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Kafka as your Data Lake - is it Feasible?
Guido Schmutz
Kafka Summit 2020
Working at Trivadis for more than 23 years
Consultant, Trainer, Platform Architect for Java,
Oracle, SOA and Big Data / Fast Data
Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador & Oracle ACE
1. What is a Data Lake?
2. Four Architecture Blueprints for “treating Kafka as a Data Lake”
3. Summary
Demo environment and code samples available here:
What is a Data Lake?
Bulk Source
Data Consumer
What is a Data Lake? Traditional Data Lake
File Import / SQL Import
“Native” Raw
Hadoop ClusterdHadoop ClusterBig Data Platform
Initial Idea of Data Lake
• Single store of all data (incl. raw data) in the enterprise
• Put an end to data silos
• Reporting, Visualization, Analytics and Machine
• Focus on Schema-on-Read
Tech for 1st Gen Data Lake
• HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Impala, Flume,
Tech for 2nd Gen Data Lake (Cloud native)
• Object Store (S3, Azure Blob Storage, …), Spark,
Flink, Presto, StreamSets, …
SQL / Search
Engine BI Apps
Data Science
high latency
Traditional Data Lake Zones
”Streaming Data Lake” – aka. Kappa Architecture
Stream Processing Platform
Stream Processor V1.0 State V1.0
Event Hub
Reply Bulk Data Flow
Hadoop ClusterdHadoop Cluster(Big) Data Platform
Data Flow
BI Apps
Stream Processor V2.0 State V2.0
Result V1.0
Result V2.0
{ }
SQL / Search
“Native” Raw
Data Science
Stream Source
Bulk Source
Event Source
[8] – Questioning the Lambda Architecture – by Jay Kreps
“Streaming Data Lake” Zones
Data Flow
SQL / Search
“Native” Raw
Stream Processing Platform
Stream Processor V1.0 State V1.0
Event Hub
Hadoop ClusterdHadoop Cluster(Big) Data Platform
BI Apps
Stream Processor V2.0 State V2.0
Result V1.0
Result V2.0
{ }
Data Science
Reply Bulk Data Flow
[1] Turning the database inside out with Apache Samza – by Martin Kleppmann13
Bulk Source
Event Source
Moving the Source of Truth to Event Hub
Turning the
database inside-out!
Data Flow
SQL / Search
“Native” Raw
Stream Processing Platform
Stream Processor V1.0 State V1.0
Event Hub
Hadoop ClusterdHadoop Cluster(Big) Data Platform
BI Apps
Stream Processor V2.0 State V2.0
Result V1.0
Result V2.0
{ }
Data Science
Moving the Source of Truth to Event Hub
[2] – It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka – by Jay Kreps14
Bulk Source
Event Source
is it feasible?
Confluent Enterprise Tiered Storage
Data Retention
• Never
• Time (TTL) or Size-based
• Log-Compacted based
Tiered Storage uses two tiers of storage
• Local (same local disks on brokers)
• Remote (Object storage, currently AWS S3 only)
Enables Kafka to be a long-term storage
• Transparent (no ETL pipelines needed)
• Cheaper storage for cold data
• Better scalability and less complex operations
Broker 1
Broker 2
Broker 3
hot cold
[3] Infinite Storage in Confluent Platform – by Lucas Bradstreet, Dhruvil Shah, Manveer Chawla
[4] KIP-405: Kafka Tiered Storage – Kafka Improvement Proposal
Four Architecture Blueprints
for “treating Kafka as a Data
How can you access a Kafka topic?
Streaming Queries
• Latest - start at end and continuously consume new data
• Earliest – start at beginning and consume history and then continuously consume new data
• Seek to offset – start at a given offset, consume history, and continuously consume new data
• Seek to timestamp – start at given timestamp, consume history and continuously consume new data
Batch Queries
• From start offset to end offset – start at a given offset and consume until another offset
• From start timestamp to end timestamp – start at a given offset and consume until another offset
• Full scan – Scan the complete topic from start to end
All above access options can be applied on topic or on a set of partitions
BP-1: ”Streaming” Data Lake
• Using Stream Processing tools to
perform processing on ”data in
motion” instead of in batch
• Can consume from multiple sources
• Works well if no or limited history is
• Queryable State Stores, aka.
