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    Presented by
  Gurubas T. Shelke
  M. Pharm Sem-1
                                       Guided By
                                   Mrs. Shilpa Shotriya
 Introduction

 Circadian rhythm

 Disease with established circadian rhythms

 Modeling approach different disease

 Design and developmentChronopharmaceutical drug
 delivery system
 Hurdles in chronopharmaceutical drug research and
 Chronopharmacodynamic

 Chronopharmacokinetics

 Chronopharmaceutical technologies

 Examples of Chronop’cal drug delivery system

 Conclusion

 References
 Chronopharmaceutics is a branch of pharmaceutics devoted to
  the design and evaluation of drug delivery systems that release
  a bioactive agent at a rhythm that ideally matches the biological
  requirement of a given disease therapy.

 Includes the fundamentals and research into various aspects of
  chronophysiology, chronopathology, chronogenetics, chronoph
  armacology, chronopharmacokinetics, chronopharmacodynami
  cs, chronotherapeutics, and chronotoxicology.
 Combination of chronobiology and pharmaceutics

 To release a drug at a rhythm to match the biological

  requirement for a given disease therapy

 To design and evaluate ChrDDS

 To improve of therapeutic efficacy and patient-compliance.

 Chronobiology : Study of biological rhythm and mechanism

  in biological system
Circadian rhythm

 Human biological functions are represented on a 24-hour
  clock, called circadian rhythm

 Related to the sleep-wake cycle

 It can alter the sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body
  temperature and other biochemical, phsiological process
Circadian rhythm influences on physiological
  Physiological functions         Changes
           Body temperature          Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑

            Breathing Sleep          Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑

            Blood pressure           Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑

           Growth hormone            pm 11:00 secretion ↑

              Adrenaline             pm 11:00 secretion ↑

               Heart rate            Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑

         Plasma catecholamines        Increase in morning

          Plasma aggregability        Increase in morning

          Fibrinolytic activity      Decrease in morning

         Gastric acid secretion       Highest in evening

           Gastric emptying          More rapid in morning
Disease with established circadian rhythms

   Fig1.24 h clock diagram of the approximate time, in human following the diurnal activity/nocturnal
   sleep routine, when symptoms or events of diseases are worst or most frequent

    Fig2:   The day/night patterns of disease severity.
 Asthma :
    1.airway resistance increases progressively at night
    2.lung function reaches at low pt in the early morning
    3. Because of bronchoconstriction and exacerbation
       symptom vary in circadian fashion
    4. Chronotherapies have been studied for asthma
      with oral corticosteroids, theophylline,and β2 agonist

 Arthritis:
   1.Circadian rhythm in the plasma concentration of c-reactive
    protein and interleukin-6 of patients with rheumatoid arhritis
   2. Chronotherapy for NSAID’s studied

 Duodenal ulcer
   1.gastric acid secretion is highest during the night.
   2.Histamine blockers are developed by ChrDDS

 Cancer:
  Blood flow to tumors and tumor growth rate are each up to threefold
  greater during each daily activity phase of the circadian cycle than
  during the daily rest phase
Modeling approach for different disease:
 Modeling cardiovascular
  diseases :
    1.linear models
    2.nonlinear model
    3.multiple linear models

 Harmonic regression equations
  for the frequency of onset of
  myocardial infarction according
  to plasma creatine -kinase MB       = number of myocardial infarctions
   (CK-MB) activity                    per hour
                                    t = time of day in hour
Modeling cancer chemotherapy

 Two major models:                 Differential equation of each cell cycle
 1. lumped parameter models
  (e.g. Gompertz model):
  Describe tumour growth
  Diff. tumour type
  Behavior heterogeneity

2. Cellcycle models
                                     Xi: number of cells in a particular stage is
  Describe cancer tumor behavior     Ti: transition rate between stages
  based on the number of cells in    di: death rate for cells in a particular stage
                                     r : enter the resting stage
  a given phase of the cell cycle    (1-r): return to the RNA/protein synthesis
Modeling glucose insulin interaction

             To estimate
             glucose and
          insulin in diabetic
                patient         G(t),: plasma glucose,I(t): plasma insulin
                                X(t): insulin concentration in a remote
                                E(t): exogenous insulin, Pi: parameters,
                                Gb: Basal glucose concentration
Modeling other diseases

