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Unleash The Power Within
A world renowned week-end to achieve powerful,
proven and long lasting results.

LONDON, 21-24 MARCH 2014

This event is produced and organized by SUCCESS RESOURCES

“A n th o n y Ro bbi n s :
th e h i gh pr i e s t o f h u m a n po te n ti a l. ”
Th e New Yo rk Tim es

YES, please!
MARCH 21-24, 2014

Anthony Robbins
will be in London

After the great success of last edition, we are happy to announce that Tony will be in London , once again, with his powerful
If you want to share this unique experience with someone else, if you have lost the first editions of the event, if you don’t
want to miss the chance to meet this outstanding trainer, or even if you just have heard about him, catch this extraordinary
opportunity to boost your personal growth and choose as your personal trainer the man who - for over 30 years has taught his reinforcing strategies to political and business leaders,
as well as
to stars and internationally aknowledge sports
champions (here just a few celebrities:
Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, Serena Williams).
We look forward to meeting you!
Nello Acampora
General Manager Hi-Performance
What is Motivational

“With Robbins the
“Training Olimpics”
have landed
in Rome”

Millionaire - April 2009

Decide now for your future
Interest in Motivational Training has significantly grown in recent years, due to its benefits and results. The level of our personal motivation, indeed, has a big
impact on our quality of life. In many cases, we are not able to live as we want to, and we strive beyond imagination, uselessly trying to concretize what we really desire. That’s
because we are not sufficiently conscious about the enormous and infinite potential, which is profoundly hidden in ourselves. 	
Motivational Training, with its American blueprint, puts the focus on your self-empowerment, i.e. on our capability to reinforce our inner resources, by applying tools and strategies
that allow us to clearly and consciously define ambitious professional and personal goals.

Motivational Training is an investment chosen by more and more companies
Business leaders and managers have understood the strategic value of Motivational Training and the strong link between success and a positive mental approach, which looks at solutions,
not problems. The competitiveness of each single company is destined to grow, when the human resources are skilled and able to apply an efficient motivational system, based on ongoing
research, continuous improvement, on effective training and education values and the definition of clear targets.
Here are the basic areas of your life: take a little time and assing to each of them a score
(from 0 to 10) , which expresses the level of satisfaction you’ve got, today.


7steps -

Robbins Results System

R E L ATI O NS HI PS .............. .....
WO R K /C A R E E R ................. .....
F I N A N C E S ....................... .....
T I M E. .. ................................
WE LL B E I NG .................... .....


Please ask yourself:
W H E R E W O U L D YO U L I K E TO B E I N 5 Y E A R S ?




D id you know that

95% of the people
who set New Year’s
resolutions never
follow through?
The reason is that
most people don’t
understand the
process of how to
produce lasting
results—and they
never take the first
steps. Tony Robbins
has found a strategy
will walk you through
how to get started
and create an
extraordinary life.


AWARENESS: define your strenghts 	
and weaknesses to improve in.
CLARITY: what do you love or hate 	
in life?
ENTHUSIASM: nourish your 	
enthusiasm, setting no boundaries 	
for your dreams and paying 	
attention to everything you wish to 	
do, to be, share, learn and live. 	
FOCUS: among all your goals, which 	
are your priorities?
COMMITMENT: what are the reasons 	
that - at all costs - will move you 	
toward your goals?
STRATEGY: verify the consistency 	
of your actions, in relation with the 	
goals you’ve defined.
MOMENTUM: discover the power of 	
Robbins: why is he the Number

“One of the Top 10
Outstanding People
of the World”

International Chamber
of Commerce

Facts & numbers of his success

Consu ltant of 3 US Presidents and many other wor l d Leaders ( M i k h a i l
G o r bac he v,Bill Clinton)

Wor ld A u thor it y on
Lea de rship Ps y cholog y &
Peak Pe r f or ma nce

Su ccessfu l entrepre ne u r, Chair man overs eeing f ive pr ivate companies and 		
owne r of one Fiji I sland
“O ne of the Top 50 Busine ss Intellec tuals in the Wor ld”, as s tated by Accenture’s 	
I nstitu te for Strate gic Change
Au thor of 4 best-sellers, publ is hed in 14 l anguages, and over 35 mil l ions of 	
au d iovisu al prod u c ts sold around the gl obe
Toastmasters I nter national recognized R obbins as one of the wor l d ’s greates t 		
speake rs, award ing him the G ol den G avel Award, its mos t pres tigious honor

6 . O ve r 150 d ays e ach ye ar spent hol ding s eminars and conferences
all ove r the wor ld


26 Eu rope an ed itions of “Unleash the Power Within”
Since 15 years UPW is the s eminar with the greates t number of par tic ipants in 	
the wor ld ”
42 nations repre se nted at the l ates t event

1 0 . R obbins R e su lt Syste m conf ir ms its ef fec tivenes s year af ter year : 120.000 	
e u ropean par ticipants are its outs tanding proof !
World Authority on

Peak Performance

For the past three decades, Anthony Robbins has served as an advisor to leaders around the world. A recognized authority on the psychology of leadership,
negotiations, organizational turnaround, and peak performance, he has been honoured consistently for his strategic intellect and humanitarian endeavours.

Strategic Advisor to World Leaders: Robbins has met with, consulted, or advised international leaders including Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret

Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa. He has consulted members of two royal families, members of the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Marines and
three U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton. Robbins has had the unique opportunity to identify patterns and model the underlying strategies generating consistent results for some of the most successful
individuals in the world.