Interactive Queries or Pull Queries
[5] Streaming Machine Learning with Tiered Storage and Without a Data Lake – by Kai Waehner22
BP-1_1: ”Streaming” Data Lake with ksqlDB /
Kafka Streams
• Kafka Streams or ksqlDB fit perfectly
• Using ksqlDB pull queries to retrieve
current state of materialized views
• Store results in another Kafka topic to
persist state store information
• Can be combined with BP-4 to store
results/state in a database
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Supports Protobuf
Timestamp Filter Pushdown
Offset Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Avro
Yes NoSupports JSON
Yes NoSchema Registry Integration
Yes noPartition Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Produce Operation
Yes noSupports Exactly Once23
Demo Use Case – Vehicle Tracking
27, Walter, Ward, Y, 24-JUL-85, 2017-10-02 15:19:00
2020-06-02 14:39:56.605,98,27,803014426,
Wichita to Little Rock Route2,
2020-06-02 14:39:56.605,21,19,803014427,
Wichita to Little Rock Route3,
2020-06-02 14:39:56.605,21,19,803014427,
Wichita to Little Rock Route3,
aggregate by eventType
over time window
driving_agg Pull query
Pull query
Raw Refined Usage Opt
BP-2: Batch Processing with Event Hub as Source
• Using a Batch Processing framework
to process Event Hub data
retrospectively (full history available)
• Write back results to Event Hub
• Read and join multiple sources
• Can be combined with Advanced
Analytics capabilities (i.e. machine
learning / AI)
BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source
• Apache Spark is a unified analytics
engine for large-scale data processing
• Provides complex analytics through
MLlib and GraphX
• Can consume from/produce to Kafka
both in Streaming as well as Batch
• Use Data Frame / Dataset abstraction
as you would with other data sources
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Supports Protobuf
Timestamp Filter Pushdown
Offset Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Avro
Yes NoSupports JSON
Yes NoSchema Registry Integration
Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Produce Operation
Yes NoSupports Exactly Once27
BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source
truckPositionSchema = StructType().add("timestamp", TimestampType())
.add("driverId", LongType())
.add("routeId", LongType())
.add("eventType", StringType())
.add("latitude", DoubleType())
.add("longitude", DoubleType())
.add("correlationId", StringType())
rawDf ="kafka")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "kafka-1:19092,kafka-2:19093")
.option("subscribe", "truck_position")
jsonDf = rawDf.selectExpr("CAST(value AS string)")
jsonDf =, truckPositionSchema)
"cast(cast (json.timestamp as double) / 1000 as timestamp) as eventTime")29
BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source
BP-3: Batch Query with Event Hub as Source
• Using a Query Virtualization
framework to consume (query) Event
Hub data retrospectively (full history
• Optionally produce (insert) data into
Event Hub
• Read and join multiple sources
• Based on SQL and with the full power
of SQL at hand (functions and
optionally UDF/UDFA/UDTF)
• Batch SQL not Streaming SQL
BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source
• Presto is a distributed SQL query
engine for big data
• Supports accessing data from multiple
systems within a single query
• Supports Kafka as a source (query)
and as a target (insert for raw & json)
• Does not yet support pushdown of
timestamp queries
• Starburst Enterprise Presto provides
fined grained access control
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Supports Protobuf
Timestamp Filter Pushdown
Offset Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Avro
Yes NoSupports JSON
Yes NoSchema Registry Integration
Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Produce Operation
Yes NoSupports Exactly Once32
BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source
kafka.table-names=truck_position, truck_driver
select * from truck_position;
BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source
"tableName": "truck_position",
"schemaName": "logistics",
"topicName": "truck_position",
"key": {
"dataFormat": "raw",
"fields": [
"name": "kafka_key",
"dataFormat": "BYTE",
"type": "VARCHAR",
"hidden": "false"
"message": {
"dataFormat": "json",
"fields": [
"name": "timestamp",
"mapping": "timestamp",
"type": "BIGINT"