 Biochemical marker require for other diseaes

       f(t): pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD)
       M: mesor (midline,value about which oscillation
       A: amplitude (half the difference between the
              highest and lowest values)
       w: the angular frequency
Design and development of ChrDDS:
Hurdles in ChrDDS
1. Rhythmic biomaterials and system design
    Biomaterial would biocompatible or biodegradable
    overcome by microchip based drug delivery system, nanofabrication
     biomaterial responsive to light , temparature ,pH,

2. Rhythm engineering and modeling
    models required to elucidate the biological rhythm
    age-structured partial differential equation (PDE) with time-periodic
     coefficients was used to compare the growth rate of the models

3. Regulatory guidance related to these types of modified dosage
    bioavailability requirements for CR products are covered in the US
    Code of Federal Regulations under 21 CFR 320.25
   IR formulation of the same drug ingredient or activemoiety, are covered
   under 21 CFR 314.54
Chronopharmaceutical technologies:
   1. CONTIN technology
    2. Physico-chemical modification of the API
    3. OROS technology
    4. CODAS technology
    5. CEFORM technology
    6. DIFFUCAPS technology
    7. Chronomodulating infusion pumps
    8. TIMERx technology
    9. Other CR erodible polymers
   10. Controlled-release microchip
CONTIN technology

1.Complex formed between cellulose polymer and
non polar solid aliphatic alcohol which act as

2.Used for aminophylline,theophylline,

3. Uniphyl(anhydrous theoforphylline) for
astmatic patient broncoconstriction incresed

4. More effective controll of disease and redues
unwanted side effects
OROS technology
 OROS Delayed Push–
  Pullk System, also known
  as controlled onset
  extendedrelease (COER)

 To design Covera HSR, a
  novel anti-hypertensive

 Overnight release of         Fig. Outline of the COER-24/OROS
 verapamil                     delivery system:
                               (a) drug formulation, (b) swelling
 To control BP early in the   polymeric compartment, (c) hydrophilic
 morning                       polymeric coating, (d) osmotic membrane
                               and (e) laser-drilled orifices.
Physico-chemical modification of the API

 Physicochemical properties (e.g. solubility, partition
  coefficient, membrane permeability, etc) altered

 Solubility and permeability are critical factors governing
  drug bioavailability

 Ex. 1.Antihyperlipidemic statins (HMG-CoA reductase
  inhibitors) Introduction of methyl group in lovastatin
  produces simvastatin results in increase in Tmax from 2
  to 4 hr
CODAS technology
 The Chronotherapeutic Oral Drug Absorption System
  (CODASR) is a multiparticular system.

 To designed for bedtime drug dosing, incorporating a
   4–5 h delay in drug delivery

 Introduced by the non-enteric release-controlling
  polymer applied to drug loaded beads

 Ex. CODAS-verapamil extended release capsules
  (Verelan PM)
CEFORM technology

 Production of uniformly sized and shaped microspheres

 Based on melt- spinning

 To subject solid feedstock i.e. biodegradable
  polymer/bioactive agents combinations to the combination
  of temperature,thermal gradients, mechanical forces, flow,
  and flow rates during processing
 Microsphere produced spherical of diameter 150–180 µm

 Microspheres used in a wide variety of dosage forms,
 including tablets, capsules, suspensions, effervescent
 tablets, and sachets

 Ex Cardizem LA, 1-day diltiazem formulation as ChrDDS
Chronomodulating infusion pumps
 Include pre-programed system as well as system sensitive
 to magnetic fields, ultrasound, electric fields, temperature,
 light and mechanical stimulation
 Infusion pump in the market:
             1. Melodie
             2. Programmable Synchromed
             3. Panomat V5 infusion
             4.The Rhythmic pumps
 Ex. Insulin therapy
TIMERx technology
 combines primarily xanthan and locust bean gums mixed
  with dextrose

        Drug release from TIMERx:
          Water penetration from Gi to
          TIMERx gum matrix

              Expand to form agel

                  Active drug substance released

  Ex. oral CR opioid analgesic oxymorphone
Three-dimensional printing
 A novel technique based on solid free form fabrication

 Basis of the TheriForm R technology

 Complex oral drug delivery devices have been fabricated
  using the 3DP process :-
           1.Immediate-extended release tablets,
           2.Pulse release,
           3.Breakaway tablets, and
           4.Dual pulsatory tablets.
CR erodible polymers
 Erodable polymer designed for different formulation:
      Insoluble excipient                  Gel forming excipient
     (e.g. dibasic calcium              (e.g.Hydroxypropylmethy-
           phosphate)                            lcellulose)