Robbins is an internationally best-selling author with five books published in 14 languages, and
he is the creator of the #1 personal and professional development system of all time: Personal Power; more than 35 million audiotapes have been sold worldwide.

Successful Entrepreneur: Robbins serves as Chairman of five private companies and Vice Chairman of one company that together generate nearly half a billion dollars in revenue per year.

While diverse in characterization, all six—plus their five holding companies—are geared toward Robbins’ philosophy of improving the quality of life for people around the world, from Namale Resort
& Spa, the award-winning, 325-acre tropical paradise in the Fiji Islands, to Twinlab Corporation, the highest-rated nutraceutical company honored in 2003 with the Consumer Satisfaction Award as
Top Rated Retail Brand by, an independent testing group.

Philanthropist and Humanitarian: What began nearly 30 years ago as Robbins’ individual effort to feed two homeless families has now grown into the Anthony Robbins

Foundation, which feeds more than two million people in 56 countries every year. This foundation has also provided support or initiated programs in more than 2,000 schools, 700 prisons and 100,000
service organizations and shelters.

“ One of the Top 200
Business Gurus”

Harvard Business Press

Robbins has advised and counseled Fortune
500 CEOs, world-renowned medical doctors, legends in entertainment, and championship sports teams including
America’s Cup winner, America 3; Stanley Cup finalist, Los Angeles Kings; NBA Champion San Antonio Spurs; and
other teams from the National Hockey League, Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association. He has worked
with elite coaches and athletes, including André Agassi, Serena Williams, and Greg Norman, along with
champions from the National Football League, Professional Golf Association, U.S. Tennis Association and NASCAR.
Programme of the seminar
1 ° Transforming Limitations into Power
2 ° Focus on your true Self
3 ° Strategies & Planning
4 ° Unleash yout Total Wellness
Guide Line:



Guide Line C L A RI T Y

Guide Line TO O LS & AC T I O N


Guide Line HEA LTH, Vi t a lit Y & En e rg Y

Time Schedule:

DAY 1 : 1 p m - 1 2 pm DAY 2: 9 am - 10 pm
DAY 3 : 9 am - 0 1am DAY 4: Sun. 9 am - 6 pm

Day 2 and Day 4 of the seminar.
will be conducted by Tony Robbins
outstanding Trainers
4 memorable days,
to teach you how to:

Robbins Result System

The three E3


- Transform you limitations into power
9 9 Activate the driving force that moves you to action.
9 9 Move through limitations toward the resourcefulness that all great leaders, entrepreneurs 	
tap into.
9 9 Find the psychological state of strength and activate the emotional fitness to overcome 	
of your professional and personal success.
9 9 Instantly place yourself in peak emotional, mental and physical states.
9 9 Achieve tremendous gains in facing and conquering barriers and fears that might be 	
achieving unstoppable momentum.
9 9 Test your newfound resources by walking barefoot across a bed of hot coals.
(You don’t have to, but you’ll want to!)

and top athletes
barriers that stand in the way

Education: Unleash the Power Within is a weekend event with
holding you back from

2 and 3

- The Power of success conditioning
9 9 Create a life of your design by using breakthrough technologies such as the Science of 	
to Lasting Change.
9 9 Unleash the power of unconscious rapport and learn how to connect with anyone in your 	
9 9 Inspire those around you to consistently perform at peak levels.
9 9 Develop strategies to better understand and influence people.
9 9 Identify and replace limiting beliefs to gain sustainable results


- The Power of Pure Health & Energy
9 9 Get lasting results, by dramatically increasing energy and vibrance
9 9 Significant and lasting weight loss
9 9 Renewed passion in your relationships
9 9 Work for a stronger system and improved overall health

In 30 years of experience, Robbins has created a system
of total immersion that produces education, strategies,
and momentum for measurable and lasting change.

world-renowned results, that has impacted the lives of more than
50 million people from over 100 countries. Robbins brought neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques to the masses and
developped NAC, a proven technique which enables you to transform
negative experiences in order to condition yourself to success.

Empowerment: the Firewalking Experience will help
Momentum and the 3 Steps

you discover your inner, fundamental power. You’ll reach the capacity
to harness your emotion of fear and feelings of being overwhelmed and
limited, by turning them into a drive for focused, clear and positive action.

personal and professional

Entertainment: Music, show, fun! You’ll be living a memorable
event, full of amusement and happy moments. You’ll discover and
learn how to tap into your greatest passions. You’ll make fundamental
decisions, build a plan for your life and begin to act upon it, while
creating strategies for sustained momentum.
Your personal results
. B uil d you r own f ulf illing an d b r i g ht care e r, b al an ci n g at p e r fe c t i on p ro fes s i o n a l a n d p ers o n a l l i fe
. B ecome a le ad e r, capable to b ui l d an d m ot i vate a s ucce s s ful, g oal - or i e nted tea m
. M a nage and improve your fi n an ce s, i n orde r to ach i eve your fi n an ci al i n d ep en d en ce
. O vercome unce r t aint ie s an d fe ar s, by t ran s for m i n g p rob l e m s i nto op p o r t u n i t i es
. H a nd le t as k s load and de ad l i n e s, op t i m i z i n g your e n e rgi e s