"name": "truck_id",
"mapping": "truckId",
"type": "BIGINT"
etc/kafka/truck_position.json etc/kafka/truck_driver.json
"tableName": "truck_position",
"schemaName": "logistics",
"topicName": "truck_position",
"key": {
"dataFormat": "raw",
"fields": [
"name": "kafka_key",
"dataFormat": "BYTE",
"type": "VARCHAR",
"hidden": "false"
"message": {
"dataFormat": "json",
"fields": [
"name": "timestamp",
"mapping": "timestamp",
"type": "BIGINT"
"name": "truck_id",
"mapping": "truckId",
"type": "BIGINT"
BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source
select * from truck_position
select * from truck_driver
BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source
Join truck_position with truck_driver (removing non-compacted entries using Presto
WINDOW Function)
SELECT, d.first_name, d.last_name, t.*
FROM truck_position t
FROM truck_driver
WHERE (last_update) IN
(SELECT LAST_VALUE(last_update)
ORDER BY last_update
FROM truck_driver) ) d
ON t.driver_id =
WHERE t.event_type != 'Normal';
BP-3_2: Apache Drill with Kafka as Source
• Apache Drill is a schema-free SQL
Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and
Cloud Storage
• Supports accessing data from multiple
systems within a single query
• Can push down filters on partitions,
timestamp and offset
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Supports Protobuf
Timestamp Filter Pushdown
Offset Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Avro
Yes NoSupports JSON
Yes NoSchema Registry Integration
Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Produce Operation
Yes NoSupports Exactly Once38
BP-3_3: Hive/Spark SQL with Kafka as Source
• Apache Hive facilitates reading,
writing, and managing large datasets
residing in distributed storage using
• Part of any Hadoop distribution
• A special storage handler allows
access to Kafka topic via Hive external
• Spark SQL on data frame as shown in
BP-2_1 or by integrating Hive
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Supports Protobuf
Timestamp Filter Pushdown
Offset Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Avro
Yes NoSupports JSON
Yes NoSchema Registry Integration
Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Produce Operation
Yes NoSupports Exactly Once39
BP-3_4: Oracle Access to Kafka with Kafka as
• Oracle SQL Access to Kafka is a PL/SQL
package that enables Oracle SQL to
query Kafka topics via DB views and
underlying external tables [6]
• Runs in the Oracle database
• Supports Kafka as a source (query) but
not (yet) as a target
• Use Oracle SQL to access the Kafka
topics and optionally join to RDBMS
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Supports Protobuf
Timestamp Filter Pushdown
Offset Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Avro
Yes NoSupports JSON
Yes NoSchema Registry Integration
Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown
Yes NoSupports Produce Operation
Yes NoSupports Exactly Once40
BP-4: Use any storage as “materialized view”
• Use any persistence
technology to provide a
“Materialized View” to the
Data Consumers
• Can be provided in
retrospective, run-once,
batch or streaming update
(in sync) mode
• “On Demand” use cases
• Provide a sandbox
environment for data
• Provide part of Kafka topics
materialized in object
Architecture Blueprints Overview
Batch Processing
Supports JSON 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢
Supports Avro 🟢 🟢 🟢 🔴 🟢 🔴
Supports Protobuf 🟢 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴
Schema Registry Integration 🟢 🟢 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴
Timestamp Filter Pushdown ⚪ 🟢 🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢
Offset Filter Pushdown ⚪ 🟢 🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢
Partition Filter Pushdown ⚪ 🔴 🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢
Supports Produce Operation 🟢 🟢 🟢 🔴 🟢 🔴
Supports Exactly Once 🟢 🔴 🔴 🔴 🟢 🔴
• BP-1_1: Streaming Data Lake using Kafka Streams / ksqlDB
• BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source
• BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source
• BP-3_2: Apache Drill with Kafka as Source
• BP-3_3: Hive/Spark SQL with Kafka as Source
• BP-3_4: Oracle Access to Kafka with Kafka as Source
• Move processing / analytics from batch to stream processing pipelines
• Event Hub (Kafka) as the single source of truth => turning the database inside out!
