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The Essential Perl
 Hacker's Toolkit

     Stephen R. Scaffidi
       YAPC::NA 2012
Thanks for coming!
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
This is a talk about the essentials
essential to...
getting my job done
getting my job done better
getting my job done faster
so I can go out and drink beer
so I can go out and drink beer
 spend time posting on reddit
so I can go out and drink beer
 spend time posting on reddit
       watching youtube
so I can go out and drink beer
 spend time posting on reddit
       watching youtube
the editor of the previous three slides has
                been sacked
I <3 Task::Kensho
This talk != Task::Kensho
But it is essential
So look it up:
my @essentials
Modules and tools I depend on
make my job easier
make my code better
easier to write
easier to read
easier to maintain
fewer bugs
this is the code I don't write
I'm not that good.
Neither are you*
Neither are you*

*with several exceptions, half of them probably
leaving this room right now...
Previous iterations of this talk...
waxed poetic about community
gushed about the CPAN
there's simply no time
too many modules
too many modules
  (on the dance floor)
I prefer Perl because of this
No language is perfect
Perl has the CPAN
And the CPAN gives us many,
 many ways to improve Perl
mst once said...
Perl is my VM
CPAN is my language
let's learn about some of the best
parts of this language we call the
Allow me some hubris...
for the next 40 minutes or so.
Bring out the modules!
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats

experience tells me the answer is
Get English versions of Perl's
     “punctuation vars”
use English qw( -no_match_vars );

$#@^ English
$$    $PID
$!    $OS_ERROR
perldoc perlvar
Does what it says on the tin...
# overrides various built-ins...
use autodie;

# Now, they all succeed or die!
open my $foo, '>', 'file.txt';
chdir 'foo/bar';
pipe my($baz), my($buh);
readline $foo;
print “Do you ever check for print
autodie is indispensable.
Why write an “or die” clause after
  every open() when you no
      longer have to???
Better than print().
Better than Data::Dumper!
For those go to Steve Lembark's
 talk on Util modules tomorrow
Stop messing with @ISA
# sets up @ISA for you
use parent qw(Some::Base Other::Base);
Clear and declarative!
Stop messing with eval {} for
    exception handling.
use Try::Tiny;

try {
catch {
    handle_error($_); # note: not $@
finally {
Maybe not essential
But damn handy!
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
Not just modules
A light-weight cpan client that
    understands local::lib
ack is better than grep
Hands-down, the best profiler for
Tells you how well your tests
       cover your code
Speaking of tests...
use it to run your tests
Lots of things under Test::
Many, many others...
Make sure your code confirms to
   certain quality standards.
You do use coding standards,
Mouse / Moo / Any::Moose
Stop writing your own OO layers
Stop doing it inconsistently
Stop messing up inheritance,
  destructors, accessors and all
those little things that you have to
   write over and over and over
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
my $path = join '/', qw(foo bar baz)
What if it runs on Windows?
           Or VMS?
    Or early MacOS?
use File::Spec;

my $correct_path =
   File::Spec->catdir qw(foo bar
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir);

my $path = catdir qw(foo bar baz);
Declarative and correct
Lots of other functions, too:

   ● canonpath   ● splitpath
   ● catfile     ● splitdir

   ● rootdir     ● catpath

   ● updir       ● abs2rel

   ● devnull     ● rel2abs

   ● tmpdir      ● file_name_is_absolute

   ● curdir      ● case_tolerant
use Path::Class qw(dir file);

# create dir and file objects...
my $dir = dir('foo', 'bar');
my $file = file('bob', 'file.txt');

# Stringifies with proper separator on
# each supported platform
print "dir: $dirn";
print "file: $filen";

# methods do what you expect...
my $subdir = $dir->subdir('baz');
my $parent = $subdir->parent;
my $dir2    = $file->dir;
Traversing directories in a
   filesystem is tricky.
  You're not that good.
If you don't like File::Find,
File::Find::Rules has some very
      nice functionality. Try it.
For when you need to touch a
file. Simple, and works cross-
same as the system's basename
   and dirname commands.
Simple thing... but which is more
my $text =
  do { local(@ARGV, $/) = "file.txt"; <> };


my $text = read_file 'file.txt';
When you need it... you DON'T
   want to do it yourself!
Let this module handle temp files
and directories for you and stop
          doing it wrong.
Don't try to find a user's home
   directory on your own.
Why are you shelling out to
        STOP IT!
Don't shell out to the system.
 Don't write your own copy

 Please, PLEASE, just use
If you need to recognize a
      common file type...