D ivent i un vero leader, capace di mo tiva re i tuoi co l l a borator i e c re a re un te a m a f f iatato e or ient ato a i r i s u l t at i
I mpari a gest i re i l rappor to con il de n a ro pe r a cquis ire un a re a le in dipe n de n z a f in a n z ia r ia
S u peri i moment i di di f f i colt à ed in ce r tez z a , tra s f or ma n do i tuoi probl e mi in o ppo r tun ità
S cegli la prof essi one e duce s tre l an d s io i e s oddis i l e tue ve a m ot on
				. R che ri specch ia ses tue pa sal l ns or t of fn e g at ire a li e s pira ziio n i s w h i ch d i m i n i s h yo u r en erg y
G e st i sci i l cari co di lavoro e le t de b s o e fi s do a h o hy ottimiz a do le tue t i i
				. D is cove rscah en ze e nppo rtta nof be n eel alsttre s s lei fe s t y lze nan d n uternie rgoen
				. Le arn how to s l e e p we l l an d wake up eve r y day fi l l e d w i t h b o o s t i n g v i t a l i t y
				. G e t f re e f rom b ad h ab i t s ( tob acco, al ch ool, too m uch eat i n g etc. )



G a in pe rs u as ive s k ills for a a b e t te r com m un i cat i on , s ol vi n g p rob l e m s a n d m i s u n d ers t a n d i n g
with colle agu e s or f amily
Build healthy and long lasting relationship with your partner, sharing passion, enthusiasm and joy.
Lea r n how to be a good pare nt an d i m p rove com m un i cat i on w i t h your c h i l d ren .

R obbi ns Re sult Sy ste m
Who can participate?

P eople who are open-minded and favourable to changes
P eople who feel motivated in reaching ongoing improvement
P rofessionals who have already achieved important goals in their carrer and wish to
rewarding challenges

face better and more

P eople who are still looking for their complete fullfillment, knowing that results can be achieved only working
on ourselves

P eople who already have natural leadeship qualities and want to
share their skills with others.

If you find yourself in one of these profiles,
Anthony Robbins’ seminar
is the experience you cannot miss!
“Tony Robbins is one
of the greatest influencers
of this generation.”
Stephen R. Covey
Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
More and more Celebrities
choose Robbins as their Personal Coach. Why?
“Anthony R obb in s k n ows t h e r hyt mn o f s u cces s. He is an inc redibl e s o u rce o f ins p i rat i o n
a nd hi s me th o ds h ave improved t h e q u al it y o f my l ife”
Q uinc y J o nes – M usician
“ Tony ’s i nc re dible un derst an din g o f the wo r l d, peo pl e and hu m an natu re
ma ke s hi m th e ult imate life co ach . H e k nows w hat it tak es to m ak e peo pl e
exce l… and win !”
And rè Agassi – Men’s U .S. Tennis C ham p i on
“ Tony R obbi ns in spired me to t ake my c areer to the nex t l evel.
H av i ng atte n ded all o f h is live co urs es, he def initel y is
t he nu m be r o n e co mmun icato r in t h e wo r l d. He real l y k nows
how to br i ng o ut t h e b est in yo u so that yo u co ns is tentl y
pe a k pe r for m.”
R o ge r Blac k – Wo r ld O lympic meda li st , B B C te l e v i si on
presenter a nd Mo tivat i onal S p e a k er
“ Tony e mpowers yo u to p er man ent ly trans fo r m
you r li fe and create t h e wo r ld o f yo u r dream s.
H i s re s ults are last in g.”
De epa k Cho pra – Ayur veda D o c to r and H ol l y wo o d S t ar Consu l t ant
To ny R o bbins’ co ac hing has m ade a rema r k a b l e d i f fe re n ce i n my l i fe b o t h o n a n d o f f t h e co ur t.
He’s h el ped m e dis cover w hat I’m real l y m ade o f, and h e’s e n a b l e d m e to s e e t h i n g s f ro m a n e m p owe r i n g n e w
vant age po int. With To ny ’s hel p, I’ve s et new s tandards fo r mys e l f, a n d I’ve t a k e n my te n n i s g a m e - a n d my l i fe to a wh o le new l evel ! As he cel ebrates his 3 0th anniver s a r y o f t ra n s fo r m i n g l i ve s, I w i s h To ny m a ny m o re ye a r s o f
h e l p i n g o t h e r s c re ate ex t ra o rd i n a r y l i ve s wo r t h l i vi n g.”
S e re n a Wi l l i am s – 9 vol te G ra n d S l a m Te n n i s C h a mp i o n a n d O l y mp i c G o l d Me d a l l i s t
“ To ny R o bbins prov ides an am azing vehic l e fo r l o o k i n g at yo ur l i fe, m a p p i n g o ut a m i s s i o n , a n d d e te r m i n i n g
wh at ’s h o lding yo u bac k and w hat yo u need to m ove fo r wa rd. M y m i s s i o n i n l i fe i s to a cce s s G o d ’s gi f t o f c re at i vi t y
to in spire, to to u c h peo pl e’s m inds, bo dies and s pir its w i t h l ove a n d co m p a s s i o n a n d to m a k e a d i f fe re n ce i n t h i s
wo r l d. To ny tapped into my s o ul a n d h e l p e d m e s e e my l i fe’s wo r k m o re c l e a r l y.”
Do n n a K a ra n – Le g e n d a r y Fa s h i o n D e s i g n e r
“ To ny an d I are f r iends s ince a l o ng tim e (… ) He is è
a pro fo und im pac t o n peo pl e and ins pire their l ives.
impo r t ant l es s o n o f al l, the o ne eac h per s o n s ho u l d
This l es s o n tel l s : eac h o ne o f u s, no m atter