• everything else is just a “Materialized Views” of the Event Hub topics data
• Can still be HDFS, Object Store (S3, …) but also Kudu on Parquet
• NoSQL Databases & Relational Databases
• In-Memory Databases
• Confluent Platform Tiered Storage makes long-term storage feasible
• Does not apply for large, unstructured data (images, videos, …) => separate path around Event Hub
necessary, but sending metadata through Event Hub
• This is the result of a Proof-of-Concept: only functional test done so far, performance tests will
1. Turning the database inside out with Apache Samza – by Martin Kleppmann
2. It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka – by Jay Kreps
3. Infinite Storage in Confluent Platform – by Lucas Bradstreet, Dhruvil Shah, Manveer Chawla
4. KIP-405: Kafka Tiered Storage – Kafka Improvement Proposal
5. Streaming Machine Learning with Tiered Storage and Without a Data Lake – by Kai Waehner
6. Read data from Kafka topic using Oracle SQL Access to Kafka (OSAK) - by Mohammad H.
7. Demo environment and code samples - by Guido Schmutz (on GitHub)
8. Questioning the Lambda Architecture - by Jay Kreps
Updates to Slides
24.8.2020 – Presto supports Avro
24.8.2020 – Presto supports Insert for raw and json
20.7.2020 – intial version
Kafka as your Data Lake - is it Feasible?

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Kafka as your Data Lake - is it Feasible?

  • 2. BASEL | BERN | BRUGG | BUKAREST | DÜSSELDORF | FRANKFURT A.M. | FREIBURG I.BR. | GENF HAMBURG | KOPENHAGEN | LAUSANNE | MANNHEIM | MÜNCHEN | STUTTGART | WIEN | ZÜRICH Guido Working at Trivadis for more than 23 years Consultant, Trainer, Platform Architect for Java, Oracle, SOA and Big Data / Fast Data Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador & Oracle ACE Director @gschmutz 195th edition
  • 3. Agenda 1. What is a Data Lake? 2. Four Architecture Blueprints for “treating Kafka as a Data Lake” 3. Summary Demo environment and code samples available here:
  • 4. What is a Data Lake? 4
  • 5. Bulk Source Data Consumer DB Extract File DB What is a Data Lake? Traditional Data Lake Architecture File Import / SQL Import “Native” Raw Hadoop ClusterdHadoop ClusterBig Data Platform Storage Storage Raw Refined/ UsageOpt Initial Idea of Data Lake • Single store of all data (incl. raw data) in the enterprise • Put an end to data silos • Reporting, Visualization, Analytics and Machine Learning • Focus on Schema-on-Read Tech for 1st Gen Data Lake • HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Impala, Flume, Sqoop Tech for 2nd Gen Data Lake (Cloud native) • Object Store (S3, Azure Blob Storage, …), Spark, Flink, Presto, StreamSets, … SQL / Search Parallel Processing Query Engine BI Apps Data Science Workbench 7 high latency
  • 7. ”Streaming Data Lake” – aka. Kappa Architecture Event Stream Stream Processing Platform Stream Processor V1.0 State V1.0 Event Hub Reply Bulk Data Flow Hadoop ClusterdHadoop Cluster(Big) Data Platform Storage Storage Raw Refined/ UsageOpt Bulk Data Flow Data Consumer BI Apps Dashboard Serving Stream Processor V2.0 State V2.0 Result V1.0 Result V2.0 API (Switcher) { } Parallel Processing Query Engine SQL / Search “Native” Raw Data Science Workbench Result Stream Source of Truth 11 Bulk Source Event Source Location DB Extract File Weather DB IoT Data Mobile Apps Social Change Data Capture Event Stream [8] – Questioning the Lambda Architecture – by Jay Kreps
  • 9. Bulk Data Flow Result Stream SQL / Search “Native” Raw Event Stream Stream Processing Platform Stream Processor V1.0 State V1.0 Event Hub Hadoop ClusterdHadoop Cluster(Big) Data Platform Storage Storage Raw Refined/ UsageOpt Data Consumer BI Apps Dashboard Serving Stream Processor V2.0 State V2.0 Result V1.0 Result V2.0 API (Switcher) { } Parallel Processing Query Engine Data Science Workbench Reply Bulk Data Flow Source of Truth [1] Turning the database inside out with Apache Samza – by Martin Kleppmann13 Bulk Source Event Source Location DB Extract File Weather DB IoT Data Mobile Apps Social Change Data Capture Event Stream Moving the Source of Truth to Event Hub Turning the database inside-out!