                       Erodible Tablet
Controlled-release microchip
 Produced by microfabrication technology

 Solid-state silicon microchip :- Provide controlled
  release of single or multiple chemical substances on

 Release mechanism : electrochemical dissolution of thin
  anode membranes

 Microreservoirs filled with chemicals in solid, liquid or
  gel form

 At the cellular and subcellular level biological rhythm can
 give rise to significant dosing-time differences ths
  phenomenon called as chronesthesy

 Rhythms in receptor number or conformation,
                second messengers,
                metabolic pathways,and/or
                free-to-bound fraction of medications
                impt in chronopharmacodynamic
 Ex.1. antitumor effect of IFN-β and the antiviral effect of
  IFN-α in more efficient during the early rest phase than
  during the early active phase

  2.Imatinib mesylate inhibit the tyrosine kinase acts on
  receptor Abl, the bcr-abl chimeric product,
           KIT, PDGF receptors

 Efficacy of imatinib is more when PDGF receptor
  activity is more

 Chropharmcokinetics consist of ADME of drug
FDA approval            API         Propriatory      Chronopharmaceuti      Indication
   date                                name;            cal tchnology
                                    dosage form
Sept. 01, 1982   Theophylline      Uniphyl               CONTIN            ASTHMA
Oct. 15, 1986    Famotidine        PepcidR;           Physico-chemical     Ulcer
                                   tablets           modification of API
Dec. 23, 1991    Simvastatin       ZocorR; Tablets    Physico-chemical     Hypercholest
                                                     modification of API   erolemia
Feb. 26, 1996    Verapamil HCl     Covera-HSR              OROS            Hypertension
Nov. 25, 1998    Verapamil HCl     VerelanRPM;            CODAS            Hypertension
Feb. 06, 2003    Diltiazem HCl     CardizemR LA;         CEFORM            Hypertension
                 verapamil HCl     Tablet

Mar. 12, 2003    Propranolol HCl   InnoPranR XL         DIFFUCAPS          Hypertension
                 verapamil HCl     Capsule
    API        Proprietary name      Chronopharmaceutical              Disease
                 dosages form             technology
Famotidine     Gaster® tablets    Physico-chemical             Ulcer
                                  modification of API
Simvastatin    Lipovas®           Physico-chemical             Hyperlipidemia
               tablets            modification of API
Theophylline   Uniphyl®           CONTIN®                      Asthma
               extended release
Tulobuterol    Hokunalin®         Transdermal chronodelivery   Asthma
               tape               system
 Chronopharmaceutics will certainly improve patient
  outcome and optimize disease management in the future

 Selection of the appropriate chronopharmaceutical
  technology should take into considerations the application
  range (e.g. targeted drugs of different physico-chemical
  properties), the ease of manufacturing, the cost-
  effectiveness, and the flexibility in the pharmacokinetic
 Major drawback of existing oral ChrDDS on the market it
  depend on human action to trigger the drug administration
  for example on daily basis

 Ideal ChrDDS should be self regulating, in future it may
  possible to develop Ideal ChrDDS when taken any time of
  the day and should take environmental factors in account
  (e.g. awake–sleep, light–dark, activity–rest status)
1.Bi-Botti C. Youan* Chronopharmaceutics: new approach,
    Journal of Controlled Release 98 (2004) 337– 353
2. S. Leslie, in: Euroceltique, SA, United States, 1982, p. 20
3. W. Hoffman, R. Smith, A. Willard, in: Merck & Co.,
    United States, 1984, p. 26.
4. FDA, in: Electronic Orange Book (Administration, F. a.
  D.,Ed.), Electronic Orange Book, Washington, DC, 2003
5. S. Leslie, The Contin delivery system: dosing
  considerations J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 78 (1986) 768–
6. Bi-Botti C. Youan, Chronopharmaceutical drug delivery
  systems: Hurdles, hype or hope? Advanced Drug Delivery
  Reviews 62 (2010) 898–903
7. Shigehiro Ohdo, Chronotherapeutic strategy: Rhythm
  monitoring, manipulation and disruption; Advanced Drug
  Delivery Reviews 62 (2010) 859–875
8. Asim Sattwa Mandal, Nikhil Biswas, Kazi Masud
  Karim, Arijit Guha, Sugata Chatterjee,Mamata
  Behera, Ketousetuo Kuotsu, Drug delivery system based
  on chronobiology—A review; Journal of Controlled
  Release 147 (2010) 314–325
Chronopharmaceutics : A relevant approach to drug delivery