am a z i n g, un s to p p a b l e a n d h a s a gre at t a l e nt. H e c a n h ave
B u t t h at ’s n o t a l l : h e m a s te r s t h e a b i l i t y to te a c h t h e m o s t
l e a r n i n o rd e r to l i ve h i s / h e r l i fe, d ay by d ay, at i t s f ul l e s t.
w h at t h e c i rc um s t a n ce s a re, h a s t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f c h o i ce.”
B i l l Cl i nto n – 42t h Pre s i d e n t o f U n i te d S t a te s o f A m e ri ca

Listen to Bill Clinton’s opinion
about Tony Robbins
Participants say...
“ B ecaus e of w ha t I lea r ned a t U nlea sh t he Powe r Wi t hi n, I now have a wond e r f u l gi r lfri e n d ;
I h ave in credi ble hea lth; a nd in the t we nt y-si x m ont hs si nce UP W, I’ve gone f rom m ak i n g
$ 12, 0 0 0 to $ 60,000 a yea r ! To ny gives you t he to ol s, t he y hi t you r b rai n, and w ham , yo u
c h an g e – an d p eo ple see it! This stuff re al l y wor ks! ”
Christian Payen - E ntrepreneur, Ma ssa chu se t t s US A

“ Te n ye a r s a g o, I f i l e d b a n k r u p t c y. M y m a r r i a g e wa s o n t h e ro c k s a n d I wa s a t
my l owe s t p o i n t . B u t w h a t I d i d f ro m t h e re c h a n g e d my l i f e f o re ve r. I t o o k t h e
t e c h n o l o g i e s I l e a r n e d f ro m To ny R o b b i n s a n d s t a r t e d a s k i n g my s e l f b e t t e r q u e s t i o n s.
I s o o n l e a r n e d t h a t I wa s o n l y l i m i t e d by my b e l i e f s a n d t h a t I h a d t h e p owe r t o
c h a n g e t h e m . I n ow h a ve a n i n co m e t h a t e c l i p s e s $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 , I h a ve f o u r wo n d e r f u l
c h i l d re n a n d a m i n t h e p ro ce s s o f a d o p t i n g a f i f t h , a n d I re ce n t l y ce l e b ra t e d my 2 1 s t
we d d i n g a n n i ve r s a r y. T h a n k yo u f o r h e l p i n g m e t o b e co m e a b e t t e r fa t h e r, a m o re
l ov i n g h u s b a n d, a s m a r t e r b u s i n e s s p e r s o n — a n d m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y, t
h e b e s t p e r s o n I k n ow I ca n b e.”
Marion Miller, S a l e s R e p re s e n t a t i ve, J  L’s Ca rg o E x p re s s, M i d d l e b u r y, I n d i a n a

“A t U n l e a s h t h e Powe r Wi t h i n , I d i d a co m p l e t e t u r n a ro u n d i n my g o a l s, my s t y l e, a n d
my t h i n k i n g. I ’ ve s t a r t e d my ow n co m p a ny, b o u g h t a n e w h o m e, a n d my i n co m e l a s t
ye a r wa s $ 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 . A n t h o ny R o b b i n s t e a c h e s yo u t h e t o o l s a n d s t ra t e g i e s yo u n e e d t o
b e t h e b e s t yo u ca n b e. B o t t o m l i n e : I t wo r k s.”
Len F. Sorano Pre s i d e n t , D i re c t Wo r l d w i d e Co u r i e r

is a leading company in Italy, promoting training courses focused on personal success, motivation, well-being
and individual growth. Founded in 1996, Hi-Performance offers exclusive events with the best international
Trainers, such as Anthony Robbins - n. 1 motivational trainer in the world , John Gray - author
of the best-seller “Men come from Mars, Women come from Venus”, Robert Cialdini, global expert in
the fields of persuasion, compliance and negotiation, Jeffrey Gitomer author of the Little Red Book of
Selling and internationally appreciated speaker, Mario Silvano - over 45 years of experience in Sales 
Marketing, Deepak Chopra and Roy Martina - world renowned experts in wellness disciplines
and spiritual growth. Enterpreneurs, managers, executives, but also students, doctors and VIPs: our participants are people who want to make a difference, by living their lives at the fullest and fullfilling their goals.

Hi-Performance has three Divisions:
		 International Training Events
		 Corporate  Outdoor Training
		 Specialized Publishing

«Hi-Performance is a training company specialized in the
development of human resources... it may contribute to the
fullfiment of our desires, by creating harmony between the
external world and our inner balance.”

For more info and enrollments contact
Mr. Adrian Iacob at

«Ina Assitalia, Tecnocasa, Milan Calcio,but also
many private individuals: Hi-Performance courses
offer you an “instruction manual“ to take advantage
of your whole life potential.»

«Hi-Performance: a major reality specializing in company training and
professional growth.»


Event powered by



. Via Federico Cesi 72 . 00193 Rome - ITALY .