  • 10. Bulk Data Flow Result Stream SQL / Search “Native” Raw Event Stream Stream Processing Platform Stream Processor V1.0 State V1.0 Event Hub Hadoop ClusterdHadoop Cluster(Big) Data Platform Storage Storage Raw Refined/ UsageOpt Data Consumer BI Apps Dashboard Serving Stream Processor V2.0 State V2.0 Result V1.0 Result V2.0 API (Switcher) { } Data Science Workbench Source of Truth Moving the Source of Truth to Event Hub [2] – It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka – by Jay Kreps14 Parallel Processing Query Engine Bulk Source Event Source Location DB Extract File Weather DB IoT Data Mobile Apps Social Change Data Capture Event Stream is it feasible?
  • 11. Confluent Enterprise Tiered Storage Data Retention • Never • Time (TTL) or Size-based • Log-Compacted based Tiered Storage uses two tiers of storage • Local (same local disks on brokers) • Remote (Object storage, currently AWS S3 only) Enables Kafka to be a long-term storage solution • Transparent (no ETL pipelines needed) • Cheaper storage for cold data • Better scalability and less complex operations Broker 1 Broker 2 Broker 3 Object Storage hot cold [3] Infinite Storage in Confluent Platform – by Lucas Bradstreet, Dhruvil Shah, Manveer Chawla [4] KIP-405: Kafka Tiered Storage – Kafka Improvement Proposal 15
  • 12. Four Architecture Blueprints for “treating Kafka as a Data Lake” 20
  • 13. How can you access a Kafka topic? Streaming Queries • Latest - start at end and continuously consume new data • Earliest – start at beginning and consume history and then continuously consume new data • Seek to offset – start at a given offset, consume history, and continuously consume new data • Seek to timestamp – start at given timestamp, consume history and continuously consume new data Batch Queries • From start offset to end offset – start at a given offset and consume until another offset • From start timestamp to end timestamp – start at a given offset and consume until another offset • Full scan – Scan the complete topic from start to end All above access options can be applied on topic or on a set of partitions 21
  • 14. BP-1: ”Streaming” Data Lake • Using Stream Processing tools to perform processing on ”data in motion” instead of in batch • Can consume from multiple sources • Works well if no or limited history is needed • Queryable State Stores, aka. Interactive Queries or Pull Queries [5] Streaming Machine Learning with Tiered Storage and Without a Data Lake – by Kai Waehner22
  • 15. BP-1_1: ”Streaming” Data Lake with ksqlDB / Kafka Streams • Kafka Streams or ksqlDB fit perfectly • Using ksqlDB pull queries to retrieve current state of materialized views • Store results in another Kafka topic to persist state store information • Can be combined with BP-4 to store results/state in a database Yes No Yes No Yes No Supports Protobuf Timestamp Filter Pushdown Offset Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Avro Yes NoSupports JSON Yes NoSchema Registry Integration Yes noPartition Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Produce Operation Yes noSupports Exactly Once23
  • 16. Demo Use Case – Vehicle Tracking Truck-2 truck_ position Truck-n Refinement truck_ position_avro detect_proble matic_driving problematic_ driving Truck Driver jdbc-source truck_ driver join_problematic _driving_driver problematic_ driving_driver 27, Walter, Ward, Y, 24-JUL-85, 2017-10-02 15:19:00 console consumer {"id":19,"firstName":"Walter", "lastName":"Ward","available ":"Y","birthdate":"24-JUL- 85","last_update":150692305 2012} 2020-06-02 14:39:56.605,98,27,803014426, Wichita to Little Rock Route2, Normal,38.65,90.21,5187297736652502631 24 Truck-1 2020-06-02 14:39:56.605,21,19,803014427, Wichita to Little Rock Route3, Overspeed,32.35,91.21,5187297736652502632 2020-06-02 14:39:56.605,21,19,803014427, Wichita to Little Rock Route3, Overspeed,32.35,91.21,5187297736652502632 aggregate by eventType over time window problematic_ driving_agg Pull query Overspeed,10,10:00:00,10:00:059 Pull query Raw Refined Usage Opt
  • 18. BP-2: Batch Processing with Event Hub as Source • Using a Batch Processing framework to process Event Hub data retrospectively (full history available) • Write back results to Event Hub • Read and join multiple sources • Can be combined with Advanced Analytics capabilities (i.e. machine learning / AI) 26