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Chronopharmaceutics : A relevant approach to drug delivery

  • 1. CHRONOPHARMACEUTICS: RELEVANT APPROACH TO DRUG DELIVERY Presented by Gurubas T. Shelke M. Pharm Sem-1 Pharmaceutics Guided By Mrs. Shilpa Shotriya Email
  • 2. CONTENTS  Introduction  Circadian rhythm  Disease with established circadian rhythms  Modeling approach different disease  Design and developmentChronopharmaceutical drug delivery system  Hurdles in chronopharmaceutical drug research and development
  • 3. Cont…  Chronopharmacodynamic  Chronopharmacokinetics  Chronopharmaceutical technologies  Examples of Chronop’cal drug delivery system  Conclusion  References
  • 4. INTRODUCTION  Chronopharmaceutics is a branch of pharmaceutics devoted to the design and evaluation of drug delivery systems that release a bioactive agent at a rhythm that ideally matches the biological requirement of a given disease therapy.  Includes the fundamentals and research into various aspects of chronophysiology, chronopathology, chronogenetics, chronoph armacology, chronopharmacokinetics, chronopharmacodynami cs, chronotherapeutics, and chronotoxicology.
  • 5. Cont…  Combination of chronobiology and pharmaceutics  To release a drug at a rhythm to match the biological requirement for a given disease therapy  To design and evaluate ChrDDS  To improve of therapeutic efficacy and patient-compliance.  Chronobiology : Study of biological rhythm and mechanism in biological system
  • 6. Circadian rhythm  Human biological functions are represented on a 24-hour clock, called circadian rhythm  Related to the sleep-wake cycle  It can alter the sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body temperature and other biochemical, phsiological process
  • 7. Circadian rhythm influences on physiological process Physiological functions Changes Body temperature Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑ Breathing Sleep Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑ Blood pressure Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑ Growth hormone pm 11:00 secretion ↑ Adrenaline pm 11:00 secretion ↑ Heart rate Sleep ↓ wakefulness ↑ Plasma catecholamines Increase in morning Plasma aggregability Increase in morning Fibrinolytic activity Decrease in morning Gastric acid secretion Highest in evening Gastric emptying More rapid in morning
  • 8. Disease with established circadian rhythms Fig1.24 h clock diagram of the approximate time, in human following the diurnal activity/nocturnal sleep routine, when symptoms or events of diseases are worst or most frequent
  • 9. Cont…. Fig2: The day/night patterns of disease severity.
  • 10. Diseases  Asthma : 1.airway resistance increases progressively at night 2.lung function reaches at low pt in the early morning 3. Because of bronchoconstriction and exacerbation symptom vary in circadian fashion 4. Chronotherapies have been studied for asthma with oral corticosteroids, theophylline,and β2 agonist  Arthritis: 1.Circadian rhythm in the plasma concentration of c-reactive protein and interleukin-6 of patients with rheumatoid arhritis 2. Chronotherapy for NSAID’s studied
  • 11. Cont..  Duodenal ulcer 1.gastric acid secretion is highest during the night. 2.Histamine blockers are developed by ChrDDS  Cancer: Blood flow to tumors and tumor growth rate are each up to threefold greater during each daily activity phase of the circadian cycle than during the daily rest phase
  • 12. Modeling approach for different disease:  Modeling cardiovascular diseases : 1.linear models 2.nonlinear model 3.multiple linear models  Harmonic regression equations for the frequency of onset of myocardial infarction according to plasma creatine -kinase MB = number of myocardial infarctions (CK-MB) activity per hour t = time of day in hour
  • 13. Modeling cancer chemotherapy  Two major models: Differential equation of each cell cycle 1. lumped parameter models (e.g. Gompertz model): Describe tumour growth Diff. tumour type Behavior heterogeneity 2. Cellcycle models Xi: number of cells in a particular stage is Describe cancer tumor behavior Ti: transition rate between stages based on the number of cells in di: death rate for cells in a particular stage r : enter the resting stage a given phase of the cell cycle (1-r): return to the RNA/protein synthesis stage