Infoline +39 06 36005152
Fax + 39 06 36000752 . E-mail

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UPW - Ultimate Personal Development - Anthony Robbins LIVE, March, 2014 in London

  • 1. Robbins Anthony Unleash The Power Within A world renowned week-end to achieve powerful, proven and long lasting results. LONDON, 21-24 MARCH 2014 This event is produced and organized by SUCCESS RESOURCES “A n th o n y Ro bbi n s : th e h i gh pr i e s t o f h u m a n po te n ti a l. ” Th e New Yo rk Tim es
  • 3. MARCH 21-24, 2014 Anthony Robbins will be in London After the great success of last edition, we are happy to announce that Tony will be in London , once again, with his powerful seminar UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN. If you want to share this unique experience with someone else, if you have lost the first editions of the event, if you don’t want to miss the chance to meet this outstanding trainer, or even if you just have heard about him, catch this extraordinary opportunity to boost your personal growth and choose as your personal trainer the man who - for over 30 years has taught his reinforcing strategies to political and business leaders, as well as to stars and internationally aknowledge sports champions (here just a few celebrities: Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, Serena Williams). We look forward to meeting you! Nello Acampora General Manager Hi-Performance
  • 4. What is Motivational Training? “With Robbins the “Training Olimpics” have landed in Rome” Millionaire - April 2009 Decide now for your future Interest in Motivational Training has significantly grown in recent years, due to its benefits and results. The level of our personal motivation, indeed, has a big impact on our quality of life. In many cases, we are not able to live as we want to, and we strive beyond imagination, uselessly trying to concretize what we really desire. That’s because we are not sufficiently conscious about the enormous and infinite potential, which is profoundly hidden in ourselves. Motivational Training, with its American blueprint, puts the focus on your self-empowerment, i.e. on our capability to reinforce our inner resources, by applying tools and strategies that allow us to clearly and consciously define ambitious professional and personal goals. Motivational Training is an investment chosen by more and more companies Business leaders and managers have understood the strategic value of Motivational Training and the strong link between success and a positive mental approach, which looks at solutions, not problems. The competitiveness of each single company is destined to grow, when the human resources are skilled and able to apply an efficient motivational system, based on ongoing research, continuous improvement, on effective training and education values and the definition of clear targets.
  • 5. WHE RE ARE YOU NOW, I N YO U R L I FE ? Here are the basic areas of your life: take a little time and assing to each of them a score (from 0 to 10) , which expresses the level of satisfaction you’ve got, today. XX XX XX XX XX 7steps - Robbins Results System R E L ATI O NS HI PS .............. ..... WO R K /C A R E E R ................. ..... F I N A N C E S ....................... ..... T I M E. .. ................................ WE LL B E I NG .................... ..... 1. Please ask yourself: W H E R E W O U L D YO U L I K E TO B E I N 5 Y E A R S ? 2. 3. AWARENESS IS THE FIRST STEP, IN ORDER TO DEFINE EXCELLENT GOALS, BUT... IT’S NOT ENOUGH. YOU NEED TO TAKE ACTION! 4. D id you know that 95% of the people who set New Year’s resolutions never follow through? The reason is that most people don’t understand the process of how to produce lasting results—and they never take the first steps. Tony Robbins has found a strategy will walk you through how to get started and create an extraordinary life. 5. 6. 7. AWARENESS: define your strenghts and weaknesses to improve in. CLARITY: what do you love or hate in life? ENTHUSIASM: nourish your enthusiasm, setting no boundaries for your dreams and paying attention to everything you wish to do, to be, share, learn and live. FOCUS: among all your goals, which are your priorities? COMMITMENT: what are the reasons that - at all costs - will move you toward your goals? STRATEGY: verify the consistency of your actions, in relation with the goals you’ve defined. MOMENTUM: discover the power of NOW !
  • 6. Robbins: why is he the Number One? “One of the Top 10 Outstanding People of the World” International Chamber of Commerce Facts & numbers of his success 1. Consu ltant of 3 US Presidents and many other wor l d Leaders ( M i k h a i l G o r bac he v,Bill Clinton) 2. 3. 4. 5. Wor ld A u thor it y on Lea de rship Ps y cholog y & Peak Pe r f or ma nce Su ccessfu l entrepre ne u r, Chair man overs eeing f ive pr ivate companies and owne r of one Fiji I sland “O ne of the Top 50 Busine ss Intellec tuals in the Wor ld”, as s tated by Accenture’s I nstitu te for Strate gic Change Au thor of 4 best-sellers, publ is hed in 14 l anguages, and over 35 mil l ions of au d iovisu al prod u c ts sold around the gl obe Toastmasters I nter national recognized R obbins as one of the wor l d ’s greates t speake rs, award ing him the G ol den G avel Award, its mos t pres tigious honor 6 . O ve r 150 d ays e ach ye ar spent hol ding s eminars and conferences all ove r the wor ld 7. 8. 9. 26 Eu rope an ed itions of “Unleash the Power Within” Since 15 years UPW is the s eminar with the greates t number of par tic ipants in the wor ld ” 42 nations repre se nted at the l ates t event 1 0 . R obbins R e su lt Syste m conf ir ms its ef fec tivenes s year af ter year : 120.000 e u ropean par ticipants are its outs tanding proof !