  • 19. BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source • Apache Spark is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing • Provides complex analytics through MLlib and GraphX • Can consume from/produce to Kafka both in Streaming as well as Batch Mode • Use Data Frame / Dataset abstraction as you would with other data sources Yes No Yes No Yes No Supports Protobuf Timestamp Filter Pushdown Offset Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Avro Yes NoSupports JSON Yes NoSchema Registry Integration Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Produce Operation Yes NoSupports Exactly Once27
  • 20. 28
  • 21. BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source truckPositionSchema = StructType().add("timestamp", TimestampType()) .add("truckId",LongType()) .add("driverId", LongType()) .add("routeId", LongType()) .add("eventType", StringType()) .add("latitude", DoubleType()) .add("longitude", DoubleType()) .add("correlationId", StringType()) rawDf ="kafka") .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "kafka-1:19092,kafka-2:19093") .option("subscribe", "truck_position") .load() jsonDf = rawDf.selectExpr("CAST(value AS string)") jsonDf =, truckPositionSchema) .alias("json")) .selectExpr("json.*", "cast(cast (json.timestamp as double) / 1000 as timestamp) as eventTime")29
  • 22. BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source 30
  • 23. BP-3: Batch Query with Event Hub as Source • Using a Query Virtualization framework to consume (query) Event Hub data retrospectively (full history available) • Optionally produce (insert) data into Event Hub • Read and join multiple sources • Based on SQL and with the full power of SQL at hand (functions and optionally UDF/UDFA/UDTF) • Batch SQL not Streaming SQL 31
  • 24. BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source • Presto is a distributed SQL query engine for big data • Supports accessing data from multiple systems within a single query • Supports Kafka as a source (query) and as a target (insert for raw & json) • Does not yet support pushdown of timestamp queries • Starburst Enterprise Presto provides fined grained access control Yes No Yes No Yes No Supports Protobuf Timestamp Filter Pushdown Offset Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Avro Yes NoSupports JSON Yes NoSchema Registry Integration Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Produce Operation Yes NoSupports Exactly Once32
  • 25. 33
  • 26. BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source kafka.nodes=kafka-1:9092 kafka.table-names=truck_position, truck_driver kafka.default-schema=logistics kafka.hide-internal-columns=false kafka.table-description-dir=etc/kafka select * from truck_position; 34
  • 27. BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source { "tableName": "truck_position", "schemaName": "logistics", "topicName": "truck_position", "key": { "dataFormat": "raw", "fields": [ { "name": "kafka_key", "dataFormat": "BYTE", "type": "VARCHAR", "hidden": "false" } ] }, "message": { "dataFormat": "json", "fields": [ { "name": "timestamp", "mapping": "timestamp", "type": "BIGINT" }, { "name": "truck_id", "mapping": "truckId", "type": "BIGINT" }, ... etc/kafka/truck_position.json etc/kafka/truck_driver.json { "tableName": "truck_position", "schemaName": "logistics", "topicName": "truck_position", "key": { "dataFormat": "raw", "fields": [ { "name": "kafka_key", "dataFormat": "BYTE", "type": "VARCHAR", "hidden": "false" } ] }, "message": { "dataFormat": "json", "fields": [ { "name": "timestamp", "mapping": "timestamp", "type": "BIGINT" }, { "name": "truck_id", "mapping": "truckId", "type": "BIGINT" }, ... 35
  • 28. BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source select * from truck_position select * from truck_driver 36
  • 29. BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source Join truck_position with truck_driver (removing non-compacted entries using Presto WINDOW Function) SELECT, d.first_name, d.last_name, t.* FROM truck_position t LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM truck_driver WHERE (last_update) IN (SELECT LAST_VALUE(last_update) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY last_update RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS last_update FROM truck_driver) ) d ON t.driver_id = WHERE t.event_type != 'Normal'; 37