  • 14. Modeling glucose insulin interaction To estimate glucose and insulin in diabetic patient G(t),: plasma glucose,I(t): plasma insulin X(t): insulin concentration in a remote compartment E(t): exogenous insulin, Pi: parameters, Gb: Basal glucose concentration
  • 15. Modeling other diseases  Biochemical marker require for other diseaes f(t): pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) M: mesor (midline,value about which oscillation occur) A: amplitude (half the difference between the highest and lowest values) w: the angular frequency
  • 17.
  • 18. Hurdles in ChrDDS 1. Rhythmic biomaterials and system design Biomaterial would biocompatible or biodegradable overcome by microchip based drug delivery system, nanofabrication biomaterial responsive to light , temparature ,pH, 2. Rhythm engineering and modeling models required to elucidate the biological rhythm age-structured partial differential equation (PDE) with time-periodic coefficients was used to compare the growth rate of the models 3. Regulatory guidance related to these types of modified dosage forms: bioavailability requirements for CR products are covered in the US Code of Federal Regulations under 21 CFR 320.25 IR formulation of the same drug ingredient or activemoiety, are covered under 21 CFR 314.54
  • 19. Chronopharmaceutical technologies: 1. CONTIN technology 2. Physico-chemical modification of the API 3. OROS technology 4. CODAS technology 5. CEFORM technology 6. DIFFUCAPS technology 7. Chronomodulating infusion pumps 8. TIMERx technology 9. Other CR erodible polymers 10. Controlled-release microchip
  • 20. CONTIN technology 1.Complex formed between cellulose polymer and non polar solid aliphatic alcohol which act as amatrix 2.Used for aminophylline,theophylline, morphine 3. Uniphyl(anhydrous theoforphylline) for astmatic patient broncoconstriction incresed 4. More effective controll of disease and redues unwanted side effects
  • 21. OROS technology  OROS Delayed Push– Pullk System, also known as controlled onset extendedrelease (COER)  To design Covera HSR, a novel anti-hypertensive product  Overnight release of Fig. Outline of the COER-24/OROS verapamil delivery system: (a) drug formulation, (b) swelling  To control BP early in the polymeric compartment, (c) hydrophilic morning polymeric coating, (d) osmotic membrane and (e) laser-drilled orifices.
  • 22. Physico-chemical modification of the API  Physicochemical properties (e.g. solubility, partition coefficient, membrane permeability, etc) altered  Solubility and permeability are critical factors governing drug bioavailability  Ex. 1.Antihyperlipidemic statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) Introduction of methyl group in lovastatin produces simvastatin results in increase in Tmax from 2 to 4 hr
  • 23. CODAS technology  The Chronotherapeutic Oral Drug Absorption System (CODASR) is a multiparticular system.  To designed for bedtime drug dosing, incorporating a 4–5 h delay in drug delivery  Introduced by the non-enteric release-controlling polymer applied to drug loaded beads  Ex. CODAS-verapamil extended release capsules (Verelan PM)
  • 24. CEFORM technology  Production of uniformly sized and shaped microspheres  Based on melt- spinning  To subject solid feedstock i.e. biodegradable polymer/bioactive agents combinations to the combination of temperature,thermal gradients, mechanical forces, flow, and flow rates during processing
  • 25. Cont..  Microsphere produced spherical of diameter 150–180 µm  Microspheres used in a wide variety of dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, suspensions, effervescent tablets, and sachets  Ex Cardizem LA, 1-day diltiazem formulation as ChrDDS
  • 26. Chronomodulating infusion pumps  Include pre-programed system as well as system sensitive to magnetic fields, ultrasound, electric fields, temperature, light and mechanical stimulation  Infusion pump in the market: 1. Melodie 2. Programmable Synchromed 3. Panomat V5 infusion 4.The Rhythmic pumps  Ex. Insulin therapy
  • 27. TIMERx technology  combines primarily xanthan and locust bean gums mixed with dextrose Drug release from TIMERx: Water penetration from Gi to TIMERx gum matrix Expand to form agel Active drug substance released Ex. oral CR opioid analgesic oxymorphone
