lj a t State
  • 34. Kafka Streams Cluster Processor Topology Kafka Cluster input-1 input-2 store (changelog) output 1 2 lj a t State
  • 37. KSQL
  • 38. KSQL: a Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka • Enables stream processing with zero coding required • The simples way to process streams of data in real-time • Powered by Kafka and Kafka Streams: scalable, distributed, mature • All you need is Kafka – no complex deployments • available as Developer preview! • STREAM and TABLE as first-class citizens • STREAM = data in motion • TABLE = collected state of a stream • join STREAM and TABLE
  • 39. KSQL Deployment Models Standalone Mode Cluster Mode Source: Confluent
  • 41. Demo (IV) - Start Kafka KSQL $ docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql-cli local --bootstrap-server broker-1:9092 ====================================== = _ __ _____ ____ _ = = | |/ // ____|/ __ | | = = | ' /| (___ | | | | | = = | < ___ | | | | | = = | . ____) | |__| | |____ = = |_|______/ __________| = = = = Streaming SQL Engine for Kafka = Copyright 2017 Confluent Inc. CLI v0.1, Server v0.1 located at http://localhost:9098 Having trouble? Type 'help' (case-insensitive) for a rundown of how things work! ksql>
  • 42. Demo (IV) - Create Stream ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_s (ts VARCHAR, truckid VARCHAR, driverid BIGINT, routeid BIGINT, routename VARCHAR, eventtype VARCHAR, latitude DOUBLE, longitude DOUBLE, correlationid VARCHAR) WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position', value_format='DELIMITED'); Message ---------------- Stream created
  • 43. Demo (IV) - Create Stream ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_s (ts VARCHAR, truckid VARCHAR, driverid BIGINT, routeid BIGINT, routename VARCHAR, eventtype VARCHAR, latitude DOUBLE, longitude DOUBLE, correlationid VARCHAR) WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position', value_format='DELIMITED'); Message ---------------- Stream created
  • 45. Demo (IV) - Create Stream ksql> SELECT * FROM truck_position_s; 1506922133306 | "truck/13/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 31 | 13 | 371182829 | Memphis to Little Rock | Normal | 41.76 | -89.6 | -2084263951914664106 1506922133396 | "truck/16/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 19 | 16 | 160405074 | Joplin to Kansas City Route 2 | Normal | 41.48 | -88.07 | -2084263951914664106 1506922133457 | "truck/30/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 26 | 30 | 160779139 | Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Normal | 41.85 | -89.29 | -2084263951914664106 1506922133485 | "truck/23/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 32 | 23 | 1090292248 | Peoria to Ceder Rapids Route 2 | Normal | 41.48 | -88.07 | - 2084263951914664106 1506922133497 | "truck/12/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 80 | 12 | 1961634315 | Saint Louis to Memphis | Normal | 41.74 | -91.47 | - 2084263951914664106 1506922133547 | "truck/14/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:28:53 | 73 | 14 | 1927624662 | Springfield to KC Via Columbia | Normal | 35.12 | -90.68 | - 2084263951914664106
  • 46. Demo (IV) - Create Stream ksql> SELECT * FROM truck_position_s WHERE eventtype != 'Normal'; 1506922264016 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:04 | 27 | 11 | 1325712174 | Saint Louis to Tulsa Route2 | Lane Departure | 38.5 | -90.69 | - 2084263951914664106 1506922281156 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:21 | 27 | 11 | 1325712174 | Saint Louis to Tulsa Route2 | Unsafe tail distance | 37.81 | -92.31 | -2084263951914664106 1506922284436 | "truck/10/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:24 | 93 | 10 | 1384345811 | Joplin to Kansas City | Unsafe following distance | 37.02 | -94.54 | -2084263951914664106 1506922297887 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:31:37 | 27 | 11 | 1325712174 | Saint Louis to Tulsa Route2 | Unsafe following distance | 37.09 | - 94.23 | -2084263951914664106
  • 47. Demo (IV) - Create Stream ksql> CREATE STREAM dangerous_driving_s WITH (kafka_topic= dangerous_driving_s', value_format='JSON') AS SELECT * FROM truck_position_s WHERE eventtype != 'Normal'; Message ---------------------------- Stream created and running ksql> select * from dangerous_driving_s; 1506922849375 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:40:49 | 90 | 11 | 160779139 | Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 41.48 | -88.07 | 3569183071347898366 1506922866488 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:41:06 | 90 | 11 | 160779139 | Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 40.38 | -89.17 | 3569183071347898366