  • 7. World Authority on Peak Performance For the past three decades, Anthony Robbins has served as an advisor to leaders around the world. A recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations, organizational turnaround, and peak performance, he has been honoured consistently for his strategic intellect and humanitarian endeavours. Strategic Advisor to World Leaders: Robbins has met with, consulted, or advised international leaders including Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa. He has consulted members of two royal families, members of the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Marines and three U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton. Robbins has had the unique opportunity to identify patterns and model the underlying strategies generating consistent results for some of the most successful individuals in the world. Internationally Best-Selling Author: Robbins is an internationally best-selling author with five books published in 14 languages, and he is the creator of the #1 personal and professional development system of all time: Personal Power; more than 35 million audiotapes have been sold worldwide. Successful Entrepreneur: Robbins serves as Chairman of five private companies and Vice Chairman of one company that together generate nearly half a billion dollars in revenue per year. While diverse in characterization, all six—plus their five holding companies—are geared toward Robbins’ philosophy of improving the quality of life for people around the world, from Namale Resort & Spa, the award-winning, 325-acre tropical paradise in the Fiji Islands, to Twinlab Corporation, the highest-rated nutraceutical company honored in 2003 with the Consumer Satisfaction Award as Top Rated Retail Brand by, an independent testing group. Philanthropist and Humanitarian: What began nearly 30 years ago as Robbins’ individual effort to feed two homeless families has now grown into the Anthony Robbins Foundation, which feeds more than two million people in 56 countries every year. This foundation has also provided support or initiated programs in more than 2,000 schools, 700 prisons and 100,000 service organizations and shelters. “ One of the Top 200 Business Gurus” Harvard Business Press Robbins has advised and counseled Fortune 500 CEOs, world-renowned medical doctors, legends in entertainment, and championship sports teams including America’s Cup winner, America 3; Stanley Cup finalist, Los Angeles Kings; NBA Champion San Antonio Spurs; and other teams from the National Hockey League, Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association. He has worked with elite coaches and athletes, including André Agassi, Serena Williams, and Greg Norman, along with champions from the National Football League, Professional Golf Association, U.S. Tennis Association and NASCAR.
  • 8. Programme of the seminar 1 ° Transforming Limitations into Power Day 2 ° Focus on your true Self Day 3 ° Strategies & Planning Day 4 ° Unleash yout Total Wellness Day Guide Line: AWA REN ESS Guide Line C L A RI T Y Guide Line TO O LS & AC T I O N Guide Line HEA LTH, Vi t a lit Y & En e rg Y Time Schedule: DAY 1 : 1 p m - 1 2 pm DAY 2: 9 am - 10 pm DAY 3 : 9 am - 0 1am DAY 4: Sun. 9 am - 6 pm GUEST STAR Day 2 and Day 4 of the seminar. will be conducted by Tony Robbins outstanding Trainers
  • 9. 4 memorable days, to teach you how to: Robbins Result System The three E3 1 DAY - Transform you limitations into power 9 9 Activate the driving force that moves you to action. 9 9 Move through limitations toward the resourcefulness that all great leaders, entrepreneurs tap into. 9 9 Find the psychological state of strength and activate the emotional fitness to overcome of your professional and personal success. 9 9 Instantly place yourself in peak emotional, mental and physical states. 9 9 Achieve tremendous gains in facing and conquering barriers and fears that might be achieving unstoppable momentum. 9 9 Test your newfound resources by walking barefoot across a bed of hot coals. (You don’t have to, but you’ll want to!) and top athletes barriers that stand in the way Education: Unleash the Power Within is a weekend event with holding you back from 2 and 3 DAY - The Power of success conditioning 9 9 Create a life of your design by using breakthrough technologies such as the Science of to Lasting Change. 9 9 Unleash the power of unconscious rapport and learn how to connect with anyone in your life. 9 9 Inspire those around you to consistently perform at peak levels. 9 9 Develop strategies to better understand and influence people. 9 9 Identify and replace limiting beliefs to gain sustainable results 4 DAY - The Power of Pure Health & Energy 9 9 Get lasting results, by dramatically increasing energy and vibrance 9 9 Significant and lasting weight loss 9 9 Renewed passion in your relationships 9 9 Work for a stronger system and improved overall health In 30 years of experience, Robbins has created a system of total immersion that produces education, strategies, and momentum for measurable and lasting change. world-renowned results, that has impacted the lives of more than 50 million people from over 100 countries. Robbins brought neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques to the masses and developped NAC, a proven technique which enables you to transform negative experiences in order to condition yourself to success. Empowerment: the Firewalking Experience will help Momentum and the 3 Steps you discover your inner, fundamental power. You’ll reach the capacity to harness your emotion of fear and feelings of being overwhelmed and limited, by turning them into a drive for focused, clear and positive action. personal and professional Entertainment: Music, show, fun! You’ll be living a memorable event, full of amusement and happy moments. You’ll discover and learn how to tap into your greatest passions. You’ll make fundamental decisions, build a plan for your life and begin to act upon it, while creating strategies for sustained momentum.