  • 30. BP-3_2: Apache Drill with Kafka as Source • Apache Drill is a schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage • Supports accessing data from multiple systems within a single query • Can push down filters on partitions, timestamp and offset Yes No Yes No Yes No Supports Protobuf Timestamp Filter Pushdown Offset Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Avro Yes NoSupports JSON Yes NoSchema Registry Integration Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Produce Operation Yes NoSupports Exactly Once38
  • 31. BP-3_3: Hive/Spark SQL with Kafka as Source • Apache Hive facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL • Part of any Hadoop distribution • A special storage handler allows access to Kafka topic via Hive external tables • Spark SQL on data frame as shown in BP-2_1 or by integrating Hive Metastore Yes No Yes No Yes No Supports Protobuf Timestamp Filter Pushdown Offset Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Avro Yes NoSupports JSON Yes NoSchema Registry Integration Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Produce Operation Yes NoSupports Exactly Once39
  • 32. BP-3_4: Oracle Access to Kafka with Kafka as Source • Oracle SQL Access to Kafka is a PL/SQL package that enables Oracle SQL to query Kafka topics via DB views and underlying external tables [6] • Runs in the Oracle database • Supports Kafka as a source (query) but not (yet) as a target • Use Oracle SQL to access the Kafka topics and optionally join to RDBMS tables Yes No Yes No Yes No Supports Protobuf Timestamp Filter Pushdown Offset Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Avro Yes NoSupports JSON Yes NoSchema Registry Integration Yes NoPartition Filter Pushdown Yes NoSupports Produce Operation Yes NoSupports Exactly Once40
  • 33. BP-4: Use any storage as “materialized view” • Use any persistence technology to provide a “Materialized View” to the Data Consumers • Can be provided in retrospective, run-once, batch or streaming update (in sync) mode • “On Demand” use cases • Provide a sandbox environment for data scientists • Provide part of Kafka topics materialized in object storage 41
  • 34. Architecture Blueprints Overview Blueprint Capability Streaming BP1_1 Batch Processing BP2_1 Query BP3_1 Query BP3_2 Query BP3_3 Query BP3_4 Supports JSON 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢 Supports Avro 🟢 🟢 🟢 🔴 🟢 🔴 Supports Protobuf 🟢 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴 Schema Registry Integration 🟢 🟢 🔴 🔴 🔴 🔴 Timestamp Filter Pushdown ⚪ 🟢 🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢 Offset Filter Pushdown ⚪ 🟢 🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢 Partition Filter Pushdown ⚪ 🔴 🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢 Supports Produce Operation 🟢 🟢 🟢 🔴 🟢 🔴 Supports Exactly Once 🟢 🔴 🔴 🔴 🟢 🔴 • BP-1_1: Streaming Data Lake using Kafka Streams / ksqlDB • BP-2_1: Apache Spark with Kafka as Source • BP-3_1: Presto with Kafka as Source • BP-3_2: Apache Drill with Kafka as Source • BP-3_3: Hive/Spark SQL with Kafka as Source • BP-3_4: Oracle Access to Kafka with Kafka as Source 42
  • 36. Summary • Move processing / analytics from batch to stream processing pipelines • Event Hub (Kafka) as the single source of truth => turning the database inside out! • everything else is just a “Materialized Views” of the Event Hub topics data • Can still be HDFS, Object Store (S3, …) but also Kudu on Parquet • NoSQL Databases & Relational Databases • In-Memory Databases • Confluent Platform Tiered Storage makes long-term storage feasible • Does not apply for large, unstructured data (images, videos, …) => separate path around Event Hub necessary, but sending metadata through Event Hub • This is the result of a Proof-of-Concept: only functional test done so far, performance tests will follow 44
  • 37. References 1. Turning the database inside out with Apache Samza – by Martin Kleppmann 2. It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka – by Jay Kreps 3. Infinite Storage in Confluent Platform – by Lucas Bradstreet, Dhruvil Shah, Manveer Chawla 4. KIP-405: Kafka Tiered Storage – Kafka Improvement Proposal 5. Streaming Machine Learning with Tiered Storage and Without a Data Lake – by Kai Waehner 6. Read data from Kafka topic using Oracle SQL Access to Kafka (OSAK) - by Mohammad H. AbdelQader 7. Demo environment and code samples - by Guido Schmutz (on GitHub) 8. Questioning the Lambda Architecture - by Jay Kreps 45
  • 38. Updates to Slides 24.8.2020 – Presto supports Avro 24.8.2020 – Presto supports Insert for raw and json 20.7.2020 – intial version 46