  • 49. Demo (V) – Create JDBC Connect through REST API #!/bin/bash curl -X "POST" "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d $'{ "name": "jdbc-driver-source", "config": { "connector.class": "JdbcSourceConnector", "connection.url":"jdbc:postgresql://db/sample?user=sample&password=sample", "mode": "timestamp", "":"last_update", "table.whitelist":"driver", "validate.non.null":"false", "topic.prefix":"trucking_", "key.converter":"org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter", "key.converter.schemas.enable": "false", "value.converter":"org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter", "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false", "name": "jdbc-driver-source", "transforms":"createKey,extractInt", "transforms.createKey.type":"org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ValueToKey", "transforms.createKey.fields":"id", "transforms.extractInt.type":"org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField$Key", "transforms.extractInt.field":"id" } }'
  • 50. Demo (V) – Create JDBC Connect through REST API
  • 51. Demo (V) - Create Table with Driver State ksql> CREATE TABLE driver_t (id BIGINT, name VARCHAR) WITH (kafka_topic=‘trucking_driver', value_format='JSON'); Message ---------------- Table created
  • 52. Demo (V) - Create Table with Driver State ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_and_driver_s WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position_and_driver_s', value_format='JSON') AS SELECT driverid, name, truckid, routeid,routename, eventtype FROM truck_position_s LEFT JOIN driver_t ON truck_position_s.driverid =; Message ---------------------------- Stream created and running ksql> select * from truck_position_and_driver_s; 1506922849375 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:40:49 | 90 | 11 | 160779139 | Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 41.48 | -88.07 | 3569183071347898366 1506922866488 | "truck/11/position0 | �2017-10-02T07:41:06 | 90 | 11 | 160779139 | Des Moines to Chicago Route 2 | Overspeed | 40.38 | -89.17 | 3569183071347898366
  • 53. Demo (V) - Create Table with Driver State ksql> CREATE STREAM truck_position_and_driver_s WITH (kafka_topic='truck_position_and_driver_s', value_format='JSON') AS SELECT driverid, name, truckid, routeid,routename, eventtype FROM truck_position_s LEFT JOIN driver_t ON truck_position_s.driverid =; Message ---------------------------- Stream created and running ksql> select * from truck_position_and_driver_s; 1506976928603 | 11 | 11 | Jamie Engesser | 14 | 1961634315 | Saint Louis to Memphis | Normal 1506976930143 | 11 | 11 | Jamie Engesser | 14 | 1961634315 | Saint Louis to Memphis | Normal 1506976931824 | 11 | 11 | Jamie Engesser | 14 | 1961634315 | Saint Louis to Memphis | Overspeed
  • 54. Kafka and "Big Data" / "Fast Data" Ecosystem
  • 55. Kafka and the Big Data / Fast Data ecosystem Kafka integrates with many popular products / frameworks • Apache Spark Streaming • Apache Flink • Apache Storm • Apache Apex • Apache NiFi • StreamSets • Oracle Stream Analytics • Oracle Service Bus • Oracle GoldenGate • Oracle Event Hub Cloud Service • Debezium CDC • … Additional Info:
  • 56. Kafka in Enterprise Architecture
  • 57. Hadoop Clusterd Hadoop Cluster Big Data Cluster Traditional Big Data Architecture BI Tools Enterprise Data Warehouse Billing & Ordering CRM / Profile Marketing Campaigns File Import / SQL Import SQL Search / Explore Online & Mobile Apps Search NoSQL Parallel Batch Processing Distributed Filesystem • Machine Learning • Graph Algorithms • Natural Language Processing
  • 58. Event Hub Event Hub Hadoop Clusterd Hadoop Cluster Big Data Cluster Event Hub – handle event stream data BI Tools Enterprise Data Warehouse Location Social Click stream Sensor Data Billing & Ordering CRM / Profile Marketing Campaigns Event Hub Call Center Weather Data Mobile Apps SQL Search / Explore Online & Mobile Apps Search Data Flow NoSQL Parallel Batch Processing Distributed Filesystem • Machine Learning • Graph Algorithms • Natural Language Processing
  • 59. Hadoop Clusterd Hadoop Cluster Big Data Cluster Event Hub – taking Velocity into account Location Social Click stream Sensor Data Billing & Ordering CRM / Profile Marketing Campaigns Call Center Mobile Apps Batch Analytics Streaming Analytics Results Parallel Batch Processing Distributed Filesystem Stream Analytics NoSQL Reference / Models SQL Search Dashboard BI Tools Enterprise Data Warehouse Search / Explore Online & Mobile Apps File Import / SQL Import Weather Data Event Hub Event Hub Event Hub
  • 60. Container Hadoop Clusterd Hadoop Cluster Big Data Cluster Event Hub – Asynchronous Microservice Architecture Location Social Click stream Sensor Data Billing & Ordering CRM / Profile Marketing Campaigns Call Center Mobile Apps Parallel Batch ProcessingDistributed Filesystem Microservice NoSQLRDBMS SQL Search BI Tools Enterprise Data Warehouse Search / Explore Online & Mobile Apps File Import / SQL Import Weather Data { } API Event Hub Event Hub Event Hub