If one doesn't work for you, try
          the other.
recursively create and remove
Can you remember this?
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid,
  $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime,
  $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) =
    stat $file;
Maybe this?
my $dev     =   (stat   $file)[0];
my $ino     =   (stat   $file)[1];
my $mode    =   (stat   $file)[2];
my $nlink   =   (stat   $file)[3];
my $uid     =   (stat   $file)[4];
my $gid     =   (stat   $file)[5];
my $rdev    =   (stat   $file)[6];
my $size    =   (stat   $file)[7];
# etc...
Try this, instead...
use File::stat;

my $s = stat $file;

         Much nicer, no?
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
Building your own sucks
Try this:
use Tie::StoredOrderHash qw(ordered);

my $hash = ordered [
  one => 1, two => 2, three => 3

while (my($k, $v) = each %$hash) {
  print "$k: $v ";
} # one: 1 two: 2 three: 3
Recursively merge hash
use Hash::Merge::Simple qw(merge);

my $a = {
  a => 1, c => 3,
  d => { i => 2 }, r => {}

my $b = {
  b => 2, a => 100,
  d => { l => 4 }

my $c = merge $a, $b;

# $c is now {
#   a => 100, b => 2, c => 3,
#   d => { i => 2, l => 4 }, r => {} }
Simple, declarative and
use Params::Util qw(_SCALAR _HASH _INSTANCE);

sub foo {
  my $object = _INSTANCE(shift, 'Foo') or die;
  my $image = _SCALAR(shift)           or die;
  my $opts   = _HASHLIKE(shift) || {};
Sure, it's ugly...
But focused on correctly doing
   something common and
      (surprisingly) tricky
The de-facto standard in
  parameter validation.
Don't do combinatorics on your
own. Your code will be wrong. It
   will be slow. It will suck.
Just here for shameless self-
Recursively and correctly
compare data structures.
More functionality than
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
The most correct handling of
dates and times in Perl. Use it.
Use these to transform various
time formats from strings into
      DateTime objects
Make localtime() and gmtime()
return objects...
use Time::Piece;

my $t = localtime;
print "Time is $tn";
print "Year is ", $t->year, "n";
Gives you inverse functions for
    localtime() and gmtime()
use Time::Local qw(timelocal timegm);

my $localtime = timelocal(
  $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year);

my $gmtime = timegm(
  $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year);
   (and friends)
If DateTime is too “heavy” for
        you, at least use
DateTime::Tiny, or Date::Tiny
         or Time::Tiny
Parsing dates and times is a
     PITA. Use a module...
use Time::ParseDate qw(parsedate);

$epoch_time =
  parsedate("12/11/94 2pm", %options)
When you need to extract dates
and times from arbitrary blocks of
But it tries hard to avoid false-
For when you're willing to be
surprised at the dates found!
Simply works harder to find dates
 and times in text, at the cost of
    possibly false-positives.
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
use YAML::Any qw(Dump Load);

$YAML::Indent = 3;

my $yaml = Dump(@objects);

my @objects = Load($yaml);
use JSON qw(to_json from_json);

my $json = to_json($perl_scalar);

my $perl_scalar = from_json($json);
use Text::CSV;

my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1 });
open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", "test.csv";
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) {
  $row->[2] =~ m/pattern/ or next;
  push @rows, $row;
Parse and read in a bunch of
different spreadsheet formats,
        including Excel.
For simply reading in and parsing
 some XML into a data structure.

  For non-simple stuff, look at
Check Task::Kensho for more
      XML essentials.
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
safely and properly load
  modules at run-time
Do you know how to properly
test for an interactive terminal?
The grand-daddy of running
 external commands and
     controlling the IO
Capture stdout and stderr of any
It Just Plain Works(tm)
Writing daemons properly is hard
(my $unsafe_string =
   q{string you're passing to system})
      =~ s/([/;()])/$1/g
Unsafe, incorrect, and ugly.
use String::ShellQuote qw(shell_quote);

my $safe_string = shell_quote
   q{something you might pass to
Much safer and more correct
Make using system() and output
capturing (a-la backticks) safer
use IPC::System::Simple
   qw(system systemx);

# overrides system() built-in...

# Succeed or die, avoid shell if @args

 # NEVER invokes the shell
use IPC::System::Simple
   qw(capture capturex);

# Use capture() instead of backticks:
 (also works in list context)

# Succeeds or dies,
# avoids shell if @args
my $output =

 # NEVER invokes the shell
My $output =
The Little Things
Slightly Bigger Things
Handling Files and Filesystems
Wrangling Data Structures and Types
Dealing with Dates and Times
Reading and Writing File Formats
Don't take my word for it
Explore the CPAN for yourself
Create your own toolkit
Be consistent
be thoughtful
Share what you learn
Contribute and help this
   language grow!
Thanks again.
I'm hercynium on IRC and

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