  • 10. Your personal results . B uil d you r own f ulf illing an d b r i g ht care e r, b al an ci n g at p e r fe c t i on p ro fes s i o n a l a n d p ers o n a l l i fe . B ecome a le ad e r, capable to b ui l d an d m ot i vate a s ucce s s ful, g oal - or i e nted tea m . M a nage and improve your fi n an ce s, i n orde r to ach i eve your fi n an ci al i n d ep en d en ce . O vercome unce r t aint ie s an d fe ar s, by t ran s for m i n g p rob l e m s i nto op p o r t u n i t i es . H a nd le t as k s load and de ad l i n e s, op t i m i z i n g your e n e rgi e s • D ivent i un vero leader, capace di mo tiva re i tuoi co l l a borator i e c re a re un te a m a f f iatato e or ient ato a i r i s u l t at i • I mpari a gest i re i l rappor to con il de n a ro pe r a cquis ire un a re a le in dipe n de n z a f in a n z ia r ia • S u peri i moment i di di f f i colt à ed in ce r tez z a , tra s f or ma n do i tuoi probl e mi in o ppo r tun ità • S cegli la prof essi one e duce s tre l an d s io i e s oddis i l e tue ve a m ot on . R che ri specch ia ses tue pa sal l ns or t of fn e g at ire a li e s pira ziio n i s w h i ch d i m i n i s h yo u r en erg y • G e st i sci i l cari co di lavoro e le t de b s o e fi s do a h o hy ottimiz a do le tue t i i . D is cove rscah en ze e nppo rtta nof be n eel alsttre s s lei fe s t y lze nan d n uternie rgoen . Le arn how to s l e e p we l l an d wake up eve r y day fi l l e d w i t h b o o s t i n g v i t a l i t y . G e t f re e f rom b ad h ab i t s ( tob acco, al ch ool, too m uch eat i n g etc. ) . . . G a in pe rs u as ive s k ills for a a b e t te r com m un i cat i on , s ol vi n g p rob l e m s a n d m i s u n d ers t a n d i n g with colle agu e s or f amily Build healthy and long lasting relationship with your partner, sharing passion, enthusiasm and joy. Lea r n how to be a good pare nt an d i m p rove com m un i cat i on w i t h your c h i l d ren . R obbi ns Re sult Sy ste m
  • 11. Who can participate? P eople who are open-minded and favourable to changes P eople who feel motivated in reaching ongoing improvement P rofessionals who have already achieved important goals in their carrer and wish to rewarding challenges face better and more P eople who are still looking for their complete fullfillment, knowing that results can be achieved only working on ourselves P eople who already have natural leadeship qualities and want to share their skills with others. If you find yourself in one of these profiles, Anthony Robbins’ seminar is the experience you cannot miss! “Tony Robbins is one of the greatest influencers of this generation.” Stephen R. Covey Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  • 12. Testimonials More and more Celebrities choose Robbins as their Personal Coach. Why? “Anthony R obb in s k n ows t h e r hyt mn o f s u cces s. He is an inc redibl e s o u rce o f ins p i rat i o n a nd hi s me th o ds h ave improved t h e q u al it y o f my l ife” Q uinc y J o nes – M usician “ Tony ’s i nc re dible un derst an din g o f the wo r l d, peo pl e and hu m an natu re ma ke s hi m th e ult imate life co ach . H e k nows w hat it tak es to m ak e peo pl e exce l… and win !” And rè Agassi – Men’s U .S. Tennis C ham p i on “ Tony R obbi ns in spired me to t ake my c areer to the nex t l evel. H av i ng atte n ded all o f h is live co urs es, he def initel y is t he nu m be r o n e co mmun icato r in t h e wo r l d. He real l y k nows how to br i ng o ut t h e b est in yo u so that yo u co ns is tentl y pe a k pe r for m.” R o ge r Blac k – Wo r ld O lympic meda li st , B B C te l e v i si on presenter a nd Mo tivat i onal S p e a k er “ Tony e mpowers yo u to p er man ent ly trans fo r m you r li fe and create t h e wo r ld o f yo u r dream s. H i s re s ults are last in g.” De epa k Cho pra – Ayur veda D o c to r and H ol l y wo o d S t ar Consu l t ant