  • 28. Three-dimensional printing  A novel technique based on solid free form fabrication methods.  Basis of the TheriForm R technology  Complex oral drug delivery devices have been fabricated using the 3DP process :- 1.Immediate-extended release tablets, 2.Pulse release, 3.Breakaway tablets, and 4.Dual pulsatory tablets.
  • 29. CR erodible polymers  Erodable polymer designed for different formulation: 1.tablets 2.capsules 3.microparticles Insoluble excipient Gel forming excipient (e.g. dibasic calcium (e.g.Hydroxypropylmethy- phosphate) lcellulose) Erodible Tablet
  • 30. Controlled-release microchip  Produced by microfabrication technology  Solid-state silicon microchip :- Provide controlled release of single or multiple chemical substances on demand.  Release mechanism : electrochemical dissolution of thin anode membranes  Microreservoirs filled with chemicals in solid, liquid or gel form
  • 31. Chronopharmacodynamics  At the cellular and subcellular level biological rhythm can give rise to significant dosing-time differences ths phenomenon called as chronesthesy  Rhythms in receptor number or conformation, second messengers, metabolic pathways,and/or free-to-bound fraction of medications impt in chronopharmacodynamic
  • 32. Cont…  Ex.1. antitumor effect of IFN-β and the antiviral effect of IFN-α in more efficient during the early rest phase than during the early active phase 2.Imatinib mesylate inhibit the tyrosine kinase acts on receptor Abl, the bcr-abl chimeric product, KIT, PDGF receptors  Efficacy of imatinib is more when PDGF receptor activity is more
  • 34. MARKETED DRUGS FDA approval API Propriatory Chronopharmaceuti Indication date name; cal tchnology dosage form Sept. 01, 1982 Theophylline Uniphyl CONTIN ASTHMA Oct. 15, 1986 Famotidine PepcidR; Physico-chemical Ulcer tablets modification of API Dec. 23, 1991 Simvastatin ZocorR; Tablets Physico-chemical Hypercholest modification of API erolemia Feb. 26, 1996 Verapamil HCl Covera-HSR OROS Hypertension Tablet Nov. 25, 1998 Verapamil HCl VerelanRPM; CODAS Hypertension Capsule Feb. 06, 2003 Diltiazem HCl CardizemR LA; CEFORM Hypertension verapamil HCl Tablet Mar. 12, 2003 Propranolol HCl InnoPranR XL DIFFUCAPS Hypertension verapamil HCl Capsule
  • 35. MARKETED DRUGS IN JAPAN API Proprietary name Chronopharmaceutical Disease dosages form technology Famotidine Gaster® tablets Physico-chemical Ulcer modification of API Simvastatin Lipovas® Physico-chemical Hyperlipidemia tablets modification of API Theophylline Uniphyl® CONTIN® Asthma extended release tablets Tulobuterol Hokunalin® Transdermal chronodelivery Asthma tape system
  • 36. Conclusion  Chronopharmaceutics will certainly improve patient outcome and optimize disease management in the future  Selection of the appropriate chronopharmaceutical technology should take into considerations the application range (e.g. targeted drugs of different physico-chemical properties), the ease of manufacturing, the cost- effectiveness, and the flexibility in the pharmacokinetic profile
  • 37. Cont…  Major drawback of existing oral ChrDDS on the market it depend on human action to trigger the drug administration for example on daily basis  Ideal ChrDDS should be self regulating, in future it may possible to develop Ideal ChrDDS when taken any time of the day and should take environmental factors in account (e.g. awake–sleep, light–dark, activity–rest status)
  • 38. References 1.Bi-Botti C. Youan* Chronopharmaceutics: new approach, Journal of Controlled Release 98 (2004) 337– 353 2. S. Leslie, in: Euroceltique, SA, United States, 1982, p. 20 3. W. Hoffman, R. Smith, A. Willard, in: Merck & Co., United States, 1984, p. 26. 4. FDA, in: Electronic Orange Book (Administration, F. a. D.,Ed.), Electronic Orange Book, Washington, DC, 2003 5. S. Leslie, The Contin delivery system: dosing considerations J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 78 (1986) 768– 773
  • 39. Cont.. 6. Bi-Botti C. Youan, Chronopharmaceutical drug delivery systems: Hurdles, hype or hope? Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 62 (2010) 898–903 7. Shigehiro Ohdo, Chronotherapeutic strategy: Rhythm monitoring, manipulation and disruption; Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 62 (2010) 859–875 8. Asim Sattwa Mandal, Nikhil Biswas, Kazi Masud Karim, Arijit Guha, Sugata Chatterjee,Mamata Behera, Ketousetuo Kuotsu, Drug delivery system based on chronobiology—A review; Journal of Controlled Release 147 (2010) 314–325