  • 13. To ny R o bbins’ co ac hing has m ade a rema r k a b l e d i f fe re n ce i n my l i fe b o t h o n a n d o f f t h e co ur t. He’s h el ped m e dis cover w hat I’m real l y m ade o f, and h e’s e n a b l e d m e to s e e t h i n g s f ro m a n e m p owe r i n g n e w vant age po int. With To ny ’s hel p, I’ve s et new s tandards fo r mys e l f, a n d I’ve t a k e n my te n n i s g a m e - a n d my l i fe to a wh o le new l evel ! As he cel ebrates his 3 0th anniver s a r y o f t ra n s fo r m i n g l i ve s, I w i s h To ny m a ny m o re ye a r s o f h e l p i n g o t h e r s c re ate ex t ra o rd i n a r y l i ve s wo r t h l i vi n g.” S e re n a Wi l l i am s – 9 vol te G ra n d S l a m Te n n i s C h a mp i o n a n d O l y mp i c G o l d Me d a l l i s t “ To ny R o bbins prov ides an am azing vehic l e fo r l o o k i n g at yo ur l i fe, m a p p i n g o ut a m i s s i o n , a n d d e te r m i n i n g wh at ’s h o lding yo u bac k and w hat yo u need to m ove fo r wa rd. M y m i s s i o n i n l i fe i s to a cce s s G o d ’s gi f t o f c re at i vi t y to in spire, to to u c h peo pl e’s m inds, bo dies and s pir its w i t h l ove a n d co m p a s s i o n a n d to m a k e a d i f fe re n ce i n t h i s wo r l d. To ny tapped into my s o ul a n d h e l p e d m e s e e my l i fe’s wo r k m o re c l e a r l y.” Do n n a K a ra n – Le g e n d a r y Fa s h i o n D e s i g n e r “ To ny an d I are f r iends s ince a l o ng tim e (… ) He is è a pro fo und im pac t o n peo pl e and ins pire their l ives. impo r t ant l es s o n o f al l, the o ne eac h per s o n s ho u l d This l es s o n tel l s : eac h o ne o f u s, no m atter am a z i n g, un s to p p a b l e a n d h a s a gre at t a l e nt. H e c a n h ave B u t t h at ’s n o t a l l : h e m a s te r s t h e a b i l i t y to te a c h t h e m o s t l e a r n i n o rd e r to l i ve h i s / h e r l i fe, d ay by d ay, at i t s f ul l e s t. w h at t h e c i rc um s t a n ce s a re, h a s t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f c h o i ce.” B i l l Cl i nto n – 42t h Pre s i d e n t o f U n i te d S t a te s o f A m e ri ca Listen to Bill Clinton’s opinion about Tony Robbins on
  • 14. Participants say... “ B ecaus e of w ha t I lea r ned a t U nlea sh t he Powe r Wi t hi n, I now have a wond e r f u l gi r lfri e n d ; I h ave in credi ble hea lth; a nd in the t we nt y-si x m ont hs si nce UP W, I’ve gone f rom m ak i n g $ 12, 0 0 0 to $ 60,000 a yea r ! To ny gives you t he to ol s, t he y hi t you r b rai n, and w ham , yo u c h an g e – an d p eo ple see it! This stuff re al l y wor ks! ” Christian Payen - E ntrepreneur, Ma ssa chu se t t s US A “ Te n ye a r s a g o, I f i l e d b a n k r u p t c y. M y m a r r i a g e wa s o n t h e ro c k s a n d I wa s a t my l owe s t p o i n t . B u t w h a t I d i d f ro m t h e re c h a n g e d my l i f e f o re ve r. I t o o k t h e t e c h n o l o g i e s I l e a r n e d f ro m To ny R o b b i n s a n d s t a r t e d a s k i n g my s e l f b e t t e r q u e s t i o n s. I s o o n l e a r n e d t h a t I wa s o n l y l i m i t e d by my b e l i e f s a n d t h a t I h a d t h e p owe r t o c h a n g e t h e m . I n ow h a ve a n i n co m e t h a t e c l i p s e s $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 , I h a ve f o u r wo n d e r f u l c h i l d re n a n d a m i n t h e p ro ce s s o f a d o p t i n g a f i f t h , a n d I re ce n t l y ce l e b ra t e d my 2 1 s t we d d i n g a n n i ve r s a r y. T h a n k yo u f o r h e l p i n g m e t o b e co m e a b e t t e r fa t h e r, a m o re l ov i n g h u s b a n d, a s m a r t e r b u s i n e s s p e r s o n — a n d m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y, t h e b e s t p e r s o n I k n ow I ca n b e.” Marion Miller, S a l e s R e p re s e n t a t i ve, J L’s Ca rg o E x p re s s, M i d d l e b u r y, I n d i a n a “A t U n l e a s h t h e Powe r Wi t h i n , I d i d a co m p l e t e t u r n a ro u n d i n my g o a l s, my s t y l e, a n d my t h i n k i n g. I ’ ve s t a r t e d my ow n co m p a ny, b o u g h t a n e w h o m e, a n d my i n co m e l a s t ye a r wa s $ 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 . A n t h o ny R o b b i n s t e a c h e s yo u t h e t o o l s a n d s t ra t e g i e s yo u n e e d t o b e t h e b e s t yo u ca n b e. B o t t o m l i n e : I t wo r k s.” Len F. Sorano Pre s i d e n t , D i re c t Wo r l d w i d e Co u r i e r
  • 15. Hi-Performance® is a leading company in Italy, promoting training courses focused on personal success, motivation, well-being and individual growth. Founded in 1996, Hi-Performance offers exclusive events with the best international Trainers, such as Anthony Robbins - n. 1 motivational trainer in the world , John Gray - author of the best-seller “Men come from Mars, Women come from Venus”, Robert Cialdini, global expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance and negotiation, Jeffrey Gitomer author of the Little Red Book of Selling and internationally appreciated speaker, Mario Silvano - over 45 years of experience in Sales Marketing, Deepak Chopra and Roy Martina - world renowned experts in wellness disciplines and spiritual growth. Enterpreneurs, managers, executives, but also students, doctors and VIPs: our participants are people who want to make a difference, by living their lives at the fullest and fullfilling their goals. Hi-Performance has three Divisions: International Training Events Corporate Outdoor Training Specialized Publishing «Hi-Performance is a training company specialized in the development of human resources... it may contribute to the fullfiment of our desires, by creating harmony between the external world and our inner balance.” IL SOLE 24 ORE - MARCH 2005 For more info and enrollments contact Mr. Adrian Iacob at «Ina Assitalia, Tecnocasa, Milan Calcio,but also many private individuals: Hi-Performance courses offer you an “instruction manual“ to take advantage of your whole life potential.» LA REPUBBLICA - FEBRUARY 2002 «Hi-Performance: a major reality specializing in company training and professional growth.» or +400745652220 Event powered by IL DENARO - MAY 2002 HI-PERFORMANCE Srl . Via Federico Cesi 72 . 00193 Rome - ITALY . Infoline +39 06 36005152 Fax + 39 06 36000752 . E-mail